The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 25, 1861, Image 4
gangrmtmtfi. timqr'e Adv’ts- Lawrence D. Dietz’a , 0‘!on HOUSE. ' ‘ ‘ N'- ‘rucy GOODS. , ' 11031;}? Y, rguxn'as, AND TOYS, ”dado Ind Rem], IlChe‘p an In, p 3.” In B-lumorc. ' lb} Ynnugfinlkf, EALTIMOBB ”Order: pgompljy “untied to. Jun. 18, 1880. 1y F ‘ George H. Bokee. . [PORTER 1m! Defler‘in l CHINA, GLASS & QCEESSWARB, o. 41 North How-rd Street, between Lulu?! " tan Ind hyem Sum-u, BALTIMORE. B'I'ONEWARE any. on ma, :1 Plato!) rrlcu. ' ‘ June 18,3560. U ..______————————————— ‘ ‘ A. Mathmt 8: Son’s ‘ 01’4qurvxxnmmvmmwns,sou. g ”a? 37 s'. Gay “reek, Ballnmore, (near nyub sl..)‘utendiqg (rum Guy to Frederick €430 urgent esuthhmeh‘ om", kindin lb: nlon. Alwnyl on hand A [Argo Msortment of HOUSEHOLD AX!) OFFICE FERN ”TEE, em ,br‘clng Buruzu, Bedsunda, Wushn‘mndn, Wnrd- W; Mutual of Hunk. Gallon Ind “sir, denggbm, SOM, Teze-e-Tctcs, Arm Chain, Etta; Chain, Epgcrks, Marble TIL-l", Set , Reqcption and 1343-0151396! Chain. AS OBTEDCOLORS OFLOTTAGEFURNITIZRE' %‘ood Chin, (mice Chairs, B‘rbe; Chain, rm - 6 Cum", Hut Racks, Hall Furniture, hill Iltf‘anuul Fume Looking Glasses, Bid!» Penal, Extension Tnhies, or every length. Per-on! disposed to purchue are iuvitrd :0 ed] And give our nock an examination, which '{or vulgy sud' quali‘t’y of workmnmhip in not aq- e b "i 'n‘u liohmen: In tho count . ".- ‘1" J I” A. MATHIOT 8 SUN, r, ' Non. :5 Ind 27 I. (by urea. gag. 6 1860. 1y “ Ne & Riot; mum, Slings WARE, smvnn Pur- ID WARE, kc.—A.E. WARNER Gold Ind flvmmlth, No. 10 Noun Gn- Snnf, BAL- H'IIOBE, ID" In. In uore n bnuliful unort hant ofuyle: 3nd patent: of RICH JEWELRY, jun-b {of plum", emhruiog Irlt uric” 10!? lg 2011! And Sen Bron-Jug. ouicl,Cu -2)“ cl, c.,Eair-Eings,lsncelen,Hngerlllngl :2; with Dhmond, Ruby, Pearl, Upnl', Emenld, ‘, Med Gold (Sh-inn, Vent 8 Guard (111-inn, iillunn Lockets. Gold Thimblu, Cuff Plan; ’in“, Cbued and Phil: Gold Ring; Pencils Ind Pent,3lee've Button: Ell Studs, Hula Mad 39$ Organ, ht Briell‘hij'l'inl I Ear Maggie. - " s .0. A valet] ofSilver‘lonnud & PluedCuton, gate Buhu.w:iup, Cnmllcnicks, Butter Ind > tBtlndl,?url lbndlgDeler; Kniycsfipoona, ' mkfipfllél, PudcyArtlclu, kc.) fill ofwhich I m 911 oge'ud on :8. low-eat terms; ‘1'!“ C’ou'nlry Tnde 3nd Dealers gcncnl l; 3;. united to give me u call. Ind examine and Ptlcu, being “timed that my SH.- VIB WA“ moot he lurp-ued 'either for noun or qudlty, or the hues! sud mi} ban uu ptuerns. pm). :r 3969; 1: ...g..n»‘. v " _.,_ Burr Mill Stones ABBAXTED—B. F. STARR l 00., Car. ’ ~ ‘ pl WadCamSmm, -‘ ‘/," elite N. 0. 111 R. Sbtion, ‘\\ A 'fififiou. Mn. lumfsc- I;~~'.7’\\‘ ru‘l’df ram-n Elms, a:r \ Layette" md De-len"in " 4/\\\' urrßlocb, Baiting Cloths, 'w‘.‘ . _IN} ~‘ Luther and Gum Benin“, ‘4 Cdcited Plutér, and Six“ lronn, of Wunnted ‘Qullhy. Also, Colone, Cm'nliu‘o, and Enoxfihea ){ill S'tonec o! I“ sizes. [FL-b. 27, '6O. }y Howard Association, HILADELPHIA —-A Benevolent institu tion caublilhed by special Endowmen‘t, or the Relief ofthe Sick und Distressed, a in pd vith .Virulenfmd Epidemic Discuefiimd ‘upecinlly fo‘nhe Cure aruisuscn of the nu! "Orginl. ' ‘ " ’ '~ [EDICAL ADVICE given firms, by the Act.- lug Surgeon, to t" who npp'l; by letter, with n 'ducflption of their condmdn, (age. occupa tion, min oflife, te.,) Ind {Emu of extnmo rennin Xedicines furnished free of charge. W; UABL'E' REPORTS on Spermnorrham. tut! other Dimél of the Sexual Urgans, up] ‘lon the .\‘EW REMEDIES embloyed in the Dh genury, lent to {he hilt-ted in sealod lcuer nvelopes, frgegfc .rge. TlO or three Sump! *6? gauge will be tcvepmhie. ‘4 dress; DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTOX. Act ug Surgeon, Howard Auocintion, No. 1 South Mall: Street, Philtdelphin, Pl. By order of ,tho Directon. - wEZRA D. BEARTWBLL, Frail. 10. MILD, Sec' . glin'.‘ 1, 1861. 1" y ’\ N GmYSBURGI—XNEXTION, FAR)!- IRSJ—The undersigned would most re \tfnlly‘iqfom the public in gainer-l. and the in; community in pertlcnlnr,thnt they hue erected "to Ipacione LUIS KILNH,“ the corner ofStt-ntton street end the Rnilmd, And are pew burnln . and will continue to burn, Inge are-titiu‘é the BEST LIME, which_they will up." ofeTthe lowest living mm. Farmers in: other! no invited to give them I call. By in flying Igood nrticle, which they expect nlvnyn to do, they cannot fail to give satisfac ‘flbn. XcQURDY & GRASS. Aug. 20, 1880. tf * Gunny; Inshtute. . FER mzny an of successful pmtice, é DR. KELLING still defines to do good to E dined. 80 continue: to euro 3!] kinds of 1310888, TUMORS. WENS, SCROI-‘ULA, or fIKG’S EVIL, SORBS, ta. if curable, without mm; or poison. B- does not confine him sol! nonly to the cure of tho nbove db ;«m, bus will treat all other: with lune”.— u‘mm will be visited. if desired, nreuomble din-n9O. Person: dairing to vi§il Dr. X. will linié Il'Qp n: the Railroad Hotcl‘nn' Medallion u-g, when they will be directed to his rul uoncr For All panicnlnn write—nun dis- W plxinly. Enclose n posugo lump to rcpt] nuwer. Address Dr. C. L. KELLING, poehaiaburg, Cumberltnd co., PA. ‘ Oct. 15, 1860. 61:1 Renzovals. “undersigned, being Elie tuthorixhdpenou T to nuke removals into Ever Green th uryfiopu “munch u contemplate the remortl bffln rennin: of decent-«l rehzivu or Mend.- vifltvdiflhemulvel ofthil Icuon oftheyeu to ’11" it do“. ' Remoula made 'in: prompunu —_ur|u 10', And no efl'ort mated :o pleuc. '* - " PETER THORN, - fly)“, Keeper of the Cemetery. ‘ Alexander Fraser, K AND WATCHoMAKHR, has removed ‘ MI nhop to the house lxuely Occupied by _ dow Herbu, nut the wen end ofChnmlvcrs hr. mt, loath xida, when he will Ilvayl \ h hm to amend to the calls of his customers- Hoia mnnkfnl for put fun", 3111 hope: to naive the continued psuougo 0 th pubis: ~' Nov. 1, 1:60. If . ~ ficgnomy 18 Weglth, A“) on of our learned men. And I believe S it, for the folks all sly we)" save money by uni-gum G. CARR'B. to buy their Groceriu, gum, Notions, Inc. [l3“. 21, 1861. change of Tirrie. WSW RAILROAD—On and IN! G lends}, $6". 16, 1880, the Morning Erna-vine." Geurebnrg -: 1.40 A. m, with ‘ for all the connections. North ud BI“, on the Northern Gwyn! Railway, ond mu tbout 1.20 If. I; The Iflcrnoon fry-11v“) lure Gettysburg At 2.45. P. 51.; but by this Tnin can go no farther‘thnn Wm. “me evening. Returning will hash Gettysburg than 5.15 P. 1, with pot-en- W {ton Hufilburg, Phflldelpbh, he. By thin Went bet-sou from the country, about. fine of the Rolland, huing busineu gum in Gettysburg, can take the noon . min up and In" neorly two hours in Gettys humlnd nth} In the Afternoon Train. I o ‘ ~ IiIyCCRDY, Preeidenz. )5". n, 1950. ‘ " - ‘ ‘ ' “ wt to buy the has: and but mung 15¢? 04;“ knife; {la-£13.23“, Gum' goon Ith-I’ u .'on boot. can “FF“ * I '5- Helgxujfl. New Fall and Wlntep I Still at Work! ILSJTHING, for Hen and 3031, Ilth every CO-QCHHAKING AND BLACKSNITBING C Artirle ofwnriog Apparel In that line. to- —-Tll'o fiadenl‘ned renpeclfully Inform. (ether filth Boon, Shooe. llnu. Cnpl, Trunks, h“ friendl Ind the public tlut he continue: Curpet Sléh, Double Barrel Gun: Ind Putull, the Conch-aunt and Ulnchmithlng bulineu Revolven, and n splendnd artlcle of the in- “I G'ery brunch It his establishment in Chan:- brored and celebrued Coll": llc\'ul\'er.with ell bulb“: street. lle LA! on hnnrl end will tho necnury fixtures to At: Buff-lo Kobe: And , Illnuflcture to order “F kinds of CA lllllAGl-IS. Drer Show, [man'fllfhber 0! er (Jo-u Ind Leg 'BL‘GGIES, SLEIUHS, spring Wagon, km, 0! hp, Hosiery, 8c ,’ Gait-n. Fnldlet, Flute: the but mnterill. nnd made by superior work hnd Fires, Jewelry Ind \fi'utchu. together with men. fi-ltlrunuo And Buntlnuua of ixnny other une'lul erti‘dle‘, ell of whlch vill tllllndn done nt renounhle rues, promptly told VERY CHEAP. You nik where" Why. Ind to the utinfnrhon 0! custom? . u SAMSUX'S, where every one can buy good Corn" l’nouccl taken in efihnnge lot Ind cheap goodll That's (A: :pot. The old lork It market prices. County llmldlng, N. E. Corner oflhe Din-ond, ”T'Personl desiring articles or work ll the Gettysburt.oct. 15, law. ‘ ' ' IColcth-king or Bluekamithing line, are re spectfully invited to call on JOHN L. HULTZWOII‘I'H Gettyeburg. Jen. 24, ’59. Dr. Motthl UALYBEATE BESTURATIVE C PILLS OF IRON. An uperient Ind mehic prqurtuon of IRIJN purified of Oxygen Ind Clrbou by con bastion in Hydrogen. Sancfioned by the high ut Nadia} Auszofltiu, bull: in Europa sad the l'niud Suits, and prmrlbe¢ in thoir pru tice. ‘ The experience of thou-ind: (idly prove. thn no prey-ruin of Iron can p. courted with it. Ylnptrhlel of the blood; depra- on o riul energy, pde Ind ulhtnnu Ilckly com plexionl indium in necc'uliy in mm our, concoiuble cue. -' Innoxiou in all mmdjel in which I; bu bun tried, it bu proved nbloluusly candy. in each of tho foilowing complaints, viz: In Debilily, Naomi: Afmliau. and“ (ion, quxpsio. Constipation. Diarrhea. Dys-t eatery. Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous' fitba’cvlwis. Sou Risen”. funeutnalion. I Whites. C'ldorosis, Liver Complaints. flkrom‘c, file-admins, Rheumatism, Intermittent Feic'rs.i implu on the Face. tic. : ln cues of Grunt. Duturf. whether the: result. of acute disease, or of the continued dimnnition of nervous and muscnlnr energyi from chronic complaints, 'one 'lrial of this res-. tuntire has proved successful to an extent’ which no description nor written attcsution‘ would render credible. llnllds so long bed ridden u to hue become forgotten in their‘ own neighborhoods, hove suddenly re-appear-‘. ed in the busy world u if just returned “on! 1 protracted truel inn distant land. b'mne very signal instances of this kind are attceted of to.; male Sulerera, emaciated victims of spporent' ‘rnsnsmus, sanguineoos exhaustion, critic-l lchanges, Ind that complication ofnerrons and g dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. l in Nnvocu Ansc'noxs of all kinds. and for reasons {smilinr to medical men, the opention ‘0! this repartition of iron must necessarily be :inlutlarg, for, unlike the old oxides, it is rigor !ously tonic. rithout'beinz exciting and over "heating; end gently, regularly apericut. even lln the most obstinate cues of costit‘eness with ,out ever being _s gutric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter proportyvnmnng others, which makes it so remnrkobly effectual and pcnnunent o remedy for Pills, upon which it also Appears to exert a distinct and specific Action, by dis persing the local tendrncy which forms them. In Dnrnsu. lnnutnerahlr ns nry it.- causes, a single box of these Chnlyheate Pill»: has often sufficed for the most hsbituol cases, including ' the attendant Costiveness. In unchecked Business, even when advanced to Drusnsv. confirmed. emacintmg. and ap parently malignant. the elects hate been equal ! 1y decisive and astonishing. ‘ in the local point, In“ of lleth nntl Itrtngth, Idehi|itattng cough, Ind remittent hoclit', which ‘genemlly indicnte lxctrtnr t‘ossurnox, thu iremedy has Allnysd the alums of trieuds Ind ‘_physicians, in several very gratifying and in itcresting inetnncee. In Scumvww Tcnnccmsu, thin medicated iron hu had far more than the good efl'ccl of the must uniioualy ln-xgnnct-d preparations of iodinc, without any of their well known lin bililics. The attention of females rannot be (no con fidently Invited to this rune-l) 1111 l ro~lomli\'e, in the cues peculiarly affecting them. In Rulcxnisu. both chronic and inflnmmu tory—in the latter, however, mon- decide-ll}— it has been imarinbly well reponed. bath in alleviating pain and reducing the u cllingn and glifl'ueu (,hhe juiut- nnll musdcs. In luluntnr ans it mull necessarily be: great remedy and energetic reetomlire, Ind its propose in the new nettleluents of the ‘Weel. Inll probably be 011: oi high renown And, usefulness. 3 No rempdy In.- erer heen discovered in the whole history of medicine, which Hem rut-h prompt. h-ppy. sud fully renornlin- effects.— Goud nppcme, complete digesliun. mph! IC quiuliou of strength. with an unuaunl dipped hon [or main: Ind chccnul exercise, immcdi nely follow it: use. Put up in an! flat meLll boxc! containing 60 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by dmggisu nnd deulen. Will be sent free to my uldreu on receipt of the priro. All lumen, orders, etc", should be lddrelsed to R. B. LOCKS t 00., Genoml .\genll. Oct. 15, 1860. 1y :0 Cedar SL, N. Y. Prof. L. Millar’s . AIR INVIGORATt)R.4.\n Efoctivefiafe And Economical Compound. J ¥ l-‘UB BESTORING GRAY HAIR to ya nrigi all color without dyeing, and preventing the Hair from turning my. ' FOR PREVENTING BALDSES, Ind curing it, when there in an lent plrticlo of vinlity or recnpmlive energ- remaining. FOR REMOVING SCUBF AND DANDRI‘FF, tad 11l cutaneous nfl‘ecfionl of the Scalp. FORQEAUTH-‘YISG THE HAIR, imparting to it In unequtlled glou Ind brilliuncy. making it lon girl silky la in texture Ind causing it to curl re- ily. , The great. eeleh'rity end the increuing de mnnd for thin nneqnnlied preparation, convince the proprietor thnt one trial is only necesury to utilfy o dieeerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation It preeent in nee. It clennsee the heed end scalp from dandrul And other cutaneous dint-noel, come. the heir to grow lnxnriently, end gives it 5 rich, soft, glossy end flexible nppeornre. end 11st where the heir in loosening Ind thinning, it will give strength and rigor to the roots. and restore the growth to those port: which hove become held, conning it to yield 1 (reel) covering of hnir. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New York who her: bed their heir motored by the no of this invigontor, when ell other proper-luau heel foiled. L. I. he: hath poe leuion letter: innumerehle testifying to the Above facts, from person; of the highest re spectability. It will eleetunlly pment the hair tron: turning grey until the latht period of life; end in clue where the hair has “ready chnnged its color, the use of the inrigontor will with eeminty reltore it to it: originnl hne, giving it A dark, glossy nppenrlnce. A: e per fnme for the toilet end n iinir Reetorntn'o it in perticnhriy recommended. having an ngrecnbie Mgr-lace; Ind .e great facilities it nfl'ordl in dressing the hair, which, when moiat with the invigontor can be dressed in any required {Ol In no u to preserve its place, whether plain or In curls—hence the great demnnd for it by the indie: n A standard toilet nrticle which none ought to be without, es the price places it within the tench of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to he had at All respectable drug gist: Ind perfumers. L. MILLER would all the Ittention of PA renu 3nd Gu-rd‘uns to the use ofhis Invigor ntor. in cues where the children's heir inelinu to be weak. The use of lt'lnyl the foundltion for a good hpd of hair, I; it remove! uni im purities thnt may have become connected with the scnlp, the remonl of which in necelury both for the hum: of the child, And the future Appunuce ofiu heir. ‘ C‘CTION.—Kune genuine without the he muff. or LOCKS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; “no, L 4 MILLER'S HAIR INVIGO— RATOR, S. Y.. blown in the glau. Wholeule Depot, 56 Dey SL, And told by 111 the princip-l Merchnnu Ind Drngghu through. out the I‘orld. ' ' Liberaldilcbunttopnrchuerthytheqnnnu'ty. S‘l Also desire to presentlo Lbe American üblic my .\‘zw mm lIPIOVID Ilsnlnxmrl {IQUXI} HAIR DYE I kick: :fler years of scien ‘iic cxpcrimcuxingl hn e brought Loperfeclion. I: dye: Bluk or Brown instantly without in jury to the Hair or Skin—VA muted the but Inicle olthc kind in nines“. PRICEONLY 50 CENTS. Dope: 56 De: Saga, New Yoyk. get. 29,1860. 1, ' C HAXICSTOWN, Frederick county, Nd.— Hu‘ing bee'n nadrucdpndmro-fmhhod, o proprietor mute: the labile It 8 call In UI'PALO Robufileigh 361133116310 Both, ‘ only needed, übe pun ' p full addiction ll Gun Shoes. I'mhnllu, Gm Oumnu'cu-ry ecu. C mmc‘ rpm Bub, tad Trut- o! ov kind, hm. “taxi! lfikk, Purim. fl “ ‘ «Emma's. ‘ F9ll. “I ll”. t! ‘ ’ ‘ Cannon & Adair’s 3W HARULB WORKS, corner of Bum morc Ind Eu! Middlc street-Aired” op« )0 to :12}; ncw Conn Home, (idly-burg.— "M‘lug'receptly "rived from l’llihdelphin,nnd Mm. fully'conpeuu to rural. dl work in the Inn uyla at tho m, n lonld "spam. I; Karin the nunflon ofthe public within; to . ‘ If. anything?) airlinc, to furor in with a call and cumin dint-mm of our work. W. In mud to “with lUNUIKITS, TOIBS AND HBADHTUNN, lARBLE lANTLES, BLABS for Clqut-mkcryind all och-r work Ippanliaiug to our buinm. n th- lowest poi riblo prim. W 0 do not [:23in to [atrium um! our work shall be put up In I dinner Inb luau-Ind tuneful equal to tho put to be Inn in the cities. where every improvement which experience bu rum-led h uyuiled of, ad erpecinlly do ye gusnntre um our Crunc tery And (Er-re Yurd work shall be no artfully u! u no: to beam-cred by frolgbut Ihnll Innin uiu fur yen: that creclncu of poultlon given n the complctiou of» job, and so necelury to couunucd grun-fulncu Ind symmetry. .\‘or. 28, 1359. L! 1860. 1860. Fall and Winter Goods. THE subscriber, lining jun returned from the Eastern Chin with I huge and splen did nuoruntnl. of HATS And CAPS. would re spectfully cull the nucnhon ul' purchaser. to the «me. His stock of ll an is full and com pletc. confining iu purl of )lcn‘n fulhlonnhle Ind hnud’ome No. 1 Silk llnu, Dres- llnu, Sol! Hula. high. low Ind medium depth of crown, (‘loth and (Hated Cnpn, l’luuh and l’lunh trimmed Cups. for men and buy}, “M; "an uml Caps for (‘hildrem tugelber with a good u lorlmeutnf Wool Blu,¢lloflhich will he lold u very low prices for cub. Alto. a fine u noruncnt of Ladien‘ nnd Niuca' Blnck Ind Brown Vernon um, Fen Una, tc. on. 2:, 1860 Town Property T PRIVATE SALE.+The undersigned or- A fern nt l’rinte 8:10 the Property in which he now resides. situate in But Middle Itrcet, Getty-burg. adjoining S. R. Tipton on the west Ind )lrn. NeElmy on the cut. wuh 11l .'“. slit-y in the rear. Till-J IIUI'SE in I EH;;' two-story Prune, Wentherbonrded, with Bock-building; IVA-ell of water. with a pump in it, at the door; And 1 vnrirty of fruit. and: n nppla, pan, peach", apricou, cherrin, and grape], I“ the most. choice. ZACUARIAH MYERS Nov. 12. 1800. (I ROHRER’S RUIIRER'S m HIRHR'S RUHIU-IR’S RUHRER'S PR.\(‘TI".\L (‘ALI’I'LATOIL PRACTNAL ('Al.('l‘l..\Tl|ll. PILH‘TII‘AL C.\l.('l’L.\TlllL PRM'TK‘AL (‘AU‘I'LATUIL PRACTICAL C.\LCI‘L.\TUR. Bohrer’s Practical Calculator A llnok 0! plain Rules end (‘nleulntione for i lilhincst (ipemtions,t-_r .\lsl‘l’l! 11. itunnn, ‘ i'rnrticnl Suneyvr nncl Contrynncer. New I Edition. l’nhthhcd by J. 11. Lirrncur'r & Co. Philadelphia. lllh‘ Work enntuim 204 pages, and upwn his I of 300 littles and Examples. entirely and tioronghly rswrtcu. such as arise erery an, in the common pnhllill! of Business. lt h u already passed through is number of Edlltuni in'rnpitl eucceision. end is pronounced hr nll dunes of business men to be the unmur Innl or uncun‘cu, pertaining to calculations, that hns ever been published. , Erery l-Ixnmplc in the hook is wounn our ll YI‘LL, Intl stated in I plnin msnner. so thnt I hen a parallel cuse, those referring to the work will find no difficul‘ty in readily solv ing i'; in s word, the geuenl nrrsngemeut of the l‘ALct'LA‘rou is so simple. that In: oneu ho knows how to sun, ICITIAC‘P, urLrtl-Lr, or omnr. can eesily solve eny ordinary exnmple thst urine: in business. or srrive st the true result of any estinmte required. . The chief eim of the suthor has been to es chew theory end philosophy in figures, eimlng only It feet: and simplicity, believing thst hust ness men cure little about spending time in discussing the phllomphy of rules, or the science of figures, deeming it sutficient for their purpose to be ehle A? A uouur, by reference, tosrrire st the rut:- “sun. The Cchcmrus ditfere in this respect from all Arithmetic. of the any end kindred workb—it is eke] to pree. ties] business cslcnletions—Jt is, in the heads 0! the bueiueu men, whet the key to muthe. tustieel works is in the hands of the teechcr in the school-room—it fecilitetcs time end cor rectnees. The Work treats ol‘ the Measurement oannd, of Lumber, of Brick sud Brick Work, of Stone 8 Stone Work, ofGrein end Grain Bins, of Cost 8 Cool Bins,of Wood. of Solids, of Circu ler, Squere, or lrregulsr Vessels, of Cisterns end Vets, of Rooting, of Pluterers’, l’sinters’, Glssiers', Psrers', Humbers', Paper Hgngers', end Upholsterers' Work. it treets ofCurreucy end of Foreign end Domestic Excheuge, of the Deciml System, of Reduction end its extend ed epplicetion to Busiuees, oi Simple end Com pound interest, end their entire epplicstlon to Business trnnsections, with the lows end useges governing end resuming the some, together with numerous commerciel Forum—of Legs! Tender, of Psrtinl Peytnents on Notes, ofßenk in; end Bunk Discount. of Equetion of Pop menu end of Partnership Accounts. of Assess ment of Tues, of Weights end Meesnres, of Squue end Cubic Hessuremf the Squere Root end its Applleetion to Business, of Surfeee, or Exesretiou, end of sunny other inporteut pree ticel netters not within the scope ofu edrer tisensent to mention. It is just the Book for the Fenner, the Ito. chenie, the Artisen, or the Professionel nun. lt hes proven e reluehle nnxilinry to the Luv yer, the Justice of the Peace. the Conveysncer, end Reel Estate Broker, to tho Asseuor, the Beaker, the Clerk. to the Owl Engineer end the Surveyor. to the Carpenter end Brickleyer, to the Stone Mnson and the Plesterer, to the I’sper Hunger and l'pholsterer, to the Fever and the Tiler. he, 80.; esch end ull will find it ndspted to their various wunts better then eny book published. grinned (putt paid) to any part of the United Stetes upon receipt of the money.— Price of A single copy, in cloth, 60 cents, or two copies {or St 00. Bound in pocket-book form, Norocco, Si 00 per copy. Address, hi. I. ROHRER, Box 1911, Phihdelphis P. 0., Po. Dec. 3,1860. 8m T. E. Cook 8:. Sons AVE uublilhed n Depot at Ih}. Jon SCOTT'I, in Chunbenbulg street, Gettys nrg. Fine thrifty Fruit And Ora-menu! Tree: sad Plnnu, artfully mmpluud then for ule. QC.“ sud us them—nxiufncuon wu rlnted. [Not 1:, XB6O. 2.! Removal. HE sub'criber bB. removed his Plough lnd T Machine Shop from the Foundry building to RAilrond ureet. oppou'u- Tnte‘n Bluklmikh Ihop, but of the Engle Hotel, where he in beta tar prepmd than ever to “and to customer). Plough: dirty: on hind Ind mud. to order at the Ihoneu notice, Ind Inchincs, Reapers, km, repaired. Also he will “tend to clennin tad repairing Clocks. DAVID WARIIgN. Mny 10 Globe Inn, Ginr as a Remedial Agent. HIS DELII'IOI'S TONIC FTHII'I.A\NT. u" pecinlly damned for Xh- u" u! the Meda- I‘rnfc‘l Ind (he Fan-Iy, hating lupcrcnd-' ed lb. 10-Cnlled‘flim." “.\romnlic,"“Cordml,” “ Mediated," " Sthxupxu.“ etc, is now 911-} doned by I” o! the prominent phyaicinnl." chemists Ind connoiueun. u poucuiug I" 0!, than sun-u? medicinll qualiliu (tonic nndf diuntic) vlflch belong to un OLD Ind PURE Gin. Put up in qunrt hfiulps ud sold by All druuiau, post-n, fly". 1 A. I. BIKINGER 8 00., (Baubli’hed in 1778.) Sole Prolirieton, .\‘o. 19 Broud “root, N. Y. For “la by FRENCH, RICHARDS t CO..— W. W. 8 H. SMITBfinq ml! of the pro-Inn: Wholesale Dragginu In Phflndelphh. 0cL15,1860. 1y “ “ Quick Sale“: Small Profits.” AVING porch-“d I llrge lod uried II lorunentofli'A LL AND WINTER GOODS, we Ire preplred to alu- blerinl to 11l who any fun-or us with I call. We will not luempt to plrllcolArize. II our flock ccnprilel For ein Ind Domenic Dry Goodl. Fancy Articles, Trimmings, 30., in, together with I large II lortmenl of Groceries Ind Queemwue, to which we would relpectfully all: In exlminl lion before purchlsing, u we Ire determined lo Id! as cheap I: the cheapest. Thnuklul for the liberll eucoungement heretofore extended to 111 we would respeclfully llk I continuance of the Mme. A. SCOTT l SUN. Oct. )5, 1860. Rush to Schick's! NEW GOODSI—J. L. SCIHCK, S. W. corner of the Dilmond, Gettysburg, respectfully calls the attention of purchaser: to [all new Ind splendid stock ofFALL AND WINTHRGUUDHI "is stock ll :0 lnrgc and lo well nrrnnged to unit town and country trede, tlut it in impou nible to even make mention at his molt dulm blc goods. All he nské in TM persons to cull Ind examine hl‘ complete etdck. They will‘o nwny Well pleased and soon Hturn for more. He has a full Itmk oleth'SS GOUDS, ofevery durriptum: Plain and figured Merino" and (‘nslnueres, all wool l'laid‘. all woul‘ Delnluu, cotton PlJidl, plnin end figured. anenciu, French Reefs, Arabian Stripes, \‘eluun,l.u¢l -IM, (‘nruerehu nnd .\luul do Lllns, (ll pricel. A large stock of Trn‘eling Dress Goods, pllin and figured Sill“. Flouncea. A full and com plete stock of Brim: eomuntly on hand.— (‘LUTIIS. Cnuimeren, Dneter Cloths, Sntinetu, Tweedl. Jenna; French, English and American Shawls. Plaid and Knitted Shnwll for Chil dren—all Itylel Ind prices. Home-furnishing Good: of every description. A lull Ind com plete flock of Notions, Perfumery, Jewelry, llnuiery, Gloves, (.'entx' and Ladies‘ (inuntleu, “'od'l Capes Ind Moods. of the very Intent Myles. Thread and Cottun Edgiugs, Laces, in, it, to, kc, kc. ALL (‘OMEI No truuble to show Geode. R. l". )IcILIIKNY on. '29, 1560 Hat. 3093, Shoe. URI". NEW GUUDS AT THE SIGN 0R bl THF. “Hi HUUT.-—Thc untlcrtigrnod hurt ju-l recou‘ed n fro-II wpply of Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes. Truuht, (‘urpd Hugs. kc‘ Also. have a good lupply of Saddles nnd llnrneu, mun". L'olhrn. Ax. sum. .nu “Wu 0! all kinds made to nfilcr h} hrsl-r-Iu- uurkuu-n, um] un short nnlicr Hnlne-m.‘dc nurk Mun.” on hand. I'rirw In». [or nub. L'UBEAN h CL'Ll'. Nov-. 19, 1560. Norbeck & Martin‘ .\ \‘Ejusl rI-reh mi from the city tin-large“ }I Huck uf' (HUN‘HRIFS they hive ever offvred h) the pnhllc—Slngrs. Syrups. ('oflccs. Thu. Hire, ("hm-Hr, Fn-th. Snlt. Spirm. tr" I (a, cmbmvmq ull urix-liu. nl ulI prlrc-I,tlne hurt»! the mlrkc: Ml! .m’ord .\lsn H'runms, Hm-llu-q. and .\‘uliuni: TJI', llili. l‘ln-Hu. Sta, in nhurl, ctrrylhmg to bc fuuuvl in a nru elm. Grocery and \‘nriny Slurr. The Flour mu! Fun! hncim-u i! cnntinued with in Head) mum-o: 'l'lu- highrd market price-s [mid null the ~m ill M prufib Inked. The public are invited In giu- us n cull nml nee tor themselves: .\‘UIHH'N‘K & \iAliTlX, (‘nrm-r of Ugltimurc and High streets. May 21, 1860. Handsome Women. 0 THE LADIES —llL’X'l"a‘ “BLOOM 0F RUM-IS." A I’ll'll 11111 l elegant cola: for the choolu or lips. l'l‘ \\'ll.L.\‘UT WASH UR lll'll Ul-‘l’, and when once applied, remain: durnblc for years. The tint is so rich and un mrul, [but the closest scruliu) fnils to detect it: use. Cum be removed by lemun juice And will not injure the skin. This is 5 new preparation, used by the celrlmited Court Bcunlicl of Lon don nud l’nris. )lniled free, in boulel, with direction‘ for me. for $1 00. IIUST‘S “ l‘Ul'llT TUILI-l'l' POWDER," in. part! I duzlin'g whileneu to the complexion, and in unlike anything else mud for thin pur pose. Mailed free for 50(‘enu. HFNT‘S “ BRITISH BALM." remove; an, freckles. Innburn and all eruption- oflhe lkin. .\lnilecl free for 50 Cents. UCXT‘S “ Mll'l-ZILIAL POMADE," for ‘ho hair, utrengkhcns and improve: It: povnh, keep: it from falling 0!. and in warnnted to In: flu: an: era. Nailed free for SI 00. HUNT‘S ” PEARL BEACTIFII-m," for the ueth and gums, clause: and whiten tho teeth, burden: the gums, purifies the breath efl'eccunl ly, nnnvn run 1'"?! an null" NOTI~ ACIII. Mailed free for $1 00. HUNT'S “ BRIDAL WREATH PERFUHB," I; double extnct of cream bio-noun end co logne. Mniled Me for $1 00. This exquisite perfume was first need by the Princeu Raye] of Enginnd. on her mnrringe. lean. [int k Co. presented the Princes! with an elegant cue of Perfumery, (in which :11 of the Ibo" Articles were included) in hendnorne ent glue with gold Itoppen, ulned at $l5OO, punk-Inn ofwhich nppeered in the public prinu. All the shore uncles lent l-‘ree. by expreeu, for $5 00. Cut: an either Iccompuy the order, or be pic] to the expires. agent on de livery of goodl. UNT t 00., Perfumer: to the Queen. Regent St., London, end 71 Season: BL, Phile deiphie, PI. For Seie by All Drum": and Peflnmen. who Trude Supplied. [oa. 15, ’OO. ly AB. AN D WOOD NAPTHA PEOTORA L, h the but ledlciu in the world for the Can 0! And for flu relief of paint: in the ldmecd sum of Consumption, unmet with all Disban- o! the Throat And Chen, And which pre dinpooo to Conmmpfion. It in pct-11501 y adapted Io the rain! an q/Allhc, Being prepared by I practical Phylicinn and Druggist, Ind one of grant experience in the cure of (he vuioul diuuea to which the hu mtn fume in liable. I I: “u clued w the mica»: with the put»: confidence. Try it tad be convinced am it h hula-bl. 1n the cure of Bronchill median. Prion M ctnupa' beak. d l b fi-Prc e on y WDB. A. EgZNWEIX t 00., Draggin- ud Chomhu, KW. confirm: & Poplnr Sim, Plluonrlu. “-Sold by every rupccublo Drum: And Dealer in Nediciien throughout the Sun. April 2, 1860. 1y BB permenhip heretofore exiedng between [2]“ the subscribers. under the firm tune of urn t anLn. Jn., hula; been diuolved, they hereby give notice to ell per-one indebt ed to them, by Note or Book Account, to all end settle the nine before the hut (by of Jun nnry next. :1 which time weir scooute will be placed in the bend- of an cheer for collection. ' HENRY B. DASNER, I 1800 WAYBHJGRT $1361.83. Dr. Esenwein's Coughs nd Colds, Crouwnchim, Anhma, Difleulty in hing, Pulpiution of the flout, ° Diptheriu, Pay Up! Ser $ , , _— ._~. W ‘--- ‘ "-'~—-‘—~~“——“-—:zg 1 Ayers mug-ring. I Gettysburg Foundry. 3 Adams County 1 R PUIII'YIXG 1‘33 DOOR—And for‘ "E unbucribcr. h'n’lng purcluued ‘h’ UTUALPIRE INSURANCBCOHPANY... .l‘ tho qua, can chin nuclnod nriotiu T Faculty of “9",“ Zorlmugh,Slou & Co. Incorporated Much 18, 1851. old ”In: ( onucrl] Warren» Foundry.) has cnmulemed: orncul. ' L B(‘RUFCLAAKDSCROPU- buuineu, and in now prvpnrod w nfior to the' I’rm‘dcnt—George Swope. . ‘ LUL'S A FFHCT[UNB,ICCHAI public . hug" unortment of .\lnchincry than; Yin I’rmdeN—H. R. Russo”. TL'MURS, L'LCERS, BURKS . has heretofore been oflered, Ind: Is TUKESU-i Secretary—D. A. Bnehler. Ixl:L'l'wasmmvwsyusl Nu " "INRSNIOW “u“vr' “~" ‘ ‘ {111.55. BLUTCHE, BOILS. - 'ux.A|§s, Aw ALL SKIN “mamas. ()aklnnd. lnd., 6th June, 1860. J. C. Ayer & Co. Gent-z lfeel It my dUU to acknowledge whnt your Snmpnrillo has done fur me. Having inherited n Scrufixloui afl'cvtiun‘ I hue lufl'ercd from it in various n I." for yean. Sometimes it burst out in ‘ Use" on my hand! and Inns; anmetimu it turned inward and dinreued me nt the “am-ch. Two yenra ago it bmk. out on my head Ind con-red my "hip and corn with one oore.which wal pninful nnd lonfluomo beyond description. I tried many medicines and seven! phynicinnu, ‘ but without much relief from any ‘hing. ln' afct, the dimrdcr grow worse. At length lI” . rejoiced to rend in tho Gogpel lounge: tint; you land prep-red on slum!" (Sump-filly) for I knew lrotn your reputation thnt nny thing . you my}. man be good. I sent to Cincinnntl and got it, and used it till It cured In. [took it. I; you odd-o. in Ina-u dooen oft tau-pom:-i fnl orern month, out! and Almonthmbotuu. New nnd healthy akin noon hogan tofonn under the Icoh. which om: a whuo tell of. fly Ikln in non} cleor, Ind I [now by my foelingn thnt' the‘ discus hu [one from my system. You can well behave um I feel whul on: saying when I tell you. thnt Ihqld you to be onofi *, tho ofioatlu of the age, and rennin ever gnu" fully, You", Ann» B. TALLIY. ST. .\YTIIONY'S FIRE, ROSE 08. BRYSIPB LAS. TE‘I‘TRR AND SALT RHBUI, SCALD HEAD, RINUWORN.BORE EYES, DRUPSY. Dr. Robert I. Pnhle write. from Salem, N. \'., ”ch Soph, 1859, thlt he bu cuyed an in- Vctcnte can of Drop-y, which thmtened m terminus runny,” the penevering use ol our Snrupnrilln. and I'M) A dangerous nturk of Malignant fiylipelu by Inge nose: of tho same ;up cure: thc common Eruptions by it constantly. . BR().\'L‘Hm'l-ILE,GOITREoISWELLI-ZDXEPK. Zebulon Sloan, of Proupecl, Tun, writes: " Three bottles of your Smapnrilln curod mo from I (lollre—n hideonl swelling on the neck, which lhnd lufl'ered from over two _xenrs." LEl't'ulullm-IA m 1 wun'ss. ovlmux 1c mm, rnzmxs ULCERATION, mum: DISEASES Dr. J. 11. :5. Chennlng, of New York City.l writes: ”I most. cheerfully comply with the. request of your agent in flying I have found, your Snrsnpnrillee most excellent Iltemttve in l in the numeruul complaints for which we em ploy such a remedy, but eepecinlly in Female; Diseuses of the Scrofuloux dilthesil. l lmve cured mnny inveterate uses of Leucorrhu-n by it, ntul .wme where the complaint was caused by ulceration ofthe uterus. The ulceration it self was soon curt-d. Nothing within my knowledge equnls it for the" female derange urnlu.” ,“l-Zdwunl S. Murrow, of Newbury, AlB., writes, “ A dangerous overinn tumor on one of the fe males in my family, which bed defied till the nun-die; we could employ, hes 11. length been completely cured by your Extrect of Sarnupn rilln. Uur physician thonglft nothing but u tirpntiou could alord relief, but he advised the trinl ofyour Smupnrille u the lut resort be fore cutting, and it grated efl'ectunl. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disuse remains." Rlll'il'lHTlsM, GOFT. LIVER COMPLAINT. Independence, l'reaton co., Vt, 6th July. '59 Dr. J. (‘. Apex Sir—l have been landed with a painful rhronic Rhenmxltitm fur n long time. wlurh lmfiled tho skill of physininns. Ind Mun-k tn mo in spite ofnll tho remedira l rould flunll until I tried your Snrsapnrilln. (In. bol‘ tlo rum! me in two weeks, Ind restored my gu-nerxll hmhh so much thul am far boner than lu-fure l mu ntlackcd. I think it I: won derful medicine. J. Fluux. Jules Y. lieu-hell, of St. Louis, writes: "I lune bee't unlit-ted for _rcari with In affection of the hit". whit-h destroyed my health. I trim! nery tl:ing,nud etery thing ruled to r 9: lieve me; and l hun- bet-n I brukcn-duwn man for some 3mm {rum no other cause than do. rangemvut of the Liver. My beloved pastor, the llcr. .\lr. Ham; advised me to try your Sur snlmriilu, luemuue he will he knew _vuu. and an) titiug _v_ou nmnle wIS worth tryug. fly the Mr-sin; of Had it has cured tuc,nnd hu- so pu nfied my hluod m- u) make I new mun uf me.— 1 fen-l .\uuug ngtiu. The host that cnu he said u! ytm i- not h ulfgnod enough." SVHHHLI'S, (' \Xt'Ell. TUMURS, ENLARGE )II-Z\T. l'l.('!-}R.\TIUN. CARIES AND BX- FUHATIUV 01" THE BUSES A [tn-«t uric!) of case: have been reported Ito us whore curt! of the“ fonnidnlde enm 'phints have resulted from the an of thi- reme ‘dy. but nur qmce here will u n admit than.— Sume of them maybe found In our AmL-ricln .\lmnmr. which the agents below mum-d Irv plowed to furnish grul'u m all who “H for MEI vDYSI’EI’SIA. HEART DISEASE. FITS, EI‘I LEI’SY. NELANL‘HOLY, NEI'RALGLL Inny remnrknble cure. of the" nll’eciimu but. been nude by the Alter-five power of this medicine. It elimhlnlca the vital functionl in‘ to vigoroul action, and thin overcome: disar derl which would be supposed beyond in much. Such e remedy bu lung been nquired by the necenhiu of the people, and we are confident that. this will do for them 11l llut medicine cnn do. Am’! CHERRY PECTORAL, you run lulu cuu or Coughs, Colds, lnflnenu, Ho‘nencsl, Cronp, Brunchili‘s, lncipieqt Consumption, And for 3lbo' Relief of Comnmpdn Putin-nu in advanced Stage of tho Dine-u. This in n remedy to universally known to Inrpnu any 0:3: for the euro of lhront and lung complain the‘ it in union hero to pub. link the evidenco'ol it! virtues. its unrivnlled excellence for coughs And colds, And in truly wonderful cum 0! pnlmonnry dine-u. have nude ic'known throughout tho civilized no tion: of the oath. Pow no tho communities, or even funiliee, Among them who hove not lone penonnl experience of its efl'ectHomo living trophy in their midst of in victory over the subtle and dnngeronl dieorden of the thmt hnd lnnp. An :1! know the drendfnl {n tnlity o! thou disordereJnd no they know,too, the clone of this romedy, we need not do more thnn wmurethem thnt it hu now 11l the vir tnu thnt it did hnvo when asking the care! which have won eoetronglynpon the confidence of mankind. liquid by In 1. C. "El 8 00., Lovell, lul. fiSold by A. D. Bnehlcr, Gettysburg; P. Bobuu, Annduvfllo; Puwnt Ichry, Ftir field; P. A. Myen, New Chum; X. Hunter, New Oxford; 8. Lumber, York Springl; and dollar: genenlly. [SepL 10,1880. lyeow Second Arrival HIS FALL.—L¢rya' Stock than EM!— T JACOBS & BRU. hnejuxt received their hand pnrchue of Full And Winter Goods, whlch they ofl'er chenper than ever. hiring bought It the most menu. ntel. They ask the public to cull in And m their lugs luort nent, convinced thnt every tute can be grati fied. Their CLOTHES, CASSIMERES, VEST~ INUS, Cutineu, Cord], Jun), Bc., unnot be excelled for nriety, end then the low prices n which they are oflered nre really utonilh'ulg. Goods que up It the Ihortelt notice, in the lntut llylcs, 3nd M u reuoublo rated as am be expected. Their establishment is in Chum bcrebarg street, I» fur door: belor Buehler’l Drug Stow. [OcL 15, 1860. Gettysburg 001’ AND 8803 BIPORIUN, S. 3. Cor- B not of Centre Squat—The public It: ro tpoctlnny requested to bear In mind than: this Sum my be found C lute unoruneut or BOOTS tad 83038, of the be“ 111-arid. The unbocflber. hlflng jun returned from Phflndelphh, when be selected with are and upon the but (Inn, A huge ulonmenl of Boou and Shoes, Ma flock in nov {all Ind com plete nnd he amen himself thll be can plexua the non (studious. Cull and enmine my stock. Canon: and. Boot: and Shoes than on band. B. F. IcILHKNY. “931338”; At Broadhead’a, N Cull-I. ltmt, we won Periodncall cm I ulnyl be hsd. This 'u the tin“ to renew nbtcrigdou. Don't delay, bu " come right dong." The n" Odd Fcuovmoruficuo—c upleudid nhlr. And chap—cu: be 05:3!qu u; Brad beul't. 0.11, lupoet, ad My, luv. :6, 1m; INU MACHL 4, Clover Hullers. Fuddcrsiélfi-l Ken, (‘orn Shellen, nnd Morgan‘s lute improved Home Rake. Abo, STUVES, luch u Cookl Stoves, ‘hree diflerem kinds; and five dun-rem! or Ttn-phto mom. Likcwiw liu Ana‘ Saw-mill Cuttings, and unkind; of Turning 13- iron or Wood. 1 k ‘ FREPAIRING ofnl 'indl on .0 ' In Outing: will be done to magnum-2:3 notice. Punt-ru- made to order; Plough 0.“. in” P 9“)! mndo ; PLOUGHS, Inch u Seylar Witherow, Plocber. WOOdcock, “(Kim-n; other: not mengiqned he"; nnd eight aifl'eren't. kind: of 18021 FRXCLVU. {or Connexion Porches or Yll‘dl. ’ Also, )lonhing Machines, on. of the best not Kn on. This whine works with I In": by hand; may little boy cm mannge it. Cullnnd cumin; our stock; no doubt but win: we on plane. Persona ought to see it their damage to buy machinery or any kind n ham, when 11. 1| mum-eluted, no that. they c..n 101', wilygot. nay put replnced or repaired. ‘ DAVID STERNER. Gettysburg, Peb.l3, [B6O. Great Work on the Horse. [IE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES: bv T Bonn Inns", V. 8.. Proteuor of Pi t :11qu Incl OpentireSurgtry in the Voterin-ry Cvlicge of l'hil-delphit. etc., etc. Will Tell You (if the Origin, History and dis tinctive trait! of the vnrlous brceds of European.A|iatic, African nnd American Hornet, with the physical formation and peculllritiel of the animal, nud how to ucemiu his 1:0 by the number nnd condition of his teeth : “infatuated with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You Ofßreeding, Breaking, swung, Fecdinf, Grooming, shoeing. and the genera management of the horse, with the best modes 0! administering medi cine, lino, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying,Stumhling, Crib Biting, Restieuneu, Ind other \‘inS in which he is uihject; with numerous explana tory engravingi. ' THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You (W the chum-s, uyunptmm, and Treatment of W Sore Throat, Diswmpcrflatarrh, luflllcnzmllmnchilil, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, llruken Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring nml Whistling, anpzu, Sore Mouth and I'lccrs. and Docny¢dTeelh,with other di-Icalscs uftbe Mouth and Respirntun (lrguns. THE HORSE AND ms DISEASES “'in Tell You or the (mum-n, symptoms, and Treatment of Wonm, Bun, (Wylie, Strun gulxutinn, Stony (‘mu-relinna, Etuplurcs, Palsy, Diurrlnrn,mequ-e, llqntirrhmn. Bloody Urine, Stones in tlu- Kidnoysnud BLndder, Inflammntiou, and other «lg:- cascs of the Stomach. Uuwels, Liver Km! rrimtry Urgnnl. TUB HORSE AND [HS DISEASES Will Tell You 01' the cmnes, aynptums. and TrcMment of flour, Blood and Bog Spavin, Ring-bone, Sweenic, Struins, Broken Knees, Wind Glills, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gnu q-l, ‘lMtkt‘d “1101!, Scmlches, Cuukcr, Thrush. nml films; Ilso,ul')lcgrims,Vertigo. I‘ll-ilolmy,§lng gen, and other diseases oi the Foot, Legs. nml llcml. THE IIURSI-Z .\ND lllS DISEASES Will Tell You Of the cnutct, :Iymlulmns. nnd Trenllncnl of l-‘iiluh. Pull HnHilnnnlL-rs, Fun-y, Scarlet Fen-r, Hume. Sum-il, Lockcnnw, Rllcumxuiml. Cramp, Gulls, Din-us" of the Eye and lh-art, su. &C., Ind huw to manage ('nstmtiou, Bio-ed ing. Trcphinning, Rnwrling, Firing, Hernia. Amputation, Tnppiug, nnd other unwind nperltiuns. TEE HORSB AND ”XS DISEASES w,u Te" You at Rnn‘y‘s Method ur uming g ' ‘ Hones; how to Approuch, Muller. or , Suilale R Coll; how to ncvuuum n horse to umnge sound: and sights, nnd how 1 m Bit, Saddle, Ilidr. and Break him to : Harm-u; also, the low} lull law of ' \Vqlgpx'n'. The wholc being the result I of more llmn fifh-cu ycnrs' tnrrful stud) . oflhe habits. pet-ulmrihcs, wants and ‘ weakueuu uf thu noble and uselul nni'nnl. ‘ the bunk contain: 334 pages, appropriately IlludLruu-d by nearly Um: Hundred Eugrmings. It In prinm‘l in A clear nnnl open type, and Will be furuar-lcd to any nddro‘a. pniLlgv Infill, nn receipt of price, hull bound, sl,uu, or, in cloth, extra. $1.13. SLOOO A YEAR can he made by enter prising men everywhere. in Rolling the nlzovc. and other populnr works of ouri. Hurindqcc nu-nu to all such are exceedingly llhl‘l‘fll. For single copin of the Book'ur fur u-rmMo nut-Ms, with other informatinn, apply to or ad dress JOHN 13.. POTTER. Puhlifiher. NO. N 7 Snusom SL, Philndclphin, P- Nov. 26, 1800. 6m The People’s Cook Book. , ()DERN CUOKERY l.\' A”. ITS RI llß.\\'CHi-‘.S.——l¥_v Miss Emu ACTON.— (‘urclully Revised by Mrs. S. J. Hula. It Tells You How to chouse all kinds 0! Menu, Poultry, Ind Game, with all the ruriuus Ind most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef nnd l‘ork; nlsu the best and simplest wuy ufunlliugpickiiug and curing thc same. It Tell IYou All the variouq and mull! approved modes ofdrcuing, cooking, n .1! honing Hutton. Lamb, Veal, Poultry. And ”nine of 11l kinds. with the different Dressings, Gravics, sud Stuffing: Appropriate to etch. It Tell: You How to iboose, clean, and pre serve Pub of II kinds, and how to Iweeten i‘ when minted; nquull the u riuui and most Ipprored modes ofcook ing, with the difl'ereut Dressibgs, Squat-i, 3nd Fhvoriugi appropriate to each. ll Tenn You All the vurious mad man approv ed modes of preparinfi‘over fifty ditfereut kinda of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game. And Vegetable Soups, Brolha, and Stan, with the Relilhel and Seasoning! upprm pflnlc to etch. It Tell: You All the "dons nml most Approved model of cookin Vegetable: of e'very description, the got to prepare Pickles, Clamps end Curries of I" kinds. Potted -‘ Menu, Fish, Gene, Nunhrooml, he. It Tell: You All the various and most approved modes ofyrepariug end cooking ell kind: _ of Pluln Ind Fancy Pucry, hugging; ()melonu, Fri tun, Cakes ,Confectione'ry, Panel-res, Jellies, and Sweet .Dilh“ of every deacriplion. h Tell! You Ali the various and most Ipprov ed model of making Bread, Ruth, Muf fins, 3nd Biscuit, the best. method ofpre plring Coffee, Chocointe, and Ten, sad how 1.0 nuke Syrups, Cordills, 3nd Wines of "don; kinds. B Tell: You How to let out and ornnmcn: s Tnble, how «1 Curve I“ kind: of Fish, Huh or Fowl, Ind in Ihort, how to so lilnplify the whole An of Cooking u to bring an choicest iuxnriu of the table within everybady's reach. Tho book contains 418 pages, And upward: of twelve hunted Recipes, I“ of which are the remit: of nctul experience, having been fully Ind awfully tested under the personal super intendence of the writers. In: printed in I. ole-r and open tyge, la illustnted with nppro prine mgr-wings, Ind will be forwarded to In] address, neatly bound. and poouge'puid. on gleam of the price, $l.OO, or in cloth, enrn, .25. 31.000 A m can be mule by enter pnung meg everywhere, in "Hing the above E 31,?“ maucemeuu to All luch being very en . For tingle copies of the Book, or for term! to tgenu, with other information. IPPU ‘9 0' tddreu JOHN E. POTTER. Publinbct No. 61'! Suuon 81., Philadelphia Pt. sov. 26, 1860. 8a: OYes! 0 Yes! HE Indenigned'ohn hi: nrviceu to the public I: In Auctioneer Ind Sale Crier, In soliciu I lime of pmonnge Iron: hi ftiendl. Chat" model-no. Residence in High "net, aw tho Jnil. ISAAC LIGHTNEB. ‘ Getmbnrc, Oct. 29,1860. Merchants’ Hotel, 4 xonm rowan: smmm PHILADELPHIA. mm a: Son, Proprietors, Apt“ 2, mo. m Trauma—David .\i'Cre-ry. Human Cola-inhuman MoCurdy, Jacob King. Andrew iieinizcimnn. . Managers—George Swope, D. A. 30010th cob King, A. Heinizoimun, 11. M'Curdy, Thou. A. Marshall, 8. Fahneuock, Wm. B. HcCiei‘im. Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichelbergn. Abdiei tum, John Woirord, ii. A.4Picking, .\bel'l‘. Wri ht. John Homer, [L G. SicCrenry,fl. R. Ruuelfi D“; gore-q, Andrew Policy, John Picking, J. 3.: enh. ‘* fi'l'his Company in [mind in in open. iioul to the county of Adams. I! in ban in ‘ Incceufui opention for more it» It! yum, ‘ Ind in am. period hu paid nil ionu all u i pennant-about any aunmxmt, having nilo him. uurplnl cupiuii in ‘in Treiuury. The Con. ’ puny milky no Agents—lii buuineu being done by i. o manger-,who are nununil cieci. ‘ed by the Stockholders. Any MNOI Jam... u Insurance can lpply to my o! the amber. ‘ mined Image" for further inform-don. ‘ fi-Tho Executive Commute. moan n ‘5. office of the Oompny on tin iut Wedneldn’ ‘ in every month. at 1, P. l. ‘ Sept. 27, 1858. . Something New N GE‘l'l'l'Slil'RG.—The under-slum! informs I the citizens of tho town and county. that ho hug commenced the BAKING hullneu, on | large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite “'lttlfl'a Hotel, where he will Hy to deserve, and hopes to receive, 3 llhernl patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, km, #9.. baked every day, 581m dnys excepted.) all of the heat qunllty, in lold At the lowan living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely carried on. and order: to any Imount, from thin and adjoining coun ties, lupplied st the Ihortut notice. lluting erected a huge and Commodloun bnke-houu and recured the heat workman end the mont up proved machinery, he is prepared to do 3 heavy bulinesd. VALENTINE SAUPEE July ‘25, 1859 Removal. EW SALOQN.—GE.O. F. EI‘RENRODR hu’ N removed his Oyster establishment to tho splendid new Saloon in Jacobs & Bro'l. Bulld ing, on the .\‘urlli side of Chnnflieraburg _ureotL where he will n' all times be prepared to nerve up the beat of UYS'l‘l-lllS, in every Ilyle. By keeping a. good article, he expect: to receive a liberal slmro of public pmronnge. TURTLE Sul'l', CHICKEN, BEEF TONGI'E. l'lll'rl Fill-2T. Tllll’H. BUILED nuil FRIEI) EGGSJCB‘. (‘lll'LUL lxllllia, km, in tliéir lensun. A nice. glass of ALE ur LAHER can always bu hail,— Come mnl try me. O. F. ECKHXRUUE. April 'l, 1860. Groceries, Notlons, &c. ”E nndl‘rnignnl has opened a Gnu-cry nnd T Nulion Store. in Baltimore sin-rt. nearly oppugiu- the (‘ourl llousc, Gettyulmrg. when the: public will rmutnntly finnl,scl|ing cheap as the cheapest. SUP-.\RS, S} rupl, Molnurs, l‘uf. fccA.Tens, Rice. Chechpicu of all kinda, )lnckcrcl, ('hocolfllc, Brooms and Brunhu; Fresh lluurr and Eggs, Ground (‘oll're, Bun-one. ofL‘ance, Scotch Herring. “Mullen, Soul". Suit; Tobacco, Sega", Snuff; Uunfertlom, I” kin-In of Sun, Danger, Lemons, EAL-inn, Broad, (‘rnch-rs, (‘ukcs of difl'erent kinda; Shoo Ind Stove Polish: Funcy Goods, MuslimJlinghnml, Cotton Hats, Wadrling. llmiery. llandkervlnrl’l, Sn‘pemlcra. Pins. Ncculln. l'lothel l‘inl, But toni. with Notion: nflll kinds. A share ol'lllo public] patrunngo is rcqu-anlly luliriled. LYDIA C. SURBFA'K. Nov. 19, man. If The Only Discovery ORTIIY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FUR 8‘ RESTOIHNG THE BALD AND (HM Y. —.\l:|n_v, since the grunt diuovery of Prof. Wo9l], have attempted not only to ilnnnle hie rcuomtiva. but prufcsl to have din'ovcn-d noxnclhing tlmt would produce "lulu identicnl; but they have all mum and gone. being rurriul away In; the wonderful results of Prof. Wood's preparation. and have been forced to lure the field (u it: rcSlullUS~ away. Read the follewing: Buth. \lniue. A trii 18th, "5-9. ‘ Prof. 0. J. Wood k. (30.: (lients. :—-Tho iot ; teri wrote._\ou in H 56 concerning your vniul hie Hair lit‘lfurnii‘ e. and n hich ynu huve pub- Ilishcd in this vicinity and eieew'here, itll giten rise to numerous enquiries touching the I'm-u ,in the case. The enquiries are, first. is it a fuel iof my habitation nuv! name. its stated in the icommnnicntion; int-fond, in it true of nilthereiu contained: third. does my hair ptili continue to ybe in good order and of nntnrui colt r? Tunli . i can and do aunt-er int‘nrinhly you. ll) hnir ‘in even better than in any ntngc of my life for 40 years put. more euft, thrifty. and better . colored : the some is true of my whiukere. and i the only Glu'!‘ why it is not generally true. in ' mt the znhstunre is washed off by frequent ‘ nhiutinn of the flute. when if cure were need i y wiping the face in cioee connection with the I«Milken. the some result will follow nl the hair. I hm’e been, in the receipt of A great Innlnircrofietters f;om nil port- ofSI-w i'anhund, ' asking me if my hair still continue: to be good; in! there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of Vuriouc compounds as It" as thin, it has. no doubt lit-en hugely nnitnted and been need. not only without any gmui efl’ect, hut4o nhmlute injury. i how: not need any of your .Reetnrntit‘e of any nrcount for rome months, inud yet my hair is as good he ever. end hun dn-da hnre exumincd it with eurprise. an I am ‘now 61 yeure old and not It gray blur in my rheud or on my fnce :‘ and to prove thin tact, i semi you a lock of m; finir token of} the past week. i received your favor of two qunrt hot tiee hut summer, for which i In! Yery'gwteful: ligave it to my friend: and thereby induced them to try it, many were skeptical until .lfter ’trini, and then purchucd and need it with uni i renal success. 1 will net: in furor, that you send me it test by which i can dilcover fund ‘ in the Reetorntit'e, laid by mnny, I fear, with: font nuthority from you. A pure article will 1 insure aucceu, end I heliev where good elects . do not follow, the fniinre is caused by the im pure article, which curre- the intentor of the ‘ good. I deem it. my duty as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued elect on my i hnir, a: l ueure 111 who enquire of In. of my } unlhnken opinion ofite nluebie rel-alts. i re nnin, deer sir, yours, A. C. RAYMOND. i Jamal Run, Ky., For. 30, 1858. . Prof. O. J. Wood : Deer Sin—i would eer tniniy be doing you n gmt' injustice notto nuke known to the world, the wonderful, u well u the unexpected reenlt ihere experienced from using one bottle of your Heir Beetorntive. After using every kind of Reltorntivee extent,- but without enceeu, Ind finding my head i neariy dentitute of heir, l wu finally induced ito try n bottle of your “air Reutorntire. Now, condor and justice compel me to Innonnce to lwhoever may rend thin, that i now pone“ it new end beautiful growth of hair, which i i pronounce richer and hnndsomer than the origi lml was. i will therefore uke oceuion to re‘ :commend this inraluebie remedy to ALL who I mly iecl the ncccuity of it. Respectfully yours, REV. S. ALLEN BEOCK. P. S.—Tbis testimoninl of my lpprobllion forymr rnlnnble medicine (a- you m true of) in unsolicited z—bln. if you mink it worthy a plnce among the rest, insert if you wish ; if not. destroy and any nothing. Yonn, la, REV. 8. A. B. The Restonlin il pal up imbomu of three lites, viz: large, medium, and 313111; menu.“ holds } n pin, and retail: N)! on. dollu per battle; the medium hold. n lent twenty per cent. more in proportion)?!“ tho Moll, null! for two dollars per boule; the my hold! I quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, nut! to mill {or $3. 0. J. WOOD & 00., Proprielou, 444 Broad it}, New York, and 114 Intel Strut, s'. Look, 30. _ 9nd «:Ith ull good Dwain. ad Put, em, Dealt". [Dec. 17, 1880. an John W. ‘llpr ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-mt cor ? nor of m Dina and, (nut door m In lellnn'l Hatch) Gettysburg. PL, when he an :t :11 times be found ready to and to 11l bulinou in hi: line. He bu silo "can.“ u. slush“ sud will gum “ti-(Action. leo him 3 all. [OO6. 3, 1800. LXXEES Ind other: will hi I ood Ii- Woman! of Ribbon, Flore”, $11.3", c cl, bu,“ flu allegiance! ‘ ‘ ' A. 5601'?! 60!. FE U