The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 11, 1861, Image 3

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    ‘ all~
[econoéwr’s HALL. Inch t. 1861. '
“Th flannel mosh 'aof the chkkoldcrx;
We es s: y, wss or n
h edlin Be? 8. 8. Bonnier“ D.Df‘m the
czsk, W} A. Dcxcnr, Acting ss Secteury,‘
when the following Report wss submitted by
the Presidentof the Bond :
The Bosrd ot' hugger: of the Gettysburg
Gu Compsny herewith present their snnud
I. The Coupon wu orgsnized, Fehrnsry
30, IMO. b; the election of ofiren egreesbly
‘0 the [lf-"lions of the chsrter. To obviete
the Mt, of holding soother election on
the first Hood" of the following Much, the
time fixed for the sonnl election. it was
tgn'od thst the officers. then chosen, should
continue to hold other: until supereeded by the
election of this ye'er.
2. At the time of the orgsnizetion of the
Conpsny. 813000 of Capitol Stock were
anhecnbed. had the-Books were clowd under
the impression that thet Amount might pruba
hly be suficient to construct the worn. But
this sum was found tttndvqunte. in conse
qttence ofs larger extent of mains having been
13",: in order toreuh more remote paints“
then it was originslly contemplated to reach.
The Inn: of 24400 additional Stock wu
"Mneutly subscribed. which together with
$6OO yet required, will make the Aggregate
Imount of Stock 315000. 4
3. The Bosrd were ontione to have the
works constructed so cheaply as possible. but
yet here persuaded thst the utility of the
msterinl and the chsgseter of 3:0 workman“
ship were more impéhnt thsn chon nose oft
construction. They, therefore, invited, propow
eels extensivelv. 3nd received definite nppli
cetions from five in'dividunls, whilst sundry~
others were ready to make (ifl'v‘l'd to do the
work. when the contract was closed. This
caused some delay in the beginning. and wu
attended wi.h a CUDhtdCrrt‘.)lC amount of per
plexity. But when a. responsible contractor
‘wu found whose terms Were Moqptsble to
the Board, the \wrlt' was pushed forward
'rnpidls'V so that n.) tlduy wss experienced in,
the tune of completion. Q?
4. 0n the link day inch. the Bosrd
contracted with WiLLuu Elms, Huh uf
Phlladt‘lpliia, to erectthe contemplated marks,
on the lot previously purchased from Menu.
D 031»! and Conoutifor the sum of 8500.
'1 hey agrevtl to pay him for the co:.<truction
of these works, including Gut House, 'l'snk.
Mniul. Service pipe and Meters, the sum of
$12300. But during the prom-ens of the'
work they determined to extend the Insins'
comidenhl beyond their uriginAl intention.
and Bgreedyto pay him $1495 for the sddi-,
tioual meterisl and labor. There were lsid
2"63 feet ofnt inch,4443 of 3 inch. sud 7275,
J: inch you. smouuting in .u to 1393! feet
'or shout 2i miles in length. The contnctor‘
finmhed and delivered o'er into the bonds of“
the Bnurd the works on the 10th of August
Inst, on which dAy he lighted up the town
«with GM. It gives us greet plenum to be
able to ssy. th-t the works ere nest And well
constructed, sud that they hue fully Come
up to the expectetions of the Baud sud the‘
community genenlly. They ere probably
the chespest in the country, sud of s capes-ity ‘
stuply sufliciem. to supply the wants of 3
turn ofthree times the size of Gettysburg.—
Uur citizens hsvejust cease to rejoice in their
success in havingso important on improve,
ment made tor their convenience snd comfort. I
in so nest and snhslsutisl 3 runner, sod st;
Ano small I cont. No further sdtlitiune or;
enlugetuent need he made for s quarter of s ,
century to come. i
5. The cmtrsctor set 9% Meters, of which
one VIII fut the Sued Lsmps, one furs
Church. one esch for the College sud semi.
nsry. sud the rest mostly for private deelv‘
lingn. Since the works here come into the
lmnds of the Board. thé‘ Y as has been intro~
ced into twy Churches avg‘FGseversl Shops. and.
prints dwellings, 'increuiu the number of
Meter! or Consumers to "It. ltilbeliethl.
llmt our citizens will not deny themeelves the l
luxury at I good and cheep light, sad that'
duringthe coming summer snd next 13",;
considemble number will be sdded to the list,
01 commuters. :
6. Since the 18th of August the worksi
have been in successful Ind sa'isfsctory opers- ‘
tion, under the luperintendence of Mr. F.
Dumas. with whom the Bond have can:
erected. for‘s. ulsry of $750 per snnum, to
task. the G», onend to the Meters. collect
the‘bills monthly, and to do I.“ the luhor diet
is treasury to supply the town with Gu. ’
'l. Theentire coat of construction, including .
lot. Mums sud incidentals wu $l5OOO, ul
follows: _ l
. To Wm. Eek-. 9, ‘13994 99
For Lot and interest. 5") 69
“ '- Interest on loans, 46 8t
“ Fencing snd Service pipe, 314 85'
_ “ Printing, 47 89.
“ Books, Sod end Bun, 35 52
“a whole amount of Stock subscribed mu
sumo; nmmnt mlixed 812728; "nibble
auzoo; leaving a‘ deficiency of $BOO. which
the Baud hue dewrmined to lUpp‘] by
.iun'uu Stock to tint unouns.
8. The whole unonnt of GM nude line.
the beginning in, 343600 cubic feet; con
sumed, 325700; in Teak, Mains end Meter:
Ami: 10900; and loci sbont 7000, or 2} per
dent, vhiéh is deemed to be nu autumn,
mull, loan. The expenditutes on current
ocean: have been $BB5 25; vi;
Cod, Lime. kc,
Sultry.“ Superintendent,
The income during this period, including
the Ga him of the In: mouth, but “yet
collecbd. has been an inflows :
F 0: (in from Consumers, 3130: so
" Service‘pipe sud connections. 67 25
To 0:50 re any add:
Cod on lands, $6O 00
Line, 2 00
“can, . 39 50
Bankcard Meter cocks, 18 2%
fitting! and pipe, 19 00
Whole inebmo 3nd Mari-h on had, 1508 79
Pm _thia deduct. expenm, 886 25
Mace 231“”?! thzd'Compmy, $623 .5;
Raped lu min
1 M. JACOBS, Bu‘t.
Hatch «.1361.
udminlstration bu the estate of Michel
en or, Idle of Richlaud county, lllinoil, de
eou‘adAmving been granted to the undersigned,
raiding inNorthCodomu tvaork‘ co., Paul“:
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
aid o|th to make immediate payment, And
those hung china Against the same to present
them prowl: authenticated for settlement.
Mu, 1861. Gt‘
_ HARM E. MYERS, Eu: liddlc
. _g‘flutysburg, canieu on the flu
“gimme-n, and solicits, u the will
“ 7'“ deserve. a reachable chaste ofpt
surnames 11l her work to 5;.
" ’in hit the timel.
,m 11, 1861. 3:
_:__:. Hence.
; 37mm Ibnva given to Jane Shiver
w of bad Ind led, dfled the Minn“
firming, A. D., 1861, for the Inn of
fight“ Donna, notice is hereby [hen m
m not to undue or in any '3,
:mwim aid non, nun-11mm mun
" of hid not. by d] lawful means, not
w rewind nine tor aid note.
' . .n. 1881. ’3‘ .
1111ipemoLski. -7107cotilcseah,
g fiTweMy-Ivo to tiny dollm and ex
pense: per numb will be pm by the Erie Sur
ing Mubinc Company to mcirAgenu, for sell
lng the Erie Sewing luhine. TM) 1: I new
Machine, and I 0 Ihnple L: in couuucuon that
I child can letn: w opmte H. by hnlfln hour's
‘iumnction. I: in eqmu to my runny Sewn:
Machine in an, and lb?! aka the prtminm our
[the Pin] Ind Uue Hundred dollar within”:-
‘l'lu: price is but Fifteen bullarn. The Comp‘ny
mph to employ Agent: in every candy in the
I'nixcd Sutea. Address, for particulars, Elll
Sauna NAcmxx Co. B. JAMES. Gencnl
Agcm, mm, Ohio. [MAL 11, '6l. em
{Q'Snnné & BCEILII'I SLore is well wor
thy l visikjust u thu time. We doubt whether.
Hen in our hug-en cilia, no fine 3 display of
Slaves can be found. Their Inge room is
full of Stove! ofercry pattern. .150. every VJ
nety of Hollow Wart. Shut-iron Ware. Tm
Ware, Punished Wart, Japan Ware—embrac
ing, indwdmwrythinz in the house {uruxshing
hue. Also. Saul-gt: Cuuers, Snumge Smtren,
Lard Prrascs, in, kc. They are propartd to
sell wlwiesnie And reuil. Tm Ware sud Shen
irun Ware, of their own mnnuhclure—kccping
n maiden! number of luudsw iupply any de
maM. The” nasonlncut 01 Lumber in Mary
lugc; 3150 Coal ufu'ery mu.
I’.Y.-—“ here this article: i! kunwn it. u I. work
of supererugalxon lo my one word m in (nor,
so well I! it. eihlbllshcd M an uni-(ling remedy
for Coughs, Colds, Brouchmu, L‘roup, Whoop
ing Cough, Asthma, Quinsy, i’lllhiuc, dint!“
of me Then, Chest, and Lungs. as well u Ib.“
mos! dreaded of all diseases, Caulumption,
which high medical authority has pronoumcd
mbe u curable diuue. Thom th-rculed
this remedy know he nlue ftliog who hue
not have mu ya do - single um to be um
fird tha: of all can" it u the remedy.
quuumumAurun‘ co.,PA.,A 5'60.
his new boat. fifteen yrnn finer oom
mcnced using in lly family Dr. Witt-fl Btlnun
of Wild Cherry, u u medicine for" Cough-,
Cu‘ula. kc, and can most unheaiufingly my
that. it ha Icnrcely ever failed to give relief in
the most obninue cues. l have in many in
stances recommended it. to other: in case:
where other remedies had ruled. with ulmo-t
iuvuinhle success. I regard it nln invalun
ble specific. To those who ha." not used it let
me In: that 1 trial will convince them of the
truth of All that ha been said in its filvor. .
Luna-um. PA" May 7, 1860. ‘
Some eight years since I wu nttuked with a
Very severe Cough, the long coutiuunnte of
which nhumed me very much, sud brought me
to look for long remedy to rescue me from the
condition in which I hand myself. I npplied
to ditferent phyaiclann, but received no benefit.
Wistu'a “aim of Wild Cherry w» recom
mended; Igue it n triel, end wu relieved of
my cough before using lull 3 bottle. I kept
on wing it until permanently cured. I would
the say that sevcrnl of my tricndl hue and
the Balsam with Astonishing results.
Your: truly. J. C. SNITH.
wealth};- to I’m‘aun.—The only yawn:
Wauar‘c Balm. hill the l‘rilltn signature of " 1.
Burumpnd the printed one of the Pruprietorl
on the outer wrapper; 2.1] other is vile end
”Prepared by SETH W. POWLE k 00..
Hanna, nnd for sale by A. D. Buehler, Guiya
bnrg; E. Hiluhew, York Springs; Wm. We",
East Berlin; Solomon Chrouiuer, Hnmpwn;
Jacub Falwexler, Hummuburg; D. E. flailing".
Abbott-mum; M. Smut, New Oxford; John
Miller, Lilucuown; and by dedcrl everywhere.
March i, 1861. 4'
by nble pncmioners Ind chomlcd nn-lyuiu,
have demonstrated lhe great value of Prof. De
(inth‘u beautiful comlvinuion, called " ELEC
TRIC Ullafl for the relief and cure 0! pain.—
Bnt the people themselves Ire rendering 'heir
verdict in I manner both unmistakable Ind
satisfnclory. More than are millitn bottle:
hue been sold in I .very short time—- grr-IK.
proportion o! wase who hard olLen recum
mend it, who had tried it. Than} a splendid
discovery is every where Icknuwledgrd, and
nothing like it nu ever belore prepared. The
only genuine Electric Oil in l’ruf. De Gruh's,
which lrlp be hand “All the rupecuhle Drug
gisls in fie elm-s, and II wholesale and retail,
at the prdpriclon’ prices ofthe Ageux lien. See
mlrerLiseman .
T 0 CONSCMPTIYES ——The Advertiser, har
ing been restored whcnlth in I few weeks by I
very simple remedy, Inc! hu‘ing lufl'etglEureml
yeurs with mere lung Infection, Ind in v. crud
dmcuse, Consumption—is unions to nuke
known to his fellow-Interns the menus ofcurc.
To all who denim 11. he will send I copy of
the prescription used (free of charge.) With the
direction: for preparing Ind wins the nuns,
which thty will find n lure Cure for Cum-nup
lion, Auburn, Bronchitis, he. The only object.
of the ndvem’lcr in pending the prescription is
to be‘ucfit the nflliclcd, Ind spread information
which he Conceive: to be mvnluablmnnd he
hopes every lufl'crfl' will try hil remedy, n: it
will cost them nothing, nnd mny prove n blen
Pmiu wishing the pnucription rill plenu-
Will'umburg, Kings county, _
Oct. 22,1860. 1, New York.
SL500!) 88
Jun Culn’ nnuuo Fun; Pius.—
l’repured from r cription of Sir .l. Cluke,
X. D., Physicin unordinnryto the Queen.—
Th‘u invalunh 9 medicine is unhiling in the
cure oftll those pninful Ind dangerous disease:
to which the female constitution ll luhject. lt
modentel nll exceu end remove: nll obstruc
tion, Ind n speedy cure mny be relied on. To
Married Indie: it in pecullnrly united. It will,
in 1 short time, bring on the monthly period
with regulnrity.
Each bottle, price One Dollnr, been the Gov
ernment Sump of Greet Britain, to protein
connterfeitl. - ‘
Cnvflol.—Thele Pills Ihould not be tnken
by feunlee~ during the first three month: of
Pregmncy, u the; Arc lure to bring Quill»
_cerrilge, but At any other time they Are Th.
ln all en's:- of Nervous end Spinnl Alec lonl,‘
Pain in the Back end Lllubl' l‘ntigne on Ilight
exertion, Palpitation of the Hurt, llyuerica
uni Whit“, these Pill: will eil'ect I care when
11l other means lure failed; nndrnlmough n
powerful remedy, do not cauuln iron,cnlomel,
antimony, or eny thing hurtful to the constitu
don. ‘
.489 23
395 84
$8 8 5 25
$1370 05
Full direcfiona imzhe pamphlet Hound each
package. which should be carefully preten'ed.
Sole Agent for the United States Ind Canada,
JOB MOSES, (Late 1. C, Buldwint C 0..)
‘ Rochester, .K'. Y.
138 74
N. B.—sl 00 und 6 posuge lumps enclosed
to .11; nuthorized Agent, I'll] insure a bottle,
containing 50 Pills, by return mul.
June 11. ’6O. lye-ow
mm W -
GE‘H'YSBURG—Sncnnu un.
Superfine F10un.........................4 62 to 5 00
Rye Flour 8 12
White WhenL............................1 12 to l 20
Red Wheat.l Bto 1 10
Corn .. . .............. 45
Rye.......................................... 60
Oats ......"um... 35
8uckwheu............................... 45
Clover Seed - 4 25 to l so
Timoxby 8eed...........................l u to 2 00
flux 5eed..............................1'15
Flue! of Paria............>:......... 55°
Hater ground r b . ......... l 00
P0rk..,...........§.g:....:f . 3 00b 6 as
P10ur...........-........................ '6 00 to 5 11
What ............................ .....u 1 '23 :o l 65
g}. mm. .. ....................._...... 55 to 72
..0rn............. ................... as so 65
ost! ......u...1-..!.....-............... 38 to 34
Clout 5eed“..............-.......... 6 00 to b 25
Timothy 890 d...».............. ...” 2 I 7 to 3 15
Boat Guth, pot hund...»........ . I 00 to 9 60
Bop, per hud....................... 7 35 u 8 00
Hay.........................¢.....£.....’12 00 to” 00
Whiskey w...................»...;...... 19 w 20
011:0, Pornriux, per t0n......... a: 00
BUOVEB—v‘l‘lmm! u".
Flour, from “y0u..." ............ 4 37
Do. fro- n0m..........-........ a :5
What ......m...........»u—...u.... l 15 to I 10
l}. «on»- uyuum-«uu» ...-”.09.. .0
C0n.....-..u..u~.«mm..~ ‘5
omit-0"“...m~.w‘~ ml“. :7
w, W I .3
mmMm-W . W
l Public 8-10} Notice \ Poor-lam Accounts. ..
‘ 818 WAY 1-0. Sunday, a. 234 or! t s HEREBY Gtvzs, um n applimton hu‘ tn. a: mans. I.“ I'm-um, la oe-
T “IL. “10 Indoniznel. Adnlnlltr t oft]: been nude to the (‘ourtif Common chu, count vith the Director! of the Poor Ild
the estate of Wnumur Zuctn, dc commit: 3nd {or the county of Adtm, to gnnt . oft a lion. of Euploynut of tho Cant; of
will ofler at Public Sole, ot the late refidence . Chumr ol lmorpoution to An tuociltion of' Adnuu. being from the 33 any o‘J-nwy. A.
of aid decedent, in West Middle Itreet, Gettyn- 6 per-soot, under the nune. Ityle Ind title of m D., 1860, to tho Ith (in, obituary, A. D., lBBI:
burg. tho following nlunblc Personll Promr- :WW 1330 DL
ty, viz: ONE FMHLY NURSE, n bctnttt‘uliu—WW 3“, 3‘ 1-0 5.], 1. had; of Treuunr, $347 51
Buy, or are qulitiu—fincl, suited mu de-IW" And that if no nuficient: u 31. To ordu on Treuurcr,.\'o. 72, 500 00
lightful in hnrueu. This in one of the most rcuonbe shown to the coutruy,thc aid Court, Apr. 3. u u 103' moo oo
duinble hone: in the county 2 hrs: to Igt the next term, to lt: on :14 tion! Honda, I'. u" a. n u “7,1900 00
Blooded Colts, towhich Wulteuhpn Mugs- V”a w. A. D., 13;, will decree Ind declne To'cuh no. Wan. “601 M mq.,hom
Inner: of good blood luflfiz‘l lt is a o ‘ that the pcnou‘ no Associated shnll become md' Degron, 19 00
clnuco. An excellcnt (‘o', urpused by few he I corporstmn or Lady pdtltc, nctordmg to July [3, Toorderou'heulrenxo. 256.1000 00
l expect-Hy fine Fslhng-top Buggy. 1 Second- the orttclel sud conditxous In an instrument of To cub of Wm. McClun, Huh from
bond Fullmg-top Buggy, well dune up; 1. wntmg It: forth and duly filed i" “id Court. ' Min Wolf! cue,
.‘H‘und‘hAld lt‘xkawny Buggy, 1150 In first- By the CourL J’PW, PWM'y- :To yrdcr on Co. Treuurer, No. 27:,
rule rep-um Second-hand Cum cs, cu , Prothouolnrg': otfice, Gctlyz~ }" / 44 IQA: ‘ u 343'
1 excellent Spring W n for& or wil burg, W, L‘. 3t 2/5 x-‘ I u ' II 35],
bones, with pole '3‘ ; n 1 Spring' M OH]. Welty, for Ihluglu,
\qun. for one ho (Ml-men, nth 1861.J1n.1. To order on Trmmr,
a number of Household ttcln. Alla, Corn
nnd Out: by the bushel, And Grain tn the
ground, with other nrtlclcl, too numerous to
H‘s-1e to commute u 11 o‘clock, A. .\I.,
on and dl}, when Iltcndnnce will be gn‘en Ind
term: nude known by
March 11,1861. u
Public Sale.
N ”May, (A: Ill! of March iut.,tlle lub
scrlber. Admininunwr of the estate of
AMI Ynar, deceased, will sell It Public Sula,
n the late relldenre of aid decedent, in Sin
bsn township, Adnmrcounty, the following
l’emnnl Property, \‘iz : HORSES, 2 Shouts,
2 “Vegan, Plough: Ind Narrows, Cultiutor,
Spruden, Log Chins. Cross-cut 8", Cor
Chaim, Double Ind Single-Tree], Ind other
fuming nunxils. Also, Household Ind Kitchen
Furniture: Beds and Beduudl, Tnble, Slow
and Pipe, Silver Wulch, Shot Gun; I net of
81-cklmilh’n Tools.
#s.]: to~couuneuce It 10 o’clodk. A. IL,
on snid dny, when “undue. will be given Ind
tcnru Ind: known by '
Inch 11, 1561. u
F P.\RTNRRSUIP.—The co—pntnenhlp
heretofore existing between J. A. HAHPII
nud H. U. Boon; bu thin dly been diuolvcd
by mutual cement. The Book: sud Accounts
are in the bond: of It. nurpl‘r, who in Author
ized to some the smir- of the hue Firm. All
pg-rsonu knowing themselves indebted to said
Fnrm.either by Note or Book Account, Ike. re
q‘lcsted to call um! settle on or before (Inc ‘l5! day
a! lay, 186], u otter that‘flme lhe accounts
will be plnced in Um hands of on oflieer for
collection. Those hning claim: are duo re
q‘ueucd to penal them properly nulheuficued
{or settlement. J. A. HARPER,
flinch 11,1861. 4! H. C. HOOVER.
J of utminhmtion on the est-1c ol Jouph
Dylen, In: ol Germany townnhip, Adam:
manly, decanted, h \ing- been granted to
the. undenigned, raking in [1359- town
ship, be horcby gives njlice top“ person: in
debled lo uid e-ute z nuke immediate pq
nl, and than hnviugclnims Igninul the ammo
arena“ them properly nthcnncutcd for sut
tlemrnl. AMOS LEFEVER,
Much 11, 1861. Gt Adu'r.
ten t-fudminlundun on the estate of
Wnybright Ziegler, Lot. of um, sburg, Adm
(0., dcceued, having bun granted to the under
signed, residing in {be same plate, he here
by given notic: to all pcnon: indebted to aid
”ale to mnke iumcdinte pl, meat, and than
having claims Igninsl the tune to present
them properly unmade-led lot uttlcment.
March H, 1851. 6‘
J minislruiun, with the will annexed, on the
ante of hue Curry, Inc of Liberty township,
Adlms count-r. deccnsed. hnvmg been granted
to the nudmlgned, residing in the lame town
ship, he hen-by gives notice to all persons in
debted to uid nun: to makelmmedifle pl]-
ment, and thou having cluiml against the ume
10 present them properly Intlleullcnted tor let—
Adm‘r with the will ”head.
Much 11,1861. GI. ‘
Watches. Jewelry,
ND SIL\'ER.-WARB.—We would respect-
A fully Inform our Manda, muons and the
public generally, (In: In Inn-e now in more
And oflcr Wuouuu no Bung, at. the low”:
Cash Prices, I [urge Ind very choice stock at
Wncnn, Jxvrnu‘, SILVII up Purlo Wul,
of evary variety and ":10.
Every description of Diamond Work lid
other Jawelry made lo order, n «short notice.—
H‘All goods wnmntod: ' be u represented.
N. 8.-—l’lnicnlnr attention given to Re
pniring Watch“ Ind Jewelry. of "my delcrip-
.\‘o. 62: 3mm an, Sold! am, mum's.
"at. “.1881. 3|-
Roman Eye •Balsam,
structure of the eyelid renders it peenliu
y sensitive snd liable to dine-e. When, from
my “use,“ becomes elected. the inner meni
bme npidly lnflsmes, end the eyelid evince:
the strongest predispoeition to ettrsct to itself
hnmors from ell pert: onhe body. Hundreds
of persons at s rolnlous hebit Ire disfigured by
nwneu or reéhcis of the eyelids. commonly
celled lore eyes, ind tenured with apprehen
slant of lmpeired vision, who, by using this
BALSAX.m-y ohtasin elmost immediLte relief.
In all cases, the earlier this remed is npplled
the better. In cues where the “hubs ARE
INFLAMRD, or the bell ofthe eye thickly cov
ered with blood, it lets slmost like neg-Ic, end
rem." ell appearances of lntlemmstloa slur
two or three npplicstlonz. There is e numer
ous clue of person: thet Ire peculiulyexposed
to eccideuls or dieeuee thst weskcn end in-
Me the Eyes, Ind pee-Imp. destroy the sight,
Inch on “men, Mechenics, sad other opentivee
in metals, who, from the netnre of their em
ploymenu, ere compelled to work in e clondof
dmt and grit. Such should never be without
this Balsam.
PRICE 25 CTS. PER JAR—Will be an: M 0
per MA“ to my part of the United Swot upon
receipt of 30 ccnu in postage sumpl.
”PH-pared by A. B. k D. SANDS, Dru:-
gma, 100 Fulton St, cor. of Williun, N. Y.
For sale by A. D. chuun, Getty-burg);
Mar. H, )8“. 1m
F THE BANK or cmx'sntmo. ‘
O Assam.
Loans Ild di5c0nnu.....................81'M,070 09
bpem 3,178 cc
Due by other Bunk L..." .............. 56,514 37
Notes Mother 8ank1,................... 5,8“ 11
quch......................L................. 990 35
Jch&....... .......................... 7,451 98
80nd... 5,013 17
Bell Eanuxu 6,400 00
$392,334 72
Total ...... ..
C1m15fl0n.................................8172,310 00
Dep05iu................ .. 17,693 32
Due to “he Bunk-“....."mxmu... 11,846 15
T0t51.......“ ........-.......... “nun-$101,849 47
Cunn.,.......................6145,150 00.
The nbove mumem in corrsd, to the belt of
my kno'legde Ind belief.
T. D. CARSON, Oahu.
Ammed Ind nbucribed before me, the sth
(is: of larch, 1861. (330. Anon, J. I’.
Much 11, 1881.
Flour, Groceries, Bw.
HAVE connunuy on bud, FLOUR, Corn
and Buckwhut MEALS. Hommony, Soup
mt, Dried Fruit, And PiCkell; SUGAXS,
COFFEES, Tea, Syrups, N. 0. Holmes, Knew
"0% u5O cents per gdloq, me very best. ind
{or diam) English Cheese, and every other
truck tun-Hy kept in s Flour npd Grocery
emu. Give me 1 all. wu. GILLESPII.
Gang-burg Deg. 31 1860 911'
.‘“ __ _._...__.._______.
Ei'ho I'm-mow & Hominid
ply: Inna-t up 3, 6 pct
an. firm. on M
M 151“; U . ,
‘ Sherfl‘s Sale.
3' punnance of sundry writ: nt l'mduiom' Ex-
I you“, issued out of the Court cf Common
Plea: of Adnnu count), 1'; , and t: In.
directed, wxll he cxpus: d to Public SJle, At
the Counphoule. in Gettyahurg, on Samrdcy,
the 234 day of March nut. M. 1 o'clock, P. l,
the following dumbed ltcnl Estate, \iz:
No. 1: ALUT UF GRUK'ND, aitunte in the Ho
rough o! Gettyoburg,Adnms co., l‘a.. frontingon
Chmhcnhurg street. or West York street, ad
joining propenies of S. S. Schmucker on the
cut, went by S. Fahneatock, on the
north by I public uley, on which
in erected 3 Two-story Brick
Dwelling HOUSES, with «But
Boko Oren: end Ciltern. Also, n good Black
lmith Shop on id lot. ‘
No. it A L 6; 0!" GROUND, Ilmntc ln the
Borough of Getty-burg, Adnml county, Pm,
fronting on North the“, bounded on the south
by n publlo illey, on the north by the Railrond,
on the well by lot No. 3,:ontlining l Acre.
more or lean, on which in erretcd 5 Frame
the necenary mwhinery connected. f
No. 3: A LOT 01' GROUND, situate in the
Borough of Getty-burg. Adams county, Pa"
containing 1 Amniot- or ten, bounded on
the out by lot In. I, on the south by a public‘
alley, west by lot 0! S. Fathncstockmnd on the ‘
north by them Token In execution u y
the property 010: W. Bonn“.
-‘ Lao-
A LOT 0! no, situate in the Borough
o! Gettysburgllma county, PL, fronting on
But Sliddlo moot, ndjuining property 01 Geo.
Swope [we went, on the east by lolof Mt
riah ' on fie north by a
public , on I'hich is erccud
a one an I. In}! story Brick
chlling “OPEL: frame Kitéhen
ttucbed, Ccllnr under me house. I walkof
Inner with a pump in it neu the dß'or, Prime
Hume, Corn-crib and Roz-pan. Also, Fruit
Trees on Mid IoL Tnken in execution u the
pruperty of SOLOIOI R. Tlnox.
SAMUEL wow, Ska-if.
Sherifl'l (Mice, Gettysburg, Mar. 4, '6O
”Ten per cent. of the pumhnc moneyupon
I“ sales by the Sher"! must he paid over im
mediately After the properly is struck down,nnd
on failure to comply erewith, the property will
ngnin be put up f 0: snlo.
ters testamentary on We estate of Sunnel
Futile-took, late of Gel'yuburg, Adams county,
deceucd, Inning been granted to the under
ligned, raiding in the lame plnve, they
hereby gltc’ notice to 31! penouo indebted to
and oat-to to make immediue payment, And
than having dnimn Against. me “we to pre
sent them properly nutheuliuu-d for unle
meat. JAMES F. nusss'rm'x,
Feb. 4, 1862. 6L Ext-Club".
S administration on the mute of Samuel
llufl'nun, [Alt-onioumpleuunt township, Adam!
county, den-used. inning been grtnlcd to the
undersigned, raiding in the name township,
he I: v gnu notice lo all per-cons indemed
: o nid state to make immediate pnyment,
and tho: huiug claims again! {he nine to
Lgrucn: hem properly nulhcmicated fur let
; t emcul. ‘ GEO. Y. HUFFMAN, Adn'r.
_uch 45 1861. 61'
’ Estray.
- to the premium or the subscriber, in
Reading luwnship, Adam co., in Jun.
last, a. DUN HEll-‘ER, nhouv. xyo yea: old.—
The ownar will come forwu'd,‘pmn property,
pny chnrgu And take her “my.
' JOHN L. nuumxawcu
Inch (, 1861. 3|.“ .
De Grath’s Electric Oil.
FOR the folloving (not everything.) War
huned to
Cure Feral- Ind Ague in on. (by;
Cara Chills in five minntu;
Cure Cronp in one night; .
Cure Deznfueu in turn to [curd-y”
Cure Burn: Ind Scnldl in ten minutes;
Cure Sprain. Woundl Ind Bruin. in from
one to “am day-z
Cure Inflummnuon in one day;
Cgro Neunlgil, Croup, Toothache, Burns, in
ten minutel;
Candilomorth-ge, Scromln, Ableul, in ten
yn; .
Cure Bruins, Wounds, Tenet, in one to the.
dn I;
Care Ranch. sun Neck, Agne, in on d”;
.Cure Felonl, Broken Brent, Sdt Rheum. in
three :2) ll: days;
Cure Quiuy, Palpiuuon, Pleurhy in onto
“I: dun; ‘
Cure Anhm, Fully, Gout, Equipdu, In
five to twenty «1.5-;
Cu. Famed has Chilbldnl, Still' Jolnu,
Chronic Rheumuiun, Sore Throtl, Scarlet
Fever, Ind tho Inn. and. to nu, by A few
This 011 (De Grath'l) in mild and plemnt,
and is A great Punily Medicine {or children
teething, ac. ~
Indie. should nll Inc It. It “my: lave:
you bet“: nun in find: you, ad on boul
oflen cute! entirely.
urumn TIIITIK! YIAII All) cum [I on
Bead letter fiom Ru. June- Temple.
Phnadelphln, Jun 9th, 1856
Prof/‘5O Grub: I hum been Ifllicted for
mm: yen" with Nounlgh 3nd other pdnfnl
comp! '3", ad! hue been unable to Ileep
loluidlwwdk guy diluuu for may your:
puL week I got I bottle olyonr “ Ricc
u‘lc Oil." The flu: night. I slept roundly Ind
well, tad MA, lan I new nun. My wife
could I“:thqu her eyes. Your Electric Oil
bu done in 0 week vb“ the pbyuici-nl of
Phihdolphia (tiled to do in thirteen yarn.
Gutefully youn,
310 South SIN“.
New linen, May 19th,1838
Prof. De Grub: My brother bu been deaf
for Liam yun. Aflu uylng mm; thingy he
and your Oil I for limee. nnd il cured him en
CAmol.—There u. numeroug imiutionl
Ipnmg up on the reputation thu my trade bu
uqnind. The public nun bewm. The] In
worthless. Sold by 511 Drnggisu.
Depo‘, 11'! South Eigh‘h street», Phihdelphh.
Pub. 25.1861. 3m
N ALL ITS BRANCHES. executed In “n
! beat “le known in the an. n C. G.
C NR‘S GALLERY, 531 Atch Street, East of
Sixth, Phjflglclphn. LIFE SIZE in Oil And
Putel,Slermcopic Pormiu, Ambrotypu. Dl
gucneotypu,&c‘, for Gun, lednlliou, Finn,
King, to. [Hot 11, xuo. 11
The Bodugger.
8 wonderful uticle, jut psuuled. in
something curd, new. and never before
0 end to ugcnu, who no "and everywhere.
Full p‘niculun um free. Addreu
SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, M
Inch 4, 1861. by
The Election
8 our, ad Although every one can’t has
his wish“ entirely ntiafied, it become. 111
to submit. Th 9 next import-m. question {or
3;! mmWflifl-j me people of Adam
cont], ‘ when to buy the but Ind chap“:
Mud winter Clothing. Wu “halt-Hui]! ————--—-—-—————-———~
:wfiflwww'm k'fiFflA 1” “oi-'33:.” ”m" 3°33;
c ' nun old V I 13.. o ‘ ‘
M 16,1910," ‘ Mia» my»
i’ .A
By Cab paid mu a follow:
Outodoor pauper’l lupport,
larch-ndiu :nd grocerieo,
Pork, beef Ind bucou.
Hones, cows, bee! “we, theep 3nd
Ilock hogs, 1030 33
Flour, gnin Ind grinding, 785 4|
Mechanics' work and post fence, 3” 79
Smut: coal, plaster and Lime,
Drug! gnd medxcines,
Removing pnnpcn, 14 90
Wood chopping md shingle linking, 133 8!
Mali: birelingl, 19' 00
Female (10., . 208 00
Fun"! expenlel, 81 25
Publiubiug accounts, km, s'! 00
(‘ounul fees, slo—exln ha, 3“, 14 00
Clerk] anlnry. 40 00
Phylician'a all-r], _ ' 100 00
Dircc‘or'l Mint-y, 65 00
Slewlrd'l sundry upenoa, 50 00
Slewud‘l ulury, a . ‘ 350 00
TI'OMIH'QY'I uhry, 40 00
$6566 so
1881. Jun. 7. By Mince 112 band: of
Treuurer, 44 01
We, the subscribes, Auditor: to nettle end
edjuu the Public Accounts. do hereby certify
that we hue enmlnod the home which con:-
pou the foregoing nccount, end the: may ere
correct, being from the 3d day-ofJ-muuy, A.
D., 1860, to the 7th day of January, A. D.,
lßßl—holh dnyl inclueive.
111-2 an DYSER‘I‘,
ACOB CULP, qu.,Buwn'rd, in “coal". with
the Directon of the Poor Ind Home ofEm
}; nyuent of the County of Adams. being from
the 3d day of January, A. D., 1560, to the 7th
day of Jun-w, A. D., 1861:
To balnnce in 11de of Slew-rd M. In“
“moment, 31:! 09
Cuh from Henry BflPP.
Cub (or “How, 60 11
Cut: ofJohu HI‘IEP, for beef, 5 4c
Cub of charity box. '
Cub of Morrison, for horse,
Cash for ducks, I 5
Cub for timothy seed and bind, 8 99
Interest of And'w Policy for Sliu While, 9 96
Cuh of Mrs. Hickey, 6 00
Order on Trumrer, 60 00
Cut: of D. C. Brinkerhofl‘, {or line, 11 00
Call: for shingles. 9 20
Cuh of Louhn Sophine, 2 50
Cuh of Andrew White, need when, 20 6'l
Cash of Sumac] Hunt", thingies, 25 00
Call: of Williun How-rd for cow. 30 00
Cub found um. Rebeca Shriver, 39 60
Cuh for "my and corn find, 1 50
Cut: for beef tongues, a l 20
Bnhuce due Steward, 35
By general expemel,
Cub paid hlnlinp, banning ud
Removing players.
Relief!» p-npon, )8 25
Funnrnl of Reboccl Schriver “3 dig
ging nuts, .5 13 00
Vegeubleu sud fruit, ‘ 29 31
led and seed corn, 4 65
Brick. lime, and And lumber,
I mics,
Ego, bee! nd veal
Fish And cheep,
Rim of drill,
Sled, furniture And luy earth‘s, 18 46
We, the Inbwrihen, Auditor: to nettle Ind
odjtut the Public Accounu, do certify, thnt we
hon examined the itcml which compose the
above lccount, and do report thut the sums in
comet—the um. embncing the Account of
Juob Culp, the pullout Stew-rd, frown the 3d
day of hoary, A. D., 1860, to the 7th day of
luxury, A. D., WEl—both day: inclusive.
Inch 4, 1861., 4t Auditors.
131' 0? PAUPERS nmlining in the Alan
House of Adam county,“ m m: thy of
pantry, 1861:
Fem-la. 33
Children, , l l
Colored, ? 7 11
H : n __
Tom, ’- ‘3‘ 100
Tun-lent pan 1990
“P 1102“; “2|? FARM FOR 1860.
an, as): 411
Onu, "' 72'!
hp. " 18
But of Corn, “ A5O
Timothy Iced,“ . ' .9}
Onion, “ 15
Boots, “ fl
Potatoes, «, no
annipa, “ 75
Loull of Con Fodder, O
Ton: of Bay, _ 75
End: of Csbblge, 1800
Pounds of Pork, 3780
Pounds ’of Bed. ‘ 6886
lurch (, um. a
M!M!re m e ' rri
the “pane; of our cutomru 3nd other!
who wish to buy chap goods, thll we no de
termined to close out our entire stock of Lndin’
Dma~Gooda, flown. to, in, It cost prices,
for cash. Um ck comprises all the newuxd
{uhionuble nylel, in French Mariam, Cub
meru, Dclninu, Printed Marinoel, Fluids,
Ameliuc Clams, Oriental Laurel, Wool De
ltiuu, All colon, Lyonese Cloth, ha, Ba.. long
And aqunre Shawla~cloning out n greatly re
duced prlcu.
”The India nre respectfully invited to
cull Ind enmine our uock find prices, u we
Ire uxinficd um wccu: pleue "to qunlity 3nd
price. A. SCOTT t SUN.
Jan. 18, 1861
9 3 1
OVERCOATS 1: pink: prim.
OVEHCOATS u psnle pricel,
OYBRCOATS u pasta prices.
DRESS COATS It panlc pried,
DRESS COLTS u pmlc prices.
DRESS COATS at pmic prion.
PANTALOONS It psnlc prices,
PANTA KS n ptnic print.
VBB7B o 11 kind! It pack prices,
VESTS of all kinds M Panic pricu,
VISTS ofl'l and. ”panic pricel.
Under-chins, Dnvcn, Both, Gloves, Com
foru, Gentlemen'l Shawls, Ind Genu' Furnish
ing Good: of every ductipdom AllO, Innicnl
Inntrumonué—Accox'deou, Plum, Fires, No
tiona, lc., kc" now being lold very cheap. Ind
at price: 1.0 suit the amen.
Jm. n, 1801. ,
0 not formic calluA. SCOTTtSON'S,
if you mt m buy chenp Dru. Good: :
uch u Gab-um, Do mun, Printed lo
rinoel, Cohugu, teqsu ducal hunch-bk
.‘"V‘“? "’:‘"’)P“,
Public fine. 1
.Y Tuesday, u. 19“ day of lard ml, the
’ sums-fiber, Mimi-tutor ohhe astute off
anuo Dumas", deoeued, will sell u,
Public Sale. At. the Isle rtsidence of said do—f
‘ caused, Th Frlnklin township, Adams coun‘y.’
“within hslfn mile of Mundorfi's Hill, the fol-,
‘luwing volntble Personal Property, viz: 5
HEAD OF RORSES, ll hes-1 of Cars and
Young lee, l Brosd‘treod “lion,“tb Bed,|
l Surat-trend Vegan. 1 0119- one ‘.\'sgon,l
the Wood-work on Hind-carnago‘for A Brand. ‘.
'treud Wugon, l Rockumy Buggy. 151$th
Msnny Reaper, Threshing Machine, Urnin Dnll,.
, Fodder Cutter, Wmuowing Mill, Culling Box“
‘Corn Sheller. Rolling Screen. Plough: and;
Ilsrrows, Single And Double shovel l’loughs,
Feed Trough, Home Gears, Dodble and Single-l
Trees, Spreaders, Log Chuin, Hulte: and Cow i
Chuius, Grain Cradle, Mowing Scythe, Jub,
screw, Grindstone, Axes, .\l'pluls Ind Wedges”
launch, Forks, Shovels, RAWnd other Ila-l
plemeuu. When, Rye, 0m and Corn, by the.
bushel; Hsy by the ton; u lot or Lumber; 51
She: Gun, snd s. variety of other "ticks, too,
numerous to mention.
30 00
700 00
700 00
800 00
1‘ 40
500 00
Pal 0 91
368‘ 75
1828 as
304. on
fins-lo to commence at 9 o’clock, A. IL,
on aid day, when utendance will be given Ind
term! nude known by
POI). 15, 1881. u Adnuniuralar.
Pubho Sale. .1 ‘
N M, (In 189: of March but, the sub
lcrlber, Administrator of the est-la of
Jo" TA". BL, doomed, will sell at Public
Selle, II the Inc residence of aid decedent, in
Stub“ town-hip, Adnm county, on the York
Turnpike, three mllel hem Gettysburg, the {Ol- ]
lowing nlulblo Person) Property, vi: : 3
COWS, 2 large Sho-u, l Buggy, a runny of‘
Bay; Onto and Potatoes by tho but cl; l'osu, l
Shingles, Grindswne; Bed: and Bedding, Tn
blu, Chin, Sauce, Corner Cupboard, 3 Stoves!
sud Pipe, (one o Cook Store.) Onrpeung, Cam,
pbYunl (mink, 2 Copper Kelli“, Iron KN»;
no, Queenwiro, Tin-wore, Pots, Pius, gents
Vessels, Barelyfiacon ud Lnrd,-nd a "not; '
of other mm", mo numerous to mention.
288 42
C 373
#BBlO to commence at l 0 o'clock, A. 1,
on laid thy, when “tend-nee will begivcn and
term- nude known by
March}, 18“. ts‘
$B6lO 9|
N loudly, (h 251‘ of Hard I'mL, the lub-
O scrim, Admlnlnntor of the estate of
Snuu Honlu. deceued, will sell at Public
Sale, :1. the lste residence of uld dnceued. ln
Mountplemnt township, Adams county, near
Brush Bun School Home, the following valua
ble Person-l Property, fix: 2 llpllSES, 3
Com, 4 Sheep, 2 don, t Two-horse Wagon.
Plonghl, Renown, Shovel Plough}, Winnowiug
lill, Cutting 110 x. Horse Gun, Log Chain,
Halter and Gov Chains, Parka, Rakes, end
other farm articles. Gain in the ground, 6
barrel: of Flour, Ind Oau by the bushel. Al
to, Bedl. Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Corner Capo
bond, ‘2 Bloch, 2 Stoves, Chem. lron Kama,
Ind my other household nrliclel; wilh n I“
of Bluhmlth'l Tooll.‘
10 00
”Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. I"
on aid any, when attendance will be gin-n
Ind um: made known by .
”At. the lame time the Farm will be Bent.-
ed for one you at public outcry. '
March 4, 1861. u.
TO 00
FUUNDRY.—The lubsuiber, having 10:”qu
Steam )lill ol'llr. C. W. llorruu, in this place,
bu had it thoroughly repaired, by plncmg In
it the musty machinery {or grinding Lime
uono. The mill in now in opclrnlion and l m
nod] to supply-my .dcmsnd for lhil useful
Fertiliser. GROUND LIIIB»STUNE ll now
conceded by thou who hue tailed it. to be I
much better Fertilizer dun Burnt. Limo. or in
deed lay of the other Fertilizer: xenon", \p
plied to had. The following Canine-to from
Mr. Dunn, on extensive farmer, and highly ro
npeculflc citiun of Adams county, will incl:
the trail: of this “union: -
$330 87
$7l 52
a“ I hue been trying the Ground Lime
uone on my land {or the lat {our year: Ind
find it to be I bet r fetmizer lhan the ‘Bflmt
Lime, and can” . It has given Inmfacubn
in the lint ro . PETER DIEHL."
Numerous other certificate: uf like chnncter
could be producad, but am is Inmcient.
fihmcn Ire requested to und in their
orderl nd to give It a trial. .
Hur.4, 1861. u' JOHN HOOVER.
10 33
)2 30
31 78
14 55
1 73
Washington Hotel,
Tho undersigned, having taken the above
nemed well-known and popnlnr house, former
ly occupied by Mn. Kiley, and more recently
by J.F.Beclt,takee plenum in announcing to his
friend: and the public that he is prepared to
receive And entertain guest: in e ety‘finot to be
excelled by Any country hotel? e hone
having been repaired tad newly Wwith
everything ulculetod to mike (menu comfort
oble, the public mny rest assured that they will,
It 11l timee, find it in I condition united to the
comfort end convenience ofthe treveler. With
good room and clean beds, it makes o most
desirable place for transient upd,pemnent
boarders. ‘ , x '
Hie bar in elwnyl enpplk‘“ Jehoicest
wines, bmdiee, gins, sc. ' .
"in table in always eupplied with the beet the
mark.“ mind. And all other uprainncel Init
ohle Ind neceuory. for the mom Motion of
nun and been, with hithfnl And obiiging ler
unkind his own perionel attention and unper
rlfion, ho wlll leave no means unspured to merit
th pobllcpotronoge.
$330 87
The ptopriexor mute: those who may favor
him with their puronlge, that they shall ever
and with n cot-din! reception um; bongo, sud
ti“ anything emntinl to the convenience
nnd hoppineu of his guests 511 an be “tended
to. Also in connection with this houne, is ex
tensive Dubling attained for horses.
Feb. 25, le6l. 3m
Patent Mica. Lamp
(BREE—A Lu? Cumsn’ Img mm. :01-
C BllAll—Thia gregt invention commends
imUto every one using 00.“. OIL LAMBS.—
“ given more tht, requires leu clcnnlng nnd
will not bred: by the bent or cold, fullmg or
my ordinary uuge. For sale by Storekeeper:
gonenlly throughout the United States sad the
Cuudu, Ind Whole-ale by tha )mufnctureri
3nd Pmnteu.
No. 32 L 5. Second Street, Pbilnd'u
N. B. A Inge Ind superior stock of CUAL
OIL LAMPS, Ihnyl un hand.“ prices defying
competition. Al5O, the Portland Coal Oil, at
Manufscluren’ price. [Feb. 25, lsdl. 4‘
DAN YEAGY'S ESTATE.—-Leuerl of ad-
A minluruion on the estate of Adam Yes”,
to of Smbm townlhip, Adam“ county, de
ceued, hnving beep mated to the undersign
ed, residing In tho ulna tuwnship, he hereby
gives notice v.O all persons indebted to ma
est-u: to mnke immediate payment, Ind thou
hnving chime Against. the lame to prenem that!
properly nuthenticated {or letuement.
Feb. 25, 1861 6t
Assignee’s Notice.
1 BB underlined, having been appointed
’ Anignce, under 1 deed of mm. for the
touch of creditorl, of Jncon BABYWI And
LYDIA, his wife, of Union township, Adam:
Idpnn , notice is hereby given to :11 pet-mun
‘kn in: themselves indebted to mid Auignors
1 t nuke immedintc payment to the nudenign
ed, raiding in the lame township, tnd than
having claims qniut the umeto present them
properly suthendcnted for settlement.
‘ LEVI D. ”AUS, Auignu.
1 Feb. 18,1861. 6t“
Wton ofldmlnismuon on the estate of
\ Monfonflne ofStnban t'p., Adnuu
coungy, skeeutd, having beon grated to tho
“detained. midi»; in; this name township,
ho hmby gives notice to I“ persons indebted
to we at“. to nuke immedhu laymen, “d
thou Inving clams taunt the uln- mpmut
than: properly “mandated for leltlemcnt. ‘
rob. 4,1881. 6;
Public Sale.
afamm m >-
I. 0.11:0qu. , z»
from“ n UAW, wm atom! to euuuo
finn- Ind an other bulb": haraueQ-to‘
1 cure with promptneu. (Mica in tho 8. E.
nor of the [)iunoud, (formedy' oocuphd by
Wm. B. McClellan, Esq.) ,
Gittylburz, April )1, 1859. &f ‘
Wm. B. McClellan.
TTOBNEY AT LAW.—Omce In Wuflfllh
A die urea, one door we“ of the luv
Coun Homo.
Gunfibnrg. Xov. H, )359.
A. J. Cover,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will promptly attend
to Collection: tad sll other business en
trusted to him. Oflco between Fnbnenock!’
Ind Dunner a Ziegier'n Sum, Baltimore “not,
Gottylburg, Pl. [Sept. 6. “359.
Wm. A. Duncan,
TTORXEY AT LAW.—Omce in the North
won corner 0! Centre Square, Gettysburg,
n. [Dot 3. [859. u
Edward B. Bushler,
TTURXEYJT LAW, will faithkfly and
A prommly attend to all huslncu en‘s-Ina!
I 0 uim. lie speak: the Gormnn lunguuinrv—
-omm 3!. z c mun.- plnco, in South lultlmou
urecz, no.“ Form‘y's drug store, and and:
opposite banner & Zieglcr'a store.
Geuynburg, March 20.
-2..-“ ..V ~;_..__...__._..
f- J. J. Herron,
homey AND cuussemon AT LAW.
A Mice on ammnurc street, nearly oppo
site l-‘ahncstock Urulhcrs' Stare.
Gouynburg, Oct. 1, 1860. 1.!
D. McConaughy.
TTORNBY AT LAW, (015 cc one door "It
A of Buebler'l drug and book stun-,Chnm
berubu-g ltmt.) Anon" Axu Semen-on lon
Pun-rs in Pxxuxou. Bouuty Laud War
nnu, Bmk~pny unspendcd Claims, and 11l
other clliml against me Goverumcm M Wuh
ing'on. D. 0.;nlloAme1-icunclnimsin Enghml.
Land Wamnu located. Ind lold,orbought,nnd
highest price: given. Agents eugnged in lo
cnfing wart-nu in lowa, Illinois and other
wuurnsutel. W‘prly to him panel)?”
or by l‘ter.
Gettysburg, I'M. 21, '53.
J. Lawrence Hill, in D.
AS his office one A . 1 4
door we“ ollbe 3" %\4
Lutheran church in
Chambeubnrg street. mid opposite Picking'l
note, when those wishing to have any Dena-l
Operation performed are reapect’uil: inviied to
call. Runnlscu; Drs. Homer, Rev. (3. l’.
Knuth, D. D., Rev. H. L. Bnughcr, D. D., It".
Prof. M. Jacob), Prof. M. L. Stmveri .1'
Gettysburg, April 11, ’53. ' T .
Tyson Brothers.
I.x 9 pleasure in announcing to the public flu!
they hue mnoved totheir Nxv no Exnxnn
Sty-man? Gnu“, located on the South ride
of York street, opposite the Book, and one door
balow their old Ihnd. ‘
The building has been erected under their '
immediate supervision, end neither pain: or -
expense lute been npnred in rendering their
epnrtmentl both comfortable and convenient.
till the modern improvement. have been added
to the worklng department, to that they now L.
poise“ every {acuity for the production of first
clue: pictures.
The tint premium wot awnrdrd them by the
Nennllrn Anlcultuni Fnir for the beat Ammo
typee end Photographs.
Pictures 0! all the urionl Ityles, (including
Slereoe'eopicJ mode u heretofore; all work ‘
executed in the but man r and gn.irentied to
giveentirentilkctiokjfiqhope their friend!
end the public will remember, when they with
picture. token, that the Excelsior Sky-light
Gallery is near them, end that pictures made
there ere Ilwnyl equnl nod oflen Inperiolgto
thou made in large citlel. In no instance do
they inellt upon 1 hole when they fail to plea".
The “Excelsior ” in nlwnyn free‘to thepublie,
and every one in cordiolly invited to pay it a
visit. when they will have In opportunity to ‘
decide of the jnetnesl or the patronage rind in
creasing reputetion which it enjoy.
fi-Ladlcl will find erery convenienee fot
the emngement of their toilet.
true a. trial. can. I. "m,
Jon. 2}, 1861.
undersigned, hevlng leaned the National
Mme], (Railroad Room) in Lluleotown, token
this method of-informin the public of the (net,
ind of the further fact in. he will epore no ef
fort to please :11 who mny patronize him. "In
Table will elwnyl be found to lure the best the
market: may “ford, whilst hi. Bu Ihl“ con
tain the choicelt of Liquorl. None bu! uten
tlre end accommodeting Haulers will be talen
ted M the Hotel. With good beds, good fare,
end all the other Arrugcnlcnts of the houn
good. not forgetting to mention moder'ete
chug", he cannot fail to give eutisfeclion. He
therefore lolleill I share or the public’s pu.
gar-x. n._nonsas and vsmcnm cu
than be haul on hire it the Snliond Hun-L
Jan. M, 1361. Elm"
Stimulating Onguent,
run ms wmsxsns AND mum
The anbu-ribers take pleasure in Announcing
to the citizen or the Unity} Sm", am they
hue obtained the Agency Mr, mine now en
abled wofl'er to the American pub CAM stove
justly celebrated Ind world-rcnow'ned "tide.
is prepue-l l-y Dr. 0. P. Buusaflu, to uni
ncnt physician of London, and it warranted to
bring out 1 thick let of
in from three to six meks. Thlfl article h the
only one of the kind used by the French, Aldin
London and Para it is in univeranl nu. .
It. is; buuzi'hl, economics]. loathing, yet
Itimul fling compound, acting as if my magic
upon tin. roots. cunning a beautiful growth_ of
luxuriant hair. If npplied to the gulp, it will
cure BALDSEIB, and cause to spring up In plum
of the bald spots n fine growth of new hair.—
.kpplied accoruing [0 directions. it will turn’
no or (any lmirmnr, Ind micro gray hlltlo
iu original cylor, Inning it $Oll, Imooun, And
flexible. Ibo “ Oxavu!" in an indispenublo
article in nary gentlemnn’s toilcgud met
one week": use My would not for any consid
eration be without it.
The sulycribcn m the only Agents for the
article in the United sum, to whom “Lord":
must be nddrmed.
Price One Dollar 3 box—for In!!! by I“
Druggim sud Dealers; or a box at the “Unn
enl" (warnmed to has the desired elect)
will be sent. to my who duin it, by ull_(dlq
net.) securelv naked, on me‘idpzof print-ad
pomp, 81 Is Applylo or dtcu
amounts, 50., - "
24 Willlsm Street, ch ,York.
Feb. 25, IBGI. 6m .
Leucra testamentary on thb mm d
dliun Pnuebeckufinu of Union tip.,l.dall
co., deceased. luring been ranted to!“ until!-
‘ signed, residing In the Luna township. In Why
give- no'iue to cu person! indebted g "Old
estate to Inks [medium payment, “on
hu'ing chums agtingdtie’ unalto Mt flu
oporly “auntie: r so}: our“.
," mcum mmuun, Er; .
1 Feb. 51w.
' . ‘ E. 3. Curr - . 3
A?“ necked. very 81. 69
c amanasmxlmut .
be t splendid itdeh “GHQ“ .
all 0! which mind E! bdi-gv _, ‘I >
Jmealludmmgfium Din! b‘ ‘
Mw‘wwM. ‘ g 3
f . w». .. .‘n'3fia 2a”; ‘ “53‘ ”it‘- 7
_‘ g ‘