The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 24, 1861, Image 3

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    nu; may-. 1 1119 3:7: Q‘R9‘WJWW
.‘i m
. FF"
\Véifihl?‘ :m’ the Newirlf'(.\‘. J.) pnpmw y,” of .mmfifrir? “PP
~‘l ' ’
that, the pe 11¢ 9“}I‘Y‘WHLWhO are 11l fue'nr '1’?“ mm, «P 1 ham,
f A hI . . . . «ohm placenffim 1.110.!
" 09363 a " odmg meetug" [0 c3l'*U-“ wucrgpeh‘pdiy in “mm
their view" $11“ ”It whmmmd [um-ling th L'nngros‘n. butahvnys lu-a
mm uven'mg‘lht “nu-1:. 'iw- quowmg I'cw'iu- mg. dw‘d‘THY ’DHH'WI’H
(inn WM ium} imvlblj winded: ( «(Sullx'x-l‘rfi'; T 711513!" 31:, H.
..'.I l‘ l ' '
WWW“- 3 hat m W“ 0“"? INN-"3‘ "M muku- Jan-1 n..- u..,.'u‘xlf.']
bumble cm} fsgn ofthwwu'myz ”.‘" n,“"”‘ i~ “ 2“: me now." luv JI
; 4‘ .
m- I< nftlzisignm‘tlug ITO?!" it ”"5" ”m.“ Dcmrw'rnt, m Mum-mu!
,nM in :wmx; :n’mguith UNIH‘ 4W"”':”/_”""1 hem: disaquimed.
liL’htS. tn pulition thr: l hum-of:- Grill“ [1133“:‘1 ‘ . “...
mun-u about £3O {1\~('lllhl1', m mlurpmo .hfln Inaugur,,/;(.,, ,1” ”nix”.
xheir Judgnu-m jt 1~ hm: tn... Ihmn 30 to (In; ,l'iryunu.—‘thling. J"
yhmr punt-r 1m put-. 1" e-ntltto the present 9m Virginia gm“, “"1""
(runldfldfinnflf I-xiqiu: in Hui: mu'unr-o pm Frank p_ I’ir-rmrmt ”m,
{wrath and Imp” hubnmv «Inn-awful om.m- lmniol P:ll\l('v,Lil-111. ”0
Irv. and to «Me u~ Imm tlrernvng¢~ofcrvil I“}me l’uxm—ll. 'Vnn “’in
nur anour, (iovt-rnor'rl mm
[“n,«n’l";'rl, That a vmnmium’ nf' tr'n br- {‘ll- The )m-w- (:m'l‘rmm'nt
1mm“! In thr-{chairtupl’A-pzll'l‘ rmd cirrnlntc um afu-mmm, and thr-q
.u potifirm for» ~ignuture: ijllfw‘ I’PFWH: cxvitr-nwnt m-nightu T
«1m ”my lu-ju (nor of pm‘mzuwnfly ru- crlebmtod with splute»
‘mring pcdmwnd prowcrity to our unfor-
innate (Euunti‘i'. _
A lottnr Mm .\Vow Yurk "<l.”
Ntflxvithflrfidinu thc‘imlignnt‘mn nfmmc i". (‘llm‘flfi ""}lli|l<lli])lllfu
0F nur ultm HMHMUrmNmk. whorl-vai- tlu- JfNWPO‘m. WHII the Htaré
\vly llumghtgol' In<_..¢-(- i~‘ \vh'xqwéd. 1 mm‘ m “'Hlmphbrer ”.qu ‘
vuwm- you Ilgit ,1 vcrv mmwst mom-mam in cflP‘UN‘d by the brig l’ql
on four in (Infidmtv. “:fth a vimv In chjuur- 03' Chalk-Mon. She In!
:l‘iZl‘l‘ongl-(“é n fawn. m- l”mmmmhfl' 0,. .lrm~ph,_ of Rmzklund. :1
”10 hzwis nf 1h ' "ritlmnlml ,or Bumlm- .\‘tate _"K‘OI'RUMWD. South (Lu-o
twolutiom, I+. och-d at tho RN; wssihn. ' '-nuh i” “"10“ With ond
2 ...» ~_ 3" : gun an'xidshipfi. and was
. ‘ The fiesident’s MGSBIEg—E. _ " hwy. ”or m-vw. cunniqi‘
Thr- \Vn-Jz ngtnn correspondent of one In uonyunhouvd “if-if”
of the .\ow ork pulwh .\nyh: ' ‘ WT“? ropvlréi£¢luite
The l‘rmh em i< making good progrous Imm of Miunuiti that
with hi~ mv~ lb". 11 mil Law flu- highw‘t Sum“: Nexuwnvuuflflmt .\‘t.
gmfind in (lu'btuf px-«qutingthe wurwith Hill and l’ulk. will not t:
tho ulmmt vi Ibr, and 0f finialnug illhy wiu- \ the 00111ng {-xtm M'SDIIHI
n-r if that] imkqhhn 'l'n mukfl it pr;«i- "'- -
Hv. ho ml] fir-pomuwnr‘l n will tnrfi'lU‘UW’
men, and an M
M‘ all m-l‘rwzfil‘
Nun-s have b":
and MW wil
lipmpriuti-‘m ‘ufliviti-nt gnaw
rV expenrhture, at] n 00-”! of A»
Tln- (6mm Imm of M'Hhfi» frvu
m u rith-n to on thi~ Nubjom,
"Iny Im- “ium - (in the Glh ins‘
1y .I «xvi-Mimi“. I'l‘s- "u ---~ “in by ”10
Iy. so that (ht; l'reiiilvnt, in. 1“"? J- l‘v- S'I‘HALY ‘0 Mint
fuculnlnvndat'Lnlu',.i'cels 1],,“ iI—JUIOP F. u" uf.\d::m= cuuu
“the [u-uplv. spanking lhruugh‘. 1"”3 ‘.’”'”““‘l
- authorilivs. TIN-N- mm he!
[SungrOb Will puss hill~ ixn:nn—'
illww ~4s:n,w~ti-nm. but?! In in
ismi tn :ufvply luudh for :01
. i.
m. . _
lmrth'xl luau“
um 'in: (In-«q l
13gb hm'kvll hi“!
[ln-gr omm :uqui
:m‘min \Uthgi
m‘t'zw 11w arm)
nuedful “up?
QC..-" " ’ ‘
I 'ungflu “xx—Tim N‘iuflwm
pl?“ it nrhvifhrn'ing in ant-Minn in (In
wmk of th’c Aim M"si(|n Of k'flil'grtlffi, :md
>luruishe~ prujxlmmu‘ ofhusinuw In he «lune.
This I'nllouiut' it: the {mm at. mm of [ln-m: ‘
~Thn firlt _t i‘m l‘u'u2rme mu~§ do i.~ to,
{m~;lm ixnlml n+ils‘hm in Ln‘urmrlhv I'n-v~—‘
Linn. to pmt « L Mm uglinq 'lln‘ hum! mun,
Ffiqllf'llljl'; (If hm.- lnln-nmditugunul :M‘ln
u hit-h umw~>i y Inn unmpu-llml him In aclfipt
for Hm prmd’l v (ium of thy gurm‘nmviu.—-
In the Hex“: a cl'nngrbwnught 1h prm file
lat-tho. oxpvu, mut' tln- War. To (In ”tii 01-,
fiwtnqlly, “1;; V II (I! lmrruulng lm’ln’uwr—
rlmnlu. ippngl x o «MuhH-h u nM—imn-l lrgmk.
“ith a. Capitul V mu: kuunlrwl and fiftV'llHl"
limn‘. wln-m-u H e gm'm'muvnt ume I» vn-i
:nMwl in 6M“: 3 [mm uf fil‘gvgnilhnns im-
Innu-xliupjy up: I: the «murky um... (Inpatih
:uul Hm ium-mi: g roumun. The wamhiug
lu‘lm :u‘c‘nth I it thr im'rvnn- "Hm—“n.l
- and tlu- vii ivm-y nl Hm Wu l)~-p:n't.-‘
Int-n}. flatly gem-ml hankrupf‘luw [”le
fin- pmfiml tn H‘ ivvn mr-rvlmnh‘ from Nmir
habilitim. nmlH wnnMu tlwm m'r-mnmcncc
:1 new career [in or ink/Mar “Tia-9:. ,:' ‘
’l"er "-1117:
" 7 h.• r„;,,,,
n. [\‘Jvdrm & (‘O. prd) n<v
llilzidA-litlrhl. :1 "cw Donn)- -
"Jpcr, ”Le filtét munher 01"
um! pnfllu- kt uf .lul\'.—‘
"dares. flint “Fit i< HA2" pur
rlotun-xm "1:115: ‘ Tl.‘ L'mm,’
n liwt-«glnsf jnulnle. 'l‘hq
l whoic Slate foe) Hm not-t ‘
'm-uue Metropolitan: (ln'rly t‘
. I! he sparml m rmdcr TIM:
u u" and fluent as 3' no“:
:1 glam-10%. exponent nf (he
“s fur “Mop lln- hrnuwmtic
r cmnuu-lml. {and “hid: are
vmfi - .\mein
whith will lgo
Pnajuf Iln- l’rl
1n o-n-l'y rospol 1
hr-i‘uiiormiv of t}
“fad-”hold mu] I’},
and fin ofl'ur} h
l'niunjbqth [)u
{mt-r", zaud :1:
; rvut‘ prim-i
a 4mm lqu-Lw
‘IIOW su 'unlm .
lmvc pcgfi‘élml ~uvh M
II? plu‘bo the Duh-‘hnxgixc,’
g. 111-0 n n bulmhmlin] Luv‘
mmlailt xm-nm tn mukv :1
in inluf'l-at and ability tu ‘
(y : mul while lhtjvjn:qu‘rl
Duchm'tiv, it will sedu-i
In". 51:11:..- deadliest lam»,
. < 1
The warn-ac
mum-"mm: ' 4
Imm the‘lmgirln
inos< link, wit I
m-qulpnp sm' ml
nu (MIA: i,“ I) 0 ‘
will be four]? I)
«Indy nvnklnll flu
iu‘jmrty (aflipiv o)
'l'cynh—ii lm-nnuum
as» The :an
tin-M: millions’n
par, by Ifmmflh
‘ lM'l' u‘m. Slum hum of
dullmp- h:|~x'hecn (ukil‘n at.
“Ll cnpimlisk and munimr
l i: gratifying, lmnulm it
‘ "nOO nf‘the mpmnmmy in
l'nith of the .\‘hvtn. The
- nmpmited to three mil:
nusgunl six hundred andl
Liar, exceptfourtecn huum
'nntitutidm. ; T
pruws the id 7
the ":san ’n
whole of the ,
'lqu (1111:” ENHIJSII
Jun. Funk-15- (‘reuruinnzn ‘
.j‘rcp Ircgl_fl gm :1_ :trcwrlpliou
PM. 9.. l'llysit-nw Extraordinary
_ i _ '. V ~‘ . j’l‘lus im'ulunhle medicine L»:
1)“? 'ol]:ol‘lm(‘nh d, ‘thlt cure ol'all tlmq‘ painful and Ilfll
11 "1 “Ibllillglun, “n 1m?" to \fltiuli Iln: fléumlc Luunilutinl
li. “11111.1le of :tsm‘nslnnié- ‘ moderates all {En-ass and “mu
- .. , - n ~1 highs, and a slipenly cure 111x31!
1‘ ’in“ “ ‘fll‘r'ml’l‘ms “m“ Married Ladies‘ 1: ispocutiuriy
i'fiaaf'lsz’l‘sd "" “’l’" 0”,“, in ashurttiine,hrillg 011 Lhu
1e Presnlvnw Home. Ilc with regularity. '
, . ).e)' l '; liq-ell bottle prichne Dollu
the h 11 out “Pl! re. "1111301“ Stuilip of Great 81-
" plum. The (‘XpOrlnlC‘nlS counterfciu.
sassibility of re‘cuunuiter-l (‘Alzrlu.\,—.’Edl(-se l’ills Fhou 1
‘ sin that wm‘. , Why females ll ring the first
_ «... .__ '- A ~ ll’rcgnnnqy, as they are sure t
. . -. "1‘“ t: - Ll t' 1
WWW“ “a" .411“ *5 “*6 mm 0* a.”ll:3:ll“Lfls’Lr‘Klirfz..i§ZJ?§
now \‘olu‘yteei" COI pany récomly organized Pain in d c llauliuud Limbs, F
in York, 111“ r tl ticouunantl of James A.‘ exertion, lpaufimfiun 0f the }
Stallle.‘- Tlmi un fox-111s C""‘ll“§ of“ suit, “f and Whims, these l’iHs will, ell
blue army cl th‘tmstel'ully mmuwd “'ith» mum; have failed;
.\curlet cloth, l'toréthe 3'lle ol' thowgwam powerful rcll‘eni-S‘ do not contuil
by the Sulfur o I+011:1u'e.~~i)m tlteglrxmvan antimony, or nuy thing huw'nl
“111:. The co 11m yynum 01's 0m mx‘enty tiou.' ‘ , ‘,
member-4:. ~I) . Japo‘b llny, Jr" i 4 lit» LieuL. ’l-‘ull directions in thelpgmphl
and John F. 'paltrgler, 2d Lieut.-—-111moucr package, “hich shoulicl Marne!
(Winn; ~_ . 1 Stile .\genf furtlle 'nitvu Sm EFFOHWEVDJ [0 S
.F« V .w..———» ——«~ JUB MOSES LnLeI.C. ll: ". v. ’I ' r '
Changing t/ v'r .‘l'zzmc.—-.\ mass State cfiwl 1 ’( Ilo’ _ Wd‘. 111 nm .nttennon to l‘sgmelof the recom
. - - H , . ; . 3 ~ . l~mendaltlmlsz ‘ ‘ '
ventmn of “l 8 “freeman of \ ermont 1% t .\. .~ell 0.0 .11nt Peaiflgfi lrmm R‘\'.C W Thornpuin,’kec rgffiLlJuhn’l Pm...
. 1 a . ' ‘ 0 any am orizcl - went, W 1 1 ‘ i tan! fiphco'u‘ Clan: 0 , ’n,
(“i-Led ‘0 11m.“ ‘1 “o”}th on the 269‘ containing 50 Pills, lfv return‘ .1 . : ‘,.‘ll's‘l',B. Austin 1: \t‘ohrt z—h‘he engraving
inst. to norm ale candidates f 0" State Ofil'l June 11,30. lycm'v “ _ .0" “‘9‘ " L”""! 1"".’l”" “1 it" l 5 "0” 0’7"”
,eers,'lncludin (it. '01‘1101: It is‘imally to be‘l ._ .-f-.. _ ‘1 ' - ffm- snle by Messrs. “will“ Vehrly of this
- >‘ ‘ - - . - W '.l ' u ' .. ” ‘ 'h tune and
theSmwmnvenu 11ottl1eRepubl1cau pdrty TO Qphat‘llPTn [an —'l‘he. dvc “sex-mm- 130 mm" '5 got "1' W Y ,1“.
mid the; ll 'éin " adotermimltion on the i”: been “Stored “”1931th a “Vice“ h)’ 3 b.°““"-‘" «_ngught ‘3' recuhmnr‘d ""Ino pUb'
“‘3 . _ ', . _ 1 \‘erysimple rcmcdy,:lfterlmviug 'ufi' .m} several I'o llllclltlol‘ffill)’ll“n3 lhll‘ll‘Fll‘ keep that DO
pa; of the; Made ,of the org+umtlon 1n . years “msgveré Ulug “fiction andltlmt drcnd 11f“? cmgposmon mate-re the fillldlnud memwy is
tlutS (eh) khan its name. ‘ gdismse, Consumption—is an inns; tu nuke “3‘“in “0 gm"?- Fl‘°.“"‘§'ll‘ ”Fm" ‘0 “”00."
V , - ~ w%— 3 known to hi3fellow-gufierers th 111 mm fill-Curr. to require exmnmmwn 111 Q dgri‘to he ndnured'
Modey'a' La y's flank 'l' July has ,_ To nllwho desire‘it, he Billl semi 11 cup} (1f and 1.0“? by [“sth filial; “3 {39‘1”0’19" (“1")
i ‘1 . w ' the )reccri utioullsm free ofc a m. “-1“ the :11‘0111 mm m I: n u: ,n 90 lllmera 9 11.
come tthandvand “i“ an Mabel! mfind ’t ' I '0” l- we M 15,» and “'3'” ‘l . “to Will he abundantly:tumessful in their
be tfl ’d' ‘9O . . Tl dlrectll.lurl p 1, ‘3llll, the ”1111‘. 1 . ~. .~ .
as ‘ 9.111 a a 1; In_ sting as ev r. It “-1 “I‘“.th will find unsure lju cl‘11r'(,'()11<111111,_ undertaking. C.‘ 1. “1011150)”-
be>§efit {9 sutlficn Fly 530 me clug Wltll tion, A'sthmn. “fonphmaj &v hpvénxy ÜbJL‘u‘l. From the Rev. Fcingfie‘n‘grs P? m the .\lorJvun
thishumlkr. xixm. ths for sl. ’ Published ofthe 82"ertise&int:;u.1iug 1h [url‘f*§c;ipllon i‘l 1 3'"le .. 1.14, 20' 1961.
'. i . ‘ . . . bane L lea in ,un Spr :11 in nrmntiun: \ . \ ~ & W‘h l'l—«lh ‘ l 1 1 h
b'l.A.God 3 Lhewtnut St P 1 (lel— ‘°. 1 _ , Jew». usmn t r): M: mt v
1" ' d;- ‘3 ; 1 .11.] fl‘ , whlch he c cenei Lilum 1n11tl11:lbl('. and hf‘ plenum-e ot‘iuspmting “Midi. Aimin & Wehr—
p 1181 1 , ... : x‘: 3hqpps awry su erel: \u tr; his N‘l‘hmly’ :13 it. has splemlidmngmfing “We L 0,,“ ”Nil". 1
TI; 337: It 3111' ‘l‘! ~:'l'. ‘W: ti. 2%?” mittheln uoblung, and 1114' prgve “ bk". wouldlrordislly recommend lit m the) favorable
w ‘ “1%“ U “I" cr. 8 8510'”ng _ . . .I. _ attention of their friends-lit York and el=e<
Maryland rat I’o3 15 now on pleted ml Pam" “gm“; the l'r“°"’"l’lm“ ‘lll please “herefi It is not oulvn lu-mltifal ornament for
Westminster-l ~T 6 0m“ “an ”me for address V BEV- HOW-"W“WWW-".1 the dwelling ofex‘crft‘hris’l‘lhn fnmilr butnlco
they fim’tim on Saturday _W ek. Two? \l’illinmsburg, Kings'counfy, in usofnl and mllfiinw utquiltition for) Sundnv
in?” 18:29 “932%??931 {hula lfor “Eli‘l 0“- :27u0' 13'”, 1 leviYurk. I schools and sllml-lu- hjenuuldnt inflitutimw. '
more: ‘ -, .an eave 11-1 " -. “’1 1‘ t t”.
\x'ertmtinntn’hlfilnom, It, 3'15 :1. I. and @Twentrfire Ire 5111).: dibllnrn 311111 8!" ”Wilton or Publi=ll9r lot ’intlelnzolltina
330 P: M ‘ t " » ipensna per month “all be pard hh‘thellane new- tl' ad ‘1" -ment r inne kl. I’lll Al [I 5
' ‘ 1 l ___h 1 lug Miichinellompany to tlwir.l\|'gouw,l’or sell- 11: Ever N. 0 :J ’1" {do :1? 10:11 ' e
A Sign} flmdtp?” T. ' “my and I/‘digatc‘an _‘ “lg the Erie Sewing M‘mhil‘w' lThl-B i‘ nucn‘ gluten! fzfll’llllltllfil22Atnlgur‘lldllrgfgz: lJDVglllw
4 ' ‘ ’ - ~ ' Machine and so simple in its cqtmudcgon that ' _ . 1 . y. ' - .’ 1
‘Yhfl? amen mfiho remake; for these ,a. child clan learn to operate it by lmlt’an hqufs ”3:11:13: [liultllll L 31": glililolrlifllntlfierogxigy £1134-
comptiims, ls the one ”high so qqiakly, iustrncnqn. It is equal to {my 1.11.1115; Suviug “get,“ ".‘””, will revtlrirc 111 » nlmn'iurv l‘ramed‘
flecmall' 1 ‘ ‘ ,' 'Mnchiue muse and thov take tll [unmmm uter -. "' - . . F '2 . P 1
so 8 . 3+ on permsqentlfi remmes the “a" mu due “s|."de do”; machines mm Mme gold gm. (”meg saints sm- and :1,
. 1 ~ . , ‘ _ .1" .. _ ‘ ‘ 1 .- v v
them as 111110;ng med 131 nm, The who‘smwmm"olmm 'l‘gevompaw. 1131.“. J n 1861 AL». 1\ x n 1111111.). 9
We _ i”""l'°.0~ ~—-’v—‘ 1* . {wish to employ Agunts in everyl co‘uhty in the _ ark}, u“ ' ’ ' .i _.A —« _. 1‘
1“ 1* Pimd t 1)»; the expensgs MA United snip-s, Addresn: (or nimtm, 1211"». [Jiswnm'ws 20"; 1: pm“ 'and;
°‘“’ “PVP'nm” -l" ”I“ “memwount to smm. Mmmxe (‘O. 1:. J. 11125". «:mmi ”music's MFA-2 11111.1.10 be ha at:
ll l'd ll ' ' 1 . , ‘3 1
one m 1 lon 0; 0m- a day. Heavy. ‘Agunt:.\lil-tll,oblo. [\lar. 11.»!121. 6111 11.1; (1.11.1155, qpposne 1119’ Hank '
. 1 i , . r 1 . ,1 1
lions rninelya x
fifty dollars, a I‘.
m. Profgis
his ku'my ball
day. and mad
He took up w ll;
:‘fitufi, to whi 1:
Meeting with Hi
«mt n dcspnt hr
ca-ived a. reply n
(were to (eat. . 1e
ing the Confe era‘
No‘mlhu' 1),):1’7 'aa'a IS!"
.1 I’l‘l‘lv/u‘r ('uplurnl.
liq-The schooner Suv
3?}?L'nh'r-rl, 17111011, ia' (
fmm Um ~ixth difitrict of
On Friday lush .\lr~. IDA
I"‘lik‘tllf (h-u'rut‘ l’l‘iukvrhufl;
lmn luumhip, in [he dist }L'
Uu the 2””: ins!" FUJI”.
ofo. H‘cu‘khh Lubh nv, 0‘
I _‘mr H muulh’s and 23) Um
.(lu thr- l§l imt.._ut he? ‘
filmuihhurg, .\l'l'e. MARC.
:ugeri 53 ymfs'" "lambs and
.peoial N
\VISTAR‘S H.\l.>'.\\l 01"
_[‘«br 1114- rt‘xrc ul ('iHl‘Jhg’F
Aqlmu, Iu”!L(-lll:l,='('rully, \
liruurnflh, 'l'ruiispmiliuu
km. .’“-23‘ .
’l‘hh‘ trig-It rvmcdy in tun \
pvlt’urming;uu much gmm W
In «:0 iutu urn chflmruc disclh
Sulfiu- it‘tn my [hut It 'aul!
pi‘cmury in (~llrilu:dinu.qso.~g t
mite ‘clmmvxw, hurl [but u”
the‘ulwyc x-mnplzliutx. may I
rx-mcdy. seldom In“: “(o‘l
utiwlfi‘appliAnCL-z ‘UJH‘UI'U .l p
to health. ’
‘ Id~:\vl.~uxL'mi,l’7
Svlll‘ “'. Funk: k l'u.. “v
(:«xnchm-u: I hue mm} 1
Ann: m“ Wild l'hérry, mu! hclu
('rl ‘utin-ulédy Fur ruughs. c
maiuu n! the lungs, und 1 re
the rl'uulr‘. I),
‘ ‘ Hum J. SCOTT.
Me: r<. Svlh W. I’mxls- .\- ('u
(i milemr-n: I hzno use
mu ivinc. Dr. \Yixlnr‘e [Lulu]
fur run'hs.c‘4\l~l<.uml lhrm:
p}.lim— found it an
in nu «mu «me. I have :flu
famil: \\ uh the hilllpil'il rum
l‘nNLh-m or Ibo Morris (Imm
i- “‘l5” known :luJ much 03
out .\'c\v Jrrsoy: ‘* ‘ ‘
.\lumubrowx. N. ,l
Henri Svlh W. Fault.- & liar]
Dru- Sin—Hfuinv; used Ln
nf \\ llj- (‘llt-rry for about >
begging realized ils bumflfii.
ELL/H)“. it nfTunh me gru‘u pl]
lTLAl‘ylllllg it to the public fisni
if: 944‘pr \\ enk lungs, ('lrlds.
:lffi‘hlml'r \\ hick L rumider in
rent, :3an muffin taken ui:h
the mom dclimtc in hcnllh.
Yuur~, wry rewovlt‘ully,‘ =
' fivgr‘fl'ul'tlum It) I'urrlmarq.
ll aha": Balm»: has [ln- [M'AINL
"I fps." and [lie printmj inn- 0
on my: uuh-r “upper; all (I
\u)tlhlc~s. ,
Wi'rqmrm] bv SET” \\
Hnslngl. tint! l'ur snlv by A. I).
burg : .15. Hilbluflgl York. Slur
Hut llurliu: Sulumuu Chum
.\Mmu-fimn; )1: Swatch '3';-
Miller. Ultlcstunn; and by ch
Juug 24913“. :lw
‘ ‘ ‘s‘ A; , ‘ r
w ~ I s .r uvw» 4* 54o"#'B’M“N‘>Vi. “saw-‘2
‘ “~~~- ‘ : ' 1*” -~‘ “"9
awn—The Govex'n- ' > THE ”*1
.mpd ()nfflle 11. » , 1'” . .I‘ ‘
Ynitmlsmti'fi SUD-'l‘ ~ .G “Fm“ husk-. 531
‘ I D F! “_ mglpcrhnc 11qur.........g..
.9” on? r ,1" lfiw F1uur....... ,
"1“" FM!“ “ {1“ "r “mm mm." ..
ien. hh “11'4“” ""‘ lit-(I \\ )n‘::(......
I‘lt‘. “v’r‘cfiid'” i” (Turn
. UM. rho imp”: urn....n.........‘
.mrnlixmiwnnhl (Kunmm
m boast tlultjhvl it Hm-kwhent,... ‘
[winkinga Mullah»: Spurrfiud
)Ir. Lh’suglm, luv? uumoy hrrd
\ ' man. sl-e.x.......
L - ‘- 4.- ‘ Iflawr of Pan; .......
Win/.- Cmumwuz r 3!" lgl‘ualer gxquml, 1.4. x bégy
”I 20,—1'”? ‘VFNI- ‘,
til!“(‘lf‘tll'dtU-‘lfly “
-rnnr of [has SIHIL'. tilfiJ::;m
urmnaunfl 31mm» ”re ' " "M"
H“: ””HSU“ W“ rfi,r,§:'.::'..:f.'::::...
'll' , ' (1.11i..u,...... .......
“133‘ muugpmtml (‘lm‘er 5eed..........‘..
if: i» in “ ‘ilflm, 0‘ ‘hmuthy g:«d...........
1c «went is bemg BEcH‘nulemer hnndLfi.
W‘WOl‘k“. 590- H‘ogs, pe'r huud........‘.;.
-'>' “ H‘py........................1r.%.u
Now" York, June Whi5key....Z............ .:....
nah, n. [Mum’s-r. Gpuno,,l’ernvhn‘,pe% tn;
fonKJnrrivedtlfi ;:‘ ~ ‘ , ‘
3;,“ Stripe: flying H r "Axuzhn—t “u
‘ixm mg. 519 cm». 1 :nnr,lrom Turin-L --
my about. m mil!“ Wyn}, rota so c a.
l tnkvn UK! brig {:I‘Cfl'n“”“”“”’””+’ ~
’ml‘xi'nt Jwr into (garb
mm The “flt'm- am.:‘.'.'.‘.'::.'.""""'
3 pm:n_der WY": 0‘0“"
Jiovu Seed.
Timothy Sced‘
fofmerlyra pilot
g of B” mpn. were
‘ L _
. ..1 a_. ~ ‘ y -_ H ' - \
Win-(4m in vnriong‘l" i TOWIISPB ’
Um Ihvb3U'nitz-(l K ‘HE undorsigéed TAN-i
W, XINSX'L. Jalln— [lllhlir ilm'l he "(‘miin'
kc. $.Ol, Wm M \mmxu .\xu REPMIQIN;
[ (Hgngl-‘ifi‘. MEL-rout turms, cheaper; (I:
‘ TV ’ . county. All work ganjm!
Mu.“ toCnngrer‘zs titgn to rmwm:r~‘. (“pm
England. _ cxjy‘lmngc for \\ urk “Ml:
; ’vasburgJune 'l4,
, E 01d Muskie
LL permna lhrmlg
- inning in ”win: *m
:u- H. éithcr .\luikota ‘m
mp'rrn to rykurn tlu-mi
qlpfvti-r'm-‘L n! Heny<b+rg
1313.; f g
‘RI-n: J. s’: Smith.
tum! J. ”JUNK—
{I}, I'£_L.—‘Sh§ppcus—
. , m up. 7
unificsnmwr. ' "Km“. i." “ “‘"“"“ "-
icwl:lscll,osfitr:l- :1: [thr 11.” th law: (1 [I
r”g h" nub. -. ”(ta “‘1” he‘tnkrn rage
as EDWARD, Sui) lhil' Hug“: nut nmdy t‘p:
\‘cw Salem, aged ul‘grgnqzzodvmnpnniét.
r ‘ ‘, {fi‘lujg Xhl- cmn'mfio 1‘
m lubetnrn. tlu-y‘wil
”Winls; plum" zv
it‘.l~lnllr\lll-—~.\h. P'ptv :
u-s; jfilid-Hctnwn—N‘n
v44} .\l_\m‘~: [Third I
”11v vhmnd: [Lu pt I!
“hi—Junk! .\l‘luniuh;
.ler'stnd ancis Wu; n
Jinan; ,\leher}~y%
111-it‘jhvn—Juif-ph fiur (
’5 «mm; Harm-r“; “i"
H”: FJirfiL-ld—Mr; S i
#34 have lmsilhjo o.
.e. Thosc'cum-ernéd\ 1
Kurt Munrdingly. 1
[me 24. 1:461. ‘ -
I" rbs‘idcu'ce. near . "r
um s; 131 mm, J ’9'
1! 11.1) s. ‘
be es.
Ln “mum: ' my,
V Iknrme‘, NIH
{lying L'mlE‘h, ‘ hm
‘L'u‘usumlnlion, her?
u x
{knon’u nnd is E
le 1 '. urn-many.
of us fixer'ns. § urn]
ulnnsé§gpfil~ i and
mm! übstl- I J
,sunbfilrox.ns A
g Le~uy Ugh!
ll) hymn lo I
treawhliun i] (
Only 0119 Do
um i “i"i“
. EMH‘ .\\'
Inn: you Kiwi—2
‘,\ .\“n’l—‘l‘he iplca
lm' I’m‘n-r by :In ‘em:
in; 11:an nrrnugiu; it;
minim: :it qnue :1 mr
|, \rns‘ vanvn-ml «in-l
hr vvic'hrnlml D.“ k N
' f'itv. it mnn up.
ml \lul'ds 080501“- ["4l
ll‘k‘t>:i(bu “(é M.) or
\' phi-«KL- nl' “‘ilic' i.»
mt unll tun-fill "I'3"in
e ’lillux'L‘ is a su‘ erli
SAYIOH, and mil
0 engraving are u:n_
' i' L'hr 'IEX I‘LL“ i.\..
nghnsrecrire-M In
tlw religious ounpmu
f n wclzirinn rimmcq
rermnuuendn-d by (‘
untimw. .\a :m (mm
Iflblvndid H'fl' public
5, «11-cziliml to l k» [[l
1M HigmviiEN/Tlu- i
ii inf-hos, mnl is unque
“gr-wing ever rim-rel
'in. tlmt lures nrt—h-lm
ikc'ngru‘inLl—wlm Hm
gfi-Inr which qurh :\
rpm-t, would fail tn
Tire i‘j “VLY "Vi-I
1': of «cx'lhring fur the
lane!“ hm'ml ur amulh
n Wurk ot‘nrt this vn
'ning i 4 \rurth mom!
"as will renJilv ho a
:tinn of it ; lmt the‘n
ii (iii! llistrilmtinn
'lying‘s. of \nluulih- pr
+l4: and hut in Yuri. l
I;:gi‘es.‘lQuinn kl’nlme
1 lQling Lois in York '
Unlunhlc Hooks;
ls. Flour, (wnrrnutc:
iiqu Gilt. Fri-nus t
ilmnl’s Prayer, “
from I’lnjoEngmri g
illirent Looking’Ui‘g»
Helm] Silver “mu-hi},
ikindé of Jewelry;
firutim-“Mnmic, Gull
hilt north frmi] 50 c
ufingn’u‘ing sulil. ‘
hrn life engravings n
i jplirrhusvi’s will lick“
i 'York, I’m, when (h
F distributed in sun!
rs may determine.
:3 a L‘uuunittcc of di
hike: the awards in at
any gSlgllatc.
Th ' Iro nrictdn from ll‘
be taken tin \V‘Fiiih this Gilt iiutL-rpril}
"lonms.°£"alid filie number of engm
g 0“ “'s' hum-Etc be able to have t
if" 3‘1!“ .of by! film 15:. of ”CL, ens
.\lfecnnns, ' are sbhl they will uutify
P 0" SW.“ huvchhc disuihul‘wu u! ‘
‘ Hystencs \rithi 0 v . ,1
“.'"” when This engraving has recei
{liturgh 1“ tion “the Hotel-end C1er
{33:13:12.0 ' nn-l ifdced ofall classes, w
I i ‘ “'I spiri :K .4__,A__ .. ...!
m p
'ismr’s‘ Bul
lu hZ-nu ex
aim! imhnn
(rt-ml il myst
I SLlHili.
C I"
, 13w
of t)
u! I)
Ir \glhhlldc
“'ilnl Ginny,
mun}; q um-
C-n} rymmh' um.
‘fl. In my gnu}
'Q g ‘j'rnm‘
‘ ‘ - ing}
{1 I“]:an \Hm been
\L throngh- 'umni
V‘ _\'n
l m
I. E
\ Ba
' a
E .1323 1
1 f. ‘ [claw
M s Rxglsum" In" ._,'
i _vcuh'. and ‘e:!
"in in my" W:
'0 in rm-nm- :1 flu
lhle remedy in“.
“5, kc; and 1”“)
Kurd}: Inno- ‘tlio
l ‘ tuty by 'L‘hnn'
1 rO.
' “Mu:
he m
> uperu
‘ SVIT'H, , , A
‘ mly genuine “I,“
mm. of "1., fur i
l‘rupri‘L-tnr; impl‘
is Hit: and [flak
: ‘ c-nar
'LE & ‘10..” H 1
h-r. (Sally's-:21”
\Vln. Walt, 1 Ho
H'unplpu; 2 Bu‘
. Hullingcr, (1.0”
ford; John ' 50 I)
:12}? where. L 00"
' “ fl.-
Tim 4
F sign
‘ HH
! Drl
> .100."
8 Pam”.— ‘GMH
J. Clarke“ .‘”
e Queen.—' Fl:
'ng in the ‘A
n.» diseases each
uijL-L. IL _ “v
“inhuman 0“”
m! on. T 0415”;
(1. It‘nill, Wm
My period any
~‘ , lei-til
‘ re
{‘s the Gov
to pmvcut
; AI'STLV ‘1; \x
M. Anus. ~
ouhd em-h
«d Camldu,
137 (.‘n?,)
r, S. Y.
1 cut-luau]
em bqttlc,
e 591
i “#1..“ _
”V ,‘ 7- t N ice. .
quymn LA". JOSEPH UEMLER' ESTliTE—«Leuérs fies
"Mn-""5 7; ‘O. 5 9,, laml-ulnrf ”n (h gruic u! Joioph ”Nu
-3 cu h-r: Izm- u! Mmm‘pltuunl hmnshipl Adams
..........I mm 1 15 “Ulfmy: dun-36d. Ewing hon :muml to HR
..........l UI-jo l w :1“ "Maud, :eflfiaggy 5;!!333‘6» (meip, he
....‘..... 1 ,4" “‘_"}'b}';-'m~ null.uj‘lell§pt~xmx.¢ imldm-d to
........... 99 SH!” r-l-lIL to “M“ ‘immL'diMr pngnwm. and
”......“ 26' ‘ llww h u mg ddmrqfiiual I'lw saw» u. ,m «mt
"f""" 43 ; tin-m Ivruru-rl3(aixlhhn ig‘qlf-Il I'an :ctlJt-xyvnl.
...‘....... l (M m 1 3:. ‘ . L.l'J)R!3;‘i ”Wl43i“, F 3:
...........1 7.310 2on SW“ I'}, 501. ‘A'. _ ‘
l 1.". " ’ 1 " ‘ ' ‘*"
1; 3m ‘~ N 0130.8. ‘
J (.01 Evan _U‘IIMLEIL'}, 1-25'1'.nx;,a or‘
. ’- :'~ , ‘ .tmuus mtiuu gun t‘ln- |~lzlfe ul' "cum
I“""?L33:’-AI m 5 It" ill-ml”, LIN: ut’ Manguljny Inunshiy, .\.lum':
2‘ :5 :n 1 «75‘ :.:3:"‘.-'"d' {mpg """" “'9'!“ W “1“
mm." H! ‘0 65 sameritlbfiu‘l.‘”'m “9‘: name-l 11-\l_dmg in the
..‘T...... 4“ to SI; “. m l: I; up .unl 11” H 4 ll‘lfnt'll In human) .
27 m 32' ir:l 1:“, 'e‘v- hm)" hmn‘m“? “’ “‘.‘Y""“””
......... 4 50 m 4 75 my: -u‘ Farm] [hiya-h, “.'“": xmymdhne pay-_
.. 350m2 75 m mu“? uu~r Inuugclzu‘lxfiagAEln-Althe same
..... . 'l 0(- 1010 00 Hell .3: 1! mm pram-fly fld‘hr‘nln-iguuj !()r W‘-
550 m 8 on: “W ' ' 3 H‘ .l‘.’ ”Huh!" ‘ ‘
.1......1’.£ UU tOl5 06‘ Juwfl‘ 1351 (we; “’33.?” FDR" '
! m [,O 1;. .#fi _l‘ y ._ .:E__... _. ~A€llllrm 1
VI 00' y thlo9 V;
gTu TRHSPASSERfi—Tm- nndunignmnmc.‘
* .'u 00' . b 3: “.‘".“ ”U MFOM "M In tresphs,’
_ 5 50 Ruhr; n} fhlllllg nr huming' on his P‘rmilt‘S-F
1 13 to l 23 ‘ Ir. lhuguhou lownkllifl .\«lliuw munhu Per? -
60 1 sons dufrugnrding (highmicy will he dz-nh with“ .
5” I ncu-rdmg m Lu». ‘ JUP’EflI'A HOUYHIL I
27; June 24.11551. 3; 9 ‘ ‘ , , 9 EU.
....L——— “*9 .G a
~ I sum-r».
~- Cloth,
BA LT I )l() R
' a- . ..T
f 3 53—, Elegtan, ,
. A I c 25 i NOTICE is hereby ghmfln'lhv Stat-Hm”-
_ , cri in the (icltnhurg Water (‘ompuuy
" ' “”"T" 'Uml :m Elvrliun for ‘i\e:.\lxg.nngcrx nt mul
Lhead. Ptfnmlmny wvll h - liolll ' tb+ hnusi- ot‘Uou. \\'.
rctmlly imam): thr - \lrl‘lvllan, in (h-uydm g, all .fiuurduq, [lot- 2111/.
m.‘ the CARRIAGE ‘ dm/ n" Jlmr but. bonny-n tfle lumrs nf2 and 4
*3 business in all its o'clock, In .\I. By urd 3' «JUN Board, 1’
2m any 511m]; in the § 4 .R. “VESSEL!" Srt’j.
«d m ghe sutisfac- i June 17. 1861. {ll § :1 ° ; ‘
nylnruduceluken inf ‘ ~~-’ - 1.. r: w-- m ‘
lr at p'rjirvs‘. . ' ' I ‘7 ‘ , ElB 101:1. ' -
4; 31- FJ\\-\SLM-: ‘Evnn GREEN CE. I'l'l‘l-iki'i—nhx Eh-ctinn
P“. » 3.. fur in l’reiidt‘n! find my”!!! .\lzmam-n of
_ ' “ “ ' “ , Ever Hrccn “unwary ){<~oci#liqn. h) serve for
‘ & Rlfles. {one your; will he Iluldgrn ”162?”! rim; qr .lum‘
ut Adams countv ' 11131., bcmcen the hand 0t [l.]qu 4 o'clock. I’.
( sion i'liitod State} .\l.. of mid 111.133 nt~ .\[i lining-mink Hull, 11l llu'
{ “95‘ tire hereby m- Borough.ut'Uu-uhbnyg _ '2
Pdixltf'LV to the un- i ‘ l). M CUSALIHIY, i'rea’t‘
Ir mid arms are not} H. J. STMILH, Sm-‘y. . ' _ i ‘
i-ne. inch meak‘nn-s I Jllllcul-A', ISM. 1d 5 i _ g
,‘mnmunmalth iro- '— ‘s‘ L 'T’. ’ ~ ' ‘
It)!" in. ()f coiir‘c Noueefii
ein UN: 1195595511 e OHS EPI‘LEMJ)‘: [ES'l‘aiTiL—Leuyr: toe.
$ll tamvnlflry on the mph: qt Juhn Ilplnlcnmn.
ofthoso “ho hnrci late or'Aluiiulh-n towns! in, Ann I: munty, de-
M- received in. the ci-.lsc-1,-Ih.i\‘ing hum iii-untmrtid thL- unlit'F
‘igneilprrniiliug in ‘lilh- sahw township, he
him-I.) gin-s nutice 101 all int-ruins indebted
to ~:ii-i c~l~llc tn make iltnuvdiiaitr [-ngnu-nl, nn-l
lhmc Inn in: claims «Lanna! (Ho inllll’ fn present
them prulwxly nnihcnlivpttml Hnr sN'Hl'mi-ut.
k IH-ZMLY i-zi'i'\s, L'nrutnr. 'i
, May 13, lam. «in - i if 1
i-'- w “ . t.‘*~” *—
; Motice. ii ‘
.\.nvm. BEARS H‘s'r.\fi:._7l.mcra m-
S lanlcntnry on t!"- valaxc pl Samuel Boar.
ilnte uf annklin luimghipd; .\ilamp county,
{tin-eased. having lit-en i’qranliell to tho "nth-T
‘ signed. residing in the-sumo tin“ "Nilipukl' hart
by gin-5 unlit-n tun“ pvb'onsi indebted to sail]
adult: to make i'nuniulinile pny‘nwm, and thusc
liming claims against the ame to preaent
them properly nulht‘n‘h‘yzliwi it?” Honk-nun". ‘
' Htl'llh'SßlL'[., (in. ,
May 13, 1361. 6L .3 . I ’
i Arcndh‘villP—Q
's Mun- : Jicnllrr»
Ir._\h+. I‘rm-kvr and
‘ “Link-In; Em
Ne“ Oxl'urd——J.x
n——Jllux liuahe} ',
: .\luinnjny—Rch
elf; Mt.- Rock—J.
, r; to rinllect the
phnsomlx 013 cc,
(HIS St'OTg‘,
[A'EI'III’IVIP [II-m r'nr
\‘LL'AILLP. l'mwuun‘
[ representing Ike
\ing, and of unm
guch .l manner «5
v 1 or umfnoéé and
Him] out by Unus
e Hngrangr, “I‘M-n
‘ith exquir-iu-ly M—
or," and [lieu follow
|arts of {he payer,
agrm‘cd m the most
'r; thlnho botmm
)1 euruu-d had of
ling the u per pnrt
nuclz. :4ch bearing
JAH'LYI'S. The en
I 9 :flmut ilT‘lmvin‘v
' , C
u-rgynwn of all do
"an it i: one of [3le
miiin Hi]: muhxh‘}:
- 113 mg of :1 prmrc‘r
iz‘clufthc plate i< '2O
tinhuhly thc clump
m l'hic country.
“'(HIM 'fl‘i"l:i)'(‘ flu
fitxrk i< Nfi‘t'uhrcl
rrurv 5| uni-y “1“le
Mmmn _u‘ilh'l‘he
Slkm. in .'uthhm', .1
\‘uln:\hlc::ifl ”
mm» :Iml lwautifnL
:In the Dolhrnskctl
anMudbcd on nu
qu‘xhers iinond in
. p'un'lnnaqri of the
sends. as fu‘Hmn:
ntofilgh, ‘ ‘ .
‘s mtkemarrmz {o:s,}
will Engraving of
Dir 'v of Clirxst,
“5,! 4
cin: Cameos
4, kn, .h'. ,
o 5300* 00 with
i at Waslhington
a named abo‘ve
t not aa Ithe pu‘r—
[purchdsers sc
rcsteul ‘porsons
1| unucr us they
omhle manner
L been received,
} plreudy sold,
lumm duposcd
‘und when all
urchnsers, and
E in: proceeded
ed hejcommend‘pv
, 0 r Hut. cinlona,
n e Let intu it with
‘ .
H: Y. ,
so an Wnnzwr
_ -_ , Notgcm ,1
mn' mnmt's was, \Tl‘ii—Lettcw teem-
QT nu-uury 0n the “rate Mt Joint Manly,
Lute ut' younlplcnmttt to“ whip. .\dums tunn
t_\ . d 1 rmucd, having in PM grutlu II to the under
rlguv-L rt'-illi‘lg in the mum.- tqtnhliip, he bt'l‘c
h} ghl's nu'iu-u to it“ puimn ' hxddbted to mid
mute to math) innuedimte 11.1 mm“ and those
lntvin: glnimsnguiust thi-wm| Lu ['l'o\::l|t them
prupuly authenticated tpr '0‘“t*lllflll.
, DASH-IL NAIF”, flz'r.
mu- 2:. new. at ‘ !‘ '
‘ * Notice. ‘ ,‘
1)]?“211‘ RN‘E S 153'“ .\TEE—Jmilt‘ra tom:-
' maumry «m "10 wt uk‘ mfg Peru-r 125”, km
-0! \lmmllcu mu'nshi b. A£nms¢umflfidawns-J,
hJVihg norm gmnh‘éf tn} Ihr finulvr-quy'd. thu
fin! H mm"! residing: in “hump?“whimlfltank
lin mmufg. 11m] (in) Lht x .umdfiu mid \hnullcn‘
(”\vanu lhvau-Jch} \e "Hum In all [-«r:
>ull< indc-‘IH‘II Lu mlill “MINE“ unkv immo
diur p.nynmn.nml I) luuixL';cll.niTl-:wniu~L
thrsunu' m [lrt‘wul ’lln‘“ ‘lrhpi H‘r u n! mum Alt-. 1
for mull-mun. , WI¥LIA t}! H. HH'H,
L'U KB}. [5 RICE,
‘ 1 II: rt.
June 17, 13m. 617‘
Noti‘ceu' ‘ ‘.,
R.I‘H\RI.F.<HLL\'I ‘a’lHrA'l‘lL—‘mm4
1,) “I‘.idminhlmlinn ‘gm 11n- c‘er ul‘ Dr.
("mu-log IHHIIJntt-ut’ Item in: ian'ushirp. .\dmni
rouuty. .11-“‘ixl hon-y ‘g‘tflnll'd lo thr
Illulcraigm-vl, msulhu in thvfmlue lunaahip,
he Len-h} ghos umh-v hi ul] l‘uu‘w H imletuml
In said “duh- tn nnlw‘ numb-dime [highway
ulyl tlmso h.\\iug \him‘l :uuignst‘ Ihr mmc' m
prt'sl‘lll them "troll-H.) 12nt|h¢lwnled't‘nr $ll.
llHnn-m. ' I). .\{s C. \_I“TH, Alvlm'r.
Juucll),lBi‘rl. tn '1 £ ,
- Nance to Tax-hasten.
NTOTH‘E is“hurch_v gin-w 'hzu‘thc County
‘i (‘ulnlni.~siuncrs will umkenu nhnlcmvut
at “Vi I'HR GENT. upuri 3!] State and County
taxes rtwctlfur me year In“ {hat slmll he
paid 11‘) Cullcctgrc on or refur Mommy. (It: 1:1
day away. Gull-Mars xin la inquire“ (0' cu“
on lnx- myrrs nn.or bet‘uta tlleiabnvc date, and
make {L'Uh abatement to P.“ pqrsons buying on
or before~szlid day, and .1}; film same to the
County 'l‘re:uurcr.mhcr\£se n'o glmtemcut'“ ill
be mane. By order oftlg‘ L‘ongmilsionerc,
J. Y WALTER, Clerk.
‘I . I
.\1uy13.1861. td
Removau ; :
‘Vncn a: cmcx Ranxmmaqnnm
ZhITLI-Ifl has rttnovtfl hm “huh k;
Clock Making l-Ishulrlishl'uent to 30ml: Balm
limore street, twq dugrs nurih 'u'f Dunner k
Ziogh-r's Store, where h‘ Wil‘lie glad to rr-‘i
ccive meantinuzlncc uf Elu- pulronngr uf the
public By ('lnsemtominn mgbusihess, goat“
work, and model-Ste charm-a. hjv- lLquS Lo g'nc?
general snlishu‘ticn, a’sWefctonrc, ' ‘ ‘
Gett}:burg, ApT-il 33, 1501. ‘ I
Change of Time.
. Wednesday, Slay 15; man, the Morning
lTraiu will leave Gettysburg at. [7.40 .\. 81., “id;
passenger: fur all u» conneeuuus‘ Nurth and
I South, on the Nurtficrn (yelltl‘t‘ll'RßHW:ly, and
return about 1 I'. M. The, gl'tnrurwu Truiu
‘will leave Gettysburg at ,‘lJfi, i'. M ; but
’pnssengers by this T’rxnu mu: gu no Dnrthur thnn
I Hnnpvcr the same evening. Returning “ill
1 ranch Heltysburgnbout 5.15 §',)l.,\l'itlr pntgcn:
.gers frnm Harrisburg, l'hilndelfibiu, kc. 11y
3this nrrnngommn pomrmflom the country,
'near the line of tho llmlrdml, haying business
:to trauma in Gonyaligg. can take 11w noon
Train up and lmvu- neurly two houri in Gmtys
burg, and retuln in thv Aflurndnn Tram. f
Ella-QUERY, President.
.\{ay 97, 1860
NI" wife. 12 wnm. To“ “my, having lefl my
4L rew’g-nw, HULL nt'kh'ng 10 rt'sume her
marital rrlaljom‘J hereby (in; nouce that l
v. 11! no lon-gn- he m‘c-minlah!» fpr any f‘oull‘dct
:zlw um; make, Ora-'wnmfl nnyvlpbt ul‘har'a.
A WARNER ‘l‘(l\\'_\'s~'EXD.
LfM‘JIOI‘P inwmlsip, Jum- a, ”6|. (1!.
UMBSTICS, Ticking". Chin-kn, Hum-Is,
D kc .chcap m [’nhnt‘slm-ks'. We have also
n .\ICSLIN banded mxh our own name, to
whi: h we xnvite especial Mlenllnn, nil-i: Heels
by far, any Her offered in mi: market fgr thr
price. .
‘H.\I,‘KEBS.—-S£ewnrt's l’hilaflelphia But
ter Crackers, an article rzuelg' had in [his
market, for sale at H. G: CARERS.
> G. CARR hn: just retain?! a very fine
. nunnmmt (R Gent's Cotton [lona-
Conn: and examine them. -
fl. CARR-plan Coal Oil lminpn cheafiér
‘ . than any body VIM in the county.—
Don t furgeLlhr place, right npgoritg the Bank
M ln‘rgl- :nsmrtmt-nt m‘Misws’ and Children
. bot-s. Blavk and “aimed at
Apnl ‘l‘:
l . - - i" v .... :5. 7* :7211:;i'fi7-::73.«.,
I . . , , , t A- l I A _ .
‘i To Budge Bmtders, New Sprung Goods!
gi-hhilhl) PROPOSALS Will be rrcciml at )it‘Klth hii. nu hnnit tllfl‘“ lot of“ 1..
k’ the Wire Or ”IC“Ulllllllailunersnf Adm” l UVHRCUA'L‘ it wur'nri 4” IW “A ,
guuubv, until Thins/illl. 1}" 2714 'l'm/ 14‘ Jam 1 V U\'ll*lilt'U\li’3‘ :t’ttar :11"?!
Utah, fot‘lfuiltling n WUU‘iliiN ltllllfllil urinss .\men tinttss m ms] ‘ ‘ I ' NEWS OF THE ' WAR- i
(an-M. (mumthn Creek, at; the I'Dml lt-Jillllg ltltl'lm‘n‘l‘t) ‘1‘»: ‘ “‘“ i ‘
from Had Hfrlin tn Harri-hing, near the t'urim-r Sl‘illthl l'~\‘\'l' \Y OOVS‘" ('Ol. li'i/li'urr'Surrnimdm',~ll; smut-nadir ne
plan‘h‘ ,Timfiriilgr :1: in he imiltnmruic mi.» ‘t‘t‘t‘rii ”mg. M“: t. . . 2t'lli-~Gnt‘oriiwr t‘nrtin 1m "Mn uni .’ a
of" illuir" l'atriii, mic <tn;ii,.lrtu :uvt luMK:—- ' t - l‘Ph‘thi h’P‘t'il‘Emr‘ lm‘ M’ "HP-“0“ [Wm C“l~ w-‘”"““~ """h‘M‘lN '0
The-«tone {ni- ”HI unionur. mm M hm! within , ,‘ \ l'\'i\‘“\'l"~"’i“< ”.\.,“ iiiilii‘uiii rlmgiinunt: nuv. ut ('iiililu-rlunil, Mtflin
mt: 1mm”?! ”H llinlpt‘. I” H“. ”mm." ”W of Fullrrfihirhi[ti-mm" Si:iil\.i-l'n_\§iic:l\l (”l-IN": “hich 'hc ‘tutni that it he mu not minfm‘icd
iiliargb. The “i h“! h in he «nintriivti-il of Mm. Much-u! {nJgri-u;pnl< \cf-‘nrdpry'nh' tr} ’(pq \mimrtltzttel)’. he "mm 1" "('n"""]"""" "l "L
“‘N‘TWI’WLH"? . ‘ Fit‘.-., Nutiuné, to I!“ .. 3;." bring? whl :07" in!» Pcllllé‘) “fluid, .is he “(l-i hunuulvd in on in
wand stiet-iiirnttoiifl tor tltc liriilge can hr , clump. t'ull; in hull lunk “a van tfln'l he“, an“ and west.
scan l.) ‘permn; “I‘lllllg m hid. ,on thi- day nt' hm-iug, ‘ , [“"H: mm Rhwulw. l'n.. June 203,9 inrwcngfl 1 .it.
(It‘llllilg, “tl h, Jt‘l'l‘l-“l‘m w ‘J_ N_ “MAM.“ I_,—: / :' _, . .Y ‘ ' ‘ If” Culliflll‘flfllll l‘flflll night liriii’gs infunmitlm
ll’ ti. n: t‘i.nii:n.~.imiui,. ‘ ‘ ' tinlun can at! 0 tie npprouc an" recruit n
[uxu-n, “ms ”my, l-‘ The 9.1.681: DISCOVBI'Y‘ . ‘ ism in Llrg‘l farrg (‘ul.\\'iilhice stnrtiul his lulu:
: JAN. 11. .\lAlla‘illAbli, ' ml “h Al.kl-Inflflmmnmr“en“! ltrnnir mm: wagons “I'm-Ila ”cdrtlfdl'l‘tnll'illt’fl (‘lmun
, t tt'ti. ii. titnngzmgfi n lll‘:lll€:“(ljl'!lhl?l'l‘£lsrrlylfxllr‘ig‘iv”- “still: H 1;. gcil lilDlibalflofi to Use mm. sidn ,ii' the with,
. A mnumi,,iel.or:.n Jam,“ county. i'l'L'i’ll-‘4 M ;j‘ ‘i' 1 9 f} 'UI-H ‘, \”-\' (('i'iiilwrlii'nil,) toi'ivriii: (hi-ir nrri’tiil. , i
Attlcsh—J. 31‘ WALTER, (‘IL-rk. ,th “3. , 2“" 13'9““,"0'" “97'0"; Qf‘tl”*t “”‘l i 'l‘htfv (the sct't‘tlrllm turret “l'l'l' in that tithe
Junk 3, lstfl. hi ‘, Z c 19‘9”)“: ‘oumiwt “.‘“" ”film"; ‘0 “1‘ “ithin five miles. 24.500 atrium. nnrl were Ml.
, 7-1 a H n,, , great unlit).l [ts sncci-si in Rhcniri'atic lllf?(‘- mncin’ Tl . l . v. .»‘
I . ‘ - g. ”‘7“ iownrr, uni) taunt- their
3 Stray Bull. :mu'fi‘fins. be?" h'u‘ww 1“"“"“U°“"‘ l’." “I]." enough to hum the bridge: of the lhdtimu‘c"
.‘yl'l to the lm-mi-‘cn ut’ the shhsrrilier. in 92:? in.- llnmi'dnm‘} l“ u“. ‘l'm'hc‘ ".’”" "0 3“" tlhio‘riiilmatl “w cut» ”m ‘Pll'g'fll’h- ‘9. -"
.‘rnlltlj"! lumishiti. on the limb dnv of “M, mud“; h" Mich-l till ““35".” ""‘l Hearing how \\ «Hm-uhl Nil-"NM“j W“ 1”“ l
.\pril lint, u DARK ittzim’x MILL. 'supin‘m-it hl-orel‘eei'ers' ‘ 1 mm.” ”"15 1’! H. l" MILLER,‘ the disuniunlsls mm“! “ml” and Wren-led i;
in be {built two year: ohl. Tluj hwner is re- Xi‘qolflcfzfle. fllfdl’lslllgll “fugtnfit, at“ “infill: Romney. This ini-ssongt-r hi‘u-igilit it N‘qlllt: I
Wanted to mute h}rxmrd.‘l‘row illn'iwrn', lmt’ (tit; stow?“ - +2 “Mfr."l “”3“ umm'WL‘i from Culuill‘l Wallace tui' all mJtlilimi [U l":
Lhnrgtls, and talu- hini :iuin'. 1 ' - _ 'tl i' ”Mm” ”flunk, hum?“ D~”""l”m‘3 lmt- flirro. ‘ I
1 ISA-AU hIGIITNIIii. ' (V?! ili, Larsenéu aml Tlllel'ln‘l‘vl, “indun \ “.\lzlllSfli’nlt, [uanmw 31,43,119“ llJ‘kjl" t'
.liinll 3 lficlt 3: i I “55‘ 10Tr|lmfil'_\','l'ntcnt ”Ctllclucs, scu M‘- rt'ill'lu‘tl hurt: to mind In ..I;n3'll‘rl111|ll in; 'n n
v--'—--————-——‘-———-—— him-Lug)!- llluc‘l‘lli'r " ‘3‘? {mu‘frifl ”“4"" (‘_ui. \Vultuce's Cutnnmud, um lull rcuilttutlJit t’
MGPChant Talloning! Mixfnig" ' “'fl" ° ( "1;: mm. lfilt'lllllllllt‘ ‘ iiifiiiitiy. it company (If icgular ('ll‘fl'l’f’, Mini :1
llGi'l ARNUEI) has just. t't'ttiriietl from _.: , ..- -_»V_ : _.._.r [ u."_e 3' l ,M' tf- "hml‘m." of ”"mm'?" Tho." “‘1" dtuilfll'h‘i ”»
*e ci[.\"\“i[hu large ”but; 5.131011”. CM, ' 1* \TI It F I 1;; I; D" T'“’ ‘ " on the min to that 1‘!“ in my or tlii'ecjiour';
, t uJiiiin‘eth, Drain d! Etc (.‘iulhiut-re ' ' ‘ ‘ w t? l " 2‘“
llllllYChliU'p'." nf .ill .~t\ lrs : land liming: . Stlu In the Unlonl : l .‘lhrcmr-‘nl qf '1" ~l""!’ "" ”1' rl'l’"; I'ulumq'l'
th'f‘ :en‘it‘u- (Ii ’ ' ‘IiINEIIARI k. fiI'IJJyAN ‘tr‘! lpn‘ 0:210 NLll ’ Th! Strung”) and l’mifion «J HM: f‘windrrqu Fa .‘
1 “- ~ 'l‘ _K 1 _\~ ”p t I . tln- uticixaiuiilut‘tlieir i'i-iinidsiiinjthc pub. m ~ll\n§flfl‘t)“ v. June L‘L-Tl|o pow-mine c
"ml" “to “I.“ [tn-pared w; 1"”- tut “10,1“, gonorn‘ly to' thg I‘m! thiit they hm just rp. now have ;.itsgossioii nl'ahe lines iit ll‘litflrflrll
rm. 5 in 513er “Ill“ mm”. m.” ritvr‘”"“}'d frilln.'tlle Fitiw OFJ'llutltlt‘ll] IL. and than here to l’reilt-rii'k, and the :int- pint um
c-tiillin‘,’ e~l:\l>li.~l|hlt‘lll<. hintingturnbll lfultl'ninrr. will a EXHW A‘“ N'L’llx’ H“ .\S- lilNV‘l ‘0 it"“l'th'l‘Jl'Mll l°‘d"."'~‘ l‘ J
“was Ufjuhh “mm, “wk,“ Mxinontlis, atlllnlßYl' tl" $OOl9B. “h“‘i't‘f Um, (.\. r .\‘cither Cnl. Bunniuii nur thol Imh‘nto smm
in“ all [iron-d mmd‘mmriji iind a H,” bfforuflflerml lit rhi- cmint). t tar) nf(‘ul. l-‘unhy. of “W Slli Putin. ill-Ln, tulu-i
m”, p “Wren.” in m”. ti‘nrlt-Lgn to film“? llatting linziglit‘tlicir unmls fur t‘azh M piiuii- primnurs litipnaite \leliimistmi't )l'fllt‘l‘tlzly h
tit g 1". that me tin llllallll'lsi in XO. 1 l‘fm‘a‘. {IM :1} -t {Lite “lieu thcilt-i-linc in uniny lllt‘ Confademte trimps, haw hot-t} heard of.
. ( iir stink (11-:Holi3 NIH“)! m. ~nr- kinds 0! Lihi'iL'i i~ tittfltprfllifiiflfil, th’e " nre cn- 'l'hc- snhfirru dutcniiiiiccl tn-ilny CY until» 1) .
lin‘qllaliry “7M ”$.10: (lit-ill “j u m“____ nhled i 0 ofl'gr stirh :ll.\ltti_\i.\':«‘ in: n itl¥t>t(.i.f.ll \htgill, nl‘itliis [llw’lCP‘ s.ii~l .to be upruniincnt so *
I’m (“Wm WM.” ”I&4qu ‘. ‘tlie must. etclliluula. If nur t'i-iciul~.‘hill hut ‘u-.~.~‘ionipt, (u hold him n: a liiivtugzultih gin <
t W GliUiKll: LilthlilD. fall and examine qui- \lflil\ “hit-h is Q‘Hldpu: up their pnrpose.‘ The Dr. “it: Very? uit'ic
P 3.) “L tt‘ , ' t .tn every ill-pai‘tiiicpit, “c .13? sun- \\'l- .in gifi'i-r ('Xt'ill‘d in. the tln‘cntonod nrrcst. r,.
, _ , ~ 7-: -La Ellt‘ll indium-mom; {l‘ \. ill until} .1 l'pllV ht~ni fur ’ An «\‘pt‘cxe iiit-asaiigl'r, Whom _viiurcnrifeipnn
I - Unlon Inn; 1 [tiwirtronhim Em.) hrlinlt' u-gllllb” if“ in n ilt-nt <i-ni south of the Piutuiniii li} tlsl'vttifi
lilil ‘ 7‘. ('OIIWIiLL. "f ”t? rum" In". first. clnsa ciiitiiti‘y .‘-tuii- nlll lw fulllltllllllllnnol. Hlt' I 02” Ptlrilluil :iiul wtrvnytli iii' tllq'l‘ntnffl‘lt'vt
} Ih, ('liztiithi-rshrirg Ttlrlrulkin nmirtlic \\ e :m‘ (li'lt‘i‘lll'flll‘d NUT ‘l'U lllfi I'Miltltsulm txztv: .ilnng the .\lJl'llthllili’g illlil \"iimlicstc:
{he'llonth .\lnunhin, let‘u‘ ‘thin nit-thud, unfit-her;- nubilh- ut' the Vii). Mb uiir {noun i‘ ltnlii‘, returns the number :it 400 :tntimmlliii
1,,;,,#.,;¢,rimh um] l],‘i_l,§,|,l;‘.l|l_,t he " Quwk $.60: Hind Small l'uilitu' .\ut :l‘uil‘;l:g ”It‘llltl'k ul'the l‘ulmniic. nmmdtu \"imnn‘iqufl;
FM!” necnniinudnti- a“ “1", may I”- tu iliinr gimilsn ‘ Hunt ltiinlu-r ilill.ii smiill \illflgl! hit.” wily I‘wf
mun" the: hl‘<' inannt-r, Add all. mmkth‘ yf‘Vc .ll‘tl‘tdlfl.‘ [his nri‘ i=iiin 't'n NT! urn o_nr' {not-u .\lzirtinsliiirg niid \\ invln'i-tvr. iiiiil-l UM
{ma Nu 5m,“ “in 1.1. fining“, give‘ tlllluls: furlllt' vlug-grnni-i-inp-iirnrnigmvo hifié ~trnniut Newman‘s station. luurml’ltl‘s thi
limit ”is {flhh‘ nuil L.”- w‘m hp fuund lll‘l'tth‘lrnrt' ré‘ecl‘voil: lultl llltllll‘gt‘ the h ive thfit kid.» 0'" “'im-hiutt-r.’ [flint] tlll‘ ti-iitlit‘tillicss o'.
\"id Lnuil lihlu’tldiiigiindtt'ptiumthle. li_\' ptrii t attention In l)||~in(‘~.l‘. find It igh n»- ”ll“ \iutt-itivnt _xmi'l'mly implicitly rely.E Tvlt'l
ittibling for horses. Ila billy :h‘ki 3 finl‘l fur the intft‘rk'jtx hf hmh iiitr ptitrtni; .inil Hinnsiiiiii'nmi‘i‘ an; in thr i’m'mvtlm‘to vimltity 0
t l“"" a. trail. 3“, Ulll'M‘chs, tu intrrii In ('Olllh‘llilnt'f‘ lil'tht‘ll' kinil “'ini-hosti-‘r. They are pvt-paring: ~tt-ntmual'
. ' i 1 . {Mm-5. thtill “yr 3. .\‘l‘llHV \.‘, ‘ {um deli-nae ngnlu-‘l iin iittnivk' by (Jon. ltultt- .
iN w Liquor Stove. _ 1 f‘uiigct‘. ‘t'l.iiii iinil \lmt‘nmiu it?” { eon" «nintiui. linpm’tunt muwnu-nt.~ «we can
11min smm; 'w....i«i intair‘ml“ Ilu- Pnhlic “1"” 9- WI: ‘ l’nirfvltt Pu: ‘{“‘""l’1“"l3‘l"'.‘ this whimg- The WIN"! min
Q [ln] lu' li.i~u ii'nl-iln Li: iulr s’l“. 'S. r” ‘ .... '' ." '“' _H_. V ’ l 7) '‘m w llnt‘otigh 3' pnsle “trawl" ‘0 “n ‘
“'ihhin 'tunl Stu-«let, (lrtty‘lliirg. ‘33)” 1:1“:Rht , Frwate 88.19 . f _ mm’cini‘nts. and_ know 19:: the line of MW t
now on Iltlllp.‘lf"d will t‘i-ntiifiie {0 keep, foiu ()l" A F‘\R\ly~""rh“ “1h“ Villljll 555131"? 0 I “in. he l", ..‘IIH'IHIM’JNI'Q? Tl". mm‘lmm‘l “a
suip. i (.\Nliitzs. uixs. .\lilnott min-in' and 3mm Hr‘imimm: ‘tllid‘.\\'lPli. din-r: in mm" ““1“" “ dim)“: ‘“‘°-‘ ’ w
utlicr 'liltfiKlrlh‘, ol Him-rent 11-ll'fllldj nml 1:“‘m" S‘n'i Tl”: FIRM “l *-lmx-\“l’i'r'l"”¥.l‘ - , fi" ‘V»
i'l‘iéus. Hs’lolfcring hare “nth-Ida I". (heap “l““m‘ WW”) “if l‘mtlhlin l'll'l PATH.“ I t‘iint- ,Wn'" "“"."1"“'-*I'IIHNIrlhitt m-litivt- fro
”104. he lm‘ h to "Hi”. “ fl‘m. “H”. of l"-“ ltcrldllllIUWIiwlt‘l)“,;,\d;1nl); “mm”; ““3, . rand \‘l illniinsptirt is to the t-tl'ét-t tliiit it Lirgq ""t‘.
tmnagé HE rennin-a hit Monong'lilieln \\’hi~- Im'llwé Tram. liellr‘ltllr‘! In .“lllltllilfl—lur} r. """“"““"'l’s “JV“ “KM" ”Wratlmw "Mir“?!
key thr ctfrbln l'itrbburlei. and can Within-l. it ”I'm“ one milog from m" “”0" l‘l‘ké. The ”"W "“3! “H: “lwmlwd on.llw virfiui“ “‘in"—
pure. I [‘lth 20' ‘35). 1‘“ Fun" ennui.“- t ‘3: M-mgs um! Q’i'l-Zml'llifi. _'l'lii~ inn,» pruhuhly hi: t‘nrfl:tl,(|B( my wért-px
, N'l 1,3 ' .t . _ limit. lll('tl>lln'_ initiiruvml “itlt u. Tutu-Stun “"‘l‘ulll' “n‘l‘md to 3”“ “9’” "”3 “CD9IS!“
flwj Goods & Lumber. lluiihlo 1m: .'I'Ul SE. Ln: 'iiarn.‘ i; ' ‘ t1""‘”':“' ""‘1 ““"“ "“ “1“ "‘W ““1” 3’0“"
l-ITIjR WHHJTZM’. .\ii-niltmlllr. hath“ I with Shed" ”“H‘H'é‘l- ”‘”‘" NW3"; ' ‘ “WT “rum" 01m“ til the ”HIV“ J" rrt‘urfi'int'u
P l‘vt Il‘il'l'u- {ium tliL- cilt‘ u‘ith‘lii lair-'0 .i‘nul ““1 "K 45 Sl'riufi “mum-“wil “I I'}? 57x ‘3 lulinl‘hcr“ Whhlhnfly‘_l Llfmlflnl'myfi‘s/W'ffi
salt-rt. allLfl'k OF llryv (:lIIIZIS'-(;IA')A'UrlL*. (llH‘L‘l‘ts- “7m”. nlrtl'“ 'l‘mr-i‘md ‘1 Young -Ww-""§s "xi'l/Illlm'l’ {ML . Vhfi l
\rt'rc, l Witt "1“, Imm", Shut-4. ”.‘“, “a”, tm-lmri!~ 'rhc lltlilll 5: ul gim‘l midi-i} lwing , v 31.3.10"!'1¥./iininr— m Qllirt,—\._\sz.; '
Trunks. kcnffl‘t. mew," ”I m (For. tlh- _w-llmr r.ultl.; l i ." WM“ \. Juuc '.'l.——-It It.” lu-t-ii‘ov‘c'ecliiixl" qiti-l
m. "I , km; gm {mud u 1“ ”1 i’ttfilTS. RAILS. l’x-rsnn- \Vi~lllhg tn’iii-w llll‘JHupl t'h’fnl’l‘ ro- 1" MW til—allay. . Tllt'l‘t' L 3 imt l'\t‘ll n :01!”th
and Slillfllm‘li aft-n-i-Hont (“I"I'll' nhh h he qlloflcd rpm-all iin Lie-Mi hunt-«. 410, ‘rl'~lillil; iI-lllitll‘ 't'lu- l'T\‘l‘(':.hl\'c hut m-itlit-r fit-"until
“-311 (”4.0.1. [Lf :ttallle l(|\\'t‘~l luittl' irrofitq.~—- tilt-Nun, or mi lllit‘ Amig‘m-u. I‘Pflilllll'j in til-t. all “infirm-Jr) cx‘citi-mt'nt. '
(“V"lml‘ (HR It:- \tillnluut‘itlfvl6gilt-aw. tydmi-g. .' t ZACllj-‘SIHAH .\inltlH, “Whig l‘r..iii thc uiilpml: 6n the thii‘on! -
51"} W! ldb‘l. Zhu ' l” . April 8, 1561.} m - Aflihipm lllniir‘unil’lhh t-vi-nlng “I'D of n fitniiwt'ul chiirn'r-E
.rt “4‘ . - '.' -__, ._ ,l 1477:“.17... - «a . 7.. 4.. .. . it .. h‘r, oxcqitihv that tho (‘imti-iit-rntn ting mu: [ml
t , Lime! lee! ; I Now} 1 the Img! 3 i ~ll?!llutlllllgfih)‘ollrplt‘lJ‘H,[\FlllHllt’Tttu! Sid":
r Will-l litl-svrilwr it...“ .'misui tiltt- M'thn- LUIE rrllE umlvrfl mi. li-i- 'g; ll"l.:l‘ll tlilp ('lir- l‘mtr ramps. TM l'mmzm’nmnal. “I‘dvuflnfl§-Ul
l KIILYS Uf.“r.s.’|lil|ll'lSlit't'l‘lUEt‘l‘.lll('(’lli).l ringo-mnkii t! f -li»liini nt ut‘ .‘ll‘rt'w “.Itll‘fltldi "To nég‘h‘m‘m t” thh mort‘ mu"
leu tall “\llil'. mnl nil! lul-nail‘tcr u‘ltrr) (In said .\vmn'.<. (in llll' u i‘ndr ol‘lll tllTiiini‘i- :inil Elfin. lt- Ml by 5"“: N)” )OMklm’ n" tlw g" “sme
liiisinfifi iit \iiiti Kilt. iniiliiiu .i Pilllniu Uf.lll(' ”‘fi'lfli' “PW“. (it‘lilfli'irg. him-M inl'uiiliq the . ”“1”” nrt- NWT” lU I‘M" Atypl-yut‘ltt'vl .‘"
pntrnn'tgv nl‘thii 1n mu. Hi< piii-i-g :m. n “this. pillilié that ln- \t’lll iliit up my u."Ilt‘t":|ll klwt» ut‘ ““"" “4 ”m” "“ (war ”"M‘m‘t “-94“ "“h" mu
lit-r liii~l§vl i-i:liV and :I2' t'r-nh nn c'rtitil. l‘iiwt worl: '4‘ \RR I l ”lES I“ (“HHS-f SPIIIM‘I < - 'v - - ‘ ~ ‘
r-ttv linulr Shinqami first rrtv Limij "V~‘Un\'-“- 31“} lHr-l Gin him g‘iw ('in-Ligi- '~ - - V'‘ q‘
1 ,jtjux Ethnmttx. titanium: “Mm {autumnu wing”: “it “wk - Pubhc qttce. ‘
:. butt. 6: » ‘4 ,in thu‘ wry lit-:tihmtn‘ninii zit IllOlli'ril“f “tom, T \ch all!" “”"lm‘l ’0 "Mm!” Eh" jm'v‘i‘h
l- m._ It‘um nr umutry Itpro'tlnrc t iLmi in plum)”; ' t'mt lliitti- rll thwl llnlll‘ [lit d 1:} ul'Pliil rv‘
,CIQVB Anodyn ; l Mny in, [561.2 1"“: K. GALL Will-'l. lul. lulu}! :i‘JFm-In‘lt H'l‘nttk‘ ti! Utluil.‘ 4min
il.\("iil‘: l)1“l[’:".—l'uilflll‘ ln “0 lufir!‘ - ‘ ‘ I I ' V':‘” '- ‘ will"?! “l ul‘lht‘ “Nu"! “91"“. V
.t-liing ‘r.-¢ii...--ri.\~\. nu}. ‘- ium- m-eu’ . , 1090 Reward? l =l ~ Lin/1:5 111.119.»; um .v i' , fl
'ly Uf'l'tl lly tllll|l~lltll\‘“¥l‘usc (‘\p(‘t‘l-i “J; .l-I “.\ll) FUR .\.VY .\lEllll‘le-f ‘ s‘“ \Wln‘. * li . 1‘
liruh'l am iu- Anna, ..‘é uiil L'iu-l ‘V 'l'” \'l“' WILL i:\;«'i:i. r'lji,/;i'/:7".5" { ‘ «’itiumxn r‘i,(i'i'ii~‘, ‘ ‘1!
lt-iiiiliil"riii.git-ilii-vlii-i'ixt‘uu“thohiilure Jul/“II l 4" ”.11‘73'l:“~’-—“l,l.i,1ll no {lti‘l'l—i ‘ I (.'ljttt’lcat ' J
littll‘lr pit-manly. lt l: hlclilsnnt to the Mix I'o THE Sax: ”in HM «.in'i-zim niv .\i-‘t't,iv—' ~ ' INNNHH': ' _x' R l
:IIl'Fl.“:|llil:l link .ipplimitihim “ill en-‘v “I“ b—l-‘or tth it], ruriuit'limit-who, 11mm." ‘ HUNW'ZT‘S‘ A‘ . ‘ .
hn’i‘fllht' [Lllll :iiiil ~iiri:tl'i(x~_£', ll’Olll a (lc- :trlie, m‘\""""}i"‘lr§ X'Wlmliifly PM" in fl (' ~Ml‘.' lillillt 'l‘ H— l
IIIUtZSIIEIII-l‘ itltiiai\* ht- Milli} .Intl. rL-Ii- I'i't'k ".r i-tMfiatrH. l'ltiiiti-r'e ('rilii' Ur (ll‘llllp,’ ' 1i (WNWFFf .“'
liiwl ii ‘i~ mar. \‘fhvn th'fi pm” pro- I’ruCted l‘m-t. or' Elm. l:nrn<.- Frv-zh t'nta ' .'IK wv-ll .i: :1 llnn nsmrtnit‘nt nt’ I ‘
[in th - [nun ur i'iuni thi- l. ‘Hl\' :iiound Siunii'ii. lirnifl'fi‘l nilll'l‘lxtlii. Slbl"‘l1'lufltl . :iml l’fiiiFi'Vi‘lliA‘ )XF‘ ri\.\'('\’ SOA‘Psl: " i
.ipparunil) sm'iinl, this ..\,£iiii}iib will fl” ‘iHIHM' (Onllllllint‘s. I - ’ 'in flirt t-wr-Irlvin";r thin 'ivl unwlli‘ futiliil‘s in All,
lilx rt-liH‘ Iry riil‘ilving .i Mi}- drum on. Tfliflllstt‘lu‘ Cut "1 ili tén mlnflll‘i; liztmrlu- stun-k ut‘iti'i'aml l‘imm liimilz. " 1 =5:
l“!"lll“l( It ha: Univ [0 tau-aun- gen- "Ith in fin- tii‘iillill-le. “(alll‘ti‘ltt' run-Ali". It“ ‘ FUR '(‘lll‘l til-ZNXl'Ll‘llll‘liV ‘ « ~ ’
n“ "4"! be“ i" highly :It'flrt't‘iiilcd I.x minutrt Izllrll<llfllfivtl Truni' Hunting ilt l't'uo . l ll:l\I‘ .'i‘ . (nuplrit- :1 durh U' FLUTHS, ("Lg“):
link it I~ ltt' lll‘llll‘l:. . I: minim-4. 'Nt'llrtllfllfli ll:lin'i‘l'lll'(‘t"rill yh-l "mm; .\HIRES, titmtm‘ .\"l l'l'.\iliil-I Full l‘ltn‘ahl
hiy- t‘.illnwilig h-tti-r Ermnfim‘ «3f I]..- ntt‘f. (‘Ullt' curl-«l l” fl'il llll.)lii"i~. 5‘ llllh‘ “'l-ljnfl. n: “‘l'” M UM’VH-‘l- STHt‘KllXtiill
-I)£erl!1-ll put-Ur ilili-ilLi~ fin the buy t‘t‘l‘ll‘wrl in ti'n nliniiL 1~-. fini'v throu rl:)it“\'(:l] ll \‘JIIKHRCHIH‘S. .\'J%"l\ 'l'll'b', .\l HJ'EN-I
'or!\‘: a .. _ ‘ Tin [luflflliltlh'fi . i r' ”LIL". .\i'., {is \\ .1. 1 “pr brought to lii-in Jinnah;
Em, fmiha‘ lit'l‘illl‘ltlt'ln—rl thr-course 1.905%“ h“ ""tl‘hlifl‘ltTt-tl luv "nhi- \Q‘l‘l‘t w." .\p‘ril .’.’. lh‘fil. ‘ .l. 1.. .\‘t‘llll’K '
iu‘licv I ‘lizu'i' c\!"l|-I§L‘ll\’l."St-{l yiui‘ a Smfile l)“ ! EVERYlltl'l'TM'l'W ”24.1511 , N,_ -—' .7. -~ ' 3 *
‘ml'ifnv l“ it'llt miu-ii 1511(‘11'1‘11rifl’ thr rc- ti"- :5.“ ll ‘ TRY? IT’! "i‘in' i‘r‘k'fi. [t'lil:lt New store at Fairfleld) .
15. ""' "f‘ ."‘-_“"'I "‘ IT" f"””l§‘_r‘“ "' i‘" f'" "Tn" PI" ”ml'f- .' ”ii :übii~rilii-r.~'liii\'t- oponml nn eniirc NEW,
lit ti) Ill) p.ttii.i,t,t~. l (IL-mill it but put. I|ie~otlung< “' ' Lnrm'it 0n thh =ivr3l. and lyrforp g “WK Lil" (‘HUIH \l‘ 4J\lRl.“£t n l ;
tyull uf tim lii‘L-h npiniun uhn‘vc nt‘ it )0"? 0"”. only "Fl": 0n }'l‘u't'€:l:<'r:. ‘ - “”- mt} (hm. i. “in“ «it .7 u «l'tém lhl' s’".
,rmmfdiw- Um WWW I”) “"I’Q"t-‘ I‘3" ‘ '“”“"”l'l““°"'“ "“"lt '0 New: 3 “’1- -l-»o .'n- i'lr Tt ml ‘.i~ll‘ “lulmLméivxnl ”W"
l ‘ \i. l.l€\ ETTQDentisti’ "DC “'Mlfl‘d ln(‘\il'l'\"‘ll\sn: film a. Uiti’trfimyd p ”51.; fl .'Alj“ \ll ‘\. “R ' t. nl‘ ‘
Hf‘E 25 ”ssz FBI: VHI" trmclinrA rental Alla d J I. x, : ..‘ . 'igruin. . \u .i‘. |~ .3 iii will": “,3!
i . . .l' L. t '“f “"1 comniglnun- “ill iruto the truth «if the .ilmir ant-rm”! .
,opnrud by .\. l}. k l). SAK‘DS. Drflgt “o'ls ShOMibem‘ltlrwwd tn '; ‘ l I! \\'\'Ffl k gt”?! 1..; ~ ”i
'iruirmt I“!\\'illi:iln..‘l.\'. , ‘ mus; mum-7m & mi,- '4 \ r-1 1— H., n '" .' ’ ‘ " ' :
by Li). lirtiiLEn, Untifiburg, I’4. l ' 123 80“ th 41h qt‘tont. l'hjladéiphin. ‘- . 1113—“ L..:-‘.-Uni._. .. . , . 7;. 7.: ; i. z..a.. t.“ . (3’ . . i
‘ ‘ 7 7 ..n s2??l—'J§£?si.f2£ifl "T": 3"”?! S De Gratn’s reat Electric 011.. 1
' ‘ ' ‘ r "I‘.” ”fl." “11“" “ ‘ 'riii: n \iit'izi, HF Till-2 AGE—For tiuli
ins Furl
nhm‘e n
out hu
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g consid:
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I unzumé
: “11"de 7
' We are
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toppf q!
01‘ i nfur
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Lugge ‘
, ‘l'. E. COOK 8E B'qu . I'm-er the Ewe null ‘gum; of llu- nlulh'nlljr-h-11, 1" '. , _ .", "m" ‘ ‘ w
.\Vll establiclml .'\ l)('lev:|L".\l:Ij. Jung pmsiugflmhand uprm tine fm‘ : rlpl-nl I not ‘ ("“12“”3' “.'3‘ ""'-""'“Ull.'~l f [
Scé‘rr's, fll‘hnmhm-Jlurg Flrllcl. UNUS' nu-erl. M oxtrcrfic trace; “jot. ”man“; I) the l'nre»: l. lemnwlxaln ofian'm n any: _ .. | 3‘;
burg. Flkncllxrifly FruitvuMlUnmui'mntal'l‘rcl-s “:le and («WM the luulh mut- mn~. Fur (.‘"-LN “\‘IMM’ZH' .h-mumd'l" u. ”. “"“MMI; ‘ ‘l‘
nud‘l'lJn Liam-filly (run—pl unleJ Illrrul‘urmlv. nominal“;lJnfllclllxn‘2clll,.lp§ :md 9‘4"“ ‘O'llu- limes (lmmp ll| >t‘!lll.u.ln ln-I- Immm-a: A . h
‘ “EEC-ill alnd' .cc thum—intidlirtum war- ""59: mllltukg frbm lcn M Lluixtr dropfll lmlf (”my Rm.“ “ Hlm'ls'.llrlll~v~.fnn>louvo ‘nyfiu'
ulna-d. ‘ ’ [Not 11:31.0. if . Mlllul)lernt'\\‘ntvlr. Sfi't‘f’lk‘lllfillv ' , (juro:'llu.\dm.lnc, WPEBWMCL ‘
‘ ~ 3‘"“ ’ ' \ ' . ‘ ‘ ‘' ‘ FPl‘l‘rmllinullfinrl‘Tlnn.ll,lql:l"l'rnm tonic, (‘m-ea ”fr-"lilo finfll‘wk' 5’5”" mm "3315,“
‘ Lancas't’er ,BbOk Blndery, AM"). an)!” int?! halh'. I)“ “I" ‘r “r in 3“ exu‘n- (turw l‘th, haslll'tl fulfil-3h. LN; digs, ~ ' ‘ w
l ( l‘lUlllJl‘} “KANT, ll _ ‘ml \mrm \mtvr: llu‘rlle llu- 'lllr'mt MM} and ( urcfi‘l pl‘mq‘ _Lro’keu B may. 5"“ .Rhfum.‘
I ‘ I: 0 0A" 1: [ILV 1; 51;, hid-lannflamml.‘ Furn’mu:.l-)..-.nlmumnsm.‘ . 1‘“ "' m “"5? "‘ ‘ "
.u‘h umuzaaonz; \qu r .rrrfirmfi, '33nmlgin, lmmi‘ [Ln-L- m Shh. Imm.- rum” ““1, ( ””9 {izu:1"l|“lllfiz”y. l‘t'lrUfula, Mum“, pl: 10‘ .
1 .ANCASTE‘JL PA. 13: min ll'l'lmd itu.l'ru'.l:r.l;l. Lil-fie In! lhuilh . . " ‘. l. «. l. .‘ V
lllm'n (+l4 Unlumtnlnl 'limrlmg, of MN) dl‘-, Fur Hume mlS'fllezrpill‘l Balm "u; (Tune-JR mid ( "rl'q l3m=twl J o"‘““‘)( lull‘lamt, "9"") thtco'
lacripfiun"“mum-ll Xu-lln mun \nhfiamhl aml, two of \rnlvr nu'l lluur, lu nuke a pa-lr'. Tutu: - , My“: .- ’ I 'it A
upprovudin‘yll‘s.‘ :, the burn. mu. ,1“. ‘ ”m.‘ For (.oth lulel‘rmu (mm .\ rut; gull ln-u-r, .0110. to lan .da‘t mu!
\ ‘ 35’3R5V‘755~ l ih'll “0 {any lfrnps lln lmt “.llY‘F—.;':1’l:llll:(' llm , ‘"H 'luni‘lf-“lml “rm-"hm“ th-uhurb, l: l
‘ RWY. Brtlwn. Esq” [.‘”th Uduk rnyum-hterf bowels and “may Wall "mm!" In llm 11“,” (‘nrm llr-nl'm'wn .‘“ nnq to lnul4- day; .l ,a .
"- lu‘l'Ol er, :HW ‘ [.:lm'mtvr (gum?) Bank llhe smaller ddse ils lul- I hilllx, "y ”mi u“, film"; (urn; hll Luna m Im- llmik, “wast, bu.f 1} IWO
lSanlnol . hock, Eiq., (‘ulumbiu Ballplz. ' for agulls; MW} iccflr‘ling m .ugcknutl cillr‘unh; ' a“) i' ' il' 31
Samuel \‘algyxe;,l~;s.,., ank Bank. l stuncea. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ; ' W“KI-W7.""WP-"I2"““,“E‘TV‘” "m‘
A “‘illiluu “ugh”, Esq... York o|qu Bank. I Culbcrt’s Balmlin Gilt-ml i): lmrmlow, ‘ Pal. ‘ ,‘ _‘ m M"""“d"'- Y‘“ ' ‘
.T. D. Car (In, Ea.“ liduk 0, Gull}: .urg. ; . hell's Balm in 'Gill'ndl gixm «Ellle‘n lim. 5 Pml‘, Dc Gully» llmr Q“: f“)'~0lll:lll\d M.‘
Peter Mart-'ll, 3“qu J‘rotln'yol‘llmwuatcx c0.,~1”.x. T‘lnsc wlu') lml‘n «Nell l'mlm in lint-ml l\ ill r‘l‘“ kw“; '7‘“ “"d 3“""24" lrom 5!" 'E‘Wf‘ "Ml
: Gpol f). ”L“ tllnru, Erq ,lltgislu’ I“ h . not lno without 3,; - ‘ viulo 11, and was Lumlly unable to fix.“ wldfl‘fln:
{Gt-o. Whilsuu; l'lslh [{ururdlm ‘“ h 1 Agenlsm‘autml. Fhr ln‘rmq mldrr‘ée ‘ '“ Acml'fl'v “,le by uuc .lpp‘llmmm "f ’0'": ‘
! :ler strxaw. . 3 l P. .w'. (‘Hlelr‘l‘ a: (‘O.. 35:3“1’” ""11-"‘f9““,1“.“’“""'“;f'-",°:"‘id'fifgf'l
;——~~ -~ »- ~ ——.—~.-§.-_~_*’ VO. 1331.130.” ,5,” --.. v. 11.. nn m m :wflw" M 0m!“ Omit,
l 1 Bay Rake. . ‘ l‘y. Bu Urdu" geultlu‘ llxlfgijlhfirrll‘3'pln'll 1)!" W 1“ finVl*ll.ffilnl:.)€ln2 hm? 'lTeVel’r» “‘l‘
l SHEATE' kl BIEEHLER have on hand Info. ”18 Unitvd Slntcsfm dh'e allogtusl nutiub. ‘ It'ommend’your gal tn "3‘s“me
Jinl- u ,n‘ and mum mus “ma. April 2:: 13421461» ' ~ “1”" . 9" . 4 ' "
Hull \m :6” {ll.lva rules. Thi: Hi It line up- _ V " T . ’’ "l ‘1 i k . . I‘;§:{.“\R‘\(K‘n' lilflbv. 11.
l Pnrmxm.\'lfmFutmers lo sl-curc n. \‘uluublelnlvor Grain}! 'Graln! . l lmmummfl‘.“ .\eurnlgm. ““1 all [mun culed- ‘
[and mm- Baring implmua-ul. ('all mud look kt} ”E e hccriM-r will roullnfl’m ynr.hssing, "'1 “met“! ““5 grentflhl: , . " . .
3mm ' [May unisex. :r s _ unkLis'omnntm-x...z hiuddzta‘ndon flfi'fié:r‘g‘;§,‘fj‘l‘fehbg’fid ”flimfl'lm" “an
7 ~ ‘ ~~> - ~— 7 -- -~ ‘ ('thlwrm , ‘ r, --,.~' I - ... ~‘. . uA . , ~ A. _.N mm; m rxcu mu :5! i:
I New Goods! gazilligfzts, 3.1:: :3“; Maw «a
IFAHN‘b‘THUK manlzus ngw ju:L ro-‘ higlnwt murkm pun-m“ will he gin“. , . »h"‘:v'- “o‘l,"ll':24"Pg "I, ”ium-mm. "I tore")! .
l n-h’éd and are nuw opcnim! is x lu-up and WI “ill “I"! I'hntinno "‘s' "lmffanand "rm” puhlw {gnaw-Hangs} "I.“ the": “Wm“
idt‘iiruhltg n4...)rnug|l[ m Spung ‘uumlg, lo \'.\Rll£‘l‘\ .\‘Tnlll'j, m... will Map rhuatnnrly Chan-(‘9 of pnblw mshmyom lur Lhr :Il‘k'olhl ‘
l which llm intuition ul‘ blurry u (ppm lfully fun huh-l Crm‘mil‘t 5'4“, (Ml. Fl 11. radar-mum: q'lm‘flll?.tl'l?bk ““11 ml" [he ”lei-l ullfiflfidtl F
tnmilrd. 'l‘ln‘ir Mock vunqui-cJRU lhe lawn l'l'." ”0W“ ("'"fr‘WM" “0‘1“" ”WNW :Y" -- lu.‘ rfyH.‘ 1h". inmylr‘ "m“? m ””31 “muff".
rum! mn‘t ups-mud “flea and [mums ol’l'rezs '“H‘ l'“"““'~‘“ 31‘1”" 'l W ‘ A“. -"‘ 3 “‘l‘ d"‘“‘"“-‘ ”'1" :1” '3‘e"'|.r’: firth") (N ”HIM" Md bu“ r
“:“o'ls MENU“! With Ih-ir unmlJHrmlnmm of H! In .wll as I lu-np :r thr . Mum-1 V CHM“ “It“. “l I’3” l lll‘l’l’" “3""?- l‘qlh '4
[s‘3l]??? Dmnl-‘lll‘ “and“ slid: :lfi (- Illlml.‘ fall In- JOHN HI'UX‘T. b.‘ "ble [mulmnnrra “”1 ‘h' "”‘ml """5 4:1: .
{plus} ullluhu mg; xznur lhl‘lu \Allll [ln Ar pu. ”Ollyilmri' AMI. 'l, 19nd. :Iv':‘7],l‘h‘mllxitfir‘3‘li ‘3",srlifqlli‘lmf $133,711;
Hronflm‘. ('ulluz. ' -- u' -‘ ''~— ' "' ‘_" ‘” "'—" _~“"' """ ”“ ' .“U "‘ = l ' " ' " I‘ ' "
{and 5:183 ~m,,.:.,;',.,‘:"d m ”mml‘mmf‘" A Ready Market. v ~ «:1: mus urthcr'nmgnn.“nunmpiuunjqu3
I ‘ 1 , mnxxswvx mm’nmm. 1‘ ’0 (ll ( lsi'sums gums w wr. “'l': u1‘;:J:‘ll::l:r'l::-l'llt“1‘1“thtrillll‘lwllllemg‘fré"
. prl l, ldCli'. ’ ‘ . )) ‘1 1.-“'c. xvé {Au-If lllc W .‘“. ‘.‘ ‘ l’, I l . ‘
l ——'*_~*~ ‘w- ~ ~-- - lmnw lately ovcu led by KllllL‘fl-lll’j‘, Bouln ml" l'U'l‘ unnmtakmbll' "M “h'f'l‘l'M-v‘ “qr!- ‘
1 New Spring GoodB ! ’ E ('o‘, with a dcxfrmiuailon to p 11) Illa-luglli-t "”1? .fi‘." lmndml "L“‘f‘m'd hmlvi’hm'a he?!»
I I" soon & my, oppm-ilc Eagle ”0111,, market pfices {urnll kind: nffirnln. 3w Wu; 5010 m d W." "W" "rm-'3 sf”! Pruymrum
, A . Gettysburg, “111 open this dnv, a cheap find us cnppl'wl \\ uh I’LASTI’JI. Cl’ \5O ..f to that-1 “1‘" ’3‘” nl‘her': "mm-" 1""? "o 'h“ .
laud desirable stock nf Mznmnnldc ~goods fut all kinda URUUJHIE-‘l, \Ylmlusule Midland ~lmd "M 1 [L lbul u ”3‘ smnmlul “"s“"“l‘w‘
1 Lmfis mild le‘lllflnrn' will] _; {"11 fiseonment LUMBER, NH L. and Hex-3' Mbur urxfcle m o'.” f‘ “flywlm'” “"l‘"““"‘-’"'~'“ln “Ml n“‘h'“lfl‘k“
{of Dumhfics. kt. kr. Wu “I.l.l.llimpéufully line of busincsr. told at the‘ luueat plmsllllv 'x ’wns “"7 ht'mre.prvlm{fd‘ . .1 .. . ‘ “
,call am-ulirm to uur Mock, “h;- l; u.“ be :Uld rams fur (‘in.h. l‘nll and «mmfimour stuck aud‘ “.'" W.” “”3"”? ” ”Wm" (M "' ill-of.
1“ the 10WP\L pozflble [311041. a iprmt‘i hr-furc purl'haling (IN-when, . W‘ “NW " “luv.“ If” ll“ {Mt} u! :3“ ‘l’lu-§ r 65
3 ”mm wnn’nnd examinel'or j’unrsnlvoc _ ‘ lllEllL. musmm‘mwr a ('O. .1‘!"’"'“'"" ““31““ ”‘ .‘““ “WP“ ~‘“““f~"".“
‘s'!) tnmblt- to show goods. l l: April 22, 1861. t? 1 ‘ m. wluflnsnle 9""; ”(ML “‘ _u’” Pray-3gp”
' - A, SCUTT # 505'- “W”, _..... -~*—<-—<—»-'~—~— ..-~__ :mu 0-2 0f the Agent. Ptlc‘e 2.) WM». .' .: ‘
l Alll4]. 5; 18.21-. J AMES, at H. G. C‘nrr‘s is the plume 19 get “(I'l Sl yer IN-lh', 3” 5- P‘l , i‘h’fi.
,___. , ‘1 '_——.-.~___.__.__.._.._ ' (flows and Gauntlet: nf nll kiuda'n-ry dclnlli“, l‘rim-ifml WW"!- kg»- s‘” 3'; w
g was and Gantlnmeu. a: u. G. (‘nn’s is cheap Call and sxnmifiethl-m.‘ so mum.‘ Sin: 27, Im. 3m “*4?“ “1]“
1‘ the plug to get all kinds nf Prrfnmery, to sum: gnodn. ; ' . {3mm l.—-—-—-—-—’7¢—~—.——~— x. 4 ."j— ‘
I'vnry cheap. . [31,711, =- _ ;._ .__'_--.—_.._J__lg____,.__x '.7 A 1 (l. HARE. 11311:.“ received E 131; -_ - ;.
~M -.‘ ~--~~~ ——'~— ~ ’~3—c~—L i 7'" s'“ ”M's Spring at)!“ of, mu and . ml." at Philadelpgm a wrya ,1- E“. I;
‘ '|_<[’|‘[\‘(‘.', L'.\llll.’<, Envelopes, N 01», Lem..- , 3 Cap: L’Oper cent. 'lonrvr tlmn usual pr'rlzm mum. uf fancy and pl.un (Ilentlvmou'i ' I_
- and lfupl'.;pcr. lustre-~9ixcd .n Sl‘lllf‘lji S, .L l ‘R F. .\lcllJll‘ls )"n‘. Tica, whit-h lu is selling cheaper thin "Clay ‘
fuiVIOM , 4 40274 - rwksr+ ve4rovit,:sll.:l4.
u ~ ' - ‘ . '
fifivmwmmwwm 52-; wsvmwimwwm sam can:
1 . - ; ' , - ‘ x , .