The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 08, 1861, Image 1
.1 1 1112%.2650. The Count" is published every Mon‘dny morning, by Hun J. §nnu, at $1 Layer (mum: if paid Briefly in «much—63W per annvm if not mid in advance. FD tubscription discontinqed, unless it thel 6pfion of hing pnblis‘fxerfuniil‘ all arrest-ages are paid‘ ’ ‘ . ‘1 Anvnnsillikxnintertednttheusual rates. .3013 Puxuja done ,wi’th neatpess and ainpatéh. : 13. 0111 c: in, South Baltimoré street. directly opposite-Wampferé' Tinning Ethlislnmept _4“Colpxngg f’imnxo Qrflcz”; on the sign, «.< Gettysburg . FEMALE 'IN_STK'I‘UTS.—Th_e Summer 3334. lion of this Institu‘tion will vommence on New”, 11!: 15m or 1hr“; 13;}. FSr par ticular: inquire at thq residence of Rev. D. Burn. $ '[March 25, lflfil. 4n Only 9116 Dollar Each (m ‘IBEAUTI‘FUL STEELrPIz‘ATE , ' ENGRAVZ’ISGSur rnk-‘iiORD‘S 1 Min F 0 _iSAi;E.—LV'ALL'AHL3 Known-n: Gt"! AV" P—T‘he idea of repreeietflinglb:r Lord's Pray:r by an an nving, and pf ornal‘i menting an arranging gin such I mdnner as'i . to produce at 'pnqe a model 9% nentncss and taste, was ennroivedrnmi curried hut by Otuts: BY, the ceiebrnted'BnnkNatal-Engraver. ot Neg‘ “ York City. it comment}: with exquisitely eki / tented words 6! “Our F 1 her,"_nnd then follow in lucccssionfijhe othelf pm: of ‘the prayer. every phrase at which in engraved in the most . elegant and tasteful mnfiner. Nxm- the bottom of the picturein a. superbly exhcuted head of OUR S,ANIOR., and enhirrh'nz the upper pa'rt , of the engraving are ten nngch. each hearing one of the TEN 90MliAND3IENTS. The en-‘ ' ggnvinghns revoivcd themost unqualified praise from the religion: caufmunity, as there is noth . ing ofn sectarian churns-tor about it, having 1 been roroqlmcndcd li‘y‘. Clergymen of all do nominations. As an o_rhyn'ment it is one nfthei -mnnt Iplondid ever published _in this country“l - “and is de‘xtint‘d‘toltnke the plare of a pohrcr I, class of engravings. The Sllt‘ of the plate i 6 20 i by 28 im‘hM‘ und‘is unquestionably the chtia‘p- . est‘ eugrzuing cu‘r ufl't-rcd in this country. ‘ _ _ “’in; that io\(-< nrt—n‘hn 111-l his to st: dye. GE: engraving—who tljnt would rccen’J the imprcpiuna which filll‘ht u \Hhk‘js calrtilaied i tuimvnrt.wouidfnil In-fircnrc Rfuu)‘ mhcnthe t price ii ONLY US?) l)(lLl.Ali,witli the chance of securing fur the cum. in mldttion,-n pcrmancint : home or nuuthr-r mlunblu ift" ’ As av work nl‘nrt this vniunhie and hcmitifiul tengrnv'ing is worth mnr than the Dollar asked for it, us will rendilyJ-gnnuknhwledpod an an inupentinu of it : hut thé subscribers intend to nuke :1 Gift l‘iarvri‘nuliuhitn put-clump“. nt‘ the gengriwingsfof va'ludhlo'inkcntm u: l'ullhu'd: l House nyd [nit in Yurlillurmwh. ‘ ‘ ' Zhuggiéa, (Quinn 1.: l’nhn‘or'za niak6,'warrnnterl,) 1 Rm-knwny, l‘ ‘ i . ' 2 Building Lots in ankili‘urnt’iglfl 1.000 Vuluaiilh Books. 5 ; l"' ,50 blpk. Hm (“firming-'13.) ‘\' ,l I,ouo Gold Gilt Frame in. suit Engraving of the lfurd's Plrnyt-r, _ 1 '. I r ‘ . SN) Stage] i’hute Engravinh lfirtluof Christ, Magnificent gum": (ilnfieé, 1 . ‘. > 7‘". ‘ Gold nnd Sil er Wutt ll§<,"‘-‘. E /_ LLi _.‘ ..Ul kind: 0! alum-IryfiJ-nihrncing (‘.|mo'os,‘ ‘ i'nwgntiu-o. iln<ziig,; ((12. kc. ' , A Hi]! “orlh t‘muf fitftetltfi to $500.00 with 4 1: ch euzmxiug sold. I r : ‘ 3 ‘ . - When the engraving! Ilrl‘ all sold a mectind . ~ ofthe 'ymr‘hneers will he built-d ut \V:l.~liingtmt ( mu..\'ork. Pit... when int-mm uzimfdmlmvw , . will be distributed in smih mnmu’er M the pur fling? max lil‘lL‘l‘lll’Hlt‘.‘ The pun-lime“: sew ' . len-tirgm t-mnmim-o nt‘ldidutt‘rveted ficrmns , ; to unite the awards in' ‘mlchauin'nuer as the): I ‘ mpg- ilcsigunlc. ‘ li ' ' . ‘ " ‘Tlu- pr:ipih-tur<.fx-niii t’l ‘e favorable uiannerin _ whix-‘lithim (flit Hutu-mile 11.1: been received. and thfinumlu-r of t-ng.xivings ulre}dy suit], I" Imp: tn ln- :lhlc- tn lune tho mnount_ disposed 0‘ ‘u' the 1:1 (if.lulyfifivmiinguninl when all are .iold they will utitinyhci lpilrclu'uer'27.x and have ‘lln: distribution 0: the (Viitrsprm‘e‘t‘dul with. ‘ ’J Thi; lt‘l ginning hm rédrlwd the rummcmlu. , “mi of the limorfivnel (‘liuégfia our fir~t viii/ens, . \ mul‘in-lt'ud at all clnsscflu‘ifi; cnter‘inio it with , spirit. 1 ‘ 1 > ‘ . M'STIN kwfinnmz ‘ 3. .\l. Ararlx. _ ‘ GEORGH'WmmIIx; " ‘ Lil-IC(I.\I\H'}SH).}TIO.\'S. _ ”a , , . w I\ “’4- invite' uLtL-ntlnn w some of fine rccum: m‘ondutiugs: ‘ ‘ . ' Imm "3v. T _‘Y “’l'Plnnqn'lfu‘Hl Rigfnfinfftf‘iuhn’n Prnlil- .‘J‘fl‘flrqlilcfllllll'l Final]. York. Pa. MHS;§_._ MHuu .k WehLLV :—'l‘hc (‘nguu'inz of 'llie “ Lurll': Prayer-’3 ‘vyhl‘rh i 4 now “I‘ll-red tor sylc ln' M‘s‘rs. .«le‘lsfiu 5; \\'ollr~l_\- ul‘ this Borolizh is “grit I 13: :‘ Wllil llllll'il taste and heduijv. tin-l ought lfi rO2 bmnmunl :Ixrll' lb PM" liu- Ikfill'ilfl-faulyiillllg‘Liifll “ill Hoop. llmi nn hle ('mupoatinu lwfnré lire Illilll'i mid lllL'll|(lr_\' i~ likql'vlmtl'u gn'ul. 'l'hésflmcmn“ to me only 45» require e‘rwuinntimi in ordcrfiu he iulmirwl, .rmdl can lfrn‘l lit-pk, Hint the gI-ntlt-im-n wliu lime in lmiid iv: d‘is riblmmu M! m ninth-mic a rate. will lufmhmdu‘ni‘ly sneer-5:131] _in lhcir unio‘r‘Minm’l ‘ J! n. w.l'nmn‘>nx. lbw the me. I. 1? “my. Pm... or m. Hamlin ‘ . ' ' Churchw urk.)|‘l. l g ‘ \‘wk l’n.. Feb. QOJIRUI. genre. A‘uelin I: i\’m~liri._\':-llm‘ing int-1 v-he pleisure‘ofinspurliu‘é Mehrs. Austin k, \VL‘ill‘ ‘ly’s splendid cugruiuzi’pf the 11042.. l’riQ/rr, i would cordially recomul and it. {jg-g“! favorable attention' of their fripifils in York and cl~ “:“Qrfi‘ I! is nut‘only :i; L-mutii'ul urmnncut f 3 “_IC di’elling ufe‘icry (lliristi‘nu figlliily. lint uh. “"llseful and eclil'yixigrithuisitlo'n lur .\‘uudui fichools and similur ben‘eyqlcnf instihnions.’ ‘ . '“I'E: F. IIAGI‘LV, l , q‘F itors or Pub] shers o filmm‘rs givin' fillil Unitisemenl G imiertionsffiill he cnlitlm 1 An Engruging and Tiert, by forwardingm . {spar fur th'ut timc’to pui mlrlrees, or by in '. lerting it. mil tlui‘time' appointed tor the dis] ltribution, ith an Editorial notice once in 4 wannabe will rqcaiva the engrnvluy framed yith 3 Erie geld gilt.‘ franjc‘to suit. its size and :1 Tickets" ' AUSTIN & WEHRLY. i. ‘ Yorkfillnrch 25, 1861,: 1 - f I c-t—<- - . : L . , ___§,_.... , Jury Llstx-Apnl' Term. ’ 13 .‘ . canu er‘. ' . it Copéwngb—{ohn' Busbey, Sr. . .' i ‘ Freeilumfiueurg’fleagji ' ' - ‘ (httyei'urg’ G :rge ‘.lCrnss. i ‘ grimy—Job ' \veny; - , onntplensa :Emunuél Smith, Lewis Will. Unin—John’fipfinglerfifir. ' * cumberiandm-ctgmies B. Polley, David W.‘ Homer. 3 f h . ‘ autumn—Hour); Wolf; Martin Gem: . 3§ervick tp.—Jucpb Hull. » ~l‘ fl rainy—Sylvester l‘lui kfifimon-anel F‘lnhrfi . ’, ending—.'John Bossermil "Sauna—Samuel Freemal Huntington—Thyme! B. ( "I‘ruklin—John Cola, . Manager—Michael Piuel Berwick hon—Francis st: Oxford—Henri Wiest, E Jinmiltonban—DaviLß: I}] ythe; ‘ - 5 can“. mw. Oxford-John Stack, sznklin Heltzel. Conowsgo—Emnnuel-L ller, Levi Kindig. Cu mberlend—CorneliujD’oughgrty, Isaac Dear r" dorfl'. - ‘ ' Ffiklin—Sampal‘ Eic‘h‘qhz. Jabobyldlhenng, ; : guel Lohr. Jamel linin- ‘ .- , Gettynburg—GEO. F. ‘ckenrode. Samuel 1.6. , Cook, WmLH'. Culp, Solomon Welty. ‘ 7. . Tyrone—Dunk] Del-prion” Sterner, Solonfon . Sterner. ' t ' Bumihdp—Danifixfinke‘r, Henry King. , RudigzLChnrlee E.\§ghn. ‘1 Liberty-{Seguel/Eflqgwmlem semi-coke. : lonntjoy—Jghn nfiléhnTrosde. ‘ Hemiltgnhny cob LJ-‘ir‘or, lune Bobimon, . Rules B/Bfope, Is» Beretér. Ll Union—George UnEeT’Jicob M. 30 linger. liumPlWlnt—Alennaer YounigfiJacob Mel o n-. ' Stregnbgfldwnrd Xorilz. ~ thimro—thp W. Fickle, J3l Griesc. BpéierayWiniap; Sleybsughfl ,"ob Perm, Geo. “W I y‘lv Haulingmn—gpg'niel Beitmln, George Gerdner, Janie John, George Bowers. Germany—33oos. Klunk. ‘ lemlenn—Cheges M. Stewart, William Yum; Judo!) Fitter. » ' Mel: tp.—Jehn Elder. _ Derrick bun—Edward’Sourbeer. Ugly 18, 1381. Economy is Wealth, AID one, of our leaned men; and I believe S 3,!" duffolh :11 say them"! money by cs ling“ 5.0-. CAB-R's. to buytheirGrocefién, Qua-mo, Notiong'hta. [Jshqzn 1861. ‘ ésd Year. l ' , @ll2 g’ujitfit. z.\ ”TE-En: 3%;—3“- i—‘\ 1 , 1 Jégomgm [I - V < l‘Ziff‘””E—‘ " I'-‘. :41" ' , , WHISPERING ,ionn. ‘ LJrTn Wham; knbwfi as fine ‘uppm' en _l.’ike county, Pchnsylv his. 1 one fix a 'wlm him the ii'onicul St uln' > -t OR"? wring John Rich-$3l Tlii mle I.‘ Vghim-d from the fact fihut 1e always “well ill‘cdn\‘ersétiuri.)ia~s iif he Wow a j‘ r-gcnvml nn pnxyulg. air to game :1 mm? I _ on oxprc>sion,"‘l‘ke;‘ he 'p‘aa, lubed _mx’ ‘i' g‘ in | E This gentleman. whb. bykth‘e—bygié ‘ than," gmulfiod ll?§£!lOl‘s onucold ._ 1‘ g. lwfnre daylight, for th purpose 0' ‘ ,Ifl (léwn to Mikf‘ortl ih til'w td‘ tzruk ' orning singe pmicll foi‘ PX iludorvhim v d 9 11p3t0111e110t01‘just a fix boa 1d tmvuleh‘ had done their breakfiu ‘4 .Ue diwmuntcdwndnfilk ugingnlth 1 mm. sia' ke‘ m the [audio «I in} His flxgiulvrigxg tione. .‘1 ‘ ‘ ; If -:Unod morning ML: ' , homd ' 0 this mnrmuz!" ‘ ' ; { . 1 “Vm-y well", Mr. Rickétv, how do you I ' “Oh! I mu well, Lun I'm .\q cq/nl, 1‘ .’mey talk.” ‘ . 1 l ' ‘H- H" l int (hon. “nervous traveler who ipl-emnt. ran up to the landlord, Lnu'd c 1 I,Jnghim })yft)xepn§lt.sai(l: ‘ , ‘ ‘l‘ ‘ ‘& “)Lr. LTL—. have my hprse’ ““13ng ‘500‘?! as pouihle !” ‘5 j‘y H . H “What is: the matter, my (I infi‘sirz' 'J‘anyih‘nghappéxu-dT’n} ‘'9W V, L 31 .‘"-Nothing im muth: My :1 wantgtn (at, 51—" 'wu-y or" hm}..- 1.. m,» ~MM I’l9 g! Lapin llcfe bfiiu‘c (I’m? Hum (bin/{.l3} ‘u —7L . «o» l ‘ 7 l ‘ . ' f H i . m. .l‘ . Lemmy Childreni Sleepl; ; J‘ “'9 onmes’tly ad\ ise all who ihiillg n 'rmt ‘- dml. who balm: infirmv‘llqullh, “ll“ :1 ’o in trouhln, or have tig‘wmfk hard. to “ink . all the $100]; tl‘iv‘y can fit “liill‘qutlf:mmlicnl anegns. “(a caution furonts pnr'gjioul’urly, nut‘ to allmfillu-ir chik romto he \fiqk il up of innrninga—let nut re \i’akc tleig-m up; the will not kilo it per utu 'cly ; hill in w: a care that they g 0 to h 11 n an'eni'ty l our: let it be earlier and our ~im', hutil lit; i€ (fund that. they wake up «tlxcrlsell‘esi in {lull ‘tiine to (11-i3“ for hwakfast Belting waknx up early. and 'nllmveil to aLngnge in (litlim t or any stutliLfi late. and just before roti‘ ing, has. givpn many a antlful and firmnfaing child the brain fever. r delermiuedflnwlim m'y niliiiehts to‘the prgducfiion of Miller nu i the blnin. Let parenti‘make ever)? lpqsib‘le ufi‘m-‘t to have thpir chililrf-nl go tOfiloép in a 'plogb‘u‘nt hqmmf, Euler‘s old or‘hivc‘ lec tures, or in mnyngny wpung ficgiild'u‘foel ings as it (10933 bed. 1 Letlnll finish Lusi: nessz and everngorltllyicqiréinbgflgltinie. and ‘ let sleep come. 0a ' kid'atlpe With (301 ma all the worjd. ZL j -l x ‘ .__,. _ A . --lA____ ! . A Fightinj?)finisfeli.——The Milwaukie i Senlhp-l relatesgtthnj. thfi'pwtc? of one of the churches in mm dit'y ”ugly became nwue [that a young niax'} of His 0 ngregatio “I‘l3 forming bad éhabits.~ ‘ Meeting the tray lamb one nigEt .in' We street; with me diséblnte companion, the geverend g ntle— man attempted to dissuadejhim from ping further. but the rowdieh in cbmpany o ect ‘ed, anduéne OE them-struck the pars n.— 'l‘hß fellow had retkoxied without his ost. : In a. moment the plergymanlhad thro'w off his coat' and 3“sa‘iledfin.”l A very ~ef space of time s‘ufli‘ced fox" hi-ni to " ax blazes” out of the crowd, and huvin ac complished the feat. he quietly reswnefi his coat. and With it. his equanimity? Hel . us' not moiested, wé "pr sumo. VVhethefr he rescued the obje‘ct ofiis adxietj' froml the possession of the party, is nht stated. ‘ E i - ——-————<o.»rrc—-~—<7 ! oughl curt. K S‘Seveml days sipoe, while ttfavelirigéon [the Virginia and TennFss ‘ railroad, when "the cars-stopped at ’Prmcg'ltank, we ovjer ghoard the following‘cane ation between #l. young mam" from Geofiz‘ia, who was on the Imin, and 33g on max-omit“; , i > h?aa;ssenger— oung Abneri what plaob is Is '~ I x 2' I Boy~Pin Hook, 511'. i ' * _ -, 1' J P’s-ssengerAWVhat .difl the cars stop here °"':; ‘ , - I F Boy—Jlo take in water. 3‘ ' Passenger—~th‘t riier is that? point ng ‘xto a ditch. ‘v ; 1 ' f ‘r Boy—l don"t know. i , :- i; Passengers‘Whnt dq you k‘non l ,4 Boy—l knéw that the cars._bring lotq of fools along this way. .‘ j (1, 1 i The youngigedt\drew"-in his-759:4}; 11nd avassoonfaatuleep 3% . l :g. " ; A San qf 'bil‘i .—'A feilow angered a. hardware store in C?evelmd_last wgek, and fining a lax-391nm: saw suspended. agaigst the wall, remarked: “I had an old dad hp ped to pieces one day last ‘week with one of Ithem fellow.” 7_7 —' , ' r ‘ . Q'Several young lagiies, and yOung men " in female apparet‘resxdmg 'in the neigh- , box-hood of Liven-more, Westmoreland coun- {1 ty. Pa... were recently taken before a magis- ll tnte, upon, the complmnt of a young man yesiding in the town, whq alleged that the defendagts, while returning from a prayer "meeting; threw him down. and havmg ldaubed him with tar. applied feathers.— Efee young ladies stated thut he had made ’ ‘1 of offensive language‘oonoeming them. I sThe matter was arranged by‘the plymynt M a small an. and costs. ‘ . iEM By. K. J. gamma ' n:0 mi. “:1 . ..J. When do Ilmenn tfimqrry ’Tifi idle'to disputc’w‘uh But if you bhooze to'henr Piny line", while J‘fix t When daughters huge wi 11 A mother's daily coil 1;) Can mnku the puddig‘g wili And mendthe‘slm 'l"ng When m’aid;cns loaf: upnn‘a As in hilflSell' what [l9s' And not ‘as'yu-my sqldi rs s A antler (it a con]: ‘ sary “'hcn gentl}! la-lieq Jr!!!) 1111' The ofl'rrmf a level": him Consent. [6:Bler 1m “ervrl And do not mew; 11+ 16". Whon . rim“: mA-hnnifzs nr Tu nfiu 331 d “m 1 mu Ith “'ho d‘u 1’! uxpcct'm b 4 end “'Jlli rubgies, dizuuquds 3! ‘ll’nep when git sl‘fhrl, hull ‘bcir hearts aini hnnids to And live neaghoijerc M‘gb' Within [Heir sires’ dig-st ! . Tlmr, nmdzlin—‘xfl'm 1L0!" to [lvjoiqué Aio quit, “117116!” I'll brush niy hmh‘erdt‘edfic And look: übm‘l me *‘ur ‘a ”111313 We? A ®EM%RETI©AND'FHAWflHLVJJ©U mm: . ,1 I . A. New Way of P ‘ 'ng l. Subscrip _ tio _LA western gogrespon ent gives the forlow -1 g amusing accaunt f the way a farmer was? taught how cheapl he could take the papers. The lesson is 'orth pondering by a good many men we “ t. of: 7 “.You have hens at home, of course;- ‘lVqll, I will send you y paper (me year “‘Ol-; the proceeds of a ingle hen for one ‘ wagon—r—mei-ely the pr eeds. It seems trif ling} pi‘epoqteroua to ix ngine the proceeds of a. singlefhen 1:11 p -‘the subscription; :peijlmpsit Won’t, ut I lie the offer.” “ i | *lDnne!” exclaimed ‘armer B, “I agree, Ito it,” and ‘nppeaied me as a witness fto‘l itlie‘afl'pir. ii l l ‘ The farmer wentofl‘a patently much e 411». ‘1 ml? {with hiix conquest ; he editor went Du ; ghishfln)‘ minir-i v. e l ‘ Time—2‘ rollfed i-n'und, a d; the world- revoL I ved 0n itS‘cx s, and t cnéun moved in its‘ orh‘itl‘as it frpr erly did fhr- farmer reer‘iv-1 I 0d gigs paper Similarly, mi regalcd himself: fwitl‘ithe infar Iminngi'r m‘it. 3 t ‘ Hei‘ notpnl} knew'th, (nflhiru of his oxk'n licounly, hut b-cagém- r' \crannt, with the 5 lmdihg tnpics M trim (I: y, and the politiénl ‘ iand HinanCEl-‘il hmrulsio 5 of the» timemL—H i ”in dhildrei‘i (li-lighted. .00. in pcmhing trio ,aontifiits offith+§r Wee-k 1 vinitm‘. In shq-t, ”it: 5; Line wash: rpriw at, the pengrr-w of iiiimxflf and I'.lin§l_v'in g nr-ml inqrnmtiun. t Same tinie i‘lttlle mr .th‘ of Smphmlrhr, {I happened [({Jif‘ up gain in the Ufliq'v, 1‘ when \Jio hmpm enter but 11- old friend swig-marl“. ‘ iE“ [I ‘ a wow an: wing do, Mi * f Odinui: extc‘lidiug‘g his ln‘ imxiiim lit uthh 11. iii a chair, sir. Eundllhe may I lmi'e.”» ‘ ' ' wen— tfi‘te; * i 0 ‘0”. 1 ' . «2 dub; :—‘~‘, lengcrf febt; hare; i [-h any. at,. ~hichlthsy wear. Em 'onldmdlrry . nr» I m 7.; _ .1, gnr [k L _1 ll). lnt’n‘: lof lnndm il ‘ ‘ ‘v n7lbwe¢ \ v, , ens gin-Es: ‘ wgd‘ l ‘ d yenrlsl. freely “rye aianu-iL-sp. I'd live.“ 1 ry h‘ou‘ges.‘ spm ‘ _" “fry. =II o§s¢old, wife! ; L ’ 1' | .‘ ‘vaw, sir.‘qnijo fino‘i shn’khlg the! mom-HM] I mu'gl Mum: n rimx-t wil.s whfioh' mr Lfri: nd I ha kt'ard and iforward, 3L3”, etc-(Hy, find 51:“; up; (mil-kl}. 11d ‘suithnd "'Hr.‘ D—_. I have bruug of {lllth thl." ‘ 1t \i'rrh nmfu—iny: to we ._ inq (3! (he mlimx- :u fie i dogth to the wagon. _ my Hsi'olL-x :down. _ {\‘¥|Ull m iwe Wagon. g cod landing ovur the 01'3th 1w"; which, 0 . mounted to eighteen {- Img ‘Pm-h, and u numb m kirng in-fihojnggrcgnt. 1:13p) . $22..) ,fiity cents of {the pupér. ‘ ' { ‘fN ) nix-4." saith ‘l9. " filqlil newspaper. and ' I «30 not; 441‘»; this fci Ir re [mid a; year's subs (“212; All Ifnlly, sir: tl_ ca‘ tjalxe mpnpmw‘ it's common?“ at Impae”. flint." rq‘sluupt the 91 what in uve'r the suhmri te-qd ibis IL4 uémmns of] convince yum. I willp. ‘. ‘t‘Nnt n hi; of it, sirza huh I am already paid. 1 Alyl whomever a nyiphl plaid}! l dill, I will re] r-xtcéry.l ’6oth] day, -,r_'ént 'A i " nf man. his hm. ltalka mn- mm— jn a ‘one orn rid- -1116 IL? (101's bar :ual you mg ME ‘ was Itch 5 MI t i ’: .‘“- ". "_~ ;". _ EE The Goolest This on Record, E' ' E A's ‘(leneml Scott's nhny was marching Itri‘u‘rmihuntly into th eny of Mexico, a ‘ I‘l'<E(‘€sSion (Sf monks v erged from the gate ofEa cnhvent situated n the eminence at thi right. and -mlvan ed with slow ahd E m ‘LflEl'Cd tretul until t 'y met the army’nt ‘ ‘ wig It ‘nngles. The gui eor leader 01" the E pr cosgiuu Was,» venem le priest whnso hair , 1 we; whitened with the rosis of many win-E E tel-p. We hield in-bbth ahds acontrihutinu, E boxmpcin which there as alight/ed candle, 1 and when Within agfew et of the army pm cesision 'lmltecl. As t.h armjv proceeded. mquy a SOltiill’l‘ droppe some small coin'or other intp the old pics 5 box. And, when it "as obreitved the as ldier was searching} in IL pockets for son ing to bestow, the“ ,ol 4 Illk‘fit “‘muld step f ward and hold Elk-i bo'x to rocbive. the do ajion. Ultimately there cmneEalong a tall, nunt, lirnbersided, gander-looking Yankee who, on seeing the {My priesti thrust his ands into the very Ldebuts of his breech . peekets, as if"in ‘ search for aidime, orso ethin‘g of the kind, E The priest,- observing his movement. {a - E vabced, uhsnal, while Jonathan, hold' g fork: is greasy-looking ll of paper, ntn-‘ mi ced very delißemt ly unfoldin it.—\ Th, old priéstanticipa alibeml onation andE put on ’m’l air (if th most ex isite sat isfael‘on. Jonathan tinu, to unrpll‘ pi; eiafler piece of d y p er, u‘ptil at le 1h he found}; piece f-tyi-twisted‘r-mok ling obswco; He next 11 this hand in- Eto i notherj pocket, an /drew forth 3 'elny : i E ”which, with the ugost'delibem‘tidn, 'iie [til-oceeded ,to fill y pinching ofi' small Ipameles of the to ace . When thisE was Edone,lhgving're ace'dE is tobacéo in his Ebre‘qches pocket, he at oped forwqgi and lighted his 421543 by the 1d sniest’sta‘ndl'e, antjEmnking n awkwar Enc ination at; the heed“ (int nded,- perh ‘, for'a. bot?) 3315 said' 9%}; ébfeeged Eye, ’Squire,” a prqéee/ ed on. ,i E l 1’ Costly} Entérprize. ‘ rest indent: says‘tlmt. \ Z'AE Warlgl newspaper ( just determined to put E Elam oreir‘itoitto keep timf :5 it- shall become! is a mqns‘mted fact tl.‘ dr ' ihousan'd dollars 1 ‘ sizing such enterpri ‘to pay. beg‘ii . r V ‘ Th Eleventh 0 -tleach one strive wi , Tb be a decent man And lo've his neighbo gs himéelf. _.! ' Won the golden p :3. Mid if his neighbor c nce to be ' I pretty female wo LWhy, love her all the ore—you see ‘ ‘ Tgat’s only acting by man. ‘ 1 ‘ osiou qf Fluid Minn—A correspon. den makes public, throxigh the columns of ‘ f ellS'cicnti/zb American. ghe following very sxm' ‘le, and,he asserts, sugoessful plnn which he Fae lagely~dimovered to prevent the 9;- p 113) ion of fluid; oun‘:ph?ne and kerosene p 8; ‘ ‘ mm a very small holeithmugh the tube lglale of ,the lamp, and finer: a. common ruse pin, the head of wfiich shall prevent the pinfrom falling through. By this means. you wzll obtain a. perfect~safety valve, that will adnm the air containedfiinside of the lamp to escape whenever-i it is expanded by being heated from the bté'ning light. gar-fro beffiroud of on‘ gregteft of ignorance. 1 \f ‘ * ——'”— - ‘ ,- _M, s - GEEE‘IPYSBURG, PA.-, MC?NDALY, APRIL 8, 1861“, B———?” said the d. and his comm» Land .smiie; “tube id; tine weather Ye ‘ - ‘ rived." he fincworpd ‘und of the edim‘l‘: Lee (‘lhllc‘éL duritu: hitched {hi4 clu‘ ll' imirled 11$ thnn I} )rofufie'ly. ‘ {\‘tnrti}xg lressing tho will 11', t you the prom-IE I [he peculiarcxpr { <- bllowed the furn Lt-r lcou'ld hat-Tlly k“, p ho. farmer Leonfindn - Fililor the prnginf‘!» «being counted. 23> ' He :, worth a‘ >hil ‘ of dozon of eggs, , at, he lens; calcu 101‘e tlu_ul“thc price :fmg-n not inking n. nuymg for. it. too; In my, mod. yd I ‘iptiun find {film-(lts _i-ro is 1101 mm ‘IM charity, yoq kndw, _ itor, “I will pay hll‘ )tion. [did nbt fin profit, but ralhclfm y f. u'—” ‘LK h:11-;,:~.|in'< n I‘m-pm. ir—dnulfly puidfiir: or make.» tlm (05n— te to hing the 11m Amen.” ? A New York 06:- im stockholdfirs in ate. ishmgnl: hate in: thousnid dol . ii afloat uni‘ such .self-sustainiflg. It ‘I- at one or two hun u‘nugt be sunk in es» 2 ~: before they will pull-cut. h an his might learning is the “mm-n IS mnnn’ nu Wm. pgzan.” Important Deu' Ifun‘lmml-rr 2'5. 77:!) Ad’llu' Ilnrrrk, vil‘r‘tanL—El‘X‘Ol' w tl ofl Lumrnc- county. Imtl medicated that ll'utChm at thesaie of th_e imam Harris. an old drill mnd‘h maid Efifteon cents. On in ‘breallting it up" for kindlin ‘OOO was found. ainl ihed'w ’1 shall ,take the money, thle 3 Mr. Harris or Mr. Hutchfiu | or. The Court,‘ in deciai [VTherg was," ho sale of thd - .‘“l in tho Huck of wmjd iaJustice \Vnyne, in “'slth {'lan. 5“; is a word of pro :jhoth 'nt law and cquitH ntimoq, a contl-avt lmtwop lrightfi af pmpm‘ty I'9er [buyer pays, or prpmiTCs 0 'for the thing bought mu‘l I~ In ‘rr-gnr-I tn IhiQ oat-e 1.7 irama‘rlh: The machine if}. isunrijd part and c-onm's e lwv'rc well mhl. The do) though ifif'tof‘n cell“. w 9 ,r . ‘r/Iqa, amuthn 52110. nnafhufimy rcfprmfimtion. passed t t‘ iridwflubliblc right. to th&: I tlh- qy-s nml [ml-prise.» 1d \ Infplimfl Rut th’n come?! Firm-w ho 11141119111410"! fyn nw rt<. jl‘hoy wormmknqnv. txfutnrv. \w-rv nut inw-nhjxfi ‘ m-tl .M audio“, Were H 164 H (-_'.' woj‘ru 1:4»! bought: VA \K‘h fllh‘h' h-mcht. :cful I’m w nvthflr.‘ .T‘hc til-'lO mg“ ' main ‘qunvhzmgdd. A it" 1 >1 givd- title In :1 p >oka ‘H‘R‘ ‘tn he tnmlu ruxihy )l‘ flu» , :1] . hf gl (‘ln 1 0‘! L 0 Hr‘lh'mifi thrivin. n umy “HI-”TS Hut 1' ‘n rlvi‘ Muffin m‘e mired mi'i 1 uwfiilnms of th with: ‘xjmt'hring withi [hi ‘1 ‘ ' ' N" in :1 tnmion-of tlm'cml NF} by {hr #llO. ‘lf I}wa thorn “'3 H“ 0011:- nh 01' thtj‘ I E}! lll‘U‘hnlilkl‘Y} W morph tml Wealth. I NM "2.- {v'n'i'lh wlzi '9l“ng {Joli} q: silvm“ nil}; in air» cmhnn invhith 113‘,- ll._in 2- l Ar «1 She". ‘ ‘1" “L.“ him-n “'3l both ml 11.}:1‘ it‘i-E'not imr‘zi P:I!'l-]}t ln- iu'flxc- gr l'x‘l In-‘tu 1._.1h-:t i I it rm of-mmic-nt [im or in the rum" or “.1 l l . In firth: hmw‘. hmh‘ {l'lu- “ct-Huh] gimul l'tflr'nrd in trqmnrn I litnnrlun Lib. 3. Ch \'n‘tl:’~'n.\ln'idg. ‘i<i ‘ Hagan-11: i-x shall 1:31 Lé dim 1x lore it'll dial} lwvr: it, for 1 King. Mink-w: no on {” Thu ('h £lll. hr n'M‘m‘din! in we >llj~l>ar>e it, \enut lack that was n fun-v h; .‘n‘m‘e hid in n fiv .\'!‘.Z. «Hz: Bu: ting :ulmbfiitfl gave it ‘ 1m «"lan he found. I then tn'fdm King. m" or: guods are glvmy ‘ plaliml"t'nponfi’." 3 ktir..tlll'l'rfinl't‘. Iw} ‘ {'o' film personal rol c .\ékt owner. hi i no :1] WI“(‘ ' IH-n 'h ["1111 i "1 3| . I 1.“: l" mu ‘ C ("Ar ‘4‘ r \‘l u! (\"N EXH' «ark 1 mm}. i Hut‘ml “W 3 1‘ . 1 .3 or 1“ ng.!ru ' of “I ‘ rm‘P. Ip. 3. . what I 0 him :3 Wu ntlfin l 11".\\' thr‘jln 'is ”I"! & Imm 11m 1 nnu’m 1m“ I: ntlgii' ‘ wrek‘k “MK?“ I Mst. ”91‘ ‘ re-"nt rm ht I . ' “I " "“1 ;“J'!l.r7l'l‘l:\7(l" Rm'b‘a of (3.11:qu “the cxvl tho ‘Ti‘nd" of the w , ml, 11‘ Ii new pran 1 are Swinging u}: ”w cm‘Pi'ml tlml tin/*8 31 («mm the 016111 wl if; Hm}. Q: (ta :1 re t) o S’lfltilfl‘vinfl boo l 1811‘. Jury/6r, the} In Ov‘n‘ahd: "a, C. “C b on v twp quite h: 111 r Ivory. and m {t 1' {Ben (11412-th I ‘ 10:16 termini, accol nulkl be brought. u ‘ . also advanced th - me i 11718133. and at Lhelwoon‘ hen ’ ne' bun‘dred‘un'd forty-fruit thousand wer'e eulod, whenife would gig in descend, and he seventh al of' (he :p‘lation yould be panel, and the Millenin ‘ begin. He said ' e| were fit the 11156 per . of time allnfted o the sixth sea),.nnd dqs’c ibed. Louis Na leon as the anti—Christ, Referred to in the [Revelations as setting up Himselfiin domini 'ion ovcr'thelwholer gang. L dé [Slit Chttai Intain Bfail on theJ’iflJ— Railroad.—'-The recounts of ‘n inke‘ Mgmnd nmil rob kert‘mj, of Chic-ago, was and f .om his séagrches relppmlenta. it Appear! Extendid ntfivonly‘ ovei sburg, Fbrt‘ ayne and 1t to v+lgious points 'on mbus {and Cmciunati. India ‘ Railroads, 21nd ‘ leadixrxfi routes in Ohio 'isionsgof the ang ex ‘ Lakeyille, Bfnssfllon‘. ‘ *pper sandusk y, Crest us, Clegeland, &c., and men, 4 Her any crim'e. to throw the' trains ofi'; ‘ e excitement to steal L u my their hands on. L dstmaster at Pitta 'h‘ich wag. evidently xe gsn‘g, and had béen envefipg. From this the hole plot were partiés are said to be btle'ss §oon be btought ! Daring Srlmnc to' ' Ira. For! JVug/ne anti ittsburg papers I :arlling design t 6 1 ‘ ery.; Detectivé Pi m, u’poh the trachi mi from other‘ de‘ hat the association i pomion of tvhe_Pitt .rhicé Io ‘ Railroad, b! he (fievelund, Col '1 nd Belfontaifie and that important and! mi Indiana, and di sted at Loudogwill hm’field, Bucyms. ine, Galion, Colum 11 hold and rock] ~ ‘ heir intention was i he track. and in t; veryjhin they (ion In &mr§ay last t uni-g received a lett.‘ intended for one of t, laced in the wron etter discoveries d ‘ ade. and u an th known. they will do to juntice. I I [been painted swan-thy, l. d, énfl hi onus. ‘Do in thaaft sh pet Sure ?r for. up if 6 did come ! troulfle is, the devil hat Ihfxpe. He cames x gisteircfi signals, and in [L prttsqntmenu. , : gene devil has] cloven~footed,. horn ‘we expect to we hi u Iy, it would be bet! in that shape. Th : nevet ddes come in , by chance, with unr all sorts of counterfe !.trayed. by Era—Bn the I: half bf the town of as de troyéd by fire. onsl_l ed with nearly . Jum‘ Aikens, wife ere qued to death. :t first femaped, butte ing’ dwelling to save ed wifih them. A Half Qf a Town Da‘ ‘l6th 111%., about on 'Madisonville, Ky... The post office was all its éontents. M {and two children ~ The father and wife tuminfifo their bu ;_their c ildron, peris I . / , v l R E A D m». , _ . / t ' i— . “ THE conwxy AMENDMENT. The proposed nnn ndmt-nt to the (ionstitu tion of the United 'tutes. which was adop ted towtrd the ole ‘X of the late seesion of Congycsa, by n. vot 'of burely two—thirds of each branch. has 1) en transmitted to our ‘Stnte Legislature, and We observe, by the proceeding: in “it? House on ,Thursdny. that Mr. Armqtmng,' the leader of the con servative wing of the Republican members, fluid leave to introduce a joint resolution 1 providil' for the r tit‘u-ntion of the amend ment. {ft is in the following worth: innt Rmolution In 11$):an I/u' Comtimlinn,r_>fllu ' I [With/”57:17:”. ‘ " i I}: 11' nzsomnn, h‘y the .\‘nnnte and lloujw or Roprr~=entativerln_l' the llnitedm'tatcs of Amonmin Gmgrc-s uswmhletl, (two—thirds ot‘hoth 'llmmw (‘0! curring.) .'l‘lu‘t the fol» :lowing article he lr‘opoumuo'thulu-gixlu lures of‘,tlxc sever l _Smtr-s M an unwind menu to’ the Con lit‘utionmf the Unitz-d Statue, which. \vheiralificd by three-fourths of said‘Legislamr .-slmll he Valid. to all intentc rtnd pin-poser, as part ofsaid Consti ltut—ian ; namely: . - .Ar. 23, No am L dment shall he made i to the Constitutiox gwhich will authorize or give to Congress tl . power to nholiah or in terfere: within an :State. with the domes tic institution: th "oot‘, includingL'that of persons held to in or or service by the laws of said State. :L l “ T s is; really th'. onlytenderwt‘ concilia tiorr hat the he üblicam in power have “vol: (3‘ descended Ito make- to‘ the South, L'nnd the only t ngihlo evidence they “hive, thfiE‘fim. heo : willing to give, of any i intontioh to :thii‘yl n their aggressive inter !j'oronco with he domestic ills‘tl'luiionfl ,of tl‘fJ Funtfhoi n Ftatg :1. >l3ract'ioally. even this :po r chi-ring a dunts to ~nothing.‘ ‘ It 5 merely prohibits, iii express terms, the ox |erci<e by Congress of a power that the Con— :stitution (loos iimi'iconli'r, andlthat never I“‘“‘,ld,'bd exei‘vizt-dlumlor it, without ntlag- , ::. What caused mun-I‘D“? ‘2' ,rantnsurpation oi‘lnuthnmty that was weely l Th ,1“, l A _ . . . a. denied i 0 the Federal Government by the ..9 ii "If . “mum‘s“ 9“ that “'9 ,5“? ‘ framers bfthot,‘on.~litutiiqn. But, valueleas ""°’_“‘.‘gl"?“l‘?r“y,, Of’ the bgamocrntic part as is this boon. it iii grutlgfinglygiven. In— I are dih‘uniomsts, , and lab m to ‘hold “1 stead ofi rect-ivimigdhe mtaninrous t'ote ofyguh-V W‘l'flmm'le 93".113. ”meg?“ Pf t Commoner—and Slirlely every member who gtouthr-rtrfitatm. “.‘”."fu’m 01‘1 rtory; r . l‘egardéhis‘ oath to iluppm-t the Conétitution i l’eflto‘l Nth “my! tm‘mlgns hath lief? l as it is, simultlhlmt'g‘a rated for it—~it barely and “"7"? the Jr"f“d""h“l 01“““°"v.’m received the twolthirds vote that was ru- 1 "’T" l"’,thf:“l_’°gflii M ‘i‘ '3' ‘le'y fewyordg. (wired to base it; iTllt'l‘e “11.1.1101 it vote 191‘ l" '4‘? "I“ 1’ “if: n” 1" s""°°”s”‘ry to b" share in ‘eithor ihH-anch; aild the large; ”.C “"3. '2‘?“ ""113" mg “rill“ COHSLIUJWBL minority oftwr‘luc blenmora and fifth/fur. Ilep- ’7 (liwumomst. l e Wl’pof the term t.° meg -I‘e.sontut2vP.-i vottfl Lphunp against. it, 'VVe . ‘ 19.1 mm 0"? wlmflij‘mfl. fovore dipumo give the' names, ' recorded inthe ('oll_</7'l‘A'-vnH 1".“80 a ' extra ’33 L "1."? "or who 1” “Hula/”be: .r. , , ,'. pursued such a. course‘ politrcully,. u I , , - g; ~ . 1' . Lemme distxnion. , -:E ‘ AW" I‘” '7" :Smulr'.— ll'nzliam, ,1 The ‘llr-mgorntio part (lid neither. ' gllln'llm‘y lell"lE.-l£§’<i;’i i".l(‘l-{_I‘flnl. l did’nqt-‘(lo‘vire dimnion,l r do anything . Inp,-rumner,oi ,m u‘ '1 ““0": ipmmpte it. “On ‘ the contrary, it tin-030 mag“ risen—l... 1‘ / f K ’ 1 mod earnestly to overt tto culamitx of die l“ AI“-”,']£T‘ ”‘1: ”WI“, ”Eggs"? ?I}°¥‘AElll,l"L‘;: Ll unionf‘d llnd its warnin ' been follow . . , u _, / . . ’,‘ "0, ‘Pg 9“" WW, 4 ‘s‘ ”at 0‘“ ",h ' and its counsels'heede , the generation f , dj ill“ oxvt'llim‘sn Total, 3,434,126 3,999,254 12,311dii30 3!) “m’r'l‘an Lurhngan ‘i": l-urnhani', ("”3" Lur- “ seven States, or the for natioil' ofa ' utl -' the; ,‘ / _ "mufon’l'flsy ‘ . it?!" ”*1"- C‘]"““‘}' tonlfhng, (IQHEVfIyJiiIW-Llcm Coiifodomo out of {inrte of the-{iiiim‘ ' / ,5 who Jud, ”m .\.("mm , | ,- 28'8933‘71”, Puell, hdgm't Ll, hdwm-rls, Lhot, 151 v, L-‘vouhl tint “n“. yewuqnuuummc trutli\-:tn{ . LIN-t" it to the .\‘v-xv/Slexi’co, ' “61.547 1 5 93,0“ 'FnrnSwe‘i-th. {“01} 71.11231“ 1‘33“”; Frank, linsteml-‘ot‘ rtt'eeble‘nndi resolute A fii'mi -V' "f'f W‘hn'f- and l'vh. , 11,354 M 50.000 ,(rom'h._(xll%)§l . Wiley. "”31? ”3‘3; ””“L 'tr tion nt'll'ashing'tonJi iflituting wlfi'pfio 1r (mh-ol nufirnl 1”,...”th ’ . "...,g ,3 3,839 man: hot» ”’3" liirhm‘. Front-lg“ .‘l\(>llog2,"pvi‘m puraue toward Sta (:3 defyin itir _ ' Yi-tlt \3‘l‘.‘ WI .Of’x’ll’ashiugton“ . 3 . ......, 1 11,624’ Ilégxt't QC. Lem-Im. Lee“ 1.0310511“ Ell "! thorityiwe should now two on f,]n,i':s_ . “313‘ wk (intspoln _-' "A ''l" 1, A -~——4l Loom“. labveiny. Human. MoKoall, Pd!” - tmt‘ionjiiuiotly‘bonducting the a'flitirq ofn 1‘: law hill( in yo. ‘ Total’l‘erritories, _'l E 7190; Hg 135,370 Potter, ll’ottle, Edwin Julllnynolth. Rfiym‘. iunbrokbn and proqperodq nation 1:; cu . lr‘i tlm' on not. ifl ' ‘ —‘-‘——-—A—. L—t—.———,- Smlgwigk. Srnnesmipinncn STEVENS, \Vllr ‘i not. be tleni‘ed that-this Wbuld have been t. o a 10 onuld niot limit Total U. SLLtt‘l, 2::,1£11,316, :3i.617,"fi‘-' L LIAM ,STI-IWAlll'i‘. - Tuppan. ’li‘Ompklll‘i, ‘L heni n~ cisu tof Demoorlitic succeqs nt. ti 0 ‘ -,str{iys :Lnil-othmi L H“m 1,; seen that tile-gihpulaiién ot‘the gTrain, V:mdever,i7\'an Wyck, “'ade, Will-l; l’rosigdehitiai election fo the ohvious £9 .: " ”“0 l‘9’l'm‘" con sox'en sect-«led. States i~—,L roe, £703,147: ‘l‘"“3‘ Walton; C‘Efi‘mla'h” C,‘ w“"“"”m' y’son tluit the prinoi iles iii! the De ocrfut c, lilfl-j’illllfhmth'.‘ slave.2s3so33o7:totaltfififiti, 34. :‘l‘he seven Elihu 3‘ W‘L‘l‘b ‘l‘: Wells,‘ Wilson and party fiveror nationhh t‘ erefnre itsie n t. “i?“ "ill““hl‘”: socotiwl Slntos'donmiu 13‘,“ ,‘ill7 $14215“. and 'Mioodruif-Jio. i l ‘ ii anythieg 'contumed in Eloinoorhtic prin - t. Mof the (10“ the night remaining slave; 51mm..- enntain [ This vote is a = Irycommentary upon the‘ plea tliht‘huu can-led distinion. tin-med. . l 136481336 slaves. I'Solitl:=(iail'olinm tied Mis- .' oft-repented (leehthions'ot theltepublicuns I - Where then shall we 'seek for the can a » sissippi are the only two State‘sn‘nwluch'the i that‘the’y had no ,desire to intertere with l but in the diuregard ofthose notional ri - slaves outnumber the free. ‘i A ‘slavery :in the Mites where it exi>ts~thnt 1 ciplee+adherancé to wfliieh would iii) L r- _.._u Q..»J——+. the (fonqtitntiion .m- thc-m noxight todo‘ isparedqlus the vil nndm'ortification of d' - ; [Q‘stocnus-l ‘ornr party, which, last 'so. nnd that they dil not mean hogtied: tit. union Who: but in the Republican 9 -" ‘ ‘ fall, was broken. discordhnt, defeated: is I Here are twelve N rthern Senators undysix- ity whose nhnn‘donmen "of‘the‘greutm V 1 now united and full ofdeterminatgion. T lie Lty-five Northern EleprosoritatlveF—nniong tir'mnl I‘idex’r, and whosebi aever'ancdlflf ti o l opposition, shattered by! inter 111 (lissen- .LWltOtn we regret t, find/iv» mfa—repreeentayt/ élsve and free States in drinciple, produc l sions, and every day gro‘w’i/Hg coker, as f tives of the comert’mtivo State ot'l'ounsyl '2»— t.hcir several co in fact ?, The success ot'th I! ‘the'dangnrous ell‘ects of the i- pri riplce-j are Inia—wh‘o, when the direct question is out. party \i'm tlio tru‘e cxtuselot‘ diaunlon. T c becoming plniner, begizgé)‘ see he hnhd- :to theml: “Do you believe that the’ ‘on- fact h “patent, disunion could have cotton-33 \vrit‘intf on'the 'wall. ’wh' h tells tihem thgt .'stitutionj confers "it wer upon Con oss’to in no olhhr‘v'vay than by its more“. It pun“ their ays are numbered} A vig ous effort 3interfcre with theltfiomestic 'instit ion“ nf 'chasetl triumph n.t a pri o, of which it w s on the part of Deuifcrats to ciifiiiilute the ‘ the States, and are .you willing t give the ‘warner‘l in advance; and yet it did not he i'- , papers of their pony. am! to imb‘ue tlieir ‘South eiguamgteé that you will! never at— tate. Now. when the maple hold it -:' iriende and height 'rs wiv h theitoachi’ngs 'tempt to exercise iii-nit sue-h ungohstitutional countmble forth‘e con uenceeof its‘ ‘ of t'rvth, will assure _v redeem om'l‘ltat‘e, at mower?” deliberqtely answ , No! After it seeks-to shift the zipomihility n P the next Lfeloctiop, fr mth ungviviejposition gthis. nndfiimilar e‘xibitiom fthe extrune » those Whowoul‘d have mzuntained the Uni in which lt,hfi3 boo pinged, asiit, i: sure , sectional spirit offlorther Republicqnimn,‘ intact had tlfiir mlviooli-en‘heeded. that the Peéplt‘ 0f PPUnsy vanin ,rl‘ dgtpiy‘: and itslmnnifest aboliti ‘ tendenoios, is it There is ji t one other point to be (1" , devoted to the Uni .n, nn‘d thirst flilé mifi‘v may wonder that 13,10 SO’llthém eople have poqed of; Secoe‘mion was hot. ‘carried in t e CiilPVOlh Spirits \i'ho have-hem» the leaders l lost all cohfideurt: i it. and distrust the * ..‘aouth by the Democraticmarty as a polit -‘- in dragging the conn ry to‘ is present'deplm profeseione offrieii Ii ) that its represrnm- ml 0 iIiZItiOH-I H was not a partyimov rable rendition. Our politi alfricudu should itive men. now at‘ he head of the Federal mentsfihlitivaq efl'ected. without regard tp . go to work “tonne, takin .ndmntage of the itiovornment, :ler ready to make, butso previous divisions. by the life-long enouri 1 divisiom in ‘the Rewhlimh rings, to sow lslow to put in rinctice‘l Is not thiegvote a drawell as the former friends of‘the Deni the seedst Democratic principl wherever i significant igdimtion of the ultimate 'de~ cratic party. Dixunion we'd the ufirisin they are likely to talc}? met, so that by the inigns ofthe, lackißepuhlican party? Does, one sectionto' throw off the Evils—rec? r time our opponents’ rive ‘conclutlod their I it. notrpla' ’ly say that. the cry of “.No molfie‘ ixmginm'y—appreheuded from the domine quarroln ‘(werthespnils arid 100); about to Slave Trd'tr‘itory’! it but the .preludo to a 'titm of another section. It was not t I " pick upvtheir ‘fqrceq, for another! struggle, .deélaryfion of wan against,slevery in the wot-knot a party, accomplishedundern pit they “'1“. find their army reducedtfraifoeble Stated, and that they only'await‘ the time ty nefnn and organization. The moveme t.‘ minority, and thercoptge ‘ot‘ pow ready to Iwhyfi‘thcy shall bcisecure enough in power ‘has obliterated party distintstions in ‘ith he wrested from their unworthy} hands.—- tolearry it into execution? If any thing :secedeti States, where tl Democratic o fieniember, thin the most potent) lever for lhad been wanting. to prove how com letely ~ganization 'in prmticalltfgeml. because ih political achievement». is .the _Bress—a'ngl abolitionizod the Republican party line he- vitality consistedjn ita alchemy—Puma labor earnestly to extend the circulation am . come, this lnrge negative vote on n. simple] and Union. ' ~ , ‘ l influence of sound and ardent. Democratic proposition to pledge a. foitht'nl adherence ' inpcrs. ' g ‘ ' g/ _ to the Constitution as it is, supplies. it.‘—, ' M‘_ ‘ ' Under these circumstances, then” cin we blame the South for askin gsurer guarantees for'tlie inviolability of their donstitutiopnl rights. and for the security of the domestic institution which ism; the very basis of their [social system. and which has become a. ne cessity. to their very existence as a people, than this more negative amendment, pained after a fierce struggle, by a. hero constitu tml majority, is calculated to afford?— ! jug Gazette. 'ision.§ ‘ Maxim‘s (If Elislu 1e commonvpleus Kis cus . it “id be her :urch wvl. !«i cfl'e Lu (fur. ne, forwgch ho ing it 1m 0 and - woo; some $3,- uto is as to who (Imin stratprs‘of Il‘erfi purchas g the case, my : i Imhléw, cnntnin j Salqg said Mr. ..son 3". Bérry. 8 he “£le impart It 'nn nsflnt an parti'ca ,to 1"“5' ney Mulch the my t 9? the gem-r dd. 3 ‘ ‘ ( dive Wmdvi'm'd 'H’nnd evnry e:- Ext! Moment of it |.. . . twblagmn 'pnul, n In“: 1 (1. TIM‘ pm by fréuu nr mis- ‘ | v pnn-lmsor‘un' mohin'n. and all hilfiil it («fluld ho I (If 21+ machim: Irv it~ mnxtimvnb‘ 'xfto (Ho uglminis- ‘ (I. whbl'o hr)! (-x- 1 1501.1. LOf'éours-e 1 I! that “as. mldl "1w HHd by ”If: I:‘\t“\':l',k nnt .wlzlW o. of :1 mat due 4 nok \V'hjt 11‘ may. ‘ dopnflilml in it, I‘ll“ 0.!» H title (u “now ‘cme‘i and y. innginml the’ 4’ 1119; ox'is'tv-nca . bum-noted for. longe‘znplathm or 3'l) ll‘licn, do not Unitgd States Census :0: 1860. Hunt's er‘rc/gant's 'ngadne‘compiles (he‘- following tablex‘of the pnpulation of the sin-oral States f rdm the returm fxujni‘had by] tthensus Burg-nu to the govnrnons m .\‘taws for the purpose of apportxonizig ulcmbqni‘ol Congress: -. ’ ’ l /’ ‘ ' son-lamp: Mums. :/’ , ‘ - i . J/{ippor ’ p-PPpulnupn.-—,. txonmellt. » ' 19%). 1369.“ :New. old. Maine. 683,169 319.1153! 5‘ _c: "v “ ‘7I 7' ‘_2l‘.n7aj ’ '2 .\‘ew Ifamgahire; 317,?7q- 4111,0721 ’ 3 , ;; \‘ermam, ,_ 314,129 Shawn 3 I 3 Mnsunr‘busotts, 994,514 1,231,494! 10. ‘ 11; Rhodvlnjnnd, 147.4; [74,621. .1 2' Connqdifxut,” arm. {-2 460.0701 ‘4 4f Nrw anig, 3.091.. 94 3351,5133 so 33 l’exgnq‘lvfingin, 2,1211, 'B6 2,910,018 f 2'3 25 Nochrst-y, . 1193,5155 mug-14: .'- 5 Uiiiu, .J.’JBO. 37 2.377.917: r- 21 Imfiuna, A 968,116 LAMAR”? 11 n Humis, ‘ sslyeq },jw1,2332 13 9 Michigan, 397.134 54.24qu gr, 4 Wisr-uliaiq, .'Ul’réwl 169.4453 :6 4 lowa, j 493,113” memi i 5 '.' Minnesota, 6,317 £71,793; 1 :1 mega“, ‘ - :2. $4 $1566: 11 1 (t-ujmrnia, ‘92.??? émfim; a‘ 2 Kun‘sus,‘ ‘ ...... {43,645} '1 1 Total I’4‘ ”1' i— r— , .4, 5441.9 1v,35u.»7'9;15u :49 _ . EUUTHEB! 51“ ES. 3I 3 fl . . . .1 ' A - ‘ ~r—l‘Mullaaliou it! Isl6.—Lqu§-w': Facts. ‘lxu‘o To! 1 ‘y.’ 31 '. Imn‘wnrg’, 59,242 7-2 296- 9‘ d ' MW" 3!.‘1'31'53'1‘17‘:41’31666 91‘:Zh'.q '8 .132 . 1 lir'gEm. «$493133 47?: 32 ‘ 1"." ’33"; 6 ‘j-“:unlinn,‘3-‘§o.4Sl 225 m- ‘QF .051 11 12.} u1‘u1ina,253,523 ‘ ENE!“ (”ltd/(f7) 7 , .~ . ' " 1' | ‘ (.f-orjgm, «24,503 Sdlfiia") mic.“ f i Fronds. ‘ 4&135 ‘3l::fuv. ' 39‘": " ' .\t.||r:un.-\'.i 4251.7?!) ”PIQ‘IZ' 3337?: I . . .v ~- ~- 1 . L.. Mm.» .mplu, wrung 303),:‘73 (fr‘fr 4" 9 Loulaganfly 212.933 . 2 #43:"? I’l'l' ‘:2 0“ Arkansas, 162.797 «7.1110 :0“. i): 3 ’ 4-:::::;c ‘ a" _ -s e, “:3154 231.1410 0 w kt’xmu-kn 771:424 2105 b“)! L 337“: 8 Missouri, 5 594.69" ‘81P" “ 70:0" 8 Diswl‘CoFa‘MShaa '5l-“: um” 9 , 59,)!“ SUN? £- mt pup-115180 of I*lll.mlnixm, how 1 «lixcnwn-d his _ . T I‘lvitli‘mjy as! FAPupuhlion in man. 1!:«1‘1 .muinmnlyJ ' ; Free. Slm‘c. TM in tho groumLl 11171111111ch11“ 558 I 1.0% 1/1121 an’ taken to .\Y-r3lllllll,¥ll4li.lfl‘4' 83315;! 731.5 111.1131 1H 91‘ gold _ Virginia. 1.f1.'07,373 4135,11. th 2.39.15 13W “limfiflml N('nroljna.u?£7.9os 3233377 LOW; 01111.14 111e-tul<.—~‘ S-(Vu‘nlinaJM-‘IJMI ’40:,185 715.: 115'. 11111,: 11111111! (lenigin, 0,117.31“; 407.4110‘1:()R‘.’:'j ,i» “'p;nr(l loléluill‘ Florida, 1‘ B|.Hrs 'I'}.W_JOE HZ.“ [AF-rial :wlu-uu-rt “3“{l‘32'sv . 53”-44:‘ 4;"“1-3 195115 11 1.1 Mmzwrumul MuinvqanWT'om “WW. a”: M“ L-"us'unm 311.245 51mm arm. 1 1512-32: 1221 - 1 .. ens. L. 1- ‘ ~.. ) . .. ‘ c"".'3"’l‘ 1‘“ “‘ 'll 11110550 ‘, 85915251117111: 1.111334; It? I.lm 11-)“.11133'1 KunnwkfiL 9'3“.“37 2215‘490 11.2013 “1‘ "5 WWW] m, Missom-i,1,m5,395u 11511191445, :6 mt “'1" m‘ 11",? Dl3. ot'Col 11..‘.‘...... ‘l.. ’ ' "1‘1" raw. 11111 1,; « _/ Total, +43,470,503 3,304,099 ((110011 Imgh many parts in rotbron‘ce to ping again reviv ‘m Miller school Imo to have dis wsccond appear ‘ngely takeplace I‘le lecturegufon Irc-d by thé Rev. i clergyman of -.rond genflcm‘an } data to defend yd no less t/hun "logical ‘periqu l 'the revolution. did 13568. Mr. hut Christ would in his judgment mfthfivixile thie Producing Silver byfiArtifi'x-iul Mmmfi—ltis said that a Germgm chemist -,hns diécoverad a method‘by which lie prodgcm lterling s'il ver at a 305: of about, seven “fiveicenm per outnco, and that, a ¢mnpzm§ is forming t 1) work tlzé discovery dn‘ :1 pr figabl'x- ‘scalex—y- Thé- appliances rehtfired a. certain chemi cal preparations and a gas nic apparatus of sufficient power 16 act 01$ hem, ,Should the experiment wooded on kiln-g 6 scale, the ‘profits will be handsomqtnd Mditiohd weight will attach tad the Elypinion that all metals are rmlvablglinto tfwo or three alt.L ments. ' Y I } ,' { i ‘. Health qf the French Emp'rm.—The Em press Eugene is sqid :to be in a state of per petual -terror aboht; the condition; of her soul. Her mind is tottering. At: one mo ment she is [or setting out on a pilgrimage to the Holy Lend unmnother she is absorb ed in all the mysteries of spirit mfiping; then the mperor finds her in a state of nefi'ohs. a ectxon. as if life were an absolute burden to er. It it! mid that shelseriously doubts wh that it if not he]; duty to leave her husbapd and child m?‘go into or con vexit. ‘:' A , C v ‘ . Turnip Jvlu'ce mm. =9 be fore the Cohrt of Se: : Inst week, dlsclbsed the fact that the wine which had been ebld by him ‘ile in the employ of the,defendant, was made of what was called “tuf'nip’ juice.” This was “made to s rkle by {use from vitroilandjnarble (Ind, and tfizn labenlzlfi' champagne,” No wonder that ihte .pente'persone 1150 often die pet maturely. f l ..." , T 1 fi-Sprihg mt] the bird: an hep. ' //=»- - “§ '3O 8 4 ‘. A lipm‘. «tionm't ‘ll 10M ’53 l (m 6 199 13 42 ‘ s m 9. gab 3 W '1 9h? 7 333 4 ‘ 31.. 4 17;; 2 «s|? ‘ 2 ¢4n 10 ‘l4 ’ :0. ,fit»? 7 5.321 .. ‘ . / 7"“ I: // ‘l’ g Iv /.- t.l 3’ TWO/- 3 1.1.4115 ‘A-YEA R: *nm mm) wmrm I It iii not often that the perpetrators of a l fraud upon the public admit their crimiml ity; butl-tbe hew York Tribune now ac ‘ knowledges that’the North was misled an; to the real situation end temper of the Sou ‘ them States. Listen to the following admissions from 'a: recent number of the Tribune: ' ‘“ “ Before Int November. threats ot disu nion were common enough, but no one «up pogted they were anything more than elec tinneering tricks. lndeed.‘ so frequently had these threats been made before, it but no one had‘ ‘any reason to regard~tlmmaml of any practical imgmrtance. They were accordingly receivé either with indififier. ence, or with mirthful remarksmnd the general opinion seemed to be that the South cogld not be forced out of the Union. It may argued by those who cared to argue at allgboutit, that therery ex’iétence of slavery depended upon the Union; that no slave State would dare to have Canada carried down to its~ borders; that. alnve insurrec tion: would occur as soon as the heavy hund ot‘ the Federal Government was withdnwn {mm the institution; end that. the dread I=l i of Jon Brown folds would! alone prove mfilcih‘itJmkoep the slave State- in tho ‘Union. 3 I! would Jenn mm (I: grant ignorgucg ; pmrailed a! 02/: JVorl/i a: Iv M: a! simuliun 9/5/16 l nlave 'ml/af At all event: 1% rookonedtoo ‘ rafid'y‘lnd arc-opted possiblv ugimnte m ‘ I Mmmediate effects. The 3 live smm}; «hi I eremotc from the frnn. bgwc cortu‘mt 1 lyyboidiy, mrr .yqfully needed, aria Ntnbliflh i . n. Fdnfednrncy founded upon dwarf—J: ; They ihavo frumod a Countitution, Pstob ish i ed a dcf‘acm governmnnt. gunmefl 'nn nttiE‘ r tude lo armogl ‘hostility toward the Unite ‘ States. it! are at this moment making do;- i month) (more befitting ‘couquurors thmx rah balm, Two tiers of slave Stntes lie henna: them. alnd-the five States, and thaw 'mla i‘ medium States are disafi’ecmatowgrdf tht‘) _Uninn. 3 and act as allies to the, 94:ng.5 Sthtfifi' _ ‘ A - 'l‘l-[V Tribune fnlls intio agrnvo. if not will ful, ozror when it; nfiscrtqtlmt. “ no one nu 'pnsgdffl bomro' Ina! Nqiomiwr. that th tPH‘flNiOf rlisunion “ were anything mnr ‘1 my elhctioneer‘ing tricks." M\a_ny p'enpl ’ at Ilie‘l‘inrth, acquainted as theywere wil i thgtem‘ mr and feelings of tho Southea pvnplm. iimew nml‘felt that mpn were 110er moi-win? Oal‘lleh‘t. when the-y (hm-lured th‘n tlwy hr ‘ ld rogm‘dthe triumph fi‘i‘n section:- 3lliqftxlpledgotl to [L policy hostile to limit tlvnmstjriqhta and interest“, in it (‘IIIIHPVOA \vitlulerul from the Union. The Domr _‘ cratio phr‘tyknmv this full “qll, thtd dill al thnfjvuva in their power to thin the poop] -. nghinht twisting their votes in sht‘h mmnnm as to [bring about so ruinous tumult; 'i'ho mmld nl 'cnnoenlmont «the truth that in painful] evident to their minds :‘bnt lhgox , the im‘yinmling danger, and projdictod jui : ' whitt‘hsznccurrcd. 'And for thus tollin ‘~ tlm‘trulih, thov worn branded mt “dimnion ' ifteti' by thunßagiublicuns.‘ 'l‘ruo'itr. is. the» irorliytilbns mi warnings wortheutml will ‘ ievity and indifference. and in many‘cmc. ’ _ received, rm th'e Tribune says, “withpirth ful return-ks." But, lot In; mik, whose faul x ml: glmtt Wu: it not the‘ Rnp'uhlip I 0 «11-r4 t‘hetnkolvou who iiii~lpd the lake do. a clo<igne¢lly kept, tlmm ih ignorange ms t_ _ the real situation of the Shiva Stilton ?—.— \\ What i' fluenco was mot-p potent thumthnt, of tho fi-H’um- mid kimlrwl prints. ifi'fleh (ling: thfim i‘hto thebcliol‘ that “ the Sou” mnhl unfit lenfrm/ out. 01‘:th [iitidii 2" Th rm! (liutnionis’tsf, all along. hnyo han th 3‘ llvyuhlii-nns. for thixy sluhllmrnlyclosod thc-i (3135 to [lll tho danger thin h'us tlirenteninr .’ and litv hll'y drove the soocding Sum-p on of the nion by their mid policy of “ rul i or ruin.” L'l‘hoxdnfiml tie threntc-nod p ‘cos‘uion, mm xr‘set it with the couxitutj-tlrrcn ‘ “ Wait hut-ii the Government is rum, am wv'll aubduc you i” If the \mrnin o_nf U: Dnmncrhts hml Leon h ,edod. t Uhin would not. now he tlis,<ol"od. Bu 'the Rt publivaris déritlod them; shill told the poop! they \weré more ‘t‘ulectihncering tricks; ' and tlieicouutry now still" réi the cohmqum cm- ofthhdccoptivogamo hut wily dimliioi - ists at t 9 North played. for tho put-pose l’ gaining litimlpowér. 'J‘ m‘problem whhtl -‘ er tln- South could hofnrc d and the Unit) | is Holyod. That she ran 0t bpfofna/Lj'nlu .‘ again. ih admithml by ll 0. tlovinionfif tln 1. Lincolnlmhuinistration i rol'erem-e‘to Fn t Sumter. Whotlmr she will ever came into i , of her arm nocorgl.;ib nqu «tion that the f?- tlui‘e only ca'm solvg—rJh'tili‘ng Gazette. , , ,i‘ , 2/ I\TO. 27 marina/lawn Pram-L We are ghifi th » the Prm hgua at length thfiown off the lift that still continueél to delude a. Jew confi‘ ing Demovi‘atand that it now boldly sumes the chamtiionship bf the Lincoln - - “ministration an the Republican batty. 'lt. appeals. indent], to be so near the tlll'Oil‘ at anlhington thagit‘laiiy foreshadowaj advance‘ not only the in entions of the A ‘ ministration. but. in varying ideas of futuh policy. We always and an idea that Col Fornoy would return to the Democratiqpal ty after hisxevengefhi feelings towel-(I‘M! Buchanan had been fully glutted, but tlm "Re üblicann have him'nnw. neck and heels 'eriilo vie wish them joy of their bargai‘ we yet feel dispmnd M mmwniccamba thn m timely fate of ( ne'sq gifted um}. promising another victim of and ambition.—‘“ Democrat. —-r~:* «.’”—j" '— gK: «1 Masmcllwglls freparz’ngfor Wag—We pefi ceive,‘by a repoH presented’tpWhe .110qu of Representativml, that Massachusetts -h' been actually preparing for civil war on large Vale, The congracts made for th equipment of truer for active service i elude two tlrousan knupsaoks and two hnn dred tlfnusand bull cartridgps, and an I pmpriation of $25,000 has been made by th commonwealth to defray tbp oxpendes o utting the State troops an 11 W 3: footing {t would havb been well for the count-PK 1 Massachusetts’ had been in ready with 9 two 5 durilig the war of lfllflild—J-w en ah refufed to allo‘t‘v them to lam theg State—d she has shown herself in Hm present in;{ _atance.—-N. Y. Herald. ‘ _ . flltis ex ected that the Western Mary land Rant-0&3 will be mnmletcdjo W~ » niinster, by the lstof May, ' a” 1 C ii I I sw BM II ‘ (9‘3. .‘ '- :1 PM M v 1 ‘ f, \u :- ' =I Ei 4 _- {s3s .- •-' A ‘2 3‘ l ~ 7 F ~.« {I MEM lin .‘g; 1 ‘ f ‘- 'i -.,. g r 1:5 r, 1