The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 15, 1861, Image 3
7‘ '1 V [C-vmmnnicuezl. Adm County Agiicnltunl ngr. rmThe Board of Managers me‘ or. the Menu!- lnu Fair Gmund, on the (M! sum, for the at aof making art ngemenu for the gangs; of the First, Anuiial Fur 0( Adams County. (they lining somé time before lessed the ground. fixtures and buildings rm the Xens’len AgneulmmLfibcimyJ and to 59?: what necessary impmvemenu would_ he re quired for the accommodation of the Society, exhibitors and the pu‘blic‘ After viewing 0m ground they unanimously-fired to enlarge it by lemmg more land and sharing the: Trot ting Course, so than i! willml least be I qusmr ofa mile around. And in addition no the buildingfl now on the ground, thexhave speed :0 much anothér building'taic eigh", feet long, for fruig nn‘d vegemblel. with In ofiioe twentgfuur fé'e: square, {Jr the conVenieuoe of , the o 'cers and those whq may mum to have ' entries made. And also I building efghly 3 feet long by thirty feel. rifle for the benefit of exhibilurs of carriage‘s, 111-chinery tad larm- E in imjlemenu,‘ Io um: their uliclu on exhi- , bimm’ may be kept dry during wet. rweither. ' They have 3130 agreedllxo build a poultry? huul'e, for thegmnveuie ‘ce ofiexhibiwrp mi showing of theirboultry. ‘ The “Nigger: have . deKermined to make ever, necessary-improve-z mam and unrangemeyl for n finvclm Coanty I Fuirf If it should be _(f'dilure it. will not be," the flult of the Manning. Adam: Qounly! can line a good Fair ift'llhe peopie duoire tol have it, and l truag they fill hue one which! will be a credit to he 00 guy. The board of Managers have agrged thlmhé First. Annual) Fm of Adams (50.4%“ his hald, cu'tiimencing ‘ an the 24th ofSeptémbei-I; and‘endil on the ;. ‘27zb, Wlm'lx WilFbe the sure time lhejlglennlleu‘f Fnir was held last. year. 'tMany persons in the : County at. thu time were not. prelénl'l‘mxhibitl o;n account ol'it not b‘einfiknowu. this; a Fain was to be held in the Cogncy until it ya: :00; lane to prepare unicles for exhibitioxg. The . Manager: hive delgrnilhed to give notice; ‘urlv 1h“ car, so ‘hm. the citizen of thisf' "county angelugwheje may prepare themselves “3 exhibit. I‘; in huped’lhat every farmer and r mechanic will feel themselves interested, flud' prgémre articles lnr Bxhlbllion. The Ladies w ope will also feel inu-ruuod in lhe maner u we cannot 'do without their assistance.— Great credit. and pnine filere awarded them Jul. year by yhe Meuullell Hair. The} fully came up '0 ’Llw L-Xchmlimls, and in, some .. lhingl fur Exceeded Lln: ‘l'X‘ ucltfllons of the "public, I 0 l'u M lln-ir (re‘pnrtmcnt was concerned. It mu excelllmnt—-vquul :5) a first cluu lair. sl‘be mgnuged hope lhgf will mail! comerurithe expel-Lancing of lilé public. a: they wi lbnve more mom" nllnted w llae'xn’lhiu yenr, which will make itimore conveniuurl'ur them to show oi? thsir driicles on eilii'uitiou. ”We ex 'eu, tlmrel'nre. var) lAdy‘ that ii favorubi: to a Fair beiugfiield, will go In wurk grid prepare some:hingfl‘orlexhiliiq'iun. “(kiln much credit was award in the lai‘dies last yegr by the Managers, 'hpy, however, were lorry u) any that there not) much careless!- ueli Ind negligence on! e'part‘ofnieclinuics Ind machinists lo'prepnrf nrticlvs fur exhibi tion—there being but lew larmiufz implements on, the ground ‘ The nmnngeré hope this will not be the case this yew“, and that .tlmir de purtmengs will be well snrpplied and'cmne up tu¢xpeemtionm 'especinlp'».~inee lifere will be (building on glue ground or their convenience. There wax also a. failure 'I: tln- purt-ul'liirmers "in ufliibhing neat (1:1!le We hope this WI“ 412 rehedled by bringing ”more on ll]; ground. We h§d acme ucellant gmh on the firunnl hut year—«lL we cumplsfiz oTlhey 'were too 1 Tel. Farmeru plume retriedy this by bringing 'your stock In the next Ffr.‘ ; ' A JUijuISLTRK‘UOLDER, I’res'l. I _ ,4' r 7 ' ‘ Uummunlcatefi. - Monafl‘en Agriflltural Society. ‘V Adams Cnhuty Agricinlturnl Society hiet ' on Saturday evening, March 16,1961.“ '{he subject-Ihr the evening was f‘Spriug Lrops"; also, “Whether the“ raising of Fruit is profitable in this County 1’" ~ 7 _ v Jonas Immune—Lime Apple, in‘par ticnlur, wfulil bermure ‘rulitublc, I believe, « if cultivated as it uhonhl buttlpin We linve ) ha any idcuyil' beretnibrcb ‘ 5- v». n. \\':t.¢,os.—;\te “are .juit‘ begin nin ' to open on eyes in regard to -tbe‘eul~ ‘tivution and pro Ls of Fruit. lam satisfied 7that the Fast! er crgnn‘rt invest money in any thing that Would }{ield« him as large a .per cent., with uch lit'le outluy in the be ‘ginuingu ‘7ln uriiingh Peach orchard, it only requires an or thlj‘ee yeard’ growing to lproduce twu‘ t three rbushuls per tree?— which fruitklu t fall 3' year, was engaged by nlep‘t‘rym hltiiuore, delivered at Get , tgsburg flout iis place, at $1 ,per bushel. ' ‘fihe demiind i greater than the increase, ‘ for -l"rul}, whi h I 51ml convinced is both pmfitublfilaml healthy. - J. lio. ”Lilli—l think most people val :he the Hench o high, and the Apple too low. I hive fohr Appletrees that; last Full (year; yi'eldedlmefif). The Apples 1 sold \‘lh'so'ocllip pe ’bushvl. The French is not _ asaertain h or p as the: Apple, in iny esti mtiou. The. ultivution of Swall,l"ruits would be profi hie, if/attentiou _was paid m-them. "“ L .«r/ ‘ ,_ 8. A. BURK lOIIDER-l—l am of the opin< ion oi‘ Mr. liohtaahn,~ that they ’wonld be profitable herel'Qs helliss elsewhere—the “Layton BlackberryJ’ iifor inétauce-‘Jroin the sintsmeut oi‘ Wr’nJ’prry. near Philadel ‘phig, who BoldlstiUO whrt of the Berry, froui onen'cre of ground“; he alsémuld 8150 103200 worth of young plants. H. Wat. B. WiLsoN.—;wWe are rpther too “I“ from market to. mold the Small, Fruits profitable. I MW cousijflerably in ucbes.‘ When could read’ilyfget 81 st? “for Peaches, mould nbt‘ get 75 cents for - the very best of Apples.; ‘l i Pitsxnnxrr-In Népl York, hippies are the most profitable cropll ; Even putting the ‘prioe downvati‘lé cents per bushel, (which u o lo" estimate), coxlgiing‘ 8 cents per bushel for the offal, whl ‘ you may feed to. hogs an: cattle in’plnntipg - - Orcliard, it? will prodmy‘ih the min ten himost, lagoodn crap.“ without an ; and,lat the‘ - same time, suhancingtl’le val 9f the land. In pqichnin‘lgis Farm, lthsxv' first thing to be lookedgat, is whether t . ere is ”a good, Orchard on ill; Plant 40 pple-trees mi ‘ths acre; th‘pfi between‘th 4- plant 120‘ Punch. ‘The’ilntter begins r; produce iul three years at er planted—so etimes soon-i er. Theyseldon everymimhgf planted in: A sheltered locality. 'l‘csn {nly shy that Adams county produces IDLE e trees than eny other County in tlie Sta. In a few years we shall have ,plenty :‘f Fruit, and “rarely sale for the sam :“we are now within 10 miles of n Railro -; that we can i now run our Fruit do“ in very short time. My advice to Fame lwouldbe to ‘ plant more Fruit, and provi ‘ Tor genera- ‘ tions to come—an article ofjifood that is healthier than anything that 7pm be eaten. I D. D.GII‘I‘.~I uni oi thes‘opinion that some people go to lemma: in: planting tool uglymes; as the pro “gill not be as saunas ew yesrsas somepeo o una gine. Ithink every farmer shonldphave an Urchsrd, Ind raise sufficient for his own m,bht believe that the raising of grain on the am nmountof landfope year with 5 nuotherrwould pay better thpn to devote , goo much towards raising fruitu a business. This is my honest opinion. 3 lons Romans-I look at this in a _ury‘difi'erent Way. I calculate by this Spring to'hnve 1000 growing-in orchard— .nd believe it to be:the most profitable :igyeptmsnt a Firmer' can mske, to plant fifihlxr.—Ofiqzighb¢ emmn ammo - 8300~which ‘ nmcfu'nt uefler- could have 1 bgen realized of the samclfluantity of land ' in any other way“ r'l‘be’anle of Peaches ercuds entirely oh the quality. I havh‘ seen them'sell at Cirlisle nnrket for 81 per ‘ bushel, find at the gauze time inferior (lual- . ities of. natural fruit at 25 cents. llaut none but good, select, bndded. fruit. . . Gannon Puma—Ten or twelve‘years i 190 I hauled my Peaches to Hagemwu; and when the market was gliitted- with! cimmon. finit, I sold mine at 80 ; cents,i w ile natu al fl'hit sold at 25 ceutfif The; Ypllow Rare Ripe I sold at 82,: find of‘ cohrse think they will be more profitable; in the future, as the demand for :gréen fruit . is bu the increase, from the fact thumgreen fruit is canned up in lnrger quantitiq’s,‘l and 4 mt! the whole Syear. The Peach ‘crop‘ seldom entirely {tile in this section. ' E o JACOB Burn—l lived on- one farm seven years, and in thatotime did not mlutfruit? once. The amount of lhnd paid b'et‘ ,r in l orchard than three or four times that amount, sowed in grain. They were all ‘grsfled " frognndwnmd thick. I hauled mylpeachJ ’os Cnrlésle, and got from 50 come" @3l , for all of then). My opinion is, that; you on' not plant too many. I ' '.’ ,l imminent—l think there are 5 great many more insect; now to destroy the trees ‘. thojn years hack. This is the reason I’givei _foréthe shquliyed trees. ' ’l’eo le are not as l ‘pm'kful of tlieir'treu as they should b‘l' ' l ‘ 431-20301; Prime—We cannot expeqtonr . trees to live forever. Ma of' our would 'ba Bystemuticyilarmors are £flmghingfi ld ln-' jur'ing the room of their young arch-r s.— 1 When the trees are young, they ' or deeper cultiiatibn‘; however a greet deal depends on the depth of soil; while, cut ti 0 the roots :you are destroying the l fe ofi .tliatree. ‘ j \' - \‘M. B. \Vtmox—One thing_wh eh I wish to retuul’ about orchards, wh:l his intestnblished (not; that you cannot raise a goodfirchn‘rd‘ where an old one has been out duvyx._ _n_ 4. ; , ‘D. mom—l would like gelknow flat is the best wash for trees? , p, 1 ’ ' l’nzsmmn-AI wash mind pith lye "‘3' ry spring, which prnmot‘ns thc'gro'wth ofthe trc‘e, also gives u beautiful ‘coluringéto the ' hark. This ;1 saw in BOUlE’pgl‘lEflltql‘dl journal, and Hove proved illWllhéng éfll‘ct. Adjourned to meet flaellst'_Snt%rdhy in April. . . Gt ‘WIILSON, See'y. ,1 4 Bpooial' Notices. TQ CONSI'MI‘TIVES ~—'l‘|ve .\dxsjtiiqcfi, hav ing lgcen rcnto'red to beam: in A Key-- weekk by u. veryfimplc remedy, after hnving suflcred Shem] ycnrsyilh seycre lung afl'cctiuu: ‘aud thuqdlcnd dlSPfllc, (f'omt‘umpliou—is‘ nnxiuus to jmuke kunvyu t 9 bis t‘éllow-zwlfen-rs’.llxe.mcnnal ofcuxet 'l‘o ull‘wha desire it, he will send a cpp; of: the prescription used (free oft-barge?) wilth Um“ directinns for preparing and using tllelsmue, 4‘ which they will find a sure Cure [britfr‘pubump- 1 tion, Aqhum, Bram-hills, so. Theronl‘fi' 'phji-rt ; of the advertiser in sending the prescriyfiion iafl‘ to benefit the inflicted, and sprezul information i which he conceives L 0 be invullmble.‘aml he? hopes‘ rvery axill'erer will try his remt-dy; MEI}: will cast them; naming, and ugly p on: 4 bles-, an; ~ _. l, r . 3‘ Parties wishing. the prescriptionurill plensei sddreas REV. EDWARII A. \VjLSI) ‘, " . _ Willigmuburg, Kings cgunly, ' ’ Oct. 22, “860., I, 5 New Yul-1:. - THE GREAT VENULIHII REHEQYt—QB 'JAxu (Juan's Cumin-run Fun: IPlum. l‘repnrutl from a prescription of Sir J.. (ill-trite. .\i. D., i'hysmim Extraordinary to the Queen... Tin-i in‘amhle ml‘dil'ilfl‘ is unfaiilln in the cure ofall tho‘se painful and dmxgerous‘idilieusrs to whiqh the mmzilerconstitulion is snitch. 1t moderates nil z-xcvss and removes; nllAbbstrlic lions. and it speedy cure may he relic-(lion. "l‘o .\lurned lmdics it is peculiarly luitedn It will, iii it short time, bring omthe monthly ipenod with regularity. ‘ li‘ 'Em-h bottle, price “he Dalianbenré thie Gov ernment Stamp ofiUrcnt) Britain, to! prom couliterl‘eitfl. L 1 i tun-nint—These Pills should not b 6 mi: by feumlésiduring the first‘ three mpi‘nhp' Prcgna‘ncy, as they lrrc sure‘ to bring join \l carrin 9. but at nny nther time may anefiufc In. :51 cases ot'bermuu “(Spinal Ahixetin Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue (in 515;, excnion, l'nipitntiou of" the Heart, Ilgsu‘r and Whiresfih'eue Bill: will elfect a cure \\ h :11 other means hme failed; and nithuug powerful remedy, do not contain irunJ: 'lom antimony, or my thing burtlul to the Misti tion, , ' 1“; - Full directions in [.be pamphlet aroqq‘d'en package. which shquld be qurefully prefer-v Sole Agent fur the Unite}! 1?“; th and‘bnum ' «JOB MOSES, (Late 1. CJBnhlwin J; C 0.,) 0‘; . liuchesteru .‘l‘ Y. N. 8.-—sl ‘ and 6 postage 314. me ehclosed to upy authorized Agent, \vill‘insure a banjo; cunthiuing 5O Rim, by retu’rfl nufl. : [ Junoll,’6o. I’d'qw . j » § GREAT Discovering—Ample mm. ‘hoth‘ by able practitioners and chqmicnl minlyais. khave (legionsujuted the Erentivplue of Fir-l 2 Dei EGrath‘s benuiifulsomhiuatiou; called “ ' ‘LEC vTRIU OIL," for; the :efief;nud icure of uiu. .‘ But the people themsélvés arq rerzderiz§"hei 3 verdict in n mnnilei‘ b“oth nmuismka E An satisfactory. More than two millicn bottle have b'écn sold in u very short time—oh gum . proportion: of those who heard other: fawn) gm‘end it, who had tried it. Tlmtit‘s a lpleudi ‘discovuy is evéry where acknowledged,“ : nothing like it “1:13 ever before prepnreil. Th fouly.genuinu El ctric oi] is,me. De thh’s which is to be had at all the respecmhla Ding gigs in the cities, and at wholesale s‘" retail . at the proprietors’ prices ofth'e tgeut'hei'e: Sgr advertisement. ;: 36.53:“); & Busunn’s Store is well-wot thyrnvisitjusl a: this time.' We doubt w; ache even in our largest cities, go find a display or Stoves en in: Lonnie Th‘eir large mum it full of Stoves of (very pattern; 3130‘ every val ricty of lelow Were, Sheet-iron Wage, Ti‘ Wire, Planished Ware, Japan Ware—qmbrne ing, indeed, everything in the house furhishin line. ’ deso, Sausage Cutters, Sausage Staffer. Lard Presses, km, kc: They are, prefihzfid t sell'wvgolesale and retail, Tinkwnre and'Sheetr iron urre of theirpwn manufacture+keeping n Buflicien, number of hands to supplying; deb mend. Their assortment. of Lumbet: in very lngre; also Coal ofevery kilf‘t/\\ 1,! ‘ ': ‘ ‘* TEE MARKETS. GETTYSBUKG—Snunnn' Lut.‘ ‘ 1 Superfine F10ur..........................4 sztto 5 00 Rye Flam-................................. 7W 30? White Wheat..................,..........1 L5lO I 2,- Red Whentl 12“]:0'1 us Com 3.. . .............. v. 4 um..- ‘ m 2 8uckwheat...».......................‘... 11 4 ClovorSeed ~..L 4 some]! 1; Timothy 5egd.........1'..i.....L........l 7511042 00 Flu; 5eed..........'.....................‘ kl, I 1P Plsser of Pun:..n...,................. ‘ {E 650 Plaster ground,-pcr bag............. . 1i T'OO BALTIMORE—Fun“ pm. ‘ Flour: 5 37m 5 so Wheat...........................(.....:.' :1 305;:0 1 70 Ryan...“ .. x. 63.90 70 C0rn..........,....................‘.......‘. 051» 63 OataA. ........... 2730 38 Clam Seed} 4 bin» 4 75 Timothy 5eed.................‘.. ..... 2 503:0 2 75 Bee! Cntle,per hund.......‘...... . 6 50M) 9 00 Hog’s, per hund.....;............~..... 8 25%" 7 00 Hay.....................;..................12 00 1016 30 Whiskey .... nhe 18 Guano. Peruvian, per t0n.......1.. : 61 00 HANOVER—Tang“! pun; Flour,‘from wagon..."- ...-;.'..j....', 4 a Do: from 1t0ru....................‘-\7 ; 500 When...“ I 15101 25 BIOu-uuuuuun."...-unnuuuucn . w ’ C0rn....:.................................. ‘ 0nt:................‘.._r Clover 5ead‘.................... "...... fimuthy Swim»... ....,......‘, Pmurnnuuuumnuum-u‘n‘tm \ ,ngncid Wj ;e (mout' of ==l = 436 300 CID . l name Bane. , . .V Tunddy, III: 234 dawa April, 1861, tho 0 undeniguld. Executor; of Hun Wuhr,v Howiaf‘d Street deeensed, will lull at Pnhllc Sole. u. the 1m: CARPET. STORE-N 0‘ GRWFITH Jr residence of sdid deceased} in New Cheater, SON. .\o. Ell-N. llownrd BL. 3. W‘. Garner Adam! county. ‘lhe following Personal Proper. ,0" “0"“??1 8 Huron bmeu, Baltlrnore. ; \ ty, m: 1 llulla‘l-i, 1 Cow, 2 Show. 7 hendoli fi-xaw AND cum? CARPET House. Sheep, with Lmnbp, l Ont-none Wagon, 1 001°“ wantw hny'lCheAp Cflrllfl" v 7’ l , Gml“ Fun. 1 Rolling Screen, H“, b)’ the ton, Then 010 the Howard St. Cnrprt Stbre. 3 When, (‘om and Onto, by the bushel. Aha,‘ CAR'PETg, on, fun-gs, MATTINGS, 'c., Ij€o°k SW“ “Pd Pipe, ) Ton-MLRStovo “Dd kc.—“'e would invite nttention to our evr Pipe. Bednflds, 9nd Befldfllz- 1 “we“. 3Th stock or Cnrpetlngi, on Cloths, Mlttingn’, g blvs. aye! «Chum! (Joellv 1400ka Glam, Carpet], prle oil Cloths, an, in, u of Qnrvehm. Clipboard and 3,1“: large Corp" which 'we are determined to sell at the cry ‘ m - Ih:::24:3:.,l:3h.2:::l:stifitrsz‘s’xai gm , b d., f . w . 5 fl . _- H ' ‘ . - Any winning 0 uygoo s 1 our l “3725:2153; 69811:! :51! 1:33, Mr; BE\R~Y I lot. quposts and Lumber. l ' . k , will find it to their advantage to ”4'5““? ln Nehvill'el Cumberla- 3 county, 0n the 4th ”axle ‘0 commence M 9Cli'c‘ '21.) M" on 5‘0,“ ”to” purchasing elsewhere, G inst, Min. 'St'SAxNAH ATSHAWy-wife 'm‘igif'fid'zhfgdfifg“°° "“fue 3““ “fill’fk” f"WW”;tgalifgglffgwfgg" , “ ~ 1,-- <‘> c.lre.‘ .g.‘ ...' ll" Snnmel was" ln'dlnghter l" Jud.) » , GEORG ' W LP: 1 I‘Aul‘ir d.-Gnlnlm‘, G.sun.\'oros Gmilrr bhnnk, of Arendunlle, county, Aged 3ZI , JOSFI’ WI" E: n._ ’ . ‘ , , ’“l‘ “la 9 “3" ll ‘ 1 new: the sauna timelnn' pn ‘ iviu be of— “3,133.3,‘33'3 lbt" s. w' 0"" Mum?" ‘ zaffgfi'ufifpgggfgg“fig,"cggffn‘: {ma atl’nblic Sale, ALO or Room, theE Aprils,lB6l. sv‘r ‘ . , Mr Wni ’Slerner in the - bye” of her le. property of Henry W 0“; ll "3.“? "Sim“: i“. - ..:__.._.z ' ,________._, 7 “new” 30“, “a? CATI-ABINE BENCEE in ' ujd town ol’New: Chester, The Lotyontaina,‘ 1881. A 4881. 186 mm: wJr W nzei . ,3 :nearly 1 Arreulmproved ith (Rio-storyCARPETS,OYL'GLOTHS' AKD nunxhs, (in tllye lst init. at. l e residence of: her. Roughcnst “at 83’ mm A- new: ~l'auhng “e" . PROM NEW‘QRK ALCTlfng-‘P’VPM‘ ‘motherlin hum fire“, n, Ohio “i" 3 of “ nor any! a Cufteyn ..t he d” or"; 9 Stable from 25 cent: up: qil Cloths from 37} ccnq‘np; .'x . ' ‘v 9 y, , ' . ,Ind other out-hunldmgs,, nd ’ loung Ur-‘ White nnd Checkedlattingmllwidtha,n‘tt‘cry prolm _ Illness ofablout neycuzdnmtlon, cha dfl: . r . If! ho . t. , . “1.“. ~. l in” J LIA RUSALINDI pLYTH’E aged 2L F 0 f 010} rmt. ' , I “mm?!“ low prices;Cocon}L-Ittmggo 1 ereut mdllu. "3"” 8‘ months ml 12 .. ,5. She bore her not sold, it Will be ofl‘ered for REM the sump Also, DRUGGETTBI RUGa, DOOR MATS mid ”meringu- with greet Ch tion fortitude and thy. 3"?"th made kn 3m 6“. (he by of., STMR RODS at ”due“ ram. RAG CAIR' pasted through the detlh' trtiggle with all the» “1‘“ . .l ‘ l T“ “El“s‘ '93” “I °.“.' "9 mm “FM“?“F “3‘“ rattli culune lof an infmt’ll‘ lumber. She won Apnl 15! 18051. \ [JonT "ARES. Auct.«, l 5 cull ”mned' “15 Jfitirnm‘il I:l3ng i ‘- - ' “‘“"""r" "' ‘ “""""'i"-—’ . . g nt , :18?! till filtrefigidérfiggil onnty, Phi on "ml ‘ ‘Btatemblnt ,l : , {doors west oilloword SL, Blltimonal ntl 14th onlnrchmf. yphoid pneumonia, OF THE BAXK ggsfi‘fifigl‘l’SßUßg}. , AP“I l: “s‘“- 3 , 7 ’ 11,l . xr.’ A. nos wusox armor] of‘ Adams f ’ ‘ l . “ - ,“4 " couhty,l|ged 64 years,‘ '-' I 1 i Loamlnddiscotmtl.....,...J.. .......1.5299,566 IO; , ‘AJ' Mvatm9t & son I:j«I ‘ With pnlumouia, on to .18th ult.,nt her .5pecie............ .. """"l raglan 39 SOFA AMljlfi-‘Q'FUKEWMIhIIUOW-SPS rosidenle, near Emuiitsbn - )qu Mrs. MARY ‘ {lug by other 8i1nk5...... ..l. .........l 1,021,665 39, . 25 and 24 .\. ('3‘: street, linllnnore, rlu 'M Axle, “‘ch or John Wol . aged 41,9". and.‘ Nags ofother auL5,...... .......,J..111,034 50 o,l~uyette st.,)'cxtendmg from (my to trailer ch 2? dnyi , , l 1 .j? k'5.......... “er 7940 00 leg..—tlieil:;rl'ges,testnlalrlhniexlit ofthe “film he On t 0 2d inst. .\lr . l OSANNA YERS ‘7 udgmcuts..l... ............ .. “..."... ’ .451 98, man. ways on tl‘n‘t-‘nrge n'ssorn en 0 wire of n. Adenoiwlnn, “a aa‘ugmu‘ol 80ml Wt. l 5,013 n nubjsmmwxw (117!th Fumnnlai '“l All. Jnc h kaes, aged 30 year: 5 months and Real Estate..... .............1.. ...”..l. i 6.400 00 ‘ brat-mi: “mean-Bed tends,Washstgnds,l\n n 2151x131. .' '- , ‘ , l l ‘ . l ~ I +,__. ruligs, Mnttrrsws ofélluelt, Cotton unlenFn' l ' , v ' Communiloted. T0ta1..........1..............‘.. $4376.20!) 44 : Spring Beds,_Soh?, ‘ete—‘e~Tutca,l.\rm Qhu rs lAt t e residence of her on-in-low, near I’e-,I L ILI KB“ IT] ‘B' J #5:: ' (ROCKIES Chzf'“: fly??? 1‘3“"? Egbles’vls“: Y.- fi ‘ pm Ir. R. . , ‘ ‘ ‘--. ' .ees, eceplou 11 ,p 0 crer'alr,;x ‘ Will 3R 3“: Splitting me, ainfr‘xa tel; Clrcullltlonl..." 52,43,440 on , sonrnocomnsoncofnuicrzrunxiwnn ' '1 .- ,l K 1)epu5xt:1......,.. ”.... ......... ...”... .. £9,982 31 W d ("l . Olli'h‘ Cllti‘ ‘,B. l dhui 94 yearlsumouths and u uys. , D t th 15' air . n, 881 44 oo 4 mx‘rs. \- ~ in, file!" _rs The ccenscd was of d earnest and loving up in U or , W mm... ' " ’ _ Cflbs Bll‘lfllfum‘s‘, “9‘15““. “‘4‘“ l‘llrélljlm dis'posi ion. she was ki‘ndl miablenndpencufiil.! Total ‘ _ . _ .. . ..liszllz 303 75 [Ulll anu‘lhtlnnt frame hookmghluspcsls du She wu un all'cctionnte will 9, a devotedimothL-r‘ .......... ' ' ".'" n .3, ' _—_.B=.===-2 , b°“"d9l 1‘1"“.“30‘1 Tul’k‘sj “l “"9“!" 1093+“, J and a ind friend, and evle ready to render ns- Cull-Ag... "Sllf’hl 00. ‘ ! Parsonsjdisposod to pllrt'll:|:c‘ure.ln\"l¢“l ai<tunr .to the needy. Al at four months ago, The above st: tement is F ‘rt-ect,,to the hestof‘ null nu? give our, stodk an: exmmnutiou, which blld tol wgd the hut rem us ofher son, to its my kuowlcgde Dd belief- ' ‘ .'"” Variety “"5 qunht‘j: of WWK'D-‘mShlP-H "Ol mgr re In,“ phcc'; mm, d She'lhinkltlmt so, . d‘l b. TAD.i illhfljx brill”. it I eqmtllad by any es‘illlxbll‘ln'l‘lllltul'lf illegal‘lintry soon 5 ~ would lie in dent '& culd.emhruce,'— Alfirme and su scribe! ul'ur inc, I lit ill . . ‘, . ‘j . ‘ “Trul; in the-midst ol‘lif wb ure iuxdq‘nth.”— day of April, l 51. 'U ‘ll. Allllhol‘h, J- 1’- l I 305- 'l5 and 27 N. (’l‘! "‘9":- Sh'L- h. let: a. kind bus '1 d,nlYectiouiite chil— April 15, 18' l. l: ‘ ’ Ania" ,6 1350- ~ ”LU" drén,n ml in large concoullls offriends, to mourn" w _,.,-. ' “ '_"" her'ln :; but their loss '1 her eterm‘tl guiu. >NI We ha c reason to heliete that our friend is in g LITTLE-151 )0}: hr glit' world, .wher here is no borrow, I lil‘llt would 1 uglthe _ .\n’_\" more pain, all is happiness.— Little-town nun Nlmc énn till the “can tlmt is lofl in the wutinucs the 1 fu‘mnlyi Tears bedew t‘e aching void; Denr .\dnmt count mo'hcr,we mix-e thee. A S'E-R, thou q‘rtgmne from ”33 m“; to Pry rest, nnd left. us hlir in this worlll ol'wu.‘ at the lowcat “'1: hear- thy roig-c no mo . All, ull in Sllt‘lll. bu“; Hum“. Though. dour mother, tile ould not cnll thee Md other mu bu k. Thou nrt release om all thy troubles. beat sules: 1 Y a, she In gone. The r {N has clusqd from nll time: to yo 1 her last remnigls. liu she nor; sprnks, to strle White .\"L yo from he grave, Haj g: ‘- Therefore, he Bonnet-mum! ye'nlso re:ul_v,.t'ur in stlc an hour WllctLJC with nlispltch ‘5" th ilk not,the son of mnn truth." 1 ‘ ,nud done up 1? ‘ lit-rows nroclosedlf ever, . L i releircd flu. SW l 'l-lu-tr slinrhlxug llglllt In! Huh; 1 1. AP!“ 3, 13.51, l Thor! slghtlcss urban c slecpmg, ‘ { _.. 1 - ~-—‘ ‘ in the man ions ofth ydL‘flll.’ | ~ .' ‘ l lint angel I ands hnileiaornc her, i ‘ Splmg fit summ‘ On the win' 3 ufligllt ud love. I ‘ ““1”” EMMA 111-“ M", ’l‘mlmll w‘ h 'Chriilli heaven, C .L ”‘1 “, ,neir Stork. °.f j In tlmthle‘ home h w... A. u" 11. ‘ l‘()ltilt:l5, ltltrllis'uud l‘rim ‘ Sentinel nnd Sag}. “scrap.“ l ‘to which shl‘in> rte: thentt ~ , Ll Communir‘atrd. -« 1‘ rum 1”“ li‘l'fr'flncmffidl'l . led, on the 29thol' M Mr, at the rvlzidcm-e If?" Pu'dn‘l‘cr’l' “ ,‘e -cc ’ 1) her son’ui-l w’, Sam 3 Tailor, in llillorl- ’r'°“dsf"}'l ."““‘l‘°"'e_” “'2 Lo 'n,l’err_\' colluty,-l'n.‘,l.\ ‘s. ASNA,H.lllUl’l’- “9”“ gn‘mg hol- “ “1“". ' l \l \.\', for mi'nly years n‘ r sident o." thi‘s plzlt‘l‘, “P ““rl‘t "”‘l would'inute,‘ 3 d motllcr of Messrs. G. V. and John l‘.lloll'- “l“ ‘11“ ”h” “l 9 “f" rem "n n. ugcd Go fears 8 nlo ills 51nd 3 day‘s ‘ MN ”I in Superior style... 3 1.. nieuml. loflll‘s. Ho man huwmlilmgly “It lines! “1‘" “’s‘ MW" 1 m.- reuli/c the truth 0 the scrifiuturks thnt 1’“ 91‘9”“9“ :1"! the v."- ‘ n the midst oflife we ae in death"; True. 1""!ng “I“ ,d exm‘mur. l) several years past, '5l ahas,‘nt times, tell “SW'I‘FV: All ”'0 9‘41“ le hand ol" nlfiiction ‘r ssing hcah'ilj" upon 53”“- “ le“',§,°°” bout! r; but uotwithrtnndifi her sull'e'riufs from b”“~‘"l'"'"‘v 1.1" lat moat pmstrating ld senw, inflmlljuulory ’ APT“ 3) “s‘ll - she b Is cont med to fill 11 r mm- ". h nin society andjn the mildly circle. nlhnlo .. ' Prlvate kindness, clleerl'ulne ‘3 nd affection cuntin- P A F‘Amln—Thc su Elly atlnounding her. leek‘ness, nminhility 0 Moon Etllisgnmm l d devotion to friends coined forth-us the Private Sale, Tlll‘ll’lll} ist promlnent traits in er chur.\ct.e:. silnnt‘c partly in Franklin For more lhnn tueutyAl‘x excars she has lived, hurlnnd townships, .\dnm nnected with thle- ller list E. Church, as n ‘lo-ndiu: ~from (lettvshur "W“.d and consisten eml‘ucr. There are nlm'ut one mile from 11l ny‘herc. perhaps nowrwho olten, in years Eamn cuutaius Hg ACllll iich‘lmxje' punt, metlwi h her in the r'nrious ncnt measure, impmred can: of grace donned» with the Church Double LUG HOUNLJA id who hue, doubtless” urked her chrietiau- nit'h Sheds attached, “01 2e deportmenty _ ; ~ ,blor, njw Springr “011 ch ... etcr ‘ _ . . _ Qn i’l‘igsdly lastfliy the Rev: S. Henry, Mr JOIN-31m SPANUIJ‘IR to? Nils ELLEN G WEIKERT, bu'h of Mountpfleuant township. fl-We. übngrntuhte’ ibil neily wedded couplegn the sensible moé'c they have nude, And [mpg their days may be long and happy.— Biels'mgl nucnd them ! - 0n ch‘ 12:). 'orrehmrfi, by the Rev. J. 31. Changifirul. HILL .\ch 'EABY. fomerly of Adams bounty, Pm: m if ' MARGARET Mc- COY, all ofSL-hufler counlg, Illinois. i~ s. . Int W .cs , II•A She nos taken to her ed on Tuesday, the 1 water iii. the door, and dYo V; Ii?» ’ eprepm \ “""‘" "‘ """"'Z“'°’ “ I. . tli. itnd on Friday; the” th, having born with Orchard. The lulld‘ is ofigom: qufifiy, hc‘ing : :1) It’lls‘anr‘B-{i‘hlifififijnk r: T 532” gitiTatk listinn fortitude the '3 re affliction of cold the‘yellow sand. ‘, i if r in “W » ‘ - ' . . ~ ; . . .» - . , ppertmning to our him ens, at the loivdst poa ttled uponvthe lungs, (11 din the triumphs of; Persons ivihhing to new, the [‘rroprrty are re- i sihle rices We do no hesitate to “an,“ ristian faith. 5 | | quested to call on Jac’ob vEckeni‘ude, residing ithut 01:" work shun be p“lin a “5:” sub- Time, and thine 0111 M 6" the jammy 00- thereon, or un‘the ASSIKiQEy twirling in Ge“‘stnntiolend tasteful eq nl tpo‘the' best: {0 be sioiied by herioss; ye . eshould eel rehign- tyslinrg. ZACH! KIA” MYERS, lace-n: in the cities Hinge "9’!" im roh'e'ment : toilie uiiiacrutahile i (Ilium Oi'l‘iiOVidCUCCf Ait?“ 8. 1361: if i l [AWF’M‘ ‘ ,wliich experience hne Silagestjd in :vuiléd of. i iimlngt at “our 05in, er‘etcrnu gum." ;~———~—— ~~w-—‘—-—-——,~—<———4———~‘——~v——- l .. = . ' . . . , . g ; and e: etiuiiy do wq gtniruntc that our Ceme 'bhepherdetowphAnni XII‘ 61‘ k!“ u' i As§lgn°9 S :Noflce' _ iterynnid Gruve i’nril‘worfk shnli he so carefully ne‘bentinolnn ““23 ease copy. : ' THE “Udel‘Sll-illod. 11‘ '9B 9“ nl'Pmuted , net as not to be'ntfccted i‘ro=t,hut shall dinin -7" "-- *———t‘. '—'—-**“ ‘—-“Vi . Aijigl‘t’ev,““.d" 3_ a?“ 1 my“ for ”‘9 tain for yours that.’erec|{iiess of position given ; Merchant itaflormg! °‘ £s2:?::’::‘:‘9:?h°‘;r it“ If:’:‘:::sti“;‘ia“‘lt:‘:°§*vl::*:;:,gf:gzhazntggcifmw 1° . 7 ~ * 1 . 7 i . . I EORLTE A'RBULD'h‘r I“! returned from All ns county, n'otiée i here 3' given to “I‘93ng gng “h? I; ’ yf ‘ ‘ :2“mighti'srrifii:mitt: Mfume imto am I; m ;.1 Ban—i,“ i r ’ t . ’l ' ‘r i’Assino toum'eiinnieinte‘n‘mentto‘tlie ~ . a , '9 ,r won]? and ‘ eathKEOf ’? styles ; and having nndegrsignédKresiding fit he Egrgugh Of Get-I OR INgLAlgDfig‘l-ILXDS.3?lligwéelicnte‘ ficured the sand? of I‘HI \T G' , . ‘3’3hu’gi i“ 9‘“; county; “‘di ”4°“? having, F structure oi'thi:E eyelid renders it pqculiar ' ~'. i ‘ d ‘ -.h ‘ cinims against ‘ sninc ‘0 ””551,“ them proper- ily sensitive and liable to'disense. “'hep from, a ,is‘orernjfli, ire are ,p are to Put up '1 e, 1y authenticated ti): :ettl inentli innv cause‘ it becomes ntfcetcd the inner inein-l a are goods m styles e.unl to the: be“ City, ZACILUHA r MYERS: Am?!“ hri'ina rnpi’dlv intliintes and the evelid viiicen‘ nuufacturmg eetablish .cnS. Hfl\-lflg,‘ufl:cd, APT“ 8: 1891‘ 6‘ \L 2 , ithe strongest predispogition to attract fit itself? 0 E hundreds 0’ Jabs w“; E“ the In“ an ntout ls” _‘ 7 ‘ .... ' ... \ \~'—'E"-__""— ‘9‘! humor! frdin‘ilil punts ofllie bodv. H 'udrcdi‘ o hiiEiliiebrji‘lielg‘ihgifeOJseedi“ lsinfrtfdi' infants; FAI II F HQ? '01" pcrkons ot'scrotulous habit are'disligliircd by ‘c?nclnsircly, that we business; ini No. v Still in th unfion!‘ ~ ’riiwness ”F redness pf the eyelids. coihinonly {when our stock of opds. cp'unot he - RINEHART & sum AN hég km to call - gelled wry. eye. unit, tortured mt“ KEEN“!!- p ssed in quality and at e. Give us a cam-<6 the attention of thei friends nodthe pnb- ‘ “015‘“ "MIN?“ “WW4 “it“, by 951 f thisi \ e are confident we on p'iense you. i lie generally to the fact that they havejust re- 'BA SAM« my 0"“ 1! “m 0“ 'mmc‘hfflt‘, ellf‘f ’ EORGE ARNOLD. :turned from the cities or Philadelphia and: In all mes. the en her sins rennet}; is, pplied April 15' 1851. “- ; , . Baltimore. with I NFAV AND SPLENDID AS- Lthe better. in oasei where the I?) I"“,qu ARE __ _ . SQRTMEXT 0F GOODSI, “and," than ever ‘ IXFLA‘MED, or the ball of the eye thickly cowl ‘ b ore.ofl'ered in the con ty. ,: , [ered With blood, it out! limos! like mingle! and, filming bought their goTods for Cash, at panic ”“19"” all “P 908119“ ‘Of wfl‘m‘lfém ,n 53", ”15¢“, nnd a“, time whe the decline in mu, 3 two or three nppllc‘ tiona. There is A humer kiiida of fabrics is nnprec dented. they are en- I 0“! “1’35! °fP°"°Psl'~b“”° peculmrlyexpoa'ed able to char such BARB ixsrha will oatonish ”to Widen?! or dufMfl that weaken ind. m-, the' out creJulous. lt' pm Tends 65in but_ time the byes,andyetlmiwdeitmi'“l9Blslll,; cull and examine our siogk, w ich in complete! fucb 8‘ Miners, Mechanics, find other opera-Wei in" verydepanment, “5],", eiire '9 can offer; in metals, ,who, iron: the nature of their em. niio‘h inducements its Willtunpithepfly them for, ploymenu. {lre compelled to work In a qlpud of their trouble. ‘ Every uric-1e u ,nhllydkeptilin do : glistémld “in“. Such should “Frei- be Yin-. 110“: first clue countr stdre‘ ill'bevfoun oh an . h 115 l 3“ - , ‘_ ‘ , ' weir: deterinin’e'd yor'ho BB usoiznsoml. PRIQE 25 OTB. PER HlE—Fiji" in an! free‘ anywhere outside of the City. .4, "our motto is fier dial! to any part of the Lnit d but? upon “Quick Sales and Small rofitfl,” No tronble‘ receipt 0f 30.0"“! 1? Paw-’9 3 mgs. l to show goods. {c ,i ; ‘ ”Pregared by .A. B. s:,th iihDSg Drug-l 58““ also take this, cuiilin‘ to return‘onr Zufi- 100 ““0" sva W"- Of “1 ham, -Y- , i thank: for the verj gencrons pnyronn‘ge We have] 1‘0? “l 3 b! :1- 9- Putin“, Gettysburg, P‘- heretofore received, nndlndulgh the hopelthntl MM- 11. 18b1-_ J}! _... _~ _ : b strict attention 20 bn neu,“ond a high 11- j ' gird for the interests of lboth our patrons and‘ A The‘ EJ9OllOl]. «, i ourselves, to merit a continuhnge of their kind I 8 9'"; “‘1 nithough 9""3' 0}“ on: ‘ 1“" favors. RISEHART} k SULLIVAN, his wishes entirely entisfied, it bec JP" us 1 Corner Main ..Pd Mountain q,” to submit. The _next important quesftion for . April 8, 1861. '>. iFnirfield,-Pu. all men, end particularly the peopiep .Adnizil ‘ . ', county, is where to buy the beat and chetpesi , ‘ Notite. ' , 1 , {full nndsx'ifégvglothggg. hWe nnhcaéhting : . ' {a ' M . .' -—l ('1! u ot—.'. learn 1 JOHN. BYERS S ESTATE.-A,—Lettera 501. ’6'} of)t’he Diamond, in the old Cofinty Buil‘ding , ministration on the egtate -of Johnl3yerl,l Gettysburg 0“. 15 1860 | Log of Reading townshi ,SlAdems county, de-u _——~ 7—» ' ‘, —-———.—--—- 3 Caused, having been gal ted' to the louder-i - , Removal. : signed, residing ‘in Hottnilton townnflip, he; ATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING-oLOUISi lierehy gives notice to ,nll persona indebted; vv ZEH‘LRR has removed his Watch 3! to mid esgsteto snake Immediate payment, 9nd; Clock inking Establishment, to South 1131-“ $0: hum: 61mg: “F‘T’a‘zgmfi ‘0 P 339“; timore street, two door: nortblot Donner t e prop: I n e“ m" e '9, 's‘“? - Zie lcr'u Store where he will be lac! to re- ‘ JACOB WEELLE, MW» tceivge n continiinncn of the pntronfigo of the “MC" 25:1361- 6‘ ‘ ‘ .public. By close attention to business. good I ' ’ work. and moderate charges, he hopes to give i general ntiafactirn in heretoforG. , Gettysburg, Aprii 8, 1,81“, 5 =: h 3‘ aw “1i g :, New Store 3, BE subscribers hud 1 . .STOCK OF (300” which they invite the 1 e are prepsred to s' Ans for «uh. All ‘ -.] wiliaprove the ttulh of ; i ‘ D .a gAprills,lB6l. 3m ‘1 3 Lancaster Bu E’ORGE WIANT; J G‘ - f -. B 0; | AND aux: soot; i? K B I N’D ER , ‘ acne-ruin, ‘ ELANGASTE’ , RA. H’lm‘n and‘ Oman-Eda! Bbading, of very de -5' rimion. executed in fit? most subs mid] and nFAproved styles. > i t - | “In an. . .W. Brown, 13541., I“: "rs Bunk of Lancaster. .L. Peiper, Es]? Lan stel- County‘Ban'k. amuel Shock, sq., C nmbia Bank.‘ nmneLWagqer, Esq., r 1; Bank. ‘. . Wiilinm Wagner, Esq.. x oil: County Bani. T. D. Carson,'Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. 1 Peter Martin, 5911., Prot ’yéofLancastér co. Pa. Geo. C'. Hawthorn, Esq.}Bq liter “ J“ Geo. Whitson'. Esq., Reigozéér .u. ’1“: gApyit 157 1861. g; : A ' g : Alexander? r; ; I LOCK gNDWATCH-MAKER, reui‘d‘ved> his shop to South Baltimore st et, : fevi doors south of the Court House, re he will ’wsys be happy to attend to the calls this ustomere. He is thankfuLfor past favor-d. and‘ hopes to receive the t'tmiinued custom of thé‘ public. : [Getlgabnrg, April 3, 1881. i. l 1 . Notice. i (708 FUNKSR'St; ESTATE—Le rs of administration. def 17min not: Vth the ‘ will annexed, on the “state of Jacob Snub: Sn, late of Huntingtonimwnsbip, Adams coun ty, deceased, having been granted to the uhder- , signed, residing in Tyt‘one township. lye; here lsy gives no'ice :6 all persons indebted. to mid estate to make immediate ptymenl, and those having claims against the lame to prelant‘them firoperly inthenticated‘ tor settlement. JACOB FUNK, .13., Adm’r. 5 Much 25,1361. 6t 2 Irees SalisapariUm Fairflgld ! upened an énlire NEW : AT FAIRWELD, to mention of Hip public. 1 at exuqmfily‘ Lew ask is a c; , and we ‘6 above asae‘rtiéu. NER 5: 33131.95 Jun CURRY’S ESTATE.»Lettex-al of the ministration, with the will nnnexeld' on nd~ ‘estate of Jane Curry, lnlé of Liberty whnship. Adams county,deceased. having been granted to the undersigned, residing in‘ the sung town 'ship, be hereby gives notice to'nll persons in debted to said statue to makqimmedinge [any menu, find those having claims against the sum. to present then: properly authenticated lor ut tlement. AacfiIBALD CL'Rl‘lY, Adm’r with the will unngxedu ‘Harch 11,1861. 6!. ; g F you wnnt to buy th I Ladiel’ Gliten, Land at (M Mm" it ' ' ~ 1 It I= ML UW.\'.—sH ilcspecxfully 4urruuu‘l‘ liminery bu lii-bl. BRIT- In‘Hmdips of M3l. that she ‘m llnmplon. \usL returned un I'. for wit, 3 Mb; n‘t’o rui ‘5 con \ iug ) lon i 1 I where (h l§he will 1.901 uofils. “LL | Hun’d-boxc. ; cry Goods ’-:\/Jy-Lrinnl :' had—Am ‘. Fancy Rib ‘, 5!! w. Leghorn, of “IF l|l‘|\(:=l and ed Hanna‘s are M ; ng ‘tlnemtlhe new ‘nmid MIR -. atipndeg to ‘ cm Mezwhed' test humans uuueu. ' pg nnd tri ‘n cheupiy. r\37} cen‘ ring and in ‘, 4t. L lilt' filmeryq 1 ‘ Notice. T jus‘: mew—l‘Vnuummzmuwn-sasmm Ly undfiu‘mmerl h-rs nfmlluinistmtidn on the es .m- at pt every kindfl Wig/bright Ziegler, Lite bffictu‘shurg. #:lms my me Ladi‘es. I co., daccue'llJmVi'ug been grunge-d m Lhe pdcr "my? bare in . signgJ, res; ling in; the lsamemluce, 112:1 here. u-d sth“ her by gives notice to a l pbnsons indebted 90' mid (0 hr pleased e.~l:1"te to make ilnmcdiuiiju) mum, and those “.'“ ed to do bulug claims ngrflidét fihc smue Lo firéient xllutéen'tion‘ to them properly authenticued {Tr settlomgut. “pnli'txm Bon-l DAVID ZIfiULE 1, SK, Jaimr'r mi.- m :th or, March H, um. 61 ; - ‘ndjghnd W” Er M I 1‘ hp 'pring Ilillggl ‘ I nliuui 0d :5) ' Sntb 01 mi N is} I ppeci] {tel .lv it: p" Izlhle i low v luff: (and, l ,ot' I. .nd will . w pnuda. h. “W h c [n n on Al 41:};ng ltimorc Uflke, c l'ci.t ySaL ‘ acribx n’tlf‘W of :4 md p.ll cuun - 10 H ‘ In! 5 pm with} g Bait! se S 1 , we'llhrn‘ In, Lofl'cra'nv.’ id A‘fisiguors.‘ rtly .In Cum-1 5. onhhe mad 1 Jllumfirt‘nlmrg, ‘ pi e. The 5% l’gflCHßSh a Two-Story V. y-TFT‘i ‘ {H} .'“,‘T Seoond Amval ms FALL—Lamar» Stock (ken Eur/_..! UACOBS & BRO. havejust received their} gecnnd purchase of Full and Winter Goods, which they ofier cheaper than ever, having’ bought at the most (trouble rates. They nk’ the public to call in end see their large uuon.‘ Anucnn mmux nuns no can» 1'! on meat, chnvinced that every taste can be grati-f. v wzzx. _ _ _ fied. rum CLOTHS, CASSIXERES, VEST- , Reed Mm from'EeV- hm,” Temple- ‘ : . INGS‘ Cusinets, Cords, Jeane, ha, cannot be Ph‘IMGIPhI-h June 9111:1350- “ excelled for variety, and then the low prices nt Prof. DO GYM-. 11 :.1 hove been Illhcted foé which they aye otl‘ered are mny astonishing, “Imm? yum with Minnie“: and other pdnful Goodl made up at the shortcut notice, in lhe complllnlfiv 3114' have. been unable to sleep latest styles, end II M reasonable rules as can madly 0" walk any dumnce for many ’0"! be expected. Their establishment is in Chemo P‘E‘P'" ' L‘“ '“k ‘ 80‘, ‘ bottle of ’o‘" “ Elec berlhnrz “Wet, a few doors below Buchler’l "“3 U‘L” Th 9 5"" night I 5'9!“ ”0““!!! '3"! Drug Store. [Oct 15, 1880. , "I“. and lro-déiy lam a. new map, My wife , ~—— ~ _— v < -_-—L ~ ——- could noLbeheve her eyes. Yourfileettic Oil 4 ‘ Notlce. ' he» done in one week whnt the phyaicinnl a! iCHAKYfBENDER‘SESTATE—Letter:of Philadelphie failed to do in xhimcu yem- - h; niatrntion on the eutate of Michael} hatefull'yvyoun. l Ben er, lute of Rxchland county, l'llinoll,de-; ELL JAMES TEMIfLE, . ceued, hnvingheen granted to the underligned,. , > 310 SON"! Strut. residing in NorthCodorul tp.,York co., Pu.,hc‘ , '2’" - hereby gives notice to nll persons indebted mI - , , lenlrfi Will“ llld estate to milks immediate payment, andi ' , hen ven, May 19111.18”. those hnnng clnima against the lame to preient! Prof. T" Grille: N! brow" bu bended N, . s , _. -_— them properly authenticated for settlement. *1 'o' 31"“ 33%;“- ! :r::;::¥'.“% Emu? ‘3'}?Kl,.:o 6W ' (floods! PETER FISHB , Adm'r. i ll.“ 3'o“ '' f ‘‘-' n '"' nn ' SCOTT tgonNngpposhe Eagle no“, I um}, 11, 1861, are - lurely. _ (.LIHUBD R. SCR.§N:ION., A : Gettysburg wifl open this ch 3 che .1; —"'_'__~—'—_ fame c”"’°""’Tb"° ”’9 ,“”'""°°‘ ‘mfi'lm’!’ and .desirnble nook m. s“ Isonnhle {goods .2“! Notice. sprung upon the reputation that my article h“ Lidiel and Gentlemen with n fulh nssnnmenti {TOSEPH DYSER'D'S ESTATE—Letters acquired. The publlcmusthexurc. Th” ". of Domestics lc. kc. ,We wonlil' respecfully of administration 0“.»‘1‘91-“9'.” “JO“thwonmeu‘ Sold by all Drngglrls.) 1! d‘ [l' call nttention’to our stock which will be sol'd ”1“"! 1““ “f Germ“! townahip, Adum'] Depot. 2” s.qu Eighthsfrcctflh "“t “ n, “more“ mum. mg, .; county, damned. hny'igxg b_ecn granted to; Feb- 25‘ ‘8“; 3m __ g“ , ‘ _.- ___-___ .o-cni soon Ind exnmine for 'youreelvelt— “I? undm'zn'dv. "MIPS "I “won town- .1‘ OULD CANDLES, wholesaler“ an m No trouble to‘ lhow goods. . , I ship, he havehy gives notice to. all person: in- 100 IM.) gogmgux & MARTIN. , , B, ‘ A. 300" t 301 dabted to and estate to make tmmedrnte pny- March 35’ [ML 7_. “119:“, “d but fitting April 8, 1661. 5 ~ ; ‘1 meat, Ind “.110" Havinglchim; ugtlnxdtlg ume, ————~—*————-————-~f—---——i, B! M - 30018,} Qents’i ____n._n.._i_.__.__.;.___._.._..'___. toyruentt em proper y nut out en r uh. ' .:"r‘ ,ngw Ihdee‘al]: xatgsnwunv canesn, .my amt. mum. - » gums mm“, = i Ayer’s Cherry Pectomw 5 units,“ u 1 ‘ticior'nofih be Ind u. H. 6: “38’s. l: Inch 11, 1881. 8“ Q . 'Jdn'r, ”l 9 .‘“ ‘- Notice. Baltimore Adv’tS- Lawrence D. Dietz’s i I 3 7mm ”01:53.; i . ‘ 1‘ l~‘.\.\'('\j'GiO§lDfl. ;: 1 . ,uuslbm', TigierJuA'mgl ' Am): Tgn's, ; -. Wholesale'nnd Remix, aspllenp as any pipe in Haltignré; ; f . - 151 Fang!” S'ruug'r, B‘ALTNO-REJ‘: ' mowers prumpfilyhmended to. §, E June 13,1860. )y' A _ ‘1 ' ,- « ' a ""_-‘*’”T“ ~ I George ‘M. *Bokee, I 3 woman and Dealel in I l ‘ I mum, GLASS .4: qusnxsfi'mn, No. 41 North lluwnrd Sqreet, hclw‘ccu L'uing ' ; ton and Fayette Sum-ts, BALTUIUIPLE STUSEWAHE “up Oh band. at Fpétory prices” - _ 'June 18, 1860.; Jly , .A_‘__..._._ ,~,_ 4.2,. , .7 1' . _ At quadhead’s. ii‘ X (‘Arlnle strut, tine}l latest l’criodlcflg can I film.” he hhd. Tms‘ 57.1110 time tofrmww subscriptions. Don‘t. did”; but ”cam: right 'qung." ‘ . f | 'ljhe new Odd'Fellowiu'CcrtificatHn slfle’fidid n'flhir, out! cheap—win be obtained It rom head's. Call. inspeci, mid buy. 1 1 , xuv. 26, 1860. 1 g. I , _ Cannon 85 Adam’s } l ‘ EW mum; ymkxa, miner. of‘ Balti l more and East Midfle streelulirefily op pnqitc )the new Court IHOUSC, (lenys [Ln-g.— Having‘reccutly arriv‘cd. _l'rom L’hilndclphfin, and fueling fullyfi-muyctcnt to execute all wlork in the finest stgle o thé and, we would resa‘cetful- I} invite the nuenpioh ofithc publicvwisl’ing to procure anything inimrlinc, to favor usiwit‘h u call and examine spdcxlxlxtus of our work. We are ’ mrcd to furnish VHXBMHNTS, TOMBS HARD TIES MADE EASY! . GOOD ”WI FDR THEEDSEIPLDYBD! 1000 Chance: Ic‘Méke Money! ONE HILLION pom ' WORM Oi WATCHES,- 1 ' , ‘ JEWELRY lonr I of' Silver-fluted l Wine. f 0 lI‘MSPOIIDIOI 0! 'AN EN'L‘IREL‘I xm’v , d a f M _1 ‘OBXIQTNAIMI PLAN! 35,000 AGENTSJWANTEDI All penlnn‘ delironl of Ilecnrin‘g ‘inlAgcncy in thil ; 3- , k ’l5 ‘ NEW‘ENTII PRISH .' Should send: on their Imm;- ‘ at once; enclosing a 3 cent “amp to pay posguge. and receiu by return of mail ‘ } ‘ 1 s i I .cA'rAzapaun, `Containing ocn Kuwait-Ems, \~ : ‘ I :1 VI, A RARE cfuxpn TO MLGIC [mm- , , i i' without. rink, together Mtfl ‘. rrLL‘ mn‘ixpmns , < . ~. ‘ ( V '7 .' nunu’ 19' um ; ‘ ’iw‘ovn L RiL AN x: . 'To insyre prémpl and sh islluciory dc‘alings, direct all ordvn to .[L V ' , ‘ ‘ ,Ggongn .IEVANS, ‘ , ‘ 43 'Chthnut swept, ~ ; - ‘ ‘Puwxgngu’uu; April 1,1861. ‘ ‘ ¥ . ' ' Divide jd t MARC}; 13, 1861. - THE President and .\lau? cru oljthc York and '1 Gettysburg Turnpike ml Compuny have thiuluy declared a divideii of One Dollar and Fifty Cent: per share on. We capital stock, to be paid to the sucklmldern 91' their legal re presentatives on or after Ethef’iith‘ day oi April next. in Gettysburg by Grloiw': Show, and in =York by PHILIP 5 watt, Trwmrcr.‘ April 1 tam. In l s I Farmers, Tafr‘ Notice! [ EMt)\'.\lt.-—-’DAVID\ ‘ RRENha-removed his PLUUGH AND L CHINE SUOl’ttu he‘ “ School House," in air isle street, where 1 person: can betanpplied i h good Plough: IH ' heretotore. iii-JAl’l-Jltii HRESHING MA CHINES, mid, all kinds of; rmilrg Implement: rgpaired at the shortest nut cc, and at moderate charges. Alum, WA Hui-2N5 PATEVNT CORN ' PLASTfiR mauufuctured n d tor mic, i mum: x u WARREN. ‘ .5 April 1, 136,1. 4: , iv: ‘ 1 t * ~ . ‘ " 4"“? “'*i"‘"”“".i 1 'Watches, Jewelry,» . 1 i AND SIL_VEE-W.-U&R.-‘s\'e would reaped-k ' fully inform our lriq s, patrbns Ind the public generally, that we’ have ndw in Store [and ofl‘er Waounus ANDI nun, nixthc lowest Cash Prices, 3 large Ind : cry'choilce stock oi, 1 “’nonls. Juwxuv, Suing, AND Punt: War, of every variety amt slylr'.i l > ‘ i i 5 Every description of Diamond iWork And l other ngelry‘ made to ordqr, M uhdrt notice.— 9 W-ill'goodu wnnautedko be In “presented. .’ N. 8,-‘—Particultr Mm iou_ given to Re ‘ pairingwgtchca and lewd) 31, of every descrip tion. ‘ STAL'FR R .5: HARLEY, ‘ i . No. 622 Market St., St) th Side,'Philad’i\. I Mar.n,l36i. 3m é.“ : 1 ' New Gdods! ; ; measmcx anomtas hm just. te , ceived and are now p cuing a cheap and {lull-able assortment ofj Spring Goods. 10 which the uttengion of buyers ls respectfully aniled. Thain; uock copipriuea ull-the latest and most nppréred any!” pad patter‘m of Dun Goods, logetlw} with their 'usunl nuortmont of - Staple Domestic Goods; Ihch M cm‘mo: fnil to ' please All who piny favor'lihem with their pu i (range. Call early and Qe‘leu! tron; their large land varied ornment. v; 5 1 “5 maxnsxfopx BROTHERS. April 1, 1861‘ -. . l ' ‘ H. Ward, AXL'FACTL‘RER OF AND DEALER l.\' Bl STRAW GOUDS,f{os. 103, um no 107 .\UB‘I'I Srcoxn Srnarr, 1‘ unmnrnu.—-We are now receiving our b‘l’lilNG STUCK.‘ which will cotfip'rise I large and dciirnblo asqortmem of am kind. a srmw Axgu LACE lawns.— Also, a‘ large assurtifiehp of LADIES' ‘ .‘ll CHILDREN'SHATS. , ‘ ckofFLUW S and liUGllEq‘ will b i‘nul lly‘ [urge his small, um‘l we would in 'in: you special :1. union to glut dqporme t. Pleu call In‘d examine them before naming your patch-set. V v‘ a,“ WARD, Nos. 103, 105 and 10'! Nan-Ell: econd. BL, above ' Arch, l’llilndelplxil. ‘ [March2s,'6l. 4t Assignee’s 4 Notice. HE nnderaig ed, having been appointed As. signee, “43: 5 deed bf trust for the bane t of'crediton, ofGnunq: “me“: and Wm, oflfdunqdensant township, Aduus conuty,uo tice is hereby given tn all peraonp knowing themgelvea indebted to up! Auigndrs to make immediate plymenz to the nnde‘fsigned, raid in: in the lame township, and those lining claims ngains: the nm‘o (o preunt them properly nu‘tbenticnted for unlement. GEORGE W. HAGARMAN, “Amynn. latch 11, 1861. 61 g AND 1 Which aturd Gettysburg TBA)! LHIE MILL, BURNER OF WEST S AND BAILRUAD STREETS, NEAR THE FUUNDR'I'.-Thc aubqrrlhtr. hm‘imz leased Hm Steam Mill 0! Mr. C. W. Barnum, in this place, has had it lhoruughly repaired, by placing in At the acct-star; machinery lnr grinding Limo none. The null in now in operation And I am rcldy to lupply any domuld for this useful Fertilizer. GROUND LIME-STONE ll now conpeded by than who have fasted ,it, to be u much boner Fertilizcuhuu Burm Limo. or in deed any of the other Herlilizcrl geneuuy Ip plied ¢o land. The following Certificate (ram Mr. plum, Infxtensive farmerl nufl highly n apocgalile ilizen of Adams bounty,‘vill I 110“ film "11?.th this assertion: 3 ~ 3‘“! blue been flying the Grand Lime uone mi my land for the lust {our yearn mil find it to he a better fertilizpr than We [innit Lime, and Gaul-n. Iv. hugh‘en omit-henna in the tint grep. PETER DIEHL." _ Numerous other certificates oflika chmctel' could~hp pr‘nduued, but this inuflic‘nent. fl-Fnrmers nre requested to lend in 1110!! orders and tn give it a trial. ‘ Mar. 4,_lB¢il. u JOHN ROOVER. Natlonal Hotel, ‘ A ’ ITTLESTOWN, ”(DAMS 00., PA.—Th¢ L undersigned, hm‘inglensu the National lute], (Railroad llouse,) in Litilutown, ulna this method of? informing the public of the fuel, and of the furlhvr fact that. he will hpm no cf. fort to please ull mbe may patmnizemim. 111 l Table willtlwnys be fu‘und to have the hey: the mayhem may afford, whillbhis B I shall con uuu lhe glxuiceat of Liquors. .N,”£° but unen tivc and accommodating Hustler! ill be_tolem~ led at the Hutel. \Vilh good beds', g'nqd lure, and 1111- the other arrangements of the him" good, [int {n Thing: (0 mcnllrln modernt‘n amigos; hon-mu zl‘uil to give anxiul‘nclion. 110 therefogc lulicth share of the public’s pn uonngo? ’ \ JOSHUA PRYCE. gig-N. B.:—lloßSl¢fl aim .VEHICIfis an «Why; be lmd on hin- nkthe Nation-l ‘ etc). I ‘Jnan, ‘le'l. Jul" ‘ \. . "'P“—‘l’-‘ ‘r‘""—<“ '- ‘ --—-—~—v—*-|-—P—- , ‘ Washmgton Hotel, 1 a . EW cixmnp, ADAMS covmv,s’m.- N The undersigned, lmv-ng taken the nbovo named well—lxmm'n‘nnd=populnr home, form-r -ly tfccupigrl by Mrs. .\llley, and more recently by J.F.chq‘.l:dfics pleasure-in mmoum‘ing :0 bill friends and llur p’ublk: that he is prepared to receipt and enlermin'kuesu in a style not. to he excelled by mly country hulel. The house buving’been repaired and newly furniulledwith ug’tytll'xug cqlculntml, to uniko guests goml'ort able, {be public unry rest assured that they I ll], at. all limL-I, find it in ucqndiljuu iuited to the. comfort 3nd conveniencqol‘t‘lxe traveler. With good rooms and clenu beds, it. makes} mu deuirnble place for transient. and pernuqcnt boarders. - a l ' “ lli bur is. nlwnys phypficd yith the~ choicon wines, brandies, gins, he. . _ . llis lublc is nlwuyg itipplied with ihe-bgsttho markets hll‘ord. And all ollwr npplichvn suit able and negessury. for .the uccurmmodnlion 50f man' and helrfll._“’ilh faithful nud‘ubllginu lcré vants,und hil own pcn‘onul intention and supervf V’lslun‘, he will leave no mefins unspnred w merit the piihlicjputmnnge. ' . ‘ . Thcyroprielor nsstfrc-a those who may favor him with their patronage, that. they Almll ever dig-e: hill) 3 cordial rcgep‘tinn athiu houac,_nnd’ that everyzhlng eauemliul to the convenient-o and happiness ofhln guests shall lie Intended to. Also in conneciiun with thisbduse, il eh tuusiic stabling hunched for horses. HENRY L. B£IiKHEIIIEK 'Fcb. 25, “'6l. 3m , ‘ - ’ 1 1) YOU WANT WHISKERS? * * D D 0 mu WANT wursmasr . Do You WANT A MUSTACHEI , _ DU’YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLJNOIIAM’S, - ; CELEBRATID Stlmuiatmg Onggent, mu THE WHISKERS INB-HA'IR‘ The sancriherq take pleasure in announcing ‘lO, the cifizens of Lhc‘ Ignited Stutcl. that they have obtn'ned the Age cy for, and are how en nblod to offer go the Amtricut} public, the shown junly cglehrqtad and “oxM-rennwned nrxigh. , ' TIIBIS'FIMULATING ONGUENT 'r is prepared by,Dr. C. P. Buuwnnl, nn'pmlr nent 'phyaicinnht’ lioudou, End is warranted ‘to bring out ‘9. thick net of h ' \VHISKERS OR A MUSTACHE .' in from three to six weeks. This article it the only one 01: thqklnd used by the French, Ind in London nnxl Phns it is in uuiverxnl use.‘ \‘ It ins bountiful, economical, loothin‘g, yet ltimulnting coinpouud, acting is if myfmngic upon the roots, causiug.n beautiful growth of luxuriantiluir, It applied to the scalp, it will cure BALDHIBI, and cause to spring up in plnéu of the bald appt‘l n-fine growth of now knit—g Applied accoruiug to directions. it will turn up or towy hair mum. and restore gray hnir t 6 its original culor,.lou\'ing it soft, Imooth, And flexible. The“ qusxr" is an indispeulnbhv nriicle ircvery ‘gentleman’l‘ tuilet, and‘ utter one week’g nag they woul not for In)“ obnlid eration ha‘without it ' . The auburibers ML thenply Agents for tho article in 311: United States, to whom nllordun must I): n dressed. ' - Price Que {Dolliir a bot—for rnle & all Drugginu 9nd Dealers {or a box of the ” 914 eiltf’ (warranted to have the desired .efl'ect) Will be sent many who desire it, by Innil (Ili rect,) securely packed, on receipt of prion uid pontnge, $1 is Afiplyto or uddreu HDBACE: L. iiEGI-JLIAN t 09., ‘ ‘ nauuaunl 40., ,‘ L '. g 24 Willinm Street,..\'ew Stark... Feb. 25,5186]. 6m _ ' ~ De Grath’a Electric 011,-‘ FOR thé following (not everything.) WI?- nnlad 1d . V : Cure Feven ind Arne-in one duy ;' f Cure Chills in five minutes; Cure Group in one night; ’ _ Cure [Johfneinfin two to {our 6a).; ,_ ‘ Cure Burna' qnd Scalds in ten minnteti Cure Sprainu, Wound-and Bruin: In from one to three dlyl: . Cure Infinmg‘nalion in one day; I Care Neurnlgia, Group, Toothnho, Dinah; , ten minutes: ' . . ‘ ' Cute Hmorkhnge, Segofuln, Air-ecu; in can dart; i T , ‘ j Cure BrubeifiWéunds, rum, in on :9 thud ‘ «hm ; '- Cure Esrnche, Skit? Neck, Agne, in 011‘» d3]; Cure Felon:1 malted Btu-l, am Minn, 'in threge w‘nix dam; E ‘ Cure Quinn}, i’ulpiudon, Pleurily [19:11 to flu in)" 3 I 5‘ Can Amhnu, Pal-y, Gout, Erylipaiu, in 57010 want] days; ‘H Cure ”'o9th Fed, Uhilbininl, Sill onintl, Chronic Bhoubalib’m, .Sore I‘th Burl“ Fever, and Lbs; Lime made to walk, by a {at banks. ‘ , ‘ ~ , Thin OjHDe'Gnlh‘s) is mad Ind pl In, und in A grant Family Hedmin {0: cm“. leelhing,‘l§c. ~ , , , Ladies should all use it. It alvlyl lean you better than it; finda you, Ind one bottle often cure! entirely.