The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 13, 1861, Image 3

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‘ How (it Lyman!” InteUigaiefl. l ”The ,New York Time! says—“To
\ "I“ um 5" 1”“ ‘° I“? t“ PM” iiikivfin'énfil9elu'i‘2" ”Film?” ii’f’
' , . - it 'epm wee. anmsu 0
.Jmfizzmszk ittxmslgzza'cma. :3; 09:33:91»: and mm mm,“
toriror now oversixulowing our country}l it re 0 ' - . .
lrrijzht- and proper that prudence drought: tic'iiltl‘llgssmml‘mfi? Speaker-of thedfionnec
exercised by those who .vlltak t/uir and; ‘ ,nts, “l s ketfl) fprescginmtives ”a!" —l (.
as well M ”1055: Who write and art t'or‘the “mg: hieh‘ (“”3 0. the ”fl: e 0 'o’“
public good. I}] the present excited condi- ‘ wav h wL“ dwelling “I’ ‘ e ‘2l great
tion ofthe public mind, it is hard to tell one as °. tn.” '5" : gut; PM"). glfsmkolrnl
hour what may occur the next throu h a Mason 1211;. fen” ’ l." ’ with
word imprudently woken, or an act which l‘tetl en importance 0 them ,ms‘fs' "l:
“ might be regarded as u menace by any one 1 e miserahle “new.” 0f part 3 p 0 icy an .
of our citizens. ’ . 'party preferment. Silenced be _the noisy
L'ntil Wet/8n control the hearts me“, We , “Wiggle Ol debate over local gin-meets, spe
cannot restrain their principles an opinions cm Interest; ”“1 personal 9’ vuncemznts.
byforce. If for a season the freee wire of , if: :élslifilie “agtngwhzé 22912:: g: 0?;
sentiment and s oech is re re it will . ‘ V ’
gather ntrPngth (liter: superigr me resiut- ridge 0f the Battlefield 0f debate, and to
we: and the explosion becomes the greatn glyiggnlirgxg 23:23,? but our country, 1411,
er. eonuse of the restrai t. The sive - ' '— '
condition of public sentimgnt is Straggd to - ~ {After “11-10 h “I? qu filled every ofiee
its utnm~t tehaion. and requires but :8 sin- m ".5 3'” w."h Rf’lfiul’hca“s‘filpresfl'rdlng the
gin insulting word or blow to cause hivil seduce. 0f "3 Spe ker, andpthe sentiments
“a“. in our midst. ,a ,l 55:33:11]“ by Senator Dough» in lit! late
Political parties are not dead, nor in the: u _ I '
principles which underlie those engin . off ‘ ‘V'Vhen fll’ggfip?!’ Dembeirtn (If-1581f”
übljc opinion extinct. They flow on q ietw g ‘e tent e,‘ ’ ennui 1“" e, cl h’ a.-
l;_ as mightv contendinfi elements. i'enl-t m- and mother‘rbehmd t em, ”mil to
while the storm, which is raging for‘ the ‘ tgeé'escue of the 1)”!!de that 3’03 elect
supremmy ot'thc lnws and the Governnii’nt, e ' ofnot make “.'“" upon linen) at." "y to
is uniting the powers ofthe country wires- "1m?" nature pal-twin “1”“ guto nitrug
tore it tgain to praise and prosperity. This ,f. ezn valiich the): ”8.81153“ frolm t ’s’.“
being the case no‘ one political Tuition-l 'BB m purest 0' matures. [App Ml 1
should have a freedom of spade}: and 3 tion? —-T~ _..- -. ‘ iw 5
above another; no lending tnen of tiny holi- | 3 gill"! gm?“ of Chicago “103” furnishes
ticnl party should be denounced an signm- w “m"
tized more than those of another ;in Gums; —“‘ ' ‘ '
mittws of Vigilance ‘colnposed ex’o us vely"
of one party should be allowed to exe cise
n watchl‘ulness over the actions AMi lnn
gunge of'th‘e other. Those things :& r gar
dcd as menacing IDFUR'II to the l "en ing
party, and. if not checked, will most, cer
tainly. lend to bloodshed and riot. ;
‘lt may as well be said now in kind eels,
before it way he necessary to wrixoi in
blood, that no insult dare he ofi'eret t ex
}:Jiesldent lluclianan; and those whoi are
:illy enough to ‘denounce him (is the ohmic
of our troubles must he checked :znd‘res
tlfttlnétl, 1L! much as those who sympudiise‘
“i h the South. . 4'
”there is a Vigilance Committot', Coni
post-(L of Republicans, for 'tho yurzmse
ot watching the lungu‘n 1e and c nduct of
. Democrats, as isr‘nllogcil to he, amt com
mittee mllvt be dis-handed if we wduld avoid
n’civil strife. It is regarded an insult and
u. menace, «and if any citizen is molested
for principles he hm avowed licrdtvfore, or
may holdstill, which are not just in‘unison
with those held by the! Republican party,
it will lend to the worst. kind of conse
qufnices. A
'l‘lmo are not threats, but kind mlmoni
tionmund any pox-Hm who watt-heuhrelully
tilde public pulsemust 900 and feel hyits rapid
beatings that political blood is at firu heat,
and hmtile attitudea are alrexi'ly helng ta
ken, fljld notwithstanding the _pntriotic
pride which drives us all together in the
3lll_l[/(‘ issur of the support ofthe Government.
n. wrong stop, an oxeiflzd insulting word. a.
hingle blow, in flzose icircumswncos will
lend to riot and bloodshed.
.\dmnnitiom‘ in regard to overy other
muse foLexcitement Hue been throwh but.
Measures lm‘ée bven very prnperly (Mum by
the: mty authorities to kme dmuf all ex
c-titing demonstrationd byflhe‘cilizens.—
But (he- po‘l‘nti to which I hquifHuded have
not 11: yvt been tnuclu-cl, but they are unver
t‘mlow tlxo most importmfb of nll—hr-nce
my nuggection. PEACE.
Gina'nh‘alinn q/ 'l'rwrs in Yin/[inhu—‘Vflfih
ingmn, May R.=—2\ 'Lau'hinuu regiment ar
rived at Richmond on Monday: Fourteen
humlxml Tonnoswe troop-4 and a battalion
of .\lnbuma’trpops hadulso reached Lynch
bm'g. L v f ‘
Ap Norfitlk finer-'9 are Inbm‘n 4.000 troops,
int-liming t vocnmpnnio:ul'va-giaum. The
mxtl r’n-iti«-~ wm-o fortifj'ing‘Nm-fhlk in n”
dm‘c!innaincluding Cmney Isluntlmrooling
huttcrir‘s andVimpgegsing‘persons to labor in
their cme-uction“. V 1
A fortificatidndhm he‘en cnmmenced. at
Hum-ram inlet, NortliCuolina
.Vvu’l/lmul In:yis’atur‘z:—A'u (hnwnfiml In I)!
\ Cz/lal—Fredcrwk, Mn ‘B.—'l'hc probabili
-Ich now are that the yfmgislulure will ad
journ on Monday lint]! June 4th. 1
IM. :1 caufiun at the flame lli~‘lllh€l‘fl, held
Inst night-it was 311110 in unzmimomly de
termined to abandon the proposition of a
convfntion ‘
Rafu‘ml (11‘ (he (inrrgnor of 'l’mnsylraniauo
I ’orrm’t .Frv Blurb to Pin: Timmy/I In Mr Sum/t.
—-Hurri.~hur;:. Muy 10,-‘An nppfirntiim made
bf- pnvnte pnrtiesdu the Eastern Slates, to Gov
gmm Cunm, m permit podigs of free hlm‘ks to
puu’tluuugh Prnnsg‘lx‘qni'n; have met with an
unmmjjtiulml refusal. " «I's»
[Ex-01;} «:rtieflmtiun in expresscihere with the
Gmc‘nqrh refusal, by meh of all partici—
“Thc nlxjvct of these :imriiwlions wars to rm se
slaves In the sbull,‘crn States to reirelliun” i
‘ . 7 - -1 ‘ 1...» ~ v—: 4-
MAT) OfficsaKfi-om tine’fiiahibersburg
camp hrinfifi 11m Xiutélligvnce that on Tues;
day morning :1 e Virginians} sci/.é-d' the
knights uflnn the Jail-gland siule zit [hi‘per's
Eon-y. am; are 0 3213911 in i'nrlifying them.
A number of secexgidn troops. bordering up
on 6,000, were thei'n, and were. to be incrmézr
ed by the arrival ‘of twelve hundred chi
tuckians. N V "
_. A -..—f_ _
mfloni Scottiilias sent a ommunicnr
tion to -Gov. Leticlfer, of Virgin/igofjbe
most important charncjor. . / ,
The deern’or ‘ y- 'irginin is informed that
an soon- as the lerul authorities are ap
px-izod of any agar «Hive; Movement of the
C‘uniedemte or Vir 'nia troops. the-United
States“ forces will ht once advance upon:
Richmond and Norfoikm V ‘
.7. —7 ~- «.W~.—-- ‘ .‘ ‘
Brigadier Gméral'.—lt is stated that Hon.
A. If? Beeder, of Perms lvania, will be apt:
pointed one of the Brigmiier General: of the I
army of the Ulyited Bmm. about. being nit.
eiéin accordance with the .Prgsident’s lste
proclamation. ,1 . l
Conuidei—The trial of John Lovering,’
indicted for the murder of Hem-y Auker.
on the night. of March 9. 1861, in: Juninm
county". has. resulted in Lovering's convic
tion of murder in the first degree} ‘
..—~ —7_.—.- o—-r—— —-1 ‘
‘ Eleven Brnllms in on: WriThe In
diannpolifl (Ind.) J ournal‘ says MrJßabes, of
Pendleton, an old gentleman of ninety-two:
years of age, is said to have elev‘en sons in
a volunteer company from Madisim county.
He has certainly done his duty fa furnish
ing his quota of volunteers. ; - 1
.sz Pigmi' Room—There is said to be
_a pigeon roost in trheJlaquokita timber in
"Jtckson coumy lbwn, tbirtymiles long int!
more than 11 mile wide. Sportsmen are
making sad havoc—among theliwmlly poor
birds, as this is their setting sea Mn.
WDxH. Todd. of New» Orleans, and}
bx-other-in-law of Mr. Lincoln, has been ap
pointed first lieutenant in the army of tbe'
Confedérnted States. - ,
fink company of about thirty-four vol
unteers has left Frederick for\Harper’l Fer
ry, under the commanfl/of Captain Bradley
‘l'. Johnson. . ’i ‘
Killed by Ligflh:z'ng.—On Sunday Im, neu-
Guthrie, Ind.,'three persona, David Stew
nrt, Jackson Stewart. and ayouLh'nsmed
Johaégams, who had taken shelter under
a. large oak tree during astorm. were all
struck by lightning. David Syeward died
instantly, and. the others are sq badly hurt
that they cannot survive. The ightning
firstfitruck the tiee, literally ‘5 ring it
to pxecel. .
[o'l4 large Union meeting eld at
Whoelmg on 53:411-de evening. Resist
ance to secession was urged and a divxsion
of tbp Sum favoxed. Delegates £9 3 Con
vention of the Western counties were ap
pointed. a
mießgton Atlas Eu sent four editor: .
and eight printers to the wars. 1
y`ay ~-ta~:~~.
Special Notioeo.
WSHEAM & Borden's Siblre is hell wor-l
thy u visitju=t at thib tithe. 'Wéldonht wh tber
' even in our largest‘ cities, so fiiae a dispfny 0%
l Stoves can be found. Their Marge H» m is
, lull'of Stoves of every pattern; plsosevery. va
iriety of Hollow W 1”? Slieet-KyonJVal-e‘ Tin
, ' Ware, Plunished W re, Japan M are—enlarge
-1” ing, ingecq, everything in the littusefurnishing
‘ line. deao, SausageCuttersfimisnge Sniffers,
Lnrd Probes, &c., Lie. They we preparid to
sell “holegnle‘ and retail, Tin Ware and 8‘ eat
iron \Vurre of their qfwn mnnufxitture—keeiping
a sufficient, number (it"hnnds td, up“: unit dc
nmnd. Their assortrfie‘nt of bhmber is very”
lugre; also Coul of’cf ‘ry kind-ii i ‘
~ : < 4”- - - » ‘
T 0 CONSIYMI’IIYfliS —The fidverliser, haw-t
ing been restored ,tohejtlth in nfiew weeksihy a ‘
verysimple rerncdi', utter lmvihg Fullered seilernl ‘
yours with severe llllg’fiifi‘cliunlflflnd that di‘ead
disease, Consumption—LEN an ion: to eimke
known to his fellmv-sufi’ei-cn th means of' ure.
'l‘o,nll.wh desire it, he .will send 9. eogy of;
the preseript on n‘sud‘ (freegsch rge,) wit ‘ the ‘
directions (or preparing a“ [ring the dung;
Much they will find it sure Cu -‘c for Conspnip-j
tio‘n, Asthma, Bronchitis, kc. he only object
of the udtertuer in sending th prescnptiimn ie ]
to benefit the :Ifllid'ted, and aprhnd iulormition }
which he conceives 3to he luv noble. and he‘
h‘npes cvcry-snfl'erer Will try h remedy, be it,
Will cost them nothing, and m SproVe a hiles-‘
sing , i I. . 1
Parties wishing the prescription wil‘l please
address REE—V. HIMVA [ill . 4'WILSUN,‘
Williamsburg, inga county,
, Oct. 22,860. ly l flfliewflork. ‘ ‘
, . «4 o” »: . ‘ 1
" fi-Twenty-fire t 0 sixty?”an andl ex-’
finsx-s fwr month will he pttid the Erie Sew
fig .\luchine‘Co‘inpnny, to their ‘JI- ents, {or sell- i
(up; the Exir Sewing Machine. L,This is ninewi
.\lm-hine, and so simpie in its on structiou thnt‘
a child cnn learn to operate it b halt'an hour's
instruction. it is equal tunny nmily Sewing
Machine in use, and they take th¢ premium op‘e’r
the Fifty and Qne llundrr’ " ’ machines.—
'l'h'L- price is but Fiftcl-h l! he (iompjlnyl
Wish to employ Agents iI lunty in ihel
United States, Address. :nlurs, Em:
Sim-nu .\lAva: ‘6O. :5. General
Agent, nun“, Ohio. j ~ '6l. an}: i
by able pructitioxlersrm
have dmnmh'trltml [by g)
(‘vrath'b buntil‘ul cou’xhn
TRIO OIL." fur the relic
But the pcwplc llll'fih‘U‘ idcring ’Jreir
verdut iii a. manner :1» tnkfilblc and
satisfmlury. More than lien bottles
lmr‘c lit-cu sold i 9 11 vel_ inc—n‘gmut
proportion of thdsc who hcnrd‘u‘hcrs recd‘m
men'd it. u lid hair-tried it._ Thaiit's n splenfiid
distal-y is awry where nck 'owledgrd,iund
nu! . I.}: like it. was uvqr before laim-pared. (The
only genuine Elm-triviQii is Prfiaf. Dc Gm‘th’s,
which is tu he hid m. all] the rexpgcmkrlu Drug
gibls in the cities, and‘ul whulaqa’le and retail,
at tic proprietora’ price-s ol the-3' ; 'nt here. See
ad rmcmeut.‘ . 1 .. Fe - S;
. ...-_ ..h-- ~ ii
,mm 615 E.” ENGLISH AEMEDYrLg-fin
JA us (‘LAnxn's Cayman-no l’nuALl Pints,—
Prc mrul from a. prt‘svfi vtiontuf Sir J. Clarke,
.\I. )., iihysicmn Extrufiinnry to the Queen.—‘
’l'lris in'vnhmble mefiicine is unfailing In the
cure offiil those pnin ‘llyfind dangerous dislease‘s
to which thr ‘felnale q‘ot‘tstitntionkis subject..,’ It.
iuudemtes all excess fluid n-mov § nil obstruc
tions, nnfl n speedy cilri: m‘ay harm-d on. {To
MnrrieiL-iiudies it is I-eéulifirly itcdfl. .11. “Till,
in 'n‘short time, bring jun the nionthlytyergod
with regularity. ° ‘ lg I ' “‘1
Each bottle, prim-c One Do] I', bears the Gov
ernment Stung) of Great. Britain, to prct'ent
counterfeita. _ i "z} u , ““ I
(tummy—These Pills shoul ‘ not be taken
by females during tho first t! _c moguls} of
Pregnancy, as' the)" manure toliiiing I xix}
earringo. butjlt nny ethic-r time 1. cy are sn‘ ‘. '
ln‘u.ll also“); Ncrvou‘s and Spinal Afiections,"
Pain} in the Bfik and Limbs, Fn igne'on slight
Mention, PM 'fition of the H nrt, liystq'r‘ics
nnd]\\'lni'fc:,‘ta‘csc Pills \vill‘cfl‘e t n c‘ure wihcn
~all other mums have fink-din, (1 although a
powerfuj {cine/3y, do not‘coutui ' iron, cnlonicl,
antimony, or 113%)" thing hurtful! the constitu
tion. ; ‘¢ = i .“1
Full direction: in the p'unphh around deic'h
package, which should [l* coref lly‘ presértrd.
Sole Agent for the linited' States and Canada“
JOB MOSES, (Lute I: U: Bul wins: Co”
. ‘ Roe} ester, N. Y;
N. 8.-‘-$l 90 nnd76 postage st mp 3 enclosed
to any authorized .‘igenl, will insure a bottle,
containing 50 Pills,tby return In ‘l. f K
June 11, ’69. lycow ‘ _ i i
i .-7-‘ca-» J | l “‘4
finkmong the many tester-actives whichjna‘k
ture has supplied to relieveJhé aflli‘ctione of
humanity, there is no more favorite one for a.
certnin class of diaensea‘ than the “ medicinal .
gum ” oi' the Wild Cheri-y Tree‘,’ but however '
valuable it is; its power, to heal; to soothe, to
relieve. and to cure, is enhnnced‘ ten fold by‘
i’cientilic nndjudicions combination with other
ingredients, in themselves of‘e unl worth)—
Tliis happy mingling exists in flight ',l i
a Combination and a form gindeed ” i
of medicine known as 1 ,_
whose value in cufing Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Whoo’piug Cou‘gh,' Group, Aghm'a, Pulmonplry
Aficgtion, _and Incipiegt Consumpltion, is int-afi
mnh e. v ' i
STRONG TESTIMONY r 30); if 5. Know,
. Mxoourawu, Dmnux 00., PAL,‘Apr. 24, {OO.
Messrs. S. W. Found: ‘5; Co : ; ' ‘ ‘
{have need the Busu or Witt: Gaunt} in
my fn‘mily for a number ofyeors,iand can testi
fy- to its wonderful efficacy in the cure of dia
easea of the Lungs and Throat, and forflosrse
neas and Bronchial Afl’ections. In all these
disuse: { have used it with unprecedented
success. A severe cough or cold always yields
to it when ndminiatered according to direc
tions, and l can'eneerfully recommend iLto the
public an x snreuntidiite to these complaints.
I deem it my duty. or the benefit or the pub
lic, to announce that there is a counterfeit Bal
srirn in the market. About nyenr since I pur
chased a. bottle at a druggist’s at Harrisburg,
which I found to be a worthless nnd sp’urious
article, producing nausea and sickness. It
was entirely ditl‘erent from that which I have
since purchased of Jacob Beuer, druggist, in
this plfice, which has the written signature of
“ l. Burrs,” us well as your printed name, on
the outside wrapper. E. S. KENDIG.
@Cautxon to Purchaura.—The only gmumt
Wular’r Balm»: has the written signature of “ l.
Burrs” and the printed one of the Proprietors
on the outer wrapper; all other is vile and
whepmd by SETH W. FOWLE & 00..
Boston, and for sale by A. D. Buehler, Gem's»
burg; E. Hineshow, York Springs; Wm. Wolf,
East Berlin; Solomon Uhronisher, Hampton;
Jacob Fulweiler,§lunmasburg;D. E. Honing”,
Abbotutown; 11. Shatter, New Oxford; John
Miller, Littleatown “Ind by dealers everyfihtere.
April 29, 1861. iv ‘
Superfine F10ur................. 4.....4 87 lo 5
Rye F10wn”.....................1.?
“'him Whentuun ‘
Red “Vberll‘...n...q
Corn ......1............
Data ................
CloverSe'd .......
Timpm, Seed...“
Flux Seed....+m
-Pl:\ser o! P1tri9,..............
\ Halter ground', per bug
When: ..
over 5eed.................J....
Timmhy 5eed.,............41....
Beef Cattle, per hund.....L...
Hogs, per hund............
Gunno, Peruvian, per ton...
Flour, from WI 03:"... .:.. .
Do. from u10‘;e5..,...........
When . .:.
C0rn........ . ...
Clover 5ee‘d.....,....:......... .
Timothy 5eed....................
On Tuesday last, nt Cono‘w‘ i 0 Chnp'bl, by
45- Rev. ‘ther Lilly, m}? JENKINS. of
Baltimore, to Miss NANNIE, ghter‘ of Wm.
‘Jen‘kius, Esq., ot‘Oxford qu‘sfkip.
Un tha 8!!) int". ,by may. . K. Miller, 3ft.
ELIAS STOVER to Miss R [ANNA (goit-
FORT, both of Franklin tbyrislgip.
. On the "53d ull. , by the luv _l’. Rab]. .\fr.
both of Adams cpunty.
On the “31st 9.}lnrch, at
Lutheran Parsgnage, Limes!
8. Henry, Mr. AARON BU
countx, .\ld. ‘
‘Uu the 14th ult..hy the a
(m the 23d ML, by he
SEATZ to Miss SARAH .' W
J ssz
On their“) inst., )lr.‘l IL
Bendersville, chd‘mfib' ye rl
duys. ‘ .
‘ 0n the Ist of May, Mr. S;
Frankliu‘ township, age 691
and 13 days. ! , ,
On the 91h inst, it his! as
joy township, HILLYICTU H 4
yeur of his age.
0n thr 7th in54.,M.\R EL
Samuel l)urborm3,‘Esq., fM
ago}! Lyear 911101? th and 27
Onithe lst insu after lon
fiess, .\lrs. NANQY CAMPB
Alexander Ca'mpUell, dec 90
On the 261b'uit., nearfio
mum, Jaugme} of anob
aged l 4 years 7 months audll
09 Saturday week, M”? S;
C], as'haxed Lust week,) “1
Cole, “Buchanan Valley, mg‘
i \ Dlmdetm
.vu g But: it
A ' l Mi
THE Blink of Gettysh rg
(‘lared it Dhfidmid n FQ
611(‘npital Stock'puynbl on‘
.\ux‘r, 'rus WITH. 3 T. D.§CA
My 13, 13561. g . i
l tv ‘ 'r '
'New Goods 8:
P rciurELid fm'yu I!” c ly‘ ‘
select slog: at" UM (luailifl
wvre, Hni'dwau-e. x'BonEs, ‘ho
Tnhnks', tux, km, éhenper tllli
He also has ‘an Lind a léflfilo
und SlilXGLl-Ib‘, qf cxcelle’qt
will dicposo of at: the lam-'in
Give him :1 call. gHe willlal '
May 13,1861. lam [ H
fi~ ~- r~—. I',
Sftnmentury onlthe esthc '
late of Franklin! townshin,
dhenafld, having ibeen 3 unit
signed‘, residing j. the 8m e t ‘
by givnl nbtice to [all pets ns '
estate to :11an imjnt-diafe pa. \
luring claims against 1 e- a
them properly-numcntica d
lfnuvsl c l
May 13, 1861. ; pt ‘
Rona, .
_ OllN EPPLEMHN'S ESTA .—l.etters tea-V
(I ulme‘ntnry on i2lB est‘ite of hn Epplemnu,
late of ,Ml’nllllt‘u musliiMAd s caunty,‘ de
celised,’hnving en grzlutc o the under
signed,-=~residlng Jiu the sa_ 6 lowuslfip, he_
haieky gives not ‘e to all. sons indebted.
to amid ‘estzite to ulpke immbdi z pnymeut,‘ had
those‘ halving! claims against th tune to préaeut
them properly authenticated f r settlement.
, \ HENRY EPPLE N, Ezeculbr. ‘
May\ia,lB6l: it t _‘ -
feats, bbth
nl nnnlysis‘
' ofl’ruf’. IDe
led " F 4480-
.of punt—
' 110, Sal<
N Salurliay, flue lat day 1
TO subscriber, E'xécutor of S
lcensed, will sell :1: Public 5
4 residence of said .lecedent, in
l‘ship, A‘dams county, near New
lowing Personal Properly, ,vi' '4
‘7Cow, 4 Shouts, 2. Ewes, viii
‘ horse Wagon and Wood 143 d
I‘lWA'gon and Bed, Carriage an i
Jof Gears, Juqk Sqrew, Sprea e
lFOrks, _&'c.; IFlour by tho
{Chair-s, Beds & Kidding, Our 4
‘Stovc'and Fixtur s, 2 TeqL-p u.‘
Pipe, Clock and (lose, Corn‘er iG
per Keflle, Iron Kettle, Chudn
‘ Bacon, Meal. Vessels, Barrels, [T
.now Bags, Riding Saddle, Sid
German Books, null a vnriety 1
too numerous to niention. ' . .
i. WAmhe some time and pfice, will be of
; mining 23 Acres and 75 Perché‘j‘neat measure,
situate in Franklin township,g dams county,
ladjoining lands of Wm. \V‘fg’umn, Henry
Knonse,Jacob Lady and others” ‘ ersons wish
ing to view the land will call o‘nfw’tlxe Executor.
fi‘b‘ole to commence at lflltfclock, 31., on
said day, when n‘ttendnnce willibe given and
temps made knownlby 1‘ ~
‘ . FREDERICK 131ml}, Emm.
May 13, 1861. o ;
_. _ . _ _~,_. ,7 ~
. , New Sprmg Goods! -
“ SCOTT J: SON, opposh‘ Eagle Hotel,
A. Gettysburg" will open all; doyho cheap
arm ‘deairablo stock of aenaon 1: good; for
[lndies and Gentleinen, with 31" ll assortment
ofDomeatics, 3m... to. We will :1 respedfully
-call attention to our Itoolr, will will be sold
la! the lovr'est possiple rates. 1 . ‘ l 7 .
] fi-Cull soon and unmlne fdfiyourselvua—
‘No lrouble to show goods. ‘ ’ '
i f A. scplr'r a sox.
'1 April 8,1861. ; ;§
H G. CARR I'm: juatfrede ved from me
. city of Philadelphia 5-» fine assort
ment of fancy and plain Ge Jemen’a Neck
Ties, which he in Malling chenpxr, than ever.
_ _., 77, I,_ ._ ' .4. ~.. ._
G. CARR has just rpm-ind t very fine
. 'assortment . of Gent's (fin-ton Hose.—
Uome and examine them. ' 1 [May 13.
LADIES, at H. G. Carr's is the plua to get
Gloves and Gauntlets of “1 kinds very
cheap. Call and examine the'u‘i No trouble
to show goods; [May 13.
MIXES and Gegtlemen, at H. G. Gun”: is
the place to gel. all kinds 9f Perfumery,
very cheap. K ; [May 13.
G. CARR sell- Coal Oil fiamps cheaper
. than any body else in ’tbe county.—
I)on’t forget the place, right opp‘Lsite the Bank.
XSXTING CARDS. Envelopfie, Note, Letter
, and Cinnpexj juatreceive‘d at SCHICK'S.
* Bike mu'sfiixng anor .3
Cups 10per cent. lowet thin fin] pricea,
In R. F. MchL ENY’S. ,
..;.:..;.....1 15 to}
....1..i.....l ’lO to l
2 i
f 4 no to 4
.....l 75 to 2
gm. 1
an... 6
B nous—é
LAI‘I'. l
5 50 to 5 56
...............'.. . .-. i 18 :p 1 55
.: . .. as m 75
”Alt. {:5 to so
‘ - .‘.. so ‘9 38
. 4 so to 4 75
2 50 m 2' 75
9 50 um 00
6 75 yo 7 ‘25
I 3 00 (on no
' 1815 20
e Evangelical
nrby the Rev.
UON to; Mias
oth of Cpl-roll
4'll LAWYER.
e, Air. max
oath: and 29
Eb 133 m, of
ms 4 months
' nce. in .\lbunt
-3 5. 'E‘. in thc 68:11
EN. daughter of
untjoy township,
rs. ;
nd painful ill-
I” ,wife of Col.
fuming; ”AR-
Mgry Asper,
I. nys. , r
All, (nobxnn
of Mr. “John
[1 bout. 40 years.
y 7; 18m.
a thin] d:l§"de
(31; mm C§,.\'T.,
jafler .\lqsug‘
LON, Ctuluer.
s\ille, 2:le juet
m a large and
i criea, Gutenb-
f sums, mms,
u lily, whiéh he
11 'iug -proflts.—
‘1 s tryxo please.
Letters“ tos-
Snmuel Bear,
dmne copmy,
to the Hinder
nahip, he berm
debted tof said
cm, and those
ue to present
June am, the
mu. B'ntmle
e, at the late
i -nkliu town‘-
lalem. the fol
: 1140383, 1
ILumbs, Four
rs, One—horse
'- urneas, 2' set
.51 Log Chain,
rrrel; Tables,
ting, Cooking
[e Stoves and
If pboard, Cop-
I Queenswmre,
- bs: a lot of
Saddle,‘lot of
«the: articles,
——'-—- _..‘_-A_, » - ~w—— <4 hA- , VA» vo—“fi-‘ml —-—-:-- “ [--—-——~-——‘.—‘-~< ~ _..- - v~ 5 —-~
i Beecherswlle §to ,e.x { The War Going On 9. _E _ l ' F 1” 1: rlr. to
ILLER ‘ SON respectfully may to ”‘9 HE suhn-riherhm‘inizjmt received: iipli-n-;t Stlll 1n the Ufuon!
DI people that |f the} wunl Cilfnplflfld 30'"! l T did thortment' of IiRIICERIHS‘. such he IXEiIART k SULLIVAN beg iciirr to cull
600‘“: ”1° s‘o" 9‘ B‘Wl’cr-‘l‘lne- Adm!“ Wlm' Sugars. Com-N. Molixsw‘ 'md 5) rum. he fl it- B the Ml"!tliull ol their l'rwnd.~ and the pub
‘JV ii We P150“o 0““ “L TJ'L’." MTG relul’n- :ers himself that he cin sell {mode just as low 11: generally to the hut liml they il:l\i')u~t re
ed from the C“? with 5 large Mid clinive stack as anyhody Elie in Getty-lung. turned from the ruin! of Pliilhdelphia and
of Goods,——such 8’ Cloths, L‘nsiimereg, Ciusi- For innmnee. a :plendid article of Xew York Baltimore, with a NEW AND SPLENMD “.\b"
nets, Vestings; Silks, Delumi, Cilin‘OHl ““3- Golden Syrup at 50 cent: per gnllon; aim it SUIL'HIEVT 0i“ GOODS, ehenper thin ever
lint, Sheetings; Groceries. llnrdware, Hats & very fine ”up“ of Philfld‘flphifl Syrup 3,4,, before ull'cred in the County.
on", 300‘! 5 Shoes—'in short. "Within! "5' cents per gal : Sugar as low n‘s five cents per. Having bought their goods for Push. nt [l2llqu
“‘"Y k9i" i" R we” “Mk?“ “mm"? 1"»‘1'¢~ pound. lie nlso has the finwt article ofWhitr pricei. and Mn time when thederline 11l mun)"
Theyinvite “‘9 "“5 0f "‘9 Pllb‘lc-Sllm,lb““]‘°y Wine ”SEGA“, ln‘l'i? of grapej'iice.nn nrtir‘lc kinds of fabrics is unprecedented. they are on‘-i
can Flu!”- They aredetermineijmy selling 3‘ which is very seldom found outside of the nhleul ioofl‘er such BARGAINS an will Illundhi
rusonnble prices, and by close ottention ‘0 cities; also a pure article ofljidcr Vinegar *the mu‘zt credulous. if our friends will hut,
business, ‘0 Ki" satiafsction. i The undersigned has ilisu just received from. call and examine our Mm k “hii-hrir complete,
May 13, 1861. 3t- - the City of Philiidelphia n splendid article of in ever) department, we are sure we can offer:
1 7 ’ KEROSEN‘E OIL. and as fine an assortment oi . such inducements ns WI“ amply xep.\y_tlicm_ for?
'CUAL Ulla LAMPS as man he got, which lie is 3 their trouble. Every nrliele übllnlly kept in it}
selling cheaper than ex er they were sold out- first class oountry store will he found on hand.
side of theirity. And, further, he stillkeepn on We are determined NUT :l‘U BE UNDERSOLD
bond is find usurtmént of QUEENSWARR and anywhere outside of the City. on our motto is
IiOSIERYI lie also has on hnird at all times it “ Quick Silica and Stuallll’rofits.“ No tronblcl
fine lot of’H. G. Carr's celeomted HORSE &. to shnwgoods. . 1
CATTLE POWDER. in short, he him just as‘ fiWeJilso take thin occasion to retnrnour
fine an nssbrtment as can be [mind in on)' store ’ thanks tor the very generous patronage we limit
of the kind anywhere in the Stile or out oi it. heretofore received, and indulge the hope thntl
Don’t forget the place, in Knit York street, ' by strict attention to businose,l and I. high re
right oppoéifi the Bank. end underneath Tyson 4 gnrd for‘the interests'of both our patrons and;
& Brother’j Excelsior Skylight Gallery. :* ourselves, to merit n‘continualnce oftihcir kindl
April 29" 5861. M. G. CARR, Agent. favors. ‘ .RINEIIART & fl'LLIVAN, ‘
" ' '7' .‘ :7 ’ . "7 '‘ " , Corner Mainand contain 513.,
Auditors Notice. , , April a. test. , l-‘nirfield, Pin,
HE subscriber, lmi'iug been nppointedby w_- ~-——-—{~——— .. ~~ x-«w
I the Qrfihiu’l Court of Ari-ms station i 1861. Latest Newa. 1861.:
uditor tof nm 9 distribution of the ion or UST as we were oin to 1.0“,“ received,
"WM“; i“ “‘6 ““4“ “r '5“- Jmi 1*? 013' : J n duspntch thuth. is. iicitiiizxv has justi
"“ “d 50'"? 8‘59“?! Exef'mm" °f the 1"i” opened it complete nssortmnnt of HATS AND
Willandlestnmeniot i’ennbnnns,deccalw,'CAPS, including, the intent full st"le Silk;
to “‘1 nmohg "'3 Pm“; 193“”! entitledtothe Beaver, Slouch, Cnssimerh lend Wooi Huts.—
snme,hereby 8‘"? “°“¢°,‘h‘trh° Willht'end, HATS for Spring and Suinmer, of beautiful.
‘0 "1° d'fi‘h.“ 5"“: {‘lfllgl'llmm‘ "k the office ; stylei, embriu‘ing Straw.Lc’¢l{orn andil’aunnm. '
of .\l._& “.LMcgnsufln (xettysinimmn li-iday, Buys' and Infants’ plain igml “no, Hit: and
the hilt do: of All“, mitt, at. whieh tune and Caps, which for neatnes‘sr‘of “HM, nndxpmlity
plucc ‘ll 1‘45”“ ”"9"“‘3‘! “3 ““11 's3th “"11 nut-puss Anything oi the ‘in ever oil‘ered 'n this
pleusenttend. IUQhS McLLhAN, iflnee—pll oi which will he 'old M nstonijishing
lip—l223.23“. >65 ;__,;-___.4'f’&_l‘jr;,_'ly low prices tor cushi ilso, BOOTS AM),
' ' 9 ' ‘ SHOES, including a line a Jurtnieutael“ Lndies's
323166 8 .Nouce‘ 1. , i Morroeco Bouts, linking“: fliers and Sillip.‘l‘s.,‘
THE {ln erfilxlledv haunt: been "Minusi , GAITI-JRS AND super-ms Ans CENTS man
All“ beyylld" “ deed Ohm!“ fl.” ‘helßAlß. All in vant‘of goods in my‘iiue are
at lienelit redttore. of Jscon Ecxunonn and l respectfully invited to give me n m“. = - i
Quantum} his Wife, inf Fritnlilin township” Come one! ('ome a“! _, 3
Adams mighty; noting is hereby give-into nlll And give me a friendly call} I
””0““ k“ ”"9 themselu-s indebted tao “Ml For all goods willhe sold :it inhenril ol'priees,i
Assiguors. lo make immediate payment to the, To ovewome ihc ““100wa lureriuis. '~
undersigned, residing in the Borough'of Get-i, April 22’ 1861. ‘ ‘ 1 ,
tyshurg, in; said, county, and those having‘ i - _-.. h.~ ‘ _,‘__,
clain'is Agni at the same to prercut thew ptoper- l . , Public NOth « l ... ,
13' authenti}nted for Settlement: .: " TAKE this method ito ‘illftlrhn lhe pulilici
KAWALUQJUAH 1“ has! Alllgflft'i l I that lhin‘c received from the ('ii)’ (if l’liilii-,
“- ”9 ‘ . i |delphin u i‘itnsn Sfl‘i'NTK “or uouus, cuui-g
,__ v n __ A..- __...5.._. - , . , ' l ‘
prising all of the newer! styles of , .
, i moms pit-ms (10003.1
' SIJAWLS, ; ‘. I, "
‘ . CLUAKING chorus, , , .
, ' GLOVES, : ,1
- liUSli‘}RY,i l g
, . noxxizm, _ - ~ l
. l T itunmxs.. ; e ,
.. . ‘ iI.\NUIC,'I-;§,i I
as well as it line assortment ‘nf , l
l’iiiillfl?)lEß\]_A.\'D FAMY soles,
in fact everythingithut is ujflunlly found in Ki
stock of Dry and Ll'nncy (100 5. ‘ i
Ihnve as complete: a stock of. L'LUTIIS, CASSI
MERES, GUUDS SlJ‘l'l'Aiilii-Z FUR i liUYi‘l’
WEAR, as well as uwvns, srot‘xixus,
DEBS, &c., its was ever bruilght to Geltvnlmrg.‘
Aprjlzzl, 1861. 1 iii. L. sullen.
-—r——’-—‘-‘ .7“-.. t-—j;' ----T” “r
Pravate ale ;
F A FARII.-:-'l‘he subs riber, Assignes of
O Jscon Ecs’shnonn iuiii Wire, otters-at
l'rirnte SIIIC,T“E’FAHM hit sui'l Assignors,‘
situate partly in Franklin ”Hui-Hy in Cum
berland townships;~ Adnmi-i Lbnrlty, on the road
leading from Gettysburg ӣ515 .\luinmnsburg,
about one mile from thcil ttrr plice. The
ann‘ contains 142. ACRES ‘nnd A PlißClll-la',
iient mensuie, improved fivith is Too-Story
Douhic LoG'aoL'sm‘img imn. 'fi;
with Sheds attached. llursc; StJ- :1“ g ~
bins, new Spring lloxlée, nell of fia‘,’ i 3,,
Miter iit the door, and H. \loung. ”{3},
()rch.trd. The land is of good quu it}, being
the yellow snml. _ g ’ , ‘3
Persons Wishing to viewqhe prop: rty are re—'
quested’to call on Jacob itekonrmlv, residing
thereon, or on the .\sSigllEL‘, l‘CSl'illlgiill (ich.
tgshurliz. ZAUHARIAH MYERS, 3
April 8, 1861. if i_ Aanlynre. I
Now is the Timei!
HE undersigned, having [eyed the Car
ringe-mnkimz establislnnefit of Andrew
006;, on the corner of Baltimore and Breck
inrldgc ureeu, Gettyaburg, hereby lnfurmsltbe
public that he will put up to order all kinds of
work-GA RR 1 A (“53 , BUGGJIES, SPRING
WAGUNS, kc. He will also tire Carriage
REPAIRING cluae atteniiou—4lping all work
ln the very but. manner sud M. mdernwmles.
Cub or comm-j produce takenjn phyment.
‘31»; 13. 1561. W. K. G iLLgAuHER.
Notlce to Tax-p 2
. OTICE is hereby ‘given Ih]
. Commissioners will In rkei
of FIVE PER CENT. upon all Stu
m‘xeu assessed for thg year 186]
paid to Collectors orrnr before A
day o/July. Collectors will be ‘
on tax-payer: on or befure the a
make such abatement. to {All per
or before uid day, audjmy 1h;
Count Treasurer, other,“ use noq‘
be tunic. By order ofthc ('nmn]
, J. 3,1. WALL
May 13, 1861. 1d L
Lime !. Lune .
HE subscriber huh lens'ed'on .
' KILNS of Mr. Samuel Sneeri
wago township, and will heresflei
business at mid Kiln, inviting a
patronage ofthe public. Hxs pli
prr husbcl cash, and 9; vents uni
rule Lime Stone and flrat rule Lil
April 22, 1861. St |
Faximers, Take Nv
the' ”Schodal liopse,” in Curlisle
persons can: be supplied with got}
heldotore.‘ JiEAPI—JRS’, THRI‘
CHINES, Midrnu kinds of I’m-mi
repaired at the shnrtest notice, m
charges. A‘so, WARREX'S P.
PLANTER manufuum-r'd nndzfod
April 1, 1861. 4: L
ancfi: A. CORWI-Illlmof the union Inn.
G on the Chumlwnburg Turn lkq, near the
top of ihc Sleuth Mounmiu, tukc th s mihod
ofiuforming his friengls a‘nd the uh huh v. _lxe
is prepared ‘l6 lacéo'nu‘no‘dnlc ull vll nmy pp
tromze him, in the best manner, pd n. moder
ate charges. No ull'olrt will be mr dto give
satisfaction. His tunlp‘nud bar 'ill be found
wull proridvdmnd luislll‘tlllillg un celnionuble.
Large slubling for horses. He fon‘ aka a
flush _ {May 6,1118%. 3111‘
New Sprlng “Go-I
IPKING has on [ln a new I
P .m moons MIC}; price'
run-mu .\TS }
szss cons, |
msuwuxs u: p
\‘ESTS, vs.
Also. Musical Instruments,Accor
l-lifes. Notions, &c., km, kt, bu‘
chenp. (3:111 in and look and y‘
buying. ‘ t 1
-‘- Tayern LicensJ
HE following applications to
Houses ot'lCmeiluimnent,~lm
in my otlic'e. with the requisite nu
ers, anil‘ will be presemcd at
Court. an (hr 27:}: day of May inxl.
mus n. LITTLE, :upuntjny t‘
Muy 6,'61. . JOl xzicno
Hats.‘ 93"“
' Aumtor
HE undepsigned. A
T‘Conrt of Common
to ‘roport ditttibutio
from the sale, by the ‘
of JEREMIAH Won, w
(crested, for the pun-pt
at the ofiice of link
burg, an Wednaduy, ll .
10 o'clock} A. M.
EHL, E4Nr:
April 29,1361. 3t
Assignee’s Ngti
HE undersigned, having been ,
T aignge, undur a deed of trust
fit of_ creditors, hf Joan Bun
of Hamilton township, Adam: '
tice is hereby given to all pérs
themselves indebtedw said Assig
immediate payment to the und
snding in Gettysburg, and those h
against, the same to present them
thentiantcd for settlement.
Apri129,1861. '6t
- Nance. >
J Letters of administration on
Jacob‘A. Riddlemoser, lgte of Libel-
Adm!!! co.. deceased, having _bemi
the uddersigned, residing in Cum
shim be hereby gives notice to a!
debted to said estate to make in:
ment, find those havingclaims agai}!
to present them properly authentic
tlemem. » AMOS}
April 29, 1861. s:
1 e 7 Notice. )4
adminisymtion on the estate!
Eshelman, hm: of Enuklin townq
county, deceased, having been ; t
undersigned, residing in Butler ti
hereby gives notice to all persons
said eataie to make immediate p
those Having claim agninstjhe an .
them fimperly lutheuticated fur s
April 29, 1861. 6t t
* ‘ Nance. }
HE first and final account ofJA
Assignee of Bnunun Hun.
under a. deed of voluntary assign .
benefit of creditors, has been filed ‘
of Common Pleas of Adams coun‘
be confirmed by the said Court, on?
of May mt, unless cause be 350 n?
trary. J. F. BAH; :
April 29, 1861. 42* .g
New Store at Fairfi
HE subsériberehnve opened a. ‘ ntire NEW
which they invite the attentioniohhe public.
We are prepared to sell It'extrq‘mely LOW
RATES for cab. All we ask is a. $5ll, and we
will prove the truth of the above usenion. -
April 15, ‘B6l. Sn: pl
1861. Spring Milhneryr, 1861.
D 1 [SS McCREARY havingjustrqlurned from
the city is new opening '* unusually
large assortmem of BONNETS and BONNET
TRIMNINGS, of the latest styles. .Also, Dress
Goods and DressTrimmin‘s, Shawl}, Mantillas,
and Fancy Goods or every description, all of
which having been purchased {or cash, gill be
sold it prices to suit the tim‘ts. 1
Wkliss M. is now prepnmd Lo bleach and
do up Bonnets in the beat manner, and u rea
sonable prices. [April 2'9, 1861. lm
John W. 'l'lpton‘tl
ASHIONABLE BARBER, Non. «east cor‘
F ncr of the Diamond, (nut «1001' to Mc~
Glenn’s Bote1,) Genyuhurg, Ya.,} where he
can at nll times be fognd ready to attend to all
business ih his line. He has also fixce‘llent as.
istanco and will ensure snbiafnqzion. Give
im a call. [Dem 3, 1880.
',t the County
{l‘m hbn‘lement
o upd County
ithu shall be
011469]. flu in!
‘ qu rrd :6 call
v-v date, and
- ns‘pnying on
an e to [lna
“mt meat will
ssi mers,
jg; ,
\‘ ' ’
[of thr EDIE
huge , ianno
has 'ry o'n ssid
50’ ion of the
es re 9 cents
fire it. First
’e. .
HP to
Lr'ct, \\ here
I loughs as
;h \plemenu
In moderzne
m 1' CORN
‘nle. ¥
Union Inn.
1 " 4
I'd: pf Spring
war prices,
nid prices;
”[l4, VES'FS,
u‘c 'a,Glu\'gs.‘
00:5, l-‘lulu,
1g old vegy
c "’1 hqu
‘ y 4186).:
S. - ‘
keép Public
'2 lean filrd
:beL of sigh
he Orphnn's
‘8 ,N’otiol
utlitor npp
‘ Pleas of Al
I of the m.‘
herifl', of ti
111 meet nl
se of his I
V. .\IcULI-u
3 22d day 0 l
jnl d‘by the
Mus county,
nick arising
e r :d cstnte‘
pinna- in
pp inthlent,
,ii Gettys
-1419 nut, at
',I 'Audl‘lor. ;
p’o Med As
’or he‘bene
‘an Wm,
{go my, no-
K{m “mowing
or-' to make
'z'sined, re
'vng claims
pro erly un-
[:18 ATE.—
, h ‘eatate 01
Ly tiownship,
granted to
i)e ions in
‘mdiate pay
putitbe same
‘ for set-
a dm'z'.
.3 letters of
50 Joseph
‘hip Adnms
Ide to the
‘W ship, he
Inn ebxed to
Iy cut, and
at present
i ltn'em.
_ ' ’! dm’r.
: and Wm,
eat for the
‘h t, e Court.
‘ty, [and win
ighepmh day
Y‘to the con
,7 Frolh’y.
April 8,
.'Rpady Market. 9
H) l-ID'.’ We lune taken the
000 p'erl bflllncfclter, Bollinger
I dcgcmlinnuon‘ to ply the lligllvgt
3{9 all kinds nfflmm. Yqu will
yliod “‘ilh PLASTEH, GUASU ol
lOCfllill‘ls. Wholesale and Retail
ALI. and every'ulhcraniclga m our
nes‘a, sold at the lowest pussible
\. Gdllaml exx\mhmoursto¢kund
pur'clmsiug elsctvhere. ' 1
l April 22, 861. ‘Lf ; :3 ‘1
“house hut-l .‘
‘5: CO2, with
market priv
find us sup
inll kinds, G
‘line' of bus
'ntos for Gas
‘ [mews befor
Notlce.: 1
Mary on the estate oerqrgdb‘hry
1c 1501:. at Gellyébnrg, Admin 00.,
'inf been gnmtml m the \mdulrsign
i the same placv, be hereby-
G lcfium
ock, [Me of
1 deceas’ed, IL
zed, rcsidid-
I? all personstindehtcd 1? said
kefimme‘di‘ate puymcm, and, those
sn‘gainst the sum: to proseuhhem
r egticn‘ied for Ruth-mum. 5 '
1 1; MOSES McCLEAN, pr.
1' 86?]. 6t , ‘
g r: ~.- ".“Lh-fiw
chant Tallormg! ,
IA SUCD has just rcturncgi from
- w tbn large Block of Cloths;l Cx'u
bur-rend. limp dc Etc, Cashmere,
in. ings of all slglcs; uud'hnviug
erfices of a _
lm. T. KING,
wb atc‘prepurud to put up the
'in‘ styles 'equ'gl to the bésv. city
gbmblbhmomq. Having'lurued
. o jobswizhin tbelnst nx months,
‘ “£qu ed smisl‘uulory, and a Very
intrcnse in uur'trude,go to Show,
1. m. we do business in INO. l
r ruck ofguods cannot '1): sur
, i_V and styie. b‘iw us It call.—
-em. we can [dense you. I , ,
gives notic
estate to m‘
having ‘clai
propurly In
April 22
G the ch.
siuxcres, Qu
Cloth, and \
secured the
an Foreman
show: good!
out hundred
which lime ,
conclusively ‘
manner. H
pusedfin qm
We are couti
Ayn-Him! 1
$5l. tf
!Muskets ,3; Rifles. ; ,
ans thropghout? Adams cloupéy
in their posses-21ml United States
'uskets or Riflggfnrc hereby DI-
LL per. I
having 5
arms. either '
Bscnn to re urn them immediately to Hie un
dersigned, at Géltysburg.‘ If.suid arms are nut
returned in rendonnble ti'ne, zuuh measures
M the milim lawtof the Commonwc’alth pro
vide.will be akenLto get. them in. ~uf qoutse
thi's does no >apply to arms in the poisgssion
of organized Pinpuniea. ‘
'l4 000 Reward! :
“as 10 TH! on no DAL'mn-sns or Atnlc
non l—For _t , quirk mire of Headache, 130M11-
ism, hfeumlgia, Pain in the side,
ache, Rheum
ach, P'ninlel’a Colic or Cramp,
f or Ears, hams, Frésh Cuts,
back or no
Frosted Fee
ses; Diarrhwa, Sore Throat, and
.glai‘ms. ‘ ‘ ' ,
umi in ten minutes. Enrache
' Emma. ‘Headncl‘xe cured in ten
[ mowed from “farting iq two
waif}: pains cur din fire min
’nn- in ten minnt-Is. Snnins
I" mifiutgs. Sore throat. rel‘ngved
Sprains. Bru
all similar to
cured in five ‘
minutes. Bu
minute? ~ Ne
‘utel. olic ‘
relieved in t"
in five minut u
100 Cues =
1 Single Day ,
ED. T 3! 11' ‘
25 and 50 cm 1
These thin
your eyes, on
,vq been 'Cured by one Ath In
Tn} l'rll Tnv 11-!!! ,Price
, per, Bottle. ,-
we prove on the spot and lie-fore
‘ brihg on your castes. .
a! discount made to Agents;
every town; also, a few good
Lg, ' All orders and communion
addressed to ’ , -
' , ,C. s. qome'r a: 00:, ‘
~ 123 outh 4th street, Philadelphia.
flBALSI IN G] EAD.‘—For Toothache npply it
‘ over the face nd gum; of the tooth Aflected,
pressing thehrnd upon the face; repent i‘hmt
' cured. In 61 ‘ eme, cases wet cotton with the
‘ Balm, and co er the tooth and gums. ‘ For.
I Headache, but e the temples nnd apply to the
nose ; and hk from ten to thirty drop: in half
ntumblerofw ter, sweetened. ‘ ‘
For Group nEd Sore Throat, take from ten to
thirty drops in ernslly, on sugnr or in sweeten-‘
ied warm wntoi‘: bathe the throat lreely and
‘ bind on a flannel. For Headache, Rheumatism,
1 Neuralgin, Luxfie Bock or Side bathe freely with
3 Balm in Gilead ; and generally take internally.
I For Burns uiix one pnrtßalm in- Gilead and,
, two of water And flour, to make a paste, cover
[the burn with the same. For Colic, take from
ten to forty drops in hot wnter; bathe the;
lhowels and apgly wet Runnels. In the nbove,‘
l the smaller dose is for children, and the larger
1 for adults; _vnry according to age and circumg
, stances. “ ; ' 1
aerA libe
one wnfited ==
travelihg Age r
xipns should b-
Colbert’s anm in Gilead is harmless. Col
bert‘s Balm in {Head gives satisfaction.
Those who “we used Balm in Gllend will
not be wizbdmzn. ‘ , '.
Agents minted. For terms nddresg ‘
; i, c. s. COLBBRT a: co.-.‘
No. 123iS.§Fourth 82., Philadelphia, Ht.
N. B. Urdu-’3 sent by Express to any partof
the United B‘Bs. M the shorten notice. A
April 29, 1g; . Gm ‘ ' ~
j § Caution.
I LLpenont ore hereby notified not to hike' "——‘ —————"'
. In assignment of u now given by Shel , Removal,
subscriber to afcerznin ABIARAI Mn“, dued ‘ ATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING.—LOUIS
:0n the 4th d:yfoprriLlB6l,'and payable in Ev . ZEITIJER has removed his “'atch &
lone monthy {0" 3200135 the sumo '3B given Clock:l Making Establishment to South Bal
‘Wifllout any consideration, And the Inbscriber fimorc sheet, two doors north of Dunner &;
, is determined BRING pay the same. I‘Ziegler’n State, where he will be glad to re—
‘ .' JOSEPH $341171. iceive o continuance of the patronage of the
l Hnmington to, May 6, 1861., 3““ public. By close attention to businessY good
’ 5 'W‘ ' work, and moderate charges,.he ho ea to give
l The BOdugger- i general sntiaincticn. as heretofore. p
HIS wondérful articla, just patented, is' Gettysburg, April 8, 186)..
T oomeehingiminby newknnd never Miami —— ~ . A ‘~-—'--"~ “'—
; united to IM,‘ who no wanted everywhere. . SSEB' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES—A
5 Full panlcuinrs‘ um fret. Addren I 3 large assortment offliu‘u’nnd Chink-en’s
‘- SHAWSt CDARK, Biddeford, Shine. 1 ‘hoes, Black and Colored. at ’
I much 4, 130;. .1 y 1 April 22. n. F. McILHENY’S.
- ti,-,'*Ae ~ r ~
. ‘ “ . '.
Spring 6: SummeriMlllmery.‘ ,
, [SS .\lAlllA BENNETT has just rccciv- _
DI ed a new stock of Spring and Slllllult‘l‘r
Bonnets, [inches and Trimmings ui awry kind,“
to which she in‘ ites the attention ofthe Ladies.
From pnat expLiencc, added to niuclr are in _
her‘ purchasers, she feels snti~6xid thnt her;
friends and customers cannot fail to her pleasedl
upon giving her a cull: She» is prepnrcd to do,-
np wurk, and would invite especial] attention to ,
the tact that she mufrcmmlcl Nenpolitan Bon-,
nets in a. superior styfe. ller goods Hire all of},
the latest and most fashionable kind, and will'
be disposed' of at the very lowest cash pric:s.i
Ladies, call ‘und bxnmine, before purchasing.
elsewhere.‘sAt the Old ‘Stn‘nd, ou 81-ltxmore‘
street, a few doom South qf the Pail: Utiice,‘
Get!) sburg, Pa, - ‘i: l
April 8, 1861. f l '
‘ Brigade lnpprcfor:
@The Publishers of th Nut YunxJocn-
In. or Confi;nce,~'nt the sojicimiun of many
friend: of this pnper. haye r'cvised the list of
prices for their Weeklyieditionmnd reduced
the rates so as to meet the vieus of th'pac who,
want I weekly paper forl ‘ ‘
‘ In mecha‘niual exrocution it I! second to none. ‘
With an able egrp‘e of Editor: in the several
departments, ombrhcing uumperce uqd‘fi'nnnue,’
foreign news, political economy, nutfioml and
Stnte politics. productive ‘ dustry‘ sud im-t
provements, city ull'uira, liteF'fture unid‘generul '
intelligence, and wnh ihu-Ith-nt cotrespon-l
denu in 11l puu of our own und in foreign
_conutries, the proprietor-3‘ dqjm fo’r inn“ that
pertain» to njournul of the Very first rank: . i
‘ To companies taking .
20 copicslor upwards.......o.\'E DOLLAR each;
13 c0pie5........................nrwu uouns.’
8' »“ l
4 copies
3 copies
Under 3 c0pie5..........._...1 TWO “ ,
The pnpers will be addressed to different
persons at the same Post Ulfice, if dc ined, ei
cept in the 'cnge of clubs 0! ll or mo el copies,
which will be mailed to orle a dress. Them.
mt for each club must be mfide in ohelaum in
advance. ‘ 1 3.
Daily Journal '0! Cémmeriz0..‘..............‘..59 00
Daily Junior Do. ’ ‘ . ........~....:... 500
Two copies Junior to one 1dire55,i.,....,. 9 00
Editors 31nd Proprietors. '
91 Wall street, New York, lApfil 22,"61.
HE undersigned respectfully informs the
citizen: of Gettysburg and the public gen
erally,‘hm. h_e halOpened a new Tinning 93-
tnbhshment. in Chambersbntg street, directly
opposite Christ Church. He will manufacture,
and keep constantly (in blnd, every variety of
and will always be ready $0 do REPAIRING.
ROOFING and SPUUTING Ilso done in the
best manner. Prices moderate, Ind no efl'orfi
spared to render fun satisfaction. A abate of
1119 public”; patronage is solicited. ’
Gettysburg, June 18, 1860.‘ 1y ‘
2 T. E. Cook 8: Sons \
AVE ambushed a Depot at Mt]. Jonx
H Sock-Its, In Chambenbuxg sweet, Gettys
burg. Fi cihrifq‘ Fruitnnd Ornamental Trees
and Planté, carefully transplanted there forsale.
38-011“ and see them—satisfaction war.
ranted. [Not 12, 1860. if A
The New York
Tinning! Tinting!
f Baltimore Advrpsz-
I Howard Stregt
C SON. .\'n. 37 N. Hnwnrd HMS; W. Corn“
0! Huwurd k Marlon Sfroou, Bultimore. .
- Do you KIM l 0 buy u (‘Heup (‘ufp('t?
I Then go «o the Human! .\‘x. L‘m-pc-t Stow.
(‘AREET-‘t OIL (‘LU’I'HS, M:\T’IL\GS, 1r ,
{Aux—Wu would invite anonlmn lo our New
ulmk nf Uurpt-linxs, (MI ('luthl, Malling, ling
{Gummy Tuble Ull Moths, 11., Jun, all of
‘wlm‘h we no: dcu-nmucd Lu all at the very
,lou-vn Carl: prices. ‘
; rfl‘Any wishing" to buy 90ml: in our line
T will find? it. to their Advanluge ltu t-xnmine our
Estockhbefure ' purvlmsing clsewhcre.’ Gouda
pack for country hallo and «Mom! Me or
charge. A. . GRIH’XTH & 505.
ALan G. Gnlrrml, G‘. Su-rmnoxflawrml,
3 No. 37 N. Howard St., S‘ W. Uor. offluwud
' k Marion Streets. , < '
} April 8, 2861. cw ‘ .
1881. V 7 ' 1861.- . 188:1.
0 mos: NEW YORK AUCTION!L—-—Cnrpet'a
{ram 25 cenis upy; Oil Cloths from 375 cents up;
White and Choclpd Matting, nll widllu, M; \‘uryl
low rticea ; Coco“ Inning: of dlfi‘crcnwiidtbu.
S'l‘Alß RODS at reduced rates. RAG CAR.
l’h'l‘bi of our own quke M yslmluale mu! n-lml.
A call solicited. JOSEPH VICTORY;
. . 115 Lexingmu Strcfly .1
- 4 doors‘wasl of llownrd SL, BJl‘tiiubro.
~Aprill,lB6l. 3m ‘ ,
A; Mathiot 8: Son’s
ZS-nnd .7 N. Guy street, Bnltimore, (ue. r
l-uyeltc 5L.) emanating from Gay-to Fndqrick
sin—the lnrgeduatnblislmi‘pm ol the Lind ig llm
Union. Alwuyu ou lmud a large msnrpueiit ut
.lmu ing Burt-axis, licdslendq,Wnsiistnnds, Win d
robos, .\lamrcsses of liusk,.Uoltou and Hair.
Spring Beds, Sofas, Tcte-c-Tctcs, .\rm Cllzkili,
Rackingplmirs, l‘lmgeres,.a\lnrblc Tables, 5".“
lace, Reception lilld Upholstered Chair», MS.
Wood (Elmira. (mice Cvlmjrp, Barber Clfiirs,
Cribs and Cradles, lint «Rm-ks, "all Furnifinn,
(iii: mm Walnut Frame Looking (:I sen, SWI:-
bu'urrla, Extension Tables, ul‘evmy l “1111.“,
l’craonszdisposed to purchase are nviu‘ {0
mill uni give our stock an em‘miuuli H, “Xi h
lur variety and quality of wofimmns 'p i’v‘ I.
equalled by nny establishment fight-"count y.
l A. MA'l'HlU'l' E SUN,’
‘ *l . _Nos. 25 and 27 N. Guy meet.
Aug. 6 'lB6O. 1y I
Lawrence D. Dletz’g
omm uuusa. ~ 7” ‘
N FAN.U¥‘"GOODS. - X ‘
‘ 11051117“; TRIM/131m, ;_
WholcsnleJnd Retail, ”Chomp agony placé In
: 3 Baltimore. ‘.
j 151 anxxux STREET, BALTIMORE
} Ea? Orders promptly amended to.
June 18,1860. )y
; Geo‘rge M; Bokee. ’ri- ‘
‘ “PORTER and Dealer in
ENo; 41 North “‘oqu Strpet, between Lexing
-1 an anti l’uyette‘SLraezl, BALTIMORE)
fi';uN¥2\VAk{b} alvjvays on hand, at Factory
priqcs. ‘ ; .June 18,1860. ‘1?
A V "_“ " "'_ 5- ' V ," ";2-. (z
‘ Lancaster Back hmdery.‘
G 1100 K BYA'D‘E'R,
AND aux: noox quL‘nc‘r 'IIIB, E
‘ Plain and ()mmnonlal llmdiny, qf evo'ry d -
M‘ripli’ou, executed in the mom. ullbgtantiul ~32:
uppruwd styles. ,I _ '
E. W. Brown, ENL, Farina-a Bank of Lnnoaflaf.
‘W. L. l’ctper, [squ Lnncaster Cpunty Bunk
Samuel Shock, Esq., (Jolumbit Bunk. ;
Samuel Wagner, I&qu Yoxk Bank. '
William Wagner, Esq“ York County Bank.
T. D. Carson, Ham, Bunk ofGeuysburg‘.
Peter Martin, Ea’q.l hmth'yofhnnquter co., PI.
Geo. U. Hawthorn‘ Esq., Register “ 'M
Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder “ “
‘ April 15,154”. x, . > ‘ ‘
De Grath’s Electrw 0177‘
Toll the following (not everything.) n-
B mated to 1
Sure Fever and lgue in 911011;. ; 1
Cure Chills in'five min ' - -‘ :f'
,Cure Cray/.1) in ont-xnighl; 1
(lug-e Deafness in tw‘q to fog-day” a
Cure Burn: and Scnlds in ten minutes; '
Cure Spruins, Wounds and wruileo in from
one to tlmze days ," 3 i .
C‘nre Inflammation in o‘najdlly; ‘l'. 3
C ré Neurnlgin, Croup,Toe§huche, Bun-ugh
I: :en minutes; ; ‘
C re Hemorrhage, Strofdln, Ala-um, ln‘ (on
days; , -.]
Cure Bruises, Wounds, Turn, in pm to fire.
days; ~ z ’ . ‘ j‘ '
Cure Ban-ache, Stjfl' Neck, Ague, in on. day;
Cure Felon]. Broken Bream, Salt Rheum; in
clutch to six duyn ; ;
Cure Quidsy,;l’ulgimtion, l’lcurily ln one to
ten days; - - ‘
C re Adlhpn, Palsy, Go'ut‘, .Eryaipolu, In
A ‘ live to twenty (lugs; ‘ _
-_ Cl“ Frnsted Feet, Chilblnins, S‘llf Joints,
Chronic Hheumulism,’ Sore ‘l'hruut,' Scarlet
l-‘exer, and the lame made to walk, bywnhw
bottles. ' l , - ‘1 ‘
This Oi! (De Gmlh's) in mild and mutual,
and is I: grew: Family; Medicine for children
teething, 4w. 4 : ‘
‘ Ladies would all Dire it. h :alwnyi level
you better than! its finds 3011, mid, one Mm.
often cure: entirely. . ,
Al'valCTED THXITIIN YEA!!! AND 00‘!!! ll OF]
-_ “9""-
Bea‘d lehcr from Rev. James Temple
Philadelphia, Julie 21h, 1'8“.
ow. De Grub: I hgve bmy‘a’sfliicled for
thirteen years with Néuralgia Ind other plliful
camplainls, and l have been nnn’blo :9 sleep
soundly or walk tny (li-lance for many years
pan. Last week I got I home of'your “ Elec
m'c Uil.”- The first nigm l llep‘ inundly llld
well, and io—dny lan I new mu. £31119
could not. believe her Aeyelr Your Bleclric Oil
has done, in one week what ihe physicians of
Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years.
Gmlelully youn, . ‘
‘ _ am South sm“.
New Haven, May 190.11, 1838
, Prof. De Grnt'h: My—propher hm been den!
for three years. After trying mum, thing-flu
used your OH A few limbs. and it cured him On
(Influx—There no numerous innit-lieu
sprung lap on the reputation thaw, .rficlo bu
chuired. The pubucmu‘t beware. The, no
wothless. Sold by an Druggisu. ,
Depot, 217 South Eighth street, l’biladelphh.
Feb. 25.186]. 3111
New Mfllmery ~
LI LER would respectfully inform tne'Lndicl of
ntleatown and surrounding country, than)"
continues the Mllhnery business, It the real
dencc of Mr. Jacob Lunainger, m Littlentown.
Adams county, where (having jun returned
from the city) ébe will keep on hand, {or 3:12,
at the lowest profits, BUNSETS, Fancy Rib
bons, Flowers, Bund.boxes, Straw, Leghorn;
and other Millinery Good: of- the newelt mul';
best style-2. Ready-trimmed Bonnets an “i
:11 times to be hml—umong them the "7‘
style White Neapolilane
Bonnet-making and trimming attended to
with dispatch and cheaply. Bonnets blanched
and done up tor 37% cents. LNGI‘ tubiou
received for Spring and Summes Bugged).
April 8,18%. 5! \ ‘
New Goods!
F. ccivcd and Ire uuw opening I clump Ind
dgcirnble assgrtment at Spring Goods, in
which the Muntion' of buyers is re Ile
invited. Their stock cuxuprises all mute“
and most npprm'ed styles and panetfllofnuu
Goods, together «1m their usual “Iona“. 9f
Staple Domestic Goods, and: us cunnm {ail lo
please all who may Mar them with their pa
tronuge. Cull early and select from “with".
and varied assortment. ’ ,
313?“ 1, 1861. ‘ ‘
- ADIES' DRESS :mmmxos, in pm '2
L riety, In scalars.