The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 06, 1861, Image 2
:rfl- -’ ” '“W‘H‘x , 9‘7?“ u a ’ . ' W 3" WAGE. . camp at this phwe, and «men have been or ' -¢- : gunned and mustered into |iter‘vice at Philip 4 fixntrnvc Carma), del )hin. ~,, ' , ‘ ,' Harriabuta. April 30. 1861. l ’llhe regiments it this phtce ire still nup fi, MidSwm and 11mm 15" Rrprucidalira q/ Blied by the Gwmmissnry Depldment of the . W {momma/t of Renault-unfit: ‘ btuto. Their (planet-sure” Ohifol'table,u -Q:smnx;-—The Present unparalleled muhlbe expectnd. their wrinly of provis— exigenry in the nfl‘nirfi of our rountry. ill-$1 ion» Abundant; and. under tile instruction Induced me to cull {ou together at this of competent Ollie-en. they:b .mpidly im ime. 'With nn some and armed rebellion roving in military knowledge? and skill.— ‘in rome of the State! of Um Union. mo. ll; 2 made'url'nhgomontn‘vm clothe all our mentions questions have beentlrrust upon “Juliana with the utmost: dhpntch qonsis— 1a which call forayour deliberation. and tent with a proper monouiymnd nm‘ mm: thin on should devise mm" by kxislption happy to say that before the close of the {or tlze maintenance ofth authority ofthe present week all our people now'undvr flen'erul Government the honor and dignity arms will be abundantly supplied with good pf our State, the p cction ofour citizens. and appropriate uniforms, blanetei and and thjlrnrly estnbliuhmbnt of [we and other clothing. ;, ; pnler oughout the land. x“ ' i Fourhundn-d'nntlsixtyofquz‘xoluritoers. On the day of m§v induction» into the Ex-" 11,9 Sir-1 to ram-h Washington fro'n ' y at semi" office. I took Occasion to litter the the States. are now at that city; the?! are ‘j'ollowingsentimentu: ~ , , now provided for by the (General Gnu-m -.“No one who know‘swthl’ historyof Pcnn- ment; but 1 design to send lheni clothing“ iylynnim'” and understands .thegOpiniom at the earliest possible opn'orltmity. iI am‘j and feeling-s of her p¢oplo,cnn justly Ollihrge glad to be able to state theta-them mfn, in iA‘ _mwithwhnatility to our brethren of other their mgr-eta to the Natiéinhl Ce ilnl, re—i , thin on. w State‘s. jt'e refurd them In: friends and ceivetlJ no bodily injury. although they were' “015" s “I‘, ton corre: n ' fellow-co nll‘ymen. in Whose 'nfelfure we‘sub'ected to insultlin the ci 3? of Baltimore: 1" ‘ P:. h’ ‘po feel I’k'injdn-d intercom .and we recognit, such as should not have ofi‘ered to any . dent 6f the ‘ r-' 11) w otter in their broaden Extent, all our; constit ~slawabiclingcitize-n, much I to loynlmen. ,‘ of the 25th uld, ,: ‘1 tionnl obligatio sto them. Them! We are who, at ther‘call of the . resident; hm]? uTh "foal ‘ niinrd'Bu imme-ami will” Tandy “"d "films to obflervelg‘encmusly ppmmptly left “mi". own Si to i" the Pol“ mmflt‘li fir: nPn-‘na u" a .nu'lih railroad from uni! fraternal]. in their letter and spirit, formatiee of the highest dun; in thesenricel "'uxhimflon o'th oi’erinnd ll’ p .JJ’WH- 12",,“5, withnnswervin fidelity; "' , iot their country. nK! 1 1,.,,,,;‘,-_;. may ”not only 'ssential'to the] “Dill-iris aN: tionsl borernment. It hos; A large body of "mu-med then. who’ were "sure” ‘of pa.” prsend tr: sporlation. on . ' within “’9 'l’“ -e 0’1"!“fi0‘l‘ all the “mi”: “0t at the time Omanilt’d ll" 5 portion of, theiiimiy'toJ eGovvrnmr t. huteflscntlali Lute- ot‘sovemi vnty. and Imo x'thew are the militia of this Commo wealth. under: , [he mince.” ifuot. the e gene‘s, got the , the right and dty of self-pirate titlion. It ; the command of officers \fllhput commit;z government 1 elfg' ; ‘l i” boned raglan v compl‘mt l 0 I“ .h.‘m the siohs. attempted under ”at“! of this Nn'l: The'samesu gestion come from other'nnd‘ ' peoglepft e‘L ited Suites are rties.._ It tional Government. M l ndei‘stanll. to . fl éntialsaul-ces We ho it will!» ut‘ n- t a result 0 mutual Palm—(pill ons. which; ronch “'mhmgmm and we p 353311]th byif" u ' ‘ _‘ _P. ~ twee made for e urpose'jif per-uring‘re—‘l armed men in the g'itx of Blt-ltimnre. many, .mto efl'ect—Ttdirwn and con 3' vyill had it ciprpcal b 61125 . ft Mt” diff: fly (in the of their number were soriolmly woulnded, Ewith the highest utisfnctio A . Bo better-or; peoplegnd ”1“} “a“ it “Ill";‘ffl allegi- “"‘lgl‘lrfi'fl‘e 'kgleld- filming??? I? 01. more direct l‘Olll’ae can be'Tot nd. , . 1 41160. ’0 Mt ! 0 poop 6' no State "Of this y returne ( ireet _\'t ile ‘l iia;' - . ' - combinntioll of ll‘ltutes. can voluntarily 38-1 but many of them were l‘orci ly detai led in f I‘llerPdvme.’ have ittl ttliehorthem cede from the Which. ‘rior nbvolte tlwm-' Baltimore; some at" them nre thru~+t into “Central thllrohd '5 to be T “’9‘! “5 f" 5‘ ‘ *Rlvellrom thei obligations tn-it. To per-' prison, and others have I t yet re hotlfthe Relay Home. from whi h pointgti'Rfiil gilt-swig??? gladrawatfltfiflerfrgxuiuie' of; llpmfl‘. L). t t. m . ‘Niromi-wm be «instructed no um to the Re ~-\ mumw in »iecon«en o I es, so, m-e [9 nor osny in no _ee * , _ .i . ,confesfl that 01,! (Government l-:4 R fa.ilure.—— and men helmvt’tl'with the u nost grill unry. lay onithe ““31"";sz road ”‘35:: ”on Pennsylvania cult 'ncve‘r acquiesec in such-n This body in now not-panizodi to a regiment, - ””‘llLEh comrnnnlcatmn “" h‘ "‘ Hutton honrioirncy. nor iisnent w‘a .glou‘trine which . and the nflioern um com m-ionedi they ‘lmd throw Baltimore nltogc her to one 51110- ' inmlxes thede‘. ~ncti‘rm oftliefioxifrnrient. have been ‘accepted into ire service, nail Certain it is that a large to cc of hands is 'lf the Go‘vornm-nt ik tooxist, n. t ie'r'eywill go to__ thington by ny" mine in i. v» - - L - ‘ '0 . quirements of ' It; Constitution must be cntcd by the Hulk-ml Um'my'ment. x \Tg'llgi‘g mtplittitnhgnp kind “,3" 2:12"; "obeyed; and mum lurve power adequfilce l have estolilinliotl inf-limp: t l’itt~hu’irg.‘at ;l‘ '9'“. en in l" e "mm ‘7‘ ~' ‘tn the enforcem n‘t‘qf the supreme law ofl which the troops froin \V‘ strum Pe' n~,-l- ' materials for the purpoue h mg paused the thetltnd in over S ‘9- It is ”I“ first (1111” j vnniniwill he mthered until 1 vice,.alid or- jimmy-ci- Junction enrly nn hursdny moni of the notifna autlioritiba to my tiff-ignnized and dizciplified by: ‘ illful mid eit- ing. It is suppomul that few days will ’rogress of nnr hy and enforce the 18\V'4',Ipericnccdoflicers, ' ,A l a ‘ - _. ._ . l , . -' - ~ . ~ ‘ ,sullice 0 hate all the bud as we built. t I 0 Sid Ponnsyimn 0, With a muted )iOOPlfif {communicate toyou mt gnoat satiufiwm . . , . l C , Iqul give thorn hon‘mt, faithful and “if" tion. the foot Athnt‘thd banks of the; (Joni-l P9"_"‘3ll““"'f' 2 Central R‘“ mu omptm) tive wpport. TI 0 people mennto latest-rtel monwealth have voluntarily tendered any htwmg “furnished :1 large amount of the the integrity of to national Union utemry lifm'ount of money that mny=he nece-lsrtry for i timbel- iwdy framed for pui “" ihl‘mrtl.” V ‘ .‘4 lthe common defence nml‘he'nvrnl welfare ”fl ‘ '-.., , . ' MI Ily iuwii been anticipated 1 .c we should so homifibel ie pluctical application of. - nnectinn with thei‘n‘ Hillll‘ , a by Hi; strong arm ofmili-J glt could scare; ‘3." that timeuth‘ . called upon fqi- t V these truths in ( ~plot-t" and defence “‘7 power. \ I The unexnm -l ,(l prnmptnnm and on‘thn niuuzwithwhicii ’euriaylvpnin nndfhootht-r ldyal Sums have responded to the (mll of“ {if President, 5; 'd ‘the entire unanimity; ’ h‘which our 11 ple ‘lemmgd'thrit the in:- . if“? of the Go prnnlentnhaill be pre-serv: iluutmte th dutyfif the leyernl State; and National Go brnmenu with a distincfr ‘ new ,Ith ,cann t be dinrcgnrdod. {Thai slaughte’? of- no em troops in the city 64'. Baltimore, for t v pretended offence, of i marching. at the ll of the Federal Gowrn- [ m'ent. peaceably. er soil admittedly inl the ,“-Union, apd with hp ultimate nhjoct of] de- l fending’bur‘rco mon Cixpitnl- against “1' arrfied androbr-lli an invasion, together with ' ‘ the bbstructinn four Penmylvnbin'tmpps: w despa‘tchod on the same patriotin mls-, __ post: new utiM and rwponsihilities' awn 1- State ministration“ 4 At hm. ml vnces the~Gen ‘ Governmentfharl military possession of" t e route ‘tn Wushingtnn—f through Annapol ;b'ptthe transit of troops had been greatly endzmgored and ilelnyod. 5 and the safety of"- Wmhington itself immi mently threatened. This cannot, be submit ted to. WheihcfiMarylgmd may profess to Enlfiflpi‘ixéii‘ioiifi?liltiil‘ffliflaéi‘ifi ii”??? iii”? °°“"""' 31"“ “”"i" _ > . e 'n \ - structbd thorougliihi-i‘, bctwcén fii’crfimtea . ready left iii; gigs: (iiioili ngigiii‘li filignlui‘gili‘gi‘tggiirzfioiy“'i'l‘flildictilzlilgagiii Geiiir‘nlnGovern‘niflnt, and lint immil , _ . ..' mu: 0 ow. ' ' ' ta'hope that the :route through Baltimore I on 511190“Svrlouil;lll‘.¢:§l:(lg;lf11:11:03:3 mi.mygrrfifixgoiglsgamg:dhcnpeéwe- Lt): protelcterllg‘lfii furnish mntlyfliuimt , ~ . . y n in mm Wioi 'c "onci'imit, and to l ‘iififlvixiguifb: o‘. Effigr‘lrgfiggritifions—S , Ollll‘.lt.10h(lt;‘l‘i w sliduld liavé‘u.‘ well rug ‘ ~ . .“1 ~‘ —_ I'. n 'niiiiiry (wrong 3‘ H ”3132’2.“3.‘£“&111"2?£f“b9‘33"";2'21‘1°‘ Winn“? “w i... ' {ante eqentinl to tliel my it y f thh‘egery orgnmmition, ls’cwlmmg and Mimi)- («mm-{lt This mliqtg; 303:1; ’“Y'flmst filtoon ogiments of Icavalry u 'f 'bl btif f a fin . pencoehy fantry, exclus ve.of those ,‘mlled in > ipossi e, u y‘ 07:60 unis if not uc- ‘M‘l‘Vice ohhe *mtmlSmltoA ;aswe 11 r.“WdßdThg'lfime ‘. J; r tat ._I {heady ample timing of tlin'h‘ec‘essitq ' "mainline-a. ‘51.? iefihimx’iirem‘f’ l°".l"‘¥l‘”.P""e“l'f°’ “"y “W“! 8’92"" I . lea in histori. i'l‘lii) North hurrah}; i 033: ; Sgnng'lgi‘ii _ launot too mulch "HI-w? ‘5“ hor ha a. 2 song: tto invnde: ningle l I cannohrnfrain from alluding td‘ tlii . ginsflinitzi mists?-11333;°-;:::§i::2‘1.12h M . _ . . . _ - . \ ave, mm on .. }lmtwl;3 have fully. gnized tlie binding ‘ menns,_prov%led tor the fnijnilioi of t pmszt:::fi§;9gm 8!; igshegfglt 995; our citizens Po flare now antler :ir : -, .4 _r' _ . I'o as“ many para o te' Commjo‘ wealth, mum casual folio}. our people hFV‘ez‘jl‘ll‘l‘es. and courts and mutiicipnl 0’ game? 5 e 2), 1 2 [regents “Jelizllion‘i | tions harp recommended tho 3})pl'opl‘ “17 ht: top]? .. y_ g wrona in icte' .of moneys fifbm'their. public unds, . ~ mamas“ ‘° ."izzsisfi'xmm:zaizxzmzm‘“ ”we“ 1‘1““ . . , . ' assoc .' So will: the civiliz ‘ \w rltlxdn‘d historyju‘dge niid nuthorizinpg SUE-l; cup 100%.!th ‘. this .aim! ‘efi‘ort verthiow the mmt'x ex eriditiires. p 4) i l heneficengatinntu e hiiinnn government? ii miiy be expected that. in may; l ayfihoelzlisdm 3f 2r bellion in fl eC tt I! ffirflngsnient (if tradglnnd gninniei'c \ . i ,0 on' on'..-' . - " ”- figmlqmch hm resu ted in th . _.itrfiuui‘lm’hldoi so hill-Ch llldllbtl_ _to . . .‘I l _(W “.31 gr imqy anf productive cliaiine s. 3' ‘3l {lilting {rgnnim tion agsuming .se ling-value 0- property genera“;v 'i aid“ ”will“ 34125.23":;;%3::::.:‘::; filieé'e’ifizcimf‘ iii“ Eli-"'0" °’ 9" . . < o c o imi‘r' m l! of mdrolGoverdment; theiflinveaé—i meeting engagements. Althgughelln‘ii mixed 1. fraterniil indulgence u‘ an evidence ' forbearance may be expected from a (an ' filfiilks'iiiiiiigdhiv 352313032“? 2223 3‘3; s33%“§§§§slL°§Jdpfi°3 “We“ I ' ”‘- il 4 I l e a \ moor: to the‘tiyildnm ition that has led to : dioious law to preventtlle sacrifiEe of pit 2;. figiiviacfii‘iii'l‘ifi’fihii‘fiim Elli-Eel)? by “we“ “I“ m '1” °° “l“ ° . men (3 s) m . 5:1; ss’ptigfcgluunn‘ciiirfifi :f 021:; “1:101:13, hit?! 3 You ragtgqgetheriat this special} ioln, _ 09., an ‘ urroun ' t ’ ' S _ now aims at the poeselzsion of the Nationafllmost solemn igggiigigillillif;l?h2 in Elite:f . 3":ij 'léheinsurrectxion must nnw'bemet’ltions of the glories of ihel post. the reflec dlvé’ifi‘é’nc‘éfii’ 375.1355: “all"? ‘lii {33°33}? ‘imt’m’ "ii”i-“I "SIM l'm" ‘ sorting its entire supremacv go re-poéesaito dizcliairggyldn‘i'rdlil 511:6: irituog'?“ {2: 1.11 m!“ and other gov‘mlnignt propertynol otic courage. oompreliensivepw‘isdo p2lnd mi fully seized and held; to ensure per-éfirm resolution“ Never in the his ry of / pond freedom anWo the people nnd ' our peace-loving Commonwealth: alve the :hommerce offthhe l niiinsin erflry section, hearts oflour people been so stirr‘ iii their $325120; inlyiinméé’iceffi‘fif' ” iei‘i‘iiflméfiii’fiim ”5”"“15‘3‘1‘ I . , l ,u I. n a. aa‘oou.‘atin with one henrtj- and niquartervof a million i the’performance of yoiir diitieeyon this oc g Penngglvgisesonsl will nngfizer the onlll gasion, 8m! in providing ‘Eewflyfl and’lmeans ‘ .: 1'33»? ...a [hill lifs‘fl‘iia 'fé'iuif‘é‘il .Zii'i’fifil’t'ig‘rlfnfi‘f 3;“:- °°““"’ i 533 . . , . . ' ion, . they-elves and “their children, for ages to}be inspired byyfeelingo' of szfi'ifriiii‘p, and egg: matting 12::th Government) kindredl tohtlioxsgwhichi animatle tbafbm‘ve _ i n . n in. _ ionx‘ . . men w o ave evote t eir ives q the , Engzrtzmtxgier Vifiistfind anticipating! pills of illim battle field, in defence 5;)! our that . nu e men Imin wn‘a . ‘ ~‘ the number originally callerdqforf I eon»; Genfi‘e‘mgn. Iplm the honor of thieStnte tinned to receive companies until we had 'in your hands. And I pray that “164A!- med “gouty—three regiments in 'Pennsyl-l mighty God, who protected our fathers in mull of whom have been mustered into} their efforts to establish this our great con yawnifJElEifik? Statesb Igathi‘si Stltilvtt‘ltinni liheiil-ty—who liticontmllpd the o ieaen. nt- 0' 't'o "t' " Guy but, 5n additional requisition was malgei si:- midst, :hvuylnndt 20:: font“; 1:: iti'hli'i. unon‘megor twentg-fii‘e regiments iof iii-l lie rnay watch over yougcounsela. mid may. “th an one regiment of cavalry; find iin His prowdenoe, lead those who hhvé left dune have been already more toinpames: the pnth of duty, and are acting in open ”day! than Will make up the entire comu rebellion: to the Government, back againio 919 mg“ . . i perfect lfiyalt y. and restore pence. harmony, “gfiflt‘h regimen‘tieaooul I‘2l hgecl‘othed, l and fraternity to our distracé‘ed country. 0_ em were or y t . -‘ation- A. . CURTI \’. Al Goyaernmentto mowed from this pointl MM L‘“ ‘ co Phihdolphin. 1 cannot too‘ highly com-{ 18" “as“ Conyaghnm'fif .Luzmflev has m the pgtriofism Ind devotion of the decided .that; there IS nothing in the statute . w who: namqment’s warning, and with-l nirthommg lEJustice ofthe peace to ascer m tny preparation, obeyed the order.——f tain the amount of a clmm without testimm Thane 9f the regiments, under similar cir- I “‘s'. unless on the admission of a defgndent. cumstahoosby direction nf.endaooompaniedl "Ihe nonmppeamnoe of adefeudant author. ‘by ofieers of the United'b'tates armv. were E ”e“. nuiudgment 1“" 49mm.” 1"” 5““ the 7 “$29? iot‘igckeysvillemear Baltimore. ‘ gigmfifnmtust 195°” I’l3 ”hum! 0" thejndg— , Cw min ey remained for two days n o‘Va 1 ‘ fl... 9 ‘ , and unit by directions of the Gene 1G ii ' - _ . ‘ ' emw they‘were ordered back mild wgd'ti _fi’Tbe Riqhmond liiiqufler anti-e that into .mm‘t York where there |(he proclamation ofGovernnr Latcher for . T ‘ . 4 ““5 “9" volunteersin Virginia bu'beenres‘ ndcd 5" nsgments. hm" ”lumen“ "“19““! to borr . I tho: daold' *0 into service are now mmmpedat _Cbgmbem. :9“ ELL" 5' [m "m 4 Us, ”dc orders from. the General Gav-l @lll6 Born of Virgin'm ha" ‘s’ m 6; ”it!” won“ Ir: my in blot-lucid ytho Pro-idem. ,7 ,7 ...u- ...J o|. the St te and the Nation within emg-i-gon c)“: an? the temporary lnan nl' Qwe‘hundred tlmizsn (l (lflllfll‘i nnthnrizmllh ’ the .\ctfif the General Assembly of fine; 17th lAq-ril, 1861, was promptly "taken: lat’ part! The money is not yet exhiffi‘tctllzbm it hmf lmen impmsible to fmvv the nqthfunts prvjpx-rly audited and settled with tlfichmuntingqmd paying officers of the govnrliment as rl‘quir ed by law, an aomunt of this oxpcnllimrp cannat nnw be fumbling“ The Aluhtnr General nndState 'l‘roasm-arlhnvo fist blish ed a system of sottlonwnt 311th paym'nt. of whit-h I entirely npprm (2;; that pr Vldl‘fi tamply {or the protectinn ul‘ lho .\‘mt . mul ‘ to which all pin-ties flmvingl ,clu us \ ill be gobligal to Qpnfnrm. i f; T ‘l' A much lirger sum will beiroqu’ro than hm her-n distim‘tively npprnfiriutedz but I Gould not. nqx-(‘ivp nor mnku‘ ongngeywnts firr mom‘y without mlthm-itsynt‘ laufiy, nd l ‘ hnvn culledggyoi: togathv . “ht only i pm ; \‘lllO for, a @ltiyylete- rexirgnhtimtion l' the Imilitia of till; State, but nlsnf. that yo may give me nl:hox-ity'to pledge the l" ith of tho C‘nmmr‘gfiwmlth to borrow Mich All“ of tnnnoy‘ as 3you may. in ynur disc Minn, "donm n9o€fi§sff for these extmordiniry re quirdmonts: , ' ' ‘ l ' ' -4 “ ltjgfimpo‘mihlo to predict Hm long’ which “ the "manor-:- that rules. the in r‘the rebellinu'a States +hall 10nd wlm‘n thé calamities whivh throatto the .1 EM] MU .D ‘ Imp’ottant from i 9 Tho Paris 'cd‘rrespondept - Times‘writos tghat the Ame 1 Paris, Mr. Fulllknozilms h ‘ IPI'VieW with the French m' i‘ {Eff-lire, 3f. Thuuvvnel, on (11 ‘ Irocngnilion of the Southcr i E )I.Thouveuel said that t/j 11%!ch Sam‘s név‘zl not have 6!}. hwrdy n'rngrliflrinqu (Ive Sou”: TU)! Glu'Cl‘lU)/o‘rl;l 52f [ya/5'6. ‘mhit of the Ficnch gnu-mu ‘y n qubsfionfi of go delicati 5 I, Thduvufinl than dem‘ in the same-ct of 11er ‘ l (midi) deeply ufi'octed Frcl Mi, Fuulknufl informed hil Erlivntipns frollfi “Wu-hing“: ilxern :wnuld bé’nnpxtra so§ hml that theéitnrifi' would: l*lm‘lmi‘uion whlich gave that firoat sntiefm-lhfin. and imhu KJr. Faulknofiithut ut the l ihe Cabinet he would bo’ pl Us?" hin to thieLEmPemi'uil in 'thnlgum-rmnont. - ' ‘ - 5 . .3.» - . by, in mm " InaV or. 1) our nfm— i w h]- ' {of the“ -, mare mrdnr hnum,‘ van to I mtecti lutfid , edintfi - of at, ll ifi- ‘ .o the! v 9 nl-g :I ofbe _v that 1 7‘5 this. " ' Pay of the Tr : , The {onuwi‘hg frnm an hives tho rate‘bf pny allmw “19 United 3%:"68, m wLi bmiued whcrfi calléd imp . (‘n10ne1..,........j~.... Lieutenant ('ul‘flnel )l njor 5.x. .. (‘npmi‘n ... first Liam-until“ Second Lieutefinnt...........5... ‘Brevgn Second;Lieutenant... First; or Order}; Sergenuli .. pthdr,5ergeun‘g.................. Cor-mt:ll-.......Lj.................. “I’rivabes........ 1‘............... .. Nusioinns...... ;. :L Officersfinrei‘roquired to; uniform: and,’ :bijui pmenta! clothedlsmd armed by the '1 I .L...4.,._ «o.» - ~ ) 38' Tho stérs and strjpe were mispd over tthe Custom {rouse ahd 1’- tv Offico‘at Balti more on We Vuesday, amist the 0111995; 01‘ in. large crowd: prmcnt. ~lt§gfigimd in ’singikng the Sthnr Spggpgleg ligmner. I J . -4. - 7-1;... } EDI? Ix am .(I that the . movemmml {53.6 over I,ol' , troop}: in Fft .’Pick‘elia with pmvisions fo';six inonth 'thus rendering 'it mmje against. attack if siége. > Fort :McHenry, nthaltimox-e, ». ‘ alsd been mn- Ply romffm-efi . ‘ H" I} ', . —— w‘w , yfi' Delatwm‘e jemning r‘nf tr» thezamse ofl'the Union“ Governor may?» issuéd s Proclqmntién calling 0‘ t the_, plglnteers .to respond to: the Presidcfli’s rL-QlLisition.—; The‘continge‘pt of Deluw . e' is one full roéi ment, and thge‘re will be l.- djfiicultyinmis mg the men“; * , 1 —’ ‘ 00> " 2 fi' It $5 stifled thatr fo r times We num~ bei- qf voluniéers which ' onnsylunin was required to ‘ timid} for te wur. have been zem new a- n 9 doubt by: that Pen sylvania. he ' 1f could do more than fflxrnish: the whole 5,000 required.— Well dbne, at! Keyston I _. I T, (.... ' ’ IQ-The marine Logical ure mét on Mon day. and on (motion of a. ending Democrat, pledged by pnanimous ole. the en'tire re sources 91' tfie State to he support of the Government: Ten regi ents sic to be inl~ medigtcly niijsed; and ailmmon of dollars gpproprffled} for warex mics. ‘ ' firAmnn‘gflheJl-oops insaennbled at Cun'p Scott are ai. ‘brothers, 9. e only children of a. kidow in‘i‘lm-isburgji Five of these are members of iono éon‘xpényi‘ The mother with true patriotic ' 'qclxeerfully yielded her sons to tpe fiber country. fi-GOV. Sprague’s I ode Isl-ad Regi me'nt, now 3501“ 1,800 sfirong, has mafia so good an impression 01$ the Government that, at the muest of Gojv Sprague, tnother regiment from that gaugnt little State has been «11le for. . . ’ . @The Governor of pannecticut hafi Ic copted the tender by Co]. Colt of I. regiment of ten ‘i‘ompanies, armed with rifles pad lia bre bayoneul, at: his dwn ,expenae. Col. Colt also Fin-Dishes ofiie‘frs to drill the men in the use of was; up... likewise a in. own expense. 5' _ fl'Amothe Judd Campbell. of the U. S. Supramo Court. by ruigued, he bu ing heremforemnoun‘a-ti thtt he wéuld fol low tho forfimu of ~ I burn. though not approvilg‘ o! sates-MM ; I=l _.._--... . ...; ~w>-- .4..- - _-...L_,_.....'..__ H i I manumutm.‘ mflmvllt o ' doth "one: of the Legisluun convened I! ' liutrilhurg on Tueldny Int. Governor Curfiu I! once sent in n lpecill Menage, which ml] be found in fnJl in our columns m-dny. A numhu ofpetilionl were presented, princlpllly rpmylug for the [usage of ton to lulhorize leountiea to borrow money_ to Ihppon the fun.~ 'mn of'ollineers, Ind Ill; {oz only l ’I". I OI Thundly, in the Home, in. Bali, from.- ‘lpecill committee, reported A bill to cm“ I ‘lonn (of $3,000,000,) Ind provide 70: osming {the Slate. ' ‘ 1 Mr. Du field, from I ulecl committee, repor ted I any law; declaring lh-fl upon ”all jn-lgé menu now rcmoininlguducisfieduar which may be obi-inc}! within six months from tho plnlap'c :of this get, there‘qlnll be I It?! or dxecnlion ‘for one yea; from the passuge hgr‘lenf, nip retard! , judgmqnu now existing, and ‘frpln ghoir due ' ' : fukfilhe date 4“,"; mt; n inoruuon a, . 7‘1“”- , LAY (mam lEEE ' ranoe. | “Ho wi York cnh minister‘ut “kl an ofi‘winl in-, f inter of foreign :0 subject of the Confodrgméy’. i ‘I/orrrnmlmt 437' {/16 : ‘i apprclu‘nln'nn q/a ? n (hqfl‘Jy'rm-y (1y 7 t‘ was not the vnt to nut hasti-i .n natur‘e. ‘ nded infurnm-_ urifi', which he u-h mmmorm.’ L that from in-§ {gu- byliu‘cd fin of (‘nngrL-su, . o modfifiml—a roignh‘rfivtary ‘ V «1 himr‘fi?§n}:tn ‘ r-xt _ nmeging of omod to report (1 his collougu‘os ‘ l ! 5 ops. xchnnge' pnpér, - ’in thr- army ‘bf h the militiait sliag ‘ Per \fonth. ...........s.’ ...‘......., 194.00 175,00 ........... ”8,50 sum"... 108.50 «......u. 103.50 F.‘.a........ 102.50 L.......... 29. o 27.20 22.00. .......‘....i 2(L1I0 ..........‘ 21,00 Vida [Heir own ut the men are ovém mcnfi lockouts o MI MOE , hereof. ' We hyppone both bills 1"“! 5 which“, no doubl, dsa be! pulsed nulhorizing coqnty co Ippropiiute non” for the up lica of volunteers. ' . ‘ ' The [nylon L 6; i The Leghlnture of Maryl’ msion at Frederick. It hui :authorlzing tho Banks of the: : urn-. 11 notes. A low bus 1131' elufiowering the' m‘ayor and'd Baltimore to nine ma tpp'rtj ifor thgdefence of that city. ‘ l s. 'l‘cuckle Wallis has int lutiou mtifying and npproviu ‘ the Baltimore nuthoritie’u du troubles there. . i I l In the Senate, on Wodnefld offered, resolutions, declaring! sage of troops over the soil 0 : the piotection of the Na : shouhl' not be considered [uni ‘sion, arid -rccommex§ding tl that purpose should he cam [roads in the State. Reférr‘ committee. .\fext day the "ported that the Legislature A certain. by direct inquiry, thfle rf itinn‘ which thc Government “M?“ Ito occupy towards the Slum] “ax Elly all means consistent witi | pt» rsonul self-respect to, ”mod rmsmcnts and diminish ”)1 which the existing date O‘Hfili Othd Scott,l Robert .81. .\[éLal Rms wore thcn hppoinlctl‘ 4' to communicate immmliatcl :with the Prmitlcnt of thd Un Ercgnrd to the u<eaml ocqupui 'und prnpcrty of tho Stnle h; Gm‘crn cult. and mfiort to I! as woul}; pvnspiahle‘ It is gent-rank thqmght Hm win‘ bo‘cuned. The “gm: tainl)’ not film: an ne‘pnf m} Union froling _is aéuir‘l having 3??le New York Tu'llm mihl or mmh-t‘ulr‘. i< lm-uli just now. ‘ Blood utrmms 'do in outnmots. ItJlisplfiy-x nhm slaughter. 'l‘he‘ 015-!ka nf [hi the (layunftbr- French 'l'lt-v'nlll haw lump mnrp mngultmrvfl ~. . l gurdlm: of law, ot‘Jllntlcn. I the Stntn of l’ajmeylvania 11min at tln- Man-Inna I.ogiulnl at Frctlcfick, mill (11-pm“: it of the lmynnnt. lmfnn- it huzl Mllmuntc the 'troasdn 91' em: than: are sm‘ornl wry {Hamil 'snch n prm‘mc‘ling.’ In tho‘ l voluntvvrs 'ot’ Pennsylvania 11' tax-ed into the servire ot‘thv 11l mont, and their mow-mental the directinm nf'thmFideral Penn-xylv'unin llMx‘lOllthn oft footsteps nfthe mminnish; 1 upon her; own amount upon lymg'ing‘lo the Union. In t] the Maryland ivglslulure ha: somble In the call of ”)e'GOV deliberate fiitliou‘t molvstntio sylijnnia has no right to ink upon the naked presummio: taten Henson to lbe’jngzrfiqg‘l We are not 59.558 to inaugu at “art'F'Pr-Efli four harden. ITI is I?th botwoen States, but on+ I General Government and’ .'thpse v 5 armed rebellion, Iguinsl it+ '11: Pennsylvania is mindful of or o’ as a member of the Union, 31d ' nn example of lawléasness will] 5 ting form all her Energies go ,' e law and mder.7PahiM¢P l'ntfmi L l WA Harrisburg paper staljen 4 that :1“. thirtegy appointments, foreig {mid omentir,‘ dred hd have een given tothe editors tnd‘g aches of “.6. c" the New York Tribune, not A Il‘ng e‘ an con- pllin, Wb nected, an editor or corresponfllen ‘h I volun- to ouch I. teered to fight. The men who tell: 1!: loudest - to n are not the men to fight." _ ‘ ‘ i 1113 ‘ The Tribunzieattempting’td k n "vintage Jig-Dies. ‘1 of the present excitement, and tn ‘t intb a» Bxghimfi crnrhde against the institutional of ills cry: It I country i cannot conceal the hope that Mir troo ore to men’s d‘ become 1 liberating-my, taut 11l thémegroes should ’ free. The Tribune, however, :11th ex lane FOIL‘JL’VIII-M: uh" xvi-0%. The Nine fife wit: tokin gem-sod," an e clty of undou, in South Arm-rice, under the petrian excitement; o thy present was a" eyed by e feetful ehrthqndke, and time, into carrying out Abolitionlipmipo-es- sonic El nr’rnovsmxu PEOPLE KILLED; T 1" ““13 lnwfnl-deeign 0" “‘9 ‘1"?! W'Mmin 'on the 2 hof Much. Sin Juhn‘wu nlw‘ré-I the Constitutional nnthority of thefireaernl, ported bel glutroyedd‘the lged of the river. Government—and this certainly dq'ee ‘Ol con:- :‘hnving béen “not! on it by fine tune euth prehend the power to interfereiwith the relp‘ queke. ’ g ..‘ ' i ’ tion of master end‘alnve. To stuttin Afii‘he Gov- i V W ‘ elrnment 11l clouernnd ell pa‘rtits join—end ’Bifiiéfimh;::'gi§'3nxzdgzg 301?“: i' .. , ‘1 t e Wifliflw so: I that éitygefter e lpng ind painful illness. Adwi-liu.—.Dull times are th‘ "é,“ besti §——-—§—'-0-——-- ‘4 for adqertisen'. YVhst little is goi 5 they‘ *H‘Tte Cqmminsionen of York: county get; while others are grumblin . tlley pay , .‘"" ‘lfi’DPfl‘ud 5‘01”" ‘9 “‘9 “P9O“ 0! their way, and with enewspape for} a' life- ; “gait!" 0’ “1:, t:ln;teer;.h J Cflité d \ reservermimo at wto‘ ensue eoo.on. ‘nen abile other: noun: .2 singing; thf, . rI» stands ‘6 t on‘the list of printel in the Home ,___._w fi“ ; ‘Gnerdo Frankfort. . . . 1 H‘John B. Myers, I pro ”merit men-3V. fi'T} Virginie luthonhel at Alenndnn chant Qf‘Philndelphig' Img dag-ed *0 raise hove ”lifted the ‘ republicenl' residing in thnt a huff million of dollar-r, to be to dared to “.1 vicinity of protection. ‘ ' ' sist in defrayi-ng the expense“; théwu.—’ fi'l‘here was '3 rumor at Hanover onl Creditnblenfor one indiv'lidueJ. i _' I runny}? that eregiment of troops, from u _Tfl”;‘f‘“‘—‘ 1 . “ Com th, ’ was to be uertered there. Tl“. .80 "I‘7 Guard ' F the name Of “i figfigsin, the gate asking for a. new military company forming finger"; loan of £200” the Juneau Bank. a Demo end 039 M. entire 1y of yP“ 3c n. 1“ erotic inhtitutton, ofi'ered‘to tnkethe whole. ‘5 qm strong 1‘“ 90““ Of mom _rslip, “‘l’ fime. Wilson. the“ fighting ex-Alder- Intakes I very creditable and so let-like npl' men na? New York, has rained a regiment penance. A I i_ i gcompoeéd ofthe “ roughs” oftlmt dty,-and= $3O efl'ortar are being npnied to render tendered their services tpthe government. Wuhirfgton impregnuble. Among other pre- . They "‘5 called the “ Union Zounves," and cludonuy measures which have recently been , taken, we undenmnd that the Arlington ”mu. "6 nowsencamped on Slaten I,”hmd' . bu been occupied by n detachmen‘ of Amati-l The Graph—The gram fields begin to can'troops, ud that the New York §orenth ‘ ”mtg; rich, green and beadtiful appeqr- Earmars been antiqued on the “.1811“ of I Inca. Throughout the Union; all mochnts g ' ‘ ‘ represefit the stub of the mops tofbe very promisihg. _ z A W'Fpe moot extensive wur movements m m on, North and South. g “ . . fi'Ono hundred thousaind field coat 83,000.000 per week, ‘York Nan: ’ . ‘ ; Preaidefm Lincoln bu culled afut ndgilfionnl troops—4%,o34fi'oluntms, to lenéo fill-ea yu'ri, unlru soéuer dink-flied: 22,714 ruling-d men into the i’egulu “my, and 18,000 wajmen. low Volunteers Wanted; The Pliesident has called upon Gov. Cur tin for 2‘ more regime-nt- from Potinsylu nib—to I? orgqniwdnqdoocoutred as speed ily u popsible. The Gavel-nor will fill this requisititén so fur is he can, from companies tint “1.03:?“ but were too latelfor the first all tint. our refused soldiers will have Anfi hei- opportunity to him up arms for the ‘ Sup Ind’Stn'pes." , . kiln. » Hinfitburg. May 1.-—T¥l’e‘sownd requisitin for‘u’oopl from this State win Lmisinte ‘menu f only ten requisiti- lan-it— tenl law ,r, Tenneu'eo'ind Hiltouri. ‘ ~ A ‘ _. , “PW?“ “mm“ 9““9”: '1 THE zouts‘vrs orgafiized, on Monday I/er?llStnteshavel-e?olvctlnot to’re: evening. ;. follyfis: l ._ ‘ ‘ ‘ 10f the President for "(+0?” Captain—Rev. C. L. K. Quinn-alt. ’ : vow rel-0n t 9 luppose they win a xszmeutemnz— P. Bn‘phor. ; ‘ g heutnl grgund, And urge 'with ‘ 2d “ Wm ' .J. Mun-uh. ‘ : 1 nice some policy of peace. withl “‘l-tSere'°anf-J°h" i‘mw ‘ . . .‘ . 2d “ Clmrlea Ziegler. ; "$113111; the seceded States of the A I“ Corporul—aQamuel‘ D. «Schmn char. 1 fi ' , ' V‘ : . !1} 2d ~ “ Robortlh‘. .\[t-Creury. : “kg Guthrie made 3 powerfifl‘ ~ Chaplain—Rev; S. W‘. Finueyfi' j g Wiviue, It ‘ tre'mcndous ; The organization is based ufinn strit-Uy fling. on the'lgtglin which he mend pyincililes—no,intoxicatiqn, no pli-o g‘ground hgainsta andoifing tile Whit.“ "0 impropriety‘of [my-kind being Ship“! but opposfd uhiting in a hllowed, on pennliy of instant e-X’plflsion. be (Bonfederate Stat -s‘ -A number ; The 00"!” ““mbcflm‘mm 351 mpmbel’fi, }pe‘ééhes were made‘nll advocating pnd ifi'mflde “Pf“ ”+0116“ YOU“; "10“- ‘policy. s‘! ¢ IMr. Stun”, thh sévgrul other; of tale Khntucky, Mi. (hi; Ténnpgece loflicersnlmve 11nd coandemble éxperi'ence Jaifd be ‘represe‘nFnd in the next Fll militiiry life. "V 0 ml‘dt‘rstan‘il that the ‘ lmfl their interen sull‘lie thereuwc jCompnny is intanded or home protection, e strong hopm thqt somo‘ medium .'but- it will doubtless come In ’in-rnlano‘m r "Eil,whichwill "We” theimponvi orghnizétion, and an. In mn- m thine tdwu. ‘ mater Inlfilligém-r. _ l @1111: Zouaves “”1 meet for drill this . ; ~--«O~ -- , 7- , ‘ .. ;e\‘eniug'nl6}o’clock. _ ‘ w < ' ‘ “““""" -? J E 1 onere to Notwi three po “ spend to um there in take: I m s poten a new 0 Union. 5 LE: ‘ ‘ speech Union n “10“ at I Stars An to issue QM {i panséd - {Tncil‘bf -. I mPney pru ’3 _a rem-'- nétjbn of . (1 recent war on t} rof otherq . V ' the my £3,532: W -' and Ma iylandfor; €ollng rgc‘finmi 51ml! m 1 magi gsm .K » m wm thenil-i g ‘ijécial 1211 nv, thal 1h" iunfi nctf at: ti lov'r win ' H'F: ' things f 0 of all yo vA lurgp at hqmo be msur MEM tee re rst as- pam ined o seek 11- al and O‘L‘m- M. 9 “km to—fnri ~11 ‘with WW" .r. 31:111." trmps‘u 1 Vm...1, 1301 mm: Ii Mourns: needs no {rennin n-ady'in S'ntm in “ml ever .f he sail ’ without ~ u-m-ml ‘ rinds‘of q: nlxltum‘ , ‘ ih o m mn mm NI A ' t.) ' “"SH ”1.0“ 1‘ n Stringlm 11l l't'r- to hlm-k ~ I. The Trvxov urse. . "$lll5. I > V n muml . _p -v r wry. will: ..1 . . . ‘"’"“'”" tin-d fur alumni IIIIID<K t} ‘filp rm- tukm n l ltnin‘in ”.00“ 0f 'ld t at June. o " "9 «411311;; fr l are rev hm...“ VT" I ‘ fr: I ELM (‘untrr I‘l-linlrly nut 1w 1 1w :1 rem unu’ oxi- Amun nm- that n dippnt Bmm trr Inr in) i Military Hlfl'l‘l'li- 1“]? (in); . v )rnvu ”El?“ tn riftm-h 1 ll rltws.— their WI" h g in-the ofthe C: -v 'ingwnr ‘ \The‘ 3! r.‘uue be: men! In“ e #lO. t place, sup. 9’ ‘J .l N" that nuke u l. omhlml l m lu-int‘ n to mn . va, «(£Oll5 to no}, the _yn'mus- ha 1311 MN tto as» Rollin: and to f—‘lidrrfl l,l’9nn-. mm will ' ' Mamba , ”/lni’frpm W ‘ Tmodi- ' offered out.— was for 1 gnorjlla mnfgfi’?!‘ ‘ '5 "Ot “ flna oath qen the took in (Hire in the_Disi of: __ foohngt ~ ‘2" of Balm Igntxoqs ter. nnt mt ' : is put-; A'm'f ; .stablish ndelphn ‘ ‘ :til’l yest their q- “while «IWVT-h—v— , . ; mph—A delegation from the Philni Nué'se Corps \uited upoq Gama Cur rdafi' morningwin order to} pcrfecJ ntof operations. We pnd‘erst'and'k ; eni‘ire éorps consists of fogr lum- Fl‘en‘. pnqny of thgmvbelonglk‘ng to thqi -I m or tbé ariptocracy. of HhilndelJ I‘EI wil Be apportionedvoffipro ml '5 gimenfi for tho purpose of: attend wie 556 k 0; wounded sgldimfs. The Af {Hose self-«emitting Florence 4 lead will live on the pages hr their : hiHoryu an illustration' Ar wo‘ amnion in (115 _hour of nfl‘l‘ictinn ['4 air sin-vices be required—Patio! «l: (too in the‘ lily-$1? New I Another Refinifitién. wreted‘, The total number of regi _ m this Shté in twenty-33x. {mlk‘jng E g§mmu called (or by thq se¢ond n. ~ -;’ Jérl, plant abundantly: of nll i . in n and stéck. Take good care 367 On qulny 0"“ Ir 5 ock—hogs, cattle, sheep, nice—e .rMiddlctown rnéscda ‘emnnd will exist this soawn, both ~thc t"'POfW‘lllCll ”18 Ll rm)“ ,nbroml, and the farmer may MP- {IF-NE" "3372”“; l tif're'm‘unqmting wipes”. Patri- 79"“;d ”19 P‘l'TiOti" d woll‘gu lnterest, will be nj»pe:xlctl' Phi“? *6" mu} W‘- is fan much A duty nml vm-ce.~si- Jticipaicd ill the 030": I idé Implé supplim of fmlrl fnrnu'r " tolput them in the fieldiz s‘lle m” x‘me in idlg excirv-mcntl. That stixhnlntion,’ fdr volunteers m-o now decc of the second nquiuitian, artlnird \ymlld be readily fillml npfiérept (liminqtibq of tho “rhy lnciqufln."—Patr£ot d" l'nion. ’ -——¢ .+—- —*——-‘ ‘ljroni Washing-ton; ’ Na 0", April 3H.-—-—Cnmmodnm 11 \Till he Commander of tlxa force {le he Southern ports. ' continue to Mriv» lL“ way nf‘An "(Leach arrival gin; nlu- w‘iti‘zons ce bf‘ protectijon. A. sflllrp of se ry hem prewilx. : ‘ f (weary of theft-921.4113 lmn (NIH-3;- pm Dos=|lB until the 31nh"in.~lun . a “glow amount nfit-rwl ho snnnt-l‘ pa? for‘nearly fourlec-n millionuxpf tln United Sqmeq. muh-xjulw AM 1866; nuthm‘izlng a loan. and prov r tljd‘redcmpvligln of the Tromury ry (imam-h repealed rumare, it is up 'r’gnim-cl that martinlkl‘nw will rmfiathncdhoré unlm" thoro shall )1: for i_t, which ccrlninly 4410:: not I } thkunfnumled rnpnrh tordny wm thefWar Depnqum-nt had torch-ml ‘ h ,stnting’tlmt' the (“um-define ‘ water's: concont'ruting in Virginia nhx‘rdiute‘ruid on \\'a~hingmn.—-| moinmnvc no fem-w (m that «hi-TL! rnfiont'is sedubudy :m'd prm'an ing§fpr the equipmn'm :md mmhu-tl olulyteers now here. m lm-ptily loft; iouiluxuploymelms fur theflefense Sim . . ‘ ‘ , i: . lwuigence of p marked inn-mun nflitil’s in Maryland. in a gwuceful pal-is general gratification, -—l°- ~~~o9ooo‘ v—- -~' , . rrqmct— 77%: N. Y Sgk-n‘AqTrgfmfii. ”k; ’A PF“ 39-1-4511» land: _arrirnl "INQTG—hipbttfi the city qua”.— - of”, the N. Y. Sowmh Ik-ginmnt‘ uhi‘pgmn say when the regiment ta services to the Govermnnnt. it, re chcnce of thinCapjml, in“! not. e.i ; a war a niust any .snm m ‘l iflpmemborsiul refused. to take on ”aching \Vanhington : Ithe rl-st 'I (findition not to h:- pailed out 09' ivt ;of Columbia. They say the: (le2 regiment to'wnrd the‘ people; 1' oreq is of the most friendly charac- goral,Mtemo. 53‘0st INC—The unammnablr occur rénce'of now in May was rculixed lure 1;” week, Snow commenced falling on Frmly evening, shd continued umil nearly noon ‘on Sunni-y. THSV‘DK "'PNLV. it acquired ‘no considenble depth. In the South ‘Moynlnln. it was chm Inches deep. Many gear: Ago it snow tel! on “113' «h of Muy, 'l." the "F" trees were in blossom, as gt this tinge.‘ 'An ex. ctllent crop of fruit mu lfien gathered, and 'we trust {or the snme good fprtune this year. ‘ ' =I f flit. géntleman at Yérk. on Thurtlday, in. formed u “an be had it}; from a high quarter in Washington, that sevqu regiments of troi [)5 would shortly b 6 encnmgieg a: Gab-slang}— Such a more wohld mnke:our tong ,lirély, and bring more money into lii As Chgmbersbu'iz, York, Lancaster and Hnirriaburg,“ are having ! xich hnn‘uu jlés‘ namvww may um our equali } I; deal-rink town he quu‘i-ed too ’2: _ a ring. the}ci£i;ens pf (2110 feet langunpnfi ' rty (‘upfi-ns plimed. Rand Dr. Mriu di ‘nrts of “‘l.“ citizens. . DL 341:1, 11%. par ' on, 7 ‘ ‘ M W'The Slnrs‘nnd 8:1 in all the towns of tl Yam-y is not hchindmm henutifnl hivktiry fur. Na "ya-The fund fur the of the Volunteers from I‘ 'uL-out. $5,000. < 3 ga-‘The Lndios: of 1 Sleihodist [5. Church Lhi to organize a Union Itcli 36?" Theft-hung}: ed( days." sags, a rutempo (‘l)(‘t'm'orlq cull {he was and kcoppnrfcndc-rs mi doings ah pondib‘lc. 'No: the pagers. ‘ , .-HN‘“ _.._,..__ ___ [Q'The next (Orinhpn'vs. Court for Nib. county will be held ugliMongluy, ghc 27th of May inst. ‘ I :1 . ‘ _ £Blll9 nnnunl (flak-tion fnr ‘ofl‘wnrfi M the Hanover Brunch Riflilruadehpnny wifl be held, in Umt grace, bu Monda‘i, the 13%)) of May instant. l I 7 1 v ‘B‘ The Hunnvor .' vim: Fun'rl .'Qgciedy hm declared a (“mu-n+l ofifivb pay cent. filtr ‘ the Inst ‘ix months. ‘ l ‘ ‘ i WMnllnt‘T‘M-inelr "czmctcry. at I.ittl,e§- town. will bé)d('di4‘flt4dy on, \VhH-llnndaf: nt 10 o’clock. A. 'M. fleligiull‘ cfrvm‘onies by Revs. llenry, (flower, Ebg-riy,‘ and Stg-von-oon. ' . ‘ 'l' i ‘ ‘ [lo/r] 7)a(my¢d.—-(ms ”Milt—i; blflifli wqa lu’mlly llt‘run'nytul(hy’ll fire on Sunday {nigh}. Tllejnmntt-s of' the Illufl‘dging‘wcrc cuinycll'pd, ‘- lonp tromglmifindfiws‘t‘b anu- llwirl lived. and nfilgfifivcr lultlht-ir clutblaiz rlmd other prom-i -ty., We h-arn um col. 'i‘odd 11nd mm! ihuq d'rcd dollars’in money distmyed. , ‘ ‘ ' _ ... -_ .... -—~- «0 x ‘ —-—-r _ ”Judge Bundmfliljiimnre, i; (I‘eVerlfiined ‘thnf lhg persons engaged in til? ":oan riotunu proceedings in thqt cilyl shall‘ be b‘rougl‘at‘ l‘lo jusfic’e. In his (minim?!) thr Grand Jury ‘o‘n Thursdnv but he said: 1 ' “ Your inves‘tigxn‘on it not (0 he c'pnflned to the orcnaqem-u u! tlmtldny alt-mu; You wiu inquim whethe‘r thL-ré'wns pr'canm'cgt n‘mKr pru p‘wutipn. 9nd ‘by whunm Yufi are Jmund t 9, pron-n 1 yum:- who killed in the déslérnrlipn of the rujhdfid. prevented tam safe march of the troops, nnd mad-49d i’n Hum-din): yllc‘gr pasfngg. At the name flmc, it in your dujy <lO iqquim wlrotncr any of our own ‘ritizer‘s‘werjc. whluiul. justification nr proglocgliun, lirgd upon bi thje lroopa.und~l§illcd.”§ ' ‘ —x - . :x— {r a.»—————— r" SI. Imu'l, Mry' LLTbc elcflipn held furni day in Marion county, Io till afiilcnnt-y in ”KL Legislature, rc'tullßd In the triumph 0}? HM: L'ninp candidate over Then. L. Anderson, hccrs‘sionp i? and formerly a member oflhe I". S. (Inui g on, lny 146 mnjm'ny. . G. M. I). .\lnugh, set fl-ssioniah was elected in Jackson nuuuly, lb fill n vacancy. ‘ ‘- . ' ‘ ‘ =M:=ll ; fifSennwr Hunter, Wm. C. Kin-a. was. Prcnon undv valgcu Cnmden rand ißracken 'hmuglg hue beenv appointed by the‘Virginia. : Convepdon u dglcg‘nle: m the Southern Coni . pen —--O'q"‘———-. - .._ —-——-‘- fi'l'he Hon. David Walker, President of the Arkamaa 'COnventioh. hm, in seem-d -ance 3with the provision m‘mlezlxy the Con vention, issued a call requiring that body to re-memble on the 6th of May, - I r f“ The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood," was said by inspiratipn long before Harvey’s discovery of‘ its circulation lush brought to lightits purposes and uses.— Now we know not’only that. " life is in the bloml," but that disease inhabits it also.— . Many of the disorders the hu " nun fume, have their home in it, thrive [and grow in it. The celebrated Dr. J. C. "Ayer, of Lowell, his had regard to this im rpertdnt fact in rnaking s Remedy to 'cu'ie ‘ these disorders. His Eximct p'fSuuapdrilla ipurge» out the impurities of the blood ‘snd induces a. healthy action in it that eipcls disease. This lookgs' remionahle, and it is i true, form: know by' our own experience. , Seldom as we take any medicine, we have . nevertheless several tiiiles been umler obli -1 gnfione toLhe skill of Dr. Ayer for the relief firhich his remedies never fsil to afford us when we are obliged to have recourse to ‘ them.— Chllmlic. Haliqu,‘l\7. s.‘ ; fiMany mfi‘er, rather than (the nause ° ous medicines. All such who suffer from ' coughs, nn'd colds, irritation of the bronchinl ‘rtubes, and tendency to consumption, have ‘lin Dr. Winn-’3 Balsam of ‘Wild Cherry, 1: ;Iremedy as tgreeable to the palate in efl‘eo- Mun] in removing disease. ‘ S’There's ryile counterfeit‘of this Bd snm, therefore be sure and buy pnly that prepare/d by S. W. Earn & 00,, M, which bu the mean-imam o; I. Bum onthooutddomqw- .1- ‘ j CAMP scone-Human ROLL or THE [SDEPENDENT BLUES.-—We visit ed "Camp Scott," st York, on Thursday, where about 0.000 troop! were ('an— liale, hardy looking men. who have made rapid progress in marching and drilling.— We found the “ Independent. Blues," of thin place. in comfortable marten, with plenty of the best quality of provisions— beof. bread, beans. M. The oflleern 3nd men Lycra in good spirits. and expreued then’melvea ready for any emergency. They had not yet received unifomg- or sum-[but were promised them from any to day; We hape that by'thin time they are fully equip ped. They were frequently out on parade. bill: gremly mined the vent of Irma tom-ill. Heavy blnnketa hand underclolhing had been furnished them. and atrium par eelled out in reemne‘ble’ quantitien. Tho Company is among' the hell. on the ground, and will not fail to acquire a good name in any position—in camp or‘fiohl. We have made arrangements to be lfimlnrly adviml of affairs at GnmpScott, or nnylother point. to which the Company my be called. All that may transpire of interest connected with it .will be regularly given (0 our road ,ers. The following is the mlmfer I'oll oftho. Independent Blues: _ Captain—C. 11. Buehler, fleilyuburge lat Limit—E. G. Fulmestock, “ ‘2d “ John (‘ulp. “ “ . . lst'Scrgenm-Jm-ul) \Y. (fmaf Strulnn. 2d, “J, J. ’l‘. Mollhonyy, Gettysburg. 3rd ‘f / Theo. CC Norris. Sunburn) 4th ‘“_ Jame»! 'Adnir. (lottyuburg. lst Corporal—Adam Ikr-rwnlJL, “ 2d “ \l'. E. Culp. ‘.‘ , 3rd “ Jerome Martin. “ km. “ Jacob Grove. .\thmimter. Quarter Mentor—P. J. Tate, Geuynlmrg. ‘ Drgmmei-—Wm. “I'. Little, “ rmurzs. . Andi’nw Sr-hick, Wm. Gninn. ‘l'l‘lnuldeus “'arren, Henry "light-n. , Nicholas-I J. leori, jr., Jame}! A. bushel}, '4 Dr. 'l'. T."l'nte. ‘ Chm-10,5 R. linslmy, ‘Jnhn "film-ads. lh-nry ('hritznmn. J. Louis Mc-Clulluu. .Inlnn‘wn 'H. ."kaply, _ Jacob K‘itzmillvr, , (it-o. W. Myers. v llvnry J. Fry, _ Jn'hn Sheath; .\dam lLl'lirllinpor. DwWitt Clinton umber, E! in Slwmls’. ,ir., ‘ Snlmu-l Gem-pa. ‘ .\lnxximlt-r J. 'l'nte, ‘ W’iUium Pifirvn. _Mnxwoll J. ('nhlt‘. U-r‘m' l). Ml'Millxm, I~mw N. Mcjz‘lmm. ‘ A Smmml Vggj’ulf-Mont, . 'l‘hnddmwfir. Wally, John G./Fr_y.‘,jr., \Villimn “'ilsqn. ' Frank D. Imphorn.‘ Ihinrfnn M. C. Littlng Wm. M. C. Mq-(hnwghl. Mitt-r \\'urrnn.a C » flc-nrur- A. Warm-r, ‘ . WVillunn‘“'ie;.'uullt. . " " l (imn'go Quinn. . Cuunbvrhfiid tp. (Emu-go Aronlh. ‘ . ” John .\rmult, sh. * ‘ John Aromlt. jr... ‘ , .Tncobh‘M. .\hllm“, (‘lmrlrn .\I. Hullngher, Edward “WHY. » ‘ Lmnglo't‘l-W. ,Wvlsh, ~ Francis X. Grv'flvus, .‘ Henry A. Nnylnr. ‘ Augfistui .\..Wolnh, 1 “ Dr. A'. ”4500",. . Fail-fink! \'un Burch 'l‘uwncy, ;' David Ilvtwluun, . ‘f‘ Jolili W. Miller, , “ Jade”): Suylnr, " ‘ ‘ “‘1 'Ht-nry Turin. “ Wuuhingtnn M iunn. Ninth-ravine. ‘ I), Sham”; M<mighh “ . Clm-vncn M. "“mnf», 1' Middlotuwn. lpos nnve 13cm“ gunpp mummy. 1 I‘lu’rlmnm. In; planted u. ml) and pu‘rpnse. ‘1 V upfwrt uf the fiunflirs is county umrjunla lo wu will met-Fin the evening, a} b o'dmik f Socicty. ? ts néwulmfirrs i‘n llxc‘se 'nry.‘ It shin” he "Pr ‘ rrlinhle it‘flelligcnqez " fully pmte-d on wilt E i} the lining to “if“ Juno-x 11. “’nlter,’ ,‘fi “'11:. Rum- ', ‘ : ‘ ‘l . Lukv B. l‘ ‘er‘. ‘ Il'oidh-rnlmrg. ' ,Frmleric SQ-igvr, ‘ Uxfurd. * - llnwnrtl M. Hitlingor, M-bu‘t'gfigwp. ’ “Uh-um V. I‘luc-T‘Gur‘, < ffi‘fuum ll»: The (‘fimpn‘ny ln‘al bet-Ii placed ii’the Serum! Regi'gnentfit‘ol. Smmlmugll. Thoie‘ lilhil‘lxi to 35nd letf‘ers to their friend. wl" dirovt-Unm —-— ———., (‘guumnx R, 2d ltcu. l‘um'iQ "01., Cnpf. Buehler. ‘ ‘ I . ANOTHER .\IHJTMH’ (.‘sflll'.\.\‘Y.—We nu. ‘ dcrsmnd film: il,iu probtvqed m Mménlu moo ‘ that I'nlnhjry (‘omlmny he‘ré this werk. Shit!) ‘ ritizen‘dVhfiy'cj-nrnllexi Iht‘mwhn u Ina-m In; ' que i}: a chance for than: young mum in virlc bug parts of the aonnty who were dinppqinifli ilrn\oi gating into‘ the Billet. Ml u'is'hinz to jbin are rcquntedila "mi their fllmf! to SM. . Scott: It is intended to organs the Comp-n)! ‘6! Sutuyrdll’; next, It 2 o'clog-k, It the Court. hauge., We expecfi :0 he" of the prompt com- ‘ pletionvof the nu. ‘ The dumber in limited rm, levcnty-ncv‘en. ¥ 1 Q ~ , Gov. Dennison, of Ohio. Iqu incurred the comure of the people of hi: Sate; - 0n the 9 '23d instant, he wrote to the Mayor of (‘in- ‘ - cinnnt‘i that it was inrxpedient to Mirna - arms or ,provit-ionn, consigned to Kentucky, for the reasons that that. State had not yet: ‘ ‘ acceded, and that the confiscation of good: ‘ 'Jniuht inaugurate hoetilitieu. ‘ V ‘ 0n the 25th imt., a. deputation from Louisyille arrived at Cincinnati, to confer with the authorities in reference to the Chip‘ 1 men‘t of produce from Cincinnati to Southern ports. and to deliberate on the policy to be pursued by Kentucky and Ohio in the profient crisis. Mayor ('rnwt‘ord headed the. ' Louisville delegation. The ('incinnnti lu thoritim-t were reproacntc'd by Mayor Hatch. The Kcntnckiam made patriotic speeches, - and Mayor llntch added to tlieindelight l 3". [producing his letter from Gov. Dennison. On Friday morning. the Cincinnnti paper! ’ ~puhli<hed full account: of this internew. with the Governor’s letter. Instantly theta was a storm. On the evening of the {and dnv an immense mot-ting of citizen! WIN held at the Catholic institute um, m! u l rions addresses made. “ 3" i Gov. Dennison’s letter WM dcnouncedd 4 and a committee of citizens was nppointo‘fi to wait u n the Mayor, and urge; mi sion of dfihitrments ofnrmr and pro " until further informntion in re rdth'ereto is received from the Nationlf‘nnd State Governments; and another committee of ten (of which Captain (‘O2 is chairman) 1m!~ appointed to proceed to i’olumbns inmedi- It ately. and respectfully, but firmly regueot ‘ Gov. Dennison to re—consider the term! 0? his letter to Mayor llatclmmd to take men. 3 euros for the prevention of nnv further shipo “1.9““; southwardiy of all articles contraband 0 war. # . . The Cincinmti papers state that seven! i . boxes of arm, consigned to Kentucky. . have been opened in that city by order of 4 the Common Council, and are now held subject to the orders of the Government. ' QT)“; Euro enn T imes ex q M hope that “ file rgpresentatives of Enghnd «5 ‘ and France at Washington have been in _\ strueted by their respective Government}, to tender their aid as mediitom? ‘ " . ‘ cans would gladly receive from my :_ , if“! n_ solution 0 their Tire pond“! “MK;!S but it {A not likely toyue m {r ”3%;“ admit their (“)ny ting-re}: to .. _ Gettysburg Tart( swing,: Suntan 'tp. Wm. P."\\u-ik.-‘rt, JmnM W-. Fa ml )louxitjoy {p wm'uun E. Bak'ni'. Glut Excitement in Ohio. I=o UMS