basis. The Calinh is/plliilinhed evéryrxondny morning. by Hun J. Sunni. at $1 75 per tnnum if paid strictly m nujscH2 00 per .nnum if not paid in ‘ndvmce. No subacription discpntinued. unlm It’ the option of the ‘ ’ ‘ ' He paid. pubh-(her, until all arranges Anus-rtssnsrsinspnedst themunl rues. Jon Pntxjusu dong. withfieatneu‘gnd dispatch. Y 1 2 OIHCI in South Baltimore fittest. directly opposite Wsmplerx’ ’Einning Enablinhment fi—s‘ Cdlnu: Plum-mi Urnu" on fine sign. Washingt‘on Hotel, EW OXFORD. ADAMS CUUNfI'Y, PA;— The undersigned, ‘hnvmg tiken the above named well-knul'n and popular house, former ly occupied by Mrs. Miley. and more recently by J.F.Bock.tnkes pleawre in annouficingto his friends sad the public that he is prepnred to receive and entertain guests in I. style nnt‘lo _he excelled by sny country hotel. The house luring been repaired and newly furnishedwitlr overything calculntad to make guests comfort able, the public may rest assured that they will, at all times, find it in nfcoudition suited to the comfort and convenienqe ofthe traveler. With good rooms and clenuibcds, it mnkex a most delirnble pine: for tritnsient and permanent bo’nrderl. ; ' "is bar is nlwnys sufxi wines, brandien’. gins, 1 His table isnlwnys M mlrketn afford. And a! able and neceunry, for] mu Ind beam. with tail vnnu,nnd his own penal vision, he will leave no 11‘ the public pntronnge. The proprietor assure him with thfir pntrnnn‘ meet with l cordial feel th-t‘ everything essenti .nld huppineu of his pplied with the has! the ’1 ulherupplilhnccq quip he nucdmmpdnlion of Ehful nntl obliging scr ‘ nl utterltion and super u cans unsparfd to merit. 5 than whoJmny {1}?!” it. 11m: they .4le ever pti'on at his house. and ‘nl to lllcv ctfnvenicnre new; shall bb‘nltrnded byith 'this huuse,l-s ex— ‘2! fur horse-=4 i’ L: BERKHEIMEIL, 10. Allqih connection tennis-e uabling Much HESIL Peb.25,1861. 3m ‘ .._._ r . ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ -/’ Second HIS PALL.—Lnry‘r Slack Ilia): me'.’—_ T’iACUBS & BRO. inn-just redeiredlheir "road pin-chu- of F II and “'in er God‘ils, which they oflar then er len ev I‘, having ho'qgh‘ II the most fnv ruhle mtmL —They ask :lhe public to rail in'fiyn see their large :Issnrl won, convinced that eskry taste m: by grili fled. Their CLOTHS, jC.kSSl.\ll‘li{ IS, VEST INGS, Cabinets, (forth: Jeans, «iii-.chuinol he excelled for Vnriety, «(a then the low pricu M. uhich they‘re offered re really nfiuuishing. oodi made up_nl the shortcut nog‘ice, in the ht‘nbnyles, uurl M. as ran-unable raitu as can be expected. fl’licir’eslilhliehnn-m ii in ('hmu her-burg fitreel,l'few oars helm“ ihwlilor's‘ Dug Store. ‘ ] [OOL ’5, 1860, i " ’ Sands’ Sarsapanllh. ma ORIGINAL up maxmxn *nn‘fru: ENDORSED "nun .~u. gummy Is bring the. but and [nirost } . ESTRA‘U'I‘VUF s.\\ \uma. SANDR’ “.\ILSAI’AIHLLA I‘llfifil'l [lu- hlnmL SANDS‘ s.\ns.w.m mm cum .- A SASDS SARSAPAR LLA cures Stubborn l'lccri. ' j I l ' SASDS’ SARSAI’AR LLM Eguptioun. _ _ ’ ‘ V SANDS SMESIU'AIIDLA May “in NW; hitch—n: alliilnem—it ill m-cmc tp intrhci a.- :h-¢l.rl;\r penudic lmlrit and ifl theHL-ry heat. Ined‘i‘ciue they cxui tukcfltm «"Ich at. thi- pc tiuol culled “ turn of life " ~ ‘ _ “41L- fur ‘Sundc' .\‘urmpl rtlla u'ml hilt-g no olber. .wl'npnred by .\. 13.13; 11. S‘\.\'_)S. ltrug ‘llll. 100 Fulton SL, an. ut‘ Willi-n . X. Y. Forula by .\. Di'llur. mm, Gui" burg, l'n. Qprii 22, lel. [ln F I . , . ~Cannpn Adair’ ' K +mv .\t.\luu.r;”\\'¢ ms, wrist-ti nt‘ Balti- N' more nutl Ensthiit lip struétallitrct-tb up ]mnite the new Unnrt llmtse. (h-tltydmrg.- "flying rvceutly arrival frum l’hilml -lp_hi.l;und (vellng fully rompetent o Hernte :ll work in ~thc,finnt style of the air , we “(Illlli ‘capeutfui l! iqvite the attention ni'the kill-“P \‘ish' lg to prorurr‘itnything-in ou’rlliné, to I; v u< 'ith a. nil um] exuuiinqspw-m rm: pf m 1 'nrk \\ e are prepare-l to furnish l'llXl'All-ngffi. T( \ .lls AND HEADSTUNHH. [.\liillJ'l .l.\.\" LES, ShAlla‘ for (htbiuct-mak -rs. and Hill luthcr wot’k Ippért-ining to our l-mi It‘s. at the [mves'Lpos lible prices. ‘We do in: llwiluk‘ to guuruutee' thlt our work shnll'he 1 tupin ll minim,” Fllhr nautiualtand tnntqful eq Kl tn the If}! to he "an in the cities, WIN. 1:, evcly inipruvonu-nt which experience hns s'ggcstcd is gnmilwl or, and expecinllytdn we gt ruutee tlmtéuur (‘emo tery‘wnd (have and wfi k <hnll he s curcl'ully set in nut to he mill-«ted l y trust. hut hull Innih .njp fli- your; _thnt. erec nun uf‘itgel tiuu gin n "m? theromplctiou nfu j< ). and so‘n «assay a continued gracefullicss d symmetry. XDTJIU, 1‘859. lf ' - «’l' l , - ‘ HE attention of tlu.r it. lies is es; ecinlly in- T tiled to (large an bountiful fisu’utmcnt of X's-li-I' and Mi'ses' [h ‘5. HATS .\NI) SELL“!!! HUUIIS, ofln at gluing Lyle. cm: bmcing Bqulevnnlc and 'er any which we or 03¢:ng at greatly'reduc d {met-s. nu' . . April :2. f. F. ucluksxv's. ' HARD DIES f ISM MADE [coon saws [gun 1600 _filtonees 'to . ‘01:;wa "-3! .. 3 (”10ml WATCH :1 . g ai .I TO II DISTO. AXéIS—TJVREL Y N OR 55.0.00 AG All p‘engnl animal r ii thin .' ‘ ' NEW ENT‘ [Bhéilld land on their nm "A a con: lbfl'lpjo ply p I return of mi! \ APBE 474116 Coataining oqn‘ mm: -l m :iritkoit: , tisk, together tr mu ma m NOV]!- ‘. f. w prompt 'sjzd' it,“ pll Ogden h K -4ao I= I= ' .l l - 14' '. 1, 1861 4:801 Year- died with the choice“. ‘ When Fremlnm, from her mountain height, . Unfurl'd her standard to the air, She tore the uzure ru'ie ofuighi, i And set the atnrs ofglhry there. , She mingled withlitiii‘firgeous dye! Themilky‘hnhlrieioftht-uhiegl ; . ‘ And striped its pure. celestial n ite, ‘ 1 'With strenkihgsluf the ninrnin‘gliight‘; . jTh‘en from his m’unsion in the sup ; l Sl‘e called her eagle-beaker donjtl, ‘ {.\hd gum in? hill mighty hand ! \‘i L E The symbnl I he? chosep land. i ‘ I Q ‘ l Majestic monim‘h uflhe-cloud. l _ , l ; Who"st uhyft ‘hy re'gnl forin, ; To hear the tympest mih'ipimzs l' ltd, i "AM see the lightnihg’ lance: dri en, ‘ Q When Turin the warrihrs at t 5 Horny: And rolls the thunder-drum of h Hen"; Child of the sun l to thee ’tm giv’cn i To guard the bnnuer (if the fnie, Tn hon-r in the sulphurfznmkeh Tu ward «Way the lmttle-strokefi An". bid its ‘hlendlng shine nfnr, ii» Like ruinhon‘s dlrthe cloud of mar, 3 i The hurhingeramf victmy! L I Fling of’the brave! thy folds shall fly, ‘ The sign of hope and triumph high, , ‘ {When epenks the hignh'l ‘trhmpeti tone,» ‘Aml thc'lnng line‘cnmei glenm'ng on.‘ ‘ \ lin- yet thy. life-blond, warm unhrwet, ‘ ' “in dinnn'd thegliqtenidg bayonet, ‘ l-Inrh sol her an: Almll h‘r'rghtlfv him i {Tn “heri' thynky-‘born gluritfs b‘urn; l ; {Anll as his springing Mops nd'wmce, E K "(lu‘tch wurnml Vfilflt‘flud‘t‘ from the glance. ' Am] \vhvn the en yvmr-niuuthin s lmuhl ”have in nild qun'he the but c—shroua,‘ l iAnd gory finbrns nisem‘bll {All | E 1 'l4ke shunts nf Hinze on hiidnighl's pull :‘i J i i'l‘lu-g ~lmll thy nu-tenrgglnncvs glow, f: ‘g ”find obw ~rihg loti‘p xhnll; pink hencathi ‘i . J Pinch giillnntsn‘ll'n Illullstrikes heluw‘ -i ’ Thnt lm'tly mt- » Vngcr oilfdentlh'i ‘ W 5.1 lflng of the SOM !pn omin wave: if ; l , vTh, «nu-s <hull glitter o‘k‘r the lirnvc ;-‘ l . \\'hen death curecying oh the mile, 4 i ‘ .'Snei-ps‘xlnrkly nruml t'h‘c Lolliel‘iibail, 1‘ ‘i ‘ ‘A'l‘i l'r glutem-il “fine: rhnh fi'ilmfilv hack E ‘ lh-l’nrc the brnnlUT'iP's rjecliug rllrek, _' 1 ‘ l‘l u-h dying wnn-lurer ofithe sen] ’ t f Slmll lnuk .itmlcii t‘n lH'.\:\'L‘n nntftheohl f ‘ jijnl 3|”le tn Gvu- thy quit-”film: lly Jr i, In trlufnph o'er'his (4min): c) e.l ‘L ' 11‘ ‘ Elnzanl'xthf froc him-(14 have nnilihomej"! ] ‘ , My angel hmulsl in \‘ul‘br fli‘flh! L ' ~Thy :tun have lit the welhin dhlllc. 35 E? ‘ .\ml ull-thr hugs wort}! lmrxi in Henvpn.‘ , Forei’er Hunt that stzlndnrd SLN'll i ’ ' ' Whom bzentlws the the but fills before( us, \\'iih fricedmn's soil‘ueu'huh our feet, ‘ ‘ ' .\nd Freedom’s}hu_nnu"r slremniyg u'hr 45 ? SEI MEZIM The fire amt-Rod cheerfully on the broad hearth of the farm-home kitchen, a cut and 'fliroe kittens baskcxl in the. waxmlh,‘lintl docrophl yellowidng lying: full in the rbfletif tion of the blazefiwririklod his hlncklnoqe ‘omurov'ngly. and-he lturneglthislhintl feet where his fore fqt-t hall been: _f l ' ‘ Over the chimnoy'hung sovern‘l fine hams and pieces of drieg beef._ Applesiiverh f'e_s-‘ toomul along tlierceilihg. and croolk-ne’pked . slquusheq vied Peppers and sllph of . dried p'umpklni in gnrnwhing each wifidow ' :frnme. There were plants. tookor‘t theiwim' Arlpwgledges: horse-shoe geraniumi andl'dew ‘ ‘. plmils; und 3 monthly‘ FOSlelst budding. to I {say nothing of pots of 'violots that pet-filmed i the tyhole plnk‘e‘fvlmnever they took itl into ltlwig purhle Heads to bloom. l L :‘ Thofioor was_mrel‘nlly swept—the c airs , ‘ had not a speck of rlh‘ut u n leg or r unfi . 1 4—. the long settee nenr‘vthe fireplace Phone, us . , if it hadjust linen varpished.‘nnd the eikhtn {day (‘lock in the corner had‘ had its.w'yhite. .' face newly washed. and seemed deter 'ined ‘ :to ,tiok the louder for it. Two arm-cmlmirs' l were drawn up lit a cozy distanc'elfroni the | fhenrth nnd each other: it chndle. a news paper. a pair‘of spectacles. ‘n dish of math, choeked apples and n. pitche‘r'of cideg, filled , alittle table hetjweeln them. _ I In one of these, 31min sat. a_ comfortable ; ‘ looking woman of forty-five, with cheeks our? ’red as the applesfinnd eyes as darklmd bright as they had ever be‘bnfresting her el—l bow on the tnble.‘nn<l looking thoughtfully“ intb the’fire. ' This was widow Cobb—“rel- , ict” of Deacon Levi Cobb. who had been mouldering into dust in‘the Bytown church- ’ yard for more than seven years. She" wasl thinking of her cloud husba'fld, [masibly be atqu her workfhéin'g done. nhdl the servants gone to bed—Lthe sight of his ‘mp—l ty chair at the other side of the tnblejnnd ‘ the silence of the room, made her a. little I lonely. 4 . g l “Seven years,” so the widowie reverielrun. “It seems as if it were more than fiftyfinnd I yet I don’t look so very old. either. EPer-l hops it‘s not having any children to bother my life out, other people have. They may say whatpfiiey like-children are rhore i plaugethan profit—that's my oiu'hion. Look fiat my sister, Jerusha, with er six boyn. She’s worn to a. shadow-43nd I'm sure they have done it. though she never will own it.” l The widdw took nnrapplo from the dish, l and began topeel it. “ How dreadful fond Mr. Cobb used to be of these grafts. He never will est any there of them. poor follow, {or I ddn't suppose they ' [WW “PPM:4 Where he has gone to. Heifiho! I remember very well how I used to t row gpple‘pnrings over my head when I was s glrl to see whom I was going to merry.” f , Mrs. Cobb stripped: short audiblusheda For in those days she did not know Mr. Cobb. and was always looking eagerly to see if the peel lmd formed a capital "S." Her meditations book a new turn. "*r ! E [lnflow-1n: /'fl 3 I‘M/:9 Jimmy! .: nor. I Sr • 3EIiYR-5r d Ware, DOT ON 1 cunt. I-L'Azu WAN' EDI i \ i securing an Agency RPRISE on at deep, enflclonfng stagg, and feceire'by 11111 m lEXTS, it i Wick nfl'érd HAxcfi E Y "How hwdaome Sam Paymn was! and how much I used to‘ care about, him. I wonder what. has become of him? Jerusba says he went away from our village just. 3f. ter I did, and no one has ever heard of him sinbe. And. what a silly xhin that quarrel man! If it had not, been for tilt-4’ ; ICULARS , :QM LANs Here came a long pause, during which 'the widow lookéd very steadfastly at the emgty um-clmir of Levi Caishb, grassed} Her 1,. gets layed welas y wit a Bpp e—paring‘; she grew it safely toward her. and looked around the room. 7 'nghficmrfldenlinis, .wmfi. . ‘ nut seq-oat. rmnmng‘mm “Upon my word it is very ridiculous, Ind Idou't know wins the neighbon would lay if they uw mp." . ~' ‘ B 1 H. J. STAHLE. mu \ @1152. 'l‘llfl AJIEBICAN FLAG. £slng gunk. 1m: mgr LOVE; A§DEM©©RATW© AND FAMULW J©URNAL Stillflxe plump fingers drew the red peel nearer. , “But then‘ they can’tjée, me. that’s a. comfort, and the cat and‘ ‘ld Bowse never will knpw what it means. (bf course I don’t belinve anythin about it."s h ’l‘lie paring inns grwdfully from her ant . - “But ntill I nhpuld like “4’”? it—it would seem like old tithes. and— v Over her head it wenglmd curled up quietly on the floor gt a litgl dintance. 01d BowseP who nlw p slop: wi h one eye open, suw itifull. and arched d liberalcly up to smell of ‘it. v J) "Borne—Bow on't. uch it!" ‘cried his mistress. an bendin I pwer it. with a beating heart. the turn and no fire. There amp lii handsome a pithl “S” umy one would wish see. A ggeat knockfgmle sud {SowuegrowletL and the and matched 11 the Apple “lt’n Mr. Cobg: it'u hi“ agnin.‘because [tried that thought fearfulli to hbnelf Annlhor knoc . louder 11: a mall's voipe _exolniined-g.‘ 3%me the house!" ' "f [:0 is it f" pkegl the ‘relievq'd (6 find that due d safe inlhis grave'npon the “A mrnngor.” said the v “What do you want?" =I “To azet a lodging for th Theiwidow dllibenned. “Can’t you go dn—ther mile firther, if .you keep t side 013 the road and turn 'you get by—" , , “It's raining oats mu} (1- dolicnbe." said the stranger wét m the making—don't y accommodate m’e—l (1611': the floor." . . “Rnlning, in it .’" ldidn tlre Rim-hearted little woi door wry quickly. ' ,“ C 0 you mny pe—l only asked muse i thl n lone ana ‘ servant in the house." 3 The stranger centered, like “Newfoundland dog se‘nttnring a little shower hostess and her nicely. 3 swe “Oh. that looks conifer has been for hours out in th astho caught sight of the nlc'mg toward the heu‘t‘th, f who snifi‘ml Empirinitsly at tionetlihimself in‘the arm artn-dlnrir which had boo his" mmnm'y for gen-n y wan horrified, hnt ht‘r L'u my and worn out), that she tit]; inlwe. but. lrdcied .h‘ors t to Male that he might t dripping clothOfi. - _ _Nnewfihought struck 115 worn a comm-table dres ‘ hit illness. which still hurt: the right. film enuld not cntdh ~hi< death by aittin ‘—nl he mm in 31:. (‘nhb’s he tint he in Mr. Cobb's w niiiihly t 8 the closet, too out, pair of slippers from and bmught them tohith. "i think punt-had bet can: and boots: you will -l : ic ver or eomrthing li Here are wmue things for they airedi-yigngm And ya talc;— wi 0 into the something ts‘: on!!! ‘ She hustled away, “on b and the stranger m‘nde th quizzieal smile. playing arc ‘ was: tall,well formed ma hpmgome fete, ' sun-bur I bear ELL-and looking in cute," though}: his blue. from :nnder a forehead He looked around the hi chievous. air. and stret before ,him, deeerated w 1 slipper; ' ' ‘ ”‘Upon my word. (Kiri: stepping into the old men's shoes with a engeancel And what a hearty. good hu_ red looking wo man she is. Kmd'esgs ftten.” And he leaned forward andgtrok the cat and her brood, and then patted ol Bowse upon the head. The widow bringi in sundry good things, légokcd leased at his attention: be her duinb friend’s. , .\ l “It's at wonder Bowse d not growl: be generally does ifstrangenfluch him. Dear me. how stupid.” , _g » The last remark was neither ddressed to the stranger nor to the dq'g, hgt to herself. She'had forgouen that the lit e stand was not empty—and there we: nd room on it for the things she held. ‘5 'l‘ ‘ , “oh, I'li manage it."sni’tl the guest, gath ering up paper, candle. apples and specte cless—lit was not without I little pain? that she saw them in his hand, for they h been the Deacon’s. and were plhced esch night, like the arm-chair, (beside hen—and depos ited them on the settee. ‘ “Give me the tablecloth. ma'nm; I can spreafl it as well as a woman. I've learned that.mlong with scores ofiotherl things in myfianderings. ‘Now let' me relieve you of thése dishes ;“ they are 'far too heavy for thoseglittle hands”—-(the widow blushed)— “nndlhow please sit. down with me. or I can not‘egt a morsel.” , “I had sup'perlong ogo.‘but really I think I can take something more,” said Mrs. Coh‘b,‘ drawing her chair nearer to the table; “Ot— course you can. dem- lady—in this cold autumn weather people on ht eat twice as much as they do in warm. in me give you‘n piece of this ham—your own curing, I dare say." ~ “Yes: my poor hnsbsndwu very fond of it. He used to say that no one understood curing ham and drying beefbetter than 1.” “He was a most sensible man, I am sure. I 'dqink your health. madam. in this dder.” He took a long draught, Ind set down his 1553. : f g “It. is like nectar." = The widow was feeding Home and the at. who thought they were entitled w I shore of every meal eaten in the: house—and did not Quite hear what he mid. I fancy she would hardly have known what nectar was -—-so it. was quite a well. “’Fine dog, ma’am—and I very pretty cat." “They were my husband's fovorila," ond a trig.)l followed the answer. " ey were 7” “Yes.” A ‘ “Ah, hour husband mint hue Been A very happy man.” ; ‘ The blue eyes looked st-her I 0 long that shefreg; flurried. ' f “s t re anythin motel cm 2or you, air 2" aka asked at fist. 86- “Nothing, then]? ion, I believe I hue fininhefl.” g She rose to clear the 3”" any. Ho minted her. 3nd lomoho {their hund- bed e queer buck Mummers they ended ‘ l ’ . .1 *ix’ .‘l’ ' V ' /‘ 7" GETTYSBURG, PA"; MONDAY, MAY 18, 1861- 3 only at fife dear. 'idow scrumed Hugging. . . 'irit come‘back silly trickJ’ she an the fihtfil and idow. somewhnt arted Lev: wu “Hide. ce. night.” ,’ ’ W I I bowie ‘linlfa - the rightfhnnq 0 «your left after .- . and I’m' very coughing“ “I'm 1 think you can u ind sleeping on tmind that, and an ufibarred the 18 in, whoever you to go 9n bo , with o:11)"‘0ne shaking himuelf’ inn the sfep. and fl, '(lrops ovlor his t floor. / ble after a man I'. rtorln." hi) said, re, ahd stridin V. Idwml'byß-‘xwe ‘ hi: heqls. ho sta hnir—M r. Cobb's kept meted to rs. The widow Ex lnok'éd 80 won ould not Mk him If m stirring \ip ; sooner dry his r. _ MLCobb had ing-gnwn ‘during in\ the clospt at. at the poor man " in that wetvcont hair. why should ppm? She went it down. finned boot-rack belfiw, 1 ‘ s lar take ofi your nve the rhéumnp— ‘ it, if you don‘t. ‘0; to what: while ; ust be hpngry, ntry and get. you : pitabloin'tent." ‘ exchange wi‘Lh a 'nd his lips} He . with a bogd but ed‘ and Heavily thing but “deli yes flamed out ‘ wh to as mow. ‘ hen with a. mis ‘ncd out his feet th the Deacon’s Mn. Cobb hid her knitting slide and looked thoughtfully into the fire. “ lie was another npecimenmf the cl”: of men Iwu speaking of. I hue seen him flee death a. score of; times ufqnietvly as I ftce the fire. It matter! very little what takes me ofi’, he used to fly; I’ve nothing .to live for, and there’s no one to ahed a ten for me when lam gone. It'slsld thought for a man to have. isn't it .’" Mrs. Cobb sighed as the said Ihe thought it 'l3. ‘ . “ But did he ever tell you the minus of the My whojimd him 2" i, x ‘ "nun is man" Ann) wm‘nnnn.” the dishes tothe pmtry abeldef. Cbming buck to the kitchen. she put the npgles and cider in their old places, and léroug I. out I clean ipe and a box of tob co from an uchetl’recess near the chimngf. “My husband alumy- said ‘ne could not Ileei after eating sup'per late unless he ”no ed." she sold. “Perhapll yon {would like to try it, sir I” ‘ l “ Not if it is to drive you flvny,” lac an iwerled, for bhe had her congll ,ready ,in her an . l l : “Oh, no. Ido not objectto eke tell." She put the candle down me fui t nig-z geatlnn about propriety tron ed 1; , but she glenc'ed nt’ the clock and f It resented. It was only half-past nine. , . ' The “ranger, pushed the stand base after the pipe was lit. and drew‘hexf my hair a little nearer the firefand hi 4 own t the some time. ' ‘, ‘ “Come. sit down," he said ple ingly. “ It's not late—and when I an h ' been knocking about in California. and ill sorts of places, for a berth like thin-fungi; have I pretty woman to speak to oco 'n.” “ California! llnve you en ini Cali fornia?” she. exclaimed, drop ing into the chair It oncé. ‘ l ’ Unconsciousiy. ‘she had ~10 g chdrishqd the idea that Sam Pnysoh. th loverlpl her youth. with what: shi.’ had so fo¢lishiy quarrelléd,had it Iled his tel t, aftermany wanderings, in Lhatbfar‘ofl' lam . .'IIc heart warmed lo 069 who. with. 19.63323 of Sam's look. and wxiys about mm 11 al so been sojourning in that ountry. and who very possibly had met lim—p¢rhnps .1131] known him intimately. l i At. that thought her lrezlrt h~l she looked yery graciously nti stranger, who wrapped in Mr. ing gown, wearing Mr. Cohb‘s' sitting in MLCobb's vhair, hesi wife. smoked Mr. Cohh'spipc, air of feeling most thoroughly ahly at home. ' " Yea. mn'nm, I’ve been in I the last six yours. And hcfor quite round: the world in n wh “ Good gracious I” “ \Vhy surprised ?" , " It was ‘so dangerom.” The stranger-sent. a puff ofs gracefully over his head. “ It's very strange. my dear ton you see (mo thingqu you = about all over the world after l “ And what is that f" “ Can’t you guess 2" _ “No, indeed." “Mon, without house ‘or‘ their hondm'rnving hot-(e nn turning up in all sorts of odd l very little for life as n gnur‘ 1 making fortunes. just to tlin. again—and for one r‘vagou. l me what tlmt‘js. No doubt ‘ readv wry well. ‘ ; “ I think not. sir." “ Because a woxnnn‘Pasjilt them." ' I Ilere yas a long pause, an ‘ Mr. Cpbb’s pipe emitted ‘s‘hort puffs “'i h surpiising rapidity. A guilty conscinn -. needagnn ac cuscr. and the widow’s checks were red with blushes an ~he thought of the absent Sam, . “ I wonder how women inage' when they get ser rod in tho sumo ny.” said the stranger musingly. “You no er meet them roaming up and down in that style,” “ XO," said Mrs. Cobb. with me a hit— “ ifs women is in trouble she must guy at home and beer min the best way she cam. And there's more women tiring such things than we knowfof, Idn say.” ' “ Like ,ennugh. We neve know whose hands get pinched in a (:3: unless they scream. And women» are shy. or too sensible. which you vmay chhose, for any such thing.” “ Did you'_ ever. in all youi meet any one by the name of l 0“ i” asked the'wirlow, very ur The str‘anger looked town was rummaging her drawer for work. and did not notice hi was found. and the needles answered hen “ Payson I Sam Paxyson) my most intimate frien‘d. him 1” ‘ “A .little—thnt is, [used when l}- was a girl. Where did yo meet im ?" j “He Went. with me on the hsling voy age I told you of. and afterw to Califor nia. We had a. tent togeth r, and some other fellowi with us. and edu in the lame cluim for more tin six chin." “ Isuppose he w u' we}; 1” “ Strong :5 m ox. dear dy.” ’ “ And—and—and quite hgpdpy 2” said the widow, bending very closely ver her knit)- ting. .’ i ’ “Hum, the less said about Lhnt the bet ter, peghn . But. he seemed“) enjoy life After 3; fufion of his OWn. Arid he got rich out thbre. or rather I will say,§well ofl‘." “ He did I" i l “ Yes. madam." . But Mr». Cobb (lid notpay much atten tion to that part of thistory. Evidently she had not finished ssking questions.— But she was puzzled about be next one.— At but the bgought it out bén tifql— a “WM his wifewith him in ‘ ifornis, as you know 1” The stronger looked at her ith : twink ling eye. 4) " His wife, mn'um :27 Why less you, he hun‘t got one!” ‘ I “Oh, I thought—l mean 11 ard”-—here the little widow femembei’ the; {age of ‘ J Annniu and Snpphim, and 'stdpped b'efore she told such a tremendous fi ' “ “'hatever you heard& 3i: marrying was all nonsense, I can assure “on. I know him well, nnd he had no thfiught of the kind about him. Some of theibo‘ys used to tease him about it—but he soon made them stop." ‘ E “ How f” ‘ “ He just told them frnnldy that theonly woman he ever loved hadjiltéd him years before, and married another hum. After Hut no one ever mentioned the subject to him again except. me.” ‘ ’ “ And _he never married!" , “ Never.” “ Nor loved ?" " NO, nor that either.” ‘ Id Ya." " I!» fall :Iqu f" "I knr ‘1 her firsi name.” “ ‘thg was it?” “Msrib.” 4 The {gump little widow almost started out of h r chair-the name Vyzuhswkim so exactly .‘ “ Did keenly : “ Yes. “ lnti I‘ .“ Yes. “ Is a “ Yes. “ And with he giving a rave o Lum living 2" 1 ; [nWhGlg is she nOW? iStill +appy ‘ hdsbanfl: I suppoSJ. 3nd ‘ncver : “nought to tfie poor (fellofiv she ~ into the‘wofld," V ' ‘ - said- Mrs. Cobb. shading he face hand, and LII-waking unste+lfly.-A husband is call." f .o _ But Ftill she never thinks of Sam M‘ahlend sileuée :1 th I'}. ' can I tell 2” enough ’-' n't No.l 1 with" he] “ No, he "All. ‘ nowi” " 4 There I “ Doe. ' , “How u Easy ‘ . “ How i It Are .‘ ‘ “ Yes.‘ ‘ “ The 5 "on still friends 2" ‘~ ‘ I , ' . you ought to know, «’itd (‘10.: ,Tell ; I I sure I don't »lmnw'w 1y I simuid. 0. you must pi-omiso mego your .xier to tell',you evei'il‘imeet « again.” ‘ I l m. wlmt you snv to mo new? shnll I ed to any world 'man, u'pqh my ' . - . w l . ”then. she does remember him.” |IOW '1" - ‘ ik . indly. I think. as he could limit." g glatl'to hem- it. for his 35km; You\ re the friends of both putiq‘s—wé.‘ , o with each other.” . ~w his chair nan-or lier's. nnil t~ 0k , One moment. she resisted, but. mngic tom-ll: the rosy palm lay [ his; and the dark beard hen} so i it nearly tourhed’ her: shoulder.— it matter much. ~Wa: lie no; Snm l friend? lflie WM riot 1h rose, ‘l-ot dwelt‘vory near it: for all ldng,‘ 5' l ‘ ‘ i ' ‘ l as a. foolish quarrel athat, parted the stranger, not”? ; ~ , e tell you dbout' it 1’” z ‘ on bani-L141": wlmlflr.” 1 . 3 e blame her much 2‘” q 0 much an hims'ell'. He said that my and ill temper drow‘l‘mr to ' this match : but he thought} some -9 hm] only gone'backi and sl'poktr‘n . her, she would have lunrried‘him 1r - l i sure the i would,” midi the widow, l. “ She has (mixed it to nu? mote onsnnrl-timocfa’ 1‘ '» -‘ i a: not happy. thén. with nnflthér." l , . that is to my ltfr ll|'l§\iJlll‘l(l, good and kintl.";snill _tho little “'O - king ofa lonely'grnvi; (in tlio lxill r pt-nitently, " and they livdtl very y together. There timer twah a rd lmtween themA' 5 ’ might slug: not linvo 13mm litappior ? Be bone“, and spyjus‘l, what k.Il ‘ _ I me." U I_a But if I honor. n. with hi. “ Mad be r 996 honor.” . “ Wel “ But ‘lAs’ _ “I u’ . lat quiqkansd the b¢arded hb’s;dress slippers. and -e LII-.tobb'a with wife]; an ind outnfort _llifor in‘for ‘- that ‘went. 14 ingm: ip." yoke (ding; and I n' can rej- , "v (11' her hnn it mu: quietly - low tha It (lid nr ucl‘s do had he i long ti - 2‘ It It i . them." . l . “ Did i i “ Yes. . ‘ u I)id i “ Not 3 his jPah I break oil .times if 1 'kimlly tl after nlli ‘ It I piiA’Olisl than n t ; ‘fi She l . “ Mr. , was ve’ ‘nlanltlli i side‘rutl rimmnt mrih w , “ sun with Sn . you tllil l ts x'Ps - ‘ y I i “ Bra 0! That inn-lint l wuilted it: come I at. All now I haven secret to‘tell you, and i you mll.t break it to her." ‘ j u l Mrs.( bb Ignited rathe peered. ‘. ““'lltisi!" i 2‘ , ‘ i “I w t you to go and 's e her. wherever she me be. nnd my to beg—Marie, what makes y u store so?" / 2 . . i “ Not ing—only you speak so likci some ’ one I u: d to know. once in a wllile‘" “Do Y—well. take the re tof the mes- , , ‘ sage. ll her that Sam loved her through I ”f“ ‘l’ '2’“ ,the rub le—thst when he hénrd she, was coumblp' . fl . free, he began to work hard.» mufldug mi “1 see it all nowJ'isllid Queckin'houx, as Lfortune he {has gotjt, and is 'couung to ;tlley walked Along: “you've been ind‘met, ‘eShare it ith her, if she willl lllim. Will.;a sweetheart down here once on is time.: yOu‘tpn her this 2" , s ' 1 that’s it. She's been what they aall eruel,i ‘ The (low did not answer. 1 ‘ lor she's broke her word to you. “'ellél She fr ed her bend from blizhand clover-ed =(ionit suppose there is one man lilrin’—ofl l her fac with ,it. By and by , elooked up iwhat might be called real men—er hasn’t; ’hgain; e was waiting patiently. ‘ . thud something of the same experience—- i " We] 2" g 3 ‘Some has it “early, some late, but it’s like: “Iwi 1 tell her." ‘ E l; the measles, it gushes you main hard if you He r from his seateud wielked hp and 'don't take it‘w‘ on you’re young. lTllQl'e'S‘ down th room. Tllén he came bachhnd, no bending an old bougll—you mutt. break; ? leaning on' the mantelpiece, stroked the lit.” There W 3! 8 deep i 0“? 01' meiancholy} ' yellow do of Bowse with his slipper com- :in the way the last words were uttered tlmt.‘ l phloem . ' . ‘ C i made Layton feel that hisycomplln‘ion' Witsl l “Mn ller quite understand that lie . speaking? from the heart. “But it’ll all our wants h r for his wife. She may livflwhere I own‘ fnu t,” broke in Queckinbms quickly :‘ ishe lik lind how she likes, only must "it all homes of the wav we treat l’em."—-f Ibe with 1175.5 E - E ' i" How do you mean l” asked ‘Layton, "1 hi unmet." ‘l- I leligerly., “Lune-m," said the other, reso ; u Ssy g has grown old. but no!“ cold ; llutely, “we treat ’em‘es reasonable beings., ' that he ones her now perhaps befitte‘r than 3 and they ain’t. No, slr, women is like rod Ihe did wenty years ago; that uni been men, they ain’t to be persuaded,“ or argued faithful hei- all through his life, said that 'with. they are to be told what is fith‘or the will faithful till he dies—" ; ’em. and what is good for _’em, and that’s ‘ The C it'ornien broke otfsuddenly}. , all. What~ddes all your courting and coex- The (low answered ”111— .1 ing a gel. but makes her think llerselfsome- ‘ "I wi ml] her." , 12 ‘ thing better than all creation? Why, you i U And what do you think, sh wiulmy rt' keep a. tellin’ her so all day, and she begins ‘ Ahe ask ,in an altered w'ne. E. *j to‘ believe it at last. Now, how much better.l ' “ W}; L can she say but—col 1" f ‘ and fairer to sa'y to her, “Here's how it is, i u H ah z" ' ‘ l i’ ,I Miss: you’ve got to marry me: that's how ‘ Then ner caught hex-put of her chair 9’o fixed! She'llundema-nd that." “But as if she 1135 been a child, and kissed her lf she 58."; ‘ 30» I Won't 3' " “ 30,1103 Wiona ely. ‘ , . ,says Quacklnboss, with a. half bitter smile, i “ Dong, don't!" she cried guy. "I'm “she’li never say that to the man as know: i samla ris." ‘ :how to» tell her his mind. And as for that nWe Igm Maria‘s Sam.” ,1 courtship, it's all a mistake. Why, women Qfi'we t. the dark wig and the black whis— . won’t o°an they like 9- mg"; just to keep ken—t re smiled the deer face she had ' the game 9- movin’. I’m “38"” they don’t] never f 0 gotten. ‘ 1 Mn it better than Inrriage." Layton gave l l I let: ' you to imagine.the teb]eeu.- Lfaiut smile. but faintas it was. Quackin-l l Even th cat got up to look, and Emma ant 50813 perceived it, and said: “ Now. don’t . ion his 3 mp of: tsil,nndwondered’wheth- i £Oll 120 a persuadin’ youfielf these are all ‘er he w on his heels or his head, The ' 'ankee notions, and such like. I’m a widow sye one little scream, and then it-lkin’ of human nntur', and there ain’t said— . many all knows more of that article then ' Butrm). Quiet people like you and me, Leonidas Shni‘er Qunckillboes.”-Lw:r. dear er, wholllnve got over all th . ——-—»‘s—o-o————j—" follies, shd can do nothing but tum up our \QEverybody $001100" tiledmmond wed nogeg at them; hgvé no busing” here. 1 will .'dlng of the rich “old Cuban and the young only ~l4:th two hem-(g were very happy/Ti New York belle. , A recent letter from Cu =that Bo se concluded after awhile that all I be. “YB: . ‘ . l was r'igli’i, end so laid down to sleep again ; ; “ltmay lnterestlmy falr readers toremel'n-‘ end that} one week afterward there was a «Will “I" ”Eldon“? 01' Sifnor wedding’nt the house that made the neigh- I . _‘9 h“‘”° 0f the diamond "9“ ing. boring ' Imp" stm-e_ Widow Cobb had nmr- Here he is known as a mulatw. at least half rigd hei‘ém love. ' black, and he is said to be a Blue Beard for brutality. He is rich: but. M be and his - I bride are of course excluded from all good fsociety, his wealth can hardly compensate. 3 his lady for the slights and seclusion to which her life in henceforth destined. A‘ and and dearly~bought conclusion of so brilliant a bridal." A f ady, How of -0 mm. ering lmtfu ion." 1 K ome above ‘ theré.pnd ‘lncos. baring 1 thing. and * :lnom away: on dnp't ask ‘ou'know al- the most of wanderfngs, Samuel Pay ‘ concernedly. rd her—she .. the knitting . . When it. n motion, he lWhi,’ he was :3 - ' you know .6511! old clergyman—more distinguish ed for hi. piety than for the elegance of his orsmrical delivery—once read aloud from fiis pulpit. a hymn, in which occurs this he: ' V .2 Lifé’s like nshadow. how it flies.” But. pausing in the middle of the word :hadnw. tab take brmtb,the venerable pawn utoniuhad his homers by whn seemed to read : . , ’ “ Life's like a shad—oh. how it flips.” ,_-__. —ao.oo———-» -—- fi‘The number of tpplienntk fog dun. tion: in 'the New York Custom Hpme is on; tweyeflxomd. ‘V ‘ fiw 'm getting fgt,” u the ch' and when he 'in:- wading lad. . T! IM! V- .am‘would have said it. on know her 1'” he asked, looking her.‘ ‘ i , . ately r ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ 3‘ V I, ‘wo DOLLARS A-YEAIE. @ihtdlanwm -_l-- T Than ind Now. In Now bor‘lwt'fieceuinn mu: all fig“, and coercin was all wrong. as argued by tho N. Y. Tribu . The following extravt is as stronglg uthcrn as anything oyor put forth y 01?. Davis. or any #ecession editor. Tu to the Tribune of the: 9th of November nd‘rend; { .« ' “The tel graph informs‘us that moat, of the cottbn mm are meditating nwithdraw til from t!) Union because of Lim-oln'n élcction. cry well : fluev have [i right to mgdimte, (l medit'ation {a a profitable om ponmento leisure. We have n thonir, Invincible sbeh‘efin disunion us a remedy for either nbrthern‘or southern grierunm-s; we cannot perceive ainy nve‘esum-y relation between mg alleged (“wane find this ultra _heroic rem y; still. we say, if anybody seos‘fit (n odilmte «lifinnion, Ir! I/nem do .vo unmolutni. That was nllmfa and hypouritic so: oncesmiSeJ. at mmhfrn dic t the enr‘ of John Quincy xuse he [)l'C‘Felficd n petitinh for on ofthe Union. The nnhtion- row the Ho tation, ~nbo Adan“. b 0 thedissolu? t to Hulk» the roquesti; it was er had a r .35 duty ioquwscnt it. ‘ 'v, if thp‘r‘mmn Stan-an th'uk-F the L'nign drhflmrble, We 37mm. erfoct right. to (liscms it. Nhy, h Je-fl'exzmn tn the’ ilml'iennble a unified; to (tr/[er or abnliq'}: {0117“ nt that pan: bv‘cume opprewim ': and if;tho cotton Slaws‘ shall sfied thug they (‘nu do héttox- nut thfm inlit..lrc hm}! on [effing Ilwm The right to} secede natty be a ‘ oneyfiut it, (mm warm/Irma the membel “ And no the Value 0 min-their ‘ 9 11011! wil light of com wG‘ovegnm' or ngurxou become 5M 97 th'e Unio go in peace. I revolution - . and We do In: s‘ec how one party elm luu'e : a right to (1 what another party has 'uriglgt l to proven’t _ We must ever resist: the niw xerted righ f any Matt; to remain in the Union and nullify m- det‘y the law! tlxér’o—' of; to \viil dx-Mv frtim (ha Unipn is quite 2 annthe’r m tier; And whenever mmnsidn ernble secti n of our Union 51ml] (lelibcmm- {' 1y resolve t 0 ngt. w aha/l rm‘xt uh“ cnz’izn't'el jtasuru «Infiqned to [tow t/mm in. We hope‘ new:- to live in afßepublic whereof one} Election is [filmed 10 the residue by bayonetnl'é 1 Now,tlne urgu‘mont ixdifl‘urent. . Sgacesuiom is all‘wrgng‘. and coercion in all right. The Tribunr. as he indc‘xlof mnst 6f tlm‘an‘null-v licnn papal}. lml“ faced] entirely about. and‘ goes far wu and oxtemfinhfion. 'l‘hes‘outhl mustbe “immplt-du'f under foot. and the llousenbho 1&4, and lumh‘. taken pear-salon of liy‘an invading army—i ll'uync ('O. llleld. ‘ -——--——- - «pi. - ~ Cost bfv the iArtillery L The’ cost ofDnlilgret-‘n‘s great ninr-inoln irnn puns i< seven and A half cent: per pmmrl. A 4 .tlwy ‘wciglx-Qflfiflpound: cuch. thi- coat of n gnn is $645. The vigil”, inch Colnmhiadi :Wcigli about 8,5000 pnululh : llu-‘l-ton iunh, 16.- 4000 pounds curl) ; both zuewold at siix nml n ‘hzilf m-nl-s n pnund. Forty two p‘bunderd, ,wmgh 8.000 ponnhs fibirty hm poundera, 3.51 m), i‘sold at fire ccnls, the other: at slx'i conl’s a pound. Sea cunjbt hpwi zers ul‘eight‘md ten ‘inch'bnre, weigl from, .500 lo 9,lsooypo‘lnds icnch, nnll are mild nt‘aix and ‘a hall‘ccnh a [,pound. Siege libwimef of eight iudl bore me ymnd‘n‘lightcr, dehlnfl' ,60” to 3,oomfmnndh, ‘nnd are sold at Um sa‘: 9 mlo m: th‘nflc nhoie mcnlidned. Brufs guns are mncli lighter. the “army pamcrn ’chh'e p und'ers weighing bnly . 4.300 pounds ;' they are, ibowérrr, sold at far!) - ‘5l: cents a ponna. Thm Dnhlnrecn brass guns ,nre still pmporlionntelymighcrpriced ‘; the pa. (cat mountain twelve-pdnud howi'zers, weigh {mg 2,220 ponndm are suld at 75 cents a pound, ; Shells sell according to pveight, n: fnim flour to ;six cent: 5 pound; show: tlugo nnd- half to ;‘ four can}: ' fi‘A boy was lately asked by his teach er, ”Who bit the first apple 7” to which he replied, "I don’t know, but I as: it was our Bd, for ohe eats green appfeus like thunder l" -———~ ~~——m~——-—~—- u"fi-Conmm. in tho mther of good digw n‘. ‘ , who firméat friends a}: the fewest favor-I. '1 i- ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ The npeoid correspondent of jibe New York Time: tela‘ plus to his part that hit dlapatchesA of 1g; lat, were «aimed at Wnlhiugton by the WM Department, whiel; Huang. exercises a consm‘shi‘l) over all re ports sent from the Fednral Apitll. Tho diupatohes thus attempted to bempprcuod, digclope-d no war worn” of the Dvpartment which it was important tn 1306‘,» from the public. The objectionable portions of the mpnrt warn the mmmontbnt tho cumspnn dantnn cot-tam alleged jobs in rnnnoction with contracts for suppliw for the troops.— A copy of Ihn nuppresaod dispatch is uh liuht‘d in the Tuna of Friday wot-k, nndptho following is an extract- I‘tu‘rmr d‘ I’mon. “ Every trun friend of the Athniuintrétion will I‘Pfirt‘t to learn that a. syatom nt‘tliugracqu fnl job ing has hN-n comment-“d in connec tion with contracts foraupplion for-the troops. Some of them operations are toogluritig for concealment: ' , . V The beef contract. t whivh T ~refnm~d hm night. I uiidemtangis for twe’nty thou .umd head of cuttle. The prim who fluid. 1 am (did. is eight c‘ents gross—equal to feiirtocn and a belt cent: net~n most, ox extrnvnguntmte. and which will yield “W"; fit of seveml hundred tlmuand thallium- Bids would have promrod contraptx‘mn tofms gving the Government a' quxluu'; I. million dollars on this one item. . Another close contrpqt made with John F. Gayle. of Wmhington, for blanket: and km )Sflckl. .Price not trim-mired. but {will surely be found- largely- in exeesa‘ of “the terms which posponnihle parties. in {the trade wnixld find mmunerntive. ‘ Another Pehnsylvnninn uhnu'rmlved n cnntrnct Tor blue cloth :- unit Dr. Mehnfli-y, of Pennsylvania, lateone of Fnrnoy'a subor-j dinutes in the House of Representatives, he}? a hemzy cantrnct for forage. ,I' Ariny dlficera express intense disgust at ‘ the ovxdent jobbery. Close contracts ior/ supplies for immediate use may be non-Mu ry—hut can tractfit’nr them large amount; of stlp lies, to be furnished far in the future. ought. to be a'wagrded to the lowestgcfipnn nihle hiddh‘. It is the duty of the, “re“- lwromptly to expose these delinquencies. dml n. in to be hoped the Presidpnt will-flud the ‘ wmody. The circumstances under which tliogubu alluded to have been efl'ected, and tho‘very‘namm of some of tlw pifrfies con cerned. conntitute primafacie evidhnceu of corruption, The country hurl onenglipf that nndr-r Floyd’rndministmtimimn’d will hardly tolerate it again." X ' » a , No_ 32. ”The New York Jw'rua’ q/‘C‘nmmrrim s.l_\'~':—~\)’9 cdnnnt but hope that when hnth parties behold the van proportinn-r that fly).- wnr will assume, in cnse the twn.evctl9ns slmll‘ be brought into deadly conflict. with each oth , the counsels pf penm wit] 91-5 Vail, 111" me adjustment of differahchm be mingle. J 1 sqme way honorable I’to Hath parties. find we are the more c-ncoumg‘éd to hope this, when we see in leudin ' Bomb» (ii-(m papers, as ive occnflinnully Oh), suuh' sentiments at; the‘following: ‘ f. , From theUlar-(fnni ('ourémt. ’ z “ Public opinion in the North seems to ho gradually settlihaiown in favor o! the rung/- mlitm o‘! the new federaq/ by the Federxd. Government. The thought of n. a I’M/y and prnlratcd ~civil war, except a; a Hunter of abxolute mmsily, is ABHORRINT to all. and ihr issue: [my be pcri/éua'to the‘ victors as to' Um rnn7u¢lslig . To suhiugutcge seceded scum by force of arms and to coxn‘fiel the'm toye mnin in- the Union. if it be pouible, main involve grant expenditure aftrensisve innll life. and can rrnltl, only in changing t/u' fiat»: almnafluy into dmdly hostility and inmrable lam. Ifahey renmin in the Union. they mustfio so as peers of tfie oyher States, .\.w sci“ 1: coxqunnn Pnonsczsu ' ‘ ‘~ But here a new peril m6ef~ us. Do we I ‘ not by the recognitiop of the Snutht-m (’(‘m— fedeyacy. recognize/tho prinfihde of $090!», sion? XO. _ .‘“ . “ '1: , “Sew-n ‘Stntc- have spender! fl‘nm ‘th‘e' ’1 Union. Tim _ncb is ro'o/vztionaQ/Unml‘ niuy {junfly ’be punished with all ”(hie “wot-fly i which the crimr nfunprnvnkod revnlmion ‘ démamls. Butthe prudent A'vministrufiiuu ; mu-t dvnl with the mnttr-r m- it Mmuds‘;l not. I simply né a question of ponsmutimml law, \ but, nlgn, as 3‘ question ofprachcul lwlliiqn.— The forcible suhiugation of (hose Stat”; un- Idcr mining circumstances, 15 xyr’ 11* us 1 human? or." : We learn that n. sermon mneh in this imin was prom-bod in {Northampton 'Mmsd by Rev. Mr. Eddy.ofthnt tuwn. on tlnmccnainn .ol' the wean! Pint ; nnd that. it wax generally upprbved, even in that rutlmr ultra Repub— lican community. The Formal: is to ho printed; It w.m— n. parallelism lwtm-i-n thé fine-sent secession and that. of tln- {FPllTfibt‘fi "n Rehobonm’s day, frnm tho originnl Union. which was thereby reduced to the Twofl‘iiihc-n 9f .lndgh and Br‘njumin. Ri‘hnhoum Imy going to'fight ghn Ten ’l‘ribi-s buck 'jnto the“ Union, but the Lord, through his yi-qlilict, éommnndctl‘him riot to do so. - , ‘ -————-——--- «nor- -- ——~( _1" i ' Thirst Worse than Hunger. _ l The distill-bangs to the general Ijatem which ‘is known hy the name of raging fihirstl, is fer more xterrible than thnf. of starvation, and for this; renspn ; During film abstinence from foodthe organism can qtill live uppn it: own subs’tanéo; but dull-inf; abstinence frum liquid, the nrganirm Mano much source of supply within itself. Man have been known to endure absolute prim. tion of fo_od for some weeks, but three Bay! Of übsolutia pfivuion‘of drink (unless in n moist atmosphere) is,‘ perhaps, the limit of endurance. Thirst in the most‘ntrociouq, torture over invented by oriental tyrants. It, is that which most efl'ectunlly tallies nni-‘ mails. Mr. Aétly, when he hlld a refruqtory. hone. always used thirst Hi the moat efi'éc tive power of coercion, giving a little winter 3% the reward for every act of obedience.— The histories of ahlpwreckn paint fearful pictures at the suffering from ihirlt: :and one of the mosemppnlling cases known is the celebrated imprinqnment OI one hun ched and forty-six min in ‘in; Blpck Hole 01 Calcuth—Bluc/moal. - . ‘ Ther‘o are now more spots on the Inn than there havebeen seen for mnny years; some of these are visible through I; smoked! gland to the naked eye. Several stars-1mm)? ref great brlliißJlCy. which, frym their ascertain ed distance, mmt. have been as large: iconi sun—hnve totally disappeared -from the sky: and the question has been raised among astronomer. whether the light and heat of the sun are gradually fading "my. As this would be accompanied by the des truction of all the plums and animals on the earth, it is rather an interesting line‘- tion. Ting, sun’s light and heat M‘e dimin ished by the dark apots at the present timo above one per cent. ’ A lady was in the act of lighting a'gM burner over the fireplace, stays the Brightnn F Guardian. when her attention w‘ns attrucu-d by uremia: sound. and on looking award the 001- she saw that her dresß was in flames. With great presence of may], Ihe immediately knealt dew-n uni pro-mad her clothes together. and huppfly rum-ended in extinguishing the fire Without Humming any personal injury whatever. Ilor dung; and two petticouts wore huxm ”IFOllgh.3llli there can be no doubt. had she hefiimod u moment, or moved m-rone the apartment. as too many do under the circumhtnnces, she would have 10st her life. A servant in the room at the time vms rmhing out ex claiming. “Mistress is on fire!” but the “miatress,” mth more self-possession. or dered her to close the door, that than" current might be excluded, and no saved her-self. @Minnie was one day talking’i‘to ’hor little class in Sunday School, about God's greatloveformnn. Wishingtoimpliemitm their minds and to know Iwhetherthcy un dentood her. she naked: 3 “ wa. children, who loves 111-men 7". The question was hardly naked. before 3 little girl not four years old. mam quickly, All Women. ' . : Bather Suspicious. The Sun Going-Out. Pruence of Mind
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers