qMM‘2ldrilli. The Conn.“ is pnblishecf every Monday morning. by His“ J. Suns, a $1 75 pey Innum if paid striggly I! (bunch-$2 99 961- nnnum if not piid i advance. N 9, xdhgcriptian discontinued, nnlm at the optién of the publiydxcg', my I :11 3?!er are paid. ~/ . “ "‘ .AMntCfinx'uinufi-tmlt m Pnlsnso done wit? dispdtgh. _ ‘~ Ornc: in South Bulliri'mr oppmite‘anpferfi' Tingj'n .—“Cmu;an Pusnfi'tfulin Gettysburg FEHALE 'I‘s'STITUTEs-‘dllje Summer Sea sion of this Institution ‘ 'll tomrnence on Mo‘woni‘rnl lS'mor ANN). nun. ‘For par gicnlnrs inquire at the residue: of Rev. D. Era-run. ‘ [Man ‘25, 1361. 4t iOnly One DOl :‘ Each! .10 0 BEAU'HFT‘I- STEEL PLATE 00 ESGRIMVIN “or I}]! LORD'S HAVE}: FOR SALE—Linn” l’norln‘rv Guru Aunt—The idt-n of representing the VLord'l Prayer by an enizrnvi g, and of orna menting and Irningmg it in a that manner as to produce at 6 “n twdel ntlgntntss and tMle,,wn- rungta’fil'anutnr - d out by OBIS ", th'e celebrupd finkESote ,ngrnrer, at New York Cityw— It rquigricntxjra wr‘ exquisitely ex— ecuted words uf"(lnr l-“ntlliir ’nnd then follow in inri‘esaion the gthcl‘ tutu :of the» prayer. every phrase of wh‘ch i 4 cng»ved.in the most elegant und tust‘lfui mariner. , N‘elr thir lint-torn ‘ ofrthe pivtnrc in ntnupdrhiy xcruted hand of OUR SAVWR. anti eudircli tIIe upper pnrt. of the cngrnviug are tori nu Is. encli'hnuring one of the TEX “UM“.‘XDR E'NTS. The en gruvinghus rurcii‘ml the hunt _nquulifiod pruiw from the réli 'i'mn cunmi‘uuit_ [withou- ii nmh ing ufxt sci-striun 'chnr‘hr-ti‘r shout it. huring been revonuut-mlml I»_vj(‘lcr__rm(-n of nll .dC-j nominzitioni. As un orimm- t it is one of the mmt Ipleunliti cverpuhliulre in thi-i country. und is Ilvetiuml tuttnkg‘. the‘ lure of u pnnror 1 t-lus- of engmvingd. Tilt siz‘ of the flute it W' by ’H iuvhm ‘nn-i ii nmgllnli nuhly the rheup l‘ii nuznniu: (wt-r “fin-red in hil cdllntry. 1 Who ”er lures urt—fi ho t lights to stndwfi ' fine engmtiug—whn tliut utlil rt-t't-n'gffrl‘e imprcuions “llit‘lil sllllili u n‘urk i 9 vulcilutud to impart. “olllil fnxl H) tutu :_ n «my \\ hen the wrire iR‘HNIA' USE “UM...“l ith the chance (if nI-t-uring for the ,uutu.jn nuld i inn, u permunL-nt lzomr or=unutlwr \ulmlhlc git ‘.’ ~ .\1 n wurk ut' urmhis \'.llu ilcunil bountiful engrut‘ing in “‘01”! mun-thin tho lmllnruskml iqr it, as will rend-i 1) l) no H)“l(‘(i:_’"li on nn inspection 0f it ,' l-rit th - sub trilmrs inn-ml m ‘xnmke u Gift Di‘llivlnlii u-tn llll‘L‘lHl.~('r~ ufthe ungrnvinynuh‘ vuluuhleprm Ms. M fidfims; 1 ”Mine nnnl Lot in Y 0 Ho IL'l}, ‘" 2 llll'2’1iL‘B.(Qllillll& l’ul ncr’s iiukc.warruntul,) ‘ I [lufknwny ' i i ' 2 Jiliil ling he's in Yur liurq 3-1 mo \'_uluuhlu lhmkmli i .'m hhli. Flnur. [n‘nrruntn‘nl.)‘,.j I,me Gold Gilt mun-4 m 3: ‘tltC Lord" Pruyt-r. i 'l‘.“ 500 Stet-l l'l rte Enuruvinghfl iMugnifivt-nt Lvmk‘in: (i!=\«‘-“€§j Gold uml Sih‘ur \\'-~m ha. i All' kin-ls n’ JP‘VOII‘A. mug Il'lnrcntino. \lusnit‘v H uhLfl A Hill worth from 5 cent; each eq-grn‘iug sanl. “ - . rthn the onzr int: Im ofthe pm 'hueq-H‘Sill I. - t'lll Hull \‘urk. Pm. \\"l(‘l\ no (‘ Williim .li-trilrutcrt in uw'rh n H) IM'l‘~ [ILIV‘ alctPrminoi. 1' lwtin: n' nmnnittt-e oi} dis to make the u‘uttrds' ill >14.- m‘v-y dotiznntc. 1 ‘Th- p uprictnrmfrum I'lu- i'u wh‘t‘h tiiis (iii‘tj‘luterpqiw l :in'ol llrL- nniuln-r of eu'rnri llum- la b» uhli- Ito il.‘.i'{ the‘ . f by the la! ni'Jt‘ilv. own uin so] 1 thc-r will until} the pur tll - (li-trihulum 111 the “if” A 'l‘lii'a i-i'ngvin'z hm rem-iv \inn Of the ih'\‘l‘r(:llii (' '-rg\. uni! indeed nqull vlfliflt'i. \\ h t-pirit ’ ‘ H x AI'STIN ki‘VE T 1“. .\unrx. ~ 1 ( .~ = , 111-H‘l)‘“\li\ll‘l§l).\ ‘9 l’ll‘fife nuentguu 1m su film: :Jt‘l'ilwlfi :‘ 1I ' YI-mn Rev 1‘ W Thump-uni [ugh ‘1 . hut l'lplscl-le t‘ lurch. {ML-sen. -\u~tin It \Vislnly (if the “ Lmr. I’rIII/rr!’ \\'ll ' "I" ml‘u 'h’v .\leswri. .\fiulin ,floi'nug-h i-I “gm np'! \l'ill‘ beauty. lln [might to r mm lit' Iltfi‘ntiuu— Inytlgintjt “IL I III: cumpoafim;’lu-ft‘trv ht‘ m likl-Iy to Illl'gl}~lll. TJI “'o‘? l 36 rvquiro eanIiIIM‘III'I in or vun-l l cmrhut hulu- In! t 1 have in “ll’llll‘. it‘dlizllf-I InliUl mu. “'in Jlc nLuIIdzII Hy Ix ‘llndfl'ltlklflf. ' (‘. ' rm: the Riv. r. F fink), P; i ’ Clmrr‘h. urk, r \ u k, I’II :‘Meul-L Anilin & W hrly ‘plms Ire nf-inqu-c'in: l-«r. lyfs late I Xi l onsui’nt (IT My would coralj Elly tocn n “mid attention {if their tril‘lllls II whats. It i; In}! uni)" IICI E it‘he (Em-Hing (Ifem-yl him a‘ useful and cllifinl-g qcuu uchuoh ,lllld simihr b Inenr ffi-mimrs «Hm j *«lm this mlvcrtisetm-nt t; i sortio to an Engraving-:51“! ickvt. paper for that fillll’ 2‘ our .i 'scrt'mg it until Hid til 0 app ’tribution. with an E: itnrinlj hacks, they will roérve the“ Wilh I fin; guld gilt I' me In; Ticket. I EH'STI‘ t 3 York, Mun-h 25, 186 K. x _ moaned Gm \‘ UCK WHITE L ‘AD A} ‘ WASlll V» Bl’l'J‘lEll *. i ,'. nt'cjli LEM 100 poguds till covqr as mm ‘,‘- pounds of other “'hi - ‘ . . Imm 111-ma Painting done with pureglma‘ - / durable as other 1 l:‘ .- BgdKJJLu: II whiter and make brillinn ~ 5 ‘ kann White J ‘1 . DU K LIL-liq [o“lnperlor to the fin _sl. Engli "~ ' Vienna! and hen,l , , ‘ BU x LEM] ...‘K‘Bvery Body'Sh nld Buy} "Ir :WASHING'E‘JN MED} If superior to “9-" other Zincg extreme whitenegsand _J \msumurm MRI) [‘9 nudvnlled‘fnk hog or cov 1 Winds will do as net; psi 0 other Zinc. 9 ‘ i , MASIXING’PEE Mm Eng no'eqnnlllor d ility, ’ long as her Zinc“ FRENCH, BICHA pS & C‘i z'l'nnn “o’an finnn LS‘FM sale by BANNER ylhmg, Pa. " 4‘- . [beef . , winning! Tm mg! ~ 2 HR uhdersigned respect“ informs the c‘nizens of Gettysburg an the public gen erallyahat he has opened a “cw Tinning os tabliihment. it; Chambershu -_ street, directly opposite’Chx-ist Church. lie ‘ il'l manufacture, and keep constantly" on lmnd,.every vnriety o‘f TIN-WARE, PRESSED unngAPAN-WARE, sud will, always be rmdy to #0 REPAIRING. « noon-12w. and srocnxegmso done in the Beat. manner. Prices moderate, and no elort lptffli to render full satisfacq‘Pn. A share of the public's patronage 'u_ solimed. ( ‘ ~—: 559?. BAUGHEK Gettysburg, June 18, 1860. ; 1y ’ , r ‘l'. E“. Cook azESons AVE esmblilhed g 029%: at “tj. Jon Scuu’s, in Chamberabqig streex, Gettys . . Fine thrifty Fruit and rnamenul Trees MAPIuLs. carefully Lnnlphfi 11 there for sale. ‘ AFC.“ And see them—ficisfaction war m [Now 12, mm. at 'A ear's' at the usual rues. neatnegs 9nd ! stropt. diréctly ;| Establishment I" on the sign. _.....,__._.},_ ~ Br H. J.‘ STA‘IILE 43c1 Year_ ‘AI ‘ . _ Boiough Account. , G. )fl'f‘Rl-lARY. Treasurer, in account , . wizhrlbe Borough of Gettysburg: v DR. ”60. MM. 2]. To hnlnncv in hands, $3‘93 UmnundinngxesforlBsB, . ll 13 ' DO. 4! do. 1359) . 27217’ Tues usafied for 1860, - - 136-1 6 Money received on lofins..; [‘ ‘ 775 0 Do: i ,f oh dihgonnts,‘ - 494 Do. .' fan Chuqntj'forhlimppost, 20% Rent. from Dnune‘r & Ziegkr, , ‘ «i 6? 1 Paving litmggfltcted, ‘ ; , ‘i 13. 35 18lil..\1nf. u; [‘R. j "“4 ‘Tn‘r nrdPrs paiq. to ”4"?“- work npd cnrtiug, Liunpjns‘li. .A. . ' Guam 1; nun .thi, ___ Lump ligh mg, 6 months, [landmine Ind ()if.‘ . ' Arresting ‘ngmnls, ‘ Lififihcrju d limo, . 1 WM" ('0! Ipany, ‘ Cnrpenlc- wurk, 1 Manon-wi- , A ‘ , ‘ \‘ Engineer? Salary, ' M ‘ i “mm-re, liuhling i-lcctmn. ’ Ii Jnslicp's fees, qualitying Gonli Sumo, , E Fuw‘ in "urge-is ofiivo. Harper,“ ”0. :19. King“: Tum; ('lnuk and repairs, ‘ ' i Ri-pnfiring t-nginos, ‘ I Eugi’m k,dc]n-r, ‘9 nwnlhs,.Y . ll’rirn ingJ. ' ‘ , Inn-final (in loans, . : Nult‘h puiil. -’ x ‘ ’ llrirk nnd sum], ‘) i I .\‘l-hnnl (M. i 4 |]'¢,qing_iir-!illanre. {Hun-mu, of rolclvrnflon, ' .~\ ltu'rpcyvnnd Cuunm-I'u fees, ”MM: “mm”? l lerk xl‘mi “insurer, .\mv. kin. kc. 1:"“"':( ",‘”"'IL 'I i 159.300 00 will: hmnurum us on lax oflfl’m. ' ' lln. ‘ du. lfi‘un, Error?! in asscasmontof dipu,‘ run“. Mun rmulniisiuns. i '(Jllxalnvy‘iillg lnxoa {yr ”3.1!, _i ' :Ho.‘ du. 1860‘, i it Engraving of rlh of "hrist, H sol}! 3| momiqg 3! :It \Vualljngtun ‘fti Imnn-11-A'hm c \nm-r as the pur- o pnrchaucr- sc ltcrmtcd [-ersnns nmnucr us they =I ; llnlzmrqrdne'Trms"rt-r, L ‘ , _:l , l-Ixnuiim-tl by Town (‘oun 'il lint] d-rtific Match 16, my. 1‘ .[:\p,il:'l, ldtil.i , , , , , - _ -1, l = ‘ Gettysburg : | l QTEA .\l Ll‘ll'} \lliJi. {“lllVlill. OF WEST t ‘ .\xn ll.\lLßUAl)~l~s—-‘——— , semen mmr assess. “sly lineu- , fin is very poodbteio be too mhp tieto,'uw to be Ind st 8. G. 0483'5. be earnest, and too can.” to be Witty. 'omhln nmnnpr in s bot-u rvceiX’wL gs “In-adv <0”. «mount (liwus'uq my! \\ hcu’nll at"? '|:|~(:l'f. nun] have rum-Udell with. l Ilw t'unnncndn )ur fir,~'t ritim-n-r, cnlcr intuit will: RLY. ‘ "anus-“'mmn' lONS} {lt of; the r'ocnm- nf Ft Jnhn‘n Pro!“- urk, l'l. ‘ 'l‘hu engraving 'l} is now nfl'orgd ‘5 \\'vhrl_\- of flu}; muvh Lute 44.11] wu-i Her/7‘ w pub vH kfi‘p 11ml Im l-J ‘mlgnémury is segflns (0 me‘ only cr Lu he_mlmircll. I’g‘vntflfiluou Mlm at so olll‘lflh‘ u I_'L'c:sl‘l3 in their '. 'l'}; HII'SUN. ..r of pi. J)lurivian\ 'Feb. 20. 1851 f “ ”will? In nd the ‘ .~gt “'rhx: 1 L :nl’n I‘rxy/rr. :[ > In th» flnmnnhle j York arid" clai ifi‘ll ornament for n f.\llxil§'.fl2tl§ also ‘uinn fur Sund‘l'v It inniuni-ms. F. F. MAUI-2S. ‘ of papers giving 5, will be (gntitled )3" furwurdiug the dress, or by in nted for the dis notice once in 4 “£an l'rulncnl ‘uj its 3110 am“ ' a? WEHRLY. ,' W antee. 'GTON ZINC. .'S‘ ' A surface as 120 ' Lend. ' Lead is twice as 4-15.. lhhn any qther Id. l White Lead for 9'. . Rui‘k Lend. , I. ZINC, in the world fur rilliemvg‘. I. ZINC, ing property, 50 'ng as "(Spounds L zrxc, wears twice as slat. ‘ Manufacturers, Pmunsnrnn. ZIEGLER, Get -10,1360. 6m ’ ,\ ,HV ... , 's% I ~ Ba}. ‘du‘e Trenéurer, ,§ 13 l 1 $3.33! x . 1 ; 33‘. ‘cu, - ‘ aditional Mil I ... _...,...-'-`-- A QEM©©RATH© AND EAmmmURwAL it; \ GETTYSBURG, PA, MONDAY, APERIL :22, 1861- Oat not ‘f From (A; I'll! LIGHTHOUD BY mfrs. ♦. It stands upon a beetling c ‘ Theiighthouse gray and‘ And around its fret the so Thci‘r curls ofgreen and And wild; dark waves oft , 'Eacb crowned with tail (Instflfl' their gnrlnnds‘,-nn' Then sink to the depth: 1 Andlhy forehead is hissed b «t “'hL-n the storm got-3‘ ed But it cannot dim—it calm The light of thy steady e And the Lhnnders burst in ‘ Ant! the lightning: roun ‘ j But tlw darkest night spas 5‘ , Though it is ucverseen 1 ’ When the storm is loud 641 (g ‘ Ana the angry wavesda 4 And the upevtrnl clouds dr 9 f O’erthe Iln-e of the mm ; And the voice of-the wind ‘,' .As he smgs in his gang , Haw dear to the murincr, 141 Is ml}: lighthouse by the 1 II .5404 381 ”121 - Infl'lo lull‘ ofthc tempest, - . L: won in lhc‘murky shy , , And i} mills (he bLL-wildured mariner wlieg‘e i“ Thfinugh ihe bxenkvrs a surf to fighi 1: “pins Iml'ug-‘l- him n path t' light. ‘'2 Fr In dallgl-hkfrum ship“ ruk I'rcc; ‘ .\ml‘thnnk: uri>e in his gr teml hour! 4 Fun (he lightlmuse by th sea. ; f— ()h ! the sen uflife is dnrl ~rongh and, “'iflh mun): thidde We: ~.‘ And many “fine 'nolntl ith utérs wild, (‘oncyulvd'likc the i'qnilgm thicf.‘ And our lmhfi are frn ile, ml tempest-tossed gAlld we know not \\ Icrc iu flee I How it chem nur henrk 1w = In the lighthouse w the ll" 73» 28 “2 II ‘ 20 0‘ ‘3O u 30 al 10 1| 4:. 3' When \‘Guves of s‘)rrtiw um} .\le'surgm': ox'crah an ‘ .\nd ill} blinding misgif d-’ The night 01 (he, vi'idu-d . Am dbl-51‘ ofudvusily s 13ml um lmri-d u; iule th I! . elmll'“cruivnpefromlh lfind Mlhcr forfufrt) fie 019.1001; xilufl!‘ [where m Awgy up in tho smr'uig U‘uw I'}.qu it shim“ win-rut ’.\lid bn-u'kc-r: and h'rllow .\[Hlflf “riulm-rnnd luighlé \\’hi(h 1:} mm thrungh ‘ “'0 knuw that the thcr'> ‘ In lulu “LYLHIOILSSO by the (alilwfihl have been 506 d: ' w‘ _ “nu-m 1: man" 13;» wu.L_ ulna.” Governor’s ‘Heufige_i at any ti 6 make a requisition for part of Eneflwa ICtu' an. ) the militlia. 9f this State for the pub ir snr~ H‘“'"”“"“‘ AP'“ 9' ":3" ‘ $23: 21%;? J: 3225??? rilrfililypfi-‘i‘éfi iii: 7‘")’f"(“s""a" (l’lfhll’f’g ’Zfßl’lPTGlf‘law‘f Qf, number friien re {tin-11. and having them tn. ommonwml q. , emu}! lcamqp [march to the an“: ‘of rendezvmu, and 6'57“"535 A“ ‘th 1‘9"“? this for'the shall cal them hv divisinns. brigmlfis, regi adjournment of the .egislat re rapidly x m'enti, single éompluiics, m directctl by approaching, I féel con~trail ed liy a sense “,9 com finder.jn.¢hjcf_ - of duty to call your attention to the condi- l . SEC. 4_ That for the wil-pogo ofnrganizing, “011'“ ”1" militat'y ,organifllion 0f the equippii v.lnnd arming the militia of this State. It is scarcely Wis“! mm more smm. u sum of fivwhumired thousand than that the militia svste of the State, , dollars, 1.150 much.t ”901‘ M may be ne during a; long period distill ished by‘ the , cessary carry out, thfi provisions of this pun-tutti of peaceful mlust eatclu'sively, act. be, and the mum; is herohv, hppro— ms becomn wholly iheflicic t. and them- ‘priatéd obe paid by tht- State Trap-uret terforonce’nfthe Legislature is required to 0m qf' ny money nglt'other'wize “l'l’ro‘ remove its défects.‘ and ti) 1' den; it useful printad‘. P .‘ and available to the public ‘rvipe.’ Many z 550‘ 5‘ at" our voluntee; compahies o nht pawns ‘of "ml St the number of mm oquirel ljyi our mili- the oxpa tqrylpwgmdstopssho ldbef rlhtt'ith taken a" the to supply those deficie )CIOF. ‘i'l‘hg're are nu- is horeh m’ornua cnmpanicu, tot , that e Without the ticipate nécr-smry arms, antl‘ f the rms that ar’e about,“ (listrihutétkbut few e .prnt'idetl with the the inn more modern applia lCL‘s ' render them pol-37y 1, sfirvicoahle.‘ ‘ . ll‘ ' monp'ea ‘I x-ocommr'nd. than; ore. tl ' t the Logida- ing Six tt re make immediate pr‘oviypn for the‘ re; nogothtt alumni of these capital lnt‘m‘t. : thtlt armshc hm] in pl-nctx-Nl and di:trih tt-(l t 'thdso of our n‘mtiunt ‘ chi/J- ~‘ who may en F'l' int tho} military f-lll'l’MNu Mrviéb nl'the State. a d tlnatlsteyhétakon The cm t ‘ chahgc the guns nl end" dial!" mtml'; h)‘ the 51;“ ll 9 adoption of suvh ell-kfipwn mfil trir-tl flu, Gm it ipruvemv‘nts m: willr wmlorlthm 1 effective lbw-mil ll the ova-nt ofthc‘ir mpluyi‘nl-nt in actual “mph 1) Hét-t'il-O.U In this can action I wic-nmmeml ordinal» tum t~>tnbli~hmnnt of a .\lilitftry Burmu at for {llo' tH‘ capital. and‘that he milltiu laws of the l‘ gm. (3 (‘ munmm-mlth luvs!) modified mld amnntl- _ “mm“ ( l H" to impart t 0 thu militainv organization ' shull [\x n “tho State the vital [y and cnvrgy esse‘n- horohv ; tial to its" pravtit-al val 10 audi Usn'l'ulnc“. : currv hu I‘rovautiom uuch a l hnvt‘ mggcstml are expfamfi wim and pmpér at a l tim "in a gnrt-rh- fig,“ um nwnt likb nut“. llut L‘K‘lw'cljlflllll mnmvnt- (lover-m flue cmwilh-miinm. al'jhin': fl‘ntn the conlli- hejug e, t' -n dl' public all‘nin hut~ith~the (limits. yot tlod in oTinn-uh-ulahlu Cnnfl‘qlltnt‘él to thex pcnple“ General anal h~ tn the fact that-mull us'jeulnuuiha' by, n. 1,; nl (ll\‘l¥ll‘lll~ tli-travt7tlm ptlblir mind, and i - {at in pnrtinni ofthi< l'ninfi. Vl‘ll'l‘ phat-0 of. Procla‘ m cnuntrv. if glut tho «all-Ly of tin“ gun-I'm, out u-nt itwlf. ia ymlunux-rml. ‘l D 1' Military c‘n-mmizmih - :1 "1:11:10 e e mrnr‘lvr. ‘which PM); not ttflu-_th~tmlmlod , of C 0 l: any («filing publifi oxigl'illt'y. have lll‘pn \\'\< urmvll in t't'l'lflln nf‘tlw .\‘txi (k. Un whut‘o prm-lnu t'm- ”rm-nu tin-w extra-5H nan" military I‘m-aid»: rt-pnrntium mm" haw- hoiul puule. no puring: ‘3' N- fimt may mntnmplatr- rgelzistum-e» tn the ray 111 E il'mr‘t nu-nt (Iftlll‘.lt|l\\ will lht'i‘l‘r) mpathy :muuumgonmnt l'rmn t‘hpl lpoople 0f thifl It “'he miminnwmlth. l l . ’ haw h _l't nnu‘h-uniu yiolrlc to A ‘ Rtntqin. lll‘i' nppmm ~spm-t fiuj. and hiw \\‘lllll],‘,'ll ...5 tn prntwt. \tml in t \' all non-«ll‘ul gtutmnlr-t-s,'th gar-mt'itutimh ,Alnham right< and cr-nqitutinuu-ll» itnlbpondqpm 'l‘exafiu hm- ~i~tvr Stat“. nor in ‘tlilefity to that 'supprgu m~titutirmal uninu whmh ‘l niatnplml , prm‘t'w put-fit: hau- lmbn t-‘hmvprmlitllim‘mi hvr- murslxa »-ll' inn-"l than. The mnitiéXilltt-g public . l. A nlim‘i And the r-lnzmmt phhgatin'ufi. nl'"lt'tte Unitt‘zl ntrmtigm. thé‘rol‘m'a, atlmrhthh m, in the fluted tinting rloplnmlilv and (la: get-ans cri réu-ipls 1}!» w the cxpnndimrmf. ler [writ-by iul'enlged uyhicufof suvlllnam. I. 3 Thu! the adiptunt mineral. qlmr- u :- gvneral, mul' (‘éluumissury {general mpvl sugh nnlmfinh of 11111 money In] rnprintod as" nhy he nccca‘hry to OLS purposes hf (his art. All'spoh ; mic shal! lie‘nigulv under tch-di‘roc- ‘ 9hy the advimy and onnwnl afithe ‘r. ud‘m) bill ghull bolmid'withnut drrmul hyhiilt and aft-MAUI: 1 r qtnilu for Ithikiquoot will tie imme gimmunimto to the Statet authori , qizlt the Whr ‘ )Fpahtment‘ A ' at to Ill} {lo' a 1 citizens Io; r m. - and aid} him fl'n'rt. tomathtaii-th’e like into tyr pnd the otht-nce of 'opnl Um u find the Immunity of govt-mutant. im'tl to redress wrongs 16m: enough ( nlm-enl. - ' I O lit trol-er' [d say*thnt thrgfirfit <9l“- ifinm‘ tn the Iforces herebytnlléd prmbnbly he Ito ropmws: Lll9 forts‘. nfi gt-nlm't'y with number n seized ; lUnion. Atil i): «very awnt. the . :tro will ‘be (Ilrst'TOll, mnfiistently objrqts affix-quad. to avoid nnv‘ de |n' any déélrtxc-tinn of on interfe it property. {it uny' disturbance nt‘ I: .itizmzs in‘mt‘y part of the country. lojmrnbv cotnn‘mnd the’peraons cnnr '2 guy-emit] ‘tb .(l‘wpcrae. and retire 3y, to their i-mpootive nbodes within Idzlys from this! dnte. ‘ ing that tau-lprmmt conditipn of -' fl‘him prc-eopt‘ :m extranrtlmnry oc _l No hen-by, in virtue of the pnw'er cst’ed Ixy 'tllc 'énnutitution. convene ' mum ‘of Gnnzrofif. Senators and :‘ Native: are there-fare mmmoned to (6?!“ thair fespm‘tive chambers, at I 'dlpck. nonn.:on Thursday, the 4th * uly next. nnditho‘ro to consider and In sttch metmt’rm In in tlwirwiqdnm I lie: safety andiinteresc may§ecm to {nun wheilmf I have hereunto nk‘ d, nnd canned [the soul of the Unit ' I ‘l9 nfli'xmg. ‘ . ’ gat the cityl ot‘ ‘V'uihingtonn th'w f ; ny nf Al'rii' in the year afoul? Lord (I ¢ftlu~ If“ erpndt-nce ofthe United _ erighty-fifl 1“. ~ ' . : i ; AERAIIAII ‘Ln‘rms, President. 1 ‘I ..‘Siw.anu,‘secretm;y ofh‘tnte. I Wm ilmerston (fight: Ameriopg {Prou— I ' I. . l ' ' L Phlmorstoh’é rrmnrks rfilating (g Lord OE the U terl States are’ thus refmrtéd: ' ' The i. but one mpo: in a. political horizor the contémplation of, w ich mmt inspir us with reign-t uml one. ins“. I mean tow convu sione which are now ta king once among our cousins in North Amen, leading ‘to a diuolution of the union fthe formerly United States. It is not to :u: to say what ought to be. whether comprfimis’es ought to be made by which the U ion may be maintained or whether it is héat for the happiness of the sections that th§ey should separate. and form reapeo. tively different associations and confedera cies. But of this lam sure, every man who hams the, every Briti‘h heart, ivill feel that it is Oua- cordial wish that, whim-var may be the ulfiimnte result of the diflerpnces nnw prevailing, that result may be brought about by -amicxible adjustments. and that the wot-1d may be saved from the afilicting spectacle of seeing brothers armed against brothers, and parents against children. and of seeing that state of social happiness which 3133 hitherto been the ndlnimtion of mankihd, deformed by disputes; and a coun try whtch ha: been the scene of peace’and indmtt‘y. polluted by the eflhsion" of blood. [Cheek] _ ‘ 1.? is man, war-am Whicll fully employod. , ‘ , - MI WThe Logis‘lniture of Illinois. ifitending to p 353 a. Inwt9preven§fwt driving ovér bridges. has. in (Mt, passed a law {:0 prevent drifingany animai or whicle over Any bridge in future at all. H ‘‘ Q . Q'Tlie anti-igbubiicq‘m hdve ¢elebratod their victory in§sp. Louie by a grand torch light pamd'e of We Aennibontme'd, in which thirty ynwls wote' mounped; on wheels and imndg‘gméiy dedi Med. f - i- ‘ ‘ fiéburing 5. ice in a church at. Troy: N. Y., recently” 9 pockets of "(‘3 hiss than six of the’ cohgrfgfitioni fivere rifled by some admit thief. “fl“ .I: i - 378-11; 11 (‘3ser ha! Hie [Pct'wdf who contracts vyi fornfixig fim’emh 1y on= hand not}! flakeston. A 1 has pms‘ed a mu ment. t ‘ ' [GTThex-e is #1 3 ton, S. 0., who pm estate and iburteq 'mCar] Schhin tnr v‘vhp in Spri‘ng Revolutiofl “a #1)! the Declaration‘ : nmtic ,dodgrg 5:7. @Sixty-sevm Re‘ppblicnn fefireuenm tivos End twethe ‘enathrs voledll agnimfi n mfnhution that IC( greézé‘should likewr inflor fcr’e with clat'crj/a' 11$» film“. 3,‘ ‘ Jfi'Tlp Te‘bfia Coriyientvion has mtifibd inefConstitution (h the; Confcdefnte Stutbs, thefe Beingonaly Avodifmmling fiotes. The filmivention zufijodrnmlmn'klw 25th. IL. is stated flint ullEGo . liqu-aton’s efforts in 01$: ponitiontn Hecfssi n hm‘efifiledq , , fifl‘he tralk'v . jury emfinmfielcd in tlxe’ second seasick o ~thé Supremib Court‘nt Boston, oh' Tlflrlrsthny iveek, il'l‘cfilded n 901- m-cd man—“l. Szpnrls‘zrsnn. ' 1 fiJohn 0‘ La 'renpe, the Ufifon mn'di dale, wan olecicd Payr‘ir of Portsinnuth’,Vu:, on 'Snturthly. _ 'l‘l . election, hby‘vever, it? is saidnyas not :1 10>. vo’fie. » 1 ‘_ . - fil‘The R‘clfi (luwn its Uni?" I ConfeJcmcy. t i Greatisiauificd‘ ('mmnn, A \ril‘ sik fugitive slkufij kcn‘_ up their {LI mght {or (.'unulxi, ern Railroad“ 0y lun'e urrivcd- ther whom ghave left :- h\'c fugitives by.“ ’Drzrnm'r, April fuuxtrlv'e :ihwum p uois, lnn'z; pushed:4 since hfatunluy, an ported; to be ion are eug’ireiy (lésxip mmuiputbd, 'nutwi’ théir l'il‘licf. ‘ ' A 3.541”: Dun/u», E} B. Xl3llB, re=idi I very suddenly on. she wakin her us and gave no evidpx ti) nbodt half past: 1' ed.of a pain in he becamd uselew: ;-&h brew: mg she muffin} mbdiately todk n‘. few miuuemwas if; finiamnnds MI be found in the 1111:! these gems was 140 k cents, mid dikpnrédl lxundréd dollmrs! ‘ A P3l] Julia—“'4o other day, at H - rin “ ho was uttelu‘fiinjzl He had come-nod gr! II glazed window, w} ing they wore prop its full freedom; we through the window “Dmtjtflf said ”1&1 him 9 nimnem, "1' any how—seventy "i 8-“ (En—mo, Won't] pie ofsilly your”; 1- ! men ; ‘3l! grown on I equals.” '2 ,l . ‘ “ We nhmild have o How our brains out to do tlmt,” replied. one of thelx‘n. - ‘ ‘ ' --—--‘r. A""T“'- . ‘ ‘ fi-The putters rmlvate, an inlecdotn of 3 beautiful younglndy ho had become blind having recovered h sight after mprr'ulge. Whereupon Sn‘noki ickedly q'bserves that it is no unvomlmon‘ hing for people’s eyes to be opened by n‘m lmony. 1 ”5.8 young lawy r lately «included his argument in 1: am- lreflpus, with the ful lnwihg shhlime burs : "lt', gbntlemen «T the jury. the defend It's hogs are permitted. to roam in large 9" r the lair fieldn‘of my' client. with impunity and withut yak»— then—yes. than indoled have our forefathem fought, bled and Hie?! in min"? - r w , m A~~ ~- ~ fl'fiat a Pig Dill—By the diiobedience of a had in [809,3 garrlq‘n gate in Rhode [sinnd was left open. a pig F" in and destroyed a. fewplnnts, a quarrel ‘xetween the owners of the garden find the pig grew out of it. which spread‘ among their: friendu, defeated the federal candidate for the Legislature, and gave the State a. -D§emocmtic Senator. b whose vote war was fleclnred,.in 1812, witrn Great Britain. I ‘ » —-—-O p . -——..—— Will oil, it is did, has beefi discdver ed in the vicinity offllollidaysbling. Some workmen engaged in excavating found oil oozing from the griound at the depth of eleven feet. ‘ 8-). fellow of atr'dcious ugliness chanced to pick up a. goodgloéking-glufl in the road; but when he looked~ at in MIME” he flung it away in a figmfcrfing, “ If yhu had been good for anything you would not, have been thrown away by fiuyowner.” . W‘lt seemsfi’ q'bserved one dandy to another at a'putgg‘what they give no su per tomight." I'o 'hiph She other repfied, “Then I stop mygx 1156:," and cooly took ofl’hin new pm- Q 31:“; , . ‘£‘ !‘ ~ . - TWO DOLLARS A-Yl-ZAR No. Oa ALL; THE WORLD. {are {lie Paris in i 1 Tribu l-vcajctl that the person. Iu tholqity of I’:’ is for per- H bound to hflVlCOHFtélntr ver than 6,000 Ircoflins. il. iii—The St"te Senate boliqjhring cumin] punish- V , : .. v olormhvon'inn in Chm-19s 's tuxslas '01) $O,OOO of réul 1 slaves. 5 ‘ T is Uni uqc'qmplishod orn cld‘flykd H 165 Americpn an l‘fiankm llfick"—ngl(l ' Indfxpctldcnqg “a diph 'c." j’ 'A 1 5. onzT. Wliig {has hauled Kg; {ind goes fpr 1119 new «M , . of Ffigitfie Slaves for anhdn. E g Ming—One hundred nnd | w] o huvé heretofore .m -u lime, left tjxis‘ city [mt vm‘the Michu’gnn South ‘r r dLne thoqmjul fugitivm 1. since hut f: 11, most of hoe the recost sum-mt of E U. S. Marfimll. .—-s About thr‘xe hundred iuch-aHy hy \t'uy’ of Elli- Lu (,‘auud.s at this point ‘I lixrgc numbers are re- Ic “21y. Muhy of them a and much sum-ring is smnding thé‘e efl'ontn tor Msrs- Nulls, wife of Mr” , at. Bucklnnd, Vu., died let-it}: inst. { It appears '- healtp, gutfhe’r dinner ‘ejof indislmitinn. un ur, when she complain xirm. whiclh'ery 3001 f paih oxterided to heli lk‘iug’ the fiQor, she ini a; in a chair, and. in Ea. arp~e. ' 7 ‘: all as “”1311: nre‘said to 05' of‘Umrgia. One of by the finder (for ten of in Frgnbe fgr eight, had a‘hmrfiy laugh the .n friond tell of‘u man to put a yoke on a pig. utur in n rpom having ’un the aniimal. believ-. King to inh'inge lipon 1 with asipgle bound ‘ 1 1'91:! man. Mmk'ing after g- gut ‘yourgdimensions I] . e exzuclly;!’f 11»: proud)? said a cnu’. It stem-s (of two gen tie i make yomelvus our ==l MOM 71mm Dementia. BlClloND, April 15.—The commissioners appointed to visit, Washington presented President Lincoln’s reply to the convention, to-day without comment. A résolution wu ndppted t 6 sunpend the order of the duy.-- ‘ Another wu offered to go into secret union and ébnsider the report of the oommibpion en. A debate follnwed. ’in which the Freei dent‘s préclamation m :the principel theme. . . ‘ Menu. Scott. Preston and other Union— . into declare that. if the President. meant to subjubate thc'South. Virginia bed hut’qne course to pursue.» l ‘ , ,i :A difierenoebfopinibn‘ exists in the Can'- vrntion whether to secede immediately or wait for bhe co-emrnliqn of the . border ‘ «States. Itia‘believodthamltomatigepropo sitinnu will be suhniitted to the pmple. Some of the membersr of the Convention doubted the nuthoiiticity of the" proclama tion, and in deference to their wiahee the _convcnli n mljourned fill to-morrow.‘wheu it will dimnm go into segreuesaion. The Conventi n pl‘crcnted nu appearance 0? un wanted gravity. nil feeling that. the mini Iliad arrived. The‘people harem-e clnmorous for secessionand woounufrom the interior represent: the feeling as thoroughly arouiled. ‘ X A change of schtiment in the convention is foreaharlowed, Wand it. is believed tint n, hat-maniuue‘conciusi'on will be ruched in Hecret sewinn. A - ‘ ' Upv. Lotchcr declined “expr'g‘ssing an” opiniuii openly preyiuusitd the receipt. of the otficihl copy of the proclamation, ‘but hipormnal friends say that he will refuse ‘ to entertain it. i - r ‘ ‘ The gurfiaml opinion is that. IZrcside'ntl Lincoln; lmving’repudiajted Virginia's at; forts fur a ppncel'uL solution, she ru'uhl. n 9 " aid in (lull-"ding th‘eySoulh. U The G‘uvcfiiim will issu'p no prg‘cllimntion till ho receive# an official Copy of Lincoln'u“ procluriintion. lle him rdsceivcdn notifies-1 fion of u' requisition for three thbusund gncn. ' -—~—v .... an.» A-‘——L—~——-—-‘ . Tregqon‘ Defined in Pennsylvinh. ‘ ”unit/mm, AP!“ l'lL—Th’e BL“ defining and pu‘niuhiug treason pa‘slacd' the Sum: He-nnte Ito-(lsy. It prohibitsany citizen link. ing‘u military commission frpm tho‘fiuemies of the EUniu-d States, or" ,epguging in tiny plot orgcénspirncy, or tmitoxiauué ‘c9rrenpon; (le‘ncc; 9r furnishing arms, under penalty 91‘ ten years impfisonmént and vaa misus- and dnllnra fine. Any personrselling ves sels to the enemy, 9r fitting, gut privfilocm,‘ l lsufi‘ers fivq fem-s imfiriwnmcnc. and five thouaand dollars line. *All the officers of the Pennsylvania. volunteers are to take the oath of allegiance to the United States. in thirty (hiya. Any officer roffgsing to do I 9 will be at once deprived of his qémmis axon. ' . ~ 4 : flaw/Mimi; Q/ Rry/n't Pmrll by JIM Nam SOO tiéz Lqislulure mi. Haring Q] the Attack on 1’51! Sumter. .»-a, I ' k \ Ila/gm, April I’m—lntelligence. of _tho bombardméntfif Fort Sumter reached thin city ’ this forenoon. The Legiblnmre. on loufnin‘g'Lof the event. amidsy'inwnseemo tion pas-it‘d the following ugnnimously: mould, That. 11.15 Housp’has heard with the deepest sorrow and regret oi the hub break of civil war ‘aniong theirfrlenda ind neighbors in the United Suites. V» : j li'cxolml, Tlmzt this‘ I louse, withruifl ex prcsing‘nn opinion upon the poiufa in con: trovorey‘ botwcon the contending' partied, sincerely linpmt. that those who qiéuk tligir lmiguhgo'nml havetheig civilization shiluld 'be shedding each. othera' blobd': nail they (lg-sire to offer 'up their fervent. pi‘hyor to the Father of the Uniréne for the restoration of pence. y 23—5“ ....._-__§)U. mnThn iconm 'of yestcsday show that it is eminently desirable the people of our city should hll’ be tieepiy impressed with the in» purtflnu‘: of domeuhing, themselves,“ in this pr‘riotl ofgemwflemenh not orily u putriulic. 11111th p ucing and lawi'zbidihg cilia ;ms. We hfipmciate the inteme‘ foelingi which, moves all-chases. and'vée respect. the) enthusiasm-of loyalty w‘hichis everywhere ,beithunnifested. But may not, these popu-. inr demonstrations lendio deedn of riot. ind! disobedience? A mob is‘terrible, even when apimated by an intense devotioni‘to the U qienr Xuthinibut unreasoningfbiindnm led to the demonutrhtions upopithohomo' of General PATTERSON last. evening when h: wmgnllnntly striving (Jo do his finale duty, and upon the honiasogother citizens, eqnti ly devoted to the Confiitution find the Q . nion. Those things should not b 6: Nothing is to be‘gaincdby such unjdstifiatble nun;- t‘estulions. and every citizen sh9uld~deni - that the laws of our'city {should be rupee ed and its dignity preéervodk—l’Mladdpll I’rexs qf Tiara/«y. i V e. _ Lowuvxun, fipril 15.—'l‘he recent ne paralyzed our people, and they have no yet recovered from the shock. Com'pehi are enlisting {01:1 the Southern Confedenéy and shveriil gm‘rc to-momw. ' Our citlien generally tleblore file position of Mr. Li. coln’l proclamation? ‘ : Burial; Mr... April 15.-—Gov. ‘Wu‘hlmh 7 1m replied mtherequisitio‘n pf lheflecr ol' Wit: “ Maine responds promptly. Th 'bcople of all parties rally with: slackiti I the malntehanoe of the éayernineut , _ Ilia defence of the flag. A proclgum ' ‘ will be iaqued tomorrow calling .3 specill sec-loner the Legislature on Monday nut/1 “The correspondent oi the; Bapubliv‘ can my the citizens of Arizona met in Com vnmion in Mmilla on the 16th ult., Ind ro solvcd themselves out of the Union, uni Gan. W. C. Jones, formerly of 111-sand. an nounced himsoti' a candidate to represent’ Arizona in the Congress of the Confmlen’lm~ Slates. ‘ _ [ —-—-———-—- o - Mon—~— + fi‘fluliufl, did you attend do 138! meek ing of de Abolition Debating Society ?"—-f “Yen, sir." “.Weil,wlia.t' was (10 fun find dut cum up More de home?!" “Do fnst ting (lift cum afore de house 2—wby—ifiwd can = o: , I ._.. - _ ...,fi_____.. 1 a-An old am: who said an» Ml 4 whojvere prompt. in their‘payment dwayq recovered in their sickness. as they Vera good customers. and physicians scald not ufl'oxjd toloose them. A good hi t auda sensible doctor. - t Na Small Nolea.—The House of Represen tatives of Pennsylvania has, by i vote 6! fifty-three to fourt‘y-four, refund to permit the banks of pine State to issue bills of a lens denomination them 35. , A ‘ [EWWbat ever made you marry ,tbat ‘déwdy 2” fluid a mother to her lon. “ Be cause you.alwsys told ma'to pick A wife like my motherfflwu the dutiful row“ 1 _-‘-————an-' ————- V ".1 , fi’flw Cbicngb"‘“figwam,", ' incolnwax-Illoll3lllBl64,“wuupkt.2x ' ' 1 [ntho‘b’whultn ‘ ' ' 2‘?” », i ‘ a . ,‘4 . :u‘ . ‘l