The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 24, 1861, Image 4
PI .... on E; !all E 2 l ! . ‘5 For lb: (alight/(i. 'Far the LDLIWIJ l at I'ulEr‘AM/Wg. 1_"l’-'. and .olla‘r—r Imm Tak about. 3 n... or {my » -n¢i‘q,:.lh_e~'9m ““1, t2y 0! Il'fmr qf sulphur... V _ WM‘A. Dum 2“”°”"“ (b“"l’e"“°'.‘ “#59“ “'34 D - TTUXLYHYAI LAW. , um pllop 9f - lqr." The whole must lee in; A Lyesxcqrger oer-glre—Equn: :«omw .\.v :1 l'J’éhN-iddggewe are. » = , - to“. icfi this is ,sprin ’W“ m _modidely. “ New”) ‘9 ‘ ;mmupundr {my of the o ,lary of [le flier, iychg : wine!» has 14» group. undvri Gum " “ llnw is i ripe-II mnhloe-I'l‘t lqmw, .Ig’e‘mmrt's. bile m inmion of i Um: k “ munding m ,t like The limited. 99': pr ‘ur aul,_y'(rlrin,r_vl he. I u refim‘nm: :0 Lhu 1‘ 9!; Jam.» ri we mu 1 {I ”3114143003“ WWI" ‘mcmlmfii a rte; d _w'lh we inMntiou or ’l‘Lcy rcm'h-M thu In ' is at present up oij ‘v;d (9.: @9930 days. Juinoc 83H. filmy ms" Ronda. Wing the delays-d tilljit. shnul he Lord \‘ijport's - or; [man] whfplwouw iihckphip hid] m" .difipnbr-h lg W'Engl which. w 4 v mnhy :1 nésr at! | :1; hr'mg'i anti n , hfs- Lord jnna nmn g the col .I'c-ircumfl cm. name .'qu<,' om: mount of Elk”. {fif‘fl m lrl'nqg .minc udl- m place-t )lqugiv n it.” ‘ , Edward B. Bus _m; ~ ’- "- I ATrunxfiv in ZAW'IWH‘ . . , . romfi I. ‘n to n ma Amer) I‘uml, '__én;okl Paul]; “'1‘": “la {11:35 ”I" ‘trr ‘!' fight»: the foflowig’g explapa‘ (mice at the name plm-e. '1 So u u ‘ ' :1, 15. sm-u, new Form)": dru‘ aw , tobmlghynug! “£433o“:th h 'uppnsilc llauner & Zieglegs 31.0 c. {lt 1!. the rpm}! 1 o mum Gail’slmrgJlal-Lh 20. , up 0g [r9113 qutyeu ”hymn, ——"" 4—" :——' 1 ‘-- -» _... A , ? m oqcupied «by about 3,000' ~ :D. McComug 5 ‘u ..1'1;..n..r, ‘ ; ATTnnxm .\T L'AWJnfliresl ‘\d’.’ The nlll»§t.inlnbi-lb ‘ ’ul Im‘ehler" drug Al‘id‘kfir § Smut- innist that if is P‘ "If” *”°",';»’, +“WS “I ‘, nrx havi- mule aver-g “"1.” “‘f' “WW" ”'“35 . ._ 1 - rmu. Il‘ufikrpny sumpcndcd U lute llnlan fithoerl (I - 1‘ . 4 r . ll . _ Ne‘avbérrx'i Nom'c.— f’ wr ”.'"?" agnuns! I'Q (Juv‘u‘x. ‘ T . ‘llltl‘ ' nlug't)9.D. ~;nlun.\mencnn(llnu I 1 ”I‘9 w" 'e ”$190“ I. nu! \Vnrmnu Int-Med n'nd sum m 30H“: E'lQ' ‘1"“"““" ‘1"), hlghl'dl prices gife‘n. Awful: 9up " llmt {ht'uxrlycuhmv ('.llil|g war-Hus in lawn. lllil oi "”9 “m" “"1""0‘1 ,1" ‘ malernb‘zxues. fiflunph‘lo |in 9. and song“ of. {la’m‘m “.‘“”. . ' Wu .150 JuIU-‘s NW!" (:hrvsl.nrg,:~'ov.awnfz. pym-quingth England. 71- '‘ § .. .- s'. J _. id in flu;~ri:.'cr. which ' } J- J. Hal-FD ’ .'"" WWW"- ‘"'" l”“"'" ‘l‘ I‘URIN'EY Axn It')(.".\'sl-Zl. u hem} I’lu-y were about I A —’M+ve on Ihllmuorc Jug-1- ,x ‘ x‘"'f"‘?""”"‘rf "P “'9 «it? Fuhneunck‘lirullu-rs' .‘”m‘r. "mm. mign. IM. U'envshirg. n.~..,n, lam. u nrrivv: lt‘pmvml tn ' L ‘ , nip.g\'i(h hi: myrrhhip-i ‘ E J. C, Neely, L‘Hw inwlligfincr- Hm! ‘I TT‘mh-EYJ-AT UAW, “ill n I'm "1”” hn-l 1”": befurn ‘ A limu; and all "(her basin: % ud fur Supplit“. mid |l|\; cm: nhh prmnnuilcst (NH 2 nnfln (Iver-dun. “114 Imrm-r nfflw Himnuml, (former! ' ‘ ‘2 mur-h nPedeLl n-hcl'. ' Wm. H. .\h-‘l'lcllul’. Em ) ‘ ‘ hin distributed p‘r43\’i~§-‘ Uuflyehu‘rg. .\pril 11, 183$}. {v niils, whn from {ht-m; —‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' lllmplnce ‘prlmrt’w! ‘ WHI. B. MOOl6 3 Hm guml liklin‘l‘inlii‘h! ‘TTUIqK’EY .\T Li \3'.—~_Hfli¢ ei t to thorn. lh-nmz “A dla sin-cut, one Hourfiws muldlmvu the spelliixg 'L‘uan Honky. ; ; I ‘ Gcnjsbdrg, Nov. If, 183$}. ‘ .... _ _, .A. _ ot. discqvérs the iumn chssioq xiqd practice nflica.‘ In any; :, ‘ » » —~o a’Thelnnstnn Pi ‘ My betweG-Qal .abant rompmls [m “The fair promise when" voluntm-I .war. that. party diatfi ' regardedin the “4! 109 m of (he Govei into Ruin air. [mt-tion Ankle Kirsten.“ of (I alter the evannntin ”damn and the ‘ getting Reppblicaw £1?“ '6!’ the mm um ,_ lgéusncluwvus n: film! pf the l’rgwith vlimpnta, thibk an : pon £he patriotism gm; aside their ‘quurd’to serve u ,9!) by the puny. “- bfought on the m 1 gala certain thn needed from ) mfil’éfine was so“ - Ilous'g, ahul; Dcmoc _cryflehnrunent. t watchmen, had to {yth have brought hnlll nu’t sevnn Wnck; wr‘rc nemlcd forthc mtinns were to be dis inistrulih’n 9f the wt nmg'nf. havinvanishml «fly in Mm chlxzotts. n l’rgwidcnt. thremluya 1 nf Fore Human-“the union .\{on far enutrip -1 in. rushing m the sup : lslripc-i. nnd'zho qunm 1 mad in tlw'proolnnm -1 flwzu trcbhnl. Cain ! mt. wm-e‘ I~hrm'ox'ed of the thousands, who party ties. npbly came lor.a.Govcn§mén£ 2-110:- mso ceurso nhli threat: 1. But no sooner was it up more trdofis‘ would iumchusctts. than the mmion ngthe Custom mic heath fetl off in ev licfs. clorij. nupcctors. ive \my to the very men n war's dev'oMtiofi," , [’o fifllowing ehmct of a rank M. Cook-Iy. of Berks pnny i's attached {O5 (hi: a Regiment. how in Al- I, uhmvg in wliat estima . held by somaf of his fdr- ‘ Poor Calm—Tl latte; from Capt. 1 .county, whose coj .Fiffl‘) l’enfis'ylvmi ,exmdria, «Virgin tion Gov. ¢urtin ‘fiier mppo‘g-ters: I‘ll woi'kqid liar: [:‘urliga. It. s the regret. I hhve u And never q’xpgct ‘estlthbink hq’h: ‘81}? be _‘yqjgd'fl? m anhcip ted w Jiou‘s, and hon; have the triublc‘ sea: in the Korg ’Qapt.‘ Coliieyl 1 in Berksoo My m, the Reptbli ‘is’ihe great t r nsaybu know. fpr finrcrnnr nly vote levci; cm! tlmt‘l rver axl'ul afa or of him, tnmkone. but-[1 did hon damn]. And. I believed what WM righ innumnch ouhle'should we be victo ht that now ‘vmltlne time to [whim plenty of| Provisiém ; also plenty 6 money." ms n prominen§ poiitician md rendered mhch service m party laqt‘fail. “Time 3tificr of ‘all wrong; _,«.»____ +4 B 11 _is shaking mlreagLnt ml thinks Mo ’ ur isall n nsion if he does not conteni m arte'a war eitabiishmont is ll espccts. to England's, and ‘ wing what he fimy do one of vr ings. France has gig times 0 Ax- times as many in the staff, : ' ‘any in the trnij'n. and {file 1 I n thaddministm Jive service, - army the propoytion of of - is as one to sixtc n, and in ~ one to nifi‘ete‘en. f; I ——o - o——— , ‘—,L— . 3J0!" Prince ‘3' 'll My for a} i flute it. x w Wiqr, in a fliers is no ghese fine .‘ o .tlge gull-y, {I tvfireg timgs . : ‘times Mm: ! {lp flee Frei /_ floors to tho 3X30 English :- 1 Prof. L. c 5:”? IXYIGUILITI {.——.\.l and Economical nunpoui filll-ZSTHKING n .u' m llnr without dyelr. , and-j from turning gray. 1 PREVENTIXG "AWE on there is the lea t partlc; ‘rutirc energy remitining'. ‘ REMOVING SCI RPAN lcutmienus‘fifl‘cct nitol t *Fll L BEAUTIFYIN'G ill-LU to it n uneqimlléd 2105» and Bri yr ityunlémd silky in its 1. ture a. Lycurl ‘adlly. t I Thy ‘great celebrity d the .‘nmriditpr this anqulle prep-Jr the proprietor that one rinl ‘is 4 to saint): a (lioccrniugknhilc quali ies over (my other prcpnru ln .. It rhinses th head: I ammo“ nm} N her out eons d the hair to grow luxu nintly, ‘rich, pm, gmfi- and a xible 4 also 'here the hair if?! rkonin ‘it wl‘il', glve’mtrengrtl} d \‘ig‘n nngl rfs'torc the grow h to tho: hare rbechvfifl‘bald, can in}; Mt coining of hair. ‘ ' _ ‘ 'l‘de a‘re hundrcda‘o ladies nll‘pen'llemen imxe' ' York who have md their hnlr restored . lbyith “use of this lnvi rntor.‘l lloii 11! other . Hart rprl‘pa tinny had fniled L. .\l. ins in his pos- TORE.—TIi lsessid‘n letters innnme able tes ifyin'g lto the S “30mm“! above facts, from part: ns of tl e h‘ighcst réf at their 019 spectfi’hility. It will ffcohmll_ prevent the street. . - _ _ ‘hnir or“ turning gray ntil th lntpst period A They’hnre 3;!“ returnerl from c Cities with of nm‘; and in enscs wh e the in r hss'alrcndy A" immeose qtock of (5065‘ cqnsisthw, in clmn ed its'color, the se of th lptjgormr phrt. 0f 1.; " ’ will ith ccrtmuty rcgt cit toit original hue, BUILDING MATERIALS, 5 h as Nails, Him ”it h dark: $1058! {pm-yum e. :Asn Per- Screws. llinq‘e ‘ Boltk, Lockhffl {ss’ ble-“elv- 5 fume [or the toilet and 9 [law he tomm'e It IS TOOLS, iuc mling 13de TOO a of New de- ‘particulnrly recommend“. lutrnh tin agreeable _ , , ‘scripllon, Saw . l‘lnnes,Ghi9els, oufies,Bmées ”"mfincei ““d 31": ”9"“! f“°"‘“° ‘t ““3"“ "‘ “.’-".—"T*Tf‘ ,-_ ' land Bi“: Aug ,5, Squares, Gu' ' as, Homing-s, .‘dreosw‘g the hmr, whit-#2, yheu o ‘3‘" the (finer Cumulran— wordy Lines etc. etc. ; . ‘ {\lnngorotor can be dressed In any eqnlred f 0! . '5, June’ H.—T e steamer BLACKS)“ as will find ‘ n‘rils, Vii-551"” no to prcsprrcits plnke, \\' th rplinin orln‘l l “abecrofLivo’r ' I’struck MSPS, Files, Ti'lorso-shoes', “:0 ’ E‘QIOB Nails, curls-fshence the grczit'wl "n“.d for El. by the ; ice 9,31,; "H. 193 south of etc. with themivrry chomp. , r 1 . IIdIeSHIS a stmtfl'lrd toijet nrticl winch nooo :- th ham. and sunk in thin} COACH FINthGS, suchh: lloth, Guiasbllfi’l‘i ‘0 be “mm“ 3, “‘9 P '~‘°_ PM" " s Oiugundreilfxg; eighty; ,Dhmnsk, Fringe}? bCotton, 3! F 55, union“."“""-3‘{3,’;“°.§'\3§'§'}: "Fifi? C “.9 1 :c o sar in so: ‘ at! on |Springs, Axles} os, Spokes, elloes, Bows, ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ' ‘ ‘ a pa Bauld. and arrived here to- Poles,-Shnfts, e 0., etc. ' I P." “6“”: ‘0 "° "3‘l all! 3" resP "a 9 ‘1'“8'“ 1110.1mrlt. I SHOE l’lelNfiS—Tnmplc ; Brush mind 9‘5” g“! perfume”, ‘ ' . , rth rt)’ lives have heen'lost. in- ' ”cut" “MK” JLiningfiflindin 5v P 0131“ [AMEN 1" ‘ ”‘l‘H' “.911” call the “a lid" oi: “'7 cab n passengers. A portion of "00‘4“”. “1” with a. gene: ulsortmcxit’ of. rent: Pill] Gunrdmns tokthc use’o hrs anlgsor re ‘ veil. Ainn‘nflhosedmwn- ISlmemaker‘LTools. 4 I star, to cases where the pluldreh n :ur Inrhoel niftfiiccr and tlinescmnd officer 5 C.\BINE‘IZ-.\lltl_{3l‘~_'s _TQOL a general as- :0 hcwetikh Tdhc cuff?!" 1..-in th foundatjoo or. The Camm‘iinnlntruck the nortment;also, Varnish, knobs etc., etc. : 0'11““)! moh“u"s "' rem "I‘3! rm];- | r’flircmn'st by which he, Lhme- uousrmmmms mu alsofi d a large as- runhwmmy are iemlneyo ecle wt ta 'cro all brokenliu at Once sortmentofKuiyes flunl Forks. B itunnla,' ”“5 “*Q’Pv the ””07“?” “:hll‘h 3 necessnry {a v and $00" Sunk. ' fend Silver‘slotcd TnShlle will ‘_l' ipoons, gag- Egflng’ngfijlgfllgg‘f. tile child, a. d the futnrq I_,__ ' in.»___________ tdlestic‘s, alters, loves an ‘ ongs, ‘x - CH'TKN \;“no ' ; _ w . . . .‘ - . v s _ l‘. ...-- genuine wrtl' if; L "‘ G””’€~—Phllndolphm. 'gfifi“fi§fifi“sss§;m 533“” nub ' simild or Lows MILLER l-eiuz o m mdy of Lleut. fireble was! Also " one?“ neeortmeitt 'f Forged and wrapper; glen, L. .\llLlil-fil‘S llAl ['iel‘emlmce. Hall. “3‘ ““67nnuedino§ ‘6f:illsitcsaud kin gCnst,Shcnr “WEN-3311mmi'i‘he alm ty, (1 will lay m gtnte till this and Blister 33“,“, which they wll sell as cheap" ‘ Wholeshle Depot, 58 Dry Sm. an rhmi the fun“: take: glitter-Elna theehenpest‘. _. l Vum’lhmpaircmznms‘and‘bmgg's "3"? wort. most compo‘ 0 GB (:11! .S— on lrnlnssortn'tent, ““‘~_“° “'“f’ ‘ . , “ Maris. All the flags in the city Ziuch (:5 Pgrl‘zhcd‘: T.‘,,‘:.:gfedjol.,rifie¢ antl' Llhérnlducnuot opili‘chasershythcquntjtg. ma 3'; half-mast. The city 311- Brown Sugus, New Orleans, WP“ lndien, Md, [s4 also dcsurc to nrcscnt to 1 e Amerlt‘fln 'ticipateirithe obsequics. ‘ Sugar-house loluse‘s ~Bhd Etyrnw. Uofi'eo. WM‘." "‘s' y"- ‘3" ”s"“w 1‘ T“"‘"".°” 4 ~; «3... - w _, Spices, Clint-ohms, finc, coarse,‘ ml dairy Salt, LIQI ID llllfl m fir?“ 51"!sz 3” of ”1°“? Fbm't'e #Aqm'lzViz-lorn'ovlr.—-Arabo cameihmseed, Fish and Sperm OI , Turpentine, :thv"c?fi'l:'yfinyrnfirotiueslfiifiut, ngg‘fi'm over th Centreville Course. N.‘Y., on Fish. eti‘. ' ‘ l} . - , é '. ‘ 3?:th eek.bctweezi piorgt'femple and A full nssortihcnt of Lead and Zinc, dry‘nud 1‘"! 1‘1”” "i‘f’d‘? Sk??"‘“""r ed 's’ big {flu [one nhn Morgan. A; ritual, Flora in oil, also Fire-mom Points; [iu,l'uct, nlgiost “”‘(Skffltéhc i)", ‘“ 22’5“"; {9312) ‘ gnaw. metimrbigngasronows‘: 224}, gm my? in t” Harawnreémng‘h F2l: inf. ”053,; 'lB6o°P°,'; » “F "m ‘"' “’k' “ ’ _ -. 3 , we ll! mg, ouse- ’e in . ne'smit 1,: __ _if‘u ' ~’ __ ____ ‘ ..5‘5 g 9"; 37/9,.“ iCubinet-mwkers, Pnintera, crud lrocery line— .. ,r ' Photo+ play ,W“ ”‘7‘?“ E. Joy Morris. 0,211“. 'i: of \ulr‘hl‘c‘h thoiure determinie'fi to gell Mlowl N ALL lTs.BR.\Ngl-?S. “cc , . mcifiPfigflm‘! ”Wm? t 0 ras M “I! once “38;: 1;} C;;'{'\~\vpp 5 I host, style’ kn'own Tm the or!» {ln tans! w . xwgéauqtt a; g! .; ' - mi'io jzmdmgg’ , mama: GALLERY, i.“ Arch Bu M . WWSIP:.» V”w i Gettysburg. Dec. 24‘1“". tt ' I‘Sixtht‘ Phil-ulclphin. [FE SIZE ’ . _- ——-.‘ ‘ 4‘35. _ ..4 . _.- * li— 7‘. ...‘1 »_-_ 7“ PnstelESterencupie Pottralu,:\mbl ~fig nmen! 18 ed Em 1303:1109} NGLISH AIRY (IHEEPP. a very fine nr- guerrgotypu,bc., for (lanes, Medal *3 Qls}? of op cent pet-pow. l title, nggv t 9 He had a): tilt}, CARR'S. ; Rings; ac; f (Nor. x 2, l. Olea'o Oppoml/n (if "Tin—An , dent; of the Ngw {York Jour :, ce Writes: i V ‘ The Hunt thfifi‘fli ; .v [ml of Com IL ndercnrrontof feeling among ‘ sed tn the furthbr pl‘O‘lOCll war. Ahhnugll most of the r ers have been carried away f the‘hour. still '1: WHHiml ~ ofthe peéxfle 11mm gone ‘- (l Hun-6}“ greqéxt‘reaption 3£hereis a I [the masses 0 1 Lion of this“ ngssbs and l g} the furor . that “:10 :11 ~ Myth" t em: {going on d‘ I; Emmi; table show‘ls {he (htes of ordinances of tilecession by gamma r; P? “391,95“: = .dqren State! ~‘ I}; Sauth‘ ~.. Minis R. Alnha . 4. Florid . :2._Gcorgi I Lonfsi rolinb—Demimber' -20 . pi—Jnmlary 9. i ' January 11. 1 lanunry 11, ¢ January 19. - - —Jxsnuary~ ‘26. i ‘ ebruary l. . g - . I 'A wil 17. ' ’~ n«ul'lny 6. . 1 g- M:y.7.‘ ' i' ‘rghna—qu 21. 8. ergi. ? . «9.?!k8 5 '4O. énn 1, i 1: florthi ‘ Loud ’A‘ {ML-“gt. I] midi“; 1' II n flak! of s_ M 5213 on b ty-five min g. ope pox-seq “ landed“ «; ‘ in 3En ' wencyfi flquing six film an“: “1 .ed (”the of the step jetunder h; jmmpm-tm : { Om mud «incml “£3 14. {brought t' .p'olock MIL) aflonmon. tv‘ .ygnthygmfli .the Home , gun displn L thorigim L. '5 z.- h CI 99' 9 n! r, m g. 9 gfiwfiifie‘m PE.D?ESB2 01523.22 led die iin TTURS'EY AT I..\\\'. WI” I: (J Am» (3mm mind and nil (EHH: [Tuned In Elm". Ullive lu-fiiccx and banner; .k’LZieglcr's Stun-s, H: Gen.) il'mrgl‘, l'al. } [a J. Lawrence 1111 - .\S his 0130: one I I uloorm'ut oftl'le 9‘ E Lutllcrnn ‘church in Chambersbhrg street, and bppl: store. where those wishing In In Operation per‘tu Edure respec J cull. REFERENgE: hrs. Ho'rn Krautfi, D.D., I e'VfH. L. Bnugh Prof. M. Jutobs, Pram. L.S:u:l Genysan-g, April 11, ’53. l , 4, '% Adams Coun MUTEAIL FIREINSURANCE| . lncofiporuted .\lnrch 18,1‘ ' ! orrxcunb} I’reairlml-émerge Swope. ‘ Vice I’rnilcul—b. [l. Russell. Strnlqu+D. A. Buohlcr, TmuurrrJ—DMi-l M'Creary. Eur-mire ramming—Robert ~ King, .\ndr w lleintzl-lfmm. ' Jquuyrra-J— corge Swopc, D. - cob King, . Hciulvlmnnpfi.’ g .\. .\hrslml . Fnhncstock. \Vu . in. ”JV“ 0 ,‘.\l. Eichélberge‘r ‘ tlohnWoll r , [l_. A. Picking,- ‘ [Jnlnf iluru' r. 4}. G. \vareury. h‘ |.\l'(,‘r'enr_v,- udrew Pulluyfiohx: chrsh. \ \ » ' WTIHSE Company is limitm I tions 10 th‘coumy of Admns.‘ isnccesst'ul‘ pct-Minn fur inoi‘e ‘ and in that pc’riodflks [mid all I pensés, will" ul an” useumrnl, hm; surplus cnliml in‘the Trensm puny “PIA“ no Agents—:ll) ; done by the‘llanagers, who are l ied by the S§ockholder§. Any I: ma Insurnn e can apply to flu; unmet} .\lnn. zers for further Fnfi L ”The Ixecutiva Commiue }office of tb Uumpuuv on'-me l: ‘ in every mo th. at. 2, P. M. ' Sept. 27, 2158 ——-—-——L&- ‘ IBtiJJ at. WOl-I - _ monuhxlm AND BLA' ' ' —'l‘he :uudegsigned respe his friends and the public, than the Conchm‘ king n‘nd Bincksm‘ in every brnEcl; at his establish bersburg st eat. He has .on I manuhctur tuorder all‘kiuds o] HUGGIES, x LEIGUS, Spring \‘l the best mat rial, and made by : men. WI EPAHHXG and BL A” kinds do e at regsbuahlo. r and to thes:tisfilction of cuéto Cowl-11,? ammo: uknn in work at war et prices. [fig-Perm sdesiring‘irticlesl Coiluhmnkiu' or Blacksmithiu spenlully i ntedto call on | Gettysbut "atches, Jew .\‘D SII."'ER-\\'_\RE.—\Ve } A Tully iljfiurm our frientk. [ lbublic gehe llyfllmt we lmv;‘ and offer Wxfiogsskm: Am- Run} Unfil Prices, 1:1 large and'vcrj l :Wncm:¥ JEWELRY, Sun-n AND l.of every uri+ty and style. I 1 ’Evcry descri’ption of Diamo other Jarflry made to order, ntl [WAll%x)ult wnxmnted to he 5. .m—ga ,iculnL “mention pairiug'Watchcs and Jewelry, 0' 'tion. ‘ STAUFFERk XO. 632 “I MM: 11,18: OM 18611 Latest Hawk 1881. PST I" m- were going: In >s In rem-ital p] :1 dexpntl‘h llmt 11. F. "(W EXY [unjust opopml‘t rumplelefihinélldvn A¥HATS .\XD l‘Al’S, lnvlmhng thr Imm: ul sl_\le Silk, 303 v”. Slunrlz. (‘Jsximeru m §\\'ool Hath . HATSIfur Sprmg and Summit: of beautiful u! 5 M3l“, ‘cmbmting Slum" Léghd’l and Pfinnmi. : h V l ‘lluyl' and lufuuu' pluip dndfimcy Inn: and m e ' or! " ‘Crfis; ibich for nmtnesq of fi ill and quality ”3 ‘en’sbutgl snip“? anything unhgkiml eré? ofl'ercdln this ‘i' 53”" fl blur-+3l] o! whit I: will besoljat astonishing- I ~ ._. ,fl Iv luw;prices for cnllL ilk .‘ [sool's .\VI) ' 9 VENUES, mr'lunlinrz n [um aborting-0t of Lidics' ail 1m“! In“ .\lorrocuo Bouts, Buikihtfiuile wand Sli put. :9 cnIrmIPi—GAITBBS. AND .\‘LH'PERH 3'l"ng CEN‘I‘gPER ngunge - PAIR.I All in want of géodd gin my line Iqe Lh Baltimore Impecllfull} imiled lo aire‘émc +11” 4114 nearly ('omp: one! (‘ume ll“ .2 l . .\I-quiw me n friendly (rill, ‘ 1 For §ll¢fuodnnlll be Holdxluh T 6 rerl'omelhqunlook GMr Apr?“ 2:, ldb’l. ? ‘ _, ~ - , i‘ Alexallder U 'K AVDWATCH-N C l: a shop to Spulh Ba (I'l-or‘s out!» of the Court: ll “lump be happy to attend o|th era. ”P is thankful ‘huws to twelve Ipe'cuni puhlicl [(ucllyrbt John W. ltto. «4 n "door wed ~! t,(}hn‘m- Sg lgljnn mu 5" 4und)_\'nr flaw, and nll vim :lL Wash— “ "Euglunrl. rr unghtmnd gn‘ed in lo in 9nd other In person‘llly .\'l‘ LA W. nrly oppo— I m collec ntrusteid 10 n the S. E. -cupicd hy “'O9: Mid -l the new _T , pllyntlcnd I. mine“ en- I- dine-.tooks' t‘ norestrcet, '1 s|, 1559.4 “a é ESE si e Rick‘xung‘s v“ any Dental u Nnvixodto r my. 0. I'. -|',l I). D" Rev. ‘c‘y. fl‘ . lll‘ANYl— rdy, nlc‘é'b uehle‘rfla- '( unly, 'mlos ‘. .\erJit-Ihn A "lie! .Cvilt. h 'l'l', “'rigln. litissello 1) 'ickmg, J. 1: I 3 its opiom ll ms been in h n six‘years, 1 sea mu! ox n hluoa‘lfirge y Thq Qum siness being I a unity elect- Ie 'un desiring y l‘ the above I r Mien, ‘ |-_ en's nt‘ the ! ‘:}_\Yedl\ésdx\y I V) l“ p .‘ l shn‘mxa tffillly informs ; Kc; comigmes 'thing business Input in Cham mnd and will ,éARRIAGEs, 'nizdns, km, of In perior work 'suu-msn of t 23, promptly ors. xcliange for r‘work in the line, are re- IZWORTII JOHN‘I.. H 0 Jan. 24, ’59. ould res'ppol. I: tram; and the z . aw in Store a 3x", the hives}. io’ice stock of “1.41:9 “Hum, 1 Work ‘nnd :hort notice.— ‘ : represented. “given to Rt:- ‘ every descrip. HARM-WV rket SL, {South 1.. 3m ‘ -~ fie, Pbilnd'a dware &j Grcery c-xmhsr-rilug-sat.“ll «veg—s'plendid orHARDWAREEGROOEJUES, -:Lablisheé« stand 3in Baltimore usmumuu: n.uzn,u,x‘ 14 n‘7 ol' the mum-ml! (nu (,1 vIL-u'r ”nu-M (inlpharg. r4u at all lilllet ha found rind; ‘ lmrzmn- s i_n his line. lie I?” All ‘ bishm um! “‘ll onsure’ mlj‘ him a fall. 5 [1 i . The Bod§ggy i 1)!” ' wonderful nniclf fin ‘ ' s Int-thing rlllir'rl” m: \ , :Igm births! to "gain, whu‘nrt-Ewmifl ‘ Full pa‘rlivulnn .wm fr». Add! ‘ 3 ‘SHAW & (MARK liidih i.‘ bluntly-1,196]. ly g L. ' New Fall anti ‘5 ‘ ILIj’FHiSG, rm llcn‘ n m 1:}. ‘ C u git le uwa-erg :lp un-ll yolhufilgfith “(mun Slum}, lam, 1 ":nrpM‘Sfll‘kS, Unuhle ”Mil-Ft?!“ [in-Hum”, mud n splvndi amid I lII‘UVCI gildJ-qlcbrated ('ul ' 11h:- Ile enmry fixlnru Io it Uwr . h‘nos, lndin liujflmrt iuga.‘ I'psicry, Ml, “nit: hm] Fi 'qs,‘qu'(-lry and ”'1 many )ilu-r' Im-ful :lrtigl _flu’ rump Im S. SUX‘S, when: cw mud claénp goods. Tlml' ‘Culgllt' ‘liuilding. N. E. C 1' belivahurgfikl. 1?], ‘8 I H'> ~“ ~ “- H nover Bran I’ [H .\H'IR AVERAXGE S T :iins run as follow ‘ Fli‘T TILHN leaves ‘ Innkin ridirctt cmmrcfinn “Han-i lmrL'. Philadelghin 1' aniqxo Tin-Ix mm wikh l nisaengers for mm ‘ 1‘ puiulsl z ' i» 'l‘hrgmgh Tickets are is ‘Qolunhgint Harrisburg. Ihghiulure, nnd all princi linéofiflwNwHu-m (‘g-m-r \l D. E. TR‘ JuniQ‘lfl, 18m. ,‘ ‘ _. . __-_. .r . {sloo,ooo a: ‘ If): mun: mm AM!» If , w sum 4 i BZ‘ Y, Tl! I! E I . . mm; ..m1 100/pdundfi \rfll cover n 3 much i i ; pounds of other \‘him 3 - I: BI'CK L In); Paintqng ddne with puml Buck“! E_‘ ‘ ’ durable ma 0 or Hm I~‘J . BI'CK r :.\u,, ‘ Is: W itcrlnnd more hri linnhl . f g knuwn Wl] (- {North nUPK I Is suprrior to the fine“ i _ wring-Emu" 5_ Bé't‘K 1 Try {lady hmlld Avmmxtg'mm ‘ r V [sail-ku- to any-{other ’ ‘ yxtreine wlfirevhes: i ' :\\';\SIIIXI:T(!N Is‘unii‘ynlml fn‘r lindy m ‘ . you ‘dr‘ will do us mucl ’ or (him Zinc~ . ‘ i :\\',\sxu£'a'rox ; Has npiequal fu‘r aural)“ '- J long as other anqn. mmmm . } Tngiii-AND .\lwin n v 32- ‘ur Sade b" DAN) ; tg‘sbufg, Pa. 1 ‘ Ty fl _FUI D nal cc Hair I ‘ FOl 4 it, Wll I‘yrecup FOl g and a‘ 'nn um lulu-n Baa "in Puflhhd. In the Schonh of the Soldier up} Squudmir‘en in the most Simple Style, . - And all the informtion'neguln‘grj 'rm- the {unn ing of.’ ' ‘ ‘ L \ 00398 or non minus. can! ofprices, crisis. Illustrated with over Lima removed 0 street, I fest Iwhere he will - can; of his fat Inga. and tuna of llle pril a, 1361. I I ’ scam mm or unit k And in conformation wfil Army Requ‘rmml: fo'r ”It I" rill-ens: cor . door 10 .\l('- ‘in, where he ’0 tilts-11¢ lo’nu El exrellvul M union. (Eire m. 3, 1860. Lpnlon‘led, i 1 ; newr Hacl'ure fl u erywhcn’, cw . ‘ rd, .\lbino. Tlle.inslrurtiopa given are 3;; the nreateiz! importanée (u the new volunle'fr, and afiould he thoroughly nudcrslodd, being indi§pensuble to the instructiog of n compani-i 1 -, Bound in one \‘ullu‘nc, mun“; ‘ pages. Paper Cover, price 254-61119. Fluilglgi-lmh, 33 cents. 6. — ter. k, with; every 2 Hm! ln‘n», lo- Caps, Trunks, 5 End Pislnls, p of the un (nlvcr, with {tll .yln Ruhr! and nah uni! Leg «idles. flutes tom-thu- with of M'lliéh will men-fl Why, Gan buy good I, -I. The old 'lhe Diamond, ’5 KM “inf pvci‘ rs, ,F {ch 8, xs} I‘uhlisbrh in fly a mge l/m ‘ Agents and Calm To engage in the Sale of ‘HCI'Q ‘ 0" E “—l h" '- EXTI ME! Prim- per Dozen Cufiigs, 1 ' 1 [mm at .qu and} , Hump orc's .\Il nrd‘en «ccmnpnni be dispatched immediu express. ued ' 'orlq‘, a] wh ‘ 1 1h; ‘ISI-Ih' WI! ordercdflw pom, < _ closed to pay twinge. If My exnrexjs, the freight can be pawfin deliveryfl IV ’- _‘.‘.V . ... _-NJ‘- _' , (‘gket Agent SONGS FOR THE VOiiiINTEER. ‘ ‘ rm: g'j I CA In p-w‘lgn I: IfQIEéANJQN, A New mud ("fixiuul ‘Collee’xjun‘ of .\Kilimr_v null l'utrlutiu Swims, adilllfl‘ll {Tr-ck)!” for the prestni ('nnlpnig‘u. ‘Unr V 01.3 ‘mofi With il lustrations. Pupcr :Cgver, Wife”. fI-‘lexible C10th,25 cts. - z ‘ x ‘ i ‘ EMI TON ZINC \T. . 1 nrfuce iu I‘2o L‘end. ‘. Mir] is t’wice an 3'. SXXGLE COPIES UP TIN-11' MAMA-ll) rum: 0F I'HSTAGB’ in lhc,l'-Slatcs, mmn recoipt‘é : I 2.\ n, ngli-II hoali ‘ <\ “I fiur ‘ {EDA ‘ ite Lfc'ad for KING & "51”“). Printers.l ml‘iflrhlislwys. I GOT‘SANENL ST" l’lllll \VDHUI'HL‘L To win)"; ull Unit-r should be t ‘lJreaéed. 1 May 20, 1815].; 6 3L ‘ $ ‘ w 'ruuwi: ‘ , N” i . ”“21 .. MADIE‘EALBIY‘!‘ J \\ “‘1 *fi "‘ . ‘ v 1 7| > V noon nick! n m uxfimomz ‘ 2 i. 1 ”T". m ("TIL ‘4; 1000 Hahn-+3 lo\3[¢\d:e #lo‘hvy! I’i - , om: MILLION laminae: , ‘ l PM » ' I cum) or H?! i .\\ WATO E 18,“? 1 \\ ‘ AND J; .'k mu. 1 ‘ zm', ‘ the WON fl ‘l mu'yg +513, , property. sq v E 1" 75 muud . . 1 q 7fl.\'f‘r, ‘ 1 a I «flu-s tmee 13 nt. . 1 , ' lénnfavtnrers,‘ liuuurnu. damn, (m 7 ,Lsco. 6m i- am ".3" ii wine I" (‘Ol, KITS”! El: .9: Dec. 1 nit-cage, w. d. i l lß.ln ité ofigié rrévontflng the \‘ ‘ ‘ Si. nndcnrin' 3e {vitality a? 1 < E 'V ‘ annnurr‘, ‘ a fume. l." , impslxrtinn I: mncy. making {d dausipg it to AN ENTIREL NEW LE I nrreasing de+ lid“, ch'iueg '. [fly-necessary Inf its slipcrid I in at present d scalp from [9981805, causes ‘Dfl; gives it |\ .:eaqrnncé, and lunrl thinning, co‘—lhc roots, I, .pnrts which 'I yield 5 fresh 7‘, '.O}‘IGI‘N§ASt"fRIhNI 35;000~}'AGJZRT8 wgy'mm ‘ ~All pnssnsjdesl+us bf ucu’féix'fg n 1; Agflicy in this. . ; ‘1 1 . 1 ' . ' NEW s737:me . ‘ ' éhonld send on the r n'amelq fitfihéé. enclos’ng a 3 eent stamp 0.6. y postngqflifid receive By return Dfmnil “ ‘ J‘- ‘i . ‘ ' . A pnsiumr‘ i f . = Containing I! 9 " ‘9 hi ithont risk, togetlier with 1. i 1 FULL ILARTICUrgAinéf .: : E{ILAJIVII $lO myriad} E novfi‘L‘PLfAlN’L!‘ ’l‘o lnsui‘e prombt] snd‘sfitisfaejtory dénlings, . . I ‘ . dmtct .11 chic.” to ‘ 1 . - *, GEOBQLVE ‘G. EVAN}. April 1, 1861 .on: the fad . the outer‘ v INVIGOJ mmonm'uul—A Bengvolenl Institu tion establish“ by special Endowment, for the Relief ofthe Sick and Distressedan ich 251 with V'nrul‘en; and'l-Ipidemic D'Ls'easeEi, and especinlly for the Cure of Diseases of the Sum] Organ}. . said by all 15 throng!» MEDICAL ADVICE given gmti‘s, by the Act ing Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupi tion, huhitwif life, he.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines fared tree of chnrgo. VALUABLB REP S on "Spermwrrhmn, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the .\‘EW REMEDIES employed in the Dis pensary, sent to the afflicted in Eaglk'd letter envelopes, free ofchnrge. 'lhvo or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Im. J. SKILLIS chnrox, Act ing Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Skeet, Philadelphig, Pl. By order of the Directors. ted in the E u c. G. to}, East a! 'in Oil and. oqypeudh. inns, Pins, law. I" EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Frail. Gm. mucus», Bf]. ‘ ‘ Jan. 7, “36!. ly‘ i ' Attention xow anon; B a. X "t e 1‘; is VOLUNTEERS KWAL. COXIA‘AIAO 'CLL lbsTßCCl’lb}! NIL TBS REr‘m'lT, , . 1 NW BSGRAVIXQS, Showing the Difercm. Positions in the And complete directions rq‘lujire to RIN G . LoAmxélA'xD I-‘ nnxhiln lcconmx‘ L 1: can: D. w. c. m or my ‘ NATIONAL GOA m. flu} fi'ifnliily Ap’ Tfié'sm wq‘ii CM .\t the same price Grrnum Bank of {linen Published in the cm; Towx a . In’ the c: “. Fifty 5‘ “ ' Hundred“ Siiyer—i‘lntgd Wéi-e, ’ l I AND c;.a..zbAiLmacip43l4:m, ‘ 1‘ “’x .a . , ocn sznvcaxastg, . _. ' m i f; n him word [ « .4 A RARE‘anchn TO MALI 4.33 Chestnut street, ' I'HILADBLPHBA Howard' Association, Ayer’t Cathartic Pills. All“) you al'ck, feeble, _p (.\WS,‘\ and complaining” - V ' #7 Are you oful uf ()rder. Iri‘ you: s) stem dnrhngedmn your fa‘lmgs uncomfort. Me" Tncse «ymplomi m oflen the prelude to serial illneu. Some fit of die] has: is creeping upon yo} and should be nvcrlad l n timely Inc of the rig! remedy. TakeAyt-r'sl’nll g/nd clmnbe out‘ihe diso: dared human—purify II bloml, _nnp In the flui« mun: on unohnlructed healthagafin: T‘rheyalimu _ Inge the functions of the "ch body into; \igorpus nclivi -Iy, purifygthe sgstem from the obstruction which make disc-use. .\ cold settles eohcwh rein the bod), :uul ohmuust its mark! fun tions. ‘Tm-se, ir um rylirv'ud, rem-9. upo‘ then selves and the surrounding."— gum. proiuciud general uggravurion. punk-ring, Ind clisente. While in this conditionfiupprcis- dby lhcz’derangemenu, take .\ycr's Pills, nnd' beehow directly they restore the nnturnl anionl oflhe s," cm. mind with it the buoyant I'm-ling. nflwulxh gflin. What is true and so flpllflllfllll' in this tr‘nial and common complaint. is also; liue in mgny 013MH- deep-Rented and dangerous' dir‘ll‘ml'l.‘ . The same purgalire efl‘ectoxpels‘ them. C used by similnrmbstructions and de-‘ mngeme s of {the natural {uncliugi of the body, the] Info qupidvly, and many of tlu‘m surcfi ly, vurml hy ghel snipe means. Nom- v’nho know [he virtm of ll eue Pills,“illnl~glcm tot-Inplny, lhpm “lull: auxin-ring from Ithe disorel'lers they. cure. ; l, . ‘ i A Sunem‘nls from leading physicians in some nf Ilia principal chit-s, and from other well knm n I" blic p‘ersons. g To ' "Y TACTICS, If the remit War Ea Imm I Vuhnnlin! "claim of St. [.ohln, Id}. 4,418“. Dr. Ayér: & our Pills are the purngou ut‘ull thaL is ‘gllenu in. medicine. They [I.IM rut-ed lily litple flnllghlrr ofulteroua sores hpnn h”. lmnda‘n‘na feet ghnt had pron-«l ini-ng’ulde l'ofr years; I‘m-r mother has begn long firicmual'f “mien-ll vith Matches undypimph-R on her filxin nnd in h:cr Im'ir. Aalr our Chill} \v'ns rnrcd, :lw also tried ypnr Pills, and they halve ‘curvd hér. } . Asa; .\lunénwnc. - ML? A FAMILY PHYSIG. ‘ . _ _Tmln Dr. MI. W. merighl. Nommlnnn.» Your PF“: are the prince of put-Ms. Their ext-tellem‘qnnlilies surpass any cu‘thurtic he Imam-ks: They are mild, but \ery Iva-“lain nml ell'cclunl in their fiction on the haivils, n hich makes t‘h m inuluable‘lo u‘s lu‘lheld ilylreal; mént of «flu-mug. I ’ . .111-JADA ll”), SICK HEADACIéE', FOUL ! S’l‘t).\lAUll. I l - yrom Dr. D’Arndfioyd. summonl. J Dear l .'u. {\yer: l cuinmz answer ymt what mmplaian lllnn'c cured-with your l'Llla [u-luvr than In 3 y allrtlmt wg ever treul withi u purga the moficimu l ylnce green dellemlrjmg on un cllccluul rallmrlic in my daily mum-q with dixensv, 4nd believing as I do tlmt y‘mnr l'illi nfl'nrll 11.1 the best we hnve,.l of course value mu Mg 110‘. ' . I l red nagr, ail ‘ ‘eveéy :12 it ‘. 1 ‘ ‘ Pimbnrg, I’m, May 1. 1855. DHJ. 4‘. .\yer—Sir: I have been 'rcpczucd I} curt-d for the Wurst headache any bmly 'cun jute by 4 duse 0r two of _vqur Hills. ; lt_.~'|-(-ms to urisu [mm a foul| stomach, which they cleanse u! once. , Yours wilbgrcat n-spevt', ; : Eur“. Pinyin”, Cl‘k of Steamw Clarion. IHLHNIH MSG'H’ERS—LIVJ‘IR(‘()MIKIAUNTS. All will Tut or § I 1 EMI "on? Dr. Thoodon Ball, of New York City. an on y are ynur l'illsudnrir.lhly uanu-d to their pxiflpme its an nsperient. but I find lhu-ir bum-livin] “feds upon the Liver \‘erf marked imlcvd. iThey have in mypractjvo pn \‘ul more cflcylunhfurthg cure of bilinus com‘pléints lhun nny unc fumedyl can mention. I sinx-rrrly re juiw: that we: imre at length 91 pnrgnth‘e‘ which is worth. llh‘le‘conlideime of the prol‘esaion and the pcup‘e‘ ,_ > J Il'thnrtment of the {mi-rich} ‘ u - -( “gufhluglov‘lxb. C., 7th Fell. [3 m. Sir: I 11er nsi-d'your Pills in my flV'DCffll and hnsl'imlip :u-tira eve; linccryon mmlv tllmgl,‘ mid t-zlnloUh silulo‘ to say they are lhe‘huat rulhurth we‘ is nplny. Their Icgulnt‘m: action; uujheflliM-r 5* [nick and decided, qunLoqm-nlly» they are pm :uh nil-able rymcdy fur drmngomculs‘ ul‘ Hm: «than. Index-d, l lmve N‘Ninh l'uuml u ruse of bilion: dii’ense so ulminzne Lhnt it did not rmulilyi'icld lo‘them. Fnitcmnlfy yuurS, , i 1 . ‘ ALnxzo “ALL. )1. D., A I P‘hx‘wicinn aflhe, .\lurinc- anpiml. M'snxflnnr. mamamu. RELum'unns. {From Dr. J. G. ligamofchimgo. ’ ? ‘Yuur PliL' lung haul A lung trial immy prac tice, um I huh! them in esteem us um- of the hes! nllc ivnts l hufii en‘r lound. The ultcrn five Hl'mt "pun (he liver makes tlu-mnun cumi lcu! romiedy, when gin-u in sum“ Hun-s fin bilimh (lh'soun-ryund dinrrhm'n. Théir suzut couliug makes them very accepmhleiauul con rcnienl im- the nigbfwomen andhhihh‘en. DYSl'l-ZI'SM. IMPI‘IHTY 0F THE-BIA lUD. hum “qu. V. “min, Fatal-_ol' Advengghlnh; llm'tnu I r J . )UVP} 800 o any-add; tho pficc, by MEI ‘ hr. .\jer:_ l hm‘e ured 'yuur Pills‘m'ilh 0.-.\- (wording-[v success in my family and among those I :u'lu culled to visit. in'distri‘ss. "I'o mgn. hu- thef'orgnus of digestion apd {nun}; the Maud, ttey are the very hes; remedy l have ever kun 'n, and l cam confideml‘y rm-unuucnd tlmlu h» uy friends. Yours, 1 J. V. Huts. \ Wars: w,“\\’yoming 00., X. if" oa. )24. 1’35. ‘in-m- ‘ir ' i- ' " ' ‘ic i'illq I u-cllcut Til) the hmx, . _ _ IT,“ thL- hem-iii: o! the multitudes who BURN)!" that con; luiut, which, although lwl efimug ju itsvlth' 5e progenitdrof others thm nre \ruriu. I believe cgst‘u‘encss to originate In lhe liver, but'yolm Pills affect that organ wdicure the diflense. l , g ‘ ‘ g > I'm-nu instant, Phylicllh unrutidwmi. ,\ gun. I find ne br-two .large doses of your Pills, taken at he proper time, are excellent promu tivL-x of e nhtuml secretion when uihnlly or pnrtinliywupfit’ussd, and also rery efl'ectunl to clqnnsét e stomach and expel wot-min They are sum ch the hest physio we have that I re- ‘ common no other to my patients. ‘ t . I’mm the I. Dr. Haiku, of the Hotbodhl Ipll. Church. . -l’ulas i House, Savannah, Gm, Jun.. 6, ’56. ; Honor (1 Sir:, I should be nngrdltefnl for the relief your skill has'brought me it‘l’did not’ repomn inset!) you. A éold‘ lettldd in my' limbs nu l 7 brought on excruciating neuralgia vpaina, w iich ended in chronic rimunmtisn—i Nutwithgmnding I had the best of physicians,’ the diselpiugrcw worse and Imam-until by the ‘ advice uJyom' excellent agent in Baltirhdre, Dr. ; Mackentte, I tried your Pills. Their ell‘ct'ts't were 5101, but sure. ‘ By persevering in the use' in them, ‘ am now entirely well. ‘ Sémtu Chamber. Baion Rouge. fun, 5 Dec.’ss. Dr. Ayer: i have beqn entirely cured. by‘ your PillF, of Rhenmhtic Gout—A paiiiful dis-1 me club had afflicted me for yeah. ‘ , It 1 Vixcsxt SLIDELL. l 3‘.“ hof (he Pills in mnrket’contnin )ler- ; cnry, wlygzh, dhhongh a valuable remedy,in nkilful huuds, is dangerous in 3 public pill, lfom thedreadml cpnsequences that frequéulm 1y folluw’lts inaulious use. These contain no. mercury {or mineral substance whatever. | Price, 125 mm per Box, or 5 Bow for S]. : Prtpntdiby Dr. 1. C. HEB I: 00., Lowell, lluu. M‘Snld by A. D. Buehlcr, Gettpbnrg; l’. Bobliu, Arendtsville; Paxton a; McCrcnry,l FuirficldlP. A. Myers, New Chester; .\l. Hunter, New Uxfurd; E. llitesbe’w, York Springs; and: (leak-rs generally. . Sept. 3,1860. lyeow . i , Second Arnval 1 ms Sung—lm," Stock than Ever!— JACOBS i a BRO. have just received their -second purchase of Fall and Winter Goods, ' which they ofi'er cheaper than ever, having bought at the most. favorubha rules. They ask the public to call in and see their large naSOfI-’ mCLt, convinced that every taste can be grati fied. Their CLOTHS, CASSMERHShV'I-ZST ISGS, (Bassinets, Cords, Jeans, Am, cannot be excelled for variety, and lhen the low prices at, which they are altered ere really astonishing. Goods made up at the shortest. notice, in the lines: styles, and at as reasonable rates n: can be expecned. Their establishment is in‘ Cham bersburg street, a few doors beluw lidebler’s Drug Store. [ch‘ 15, 1860. g RISK LINEN, Bleached Ind Brbwn Muslius, I Pillofi Cue Muslip nnd.Wide Sheeting,. Just recei‘ved m QCHIGK'S. , ~ A N, _-_____,,._.f- m ADTBS’. puss rnrjmxxusm mm H. l rig-Ix, at g ‘ SQHICK’S. « ‘ I “AVE count-""1? on hum], FLUL'R C r I “d Buck'hd‘ MEAL“. Hummnnr: 8:“: Henna. Dried Fruit. MM g’ickt-h. SCUML‘S, {:o}?va Tguq, Syrup“. .\ D \lulnucs. (new crop. M5O cen‘typer “you. the Very best kind for .‘““wa huglfih _.(hL-e'k. and Mary when article usually kim- m n Hug? um] Urwory Sune- “no me n can. - \\'\l. HILLESPIR. :Geupburg Decaf“ 18w f'm‘ ‘ Groceries, Notlons, Bw. ~‘ HE unllersi‘flle‘l 1”” opened ll firm-en nnd T xotinn Store, in lizmimure street, in”, .‘“-While we t'ourkllousvy GetmhurgJ-Jnerc the public will you mull}. findaglling cheap as [be l'hczxpc'ly Status" 3):“.pg' Molasses, 00f- Weill-. 13, Rice. (l‘ 0”“! blllces of all kinds, Mackerel, Chocola c. ‘BWOIM 1.11:1 Bryxlue; Fresh Butter and Béxfi “WNW Co e, Esau-nee quufl‘ve, Scalp}; HflflflngMHH“, SMIN,SaIt; Tnlmrcu, Sega”, syufi; Cunfectiunl, all kind: or Nuts, ()mqgefia YfimOHS. Raisins. Bread. ('ruckcrn, Cakes 09 dlferenl. kinuh; Shoe and Stan- Polish; Fancy Gunds, MuslinslGinghama, Cotton Bun, Wnddkig.‘floniery, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Pins. 'fi-‘ak‘fl: l'lullrcs Piusl But tuns, with Notions 9ft!!! kmds. .\ share 9mm, public's pmouase us ”3'0““!le solirirclL A [9 01.1 C. NOISBEL‘K, . _ii'i‘f’L 97°43; --; .- Marble alld Removed. Hi: suhscribe’r Filip: roman-d his place 0! T business to E. stfiurk strc ,n short dis tance below St, Jilllleg’lClmn'h, w Ild ufiuoum-c m the puMic ihnt el 4 still Inn-par lto furnish all kind: at work[ in IN! line. Illt'h s .\lunu ‘lmenls, llemlslon , #4., km. ul'every vuriMy of shle and finish, ithluml uitlmm “flies and :5. kms, to suit put hayrsmnd at prices m mm the thugs. l’ersnn é‘ei'ri'“: “lulhin'u in llishuo will find it‘ a dccidéq fllymmge l 0 cumulus his stock and priecs lit-Var pun-hazing else“ hem ' ‘ \\‘.\l. B.‘ MEALS, . 1 ‘ Gwysbum, “:3; 2b, was. 7“. it» ~~>~ "1 emoval. EW S:XLoo.\'.§-—U,I-lU. r. arm-xx RODEIms N n-movcd‘his Dysfor Establishing“ lufllfc splendid new Snlusn i 1 Jill'ulys 6: ”N's. Build ing. on the North ide‘n! Ulnunluenfiyuugg sire-ot, \\ 110112110 will 8' I" (“‘1”) lu- [lri-parml fig scru up the best of UYSTI‘FRS, in «\er .~l_\~lc. By keeping it gund urlide‘r he Hpm‘ls I 0 rum-ht- n lilu-rnl slmrL-‘of THIN C Ilillrmmge. TURTLE SUl'l’, CHICKEN, ILI‘HCF THXUI'H. P”; S ,FHHT. TRIKE, ntflLEf’. .unl FRIED “HHS. H‘K CREAM, [HUD-i. sum ‘in their wasp“. _\ nice glalss ul. .\ LE ur Li‘Ué“ tum :il\\u:\5+ he hm]... Came mul try me. G. F. EQ'KENRUIm,‘ . Apil 2, Imm. 1A 3 ,-‘ = ‘ - —— ’ -‘- ,__ --2———.- '- - r~- ‘ “—47 .‘_ _. ~ F ”EundersiL-nc [“10 make rmm‘ (cry.hupcstlml an of the remains of 1» ill avail [ht-marl“ have it done. "PI —-—lerms low, and 1 March 12, '6O ; Tyrso‘l . ROT‘NETOIL P [JIM/7' (1.3 lake plenum-e in :1 they have remove: .\‘xv-umn- (mu: of Yurk ktreet, 013 ! brlow their old ml Th‘q huildiu! fl immediate supcn} Humne has lucm‘ apartments both .\H the modern in; to the working {l‘ ‘ possess every fucil' I class piclnrvs. I Thcfigst premiq .\lcu lul'll .\gricult ‘ [_rpt-s‘nnd Photugi Pirmfes of 211! I r Slorcosmpic.) nni ‘ t‘Xl'llllL‘d in II}? 114‘ I ,rrireolltircs-ti~.leq um! the MIME \vi‘ picture: hike“, !‘ (.‘alh-ry is near 1 : tin-re are ulwnvs Iljme nuldc in In ”my iusi-t upon :1 i The “J‘lu‘elsiur and every one is \‘iiitflghen they (Il'l‘idi‘ of lllcjlm ‘CFOHCIII‘J,’ n-pulnli j Widldies wil tln- :Irrnnchm-m ISAAC a. i‘wmm jI . ’-. plus; J. TYSOS, f ‘ PlldTOfinAvmsus. ;. , \x 1 Jan. 21, 1861. 1 i, :" TO THE- l..\D HS lll'XT'S "fulfill OI” ROSES." ri II and «km: 1 (‘ulur fur’ the chm-ks or lip. . v T\\\’l|.li NUT: “'Ah'll' (11l lufll (11-'lf, null ‘lu: l ‘Qm'c :Ipplihl. remains; dumblv for yours 'lhv'tint is so fich and na ! “In“, that the ch) CM cx-rutiuy finilsitp don-cl its‘ 1, use, (,‘xtn he rem ml by [union juice and will‘ not injure the aid . ‘hi~ is aim-wpn-p:lr.|lion, ' used by the t-i-luhrnt l (‘uurt “caulk-4 of; l.nu_- dun utul ['Jris. Mai t‘ll free,» in {lulth'i‘ru'ilh I {directions for nil-l. ft) S] (m. ‘ l t] l [ IIL‘NT’S “ (‘0 111‘ ‘tnLl-Z'l‘ POWDER," inn-t parts a dazzling hi em-ss to the rumplrximl,‘ and is unlike an 'lhi g elm usul l'pt- this pun‘ . posm .\lnilcd fr [0 .'ml'cnu. I l ; HFNT'S “ BR! ‘l3 l RAIN.” tdlllnt’l‘§ tan,‘ frt‘t'klt". sunburn um nll erubtioufohlmfikiu. " .\lniled fire for 5 Cells. J * ‘l lllYX'f’S “ ill El: .\ l. POMADE‘,” far the hair, strengthen. ”a d imprm’cs ila'gréwm,‘ keeps it from fu'l’inv all“. nml' is warranted To fun 'rm: HAIR ('11:le Mailed fro- .forfi-l 90. { lll’ST'S “I’l6.“th BEAUTIFIEIBK for the teeth nml trump. clca e: and “11119th the teeth, lmrdens the gllnlli. "ll ”‘o‘ tlw‘ hrénth (Alli-chm]- ‘ ly, vuusiuvus 1m; 1w: TH my i-l‘uzwfxrs worm“ Acnn.‘ )lnilcd fr ‘ I'o 3! Im. 1 , 3 HUNT'S “HINT” slHATllfimnF‘Ull‘RKl ndouble.extract bf m ,e lying’loills and co-‘ lugne. *Mniled frfef rSI 0". ht: exquisite perfume! wus first ns’d by the Prim-M's lzoynl: of E.nglnud.ou lid: mhrritigc. .\lcsirs. Hunt &' Co. prespnted the Pfim-us with pn elegant case of Perfumery, (i which all of the above“ articles were Melinda?) in handsome cut fib‘SSV wit. gold stoppers, valued m $l5OO. particulars OHS—tick appeared in the public prints. ‘ l . All the nbore analog sent Free, by cxprcss,’ for $5 00. Cnshl um 'eithcr accdnxpnuy tho~ order, or be ptid ‘lO the express 11%»)! on de—g livery ofgoods. ‘ Ill'NT 1 co., l 9 Pérfumera to 1m: Quoen. _‘ Regent St., London, siid 7? Sansom By, Phil». delphin, Pu. ‘ ‘ l For Sale by all Draggiats and Perfumers. A “ WThe'Trnde Supplied. [OOl. 15,'60. ly ' .\l. n. 'I’RES— .\Lum, Hll3 for ur Im \s as I foe , Norbeck; & Martm ‘ . , AVEjnn received from the city thel’ngési stock of GBOGHRIES 'thcy have ever offered to the public—Sugars,‘Hympa, (tom-cs, Tens, Rice, Cheese, Fish, Salt. Spices, ken, sst, embracing all varieties, at nll prices, the lowest the‘mnrket will utford. Alw Brooms. Brushes, and Notions; Tar, Oils, (Tun-lies, km, in shon,‘ everything to he found in a first. class Grocery and Variety Store. ' The Flour nml Feed business is confined with I Mendy increase. The highest market privel [mid and the smallest profits naked. The public are invited to give us a call and see for themselves. NORBECK a: .\utmy, Corner of BJltlmox-e and High streets. buy 21, 1800. l IN QETTYSBURGa—b'I‘he nnderaignediuf'oms the citizen: of the town And county. that he has commenced the BAKING Waiting, on a large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wettles‘i Hotel. where he wilhtry to' deserve, and hopes to receive. a liberal patron” age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRAL‘KPIIMH PRETZELS, be, &c., baked «My day, (Suno’ Gays excepted.) all of the best quality, and sold, at the lowest living prufits. Cracker-bah": in all its branches is largely carried alumni orders to any amount, from this and aidjoining cokin ties, supplied at the shortest notice. liming erected n large and commodious bake-house and: secured the best workman and the moat sp-f proved Ipechinery‘, he is prepared 10 do 3 heavy business. l ‘ VALENTINE’SAUPEE. 4 July 25,1859. 1 i ‘ JSSES’ AND 1 CHILDREN’S SHOES—A ', lnrgeuwfl nlpf Missen’ Ind Children's» 'hoes. Black andmln‘red, u 7 ‘ 1 Aptil 22. ‘ ‘ ‘n. F. McILflENY’S. Float; Gracories,‘ 8m ‘niovals. 1 . a, wing I he :lutimrizmiperson ‘anle ium Ewr lirtjvn (‘onw h as cuud-nlplilteihc removal “cceiay-‘f n-lnlin-s or friends 7'03 oflhk «ulspm (Kiln-32w" to yum-ah Ifinnlwwith prmuptuess 4w eili'url slum-ll to FY“- ‘ 14mm: Tungx, ‘ Keeper of the Cemetery. . Brothers, . ‘ l «Int L'J'I‘L'LNIUR SKY ALL . ' (lun‘knrnu, PL, HIUIIIIAUiII'J o lmhliv that 1 loll‘hg-ir .\'v.l\' uh HR‘THLHH I; Y, lpcmml nu ll|é15(plllll :Me I«Pith the Bank. Mid um: duo: ’md.‘ , ‘ l'g lax-gin arm 1m! ‘liudcr their iaiflh. and m-illil-rilnini or ‘ figure-l ‘in» n "during. their 'UlnCranble nud ('unvcnil-nt. pro, uncut» have 1 Tu mldml ‘parhnent. >0 (Mt they mm ity for lllqyruduytiou uffirst I m wm awarded ”mm 113‘ tlm mml l'nirj'or the boaLKero nph‘iq. ' W‘ ’ 11g Various styh-j, (including dc m ilk‘h‘lofitfd‘; all! smirk s'f hinnm-r nut} griAmnlil'ul m timi. Tho) hnpc flu-1r lrimul's ll regmmn’u-r, when the)“ widl Imt J the ercbiur Skylight rm and that pijrlurci umde i t‘ufiul null one"; ~upvriur to :0 ({ilim. In nnyinshulpe do mle when (hi-y fail tn pleusn. ' is‘llways frvo m the [ml-lie, cor£lintly invited _(n l"'.‘ iI n rill: hm‘c flu oppprtunil)‘ tu oulnffhc lmtrmmgc and iii. un \‘hirh it cnjnyk. ' I 'fiz :1, every cuxucuicn‘ce fox I” t! cit; tuilfl. ' 1 .‘ e Women. Hand " Something New tl‘ Gin as a Remedml Agent. - HIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, n. T pcriully designed for the use‘ofthe In". ‘cul l'fufnliull and the Family, hnving suporcud. eguhe so-cnllud"Bins."“Aromatic,"f‘Cordlul,” “Medicated," uSchnapp-x." elm, [F 110' am down! by all of the prominent phyiicinnn, ‘ l'llfillllali and conno'Lvm-nrs, M possessing (All 0! those nxlrmnc xuedlciiml quulillea (lonic und 1 diuretic) which belong to un OM) and I'URH Gin. Put up in qunn bottles and sold by I" druggisu, grucers, Mr. L l A. u: IIISINGEfl & (‘O.. (Established in ”723.) Solo Proprietors. ' A .\‘0..19 Broad sheet, )3. Y. l For sale by:FIIE.V(.‘H. mmlAlms t 0n..- f “'q “Gk 11.,8.\11'1‘11, and all of the prumiuuu: l Wholesale Druggisu in Philadelphia. | Oct. 13. lago. ly ' ,Town Property ' . ‘ TYRIVJTE 5.\1.1-1.-—-Theunderiizued or. A fcant Private, Sale the l'rofirly in which hc‘uow rcsidus,citunte in East. ’d-ll‘e’slrw'l, Gettysburg. adjoining S. ILTipton on the won and Mra._.\|rl-Ilrny on‘tlm cut, with an ...,3 nilc'y infight- n-nr. ‘TIIE HUI'SH ikum’ two-story Frame, \\‘muhcrhonrded, wifll Back-building; a well of muler, w ith n'pump In it: M the Ilonr'; and 11 Variety of fruit. Mich as np‘plos, pears, peaches, npricou, chef’l‘ih, mid grape-3,111! the most choice. : . ZAUHARL-UI MYERS. 30v, 12, 1860. u i , ‘ + A—»—.rfi- 7 ~ -_ ___ Pay Up! ‘ m". parmorship heretofure existinghotm-dn . the ulhsvri'n-re. under the firmi mum of “.\xsxn k annum, in, having been Ilin‘ulu-d, ”IQY‘IH'J‘G‘h'KL'iYI‘ nutico .to Mr prrsmulflimlobl. OIL“) l‘wm. by Nnu- or Book Account, In run «ml m-lllcflm “‘an lu-furo. (ha first day of Jn+- Imry next. an. \vhivh‘linu-Jlu-ir accounts will Ipo platted iu the luuuls ul'nn union-r fur wilt-Minn. J HENRY _lf. l).\.\‘.\’|-2li, ‘ \VAYLSRIUHT ZIHULER. 4 Nor 2, 180:0 The New York I UI'RNAL UF COMMERCE WEEKLY: i J THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. ' [fir'l‘lw l’uhlh‘lu‘rs of [lu- Nfiw Full .101 I‘- xu. 0|" (“nun-:1 ('l2. M 1M miicimliun uf umuy frivudq of this Lulu-khlune‘ leviwul ‘llu; ii.“ Inf prices I‘ur their Weekly I-dilinn. nml Hahn-+ll Ihr rules so :1: (“meet lhclflcws of tlwao whu I 411!“ nuclxlylmprt fur ‘ €' USP. ‘IMLL UK ‘A YEAR. In mechanical ucrnliun It is second tonnnp. W‘ilvh :In nhle (11mm nl' Hulllors In flu: nL-wrhl department-r, ulnhrxu-ing'('imlnu-n'vnnd {lnflux-h furvign news,lmlltiml vcnnmny. nulimml nml State lulilk‘i.‘ lyrmlnvthe indlhlry Infill inl pmvflqhnts, city mars, lilrhuure um! pun-HI intelligence, nml Willi inll‘lllgonl mrywpué dents in nll part; or uur unn nnd. in I'urrign mmnlrici, the prumrietnrsvluim fur it nll llml. pennins Ii) n jpuru-II UNI”: “‘l'” first rank. Tu cumpzulim taking ‘ . 20 mph-s ur npnurds.......o.\' l'} DOLLAR NU'II. 'l3 cunic4........................m'1juux mums. ' 8 mfig5..‘..:..«...............'n:x " ~ A 4 c0|vit~5........v.......u.......fl1x ‘1 < , 3 NINA-3...} . Under 1! copu-p1.......‘....... nm N The paw-n will he mldreuod tn dim-rut 'perauu: :xllhejzllul' I'm! Uliirr. ifdcrzir-ul. n cep! in lln.l rusc nfrluhs of l 3 or mun vmniw, whivh wil! bulnmilc-hu unun‘duln-~.~'. 11w [nu/- nun! {or A-nrh L’luh mud. In: unulu in om- sum in mli‘nnro. ‘ ' , " ~'. !!EIEI Daily Journal‘ at Ph‘mmercc DJIIy Juninr Du. Tho cupivs Junfunto om- mldrer.“ HALLUUK. NAME .\2 ll\l.l.()t'K . , Kililuri and Pmyrit-lunl f!!! “'nll "NM. New York, Avril 22, '6]. '_ Getty'sburg TEA“ LIME “ILL. CORNER _UE “TST S .\Nl)‘ll..\ll.llt),\ll STREETS, $3.“: TIHZ l-‘Ul'XllH \'.—«-'Tlu- snhsrn’ber, hm high—mud Elm Sm m .\l~ill 01’\lr. (Iw. lim’nux, iy u.i.,,.|i.‘.‘.-, has had it llwrnuizhly rrpniri-d. In! [during in it ti‘e nervwfiry umvhiurry tut grinding Linn-- .tunv. The hull is nnwin umrytiun nn-l l nun randy to supply any demand for thin- u-eful Fertilizer, UilUi'Xi) LlflE-‘STUSE is I'mvr conceded hy thaw “hu lune tte.-lb«l-it. tn lu- n Inut'h hotter Fri-tilim-r’thnn Hum! Limb. m- if“ deed NII‘T of (he min-r Fortililmrs gmwrnlly up— ]blied tn hut-I. The fulhm‘ing t‘urtilirntr from ‘ .\lr. DIEHL, u!) (nut-naiic runner, mud highly n :1 mctahlu‘ciflzt‘fl of .\dzuus rounty, “ill um~~t ‘ l to truth 'm‘ this nssgrtlunt' ‘ any—"l have been trying the Grmlnd Linw n one an ‘myi Lin-l fur the ins! 'our ymm nil-i fi 1.! it m_|»c :1 better fc‘lilizcr than the Burnt, Lime. and cumin-Eu. It hns gin-n Imidnrliuu in the firit amp. . PETE" “HUM." .\‘umcruns utht'r certifivmr: «If like rhurnrtt-r could he pruduct‘d, but thisjn sltflit‘it'ltl. wi‘nrmeumrc I’C"tl('b|('li to pend in lhq-ir urdcrn and [fifrgive it, A trial. ‘ .\hi‘.4,lBlil. tt , JUHX HUtH'l-Ilt. Gettysburg Foundry: ! \ HE subscriber, luring: pun-linked th 1 Foundry of Messrs. Zorhnngh,slout k (10., '(tormcrly “‘iirrclh' Foundry.) has ('ummwuh-nl . husiuci‘shhml is non prepnrt-d to mm- to this public I linger unurtment gt Machinery thhn : has hergtuturn- hcen otTt-rccl. nuL-h nl THIN-25H ‘ INU .\IM'HIXEH, Clover llullvrl, Fodder: ('uil tun;x (‘nrn Shelia-u, nud Norgtm'xtJnte impmn-d Horse Rule. Alw, STUVI-ZS, such as (‘uok Stuvps. thrcc‘diflercut ’kJnJfl ; nnd firt- dilfere'm, blzrs of Ton-plnte slur . 'lecwile )lillriiml Saw-mill L’llsllllgs' and I kinda of Turning in ‘irdu or Wand. ‘ _ t ‘ )2)"REI’.\IRI.\'G ofnll kind} on' Huchlnujry and Casting: will he doue7tn Miler on nlmrt notice. Patterns 111-do to order; [nought/3191.. ' ings rcnd)‘ mm]: ; PLUI‘GHS, Such an Suylnr} \t'ithcruw, ”other, Woodcock, and 'muuy others nnt mentipncd here; and eight dim-Hint kinds of IRON l-‘ESCLVH, for Cemeteries, Purches‘or Yards. ‘ ‘ ‘ v _, Also, lbrfising Machines; one of the bgnt how in use. This machine uorka‘ with In I: or fly banidynny little boy can manage it. ‘i , Call and examine,onr stock; In) doubt‘lmt what. wean please. Persons ought to leeiit their advantage to buy machinery of any ki ,d at. home, where his munnlncturedflo that "it, cun very easily get any part replnred or repair d. . DAVID STERXERI Gettysburg, Feb. 13, 1360. , , l ~ ,Cannon' an Admr’s I EW MARBLE “’O3KS, corner of Balti more nnd Enstlliddle streets.ulircctly op posine the .new Court. House, Getlynhurgé— 'l! wing rpcefitly nrrivcd from l‘hilgdplphimlud failing fully competent to.execute'xfll work , in tl_ finest style of the art, we would tespectflal ly invite the attention of the puhtic wishiug‘to, procure nuythlng in our line, to favor us witqu call and examine specunens of our work. We, are prepared to mum: murmurs, T 031133; AND HEADSTUSES, MARBLE .\IANTLEN, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work'— appertaining to our business, at the lowest pps lihle prices. We do not hesitate to gnarl-[flea that our work shall be put up in a mnnjur silh slxmtiul and tuneful equal to the but to he seen hr the cities, where every impryremtnl which experience has suggc‘ztcd is mulled of, and especially do we guarantee that o‘l‘r'Cenu tcry nnd Grave Yaw] work shall be 69 Wefuily set m: not to be allotted by frogt,but slml} mil:- tuiu for years that crcctueis of position glk; at the completion ofn job, and so zit-yuan,“ continued grnccfulnesé and symmetry.“ “i‘ 4 Nov. 28, 1859. cf ' . V BE attention ofthe Ladies is especi-lly {nu vited to a large 9nd beautiful “mm. 0! Ladies’ and Misses‘ HATS, FLATS ”p' SHAKER “0005, of latest Hiring flying, GI. bracing Boulevardc and Vernon, which .3 In ofl'criug M, greatly reduced prices, at April 22. R. F. MCILHENY'S; [LMNERS and other! will ‘find a ”04;..." M wrtment .of Ribbon, Flo-tn, Plum BIN: es, Mu, at the cheap ltore of § A. SCOTT k Belg omm CANmLés. wholgnle, a $l3 DllOO nu. ROBBEGK SMM . Murchkfi, 1861. " 'l5“ (In I. my .. .1! (m