The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 03, 1861, Image 3

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I“ a yfnfl' do . 2...“..
3 W imp-""3 “3"-+"lu[‘a“?r~«= —A
"Mum 'iik'rrffi' Wail »“s ’5 r -
mo; know tummmd sh' e. ; 0n _ m.“ 1;” ‘
"”1”: “‘4‘ to be 'ppm at‘ ‘ “ ‘ “Warm“, W. 011‘ .
‘Vhol OVershsd . ‘ “I. T} pm‘cntd tthi‘. ,‘ k "'l' ‘ -h-L‘ ‘ .-
v. got“: owxny .‘0 A .0e ' ‘ “qu .‘abl‘a' ! ..
4 . eco A,» 011 mar . \en It lb . B>S .
k ”4”, th no“ trad ‘r .'“dlnznv '.°“" 5: .l" 0'1: L. “ lune L 5““ uw ,1 _
How W 11: fln espcc'. "ls ”1V0! .-_ “N: f‘ "M. “I: ! men Citi - ““10“.“ L l '0"
in" of Ln‘er‘bc “1 (LYR- V9ll 11'1 an {in of Sta «'2 (Wind {L SD fine .wheiber
' ' 00m)n ‘ "“1419; 9. Wed ‘ n”, ch Ol' . . Th. ‘3 a” luv ,-
frmu.’ We do Fll] b 9 gf‘Jhece‘h’nU 0 no; “3390;, “(mow 0%"). Pineal. lflrge ”Po; 0,
m ' '0 . ' . _‘'‘. 4 , m 4
Jagged} to Egg-ow s2.lm»! “9.21; ism. ibufif‘fled “1;: Janeetziggo-ém, ”'3
Alma..- ”‘L’T ”no; _“5- we um" 1‘ Will be 1:”- dcw' ."thng' ”PM: “‘5“. “'l‘, Tin
all“ “2:8- EV ‘ - .1!:' H “111' 0 "0" kl “rd Pb ’mnwgo (' In "'9 huu _..-eml'rac
du- - ”HI“, -..‘to b, 10w Hell ‘ "its k «URL-r . be “my
t)“: L 90m)“ ’b Ig. 11.1,, in L ‘Vur h . “lune“! r (1,, Eu T Shh-“ Huge ”burg
‘ V I . . .‘ y 3'.
brim or” ”No- ut '“ ”10 ‘ 1‘" Points ' ‘ lfon “ tr; e ‘nd relr- h‘?) are “Her;
Chc‘ . .u.lh . ~ mm,“ (~ In ‘Hufli ‘ euf my AII, Tin W Prepared ,
"UrkL “‘0‘”: " “Wm ”‘de 1' .1. “en. n ”“M m are ...", .‘0
‘ “'“Hdl “anu‘m'm- -lrud9 ix ' n .'“" Th Fmb" on, "““fitutn ”hen.
‘ new ind 1} 1h? “WA; 195.”, ‘he‘ 1 Ml Ingre- ‘1 car "381 m “Edam, A ”“keem”
a::1".”-‘.' :I,ny '» W Lam‘s a:
L y H. Ie ' _..- ix‘ i '
cnndfigouuir “h."‘f “Li.“ I.“ (l; 11!?M'pfi;*‘gglfl,lgp IN .0» ’34. ~ 3 Very
and CU“); ‘ “11m“ “\th ' ‘ .‘“]in TEN l ,
d' We ”Ht ed t 5'5: ~ WAy- ”I‘LT ~
mg“ Inm mm. V 11.11”!“ ' “12 Am 0 ‘ abhéhed' inky—TA 554—111“ i
‘iv‘lns ma" tfx- Drove “I“ h“ bet‘n e?" my," inn-Juli. 1937' and fi‘heunKiPul M ANS
s‘fLWur, Th 4‘ Of 3 h Cellnble b . 331 d “"1”” _'«od "Md" h ”tutu-1‘ ed'Clue
‘ I‘he i "11 cw. .. mg "ml 5 other other p' In "his ‘ e “Wm: Fo‘ ““5 Li :1
d”°"d w:“‘”““' as") 0"” Pictufmd‘mmg Kenninemmm‘ic wan; ““Y mafhl’vnxufi
flr ee, ‘ l-f't t . eq . can ‘.‘ erg Lou f c
wgafifefinem finéhu meg“ WOUM firm" be"? Btalnpegeo}°o.9. ’1‘)? tt’untéflxilgry ’fil'l
‘ 0 prl’d 'l‘o— . lcflcl ~ 'e ‘u .. le
{3l; “sl3?th $33”?- rflff‘ u? an i “cl-«acuxgm mintmm. “I%me
lIV . ““TC} .hl m _ ‘ Fun B .'del’ 3 C *‘lflfcts v
and int)!" (”'J'Tin Lu” ‘ifln blimp“ 0 cl Rene” \ rynfl'a P “ or" T 1 -L;x[«
. .s - ' llr }' u" ‘ “hm "l”mn . 3410‘”:
1) Ch!” )‘9l‘ 1'6“") )4 ”Pl‘hvx . Hume"- 353,0“ u, “c ‘enESs
(10.. “Cofmé' "" as to, . "'0": In - IRenme ."U'nn'..p “‘"IS-Dn. ‘* ’
(Nu-nigh feet? \{z'lj‘ound “91:11: as th"redl’4 Spring.“ [711!“on thsiuregthing
bulliofinzn 'he Vail]?! “”“hlebgufi from u: Rain-3 hiciglkn'u pulzxfiulm ' .
bunk Ovfllne Pofmo ' 1e (,0 i ‘ ”Int C 0 ’ , llc‘
_‘_ n ‘ n . I; . . n\l ‘.
there” are wmi" glutmlufy' 13,03 tl ‘l‘chev, 1m r)?“ Pqunmlf'm
“es WOUM 110' gold? “'1 lu‘éiiwy e Lam,“ or fiomy
'bome f .1“ Ml kin .'“t n r 3 07" RMin-e “th'g p ‘e Ur
r - Drug" and (15 of [HIM] eboflud the “Wu C “bionic
Fifi” ‘ll Mona] Fofl'icnn ”wrl_. A” _ Ble Bryws Imi‘l'laim
n] U . .___‘, _'__ ' “ 391’ um' ,
commas". 9‘ Bufl‘nlohx—P'e'fidm I Are £3335?! “HUM-‘2:
called' tllek‘ ’Of the l" hu‘H been It Lilllard Endnpled f 0“ .vao‘Pu!moui I
gum-d, fir: “Union 1:?‘1" Immappmmd AMain .B'J’dn'a ;:ul'”"&n
{JUL-l4)” of (fumpgoged 0‘33“ “110"“: 5113"“ ,‘ I| "aphiform‘gnaauie
““7“- (‘ - A 1”. .1) . "0101-3 '. Th. '5O r} . .fl 1116
immeasmumua W: or M.-(fif-D“'iniw° '“‘rrenevfizss'umnm
Tremro: 10f “aisgggi'm‘yi “as?“ ’4": "“ Warm“? u‘u‘;§7°""""
Fmn : . lOld _re . , 01‘s,“ . "M 1 , mum;
fimgai'e m the t 2“ Alugh “Isf'llitaholh 312 d, .\u‘fflmfly hglrg uni“:
ri“‘ltv:;"fifm”‘lr 31$ Il‘rlevtrizy fimnl'i: V 8'51“: 3.3111": “'1:
W 4 ’1 5‘ . . r‘ne 'm ' ‘- , . [no -.
)l'thy N) b dml: (”Niwnqis' '“hd I'o r four, 3‘o “five!" In ”to milk.
‘ . elm/"10d l;- ~ such rF-V'Ona’ B {{lon be 11.1,!
T C.“ "Exit? 7' «y u.“ (’"PreLnEH are ‘ f ‘ ry‘p 3 Palm?“
bur. Mr I‘ “ . 1 Cut. ' N 6 .4in h' “3.
”XI-12:: 11-0190“ llPkl‘rf'n"—Ac _‘ i Perm" Fill Ll‘A pocke
F 1 Mum" “ium .cmmt f Brva , ”1' obj,
'"rl' 1' 3' CO! H" m . "Om ' I‘Pul. .‘
l . “Na 'l, - "he , 1013 'l‘ non.c
my“ 11 v. “I f\mlpd Llrch A .\lflggq ‘ clung _
'Fl‘um t; man I in“? 6’ ('kcfgught "‘"d , Jun° 13 3%;-5?“ P}()p:-: 60""
wanna?“ Mniiuur-«fi vegssat‘ per- o‘, ’ ~51- \-
Ihe Vim-... by‘fi‘e‘fige 111520;: i‘ffu‘tedmilf‘f‘ Will'..:fE-\;iTfi—r) "7.1711; ~ ’. 'Y
[6; ' ,_rosz. ”n "'fiictrea ”" l'rehén ”.'" ",1" 1) 4‘9!-
[KNEE-«0:0 of ”2% flag-q _ ‘on which guacctkfi f3:P;I:Im1
"Ni 7- m,i“—- Wh ‘e en
1* .. xrgini‘r is[Mmex frofn rut]: hum“ ‘Tnnnh’ “v
" ”9 ”-""“'Iil<-.1Al,r' “'“s «:11er ”watt:- ‘U"”
. A y It‘s} 69' nun, In H’ dbl",
or ad
In m 3111',
“1” “’in ' ‘u.
.., disca
. Alli \ > _
(”apthn Crockett :1 gm dwn‘of the humus uc need suffer n‘o hunger win
{Lucy Crockett. _H‘he (‘( upsmy carry :1 bnn- o.lqu painful. *ud frequenu;
gull-r upon which happen! the ilm-ription; This uniqfic ‘ugud peculiar «
“Be sure you'rolright'; then go ahead.” ccrfa‘udy cure the gimme us:
i‘ . i - »»4 ...» A ‘ “ Ila-l it not thiu[powqr; web
3A Rm-hgut r Shoo-dealer ufl‘nrn to pre— lowu iould not. be given in it
sent a pair of g "terry; the wifeM‘ every ‘\ Tr- DYBpl-JI'TU'S. '3
may in that city who will Vulmncer'tu de- ' Z 553"“
fund his countryL _ _ ‘; .\lcsurs. S. W. Fowni hCo :
HEP-4F;— , (."cgug—Nine years ngn I
r ‘ ‘ A" ’L" 1“ “ duccd in strength I“ to be an
TEE “ARKETE' - the (commun duties of my hm
“mums” LRU—Snumn u", :fered fmm'xf compliulionfifd
Sniperfme F1uur...‘3.............u.......~1 7:: i 0 5 00 "“4".“ hie “ burden. I n:
Rye Hourl ‘.‘ 3 2:- phpicuns 0' m-lf'nowlcdged
“:JJitc \\'hcac...... 1l 20 to l 2!. réHef,v.tnd my M" W” cons'
“_ml Whe:|t.;.......1.....................l 1: Eu 1 L 5 Tm-‘hibm‘y 0‘ “m“ b““‘“‘*“
L'hru L . 51) , "5“ U' u” U‘W‘M‘M 8im
11)e..............:.....*r..................... GU dfl I~meud thutMm efi'ect w‘“
0.115 $----......”..‘... ..... ...... ...... .... - ~ 53’ physicmu': duttu‘t 0" the me
Huckwhent......,... , 43;” “I“ ““10“ “U"fidence in
CID§QESBUI ...-L... .................... 4 00 to 4 25 “’ff."é‘"s- I ""w ”Hui“ in ”1e 0
|ijuuly 5eéd.i...b.....................X 75 w '2 00 he‘aldx, ““1 M” ever faundt
\ 'qu 50911.. I 15 ““5” ““13““ {o‘ ‘1": ““
{'IML-r of Paris .. .. 6 In! “men "he “'o'“ “U"sumfi‘m]
Hunter ground, 1: r img.......,..... 1 00 “my”. since, “‘C‘m‘mef‘dwl ‘
-..“... ___;_.____._ ’ 'my lhcuds, :Witll _unflvrm
BALTUI ’IIE—TFHIUAY but. ‘ ‘resulle. :1 CAT :XBIX
l l . - NOtlt
‘ I I'ole Hl‘l’lfiMAN‘S E;
.. . .. .. ‘.............. m’ Clergy—l Q ‘, nu-umrpgn ”Wt-313“
¢ “EL.1.......‘.............l 55 lo 0.. i. Y. . IMP til \irnnllvu tou‘llfiml‘i
'29 to 325' 3 an... _ 3,1359. ifr‘hjgy hating bfifcn Knit“,
Eed ‘ 450 ti) 475 Menu. SETH W. I’oan 1: Co , Basth:- 1 i-‘IKIH . {exuding .1}! the}:
sin. ' ‘ "l Unc- year “30:1:th imam: land utumh, I, :Lcrl‘c‘lfiglvlt;‘gottifietfmglgl
*--'- n Icte will is 9SI t‘r . ‘.' ‘ , ‘
sci]: .: _th: “tag to]: tiiosq having; Clflln‘l! ngninmi
......“ ohfidence A l lt-liiipriipor y silt lenticnt I.
)...... .hgreenblel " 3i; ill-M“ EHXT
,l't'l'ut'. . 136”, l. 3h "13,13 hf. GK. 1.
' .' ‘hurcli, ! * l '= T—l'l
nix-3 . “gin. l’n.l . New Sprmg,
,from wu .\' Jail! (”0.. ‘ SCOTT & sax; ("up
”0" Bio 11 1" ‘Qt'uF‘ l A! Gun) shurg. will out:
.t ----m---‘--k i; \‘m. Walt,' and ,‘desirnhln- flock pf a :l
................ I“. lhwmpw-w [Mice and Gentlemen, will
L.............:: . ",llufllinger, ‘ of Dome-alien _lc" kc. _ Wt:
' J; Hi; John all httemiou to our stock;
1-r 5eed....... he erywhere. it thp lnwefl pom-ible ranch.
othy 5ecd...... 2 i if. wflull Bonn nnd uxnmhi
ite1‘...............‘ ' 4 I _ :50 t oublc to show goods:
;——_—-.—_-_-I__ of _ . r4—_—:- GREAT DISCO‘VERY!—.\ pie ,1 my, both . - . AL
MAiRRIED. ,g by 111110 practitioners and ch-mich n!mlysls,l A;
On Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. Di'. “ll.“ eltlezlousgtled. ”Eiffel? “I“: {bi-201’; ‘D‘C‘i’ , '
minim. llcv.l‘il.l.\s s. Jam‘si‘ux, of’ T' iiiiinflivurl " "°“‘ ."“‘“° c“ L .f‘"; De
, .‘ , . . . . . ~ ur the reliefnnd cure of in .~i
riqliurg.ui\liasv\f\.\lh Uni-ILL“)! lhlsliorough. .“I tl . l th' If H . q, . . 3
0n the ‘Jlat ultl, by the lLev. Jacuh Ziegler, u .ieflpeop e “n“ 85 M .1?“ "MI "9'“; l'
in. GEORGE HXtil.Elililt'l' to Miss l-ILIZA- 'F'f“.‘““,“ 'funeihPMF ““.". "bl” “d! ‘ure
ill-3TH BROWN. hblh ul'lluuterstud’n. i _iiltlstgqtorg. 1&1?” ', an “.10 hlllh n lhoulgs Cure
Un‘Thursolny, the Nth“ nIL.. by'the Rev. L; m" "if!” 50f 'm_ ‘ ‘11“:be rt "n .7“ gr ‘ “ Cure
W. .\lonl‘urt. .\II. It A. MUNFUIET, (if (‘uiiners- ‘ prozot'tlonlo huff.“ 9t ‘3l:, 9!? rs Tug"; Cure
ville. llid'innu, formerly 0% Adams count), (‘31., ' 3.“? f "It“, a: "if I ' _‘l "fl d'l’de" ld‘ Cure
to Miss 5151,1505; M. \\'lLLL\\ls,ur M‘niuun, "“Z:e’-,.,:‘..°“‘Y ‘7 ."° ‘° “9“ g? H'" (.‘urei
“lllri Ohio. 1 r ' ,no'hing !. e ".w“ ‘7‘" heior Wei" Nd! The Cure
(hi’the 23‘! ult..i, bv John )l.‘ Wolf, iiqq., Mr, i “I“? Baum” Electric 0'1“” I rnf-é‘ (irath s, Cure
sum-:1. mm'u' to Miss c.n'l[.uu.\'i‘. s‘f,"‘l:‘;u"u“: bftil‘em'flgul‘fi 5151;", ‘ “31’2“,"
‘ . u , - [S C 5, _fl ' l 6 ll I'o ill b
“09‘ 131:3!th .\bbottitun r: _ “‘7‘! lat the proprietors' prices ot‘th age: heie. See , CurcL
’ ‘ ' X ' . ‘ i i
, grunt “/i' 4: mliertlsement 7“”-H‘. * l Curei
0n .\londav ,eveining last; the 27th of May, L TO CONSI'MP'I‘IVI-ZS —The Adv‘n tisir,hav- Curci
EARS'I-IST i-iutNSnAW, aged 4 months: and , mi: bf’en restored whenlthiu few «its by n: « ,
this ._m.'iming, )limdny, June 3rd, ~.\il§l{Vl,\"ver_vsunple remedy,nfter hmin in cdiscweml,m“"§
HORNE“, aged 4: months mm c days—twin :‘egrsw-tb aevere luff: “(colic .91in than drehd', Cm;
children of Jereniinh and Helicon!» Gulp.— ’ dl-‘FMEI (iOHSHIDPiIon—IS a null! td make. 1
Funeml to-mo‘rrAM .(Tuesduy) morning‘ut l 0; known to hi? fellow-sufl‘i-rerat "me 5 pfcnre.’ BOY 'rl
o'clock, to proceedito Evergreen (‘emetcrya F} To All ‘f'hnjeaire it, he vu l sen n Eopy ofl '
()n‘the 30th of spm last, in _Steubeu county} the prescription used (tree of c urge ) mth the." P .r Dc Crath Door 8'
Indians, Bil-. 10“ GILBERT, formerly ohms" directions Ith mgr-ring Ind sing the “new footroiidh wit “E‘mona‘iir 6‘
want}, We“ 67 5‘4“” 3 monlbd and 24 dnys‘. 5 which they “iltfind n ~sure C e fnr onwnipé‘ into Ft 8- deim tot-\l' “‘4 le
Un the Nth um, ROBERT, and 1 year and tion, ASl‘tmlhiaßl'onclllUS! .kc. The nly objcet 117-1 “ hen b': g“ ‘ l
10 months ; and 071‘: the 26th, WILLIAM ORR, lOf the uglvertiser intending th preggrintmn 15 ; :13,“ $110!?! he, was im ... P
aged 3 years and moptie, sons of Imam M. 'to heueht the aflhcted. any! §p adlmformatzon' “ref “1'1; withouehisj? ‘
Ind min M.—MCG+lgll‘;', of llulniltonbn town-$ flush he conceives to be mv Inabiewnd 112‘ .. 't" d f bein 13l
‘bip, ; ‘ » F hopes every enfl‘erer will trjr h‘h retried}, u it, M“ ,"g _ {“311 tg] as}:
on.the 24th nltL, Mu. SARAH M.‘ wife of will cost them nothing, and m” prave a. blcn-r‘mn‘m‘“ hm” , OSRiH‘I ‘
AlexnnderDlywnlt,ofl‘rnnklinitownship,aged ' ling . . ' _ l 3. . l . WéflV yA’R
35 years 7 monthslnnd 4 (1,34. l Parties Wishing the prescription Will Eileen. Rh um t’sm \‘enrnl {MAR
.u Upper Sufi-say, Ohio, on Saturday 1 “dress lth\''DWAßD Jaw: -so,\, incl“; h“ 1m; ‘mt OR”. ,
morning, Sept. 29 , 1860,}? the residence of,“ Williamsbumdii'nga .ount)‘, , Tie Cami-e mafie bv mm. D
Dr. D; W. “in"? rs.fEl;i.A.\’o!t A" Vi“ of! 0°" 22:860- 11 3°" ork. lUELIECTRIE UIL " ire almhit
llcnr Black 0 nw or county‘, Ohio, and‘l ' . .-..-.-.._~;. , , .
filial“? Of‘Ge‘” e Kerr,‘ squ deceased, of"; fitTw‘enty-five to sixty dollars, and (Ix-it: w°ndgrfilitr2iiygffns§é
ficttyobur ,nged 5 years 8 months and 28 dayi. penses per month will be paid liythifrie Sew-.I ‘7’ a" bl‘ {gmiognaries in
On the £24 nlt~v It Franklin terlship, .\lrsZ : ing Machine Comyuny to their. gen , for sdl- “3°“ Puf 'Cblf‘“: m ”0;” f
ELIZABETH LA SHAW, wife of Hezekiah: ing the Erie Sewing Machine. ; This is a newl‘: E’KF‘: puloiicklgvselluintovt
Lauhaw, of New ‘ lem,nged 33 yearsb months * Machine, and so simple in its coneu-uction that fl“ "‘“L'hw . 12 em” m.
nod 17 dlyl. ; , ' ' a child can learn to opernte it by’hnfflansiour'a . 3‘95”? ‘he 1'“? of dict-3:; “l
0n the 16th uh, in Freedom township, instruction. Itis equal to any Family wing AGREE; CDI:%O\'E‘IEY"~AI
JAMES WILLIS. lion of Jamel Ind Amend: s. ‘ Machine in nae,and they take the premium over. 13 ‘th -i*titiuner; nn‘d ch:
G. Bighm,eged 433 mm 3 monthsand 19 days. the Fifty end One Hundred dollnr machines.——‘ 13“ de'l'npgllktl'Jled the m“ v
‘ Communicated. {The price is but Fifteen Dollars. The Company (,3 f 1 ,‘ 1) fun“, coughinati‘
0n the Zin! 01% April, Mrs. CHRISTIARA ‘ wish to employ Agents in every county in the dl’a-t'lfisrl‘fi ff?“ lEi‘Tl‘lU OIL ~
DEAEDORFF, with of Mr. Anlhlmy Denrdorfi', . United States. Address, for pafiiculars, Ems ‘ cu: of Ixe “”‘d b‘casbt But’t
of Huntington mirnship, aged 66 years 10 Suwmo hlncmu Do. 11. JAMES. General 501591 an“ fenderin their verd
month! and 3 dayd. § I A 391“. Milan, Ohio. [.\lnr. 11, ’6l. Girl , both lunmi‘mkenblgc and anti
A light is {review household gone, _..—_— i - -
The heart fl loved is stilled,
.” A place is vicint in oiir hearts,
‘ Which never can be filled. ._
A gentle heari, that throbbed but now, "
With tendeijness and love, i
Ha hushed it: weary throbbing: here A i
To throb in bli as above. I
Flour. 4.. 5 3? lo .5 50' g —-
Wheat. .:.. .7....... Z 3”: u 1 65; PRO.“ REV. N. N.
8ye...... ~ ............. 63 w 70 .\n influéutial mid highly re:
‘.‘nru...... « .....‘............. ,55 lo 613 ' mam, Intel) 11 realdmn of}
(Hts ~.‘..; 1 29 m 325' 3 Ihru.’N. 31.1
Flow-r 5¢ed.1’......a.......x,'...'........ 4 50 12) 4 75 Menu. SETH W. Fownx S ()0
'l'iumthy 5e0u1..." .......'r.... 2 .'HI Lu' 2 75; Una year ago last summe
{Hm-f ('MVJcI per h 11d.......,\-..:. 8 U 0 tui‘l‘fiu ' was very much ufllicled. with
King, pet: hund...1...£.‘... "My..." 5 50 m 6 25 which I found ugmplew reli
may:.................. {.13 00 ml? nu nyuumu‘d Him-rs. [ have
)"hiakcy............ . 17 m" 19 in them as u sure remedy lur
Gmuuo, Peruvian, per “Hum"... ‘ ‘52 00 gumylpiM. Yours, With :11
‘» ' - , ~ 1 ' s. N. lan-mks, Pastor
, u .\.VUS’Fl!l——Tmrh.~.n.\_\"us'l'. 5 | ‘ L
Flour, from «rho Ismr. ...; .. A :4 S.’ ,fiynpropflpd by‘SETH w
'|)o. Iron More «3' f 5 50 3mm": and [or salt-aby .\. “-
“heut ..............S 1. ‘ l 15 [u l 25 burg; 1.; “incahew, yo“; 3,, i
l}xo.t - ‘ GU .E-Irl- Berlin; 501 mm," mm”;
( 0f1.1'...............\...l ... } :‘nu Jacob l-‘ulweilcr,.\lummusbur
(Inl-1...............‘...Jim...".. .......... ‘ 2? .\bholtslowu; 51.5“.‘19,’ _\'
(Hover 5eed........:.
Timothy 5ecd......‘1.‘
To Budge Builders. 4
EALED PROPOSALS will be received It f
S the Ufiéc of the Commissioners afAdams‘
county, until Thursday, the 271/2 dam of June“
mm, for Building 9 }\'uouEx 1311 mm: uroas‘
Great. Conowngo Creek, on the road leading
from East. Berlin to Harrisburg, near the former
place. The Bridg; is to be built after the style '
*of “ Barr’s Patel“: one span, 180 feet. 10ng...
The stone for the nsonaryquu be had within .
fifty yards of the gridge, in the quarry, free of;
change. The Bri'ge is to be constructed 01"
River White. Pint. ‘
Pinup“ specigutions for the Bridge can be ‘
soon by person; gushing to bid, on the day of‘
Joni-Lg, or by mliuuon m J. M. Wang“
cm {one Go , iuionerl.
‘ w “58. H. MARSHA L,
' " iconnhdoneuoudm count!» ;
Amwm W 42“, Clark. , ' : .
Jnn03,1861. pi .\’ - ‘ I
4 9° .\lillor, Ligucuown: Ind byde.
1 I‘oo Mny27,1861. 4w 1
6 ’10“ - .44-.- ;
The Franklin Home Troop
[UL meet at Gettysburg. on Saturday. the
. ‘SM of June inst, at 1 o’clock, for drill:
N. B. If any person feefa disposed to contri—
bute for equipping or furnishing said Company
w‘iih arms, they can do so on thin. day, and it
willsbe thankfully received by the Company.
~ By order of the Captain.
Take Notice !
LL persons are hereby warned against
A trecpasfing or coming with violent inteu-'
lions upon the property of the undersigned“
situate in Cumberland township, Adms conn-I
Iy. Those disregarding this notice will be"
dealt. with according to law. : . i
June 3, 1861. 24*
SIGN GOODS—AII kinda of Union Goodx,
~ with flurdee’a Tactics, to be had M.
June 3’. H. G. CARR’S.
M hrge uwnment'ofliaus‘ 9nd Children’s
Shoes, 3m ad Colored. It ‘ ‘ '
April 22, 3.. F. MdLHENY’s.
G: CARR um Cod Ofl 14mm chuper
_. «bu any body club p» gouty.—
n i forget tin pine, righmppqslte phc Bank.‘
-~ - -
i l
; The Great
I" THE ASK—[nth Chronic
Itheumathm ran by 1: H L.
TURE. Many prnmlncn. . ..2is, and
the mljuilliug (ounlie‘. lnixc‘tcnilicd to its
grclt utility. its sui‘cess if‘ lillonniutic affec
tlom.hxs been hitherto imp lleled by any
rpecnic, intrfxduced to the [a blic. Price 50
cents per bottlrl For sale by ldrugzifl: and
storekrepers. Prepared only b. H. L. .\llLLl-JR,
“‘hnlunle and Retuil Drflggi t. Han Berlin,
Adams rounly. i’l., dCIiPI'iII ”rings, Chemicals,
Ui‘ls, Varnish. Spirits, PUIIIR. Dye-stuff}. bot
tled le~ livenccs and Tmc'lturct. Window
Glass, Perfumery. I’fitrnt .\ltdi inm, Lo, kci
1 WA. 0 Buehlvr is tlxtg' A cut in Gettys
burg lnr “H. L. Millt-r's Celeb ted Rheumutit‘
Mixture." gun 3.lmm. If
‘ Stray 3311?
CA \lf-I'm the premisoe o z thy
.\luunljoy township, (in t
Ami] Inst, n‘DAIIK BROWN 8
toll»: About two year: old.‘ ’; T
i qu‘pstcd to come forward, firm
i cb‘fages, and take him mug.
' wane 3,18 m. 3t 1.
Shaw's. 3“
\' purnnnnce of a writ F
~ sued out of the Court 03C
! ms codxntj. and lo we rec
ed to Public Shlé, at d’
. tynbnrg. on Saturday. (
, at 1 o'clock, I’. 31., the
1 Estate. viz. ;
fierwirk, in snid’ can;
> Land Gettysburg turn'p
,5 t by lands of George
M. May lands of .\lichaclfiq
Butingér, coutmning 4) A'
“H a number of Fruit TteJ
Bit-filed and taken in oxcc'u‘
I) {szmuu Wu”.
1, f swim!
fins iii the Cheat.
F, Lu 'g Discus“.
but; 3‘
Ik} qu Toiafils.
“’ufe‘ I i
in Tin Minn I._
and Constitution:
Wafers ‘
5 Public Speaker».
I Vaferp
san‘. :9 the tum.
I mung
xiqn tc'
mm. It
" I
every one
box of
Siterifl's Uflicc, Gettphg , .1
WT“) per cent. 01"": pl
updn uH gulps by the Sheri mu
inuxgdmtely after the prope‘ t;
or lion fnilqrela comply I N:
ty will be again put up tut silo.
upbly of
nt 3
l .0 fl
re for
{- ‘ . 5 Notx
. {my .\ngzmrs ESTA ..
, 4Jtmenmr)‘ on llle‘esthl 0
Vs' lule‘lof .\luunlpleasnm towh. hi
{”1" ““7 ty,decedsedflmvingrheen gr m
berf. com: sigll'cd, raiding in the aum'e o“
‘_ dmeuel - by gives uo'il'c to of” perch s i
mm“ 'l‘“ estate to make immedinlol
“2“}, (111- hnvipg chums "gains: the in g
ml "Jen.“ ' pyoflerly nythcuticntod to; 7 till
183: fruit-1 : DAME M
e Dysprp-r 3m 27, mm. 6!. , 3
Queue mm. 13 . _._g.'_‘
.‘1 Q
. .1 b‘ri
_ mero-
[ Us.
5, med
i I'd iw
L a dis
' an“
uulpo ‘
i estim-
I favo
\ AD!
|-’ oth
:Lfiliclion. :
nd will MY
Ist: exists. I
uy as fol-
I f: ‘ Notxce' !
'J lpdmmmnmlinn or ‘ I
Esge‘lmnn,lnle of Fr
I coun‘hy. deceased. hav
unitirsigch, residiu;
hereby give; notice v
said state It) nmke
thus lmvmg cluiml a]
‘ th‘um properly anther
i J.
I my“ 29, 1861. m
, - _‘__.._._._ ;
I . N 1
t Incnmry uh “11
VIII!!! of ‘l-‘rnnklin to
dumlpcd, having been gxl
Sign I, tesidingin the am!
by gi '0: notice to n“ per
can! to umkc immediuu
having gluimi uguinsn 1
them pruperb auzheulipu
MA; 13. 1813).. 6!. ~
c, 1959. i
. I
much rc- ‘
ntu-nd to,
,jand sufa ;
that truly
‘0 various
~t without
e‘yond the
lie I made
so rhpidly
rfuL My v
ave place
an: n lapse
a nrrer.
sfmrul of
‘ usfnulury
lwna av
able t
Jail. 1)
.s, Ind
. would
. A ‘
‘ Biu
} ions
11 der:
cm to
ud :1
than five hundred [Lousan ~
sold in a very short time—nix
to those who heard others me
had tried it. That it. h n 's}!
is everywhere ncknowledgl” , -
11 WAS everrbeforc prepared.
The only Genuine " Etecui
De ()rath's.‘ which is 1.0 be ha
npecmble Dragging in the Utter] States, and
at. wholesale and retail, at . e Proprietor]
priccs‘of the Agent. Price 25 cents, 50 cents,
and $1 per bottle. ll'l 5.5 8 street, Phila
delphia, Principal Depot. 1 .
May ’27, 1851. 31!: g;
.5 ~ Notice., i
Leners of administration" -
Jacob A. Riddlemoser, lute ofL
Adam; co.‘ deceased, having
the undersigned,_residing in '
ship, be hereby giVeE noxice -
debwd to said estate to mark,
meat, and those huviug claimg.
to present them proparly gum:
tlement. A. .l
April 29, 186,1. 6!. ‘g
G. CARR his jug:
.‘ city of Philadelphil
men; uf {any bad phin
Timwhich he in selling ch
tie in thy Borough
_ {outing on the
= e. launded on the
hi .gcr, south and
in: 11 um! Wil'lwm
2'», more or legs,
3' 1 ereon.
' ed
to w
- yun
K v
til 8, 1861
Grath’s Great: _ k
"ma MARVEL of ”r; E
flowing, (no: evqrytfii g:
j Rheumatism often ihj d:
}: Veuralgin, Tomhnchd t“
i Cramp in Smr’narhp'fi ‘gn
- Burns,Wounds,Bru‘k 5,3
_ Headacl’ie,'fifleen m' 11%
if Enr-nrhe. Stifl' Neck“ g‘
Piles. chlh-d (“o,an t
Felons, Brngen Br “ ts
twonm sixghvs; .
: Hemorrhage, Scrof
l ten days;
, Froslcd Feet and Ch
‘ dnys;
. Aguc and Fever, on
2» all nervous and acrol
g Deafness in.ouc to {'
all PM“: in the 13ch
1 days '
. twq .dhys, and
: affectiogs.
hys; ..
ast; &c.‘, in two
euudria, Va.
My spa had his
u sticking a nail
|m muk withqm
cation of your
{-er cured and
~ . I believe he
'zherqby. 1 re-
Litmus on ms‘cncrcaz
!Gmb will} his
l~uir§culous,’and “
l a, so satisfnc- ;
ln ill, at! to call;
Ed those having;
.r the sick and‘
e well ntteatcdl
tlus “ Electric '1
man and beast. .
ple tests, both
lmicnl analysis,‘
:Ilue of Prof. Del
n, called DE
lorthe reliefapdl
'43 people them-E
1m in a manner;
' factory. .\lore’
. tlea have been
real propomon l
'mmend 11, who‘
_ dxd discovery“
11d nothing like ‘
-n tha slate of
bony township,
een granted to
all pérsons “m
-[mmdim pay
‘ _ainn the same
. ticalod for set
1 Adm'r.
eived from the
cry. fin; Imu
tlemon's Neck
than our.
Lxstvof Merchant; ; " Private Sale A
ITHIS the County of Adams; returned P A FARM.—Thc subdtri’wr, Auignes o
and claflifi‘cd by the‘undcrsi ed. Ap— JAM! Ecxnurmn and W 1”, «Em-s at
pminer nchrmntlle Taxes. in nocorfinrewith Private Sn]e,,TlH-I FAIL“ of mid Assignorg,
the arm-ml Au: 0! Assembly, for: the year yimueyartlyin Franklin and partly m rum
-1561452, or (muda. Warm arid Merchandise: berlnnd townships. A-lnms county, on the road
Borough u/ lie/(936mg, 5 ‘ ‘leadlng from Gettysburg to Mutmuasburg,
CM.Dolll.C|a. about one mile from the latter place. The
9,‘ 15 00 Farm contains 142 ACRES and A PHRCHES,
13K to 00 neat [qt-saute, improved with g Two-Story
”f ‘9 °° Double: LOG :10Usr:.r.og Barn,
3;“: gg'avith Shedsvnuachcd. lime Sm.
‘Hi 1 00‘ Nu, new .‘pring House, “"911 of
=H« "I 00 water at the door. {mi 11 301 mg ‘
‘H‘: 70° grchqfi. Thsdlnud uof good quulny, being
‘ : eye pw 5:! .
‘3: g 33‘ Perso‘ugwishing to vim-Ihr- propefly aye re
:“1 700 quested; to call on .13ch Eckcnroda, tending
Hl} '7 00 thereon;' or 9n the .\ulgnee. rcaidugg in Get.-
“3 700 tyihlll'jzj‘. ‘\ ZACUARIAH SIM-IRS.
H', ‘ 7m‘ Apnl'ifl, 1861‘. tf Asnynce.
Fahncstock k Brothers,
Dunner & Ziegler,
J. L. Schick, I
John Soon, .
Scan & Son,
Gumn & Brother, ‘
Georg: A mold.
.\lnn-u: Samfiou,
F. B. Picking, ‘
Jacob: & Brothqr,
A. D. Buehler, :
S. S. Fomey, A3' I,
R. F. Mullhrny, !
(:obenn & (Yulp, f ‘ ‘
Wm. Gillespie. ; _
Norbeck l Mmin,
George Lime, ',
Boyer & Sou, ,
Mn. Narbeck, l _ I
Mlsl Derrenry, i
.\m. M, Martin, L '
Philip Winter.” ; ' ‘ _ ’
John Gruell. 1
Wm. E. .Binle, \‘ " 1]
1-2. H. Minnigh. }
H. H. Rowe & 13110111", 5 (
Myers t StrickhQuaer, . 4
George F. Kalbflpiah, _ 1
n. G. om, 3 - ,
Sheads k Buckley,
John Hoke, E
Diem, Brinkerho & 00.,
“Midland 7'
Alex. Harper, 1 l
Tgrone Toml-
. suhncrlber, in
e 30th day of
'I.L, supposed
:- owner is .re-
I- mommy, Pay
gri Fncias, is
mon Pleas of
cd,’will be ex
un-housc, in
I}: dim n/Junc
wing described
Peter Yams, l, i _'
John Delsp, ' l
Sal'aban Town: I'}
Philip Hnnn, .‘ ‘
P. A. Myers, 1 ' ,f
Jacob King, l
Hugh King, ; h )5 t
cob King, (\mr ouae,
fihiel Gonldcn, f“ ~ !
BI Eichollz, i '
‘ Liberty Towns}: .
G. A. Gmsvsnn, 1‘ ‘
Samuel Martin, ‘
Lar‘lmorc Town: ‘p
Solqmon Lei-cw. ;
* Jlmhllen Tau-m 12
Charles Elden, [ V '
Burkholdrr & Wilpon, '
Abel T. Wright, “ , .-
George lliuuigh, ; i 1
31mph l’ilzcr, ‘ y '; l
R. 11. & E. [loopesl _‘
H. Pcnroat, 1 I
I’. L. W. Ilouck,‘ “ ‘ l
at. uite proper-
0L1", Show.
my 27, '6l.
; rt-lwse money
I v. be paid over
is struck dnwn,
ith the proper-
Letlers tellta-
John Marcy,
' Adams coun
{. la the under
, «hip, he here
debted to Iflid
rm, and than
0 present. them
A ' J Fméklin 231mb ~
Plank & Spangler,’
kmel Shank, ‘1 A
Jauxe§ .\linzklcy, - 1
Jacob Fnlwoilcr, ‘ . ‘ '
Peter Miéklcy of D., i ‘
Martin L. Miller, ‘
John (‘lmmherllin‘ :
Mg. Ann‘ Rolllmuu', ‘ t ‘
\V. W’. Witmorc, . ‘l
Jacob Marks, ' y i
Pgter Bdblilz, , 3. ‘
Jncob A. Gnrdn‘er,‘ - ‘
of Joseph
JipY Adnms‘
unted to thfi
‘wnship, bk
indebted to
uncut, and
:0 to present
R, Adm’r.
I'l lleitshew,
Wm. Megury,
John Gardner,
A mus (hit-st,
John \V. lit-i 129“,
etters tes
mucl Bear,
all!!! county, |
the uudur
shipiihe hcre- ,
«Mo to said,
liLapd those;
I e lo prheull
cttlemcm. '
English i
Mouulpleuau Tadyhi‘d. .
J. kE. \liller, \ 14
Peter O‘Ncal, . 1 ~ ‘I 4
JncobUOSsmnn, ‘ \ TM
J. Emanuel Smithfl
Joseph Sheely, ‘
A. Smuh.
Samuel Faber, ;
[ § ‘ EWm. D. J: A. S. mines,
‘ ‘ . Mum-east Peters, 1}
’l‘f‘t9”[£s" Frank. Hornh,~‘ ‘ ‘
hn hpllle ‘3’ ! A‘nn," “Pug", ‘ ‘
5 county, flv- ;J. Wort, ' 1'
the 51min- ; W. Stuullor, f _
Luwnéhtp, he , a “Wide, , _
4'“ indebted donn (ff-net ;‘ , 3,
Wm“: Md John L. Smith, ‘ 1,
me toprescnti HM 'ng Tomiki
”Yuk-WW" Spams!" k Broth: , ;
5: munch; ;1. n. Shiplcy, ‘ 1 ,
.la‘cob wulr. , ‘ [ 1
Solomon Let-cw, i *
Solomon Uh‘roninqr,
qurjooy Tomuh
f Bugle Ham,
dug. n ohm“)
ble goods is}
ull Mam-tuned:
ld respecfull‘y~
b rial. anold
John You,
John Rehen,
Henry livid", 1‘
John Shady, E
.\‘onh Miller,
Edward Smivy, i
E. aN. (lamp, I -
Miller A: son.
Jacob S. lelinger
Coma ago flaw-1A!
John Bhuhey, ‘
Reilly & Sneeringqr,
John Fuwler, ;_ L
ctrie Oil,
GE-Tor the
‘\ ;
In: ‘ - l
?0 MINE; I
inuflu ,
ne to two\d{lya;‘
‘ 1
e,one‘nigh ' }
’ days;
8:”: “Rheum,
Ilamilloug’l'o ~ ~ i
Spunglcr & B'rolheé, r 1“
Wm. Wolf, 1 34
Henry L. Miller, 1 4
lhldebmnd s Sleuth, 4
Frederick Heililer, ‘ 1 ‘ 4
George Mnndorfi', ‘ I 4
J. J.‘ Cline. ‘ 1: I 4.
Miss Caroline lit-miner, , ll
lijah Spangler, y‘ :4-
S dheim 8 Stémf . ¢
3 Bcruitt Tau-MW . ‘1
D. Hollinger, ' i H
Wm. uvis, 3 , - L H
Lewis iimhsl, . ' 34
Joseph sfer, .1‘ ’)4
DavidC 11min, { ‘ ' , 14
Union 'l‘9uwuhip.f
.. 1 14
‘9“, i ' 1‘
qwford, ‘,, [4 l 4 '
‘ Hammer
:Binehnfl, . 13
cCrcnry‘, ‘ l 13
I gu-r, » ‘l4
man, ‘ __ _ ,‘1 14‘
bsceai, six to‘
n 5, due to threp
Peter Lo '
Sulxiun ti
Paxton & v
John C. Sh
Dunner n! "
Study k‘S ‘
I J. A. Shorb
G.W. Row.
[John Mill.
v Myer Nusbn
‘ Henry Dy"
.L. Brant,
fibers & Sb
1 Swope th
.‘ John Dntler
; John Miller,
OLD, Enter.
all pains cured
‘ 14‘
s Fruda‘m Tun-chip} ‘ ;
bbrigbh : h
_ ‘lmsrmnl' ucnu. §
Wm. S. Jenkins, (Conowugo tp.‘,) 8
David Rhoquru‘reedom tp.,) a i 8
‘‘l snue‘mununoi. g
Farmers‘ k Meghanics’Saving Inuit'utbnfis 00
Abraham W
Notice ls betel) given ‘0 all permuaimuut- , _
ed in the above ryeturn of clusifichion, tint I} K NOW‘IS the TLme !
\nll hold an Appeal, 1!. the Codgmisaioners’: HE undersigned, ahavmgjeased {be Csr~
Otfice. in Gettysbumv 0" Saturday/91A: 15”! dflll' T ringeJnaking ‘stnblishhent of Andrew
'of Jame next. between the hours of 3 A. M. and» Woods, 0M1": comer of Baltimore and Breck
-3 Pa 31': when “d “11"". all persops “‘3‘ map inridge stream, Gettysburg, hereby info'rms the
conuder themselves nggneved hy said cluaifiwnbhc that. he mu PM up to order “Winds of
canon may mend. 1 J. M. WALTER, r Him—c RRIAGES, BUHGIES. ‘SPRING
Appraiser ot‘Mercnntile T 53" {qr AW" WAGOIVfi‘, «kc. He wxll also givé Carriage
May 20, 1861. 4L ' ‘- t/hEPAIR‘IXG Close nuantion—domg all work
1%!) the vez-y best manner and at moderate rates.
1 ash or country produce taken in payment.
Oil" is Prof.
at all the re-
fifiéfiee’s Notice
* E undersigned, having been appointbd As-
I I “ Sign», under a deed of trust Mr :11; ban:-
8 L 'of creditors, of Jose: Ban Ind Wm,
{of Hamilton townnbip, Adams cpunty, ndg
,tice is hereby given m 1111 persofll knowing
l themselves indebted to said Assignors to make
Immediate paymem m the undersigned, re
aidmg in Gettysburg, and those having claiml
“gums: the same to present them properly an
thenticated for settlament.
April 29, 1861. 6:
Hay Rake. ;
HEADS k BUEBLER have on hand two
S flint—rate HAY and GRAIN RAKES, which
will be sold at low rates. This inn. fine op.
portxa’nity forFanneya to secure a vain-ble hbor
and dare suing implement Cull dad look I:
them. . [May 27, gasl. t!
1811130 CARDS. Envelopel, NOl3, Latter
V find (hp Piper, just received a MlGK’B.‘
:33, > t FAIRFIELD
1 - u . ‘
7 «0’ ' I Stall m the Umon}
700 JNéHABT & SULLIVAN beg leave to call
a on‘ R uni (Intention oftheir trtcndapnd the pub
'l 00 liu genehlly to the t‘uct that thny havejult. re
-7 00 turned [tom the citwn at Philadelphia Ind
7 00. Blltim c, with a NEW AND SPLENDH) AS
-7 00‘Sl)ll'l‘;l$.\'l‘ Ul" GOODS, clientper than qver,
I ‘OO bcfurc qfierenl m ,xlw cuunty. j ’
7 00. llnvitilg buught their gnudflof Caulk, at panic
.7 00 ”prices, 15nd stat tune uhvu the (helmet in runny
’1 00 kinds ofifnhrics is unprecedented. théy are egr
% 00 ablcd tolatfet such B_\R“v.‘rl.\'b~as mllrflonuh
7 00 the unfit credulous. If our friends willxbut
’1,2 50 call antic-”mine our stmk, which is complete
25 00 in evprj depurtmcntgwe are sure wé can ufl‘e;
2!: 00‘ such iniucementfi’ as Win amply repay them fpr
their trqublo: Every‘nrtitlc usually kept _in a
first. clad; country store Will be found on ha‘ud.
1 We aré ficttnmned NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD
T 00 unvwlxe e outside of the City, as our motto il
l 7 00 "Quick‘Snib—a and Small Profits." No trouble
i, ~ Ito shnwgoodn, ,
, 2 00% fiflie uho take this ogcnsionv to 'return our
, 700 ‘ tlmuka “hover, generous pmronngewe have
7 00 heretofoi-e rel-aired, and indulge the hope that
i 70, by strictl attention to lmfinonn. und :i high re.
" 15‘0 gar-d for'the intercsts nl‘ lJuth our punch: and
i is ‘O9 cunning, to merit a rontinu-mce of their kind
l l 700 fm‘ors. Al umamnr‘t SUMJMN, z
i i (‘orner Main :53 Mountain 513., t
4 g 7 April it, 1351., , H 11-‘nirfi‘pld, Pa.
H ‘1 00; —*+~—~~-.-~~+——Ar-~r >--
; f l ‘ . aw SprlngGaods!
i” ‘ 7 00] ICK NC}; lm‘a on lmnd n no“ lot of,Sprin¢
i I ,; 1P 0 ERGUATS at “M prides. 4
E 4 ] _‘_ .0” ' ‘ t)\'l2ll(:‘th\’l‘s{ ELWJX' prices,
4 i .00 . SPRING mums mus,
l“ 7 00| Dltliss CHATS, ‘ L l l
:1 ‘ ; ggi 'Piuxuyaxréunnxs, 1 ,
‘ 'l’.t.\'T,\LU ms .1 Ini rices ,
“i Z "0‘ ~ . , smusd V 6545, ‘33P '
.14 J 0"} 5 vr;srs,\'r:srs.wzsrs,
P‘,’ 70° UnderS irtsmrawers,Stockingifiockafiloves.
j ' I‘Also, M sicslilnstrumeutu,Accq‘rdeoul, Flutes,
I”! 7 o°, Pifea, .\' tiouf.‘&c., kO,: km, being told Veryl
%‘ 7 outclieup. ‘all {in and look and ion qnn't hell}
‘4; 7- 00‘ buving. '‘, . , [.\la‘v (é, IRGI.
1.4 7 00. _L.._ , .¢.__H-_u._ -:., - _.-_-
“1 . 7 00‘. , Lime! Lime! 5 ,
,1: .1 33 , TllE'apbscrihcr has tensed ou_e or he LIMI-Z
H 7 00: Klvlq’SS of \lr. Samuel Snccringerf. luCour'h;
l" 7 00 . Wago tovfnshig, and will hfrent‘tcr curry on Stud
1 7 00 ' businexsfnt raid Kiln, invmng niporu‘ou of_t.he
I‘, , 700 patronngl: otthe pub] c. "I: prices are 9 cents
j a per bushel curb, and 9} ceuu on credit. First
‘l2 12 s'o Pate Lint; Static and lint. rule limo: Elm \' '
13‘ 12 50 Juli) Bhlg A..
H 7 00 .
114 7 ooi
,‘I-t 7 00
(H 7 00
{4 ‘ 700
4 7 00
‘ 7 oo
4- 100
4 7 oo
Gaming Tot-m
7 04
_Agfj‘l 32. mm. M ‘__ _
. f :Union Inn;
E 0 ‘O3 A. CORWELL, ot'the Union lnn,
' curihe (‘humborshurg Turnpike, nenr the
00 top of thp South Monuh-iydakes thln method
00 ofiuformjng his friends nnd‘the public that he
0. in pupal-fl] to«_ accommodate all “hd may pn
-00 trouize h m,’in the best munner, and fit moder
-00 , ate charges. No elTurt will he qmrnd‘tn give
00 sntisfncti n. "is tnnlc and Lar uill}he found
00 ,vwcn pmt£dc-d,nnd his bedding unelccptionable.
'Large 5 filling for horses. He only asks a
00 I trial. ' [May 6. Audi. um
33; ‘ ~ glow Liquor Store;
on' .\OO5 STOCK wnnld in‘ronn tu‘e puMic
00.21 that, g! has (waned n Liquor Ftoru in South
no Washing out Street; Gettysburg:whore he hits
09 now on nndLan will mntmni to keep, for
”male, B ANDIES.‘GINS, Monongahela and
(‘O. other it ISKIES, :ot uill’erent lii-finds uud
: prices. y ufl'ering pure “Killed in che'np
‘ ram, he‘hopés to recclrc it fn'ir slnlre of pa
trounge. 1 Ho ‘ eceiwa his .\lolir)iig,nheln Whis
key dire In“; Pittsburgh. and can warrant it
pure. ’ i [lluy 201 1861. Mn
N w ads 8: Lumber.
PETE Bl BLITZ, at Arendtst'ille', has just
-n-lu nod ‘ from llle city with n large and
IC‘El‘t at k 0 Dry Goods, Groceries‘ Gut-ens
warn, llxrdyr re‘,- Boots, Shoes, Hula. Gaps,
Trunks, c..‘ c., chl~npcr,tlmn ever. {
, He Ala hm! on lmnd a lot or POSTS, RAILS,
Ind Sill GL} 5, ofcxrcllent qualit),'wlliA-b he
wltlnlx solo at the lowost living profits.—
Give him a c l. He will always try to please.
my 1 136}. 311: :
' ' ave Anodyne l
DOT AD E DROPS.—Conglnin no more
T' of A hint; Teeth—These D pa have been
[extensiv y uscd by thousands Whose experi-
QO ence hulprov‘lcd that the Auodyne fwill give
00 , immedintb and permanent rcliefnl‘tcr the failure
00 :of every gather remedy. It in plensnano the
00 ~ tube andgsmell, nml a few applicntious will on.
00 tirely refiofe the pain nndysnrcnrna train I do
-00 cayed tooth. 90 that it may be filled and‘rcn
-00 def-ed us useful as e\cr. When the pain pro
-00? teed! from the face, or from the gums around
00: s tooth fippanently sound, this Anodyne will
60‘ give speefly relief by rubbing n Efew drops on
E the part all‘ectqd. it has only to, become ‘gen
erally k ‘own to be as highly 'nppreciuted by
the pnblil an ill: by dentists. ' -
Read the following letter from one of the
moat diattnguihhed “meal dentists in the city
of New Ybrk: ‘ ‘
”Messy. Sandi: Gentlemenudnthe course
of my prtctlcol have extensively used your
Clove Anhdyng with much succdsa fur the re—
liel at tho ’l‘ othnche. and as I constantly re
commmdlit oimy patients, I deem it but just
toinformfyo of the high opinion [have of it
over other remedies. lam yours, very reaped
fully, l M. LEVETT. Dentist.” '
' ~Fitter»: 25 CENTS p 39. VIAL.
fifl’répured by A. B. Jr. D. SANDS. Drug
gmts, 1.00 (Fulton SL, cor. of William,‘l\'. Y.
Forlnlq by A.__D. BquEn, Gettysburg, Pu.
Mny 27,,1361. 1m - ‘ _
10 00
‘ 'a' 00
7 00
7 00
'7 00
7 00
’4' 00
-7 00
7 00
7‘ oo
*7 an
7 oo
19, co
m 00
7 00
7| oo
Beechersville Store.
,ILLER & SON respectfully any to the
M people that ”they wuin cheap Ind good
ds, the S 10“: at Becchenvxlle, Adams cou n
‘ty. is the place to cull M. They have return
ed from ms eny With a. large and choice stock
of Gootls,-'-such as (‘lotlhy Cuaaimeres, Casan
n’ets, Vesuings; Snlks, Uclnms, Calicoea; Mus
lim, Sheetings; Groceries. Hardware, Hats &
Capa,’ Boots,& Shoes—in short, everything us
ullLy:kepfi in a well stocked comm-15mm.—
Theyinvité the calls ofthe public. sure that they
an please). They are determinedl by selling at
reasonable prices, and by clone: attention to
busirgeu, :0 give satisfacuou‘ l
May 13, 1861. 3:
1 oo
16 00
15 00
Notice to Tax-payers.
TOTIGE is hereby given that the County
h Commissioners will nuke an abntanem
01 FIVE PER CENTJupon 111 State and County
taxes assessed for the year 1881 um abs“ be
paid to Coilectors on or before Monday. (he 1:!
day ofJuly. Collectors will be required to call
on tax-payers on‘or before the above date, and
make such abatement to Ml persons pnying on
or before mid day, and pay the anmé to the
County Treasurer, otherwise no abatemen't will
be made. By order of:b:r.\Commissioncrs,
J. Sig-WALTER, Clerk.
Mty 13,1861. 1d ~
OMBSTICS, Tickinge, Cbpclu, Hannah,
D thehupu Funneuocka’. We but. also
1 [OSLLR handed wuh our own nine, to
which we hviu upe'cid utention,u it. excel:
by In, um our stated in this market fix- :th
price. ; ~ , .
.>“ y ‘
} _
I l
Now Rafa”.
. ’ \Baxter’Su
vommm-s} Hunt, .
cosnuma [rt-u; wknbcnuu ron tn 1
REGKL’IT, . , ' f
In the Schools of this Sgldiu Ind Squlnd, given
And All the iufurmafiod‘neéusaary {pr the form
ing uf ‘ ‘, '4 ‘ ‘ ,
coups or mm? Gums. :
Hlustmled with _ovcf .
100 nicmfmas.‘
Showing the Di _ cram. ’
Pacing: and out;
And complete aireclh
L o A D l N b ium-N
. mmwzhlém'
g scon's sum #1? mi
I ‘ ‘ _,
A d ' f 1’
l n m‘coq film” I
Army Reqtinmnh‘for
‘ - ‘fi‘
\N. LT. 00L. 0.:“; .
E .\\ lg? ifli
I \ lu'uému.’ r‘
The instrukzioul given in
Imporunce 10‘ e alew'vol
he thoroughly SI§IOO¢
to the instruction 0 “I com
Bound iu ofie \ohlNi:
Covet-[price 25 cents»! 51:1
I ' ii Ata‘o
l‘nhlisbrh in iflfi fir .
At the snmelflicegnu
German 13qu of xfimrricu
Pnblishcdi‘iflle {7 ,
Agents and Qinvaa
To engage in the sue uf t 1
Prire per Dozen Cu'pien,
‘f Fifty “ .
” Hundred “ :
“i 9." nrdors accnmfgniéd rm: um Cuh .1111}; - ‘ George M. Bokee.- 1
lb” viii-patched lmm ciliutlklly‘ e'ilber by .pmt 1*“ .\[POR’l‘Eh‘and Peak-r l'u ' g ,
“my. 1; . | ’. ; r v cyan; GLASS 1. PUEENSPWBE,
, ' . ‘ u. 4!". art ownrd Street )elwcen .ex nF’
I fill ordered 1” POE , SL‘W‘P' mm“ b“ ‘P‘ { lull and Pnyelte Streetr.'BAl.TiSlllßH, “ V
cloned to pay pnsugp. ‘l} by "pi-ens, the S'I‘IJNEWAHE iilgg‘ya on hand, at [flirty
ifnight can bepaid on d ivqry. . " - primes. “ June 18, 1560. ‘y.
I w... , _ .‘_L ._ __ V_ I ’-::":”‘~’~-r~z~:r:r::r:.":€:i;m
. v r ‘ . ‘1
1 some rO3 rim QpLUN-rnnn. ar - - Pubhp Noiéica- ’1
I ' 3 - TH' i i ! TAXI-2‘ this method to inform Ihr! public
I « r.j 1 ' ‘ I : _ilmt l lmye received from the‘ cit) of l’liilu ‘
‘ CIA 3| 1’ -F I 3‘3 o’ll’AN ! 0 NY ‘1 iii-lphia a FRESH STUCK OF 00005.91"!-
3 A Naif and Original ¢ol c‘ion of Militaryl prising all orthe newest “310qu l
and Patriotic Sougl‘, “fame chm-infli- {m- 1119.: -‘ LA ”.1535“ pRESs GOU‘IIS. .
Vpreseut Campaign. Qneli‘n I_’.'mu. Will) [L‘ S-“AS‘zfajiKlVfi CLOTH‘L . > i
ilustmtiuns. Paper your, 15 cts. Flci‘bla’o: Gull/ES, . E
C10th,25 cu. ‘ r r . _ l ’ 1103 mm, 1 N
' W ._ l BUNNE'JIS, _ z‘ ',
I SINGLE ('(H'll-lS or ‘rm _inm'ii: 30043»; K _ RIB%US\S‘.;K'N§ ‘
EMAILED rim: or P 951“ :3, u. up}; ”mi-egg? u"H u “ fim- Mwmmlof , - u: ..
in M £2sme "pun-weir “mermaid I ‘, ram-Imm? Arm i-‘AM'YSOAMJ ‘
KING & "ninmfmrim g and Pmishodk in “k“ E‘ifrythiflfi“h“‘.i(”\ "qulls found‘ 3‘9 I
so: s‘axxson $l2. P ”LADHld’lll‘Au 3‘3“ " “a“;"g‘fifiiggffiffix , .
To whom all Lfidernrilvioujld Unddreue‘l. ,g 1 l lingo a}; complete 9. stock of CLOTIIS,CA’iISI-r;
Mar 20. 1861‘. 6L“ 2 ‘ VMERES, Gum’s M'l’l‘AnLi-s FOll Ennis"
" 1 ‘iiw—fl --—+7 WEAR: us wrll as GLOVES. STUMKINHH,_
ard‘ ‘ HlANllKlillUlHEl-‘S, NECK TIES, b'l'yfil’EN
[AVY' “Enid“: ' Ilium, kin, iu- was 0‘ c} brought to licltnlolzrg:
. onumm'js _i‘l'fllfil’fflLT ~.v.. --."; .'“.ff‘i’l'L; ‘
ALT" ash 'llArm-. Removal. ‘_ _ '
“g“.lmih" "‘T‘C; zurmm has rtmmeg} hi. mm. in
" rim” “6"“ 3"! Clark Making; lislnbliaiimeut to Small! Hal-V
(° “i“ M, ’l‘? ’, “more street, urn doors nurtl; of Dunner};
'P" .'"“ ’"tb‘ Zieglor'mh‘mrr, where he‘i'ill‘hn glad to no i
bure ’lhmut, “’hd n-ivc a futilinuum-c of the [mironugc olfilu
l" public. By nlom: athenliol to bugim-u. g'pqd
Work, mid moderate charges, hh‘ hope: to give ‘
gi‘ncml azisfacurn, usherulol'ore. i
I ‘ Gettysburg, April 8, 1933;» _A_ ' ‘
$lOOO .119 "
BALM IN a 11mm?“
nus I‘o m: S M! All) “it:
no: l—For the'quick curho 1
Ache. Rheugnuiam, Xourjlgi
buck or stomach, Hahn. r’_a
Frosted Feet or Elm, iß'ul
Spruins, Bruises,,|
:11 similar complaints"
Toothache cured in: ten \
cured in five miumeb. Hen
minutes. Burns cuied Cron
mum (us. Neu‘mlgim pu 'um
ules. Colic cute in ten
rrlieved in ten minq'tgs
in five minutes. i "
100173595 hive bah Cure by one Agent
ED. Tu rrl THE 11!! av 11H! MM
25 and 50 cent: per Bottle. ' I
These things wepwVe on e spot lild heroic
your eyes, only bring ion yo r macs: g. l
WA liberal ulxaq‘ount ode to Agent‘f:
one‘ wanted in cn-ry’d‘tuwn : also, A lex‘v goo}!
traveling Agrnza. All order and cummuuu: .
tion: should be addressed to T
. 'j. C. S. COIJBERT 8: 00., a l
, v _l23;‘Svnut.h_3th strevit, Philadelphia. i |
,Dhmcruiynb 1:91: :USINU mum-m 1" r
BALM 1x GILEAD.—-l’or Tpollxaclm and; i '
ov‘er the face and gums of the 100 m sllccu ,
pressing the hand upon the line ; npm ll n,“ ‘
cqred. Infixtreme cases “at cotton “uh 1h ,
891 m, and rover the moth: and gums. Fol.
Headgu‘he, bathe the templesi and apply lo 11l
nosesand nke from ten to thirty drup: m [A
a tumbler or water, sweetened
For Group aull Sore Throa: take from um t?‘
thirty drops mix-mall} , on sugar or ‘m swecmné‘
ed warm water. bmhe Ihr throat lret-ly and
bmd no a flannel. For Heudnnhr, liheumatiaml;
Neurslgiz, anc Back or Suh- buthr Irrul‘v w 111
Balm iu Gilead, and generally lake mic-run. yl‘
Fur Burns mu one part Balm m leend 1d
two 01 water and tluur, to make u paste. co er:
the bum with the same. Fol Colic, take [rpm
Len lo forty drops :11 but water, lmzlle LL
buwels and Apply wet. flannela. In the wake;
the smlller dose 15 {or chlldruu, and the larger
for adults; vary accurdmg to age and ail-cw“
stances. i
Colbert's Balm in Gilead is harmless. (VL'
bert’n Balm in Gilead give-1 antisfacnnn. ' l
Those who have used Balm in Gilead will
not. be without i:
N. 3. Order: sent by Expr‘eu to any page!
the United States at the [shorten notice.
OQ.OO() PER—We have taken Lb:
house ulcly occupied by Klinefelter, Bollinxer
& Co., with a determiuntiun to pay the highest
market. prices {or all land» of Grain. You will
find us aupplied_thli PLASTER, GUANO of
all kinds, GROCERIES, Wholesale and Retail.
LUMBER, COAL. and every other nrtlc in our
line of business, sold at the ium-15mm:
rates for Cash. Cull nn‘d examine our stock and
prices before purchuing else-when.
Apiil 22, 1861. zf - ‘
Timi‘lng !~ Tinning! ,
rlmr: nan-“signed renpecu'ully intolpl m
crizem of Unttysburgsnd the pubhc up- 1
family, ”15“. he has Upenud a new Tuning 3-
. 4 übhihmom. m Cllamberabux‘ street, Oil-ac ‘
merchant Tailoring; ] opponw Christ L‘hnrcb. He V5ll 1991;913:103, ‘
EORGE ARNOLD hag jun r'gt med from i and keep constantly on hand, "at; vain x-
G thecity with a large stock of (01.4%, 039-, TIN-WARE, PRESSIZD and JAPAN-W
simqres, Csahmereus, Dmp do Eta, hmere, and wax always be reddy to do REPAIR Q. ,
Cloth, 3nd Vestinga of All styles; and having , ROOFING and SPUUTLN'G sllo dough.”
secured thr.- serncea of best. manner. Prices modem“, Ind W‘mx
W . T . K I N G , spared Lo rrnder run umftctiqn. A my. 41'"
an Foreman, we are prepared to put up the; the public a putrouugu is soliqited.‘ \
above goods in styles eqag! to the beat city‘.k A. P. BAUGHEB. k
mannfgcmring establishments, Hating turned: Geltyaburg,luue 18, 139:0. 1y ’
out hundreds of joba'witbin the lausix months, ”7 "~‘*"’
which have all provedrnfisftcxmy, And a very
considerable increase in our trudggo 1.0 show,
coucluaively, that we do busiuelu in No. I
manner. Our mock ofgoodn cannot be lur
pused in quality and style. Give an n mll.-——
We are confident we can plead: yon.
3pm 15, may tf
’ ADIES' {mess mmumus, in gm: +3.
L riot], n , ‘ MICK’S.
Attention !
Tbe tem :Withers UM* ever irsiblished,
in the moat Simple; Stylr,
m not 1. ogp’wgm
Ire o'f thc great”!
meet, and shoul’d
Eeing indispensable
In. thei Cuun
Agents wanted. For term» address
C. S. COLHEItT & \"O..
No. 123 8. Fourth SL, Philadelphia. Pa
April 29, 1861. um
A. Ready' Market.
.‘" Balflygezaégfi’ta-
. ' Hower Streefi -
murm- STORE 1.4. a dmrn’m
HUN. .\'o. 37 N. lluward St. .‘i. W. Can 0
‘u! ”award & Murinn Flu-Mt. Buhimnro.
Do you want to buy A Cheap Carpet? ’
‘, Then, go In [he Howurd St. Pup" Bmm
, mum-21‘s, on. mums, MATTING§, n,
'kc.—-We would imiu- attention to our Kw
,swck of Cnrpeliugn. Oil Clmbl, Mulingl, Rn ‘
rpcn, Tabit- Uil l'lmhu, km. hm. 'lll 0,
w m-h we are .detnmxncd to null II (In "I:
Jl‘u‘n‘cn f‘ruh prices . "
. ”Any Making (0 buy go‘odn 510" “no
wfil find it to their ulnnu c to umme oi:
stock lvcfwe purchuing alcwhen. fined;
‘pncked for couglrx‘ trade and deflated 1m 3,!
charge. \ A'. G. GRIFFITH L' 805.
Ann? (Leann-nu, Gunman-run (hum ,
I 50‘ 37 N. Howard 51., S. W. Car. of flow“:
4: Marion Stu-cuts.
April 3, hit“. 6w
. 1861. »- 1861. 4881. ,
mums, OIL moms 1m» mnmnfi,
C memw roux AUCTIOXIi—Cm
from 25 coma up: Oil Cloths ri-um 311 cc!- up;
White and Checked Matting. Afll widths. show
low picel : Cucou Mattings of ditfu’rul widths.
STAHI “005 at reduced “411. RM; (MY
l’E'l'S ofvour own muke n: wholenlo Ind reui .
A call ablicitcd. JOSEPH VICTORY,
‘ 145 Lexil‘ngxpu Hum-t, ;
4 doors west of Honinrd EL; 15 diimou‘. ‘
- April 1, 1861.-3119 ' x
milieu. in the :
u of Army!
u relume to I
'FI I“; G. 1
nwilh the
2!» mm”? .\‘. Guy street, Baltimore, (ac-1r
Fa; me at.,) extending lrom Gay to Fretlérick
n —-th_c largest establishment ofthe kind If: rlsi
(31mm. Always on hand thmc unwind»: m
brnrin'g Bun-nus, Bedstcudl,Walllstmdl.\\'lrd
rnhea, Munressen at ”us“, Cotton and flam-
Hprlng Beds, Sol-In. Tote-e-Tctoa. Arm Churn,
Rm‘kmg Chnirs, thgorci. .\lnrble Tnblul’, Set
luvs, Revgption and (‘phnlstarud Chuiru. AS.-
Wugdflhnirs. Uflicr Chairs, Barber Chllra,
;Approval ‘o}.
0., 6?. pages, Paper
ble Cloth, 38 gen};
Cnbs Ind Urndles, Hut Racks, “all Furniture.
um mm annm Frame Looking (Unsung, Sidi
‘ . buurdn. Extm‘ion ’l‘nblvs, nt‘ucr) length;
\: .’ l’rnunl diupom-d. tu plger-hue an invite}! ‘0
j; {on}! uni give our stuck an éxnminnhon, which
‘ \ ‘ ‘wr \urioty and uulny ot‘workmnmlu u not
an Tflfigflflgjl‘, equullcd by unificswbliihmcm in the :fiuuuy.
ldia they“, n . A. .\IATIHU'I' a 50:4,;
‘ ' 1"1 ~ « Nos. 25 and 27 N. (In): “NH.
1: .llJalun/ ‘Y'arlics ; .\ug:6 1960. - LY
iced St‘nlu
“-‘“: ~ ‘ will . :Lawreimé liUDietzl’S
~ ‘ , 'o_ 10>: nursn.
9'1“?“ IN, H 31921.39 0.9.3....”
1i; Work, in_ uvqry [IOSUJR I', “TIMI/LYON“
VILLAGE " l ' ' 5"” “’st . 1 W
‘ ,1 \Yholnsal: and Rcuul, MIC-heap us any ginkgo Ii
ry- , } j ' ' Hultimnrr. : ;
‘ Q2lOO , 151 Panama Swim, BAI.I‘I\I}¥RB.4
“800 3* Order: promptly attended to. ‘ f t ’
..-.:...:...15 II)‘ Jun. 18; lßliU.’ ‘Jy _ 2.
inutos. Enrm- e
Inche cured in t ‘n
matting in ‘n o
-ured in five mi -
minutes. Spmi u
re throat rclnev
Lancaster Book Bipdery. .2
1 1201168 mm, 7 ' 3
3G ’ 800 K nnvntz.
“sewn-IR. PA‘.
. Plain and Ornammtal Ihmln'ng, of every '10:
m-ription, executed iu sh}: Inubmbuuuthl by!
approved styles. Eiflij A: ‘ H
BAY. Brown, 35¢, Farmers Bank of Lancutghi
W. L. l'clpex:J Esq, bun/rum County Huh. j;
Samuel Shock. an., Columbia Bank. 31:
Samuel Wagner, Esq, Yoxk Bank. . 1
Wiliiam Wagner, Esq; York County Bank. ‘
T. D. Carson, Esq., [unit at (_h-Uysbufg» ".
Peter Martin, Esqr, PrulNnyMln<:u9emo., Pin
”to (1 Hamhorn, E!q., Hugh-tn “ "
Geo‘ Whiuon. Escw lured" “ f‘ t
Apr“ 15. 1861. _.. ' , i
New Store at Faufleld! ,
3 f ‘HE subacrihura have opened tn enl're NEW
which they invite the ntteulwu ol‘tbe public.
“e use prepared to sell at utmuely LOW
R \‘J‘ES for «uh. All we ask is a call, and we
mll prove the truth of the Above n-uertion.
April )5, 1861. 3m
L cexved and are now opemnz a cheap nub
dcsirablo assortment o! Sprung Goods, to
which the situation of buyers is rrapecvlully
xnvined. Their uock comprmu an Lb! lam!»
and most approved styles and pmu-rnu af Dre“
Goods,togather wnh their usual tsvonment‘o!
Staple Domestic Goodn, such as cannot llil'm
plenum: n“ who may favor the-m mth thnir pl.-
xrunnge. Cu.“ early and «eh-cl from then um
and vurmd nasomuent, ‘
.\pnl 1,1831. '
§ - Old Muskets & Rules, .1
1 LC persona throughout: Adaml clung,
‘ A Raving in the” posit-whim; United Suki '
arm-Nines luakeu u; Iqfies. no hereby u
‘uucrzn to return‘zgm hmuediucly to the m- '
fiersigned. at Gettysburg. If said mm slum
returned in a reasonable Mane, unch mama" '
7m; me milntqry law: of the Conunonwodlhpm
mic Will be’nken lu got them m. or coon. .
[this dues not apply to urmn i. we 90.09.1103
at organized compamu. ' ‘
Brand: 11mg; ;
April 22. 1861.4
'l'. E. Cook & Sons I',‘
AVE eflubliahed a Depot M Xl]. 50*
II Scott's, in Chambernbutg am”, Cam ..4
burg. Fine thrifty Fruimnd Ornamental 1w; ‘
and Plants, carefully transplanted :Iwreforuh. r;
“woul and see Lhem—suisfuction wu- ‘
mud. ) [Not 12, 1850. w , _
-'““‘—_-~ -‘ T""‘":"“1~.¢.m . .A
x G. CA‘BR has just. received ‘93 i V
. Assortment of Gent’s Comm 3
menddhmlunbem. , (“Hwy
I‘' ' ‘
A. ;Mathiot & Son’s
New Goods!