nnM Tlfié Com“: is publi-ghod éyery Handy (um-11mg. by Has" J. :41 mu» 3‘ $1 75 per )unqm if paid strictly 1x Amuse-~32 W per innum if not paid in advance, ‘ So puibqfriptinn diwontinunfl, “file“ up the gpfion of the publisher, numb“ “may; *rv paid. - " v Anvnnsuunimrwdsmuc [ISW rat”. Jon Pauflvo done ‘with hasn't-u ”4 die-patch. V - } ‘ 01TH“! in Snuth Baltimore «Fretfidirecfly hppmite \Vumplurs' Thi‘nigg Ermbléshment .-:“(‘onrn.u l‘nnnm: Omun’: on I’m nigh. . @112: 5333112412; 7 ’1'": lIBD THAT ENG“! MAY.‘ ,_‘.<‘ x T " A bird last. Spring came to my windnw [lunar ' (lne lovely morning, at gh- break of day, Ana fromhis little thronfilid swkclly utter A moat melodious lny fie Ind no language for his joy’nguL passion, Xo solemn "gammafiir nrlisli rhyme, ye! no dawned minstr . ev'er did; 151 mm ‘ Such perfect wnc nus! time. i it "cm!!! of thousand joy, 5 lhhifland notion, All gushing lorth in one tumfivtuous tide,‘ A hullelujnlp m the Morning Glories 111-l, bloomed on very side. 1 E All}! with earl) “mick-'1 mlupt ‘ Hi! Hippo-1 u' dew drop me Hu- Rhcp‘hwrenwnrd his little bill‘ _ Broke forth in song again. 1 {thought to omzfintc his wild e 1 And [can Ibpuksgning fro" Magus; ' ‘ . I BM human beans ne’er uucr su Nor human lips pu‘ch sung. ' Afile ' ”I he flew,‘nnd left me to {my sorrnw, Leg]?! lhquld hear those lender hotel no more, And though [curly] mkal‘ for himlem'h marrow, ‘ 'He came not nigllmy door._ I \‘flut once again, one xilont Sum er even, 1 met hm: humping an IM- m-w mnnu Imp Hm he was mutf, and baked not up to heaven, The bird Lhui sung in .\l'ly. Though now I hear from dawn toilwilifiht hour The Imurficfloodlwckor and [lie llllifl Jay— [n min I deek lhrmmh lonflvsdgufh um; ban or, > . Th; bird that gang in .\l.x_\'. Augljl'xch Rethink: nrc childh‘4ml's dawning ' ‘- plqnsnnw, ’ Th‘y Charm a moment, nurl th-n flee nwny, ’lhro" life we sigh; and seek those mining ‘ treaunrw, ‘ W l * _~ The hinlé lluu sing in .\Ll_\'. ; ’l‘hil lilllt- Ivuuu. then, my buxfi ermlwr, To cizooavh might wing-d hlv ~ii|giil i'~ day, Aml imer hupc to Imu- 11) void l‘ m'cmlu-r, Th bird that singa in Muy. fl , , Y . (F I. . u I g: ml: 3121311115. '_ v‘ d ’2. . V ‘A i l 7- A i The Robber and the Lady. Spopking of 11. hn‘gv :lml Innfly lmm?‘ in the Sduth of England. tho Infitlnn l'uvknll 164“ :4 singular stury omm-rnilfg :1 lmly and pvo’xduidy'n’nnt4 \vhn rvvmnly m'cupiml it. The tzdlr‘ Infill. n wnwlm-ous “64M " mlnr. but. i( is nltngc-tlu‘r too cuturmiuilL-z to he ln‘t, to Am ~ricun render-t. _ It “(‘“Illfi 11m} [hie 1:1- ;lynnl{ Ilwr Hk‘l‘l‘ulll\‘. thmlgh Ii in; far away from , any {)tln-r lummn llnbitJtinn. svmnml lpjfiuc no funr. but (o_lmw; dwelt (hm‘o Quinn-‘- Inly mu] happily. It Mu: the I:g.h"s “15mm, with hon-"maid“. to g‘d nmuml the hon“: ‘g-vm-y evening. to “-1- if all lrlpuwill .'xlmw «ml dam": u'mv prnpm'y u-‘mur‘lL Hue n glut n‘w mi>ory. she :queitinnw. 911 ml you over ‘l' ' Mr. ———-?"l 1“ Yes. .\ia’nni.’ voice liknnll'rnz in the Imllt while I wifihml hook. nmil, with Phnrnnhls hmt in the 110 (lid you “likif it ‘1" continued 2 Mo queriS't. g l throw my hon of the chair". mouth upwardi. l ‘owrllow. " l‘n‘etty wolli" ~uid . found “ The Sorrows of Wort hl)“::ll'll§ “"‘l‘ “0h door. com ‘ put your lit-all on the Im-k now don't, \‘nti'll grouse it :11 gihlingfl’ I écuhl unt‘ anew now lu~t thq" power of speocl my Cllf‘vliw more (lidflidbd ‘ ‘ luzul unulor 'p inllljlllfflllfl. ‘A ‘Hl'l mypi-r (Wt-ring torment of th:- ri-:\~ n of my a'ppnnr: ~ii-k. l humil- yon are. you‘li liu ‘ Mm pt tnin given signal yu’ill nmlur~ my. and you - you fixy styl 'rm you. and 2.20 ynu shall ‘t to the win rttly. Return ] nnt spoken going :‘your dhm‘torfihnll : and soon all pep. ntill up- Ful faith and ned and she red out her | i‘m who had 1g" and kept 5' that she was ‘ ight." The i not a. thing Mil Imdfirwh ‘ THE LIFE 1 WEB”, Judge Cadwalliider. of t e Unitod’States Court, in Philadelphia, del' exml'uchnrge to the grandjury on Manda~ week,;defiiiing, at considerable lengtli. un time y and Ire-having remarked w len leav ingt 16' an nl‘in t’.sth:stroet. whey ‘he drill ed 11 s m'er . that he never ugaiq’ impacted to be{in N York alive. i 1 ' . ~ -—-~'- “t“‘“‘".“»‘! he Point: of Honor; ‘ .- xinml infer from Exmr'oiidont rm roce'rvod M the nfi‘xbe of the lrlliyrnrrjr a fow days lago. A it: Ex-Pyusidnnt's whnf-hhppened léttor,‘and who from rhuch in tho qnstinn of Imnnr'u‘ml' duty tter inoideutnllyhut very strong d thinking: that the ppinTnn of s' sorw‘d thr- cohntryfbo cdnipit so Imig might ,‘hxortmisalumry ) tho opinionstg' o(li9f‘“.7nbke(l d the mnfient of he tliystfinguizml ‘ plxhliéation,»mul it. isglmbhehcd : . :1 x ' Wunruw Mayfit‘fi, 1861. Ta (’l‘? Eli o s Qf Nuh'mm/ Lllrll'm'nérf : Gsktux ~‘-: In Um cnnfusio‘p of the timeJl ha e not rs-mivpd your:tr_i-weekly - snbj n'nan rul‘ I: 1 Si t] rd in nhe] ten. a ”110 h Iy‘nfi« nqo n btain . to it I . mg] num rs 01.37 Maxims. o'r mm 27 and Apl'i 3“, I believe. As yollra ii the pnly papo of w iich I prowrvc a. file. I should fool= growl obligu-(l if you would send me Elicia. ‘ mun era. .l ‘ “ Seflleral i ems inltlxo Intrlliqrnrmlinvc awa kpn my attention to the facility with vizhic milit rygentlemoni‘nlimje themselves .from their oaths and change their nlle giun . TA military oath 1m: -¢vrr been held~snrro in all agm and in nll‘countries. Illgsiges 3th guilt-ml! sanctions of Teliginn. or ’C there! is in ehdrled the highcéc appeal to pars nnlbo or. Euchmllit 'rynfficerswenrs Ptlmt Inoiw [I bear, true aileginnce to the f l'n'it (1 Sta es and serve- thdlpxhnheu and l’t'n'rth qlly a ninst all their «memfles n d op |pose wli hoover; They :do n 8" or to ‘Fllp rt 1h Constitution ftf an ‘Smté.—' Edu ted the. United St tes‘lhoy belong to t e Fé nml.Govrl-nme‘l|rin in pet-pun; sen. . W 7 ilst I can‘imngine wh¥ an nfficer 7 ~ " ' ’ lo migh mi father than‘shoduie blood of citi 3qu is native Suite in war, yet it is diific It to xcuse or pollinte the pext ste'fi, whic is. go over to the ‘e’npmy. and mak wt: pot: the time-honored flag of the “I! _v. Major VBeauregard, when he d .chnr ed the first gu'n ngni' st Fm’t Sum r. lig ited a flame which it wil reqluire ato tinie‘to extinguish. 'l'hol Peon qof ‘the Korth‘nt present nra‘entllusmstically unanimous; They newr Were aroused un til tint shot. was fired. I often warned Sou! on g ntlemevhnt this would be the inevitable rfieult‘ “ ; lehjoy good health. Mgl as tranquil p spirit] as the evils impending: ova? my coun try W?“ p; it. ' ~ 5 , ’in; friend. very filmtfully. ‘ i ‘i I JAMES UCHAXAN. ‘ t V 1 ‘z-r-——""' ‘4‘ 7' ! fopery and Slavery? Th 6; New York mm. alendin'g Republi can j‘ uma in one of its fierce w¢r articles, {plainfy in icates that Popery and Slavery 3 must be pu down by the military power of i the down) ent. ltsnys: c l “lifts“ Pbpa-y. so.ng is incompatible Iwith the spirit of the age, or, in" oqherwords, with iiberty and civilization. Tim? mm it at dz: end. Sand fate of Providence seemsto haveldoomed then: to :pudy déurudion by their davotcca." ‘ These political revolutionists are not dis posed to be contented with anything short of a revolution of the Government. and n.‘ ded emtc conflict with Popery and Slavery. ‘ unrrcr the idea that they are incompalibls with liberty and civilizarirm. Notwithstanding the Constitution distinctly recognizes 1'8“ I ligions liberty. and property in slaves. the I abolition fnnnctics 0 New England seek to 1 crush them both. by the army, and justify Itheinconduct under alxigher law. These‘ 1 men are the worst enemies that this noun-3 i try ever experienced.—- Wayne Co. Herald. ‘ Repvdiation Repudvated.—Tha merchants of the Scum, who have character. do not up prove of the repudiation proclamations of their Governors. The Boston Traveller says :i—A merchant of this city. on Wednes day. received two letters containing remit— mncqa {Or debts. One letter was from Charleston, and the other from Georgia.— The Writer of the latter says, notwithstan ding the proclamation of Governor Brown, he considers it his duty to pay his honest debts. and shall continue to do so as long as he 1139 the abilily. @lll6 Harrisburg correspondent of the New .York Hmzld states that. at hast two thirdn of those who are enlisting in Penn sylvania, voted the Democratic ticket.— The Glevelnnd Il’lamdculer say; of the com mie; which en isted,,‘ . azem B‘- fervei (Giddin‘gu' distfififijtlcfimc were Demdpcmta.‘ edo not regard firm; as any thinginnmge, for the Democrats gate 31- 'vnys d ufiderdl circums’lnnées. the wum friam?‘ 91' t! o Uniomel’mévrg BM. Exciting Rumoré Rom Washingtoxi. On Saturday nfternoon the city of “'qshk, ’ ingtnn was thrhwn into n. state of inteme' ‘ exeitement in consequence of a rumor that a battle was in pregresp a few miles frioni Alexandria. The news. nt'course. was fidslr ed OVA-r the telqgrnph wire» to Baltimore and other cities, win-re the excitenwnt in“ him very great until it was asccl'tlined that t it was a ful-‘u alarm. x ‘l’ t _ Wuhiyzglon. [Wag] 25.—50m0 of the trohm I who so hastily crowed the river this after.- { uoon ‘huve returhed to the city. dimppqin ted in their expectation of meeting the lorr lemy. The movemenu of the nt‘ternoym, i however, demonstrate the facility and exw pedition with which forces can be thrown ' into Virginia. I 4 ‘ , - i , i The President; while in the procession' accompanying the remnim of Col.‘ Ellsworth l to the cars. wmiinfm-mod by a ‘murior of .‘ stirring hostilities on the Virginia. side.-‘,- ! (i 011). Mansfield Wasaimilariy tulvi'wil: :tntl [this was the foundntiun of the militgu-y movements hern‘ltmlny. - ‘ A dense smoké mu moanwhilt‘ set-n ion the line of the Alriingtnn tlluights nnd the ;siound of cannminding heard.‘ The latter. 1 however, proved in) homintitvgurfis, multlie smnke arose It,’ bly fi-nmgthe mm;- ‘firm‘n‘ i The troops! 'w have “00“ Ol'tlOPCd tohhlil Y themselves in re Iliuels to march nets nin ment's notice,” tl eqmnosrt watchfullwssmn ‘the part of mili :u-y authorities to guhril "agnimt‘ the nppmlmh nFset'eision‘ troops abe ‘ing everywhere manifested. . 4 1 ' "its/tingle", May ‘2s.—.—.\n MC; mtjuat‘re- Iceived from Virginia. which Exams to be ‘ truthful, snyfi thy range of the ulnrm wn's tllnt‘the ledernl' fiicket'gunrd nt Little Full»: Chutch. near Ari ngtoanere attacked 19ml (lg-iv, n_in by the eceséionists. 7 1‘ 1| ~ The federal tr ps rallied and the meet}- ionists were norm m: to flight. ‘, ‘ ¢ The fi‘flh Newgg'nrk’ regiment left their works at the entenclmfontu-nnd are im‘w, drawn up in‘line, n the brow of [he hill. . ' The troops whi h hastily left the city this aftoruopn. gm.- ha ting within a mflo‘ .of'v‘tfio city. ‘ ‘ ,- ~ , I _ The artillery a direction of-Ahv ’Dhe bridges on 1 Virginia have ‘ ernfm-nt forrefi. murch‘of thob‘ou Fefry in ~the rli‘ This line m 1 mi ' nncts the citiés of! runnihg invp‘nnr the northern .'“l the direct lilie bcl Alaxandrin. . , Reports from A exnndrin tn—dnfi state {hit everything is qu et there. “E ii ox 16le High! the gnvormnint form: will «ion utivfmce into the injm-ior f Virginia by may oi[ the Orange. nnll A‘leqimdria Railroad, which is now held by our 4 Alexandria on‘ Arlin’gtonk {lt-'ightsinrc now so thorough . fortified as to be mltin’e— ly Rafe against an; attack. , - f ‘ Two mo‘nstor olumhimls are to be~ sent. from this city to ‘nrtrous Monroe. . ' The Wnr Dept rtmont has taken official measures to impr vc the commiminrint gflho m-my and intend. tluit the troops shall have no further mime f compldim dug that share. ~ «.0. > ~- -~ 1 ' . fi’JnmN Jnc‘fsan,»who killefitl Pol. lEllfi worth. mus amo of violent temper. )‘H of gonorous impul. s where his projudi‘vfi were not immodi toly roused. like hclul d the’ company th not long sinco cut (im n the republican ii at Occnqnnn', 31nd th‘e3 . nemionlflngflyinf over his lgoiilze I'M the (first one thrownito tho breefie fin Alexan ria. ’ : .~ l ‘ l 3 As late as Thulr‘sdnyl. mm of} hi 2 nbigh born remon