The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 29, 1861, Image 4

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, flvgxt-ifitmmtg,
momssgzaim mm,
p a. I. 4'. Hen-on; $
'r'ronxm'no crn'xsELLun AT LAW.
A ——Ufl‘m: :‘ | Bulumjnre strccl, nearly oppo~
the Fnhnestoga Brut! '
g Gettysburg, (kg. 1
' { _.L—JL—
1 ' 3. Cr
--tiou :n'd,‘ «All at
n junrq’with firn’mptm
.ém‘u ofthe Diamond.
"Wm. B.:McClé{lnn: Esq.
1‘ Qulygbnrg. A_prll 11,
Mm; 3.r 1..
'dle “reel, bnei d
can "one. ‘ g.
‘ Getylhurg. Sow. N,
.‘ J.
noaanh' '
A to Collection:
ltruslcd cq blimJX—l
'nud Dunnért ZigKl
:Gultysburg, nl, 1
_...-. “_.. 1.“.
Wm._ _
.TTORNBQ' KT LUV—Office in the North
. wen earner ancuu-e Sqinre, Gettysburg,
A} 1- 5 X ‘ ‘ [uh-z. 3,1859. 1!
I. \ , ,L7~A~ A 4, 7, _- 7 ,_ __L._
g - /,
g Edward
1’ ITORXEY {Air L.\
(A: promptly littrud t
_w unnALthks ‘th
1W»); the “qu- plug-j
Facet, 'nmr FoKnéy's d
bppoaile Dunner-k '
{ : 3enysbhrg, March 20
I ——->l- _. _ 4 1,. , .
} ‘ A J). McCo
b 119 mm" AT LA
‘ of lllleltlerfu drug
_ mrsbu'g slreotp Arron
'ATIN‘I’H Ain szms
"n'nu, Bunk-pay su'apqx
it?!“ claims uguinnL‘_lh
f ngtun’, l). C.; ulLoAmcr
and Wnrmnthocale‘d
figheu prices vun: .
tinting wan-nut in lo
Iweftcrn Stat”. WA
[oflby letter. 6
I ,Qeflysburg, . ft?!“
f \ ,7. La ence
,- AS his Qfli e 9ne
4, dour Kevan unhe
I .u nernn' church in
‘lmmbcrshu k'lrcet. a
'uloré, whereifilfsc wish
ppgfini‘pn par! ,rmcd nr
MIL: Rnnzjmtls: Dr]
'nhilh,. l). D , hum" “.I.‘
I'ruf. 51. Jacob . Prof. M‘
‘ flgnysburg, pm“),
..7:.;.__. -___ , l _-.”
‘ ‘
2 A ams !
‘ UTUAL PI 18 mm
1 orpqrnfited Mun
‘1 a ‘; 095 nm
: aregx'dr l—Gc rgc': wr
é {1:11:15 [‘r Klimt-:5. k. H
:Sarrflury—D. A. Buehl:
‘ Trewurcr—Du/t'id )I’Ur
J Jinan/wt Gum pun—(RC
Ejug, .\ndfew l cinuiclm‘
Mumfiqrgfi-Ge )rgc Swa
‘cqb Kinng. H nulzvlun
A. Marsha", S. "nh‘finstu
57m. B.9\_Vilflon,i.\l.}lmln-l
John Wolfordhll.‘.—\. I‘ig
John Homer, “6 ugh-Cl
W'Crenry, .\udnw Poll
‘llcnh. . , f
! ae'fl‘his Coinpnny ' lim‘ited in its opcr
Wyn» to the county 01A ,xmu It [ms been in
{it‘lccesafulx Operation 0 more than six 32an
land in charmer??? l 1 [mid nlUmuu uhd n;
{pennawithoulupyam .vI "LhM‘ingnlw 2| lnrgw
[Burplusl cupgmlfin tic rcumry. Thb Com
Lpany employs #0 Axon 53—3” b ' cs: boinl
idonc by the Muhngors, \ 2: are mfllfly ohwt
Ee‘tkbyxlw stochlulderi‘ 'Any person desiring
11m quumnce mu app! lo npy of the nbuw
gunner: Minna“: for fur ler information: 1
£— fi‘The’H 'clftive l; Ixsyniftee men's bl th
13569 of the 83mm“ 6 the lust \Vcdresda
. )
an every month; 9.”, I . I.
; _Sept.27, 185$. _' 1 I
~“V _ I
‘——’Pbe‘ _un ”sBka
his friends “.“4 the p b
lhe-Coavhmmkihk :ugtl .1;
in every brunch Mi his e l
..h'e;sburg streq’i. 'lHe h
_nnfifqoturg Wordérall:
éhe’ be'st‘nfiaicrinl, and m:
men.‘ Q‘quuusu -~
:11 kinds done‘ in, Teuso
had to the satisfaction
. Gods-rm: Paupuc‘g up
Work M markqt prices. ‘
i flPerso‘u‘sld‘esiring rticles orworkiri Lhe
.Conchmnkin‘g or Black withing lino; gre e
;pgrtiully iuuted 19 ml on ' ' K
i 1‘ , Jun; J.. lIOLTZWORTHL
Gettysfiurg. Jig-. 2." '9. " ‘ 3
‘._;_.‘_L._._..... L_:_ ,'__....~.-._.+_
ble Yar Reqmved. ‘; ‘
, subscriber hm‘in removed his placq‘ of
Business {0 East Y rk street, a slmrt din
tnnce below St}. James’ (1 urfh, woul-i punounce
; a? “if public tihat he is fill prepared to fnru‘ith
‘ l inds 0! work in ha line, such as .\lnnu
:lmen'ta, Headstones, kl, &c., of every'vdriéty of
Jstyle and finish, with nd without .bascs and
go: kegs, to suii purghnse mud at prices to Jsuit
the @353. Personldeui ing anything in his line
‘wrll find it a Qecided nd utaga tn éxnminei his
neck md prices before purchasing elsewherb.
“ . g , L- )\’_\l. u. guaus. .
Gettysburg,j)lnr‘chl2l, 1859. ‘-
—+.l i
ROSES.” Al rich and elegant colorlfm;
fireflchrek; or lips.“ 11‘ \VILL‘SOT wusn you
Rl7B Ul-F, and when on_ce ‘ppli’ied, remains
durable for ycnrfi.‘ The tintCrS-so rich nnd‘jna;
l'lmll that the elm-Psi; acrulinyfails to detect in
use. Cauhe rowdy-i 1 hy lemon ‘ jhice and will
not. injure the skin. ‘This‘is ujhcwfiirepnrxiion,
used by lilk‘ celebrfiuéd Court. llieu 'iiei of [ion
don and Paris. Mailed free, in lLamas, irith
directions for u'de.‘for SI 00. 5E y I.
HUNT'S .. {.‘oumwolmfirownfing “im—
parts a dialing “thinness 1d the fron‘iplc'ximi,
and is nulikv, nylliing else iiSLfl for this pur
pose. .\lniled frecgor s') ('enfis.‘ ,
NEXT-'5 "Blil'l Sll B.\L\Jr,"l‘_romnves 1m",
freckles. sunburn Jud all crnplions of the skin.
.\I-‘nlvd free for fifllgmusn ‘] E i
‘ HUNT'S “ HIP HAL POMAD " for Ithe
0 YOU WANT WHISKERS? hair 'istrcnglfiens ‘nnd imprpves figs grod'th.
.‘no You um “jursrqms? keeKs‘iz {ram [ailing as: an? is: warranted re
p YOI‘.Y WANT AM ISTACHE! In" rm: mm crnn. .\lnile free forSl QD. '
I B'L'L L [3» a [l43l‘s 1 l tcéih and gums, clearisos and Whiteps theteeth,
- ‘ i can: “fin 9 i imrdens the gums, purifies thé bremlh efiecgnal-
Stimulating Onguent’ , gly: Pnnsziizls‘sdrg‘gérfiirglszi; rnsvssrs room
, FOR ““3 Wll5 Ens AND HI‘IR- ’ i‘Li‘li;\"l‘"S “BRIIHL ivm' ITH é’Erzrm“ ~.
I l g‘he subscribers takelplensure in announcing. a douhie extract (it: ornngehblossnms gnéjf‘fy
- idfibacitizeaflp of the United 51am, that they lo rue. \lniiled free lbr' S 1 00 This sir nihile
“9 obtgine , the Agency fotfi and “’9 now eu- po‘rfumc‘wns first F“ d b ' tbgt; Princess Ilaw-ll
; _nbled tdgefl'er'm the American public, the abové 0? E” lanf'on her gird e“ Messrs “mu” '5;
,\ justly ce bm’led and world-reuownfid articles? 00 EelsDied‘The l‘rincegs‘: within; ele Jnnt
ff . . THE STIMUL‘ATIiG oxuu in l _ Inge {lf Famine,» (in whic‘fi a” an,” “IE0"
;!v.".P‘-°P”'m_d,hy D" 0' 1:." aura-(mm, an em" ; articles werq included) in handsome gut glass
£i?:Bphiil:l:i?izli :glggniu‘i L 5 ““s“qu to‘ withhgoid stoppexg,_ml:ed 11:5.1500; particulars
‘ " 'sguisxans o‘A MUSTACHE - l“in’ffflé’iifmii'aifeifi3ll3.3”?‘9; ”am
'in frgtg h‘reclto six we ks. This article is the. fig, 55 00. Cash can em," “a"; “'11; the,
if” one °§ thelnnd “518 d hf “‘73 French. and in‘ order or be paid to 1h! express :1 art on ‘de
ondon and Paris it is in ugliversnl “83- ilivcry’ of woods. HL‘VT a; 00- ;
'lti; uwut'gful, edcqnomicnl, soothing, yet; ° _ 777.3%ers £0 thf’Qneéfi
ltimua ' 1:0 poun .'act'm -s.s if tn‘ Xi ic? ‘ - '* ' ‘
Miro]: the roots causing a. Hegnsii‘ul grgwjhgofl Reg:s§;.,%:pdon, and H tsunami} 5“" Phil.”
luxrlriant hair. 1:1 “Wu”: ”I?” ““93“ I‘m: For Sal; bv all brnggists had Pérfumers ‘
‘cure BALDHIBBL n cuu eo 5 a lin ace .- ~ . r -.. I
I. if: the bald stack a fine grows) :fgnegv high—li _WEPEIW w
pplied nccdngiug to irectlons. it will turn ' u Gettysburg 7 .5
» fun or tony h r man nd restore ray hair to! ' _ . , '
f its original «for. lezwiig it. soft,‘sgmooth and TEA“ LIME MILL' 00}!ng v“? WEST
. ~ - . . . n - . - M AND RAILROAD STRELTS Mum THE
flexiblg. “W" (Imus r is an indispensable, . T , - Th b. - < h 1
1‘ hauls-~15 we?! gentlelmnn's toilet,and‘afzerll‘o”“me [ eéu§inben nruiglertentthe
_- ‘oue week‘s use they would no: for any cons'x'dy} Steam M!“ “n r. ' "Borg?“- ‘P ""5 P cf:
‘ _sr'sfion b 3 without it. i! , i ,has had it tharoughlyfrepa. d, If, plsci in
$1.19 Fflbscribets Me he only Agents for-the:l “ the necessaryur?achinexry f‘l“.- ggin‘ding L c.
chin the'l’nitedsSt tes, to whom All drderrs inane. The ml 5 now n Opera ”A 9nd 1‘ am
, ”bust be addressed. l p j . ready to supply any: dcmapd forum}: nsleful
. i l . lrmuizer. GROUVD List "31an is now
K Price One Dollar 3' box—for sale » _sll: -d d b h . h _ ‘od .
3 Dmsgiatlwd Dealers: 9r a box of the “§{lgn-" “0"3‘; if t yF‘ 3?]. wnfh “E 3”“ .‘“ to b?“
1‘ “on!" (surf-hind}? hive the desired fi‘cé‘s) ”nu" aat e; her Ith er ahluurat” mm' or in
, yfllbs seams” wholdesimitwy'mil oil—id?“ “Y ° at 6,31 “Fifi“. 8” ufimmlf “Pr
my) occurs]; packed, n receipt of price and' plied-to 1“ ' e.O omng Certificste from
PM”, $1 18. Apply?!» or address ‘ Mr. Drum}? ““152: farmer, Ayn-d highly re
‘_ ~ HORACE L. serum “10., ”“9“” “W.“ ° .’““ W“?! “n ""5‘
, ._. » Dfiuuiisrs ‘tc., the truth of _this asserusn: ‘ ' ~
. _{a Williqm 5&0”, Xe," York. a“! bun heen trying Allie Ground Lime
“ 7th.“, 1861. Sun ,_ ' ~i, p stone 2 on mylaud for the. int {our ‘yohrs and
. ' 1 i _. :- ,find it. so he s pens: fertilizer than theßnrnt
, 1,; V _ nmrerqoeries' M ‘ije, Ind csnru. It has given Eatisl'nrtlon
AA.4I u . . 77
”V 3 constantly “Mud: FLOUR. ‘30?" i xnézfinigucsligflier ceflificagfsffikfifighm
Bfuekwhent “$lllB- Homx‘nony, So’p ‘ coizld hr reduced but thisis sufiicient - r
' - 91’?“ Fruit, “ad PiCkEIBi SUCH-3%: W ”Fighters nil. re nested to send in thei
.110 F 533; 36?, E3105}, ““3: Holt-3;“, (in: I orders and to give. ithirinl. A_ . r
.c , :_ «Mfg or}, ever es: in ' . . ' ;*
{mama Eng?!“ _Gheesghsnd {Yeti other i :w
_gnjcle‘usqnlly keyi- us I Fldar :nd Grocery OUNG Mauls Spring styled drum and
£59" (Indus «IL; WM'. GILLESPIIi; KY Gaps 2011 c; gent. four shun usud pricu
. . gytflyu‘r’ Dec 3! guns ~99. ‘. ‘ _..! '- ‘- , R. ‘F. XcXLm‘f’fl.
Tyson Brothers, ‘
ROPRIETORS or the-“ 0518101? SKY
lake pleasure in announcing to me; public tlmx
they hive removed tothcier' up Exnsnm
Sly-mum- (hunt. located 9n the _South aide
of York street, opposite the Bnnkhud qnc dqox
below their old “and. x L -
The building hu been erected and»? thy" £11193} c 122“: 5: 3):“:2:
immediltn supervision. Ind neither-p .ln; 1"! 6 “0d“ :louldpbeguvi-rtetl b'f
expeme has been sptred in rentermg ghpn‘nntinul ‘ uac‘of the right
npurtmeuti both comfortable and convcflmx'r- remedv) Tnk’é )Ti'sf’lllt
All the modern improwmpnu ha" ‘l '95 Ed d and dam” (lune dis”-
to‘ the working depnrunentho tht' they nw'v llcred humors—pul'if\ .Ll-ré’
”93"“ every “cm" I" ‘hgp'odr‘ltctx'°' ““3!“ ’ blood, And in the il’uids
clnsa’ ictnru. _ ‘ l . . » .
Thepfirst prg-minm was “nailed them by the moslfhznuiuflfimlyjfiilt
Men llll'n Azricxtltnralrl Fair for the, . 0“ A 595“? lute “‘s' functions of ‘3‘
WW; and Photo rupls. ' ‘ .L] . 3 ‘. . ..1 . .-
'Jmctur'ewl aii‘me Various styles, (including bvodlh'r’ii: 5151;233:1134:
Stereoscopio,) made us heretoforq; all ‘wnrkt‘iel “helm” which m 1
executed in the heat mnnncr.lnd Kw‘rlffldf‘tillo Emilia: game“ bare in the
E‘vcjntires-tisfnction,.They-liolxglthelrf tent; 'in nnthml functions. These 1
and the public will remgmhcr. “Wu/2‘: Evil. 'rcncu 11pm: themselves and me’su
pictur'es taken. that, tie ExcelslQr -.V lid ms produciu" general nugriwntl
Gallery in nem- them; ind that picture: 13“ e :Knd [lnsane «11:12 in ”I“ coudih
there are alwnva equal and Ofldq.#lll)? ‘t’dto :Ide the Jérnnvrémenu, Luke Aye
thus: made in large»citles.\lu non-natal) e‘ 0 {we h‘ow diresflynihet' restore me
they insist upon a. salt: when theylflul to p edf’e. ofthe “stem nnllzvtith it the bu
; The "Excelsior" islulwaysfre‘citlo the P m IC, .of hmllll 'ngzli‘nl What is true an
nnd'every one is condmlln mntcgl to p V‘Lt a 9 in thlis tl‘lVinl/flndicommon com
«visit. when they will hin'e nn opportgn !) 'lO . true in‘nmuv’ol‘ the deep—:entod n
‘ deCidn of the juntaess" (If "‘l’ pntrgunge'l dim ‘distc'mrcn.’ Thu ”mu purgdlfl’
,Qrenging reputatiun'whlcy n “HF ' ‘ff vtliem. (,‘Auscd hvlsimilnr o‘):tru
‘ WL’VH‘” 'im "’"1, e‘ "F" u""‘.'c.nllm .0310: ”mm-merits of th natural t‘un
lthe mmugement of lllt’ll‘ tulltt. ‘u H ihnd: they are mph", and mnnj:
" tum 0' ”My. ‘ 91159133?- 1: n 3' llv. (:u'red by the Sims: means. X
l ' PHIQZOQRA ~{r If ”he \irtués of thefié l’illn, wall neg
fligsE—«L———-Jr§~"l—“ hm!“ tt'hgu sufl'L-rhig from the d
‘ - " r ‘l - -ure.
. Dr. Esgnweln ~ 7l L Statements from leading physi
..\R AND “:00“ .\AI’TU.‘ ‘. I, ‘ 0,21, l‘of the ]ll'ln.l3i{ll|l éltlt's, Valid: fr”
g 1: ’ . .i 1 LET 'I; ' kuown public persons. ,
ll athe heat Medicine In tthl e o t From .’onvdm‘ Mann-m of St [M
L; 1 cow}: undJTMfi;.i;.. MJ. .-~-~-;:“ ‘ m. .m«,-i~‘:‘“:‘&,~.u'-ll"’ ‘rgwc
‘Asthmn.fii:llcgllty m Bronttnug, F that is firm: in mtdicinu. ‘ They
-' - I’alpimg?lLlof{if-”ear" ngr little daughter inf ultimo"; 50
h I I"! I?“ ' - * c lizln-ls'a'm‘l feet thn haul {med i
and for the rclitlf of tlbntlenga m the ndvanyea'wn”. “H “16er has lbw“ 10
“we“ of ‘ i ~ . ‘l - " .'(‘l‘enl with blutc’hes and~ Jim'JlC
Cmuumprinn,”o2‘B“th wuh “I :.l)lsflfl€fl‘°f}:gil: in hcr‘h‘llir. ’Aflur uulr chug
the Throat "ml “"0”" “ad “filth pru- 4" . lshe “la-t tried \'oll&Pills,nml the_
difimqo (uI ('lllnfilgtlltroglr.) fifth! ”in lb“; _ . (Asa .\l
Lil prulmrlu (Id/1 vlnlfptu- rt! ml r . ‘ .1 ‘ , . ‘ _ m
I Bering [urban-{J} by,» prat‘tivnl l’hytlthi: ‘llll l. .\S A l‘AlllLl Plll 5|
“all :‘h
m. ~Ufiice a the $l3.
_(furmcrb' og‘tupjud by
183%.",1! 5 ,
_.A. _‘ "fr—..--
.c 611311.
’~ tagginnumd
or est 0;! die pew
' vrorépflly Attend
:r bfi‘sinemn en
en Fuhneswcku':
)ultimur’e slrecn,
sew. 5, new. .
‘- .
I Buehler,
IV, will fxtitbfully and
u all businqsswtruslcd
'. , l , -- ,_
(yum _ch
,in.‘ ulh 15.1 mm“
Up: Itpre, filld'nfmrly
and store. ‘
. L ‘i—
F- 3‘18“.“
. (office and tiger west
' nd bolo'n afflg‘filmhh
\n Mnb‘omunoa run
~""' 4
tummy [mud Wur
tJed Cluilugfisnnd ull
Druggifil. and ofie ol" cn-nt expclrfienvo infilxo
cure nt"he \‘nrir‘nnv dismwgs‘lo yy’ ‘ich theihu
mun 13mm- is liuMe. L ‘ ' ‘- . ;
n is offered tulthc afflicted with the gro+eu
'cnnfideme. g |\ f: . .f‘
Try it and he f‘onvincnd that it 9 invalunb‘le
in the cure of Brontgflxiul ufl‘cétbh‘. I’“pr
(ml: prr lmlllt. i I ‘ ' 3 . H
Wl‘x‘epnrel Eonbflbv ' E. | }
‘ Im, A. Esnxwmx 4'l 00., ; 1
. i Ijrliqgists and flpem'stv.‘
N, W. ror. Simh & [’oler SH}. PmLunépulA.
mf‘fiold by every quwrt'hh‘: Dru gis fluid
Dealer in .\chicipos throughout. tfie‘Sdfl‘tc; ."
~Aprfl'2LIHbOA ly( ‘1 ~,
cuuGluims in England.
gun“ Engaged in 10-1:,
1:, lilinuis and other
Lpl)’ to him yerwnaHy
Hill, M. D.
d o‘ppnsfie T’icking’l
ng to lmvé any Dcnm
re-uriuctfully invited to
. Harm-r,- Rev. (‘. I‘.
Thughcr, D. D., Rev
L. Shaw:
_ “-4” .7 ruf._l__-4» _ __~.7.4_.
liNox-beck 8:. Martin 1 g
A" 'just rétoiveti from the oily l-hcliirgsst
sto'ck of HROCKQIEH they h‘we‘ PX‘U‘
olfereil-w the plibuc-é-Sllg‘ltrs, Sj’rups, Com-cs,
Teas, Rxc’e, Cheu‘lsc. Niall. .\.‘nlt’, Spike-i, kci, km,
embracing all \‘nrirtics. at all pricés, the lbwosl
the market will wil‘nr‘l. I Alan Brioo‘nin, llrushesl
and .\‘mimn; Tuff. Utah. Candles, km, in ‘hurt,y
everything to he: found in 9 figs}. class fouhcry
Ind Variety Stare. ‘ , . .l.
The Hour and Feed business is rontinued
with n sjeudS‘ increase. The liighcut market
pricvl paidmul ”It: Fnfnllestmrqfiwnsked.‘ The
public are invited to ghc u: a call and rice for
themselves. -‘ XilllliEPK & MARTJfi,
‘Corncr qf‘yulummq and High 81:19:11}.
Mny 21, 1360. E ' ‘ '
‘ ounty‘
axon C()\IPASY.-
h 18, 1551. ‘
ussell. ‘ _ “ ‘ ‘i
r. r L
ury. “ ‘
bert yg-Cprd , Jaco
an. ‘ |
pc, I). A..Bu’ghler,J ‘
n, lirxl'l‘urdy, Tho
k, “t . ‘B. \ltck‘lbll
ergei, A Mia] w an
king,s\lwlT. Wirig-h
Luujy, . . 11. RINMHLI
\', Johh l’icking,‘J. l-
, Something New 3_; ‘
' N GETTYSHU‘UL—i—TIxe undersigned ihi‘nrms
the mtizum of Hui “mm and cduuty, Uni; in!
has commencefi the [BAKING blisiiicss,’tqi( a
Mime sunlr. in York .{qxrecL (ietlyhbnrg, nen'rly
oppositb Wank-61's Hc‘m-l. whore Inc will try to‘
deserve, and hop" hi mueivnxn lgbflfi fmtronl
ngc. BREAD. RULlqSyCAKES,.(fll’fitkmtfi,
PRI‘ZTZELS.. .kc., km, I”ka every; ‘ls}. m‘un
dA-‘v: Mccpml.) IL“ nflho best. quidh;§uml éold
a: the lofivcat living proli!s.. (‘Enukc'r-bnking in
all inbruuchoablag-13-curriedonmnd‘urdors
lu’uny amount, fron‘i this and ndjnining coun
ties. supplied ‘m. Line’shbrlesi nigjcn. Having
ere-clad a large and conlmdeol|s hukn-imuw and
secured the best wdrkum}: and-t w ‘mmt ap
prm'rd machinery, iio il prepagcd to $lO a
benvybusiuess. ‘ _ t; v
July 25,1959
: ‘ Removal. ; , ' ‘
i removed his Oy‘stcr estuhlislgmeni to the
ll‘plondid new Saloon in Jrli‘obik Bro"s.'llu-ilul
ing._ on the North side of fillimfllg 'lmrg'stggeot.
where he will at nll tlmgs be ”(mitt-ed tc- stifle
up the best,of,oYS’l‘Ell.3‘,-iu @u-ry styles ,By
keeping 11. good article. he expectui to fuel“ a
liberal slmre nf' public p’nropngc. ‘ sTURTLEI
CREA“, BlRBS.»&e:‘ ih tlxeir‘seaso‘n. Ayuice
glass ofALE orfiAUER mgn .alwub-s‘ be bid..—
Come and try me.’ I G.‘ 1". ECKENRODE.
April 2, 1350. J :
" ork! ‘,
respcgtfuily inforus
Rafi}: he continu-s
smithing busine s
m’blishment in Chan -
3 lon hfmd and w l
lan quARIHAGE,
ring Wagons, kc... 1‘
de by superior’wor ‘-
- d BLAquxl‘rumo f
mhk- mus, pr‘ompjly
“an in exchange or
Handsome Wbmb'n.
Ayer’s Oathartix
' RE yo‘u‘ lickflfecble.
A and complaining?—
Are you ou‘ of order, thb
your, system derangedwm
your rev-ling: uncomforta-
Me? Theahymptoms an
pflen the prelude Lolaerxou:
' Prmu Dr E Wfi Culwrigm. Suw‘
Lt| :Your l’lll. are the prmcu of pi
iétmllcnt qualities alupnss nnyi
mouse“. They nrd mild, but very
lefl'egzual in their action on Um I)?
ankt-s 11mm invaluable to us in ‘th
mcnl ol‘ «liagnsc. , l
'* ‘ H'l‘ll‘ljl‘ll.‘ "
' l hum o}. Edward Unfit, llnll‘l
Dear Bro. .\yer: I cunnul am»
emnpl Lint; l huvé Lurcd \villl’youj
than l<m.q2lll_lhnt we evrr. mung
me nmlicimu linlunzmgrent vae
ellecitml ralhnnic in my dznly ‘
’d‘iseabe. and believing a: l vlo‘lla‘l
{firfiurd us [he best \vq lune. I of"
“cm high) '. “
’ _ F.) ‘ Pivtsfiurg. Pm. M
‘ Dr. J‘. G.l\_\‘or-—Sir: I hm'e L’u
‘ly cured of the worst lienducne :u
{have by 9.41039: of two ut’yuur Pi!
I to arise Imin}: loaljanmch. \f-hicl‘
’ut om'e. Yours with great ”spm
! EDILV. I’mwu, Cl’k of Stun
l {. Hwy; Dr. Thoq'iinn (hall. of Sew 3'
‘ Nut mil}- ure 3'6th Piiis§ldiflirfl :
their plgrpme Its an nsparient. bu
:heueficijd'offoctx 1&1an the X.i\ or i
,indcca. i‘Tlxey hm?) in‘m) pracli i
gem-cum} furthe tun of biliom cu
inny o'ne remedy I (Lin mention. > {1
“nice ihzlt\\c have; {length :l pa
)3 “‘9l lhydixe confidence of the p
ium puuplé. -I i z
{ _g . qu‘arlmcut/bfithe ‘1
i “'nshingtonill.l“.."lth H”
l Sit: Iv hnvc mid _\’Oill‘l'iii§ ill
:nnd hogpitalnnirttce H'ei‘ Slurry/1
jam! ( umov. hesiljtc “15:13"th
with xrtic 3V? en'uvioy.‘ Tin ir‘i‘eg:l
‘ on me liver is‘ uiuick nml dud-led. 'i
zinc-y aw vi.) admirlahlv rt-mcii‘rlvr
‘uf'llpu-urgmi.‘ :ilLfit‘F‘tLi have :'
wens“ uf‘fijiimis didal‘e sunbatina
LlOl with!) yiyil to them ‘ le.‘
1 , . ‘ i .\ifimo {5.3 f
'1 P'iffiitiiin ot‘ifir- .\lir'i‘il
{M’snxmlm n wuuam, W.
; Inn-lighi' J' «.oan 'anhic
‘ Your‘H‘aii» nu’eilunlu inn; {rm
‘ li(‘é. :findil miidjitlivm in 09!,er 1.
Ilwzl ‘np'criu-nui lihave Nor luum‘H
itice elfect 1111012“!le liver makpit ‘
5 [Mn rcniq’(ly,.whirn given in sm
i‘hilinn: dysenllcr‘h' and diurrhmn.
Homing main-s 15mm very nrv'ulnp
venienl Jfir 111.8 u‘su‘ nfwumcu and
from lie-v. LY Elma; Prior of Advent
A lDr. Ayer: limit: H‘L'd your lls with; px
trftr-r-lina‘ry success in my 13mm) and nnlong
those lam called ti) iisit in 13110 :1; To rggu
lgte the organs (‘l‘ digestion an “purity l the
Hood, they me the very hctt re only Llim'e
ever known. dud I lean confident]. ilccomm¢nd
them to gay friend's} Yours, JV. 11mm.
Warsaw, Wyoufing 00‘, .‘i. Y... ‘t. 24, '55.
Dunr~Sirl lam using your Cx lmrtie Villa
in my practice, atnd find them n cxc‘ellvnt
purgatiré’tn clennsc the system a d purqu the
fountain of the blood. ' J
‘ > ‘ JOHN G. .\lnc
S[()N,,§IHEU\I.\H‘IS\I, GUL'T, N
From Dr. I. P. Wanghn.‘.’llnnlronl,
Too much cannut be said of Is
the cur“ of custivejiesr. ll‘uther~
ternity have fl uml them as cfli
have, theysliouhjjoin me in pron
the benefit ot the inultitudes wh
that complaint. \z‘lrzuh. although h
itsellflg the progeni'zorol‘olliei’s ll:
1 be eve 'cmtn‘t-uéis tn nriginate
but 30'”. Pills aiféct vlmt organ
dish so. , _ 1’ ‘ I
From “H! 1’: Stuart, Physician Ind Mi
1 tint! mm or twp 'lurgt- do~es 0‘
taken at the proper lllllL‘fllu‘L‘ cxce
lives ol’the n alum] secretion wln
partially suppressq‘d. and 3an wet;
:cle me the stomach and expel w
nréo‘much 1.119 136.5! plyrsic we h
_cwmmul nu other to my-putientfi.
Irém the Rev. Dr. units. of m. Methodi-
Pulnald House. Savannah, Ud.,.
l onored Sir: i should )2 u:
ll relief your ultilll 'has brp litm
"Pt“ my’cnno to van. A; c ld s:
HIE s and hr‘nughi on excrqcintii
pains, which emit-(‘1 in chronic 1";
Notwithstanding I. had the bkst if
the disense'grew Worse and wo'rgc
advice ol‘ynur excellent agent in BI
.\lncken‘zie, ‘l‘ tried your Pills. '
were 510“ , but surp. ‘ L'y pcrsereri
ofthem, l gm nowientirely well.
Senate Cljnnber. Paton "
Dr. Aye : I lnwe in
,your Pills, of Rheumtlllt
clue that had afflicted mt
WHOM of the Bills
cury,’ which. nlthdugh
skilfu) hands. is huge:
from the dreadful consu
:{ly tollmv its int-imious l
mercury or mining Slab:
Price, 35 cents per Bo:
Prcpared by fluid}. M"
@5Olll by AuD. Bl
Bobliu, Areudzswille;
Fuirfield;l’. A. MRI-5.2%
New Oxford]; E. ll‘iushgv
déalus generally. i ’
"Helm 3, 1860, {yeow
- Second .
HIS FALLw—{Laryfl‘
JACOBS & 1330, I:
second purc'hfime 'of F»!
which they oft-r chem
bought at. the 111108! favm
the public to tall in and
men, canvmced that cw
fled. Their ,moms,
VINGS, Cassitieu. Cords,
‘excelged for v:lriety,and ‘
which they ure'ofl‘ered an _.nlly
Goods nude up If. flu shonest 11
latest styles, and at as reasonable
be expecied. Their establishment
bernimrg attend, a: few doors bah
Don 3 more: ' _ [o3¢
, Economy is We
SAlDannloffoluglml-ned men.
- it, tno 0 n the -
callingxfl. G. CARES, t: bu ,th
QuonlwpnrxgtiQu, h. ~ ‘ {II
. Hardware & Grocéry
TORE.—~The luhscriber; still have u splendid
S assortment of HARDWARE 1! GRUCBB'ES.
at their old established sta‘ud in; Baltimcze
street. ,
They hue jigs! returned from the‘ Cities Ii“:
an immense am at‘usminz, in
phi. of i 1
Forum. Hing“, B‘ilts,‘Lo(-ks, Glut, etc.‘ etc.
w TUULS, including Edge Tools {vary dc-
Scriplion. Sun. Planes. Chisels. Gotgn,hmm
and Bits, Angers, Squares, Guns”, Hiniuneri,
‘ (5(1),; etc. \
BLACKSMITUS will fini A)!“
Ra“[>s._ Files, Horse-shoes, Hora“
etc. with them. very cheap. ‘
D'unnsk. Fringes, Canon, limp
Springs, Axles, Hobs,.Spokes, Fgl
l Poles. Sham, can, cry. 1
i SHOE FiNDiNGS—Tninpico,[
French norm-c 3), Linings, Bindingi,
Boot-inns, em, with 3 general
Shoemaker! T 0915. ‘
hot. relieved,
r oundihg or
‘z. n, sum-ring.
t 'll:,rnpprcss
f'a Pills, and
{3 yum. fouling
. s'o appnleut
:3 aim, is also
Ifi dangei‘oua
i: efl'ect expel:
i' ions amide-
Ilions ofl the
L! them shre
le whokmow
"('l‘o employ
son-der: they
aorlmcn! ; “12‘0“ Varnish,‘Knobs, et ~ etc’ ,
x; HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a min “1'
'burtment anujven nnd Forks. Brit. nnia,illbau
'Pnd Silnr Plated bible and Tea poonfi, Can-J
'dleslicks. Waiters, Shovels And Tongs; Sad;
irons. Enameled and‘Bmfis Kettles,l Pans; Tubs;
.‘Buckets, Chums, Carpeting. etc” a. ‘ .
5‘ :\lso._ a general assortment ofTLl’orggd and
ngolled IRON. ofnll sizes and kinds Dish'Shear,
gum] mam: Steel, which my ‘wiulsunail thalp
ms the cheapest. . ‘ VV
‘ GRQCERII-lsr—a full and genera mwytmem,
'aud: as Crushed, I'ulverized. U .irifie‘d; and
{Brown Sugurs, Sop Orleans, Wes lndi'rs, a’nd
“Sugar-house “Alumna and By ps,’ Coffee,
lSpices, Chocolate. fine, cause, an?! (in! y Salli
.‘Linsccd, Fish: and Spei-m Oil, [Tur amine;
iFisb. etc. L
' A full assortment nf Lead and mo, dry an?!
fin oilbulao l-‘ire-prouf Paints; ll amylmosr
gx-ér’y‘ggrgiglggdu the ‘l-iurdwn'rcl C .iiinding,
>Slme Finding, leusa‘n'Zéfv‘ing, lm' 3.1.1595
‘Cnbinel-mwkem, Quinn-rs, and G:- ceryTlino—Q—W
in.“ M which they are dcterniined L sell in: low
‘for finish as any house out 0!“th C (y. ‘ '
I . JOEL ls. ).\.\'.‘JER,
I).»qu z m]. 111:. ;
G‘rttyshnrg, Dec. 2451 mm. 1: > ‘
:0”; , .
:3”: s. 37
:ibul‘llnl- l
tie-min: .of'
MN hum!
“101%. pu‘é- l
mlnr wilhl
I’u’pdr mid!
-,rp p Ihlish.
ivh ch sic-l
ans in some
other Well
h' , Feb. ;, 1:856.
hm’e cured
5 upon ‘her
Icurahle I'Qr
‘ gr'ievmisly
”on her s'kiu
was cut-ecl,‘
zlmvc Cljl'edl
C. " .
——-—-~«—~—.~-‘ -_,_ -7 .7 ,» 4
Sowar,. Barnes 83}
B Noam" Tifiirfl st", Dower Shift, :
kex, Pmunumm. invite the, ‘
Tau-hers, Buokwllers and (‘mnnt _
tr: lhv'xr i'cry large Stuck of Srhugnl 1
li~henl in this and-mile; cilirn, 'l‘
chollmmous and Blnuk Boulgs.
Stationery generally. S. B. i“, ('9.
er~ q-‘t’ mun 'l’olmhr \VOIR’i, am?)
the ‘llflnuingf ‘ .
'1‘:1|~2\'1~1111H(~10F mum}, Mi!
By Edward Brnoks, A. 31., l'rnf.
emMil-s in l’elimylmnin Slate..\‘n
\Vqu-m-r [IL-1]); the slu’xL-nl to n, Tl
nrnbnanna of himét:.d_\.rl”<.\-~
Tmbh‘rr. Mb :13 u ]m-':c"fu'l «42‘
him, “LNe it “planes the 'l‘} .w‘u-r‘
bur oLmakinglexphniuuna uhiu}
unnoccvznur)‘ with a runny pcrfhct ‘n
‘ TIM- ~L‘l‘it‘a ".Ich mun-1H),“ hm
but ‘n short tin)". and FM "u ithin‘n
will nm ndvonliking or pufling.
unh nut: to nllmm. one hundred !‘
ple~ Hume nf HAir advantages In
.514 It. n< tullnwsz .'
1. 'l‘hryvum’n.uin\mornlnuw mdtl‘
similar scum-s. _{ ‘
2. They'uhlhit ‘l number of n 0
m 1 solulinm (in problem thui ha
hot-h rnnfinod 1m Algebra.
3 The matte; i 3? angvd mnr
ralli than in Inxht'f's, and is [ht-:11
uunptod rui- instruction. ‘
4.; Nu su‘l ij-ils ur phrases, aigut 8:
introduced in IIWFOIIQJIrI‘YiIIHfi In I}
[in-fr nrv fully :(‘Vp’flinfllLfifld’thl‘ 1
led [lung {without tht- nr-cussiu ut‘
(hv'Tlrlvmmr‘ (-x;)|lxn:lii(;!11~ (m ‘ Hu
tmnher. Very flow cltluehmry \rm
rlegna. .
rgvs. Their
Mimrlic we
cumin pm]
gels, “ Mich
‘ ‘9l“in upm—
er yfiu whnfll
Pillq butter
in: u purgua‘
Mum-c on :1“
onto!“ with
t, your i’His
curse valué
31.1855. ‘
cm. rcpcMed‘
y budy‘cnll
s. It so‘om's
they clchusp
L‘! Flax-ion. "
;rk City. ‘l‘ ' f!
Ey ndnplqd fig
‘_ I find [ht-fr
fiery 1.513de
proved mare
:p/lninls lb n
.sfilcmely r}-
‘- utive. \\ hi h
oicssiun and
mmiom :3
1330. w -
my gong-3n]
.x mmh-lfiem,
:.|L"’l‘lé lug‘nst
Ming uchpn
('l'Rllp( uv'ms
lum Emmi n
(”Lbs-L ii: (iii
AnLh youir‘s,
1.. \l. l) .‘ L ‘
I' Hospihih
go. ' 13‘
Am “nympho
-5 one fifth»:
‘ The lulu-r“:
Pm 'nn ev‘dol—
llAd‘us‘es! for.
heir sugar
rle nnrl fon
'hiltll‘én.‘l ‘
'hurclg, Huston
.uwnil. .
51 New m'ur'les nf Tmrliing nr
tllrmighmirxlw sorics,mnl nmlv:
"Sui-ml .\nllv'm-liv," czui uh; um
{imblums nrtk—infrurlm‘ed. wlLii'li
with aflhmtngu in wnLL-uinz Im vi
and ~l'lrlu'mug the [at u|‘;(" :xl' Ill"-
. G. The key i: not unl_\ what in v
‘lml it is nisn n, complain ln-au‘c i
anulllll: .\lonml‘ .\riHimutw; b?“-
Iliiutsuwlul m theTenclu-r.- _: .
‘ 'lho oierynlsiy [traditil value 0
i‘rlxmetit‘, m m‘ory (mil who Tl‘Ci‘l
‘mmv-y. if only for I'm duilv new»
is mm universally‘zulvuittml. 1! i
came; impt‘mlivc Ilpm) [mu-her; In
hurl. Method of reaching it. .
l The books are beautifully prin
- white pnpel'. ‘ and [manly l‘illl [aslf
Their prim-s me as l'ullmvs: V
Normal l‘rilnnry Ariflnn(-ti~:..:....\.,
N mul .\lcntnl .\rit1uncti0,.........1.
i Kg'to \len‘ml Arithmetic“............1
. A verv ‘lithcml ‘drrluctinn to ‘l',
‘lhoue wlm liuy in qnnmiliefi. S
sent to Teacher; by llnilnm rev
third (if-the above priroe In Tire-[in
l ‘ SANDER‘S SERIES ()Fj’lij‘].
Consisting of Primer, If} jams:-
cents; First Render, 13 cents zificml
Third, 40 cents; Fourth; 6:; con!
i cums :.lligh Schnol, 88 cunts; You:
i cents : and Sandcr‘s New §|vo=llior
gnnzly printed, beautifully illuatmt
linlly hound,.mxd sold at loivervpi‘i
other Serieq nflllémlcrs. ‘
Wlll'l‘l'l'S COPY 1300:.
By T. Kirk White. sPrcsidcnt of
(‘ommeri‘ial College. The Writing
yet simple. prnctiml and easily hm
tern being founded on nntur'al .
principles. The sale has {losme ‘3l
is incmasing. They afford a libc
\dcalvrs l
km, )1. t).
‘nnpdn. 1
ur‘ Pub" fur
‘ of ounfi‘a
anions ha I
inning it for
[suffer from
enough. in
arc war: 1:
.I , he
This scrivs of Six Superb Maps 1,1
cd‘ in almost n‘ery whool ‘of -
l'uipu, where Geography is hing
:no equal. ‘ 1 ‘ ,
duccd upon the Hc-mkphcrc an'
mils hmng been so Arranged us
inosl gorgeous appearinco,‘ while
interfere with each otgxenor the sul
“13' shown upon .‘igps, nnchrc enbil
' understood by Teacher and Pupil.
Ifor fun in of rix‘ Maps, or $lO for‘
isphere Maps Menu", ‘
‘ Oct. 22,:860. ,sgh ~ i
if curd the
4 ileé 4m.
, 3011‘ Lills,
e Iqu; prmnu-
IL who“? oi
; t-fl‘éaclunl to
w rms. TIN-y
113} I‘m:-
i Epln.Ghurch.
v n. U. ’56.
1 gmtéfnl for
if] did not
5 tulip in my
2 (cnmlgic
\ unnumb—
' physic‘ n 3,
hintil bythe
litimore. {)r.
:heir effect-1
lg in the use
~ John W. Tlpto .
ner-nf the Diamond, (next .
Qxellnn's Hatch) Gngtxshurg, Pa.
énn at. all times by fognd ready to
business in his line. He has also :
sismnce kind will ensure satisfa
him a call. ' [De
' ‘ Gettysburg
_ ner ochutre Sqn‘are.—The p
speptfully requested {chain in min
Store may be fonnd-‘ a Inrgm as;
BOOTS and SHOES, of the be» m
T):e.éubscr2bcr. having just
Philadelphia, when: he selected
upon die best t rmsnn large 5
Boots and Shoeijis stock is novf
plate mad he flatten; himself that h
the m at fastidious. Cal! Img}
stock. Custom u‘ude Boots and S
on hand. R. F. All
Oct. 22, 1860
’1 j ‘
6 . moquls sow SELL
OVEKUUATS It pgnie prices. . ‘
UVBRCOATS m panic pri
mucous at: .
DRESS COATS it panic’pdces,
DRESS COATS at panic p l
PANTALOONS at panic prices, I
PAN'I‘ALOONS a; panic p I
VEST-9 oft“ Hilda at panic prices, 3 ]
VESTSof-lkkinda at pnnic price, '
~ VESTS ofall kinds ‘1 i ‘pricu.
Under-thins, anon. Socks, Gwe Com
forts. Gentleman‘s Shlwll, Ind Ge ts’ mish
inz Goods of every‘ description. Also, mica]
lnsxmmepu—lAccél-deons, Flutes“ Fiffis, No.
tiona, km, #O., uov‘v being sold Yer; chejsp, sud
at prices to suit the times. ‘ i ‘ J,
NOW IS THE mu: T 0 BUY—6%“- 09x.
Jami-1,1861. ’ ‘
UFMLO Roba Sleigh 80115.8 n'ulJSocu,
Gum Shoesfldmbreflu, Gn Ovtrcoau
rpet Suki, ad" I‘th of on khid. hp:
3: M ' / ain’t. -
lice, in the
E res u can
1' in (51mm.
‘1 Buchler’l
‘_ :5, 15330.
ad I Win.
a non” by
r Grqeariu,
21. 1851.
r t I, r . ‘
Groderios,§ Notions, Bw. = ‘ (on Mott’s ‘
THE undersigned has opened I Grow-wand. ‘ HALYBEATR RESTORATIVE
Xotion [Storm in Baltimore street, nearly C ' _ PILLS 0" ”3'0.“
opposite tbevConrt Howie. Gettysburg, where An apt-rim! and Stomacliic preparation of
the public will constantly find.sclling ch’enp as [ROS purified of Oxygen and Carlton hr com
the chenpest; SUGARS, .53 mpg, llolnsseilJlOL ‘ busiion in Hydrogen. SanctiOned byibe high
fees, Tenn, Rgce. Cheese, Spices of irll kinds, est Medics! Authorities, both in Europe 3nd
Mackerel, Chocolate. “rooms and Emilee; the United Sakhlnd prelCi'ibed in their pr“:-
Frcsh Butterinnd Eggi, Ground Cofl'ee, Es L iico tice. . _ . ‘ ‘
ofCatYee, Scogtcb Herfing,(‘nfldi’c=4Soup!:§flll;l The experience of thouunda dnily proves
Tobacco, Segue, Snuff; Confections, ull Iliad. ' that no preparation of Iron cnn be compared
of Nuts, 0 nges, Lemons, Rniqins. Bind, with it. Impurities of the blood, dcpresixion of
Cnckerii.’Ca es of ditfereut kinds; Shoefnnd vital energy. pale Ind tithe-min sickl' com-
Store Polish Fancy Goods, .\lnsliiia,(linghhmr, plexions indicate it! neceuity in Ilmoagu'ery
Cotton Bats, 'ndding, Hosiery, llniidkerchiefs, ' conceivable cue. ’ ' » ‘
Suspenders; kina. Needles, Clothes Pins,;Bul: [unions in All moi-dies in which lit bu
tons, with N ions of all kindfl. A slinre aftho hm tried, it hn proved oblolntely cnraltive in
pnblic’l patr‘g‘nage is respectfully solitiledl, t each of the following complaints, \‘iz:
'Li'iii.» c; winsncx. ' l 1,. Debili'ly. Ncrnpm 'Afl'ectimu; Emaria.
:0. If , l l a 41in». ‘quwpn‘a. Cuiwipatip». Diarrhea. Dys-
I‘ B Tm ' enfery. Incipient»: Consimpfmn. Sure/ill?“
PBllO ' ar, ' Tuberculoni‘a. Suzi, Ritalin, Miamenrtrtalwn.
ARRANGKIeJNT.—s-Pusejngcr Whiter. Chloror‘ . Li'rerioinnplaints. Gimmic
.rnn ”follows; : l’ Hm¢l¢whes, If [malilmJl/ile/mi'lleut Favors,
l.\ leaves Hnnorcr at 8.45, A, 11, , Pimp!“ an I 'q ”'O9- ch “ ‘
era for Bnltimqre: lork, Harri»: In cue! f stjnAL um“. whether that
in end Philadelphm. l Eresult (if/unto disease, or (if the continued!
‘HN leaves HMO"; at I'. H. “a dimn-niti’on of nervous, n d" muscular ‘ nergy‘
rs for Baltimore and lntcrmeflinte from/chronic complaintmroni: trial uftlfis n 35.
_ . , “ «native has proved nncnesgfiil to an egtrnt‘
AB EVO‘PyTIIP‘V‘Iifi‘V and Snti ‘dny iwhich‘no description not Written attestation
rat 4, P. .\L with Pas-songc sfor i/would render credible. lnv‘nlids so long bed
{l'gu Mu I'm-“$11“? “'"h l’&§s¢|l% ridden u to have become forgotten in them
timore. _ 7 _' E/_ / lown neighhorhoods. have. suddenly rc-nppenrg‘
citets are ironed to Philadelphia, . ed in the busy world as If just rcturnd‘rl train
rishnrgj Willsimsw?’ Run/dint" protracted triu‘el in a dintdntllnm‘l. Some very“
rk! “'rightsri‘lc an all other:gign3l inrtnnct-s ofthis ki‘pdinre attested of fc-[y
pomt‘s on the line of thchortpem 1 male Sufferers. emaciated} vii'tiins of apparent
“3“ _.. _ ,‘ , 5 ' rrnnrnpsimilti. Jurgnineoul 'exhhuction, ”ideal
I). E. TROhE, Tie t Agent. : ’clmngcs. an}! that complicptinn Oint‘rl‘oufi and:'
.’—"A'" _"T'" . dys re tic aversion tu‘ nirnnd‘txcrcise for which
Work onithe 1388.; ,‘ "he’pli‘yaicinn has no name." ‘ - ; . l;
E AND MS“ 015 A 555; i," In Niiiivonsi Ari‘ncrioxstot‘lnllliinds. lind‘t‘orl
INNINGE, V. St, Profane: of Pa. renmns familiar to medical men. the (git—rntiun“
perntii‘eSurgc-rfirtthc Vctcrinury . of this preparation 0! iron must necr-ssnrily be;
ilndelpli'm, “9‘: fig. y 'snlntnry, for. unlike he olrh'nxidcs, it. is} \ignr-l‘
0f the Origin“, “ls‘lOrF niid' dir- onsly tonicl-witliout being exciting rind oicrfi
traits‘ur tiiewarinus int-cit «Alumina-Mil 1:0le rfnnlnrli' "in-rivl‘h event.
“n.Juimicflfltiuu'.“mlmnehmn i in the mosaphstiunte cases of coslivriimii witli'q‘i
, with the physical luriiintinri nnd out eier h_ ig i; gustric purgntivc, or inflicting
Ntitgff the nhiinul, tl‘nti hair to ii disugrvo‘hle «eiisatiiin. ‘ ' 1' j
n 1133‘ fig? [Mien “mu-:xriil-r; L‘U‘J.‘ W It is this iitlcr prop rtygunong others} which
n of his teeth 1'; illustrated virithi“ makes ”‘5O rumi‘rk'flfl WE"?!"“]~""‘l."”i"""fill:
is explanatory? (‘lltll'tl\ill‘ls.- ‘ '53 remedy {o* 1"1""“'l5‘ 'l'w‘m‘h i' “"‘U '7 PB '8:
{SE A.\'_l) HIS DISEAMCS l Jlo exert a distinct um spc'l‘ilir “(110", 1". dis-
Qfßr-eeding.‘ Breaking. Stnhqing, ' pi-rsingtlie locnl tt-ndc iiyvirhicli furnid thtiiii. H
, Grooming, lemming, and. the[ In Drmvsu. inuui end-li- in MI: iii Clumsw
management of the horse, it'ili. n singli- box oi tilt-set i-ilihente l'illilinh ol‘tcni
t i odes, of miliiinistt-riug “rein." sufficed fur the most I ibitnal 0115024, iucP-udingw
“mow“, nit-d: lifting. Kit Hing," the nttcndnnt. CusliVL‘l :8. . ‘ a]
,Sh.‘illz:Stuiniiliiig,l‘i'ily lilting, . In unchecked Dunn (“tronn‘lirnndt'anccdi'
i [lt'ssh and “other viccs tu \V'l’it'ik -10 DYI‘EN'WM', «'onhr FL tlmwmtmm “:“d fill"!
hjfl-L; with‘nnnicruns “plan“. :pnrcntlynmligmiiitnli ‘ell‘c‘otbliawe hecnfequiilw
I avings. v , f I): derisive nnd «stuiii lillff.‘ ' ‘ ‘
{55 AND "[35 DISRASI-IS- ' 1 In the local Inlills, l in! ofllesh nnd stttnztlip
, (“1 the enlist-Lt, ninptui’umiund’ debilitating goughdm Tciiri'mnt hm-iimnhiili'
nt of Strangles,.h‘iiro Thiuittl, gout-rully indicntc lifr vii-\t'.t'i):~nt'ui':iiqx. thin
cr,C,ntarrli.lnliucnzndlinucliitis‘, T\'l|l‘:d.\' has .“H'U ed tl e'Mfi‘Tm 0}: irtenlle "51d
| nia. I’lclirirfi, Bruin-ii Wind, lvlusiriMl?’ in Severn. wry! grutil‘iingiind in::
l Cuufih, Roaring nit-l \Vliisliitlg, “‘l‘”ng ”mwncqs-f 1 - 2,. ' i. ‘ i
, ' Sore .\loutli. “ml l'lreisJuuul' ln Scimri‘nnrsflt'n BCI'I Mktliifiiiicllivuteg.
: ‘l‘eetli,\ritli utlicr ditches oi‘the. iron hits liml fur imir [hit the guml vim-t nt‘
‘nd Respirntory ”mums, ; , Itlie moat cnutiotuly nlnn lEti [lrl‘pflrutlUHSZUT
, .53 AND HIS DISEASES? Eii‘xlimjlwithout inn);- ..ih_§r ii-cllltnu‘ili-n Inn--
Uthe must-5. Eulllpilhnlnifl‘lld “IMH- II ‘ it : :
‘nt‘. ol‘Worms, But;.t‘iilir~. mini“: The nttcntinn‘ of to inlcs‘ll-nnnot he "i“ can,—
. Stony Coiir‘retmm, Rupthu; l fideiitlyV tiii'ited’tu tlii. hungry ltnji rt‘Stdl‘lilhuht
i-irrlitrn,Jnuiidirt-, “unfinmm‘ lin the cns‘es~ pcculmrl ntl‘cg int: than. 1 1.1
' Ciiric,.Sttines in the Kitillt‘éhnd‘ 1“ R““"““"-“' h" Shim" ""d ”'"""""“"
, . mnmmmmm“ “ml “mag-div '~ tory—in the luttcr. Iu cruil, moii- dccidully—‘
'thc Siofllucil’ Done-I's, ii 01': and i‘ In”, "W“ “WNW“; “{q "“1““u d, {mm “5
(lrgnnv. . E i lullcvinlingpniu and: din-in lhu'fifil‘iiingaulld
ltSE‘ AND “L? ngAsfis‘,’ ‘rt‘ill‘iicas of the joints and wrist-19m; l
0!? the mug“. sympwninfinnd. . In IeEIflIITTENT l‘si'nuitl't ninst nt'ct'ilual‘ily
int: of Bone, lllood “I“; i 305“ he n great remedy ‘itnd\eii rgctic rt‘iltin'nln‘t‘,
, Ring-bum. Stun-Hie. Sjrpiufl. ; and 11:1 proxies: in the nut settle-nicntj oi the
. Knees, «find Gulls, Fuundcrfl Wear. ii;ill-]p-olrnhly he ODQ ui high reu wnsrud
uise an] Gravel. Cracked Hinds“ USCf"l"‘%55-: - ' '. . i . ‘ l
a," ('ankt-r.'l‘hril.<h.2lnd (‘dmnl No‘rc-inetly‘lms‘ei‘wrpln-en‘ difcovoi-ml in tlje
egrimsfi'ertigu. irpnppfl-‘Eémg- : whole lizistnrymf Inelilfiineéhvhlt‘ll' merit such
d I ntht-r dis‘cnu': of the i'cet, K ’l’rnlul‘t-lhlllll’yi ““1 in 3' r ””3““: '-' “'s”?
id ”cud. , '. _ 3 ‘ ”and appetite. complqte iigcatiun, ru ml at
usg .\SD lllS lii‘giffiggs; rquiiition ul strength, withm i nnusunl I immi
()t‘ the Wm)“, syniiitmm.‘ and ‘ tion tor acti'ie and cheertii‘ _‘cxrrcise, i nine-«1i:
.xx3ori‘niiil...i'uii livistilunilcrs, nich'fnllnwns W- ' ij ,1
Scnrlct l-‘cu-t‘. .\inuu . .fillii't‘l'i.‘ ‘ P“! ”1' i“ "mum“ “‘01.”: lmxc: portimniiiz
Jaw. lilH-iiiiinliim'. ('iziinpdinlla, 50 I’m“: prii'c' 5049““ P‘Jr 1""? fO.“ sch by
5 ”(the II)? A .; “Anni. Sufi“... drug-jets itiiddcnlcrs. Wig he Fulli lri-q in nu.)-
w to inunnilgc girtmti‘nn. ilh-q-d- fiddle“ 0“ receipt "f the Vim" ‘All j “nu”:
ephinnim‘ R.‘“".[;li.j‘ Filing. animus. Q‘it‘qallflllld‘ile midi-t ‘
‘ Aiiiptitdtiuii, Tapping. nnd Lflilur ; 11. [l. “Wk” ”Cit, U
l n icl.xtions. . -; ('U- 15, 1360., 13' 2"
usi: AS» ”IS. iiismisnsi "’l ‘ "
(if Rnrcy'k’, .\lcthml oi tuiiiing'
; how to .\pproni lil llnlicf, ur‘.
Colt; how t'u :{l‘(‘ll~illlll;:\ Hora-l
:i-isounds and gighh, and him“.
SnA‘hllehßidr. and Bl‘tflk hi n tn '
-, take; the lorni and hi ‘ of'
.\T . The whole bring the rhiult’
Him fillrcn _\t-:ir='=ci'irel'u| a} “ti"
hnl‘jts. pt-t‘ulinritics, \i'uiils;:iiul
sacs uf'lhis noble flllti niacin],
ani'tvn 1 '
Trila, 43139,}
~ 11, C‘pnvuLi
loel, 1301",?
Nov. 19; I
‘ Brand} and.
uormlent oi
E Han- "
' Train
i' F!-&§T’TR
jwith Passer:
‘burg. Colum
ge'ne l ml is
with Puspen ‘
points. 3
« EXTRA 1'“
’lenves Hnnm
' York, Harris
)gers from Ba
' Through, 1
Columbia, HE
lßahimnre, V 1:
’ principal wn f
Central Rnil
3 Great
CI“!!! 30'}
Bonn ,
.'t mlogy and f“
Collckc of l’ 1"
. Will Tell Yo‘
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‘ “ Fl. wEuro]
\ Lnfi‘ifi'fi
‘ K pcculi.
‘ \ asceru
. mum-r
, man
mun-u Yo \
‘ 17eedin
I Cnt‘l'fl
, . flu: bc‘
i nine, (1 1‘
, Hustle;
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. ‘ .\luulh ‘
~01 ‘)
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:u H
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‘ TI! [-2- llt
“ill Tell Yu
.- Tn-mu
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L ,Pnlsy.
9 ‘ ‘ Iquwa
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Y, ruse:
:' l'rinnr
‘ THE H(
“'11! Tell Y~o
_ , Trent."
! ' Spfiyin
‘ ‘ Bfuke
i .Shlc l!
_ Sun! '
: «1:0,0 .
: - gum, ‘
' ' I|;(~gs,.
v in.
tlnfi lii
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. 'I’LIP.‘ I“
Will Tell \'(
f“ Hurst-s
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‘ to sin:
i 4. to Bit,
‘l Hurma
, 'Wum.
l I
: of’mor
; ‘ ofthe
,' « weakn
i :I'hc bank
Illustrated b_\
[I is priméd '
lie torwnrded
rev-cipl of prir
Min-n. $1.15.
t 1
‘ cgph‘é
‘ :Ife. .
“ $l.OOO A.
prising men
'mxd other p 0 .
‘4 meutgjn all s.
'L‘ Fm- éinzlc -
Agents, with ,
‘dross ‘ -J
I No. 61
5_ Nov. 26, 1::1
l ’The s'l
' , UDERfi
1‘ mus
,t'nrclully fie ,
[t Tells You ‘V‘
I and“ :
gnd‘ c ‘
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[t Tells You
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It. Tells You .
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‘ its dva
agent a
‘ pp not
35 “ml-g
'2 1t aud’l
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It. Tells You
‘ ed m 0
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Qo (.\lc-
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" ‘prlate
It Tells You
udrc he
I 10.4111
‘ ntas
. Give
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It. Tells lon 1
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‘ i Cor
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1: nt of
It. Tell: You
ed mo
fins, :-
. hov'r -
: . from
re and
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II com
! please
ne' my
I lwnya
, \‘i'. - »
mi 1
[L 1
' Wines
3 Tells Xou '
' ltsh -
, ring :
The book
offitwelve bu
I fish": of ac
fund careful]
{Entendence 0
, clear and op
‘ rriate engra
lsddreu, m:-
.receipl of b
' es
I !
31.000 .
pnsmg men
work, our 1:
For ting}!
to sgentl, “'3
address .
No. 61:1
Nov. 26, W
OMES S, Tickinga, checks, Hahnels,
D kc” ch up it Fahnestoch’. We have’ alsdl
I HUSLIN randed With our own namb, ml
which we in 'm ‘espeolnl attention, I! it him-19‘
'by by, on: To: ol‘und in “ii: mrkwfdr the
wie- , ' - ' ‘ : ¥
Hntpins 3R4 pager, npprnprihtfily
in’curly One [Hundred Englauiuge.
1_ n [clear and open t 5 pt, amt? \\ :Il
{o_any addrecg, pnstAgc wig. op
e, lmlf bound, 51,00,4ur, in ct“,
' - ‘ ' , ‘ 1
[YEAR canv bn'_lmnxle hy c tcr
[\erywhcrc, i'n ‘sellihg the n (we,
ular wm-ksal‘mxr<. Ourin um
i. chf are _excccdingly Illa-mid
lopies of the pack. or fov lcr‘nsto
i lhqr informatiulyupplg {o-o; mI
IIHN E. PUT'fER. I'llhnhllt‘r.
i» Si+nsom $l., l’lgilaulclplxiu. Ea -
-_‘_"4;__6_"3 “L... K- -L H -.
eqple’s, Cook Book. I
‘ [3IOOK any .«lN ALI. fns
5”‘By .\liss Emu Anoi—
ne byMrs.S.J. llrle. :
h, o to choose all kinds M .\lbms,
'. n (1 Game, 'wit‘n all the m inns
tut approved monk; of lire Jug
oking Beef and Pork; nl: Hue
_d simplesl way ofsnlliugpicklm;
ing the same. S g
3- ll the various and most amirbvogl
of (ii-easing; cooking, and hdumg
, Lamb, Veal, Poultry. and Game
-inds, with the different Drfislngs,
:, and smiling; _uppruprimp~ to
low to choosg, clenn. and : pro.
‘xslx of all kinds, and how to
it‘lmhen minted; also all the m
d most npprmjed modes oft-.ook
h the din‘cren‘v. Dressings, Sauces,
voting! approprin eto em-h.
lljthe variousmhjmurl approx-g
ask! preparinglov r fifty dill'ereul.‘
f A eat. Fish, l‘owl,.(:nnw.‘and
le‘ Spups, Brgghs, and Stews,
e Tlishes And 'eqsoningmppro.
o e ich. l ‘
11 the various Ilnd most npprpvcd'
of coking Vegetables of excl-y
lio ,also how mi prepare Pickles,
m d Curries of all kinds, Potted
FEE),Game,)lughroolub,.&c.l -
ll be various and most npurbved
_t'p epérhlgalhtl cookingalljlfinds
n ind Fairy Pastry. Puddlngs,.
“ea, Jellies, and Swuct Dfishés of
csuiption., ' ' "
lll‘thc furious and most npp‘rov
es of making Band, Rusk», Muf
d Biscuit, the bg‘st method ofipre.
Coffee, Chbcoiite. and Tea; and
b hike Syrups, Cordials, and
‘of ‘11:“;on kiudt. U
How to set: out and ornament q
'hofn’v'zo cm: all kimls ogl‘isu,
--r Howl. and it; short, bow [lo so
3y tire whole Art of Cooking gs t 9
he'chnicest'luxuries ol‘ the table
ele'rybody’s rearh. 1_ l
ontnins 413 pages, and upwind;
dud Recipgs, all of which m-‘y.a Llle
If‘lfil expenence, lluving been Jfully
-_ tested under the personal sqpef-
I thy wriwrs. I! in printed in u
5“? type. is illustrated with nfipfo-
Lngg, Ind will be; forwarded to an,
ly bound, and postage paid. on
pfice, 31,00, q:- in cloth, spm,
m can bg‘ made‘by enter—
verywhete, Kn telling .the 951 m".
lucemengs’to all such i’zeing' gery
. epic: of the Book, or {or taghm
h oiher informntion, Apply go or‘
JEN E. POTTER, Publisher,
L 1 89mm Sn, Philadelphia, :35.
I 60: 61::
‘ ‘ ' Prof. LL u
and Ecnulmliral ('nmi
nnl color witfiuut dy'ciug, gt
“air from turning :rny. I
it. \ku there is the lowly“
ru-nporutivcfinvrm rwnnidi]
rum REMOVING mum;
and All cutanedul n’lftmtiunql
h; it an mlnqunllcd glués “nil"
'lt :ofi .mnl‘gilky in its lextufl:
curl rmulily. . i ,
‘ The grout c‘cluhrity.nml (the increasing tljo
mum] fur lhituncquqllml p put-alien. c+fixinjre
the prnpriclur (hut one Iri: l is ohly n'cpéssnn'
tn sni-fy :1 discerning l'“ sle of its sluperipr
qu tnliqi meer any other pr “nlrnlinn nt Wren-alt
in Ijsc. lv. cleanses Mic-1163M mud scu‘lp {l'rhn
(lml‘lrufl'nuxl other cutahw Vn‘ diSoiiaH guises
the hair to grow luxurinl‘ 15. and phi“ iii»
rich. soft, ginsi} pnd flexilli "appear-unfit Iluil
uL~o where th‘o hair is Inns - ling anul ll inning,
it will 'give strength Midi ignr to thi rants,
nn-l rekwre‘ the_gm\\‘lh In illhos‘c pun} “hich
huve hecume-Imld, cnlhiubiil w _vielnlia fro‘sh
covering of hair. i ‘ ‘
'l‘hc-rn- aw hundreds or iv
in, New Yolk VHIO lau'l‘e had
by (he usi- of thin lny‘igoru
prepnrati hml huh-«l. ' l
sosuiou in immnmrnhl
n‘lmn- 1': ,' frhm persons
spu-lubili_ly. It “ill- eff"
hair from turning may uni
or life} maid in cafiesyhere 1
Changed if: color. ille‘lhl‘J
will with certainty n-slure
giving it n dark, gloss-ram
fume for the toilet un‘l a l
panirnlnrly recommended. lilting nu "gin-able ,
trngnmt-c: and the great ('1 qi itica it all" rdt lin
dream}; the hair, which. If nimoiut with the‘
Invigornlor can he drcésed lty requirtgd fui‘m
so who preserve its plan, - fiether plnip or pu
curls—hence the great. d:- m‘nd for “i", the"
I dies.” 5 swntlnrd toilet I ticle whim nonq'
(night. to ije?w'it!‘lo.ln, as: H; price when it.
within the reach or ul_l;bei ' " '
per; bottle, to be>hatl a: l
éisis nnd' pet-rumors. ‘
L. MILLER. would M“ t |
rents and Guardinhs to 1b [I
ntpr, in_ am?! where the ch Id .7,
to be'hveak. The use of II I}. 's the fouqdntiem
for a good head of hair-,1: § remoyes any imr'f
purifies’tha! mily th-e heed; conficcxed with
111:: scalp; the removal ofivg nich ‘ Is nedeusnry
both for the beam: of the ¢h Id, audvthelfumi-e'
nppenrunce ofiu hair. ’ i - ;_ ‘ 1
CAIITION.——None genuin, withopt :18 fee.
simile of LOUIS MILLER.I ing on'“: outer
wrapper} also, L. .\IILLEIfi’ HAIR IXI'IGO-g
RATOIL N. Y., blown in the: Ines. : , I ,
Wlxuleshlc Depot, 56 Dey‘ .. My] 30W by “I:
the principal Merehnntsanc‘l lfiruggists‘ through
out the wprld. -‘ I ; , J.
Lihcraldiscounttomrch Mbytheqnuntity.
HI also desire tn prede to the Americlh'
public my New All) Inmiv o Ixsnxnxzoca
LIQUID HAIR DYE whicbgetyr years ofmcie‘n-‘
lific experimenting! have brought. to yierfection.
It. dyes Black or Brown ina’éanlly wilhdgt in
jury to the Hair or Skipwviarranted the bent
article of tho kindjn uihep ‘e. ’I’RICEKJ’SLY
50 CENTS. Depot, 56 Dary%xteet, NewilYorkr
0.2;. 29,1866. 1y 3»; _
_w- , . _ . -
_ 1 -. , i
~ , .
New Fall andgwlntefl ,
LOTHING, for lien nfid Boys, withierdry
article of wenring'nppml in thug. line. to
gether with Bummfimeu, Hints, Cups, Truqks,
Carpet Sacks, Dou Barrel, Guns and Pistols,
Revolvers, and n splendid article of the in);
provettnnd celebrated Coll’a Revolver, mithnll
the necessary fixtures to it Buflklo‘ Robes and
Over Shoes, ludin Rubber O‘ver Costa and Leg
ings, Hosiery, km, Guimn, Fiddles, Flutel
nudJifes, Jewelry and Watches, together with
many other useful ariicleunll of which will
soId_YERY CHEAP. You ask where? ‘Why,
1t SAMSON'S, where ewery onecan buy, gopd
and cheap goods. T/ml’e the (70!. 'lfie old
County Building, N. E. Corner orthe annond,
Geltfiburg,oct. X 5, 1861)., ' __ _. 1 f
OULD CANDLES, wholesale, at 5‘3 gm
LI ’lOO um Koalflivg t 1151:7131,
' March 25, 1861. a ‘3' _,.-._>_;._'_'j*d _
NGfISH DAIRY “3:35. I r'ery near:
aeo,uwco'behndflj‘fl.fl.o‘ 8.
Gin as a Remedial Agent.
T pcoiully designed for the use of tho ”(in
‘ cal I’m/tum" and the Family, having: sum-teed-
Vcd the so-culled “Gina." “Aromatic," “Cordial,"
i“Mcdlqnte«l," “Srimnpps,” 319., is now em
I duraed‘ by an of m;- promiuw physicians,
)cllcmiiu and connoisseurs, us ponepaing all at
Ilfihuse mtmmc mediciuul qualities (toinic Am!
diuretic) which belong to an OLDImd PURE
fGin. ,Put up in quarl bottles Ind sold by .u
l druggisls, grocgs, etc.
i ‘ , . A. M. BIXIYQER & 00.;
‘ QEgtsblished in 1778.) Solo Proprietors.
‘ N 0.19 and at .og‘N. Y,
I J For safe by FRENCH, mcmugs a Co.n
W. W. & 11. SMITH‘ and all of the prémluenl
Wholesale Drugg‘irts igl’hiludelplilu.
H Uc1.15,1860.' 13 V », . ~
. +—- 7 ~ , ...—.— »—--- e~~— v“
* Gettysburg Foundry. ._‘
HE subscriber“ haviné pnrchnned zh ‘
’ Foundry of Messrs. Zurhnuglub‘loutt le
{formerly \\'arruns’}‘ouudry,) has commenced
usineas. nnd is ‘nmv prepnro‘d to oils: to the”
üblfc a larger nFiurluu‘nl otfihwhinery than ,
as heretofore hecn ofl‘crml. such nu THREE".
Ixo MACHIXI-IH, Clover .Hullers, Fodder. cm
gust-Cum SIICHQFS. and Morgan's hue improved
Hun-e ,Rnke. Also, STUVISS. such an: Cook
Slni gs, (Injee dim-rem, kinds; nnd- five different.
iivea'd' Ten-plate Sguva-i. Likmviuc Mill ind
Sui-mill CastingS, n_ud «likinds of Turning in
iron or Wand. ‘ . _ I
{T WRIIPAHHNG ofnll kin—did on ‘Mricjlinery
and Castings will be done to order on 3].er
1 notice. Patterns made m oyler; l'lungh (huh
ings'rendy mmle : PLUI'GHSpaucII as Seylx-r.
\Vith'crnw, 'l‘Fochcr, \Voudmrk,xund, “may
amt.“ uu'I‘IEWU'LE-m‘fl llt'r9;llll1l (fight djfl'ch-lfl
kimls' o( “10.5 HE‘SEINU; {Ur CC'Eekf‘riefi.
l’oruhcn ur Yards. “ ‘ " ‘-
“Alsn, flanking Mar-bin”, qna'of m? I 5?“
no“ in use. 'TILH muchin‘e \m‘rks with p lever
My hiuxdn' (my little ho} ('zm Innuuur it. - .
Cu" and hanuine unr suwk; no doubt Nut,
Mm! 'wu‘c-un mouse. l'urmun ought to am it
fihmr "(inning to buy Infl‘fiincry of (my kind
+3luune. “'l‘t'i‘Jii‘ ii qulunlqulurgd. so Hun. rlu-y
t? n \cry'cagly fel uuypart replaced or repaid-. 1.
L'Genyzsburg. Feb, 13, mm. V_ I
1 .PT
I ‘ I)
the at!“
Folf mr
pnsufl, bl
ismm-q‘. ,l’erhnu.‘ (it-Airing to \MI Dr. K. “fill
plauscx $51!“: lbu'llnilroud Hun-I in .\k‘rlmuicn
burg, \v crc 1hr)" w‘nll be dim-ml {o' his rui
flqme. ‘ur all [unfit-"lulu wriio-I—sinlo dis:
fuses -|llginly. Elmloqr mummy: dump m
jun-pal) uqnvgr. ’.\‘lqlrt-ss Dr. l': L. ,KELLING,
Plcclmui burg, gunflmluud (1)., 1’“.
UN. 1531 mm. Gm ~
l .T PRIVATE SALE—The undern'gnml M'-
;_A tenant. I’rivnu: huh-flu: l'urprrllin “11l- h i
he nuw rciidrx, iilunu: illJEflsl .\lialt’lt- Mrn‘i L,
:Genyahurg, :uljuinjng S. R. Tiplun on “It wm-L
'und .\hs. BIL-Filmy on the «M, “uh nu ...,
[alloy in the rent. THI". HUl'Sl-I in a.
[tn-mama quc. \\‘r.nhmhumrdM. “it!” ‘ .
ißm-L-huildiugyn \\ Ml ul 3mm. \\ ith n pump in
lit,lll-LI|L-Iluor; Myi .\ \Jrij at Tynir. guy]: It;
111 mm». pom-a,- pew-hrs, supricuu, chrnivr, and
lgl'ayes,xdl the most (_hn'rfv. ‘ V -
‘.\'o\'.l‘.',lB43o. if x‘ .
Sal'd 11$ ‘
nuxnl, Art-[‘l9. ‘. 3:; F
“ V ETTYSBURH RAILHU \Dr—fln nml afler
I .\lnnduy, New. 'l6. lwm.’ _tlih\ .\lurniug .
‘znfn WI“ huge (De-It} al'mrg u! 7.49 '.\\\.\|.. him =
mesengl-rs {pr :11] the mum-minus. anlll Mid
'mltln, on the Nllrllll‘lll ('rntrnl Huil\\n-.‘.-uud
eturu nhnut Li” I’. M, The "fin (um
L‘min will Imw Holt) Mmrgjn‘lAf». I'. .\I.; ul.
mfirengcw by [hi3 Thur. (inn go up mug-run .
huumer th‘c mum.- uvamng. Rctluniug wil‘K
rut-h (luxtvshuyg-nhnul 5.159.13'" “ilh punk-n— \
rots from lllrrirxhnlg. llllllmh‘lltllil,‘ kc. fly
his,nrmngé‘nmnt persons fngln thu umnlry,
enr'lhe lino oi tlu- Ibulrond. hmiug’ huslncm ~
0 trauflm't ih‘Ut-ugxlnlrg, tmi mkr the anon
Train uJ- and have m-urly "m huurs in Gen}..-
burg, and rctum in Ihr .\flcruoun Tram. '
- ~' ‘ 1L .\lcCllllln', President. 'x
er’s 1
A h I'lflcctifE, Sure
mmd. ‘
“L 3“: to m m‘ig‘i
("d preventing the
l v
lrticlc ofvithlity m"
§.\\'f') DANDIH'FF,
{ut the Suki L A}
E ”.\III. im mrting
‘Vlnillinm'y. Hakim:
1c and mmstlg lt‘to
‘ l I
J Nov. 26, 18150., J u a, u
}> - ‘ N- ‘ ' - f p -
\ - Howard Asscmamon,l ’ ,~
HIL.\DHI.I'IH.\ ’——;\ Heuuvulvutl \ly'flih’l-
P [inn c-Iluhlhhcfi by. sfmf-Il l‘ln-lamulgut,
inf Uw‘ lk‘llcful Um Six k unlHHdrc-Mwl. u 111- 3
ed with "it‘ll‘l‘lll nus! Epidcmi}. “Ewan-5, «in!
emeriullx fur flu: (‘u rob! [”36“th of the eru'u‘l'
Orgxlnfl. ’ -' \ ! V L
‘, MHI‘IH‘AL .un'wx'. Burg mm. by the Am-"
in: Surat-nu, to all “hu um“? by lmxc‘q, whh‘ _u
‘dt‘it’riptmn of Hrgir- ut)l|«]ili0II.1:1gt-, ‘urcltpu
film, hnhili nl‘ hfr. Mal) and in mm» of ekguno
‘lpuwrly. .\lwlivimu’ fuf-Tinhcd fruaufivlmqgn.
‘ VALUABLH. REl‘Ull'l‘h‘ on Spurmutv’rrlm-n,
nud olher‘lhwum‘q o.]: the Swim] Urgd'nil. and
on Un- NEW REMEDIES ample} uni-in; the Ilih
'punsnry, :9": to. the ufliictml iu sruled Inter
‘rnvelnpt-I, ft eq ut'rlmrge. ‘ Tw‘o at three Stamps
fur postage \_\ in he m-rI-pmlule. V ‘ ~
a M 43». un. Jgsxmgx unvalrtm‘mu.
mg fiqgrgoon, llmynrd .\won’aliun, NO. 250mb ~
Ninth Strcvl. Philml¢-11d1in,l'n. By marl-131:5
Hm IJirccluri. , ‘ ' ,‘
die: mu) gru’aflom‘tn
1 heir lmir gicmrud
t I'. when nil] otlier
n M. has infliu mu
‘ (osfilyinz 'to the
f the Mains! ite
mlly 'prn ‘ m the
H: the lnlosq parjml
my: hair has Mrenfijy
('if‘lhe lnviful‘ul‘ur
Nuns origix a] M"
'ehm’nce. ;\§ n Mr
ndr chtomufw niis
T ' ' mm D. um‘mwszn, I’ru’l
‘ Gnu. l-‘Mncuwn, 331:1. ) ‘ <
] Jam. 7, 186;. ‘ly » '
:- Pay‘Upr, _ - ‘
UV”) l‘nurtnénhhmcrmfloi‘c exirtiriglwtwcen
the subscrilwrs, under the firm munc- of
Dunn k Zuzana, Jun, having been dihsolved,
he'y hcrcb'y give notice my! persons indebto’
(l to them, by Note or Book Account” to cull
Winnie the same before the firu'dny of 1m:-
wry next, at which time their account“ will be
grinned in the hands of n‘il o_fliccr for com-cyan.
1 Mn 2, 18020. , ’ 1 ‘
espgctublo drug-
Atténtion liof Pb-i
e nfhis “P'illol'r'
-n‘s‘h:\ir inclines,
:: HE nubscribpr still continue! pnrc'huing
all kidds of I’RUDUCI‘I,M his old stand on'
Ulmmbenhurg street, \‘iz :‘FLOUII, WHEAT,
an}, omm, unis. sums, team: which the
highest market pr'u-es will be givsn. . ' ‘
L WI will also oumiuue my GROCERY And
V AKIETY S'EUHF and will keep coqsmmly
fon baud Gi'uceriesTSalt, Oil, Fisl’i‘ Cedar-ware,“
1):,- Goodn, Confections, Plaster, Gunno, in“
The public are invited to call. a: l nmdetermiza
(id to sell I: cheap as the,chenpcst. ‘
._ ‘ ‘ Joux SCOTT. -
; Gettyshuyg, Aug. 6, 1860. ' ‘l ,
HE nndersiknedfifieinglhe authorizedpenom
T to make removal: into Eve; Green Com:-
m y, lgopesrth‘nt su'chaa contemplate the remoul
ohhe i’bmaini of dcceasednluises or friends
will avail themselves of this season of the yen to
fine it done. Removals made with promptngii
3+:ng low, And no'efl'ort spared to pleuw 1"
l March 13, ’6O. Keeper‘oT the Cemetery. ‘
' :Watches, Jewelry, ,
, KD SILVER-WARR—“Te would rennet—
A fully inform cur fricudtr, pntrons and tho
p’pblic generally. that we have now in‘ Stan
gird otter WuoLnAu 43m Karyn, at the lowest.
sh Prices, 1. large um Very choice stock at
”can, lenln', Sm" AND PLATED \Enl,
' "cry urlety and style. ' ,
x Every description of Di-mond Work“ Ind
other Jewelry made to order, at short notice.—
fi-ill goods wprrunttd to be as represented.
FE. B.—l’aniuular attention given to 8.-
ppiring Watches Ind Jewelry, of every descrip
No. 922 mange; an, scum Side, Hummus.
MM. H. 181“. ' 3m
gyer’s (thrlfy Factual.
Cancer Institute.
IR mun)" yenn of hwa-es'sfifl 'pmvfit‘e,
K. KELHXG Hill (losin'lijn do good to
Wed. Hr: m’nlinucflu curo' uli kiml‘a of
Im. Tmmas. \vm’s, S(‘ll()lv‘l'l..\, or
{VIM SURHS. 510.. if vumhhu wipmut
r“p()ison. [it damn um uonh‘hu him
ely [0 '“IC «Inc of_ the Mun‘t‘ ’dh—
ut will treat nll “(Ru-11.4 “ill: Hum-«r—
-> pill be \isiml; if dwirml. n rt-usunublo
A” Town Pi‘op art)?"
‘Ch‘ém‘ge .of Time.
Grain! Grain!