El . \ Picking: Ind atoning: l mind b”;’;"';l:‘i‘;md ”“13““ ,7.'. ' 3 e l , In“ rem given h-Y tliabclawrzgififap Dorfiocratsl W: have fought. in iother “to” f”; ”mm“ to mm M '9‘ ‘ - '- thin-s. to mnifihin the Cninn against the apmoprmtmn tounithefhnteare )i'glnhln'g . attacks 0““ bebtioxiiul em-miefi. Smi' that u.) realizod in lllPll‘ fullfurmn—l, pto this iwe are in tilt-midst “f this bloody civil‘fmul. "‘3’“ n 0 "’0’”? h“ be” \‘kpi‘nlk‘d'ft'r ”ms' Ink-wt stand b' the l nner under whibli ““ and yet 9.1- veqturc m @yqtlmt if all. the, ha' h3‘ w ; “”1 Lamb—4‘ bills mnrrrir-tnd m ”HT-army mow-nioms nnd= l 19 WW :8 lo malny av‘po I 'l}th North “w Wm“ WW"? 1:“;g,1*'“‘ ‘T‘SE' at“; 3?: gout‘lfif‘flq‘lli m if...“ there wou re a very mm . nnce 0 . 0 . ~ 'u , ‘3 . - ~ - Within n (1113; or two. royolahom of .311 as» la“ - --, A 't‘ ‘ f tnunding nature have been made, WhlOh'CgO (l n ézvtgl‘izxfrtzdéhsy‘i’fzgéli'll32‘xo:oll;an . . I v to :11ng th.it miprinciph-d men are turnan l. up for the. maintenance of the authority of the uholq nfi‘mr mm :3 gnnd npeculutmn, Itl t G Let be true to the and n Legislative imp-suggmnu freely mlk-lcggemgreg:::rzlt-b§ “fathers. an‘d (m. «1&2 are told that the co‘ infi‘tori-whOJre i “'di'ifi ”C‘i‘mui”m.£°f. army ”9;" ims"d now engaged nt 3"“ Gina d gnu-'O, in I’hil- ingethml' f‘l" they"d'llfmlallltgglfiiighnwm' “delfihflh in getting up cl thing far th? “r'i “Mall!“ 1 {eyes ml“? an (E . ‘7 . my. we turned the whale operation jute} ' {he ““5"“ U‘aq” “:n' 25 , a grand npvculutinn. and lire waking-a nice ‘ “’wlklgrwlfil an :3 gilaouldau“ i thing of it. It is said tha théy char 'thei f; l: on ":95“ m'n" f‘. Stale for each military coatinfides22sfihxlci 0 up our in-.. J I they pay the woman who ‘ o the work fmly | TU t‘vnii. Hundred-s of omun who tire l wealthy have volunteered 0 make up those ‘ garments without pay. n’m |yetfor evqygonu that is turned in ”Inf/XXI] ewivés lwq dol lar; and twenty-five Qum- The unnie hmy be said of everything Flue. ven to the an ufljcture of shirts. Maia- al is purchint 1t certain prim, nnd billnav t ‘ certain r cemnge added, are rcndar tum in of course fohlx‘fil by fimiinPhilgdelphiahx an alarge quantity of clwh by ofthmw, hilln, butbekufg ho ‘ refined to becnm'e ac§¢maori arable proo’eedings, ah'd l merchandim: 3‘ i or course. living héro. w of knowing what we say to but thme are street rnmoi wumd by mmi without reg “'9 undersmnd‘thnt it‘ix tonlion to n'oe that around ‘pr’iatioul such ul‘eguni-dgw to keefi it entirely out of i yriucipled speculators.—l’ ('ondurt Qf (lit VSOIJICI‘L-fi. remark. here, and We] not ylll‘nfiure, that thé~ cnmlum psombled 1: Huh! place 11 pi-rl'cmly deem-nus and tag .qm- oitiu-m. \\"e have. in drunkenness 'and ‘dimrdorl wuntry military cmmupm: hundred soldiers had coll“ curred among the tfgolmmd: r'l‘lm mlJliers imd our citizen (7 Wjorms of t'gimyhhi; ,finrfnet continue to honduot ll)? fizemlpmnnly [miprioty any-150x! (_heir 112 w rtmeng, to‘igegurw this kingfregmds. fufin‘rg, from our penpl’ ASfiJril. . . ‘ ~ ——»»——»A~oo.» » ,1 - Drimfl'ul Frura:.~Yo.stvr ‘9 cum-Ml at the house of Jo ”3*? Fm]; ward, whiolrcum ‘ ing the oxistencepf one 0 get] in it. I - It appears tlmtfloorge i Tiill'mon. John .\llflutire. f /,xmd Sergeant. Wynn, of (h f 1M! Camp Curti in 90311.1! Unfortunately they \‘i‘ito )slwes ~when.) liquor WM :90 "‘ rnthor freely. In’ Mnlbc mndé‘nn otibrt to enter it 1 . dt-r the pretr-nce of senrvhit my! werv only til'h‘rl‘l‘d. b" tho man. whmo cfnht‘s \\ V --- fl ‘ "WW“ “0"! t ””3“ ” GREAT IHSCUVi-thi’t—lflmpie' tésta than: tsvvrn of Dr. M'lirnimhan hy nhle practitionem nhtl._cln‘l-unic:ti R'li3‘}’!ifi‘ lmwdnxtmt ontrngcoufl)‘. a lune demo-Hunted lhh grout vnlne ut‘i’r Ll):- 'fi‘N,ks “Wm“! (“WM—“£l Ura’th’s beautiful coldbinutimn culled “t; M"- ! "C I" hit mmlh'hunflen »'i‘lrtu-mi.." furlthe reliu‘tu‘nd .tu'rem‘ in.— "“- brought “P 3‘ Mylzwnd ”‘1“! lint the peoplethemselves nre reitd'eriitg heir thkfir condor-t becn'mt-gl-o l]N)—)\t‘.rdk‘l in n. m‘nuncr‘bmh unmfstuknhh and “‘36 “We mm for.. immm tlil'mhnlisfltciury. More thnn two millién; h 1105‘ rival of the otficers thd| no i , fn- I l',“"-' by?" pom“ iii a very short timo~n went I ‘rlnuo, and made 3111 'iu'dis tuck “proportion of tho-t- “ho ht-nrd otht-rs whom ‘ 'upnn thoin M welius'othc 21y~imrntl it, who Inn! trim] it. Tlnt it‘s :lSpléndM ‘ 01".“; ' ‘idh'tu‘ery is every where nrkuo\\'iv.-Tl'grdJ and _f ' U 139 of “mm mn [gig imy the ‘ nothing “in; it~n “:51:th 'in-tore prepared. {The lmaimml urm ”f Imm. Mu- 1"1‘” only gonume hicctruziuiiis I’rut‘. lie (ir th‘s, entered his éidegmnkingw dugh . “11"“! “‘ ‘0 b,“ "'“d “‘ “.n‘u‘e ‘c’ii'fl'lfl’me l “11;". ‘ not dangerous, hounds. ' I e a 3"}? 'grlfierf‘yi"; 3;“ "E: 21";"21lr19t'1l'21vqfigl1. AIM wrzt ‘ LN: -ii I ..\ ~. in- “ ‘9 .OPn- o 5 , In“ ‘0 u: 3‘“ ‘ rt: cc Niel latttgtlknhli‘titictiyhlthlld ‘ xii: , aldV‘L’thL‘luL‘nL. ‘_A _‘ -4". __,. .-' i : 4??"‘3 01’”n_l"5 “kl!“ 1" t‘ i 5""! Witnong the thunywoistorntiws {vhiv‘h nn h" u it»); hnm I‘9 ““5 "f‘i "I“ turcima supplied to when: the nfl‘liclit s of MI. The madomiatu polio Ina-z hnmnnlty, thcré is lm‘tllurc favorite ,(ine or it. My; _to cope Wliil. the nr and ccrxmn pins ot'dmmsesi tlmn the "niedi inhl ‘ tin-tr arrest hmll‘miiiy to f n‘gum“ at the \t'iltl‘ljhurr) 'l‘mnihnt m ever tilv- nt‘ mithn‘rfl. whohnnrt-i Jail. ‘3 minim}: it in, its power to haul, m'mihune. to So exaspeljated were th hml ‘relime. and to cure, is t-ulmured} ten Jol'd hy‘ gangregnted and h‘itnesset r Ih‘h ' r‘cioumi'u mitljmlicimis umnhiuntib}: with ‘ther J'Mtt‘d for nearly-1m homa- iul,‘ ingredientsbin themselv’cs nf-L‘qhn‘i Yvo'r h.—l who made the‘ arm-at _vkc . lace ‘ Tln. lmppy‘mingling exists in that , t'rém tho prisoners at the hay,r ‘Zlf‘umhinntlou Anni u torm indeeil" J ' “CL-"wag!” mm? "m "15‘ ' l ivhtr'lhdizlilii‘ilfitii‘: u; ‘6? min t‘iirhnv i l- ",4... ... .__ . ... him. ,‘ , ‘ The Rim-hub or Swim: EVIL—"Van! ihg-I Whoserulue‘inouringCoughsfiulds, iirhtnChitis. ' (0",. Aptil,2o.—Sllin . cxci muut has Inn ‘ Whooping Longn', (..nmh. Asthmn, Putannary prndm-edjn (”ii iomfltim‘ir 1%. grotvin nntlssuiélflfl,flndlnclplefll Lousumptwn, ISlqét‘Sih‘ sot the préciaméyontd‘ the ’ronkh-nt, firm» '- 1 _‘ , ~, , x ‘_ gV . “n: “M, .or smm“, pom; I “P‘DTRUNU Harmon “89.5! F, 9. humor pear: th at lockado to l roapo‘p'tcd hf? fifgilllpfiug‘fl‘gfftyhg:33l‘ RA‘LR?AD3 {lormgn Pow "‘ Intmt not My)?» gm‘fl’m‘i .\ltumxrowxflht'rms L't‘).;PA.' Apr. 24‘ '6O. V utr that due notice mu-t egtwu_ ol «gunk “curs D“ W i-‘ownxo& (to __ 1’ g 1 intention to tin-ir repros thim‘t'fl. \‘ith : ‘ ‘,2‘ " '. ' . i ~ t- ' Brazil and all the Sam A urivqu "mom- ‘s ",3- i'iilfiii‘iii i‘Liiif‘lS‘i'r3233sl2l333}?.. 4351, ments. 3 P‘flt'ce "f ninety 1“.“ 1? "“‘i"'”"“I l'y'to its ivonderi‘ul gfiicncy'in the: cure of‘dis ' Inntersxmtmg "9"“93- 1 ”1r" husfnpt : ease: of‘the Lungs n’nd Throat, anti tor Ho ne- I ‘. IMP." 21"?“ by 0‘" GQV‘” "““m-i “ghee; nest! and Bronchial _tfl‘cctions. In all one consignments)- nf coffee anl oliil‘l" natixml dim-mead have used it with unprecedented V . products, denigerEfor Sou horn porn-q are success. Asererc no'ngh or cold always ytehls‘ . dr'ily't‘d iii their tnmsportn innlto that Ivor- .to it when administered according to direc tion ofthe country—the mo ,1-hnnts not luv- ' tions, and I can cheert'niiy rrcomrhcnd it tit) the in; been notified of the. my to of the imimo- g public .8 5| sure antidote to theieicomplnyhts. ': dittte blockndp; ‘ .1 . l. I deem it my duty‘.’t‘ur the bent-tit ol the‘ pgh-i ’ h, hu‘ thPrefore. becom neceseltry that lie, to unnoum-c Ilmt there is n airmlrrfril ißni- Fp‘orcific ,illqllirit-s he made of the andFl-hl stun m’thenmrkeh About nyenr sung-oi ur- Govemmént in relation to the suiijoct‘. 1m chased a bottle RI )1 drnggn-t s at; llnrrls xix-g, ‘ that tmty rights in“; Pémfiggs b 4, ,thiwhliCll I found to he in wdrlhiers and slifnious i 'damaged. The foreign 3 mutant ‘wilh it":article,.pr'otluo_lng "“5” “"d‘ in?“ 5‘ '2“ ' fist tiilt'the stip‘uiotiona Ah 11 he roapedted: “I“ “‘3'“? 4'3"?"- from “1“" hmh, I MW“ undrobserved: otherwisgfii avail forces Ml] | "”3“ "men‘s?“ of hm“ Hgnefiydrng‘gxst, “i. he‘deipntched to the bloc nded p 011.» F“ 3‘ this pince,’txt;iricli has the writttfn'ugnittui‘Ee 0‘ ‘ means of foreign protegtio . The delimit “118' 3:13:18; “5:22: as your E'g‘fléfl'fi’fb 011‘? _of the question is apparent stud from who; 18" am a.“ n:0 Purchasrrl.——‘—Th¢:oflb" yam-"i ’“ known may "”0 v? sen "‘ consequenoqs Wis/ark Bulaum hostile written sighnture of “H ; 9° ‘ll concerned—hta l"e 1‘ Pmdupe "0'!“ l Burs" and the printed one of mg Propfiatori “0 now ‘5 We“ ” m the f“ “‘9‘ . 1 ion the outer wrapper; nit other'is rihghmrts w'prthless. 11» _ , i ‘ il‘ ‘ ua-m ma by sn'm w. FOWLE 5; Con Boston, on}; for sale by A. D. Bu‘ahlcr, (hettyszi burg; E. Hiteshew, York Springi; Wm. \foli” Eatst Berlin; Solomon Chrduig‘ter. :llnmp on;, Jacob Fulweiler, Mumlnasang; D. EJi’otliriger‘ ‘ Ahbottatown; M. Sumter, A an Oxford; @ll4} Miller, Littleamw‘n; and by dpnicro everywhere: ‘ April 29, 1861. 4w 1 ‘ . _ z ‘ ...- .o¢->~»—~—' t . REL EF 13' TEN MiNUTESw—BRYAN’S ' iPUngxrc WA FERS!-—-The Original .\ledipinp , Established in 183 T, nudfirst article of the hingi Myer introduced under tlluamé of ‘chupxl ‘ M'AI'IRS," in this or any other countrygall, other Puimgnir Wafers are counterfeits. j'l‘he genuine cur ‘be known by the name BRYAN” being stamped on each WAFER. ' Bryan’s Pulmonic anen r I Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarsen‘esn. Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers __ ‘l‘ i Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Brenthing. { R l S Bryan'sfi’ulmonic Wafers Cii ‘ e ieve pit ing 0 Blood Painsi 6 eat. Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafelrlfh ‘ Relieve incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. ' I ‘ '13:) no 3 Pnlmoulc it stars I { Relic" Irrigation gt Ithe Uruln and Tonihm _ rypn‘s n monic Wafers ‘ ‘ ' ' . ‘1 Relien the nbove Complaints in Ten mantel! ; cant“)!!- ‘ K Bryan'l Pulmonic Wafers , ‘ z ‘LL pe so’n‘s are hereby nutmeg not to take Are u Blolsing to ailGlusses and‘Cdnstitntiona' MI ussignment 0‘ ‘1 11,0,te 81"“ by the ,_ .‘“ Bryan's Pulmonic \i’nt‘etg‘s tsnbscriber to a dermin Antwan: MEALS, datod ‘ Are Idnpted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. oh the 4th day oprril, 18631, nnd payablg in , Btyan’l Pulmanic anei's lone month, {or $2OO, as thq Mme was given Arein M imple form and pleasant to the tine. 4 without any'considtrntion, and the subscriber ‘" ‘ Bryan's Pulmonic aners . , lis determined not to pay the true. Kotoulyrelieve,butefl'ectrapid sndlaatingCttrel.[ ' » .n SEPH SMITH. . Brynn’n Pulmtttinifc \Ynf'ersri ‘ i , Huntington tp., May 6, 18 1. St" Ln warranted to ‘ven ,5 actlonto everyone. M ‘ “*“r No family ahgthd be without 5 box or: r» The Bodugger. ~ , ‘ Brynn'l Pulmonic Wafers i ~ ra, HIS wonderfulnrticle, um patented, is in the house. '‘ ‘ somethingenlwh new, ind never before ‘NO traveler lbonld be without ‘ "PM! 01' iofl‘ered to agents, who are in ted evcrywhere. ? Bryan I Pulmanic Wafers , iPuu particulars sent fret. , :{Fdress ' i in his pocket. » SHAW & (ii-ARK, Bi Adefordhflame. No person will ever object to give for i t lurch 4, 1861. y ‘ g Brynn'l Pulmonic Wafers I f '— " ‘ *"‘ ‘ P ' Twenty-five Cents; —4 r . JOJB massage“ fropriotomloehfiljfl, it. 7, “018,; . ”of 3 ‘ Senator Jlamn.-The PM American says :- We have the bent nut! ' that this pen-o 7 n Ins not. be! fun-hood of this city since aid that all the stories of h was in Germnntown are ‘ , foundation. Mr. 'Mméon's 1 tions have repeived noinli .. ,‘ of my put-pogo to come hitl! ue.no_bnainess afl'airs wh presanee’, it is noblikely th:l condition of the pubfic mi anf inclinati'onl to show .1 dc phia. 1 _ Jo , Brbwn'c Sou Eighting Wan—A letter inith’e _Cle ’fnom Youngstowd3oh3o, d: n 1- , . . . “ have jiut learned from} canal captain rho. r'euhe'd this place In: eveninz,‘that Johu'Brown, J r.. is encambed on Beaver river, about midway betwe9n New Castle, I’m, my! the Ohio river. with fou_r hanged new. principally from Canada, w‘ho~ he i! Mmg in military drilfi The captain of wboin I speak brought 5' large mount of flour :1 other provisionsfrom Pittsburg for the gimp. 116th not. learn the par ticularobjebt of the gathering‘but resumes it but some relation to a visitabo I§Virginitg probably Harper's Ferry, wl‘nen the proper time udv‘es." ‘ ' ,‘ 1 New York Oily—Mayor Wood has issued aMmstion counselling; the people of :5“ city 1") “In?! excitements and turbu lence. Ho. all: upon the people of New Yoth‘irrespectiva of all other considera axon-”st pmudicea, togmgte 'inb‘ibedience to Qm‘msup rto t e u icpeace.ih tha‘guemfionpoof order apnd in the pro— tectiog of;ro¥erty. 7 ‘ z The H. . n'lmne mails 1111 br Wdod fa} mailgfljgg agediexx t 0 fige laws, Int} - "a , .ptciha 9m 'riuo dead. 0 mmlhfic oifionndfnflm affix. Earth. ““1316 Secretax-y of War. WE beard Hunt/five officers ordered to a distanflport, under [sealed instructions, domundqd to km)“ whither they Werg to be sent; and what duty they wen: to perform, has resol ved to meet, avgry‘such case by striking thtel 'nama of any Ksuch persons from the re . mirth Sta?! undStripeu. Thiuhns been any flag, ~end. {Cheers} I trust to display. in .the inlet ocean, and amid the go ny n (liatuiit shore, as 1 l eign lands. itn‘o'wn pocul hmuty. May it live and (have mme’ waving lines or at home or shroud, f 0 nnvlf ni'terwnhls ml long witlmufi limit otidumtim , 3’ 1.10! ' {Archhiihc .’“”"T‘" W" - WW2 riotiie that tl graph, when? eai‘mr kn ‘ ___,, __ 4‘ - huki'ucrmiy hmhncim) -» T 0 CONSUMI’TIY-Es -—The .\dvc‘rtieer‘. rm.“ of“ Um mty. dmltiviufi i'ng been required to health in u few week; by 5: upm‘gthe lute I'TOSidt‘mfl verysimph-écniedHt‘u-nhnv;ug sulfcrud sen-ml thufitilkv ”102-0, (heron 31an with wrenching nflcciiun. and [bulkhead SD Ngnlpd. Wicked tmli d due—mm. ('uufum‘ptiun—‘is muious to 'mnkc willing t 9 ‘sm‘nther thei knuwntohisleuuw-sutft-rcnuwmeans ofcui-e. :for the gbnd of their 'i'u all who lidsiro lt, he ‘\\'ill send :1 copy of fnruignor of 11.917? "WW/”l the prescription used (l'rgc qf chxi'rgu,) with the Dav aflm. day hit! vile ,1“. directimh for preparing :nigl using; the :szune, lihéllous'nnd hvlitnl a“ which they will find it uttrt-‘lcnru for Coufillmu- 'll,".girlentniitligc Domq’c tion, Asthma, IH-mmhitig‘, kt. The uuiy fhjvct. tln- mum of mi,“ “'l‘". we prlth'mit-{rtmcr in send mg the pfcfl‘flpltun- is —-wn expi‘eswdfi'tlmco o to bunt-ht he nfiilclcd, id whats] xuiurnlnlmu’ (,1 , - ‘ H "l i. v._ , . , . fiction. and w¢u lau, wim-b hol commutes to u.- unntuuhle, “in: he (I. '~h- . f'li (- rui ho vs ur-rv ninth-r" “in/Ir ' his I‘L'IIIL'dVJIILS IL: .\m. ICnlhO 0 I .7 P j .1 " ‘ - . l 3 , - But now we sne the 1'0: “11l cost them nothing, and may more whles- .‘. l J-' i. f ‘ [Lug . l . z ‘ i 31mm}: am 4 idling (91 t Parties wishihg the prcucriptinn wiil please in“? “47 ”we thezl mnn: nddrcafi ,‘ mtv. EDWARD A. wasuN, (WY “f the nanny ““1 l , Willi.i aburg, Kings cmnit)‘. n“"}‘?“hlk‘f“he.l mm‘,‘ 1‘ rip-i 0‘... 22,860; ly‘ it!“ - New Yorl’i. - nfiviillng With g‘ficmii-Ah i, ln‘ 2 s_, «-.f» —— in 'mlml insist. to fight till? nnt-H WTwcnty-five to duty dnllnrs an: ex- out stopping to immune 13;. ‘ pens .s [N‘l' mduth will he paid My the l'lriClSow- 'hehl rcsponthoffor it~ (‘0 mg .\L'u-hinc (‘mnpnny tu‘theirAgt—nts, {an bell- is ‘in“), tIiPI'C‘fOIP. that t ”“34 ing lill‘ Erie Sewing: Machine. This is it m-w tim'ndminifimtmn at “a mm , Machine. am! sol simpl? in in construction that calmp' and inxtcml o'me ml; : 8 Child “3”] 1”"! ‘0 (‘l'S‘W‘e i' l" ""'_r“" 'i‘mr's and dealing in viiuporati ‘._ instrnciimi. it in equal In any l-‘m'mlgr deiug‘ good f(’f‘lill:’fllltl unanimi . iMnchine humankindthc‘ylakothe‘pwminni our . . ‘H . “ nf . , , A . un- mm can“ "(hug fur. Jed , the Fifty and (Incilundimi dollar innc‘hujoslh lllK’irflli‘i attacks u Km V The rm- i.‘ Ithtttet-u Dumus. Thu- Lunpnnv . ' ’ IL-v P t .. . ~ .1 ~ the lhunurrnqum-tv ! ni- wmh loemploy Wet-Hts In over} conn‘ly lit the _ d l‘ .4. [_ l' 1' I. ‘ ‘ ‘ L'n'm-d States. iAdlifeßS‘ for particularsul-Iniz nunw "_ a 7 s‘l U4m "‘ 385 mm; ‘X‘i‘l‘lll‘ik. (‘o‘. in. J'AHES. ‘lil' mull 1, "I“ .' 4‘ T ‘Agent,_mnn, qhio. [ Lllnr. n', an. in: I 35“ hm‘e 1! ”{nvtyn - t .4-.- < ' .all. _Leks Hum inolvedn ' '-- .4 1 ‘l4-1' \\'e§,,tm mmmmt'ml l in. regiment of snltliot's, t mistt‘ntion which hit-1 1 office ht-cunse ha haul not lionn ticlo-t. ln six h madf- known this 1mm!) men war.) stitiidltig by hi than Qvn-n (lays, sixteen volunteered to itmrch w tlu-puunlry umlltlug. H’l‘l equipped zit our-é. Amm tlmiicn who havdfafi‘istul rolling his meli,é‘no)m w than his fathenha young William Duhonfnnq Pet (huricr, .llny L i ' , '. ~ , Woo-t A rumtwininr—Pima —-‘~C. J. Inger-sol him in\" [Bluclmmuu mew? Fillmc th‘h and Hon. )1" “1‘0“"! tors to settle the differ North and .\‘out ‘. Thvre Intion ln-rc bf 11 3' [glad project! ; -‘ <- ‘ ‘ ‘4‘-.- wpver LOW} men in V: the Philadelphia:jilavy-yl vessels ol‘lwar. E; ‘ Ll. which perman c mebody. pna fl'er m dislmgn of makimz out gone mhle'mcn, “my ‘2‘ to such (lit-hon lhe sale (if fixeir Special ,Notioep. 38mm”: Bumuu's Store in wellwor th_\ u ‘isiljllal at this‘time. We doubt whether, even in uur lat-gm citir‘“, so fine u. display of Slmcs can be found. Their large rudm is Hill ut’b'tmcs ol'ewry pnllcru; also, evera‘ v.l - of Hulluw Ware, Sllqcl-iwlHWnrq, Tm Wure, I’ld‘uinhqd Ware, Jn'phu “(Rue—emgbmc. iug, mdemlmwr) fixing in th‘e'lmuse furnishing line. , duw, Snunngc Guile". s.lmm e Sllliflo ~ Lard l'ri-sres, km, .\‘c‘.’ The)“ are [fl-warm {lo‘ 9911 «huh-Mk- and rum”, Tm Wurl' nnd Sheet-ll iron “Win-QM flux-ir own umuufirctule—kdq-ing‘ a suiliciun, number oflnl‘nds to supply mfg der mgmd. leir .uswrlnmn. of Lumber is; Very} ”gm; 31:0 Cuxd ufm‘ cry kin-l. ‘, , ’ I have‘nnmennn he strictly tfue; .- a‘ul freely fem. ”rd to party ins. Gov, Curtin'k in thc next aphro ll be lemvn 1m hefeuch uflun (rs t 15' Utpvd‘. t is din ‘geli t it with m - of the sold I as. in far. 11 | [neutral tow} 1 fad. seen li‘ - y behavior: I m. Maura a.“ » t(-d.than in: A u-‘ombled l ‘ 9 are On In; , mul while} ht-mwhjm ‘ 9 that him 90‘ lu-y will Le: P” we” as m .——~L'/«uml;cl.¢ "vc- , rthe i. ilk/f I far fure HHS ‘ km?) ‘ “yin frag“ ndhsymnm Ira-.u' tormi the mun u E Vilmn, 'l'ht {Zulfurd‘ M" b I itldle (in ‘ of dost-rlOl [I a pumh‘u d, and imhi ry sfi‘m‘tv t 'vnte hvuuah. g for ngdnso‘wr, the firjmnmf of -re tori!) initlm 0y “-9er ko tl‘m whermtht) bo d ulpdng 0 her his \l‘M'mr' fill it? Tlmy $11»: tuvqrh, w ml that the intoly (in t 1» (livh‘ btfumw rimilmt‘e at , withltfcir mot thi-‘nugh uiro. whit-h 'm'un): thd I"}.qu nun llnymnlld, \ "u witl a v 'ighthll mm [)oth m be ; fun-o \fcre ‘ -d soldiers. 'lm tin-(‘1. (“(1 led tin-1:1 to ‘ poo ’lo,}le E thekr-ifn. w hat tho, 2.01 r . o .the Union, play! adelphin "Nat-£5 Lrity fox: saying ’~n in the neigh. September but, recent”) -- . tterly mthout Tflmily connec .azion frpm him er, and as there ch riqlgire his :t in t (3‘ ant i d be 4m feel I. iq'iPhila- K.. 4! ‘Mgm for :1» eland Herald», 'ted Aprili’Bth, Letter from Archbishop Hughes. .: XIV YORK, April 20,§1851.~Da1r Sir .'«- Unpble to alts-ml the gmetting at Union Sqnf'xe._in consequences of inilxsmsitigh. I bag [have manila my sexttiments’on tbdsulr juct of your cbmiug EigFther in the‘folllow ingwnrtlsz ' ; 1 ’ Ministers of religion: and minister: of peace. according to the iiistructions of their Divine Muster, hive not eased to hope and pmy that page And U ion might bé‘ pre served in this. great. am free country? At, present. however, that. uestion. LWAWL taken 0121 of the hands; of the pence'mak ers, and it is rtei‘erred to the arbitrauon otn snnguinury crintest. I not nuthdrized ' to spesk in thp name 0 any (if my fellow-1 citizens. I think. 50 f as I can judgefl there is the right prinvi 1e all among them ‘ whom I knpm“ , It is now fifty yen-s since,’ a foreigner by birth. I toékfibe oath 0L Idle-g piance to this ¢oumry, dam title phile' United States 94' Amer-i: {Lona cheers] M regards conscience. nu riotism, orjudgfi ' ‘ V i , StiH desirous‘ Id nee ofGod shall, ay that since the" 'on I have known‘ rence to my duties 1‘ as come over my , ‘ overnmcnt of she? as it is newnsyl'nax n 52. popularly call- ,‘ f’ 51mm]- misuse.) ,I_‘ n 'shall he to the! it is still destined but sweep every ‘ tile breezes of ma;- wve seen it in for— 1 jar, waving lines of pontinuegadisplny ‘ ‘0! beauty, wheth— 1 ‘a thomand years, l I heavqnmexjmitski ‘ = mont. ave no mmgwx of peace. when' the Prov] have brought ‘it, [may period of my naturalim but onje country. lnnf as a citizen. no clfange mind since thqn. The 4‘ United Mates was then. bélizexfi by fine nmianal «Im.- ' \dStr“ wuragat¢~ GETTYSWRG—m Superfine F10ur..:£,"............ Rye F10ur...........‘ While Wheat......f............ 119d\Vbeut.........4............ C0rn.....,............‘..... . .... “yam.....t....................... Un15fl.............................. Buckwheat.... .................‘ Clowrficvd 1. Timomy 5eed.................. Flax 5eed..........L........... Pluser nf I‘nris ..‘,.......... Hustler ground, pér bng.... -*‘ BEE)? {ts—£l4 .. . \ Flpuxi. When! Ilve ’30m.....,.... . Oats (‘lovnr 5eed...............-...'. Tinimhyé 5ecd......’........... Becf~Gnuie, per hqnd.,..... Hogs, per 1mnd...5........ .. HnLy...........Z........~L:......... W!ni5key.......................! Guano, Peru vianuper tori. W. I HANOVER—Taryn Flour,»from “12043...- Do. fmm 5t0re§,.....,.... Wheat L}. Rya.2....;...,.........\ ........... C0rn.....‘;....... Gillan-"gun". Clover eed.. TimothyJSeed Plnsw'r.‘ ....... "in... ......-4}. .... - t'u.n..-p u Ilttll 1.- ::;‘::::::::::.r::::: _ - F WED. 0n ting mm of pri], by. he Rev. J. Miller, my. mum; J. m HL,_ of flew omm, Adams county, to Miss R l ECGA li— MYERS, of we. » . . #11311» , ‘- On Saturday lasl, in Due an“: Ville], Hrs. NANCY; wife a! MriJolln ( le. 0,1; the 20d: of April, JO N HENRY, so! of Samuel 'pnd Sum“ B. We: er, aged 8.1 mm!” and 16 days“ 1 pear Johnnylhou hasdleflt nl, ~, » fAnd gone to ”men aw y ; ’ 4 {Yet again fiwc hope to of. you , ‘ With joy: ihagnever dc my. : ' And when we gather ’r not! 'thy gave; - In the altitude ofprnye We know that through i 9 gentle breeze, Thx spirit, tool, Is there, A. u. a. 1 Ayees Catlutitc Pills. " Union Inm EORGE A. CORWELL. «f um I? G on the Chambershurg Turnpike lap of the South Mountain. takes ml oflnfqnuing hi: friends null Ihe‘publ is prepared to nrcnmmodnte all! whq tromzh him. in the ben‘munuerfilndq “a charges- .\‘o 960:! will bezspur satisfuclion. His “file and hlrfwill 1 well provided.nnd his beddiuglun‘qxce ' Luge uubliug for horses. H; onl trial. [Slay 6|, 1815‘ -—~- ——-~ -~ —« New Sprmg Gopds ICKING has‘ on hund‘. {new lot. P uvsncons n‘u mu pricis. OVERCOATS _ L w; SPEYNG DRESS COATF, DRESS COATS, SPIHNG PANTALOOX. _ PAST XLOONS at. 1 SPRING VEST mam, v 1 I'nderShirts.Drawersfitockjngn Also, Musical Instruments,.Accm Fifus, fiction, in, Jun, kc.. 5e cheap: Call in and look and y buflng. 9-, _ Tavern Incen s. - HE followiing tpplicatiuns 2" Lee Houses'of Entertaiymem, I: ve b in my eflice, with the requisite n ‘ xbc‘ era, Ind will he préaqnted at Lthe Court, on the 271/! day of Mag] mat {: i ~ JOHN R. Llfl‘TLl-J, .\lOuuljuy fun: ABRAHAM 'SELL. Union ‘ “ May 6, '6l. JOHN mouofgz, HE nndensigncd, Auditor up” Court of Common Pleas of .1 to report distribution of the fin? frqm the sale,.by the Shenifl‘, chi of luxury! \foLr, MlLl‘ueet u‘ tereated, or the purpose“ of his‘ at the aflfice of M. k W. .\IcULI-z burg. on' ll'crlnmiuy, (11:45!!! «IQ/mi 10 o’clock, A. M N lIFGI‘IFS, I of Nu\';\"ork “e Harri.~burg Tt’ll": igner,‘ amt who I 1 ioned'lhst-Mastcr ; ‘ its‘tlaily’ assaults " r. Buchanuxj. _ In” few mgu who are; vimh {\s not to bel, 'pofiticdl «minionsi : umrny BM the, (1:110! this class. 'i .April 29, 18'61. 3t - A ‘Assignee’s Now THE undersigned, hm ing hoe signec. umla-r a deed of trim fit of credit‘ors." of Juus Bar: of: Hamilton ltownship, Adams; tice is hereby given lo M] [it-rs tligiuselveg indebted to said Assig‘ inimc-dinte (laymen: to the Uri/1 aiding in Gettysburg, _und must i nguius: the same to pics-m. ”(em thuxticutcd for settlement. ‘ ZACH. April 29, 1861. 6!, ," ‘ h cantnins violent, ‘ In upbn the lute lune party. As to nm‘o our opinions Which: before U]? -.l ntfby _qubll-I ' '-Notice. I ‘ :“Emf “0,""3‘1‘"? .\cmz .\. mmufixmsm'. 'l}.—"”?‘ m: m" 91 Letters nf'mlminiurntiun on “3 ‘j"““‘~*‘_“ ““"j Jurol) .\. Itidfilemoayér, 1m quill ‘ A ““7" mtg“ nm- Adam: cm. decenséd, having be h? ‘mlnP‘zsml ,0? the umlcnigneduresidinuin Gum 7"r‘2f/ml’h is SW)“ ¢ ship, be hereby gives nulice to n WWW.“- T/“LV debled to sum estate to make in ”Cf Ul'l'nugh With- . mum; and those lmvingcluims nit. Mt pnrty 'lle be to present them prup'erly uuzheut ‘ nncnccxuonf. ‘ It, tlt-zumt. ‘ AMUS a mouth piece of! April '39, 18m. 6t ‘ irisburv chuhge its _..—....“ _ [liking (I‘angrnm, E ' , Nance. [nl msi<t to rant ~re‘ 031:9" ES-HELMAX'S ESTAT: H forthecm' wed] administration on the est». 1"“va iufu‘nrutly ' Hallelnmm late of Frrtxkhn tow Ir. Buchanan nmlk "Minty. (la-pawl. MY? 8 been I! Img be discountew uudersignml, "siding ‘rn Hulk-r ' > 9 hereby gives ,mm’ce to :l” pvrsou I. _ 's:qu estate to make imumliuté I in ’h namn. an”. i lhufi: huuug c luiuti agaiuat the ' l H ago Mr. 513mb . them pmpcfly nutheulirnml fur 1 liq pun-mung mien! . ‘ , ‘ ‘l‘“qu “ ‘l5” f. doll-ml um: Ad-j A :‘fll’ =f;_s{2l_-__°t_ A, fluid him out of , N tic ‘ ‘ hated the Repub-E 0 e‘ r ".4 after he 'had :(I‘HE first and Gnu! account 0” t ”In"? hundred ' Assignec at Bra/“ms Us}, : lidn and in 1055' nudor'bn deed of vultznmry airflp {umfnxll Ihc'ltllud hhnofit Men-«liters, has been film 1 (h him’ to dofi-nd m (‘mmuou l'h-m of Adams 00",? ; rt‘omient will be In- cunfiruu-d hy the said ('purt, q 3: (h; private gen- (111‘ .91. th 1|:le uxfleas cnur-ere :l‘xnwh‘ Ir.\\'obst:l~r.~ixti&xl-yg rn{;;;l39_lB6l. 41:! 'l‘. J 7, re more AWduous. _.. - ;. - 1..“ _..-w :34 frwmsl Mews-J New_Store at mum ”I ”IREL—Boston; HE subscriber» hm e Opened mi *i T Sl'Ut‘K UP mums AT FA :u‘hiwh thty invite the attention ‘p We nrc prepared In sell at “qr HATE“! fur nrth‘iAll “:0 ask i: 11,4 will prove'the truth of the “humil , DANNEI‘» M. Am". 1=:1§31;_3:I,._~;;-.,—T;i 1861. Sprung Mxlhne ‘I ' ISS .\Ir(‘REAR)’ hm’ing'just 81-lht- city is fluw owning ‘ large uaqortlnmit of BUSH-ITS a; TRIMMIVGS. of the [Meat sqleefl‘; Goods and fifess‘frhum‘mgs, Shaw! dolphin. April ‘23. 3‘ ed Jix-inidmns ‘9, Tyler, Yun Bu to not an nrbitm cos botweo'n the is but little meec making from the now employed in rd in fitting‘out which having been purclmsed 1o sold at prices to suit the lime. .' “, k—J‘flfiss .\l. is now propnrctl tifl do up Bonnets in the best nmuuer,‘ aunuble prices. [April 21),; _ CIIDAY LAST ,4 75:06 00 3 00 1.15m} 25. 105101 [0 New Spmg Gpd SCOTT 1; SUN. Oppofile 1 A. Gwynburg, “in upon thi '. :lu-l desiruhie’smck of scusonn i Lfidies and Gentlemen, with a f’ 1 0f Domrstics, &c.. («(3. We woul call attention to nur stock, which;j at the lowest pm-‘ible ratios. 1 I gig-Pull soon and examine for i ‘ Notrunbie to show goods, I ‘ - A. 800 3 400t0412 1%:0200 Ixs ‘B3O 100 on LAST. _ j 50 lo 6 00 2 10 :0; 60 ......z . 68 to ;-75 55 to 65 30 $0 35 4 50 m: 75 2 50 to 2 75 . 9 50 £Oll 00 ...... (3 75 to 'u' 25 ......13 on my: on H to‘ 20 ‘ 62:00 April 9, 1861. \ $lOOO Rewar : ,l ’ m. BE PAID Hm Amt animus}; THE m ‘6 THAT Willi; EX EL OIJBI-IRT'S.. KILN‘ BALM' IX ”HINDI—H ‘Afihl'nxn Hun. wngo toer ”as m m; Sons AND Divan-rims or lArmc- ‘bnsinens a! Tins l‘-—l-‘or tllequick cure ul lien clitfil‘ooth.‘ patronage: achn". Rheumatism, Nourulgia, l’ ‘_ in the side, For hushe hock or stomach, Painter's Colic orl Cramp, rate Limo Frosted Feet. or Ears, Burns, ] rest: Cuts,l ‘ - Spa-aim. Bruises, Diarrhoea, Sure Tilt nt ninlJ April 22 all similar complzlints.‘ » } , ll l, . fi‘ffim‘ Toothache cured in teh minutiohs uarnchel ‘ " cured in five minutes. Headache cur din ten C-Umt minutes. Burns cured from sm' in in two Lutim minutes. Neuralgin ~pnim cure in we min- '7!!! day of utos. Colic outed in ten minu as. Sp‘rainL one thick relieved in, ten‘mi'nutes. Sore filth-at elieved ' Will Wine in fiveminnws'. ‘ \ ‘g , land take h 100 Cases have been Cured [if 30 0 agent in: April 22 a Sin le Do l EVERY BUTT E: 'A RANT- m . . _ mgm 3:! TM! m; m If} ll Pric'el F iers,-Ta.ke*Notlcel , {a ““450 cents P" Bottle- H l ‘ l, mam L.—n.s.vmwam:xlmremlned :,Theae things we prove ouhe snot arid before m, 1» ,omm Alli) WRI'HH‘E SHUP‘ to y‘our'eyes, 0‘”! bring 01‘ your “"3" E [the “ Sch 1 House," in Culiale Itrcet, where EA “b?!“ ““0“" made i” lAgenta;. ersons on be sup' lied with good Plongha as one vented m every town; aka“, 35 {PW spodl lleremlml REAlfl-IRS, man-sumo MA ‘trnvelmg Agmm- a“! orders un¢-¢°m?l'“"*ca- "cams, and all kind: on Farming implement! ““3 5'10“” be addressed ‘0 l l . ' repnired 9 the shortest notice, and at moderate ‘ C- 3- 0053333? 5‘ €o.._ - charges. $3.0, “'ARREN'S PATENT cons ‘ 123 South 4th street, I‘lli ddlphlai “ PLANTER hlnufwtured and for '“‘e. DIRECTIONS FOR USING ‘ OHBERT’S' , ~ nmequ a; wumax, BAL‘! L‘l (“LEAR—For Toothl‘ghe lapply it;; ‘Pfll 1 “1. 4‘, _ over he face and gnms'ol' the with ufiected,l' ‘ ' ° _ ‘ pressinglthe btnnd upon the {tee ;é;bpeot_ti£ sot! . ‘M tenant Tailoring! ‘ cure . nex reme cues we co :1 m of v - l . ll ARhULD has nlt returned from Balm, and.cover the tooth nndl gums. Fan GEtClieg , Wm" urge flick oit‘lothi, Cu- Hendnche, bathe the temples “may.” to the aimerea C'ivhmcretls Drsp dc Eze‘tlnshmeie nose; and take froin ten to thirty Prop: in half Clélh n’ndll'eflln 9 o'l- 3“ at 19. d’and hnin ’ a tumbler of water, sweetened. ‘ ‘ i l ,d 1N servic‘fn of 3: '1 2 For Group and Sara Thromfiakelfrom ten to secure a W T KlN‘’G '1 ~ thirty drops internally, on sugar or‘in sweeten-l ' ' ‘ : ed wgmn waur: ‘balhe the thront‘ freely and , :zofgegm’ F: 3:; "P rgflgidwtotéutb e 121: JET; bind‘qna flannel“ For Hmflacho, Rheumatism,‘ mmuifii‘cfimfipg establishment). Hating turned Neuralgin, Lame Bank or Side bathe freely with out hundrefli of "obs within tholnt nix months Balm in Gilead; and generally take internally. “ wh'L-h havdl a“ loved satisfactory ‘ud a very, For Burns mix one pa" Balm in Gilead Md coriaidernhle ingrenle in our trudelio to show two 0f water and flour, to makenpaste, cover 0 l s'vel“ that we do butinelzs in No l the burn with the same. For Colic? tuke from a?“ l! l 5’ ' . ~ anger. ur stock ofgooda cannot be sur ten to forty drop; in hot water, bathe the. audio hality “d Ityle Give uncall— bowels Ind Apply wet‘flaunels. In the above, a, n c (1' dent We can blouse vou ' the smaller dose is {or children, anti the luger’ aA" ("if GEORGE A'RNOLD or adults- var accordin to a e‘and’circu - . . ' stances. ’ I 8 Z ‘ I9‘ 1 April E 2851 ‘l' DAY LAST 4 87 5 50 I 00101 ‘lO 400 150 650 A Colbert's Balm in Gilead is hut-unless. COL; ‘ bert‘s Balm in Gilead gives satisfacgioxi. § - Algxander men ' Those who have used Balm in Gilgud wim CLQCK {MD\VATCH-M4k3B.huremmed not be without it. L ‘ his sh?p to South Blltnmore street, a. fly Agent: waned. For terms “MT, ~ dnorn south; of the Court House, when be m}! , G. S. COLBERT' can always be finpp; to amend to the can: of Ins No. 123 8. Fourth St., Philmdbhi‘p, pt @cuswmera. ; lie- 1.- thankful for past (flora, and N. B‘. Orders sent by Expreu Winn! p." of hope; to rgecen'e U‘le contmued cu'atom or tho the United States at the shortcut fiticf. ‘ Pnbhfl ' g [G€E§fl¥flflif§L _APnI 29, 180!-'>GE_,__._.‘_[’_.L___ l MELINTFRS ind other: will find a good u ‘ . - ionuaent of Ribbons, Flowen, Plumes, Cherry am uclm tci Mlm chu store of‘ Ayers . P 8 : I'Bl. ‘ 'l' 3x. 5001'? & pox. TM MEI Econ ng . 11l 0‘ «3'6 Auditor’s Noti se. fig - 6 re ‘t we hp I( kill LJIIII ’ l WM. Mc('LE. typovi‘hli‘d As lot! i: [IL-ne ‘l”! WIFE, ('le (3', no— xfns uowin‘g mm to ‘ m\ke énih mi; re vin 'clnims rOl crlj flu- w 1' .4 as J.’Wn.m, n ‘ “Luvs'l . 4 mflfii’r‘ Ih‘ I‘ll}. slu‘ inthe (:mm; .lhe 4 ty,’ (1 will Amuse}: ’r/w :91’1 day J’l’mxunmgl u‘ m‘fimc com} {‘s‘llflufi ’lll'l bl’ . ,‘I an F, If 14:! I to and aml LL -—+‘——._ ‘ sumo, “Hi '9l !L, 'tu [he dud. don ire 52w - “f -“- Sb? 1:!" mm m, “e 171 q “the public. “"3““ "'1 pl Mm,- Lmv flaw} an". and we _.l‘2. F; "kehiml. ;. ‘1 ‘ 1 MEM [ln at, mn -86 .1 luv my ev Howl, qjay a cheap 39 3 min for asomnent repecfnny il be sold 122MEMI , \ » . , } , Val r : ble Personal Ptopeirty 1' PllnLll‘ SALPL—Ora Tuydlzy. Imm :lin A afflvmy ital, the nubwriber,’ Administra tor of [M ehLlH' ol'Jxrnn A. Rmmmupgzu, de 'Cetscd, virill sell at Public Sale. at ihe Lut residenceiofanid duceused, in Liberty to“ whip, 'Adunu céunly. three milus frnm Ennnitshurg and Ibo? the same distance from Fuirfiuhl. the folio iug valuable Personal Prnpcrly, viz: FOI'R üb'AD 0F \VORK HORSES. (among ‘thcm n. llare‘with (051,) 2 three-year old, 2 l (wolycugold, 3nd 1 nun-year old, Colts, “and lof Gown, «3 {rub milrhe'lJ 6 hand ‘of Young Uuule. 7 ghosts and a Sow, l [highway Buggy, and Hal-{1:55, (nynrly nun) l ljrnml-Irmd ,anon. gnaw Lune Bed. Threshing Mile-him, now On Drill. new Sleigh, Sleigh'Bells, Plough» nd llurruws. Shovel Ploughs: (‘or’n Forks, a l urge lot of flnrseGeursHL‘uuink Boy, Dnuhle an} Single-Trad, Spreader” Fif‘m Chain. [1 tar and Cuw Chains, new Revplving Horse 9, Forks, Rafi“, tc. Who rand Out! in i e ground. Gami’l'imolhy-a and Eomloes, 3“ the bushel. Alaé, [loam-h «laud Kitchen urniwre, such M Bids; B ding, Tables, 0 airs, Carpeting, llureuu. Coo . l’nt lor and n-plm: Stare! ’lrun Kettle, ’l'uéi’s, Barrels, ml 1 mriegy c 1 othe; articl I, p numerous to mention. ,’ . i '33}: Lo commuz/ce at 9 (l'clock, .M" on said d . when nu; dance willbe gir n and terms in 9 known y’y ~ ' - ‘: mos PLEWK, AJL' ; April 2. ' ’ ' inn Inn, ‘nnnr me ‘ imcthod than he inn! Pn mpder-I , to give - found ‘ enable. ‘ 1 Mk! 3. 3 3m i t Spring gyrlcel, m 'ESTS, Moves. Mules, pd very ‘I help 1861. ~ Public ~ :1 filed Enigm- Irphm's .l .'l‘, ~ ,1, mi. N . l, he sar Going On! bscjfber havingjuu receivedu plen-1 s runent of (IIfiCJCEIUES, Eu h «5‘ cm}, .\l‘ulassca and Syrups, l 1 ‘ flat-i t'tlmt he cim sell goods just low as? in Gettysburg. . nce, p liplendid nylicle of NewlYork up at 50 cents per gallon; 111 an Hide of Philadelphia Syup nt 40-; nl.;~Sugur'na law‘ as five ceulls per .1 e alw‘ lms the finest nrtirle of White ll GAR, nude 0f gmpejuiccmxi ticlea ery “110 m found outside 0 the 1 v a pure rzicleoflCider'Vim-g r. l :signod luv: alid'jus't rccg-ixed from ; Minuteman a. §pleudid'un‘:}le M j 30”., pm] as finkziu' asmrlm m ‘of ‘ LAMPS,“ mm he got, $\ hichlhe ii ‘5 super tlmn clerahey were sold out. rity. Bud, fllrllerw stillko 115 on J msurtmem of QUEI-ZNS\\'AIL Mul ; lle «11-.0 has al. hnml nl, ull xi u‘esa I 1!. G. Carr‘s coleumte-l “01!le & ‘1 0“ DER. In war, he linsgjlqst as rlment us can be mind in nix)- More uuywhere‘jh therh‘tute or outiof it. . 4‘ fine pln'cc, in East. York street, “‘ file the Bank. «ml ufderneath 'lf‘yson '; Ewe-lulu: Slqllgln. ('tnllcry. . l‘; (1861. u. 4;. cum, _lylm. HE su (Sr did ugsrs, C 1 tars hims ‘ a: anybuta For his fielded 8 my Kue as): per pdjgll. I! Who m 1 )wde is i 'cirics ; this The an the fin o KEIIOSE. _COAL UK} selling cl: side of the hundu fini HOSIERY fine lot Hfi cum: 1 '1 fine nu ass} of the kiln? Don't forg ' right. opp ’Q ‘l & Brother? “ r ' 1: llyllfl‘. ‘ _.-.\pl.l;_l.:?€ ; ATE._3 ] 00 Turf-M house 2.31.0 “fgd‘fi; a: 00., wit‘ 2' Wu ‘ market prj l 0 . -' find us. su! 0"” m,- all kinds.( 3" “Wk" LL'MMQRJ ‘ :er‘n‘r fine of bli Vt}: 3" ' rams for (‘d ”0;.” : prxces buffii Ell i by the cQumy, arising I csmu: none in nlmrm, Gettys ‘nal, u, :lizur.// .L_ ;4 l 1 la Ready Mark t.~ ‘. z ’5 N ‘ Bl'Slll-ZLS GR LVWAXT ,f )0 Ell—*Wc'hzu“ taken the ‘5; occup‘ed by Klinel‘eltflr; llullingcr v a determination .10 pa thuhiglmsl f-es for' all kinds ofGrai .. You, will uplied‘ wilh PLASTI‘IRrGI'ASU-Aol IIIUCERIES, “'hulenul .und 111-mil.‘ ETUAlh'nnd (win) nlhél’: 'ticle in (mr riucsm hold at the‘lou st possible sh. Gallant] cumine I‘SlUl‘k and re purely-using I-lu-wher . , : DIEHL. HlllNKl‘lß-H H" & GO. 1851. u ‘ l r.‘ r._.____T_—¢——.—’——-._~_—h-. _ Notme. ' _ f April 2: i cum 0!“ § 1050])!” 3 Adams GEORI. w “ the test.“ 4‘ hip»: I”; m-kJnte o‘- -me.l to “"wflflh :3 m. and “$l. "151‘“ ! prpucn: gn'e's’ not} "WM? white to x ridm'm- having cla ; ‘ “'prbperl)’ n’ SHICYDFK‘S ESTATE—[Alters enuu-yun :lue estate «(Gem-m: Slur)“.- -rlh(~ Hpr. M‘Uuuydulrg. .\dmns col, nviug‘boeq granted to the undersiglL 'g h: the same plume, he herchv 'Fe 1:.) EH penunsLindahted to “H mke immediate payment, and tho: msugninn the xmhvtu pres‘eul'lhfl NIL-“tinned for s’unlemunl. ‘t , , Moms yen-1.5.“, Hr. { 1861. 6L ..- r « “ ._. .v _ ,f-_,_- ._.__.,._‘.___.._4_ udxt‘or’s ance. , L l - i\pl’il 2 . - . )sfcribcrihkvmg bjee'n 'uppniméd 13' 117111133 Court of Adams tnfink‘ ' make ’d-is‘lrihutiun of [he huhnv; in the ligands ot‘ ”inn. Jon. B. DAN? .11!qu SllEAllH,_Exm‘utol-a_tn we Ins; stul‘nen‘t ul‘ l‘rnzn Sm: ms, den-eased ug_the‘ parties lughlly enliklcll In U: by gives native (I‘M he will Mum} as of said uppuimimrnfi'umbe bflin .\lct‘iLEAs, Kins Gel!) slung, an Hill/u, ‘l] uf-‘Jluy ‘nezl, u: “hixll timed an rsotis iutt‘l‘t'slml in Mid éatzuq wil nl. ‘ Must-:25 .\ch‘l.l‘2.\N‘, 1361. ‘ 6t: _ And/11%”. ;,_ 1 v '. slgnee’s Ngtige. . : «lorsigned, having beén 'nppéiutm It‘e,lj[lde}"u «ii-ed 'oi trust fur lh creditors, of J.\con Hrtmnous‘. am ;. his wife,'of Franklin towniship‘ inly, notice is hqreby riu-u go a! owing thunsg'lves indefiefl to sub 3 to umke iriunedinife pufiue'nt to‘ th 1!, rcsiiding in thg" Bow 3!: of Got ‘1 said county, und ti Ise' hm‘in In“ Hie same. to present tgem proper 1 'cntcdfor settlement. . ' n "E u .\ssi 0t bouefit (Inn/mix. Atkins L 1 persons I\' iAssignurs uudcrsign tyshdrg, ‘ (claims mg Iy ggtheu V 1861. Jen] from nuslmlly KB'SBT 0, Dress antilma, n, 41“ of {will‘be ' mam amu mums; Aan'yrtu. 18m.1 ea ’ nch and April 8 dMuakets 8‘: Rifles. 0 ALL p 1 ‘ havi ‘ arms, cith 11!»:an to Mersigned, rsons throughout: Adsms coxlnty‘ ‘y-g in their poiselilou United Slnteu r Muskets or Riflfi, are hereby m 1 ‘retnrn; them immeaiiau'l} to thé un-' at Gettysburg. Iflsaid rms nrp not‘ ‘ a rennomvble tiu‘ae, 51:2]: measures My latws 0T the Cq‘mmo’nwonlthproé' .e tnkq’n my: the? in‘ U( course wot apply tum-ms n Hie possesbign : d convmnies. ; I: ‘ JOHN s OTT, } l .l. -I Brill/adv lnsprclpr. i returned i ‘ as the mili 3 vide will 1 this does . of organiz ETRE 13' ue! Limeli ' scrihér has imsedr hr. the DIME 'Of Mr. Samuel S ' ‘ r,iuCono hip, Had wil! herd“!- hy on; said said Kiln, invitingn p aim: of the “he public. Hisx prices are 9 éents canh,:nnd 9} (anus un creditK First tone u‘nd first rnte Lint. ' L ‘ JOHN B ‘HRMAN. 1881.? 6t ,- ' ' L Stray Mare. : ' f the ptflmises‘ of Lilo aubscribei', in reftmiuship, Admin county, 0:} the ‘ebrunry Imm: GkEY MAREn'wilh g,’l.bout 1,3 yenra‘old. Th 6 nifner ryvud, prove property, paych'drgen 1' mm}. ENE}. FLOHB. 9 1881. 3!. , 1 ' Private Sale F A FAR)L—-Thc subscriber, Avignon of O JAI‘UI Enuixnoun And Win, ofl'm u: l‘nvme Sula, THE BAR“ 0! mid Auiguors, silume pnrtlyin-Ernnkliuaud partly m (‘um berlnnd townshipl, .\dnms countymn the rum! leading from Gdttysburg :o Mummalburgn ‘nbout one mile from the latter place. The: Fnrm contains 1‘27 ACRES and 4 PER(‘HH.‘~‘,§ neat mgmlure, inqprowd with u Two-Stury‘ Double LOG 30$SE, Log _lhrn. ' With Sheds limbo-l. Hon-e sm- ‘ b‘les, new Springfllomg, well of water :1: the da‘ofir and a )'oung V Orchard. The In!!! is‘qf good qlnulll),bclug the yellow land. 7 Persona Wishing to View the prnperty are re quested m énll on 511500 Eckenrnde, residing thereon, or on the .\ssignee. resiulmg in Get. tyshurg. a ZAUHARLUI MYERS, April 8, 1861. tf i Amyner. . Pubho Notlce. _. TAKE this melhod £1 inform the pumé I that l have recpivcd frou the c!!! 6! Phil“- delphia n FRESH STUCK bl’fi‘PUll‘S, cohlv prising a“ ofthe newts! st)!“ of 'w . LADIES mass coups. * sunvw, ~ - ‘ QLUAKING CLOTHS, ; , GLOW-23‘ ‘ 1 , . é ..Husngu', 1 , é: B SNETS, s‘“-‘ i L ' . RHIBHN'S, ' : ' . 5., f HASDKTFS, I: well as n finh'usurtmgm of. ‘ ‘ ‘ PERFUME! X :pID FANCY SOAPS, ‘ in fucl. everythilL that it usually fumid in‘ n ‘ stock of Dry and Fknuy Quads. ' ‘ f w FOR Tm: u‘rzxnmmx _{_ l have as complete a smoker I'EUTUS,¢,\SSL HERBS, uuuns SUITABLE FUR ilmps" WEAR. as well as GLOVES: smvxnxus, Imxnxhncumrs, NECK TIES, snsm-zs- DERS,&c., m wus evcr bfiought in Gettysburg. April'22,lB6l. ‘ ‘ J. L. smud‘x. Spnng & Summer Mxlhnery. ‘ [S3 MARIA BENNETT has just. recoil- M ed a new stock of Spring xmd Sum-mn- Bouuets, Ruchcs and Trimming: 0! every kind, to which she "UN has the nut-mini: of the Ladies. From past experience, ndgled'w much. ptre in her purchasers, she feds inti‘fiml :Iqu Mr friends and cuuomcr: cannot l'uiLm be {gleused upon ghing her a fall. She isspn-pnrn-d In An up work. and Would invite («pm-ink uumfixinn to the incl that film can remmlcl Neupnlxtxm linu nc‘ls in n superior style. 111-r gum]: uni-lull n! the hues! nnd‘mmlt hwlnimmhlp'kiml; mlél “fill be di~pused of m lhe very I‘m-mi ('zl-lllpl‘ll‘ -s. Ladies, cu’ll nnd exmuinb. hv‘fou- pnrdhnfing elsewhere. Av. 111 - Hid Hmnrl. nu Immunpe street, n few d'oms .\‘uulh of Ihc l’oatltinllp, (Suretyahnrg. l'n. : ’ ‘3 . April 14, [81:1, ,- ‘r ‘ ' sFAIRPIELh i“ l - —Stlll In the Unlonl ‘ l LVEIIART & SULHV.\.\' beg lame to cull 3R, the uttenlion oftll_eir I'rlendsnml‘lhu pub -3““ generally lo thé fact Linn llwy lulu-jun rc -t.urned from the cities of Philadelphia and ‘Bnmmoro. with It New .\xn smfiixmp As- SURTMHNT 01“ GOODS, cheaper [hulk ever (then-n- offered in the couulyl » - lliii'iiig‘boughl: their gnulls for Push, at pauliu ‘prices, and at n time wheutlhe decline in“ many ,kinds of [Lbries in‘unprecegemed, Huey-are eu nbled to offer meAI’I'LHHIAI .\‘h‘ M will na‘mgl ah the musficreiluluux. If our friends will hut xcall nut] examine our sludipu'hich is coinph-te . in evePy department, ‘we aim uufig we en‘h oll'cr such inducements :35 ml] amply icpuy “ion: for } their trouble. Every nnix'ln- usually kept in 11 first chug euunlry store “9| l‘w {hum} ouilmnd: We nee detrrminegi‘ NUT 0 I}PI*L'_\‘DERS()LD lnnyyliera outside {lf the (' y. In: our mdlmo i 9 " Quick; 53105 nudfiumll l' olih." .\lu trouhlc lto ahnw gnmls. ‘ ' ‘ “ ' W\\'d also take lliis 0‘ ’ thunk! forthe very general i heretofore received, and in by strict nttentiun- to link guru} for the interest of h ourselves, to merit :I conti fnrurs. RINEHART —‘ _(‘orner .\luin In] April 8. “36!“ 1881. Latest ,NeWs. 1861., ,{W M ”“1- _ “Am; * _; JL'ST MWO wet-Le winking 1;???“ new?” l 5 Da Grath’s Electric 011. ,/ it dc» iiltt‘h [ll IR.'.. l. 1 l "1.. ' llu‘JUSt l . ' ' , .v. “r - ollened n Icmnplct‘e nssurufiacul of HATS A..\'D Flélaéifdfligumub «'l’; ”a" thin”) . M (“115, imluding‘lhe lllgest full stgle ,Sillt, , Cure you" and “We in hi" dig“ , ‘ , Denver, Slouch, gussimc e nnd‘Woul llxltft—V l Till"; (mills in llve‘niiuntu.‘ m ’ : I|!th for Sprin ~ und Snmmer,’ of heunttl'ulu I ('nre “m“l’ in unc "Him" 7.. J j _ styles, embracing tin-luv, Leghorn and Panama. , , (.'nre Deut’ue-‘s in mo, llJi‘ullr-lIIIW‘ . llnys’ unit lnl’nntsl’ plain and funey limits and _: (Eurellul‘nsunil Scams in tuntulnn’lea- , ‘. ‘ Cups, which fut-Jientnel‘s ut' .finish and quality, r-Curc Sprain"; Wontidanud 15min,“ “1‘ surpass anything ul thek‘lud ever dll’crt'rllinllus" one to three days; ' “an place—all of whieh will be sold at :tglu'ngflnngn .; (lure lutl‘nnnnntiuu in one thy; 13'1"" prices for “71" “’o’ IIUQI A 3“: = Cure .\‘curnlgin, Croup,‘l‘oothuche, Ilurnnfin SHOES, inrlnrling—n tine aimrtmentdoélllmdivs , , tell minutes; « ’.~ ‘E e '- .' .('.' .'Herd; .‘ l. . gixlr'lgl‘c‘lgzingg‘s'gflqlkllglzlté{legr'l‘ftugl-IXTgll'l‘jil l qurcdil‘esurrlmge, scrufnlu, .\baneu, in ten: lIAHC. Al} _in want of. glands in my line are :{ Curgliruiufli \\'uunds,Teltcr, in one to three 4' mspcetl‘ully invited to glue me a call.‘ ‘ ' 4,; 1 . dnvs ;1 ’ , Come .0“, IYm-m M” r ~ :'l .Cl re lfuruehe. Stifl‘Xt-t'k, .A'gue. in one day; And give me “ friendly-fin“, " 3 - v , Ullre Felons Broken Bren», salt Rheuliii,~ln ' For all gouds wull hesold :ttiinhertrni ol‘yrices, : three to“! duyr; , . To overcome thctunlooked lvr crism. ', ‘1 L Gare Q,,im,,;’ “Maud", l‘leur'isy m anew I Aprilzz,ls6l. \ .3 ~ 1 § 1" m My.“ 1 ' . ‘ vm“ ,- .' ‘ >— - 7 1 T“ , (Cure .\-lhmn Pnlq , Guilt, Er'él elu, h; ‘ ' The:New York ‘ l f five to tti’e’nty’dftii; ’yP . , ~ Ol'llNAL 01" COMMERCE “ngLY’, ‘ (‘urt' Frosted Feet, Clulhlhim, Still Jbiutl, ' J ~ _ ' Tlllll'l‘Y-T UH) Yh-“L (,‘lriloniu Rheumatism, Sure Thrnul, Scarlet WT!” P“b"‘h"i"f ““55“” Y".'""3"°g“~'2 Few-r. und the lame made to walk, Ly I fey . N”. or (manner-. 1": thesullciuuiqn of. men)” Uutllus.‘ ' i . 4. . friends of this paper. have revised [hell'fiuOK ‘ This Oil (p: Gralh's) i. mihlmnil pleasant, prices fur their Weekly ediiipn, atlld yearn-(‘4lM ,3 a great Fun-11,, Modit‘lne‘for children the rates so a: toincctthe views ol'thuse who {EL-thing, kc. ‘ ' , wanna. \€-eeklypllier fur . ‘t l : Undies should nll list- lt.. lt ult'vnyu learn ”XE DOLLAR .~\.\E.\R. l 4 - ilun‘ better than its finds you, and one battle In mechnnicnl execution it is second tn none: an“, cures entirely. - . With an able eor’ps of Editors in the nevbril 1 '» ' ~__, ‘ departments, embracing commerce and finance. Alamo-nab :rllmrus ”Mu, awn cruo m rise foreign news, political eeouomy, natmnnl Lind wsu': ~ ‘ State politics, productiw industry “ml "n' Read letter from Reta/Jinn” Temple. movements, city ntl‘nirs, literature mid gtneml ‘ . Philndelphm, June Ut1i,1856.4 immichh nml with i“"'“'“'""‘ c.”"”£'9“'l. Prof. lle Gmth: ll hive lit-en afilietml ftlr dents in‘nlltpms of our on,“ nnd 'in fnreign thirteenjmlrrgyitliNeurulgiu ululutherpuinful qonntrics. the proprietors chum for 11-, all that woujpluihu’tandl have been “Hum" to New“ pertains to njunrnnl ofthe very first mule. l s'uundly 0,. walk uni dim“ for "m“! ”a" T 0 cmnpnniesuking , , 1 l ‘9 " l past». Last week Lgot [bottle of your 1‘ Elen -20 copies orupwnrds...,...o)h DOLLAR ench.l tric Oil." The fit" night 1 In.” wundly’unil 13c0pie5........................PH’T1§1:L_ onttsua. : 'n‘ell‘and mam! [am 5 new man. “3; wife 3 c0pie.........................TEN ”j » I(“until not believe her eyes: Yuur Electric Oil 4 c0pie5............?t.£........mx u ; . lhas done in one week‘whnt the physician: P“ \ 3 copiel-n-"m'1'"'"" "'""‘" u l l’hilndelphin faileil to do in thirteen years, ‘ Under 3 capiea..‘...........‘.. firth . “ ’ ‘ ' Uruteftllly 3.0“", .1 The papers will he addressed to .rliymrrent - ILHV. JAllli-q TEMPLE, persons ut'the name Post omm, if desired, ex- 3 . 310 50“”, Street», I cept, in the clue of clubs of 13 or more tropes-,9 ; , __‘: ~ R . 4 which will be mailed to one address. ‘The with ,r L burn” ct'mzbh men! tor «ch club must be made in one sum in 5 , ~ 5“, “we", Mu! tm1r,.!858. “d““lce- ~ ’ h l « Prof. De Grub: My broth-5r 1... been den? Daily Journal of C0_n,:merce..................‘39 00 (01" th ye.“ At‘ter trxing mn’nyithingl. he Dailannior lD°- ‘»‘ 5 0” tiled wurDil I. few times. nnd-it cured‘himel- , Two copies Junior to one nddrm,......... 9 ()0 “,el‘: CLIFFUuD It. SCI‘AS‘FON. HALLOCK, "A”: 3‘ HALLOCK, » l - CicrioxL—There are numerous imitation; ' Editors ”“1 P’°l"i"‘°"' : Inning up an the reputation tbltmy net‘n’le lnl , 91 Wall "'9“: New Y‘m‘: Al 1?“ 22: 'GI-s ‘ I acquired. ”the public must begun. The] are _ l . .' Vortblesi.‘ Shh! by all Umggista. . 1 Tinning! Tmmng! , ,L Depot, 237 South Eighthstreet,»l'b3lndelphls. THE undersignexl rupectfuny informs tho, Feb. 25.1861. 3n: 4 , ‘ : ci‘izcns of Gettysburg and th: public gen-i f“w " ' ‘ "‘ ““1 “‘“""‘f‘ lernlly,thnt he has opened 9. new Timfing vs.‘ New Mil-1111917 ' P l tsblishment, in Chambersburg-stnect, directly N I‘JTTLLDTOWX—“WS “A!“ "LB.“IT' l opposite Christ cmmh, a. will mnufueuw, tht nonlgl rupeetl‘ullpnform me Luther of A i Ind keep constantly on hand, every variety of ‘luleatown and surrounding Country, that she ’TIN.WARE’ pnggsgp’und JAPAN-WARE,‘ ‘ Waugh, Tl)? ‘Slntes vol South ('nrolinn, land will ’l'." be ready to do BEI'AIRING.. continues the .\lllllnery business, at the uni: , mouse and svouusa um dons in the dance of 51,. Jacob banslnaen In Unknown. the“ manner. Prices mullet-nus, And né efl'ort Adams COLIN-)3 “fie“ (having 3“!“- returned 'spsred to render fnllsallsfnction. A share of from the 6,11,"! She will keey‘on hnnfiy for “if: ‘ g the‘pnblic’s patronage is solicited. at the lowest profits, Homers. lsncy Bib : _ . A. P. BAUGHER. 4' hogs, lilowfirh, End-haemffnrnw, Leghorn; nr Jnnelß mam 1 2“" O‘ICI" i inery 00 s o the newest LIE . fiwfir;m¥w;best stylez. Résdy-trimlued_llonucts are nt 1 T. E. 000 k & Song [All times 0 be had—among them the new , V bl‘ h d I): t t)1 Jo Ityla‘Whm Neapolitan. _ A.E ests_ " e ” epo " ”I‘. as} Bonnet—making and trimming sttondedto heart’s, In Chumbersbnrg street, bettys- with dis _ . . ‘ patch nud cheaply. Bonnets bleach!!! burg. Flue thrifty l-ruitnnd Ornamentni'l‘rees - 1 _ and done up for 371 cents. Latest fashion and Plants, carefully transplanted there for sale. ,re . . . . . cetved for Spring and Summer Bonnets. , 8'05“ and Ice them—.satrsiactwn war-l A "a" 1881 St I ranted. [Non 12, 1860. tf l n-7L,sz_.__._ ' W i W! New 900 d?! . ' I Removal. _ ! Anxnsrocx BROTHERS mum: re- WATC" & CLOCK REPAIRI)G.—LOI‘YS F caircd and are now opeuiug'g cheap .nd , l I ZEITLER h”,’°m°"°d '1“ “Hitch 4‘ desirable assortment _oL‘ Spring Goods, (0 Clock Making Establishment to South 331- which the attention of buyers is respectfully. “morezfitrce‘i "V 0 duo" north 0‘ DMD" 5" invited. Their stock comprises all tllerlntess Ziegler} 5‘0”: where he W 1" be 515 d t 0 I'B- . and most nypruved stylesandfilltcml of Dre» ‘ “i" a. continuance 0f the WHOM“;° 01' the (looda,togetlxer with theif‘usunl assortment“ Pllbli‘h 33' “105° ““3““0" ‘0 buklm‘fly good Staple Domestic Goods, such as cannot fnil ,m ‘ Work, and moderate charges, he hopes to give please .u who may f-ivor‘thcm with their IM- ‘ 8909 f“! satisfaction, ‘l3 NEWTON. , - ~ l trousge. Call only and selectfrom "nightly. l Genl'lbnrgi April 3: 1801- and varied assortment. , ‘ l ‘ t, -' - --~- . “ _.- if uaxssrocx Bums-Rs ,; ISSES’ AND 031%DREN’8h3H0§S.-—Af April 1 1331, i 4 71 1 ‘ nxsortmento Mine 'n dCh dreu‘ ~~——-~-9Lf-‘--—-——'~-‘-—~—--——w~«€°ri¢ gmfil‘fimmcoama.“ “ " ‘lLAmleasss arm-unmet? new.“ , l Lpril 22. n’. P. MCILHEXY’S. -' mm at » 8 gnu: S. Bbltimore Adv’fia. .\RI'ET STORE l—A. (3 (HUFW‘TH '1: C 50);. .\‘n. :17 N. Howard 5... 5. W. Corner: of Huwurd b-thipn Streets. Baltimore. ‘, , wnnv AND uump CARPET unusadl I Do'you “M to hug a Cheap Cutpet? ' E Thcn gn In tho lléwnnl St. l'nrprt Store. \ mm'm-s, 01!. (moms, lln'nxas, a», cit—We would imite nm-m-inn to our New ‘ stock q! Cnrpdings, oi] ('lorba, Mnj'ingr, Rug Cur-pres. Table Uil (I‘lotlu, hm, hm, I“ at which we are determined n» roll M. the very luwc'n ('aalr prim-I. ' ’ ”Any winhlng‘to buy mood: in our line will find it to‘ their adv-113m: to cxnmine on: stock before purchnl'mg' dlnt-whrre.‘ (3|:qu packed foncoumry trade «ml delivered lree of chnrge: A. U. (HUI-TH“ & HUN. ALnnr G. Gmrrlrn, (Ga Sin-msu‘rm llnn'rl'rrr, \ Bu. 37A". Howard 55., S. W. Cor. of Howard . 3; Marion Streets. Aprim, mu.- GW 1861; » 186 L .\RI’HTS, OH. CLOTHS .\ND “.\TTINCS, 0 FROM NEW YORK Al.’("l'll)\'h‘.-—(_'urpclll‘ from 25 céms “TI 10H (.Iqu frown-1575 cenh up; ‘Whitc and Chm-L d Mpmng, nll widtlmnt \my" luw prices : t‘ucon inning-:4 or dim-rout “4!!!!an AIM), mu‘um-H‘Ts. “ms, DOOll MATS unq 1511 A”: "ODS at reduced rates. RAH VAN: ;l’l-J'l‘S uf our mm muke M \i’huk-mh- um] rein“. EA cull solicited. JUSI‘TI‘II \‘rCTUIIY, ‘ I ' ' j 145 Lexington Sire“, ‘ , 4 anorrweav. of Howard 51., Baltimore. 1 ' ”April 1, mm. 3m ‘ , , b ‘ a . 9 A; Mathmt 81580111 k ‘ = OFA ANDFI'RNITURH WA llHlllll}.\lS..\'ns , 25 Mn] 27 N. Guy Mr’uot, llnltinuwe,_ {mm Fun-He at") amending {mm Guy (u Ful'leriv ht.—lec largcatesmblishmcnt o! the kind In lli L'lxiun. Alwnyn nu lmml I} lame nannrunmm n nm‘smlmm AND OFFICE man-(1:5; an. Muciug Bureaus, llédatendu, Wmdmlnnds. Ward NIH-n. Mllurchfltu‘ of lluak, Cutlun and" ll n-ir Silt-lug Beds, Suffix, I‘ptuhe-Tetrs; Arm Clmlu [locking 01min, Magi-res, .\lurble ’l‘uhles, Set tel-s, ILL-caption uml l'plmlalurml ('lluirx. .\Nu rsewn-2:;901.0% ul-{co'rTMlE FURNITURE, “Imm Ilmirs: (ltlicuiuluirs, lull-her Qllnirs, (‘film’ and (‘rudlcs, {lot Hacks, llull l-‘nruiture,. (Jill nuu Walnut Frame Lmrking “luau, S‘ldo-‘ hdurds. Extension; Tuhlep, at every length. “ ’J‘rrs‘uus dePOSPd lo yiurrlmsu are invited to. will uni gin: uur flock uu uxuminnl‘iuu, \rlifchi tut" r-urlrty and quality nl'worlununship in nut. ‘éqlmllqd by any csmhlishmcnt in the annuity. l l 1 A. )l.\’l‘lllu‘l‘ .2 sm‘, , 1 1 ‘ Nos. 'l5 null 37 .\. (in) nlrL‘L‘L LAug. 6 181:0. ly : . l 1 Lawrence D. Dletz’s ‘ ~. Tu’rmfi. llUUb‘l‘l. I A 3. FANCY GOODS. ‘. ' ; [mug/n; i'lfl.llJfl.\'GS,. , 31 . ‘ ' .\NI; TUYS, ‘ l.“ “'fiolemle Rind “Mull, “Cheap nanny plnc} 'll _. l !. llnlchimrq. - . j . 5151 l-‘ hmx Sun-21'. ll;\l.'1‘l,\l(ll[l’.. ' , "Urdufc ‘promptly attended to. valu'ue IH, Imm. ly ’ = 5 George M. Bo? M‘X‘ORTEIL and~ Dealer hp 1; (Imm, GLASS 1: Q\ .\‘o; ll Nurth llofiurd Street, belueon Lulu};— ‘ Inn and Fuyctle Sure". HALTIMHRH. 7' j s‘l‘u.\'HWAlLE nl'wn’s on lmml, ut Emmi-y wipes. Junc‘ls, Imm. ly v I‘. ~‘ “~~v‘ »; 1 l Lancaster Book Bmdery. Y 1 EURGB \\'l;\.\i'l‘., ’ _ (I : I! a .1: K I! my; 13, Z ‘ up must; we: uunm'um, ; 3 LAM'ASTER, PL ; [Win and ()mmm'nlnl livruhhg. of Mary do aoripliou, (“\‘(Tutl'd in tlYe mo»: rulné‘lumjul nud approved styles. \ > _1 ‘ , nu‘mnxvza,’ *3: E. W. Brown, Esq., Furulcrx‘Blnk nf Lnnrnsler' \s’.‘=l.,l’mpcr,rl‘lnq., Lam" ‘t‘ufigonnty Blink. Icmriou to rugrn rmr_l 5 pmronwcnb have dulgc the hu; 9 (hm, cu, and n in} r 1» r - 111 l mul- pnlrom nnd mum-E: nftheik' km‘d ‘ sum \.\‘,: I [I .\lmmmiil sth., . . 4 _ .r "1?: _ , Snmnol Shock, ES!“ (3 uhrbia flxlnk‘ , . .. -Y_ ”_.. xx Samuel \\ ngneyr, Héq: Y' 1": Bank} Witlipm Wagner, Esq” Yuyk Gunny flank. g. 3:. Carson, 'Esg” Bunk ut‘Gellyshuvg. ‘e P . .. ..a__,.. . ‘ ..vr Martin; Hui;l'rulh‘yof‘imxfiruslcr‘tnfiinn Gab. C. llnwthor‘n, Esq ,Rugistcr “ “- Cum-\Vhitson, £511., Recorder , . “ a Fairfichu Pu Howard. Street 1861.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers