The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 22, 1861, Image 2
.z; -:"';.u’“ ' r: ,r -. ‘u"‘ -;: = W H T .. f , 3:; | 1: 1 A 0 figmmr 0713} mowzws or 7715 j ’Bmuh at Sumter Bot Wit Fleet [Pubic l'o Render numb“ tumors :0!" 7m: ' ”'iizpndmonu arr—wade; I "i i mm)? in. Imm: . " ltoi‘nunx I? cum x~ - l ‘ ‘7 < Tm: $25331) rDA TM: I’m/[midway]! IQCMQJ— Ruling Fici'v-dy-‘Forl Sumter Rm -Cimtl‘e§'ton. April 18, .\. M.- _ WM reeumed this morning in the cunnbmuling is now going {mm all paints, both from tho: ‘ (am-hie the lien. and frbm t alone the 0915:. _ A, ‘ .. Tim‘oßan'nélis at Sumter are c 'l “’ilmmgwn, N,’C.. April 134 from Charleflnn that Fort. Sunni - nun'ckpd at daylight this :immi firing is tifnmenvlogs ftom‘ both ing and dél'cmliug pin-Kim. 'l'li '- tmui-s so seven: outside that. final. is unable to enter thé bur . ’l'lm I'Ldi-rul F ’43 at Half-mu Ihurm to (lie ‘Flgdr—Uliarlosto , 'A. M l-‘ort Sumim’l wmmcnc . fire 9.5 o'clock this morning, a be greatly disabled. I f "The lmtl-‘i-y- rm 43wmniin'2u“ Snmtt-r grim! «lamagtih KL 9 ' »\miming a. dome smokolpmn Furl Sunni-r. and the Walnut fl m/Ifl. Ilgjmlling ditty. S's In lilo ll“ ' . "i‘thelH i'rnln Moultrn-aml )1 fall into "Allet‘rfi-Hll'i stronglmli‘ inn. They call be soon in tlioi . , in" (.‘lmrluau‘aibam-ry. 2 Tin-«him IIJ'VI‘ not inyr-t op;- er‘leuxwu ul ‘J‘iu‘! Smack—Ali SMM m‘vm'rr-d‘aqlSumtér. § ‘1 , {-‘nffinmkc air} mun infidclul) to; j ‘ ' Ind, . - -" J ‘2 3 A" I Majur Antlvrulir lim (inarmT'l above in luau. ,lliH fl ‘5; ifs still .i l ilt is liimwlif- 11m oflii'eia’i‘lual (in: are on fil':\‘ ' "; ‘ 'umtl-r is Mill burning. Tim ‘I ‘ “Nita-n exp pimu ut Sumter. ;i 'l" ‘ Tliefimfriim lurrislulnmlaml'l trig-is divided l. *twaoy fort San" _ flips offing. ' * 1i . - 1:11: broaylungdi‘ in Sunfitmkia oppnxitp'ln ('4 jnnin‘u's Point. ‘1! ‘ port lmlz-a al‘ ngu'kwl into pl). wall from thr- trip i: r-rnmhling. ‘ l Three yesm s’. nno "K them n I Imam". nré mim- llielmr,.mul s‘ prcpnriiyg to participate in tlm (-( Charlestyn, Apijl lillil.—'l€ilß b SullivanN {Llailrh Uumhxinga‘ ‘ HII'VM'H' bangr?’ are pouring slIO'j; _‘jipln SumgsrTL ‘ i - ’1 ‘Anilm-siui «l‘o‘oq not re’turn the ; r The sliijis jnjlhc offing havn no -‘ TOll. Slump): and it is tliouglit +6O Into for thpm to come o_vcr * tho ligfi'is olvliifng. ' - . " TIM [Lyme/.5 a Slut 9f Flaml. lnn. 12 n'oloolk. nonfi—The 5144' 4 ailing appmr‘tulw qugoll/v‘at “3"]. do not FN‘ln to? havmfirn’d a gun.) v 'l‘lle‘ entirc“ roofs bf Major if ‘ burrnrks‘nrn m P vasfinlmet of ilai Shell! from i'nmmings‘ ‘l’oint Moultrie are bursting in nhd Sumter in quick sncrrfiéiun. .'l‘lic fulcral flag still waves. Mn' ‘Md ' air-n» “Lil": _ .dorxinn um-c‘nra to be only in putting out “xiii”. l 3 room! to toll. and all hm anxious] for Mujnr An’llnrson té Mrike his 1 .A'ndw'snn's Jfg‘n Egfla'qnj iii Sum 'Flumar.—(ilmrlffimné’ April ]3.——l her is uu<lnlllptwlly nulfiro. ‘The l raging. and Anilors-nnr‘lms ihrovgn Jondr-d will; man. wh are and? lit-I of watt-r m ‘c-x'liilgflahl’fi’lllw fin fruit _is scarcely, (“Sl‘ 'niblelforl cloml‘bfsmokmk-lml \‘ il< 31. ”a ‘ ‘ . The’men on the rat: o 11er ‘ .tlmfiro of rho lmltcrv rizir‘Mnrl‘is.l {Milli a. good 'glu»s tl n'lflllE‘qa I-kipping the Miler nn l striking loct'bd raft. Gj'oatlm'ocjis cx'clm the [foot fvallmx—f. -‘ ‘ It, in‘ surmir‘q-ll tlm Miljor ,An Mmmlually blbwing in the fort. s‘cnrcfi-firq: 115 mm. ‘ L a -12.‘£5 I’TFT‘l—{l'lm fi‘n 99" an nn from‘kllithe part hnl . n‘fFortSu “ destruction is inrvim ye. lnlbrmn‘innmleem be he roli HIM. up to (l o'clook 'duy no 0 Moultrie hml hymn kil ed. Elr-v‘on >hute'penomlled the fl terjv below tho water line. . I ' The few shntewhich itero'firorl - tar early flvla mm‘ninmknorkml - fmm‘the chimney of rpm oflicel: at For! Moullrle like half bcl‘o 'winrl. ‘ € _ ‘ ‘ It would aéom that ‘ rJnr And ‘ inlmpejg to holllfim for aid fru ofwtr'. .‘ . 7‘“ ’ " - 3'4!wa "the ‘ federal steame ‘ - making in tqmi’nls .\lalm’s I<Lml \\§'iew- Qf landing troops! {o bile-n 6 leriel‘fll ‘re. - l . i _ .Uorrhenhjqr'filfir War] Film—«z 3 April lii—+l.3!) l’. .‘I.’TFIIUY my: -, ‘1 then; large steamers—gram! sigh ‘ Lax-. 1 ‘Tlm'lrrrger \appe rs 29 he Mon-it: Island. 'llhe’ inmdh hf‘ ’euln'ided in 'Sumtbr. h‘ t fiajor :‘ does not fire a'ny gunsjlict ow. ' ’ Gehmfil Beauregard left the nnw‘in a brink: for Manila-bland. éitemont i-l inmfmfiing. fnnythin' ( I lmvejuntr fondle lefléwr from .f « ton, dais-d Mnlxltre. elm o’clock I, ing. 119 says that. no ‘hnnn wns_ ‘ grounded." The iron‘barery had ; aged, but the rifled 'cxn non of ts‘ did great execution to art S'im'n ' were all aimed into Mu 5r Andei v; holes? 'l‘hrtfe of Sun: ‘ r's bar 1 '~ w‘ere dismounted—one 9f them ‘ _inch éolumbind. A earner was I“ 6116‘“ the walls. . . The steamers \l’MlWitch, ft. Lane is no doubt mel‘lnt'] My -.' Pfimeome thought to [are bee r: : Lfiggtg'egsels s‘éen in the Qfling. ~ _ The Flag at Sruqterg'fi-uc/a—A e ‘filxondent il5l theb Abarding ‘ x ‘ Hagar ndenoa-hlm drawn Harlan :1 ' )63. an ' lays a. 5 _whigh bus biljlm nné'welt'igll‘l‘mm z. ; thifin boat; is on the waf to Sum ‘Chu-lenton, April Ills—Fort S guru-m (lei-ed. and the Col: federal : - *(Wpr‘ die walls.“ None pf the : zlmrtu , l " ‘Fwt Bmm Umnditimdfivigrincn TQM to have m do nolAuz’mp! wwérmn:—C’lmrledton, Ap . '— 0N S'lzuter has begin unco wnmfideA . The new has j‘u the city. ExSenntor ‘Cheanu Manning and Wm. 1?. Miles hav. ed with the tidings. and are bein by} dense crow of citizens wil :mfecleml flag was shot awhy mam Guards at Morris Island. am that: were fired at the fort It. in still decltued that no . haveboen hurt, ' Mn‘or Andersen and. his zfibnfiwere conveyed by boat . Tin 1 , - V fidbells Are now ringing 011‘ Ed, find our people are engagl r wtration ofjo" ' ' v | - - WW ‘ .-~ ! W ' ' ' ‘ South. Our "mm“ ‘““ °"’°" " - | ‘°“'-AP‘ - ’4" ‘"‘" t' ' Les d d-‘ h n' k d 't ' ,19up fr 1 near! ,ev .d 1 ed- ‘0 "s from n“ 4°‘*‘?’*v"°"b.“‘ . . . v 1. :‘ . Q }mmu ,an groome \ut mem gynflunm o_n. inf“). r . tth fcle - .Itv maumfied that “if”; “#1 mde “10“." g Ek"°'(v;§m2?"fi§i§mt:ntlgetglgsrckgfimxy . flannel to enable them to endum the con- non, surrounded as 1t gs _by lergxma and , apzffiiw“:‘“zzgzmiragfl $3: “I“:rzlfigiu ' ’3‘???“ :31)“ guns on t’ 6L , and mI w) ‘in will he turned 6v" bv Major Ander: cussidn produéed by the firing at their OWE Maryland.“ The Admmmtmtxon was ‘con- 3:“: o‘ccur L ‘ than 3mm .r 3 'th t 'd h '5O: to the Confederate Stntés Mn'or An- 8““ and thejmhock 0f the enemy’s “DEM” troops thgre “‘1 {Mt as pmsflfiefl .» "Mv———L——-—v 1 liefigmgggnndflllr: ratio: magmdemn and his command it. is rgported and shells strikzcrlzg thle fcértificntéon. {The 11:31! stbppegi at B'nllltxmnra. Bywhat 20:39; , “'The Somhem Coniedemy - 'luuflng? ‘ ' . -‘ “n . - .'- enm ' concussion 3mm mgtw ring Leon - .eyare to egot ere now weme no -‘ ‘ ”d" fiuL > ‘ wage a} ‘ Efifgfiflgfiufi ¥?::;:fii¥£lb£mceed mike“ 101-1.": the St , erlbiad in the_euclosed cmllltw 3f afonnzs used. ' ’ ‘ ileum; qty-Angle}. ...: ~_V.’_.. 1: . q »r ‘ r. ' mg“ . t E -,ah” Sumter—D a”, 3! ..A‘fl' said Lobeterriblc. § g ' ———~—---«o»————: 3‘ roopnu'e g‘mmng ‘3 Emit, fihsfgeebemeyge 3:11;;13-1'1-0111 é d(?s:::nd vaGw-man for 4". Yorkr—Clfirles.’ _ In contrast with $11.6 conductof the I'm AdJaurnment of the Penna. Legxalaturefl very ,Epmy' : l F'rthumtßr He' TePOi't-S the “and work Mn. APT“ 14—9 P- 3L—M‘Um‘ Anderson "“0“ ofthe “Bike" "‘3 stated that an 91d Humane. April ISL—The Mgiflnture‘ _——-—l}—-.~.--‘-\ ‘ 15;} the ofiners’ quarters all bfrnt ‘out ... ' and his entire garrison leave m—nipht‘nt ll 810-“ P 855911 1 rough “he 11096“ fire. {Nth has adjourned n’nz die. The members of 8*“ ork at the} Brooklyn, N'. Y-v XIVM ~ (5116 Officers were wound“. '. ‘Vo'nlo‘ck i“ the steamer Lube! for my, York. a sloop dead or wool, on Ends? evening. both houses after ndjnuming. Joinadfln Yard is beingcarnedyn mthfinsbgtefi vz-‘V "xm’i-m will betskeh posavsg‘aion oftd: Tkefieotissfillcmising ontsida‘ofthobqr. and game safely to the ”EY- ESOmebody singingthe “Star-Spangled Burnt.” The gar. The Per! 'mnearly readytorm._ Ev-s 52:; Wm‘cfifgdmto' floor»: ; Urban-pub whm Major Anders-5m ”Eggs toldmynn he, Phytntedimiuunph Governor'will inno- pmul-mmun tumor grimy. _Kar_ rm nub Ii 7 " 'tWo'odegl. who iii‘prhéu‘ar hero, men took 114:4:1 Ewe-:31 "Farf'finme ’1 “Punt. he!!! nu] mg, “I 3“wa ”'s' ‘ - .‘ " ‘I 7’ - Idm-gf Pwp'r'QW'n' ' ' ' if? ‘ ~ ‘ ‘, ’i ! ~ { r ' r : . z . .. "Jll "-4—l-I_‘,_ . Halbef'n co‘inppuedt' ' *~l‘-‘h" ""‘ .'l-,..3,;__ ‘-_ .._l.__,’r , - x - 0 (Mt-up to 1111;39ch d 'l, ,1 - - - —‘ ‘ ‘”“"”' '‘- tnn' of W‘ ' ‘.3 . . ’ ‘9‘?“ 1 M “met. lrlx ' '' 3 - 8151 an tgrtllliqggxll‘xgha: frogs; lltlem. Mzuor Anderson :el‘tlx-Lrlgtznlleafiaiin‘xggt; til-‘21!" 331113“. If m" , .. ' 911 at. #3 inw- from by ‘ ‘ .~ ' a 1? 11!. mass» see ton. I‘he ' ttomev (jnne ... a: ' E‘Wlannd left 1) f ' ‘ - l ' v r 313 0111 mm: 1: mm 1 ort thxs af- Hl5 ufioop rooexvr-dt ”quested £to the law 111 h' , oon mlh 1119 mm go 011} Md ‘1 I I;. our ,- 3 . ’L‘ ens , . ‘ 3 le 53- Ll 5 re mrt d: ‘ Bflfitecitha 13.1170 me to repon to £1,511.17 2:111:1sz” uow wmtmg ft): the tide to in his resxlgnnteimnhta: ‘1 . 3‘Bo e «_lspatclaes,gnd fining.“ .port ‘The I} a, .. 3 A ‘ ‘nugufation o‘.th me hnnwlf on us return ' . "5"" S”"""‘*3l'€lM9 Saute—Sad no t' The “Weld . ' ‘ Havoc q; M: R. In! Can 1- ' ' T "2“ 'T” “*9" 0f rived hwy.“ din-gimegt. 1.000 strong»:- Maia—Tia: 11/1111 sum}; {'fi‘lm‘ .Tl a {o2‘ B bumeifin .- ' zywnn "03mm in; 21:33.4 - ' r ¢-°' at 65- flPll‘licl’ of wall ‘ k WW t 0 Motris Island ‘l'hetL ‘ L on. Apnl “lh-—Tllenlomi’u 013“ d l ‘' mu - -. 391-9 ten chimed ' Ind . .‘“ “"gm‘m 0M deofthe 'o] \‘ YORK thfllsnnd'FEn Under ms‘m 11.31311” balm anaemia? 1' do”; ”.‘"" ““3 ”mflladfilthen’lpli . . . 11111 lon {llfggoun _‘ 3. . ‘ noon Yum,“ :51 d hug. and t «my; Were fig?” 8“ h’ocked im . . > ‘1 _ (I ’ , . ‘ . “"ntltiitill‘sivi‘ffg‘flu'f°§°‘-‘" Miles. who male, white and" ”$1.33" if {launf‘j {s‘ fi .3 0W Amlvxson “N 3' . "t 1 0 othumtet and; 1h ' ' '--3" ° .3 ““8 surpriwd 11‘ - who hMJlut returned H , 3 rongln the hutterv whurv ‘ d 1111,. ‘ ‘_. - 0 urps me that. 195. . [r - ‘ ‘l9 1!! steep. had two hundred 111 ITH Baffle {lO $11? “my: killed at Sumtgf This isfre- the gonéfiefquozgi:slii3p mule med from have been killed 1:31 “"""""""’ aflflfigur‘xllpu“ M rest all Pfflviou; reports occasiomlb‘ reluli'iflgmrlp~' SIM" 01’1" “09'0"- .. ' ‘ Ult'r. .> ‘ ‘ ‘ .; a "‘BI' _. “111 but ' r. ’ 3 Alt “ : ador Andefio 911 times! 1: ll anypor gxldfrxmhm rcuclhe‘l the city on wlllgfi barginymgmtthfitme forums, 110: w sight men gbutl ’ ,s‘“ Moirnemlße‘ “'l ' ~ rune “asonfi .Bf ' " 0,, 50m, 3 _ . regard. 3Ad ‘1 , m“ eore om 1111:0301 "“1 641': “(13‘3" {£3oll}; sjvxnluithvsfflitll‘ him, but 'nb- 40 $235133. 1:: 53:11:93 :5 a: -n gradually 1 gentilworfby in aid ef e b'atterie - 5° "c”: m"9 flamers offbur' edi w - ’r“‘ ' m" suppfi ‘0 t e GnVe-mor. thank ' ‘5 biir.;llml,llllgtglit 01: our IW’P‘P. and didthut‘dm; 1'31!“le n 51211111 from .nglersonfio tenttiona during the lre' at an attenlpt to reinforce hjx‘ . , 3““: oflillfllzlll: 3‘ [0111515 111 d, 11' 11c}, were in v 93. sol'omnlv mid "1» , A . . U”, , . ' H mm: a 101' F If \ d ' ’ \V 1- learn I E 4 1 ““$3013 could be gln I. ‘‘‘ ' o r e 0 not meet 1’" ‘ , n 1' . \ - ”Maw \ “LATE‘BT mom cm ESTON. ed in line uncut-23333324 filfifiang- 11-5151 11; :1 I,}..mimm. .fl ‘. _— , 1.. ' . ' ' ' l ’ ap-‘ ‘8 0 uh ‘0“ TUE 14.11.1111; m FORT} SUM’I‘ER. ;Iflf§;?rlfo:;°flf:gli“§ ‘ff pO3l c lnfilctely}_,metL>Guards, ‘ g“ 4 ; , _-_‘ . H 3 _ msan s o c stacks , _— a. con-" rm: 517 mm: urn , ‘ >l)",qu them tobo‘fl-derdl f ‘ 1 —. . he , derul‘ ‘’ Jr __ 2‘3"!“an 1' ‘lry one mxiously awaited lth: l ugfindfi‘j’: tic “7:11;:ng :1“. r. ~‘ .' . , ‘Parlfculil of (I 11: .S'lrrrc7lders._'('gml;¢,-w“ a,- Suspelgse was very exciting. Will tlwv‘ \I . . or "'1 - islgvifill¢,.y ["O3 bunny—. 3", Parlay .-U/mlr¢!J—l-'i 7! '1- come 1n and Pngngd the hatter 059 was tl. 3 . - I 393 K. April 18.4 .Apml 1:3, 5551 Hui"- Churlmton. April 3 1111312.} 103' ”my 0“ 0“"‘3'77115- Pntroon 33.31.: a": “““fimwd beloww to'retun. alloshmggg have (aritlm'praiém cefigmldl 11.01, WT the ““‘ponse 0} 8"? ergnl 0 11nd hts cammand, I'l d new” to *c'dium victury holdup to Saint“ Cafofihg‘ Hie ha tel-ins. fully 031151:th h: “lg'lé: luu ed 1.1 thf bunny. . "1 11.93.11, m“. o‘,- dflm, 14 _ 1“ ‘ Inc-111 to‘bECOmn {-nm-nl ‘ l . r‘ ‘1 _ “£OBll ms .‘“"t 1M "amumm’bi' 30.3 slum? W 31??? in? Elm“ i‘ “'“S umfigm 11.35:?" 3:12:31” r‘ “t Yonwwrii 1s “l’mkglhis [o.l'l'lr'k, the fix-il‘fl Giana-1L and all'unxcgildi- 1 "Me to this and by th of th mxr shim: tlc ”Him! at U"? butté gut {fen} tuy‘ml NPrx‘qAEIII‘“. Wig made. ~ 1 _ _ All bn sham boon ”WWII” to 0 the ‘lqu 2"“ “smg 0* ~hv!\caule' ~ 1.! at 11.1.9- . lhnL.u-r;hnia~lll.had 1m iden‘thntthh fil’lzht : fllmg fr(,lll.tlm 3mm, Hum] 11 ttcring, : 11:1: tc r_lullll For Mun 4‘ ’ : “fL’ 111.211: “'“d- 500" “fit'l’llu- (lag ~tat‘f'ot'k “30‘“ 10 O’le‘k all ntthmim was rlvetbd 1 lb" 1 NJ 111 compnny 11:3; l~lnnvl 101 l .\l‘lllltl-2j was Amt. :muvhcgl. “1., all !9n hymn-11.1 Buyout] doubt a I'o wus riv- bt’. 10 bfmmcr PMV" thu-k 11nd' :nd to PM,“ “"*|l”'£'_§{ll'd.nthi.s UnnnnnaLr'; 5 "lg 111 the ‘furt.’ The flanws noun burst ;tn l(”',]-"(ul1011t119"11n our“: Imm "“11"“le wg-nt m smut” withkn whitb m". ithmughfihc ronfs (,f ”I“ linub't' wilhin the 111191 dul hot go to Cl 5:10 "M" Mfijv-tnncc in { utfuéuichinu ”mg 1 “@131“. 111111 the demc-«t smnku '1 d’flumos s's '1 n“ We :11'Ir11‘cd all Ch" ‘3 1111104. ”Wll‘lil'mh'hr-ll ll 13, ‘_ 3 5111'; in YOthnc-q. All! . _-‘ ~-, .0111 er (1 gun Nu lvr, fro," M‘Wl'i" I-l:11,d_ {lllduifilzliuljfllt‘ll-lg-nif’itieajl imam.” firbd a ‘l'ut. T 535023: "$11111l‘f‘x;f1:1 the Ot-t l-(‘llltnnwl 1? 1| \\:l.-h:1'.1g:11-,( on .111 911.1.“ 921-“ ch a lumliggfimfl of 3110114 and shmrm-Nq' {ll‘£[lv;\\"9‘r tlui llcft l'frhff‘ u“: “’“d' _ :ltulb‘l‘hiltnn,‘ Illa:{lmm.m|lm] 11 port M 123: $3115.01. the. S'Junpurts (lt‘<s\'l-tltC{KJldlcN u‘n- “.1.» 33:33:33" was 11 to fire 1' . lm'mot‘l [ 3:!” 's' -ltx)"r~.\11(h-1f-m., “‘l’oi in- “(.1 (5'3“; ‘ lrom U"‘.”"‘” "“14 ry 0" Culln- -—~—;-'—- [1 . 01 “11111-11113? thu't h:- luul'Jus‘t: dlsplziyel 11 U‘Jmé ft; ~Qtllhtl'“ continuum “11‘ “as 11(th .~ ' ”_Fr 33 3,. ,3 311 13;: ,33. ‘1 “W 3“ ' cl3l i ‘' . ' m If." 1!- I‘:‘\‘l-rt at: us. j,3 ‘A ' J 111 m “11.101115: . The r? . ‘ h; ' . , 1 ('lllll3lll-l Ml” 14.1.15“! than Maid: 3‘ll- I‘llg frat“ thL-flouunglu ttcjry “11 from Fdrt\ Tl .It'lmrrmb cfml “3 thcJust ‘ 0 «In Hum/[131:4 (mu-n rlu: ,-1,,,(.,3,m,, WWI-Ltd .lu‘llllng wm: vnry rpgulm. ' 3 I 90“! '1). ll 1- 11‘11101111 .n i\[ 111/”ll,”"rt/.(dfbdyl'al.1ed—“Sum-”dab,- Mill-Liz: qlbtqndmg an Ch.u~]u~lon'lmtto ahd 100k_.J\;‘.“ b-“t MW fur" u: r . nulm u, rqn . ~ ~ . g 3‘.“ ‘'l fi-‘leflrdyou“{LVOOllil9l‘lglt,[h(inldr_ 1““ “*“l‘s fly"! l~l~.~l‘lgs crundthel fl 1514,]. Anqlrr:dl: (him hnnl ‘1 ‘hm‘h .his‘ll ml‘rbattery nxidme-t Jul “Hill. 111-Imnst the .fi’m ‘9 b." hfm'fm 1‘" 3 '. : I "£1._1"11d _tlt~]1l:1_\1-(l (any tho'llaq 0f “40““; City, 11111} nmele-gmul “$1.3” 11'. ’A "lilo «m 0 o ”1011- Lmnmy. 1]; 31.11”. :11er ‘ -'\”_hl'!l‘g 111~tz1113ly mum-d, find {no (filler; “3“} ll 11.1” (rum Fort JohnLnn is ['unnninol's a“ ‘. \whm‘lb 3.)": duty 01 “" ”f "5. 01 ("'l" I"'“"f"‘Z-’“l‘d'* Slflfil e'x-thmmrt,‘hd»‘ Imm,h-lttt-1' . nmunting three t ‘n-iuch Jo- mm \Ell'inl‘l'um‘m‘ IMS 111111 the- nut amlflnxttm‘rmm. )Llllning. thou‘ lll'b- 1 lluubmds, th "‘!3.U4-110U11le~~, th (‘0 lnnrtuts ran 9.; 1m other lemru ~ «path-31m 3:1»oalt, mm “i1“1l11ft-tltt-itl‘g “11" an rm." I‘itllhi cmmun. Pllllllll "gm, pom! 2.1“: ‘EH‘IJ‘K‘UDHM mun] rm 512 ml Almorthdt 1m gurrpnd" shouth 'Nzunnon: 1:1 only {inc-m lllllllllt(l<\’:ll'(l\y fmm F 0“ (711 ml 111 1011.11! .\uthont' 9&l} to bq :th't-unmlilfup th- prpuznt‘ Subject ‘O, the fumtor, and it (1111 Im “wily i 111: 'inul what. “I‘ll”? t‘gltmmtu I'un‘ 1 mt: l €1,311“) .o‘lugt'rnngctl ““fllgt‘H-Bvizhrebu l. _lovocm't‘gtxlnrfiremw-zltpd. Tl" 1111-11\\'orl§ l “’10:“ “I tum-t w"r one“ on I '1 Al‘ll)!‘ J‘lll‘t‘l‘fitl], at big 0“.“ Irt‘qllez‘t‘ ““‘l3' “lg tllq guns \"t'l‘t‘ Pt‘l'it‘t'llv otc-«tod‘ “5 ‘ “‘“l 15-8 0‘ Olll‘lllf'luul'la 0111;. 11ml 1‘ " 1°“ 0!! !“ $313331 with his mén in nl‘tual‘ the sand ”\dm’l": “'l‘M‘ “"1; ""’ ‘-""" mil"- l 3: “ ll”! il'flttlutlo and “It shall ‘POK‘lPdK‘lnn 0_ {lmfnrh “llllht A‘IQSNTS. “My 0.11 hy‘the “—14:11; Me “hich Jlnjo Axitlcr-ron nt'lu “\m “l; “50W“?! . :21“ anilemmfig (fame-over :«fithe awfab." L 5” {'l‘ OP ”1 The bun"’3' w“ mmmnmlf than fl ell“ lnd btnm ("It‘ll'l‘lnlml 13y 11 numlmt of the Pahfiétm‘ :1 I’} Mi‘JOi'P‘tl‘} 011-1. with tho ‘ltadt-l {Ei- th 3 {)1}: ”I I'l\ntlhvy l‘ 'lifill‘fi, I‘. Mlllll the calm"; 0f M?" ennffinnt'. “ti-t:- lll’nd” h'l-dllrcq‘m' rm.“ ‘1‘?“ from 1111““ rel-1:31.11” it” that." am"; :n-xedmht nn thol|]prl,-‘.Aluudro‘kl‘6f' qll> (imam: 111111111 11». dmfinnt .111, within win ul mi km; \{glllmx-IU ‘tn 1) 1 Y'llll 1» ‘tlu-y marched uptho snort; . ' 11mie1,)mq 341111-111}; film (‘lllim4llollllllll'llL' "1",; 'l'] r 1‘; (Ruling , , , 11l general :1 quark-m. thu} croivd Wm." my!“ chm-coly one 1111::110 of’th s Character 'J 'k 1(111 hammrll innit-1:15- - 2:311:41 to. Illou~nm]s_ $110111»: 1' -nt fine nir.’ 1‘ mired Its him-Tc: ‘ ’ ”fill :11 1.)?” “1” mm“ n: f "Lt m. ( " .“‘"““‘“ l”.\’ “'11" urani -sted on‘nca” )n .m" 0”“‘1' “'1“ 0f ”10 11:11‘1111: (lii-(INN 11 "main @131"- 03d “" th’cho‘Ll'lltoottthc wok-(.1110 iitlingc. . 131.0.l’lllnsm‘ Sfilntm‘. on mm nl‘ ism-(mug; l 2? ulnd'thcn- poster-11) ‘ null 111211Illlirnlmlfia Fm-lt. “" han ofl‘iccfl 11.135.111‘3?’ 1‘ art MOM“ i“ “hit“ timing ”‘2? have cti:;:(“‘;nlll‘l‘).cd “1“ tlnngs Rl,. ‘ .‘ .1 "f’m I']..le one f ‘11? ,i‘curl: {3: 11cc 1110111113 had “(4, ~3 "ltgthmu-d 61111 .*l 1. ”Hun-1. \ luvh: “I’s .‘“J-‘t‘ .‘“fl‘lh'l 1|" “011. Si 1101.15, (Imm? $3 every uppllum-c “hit 11 m‘ itu ‘ :11t cnuhl 11‘ ' ( ( (Mill-(1,1 M Mr. Luv-0211, mantlxng on MUTI'J~.I~IInnd, with Uli‘redupsth suggtmt. , Its mafia“. “math: “do; em; iii-p {locum-(l Southmn l.- 'i('\‘lll. ”Kile 1.119301%“: ~lupor rlllO nt’t ['9 Vhsstsls all litmurczf, mm; 11$1‘l'cctly ”INN.“ [llo’\\onlé ff“. “{lh all mu- pmu-n a“ uimt 11. ’11:.“ m”““"¢‘1l|lowt‘$l td cuter kindgl “all: 0. thg‘ 011 art. 11ml 1 ride 110 gunnoh‘f lm ”MAW“! “l"!“gill11mm}?! :1 to! of} the cotnxnzmtlu 11ml lgnrriwn otlt’flficum rim"; at. “'m'k 51.1111") U i’ 1‘0“” —* {Lll‘llkmulj 11: Is ”WM “I Ni“ «um or - ‘ ‘ ‘ ' .1; 11011111011: 17h- on": .v 1.. ~ ‘. ’ ' l‘f. m, I“‘flll‘f‘ in» 11 11‘; 9‘ "‘ ‘ " f' t "7‘ ’3l?th "I t "F‘n‘l"ll.l, [flute-.11. but tn form: “hii' 1, [(IJ‘OI TTLE. unmet. ATTERIES T m !NZ 'r‘xlllminn .0 volume «2 hjum lho yet aided. ow to bo he but us lrlerson'n m. ' 9d Fort.j "£1- Furt’ wetipieti - -.. ' . t .. j . {t ' t ~ . .mt‘v shnt,‘ (;¢xnpral Simon: re iietiithn‘fi no m; ‘ihl'fh‘f‘ shotn‘tid hem-y huil<lwere i‘Cl””‘getl:' ii;- so is ~.~ _ V . , ‘ ‘l‘ _ 'vinnking tiosfir’ei'entu-iiipteil[inn-iii:the‘l-nigllitriiidi; Lanna 3‘” ”mm n" Slum" 1‘ Hand; I’l2““?!mirth?’iililiiihiilifii"xx-“i: .\. ”If "mu mum "f I," ng. slit) eihirt {was made to rdm‘fifi, or Make“ nlt-nl't’Nt(iiilliphll‘tll,lliiQflU ting utter-y mu; i”), :‘nnd “t"liiu'e urikl luililtlii rili amp-'9l, (Irma-" 151,4... int-sing (lu- Sumter. Eiewn‘nld giveunmistve‘riht‘.) o'eitx-kii “mined “"‘hl‘m‘ “WW-ml}? "11'. two tbrtvL {ll-“4mm“; in .1 m, _ 2’ 1 a. 1,”, “‘T “ti ”1“”? That this in? irt Sum-i on Hiiiiilnv tutti-Hing i i j; t}, {Wu poundeiw’t unit it< iiiipgnetija ule skies bf nip“ The llfi:f]l( 32°51} 31‘...“ hin 1h" I - firm: in but am“. are. The QHiW-I‘ .\iL‘nt‘fiNi that he {firm eati‘fi‘od'i iron and palmetto loge reiiilrrcd he men ht) smm.” With llilli‘ti‘l')‘ {:l3 I’i‘ “2““ “‘3 I“ 0‘1"“ tiny iu‘imiiiit 9ft n‘rnit. witlli thighnvi rl'iulfltil to‘the shirt. . ‘ 4‘lB“er tliatt‘hfiiinthiigml :l‘uring he coiitcd min in the t'iid minim. fihl‘i-fikt-riiul'lmiiiiidh' Witt]?! “mo tpbiiek-‘ Um m .5',¢.,zz..,-._,:1“,m. 001.130: 5" ‘ _ ’ ‘_lllll‘l}3MSLi}ll(‘< M! i on“ <, (.10, I It i u: _I; 3 -‘ . I h‘ 1‘ “I .. Tr t mn;ti. es. Tl”-'qmnpmih-nlthe otheors ot'Gi-n. Illfiiiiil‘figim‘iifl Mom” lesam lulltri’fi. {iv :lziiiidrmj ililtlltlilillllililMlilTliliiitigliilllliiril\iriiilld nihiii‘ u.ui- inns; tn Im. 1.0 {hirkVStfln-nnlfll Visit tn Sumter lhis‘ievoni-i at?_ yin-(la train the fluutihg tiliici '. nieunté ll'ill\'l)(‘(:'|11|(“i J tum“ ‘I. ,“3 haw: 21‘5“!“ lll'UlvlilU ‘:" i _ ' ‘wa but u“, affirm-s. liewevor Wei-e ai‘i‘t‘lw: tiio mm'nil'é‘ wit-liliilexi elk-m m, up at Sun“ hil tied [iv tl I-ulti ili i'mll $ll Ihzit bet ii illtilll- inir lie t it” hjpcts of oil to Mini or enter 1}".4 Fm't.’ :Yl‘ht-v u'tinti tor, and “.mnllllup the .shqlix “ ~re ”11min Suintur indullmm-n llt , (I‘Hlll on :it .P in, lslnnd.—— «km ii in n st'a-nmer and carried: three [ii-e “ml the [Hr-n 0'" l'n'dm‘m ' it tries of'wir r I-‘\- Tu“: # ”Nd 11;; M the '1 I”: If“ T U? ""471" “Ht-'in“ I'os‘ the Purpose of I'ylittih r out‘ i] e‘l Thu“ ymi ‘in“ “MO “H ”‘0 i' sitions 0f l ”titer 1' 1.1- HI Iw-v I 8‘ 1n“ .Y Imm. 11‘1”. V." gm." e uan finlneu. The fire h:u]'l]o“'(\l'.-r . 4:." 4.9”]; the wnrkyhem-ing (lii-et-tly ('H Siiniior. will ennui“ 11‘1"“ (rm “ii I,“ i‘gbd' “WW. 'iin.\[prrn"m: dnii‘mng r'iinly extingmiihed hv the. efiertioiih '0? Through Fri4t:iy “m“mm’i” ”‘c- ‘bitttel‘iT‘i )W‘ltp Thn 71m? 'f-r {‘l‘} him" m-‘f‘flk n: "t mud “ ‘Mujnrdfinclermn uml'le men. ”1 It Igere Inletigol) (:Irjgngeil. ’Lhii-e times Ane' Him“: 11..,§'{::,;; mix: 5:31,], [s33,llth gem-'1‘!"- mini ; I'm; m" ’I" “"Imlr‘r. «ta—Thai ‘I“ i' (“twine 31’ c's “ere nt-t. rm fire, tln< .’ ~- .'» t . . M‘l j "I 'L 'll pnrtell tlint‘Mujnr Antler-nu liadtifuggfirgnix: twice hi: me (‘Xiiliguifih‘ql the‘ “mes :il'ui :3} :ILlNllllslllllrétllt'll-liillHifi . 1 iii. 3t Knot. ur hit- :iiiiil'ii iiiilfi-i pellet; tn Flu'n m 1”. Lemmy. ‘h‘is qii‘irtinrs‘ to do this it \ is IIpCL-fi-flry [u ”U 110? all a“; “:ng ili—tlm 1111 lIJU plit Inl I‘IIIIUH. “Guilt: ihiltl Sutuxii II 1"! ximl tflrfflhkq “...", «teetrou-d. end h; lind force. in draw ng water. i i telliuenno (I? tiix amIM‘II I‘i‘ljlml iii IHI‘H iln- Illioiu ‘s‘ixth . .nn 101 i“, of rr-iiifnrrl-ii‘u-ifi. The fleet i v .. More {-fl'cet rely to do thia. it i ineccssnr In'liti-tv :md .. t. I'Uilu “ill lnsc ‘.“' "If. III?“ 11111 . ,- ~. __- —.WI . 7' .. t c-1 i t . : -. . . (uniiniinilt pone to bu‘ of. ;b_- ‘J‘ “ I. )d') ') (hiiiiigthn'u hnin'fiand em,” mug“ I'} “133 ~omb nun ih-vuldi KO 0 lhdt‘ All? fc-etdrl that is ac i-it'ii'tu- B‘ 1 1"“! “"11”" ”w n"; r ““"M "m "“il' llfm- BCSidos. his walls (.Ihmd’l”“‘k.““lir”ugl ”"5 Portr'the 'l)f‘nt‘(‘lllni;('t' oi'L-r rli v-th‘J if”. iniibo fi‘l‘.‘ WHIP moni‘Y‘W‘ hm=trzit£fl from river ébtertion.‘ ' 111-0105' Icing immvhille (“1'0““) 0 the “‘l'“ breadth of thin noble l'iiit F 'EI ”54.11" mi Punm'flmni'l v'nm WP“. but five Of them Imm four of Izific fi‘e at he batteries. This xpedit-nt on ihOUSnntix £1“ ll' “t I‘} l'u'f‘u‘ ”l’.‘ inlprt'vlsilt: .«r tlini lintlly. nndmie, it isithounll‘t' nidrtilJ if? Obtaining rater “21¢ lint rem ted to uni- by um, ,iha,ilr.]mlg slllo3] L‘em‘ «lc‘lm‘fl‘fle Yffitrrlifl)’ ; Iy. L t the mg: “I“. “.0”; 0“; th ,_’ r A , :hli the thir‘dt {no the (gum-tern “1 re (In fim‘ Peace . a.“ ibei-e 9, t 1 'o‘ 3 ' In)" 13.0““ if)" “I‘.“ iii-lit iIL: mm su‘m-» I’i‘l explosions thiit were liburil and rein Wind the fire ml flames had in ratified ‘ti; m}; ,in' latrinti~ 1‘ ~31" '1 ”photon anal no- Pm.‘ Us wore 1,. Mick: from ‘1“. ch). in tliqmoriiinu We‘re ciiuH‘d such an :ilnr iing pitch. Mount nieMninp I)}ou‘il‘ilg of “:3!!! \\ II .bf «I fer) wind the were film"? 1 quarter: by 1 m hunting of; lnudeiirghpllg 'flll'go"49d9r>°"’3 n 5 “1“": silent, 1m llh‘iie— rel'rhifii ~hw ivii' ilrliiis .LmII .0 1m ruling luii- wasl emu-tied .alwliix-i- 'in-re- ignited hm“: tire, and coiiiki not he “Hes: actiw. By nmm the {Li res Inn-fit gruntncwstii-it sliaiflrliJOl: and} m‘immiml mn‘uhcs Mi" . rpm “,1 quick enough. The F” in he from every q no“ and “W“ mHy oftli. >§uclih\\c;i-k." aOl out ”certainly, cl’iuht' n ma. i’an': on. hut-r. eks “a: muced hv the qiltfllifitids ibf port—11019:; "n H “m" l'no‘m‘“ ‘3" cnt m“ dc} St'itcs “1:111?“ 9i) lad up to 'lh‘. “M‘- ‘ {rim Jaw”. lthe ships ,hm mt {inured in ”muff“: .\llii’iltrie I‘tlie (lPfltl‘tlCliO (tithe fartrms mu nmplcta. thi] mien“; n; Lorine {\‘Pll'mv l’" “231”“- .1'" ““3 “"d M i W thin Furt Siiiiiter Evervthihg but the. .Im‘l‘ms ‘3": 1’" SWWM’I" '1" "mm—A ”‘5 IW"t libLtiesl‘l" “<51?“ ill! fytuljnurn ”$322?“ ”chit?“ :3“, To? 35:“ mt”, "ii!!- ‘TllQithiié iifi— gliiilrllesiou dt'putcli Irehiiés the fifliowmi; their conmietinri with tl 2031:in ii Ctilptiii‘i: ""“i‘ll‘ “02:3“ wit tie vrio "(its ikeubhickenr‘d s ' 3": "1‘” 9“ “i i 1 . .2 » ‘ i» - ‘n --; '- , ~ . " I A . '-' ibe .or n dimmirid‘zfiriig: Winnie mm: mm hummer tamariiiittm ‘ W 3:: 21:12:" _ ‘Sirit‘ immite the iron battery of l-unimi'ngfi ed 1”“ ”‘20"! i G""""“1 Ifi-‘f‘m‘k’fl 'd. 05 ”K‘ of the tii‘we unlit“ (L “3'l ’in “‘ maililw.” I‘u‘ca" t' ii Sr _imrieston‘, l’niii is harrlcic dealt. With. Elie rifle}! i‘epi‘ewntativ (if fhPICon mien; e govei-n- i the Union cgiineiilfijhoh‘ , Stying- WW"! - ‘ 9 _‘l‘l —‘-two of mmn n fi‘din this pnint hit-ed great havb‘, merg. ‘ Q't‘nqt‘ ] Beauregiirit HIM 11““2091i1'mib1 i-creiil'ifl 'it [I’JCI‘E‘i “n” Hi. ill-me can . RES" \FI { over ”In Iwith Sumter. This whlliimke like'a henei'-‘n°tl~r°°e.we 1 from 5° 1”“ '0 5 ””1. He United SHINE.“ We 'cee liiiln'ml‘ll -mi “Niche “Wk lite“ iii? engaging ‘ eoui , iniill fimptho top is I, breiieli that'hi eny.q Minor Ai (lei-sen ‘nl‘mliP a stat ich fight. hand 0f evei'i'.nooil citize I in" it hdiiiunift “'3 ii: “m, n nearly (‘lill‘l iniglit Ipms ‘Lhrmrgh. The'tzide Ct", ,‘O4 and elevated iilmlself in the Mt ”Minn (if time of jut-til :I unrely 01.3328; I . di' nusl Hiriiimx. Esq. \nglermn Site Ouiti‘m is hoiievemnhed fi'fgntiuiy every .‘“” Ci“ Immn- ' ‘ 3 ' constituted uuithrlirities u t‘l’ti "‘ P . “ speeches on t / . 'M if hat Ol'p'"it“ 31“: flouting iliiblt'r\'~; I"k l I’m-mg the fire, “.’".“ Mia-k". iliersnn'h be curled upodto asuitiie tl e he: milk (13:! 1 l'c-F‘W Ul l‘irirf Jiist_ I'ult Mqultrin is Emily tlnniégetit - Thi‘ rifl flag “3“” “"3 shot (Why, 3 b 9"! i“ nfl'fro‘nr an immediate. sension of bit rc- q’ Olin-“kg I m ”‘9 "lrw’l" rum e,‘KZIt-‘qfln -qu:i&rtei‘s and burnwk: -a '9. «0m tci »Mlntrlis Island, carrying another incricnn tionul Convention of nd‘ Slilf' t 'Z-d 55+ T day evening. . ”norm. T w friim‘e [muses 0n tliésislnn‘ti are Iflag toi- himlfiihght iimlei-‘p—n n ieworthv ties which bu“, bi‘ou “g: '§ JI.-I AI i {—u: out and ugldr 7. Home... riddled with shot. and in mimyl instiimtes H‘smnp“ 03‘ 1 *3 honor and; Chitin rv of Hi} to ”.0 “true of film ST! Earl-.‘", t "PW?“ piuriug tlie'p ,is morna)’ “1:01;? sides of houses hre torn innit ‘ he b'fmth Carolina SGCOdofs imid ‘l“‘.'i'admim. to the Y3}: iniii 0.0 If ”Haiti?!“ ”.9 il)‘ support whit-1 'kiiled or! firei Sumter was put out and rekintilléd "(For a b‘m" Imm. * more (if TClg‘Lliatil Sum tamper. 'mdimitesfil‘i"""”m.“*i een dam! thrNi'ltim'es during the dim I‘7 ‘ 't I ‘ “rini’l “10 “Ring Of th‘ffla‘m’ sin Fort; repu‘blicnns ‘in ”’l'; him| Wifdnem‘rih“ agnmwit thin] ‘e battery, Dri Crawford, the rurgecin 6chirtSumtér ,Snmi'Er, the officers and soldiers ere 0E1: . Pewe‘t‘hnveiiiion_iyi J l f'! Hit—Jr {he pcuple. .P- They . was liglitlv wounded in the face“ I 18‘] ”Jay an Hgr “3‘3"" in ”“3 0' matés if? uiin'ition to atv ti 1 .‘“. £19”) 3‘o» 3)? er“ 'H - (""5 Port": It 35“ T"";i‘3"t‘,but sinflulnr fact".tl'ia.t ‘n'otib ”"9“" Ellim‘ltien. I:1 ' ' 1 3 with." than thin? .0 L‘tm ' Imago 11‘“ him “ 16‘”. J. M Iytte guns lof tl‘e Citrohninns wet-etinjuréd. i 1, 3 } MnfirAnJe son expreue'd hi elf much I sire for “blood lettiél: :1! u “gr—l“? lfifisr,ide- guilds Itinlexp min ten-f W en“ the nflir-eis who visitedihirn \fei‘e‘p‘e‘w‘l that 0 “"93 hfld theell 'crificcd, minationk‘nott 'i( 11:1, ' it??? e ”I: "fine-rt"; ocked offifibou to have, Major Anderson ”c‘com ii. andlsiiys that to Pi-nvidende nlo ' is to be 3s aim-“ 4 the 9m: ,nmnamcf (Ema. that usfiiltii-(ihe It! led 21 em to the wharf, and bid tl‘em adie 1a ‘flttriliutcd the bloodless victbry. He coni- entirely ggmnfi the rent rump I"I llctto of the \enitte '1 HnrrietifHe‘u d all his. menstillreihain : Suifit r tPllments the. ring of the Caroli 'ans. and between: the din-05¢ ‘ uefimbflm'm‘mo that btid fur: wk ah i I 'l‘lie'lreport sent’xni earlier in t‘e eveni ‘ . the lug" num ’9’ 0f exploded 5 ”3. lying their rtiz-in nd ‘K‘lslt 'ecunn’? thmugh ' Prim"! €5OO the thr ; that ithey had left-i and that M. 'Hor Antleriig- fltuflnd attest heir efi‘eqtiveuesl. . {must gay’enkliii theiii'wi'iu'l‘ni K'm'x ti”): iii-Ti” “he Militia. V‘ r- lsun wmin Charleston. is incorre t. ~I ‘ i “‘9 "“mbe °f soldierTieqh f 0" “'43";on snvotiie' coiint I 1“ cfpninl‘i 1. «y Tori: it: our n “’l.” ”If; Aubmt was sent, from thifipo t mhi‘ghtynbnutseyenty, -idestweii up" orkmen. destiny_.~if mugfwmmg Iz‘églgnfifirpbky .- ~.- ,-._L-_§..._‘--; V m; 01059 . i¢flicmliy to notify the fleet. til“ ajor .‘“” who assmted n the guns. %8 s of prti— ilies 'mid‘ tlmlilselvcs penre‘ anti I Hiltlli-I 'i fifl‘hc m or)’ m ltnrp’er-g Ferrr It": set 9“.“ “widow!" had surrendered: . H ,iwnns was at 110 st exlinus d, weaver-. 4. This should he dune in “0;,“ :n ‘x y‘mn fire and almulnned by tho l'nite Jules him film; It s not known wli n thefCarolininnsiwfll He would b e boon starved o tln twp: An extra sm‘ion of (:Onwgggshom'3‘i’jc'ql‘, troops. on Th rsdJy nigiimu‘i, n: a.‘ mmi -, CltYylnd [occuf‘y Sumter, or flight: is to he done iviih imore ‘in-3's. 2t ed at. onee and if that 153 d; i it ‘2 (1 ca. f OICFOCR' High thuusund .\linhic’ Pm." "he er. the vanquished.‘ Every bneis safiitfied ’i%‘ The entnn eto the f 0? is Red. initiate“; ‘0 u“; dut N‘ ‘i e] “"0" “1"!“1’9‘ dextroyed. wit: the building. Titoiritizgng '~mter hmithc t'ictorymnd' linppythat no bloodfifia'the South C“ on“ ”$99”: Wh ViSitEd t Contention c 1 of” (11" r ('i .1091“! “Hymn“ 5"“! rour tho Isnml mush-ts. It If fluid that flag floats , 811%?“ the city. . i t 'nftel: the surr der‘ were mid to carefui, | mensurcs’i‘or “Intid' 0:9 cezrtnet inn'fl'flinn bymuruiug I'7 OV'irginia troops had .'Ngomtilod rison' 1129 i . 'l' gleslirfl'fider the bolls $l3” r’éin' . toiloémmunt of, the heat, last- it hould ei— Lter full 1191“]th ~:iiid (iiiqiglrgsiirnn rtiitteiiigiltfs- mi 11... aim-i (L: Si" limrtlwgimmlle rm. ngmo'lYH‘ i‘ , 9“.“ "I .ro IMI the Whole “113 will, -e. K :_ of the “In“ -‘I ‘ , A 1 . _.. rm , rise lurlnglidlll(‘Xllitil\’.l he irrrrll—Thr Join? iii public rejoicing; l‘t, C. i t'l‘hb amnei the city after “I raising #fl of our countryotiieiiiicigniltgi‘dte:c'iihi‘nziilifrioari; 3:1“ :Chllm'v at “We” “"3' '“5 ““3 (“WWW b Rrrrzfnrori A Wturlronsfor the Sttrrmder (if t 0 ‘ Slthnkr the flag of tn: 6 and the nirren rin indeu all events to dimolve it: 'uésoc'nt‘ i ‘tl tI "mg i 5"! .nnd, it Is "Pmid‘ ‘l’“ since bun Fl}: P. Mfl Gluyltlflrd.—Clmriestnn. lApril l ‘ii'ha' me- scribubie;.:th peoftle were, pert ,uy wild.‘ another portion, let 'if awn} tin IotIIiIIIIzi ii runspo union or Richilrmnd; l ditlonflilyiglOtlltlons between Minor And rson .and M 9" on horse rode through fie streets' possible; but, if it be, nntlpoesible lihen in“ 56“ \ meet ng'of citi‘ze‘nsaig form a. lilome lii: reached lben- Beauregard “'9” compiet. lastmight proclaiming t e DGWB. Bmid ti? greatest ' shall feel that we have doiie all \liat Chris. Guurd in: he! at Ghnniherthii‘rg on Tlmradn i- ExGov..and MmorlAndelfson withhis co Imantlitril] lenthusiaein. . ‘ if, . i ‘tinnity, B 98501), Patriotisni could‘ emiind might, Add”. ed. M 'Hon. W. lteil , Capi 9%sltllmd.!gaciute Sumte . thlsmomlug,l§d witlfcm. _The forces f Major tindersqn were en- 9nd bearepared to meet thalastl i dfui‘ Housum. Hun G. \i‘. Brewer, 1": “langlu‘ . 9 carat! Vrhzonlxnrdl atom: of the Wm ”59915 011‘ tirely mudeq ate to efiectimllygmn.)K methane wi {sustaining coxgbciencé. .an..L R. .\lc nuiey, Esq., and other ‘» . t imthioywéirgar. il i I lw, 5. Iguns, and atte dto the incident,“ require-i 3' _--»; ...2 . i -~< —— «o.» _. . -.J, 1 hythe P3ll “hen Sumter was in flairies find Major merge. It is not to be wondered; at, underi The Capitol in pug“; t S‘Stepn e being uken Here to iorgaufizq‘ nallwmeilAndgnon could only fire his guns an ion ““3 Circumstahces, that. Fort Sigmter sur-i Virvinis has secedéd mad u‘. 1‘ am“ 6"” ' ‘ ' ilntetvnls, the “Elfin at Du, bgt‘eriés chit-ares rendered. The men were on dutv thirty-'enterecd nctirel uon Vi: items to have , -~~:—.o-.— . .~ -i ‘Pt‘ei’Pry fire “hlfll the ggnmt major nindo Six hours, with balls or shells stinging the act. of secessionyw P ngqptl‘tlllgn‘. 'll‘hev Two “Emma 10“ Haho’t’er faster-day "1 h”! 18” strug 195. but. they loeked defi- ”amines andguns of the fort qomtantl ' ‘in order t “amiss? m 509’ ‘W‘P‘OHL aft noon for t_ 0 war. i ‘ “o'3 atthe Vi'ssefi.vrhoseTnen,‘liki:qowaa-ds COmPetent military men state that the it‘ mo et 0 accomplish “mi”? military‘ “—4l. «v. - _... ‘-. ‘ ' lstqofl outside. without firing mt or at: ’tense vibratiog ‘or shoot; prodlléed on the w:v men s;} The Patna“ ‘9’ me." says It} a." i' "’i‘mrd the! “‘9 “‘th “ SMP‘ ite" Ptin to divert that fire of (I singl‘é bime- bruin and nervous F)‘stem 'of thpse in Ll: 31 1“Info": at Herrishurg on Fmdfly W“ Peniburz and: “hfimhemmrg. “"3- ”“0"“ l “atom gunner-J Five of Major Axid'érsou’s “Ginny is terribly exhaustin e . ‘iv-nige. °.rce 0f \ irgmmus, “n“?! ”'6‘“- "°“M°"°‘"°—?‘°i' "‘9'" “d" Plunder—“d met; amelightlywoundefl. .3 ' i iAt the siege 0t Sebastopolgtilie‘ men who, tonshiii‘dglfliztn‘filfisni‘i‘ii‘lcgsiihigkte{washins- that several "'8“! hue be" made. 1 ‘ ~ - ‘ ‘ ‘ i I (I an ’ - “at—— «mu--4... Obnrlestou,April 14,—The steamer Isabel forked We LAT.“ w"Te where}! eye-Ir! twenl the tieeplest sqlicittide for its mfetyfffi‘eli‘zf @Thernoiffl 0' Premm‘i‘“! f”? '" WW I . lay-son F He now bursting tvr. Its le. Mate! e at Fort ting bat- arolinit‘s n.l u‘nder to Morris ,t a merry f in every bml- l: ”-4-“ “ ~ )‘hrurt'd~ , fl.“ .-»~*¢“ o: m ’ 1:“ album it 511 Chile i‘ m”A not; '. “*h'” M‘ _ l u‘o ‘~. J, ‘ 1 fl “ fil‘regglczegson "It: ‘ f i A . v'4_”w n > h - 1 hm‘ ‘ g I ‘ ( “‘3 w I - i: vgoternment? [21:1 f:- :_-__ ;,_ ~_ 7 , ‘ _ WAR 315 mm ‘-w-—-‘-_ l am'm-< , ' :h_-"_— I "I'm. I “I,“ “W” v . 9 Qhen’ » ~ E\\xx i I A' —__‘H;-. “’0 “I 4 m h -h .un onoc .\.. -h . -PHXL' gtw k“.-\v mr‘fcmnd 'The M 1;\: . : buifffitv Cam“, {Melbllh pn "“LLPIIH. ‘suchnporitmthaymh’; fiv’f‘.‘ H . i whiz: lug! omit-cl ' E. .’ . ‘ -.. J ‘b‘atul. 0 the oxaituxm.l"‘” hxm- In ,“Pwitifiu ”I ma CHM dwcml‘ r 7“ . films“. a.,{. -- ' , _~; 1., .'"d 8;; d "Mn 1 ‘ .‘”: mg. (‘mp fl): muk' "“10 0 Huh to 7mm”; ‘ (I IA g? >u ‘ ‘ “won m“; n “v. um. but any 0n Thrgflnpll‘t «mg lirelmful‘NlnmenLl lIla?,¢ ‘ 4 . l ‘ ‘7' l ‘ ‘ t .l '- le accuracv f-F ;. :-_ .1: i"’r‘~' .‘3 , r 7 Hdmwmu I‘Mun‘ movemem mil 10 Kammm mm, fl” 'l‘- nd Hm -. 0 the ~', “A .... Lsl {Wimdl‘la'n Ird \t . Huh. 1.. "'3I'.IHI 'on nnwh “I wn. mac»!lf lh" had 1". .' :2 l. ’. rf a .1- k f .M' “12;: .a 9‘ “ling 2:01, I“’“l'lir "thnuer at ‘o'an “um“, .b‘mt ”in um fin fwouad "inn; .. _‘ ,1 Mg; j >fo‘r ' i» ~ hul ' "‘N'm -’om 0 2‘ “Md.” ‘ ”up." a ’4?" 0t :uuuble - =~.—_o_ ( ‘49sz 9’ N,_ ./i lum. I 1 m_ I l"'l|l'¢ hp "01 mud; Prmgio t 91.1 mm“. i “buy lmvp’i’beufll- ”w “I I pro-i ..h:‘ n It” A T 19": orsflmmdmg urnlly um] nldqmrterg MIG elmfillougp n the Bust m h mvm l I! - —V ‘‘ I ' ' I n‘ J. .‘—l r V AW ‘ hemp": ..v can 1- ' lice lorhm ’ undl 4 ' Silonogeamngrdcn" 2;. 2 Sign”; ”mm “D > :11 i ”l” _ the “M32l3sagnxeollfpfélo‘l‘ltfi'l the SITE.“ his” yrgim ha ‘r the coxn o‘fdaxt,’ on Mnjo 'rle, 7!. .. "W ”~2- . - - j-RIM'RIET Ht” the hP ‘ n ri‘m m6m r. mm . ' a 1 l l .r_- .. . ~ . on. ~hu .:1e,.c~ . - he ve ~ enenl inifglién' ~ #RTTtunL‘l—xp » , BmJy. n “filly: "ll the evglxfiugm 23:13:13; 33m1.” “1:3: thrghigzsntgwdéw n - v ‘ _M— V L ‘ Iw‘n. . . we ‘lB o .3153: rof'fi‘mfiilfl Mu§n+{Monw";7:-:'r.‘_a , ‘lilifidofflhc x“. 1333;?” Wu fay-“Pm" ' I“?mpunmwmmm ‘gmm‘m lirewe" ge “r. “d. ‘—‘ -,-_ ‘ M ‘ {.\l}, APRIL 00 1% flLriil;:ll:aht;l slum-(tor l‘fln‘zgimom‘ lcxflwnh ‘ mehigt $0213? hm; ‘Bean 0“; > rem any .0. I In; In omen - , E. _ , -, . -~. .1. to be) 3 lon dfnli ‘h' )r‘ mm : " "’v‘ Mk 0 son“ "ad “I ...... pe‘ We sh ' l Wuc 7-7- . Jeremie . 9 mm" [any BI ' . meg-:1" “- .em | all That I ommen —>- U “ e 8010 r deugnfiel Wyn-"in ‘Of ”1 lllLAnp‘ mum of ,3}; iIV l ‘ Nam] wefinmmfl ' cad. ‘ 'mm "mly we” ni. The I; n-nt, soxzu're («u-nu, A. . . N)" ’3» the PM] If ‘ Inn. 11001 .3 ophosl-dll 5‘ “”4 gllep'nl i All! we W] M oath Vir .. 0 “all, film! 18 ‘4‘ . ‘ _l3 man . “-us w‘l Iu l-lf‘c-r - men-lon ‘o' hl' ‘ I 1 be” I .gmm c I”! F“ I‘Lihe r ‘h ; gu .1, . . la.) . . llmnf ‘ "‘"dtl . .“an . true hm mu}; and - @2Oll I _ . ers. “’ t on. Is “ . ””1“”! . . 95‘11'8!) -.mtwe . , ‘ , .0" tO. ' fl! '- Wm .9‘ '8 peace a uvejsplm f” hymn to (y film-e whmm d {Malibu-V "2"; In? M‘l‘Ve 1110 aor cusme {ln}. and them over "mum 0. A d .1 M Omen“ Ml if") omm “a” loud‘ WM “ 09‘5“” h “wins: an tlmiy‘ 9n: ham, Was nfi‘v‘huv. “In La “cod an inelr pop“- n 8230 ‘3) $.26 o 1 Jn{l ) . ' m m-r , «me u] .. "v :a‘fim‘l "('mj‘ m“ n“) l ur new en’s ‘ “- prom. “’B‘ ~ “,mm- 5." L 030“ .\ ml—‘lmd a ML: 41 ,ts . hex-of p wds't A 3 thuc‘ Jet khan" Use tw 9 zed u 3 Mmu. 1 . that the - ‘ MN. .I.le w‘ Omc. maid oHmh.u" mi 4‘ Ball 0111,14,, . eon the 9"" 9:13“- ‘ Impull -~ l 1!“ erum ‘ 4r) film '1: Ml my“ 0“” w‘“, ope fl ‘ m Amie - f mmm d. ‘um U . 100 - - .‘ "l.~eclu.‘ em “-0 I» (no. \‘untio ‘of u 2 be... . nut the he" allod a trump ‘mnug ”Mad nu: \mh ‘ “hum. “- l m woe N'Lallfiedb ‘ or has .To' m 1 “Alba. H. Imm). 1 All In“ mummy ‘ lumen ,elm Pun. L lllns . _ Van Juan Hum, t. . mgnuw \L-l'. hmi‘ u updur‘ “WM“ . “4“,. CD swam” D m the self “I"; e ”mom“ “dun” ‘ In: week lmg tho; m, 5 thel- .\.. "Delhi (11- ._. April A 4 90n ‘.. .3"so -. queqio Amman. . - ,_ JUN-UP ‘us '0” “I”. ’5 mar “...-Th Zena“ rm dm . n pr”. ,- j The fi‘" 14ma 9 or the ,qum ‘ e (_‘ ‘t :...._ w y In I ‘ tms . .0 mom 5» I ‘ mu” m- w, '9p r ' omm L'ng‘cr‘nali .gznglu kingdom Buggzylmgv‘emx :lenlngmn 132:3“ fil‘xt‘rohih. '8 nuiyrbrrn. auh‘fi‘lfl,‘h§ €321?!” S‘zg'l ‘ she hr B ‘ P". CJ. M, ‘x-P- ._ .“era w . e— l- 1 .r. nut of G 0" a '. to b l”f ‘. lungs-hf 1: ~mt Gum; H lam-mt , , 1051— —h l eoks smoc- f - “Handel ' the mom] \‘ "on“ w' e “Hod “w Hm H vrt th“n_\v volh rs of r‘n. “W W“! Dal-m.“ 8‘ ~edmn‘7f‘u" ' ”(Minn-d” ‘ “when (“I f k’mnu'dofluwce run] I")! ”w :'. .. .. , Halo .- unw‘ :- - Inulln HMcom ~mmat N .mh” x . 1 a“, ‘(;g“ I ‘ h-Bdhi‘nuz ”qu dx on ._ ”Hm" ' - an] 1 - “Imunp l ulmt “we "WI - “in! mm" 'to a“ I Immw ] 1 “it PM “mm ”W 7' ‘ mgndo \ .el um“: um. (-, , unnn . limems lunnn :- "00W ’n- d I "Iy. hm I a“. \l. h M with m “CUM m ~ lull] pr 1, ,h norul (‘lerkxl- Inquexl' u'find M 5 nun ‘ “Id “Clara“ 9 “m“. - ‘ “mm. -. a field um, he lull u “lull: . .- Jllvwl .‘ mg hil - n Imm ,- 'luc’j' su - 3 hon find (1 . mu 1. d .Ho 1 1 0:1 l .\ thi- BM ' “n he 11 to p “i I x 4mm N 4“: c.‘mm I .. H mm! uul vi llmlll ‘rmpw ‘ rolul-x Lsum. . P 1 bar 18“ st. "5 the Alum-pl. -‘4 _\. . I ”will . mud \- f’tnkc «luv . uOrnlr' ls" ‘L“ . .nd « Gm“ - 3 sin f , on m l m "“11““ \M W) mm- 1 “Nd. ’ ‘I [tort he t” I Is (a on . ”mum”. ‘. or‘nf (‘3 ' ‘l‘ (he to; '.9 in (h. .. Unulun “My - , 1‘" do" “'1 "met-i ~ - film 4119 Fur— "flu. It i 0 ’ tun», hit-41w ~ “1} 8:11“ . «:unol'rgn in ‘- :dor “in :u- {"101 ("uluo Int-i" )l" '( DUNN“ mor we can a“!!! ‘lgt‘nle tune ‘mment 1 all. Doxltioml «TO4 01 8111‘ L “l"llhl rl‘quirlltlud “.‘”“ “3‘14”“. (h ,1‘ 1:1” M”w (I ”1'0" 10”,” new Rmmo‘ m‘nnl ‘31.. it is > . wlicll . l U My. , ur. :ym" . nbe rO3 *1 . “(A tluil ' I,” "W” 1 ”mph”, . ”qum‘fi I m nit-zinlv‘ W‘l - .OUI' u: . "\e OWD :11 '. L w llmv. «Y mm. nbuutt f Faun! ‘ I Ingmh mml‘l ‘ MM] \M n 100' E I “lb. . .411”; C 31mm 3‘o l,“ .1 . | «Imm ..k zu- Lu] ,“n du‘. : lllmlx l-. A tn h “-1.. " “1‘“, J“ . 101 \‘u AI! 01v 4 slum It. 7 .‘I . and . \l- M] m k "it”w< ‘ 1“ "‘- “W": l (.h I“. h—uo - k “n“. "mm" “6 . Why" ‘ I“h” t “(mm "at “0“" H" .7- r‘t'l‘lcll' _- um 0!- U H- Um hem] p. - [”hm‘ - D be! f‘ 3 PI”. 5 be “m“. _ ‘tm- l \ -ly,nl tlu-g .u- lln- .~ morr nu ‘ n.l m n « lulu _ 111 m (m . . m“ ‘ J” ”I. “n" 1T ‘6?th {_.-- Pilfinhp UN “1": Emmy vfilm‘lhmélmt n‘umlétizg'gl ”vii-giulnll‘lmm :ltl'()|llll‘:‘il:lflg.1h\: mm (111:): 11ml“ :13: 1”?" u.. . m Ls‘ ,~§ ,_ ~a.l l- . Unil- .. Inc .‘ i 1-., 10(' '~‘ “WV. gym“ rw' jaufit‘fiiult @113": M leixm- llliff‘glangm, :;‘L,“:i‘.;:3;:l “ma-Jffilx‘lf‘l'““s" d"flinging”ln:“ll%“;anl":A . . .ui .. l 1: tolll -H.n ‘ 1b Vriu- cl .> n‘n4 ('- Ao n “V. 'lm m‘ w to“ ‘m ”'1" m, I “ "Er . mmmmh ‘ mmg ‘3 u spm. ad I: no xl ---un~r rut A» ll.“ 1 Jam-o. . nuv' fl m. . . [he (1 ' ‘Us The "HIV ; pniumll-o 6" 05th H not l’. trllfl'lth- v . ‘luiy of ‘ llkl- n'a J" l art-that 'ul .'t‘orma Al‘ 31M“ ‘f . those e ,gwurm 4} lull-:1“.- “1 b‘."|‘lmm, ‘ every 0‘ a m In” Nm— “-d" r y, ‘hmm “- .h‘ suml ‘ I V,. mans.“ . mnt u .‘nn [IV V. , ht. “mm! 1"”. l ‘mlmr I and Fe . ISSlss' t. I (any , uwd ~-- (.91 . nuhl . 4t» 4 k.“ y , . Ostun‘d - t b and hell' 7‘ s are . IPI‘IJ.“ « . .."R the m‘ '~ hm'tll .tttcnd‘ " : “Rx \ . I IN” .10 all 'w] Inn u . 1n n,- V Ulumnn l- v 31-1110; . mumm’ p ‘ ”1“... . m emu.“ l’l pr” )8 Y . II m . ”W. KIN"! 'h‘ 1?: ndtrefl . lur- Hm tu . ulnt‘ul duro l d , u-re l "'Ag 5'4: mm“ a m ”mm” e 10“.": WWW“. H...“ . r u-Khl‘v .1‘ lwu, , . m. Mod .\0 . ~ 'o‘ the \' IKI. ll (1.. ‘ ... Cousl‘ of the y . s'" mm . -.r.._ “eek :u A. (11-Ill: In“ ll“: ted ,“ Uri!" .‘ow Y “NM m 1 qnc-rl; Y Muted 1 Img , [Univ . tcl- .1 , "111'“!!! - dun I “I, lum r “I“ n wk 1 I , on 11-« u “1 an: ~ 4 Nate: . and 10k. .p} Lnurl 11' mu“ 1m “mm I “my fl". ‘ hm” m" In [l. ‘ ' .onuhlc ‘ :uxduuu’ ‘ , mul ll“ ‘ com I I “'00! I '. 1” u of .It. Mi»: _wtzu. K 0 -)8It1 , l. ' “5 ed m “d ”be“. pug ‘o‘ ‘_ no. Posed of p u rm!" Mmnu. um - mun = lulu-k. , “Mu-l XIIIOm-v v. val .\uh tu. ‘_ lUH-‘HYV- ““lhhilu fitr‘,(..‘,- n-rlmu :1 mtm. Wl‘ ‘3', “n flw‘l and *"k ‘). I‘m-u t' ‘ . 9 Alt: . .1-Luu.- ”Hun-m -,n .1 Inc... 'l‘ ,h, lull“ "('lli ‘II - Mk, ' l nun”, ~ I am; M-forl!; - tl‘ -. “Indy, (1~ “”qu" .'mcnd‘ filled . I". m“ l. "d l R “in" \ m“ k > V I I?“ “m” LJUIWH V‘ m the l. - "mu IN“ ‘.“ ri-Im . 11?». ram]. u. . ~1-llm A . k sum-«In “mum u up“ “Md hint . ”Haney... ' mud dyton‘m. llvgnm-l in; m-m i‘, .\ lhmnml ll 1 pm] 17 ‘. . . he 9 .19 " Surl, u - with fowl ,' ‘n-e 1%“ it“ Mo \c 1," [1“. 11 11. F‘XIN-l-t "Dunn'lv tm-iiéu. 1 “.lm- (:0 "MW, (_v .2 Ann“ WW m “Inward .F m an“ ‘.. m nmdmr‘rs 3‘5 mp 0.11 . 1“ ho -' (- I ”Nam. llm'nl [3,1 \ “fl-In h wkw L \IM. . “I”. ”d U“ ”‘o"qu fox 1 Wild-ll omm 3' .\mn .s ‘ tho w_. lon. » Huh- .‘ -Iht U 9 '~ ~M. lg“; Im ‘ ‘ -.. . . _ . ‘lg v , gud du _‘ (nus l u} k. 'l‘ (‘ . .1 rm l‘l‘ “NM. (‘ "Mk. . link‘ “up I ' “PH” (m E, Junk-“‘3” ‘, Ari-161m. tum Img xlu- -, .L'Ap 1n... .ho mum-ll -: nlaulM . . Jojll'rlll . ~11 J ”ML!” u ”Him IHHMHM J‘ t l’r‘ll’t” .1 . a :- mun “.1 +44 f.» .V n tu-uwl - 1:" - , uml at. llhm Q haul“. .t ‘5: l ‘ “I” 1m . "wri \u- 1: \mln‘ .‘ 01 (he ('zlllml l-X h n vi‘nw W Mack” -' _V 4.1-, (mm 15. .u'm-ml l ' ulll'h-r M "I . Imm Mn u. - Lu‘p c 0" __ llNl-lu‘ . 111-on] ~ ‘ lo‘Mi Alum.“ .' 1.. :3}. (..u 'ulnn w um»- mwxd k m ‘ u hung, ‘ mu! 1. . lum. hund. ‘ l} the" . m: r.» p _1 I». n ‘ mm»; . . -MLC| , ..he ~ ”lon- ". us In in A , (gal mil? lull huv . l .-m 01-1111“ ‘l' 3' “'IH’ t” nV“nMd N I ”y (“1". I“me ul- the Pl mm. _ ‘PM mul lfi‘hllm" all .."n: t""‘l‘1” L WP“ u . ‘m. A!" n ‘ Nd” u t ”u we ll . ”I“ ‘Hg .’n ltd, eq j I mm”. a F “H‘Lfli” I» _ “Id to {I ‘ Hulk-«l ‘ tut (>llO ‘Stldu Ugh L- , I'CNHJC . . "W ”a . . as“ ' ”(HUM ’I M hm- ..n uulllldk. nm ub- nu": u -l l \Mn t} ,“Lxsnb. u..- .Imun . .l «no: ul . \ hu‘ml «,l pom mum.» ‘N mn- I, w mu. ' “Ut lndoal w. u! pu‘r Imumm. . I In! lan - , , ‘ muml nl \‘ I. “I“ ‘l . c ""1 w I ‘ "m “I “h ‘ pow ‘."so‘w“ . re “mm"; . Tllr ' MldJlll' {I ~“ 115 to '-- an r ”- *0... I‘m. utv of 01,.» L - comma Wflkfllgflfy‘. LHHIth-{va .1 I" \‘c I “HM-l I “EM” or {‘o‘ V mm" A .'l . p.-.- - - “\~’ .\"' I” I on ‘“ ‘ Imm.“ if I “mm, "nd “71. “ml hurt. in! “Hm“. 15 u' Iln'oyml ‘\ \ 01k mlv ll .\L‘l‘ Yullx. 1 . Other 5.51130 P from Ma. 1. \.IL n rr_\ U nut ‘ ‘ ”I”! Hu‘'v‘nw“ ‘ ‘ > ‘ ‘ i ‘ U) mum) ' "ll -h;u(~ I, h. ”3&1 the llhrrl. 110 mm: 51‘ ll '“10 H Fllllnuuglwu" N ‘ “ht “Vii” ’ I "no” on tfis,;ddraased gyland and . I ‘.._ m". m...“ .‘ la: 01' 1e ~ can. .x- . , \ilurll' mnnt ,- l e .0 th . numb" t" 1' 7m “,9. . n ”anal-km the u. 11 - an; .n and ~-' .\\ l l espect- .0 G H . vlhe l' .‘a hul , . anal . l Ollie lohxlel . ‘ ‘ . bu‘d. ’ “11““ . 'we St 0"]- mdnu “‘l'? mm“ ‘ mu! 1m A- tnlml -. vto d A 1!] Hl~p . A ~) d). “It‘ In N, A .y} - ates .V "t g,” . hues" mmme “d “r nub! fl (whiny. 3- , ”111)! -- I l 1:) _4. . “1”!) I! ”N" . lw“ I: llnf‘wc ,‘m . H u- nu .x l. 1: av .. L r Ln . lht‘ (~~l ~ Hm: . i M: Mr l-rm . 1'“ on” , luxln-l 1,“ “m n; "‘llmr , \~. .\.m - .qunrnlu . n hlat- ‘ llllmds _. Ulluux ;. l‘ ; Iv ‘ Whom, 4‘ d! war .‘L' mum- Inn-u . u "lyuvl- llv‘llhtnlvn‘ !. “M lhn ‘ Gnu.” “ upon." “M" !_ l 1 111 h“! hmVn“ ‘ .‘ululfl ’ . ”up, ‘ln 111.. . ‘ :10” tom: Ch” ”'l‘ 1 Aug]! 1‘“ V ANS fO. “‘l'” - “Quad no“ \- ‘5. mu] “, Imm] Flam "‘“lt'r u” "tion Tntv. 1‘ 34.! u... x‘ It 7' (v Hull). 1 (mo c. . Uc. ,v ¢ ‘ \n- . a nnd ll ;.ml . “fl t 1... -r - lpw 1- . . dn'i'xmt . —J(‘Uk'77', ”mm” lP ' law“ “‘(flnlllb b film“. hip ‘ u “1“ Wilerl‘r numb \ ' um! um~ ( «In. [ln ‘f’ 11qu U- Kn! u. I. M “‘-' 'l l. - I .‘d ~ ..- l . 4111 1.1». and?“ B y his ”m . inside"! an . ’ lb? 9c 11% th um! \um‘ Unlwq- m-l - "(1.011“ 1 J hymn, .- - Awe All)” .mmmn 1 ”WI ”n. ‘ I 0011.!r‘ul'- n the “l ' N) hu- n ‘Km~. u i Imus” - ...—by .‘ 17 cc.» \l‘o mar-11'“ - .\. ) _ dim-ll nl _ wlhmh-e and . - _ulud m- ' ”IL. ”I h M NH] . wxcun . m can] -“- ~ . . lo' . .Wml. V l u l.;ll .. luluct .\t m... . ”11-“ W" mum-“1' ILh“ l “g M m‘mvin “a fur“ "m“. ‘0 ,m u" u alu)’ lm . {cum-.11 ‘ Img l' . qul A‘. ~-,nr\u;. . mu: (.1 Hm . ‘ I h ‘4O I rum” in ”plumb“: of mm to b-‘ -“5 lull: ' ,lll‘blr .. n nil'h. “‘0 lulu; . ”ml. m a"? 1 fl )4” .'"“(n “in . ..mfitzltc‘ Au. u” Ulo- . leak - ‘ um. 0| .. any hm .' llwl ~H l. -Tl']ml‘ , .qun 3 Door 19 ex“ _ lhe h «ml .- 1,1 . H'ml< t ulmn nv .» the 11- m 1 tn r‘ ”4 -tr 1"” ,nnu-n Mr “NC 0f Ipcrr' MH. 0“! “mm “h“ ”.0 all (11.1,” no mu. ,I.ita 1 ; _ "11. (u I_. ‘ “wt“ :1 '1 1.1.) 1 um". ._ , '. , . ._,.. - . 10110 .' < 1 11, N" g- - MAUI», ' W “I” .> “ Mm" F'l In“! | a ”WK‘VL' '0 ‘d mu") " ‘var .\Jllunul ’llh‘dlt‘ :H 1\" . 5. uml‘ l " fayl‘ In 1 ”Int ll ~ “u lull-1 , | JXCtnlli'l ‘ [lna .'l% am rubs-[he . l-nl nl.ur .'_ lull,“ ~ - h .t-xo Maul ‘ ’ [l“‘W‘W" ‘ . Mum. U m" “H” U. lywlpmd my me Inn” OJ4 f ! Thrfl‘ “r“ 23““. 4“” “Imm” and H”. 5““! I "111 [hut tl .-l Illlu'ill~ I h} (“lulu-l . . ,lmv Ih. ‘ H‘Sl “'01) ’lum . I- "I" 'h ‘ cm“. 10“,, .- .und m U at lonull lo I‘vm l 11m (In. . How :1 uquotml - I tht- nul I ‘ 1 lelnd yw u [man] I. smmlgln-u' “._ gnlfls .. ~ CI. and {ln}; oln rut Juxfi 1' 101- at [you - ‘fuurrl- 1,, 1r "‘lgnmvd “ . y ”ll: 1“” ' "Imm". ‘medg' mm: " rl-llll'ViHl—v .; - .rulp Its h u." duel .0d hf “he. ' 'lTqury 4 ”I ll“. :1 [4 _ - vI; r” W; . ‘ [-uljlrx . , '3” "3 L man "- “flu . ' ”ml‘mi’lfl ”I. prflxm spml', nl:(‘l(1fi;:;nn_o mrth midi-III: “3:111:23; m‘Ql‘lPE‘Klifign J‘ I?!” u‘lh'rarmnm'; * r\- mm ml“ c and P“. . .uolu m.- t} we): Ml] ’ . . mil -_, 011.1,! . ‘ and V ml w plmsc -. H I (.llllrdllt‘w‘. 'llllltix‘fll‘ll fuel ltll‘lill'ixcxllo 10:1$*I“:r.l\ly)uLJvhififiz‘n‘lnlim‘“. .011"! 0r- ' ‘lO :u‘ up ,‘ lurvn - ' mu“ u n l A my. ulhc. 1:. u on M “mm“ dawn“, M "I. ‘mu . I xhu ‘ ml“ 7 “u . U :“alf'l'. n: mm I I) "II Omar LIJQ HL‘TVK' f”? 0 null Lan The ’. th .\lqu [be ME: ”cull —Thu ‘ ’ at l (1 [I thc’; IriP. will: t 1 -, ,n'i‘h 'orfo) > ; ark-~19 “Mon : nd du c ban I: what, r 0 c: l'L‘li NNEJ is f. ms 0. n 1 61m: ”1501!“ ? pmgll 1 line ht :m‘iul : J 0 mm m to ERIE hung: r by of n 1 :1“ l honor ”Land . Mn,- 4 ‘ \‘vn‘oll ”their . I s. [hm \31!) HI 1 . Int “in .'(‘l'l I‘o I n 1')“ . «.‘”.- ...... . ....... 77 7.. 7 l. l . ("'"IIIW'NHM !l/ l"""'?‘.'l""r_l"fl»I" hitilt- t-unjeeturr- and proclaimed thh (lt'rli- [my (it {beatnik-d States. ‘At the smut) Jilly/gum: and ,I ‘1: Inn/1:7 It‘teuqud, lJllllg pu-wnec ol the blood), lit-“lug of {m- tune the ml ll Infidelity tu thel’nitrtl Stall-o ill. k‘relltt._mtd ‘lrerl'ln‘tw'~‘ ..r the “.'“-3.1“] “‘n; _v : , ‘5 ‘ dull 11v mlmhxiutcred. to every man. Tim I mqn :unl mum?) :nn- pit-«lmtl in 13;“. military element mf ’nutgcil) mu gm ' timgturing ullioetzs willelie imtti'ucto.-tIE tn (H'— ‘flnd {0 “t"! :05!“le “MW '7‘" [ms mlxious tn lay the. flJlll‘l'lnfl yne‘tilnn to N‘Ne'lm ”1.5?" tinder the Milli 0t cmmhiv nl'ujnlJnuy demjaml in Kululm the their s’nuls that thr- newiimh x.r(-l”nium‘~.-_eslolll'll ntlivt'l: “ho is in years ttpputvmay ”mull the lt‘ozutlu :l0 “ultimo the “oil in-llmt‘tn't-lv rim“. -l 'l'tl . 11 l.] (IVl'i' 'in-“4““ (ar‘u d - 'lt - - :NI‘LM “‘O3 ”w “WW; :-n-l . , _. .l- _ua'u”l 1~ m~ f i it (.I' el5l murur “hr.“ it l)"l’l]ll1‘.lllldylu nmmluin ihtiu. “up? arranged m ""3” l." I.“ I“. l"l’l""'l"" “M '1“ 141341 e Mitztggth, ““51 “513"" H") "‘“l‘i‘”; -mnl‘ ”I“ mwui u” .‘". urglel'. mt “Limttuuu-nfif“him- ll‘l- luuuhl qtlutu ltit'(~.:\(‘ll btnte tn‘thnllnmiz *_ _ ‘ , l . =.- winter or llllt'l' l)(' a tel-mule but rt-l-n’pu new ‘an‘u, .\ct’n‘ llampshi're‘,’Varmint, thtulu I!" the (lnvetnur he, and ‘l‘- res~ity. vl'l‘he -ytnp:ttliy with .\an-wr Andor-‘(Zutnltt-rtu‘ut,‘ lgllllwtn't‘.“ Arhtlman (‘d to lut‘wtll‘ll I t-ertitit-J ’t'flln ut’ eon, m lut‘ n’ifhm.“ by "I". 11-}...1'14?‘ “.‘“ Michigan, “itsegnzm, hm.“ und‘Mmm-snta .tlztl reinh liuil t'n the l'lrt‘ddturt hf llltngelhq-rumlwguts‘t'tl‘: _ 31"" ”h" "l." Party .34“ “mm '3‘l4‘ll“’!"-‘ . 1 v i 1 ~,(.$ _ innll mun-y shmle-ul pul'ltlt‘té l'rt oly «mill «ml ‘ Mugmtlmu-ua, burlh Carolina tutti 'l‘- u ‘ : ...; —: ____ : that he “‘3" wurthy tirhetilt- (left Nth-1‘ “lithe 'll("‘rt'l‘— N“ Trglmt‘nls t-ueh. ‘ . ' "‘l’.l""l"r” g.“ i we}, pin-ll it} our .~t.n--sp;-.ngle(lhunter“l Tlie. Smith uugln m ' h-It‘lillb') lvutua-mxytuen regiments. _ ltge-pt‘ltllt'lll ltlttt-z Comp. tn‘ llnanlHl‘" l“"'" r""”'"“““ .\TI ll lull" li‘“"?"‘r'; >O," \ OI'F‘T’CVWRVCH I‘L'gllut'nb‘. . tut. finm'lunn I'mtl rmnzm: Uu .\~‘ tlw nub gained ygt'uu’ntl zunl 1 m’mfili ”lilo- tlurtw-n reglmt-ulh , "“lv"” the oomqmnr, "pumpfipg'out». mul there “ashtwlungt-r :m'y rL-:\- .Xvw .lrl'tti}. Maryland, Kentutlxy rml paraded tht- rtjrcm‘ in lillZl‘ll-l at it hit tlmlht. the rennin? utitputtuhu- of MXSwtit'i-JLlll‘l‘t'gllllt'lll!‘“Kill uv ll they l‘nruml tum-ml the 11...} the snuggle lm-trum Lu llt' i:tx,.\.1.~.~t(l with lllnmh atzii‘ludiunn—kix regiments rui'll. t.l.lit":.u;r.,m. “hue Ila-’mnh at ‘lnllt'll mum-stinks: ‘ 1' ‘ l ‘ if Xitgimn—r‘hroe rt-guht-nts. ' '7. l'nitwl slllllw lm-l tlu- Smu- m 'l'nehtatl'rit-mlsuftheullmini-tmtilln mull it b m-(lL-rtjll that ealt'lrl'vgitm‘fll.\lUlllCHlh mt.» Lila-u “li-"W It \\.;~ air while liniunm-rumtlnuhl u~ tuthvuititugm- sin. in the .’ijgfi‘fiallv, (glitch 711 ml luv". of ”“—' _ ’ u ‘ 7 H 1060!“ nl‘ tllcexlu-uunut. :ttul~ t-umplamh seven humlngtl .’tml t'lplll). The total thu‘ ”Wm?“ n “"W‘" prayer "WWII" lmth loud and deep wrrnxliudt- timt :ohnuch ‘ ii) in: callrtl tiltl‘J- u-u-my-‘thne "thtfusuml' ”,h‘m‘s UNIV}, “"l“‘“‘ l‘ "T“? glinw hud lm-n' )rittvtml‘tlnw m llwt “my thru- ln'nu‘uwl rind HilMfly4flKu; The re flora-d “l’ ‘“ KEV“ f‘f'l'" “.“ll‘fi‘ yard in titlmgout theiw wll' nl uni-,1 The nunntlnr ton-tin'ntxtute‘the urt't-ntyfitgt- thuu- WW" ““_"' " N.“- ,n"‘ l"”l'l"‘-_'l 'pmitiuh ul’tlxé Liuculjt jlmlnlpn-ntitln “m sand. under the Pl‘l’bltll‘llt'k prm‘luh‘mtttm, _ "“3”“: "l’l“““f‘:", '.'"‘l_' ”‘0”: rqgnwled ai.~ hut being 'luultu him-l} vm “I'll" \ull ln' t-umltN-d of troupsnf the Ilium tat sn’ltr‘ltislhlw‘ “l4?“l)‘:.‘.'ll-:lll:i,‘:t 3st .lhe “the!" film-mung?~ymnrt- limit un-‘(Iillllllllltlll'.‘ l 7 P ‘ " ltév. .\lr. Kricér .ltei (”Twig (‘llllt‘ll «tPr‘lal'ul that thv‘y etwlal not l'mlwo (If >.~‘~lhtqhovernnrn of \ trump, lawn .J‘nhn (‘nli ,‘Et'll,i“’l'(_a ih'the‘ hnw accumulating'tldlit-uhvt-r \tt-rt-‘ltu ht- tm ty, Mwntm mu] .\uxtTi lgtruhuh _lum- ‘ [l‘ I": l , overmmw. (tn um pulp); hnncl. th‘elfirmt ]’>t-totxiptni-il)'lrefuwtl to comply willLlhu 1“." numbering hhnutgl'm .mo‘n. tnusb 01 ltc-pul-licam nhtlleztiu}; ‘lk'nl'gl‘lttlfi Itsregnmg t'etlti‘tl-ttfitltt.‘ : . d‘pfl'npllJ‘. m tsvl.~ttt(-r.ivrl‘zu ”ITO“?d Eh“ "l”mfl‘l 11-=l'l.'.\' “}3l' “'"l -‘ ~‘ - -f-~-<~-~:*-~‘~--;-r i nurning' for llai'rhhutlg, amidst t'mili-lem‘v m the mlmnqur.:tzun. _‘ I llu- lul- 1 .w l' ‘at flaltimore . _ v mum and the vi. ~trs luul "guml mer l""‘<°l‘iLl”‘mnq‘lh's “A”? ”l" ri'll'l‘mlMl ,1 ‘. ‘ fl: ' ‘ ‘I. . inn-two cmmum-Lhfl‘pcuplc.’ that the Shuthm'm-w hmll prm llvllullttl the _l7“ "’1“?! l 9"“? “l"'”',}~"'"/.’!y ‘l‘f l"!"'"“"t l l «a. -57 . . ’ conflict, mail that the. gttwrnnwnt tw-ultl ““5”?! A‘IJS‘IO" km" ‘s”l‘?’ ' . " luj 1.11:0 tn it: trust it it llult-ti to met-t the .‘A dt-tm-lmrt‘ttt.otétfien.Hum” :lj'mu l’cnnigl etin-rfizt'lncy ‘l'erolutoly :ml dear-h- 1.13% illlll \‘tlllm Regiment; :iitgl tl'.‘l’ll:§£l("l)ll!fllu Ht'glnfl’jll the latter. while umkmgul‘u Min”, to ulagllt‘v “"1”“ M.“ ‘Hll‘ldrmlnxh“l."¥- '\"""m"l"'r their I“ng tmt':ull~‘ ll!“ 350m1“ ~trenut'zur- them got tllranghhenli-iy‘ [About 3w,t.on.tytu ly tlerlz'u-etl that there \\:nl~‘rm ullwl' (knuru- ""K ”W “"1" Fifiulfl‘mw‘v ""’-"l“""d ",3 “"3 lt’ll tu lllt: VXOrlll but ltnt‘lu'tt Jnmu (lightly .'wptlhtce "' , ml: $00!] and qhslrlltlwtm nml to M'itwe wnw'm‘“ Ital flurlt W ”M, thrnun xlcyosrtlwlrn; . the ”Mu-r: gut um. .v _ . _... ‘f a at the ('in-I. nut! tutu: rltmh lu mar-gt: through. I Riffl'“ 1" F" “‘3'“ “ “I“ N ' ’ . lmt M."- «ml hlnlll'll 'l‘lu- militarr‘firetl nmn .: ’ Yunx, Aml lin-l—il‘lre str-ntjhhtp ‘.' ' ~ ‘ '' . l. . , l“ . .x l tI t -. lltt'll‘ Mandi-nil. Mm teumml the hrtxmth llnlmlelphtu ls};t’[vitlly hpntlmg ttttlelpml': plumb. A "‘“l‘l'” M." “My“, on'botli SM”, “"d' "‘u“”“".‘“ “l 4“". “l”. I).;.)‘.‘pn~‘pdlly. the “hole repel ted {ruin etght‘tu liner-n; ' early "0W" ”why 51ml ' ,lu-ul‘l)’ ,lwd) i'lhc m) “1181“ ext-itemem. lhthlurr'yyh-ru tor wa- -' . . . ; ~ ; * “trauma, null um Jammy [tilt-lard to thrir 4‘ "19'3“"? 0‘ t‘lt'lzl'llf‘JWN Iml‘l “Hill“. tohumnfits ClYi’xtt/nrlltu‘tl emnmuul‘etl. _ make arrangements tar haliqhn: n nubile «.m.,itit-ku, irinmu-dmwn rumoumedjthu met-ting L 0 summit theigmtt- mneu’t. ' nl, lug-é. mortlmru troops ghould ho. jut-51ml The neVenlth Mn’iviglit Y9§IIHPHN are" un- thruugh thé chi": and u meetingefthp mum" der-stood to hold tin-tm‘elvius I'n Imulméw Hi ulna mlled‘nt hléuunumt Squad.- nt 4 u'rh‘n‘kuo, 7 enter the [mhlie- wrvit-e‘. i A number 01’ thing the ten-HM flute ot thing: intu comma... volunteers to the nun‘tlwr et‘filhl ‘lllt'll me' Lmn.’ ' _ l ,' forming. Gem, War-(Ll of the Scotti Life l? The Northern Central and Philngh-lpln’n Rall ‘Guard. is expected to n‘riint in the orgiiniza— 'r‘nad trnvks urn-rt, um: up by the man fur uuu- ~- tion ul’n regiment. o“,]. .jtpnnnn" 01! the aide-ml”: dirtulirel out bl the rity‘ .{lllriclge 28th rngiment, Brooklyn, says his regiment d" the N‘tljlhel'll Central WM 11'1"", i‘ ." ”Md: will sulipnrt the. gntern’nmn't to a mam.» "W“ “OPP"‘Z 11'? trainl, Mid l‘f'Vu‘ml" 'l‘” di'tlt‘l'u have lit-enfrt-ceivtltl trout “lashing "“3115 f""" Fm“! mm‘!!!"- 5““ ““"“l""l'd tan ““3“ upthe leden‘nl l‘eglllu'plfiurpt’Edlfi prn‘uu-l'yttmt an muck trom .\Qrtlmrn tmuw ly as passible. The: rurrutting otlicos have .'"“ 9““s'll’fltfllrnnd ll)!“ W” W." l“!!! ".‘“” been crowded with applicants. 'l’ho a-contlr “1‘”: open ‘9‘"?- “ if” "“10"" "'2! Y”? regiment of New Jerwy iii‘ll tender their .'”?!“ film 'Kt'm't‘v l’“'."";"mflir‘:;: :1 services t 9 flu- goveiunlent. ’and uhout’GUO :8 ”'9 qd,nommmu:flrcm u“ 7 ' ‘ ' omm wide Alt-um, “maid, nilldo the‘ fem “mm W““‘_‘__- - ' strum. ’ . ~ 3 ' , ~ / ' ' 'l‘; is also stated \tlmt GOV. Olden, of New‘ -‘ ’ V. Lat“- Jorlwy. will in are" days tender the tcdeml . We heard from York yesterday that the Gov nuthonlim several Llwuuinlcl trqopu. : : emmuntlwl when ponegsimrnt the llullrumli ALHANY, April Mung—Thy Legiglnturg hm leading into Baltimore. uml h'ml given urdt-rs to Med 3 but npprorriutitylg 53,0003“) to Northernlrnups to runs! through. llfhoynelzc» equip thirty thousuurkl volunteenin addition ”filflfll‘ '0 r‘” C“ 5 I’“35‘18’~" 1“ mmmm”! 'L“ to the prescntorgunwed state fowo. tlov. “I!” "M”: 91:;sz I”: bzfzmplzl‘fi; 1‘1"»: z ' 9 . ' . streets an ,0 or pre ivl’dl _ ‘_ 3:23;?" has 1’ ued I?” pmeluxttatron tcoorv: struggle: Bloody- werk is expect-mi. Seven L‘Nmflfl‘ Pm. APril 15tli-“Ex.Presid(-nt tram-x at can lauded “it’l; lir‘nopo pngpcif‘hrgn‘flh Buchanan exhibits intense interest in the XML on the ’0'”; “f hudtmore gu 7 3“ from the South and ti r ' ' "'“m' A ”"9: °"° -" “'"'°,‘ “'l' new: . . ' P r W'P‘m’.‘ {‘l H-tvre de Grace tom Plnladutptltl. _The cm the exprezsion 0‘ adetermlnuhon tnsuslnm gens of Baltimore wertrlctwiugi the city by the §°"e.""”‘°“" _ ‘ awry means of chart-fume to be had. The" “ .§SHL\'6l_‘o-\'. April 11—ij. Letchl’t‘. 0‘ are the rumors willich reached .thia [place yel- Va.. mit private letter to a friend in “'Mh- u-rduy. - 7 ‘ ington hut week, Elli“ he adheres; to His s——-‘--——~o~—~—.-—- opmiom, formerly expressed, in favor ofn. {Q’A despnteh from New York my! the central cqnlodemey. If, he“ at er, there Government, has chartered the steamer! shall be It further disruption, the will of Philmleléihin and iEricsson. The fmmrrm Virginia, if she net. otherwise, slmll be the ‘ rapidlyv lling with provisions,,army store}. rule of his conduct. Any Hacl‘lilce she te- munitiorls. to, The latter in who held In mi; ing. upon a po‘m 1:10 fed-l high, he [Munond’on hula} (qt-mug. ,3 Esq., of ()xmhwlr. and J. J. I of 'lhis plaeh made pulliulir »<- ovum-urn. ; , ' . thing-lbur smrsnms also rbrou-n rmn tho-.(‘ourt-‘uumy I-n Snub “on. 1?. J. FISH“! \r:x\ .ulled es‘cd the ns~zcniflh~d rrmnl. uln il‘: of We hum-”hut urging Um «yrorx citizen mics to thr flu: uf myipn. (on, than pom-(- may goon pnco united, hufimu‘ distracted. . ~‘- - «.o- ‘ ml, E-q‘.dcse;rcs again at our Minn of tlumksil‘or nanny legis lring 1M sessiub. ’ uu an}! Cnuy have favored deans entered llama the juurnal by Ibo liémocr tic nu-mhcrs of rating flg‘tgiu.~l"lho bill appro {JO fdr llmbetle} orannizutiun of “e shall en-lém'br to find room- XL MI quires will be made by hxln, and 1f troubles I reserve for an emergency. -». . come he will take his film-é ol’ them. ' , ~—_.———.....—-—--—« WASIITSOTON, April lSLh.—’l‘he clerks of' R Secretnry Chase in spoken pf“ the the State Deputmem have been formed'successor ofJudge McLean. ~ \ into I guard for the protection of the hull-g . . 1‘”-.. . ...—— "...—l, dmg. Those of the Treasury Dopartmeqt“ [O'Nefirly all our Maryland nxchangéo have received orders mnncdmtely to repair vapor: the wheat crop as very promising, 1 to the department on llxe_ first invasion 1 ..~'_-_—-.—-.d..—r~———— ~ ‘ alarm. ‘ lad. Lowell paper relates that I woman The clerks of the on,“ Departments are in that city has gone crazy fxom her belief directedto beuiuulufily notified. Addition-, that she was haunted by the lipirit affine 8-1 military forces have been placed in allzthg‘, black buygla? who was shot in Norm: public buildings. » ‘ , , lport_some months ago. Sixenevernw him The rumors of ui inlend¢d ‘invulon of in . i%§,W&M& Wuhiny‘dn have etc‘ited hguehthrmtg-‘iqm fiOWL - ““‘"; 9‘" .