CI 1 mt‘w 4 “'42:; ”*1 .flvtriwmcm; -* Getysblirg TEAW LIME “ILL. (,‘URNED (IF WEST ‘ AND RAIMLU \ll :im’tHETn‘. NEAR THE ‘. UUNDKY.~-Thc «Mm ntn-r. hm’ing hast-[llllc Steam \liil qffir. H. \V. “mun, in this phat, has had It thoroughly 'rn-pairsd. by placing in ,1; the uecéss.|ry ruz‘chiucl‘y‘lur grinding; Lime ‘rtoxpc. The mill is; non-it) operation and I am mud to guppy shy demnnd for this useful Fertghlu. U OL'XD L ME-STUSE“ is nolf ‘goqcaded by t our'who l are tested it, to be a mac ‘ better; Fertilizer thqn BurnqLimc, «it in. Inked any of IN: other Fertilifirs «:vrmrnlly up pl'letl tu Luz-1. : The fulluyvllyg Ccrlitjynt‘: from flr. Dunn... an ant-naive t'zlrhrsrfuud hiuhry ru ~xpectnble cilia-1100‘ Ada a county, will film." the truth or this Issle-rtinri: - a“! ham lfimh trying. the Ground Lime.- noiw on myinud tbr ['le hnst ’our years nub] find it Lu m- :wbéucr fe-t [.lt-rtlmn thn Burnt Lime, and Cllxy'ua. It 1.1-1 given snliafavtion in their". 5-101». . ' PETER MEIIL." Numerous other aortifi ‘m-a «If like character ‘po‘uld be prmlmedéfi'but t is is Woman. FEM-men; ureanu sted send in their gr on Ind to glu- it a try ul. . ’ Mnr.4, 1861. It ‘ I; JUIIN‘HOOVER.\ , ' son Brothers. ' 1109 Hum; or the EKG/{£57011 SKY- P [IN I (Libbfilfl’. (imrwwko, PC. 4 the ”1&3le in‘nnriaum-in': t 0 Lln: [.gxhh': that the)“ hsve removed to their New ,wn Hwy-man‘s fishy-mint (hunky; lm- nod on the South “vie 9f York meg-,2. oppop’ite (inc Bank, and gnu dour 'in-1m; their 044 mud. . The building hAsr hr immeaiuw Dupcrvi 'ion. AterflM: haé been 19:"; np’urtmeuts hoth cogmfot Ali the modern impio-‘el to the working duper! ‘ lioness every facility {0 clues pictures. , i - The first .premiuin? w Neunllen— Agrlculti’ir‘ul. F -,.types and Photographs. "“ Pictures 0! all the it filtereoseopicJ mmic'gs mic-uteri in m"; bestinm’ five entiresatut‘m-tidn. _nlnl the public willfiemd apieturcl tukcn, that (l _Gnileryfiis net; tilt-iii. there as": ulwnys equu {bet-e made in large Iciti they insiznupon u sale—u ‘ The "Excelsior" isiui and every one is mNix «visit. when the}; Will 11!) decide of the justnen o L greasing reputation h'hi - flunk-s will fitcl {hehrrengt-ment of t‘ii Anna. new. it = _ PIIUTOGRi Jan. 21,1861. 1 ‘ .7 -7 7.1-; fi4.~.._..-« V Dr. flenwgein's TAR A5l) wow) NABTHA‘ - f l. , . Momma L, j: the best .\iedicino in‘the world forthe Cure of Coug s and Colfis‘flruup, Bronchitis, _ ‘ AQ‘lhniu,Diffibuihy in Breathing, A . ,4 ‘ Pulpitatirip (5f the Heart, ' ,‘ ' ‘ "hm-m,» , and {or the relief ofgmtieuts in the advanced {Hinges ’01? ‘1 f ' - 7 Consumption, joget or with fill Diccfisea bf the 711 mm and host, and which pro— dispose 1.? Consumption. / [I in peculiarly adapin 'in, [ln £miicql FUN of.~lxt[ima, 1 Being prepared-M1; u 'pt'ucticul Physician nnd Druggist, and 'am‘ of u't’fltQL’xpel‘icuc?’ in the cure of [he varioua idiscusea to whiehithu hu man imme is iahl'e.‘r“~ ' : Jtis oifered to tine-unlisted with the greatest 300nmcc.”j l l - i . ' ‘ Try “and h_e,eon' ineed that it is invaluable in the cure uffifi'roJcbinl aneétioui. I‘m: 50 genu-prr boulei : 5 i ‘ wi’rcpured on]; by ‘ ' 1’ DR. A 1 ESENWEN'k 00., .4 ' Dguggiuts auditihemistsfi N.W. cor, Nluth & Poplhr Sts., Pmumrwnilt. WSW] by every respectuble Druggistland Dealer in Medieiimmhmughout the Suite. ) “ Aprwwwfiy f -\,_"_‘Li_.:4: v -A ’ .’f-W— —.~ . -__.‘—_. ' Norbeek 8; Martin S AVEjust receiver i'rmn the city th‘elmigg’st stock dl‘ many tilli‘lS they have Jews, :0 vred to the public—fingers, Syrups, Co eeé,‘ ‘ Tent, Rich, Cheese, Fi h, Salt, Spiqes, he, 0.., i cmbrucinfzull varieties", nt'al'l prices, the ip est; ~ the mu‘rk'ft will nli‘ord. Also Brooms, Bru 'hesfl} ‘pnd Noti _as ;,Tur, Oil , Can-jigs, Jun, in s ort,‘ evefyfiin‘gr‘to he.fouu in a. first cluss Ur -cry and Vuriety Store.‘ '- The Flour and Feet] husi'necli is eonti ued _ withn steady increas . The highest runiert price] pAid and the sm‘tllest profits asked. sThe pibiiu are invited to ive us 3 mil endjeé for themselves. Nu BECK s; MAMIXJ 7‘ (‘oyner of Bum ore and i." ' ‘ ”5341,1860. , ‘ Some’ [n crwtod "Mar their ‘nud neither pdns or ti in nnxluring their mbje and ‘c‘om’cninu. name have l'u-n alldud mt, so lhut thew now I . ~ i the produchon/offirst ‘: nwnrdpd them by tho I it far the best. Aphro- ious flying, (indiu'diné heretofore; all work ncr and glummicd to they hope their friends tmhor, when they \visfi c EXCOHIG!‘ Sky—light ad that pictures made ‘ und-oflou superior to 1.5 ' ' In no instalice do lhcn thou mix to plmsc. .- g . uys tree In thcyubllcu I]; invited‘ l 0 [LI3 1!. II we nn upporluhity to 511 m [mTronuge and in , ph'itpnjgys. , A var} cénvenience fox toilet. (‘n ‘5. I. TYSON, Mums. ifflo NGETTYSBURG. The undersigncdinf rms the citizens of the gown and céunty, th the 11 a cmumenced 'th% AKING business, _ a. large scale, in York étrect, Gettysburg, n . rly apposite Wattles’s Hofel, where he will tr? ti) (league, and hopes to receive, a lih'eralpnt on ngo‘ BREAD, ROLIfi, CAKES, CRACK RS, _i’RETZELS, km, km, baked qvcry day; (t un daya exi-eptcd,) till gf he best?fiuality,und 'old at theloWest living p 1313,. Cracker—buki in all its branches is ling iy‘carried'on, and 01" ors t 9 nuy‘amount, from is and adjoining c un ties,sup‘plied M. the hortest .uoticc. Hating greeted a large and co mudious’lmke-house, nd secured the Host 'wur 'nmn and {the ‘mostfirp raved machinery, iq . prepared to d? a gen" business. ' [ALENTIXE swrrzf. July 25, 1859. , Hgndso 9 Women. { ‘ _0 THE LADIES. HUNT'S “BLOOM 10F ROSES.” A ric find elegant. color for the checks or lipé. l erLNor WASH 0R RUB UFF, and who once applied, rim ins durable for'years. '2' a tint is so rich :1 d o "is" that the“ closest rutiny fails to detcc its as ._ Gnu be remove by_lemou juice end ill (lo—t injure the skin. his is anew preparat on, used by the celebrate Chortlllcautics of [lon don nu’d Pnrig;l Mail (1 free‘ in'bottles, with directions for so. for $1 001 , l j HUNT’S“COURT OILET POWDER,” m} ppm n dazzling whit 11035 to the complex on; sud is unlike nnythi g else used for this ur-‘ you: Mailed free fo 50 Q‘enta. ~ ' ‘ news N BRITIS 3km," removes an, freckles, sunburn and ll eruptions ofthe s ‘ ._ unfled‘rree for fio‘Ce ts. , 1 EUN'I'S “ IMPERI L POMADE," for he heir, ‘utrengtheus an improves its gro th, keeps it from falling off, and. in warrante to am rn: nut; cum. Ahmed .fro'e for $1 0 . ,flUNI’g “PEARL BEA TIMER,“ for 'the W 5 dd gums, clean es 3 whitcus the t th, herdehs thy gums, purifi the breath etfeet al ly, rnxasnvzs rm "gm an mvms ro _ u -4cn. Mitiled free fat-$1 00. _ l A ennx'r's u BRIDAL-WREATH PERFUIm," n doubleextmct of orange‘ blossoms and ice logne. , Mniled free for $1 00. This exquisite Numb was first used by the Princess Rq’yel 9f Ingmnd. on her marriage. Messrs. Hint & QO,- ppgaeuted the Princess with an elegant sun of Perfumes; (.in wuich all of the abpve Articles were influded) in handsome cut glpaa 'ith gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars othich a‘ppeared iii the pnblic prints. { All the above am les sent- Free, by express, (or $5 00. Cash can either accompany the order, or be paid gta the express egent on fie fleet-1 nfgouds. \ . HUNT at 004 > ” ‘7 Perfumers to the Queen. 353 cm. St.,Loadou, 'and 77 Sansom St., Phila delphiafPe. A , , For'Sale by all Dmggists and Perfumers. FThefl‘rode Supplied. [ost, 15, '6O. 1y ItsmovaL ' .xw SALOON.—'GEO. I“. Ecnxxaovghu ‘ removedhis Oyster establishment to the splendid new Saloon in Junta k Bro’n. Build ingrdn the North side of Chambersburg street, wk 1“ '11; 30. all times be prepared to serve up; bu; 9f OYSTERS, in every style. Ry keeping a [bed article, he expects to receive a “ban!" “u; of publxc panrqnnga, TURTLE sour, OHICKEBL BEEF TONGUE, PIG’S 333131332, BUILEI? and FRIED EGGSJCE CM “image, In their-“season. A nice 1“" MALE or‘LAGER can always be had._ Que nd trj me. ,G. F. ECKENRODE. ;;nil 2, 1969»: ‘ -' 938??“93532'01333 8342.33; , - 1,, C. Neely. \ . - I ' T‘I'URNSY ATLAW. will duend tn collec {A Hum and all other hufiuen inuuwtml to 11.: mm: with promptnosl. Uflice in Mn- N. X}. cnrner of thc,f)iqmmd, (firmerly occupied by ‘ \Ym. L‘.‘.\lcUlcllun, Esq.) . I Unltflburg, April 11, 1859, cf ‘ ‘- Wm. B. McClellan, f ‘ I TTORSEY AT Luv—'omce in W‘estMid i die ltrcel, one 510 m fie“ 01 um dew onurt Home. ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ! Gettysburg, NOLIw‘, 1859.1 . : TTORNEY .\T LA W. W!“ promptly attend to Collection: (Ind all other llucinesa en— lruflwl :0 him. Ufficc‘l:(*m'}céu ‘ulnueszucko' and D.mher& ZIL-gler's‘b'mrcs, lh 11mm.- drool, Gettysburg, Pat. . ..LISC l. 5, ”59. ._ > Wm.A,Duilca.n, {l‘ 'rnmxm AT hum—dame in the Xur'm- A wcstcémer ofCL-due Sghure, (lettyélmrg, Pm. _ ’ ‘.—- [Uct.-3, 1553. u' k . Edward‘B. Bnehier,; - TToanY AT LAW, vw’ill faithfiull‘y and A prampnyaucud 19 all “mines: elitrurgrted :0 mm. He speaks we German lumimgeyrv umue at the same, phce, in :Suulh B. llimr’ire stmci, near Fornqk drug More, an nearly nppmiln- [hum-r1; 7..»gh‘u's Store. Unanburg, March :0. ‘, . ,§ ‘ TTOMEY .n‘ LAW, (olfice‘omf dxior inst A ‘0! ”mm-:3 Ilru r and punk élore,(lhmu beroburg erccm AT'I‘BKNKY ‘hxn SoLxchok ma PATLNTH A?!) I’sulus’a. naumy Laud Wur rants, ”wk-pay suapendedi Claims,‘nnd all ollier clflims against. the Guécrnmcnt M Wash ing'ou;l). C.; also Americnnfillnims‘in Bugluud. Land \Vurmuta located and spldmxflhod‘ghtmnd highest prices givnn. Aguuts engyged in lo aning ‘xyzianrzt’r-‘h‘lgxa'n, Illix‘noigi nnrl other “wean-m flutes. W‘A‘pply 3,1,0 him personally nr by letter. '/ _. i . (ié:tyabur"g,Nov.2l2,’s3.j I . I -' ’” J. J. Barron, TTORVEY .\xn C'JI'V'SELLORAT MW. A —Ullice (m ”ultimorl‘ Arcctlucurly oppo- Bltc [“nhnmjm‘k lirmh-rf'Stfore. -, ‘ - Uctlgsburg, Oct. 1, 1860: tf : —~ 'l‘ > ‘ :“L —“. , J.' Lawrence 11111, 11D. A .\S‘ is bflicc one H .lofglmvoyst of the ‘-’ ; ”3‘11?“ "’ Lutuernu clmrchgfi E ~ , ‘ Chambers‘burg slr L and Opposite Picking‘a store, where those wishi'ug to have any “bum Opcrnzion performed are rcsiwctfuily invited to cull. usual-mess: Dré. flurner, Rev. G. P. Krnuth, D. D., Rev. "9;. Ba‘kxgher, D. D., Rev. Prof. )1. Jacobs, Prof. hi. L. Sawver. ‘ Gettysburm‘April 11,«"53.% ' ‘ " ..._-_,__ _.. ,7 _.r, . ,_;__H_ _.... . AdamsConnty ~ UTUAL mus ”summer; COMPANY.— quorporutcdflluch 1.48, 1851. ' orncunal ‘i ‘ I’rcsirlrnt—Gcorfzc Swopc.} r‘r . Vice I‘reaitlenl—zs. R. Russiafl.‘ Srrremry—D. A. Buchler. [ I - Treuureg—Duvié M'Crenry. . ~ Ezcculiz-c Cnumitlec—prcrit McCux‘d ,Jncob King, Andrew Hciht/‘elmunl‘ ‘ .Uululym——George S:\'ope,.{l). A. Backer-Jug cob \King, A. Hmuuolm m. Il.’ .‘\[.'C|lrd‘, H’hns A. Marshall, S. Fnhncstnck. M'm. B._‘.lj(}!cifnu Wm. B.Wilson, )1. Eichclbcrger. Amie] FLGIN John \Vuh'erd, [IS-A. Pickmg, Abel'l‘. “'righl John Homer, K. G. .\Il-Crearp'. S. R, lllissell. D .\l'Oreary, Andrew Pullc)’, Juhu Picking, J.» I’. Hersh“ ‘ ‘ ' J ' [iyg‘This Comm 'v is “mixed in i‘tév‘opom flaps to the coun'tygt-Azhuqs. |lt lmslheen in successful bpen’lion for 'mqre than six agar; aptlin that. pcriéd Ims p’u‘nl lall lossesfn er [ll;llics,wlllwu( any tl3aov’lfi‘fll,b)l\’iflg alab n lnrge surplus capital in the‘chflsury. TIL: lCom-- puny employs no Agents—fill busine’as being done by the Managers, who urt- nununHy am. ed by the Stockholders, .\qy person uksiring an Insurance can apply loinny of flit: above named \l.lnn'_-ers for furtllcriinfornmliyn. nay‘l‘he Executive Comnixuee meets at the office of the Compnny on the lust -\\'u‘dncsdayy in every month, at, 2, P. .\I. i ? E ; Sept. 27, 18:38. ‘ _ 1’ I - . ‘ - 8:111 alt-Work! ; ~32. l >OACHMAKING AND 3I~\CKS.\UTIN.\‘EG 5 '—The undersigned fefiyetxtfully;informs Lil‘s friends nnd the' pjuhliurthélt be cbntinuus $ the Conchmnkiug and Blacksmithi‘pg Illusiness in every branch nls} estublfihmeifi in Cham bersbung street 1163 has 01: handf- ad will! mnnul'acmretoorder “kinds ofCA .1 AGES, BUGGLES, SLEI‘GH.‘ Spring Wagons; am, of . the best nmteria , an maxfic by snpei‘ibr Q‘Qrk men. Wilma tux and flushing-Humor All kinds dong rea‘rsouablp rates, pron pi.) and to the sulis actiov of cgstorhem. T Boas-my Pumice: :mken; in exchange {bl work at market pr'wek. , ‘ v ‘ ‘ @Persous desiring artiqnjes or work in t 1 anchmnking or Blruéksmith‘ing line; are r: specttully inuufiuto cull-onj . ,j I ’ JOHN L. HOLTZWORTII. , Gettysburg. J§&%j;’§9. “ Marble fitd Rbmaqu. [IE subscriby‘lmving ren‘aoved hisiplace T business to Eaist fi‘ork street,}\ short di tauce belowj‘St. Jamesi Church, would grfnouhl to the publ' that he ip still greimréd t 9 farm‘s all kinds (lfwork iuzhis liu;e, such as Mom ‘lmcnts, Hex (lstonus. 3:32., &c...;af every \jariety style and finish, with and \vithou;'bl3ea m 30¢ kets, to *uit purclna‘scrsmnh at pricey to 5111 the times. }Persous desiring mnythifig in hialix. will find it. ‘3 deyided aisquQm c :9 cxapline hi 3 stock and pkicesbeforé purchfisinfz elsewhere. - 1“ - wax. B: MEALS. Gettysbufg, Mnrchjl, 185%. .» Flour, Groceries, Sic. : HAVE constantly on hmid, FLOUR, Corn I and Buckwheat, MEALS; Hommor‘y, Soup Beans. Dri‘ed Fruit, and Pickels; SUGARS, COFFEESHTeas, Syrups, N. 0. Molné‘sbfiflney crop, at 50 ‘ceuts per gallon, the very best kind {or baking) Euglish‘Ohceze, and ‘eréry olbel article usnm’lly kept inn Flour‘amd Grocery Store. GiVe me a. can. W3l. jQILLESPIEfT Gettysbu‘rg Dec. 31 1860 Exp" ~ 0 YOU WAXT WHISKERS? ‘ DO_ ‘YOU WANT WHJSKERS? 0 YOU WANT A MUSTACHEI _ DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? 'BELLINGIIAA‘U’S ‘ ‘ cumin-ran i Wig went, -‘ FOR THE WHISKfifls‘AND HAIR. . The snbacgibers take p ensure i'fi innoum'ing to the citizens cube U ‘ted States, thst they, have olitlined the Agenc for, and at jnow en abled to offer mile Ame cun‘ public, 5:531)th justly celebm and world-renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT is pr and by Dr. *C. P. Blumxoux, an emi nentefiqsiciau of London, and is warranted to bring out nihiek set of - . WHISKEBS OR 'A MUSTACHE in from three to six weeks. This article is the only one of the kind used By the French, and in London and Puis it}: in universal use. It ‘5 a beautiful, economicnl, soothing, yet. stit’nglnting compo nd, acfing as if my mugié upon the roots, 0 ing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. It pplied to up Icalp, it will cure annulus, and use to spring up_ln‘pla¢e of thg bald spots; fine growth of new lair.— Applied accoming to directions. it will turn fill) or towy bah- mnn. and restore gray flair to Its original color, leuving it soft, Imam. , and flexible. The ‘fOxGnu-l ”d: an indispensable urticle in ‘every gentlemu’glwilet,aud after one week’s use they would go: for 39y consid. eration be witbqu: it. 7 . The subscribers are the only Agents for the article in the Un'Yd States, to whom‘tfl orders must be addresse . i Price One Dollar 9. bot—for snle by nll Druggisla and Dealer‘s; or a. box of the “Ongu em.” (warranted to have the desired efl'ec3)‘ will be Sent to any who desire it, by mail‘ (dx-‘ rect,) securely packed, on receip: bf pricaaud lmslage, $1 18 Apply to or address ‘ HORAOE la.~ HEGEMAN & 00., 930601511, ‘50., - * . 24 William Street, New York. A _ Feb. 25, 1861, 6111 ‘ §~ ‘ _-— ~—-~\_.____. _____“_ UFFALORobea,Sleighßells,llsls6lo3l2o3l,“ B Gum Shoéa, Umbrella, Gap 0, re K‘ CnrpeQSukp, and Trunkr of vv'ery Ff ‘ '9 A ‘ I: 7 , 3 A. J. Cover, _ . “#l-. McConmj'zghy, ‘ a Hardware &_ Grocery TORR—Thé' izblcribei'snill have a aplcnvlhl S Assurunent ({E‘HARDVVARE I: G HOPER'US, nt‘lhcir 01d 05 biishcd mud in 'Ballimcra street ‘ t f Theyhave just returned from the' ties izh an immensejtlng of floods—con g, in partrof . ' BHILDI‘NG MATERXALS, such as Nails, Sex-mu, Hinges. Bolts, Lurks, 0115!, etc.. etc. ‘ TOOLS, inc-hiding Edge Tauls (“Avery dc acriplinn,§PLme!, Chiielx, (bugesjhnm-s 11in Bits, Angers, Sqlmrcs‘ Uuages, Hammul, etc , pic. . ‘ mmcxsmns «m Raspp, Files, Jlursc-shucs em. with themftwry chew _ COACH FISHINUS. am. Dama‘sk, Fringed, Cutzo Springs. Axlos,'flohs, Sp: Poles, Shufii, nip, 2H: pump: rmmxcs—T French .\iorm LoiLiningsfl Bout-trees. 010., with a g Slxoewnkcr‘s T "015. , C.§BINET-.\I§KER'S T‘ ’sortmcnt ; also,;\'nrnisll,‘ IHH'SEKEEI‘IERS will :lso find a large as aoruimnt ofKnhz‘es “l“d Fm s.l3ritnnnilt”.-lllmta and Silva-1* le'cd Table a «1‘ Ten Spqons, Can dlesticks, Wnitérs, Shov Is and Tongs, Sad iruna. Ennmolvd and Brns Keqles, Paha,Tubs, Buckets, Chums, Uarpclln 1. e9O” etc. Alan, R zenei'nl msurtmcnt of Forged and Rolled IPIUN. ut'wll she}: and kinds, Cast, Shear, and mum b‘u-q'l, wluch they will scllu cheap m. the clmtpr-stl ' x t a‘ Gllol'l'llill-ZS {~ll full am? gI-n'ernl asso‘rtmeng, 511qu ns (‘rusljgh I’nlvefiizcd, Cllxfified, and Brown Sugsré, "cw Urlelu‘ui, West l'mlics, and Sugur-huuie .\{olusses npd Syyuys, _} Coffee, Spires, (Th ocoldtc, fine, coizrso, and ‘clniry Salt, Linaccd, Fish Eund Spcrln Oil, 'l‘urllcntiug; Fish, etc. f _ ‘ A full astofl 'ent ochm} and Zinc, dry and in oil, nleo Fir-pram" Paints; inTnctJnlniost every article in, the Hardware, Cuhclz Handing, Shel”: Findmg.‘ Honse-Kéepmg, ‘Bluclgsmhh, Cabinet—makers}, Painters,’ mulUxJucuy line— ».ll (it which tin-:v fire‘d’ele “mined to sell as low fur fish as 'uuyébousé cm of the City. 1 ‘ ‘ .1 mt. 5.4 mxan, l . l) w”) zluuum‘. Gr-uysburg, 1500. 24. I» 1», ,u »___ _ I _ 9- .‘ if 6] . PICK ovsgwuns Imm lx'G IS NO [1 palm-pr! :‘UATS :ll 3 i ‘iVERCUr . ‘pnniy x (‘0 \TS at} [91:12.43 to Hit pnnic I" 150036 :41 fAXTAU DRESS CO .\T DliEa‘. PANTMNLV V 1 I:).st vnsrs om} k‘ ‘ ,vxsws‘ , \1 disuumni )fnllkmds ESTS ofnl] Under-_shirts, LBJ-awn; fl forts, G'entlcm in'a'SlmwlsJ ing Goods offlvcry aescripj lnstruments—ftccordemm, \ions, .té.,,&c.‘ noxv lwil'u: 1 ”prices to zui‘ the timesl Now Is THEFTIME TU L 1 Jail. 1?, 1861 i ‘ Jo? W. Lpton, .\ISIHOVA LE BARB IR, Nprfh-cxlst cor- F her of mg Di‘nnund (next duur ‘lo .\lr- Ula-Hwn’; [[x‘gteli) ‘(iettyalq'xrg I’m, \vlguie he (am In. all tnnoq he found ‘ end} to attend to nll hu~ine~s in his line. Heft?” also excementals sigxnce and mu, ensuref szuiet'nclmn. Ulve him u can. 5 ; ; (Dec. 3, new? " ’f 4" ' ‘ ' ' A “., $lOO,OOO Gfiaranteea 1'01; WHITE Lam inn ' ; , . ‘ i “(A ‘UL‘JC-TDX ZINC. ‘ B 6‘}? Tl] 11‘ 135/58 .'l’. ; 1 - EBUL‘K L .\n, . : 100 pounds w“: cover/Rs lime!) sun-facel as I'2o ,-_ puu'ud ofutlu-r White Lend. ' - l r ; Ham Lam, . , >Painjpng done with pun.H ucE; Lead is twice as 1 L Vdux‘pblc n; ntlivr gézxnia. j . , fl ; *H'CKLHMg, ' 1.. 'ls_whitcr any} {note 515 nm“; :13an any other ' ; .Ikmwn mm mm. - I r w; 4 cm: mug, -Is sqperion $ fipest English White mm for ‘ - E inc-4;) and beauty. ‘ 1» wc'K LEAB, . Evr‘r)‘ B 5 Should ‘liny Buck Lend. ‘ 1 WASHL‘IG‘T? MEDAL ZINU, Us superiur tofiny <5l wr Zinc in the world for exbrcmé [“lhitvm-ssand brilliancy ‘\\'ASlH‘L\'(£T()N MEDAL ’I'HSU, ls‘ntlrivullcll f ’r hbd) m‘mvcrlugyrolflerty, 50 Infilnds will :% :13 mud: paintingfila Zapounds 0t; uLln-r Zin . ‘ *- } WASH VEIO): MEDAL 74“)“ Hanna equal hlr urubxlity, it weir: twice as ' lml__ils other Zinc Paint. FR .\'Cll. RlC'lAliDS a: 120., finnufnétnrcrs, Tn "m Asu 11. Mil-2T S'rns'urs, PHILADELPHIA. . For snlcllly DANNI¥I a le‘llll‘Hß, Get “ ' ”l cc;10, 1800, um ‘ n l Tlme. ' ).~\D.—()u and after [B6O, the Morning r nt 7.40 A. M., “ith > lcctions: North and ( ptral Railwny, and ’l‘? nfiernoon r lat 2. a. P.'.\l.; but : u Eo'fidffl'l'ther than i g. Returning will SP. , with passen ludollll‘hin, kc. By a from}. the country, i, lmving busin‘esfl ’ an take the noon ‘ co hours iu‘Gett‘ys ernoon Train. lUllDY,President. ' NEW: 26, 18691 '“T— "‘ E 7'_"‘T ' /.".._—‘-_' fl Howérd Ass; when, HILLXDELRHIA —A t' encvulmt {lnstitu iliup estsllylishcd by peuinl Endowment, for the Reliefafifuwsick 41d Distressed; a icL ed with Virulcbt nud Epificmic Diseases, and espébinlly for thc‘Cum urDiseases of mg Sexual Organs. '- g,, ,' f MEDICAL ADVICE glvqu gratis, by the Act ing Surgeon.) tq'nll who zippy by letter, with a. description of illieir condition, (age, loccupa ‘ tion. habits of life, 1:13..) an d in onsesyof‘cxtrgme ‘ poverty, Medicines furnish d free of chm-gs. ‘ VALUifiBLE inurum‘s u Spermatbrrhum, and bth r ~Dis ses of the! Sexual Urg‘hns, and (myths . EW ReglllEDlES c'wplogel in the Di:- pensm-y, :sent tie the aflli tedv in senlqd letter envelopos, free of charge. We 9r throq Stamps for postage wil, be steep. l_)l . 3. Address, 03,; J. SI§ILEIB§OUGHTON,Act ing Surgeon, Howard Assrtj tion, No. ‘2 South Nimb‘Strset, Philadelphi , F 3. By ordsr of tho Diyoctors. ‘; .‘~ _‘ ’ . . mm D. unfn'rwazp. Pra’t.‘ Gso. “mango, Scc'y. _Jun. 7,.1861.i 1y i A , ‘; New Fall and Winter , LOTHING, for Men and Boys, with every Fprticln of wearing npimrel in that line, to gether with 30 La, Shoes, Hats, Cpps, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, 301 mm Bartel Guns and Pistols, Revolvers, and 'a. splendid article of the im- Koved and celebrated Colt’s Revolver, with '81! e necessary fi‘turu to it; Bufl‘nlo Robes and Over Shoes, Intfin Rubber Dru-Coats and Leg ings Hoaiery, .&c.,. Guitars, Fiddles, Flutes and ,Fifes, Jewelry and "Witches, together with In'uny other useful articles, all of which will sold VERY CIwAP. You ask where? Why, at. SAMSUN’S, where every one can blly go'od and cheap goods. That’s the spot. The old ‘ County Building, N. E, Corner ofthe Diamond, ‘ Gelt'ysburg,Qct. 15, 1860. ' ‘, I, ; 1,- -' . Watches, Jpwelry, ‘ y ' ND SILVER-WAREm—We would reana ful}y inform our friends, patrons and the public generally, that. we’jmve‘ now in Store and 033:: Wumssu: up [li-Mu,“ Lh‘e lamest Cash Prices, 3 large and my éhoicp stack at Wncans, lexpnx', Suva Asa Putty WA“, _of évery variety and “516.; ’ , \ Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewelry made to only, at jhort uogiceg [sslM goods {warrantéd be ins/represented. N. B.—Parti§.ulnr am: tion~ ; given’ to Re pairing‘Watchey‘und Jew: y/ of evcrfidescfip ‘tiou. . ' STAUF'P IR & HARLEY, Nou’622 Market St... So 11 Side, Philad'a. Max-$ll, 1861‘ 31:: UNG Ned‘s; Springgstyleg Qf Hats and Cups 20 per cent. lawyer than usual prices at E g R; F. McILHENY’S. $133077. : Eficgmgqpbe lud4 Grocemes, Notlo- 8, Bw. 5 Prof. L. Miller’s i THE undernignc‘d has opernedin Grocery and AIR INVIGURATQR::.AH Elk-Mira, Safer Notion Store, in llultimor' street, nearly H and Economical Compound. i opposite the Court lluuaL‘. (:L'erblfl‘g. where ‘FURZIIESTURING GRAY HAIR to it’s rfigi—l the public wrll (‘unztumly find,s.cliiu;: cheap as nnl coler Without dyeing, and pretenting thei the cheapcst, SUGAR“, S) rupdé liolnssu, Cof— ilnir frbm turning grnv. ' i i recs, Tens, like. "hem, SPM"! ’3'!“ n“ kinds, FORTREVEXTISG'n.u.nxI~IiS(-::=c~' oi'lhe E);- un-l l ', and him in Lllililugl: C 2: lug. Ti‘A-lnliinui'ig. ll!) . llcrzifm .\mpimzliun, Tu. \ snrgirnl UpL‘lnlifillS. THC HORSE AND HIS ' Will Tull You Uf {lung's .\lo. .'Horscs; how 4.0 ‘.\ppr 2 Shible 3| Coll; huw tu :\ to strange Suuntl: and s tn Im, Smirilu, :udv, an _ Harm-:5; “1:0. the rm “haunt 'l_lu~wlmll 101 SELLING , :mic pricns, \TS M puuic prices Ell ”Au-W PHCP‘, \Th‘ at panic prices iu-S, - mnic prices, ms at panic. prices prices, {Lo panic prices, ['iudsncpnnicprioel. ucks, Gloves, Cam and Gonts' Furnish ion. ”Also, Musical Flutes, Fifbs, NO - very chqap, and UY—CALL SOON of more than iil‘te‘en )t-i of the huhits. .pu .xl/tAi workuesws of tin; no ~ an on]. ,' , | The book contains 3 4 pug Inappropriotely ,llluitrutedty nourl) t .e llum ‘ctl Eugruvifgs. ‘ltis printed in :\ tie/Jr and Ulltll upti, .tml ’\‘lll be forwarded to any ll‘ltl‘rt‘rh. [ash-go paid. on receipt’ of price, 11/” bound, $ 300, Oil, in cloth, extm, Elli. ' » .l‘ $l,OOO A flan can be ndo 3h,- elm: pl‘lalllg men 9 or) uncle, in s tliug the above, :nnrl other popular works of no 9;.“ u‘iuduoo- Imoms to nil such are exceediu I; 'lilicrhl.., I For single copies of the 800 ,or for termsto ingents, yv’ith other information; nppli to or mi tdrcss , JOHN E. POTTER; l’nhlpln‘r,‘ /No. 617 Sansom St.,‘ Philadelphiu, l’s. Nov. 26, 1860. ' 6m _L __i The People’s Cook Buick. ODERX CUOKERY {IN ALL. LITS DI BRANCHES—my .\liss .Ltzs‘ ACTON.— Unrcl‘ully Revised by Mrs. S. J‘ Hall ~1, ' lt Tells You Ilow to choose eli kin s‘of “huts, Poultry, and Game, wit all lie vet-ions ! and most. approved In mice f dressing nnd cooking Bet-f ond~“or ;. also the _ best and simplest way oil, 2111 i g,piukling and curing the ammo. E. f | It Tells You .\ll_the various 0. mostnpproved modes ofdressing, coo ' ng, and boning r Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Po ‘ltry, and Gume , of all kinds,with thedi ereut Dressings, ‘ Gravips, and Stufiings! appro‘printe to . eat-h. , i ' It lels You How to choose, cleunflunfl pro , serve Fish of all kim s, and how to sweeten it when tainted also all the Via.- ~ ‘ irons-sud most approved modes ofcook ! ' ing, (3% the diti'ereut D esslngs, Sun‘ces, , sud Fluvorings apprppr hteto each. It Tdflefi'oh All the various s d/m st approv ' Aed modes of preparing oer Elixditfercnt kinds‘of Meat, Fish, 1" l, Ghme, and , 1 Vegetable Soups, Brot 3, anti Stbw‘sfl i ‘ with the Relishes ands ssouiugs sp’proJ l prints to each. ! i It Tells You All the various uni! mosthppreved modes f cooking Vege ables 20f every d 1 n, also how to Irepare Pickles, l Cstsups d Curries of kinds. Potted Meats, F 11, Game, Mush' come, kc. It Tells You All the various sndmost hpproved modes ofprepuringnnd cookingnll kinds , of Phil: and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, , Omelettes,Fritters,Cokesfionfectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes 0: every description. ‘ lt Tells You All the various and most approv ed modes of making Breed, Rutks, Muf-r t fins,:nnd Biscuit, the best method of pres’ ‘ peeing Cotfce, Chocoluté, and Tea, and , how to make Syrups, Wormhole, and Wines of various kinds; . E , i It 'l‘elis You How to set out and ornament is ~ Table, how to Curve nltkindsf ot'l-‘ish, . . Fltsh or Fowl, and in s_ ort, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to I '; ‘hring the choicest 1:1qu as of the table , 5 within everybody’s reuclt‘. , I The book contains 418 pages, and hpwsrds of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are the results of actual experience, haying been fully and carefully tested under the ersonall super intendence of the writers. lti; printed in a clear and open type, is illustraq‘ed with appro priate engravings, and will be forwarded to any address; neatly bound, and pdstage paid, on geccipt of the price, 51,00, or in clotli, estra, 1.25. , 'v | 31,000 A YEAR can be nisde by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above. work, our inducements to all shch being very! liberal. ‘. . -~ Fdr single copies of 'the Boa}, or fqr lems’ to agents, with other informntq‘on, apply to or address JQHX E. POTTER,“Publisher, No. 61'! Season: SL, Phihldelphit, Pa. Nov. 26, 1860. 6m , J : . omen-ms, Tickings, ehbcka, mums, D km, onup M‘hhnestocklfi. We have also a MUSLIN branded wuh onrlown name, to which we invite especial stunt. on, u it excel: by fan; my our. med in this math!!!" the price‘ : ‘ .’ ‘ a ESE,‘ a very fine u ‘ H. G. CARR'S. MI icke: Agent. ‘ Horse. \ } ISBASES: byi rutessor of Pa- ; theVeLeriuu-y , .t a dnrk, glosé ' nppcurnnce. CA3 11 [mir- It' the wile-t an; n,Hnir ficstom n 3 it ‘is ilnrl'yrecomumended, hnv'Qig .m n {rel-a e ‘cc; and the great facilities it a unis: n g the hair, which, whenvmoist ivith tle utor can be dressedin an; required fun n ..preserve its place, whether pl’ in or :1 hence the great denmnll {or i; by ‘t 0 x 5 11 standard tuilet nrticlc'wlmh nt e to be without; ‘B5 tllplpl‘iue filaces it the reach 0{ “11, being ’ ONLY TWENTY-FWE (.‘FNT‘K ‘ tie, to he had at all rcqmctdl le awf rl perfume”. ' X [.LI-J'R would call the utteniit of Pt nd (Mfin‘ ' to; the use pf his nvigor cnsés‘ihegffi'é‘fi'mlFen'u hni int-1m s ‘euk. The use of it lays the fountlinivin 0d head of hair, nsrit reinpvcs'nny ll - Ethnt may have bot-cum cunnec ed with lp, the removal of which 1! n eessuily :- the heullli of the child. and c futu+e and of its hair. a .. I . 5 ITIU‘NPXone genuine witlmu the file [of HUUIS MILLER bringmn t u: outer tr; also; L. MILLHR'S “All: \'\'lG - l, N. 12.. blown in that glass» ' lesnle Depot, 56 Dey EL, and St fl hy alll icipal .\lurchantsaudDruggiuta hruugll “orld. l nl discount topnrclmscrs hytho énnntit -. [also desire to present to the . merit“ n my Nuw AND Im-novzn IssTiyi'uxsm s HAIR DYE whichrnflfl' yearn? )l scien- Feritncutin‘gl have brought to p til-Minn} Black or Brown inemn‘tly‘wil mut it“. r- the Hair or. Skin—n nrrunted'flie hes! ,nithc kind in existence. l’lllC . OXIQ’ FITS. Depot, 56 Dey Street, N W" York. [29, 1860. 1y ‘ giving fume pufijc frugm dressi Invigo so as 1 cm 15 ladies ought Wi’flli I istoryanfl dis-J 'ious breeds of ' .xud American formation mnl‘ in], and how to' 1~ numh‘er uud lusmm‘d mlh agnn‘iuga ~ per 130 i glsts : I L. A 1“ Items ‘ atop, i 1 ‘ to be ‘ * fur a 4“ puriLi 1 the ac Yth 1‘: “upper: ‘ ' on] . shuilq “'mpp RATU )ISE'ASES liking, Staining, (wing; and the the horse, with inc-ring megli iting, Kicking, ug, Crib lilting, \ficcs to which cxpluuull IBM SHARES ymptmus, mud Sure .'l'hnm, nanfirom-hilis, rukom Wind, {md Whistling, d Ulcers. and Qisqxlscs offlxe rgnus.’ . ‘ ISEASES the pr out th pxihlic LIQUI lilic ex It dye jury t; :Il‘lil‘le 50 (‘E Ucl. )‘lllprtnnl‘i, and H, L'ullir. Strun iiumwfiqplures, ~ .Hcputn'rhunl, ’he Kphu-ys and and pllwr dis \\\el=,"Li\’ur_aud 3 Dr. Mott’s LYBEATE REST()I’.:\'!'IVE , PILLS 0F pt-ri'ent and’ Smmachic prep; mrilied of Oxygen and (‘urlmu in lbdrozon. Sanctioned l.)- lirnl Aixtlmi'itics, bulh in Eu 1.051 States, and. prescribed it! I.] EHSE+SES ‘ ’symlttom-z. and 'uud and Hog levniu, Strnim‘. ‘.xl['s,l Fuunxk-r, Tucknl HUME. sh. nml Puma; lIU IX hustio U3l .\1 the U: Hue. The that .1 “ilh i \"lnl ‘ [Ah-Kin El' l«-;n.~j'..\‘l q:- 3 ul; Hm FLL-L. cxporicx'lce of thousands ()sz preparation 01" Iron mu )n- ' . impurities of the blob‘l. dvfi nergy. pale and otherwise :iI a iudimte its necessit) in ulm SHARES ympluxm, x‘ml lfx'llfiihmdcrc: u’lhfi“. .\‘umit, .L‘lmnp. (huts, hunt. can. h" «Me Case ‘ J)’ .'n n.» "_.., Hulk 15 lugquesuu”....,; , ‘ {ipui in L" maladies in “.mi!‘ it h“ l‘al cugrming mer uflcu-d “(duds Lummlr'r.) ieddt has pmvedfilmolutoly 'cv. :uin- in 1 fi “r’m “WNW“ Buil‘fllo‘ "ml-’in“ ‘” stunt); ’1 ‘ I n n u u ‘ U I)" v .—o ' ‘ ' l; ' the mllowmg combhnmsfllz :5 - . I . {“l' effiry‘n‘uifi A“ .uduua \\““;l}:'.,r‘f: “cl V: ‘5 ').hilily, Nerf/um .ijl'qflmus, [.Emmia-l unprcauuna ''u .3” ' U ff—‘j"‘r‘_“_" ‘ I” wm'a Conklfhafiuu Dian]: W ”Whl'“{.'uu!s:3l! Iqsocuro 1.1 up” ‘\\ln-nlflac, ”llnlripuznt Clrnsumpllmur v l'f'l‘il/I;:‘1x pncc X 3 0.“ L I U.\r; DULL.\R,\H[I] 11m chum: ul ' ‘ A vn . h . ' ' -. ‘ A ‘ n . "Imm. Sun la’héym, Mmmmm film/{um I stgllzlzg :3:):ll10rs‘:‘it islflfléffld‘w“ pummltnl .u.V'.n I I v I ~ A " C/‘ln""”"" I‘m" 0""”"I"”"“'h ”mm”. \s a work uf nr't thioa valu'lble n‘ud heuut fix! plus, lt’lwunmhsnlz Inlu :1”!!qu lure/x, 9 cngmvmg xn‘worth mmuflmn the PUH’" “A.“ mon “gaffe. (Cc—3V . i“ - ‘ Hot it,-als will readily be m'kn’nil‘edgefl on an ”5'3 "f Guzman. LLMHT“ “'l‘é'wff th inspection nl‘ir ; bfit the subsvr'ibigrs intcm to to]. acute disozlsq, “T ‘" Ihc_-~«—»- ‘ 32,: “m“fl (:ul-l .lml mh‘cr “anthem ""“flwifh' icairvug Icomhulcclot‘ disinh-a't‘s‘u'll‘ pumiins, nttunng (Khake the nwnrdahn such mapper as tn?)- ‘ . funny douignmc. 1 ‘ V ‘ L whim"; Thepropriutorsflo the favorable mnnqejm ""‘M‘em’j which this Gift Enter-Prise has bcc‘u recexv ~d. appeffrgm'ud the number of qngmviugs alrimu‘ifv 59,1 e Pay} Up! THE partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm name of Dunn k 21:91.33, Jra., having been dissolved, they hereby gtve notice to all persons indebb ed ‘0 them, by Note or: Book Account, to call and settle the same before the first duly ofJau nary “9:“, at which time their accounts will be placed 211 the hands of an officer for collection. , ‘ £llsan 1;. BANNER, ' L ‘ WASBRIGHT ZIEGLER. ‘ No\' 2, 'lB6O. _ ‘ , ‘ ~ \ Aygr’s Sarsapzmlh, A ‘ FOR PURIFYING T'HE annfflxnd for the spuudy cure of the Inbjolped varieties of I] sense: ' . v . SCRUFULA ANDSCEQFU- . ,"-_:' I LOI‘S .\FFEUTIONS,SUCHAH ‘ ," 'l'L'\(()RS‘, I'LCERS, SOIIES,‘ .'" 1-:num‘loxs,v .\IPLESJ’US-C f 6 TULEH BLOT HESJSOILS. . ‘ -- BLAINE, AN ALL SM); 7;?“ m: DISEASES. ‘ ‘ " \ On and, Ind., 61h June, 1860. Ei J. C. Aye“! Co. ‘ Gems. Heel it my duty to acknowledge what your Snrsapurtlln has done for me: lining inherited a. Scrufuloul affection, l have sutl‘ered from it in various ways for years. Sofiezimes it burnt .but in Ulcers on my hands nnd Minsk-sometimes It turned inward and distressed we at the sternum. Two yenrs Ago it broke out my my hand and covered my abalp and ens with one sore,which was pzuiil'ul und luutlmunu be} and deqqription. I tried many medicines and severul physicians, but. —\vitlroubmltch relief from any thing. If! nfet,gtlie disorder grew “urge. . At. Idnglhl’wu rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger {has you had prepused nu axlteruth‘e (Smupurillnfi for I knew irom'your reputation that any thin you made must be guorl. I sent to Cincinnufi and got it, and used it till it cured m‘p. I took it. as you advise, i‘n small doses ofn ténspooxh ful overu monthmnd used nlmosttureepottlea. New and healthy skin-spun began to term “rider the senb.‘whleh after a while fell Qll'. M}: skin is new elenr‘ and I know' by my foellhgs’thut the disease has gone from my system. You run well-believe that I teel uhntl um saying when 1 tell you, that I hold. you to be one ot‘ the apostles of the age, and remain ever grnte fully,‘ ‘ ' Yoursl Ammo B. gran”. ST. ANTIIUNWS FIRE, HUSH UR .IWSII’E- 1 . LAB, TETTER AND SMII‘ llfil'lllbl,§t'.~\l.l) l HEAD, IHWHYOI‘OLSUREJiniSJUIUI’SI'. J 5 Dr. Robert M. l’relilu writes from Salem, N. 1 Y., thlrScpt., 1859. thut‘lle bust-ured an in- l \‘eternte case of llropsy, which threatened to 1 lei-minute futnlly,hy the’persewfiug use of our l Sursupuriglu. and ulsq n. dungu'ous uttm-L‘ of l Mnligmlm Erysipelns by lurge “och bf tlib 3 same ;sn_vs lie cure; the emulnuu Emmipus by it constantly. ~ ‘ . - ‘ BRONFHO€ELE,‘GOITREOMSWFILLEDXRFK, Zchulun Sluun', of I‘i‘oapm‘t‘Tvxnfiywrites: b‘Th‘lL‘l‘ hunk-s ul'eour fixlhhyuu'illn Anna! n‘o (Hum 11 GQiEf'o—n bidmus swrlling on 13110 not-L, which Hun! snfi'grt-d Irnm mi-r lwo .\enzru." Ll-ll"(‘0KI:H(E.\ UR \Ylll'l‘lih‘. (WAREAX TU .\IUI'l; UTEmNI‘) CLUBHATIUN, FEMALE DISEASES. ‘ " ‘ .‘ 1);.21. B. 8. Changing, of New Yngk City: 'wrj’ 0G “I most L-Kex-rfully comply with tho 1 ryqueslt uf your agent in snyifig l Imvfi found flour Snriupuriltl'nu mast en's-“cut ulleruthd in , in the numerous cumplnluta for whichi m: um .‘ploy agch a remedy, but. cspociully 1n Fumble Ilka-« Hrs of Ile fimnuluus dizgt]w>i§.:‘ I luu'n' . cnrml nmny iln‘clcrntv cures (If lu-uuur‘flm‘u by " it, tun] sumo “ILL-re the mun-hm” Wm; caused ‘by Him-ration ul'the merus. ’Uu: ulccxjuliun it ’ squ “us, soon hired. Nulhi‘gg vnqhin my knowhnlgc equals it [or _lhcsu female dcpungc. ' mv-nti." ' , ‘ I Edward S, Mnrrow, uf' .‘vahury,’ Ami, writN, :“ .\ (Linen-mus (um-Lu:- lumnr on {me at the fl"- < Hulk; in my'fumily, “hill! hhd 1h fir ill tho . rel‘nedius \\ J..;cyuhl $411111“) , has uL 19:03:11 been {completely cured by) our Exz'rm't-uf . nrsnpu,’ rilhl. Unr physiuikn Ilmnghv. nmhimzflmt ox {tin-Minn muld afi‘deL-Ijul, but 119 udv‘iscd the . trinl‘ oi'ycur Snrsupnriflu us Hu- hlst 115$an ll?- ! fore cutting, u‘ud inrt-qml i-flvmml; .\TLN' mkm: your rt-nwdy~oi,glxl “cc-1.5 no sufiplmu uf ‘, Hu- liiM-nsvrl:nn.lin~z" . ‘ . lUIEI‘MAT‘SJI, ({UL'T, UVER'COXH’LAINT. lndepondem-el I’m-“ton 00., \'u.. mh Jni} . '59. Dr. J. 57. Ayorz Sir—l lmvu lweu‘ QUllx’rlcu‘l with‘n painful chronic Iliu-numtism f 0; n hum limov which bufilc-d lhc skill at physil inn”, and Muck to In;r in spin.- ()Q‘allhlu} rmncfiim‘l («HIM lind, until I {riuvlynur SursulmrJHJ.‘ duo hm: tlc cured me 111' mu “rt-ks. nml rpauilwl niy general hmlth so ,much dull I am Llr'hL-Her than ht-l‘prc I was lvttulekud. I lhilrnk illn “un drrmhnt-diciuc, “ J. Fun! ‘Julus Y. Ht-trlwll,-of st. LUl‘lin “‘ritész “l iluné horn Milieu-«l Inr} mm u'filx up nlh-uiun of £llO Li\l'_l, “hill: {lntruyul 'nny ht-élfih. 4 'trim! vu-zy lllilngHlll vvcr} thing finlmt u: re : lieu; mv; :m_d l Harv hm u u Lrukcn-Hm‘nr mun 11.!1 =omr- M'u's' 1': 0111‘ no ullu-r mus-.- lliun do hu gt mm: of tho ‘Lircr. 1h Jul-1m ell :jmtl-‘r, the Rev. Mr. HAI) , mln’sm‘. [né In .lryyfiw S. r au'punlln. hphmw 1w :Aid In- Luv“ _\pll,:wl junything yunvrnmac wus “urth Ir_\ iug. Ll!) {he Tides-ling of God it hns curm‘mv, and In»; M. Im ‘ ‘rifienl my Mum] ns‘tu iunk‘vn mwmmn nl nun“ I lt-rl _umng nguin. Il‘lw ho