The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 24, 1861, Image 2

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    rill WART
I: Iv, ”0'"! qr'l/n‘ .Vl'. 'vr'n NM” Tun/1v I',”
fl: 31m?! urn/«T ’v‘d'o, Irwu “4'“ Loni-1‘ Junk
199-12 is rt'pmh-«l’hwrv Um! lIH-[L {Ann I.“-
gmmpkmiy rump-i the ‘StMu {rm-v.l .1! Mom;
31%, kIHllu! 31W “Hi taking MY” pri‘nnvgq.
Than-Imm. h-muu-r. “vi-«h mnfi: [nation—-
than. :m- "mu-mug“: Aw uLmnm-I it‘ truth
pr'éakiiyvnl er-la-ut‘ tn thr-mt 10,21,34 an
‘in" with “mt :puxh-r H «m ufi,
- 50: Imm. Jum- If) - -Thv 1.1.01], nfn but»
1‘" M “commie.- in t’lJDfll'Hk'l.
- The State '(mojvz hit-ELM“ mmplntr»
ly‘dt-fomml by lhwl mun] NMM trmlmun
-3301' (‘wn‘ Lynn. ; :’
:I‘lzl'én hnndu-dfiido troops wan- kiHml
and Hm n‘sk' di“})¢:'~wi. “w". 15300. their
mmrnulq‘ .n’ui fitL-NI doll: with dim-rhwa
if! llléggi‘gimnngug the “um“, um! curried
“If"? 7 ‘2 '
lgh'iv. Juu-kcnh find inghrimbly. _
Jefl'emm "'uy. Jam? ‘2“.——,\n :Irr'n’n} from
flmwilb rumor“ 1511:“ not nycr (u "my Snip;
Imps ww-P Milt-drink?!“- x-vénnt {nulef EH
“any k)“. nn imml-nw 11" mm'r ru!’ ur‘lm,
mit‘mm. Hllro~.~ntc.. whirl; la]! 3.1 M Hu-
Wl» or Hm l'nTtr-«l .\‘nmm trgfiwpz. ('n‘n.
l‘ricellenigm-d lug'f'nn- tln- lmtt‘ly common
cod. 7 [T \\':\n (hogxgln (mxf Im-kmn lmd
'g?nne int?) Alknnw INtPl' him dcfo‘nf. It i;
mpposod thnt (ht; swordmnwl» will make
InoghPr shunt 2;! gr nr-nr Lo-xmarrm. They
are mm unnmnuflml by ('Ol. Wuightmnn.
Mite of thr- fink-rll4 m‘my. Gen. Lynn had.
W‘gkillga, _niue’ “inundml, and mm missing.
» , r ‘ ' Ag TON. -
”loin i'xl/11/A/ffrlv gl/{tlrl‘l’l 111/ filly [ ill/1971'“.
Tllsl7l:i'fllji't'p'ulls/31/46 . lt'huu.-\V \' [TI \‘ll‘l‘liX,
,lu‘ I: IBf—An (an iigelnrnt tun]; llL‘K'l‘ ln~t
16,34, .'”"! thi- Ltni’fhm htill'mUL in Virginia.
i‘ «’i +iuzblteil lulu-4'); in wow], opt-‘nt-«l iil'l'
p‘n‘ train-bf var» t-nntnining tour linmhwl
(”fine Ohio Fin! , t-:;;iilil-Iit.77nl. )li-(‘mulc’x
“ vita-{ore then-m r. cmihl rally, ~e\ t-rul lmtx
#Ci’irs tired on the il‘fllll in :ut‘co.~’~ilm. .
‘ At least eight 0 1 the nu-n Mort,- i,ill,:tf, [uni
several wnumlml. ' i
.' Some 0?, llw'ln‘iillctl, it is believed, are
let} on the “0111; .i f
‘ )t'is reported tlfli the hattm‘y is mannq‘l
.by South Camlin.‘ troops. i . i ‘
‘ Thd Ohio n'izilin-nt Wm tuiwn up in the
"tminqar the l)lll‘pii~v"tif pr: uniting tho. t -l- i,
iffimllmc corps. which in cijrglhig' the “ii” ‘
3,,1 onthe ruml. , ' I - J l
. They went not tunic of tho ext-‘tonoeiot',
i the battering, “’llitjh l 6: 0n liilis nnd 1H tiiie'
winds. The Full}. :li t‘ul‘ces, nithi‘ing =ufli-‘
_3 refer tto r'umtge High “ork. rqtreutc-d. ' |
(59%! 4am" «y H". Enquymurut._wiiu—i
\(i'ms. Jinn“ INA—The lbllun‘ing Itin-qmtieh ‘i
gnu rtAm-ii'iiil at a liito hour hut iiight, a“ t'eL- I
my; 11 from the at up : ,
- I ."&'1.i4..1.' fi'uh a win—“ Wile“ ramp with
six’ lun‘nl'rctl 21ml 1 xtyeighi, rank mull tilo',
\uwmjy‘ninei iii-ht; liltl mnnuin} oilires. in;
pursuance of Lien; \lrlhnwll's (Irtit‘i's, to go
upon this (Epoch ion, “ith the availuhlv‘
foieufil‘ one of my regiments. L The ltogi- l
I fnhnt srh-utud heing'the First Uhio volnnfi
keen. "\\'o left rompnnim I fill)“ K, with an!
L ziggregnu of hthlion.ut tho €11)»ng of the‘
full“. ' ilk-3t“.pl)i..ii3:lljt‘oi.. \kith two compa
n-ies'of '11: 1110):. than tob‘ull’sftlhnrdi, an!“
to, imtrol the maul}; it” limb dirt-i-tifm. Sta-l
tinned two compatiiih it! :nnl r «1.35 than, t
lo'gnnrd tho millnml and bridge hotweoni
thip grossing nml'iVn-nnn. We wort-911ml:
”lowly to.\:icnn.uiwith 4 minim-ins: Conn:
. 1:1in 1‘). Captain Il'utlflock : Company C,
‘ilieut. \unlwurtl. titri’hrdarjoinml hv Hip-i
tail! Pen-:0: thiniruny ti, (Ltpfiiin liailnyz‘
Company It, L'xtptiin liln/Jett, being a total
13f 275 men. 1. " l
‘ "UH turning: this curve slowly within a
“uni-tor of-n' mild 'nt" Vii-mm. wg were firm!
gfiqgthyruking nirisked batteries, ot'l think, i
‘ “‘69 gains. with shell. rouml ~liot 11.1 grape. l
killing-land mum 'in: thr mm on the plut-'
from) and in this; rs before the twirl cuuhl -
be stopped. i ‘ i
“When the train stopped. the engineer
'. could not. on nectmnt of damage to {omei
‘fiwis 011,13»: Jju‘nnin'g max-Jtinéry, draw 01':- l
train gilt of the fiic. The engine being in
the rear. we left the cars and retired to the l
. right ntullLAftnt'thiqti-ain through the woods. I
7 "Finding that. the enemy's batteries were
sustainqd by whntia’ppenréil to be a regimmit
pf int'nntry mid ‘liy cnlrnlry. which force
- ”to since mid‘ér'r-thod to have baen some 1.-
500 ('ar‘nliniuns, “it: fell back. 9.104111: the rail
-r(md, throwing out :skirmishi'rs on both;
thinks. This wnsgulmut 7P. M. Thus we 3
Mired‘islowl'y, baring off our woundml for‘
fire miles to this-point, which we reached
.115 10 h’cloqk.‘ I _ ' ‘
“ .u‘bélhiiAliliXS’fiiH-‘ilpiflin llazlit‘s Company
ML—Jl'wo- known {to bu' killgd, 3 yijoniided,
5 mining. hi ’ ' ‘ ‘
. “(331m Bailey’s Company G .—~'l‘hrce kill
ed. 2Jromuted. 2 iuissing. '
,‘ "Capt; Pad ‘3 Company E.——Dne om
col: slightlyavoun ed. - ‘ , .
‘flpt,Ten.sen (1 Qiiiissing. .. ‘ '3
t “The en ineer‘ when the men let! the
mu. inning of rehiring Slowly. (H lorderod,
(letatchodhia engine with one pmsenger car
from the rest offliiz‘ dinghled train and aban
doned nan-uh ning ioflfxlexdnfli'iii: hn-Inclmye
erd nhqthiig'g ft in' him since. Thu: wr
wart} ldpprhéd nt' rallyiinz point. and oilnll
might of awampqmyiug the wounded who
* hm} tights carried nn litters and in blzmkéts.
' ‘f‘ifi‘e wait here holding the road for‘rein
iqrcetnents. The {enemy (lid not. pursue _us.
“I have :ucr-rtniiivd that the enemy’s‘form
'B} Fairfax C. 11.. uhout 4 nine: from hora, is
‘pow about 4.01 M). i _‘ .‘
' "When all the hath-rips opened upon us 1
Main; they was-ht his station on the fore
most‘p'linit‘urm mr (In). Mct‘pok Was with
me in min of the ium-songer curs. Both of
thepe ofiicers. wit others of the iCommisFi
signalofiicers any 33‘ “‘y of the melt. behav-l
ed most coolly undnr This gaining fire: which
\wo could not rethrn. and from bitteriesl
‘which we could not flank or turn, from the
paturp of the grouhtl. i
“The approach to Yieimniis through 9.!
(1001). long rut in the railway. ln leaving l
7 the mus, and bcfmte they couid rnlly. ninnl’i
my men lost hnversncka and blxmkrts,‘
t. hrought‘ott‘ all~their muskets, exempt".
i mist be. a few that were destroyed by the .
. enemy’s‘ffitst fire, or lo<t with the killed. 1
‘ _ “_‘ißon'w. C. Scnrxcx.
; ' . { "Brigadier General.” i
Further from. Um flaunt nf fichnn.——ALi-;x.t.\~ i
A‘DRIA. «lune lik—Thtatmin which went to the ,
11650? of the Ohio tit-oops. containing the l>t g
infi’lnd Connecticut regimente, proceeded.
u (anus! mile- tifiis side of Vibnna, wherel
thev thet the rcmnmné of the Ohio troops. l
at {our o'clock this'mnrning. 1t amass“
. 11180th the engine ictt last night and nine—
tega rounds were fired, the rebels mmle no
, further‘denmnstration and the Ohio compa
aflmhed. ‘ '
' Accounts from Airlinztort “nights. today,
fly that Gen. St'lli‘lll‘k i~ now tlmrc. The
:ftmk’iu‘z- party urns from ( ‘cntrevillr. and
i 'is confidently thought they lmd no nltvr
'imfia ‘ of M) Yttaok u‘pon the defences
to? 'kity.‘
orNewf Creek Bridge by the
" § Conipderates. ‘
4% h s'; June; lii—The (Kmfedumto
Sm- “agg Romney burnt the railroad
lE3; Dyer {Lew Cteck, twenty-threw mile»
‘weit‘of Cum ex‘lantl, mrh' 111 i: morning,
:1“! marched gm t'p ‘ Pmtlrunnl. five mile:
W?” est;;}7hlcll plane tlmy now hold.
.3“ t£gmyh an‘rc: 0:151 of Piedmont were
legit hg-finnfeeermfeb. Their number Ls vari-
Wmted aii‘rom two to four thou-«UM,
' V {’3s givelg at" thnir appl'fldch tn the
’tqflrgfiflfiLflm citizen: wow propuriu: m
:9. 1161’! our igformant left. All the,
ngag [otha_Bullilnm'n and Ohio
_ 'depauy-five‘r/u fired up and 50:}:
* GgAmv,Junc lg—«hfiurmminn, thnng’m
Itibf'wiiblé, gags thu fil'wT-n hund’ficd
(1‘ ' ’ ’ ‘ "crq‘lyfj_‘are in (130 neighbor-Imm]
.0; . '4:me Willléppi, any! that, a!!! attacß
willifw a!“ like 19m:- ghee. ‘
T re mg’hé anw‘lfqt .that. file (,‘on-
Ms“ ‘ I} flirgmmhave be'e‘q
prgc‘yiifififls‘wg “9'3 W 11 grand Imm,-
• _
!!,,,,, f ;,..: ..quite Illellteil. Ile cedo.m,l fl no IS
,;111 lA' final .c.i any einer I.o', and large
iNi.liforeennti,lts will proba y reach here n l
a few davit.
t ;It t1 . 71 - IS, June 20).—Th IrepArted taking
of Piedmont by the Co etieru te ', IP l, r 1 i• - ;
1 i1 ,.. t: 0 ` , to Le 141%. -. ., Atter b riiiiiig t Its bridge
.11 ,e:ew Creek and euttin *Omit the tri,te
graph wires t hex retreated its tile country.
It i.• . uill, however, filar's- ~ ge inree.'in :ad!
in that neighborlioiet
Tl..' guard at thelai it*, , al , oturink,ottt,
' m a de their'eseape. Itu . of an 'until.: ap.
Phillippi are ..till rife, bu , iai ailvanc; t i .i,
been made. No reinfore Meta, ‘,l it..leral
'ti bops have reached here., , • '
77.: 10Vrt . Id I la: I , r•S fillea if loi I( ' AIM, plll . l
(~, i • 0 111 f do r, Pao it, 111 .. . .4-. 0 elle' . ilk. .tune '
Is.--The .wee at Ilagersto '•4l :mil Williams-
, tota l, totdvs. Uen.Caaluall' t. comprise-41M.: •,
1 Pennaylvania I.t. 2(1.:',(1, 7 1 ,11111 and 2-li i ,
, -ennent., together with tic bd. Rhode
Wand tlyiplo4.4l, two reg Moots of U. S.
regllLit'S :ail 7 IN) I. . S. vas . : inf.
--45ellidest in this form' tible body are
t'. t. Deubleday's corps aid Mr. Mullen's_
, eoutpany of l'hiladialphitt !Fors. . ,
The portion Of the fore • - deli forded the
I river at Witlinntsptart were der command
of G e n. Themea., anti c0,.1 rised the two
regiments of regulars and ,/,lout Cu° ut the ,
Rhode islanders. ,
I The men wailt,l throng t stream gen
erally tip to their hips in vil?er. and neva
sionally up to their arms. ,Their passage
' on the ocea.sion is said to 1 04. c htFen a very
fin rata log nn r 1 spit hod spec acre. The men
' 41.vliPil into the .tr!•tuti, inlging, " hixie "
, and other popular ear ai 5 svitli great out
,am I entiiii , ia , iii. - _ 1 i
i - •
' The new of the expecte ! arrival of TIM
! toil State-ectrome, here to-t loirrilw has pro
duced general excitement.
(:, a. Job "1).. n
. 7 , 1 rn x, ,la 474,, , Mira rill
11,11-1;,,1F1N fir 0.11: i /;roll. /n i, ( ',f, br,i/ bo 1, r.
' 1 farper' , Fern', dime 1-:. \'e have Mfor
' matiou here that .ati-dries lc that limits/
l o hn,on is attempting a ill Pri`l' of tiven._
'radwallader's foreesiit Or it :11i Mart itillflairg. '
-Instead of going to Winel e. or. its it wa.
! thenght, he has turned wit lis apparently
!retreating three ,i . t,,, , 1ii. i 1-4litd, mid i,
pressing on towards Marti s lire with all '
dispatch. ex idently desi e n II , if p o ,,,iht e , !
I , o .iirpri.e Patterson's ad% 1 n e corps under .
; (it-n: walholer. - - , i
J(. j. J I(, 1ire,,,, ,,/ -.1 (1.... 1 '.l‘hcalla,ler's !
' (1,,,,,1.0,,,1 ..1/70).. the .P;if.ii . li , ' WV were ill-1
formed by passenger; fr o m i - oxville, nom. ,
Ilarpee, Ferry. who rearli. I taltiinbre last 1
night in the IVe-stern train, ti at it was cur-1
rently reported that the fr. mitt troops, un-
I der (ten. Cadwallader. whe eti•=ed
m the Po
i to:teat and near Willi:; { m •, •t v d„taing la:t
isfiturday mid Monday into. 'higiiini.. had V, -
tiled by the riser itdo Mary hied : '
. under the belief that Gel .'
biliii , on was
moving forward in large in e ti. atbick •
them. Tltis information i: :- id to be re- •
j e
liable. ' •-•
Military Caution at Was Ington- 7 -The
Confederates Extending hir Outposts
from Manassas June ,on Towards '.
.Washington---The Gtive , sinent on th,a
i Alert. . .
, Washington, Tune'_(;,..-- ii ri caution is
exerei, than formerhi- it 'spline ii , .....
,jn c , isii the Plleillni , 111!:11t , ; II he VAlgi . nia
' side, whale none are given If r le grat:hca
tion of mere curio-ity.
11'm-counts which reach li r are correct.
and it Ai . C1.11 ., they are, these . es it'll kit , froth
M:11111 , 41`i Junction are txt tiding and
strengthening their outp,;st
From indications notieca, le here to-dav
the govelninent is not ill. oi ible to ilia
movements of the enemy it ti, s threction.
Wa.hing.ton. June Va.—
1.31 I report has
reached lime that the Feile ,i 1 inn. on-the
Virginia aide of the Polo) tae have been ,
fire./upon by the enemy. a lit 1110-4 extr.e. ,
ordinary military operatiens- rc •em-equent-
ly in progreks here,
Strengthening and Exten in the Oat-
'Washington, June 211. 11, 0 . ,1.--The .
I apprehension that- lin:Uliti , 'ill shortly ,
icemmenee on the Virginia sI re has its
' foundation ill the facC.that ,he utl.osts of
the opposing amide§ arl.lolll, st engtlicned
and extended. .111 view of this tis suppos
ed a collialon betneen the out avds would
bring oti an exterive engage ii t. flenee
there is continued anxiety m in . e.teil here
I for intelligence from, aeruss t le rotomae.
Apprehensions at Alexand • a4—Expect
- ed Offenifive Movements tulle part of
the Confederates. i
Alexandria, June 20.—A st Ltd of tinea.i
4iess _has existed here during ielentire day, j
resulting from it varipty cif contradictory ,
I reports of ~ k irmishes on till Lettdon and ,
illatiVAlare Aai i iroad. .
i But the most searching in nip; seems to
I produce no other facts for tl is n4arni than
the appearance of secession tre...)ps in the
! vicinity of Cloud's Mills, and the eupturo of
, two non-commissioned office a o'- the Gon- ,
; necticut First regiment, wh I,t on picket 1
duty, se;:en miles out from ea up near gait:
Church. and Ober er, - 1.1. tcA;cl .etirpoper ein
re_ehm,,l, i d s ,shOithi i•rd be expecte( leo imm , rp;rab'.
j The train_ which came la t is- veiling at
Cl ‘o'clock brings no rumor of 4 war, but
I represents all as blot. The atpears'staf
' fleient reason,-however. to ap yet end as of
' fensive ntroiinent of flue seei.4cii 1 . ,,,,k '
There haS recently been a nun - al of the
Imigration of residents, and . am,, confident
prediction , exprestked in set sip? quarters
of Ileauregard being here at nlilyday.
l'flie -active movements of f deital forces, 1
j however, reassure Union men 411 person,
Iwere prevented from leaving t lenity during
the early part of to-day, but e brder was
I subsequently rescinded.
Important Orde .
I The fullowirg order has hit ni. lied:
1 • Iteatlptarters Deparinirri( ... 7. • T*(7., )
i. Arlington, junc 1,1 01. 1
--Unless under the special o AEl's in (.ad/
(case of a.commander of taiga( e, of superior
axithority.. 4 eit ,is f r .whithlen,t,Q ;ay pflicer or
soldier within this departme to, arrest. rii
attempt to arrest, any citize s, tinder the
plea of their being sece,sioni ts,=tir for any
cause whatsoever. save that being at the
1 time in arms against the Un#ecl ' States.—
, Nor will any otlieer or soblie;t, %Mlta the
: like authority, forcibly enter, search, or at
tempt to search, any house, or the premises
lof any peaceable resident. or'other per-en
Not in ;wins against the Unite( States. The
miiitary poitc : e f9ree will arrest any one
. found even or, the premise , of
any citizen within the depfrtitietit. By
' command of Bair.. iii N. ill . , /)ewria-. ,
! ,I. t mEs It. ray, .ksst. -Wit. (literal.
Another Outbreak in St. Louis.
Four f:dize,..x K;lled ~,,I ~al-0( rxi 11 7 ,,,,e(1cd.___
St. Louis, June 17. As a par of Col. Kail
!man. s regiment of the resery d corps were
' returning from-the North Missouri railroad,
about 11 o'clock this niorniirg, when oppt - -
site - the recorder's court-roont, on Se‘ enth
street, between Olive and Inceist, a coa,
pony suddenly wheeled and discharged
, their rifles, aiming Lidefly ati th?avindows
. of the reeorder'..• court and Olt second story
' of the ad} ilii:ng lion -e, killing fodr eitiiew-,
m ortally ;sounding two and tightly iojui
ing out.
I 'flit statements regarding jthe can-e of
the tiring arikvsry conflict ink: o;ne being
that a- pi-tol shot was tired fri-n a iv;iiii.wv
of a Loire on the corner of Seventh and
Locust streets, Ivliieli took elledt in the
. shoulder of one of the captains, ;when lie
gale the word to tire. Another is that a
illilier aovidet;i t•lly discharged his rifle in
the rank , . at wiiii). the whole'coriarany be
ciine frightened, and diseliargetl a full
volley into the errbyd yil - th 1 c stiden - alk and
p• , I
I ,11.4 i Idt of the Lou,.,' ,
it..• 7: ,
:Wit hail ,irll e.o',irtilitle i Mfg - t. t here,
ar.e about 23.090 tlmifetlerat : t - z a tti tit '
' Manitiviiai Junction, * to td . of
to 11 Eleauregard. . i
. 1
A Legislative Farce.
Al tits yloce of ,tlic., 1,1,4 ~ ..ssion of the
Legislature:file member, of; he ilonsc: after
indulging in city ei•se• brineortib .peeetie..”,
patriotism, resorted tfletnu,,ive , • i.‘,1 , ) t In:1- ';;
ttary company, numik ling, soon seventy
rank, and file. Speaker Davislwat elected
I 'aptaM, and a full t oit:7llol4ent "t,f e'otrunis-,
sioitiald and non-comml-4oned ;officer; was
ere eif 6(1 ana api.c,:ntea. , Alma of The flapers ,
of tia% State, eager to iotie upon the most!
it riviai ffooti in NaZarei h. pounced t mo n It o .
r11 , .1'4.1114.1ii and patadt.) it in greatatitimpli.
a,- though the act it.. If I,a , n fuli'and ion
pie44•tit for the ---ins .-.1 u..tniAgioft and
c orm o i. t si o n of the late 11 0t,..e.
Well. the t...trt:viti teAderett to the 41;o., ~ r -nor
nor the s.-trice- of tliN laa% 0, 1101.).• ..nd
patriotic: baud of tan-Maker`, ato I 1 Owre :i
/Ar^!.. tril
' iorit V. Or therri t hong li t the ijwo
' ma
W , 1114 0 . 114. 11341 t I/I.s Leta the ea-e" they
.Ittittlef ILavu enju,,si.4 a t little cpAlitamung
tl i o-e who aid not 4::4,..0n, , ii.ut k nou I
.itto to wider-land titi, idiots tiiitut in it.
true light, hit unfortuniatel v for them, Gov.
('attar Aeeepted their iet vice..,' :net : - A , leik..l
therm to report at Gnarl ( 'nil:11On Sar i u I day. '
ThislOtricions into trtedtillng with their pro
grattuats. luta no doubtpirong oft the H ato!
the cioverttm , but he -:(ti t , through th,t tram- '
partint humbug, and Itg fit ••• 144 t this otot. , .aitt
7 , 11 , I•oriewilt an tropleasimt predicaniltnt.
• in! 'the mottling. ,wsu notieed lair eight
'lll`lll#4 or the Legishitiie Guard mien the
tot& registers, :Intl ..,..11ne of lhei.e,' in all
human in obehility, WM11(1 not hare been
het e! had the I ctoole-tf Aka entered their
:head: that enough won)l eome td form A
'lain ,, lA p4atnen,
: A el() n'eloek. tlinqe twill' were here met
-in the Iran of the Hour or vo l irr,(4,iativ, , ,, ,
wiwiti the following get letzten answi•reil to
Itlleill name-: • I , ,
111 A.?' Sliitill. E. 1 . thiriq, .1. IS. Selt
,per, FE. IL Ranch. .1. V. Blanchard, Jos.
.foots, Jr. It. X. Blair, .1. Alexander, Caleb
Peark.. 11. It. Ithoitil:, 11. 11i1Ittion. P. G.
Eilillibet ger. 11. U. Bid ...ler. .1. F:.l Ridge
a ay.' E. I'. `(with, 1).11 icl Belli; Dr. Le4Vi,
Beet t i t tal rt.
' .1 . , A. Sintill was e lied MI their Chair,
611.1 )I'. Seltzer was ap t otted SCIIIVtaIy.
Mil. I fayi- maile asi e vent ill etflect that
At t
Aeeruttary Slifer had aei, pted the, edmpany.
A 4o.mmittee consistillig. of „Messrs; %mph, '
E leilberger and Pearc'.. WAS appointed, to
• wait !upon the I,iriVertyr and at.ceitain if
the cillnl.lllW hart he, n ger-opted., , - •
NI the absence of t re committee, Mr. (
•Blaneltard stated that 15e.11.1.1 put his name 1
tO 04. original I.aper in good faith, And had
1 ennui lip War d, of three':illeired miles, rea
ay il trt
It go into (tamp, iii i that if the thin, 1
VOI4 $$ turned taro I Olielllo,-1.1 14.1.011 , /- I
bilityi would re:l , oll.l.oA here.
Th't report ~f t h e Ninitnittee was, that
tligfirivernor haul not T.urinally uuceepteut Ow •
~, oltlie logislstirt• 4 luard, and could
:• lon -:
not rii, 41 it M ight I tnit i to elitt:111111/PSIlielits' '
i ii en , 4 ,,, 0 f en fli ng no esti-i - session of the beg
ielatMv. 'They til,o 0 Ureil the folhoving '
1 res . Oliii ion : -
I ./,'...{../,‘,/, 'Chat we.' no v disband and ad
journ ..;,,..h.•.
I . 11 1 Isere adopted, - fi dso the farce end
..ed. 'hose MI6 Were i strutting/I.d in get
t hig. lip Nett i ?lard, inset lof 4:4.,tpring them- '
! 'sutl vei ‘vith ._Tory. lIIIve IN W.,ted tilernseht o , (
with a iiiiintle or ritlicut that will k.e hind ,
in ..hltke off in all time t .otne.—liduyi,bery i
/'n6 itt. r i _
-.- •
I 114. Crittende ' a Views. t
i t 141'rCrittelltlen made laseeli at ft'e,iiitlZ
:bon, 1 y., last week, (lit defining his posi- i
tion lipta candidate for quigress;
'rliut first great ol.jeetthiell lie -ardently
1 desircfd was that this wa should he put an I
end the : that the lougezi it eu pr om ,,o. ant
the nOre devastatitta itPiecame, the niorc i
diffieillt would be its anintinti : and to the
end e, r pacification and Ithe restoration of
the kindly feelings witch ionee prevailed
' among happy and 7. ) the si,•rote. people of
' a common (love] linen 'would his , whole t
energies he: devoted, ilu it should be the I
pleasure or:the, people tYcomfo..w tips it hint
the ri:pon: - ..1b1e 6114 of sepn ,, enting them. t
'To A ivat of sultjugatlmi 1i teas 0pp 0 .....,. i,, ,-
, 1 I.w' 41.114.• 11/.11..i. , sat isfi dd that the 'ld oVerri- ' t
mod did nothing more I:un its etut,v hi .Ik,
' 111er:4:akin it had mode to defend the ;NU , :
ticAiril!fiapital. yet he wc i ltltl be- priipaired at
any min r i t ol a to lend a .Ipitic hand to ar- I
rest the Anther progrel of this unnatural
conditit. Mr. Linctiln. !lie eleclarad. was
not title Presi.lent of his eleethat : and he I
was tn)ither re 2 uponsible ir nor prepared to
atain the policy of t at functicniary.--
Lincoln, however. was plot the tiovern- '
' meld,' although chargedlfor the time with
it: :Wolin i:trative flute' iisll. i and while he
repudiated:ill al legian ei• l'i i I ii m or hi-erred„
1 he will. a , 1441 had ;i1w,14.-prote.sofi to is.,
loyal tin the Constitution for his country. tin:
der which the nation h:,l teen so paaTer
-011., the 1411.1(I co free agd happy, and the
blessing: of which are t t prieelo.s and in- ,
Mr. Orittenilen declareil that, in his itHig-
ment.evetv means should he resorted to,
to restore the blessings otl, peace, toyrescri e
the 12(11011, and to hand oowur muinputired ,
- the noble institutions *lnch hair come
down to us hallowed by the sanction of our
re% oltn ion:try halters. 'lit that end he de
clared, first: that the :.'outliel ii States should (
present to congress, tt Info it meets, - 3 fair
statement of the
..z.rievagices under which 1
they lehor : that. when pl
-a esented, the Con
gre of the United State should promptly .
grant a (till Inen , tiro of ,li•edi•ess for those i
' grievances: and that if t..!,!lngiutse; should not
do , o, lie would not voterne dollar to the
proseention. of the war. n the next place,
if the i South should Milo to present their
grievance. with a view to [adjustment. then
that the North ,should iltromptly concede
such akstirances of redretts and -security 35
were Just to the South .."' and that besides
these, Fill other po-stile „amens should be
i employed that would have the effect of '
Lmaintaining the Union preserving the
Government. and prittin a period to the
unnatoral war in which he country is in-
volved. In the event tl 'tt all the menus
1 emplot'ed for this patriot and noble put- '
f e
pose ,Mould fail. and the w.w should still
rage on, then he was of 411 e opinion that
Kentucky. poisiuq, herself, upon her proud
position of neuttality.. sh,Onitl stininnin all
her jolginent and reasoh. mad idiscardlng
all plystsion and prejtitliee, , shouldi, decide for
herself what position shc,should assume.—
lie declared that sufficient unto the day is '
the evil thereof ::end tbat while he war not '
now. under the continually shitting scenes
of tile political drama. prepared to say what
position Kentucky sliotdd occupy in the
contingency mentioned, he would be pre-
- paled, as a native and loyal sqn of Ken
tucky, to follow her desttny, be it what it
might. s
• lte" Tint rage fir relics & delgt •tedlieroe`•
iA frequenth eAtrie,l to a ritli c lut. excess.
•'f he: flag ‘%ltieli Colonel ',Ellsw rth seized
:ILO ,-atricul, the oil cloth 10'11 which lie fell,
&c., have been di‘ided, and tio pieces are
carefully preserved by euriositydanders.—
A resident of Pat tersong . N. .Ti, boasts of
ito,:sesimig, mat is exhibit Mg a pi, ,!, 4,,,,,
which the . gallant 1.'01011.d:ha1 iii Ins haver
sack ! This has heti/ dittoed into a dozen
parts, end given to zts many perms.
Think , ! 1' It.— The Canadian editors con,i
ment freely upon the liii: Bethel fight.—
One of-them—the .Montrcaltiazette—thinks
, it "is difficult to conceive a mot* 1,L114,41 ta
hie :lors of bliii.ders, sant of organization
and failure."
tk'ar the C'euturarr.
furr,;'T-'AA'as the pea u..m. editor of- the u)*tar
laboring under " recent c4eviceions" when
lie put that article in his ipaper last, week
- about t' traltors," -young eiiiristiutis," - Star
spangled Banner," &1. : ; and if so, were
those gonvictions 4,la; or ,nrdui,,,,, ' j
hare found an indil"idual rich in " Pennsyl
vania end Maryland atocki," who is willing
' to board and provide for the education of
young, fsen who never ha luul any Abell
' lion education or tendenu es, i . i
i i Respectfully rodra, , SNooirs. .'
Garrrvianuittl, PA: - • 1
31,1)NDAY MORNING, .11 - NE 2.1. Estee. ,
The Army 'Frauds. ,i
The TT. $. Grand July, lately sitting in i
Philadelphia, have D1.1.4.1t.` a report relative '
to the army frauds in this State. They sa±,-,
that while the mpst indubitable ev idencesof
the pet pctration of frauds have be e n elici
ted they have 'beep L 0 carefully concealed','
so sedulously guarded by the parties com
mitting them, that the ,Grand Jury have
found it. impossible co to separate them AA
to be able to pre.qnt eases ttliich' would
proper bring flu' guilty patties within the
jurisilictkion of the ('ourt. 'fie governor is
(-harped with having appointed infLn entire-/
ly incompetent-to take Aug() ii , f and assisq
in in.unkging the 1111 ~t import:4n military
departments. and in no ease which came to
We kno T t ledge of the jury was there in the
('ommissariat or Quartermastei"s Depart
ment anything in the feast of a written
contract between the Governmciit agents
and the parties furnjshitag ktipplies.
A Just lyczimination.
A late number if tile,New York 7 . ,:/40),-
says, "Supporting tlil. • l'ition is , one thing:
support inllft he Atiininistratien quite anoth
er. Many will fight for theOnct and direct-
It ; vote agaiik•t the other. as they have II per
fect right to do. It is by lartneciiis the clef'-'
c:al duty Our the T ecial interest of Ilopilb
lienns to maintain the I 7 nion." We agret•
ll ilii a cotemporary it 'deli 'says that it is'
maned:lug. of a relief to ,t-t- -Lich ,I.,ch use
a\ ' this flowninced in the leading Te.l.lll,li
can organ get' the country, particularly as
some of the lesser lights !Jaye presumed to,
arcaieu eYety 111:11I ft J. Ire:l , 4li Who (Inv- nag
go the full length of upholding this Admin
istration in all its nets, C011itIlti111:11):iid
unconstitutional. It is a
. griermis - mistake
to infin an D
beeause eniocr4tsliave shoul
dered th e r niri , k. I. and voliinteereLl iii tl.e
a rmy to assist in the grand itml.: of crush
ing rebellion and maintaining the integrity
of the nation, that they have alkandoill d
their prineiples. and are really to eoniniewl
every tioconstitittional act that the Atiniiii
istration'cloko eL to perpetrate in tlo• inane
of the 1 - 1/ion. \VII lie liberty (n - protest yet
IVlllaill , they will not do this. iWe also re
r.:1111 it di- Ilp evidence of 1111exitn9-1, , i1 field.-
nest+ for the T r,1,,,,, to admittliat it is twit
titer the special duty nor gal special inti•r
r‘d of the Itertiblienit party
i otunitetahi the
Un'on. h-r :lot longer a g o (Ma o fa-t ii ' li l,. i .
the 7' /'',.r viol•latly 0pp0..1) et:ly ••11Ort
for the preset.% talon of the l'ition, awl took
the po-itii-n th a t it was better-10i fitly l'iii
cus to tre;kl: tik , kti 'or the Chicago platform
lobe ab.iialoiled: ,
. .
Frightened. I' 4 ,
The New YSik ,'l.-Le, is againoln.unted
by specti es of compremise. ft profe - sses to
/T1.11.11(41(1.1 premnt ctn. and Atinteful pence.
wlik-It is to be etts.ttsi in Willie nty , ,lelio .9 ,
and unexplained iu.tantct tlintgli the agen
cy of traitors hi Wa . -hillgiON awl L.:olio:4
ih-amel nit , . . p ow- ass the Deileecrats have
scarcelyA I t!`r.7
and as 11 t 11041 y gl ut rtlPitt ('nacre- ,, t ,
a t lid f.; .. , :riit ive !kr:mei/ cif the Got et it
ment is unkly‘ the exclusive ei.l it rid of Re
publicans, we pIYIIII It e..XIICtiy -rye flow lettilillp.
I feinnernts are going to cowl of th e ;lethal
of th e Government.
• The I' f .rant d'• r,:w.
suspects that this is odly a lolitl`Xt f , r a t i i
king at some prominent tiiiinbers of the
Republican patty mho are • f ieivected of be
coming a little shaky on the
,Scar question.
lint this, incessant. inflexible, eN oiasting
denunciation of compromise by the '1;•; , ,, , ,,r,
denotesanything but Warm atibetion for the
Union. .I:ifvt white), ashen, compromise
might have saved us from at hinst an arrned
conflict with the united South, the 7,-;/o.r
preferred di , union to a sitigh.l inch of con
cession, and now it takes alartnit the thought
that a compromise may be hirking spme- ,
where in the dim distance, ,+ady to leap
foi as and perform the work of rteonciliation:
- - -......... 4
Wiping out. Party nes.
The Philadelphia X, its publkhes a list of
some fifty appointments in !the Custom
House. The new nflicers are kkf course all
Republicans, who take the plaices of as ma
ny Democrats.. The Democrits who have' l
been removed Can go and fl shit the battles.
This is the way' the Republienits "wipe nut
party lines." They send the, l?entocrats off
to fight the civil war, while .they stay at
home'and fill- &hie civil offices. '
. ,
TheS..r " Republicans" of tnuicrset on.,
have placed in nomination alutil "Bepabli- '
can" ticket. The" Republicans" of Beaver
have done likewise.
SE2t 'The Democrats of Greene county
have nominated a full Democratic ticket.—•
Mr. .Donley, lute member of the House, ha.,
been nominated. for re-election.
s&-We feel authorized to announce that
the Republican organization will be main
tainril in Erie count).—Erit• I:(l.zetti..,
And we feel authorized to announce that
if the election 14 Pnesident and Governor.
were to take place this fall, neither ARRA-.
lIA V Limoi.x nor A„. G. CURTIN would be
eleettxl.—Er:.: Osereer.
Kir How very consistent it is in the Re
publican journals to doubt thee - fidelity of
men who have, all their lives,-been l'ilion
14L-I,L, and at the same time applaud the ap
pointments of Corwin, Burliagame, Ranks,
and others, men a hn hake been praying for
a dissolution of the Union for the last kinar- '
for of a centm4 - . Consi.stent. we say' .
•••••• ' -
g- -- z - Quartyyt 4 aster Geueral Mcigs public-,
ly int ites propc;saLs for constructing gun
boats ou the wes.tcro waters, with a view to
the defence of the'b•fississippi river. 1
ise4' It is said by 4r. ,C . ritpendeit's friends
that he is preparing a plan for pacification
to• be submitted tpPongre'ss at the extra
- air t i 6 tam - the,t4icm7 vi,!inter Dftvi s
will be appointed Minister i l o Austria. ' '
CAMP C. um's, (weir Hageretorin,) t
,i Saturday, Anne 15,1861. I
' Fat Len RT tIfLA : —Tiii:lllorDillg. we eyaeu-
Vated ()imp Chambere d ; Atter ma i rehing to
itiiilroati. we went on, board the ears—
al usul, not knowing ouetiestination, ,Af- e
Orr quite, a speedy inove,, ye arriVed at Ha
- serstown—not the moot Ice al ioikn in tile
State, e: we diseovereefrom the counts
i naneee of many of the inhabitanta. Ferm
i ing in line, we marched three and a half
; miles southeast of Hagerstown, in the direr
-1 tion of:Frederick, and there enceinesel, and •
; pitched our tents, some time before night,
i ort a Veld conteining 110 acre, 'almost star
i , ,
I rounded by the Antietam, quite acerb-bier
{ able stre'ulli- It somas that we heee ail the
: - advantages of good streains—by' the way,• a
; very 'important institutioe. p 9 rin g the
' day ottr whole brigade/entered the field
iand pitched their teretire (Zit Brigade has ,
been somewhid changed/ instead of five'
regiments, ash pre" vioneit'' stated; it consists !
of only:four, vii: tlielst, 241, 3d end 24th,
, ,
or the !ea-palled Irieli Brigadr.
' Sendai afteriwOn.—The brigade nits re-1
viewed by General Pat terson and Governor
Hicks, k veey fine lo,okiur man e but seem
ing as deotigh he had a great deal of anxiety ;
on hisntind—hut through whorrilhe whole'
State of IsfarYland has been nbil will lie
saved from destruction. Ilen.l Pattie sere ,
,' exeneed the Governor from mak i laid a s'peeell
ender the circumstances in ;whi It he was
placed, !at the same' time rema king how ,
honorable it was for a man to . ilte a loyal
and lawleibiding citizen hi a loyal State, but '
how mulch more for a man to 'Jolley:II in a
tebellions State, surrounded, as !lie wit: by
dislovallcitizhnit- e eipsing with minty hapPY
remerke/ , :into captivating the ;iviiide bri e
ode. le Mee remarked that the brigade ;
'exceeded lii expectations, expectations, stud klinuld he I
get into! a tight place lie expeCtial every!
man to help bite otit: as he saW inarty st i ong
arms and iiiilliug hands, and recognized
many fae! wheal lie led in bat thi hernias.—
Ile wou ld lit e, to settle this ditlieNlty piece- .
_i:' , , Ine---4 , , ,
8„",Y, i f ~1 1. not, any way' a c could
JO it. - 1
The fdllowing information 1 (aive iitain
' ed front one l ot our officers. not b0i1) . .. able
myself (however much to my regreey to
renew. hoeing attempted to i the guard,
unsucceelsfuliv twice.
- ! t ' 1 r
iinvingbeein performing. part of Ir.Oldier's
duty at l i standing•guard, about It ; o'cleck
on 3fonday night. a messenger rirriverl wit li
orders frem gyn. Patterson ffir ii4,llristactee
I acted itis (Me:of an escort to the head
quarters lof Oen.- Wynkrop. In few mo
ments the "long roll," the u-itil call to
arms, win: beat, and in less than five min
utes our company was! formed !in line.
equ ipped ; for a march. yho nlo- eredita
ide featutP is that ours was the tirSt in the;
whole brigade; consisting of ferly cone
penies, that was formed in line. le teen
- ty-two minutes, ',titer the arrive! of the 11101-
senger, the entire camp was in line, 'emit'
rev the riareh. (hiders were then ! Aid to
rest on their arias and be preparesl!to Move
at a moment's! notice-. A bout 2 o'ebtek they
commerMesl the march. and so miii.tly was
it done. that Bone of .the gruirds,- el% rept
the-n iimnediatcly in the tee:nity of the
outlet: knew of their departure. 'These of
us ou drily w'ene cOrupelled. not wtithstatid
;rig our ri.orirest ;
retnoust minces, tu remain
i bellied. ,The distance from our camp to
; 11illi:eat - et is about -seven miles: but for
some realm they were marched by it rim uit
ons roUt t., it iii , tliove of fifteen iiii!e.„ Some
assert the ohj et wml i to preveet the
different Iferece moving to art! the same
Labor frit repeating the disaster at :treat
Bethel. i liilst, others contend that the;
guide lost; his way and forced three theme;
it'lid men-to march eight miles unneeeseei- !
ly. elionld the latter position he, cerrect,
we hope for Hee sake of' our noble army
tliat in fida're only such as are able to guide
will lead ! the advance of otn: foreoz. The
march, though long, was perfernied with,
cheerfulness. as the prospect of it einifliet
with the rebels nerved , our iii odo al
must antithing. About 7; o'iloile they-.
reached Nli'illiainsport, and eneatined 011
the bank of the Potomac, overlooking Vir
- Oda. Being a little fatigued, our Men, be e
lee\ig eimpelled to leave their tentsi lethind
! iiithe huriry of the march, they might-be ;
' seen lyingi about on the ground, -weapt in
sleile . It Was a beautiful sight to see. (in
addition tO a force of 10,000 men already
theme) 10,1or1 (noire Melt arriving fr,ini .sev
eral different directions, within fivetuinutes
Of each other, and by breakfast time ere.
NO Ameripan soldiers welt. iliere..cea.l3 , to
• level - the supposed advancing foree of the
enemy. Vie object for which the march
was made Ilaving been accomplished, at 7'i '
o'clock in elne evening the line of mareli
was actin taken up-1.0,000 men nrjeing in !.
ono diieettion together, and by 11 'o'clock
, they reached the camp again ; but tinter
' tunately in the march,'by the aeeidental.,
discharge of a gun, a soldier in the 3d regi
• ment was shot, and in a few moments ex
pired. From fen to twelve miles is consid
ered a good day's march, when ; burdened
with about forty pounds Of baegag i e, but the
experience! of Tuesday shows that though 1
'unaccustomed to the hardships of military
service, our volunteers are capable of en- ,
' during as iatigue as though brought
' up to the servieilte, Our men required uo ,
• rocking to put them to sleep, fur in a short
' time, the incidents and experience of the
day were forgotten.
Thursday morning.—For the first time I
attempted to go into Hagerstowe for the ,
Purpose otgetting some papers, as it seems
almost impossible to get, any reliable' news.
But to gbt out of camp requires as tutedi ties
- titioning as it does for a convict to get out,
• of the penitentiary. By what means I got
' in, that is the rub. During my stay in town
I saw the editor of the Hagerstown Mail
waited on and requested to run up the stars
and stripes irofive hours. Another seee—
sionist was enveloped in the - stars and
stripes and marched across the Diamond.
I can almost say with certainty that be
fore vou receive another letter from me
' we will be located somewhere else.
Yours, BM,ENEY.
0 C
tag WAYNE, June 13, lila
1 Ma. Emelt .—There is no doubt but that
a eomirturdeation from this Camp would be
interesting to the readers of your Ft per.—
We arrived at West Chester, (a very pretty
and well-built town,) lest Saturday evening,
and proceeded immediately to our destined .
place: Our.quartiers are as comfortable and I
' c,onvenient as any upon the ground. 'Me
vace oceupied as a fair ground, is used for
the quartering or the Pennsylvania eons/. 1
Health is exceedingly cond. According to
the itilmber or com l .:ll6w, which are en-'
ramped, it- ainfb 4 ^in I d i•wc ono to hear that
to for are in thelho , .. : a.
1 tt,
p,t. ',its member-a
o f the Adams l anftintt ) :it 0 enjoyin g them.
a „elves, and !ofte st ems to be weighed
downtyliwile.‘ sit i L
' .:nc-a or any of its. eon- •
cot - nits - ids. t
'flue number ,of
eotllpapies present are
sixteen. Four more are „expeetial. One
regiment has been formed. The following
p re the companies Which compose it' : —
Brandywine Gimrils, captain nettle; ; Union
G uar ds, Capt. Nett: Safe- Harbor - Artillery,
('aid. Hess; Carlisle. Guards. Capt. Todd;
Carlisle Infant/II 4,40., McCartney: Phtenix
Artillerists, Capt.! Dobson ; Archy Dick
Volunteers, Capt.'Talley ; Slifer Phalanx,
Capt. Dyer.; Atlanntinfantry.Capt: McPher
son; Union GUards. Cdplain Barton. • .Tho
officers are—Biddle - Robe Est i l l ., Est i ., of Pitts-
burg, Culotte' ; ' CI pt. • Henry 14,th - tyre, •
! Brandywine (Awl's. Lieutenant t ',donel ;
lion. L. Totkl:Ctrlisle tinned- , , 3fajor. '''
The following are the commissioned and
I mm-commissioned oflieers ot` tho Adams
Infantry :!-I.l.rati. lialward ! McPherson Cap
, Lain. J. F. Bailey First Lieutentintrihnl J.
1.1. Iferron See4nd Lieutenant. The non
' commisskined offieers wore appointed by
the Captain -,-Stewart, Doitcy; 'Henry and
Minnigh, as Sergeants : Sadler, linnet:,
Rosser and 13ailei. k. corporal,. Companies'
are drilling at !, all lll•iir., and if the' old
' adage holds true, "That pi-lattice makes
; perfeet," we now expe - ct to rise to a high '
stattLof profiehncy. Striet order is kept,"
and more flan illei boys desire. • Many feel
insulted that more is not trusted to their
honor for its prtt_ l ketlvation.
.. I • • - -E
{ ; _____ 1
1 NIAEARit F tid.r., June 9. Difil.
11. .T. STA lII.F, tsi.-1), or So :----i have
6 1wt a few momentsl time to write this morn-
Mg. - tts Ire hovel fo Qin-lice, 1'1M:0a. itt the
next train : but ! I t' mught to apprise yort of
the great nntle•taking of Capt. Robinson.
Ile .started front a rhoizt &stance alsive-tlie
Suspension Bridgci, at Niagat•tt flit% and
passed down-over the Rapids and through
the Whillpoot ! with the little steamer,
"Maid of the 3lri-ti," get tin. , tlirou;di safe
ly, with nothing injured but ! the , inoke
'stack, Mused file the eliaiw breaking on
one -tide. He nladi• the hazardous trip on
Tlittr , -hiy last, jilst lwfore ne got liere. Wo
, went down, but Wert- too late ; the had gone.
Would not hate - missed the Sight- for a
trifle. Those I‘diol did cri. it, say it ivas
rather too exciiing to be pleasant to the
feelings. i -3 ! • • /
I don't know whether you wers ever here
or not. If not. inn, you ever make a p1e,0,:.
twe trip, I would sr l ty go to Niainu-a Falk.—
' The sight mariblnvit iningt of. the awful :not
beautiful, Our Oodipany consuls of nine.
seven of Its sverti tinwti on mu. Hoek, be
hind the great slice} of %%met'. ttmt he Canada
side. ft was vent ettlin- , -ito ulna—yet, the
spray rising from thi• force of the fall of the
iwater sometimes jwonbl interfere with
. ,
fall. Ili tl tin-ott. ;Of the - " MAI of the
Mist," rig itritisl 14 Ibis?. place on Friday
evening. I h ad the ph-it -lire of alt intro- ..
duction. He isa brave looking inan.
' The algde' tre Pre: e ,
are just in bloom:
t i .
oats just up, not letAterir_! thu cloa-; I% heat
not! yet in heel. I ' - I
I ‘'va'sdi-appoilit , rl in finding Greeley 'B.
Co. einidentned I ere. I licheye them to be
looked upon wi h more displeasure hero
than witittfs. X out, respect fully, i 1
1 .1,-___ j,--. -
, -
, -
A. New Encampro3nt. .
c General 31(cai 11. i, ~ ,ieut,, , ira site for an
encronjoingit. in orsh-r to satisfy and -device.
the apio-u•liensions idf a great many g.iod
people along the 31.1r3 land line. ;The lo
oility of the erwatmanent is at or near Free
dom. in York enttity, about one Mile from
the Maryland lin/ . , and is lit be occupied hr
g••the reserve co elf Pennsy It :mitt volun
. teem. • I !I
. •
A rifle and an,linfan try regiment ire to be
moved to this entraintiownt aus soon as they
can ).1e liriiWd mid eittippeti. ' ,
' The Quarter *tidier Ornetfil bits orders - ,
to prepare the Otunil imnied:ately. and k
now engaged infualting the necessary ar
rangements for tiltsenetunpment :
-- - •
TheDetsoierOcy of Fayette.
From the last Inn:ober of the fxr,E;us , f
L;terty we learn !that the Democracy of,
Fayette en. havci *laminated a straight-cwt .
Democratic ticketPl3witig it unon the fol
lowing platform. ! which was unattitnously I
'tubpted lit the COn Veil tioll :
J "Of 'ed, 'ghat the I ktitiocratic party.
has total by the Union and the einl‘titlltinil.
!'i n ,Mu-i. and lit' war, thiough good and
lin ugh evil report, we (leen' it a pleasant,
ant pat] iotie (1441 to deetarc our UtinTaver
nig. devotion to that party, its principles
' ant its usages. -! I , ;
ite.,Qh•ed, That ter reaffirm and again pro
ehlitil with renewed zeal, our unyielding•nt-:
t.whinent to all the anchmt landmarks and
principles, of DelAoenwy4 Vlll , l ,e-pecially at
this time in which the old federal idea of
1 eorkolidation has become a leading tenet
of Black Republiranism, would we express
increased devotion to the great Mx-trine of
States Rights upon it Mel' the Democratic
' pad-ty was founded by Jefferson. and which
has bee') the sheet anchor of every Demo
cratic Administration, and tile corner stone
of every Democratic plitfortn.
Scar Among the telegraphic dispatches
seized, are those of Mr. JAliEs K llovvat - '
to a prominent stee-sionist in Charleston,
' giving information of the purposes of the
administration conneinitig Fort Sumpter.
had such infortnation been conveyed by a
' Democrat, the Republican prod-es and men
would have united in loud and incesstuit
denunciations of "traitor," and have de
manded lilt, immediate execution in the
most barbarous sty e of /,-,, -;,•,f—by hitch
ing a team of homes to each limb. But as
Mr. HARVEY was the Washington correspon-'
dent and reporter for the, Phila. North .1-
issetean, and New York Trdoine, and has, be
cause of his party services, been appointed'
minister to Portugal by President Ltscotx,
his culpability is greatly mitigated. It is
announced that the matter will end with
his recall.—Erie 01,v-cert.
959'A. H. REEDER. has declined the office
of Brigadier General. He evidently Pm-
fees doing his fighting—on Paper. •
_ • ......... - -
Stirrithin six. weeks, Mr. John Abbott,
of Candi*, it . :. IL, has buried his entire We
' ilv--seven Children and one grandchild-- -
all viptingt of diptheria. i
I Imp-A wan -minds up his clock to make'
- t. pi n, and his business to make ft step.' I
rai ' teino.
~,,„ IT IS IN ISt )ETON.—Tile Baton
Gazak:,.of a lute date. let - narks: i
" The idea ii very provalenti that the
lo•wwitpera are tattkitig hap of tttrup‘.—
rith . Vsliers are stipillp•l•fi t,, ho coining ,li,t.
l arg , and-a prolwriill, liiity4palit.l' is rl...ard
e,ll as a mint. ' Advert kite , is 1,011 i i i .,31 00 ,1
of n In% vilis. rQ, and there li-t, liven It fallilil.,
off an this. deportment of tiny and iii ~ ,tit.•
Page, sevottiy-fivy per cent. The•li,.)
of eomhirting. it live pipet bit , - illtirt.lit , ;, , l .it
feast twenty-five par runt. 'thine ii but , I.
small margin of profit on the sales of the
tutu papers. and if their , ales ,a ere not
' large it would _ned.reiptii e manyillontlis to
shotv ii lialatit:e till lice Mang side of the
ledger. We ix 111 Vt•IllIll'e to May t - IL, 1114
a well eualilidied newspapet: in this city
which Would not willingly retttrn to it
'peace tboting; though people do imno ino
they :oe making' I.ds of truancy,' 1'
! The al Mnif .11.)W4 a bail ' , hail or '4 hi,,,, for
publishers of newspapers in Pwisbin, but wo
are sure that it is (juine as hail in the Conn-
try. All complain of the hard tines—rny
ti an
cannot even get money eongli t igetlner to -
pay their bilk for paper. We .re in flat
fix—pt al have, therefore, to tisk 'or din'.queut friends, to give us a little ' lift "—to
pay its a part of what they owe us—and thus
- "live and let live." , 'We have thousands of
dollars on our beciks for sub.:aril ition, ad
vertkine end jobbing. Let each ono in
, debted help il, toil little lir the ~ RIAU.'"
and we shall be most sineet lily
,th lei:Nl.
No dislike itwking this call, but are emu
, pidled to do I'. 4 bur bills for, iitpt.r, ink;
~ ite., ?wet l A . pt.dil,
DE.kTli OF A.silLf ) ll:it.-11r, LrANakit
WEl.sll, (of the neighborhood cif Peter.-
, burg.).:t private ill ..C.lpt. lirEttut'B Cont
patty, suit: hrongtt here from Chani )
bet sburg .
/ about two wi"eks sinee,, on his w 'y
sick with tyiJecid fever.- Arrived here, it
was considered imprudent to ptc;e:ed, with
him, 51111 h t . w it . lillletlil AI the Eagle 11..te1,
where lie received the most kingly treat
ment and cio , c Ilitillielll attelltllll}oe. 110
died, le We%er, on Thmsday eve, ing lied,
and was hurled nigh thectionors 41 War iq
Ever I ; rept) CPllli`tt'l S iii Friday e -tiling—
the 70tiaves, under l'w..Sitittualt and rho
Ad am . Nub., t', 11 4. Mi I ' , iiiittgliy,Girtnitig
an escort, A largo ntutther of eitib:its at
tended the Tuner:ll, Ili , age was t.!I si•ars
arid'_' months. Peitee told, v-Itei.
A Nt11111.:11. VAN- ISt at.s. TottErw.r, of
Fairfield, another 1110111Ner of i 'Mill. , IIII , •11-
ice. Voillriltly_,_tlit..l ~f typhoid fever: nem. ,
I linullo.r.bilrg:ye•tenlay mottling.) Fula , -
rid at 9 this in criting. :it Fait field. I '
C 4 OIMb:NCb:.MENT.—The Ann ttal Toni
c meneentent at .Mooscit St. SNfaity'. ,1',011,-2.e, - -
nem. Emmitsburg. oil! take - plae . .. en
NVeduc f clay ttext, (the''.!Ath,) the kerei-es
to begin at S.', A. M. I ' '
'ft l E I' 1.. y ; lt - A ISI '.4 iS.—Thettderesting
ceremony, 41, fretillolilly 1611 W-sell Of late.
in 'oar tonal Inol neiglibialosal, of raisin 4 . -1,
the National FLig„ tv.e. I epeate.l ou .Sclut -
day atteruttott -tir , t ttt Mr..10-spit A411011'4 .
fill'llL and litter-in the day at MlLSheri)--
town.' The ilroler Guard %tits presilit at
' both pla'ees, and at the former the ilthilittlr
Rawl, trlyo porforttiOtl withtlwir at.r,:.tont
t•4l ' , kill and , to the aelsiaia h Aged gratitien
; lion of all tlu.ilitt*ernwii titre
, titters tir s OW m4(111,10'. All I.lo l lllla nil , .
tire-- wits delii . i.reil-liy ('apt. John hunger,
and It salute liked hy the v. Tie,
ccr(•nniny at MeSherrysioWn ails of 91 itiilli
lilr ela:ll'ileter. .lildresse , iCeri- ilidivered
-by capt. Ittishey, Mr. - I). I'. roitie, :11r.
i 1'11.111 , - , 'lll,ttitiger and Lieut. Diller, .it the
iluard, and e salute.. in•eil iii lamer iif the
-: event. Both flag- ,ire very It. nibotite. iiMI
the eerimainy of giving, them to tlo , liCtio , rit•
' passed oft' iti the trio , t agree.thle and satis
factory trtatto:r.--if .1,0 , , c;/-.:::,- ! ,.
Iffrar•Tlif , Lillie.' Unimi Itelief Sot•it.ty (4' '
Oetty , hurg. - return their thank -4 to the
12:iilirs'01Njw t), ,, t'oril, lOr their liiijef ; , 0 -1
-prOttipt, ititt itr - I,l4.paring Itart•lttak. awl -
Nrt i .t114 , 43.-va for our Sohhers at rasp .f.
- Wavle.. .
-, - - . - •
I . ...,, Ne have been !equated by the nil-
thoritie 7 of Peim.ylvania college, to nit.', ,
Iva - lel , flint the' College grounds arc pr•• ,I •
• alifi not rillblie properly. Th..
.ilinirt. his ,
, Leen nvele and i- still in progress 'to make
lose grounds attractit e: Many trequec.,.at
them, especially on the bird's day. ',lurk
. ing ilea ers. and sometimes taking away
' roots. This' is tb warn all such flint, Ifititc , o
acts of freildts, are repeated the law 01l Also
subj.:et will Le enforeetl.-, , Var,
' 44.`• The boy who cleans the engine, on,
. last Friday eveuitig, for Ids own, and too .
pleasure of it small congregation of little
' kn 011.% turned on the tentit. 'l'o Ids evi
' (feint :girt...rise and dismay the non horse,
' having performed Lis accustomed day's ,
work, became unmanageable, and rushee'
. into the 'engine house with such violenee,
as to lilreak out the end wall, and eillli , e del.*
auction which will; require fifty dolklns to -
repair.—!b. _ _ • i
' "oiio ßig of our tome:men, who were 11..
Chambersburg, and SAW how miserably tlso
Commissary (who has since been removed - . ,
from office) proVided fort he soldier', haying 4
returned, and stated the fact, a wagon In 'ail
of bread. &C., was collected and sett trey to
our Company, under convoy of S-iliti. Ib:IMT, -
who always has a horse and tFlonveytrnee -,
for such praise-worthy purposes.L.A.
i l. FOUIITII (IF .11"1:1 - (.11.1LEISIZATION"..
The " t!ettysblurg Zbuavos " inten d yele 7 .
baiting the Fourth at " Spangler'sSpring." •
The public are Ivry cordially Invited to be
with us on that day. A'-civic procession
will be formed to accompatry our corps--
under the 3Larshulship oi: Maj. J no. Scott. ,
Tickets for the dinner can be had at J. L.
Schick's, A. 1). Buehler's, J. tI. Quinn -1
'tiro's, and R. F. Mclllietty's stores. The
dinner will be gotten up by Mr. Gruel..
BY order of Com. of Arrang,ements. ,
t COME ONE! COME ALL !!—There will
be an Oration pronounced on the 4th of
July next. at Crystal Fount, Emroitsburg',
district, Md., at 10 o'clock. A. M.- bY. Par
' .T. 15. Ilot•Lsaccv. of Phibalelplikt. The Dee
claration of Independence will. at the wane. ,
time, also be read. By order of the Co, :
of Arrangements.
hosnaTA.NN., of Annanclale..Ch'n,- f
N. R. The young ladies of Ernmitalmrsc •
will have a,Pic-Xic on the occasion. , . .!
_. _ • ...4..
IterTempleton 3f. IBreneman hrisTheen...y
' appointed Postnia.,tee at Ihwinutlian. this
' county. vice Daniel Larew, regghed. • ".
sCrAnswers 'to last week's, * Fatigg?tasri,
Ist. " Dionysius of llalicarnas.sus.'
; " Wafer."
L ,•
,d pi"" will appear iticiur prwal;*
I. )' Soo fourth page. '