The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 18, 1861, Image 3
?hi abriteir of own Wu. _h I tuning“ the America: peopie :1; 111'! “fl. they Ihould road the history of mm nvolntionraug contemplate its hon-bl. make. The extentto which blood ‘ wu‘abod during its continuance will hard-i Iy be audited by the present age, but ix in: cormtly mad that the number of victims: refilled one million. twenty-two thousand, thmhundred and fiflyone. Of this num-t badghnen thousand six hundred and three‘ was gnillotined by the order of the Remy‘ him Manda; thirty-two thmmnd: 7&0 victims under Carrier nt Nantes; thirv ty-ho Maud M, Lyons; three thousandf four hundred women died of prematute u child-birth: three hundred and forty-eight , in child-birth from grief; and there were' slain, during the war in La Vendee, nine: hundred thousand men, fifteen thousand‘ women, and twenty-two thousand children! In this emjmention are. not comprehended; the massacre: st Versailles; at. the Abbey,‘ Ihe Cannes and other prisons, on the 2nd ofl September ; the victixm shot at Tonion nndi lhneilles; or the pen-mus slain in the Littlet town of Bedoin, of which the whole popu lation perished. 77! for Tal.——Groeley laid out Soward at Chicago, Qnd Seward lays out. Greeley at Al. bnny. The last blow was severe. It was Greeley's last chance. for his ty will be swept from power forever in tmrnext clec‘ tion.—-N. Y. Dag/(bola WING WORKS, Jul? mun non 'rul lexora rculsnuo lOUII AID OIXGXIAL GI" lOOK IITABLXIIIIKT 0' 030. G. EVANS, 439 Chumut IL, Phil-6': “Libertffibdlffnion, now And forever, onelnd lnsep-anel’L-“Onc Country, One Conni tudon, One Destiny X” 'l'“ UNION TEXT .00“! A van Dunn-D u ml Tllll, Conflinlng Selection. from the writinys o! the: unflinching Itnleunan end true patriot,‘ DANIEL WEBSTER. I Also, an Declmuon of Independence; ehe’ Constitution of the United States; and Wash-' ingtnn'l Firewall Address; with copious Im. dens. i For the higher clones of Rdncntionnl antl- | lotions and for home reading. Large 12 11:0,, I with a. handful steel portnit of Webster.—. Price 81 00, Accompanied with n handsome gift, worth from 50 cents to $lOO. ‘ “Tu Unon 'l'u'r Boot" in a. volume of powerful lntereet {or the present times. It: luhjeet, It: "than, it: style, Accuracy and fullnou entitle it to universal ncreptunte ! Every former should e it! Every merchant should here it! Eve echnnic should have it! Ever buyer, ph icien, politician end patriot oionld here it! In fact, everybody, whether memwomn or child-whether of the north, eonth, out or west, should send for A copy of thin—one of the most needed and ac cepteblebooh ever submitted to the notice of the Amerleen public. “The pmentntion of the “Constitutional Text Book" to the people of the Uuit'd States, certainly need; no apology, for it cont-ins the fundamental low of Our Country. with on in trogncgon leleeted from the writings of him whhpjutly been termed the “expounder end (dander of the Constitution." In melting the selection: from the writing: of Mr. Web. nter. m are he: been taken to select nneh pert: oi my be couidered .\‘otionel, end which will tend to strengthen the opinion: a! the old, lid to by!“ the young with e. lore of coun try,o yountlon toe the Constitution, n relpect for the motor, enhe greet end 5. od men who {on-dd, our republic, and who have passed own], ‘1 fervent nttechlnent to the Union, to liberty, to pence, to order nnd to lnl‘, nnd will also tend; lessons of wisdom, of mornllty, end of religion. Ale clue book, this Volume is moot vnlneble, And when used es such, the in xtmetor I'll] readily find in the indexes dug geetiotu for ell the questions necessary to be asked, end the eastern o! the students should nlwnyn be in the exact words of the text. Ad dreu All orders to GEO. G. EVANS, Publ'uhu, 439 Che-um 3L, Philadelphia. ALSO. 30' lIADY, I'.- ..”NCI Ollie REVOLUTION. A fol-m am will thrill me ml of every true 101 ‘0! liberty! Being n. hietury of the persona edventnree, romantic incidents, end exflplte incidental to the War of Independence. Semi: illutnted. Large 12mo. Price SL, :5, neeeupenied with e beautiful Gm, woethJ‘roli 30 cents to 8100. the Finance of the Revolution," is e work tint-drank! be found It the fire-side of every Aurieul Freemenl it in peculiarly Accepte ble at the preient juncture in our Nntionnl ef fnire, portraying u it does the remarkehle he roine, the noble inpulsee, end the wisdom end sterling integrity of the immortal Wuhington end his pllnnt compatriots, while struggling for the Ichievement of our Notional Indepen dena, in thou ” time! that tried men'e souls" ‘c-the'deye of ’76. A copy of either of the ehore mentioned worke. together with e. hendiome pmfnt, ranging invelue from 50 cent: to $lO9, will be sent to uy person in the United Staten who will legit no the price, end 21 cenu edditionel. {or pectin. Beer in mind that to every pur chuer on book to the unouat of SI 00 or more, we give 3 choice gin, selected 'i'rom an extensive end varied ”mutant of Gold end Silver Watches, Silver Plated Were, Jewelry, Silk Dress Pntterns, tc., of the newest styles end beet menufnctnre—worth not less then 50 cente, end possibly $100! AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE—Send {or 3 complete and classified Catalogue, of our own uni other's publications, which will be mailed to you free ol'expeuse, makeyour lelec fionl, und be convinced that the runs! liberal, relinhle, And enterprising Establishment m the «funny to buy books is M the origind and papal-x gift book emporium of . GEORGE G. EVANS, 439 Chestnut. street. l’hilmlclphin. mm MARKET‘. , mmYSßUßG—Sncunu LAST. Bayonne F10un.........................4 50 to 4 75 By. Flour“ 3 12 Whit. Wheat.-.l 12 to 1 20 80d,Wheu................................1 as to 1 lo Cm-....'................. . 45 8ye......................_.................. 6: om.-..... 27 8uckvheu..............._”mm..." 4,5 Cloanood .................~.......... 4 25 to ¢ 50 ‘fl-o‘hy 5eed...........................1 75 to 2 00 Flu 800 d.--“ 1 15 Phat of Pain......................... 6 50 Hum (round, per bag............. 1 00 P“-...... 6 00 to 6 50 BALTIMOBLFunu but. 5 12 to 5 25 ................ Whoa ...-.." 8ye....... .. Clam 80¢d................ Timothy 5eed............ MONO, per hund.-......... Bop, per hund...,£.... E1y......,..................“ Whiskey "..-... .......... Guano, Peruvhn. per t 0:......... KUOYBB—hmmv u" may“ tuna..." ........... 4 'l5 no. to; mm..............,..... a so mmgw-.....-.................. 1 17 to! 20 ‘ ‘ ’ so ‘8 27 4 50 1 75 8 50 gown...- nun-n nun-«u... "_....-“ ......... .. ...... Scum"..- ...“... ........ 80.4......................... memfimnouuuoouooc z». Turnpike Election. Whom.“ In flu York Ind Geup. -' {in-g 'l‘ulpiko Bold Complny are hereby W mun Election for Presidtnt, Mu at! Winter, to conduct the shin of Couragwm be held in the Banking-house a zinc, in the borough of York, M, a. 130. dayof lard m, be ffluhom on And 3 o'clock,P. X. r 7.. m 3 SXYSEB, 88". Jéfii,‘ 1m; :4 - RELIEF [.‘" TEN MISL'TES.—BRYAN'S PCLMUN {C- WAFER.) [—l he Urxguml NedlClne Pf:llblllbcdifllB&7,lnd rim nrude of can kind m'er introdured under the name u! " PU IDS-1C “inns," 1n um or any other country, A“ other Pulmomc Wafer: are coumerfuu. The genuine (‘nn be knouu by the nnme ÜBYAN being stamped on cut: WAFER. Ecneve Gouglu,owdn.aurc Thom, Houncneu , Br) tn'l Pulmumc ancro ‘ Behave Asthma, Bronch'uu. D|fbcull Brelthing A [Srynn'l Puhuumc Water; Reliev- Spimng of Blood, Puma in the Chen. Bryln‘l l'ulmouxc Wafer: Relieve incipient Consumplmu. Lung Diuuu. Bryan s Pulmonw “ men: Relieve Irriution of the Em]: and Tamil: Brynn'l Pnlmomc “’nfeu Relieve the nbove Compluuu in Ten Minute: Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer. . Are A Blessing to all 011819! Ind Constitution- Brynnn'a Pulponic ancrl Are ndnpled for Youlisu .nd Public Spnkm Bryln‘a Pulmonic Wafer] Arch: 1; imple form nml plcunn‘. to the take No:onlyrellcre.butelfucbnpidnndlntinngl Brynn'l l’ulmouic Wife“ \ro wurnlmed to give ntid‘ucfiol to every one No funily Ihould be without I box of Brynn] l’ulmonic Wafcn in [he houu. No trunk! lbould be without I supply of Bryn I l’ulmonic Wufnrl in bi; pacch - No person will ever object to give for Brynn'l Pulmonic warm Twenty-five Cents JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. Juno ls, 1860. lyeov THE OXV’OENATBD ENTERS—Nature.“ her greet label-nary, bu stored lome remedy ednpted to every dileue which “tleeh is heir to." But it require! the investigation and re leerch of the philosopher to discover and npply the remedy. Such reuerch Ind lnrcatigntiun he: succeeded in discovering e remedy for that most enllctire dlupe lion. the In'gfipaul With I“ in lesser tad onerous erill; and it may be "My asserted that until the Ippeereoce of the Oxygen-ted Bitters n cnée of Dylpeptle cured we: e rare experience in medical prac t'goe. Now umkr the Influence of these Button th’e rule in to cure, the nee exccpuon, failure to cure. FROM THE LADY OF JOHN JONES. ESQ, Well known end much rupeeted in the mother; pen, of New Jersey. Eunul, X. J., Jun. 17, 1860. Menu. S. W. For»! t 00., Sirez—l bnve taken more nrleu of the 0:;- gennted Hitler: for the but three years. Ind lune been much benefited by their use. Iheve been much troubled with Dyspepsia for many years past, emf found nothing that ed‘urded me any relief anti 1 sued the Bitten. I do most chem-(ally recommend their use to 11l who are 3811 ch old: that complaint. Yours, in. I have used the nygcnnted Bitters in my puctice with decided eucceu in debilit‘y Ind gencml prosxntian. kc, and confidentiul 3 n:- commend it in general debility and diseases of Ihr due-Min orgnns. P. I]. WHITE. )1. D. Lrj‘l’n‘pared by SETH W. l-‘UWLE A CU.. Human, nud {or sale by A. D. Buchler, Getty:- burg; E. Bin-shew, York Springs; Wm. Wolf, 3.1;: Berlin; Solomon 'Jhronislcr. Hampton; lamb Fulwciler, .\lummuburg; l). E. Hullmgcr. .\hbollstown; 11. Sumter, New Oxford; John Hill", Littleatown; and by dealer: everywhere. Feb. 4,1861. 4w TO COSSCMPTIVES —-The Advertiser, hu ing been restored to bum: in I am week: by l very uimple remedy, that hnving mfl’ered neural yelrl with severe lung nlecdun. and {but drud disuse, Uonsuinption—is union to make kuul’u to his fellow-Infereu the means ofcurc. To all who desire 11, be will [end A copy of the prencrirlion used. (free of charge,) with the dirrrlions or preparing run! using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consump tion, Adhmu, Bronchitis, Bc. The only object of the advcnlscr in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and sprcnd information which be conceived to be invaluable. and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it Will cost them nothing, nnd may prove I: bles 3mg. Parties wishing the prescription uill please lddl’las REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. “‘illinuuburg, Kings county, Oct. 22,1860. 1] .\‘ew York. 3‘81““): & Busunn‘n Store in well wor thy a \ isltjnst at th'u time. “‘t- dmfbt whether, even in our lurgest cities, so fine A dieplny of Stores cnn be found. Their lnrge room in full of Stores of every pattern: also. every va riety of Hollow Wnre, Sheet-iron Ware, Tin Ware, Planished Wm, Japan \Vure—embrnc lug. ind-'ed, everything in the house furnishing line. Also, Sana” Cutters, SJnsnge Stufl'en, Lard Prensa, he" tc. The: are prepnre-l to sell wholemle Ind rcuil, Tin Wu: And Sheet iron Ware. of their own manufacture—keeping n uufliclent number of hands to supply my de mand. Their assortment of Lumber 'u very large; also Coal of every kind. F PERSOXAL Pnommn'iic'rhe sub -0 scribcrl. Huculora of Jonx I|”.er de fined. “ll lell at Public Sale, at the lnte rosi denee of said deceucd, in Reading township, Adnme county, 1 mile out of Hampton, on “today, (lie l2lh day of Hard ml, the foil in: vnluable Personal Property, rix: 4 111-LS 01-‘ HORSES, 2 Colts, 9 Milch Cows, Young Cut tle, 1 Brood Sow end 3 Shootn, Sheep, flflfond trend Four-hone Wagons, (one of Movith hed, ban nnd cover.) the Wood-work of n Brood-tread Four-hone Wagon, (well season ed,) 1 Sorrow-trend Two-horde Wagon, 1 Rocker-y Bum. the hllfilllcl’cfl in n Tin-uh ing Machine, the hllfintereat in 3 Corn Shel- Icr and; Grniu Drill, Horne Goon, Ploughs. Hun-own, Iluy Ladderl, Lime Bed, Winnowing )lill, Cutting Box, Double and Single Shovel Ploughs, Double Ind Single-Trees, Spreaders, 4 Log Chaim, md other Chaim, Hnlten md Cow Chains, Forks, Baku, Shovels, Picks, Muttocka, Crow Bar. Grindatnne, \Vheclburov, Grain Cradle, Blowing Scythes,nnd other funn iug articles. Aldo, Household and Kitchen Furniture, viz: Beds and Bedstends, Tnblea, Finns, Rocking Chair. Stands. Cooking Stove, Clock, Looking Glass, Chests, Cnbbage Cutter, Tin-ware, Borreis. Benches. Apple Butter nod Dried Fruit, Bacon nnd Lard, and n vuriety of other nrticlea, too numerous to mention. E‘Sanle to commence nl9 o'clOck, A. H.,on said day, when attendance will be given lad team made known by -‘ ADAM MILLER, SOLOMON MILLER, ADAM C. KILLER, W. T. quuxs, Auctioneer. Evasion. , Feb. 18,1861. m N Friday, (A: 8!}: day of Hard W, the O subscriber, intending to quit forming, mll sell a Public Sale, at his residcnce, in Franklin township, Adnms county, within 1 mile of New Bolem, (MUHLV'IJ the following uln nblc Personal Property, \‘i2: 4 HEAD OF GOOD WORK HORSES. 1 One-year old Colll 8 Milcb Cows. (one oflhcm fresh) Young Cot tle, Hogs. Sheep,l Four-horse Narrow-trend Wagon, the Wood-work of o Four-bone Three inch tread Wagon, (Well scanned.) new Win nuving Mill, Plough: Ind. Burrows, Single And Double Shovel Plonglu, Corn Coverer, Sleigh Lad Sled. Cutting Box. Ely Curinge, Hone Bake, Slnglo And Donblco’l‘ron, Four-hone Spruder, Horse Gears, of All descriptions; Fork. nnd Rnkcl. Cow Chaim, Log Chain, Feed Trough, [ilk Trough, and n ruin, of other midu, ‘OO humorous to mention. #Ble to commence u 9 o‘clock, A. I. on mid (by, when utendmco will be given mid term: made known by WILLIAM TOOT. Feb. 18,1861. u 2 13:01 60 ....... 65 to 70 ....-. Hto Go 2&40 33 ....... 4 7!- to 5 00 . .14.. 2 25 to 2 75 550(0800 . 7 25 lo 'I 75 ..13 00mm 00 17 to 18 62 00 Henry Hughes, ADDLE AND HARNESS “KER, Olms- S lUIG, PA., hu‘ing jun returned from s whit. to the Grut Sauna, 11 now lupplicd with 3 large umnmeut of Ssddlu, Hunt", Trunks, V 3115”, to. G!" me u call. Aug. 13, 1860. I wm Exchange, ‘3 Nr-uruss‘ohoioo M In low: or Imam-mot RedwohAdnueomy-u ' “1.11.1861. « 630. mow. 519001.]. Notice-- Brut: s Pulmouic aneu Bryan’s I’ulmuuiu Wafer: DEBORAH JONES FROM DR. WHITE. luarlnn, Two; co.. Pan, Aug. 26, '5B Large Sale Public Sale. m : XHERH‘ANCE T.\X;—Pnbliabod by “m |I Communion" of Adlmn county in com— pliance win: the Act 0! AuenMy. The Account of ZAcuAlun “VII“ 3541., Regnzer «Adam; county. shut. the following amount ofCanmM Inhentnncc Tu, received for the year Imgxnnmg Dec. 1“, 1559, Ind 'cnding Dl‘c. 151,13“): ‘ I Received from Lhe persons] Bepmnufifu .0! the hunting docodcnh, \xz . 'PoHy Bilhop, 317,77} llnrgiret Boyer, -’ 450 ' ancn Wnlaun. pnrthl, 40 M hum: Riddlrmoaeg, I! 50 pI-Lildn Sunlnn, yank], 2 69 Poily Minty, ~ 11 37} f ancen Wilson, 3 87 5 Amy Devan, I! 50 'muxa. scnnuu, paid, as 00 John Orr, ’0 00 . George lycn, )9 00 John Weibh, Chuloue Johnston, Christi-n Shnlly, ' 67 86 Eliuheth Link. 'l5 06 Inna. Scutlunhlfhl, 1 a: Pele: 7:l“an full, 46 u ‘l'th 3m 11 Reginter‘l 5 per cent. ha collation, 23 08 finial“, Tho «may, Appointed by the Coon 1. audit the public “immunities thu the show i: eon-act. J. C. SEBLY, Adder. Feb. m. 1861. u Election. mvsnum GAS COMPANY—The An nnd Meeting of the Stockholder. of the Gettysburg Gu Company, {or the puniou of electing A President M 811 Hunger: of aid Conway. to nerve lor the culling yen, wil; be held on Huntley. (A: «I. day «1/th ml, between the hours of 1 sad 4 o’clock, P. 1.0! uh! dny, at leCounghy's Hall. In the Borough of Get tysburg. 11. JACOBS, Prudent. D. McConrn", Smrdary. Feb. 18,1861. m Assignee’s Notice. HR nudenigned, buying been appointed Auignee, under I deed of trnu {or the benefit of creditors, of JACOI BA|YLOI Ind Lynn, his wife, of Union town-hip, Adams county, notice is hereby given to 11l peruonl knowing themseh’u indebted to mid Assignors to make immedintc rayment to the undersign ed, residing in the ume township, Ind those having claim. ngdnst the lame to present them properly Authenuc-ted for settlement. LEVI D. MUS, Antigua. Feb. 18,186]. (it. Removal. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORES—The luhncriber bu removed hi. Wholesale and Rem“ Liquor Store from Railroad street to York street... opponite the Bank. where he will keep eouluntly ou Imnd A full Inpply of FOREIGN AND DUNESTIC Ll- QL'ORS, consisting of llrnndy, Wlillkey, Hol land Gin, Wine, and All other kindl of Liquon, which he will sell It the lowest ram. Give him a enll. G. W. BOWEN. bellysburg, Feb. 18, 1861. a Public Sale. HE luhscnhcn will so)! at Puh‘ic Sale, on I Walnmlay. Maui/It ofXarrh war, at their resi ence, in Slmbun :uwnship, Adams calmly, 1} miles from New Chapter, Ihe following Personal Property, fix: 2 COWS, b bend of Young Cattle, Sleigh. lloru Gun, Coll-ml. Bridles, Urindslone, .\hovel Plough, tc. Beds Ind Bedding. Corner L‘upbourd, 1 Blown, and other uticlu. too numerous to mention. fits-k to commence n: 1 o‘clock, P. l, on said day, when nnendnnce will be given Md urnu nude known by CHRISTIAN MILLER, GEORGE E“ MILLER. A. Lulu. Auctioneer. Feb. 11,1861. 3: 8100.000 Guarantee. UCK WHITE LEAD AND B WASHINGTON zlxc B L'r TIIE 1:537. m'cx LEAD, 100 pounds will cover A: much aurfnee u 120 pounds of other White Lend. BUCK LEM), Painting done with pure Buck Lead in twice“ crumble .u other head: BUCK LEAD, In whiter and more hrillinnl nun any other - knotn White Lend. BUCK LEAD, Is luperior to the fines! Englhh White Ludfor tonne" And beauty. BUCK LEAD, Every Body Should Buy Buck Lead WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINC, ll superior to Any other Zinc in the world for extreme whiteness Ind brilliancy. WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINC. In unrivalled for body or covering property, 50 pounds will do u much panting :1 ”pounds of other Zinc. WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINC, Bu no equal for dunbilily, it wan twice u long an other Zinc Pnint. FRENCH, RICHARDS & 00., Mnnnfutnnn, Tun-u AX!) Shun STIIITI, Pmunlunu. vi‘or me by DANXER k ZIEGLER, Get ty: urg, Pl. [Dec. 10, 1860. am H. G. Carr ASjust received: very fine assorfment of H (‘l'Rß.\.\’TS, FIGS. FLUSH? & PRUNI‘ZS. Also a splendid article LEGHORN CITRUS— I" ol which are used for baking purpoul, kc. Just call nnd exlmine ‘hem. Don't furgct the place, right. opposite the Bnnk, in York ureet. Taxes for 1859. TATE Ind County ’l‘nu for 1859 onuund in; in the Ebrongh of Getty-burg, mun be paid without delay, u the Collector in con pelled to some up bl. Dupllulo. I'pon Inch u are not paid by the lat 01 Much nut, mu will be brought. EMAKURL zmemm, cm. Feb. 11,1861. Notice. AIUBL PAHXESTOOK'S ESTATE—Let ter: testamentlry on the eetm of Samuel F-hnenlock, lute of Getty-burg, Adam county, deceued, hn'ing been stunted to the under ligned, residing in the tune plnc‘e, they hereby give notice to .11 person indebted to aid unto to mete immediate peynent, end than having thine ageinet the tune to pre nent then properly “acetic-ted for nettle ment. JAMES F. FAHNESTOCK, HENRY J. FAHNESTCCK. EDWARD G. FAHNBSTOCK, Peb.t,lB6l. 6t 12mm. Notice. ELL-U! PANEBECKER‘S ESTATE.— W Later- unumenuty on the auto at Wnlliun Pnebecker, Inc.- of Union twp.,Adnms co., deceued, huing been granted to the under ligned, residing in the lame township. be hereby given no'ice :0 all persons indebted to said esuh lo mike immeditu Implant, and those having chums agninal the lame to prclcnt them properly uuthunlicnted for unlement. MICHAEL KITZXILLEB, Ez’r. Feb. 4,1861. 6: Notice. I. WISOTZKEY'S ESTATE—Letter: of SS ndministntion on the estate of Williun Wmotzkey, Into of Gettysburg, Adina coun ty, deceutd, having been gnnted to the undersigned, residing in the same place, be hereby give: notice to AU personl indebted to Mid estate to tank. immedinte payment, And those hnnng clninn Igninlt the ume to preunt them properly authenticated for neldement. ‘ DAVID ZIEGLBB, SK, Adm'r. Jun-17 as, 1361. 6'. ‘ Notice. AGDALKNA MONFORT‘S ESTATE.— Leucn of sdmlniunlion on the ante of n demhnfort, lue 01'8an twp., Adum coumy, deemed. huing been gamed to the undenlgned. residing in the nun: to'nlhip, he’hereby fire: notice to ell penonl lndebted to Nd ant: to nth inmedine paymeng Ind thou hlving claim! spin“ the nun ‘o presen: them properly nuthemicnud for settlemem. JOHN G. BRINKERHOFF, Adm’r. Feb. 4,1861. 6: Ayer's Cherry Pectoml. .\' Tlumlay, the 7“ do, of lard mt, th -0 lulucnber will tell at Pubhc 811 e, It bll residence. in Mouutplusant township, Adam: county, lmlfa mile north offi‘qunre Corner Pol: Unit ex and one uule from Seut’t’l Mill, the fol lowing \uluublc Personal Pruperty,vil: TWO WORK IIHRSI-IS‘. 2 splendid Calms: one-year old And 1 two yun,) 4 Cowl, (2 of em fresh.) 3 heavy Bully Young Cattle, l Brood-trend Three end Fonr’horse Wagon, Lime Bed Ind FeedTrongh, '.' Plough]. Harrow,Shorel Plough, Corn Park, Field Roller, Cultivator, Hey Lud den, 20 fee. louz. Forlu, Rakes. Shovels, ”ul ten, Butt And Brent Chaim, ('ow Chains, Log Claim. Stretchers. Single and Double-trees, Horne Gun. Jack Screw.Gmin Cradle, Clover leed Cradle; Beds Ind Bedstetds, Tables, Chlirl, Ten-plate Store and Pipe, lrou Kettle, Hut Veuels. Potatoes by the bushel, Empty Bunch, end many other Articlu, too numerous to mention. ’ #811: to commence M. 10 o'clock. A. l, on aid as], when “tend-nee will be given and term nude know: by PICS WILL. 1052 100 JAcoI Kw", A‘ucfionm Feb. 4, mu. m HR inburibet, intending to quit farming, will eell 1t Public Sela, on 10-day. Ma 1111 o/lmb m, “hie reddence in Hamilton ben township, Ari-Ins county, on the Cold Spring road, About 1} mile: north-out of Peir ficld, l mile {tom Eiker’e Bluhmith Shop,end } of. all. from the Cnhtown roul, the follow ing‘h-rtonel Property. vie: 2 had dim-nu WORK BUSES. (one of which is I new with (031,) l Two-feeding Colt, (blooded,) «I Nilch Cove. (freely) l Durhnm Bull, 5 held ofi'oun Cattle, Hop, (among whith in I brood ”'5 “one Genre, Brecchbandl, Cruppen, e let of Cerringe Harneu, Saddles, Bridlee, &C., l Three-hone W-gon, finite new,{‘l Spring Wagon, Hey Leaders. ‘tone Bed. 'innowiug 11111, Ploughe, "IX’I’OI'I, Shovel Ploughl. Cul tinhor, Corn Forks, Single end Double Trace, Grindetone, Crou-cut Sunbloue Rake, Forkl, Rakes, hm; Hey by the ton; :10: o! Buon; Cupboard], Ten-pinto Stove Ind Drum, with a "tier, 0! other nuclei, too numeroul to -enu'on. $438 83 85:11: to commence I! ll o'dock, A. IL, on said dny. when attendance will be given And terms made known by GEO. C. GRASS. Feb. 4, 1861. u ‘ L - Pubhc Sale. .\' Wake-Joy, (A: 204/. day cl PM next. the subscriber. Admluiutnmr of Pan." J. Gun, deemed, will tell at Public Snle, It the late residence of said deceuod, in Slnbnn township, Admin county. About one mile went 0! llunwntown. the following l’enoul Proper ty, fix: 3 HEADOP WORK HORSES, gm: 0! which in I Flmily Home.) l Yurling on, I FM. Steer, 1 good Four-hone Narrow-trend Wagon. l Nanny Reaper, l Threshing 111-chine, l Shin-mun (lurn Pluuter, Plough! Ind flu rmn, Single and Double Ehovel l'loughl, Corn Fork. Culliuton. Single Ind Double-tron, Horse (Sears. Saddle! and Bridles, 2 Lou nnd 1 Fifth Chain, Wood L-ddon, Grain lele‘; Hay by the Stuck or Ton,2 Scnpl of Ben, Cook Stove, Ten-plate and Parlor Stoves, lied Ind Bedding, Ind. nriety‘ of ollut uniclu, too numerous to mention. ”Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. 11., on mid day, when attendance till be given Ind terms nude knuwn by JOHN N. GIL\l-‘T,.4du'r. Fob. 4,1861. Ll Pub‘hc Sale. ‘3 Wednudny, (It: 61!: day of Man-h ml, the O lubscriber, intending to quit farming. will tell At Put-lie Sale, in L‘umberlnnd township, Adams county, nbout 2 miles from Gettylburg, the follnning \‘nlunble l’i-rsumtl Property, Via: 5 held of WORK HORSES, l Yearling CULT, 12 MlLCll COWS, 2 Durhnln Heifers, 1 DUB HAM BULL. I “envy Bull, ll head u! Young Cnltle, 2 Chester County 501". l Bur of the nine breed, 4 Brood Son, 1'! hem] of Show, 1 Brand nml l Narrow-trend Wagon, 4 lea of Wagon Uenrn, 1 Light Spring Wagon. with Hume". l Cnmnge, l lot of Curring’e Hornna, 1 New Jersey Reaper, Grain Drill, Corn Shellcr, Cutting Box, Revolving Horne Rake, Patent Hay Fork, Hay Bows.\\’Ynnuuring Mill. Ploughs. Burrows, Single Ind Double-Trees, Cultivators, Grindptone Cross-tut Saw, Forks. llnu, Sh )thn, Spud-ml pnianrLing Irons. Mattockl, Picks, Stone Drills. Slvdgos, Log Chain, Ladder '.‘o feet long. Mowing Siithu, Crow llnrs, Cheat of Tools. .’tc. .\lnp A large Ind elegnnt variety of ”nll.~‘('bfll'l and Kitchen Furniture: 1 SPRING-SEAT SOFA, 1 Spring Rocking Chain] Cnne do., 1 Marble-top Pier Table, Curd Tnble. Looking Glasses, llurennl. Red ueadn, Dining and lire-Hut Tables, 2 Setteel, Wuh Stands. Clothes Press, lngrnin and [kg Carpeting, lligh Corner Clock. Mnntle 8-dny do., n Double-blrreled Gun, 1 Single-burroled Gun, nnd n unet] ofother uticlu, too numer oua to mention. 33-B.]: to commence a: 10 o'clock, A. 31., on aid day; when “undue. will be given and lemu undo known y_ - , - , Feb. 11,1861. u N ritually, IL: 'llb day of Hank ml, the Inbncriber, inunding to quit fuming, will u l at Public Sole, n his residence. in Hummu burg, Adlm coumy, the following Ponond Properly, viz: 4 HEAD UFHORSES, (one u mare with (0:1,) 2 Tvrmyur old Cola, Cow: and Young ('ottlc, l Plantation Wagon, (three-inch mend.) Lime lled, Hay Cnrringr, Horse Gem, Grain Drill, (Pcnunck‘l Patent.) \Vinnowing Mill, Cutting Box, Plough» and Harrovn, Double 3nd Single Shovel Ploughl, Double ond Single Trecl, Spmdzn, Limo Sled, Gnin Cndle, Forks, Rik-CI, and P vnriety’ at other taming imple menu. .f. [emu To commence n: 10 o’clock, A. )1.. n said day, when nuendnnce will be given Ind urn“ nude known by ‘ _ _ A JACOB EICHOLTZ Jou Bun, Auctioneer. Feb. n,l-«.1. :- Personal Property T PUBLIC SALE—The undm‘lsed will sell It Puhllc Sole, an M 9, lat Jay 0} arch gal, nt his residence in Raleigh town, gtthe soul India from Oeuylhnrg to Hsnover, nhout 5 miles gain the former piece, the following Pemnsl Property: 3 GOOD HORSES, 4 good lllch Cows. some fresh, 1 fine Dnrhnm Bull, Young Cattle, 1 lot of Shouts, 1 Threshing Machine and Horse Power; Bees end Bee Hives, I Fodder Cutter, Hominy lschlne, l Four-horse Wagon, Stone Bed,Hny Ladders, l One-horse Wagon, Ploughn, Har rows, Horse Gun. kc. Also, In: by the ton, I lot. of Chestnut Rnils, Carriage Ind Harness, Household and Kitchen Furniture. lax, kc. S‘s-1e to commence at 9 o'clock, A. 31., on aid dny, when attendance will be given and terms mode known by JAMES SWUPE. Feb. 11,186). u- ARGAINS! BARGAINS l—Wo would call B 1h: nucntion of our customnrs nnd other: who Wish to buy cheap gooda,lhnt we are de tcrmined to close our our cntlrc slork oandies' Dress Goods, Shawls, ta, ta, M cost prices, for cash. Our stock comprises all the newnnd fashionable s'ylca, in Fremh \lcrinocs, (‘lloh meru, Delnincs, Printed 31 Winona. l’lnids. Ameline Cloths, Oriental Luslrcs, Wool De ltlnes, :1! colors, Lyoncu Cloth. 3cm. km. long Ind square Slinwls—closing out at greatly re duced prices. 8"“): Ladle: Ire respectfully invlted to cull Mid examine our stock and prices, I: we Are ntidfied that. wean pleue nsto qunllt] Ind price. A. SCOTT t SUN. Jul. 28, 1881. The Farmers’ & Mochamca’ AVINGS INSTITUTION 0F ADAMS CO. psyl inlet-cu It the mm: at 2,3, 4 nnd 6w cent. for money on deposit. 1.11.21, 1861. u Photography N ALL ITS BRANCHES. executed in the &belt uric known In the Irt. u C. G. m’s GALLERY, 532 Arch sum, gm of sum, Phil-dolphin. LIFE 8121! In on tnd Pate}, Stereoscopic Ponniu, Ambrocypel, Dl gucneotypu,tc.. for Gun, l‘eddlionl, Pint, Rings, kc. [Nam n, 1800. 1y 0 not forget to call u A. SCOTT t SON’S, D if you nut to buy chap Dre“ Goods : much u Oahu-lam, De Luna, Printed He. rinou, Cobung,tc.,oil of." and film}. ant”: ‘ ' Public Sale. Palle Sale. GEORGE W. ROSE Public Sale. Bargains ! Public Sale. I Receipts and Expenditures HE tum”, intending to quit firming,‘ F ADAMS COUNTY FUR 1860. T '1" sell at Public Sale, at their residence, Commissioners’ Office, Adamo co., Pl. in Mountjoy township, Adam: county. nboutl .\greeahly to an Act of Auembly, entitled 2 miles from Homer’s Hill, near the road lend— .-H An Act to misc County Rates end Lena," ing from the Two Taverns to Tune-_uuwn, on requiring the Commissioners 02 the relpective hunky, the 19th day of I'r'unmry um. the ful- , counties to publish it ltatemcnt or the Receipts lowing personal property. vix' ONE I’AIR end Expenditures yearly, Wmtlie Commiuion- RULES, 2 Dnnght Homer, 1 Three-year old , era of Tues of said wonty, report It: follows, Colt, l One-year old Coltl 5 bend of Con, to wit: from the “b day ostnunry, 1860, to (four of them fresh.) 6 head of Young Cattle, the Bth day of Jnnuuy,lBo‘l—both days in -7 had ofb‘luep. l Broad-trend anon. 1 Spring, tlullve: “"‘KOD, 1 Curinge. 1 M" BOCMW"! BMW}. WAYBBIGHT ZIEGLER, Esq.. Trcuurer, and Sleigh Ind Sleds. 2‘. Threshing .\lachiuci,\\'heut the Commissioners,in account with LbeOouu- Fun, 5 Plouglu, .1 llarruws, Cultivators, Shovel ‘3 of Adam: .5 50110.": > l’loughl, Hay Carriage, 6 sets offlornc (lent-3,1 ' DR , net of Carriage llnrness, Saddles and Bridles, . ‘ ’ Gnnn Crudlcc, Mowing Scythea, And a. variety, Tonf‘lthtlzeftlfx: 0! former Tamra-$lO.l 8% Mother {nrmipgimplemc-nu. Ouuuld‘ C "t' T .6Q 't ‘ ; H‘Sule to commence at l 0 o’clock, A. X.,‘ waiting-Juli} :xea‘un m “039 231 on Mud dny,when utundmce will be given and 0 lg 8:4" “4'o .O‘Sa’d'fw 1860: ‘ tcrnu mode known by Boron hof Gett sbur $1386 79 J. A. ORENDORFF t 330. “8 u 1 . 3- JAcou Kw". Auctioneer. Cunbe had “3"‘Puu' 1:1: 2: Ju.28,1861. u Ge 'y 3"“! 9M 53 Oxford “ H 35 4‘ ' Huulngton “ 1145 79 htinore u _ 903 95 Buniltonbn “ I‘oB 18 “but, “ 851 M Hamilton “ 908 65 Ilenellel “ 851 02 Stub-n " 1337 50 Franklin “ 1463 37 Count-[o “ 990 29 Tyrone “ 69'! 0‘ Nouutjoy “ 943 13 Hountpluunt “ 13¢8_94 Budin ‘ “ H3O 21 Bowie: “ 359 57 Freedom “ ‘36 31 Union “ H 54 0! . Butler “ 900 34 Berwlckbor.,. _192 31 “_u __ Public Sale. E subscriber will ull et Public Sale, on Wednaday, [ln 204‘ day of February led, at the late reeidence of Peter Honfon, deemed, three mile. cut of Gettysburg, on the York turnpike, the following Personal Property, vii: l Two—yeerl'mg CULT. 3 Milch Cowl, (coming to profit About the middle underch 8 heed of Young Cattle, 12 Sheep, Hmow, needy new, Corn Corner, Cutting Box,Llone Me, Single end Double Treu, Cnitimtor, Clovereeed Cndle, Rake: nnd Forks, Spreaders. Cow Chine, end A variety of other nrticlel. too on. merourto mention. Also the bid! of 32} acres , of Gain in the ground. a-sm to commence It 10 o'clock, A. l. . on said dey. when nttendence will be given and torn" nude known by GEORGE TATE. Mlcnnl. B. Nuul, Auctioneer. Jm. 26,1861. 11. Assignee’s Sale. BE undersigned, Auignee of Conn 3h 111 Ind Wm, will ull a: Public Sue, at he midence of aid Auiznorl. in Lutimore township, Adunl county, ngnr York Spring], on Wedaaddy, Ma 20044310] February ml, the followln enonnl property. viz: 3 HORSES, 2 Cows,‘Yl;nng Culle, 2 Two-horse Wagons, 1;)“ with bed, bowl and cover.) Plough: Ind Inc's, Winnowing Mill, Hone nuke, Hay Ladders, Jack Scnv, "one Guru, Saddle; and Bridlel, Double Show“ Piougbl, Hilton and (‘hniu (‘ow Chianl’mh Chain And Sprender, Forh, hates. ind otherfnmlng Impiemenll.— Also, :17 b the lon, Pom, Shingles, and I udety o otter "‘l:ch m numerou- Io men fion. . ”Sale to commence It 10 o'clock, A. St, on aid dc], vie- nlunduce will bu given nd mu I“. known by ‘ J"! HEN!“ MYERS,Am'ynu. Jul. 2!, 1061. u Grtin! Grain! HE “bu-fiber nill continues pnrchnsing T I“ kind: ofl'ROlH'Ul-I, at h'u old stand on ( mmlwnhurg “net, \i: I—P‘LUL'll, WHEAT, It! [-1, CORN, UATS, SEEDS, tc.. lor \\ but: the high“; market price; ‘in be given. ”I will tho continue my GROCERY and VARIETY STUKE, 'nnd will keep constantly fon hind Groceriu, Salt, Oil, Fish, Cedar-ware, Dry Goods, Confecu‘nna, Plaster, Guano, kc.— Tlxc puhllc um invited to call, at law dalermin ed to tell u chap u the chcn’pesl. Gettynbnrg, Aug. 6, 1860 Flour, Groceries, &c. HAVE constantly on hand, FLOUR, (‘orn J: and Buckwheat MEALS. Uommony, Soup Kenny, Dried Fruit, And Pfl‘ktll; SL'GARS, CUFFEES, Tm, Syrups, N. U. )101-uea, Yew crop, It 50 cent: per gullon, the very but ind for baking.) Englilh Cheese, and every other :nlcle unmlly kept In I Flour and Grocery Store. Give me I call. WM. (HLLESPIE. Gettysburg Dec. 31 1860 9111' Sands’ Sarsaparflla. 83 GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY T to: flu cc“ or ALL manna Amsxm no: AN ”(PURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, Why I"! i: to liq/My £3le and ( ’m‘renallv/ I 'ud. Bqun—[t produce-I the combined efforts of a tonic, Illcmtivo and stimulative medicine. Btcwsx—lt purifies the mood and expel: the poisonou! vim-a which engenders nll ulceroun.and crupm‘e dulerues. Btcu‘n—lt nets powerfully upon the sent-non. of the body. and at. once removes all impurities. BlCAcsl—h does not reduce the system but in- vigoratcsit—thus requiring no do kntion from busineil or pleasure, BlcmsI—I: may be taken by delicate females and children m. :11 seasons with nfety and benefit. Bncuru—lt never {:ils. wASK FOR SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, AND TAKE NO OTHER. S'Propmd his! A. B. k D. SANDS. Drug gnu,loo Fulton L. cor. of Willinm, N. Y. Forule by A. D. Bcuul, Gettysburg, P 3. Feb. H, 1861. In Hanover Branch Railroad. INTER ARRANGEMENT.—~PasIenger Train run ll follows: FIRST TRAIN leaves Hanover M 8.4 5, A. I, with Passenger: for Hammer-9‘ York, Harrin burg. Columbin nnd Philndclpbin. SECOND TRAIN leaves Hanover It 2, I’. IL, with Pun-age" for Baltimore Ind intemedilte poinu. EXTRA TRAIN erery Tuesday and Sturdy leuee Hnuover It 4, P. 1, wlth Passenger: for York, Harri-burg. kc, returning with Fluen ger- from Baltimore. Through Ticket: m tuned to Philadelphis, Columbia, Hurisburg, Willinmsport, Reading. Baltimore. York, Wrighurille and :11 other principal w“ poinu on the line of the Northern Cellini Railway. D. E. 18053, Ticket Agent. ha. u, not. Notice. ERNARD DKABDORFP'S ESTATE—Let ter: of ndminhtntion on the auto ol mrd Denrdorfl‘, lute of aninn township, Ail-nu county, deemed, bu" g been gnnmd to the undersigned, residing firth. same town nhlp, he hei’eby gives notice to I” pencil in debted to aid unto to nuke lmnedinu p‘y ment, nnd those havingchims ngainu thuune to present them properly Authenticated {or let tlerurnt. BEXJANIN DEARDORFF, Jan. H, 1861. 6L Notice. EBASTIAN WEAVBR'S ESTATE—Letter! tesumenu? on the «ate 0! Sebuflnn euer, late 0 Oxford twp., Adam: county, deceased, having been gnnted to the under signed, midlng in the name tonsh‘p, he here by gives notice to :1! persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims nginst the “me lo prelent them properly Authenticated for pettlement. FRANCIS XARSHALL, Ez’r. Jan. 21, 1861, 6!. Ladies, F you call It Fnhneswcks. you will find flu: I lmndnomcu DRESS GOODS in town, Dc- Inmel. Cuhmuu, Figured Merino”, Coburg, French Merinoes, All Wool, A; low as 75 cents a yard. Call noon. Oct. 22. FAHNESTOCB; BROTHERS. The Election S over. end nlmongh every one can‘t hue I hie wiehee entirely ut‘ufied, it becomee us to submit. The next imporunl question for ell men, And pudcululy the people of Aden; county, in where to buy m but end cheepeu {-11 end winter Clothing. We nnheeiutingly ny, u SAXSON'S—tbat’e thupot—N. E. corner of the Diemond, in the old County Building. Geupbnrg, Oct. 15,1860. New Goods! New Goods! AHNEB‘I‘OCK BROTHERS would respect fully inform the public tho: they In" ro tunod from the Cities with the Ingest, chap eu snd prettiest flock of GOODS ever opened in the County consisting of Lsdies' Dru: Goodu, Clolhl, dunimem, Cudncu, Veltingn, Domenics, &c., All of which will be ofl'ercd so low, as to defy competition. 80in n: I call. No (:oan to show Good: n ‘he ign of the RED FRONT. Ocufla, mo. G. CARR in a v in. MI!“ H. name, rom'férooxs, a. - < . —'——— -11838 60 Loan from Bunk and sundry periomfiman 00 Armament on State Quota. 6.16 68 Cut: from Isaac Lightner, Sherill', {orJury feel for 1860, 11 00 Cub from Wm. B. lit-Clan“, $301., {or Jury feel for 1360, 12 00 Cub from H. G. Wolf, for Jury {cu {or 1860, i 00 Cull from I. Suntan, in full {or county buihlingl, 500 00 Cash from V. t J. Warner, in part for old court house, 154 .3 Cult from Michael Rupp, for old _ note, 4 50 Cub from Mn. Griest, on note of Joel Grin-t, 55 oo Cub from Water Company, 36 00 Cut: {ram J. Bushey, Z. Mycn 3nd H. G. Wolf, 3mm, for coal, 2] 00 Cub from Dauiel‘Fomey, fine, 5 00 Cu): from Kesiah Cum costs, a no Addition-Itallrumuundrywr’s,lB6o, u7O Exonoraud tax “ ” 125 00 Error in out-Landing taxes of former ’l'rcuurer, 50 00 m The Outstanding County Tax Ind Quit Rents appear to be in. the buds of the lullowing Cullecwn, to wit: Yen". Colleclvn. Bar. 4' Ml. 1854. John E. flcikes, Huntington, $8 58 1855. Samuel Endler, Tyrone. 6 83 1856. Samuel Weaver, Gen sbnrg, 168 84 “ “ “ Quit Rents, 68 94 1857. H. G. Cnanett) sburg, 87 75 “ “ “ Quit Rents, 154 I! “ John McCretu-y, Sumbnn, m; 30 “ Jacob C. l’iuenlurf, Tyrone, 84 B_'.’ 1858. Henry Bitlle, Germany. 56 74' " KW. Stable, Franklin, 328 66 “ Jncob Calhmnn, Mountflensnm, 316 51 1859. Emanuel Ziegler, Gettysburg. 411 18 “ “ “ Quit Rena, 178 50 “ Juno: Wilt, Huntington, 89 9'l “ June: Reigle, Lnfimoro, 58 05 “ A. Ilnrtzellfi Hamilwnbnn, 161 94 “ Phineu Mnnden, lounlpleunnt, 178 95 J 0115' SCOTT “ Wm. Slifer, Union, 221 98 1860. IL D. Amonf Gettylbnrg, 930 10 “ “ “ Qnic Rents, 178 50 “ Henry Bum? Cnmberlnnd, 688 77 “ John G. Byeruf Germany. 954 53 “ Lawrence Outerdv Oxford, 870 44 “ Wm. B. Gar-immi- Huntington, 930 66 " Andrew Shnitzfi Lalimore, 313 95 “ Robert. William? Hudixunbnn, 859 19 “ F. Mcinlircfi Liberty, 208 H “ Emanuel Hung} Hamilton, 226 10 “ Wm. Uverduurgir .\lemillon, 857 92 H Polar ankley,f Strubnn, 487 81 “ George Lady,l- Franklin, 93-: 37 “ John Smull.f (Vonowngo, 6'17 29 1‘ Samuel Dciap,f Tyrone. 626 O 4 “ Tobin IL Eckenrodmf Monnljoy, 454 93 “ llenryJ. [lenient Mouulpicasnngl 090 93 “ ‘ Emnnuel Neidichfi Reading, 586 22 “"‘ JacoinnllJ Derrick, ' 49 57 " Emnnnvl Wilduip, Union, 648 lo M Aaron Willa-Jr Butler, {2B .78 “ Smut] Unnerd‘ Hex-wick born, 32 31 fii‘reedom [mil in full before nemement. Union paid in full lines 501:1:me Those muked than 1* have paid in put. - Byaudifingandseming public nccouuté, $42 00 Wm. McClcan, Esq.. Audxmrnppoin-ted by the Court m nudit public LIE-tin, 15 00 Printing, Hunks, t 0... 443 I 7 Shenfl'l bills of court costs, 620 75 Clerk's pay, Absumw to collectors of 5 percent" 1160 74 Fox and wild cat Icnlpl, 48 60 Genenljnry and tip luvel' pay, 1224 ll Aneuon' pay, 543 40 Juflor'o fees {or keeping prisoners Ind turnkey, 551 86 Wood, gum. cod, hurling, lc., for public buildingu, 2‘5 44 Repuin u pr'uon, N 94 Grand jury ud tip nuvu' pay, 346 61 Prothonoury, Register at! Clerk of Bunion! (ca, 322 45 Tu refunded tar-undry potions, ~ 114 91 Court Cryer’n my, 110 00 Corfificngkzl'comublu’ return, 93 so Counsel foe \ 50 00 Trmnnr OLA‘XZI Ilonu, 6200 00 Poauge And tionery for Commis lionon’l olice, 51 84 Xom And {more} paid'buk ni inn dry pen-nu, 18192 85 Quit. rent: 9:” George Hime.’ hein, z 00 Wm. B. chlelhn, Exp, District. Al.- lorney’l fen, , 94 00 Jacob Mounpergir, 3541., Commia- ' ~ lioaor'a pay, ' 201 00 Daniel Gelle‘lmma Buy, Commiuion er’l psy. 201 00 Juan H. lath-11, Esq, Containin er’l pl], 201 00 Keeping pxilonen M. E. penitentiary, 77 42 In“ Lighlner. Shgrnfl', conveying prilonen to E. penitenlinry, . 120 00 Junices’ and Commbles' fee: (or com mining "grants, 16 89 BEM Railroad nnd Express Co. for freight, I 00 Lewis Zeitler. in full for repairs of town clock, 70 00 Removing Berwick twp. election poll, 15 25 James Dicksomn trust for new up. line, 64 00 Medical nuudnnce on prisoners, 9 50 l’aintingfurnitnre&fcnce u courthouse, 2G l 5 Posts and boards for fence “ “ 31 Ol Carmge and filling lot at court house, 17 54 Adams county fire insurance company ($4,000,) on courthouse, 13 50 Michael Rupp, court house keeper, . 25 00 David Ziegler,Jr.,for shelving vaults, 10 61 Hardware, to, fur public buildings. 18 01 Geo. W. McClellan, Esq., bourdlugjury, 2 days, 30 00 Bedding and clothing for prison, 1'! 03 Gas post, pipes and fixtures for court house, 159 71 Ga company, 'I 20 Pmu and nah for county olfices. 15 25 J. I. Pinenmrf, Esq., contact in full - for Opouum crack bridge, 1100 00 J. )1. Piucntnrfl. 33:1,, contact in put ' for Conowngo bridge a 3. Berlin. 182 00 Chriunnn t Ziegler, contact in par: forConowtgo bridgenDellone’a-ifl, 528 00 She-d. & Bnehln,iron regiuen forjnil, 18 00 Director: of the Poor pny, 60 00 Oflicen’ pl.) It Ipringnlcction, 39'! 12 Do. full do. 606 ‘5 Do. pruidentinl election, 1526 15 Road damngel and damage Vic's, 1890 16 Repnirl It bridges, 226 06' pane Lightnar, sherifl, for naming jumn. 81 00 Exonmtionl to cdlochn, 301 s'! Collectou’Teel, ' ' 10H 04 cummrqu-umuhhm " olconmo " ‘ 150‘ I OR. By Order: paid out a: fallout: Trouunr'lcom'uiuiou, 5M 7: Balance in htudl of'l'rmuetu . 2640 86 \ *b— In testimony that the foregoing Statement)! M. ‘ the Ilecelpu and Expenditures exhibited am. -M the ofllce of the Treuurer of NI W 4 ’ county in 1 con-6t: Ind true copy, as taken from and compned with the original re. maining in the boob of thin office, we hue hereunto let our hlndl and mud the teal 9! said ofiice. at Gettysburg, diced: 'dny all“: any, 1861. ~.— »-, DANIEL OEISELMAX, JAS. H. MARSHALL, WM. 8. GARDNER, Commissioners of Adam]: county Altai—J. M. WALTII, Clerk. Audltors’ Report. the Honomble the Judges of the Coufl of I Common Pleas of Adams county: e, the undvrsigned. duly elected Auditor: to settle nnd Ldjml the Public Account: nf the Treasurer and Commissioners of said county, hu‘iug been sworn or nflirmcd ngrueubly to law, do rcpor‘ the following to be a general shame-t. afeifid accounts {mm the 4th day of Jum'nry, 18%, m the Bth day ofJnunury, 1861 ——bo|h days induihe: WA‘I'BEIUHT ZIEGLBR, Esq., Treasure, and Comminioncrs, in account with the County of Adams: _ To cut: in hunda of former Tnuurer Itlnstuttlement, $lO7l 84 . Outstanding county tam and quit. ’renuih hnnds of collectors. 11079 23 Amount of county ux nnd quit nun unused {or 1880, 21838 5:) Loans from bank Ind mndry enona. {9973 00 Cub'ftom hue nghtner, tau-if, for jury feel for 1880. Cub from Wm. B. leClellnn,Elq., for 7 jury {on for 1860, g; 13 0° Cubéfrou B. 0. Wolf, forjury fees for 13 0, Cub ham 3!. Sun-on, in funtor coun ty building, Cash from V. t J. Wnrner, in put for old court home, 104 00 Club from 3!. Rupp, for old now, 4 to Do. unfit-int on note ofJoelGriélt, an 00, 00. Water company, 36 (‘0 Do. Rulhey,)lyerundWolf,for coal, 21 00 Do. Daniel Form-y, fine, 5 00 Do. finial: Cull, mu, ‘ 6 00 Addition-fl ax from sundry penonl, ' N7O I-Zxonenmsd Lu from nundry penalty, A 125 00 Abatement on Sun quou, A ' 636 (.8 Error in cumming taul of former Treasurer, Ry outstanding taxes for 1855‘ u n 1855, '1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, ‘ 1855, 1857,' 1358; 1859, 1880, Fir-S ‘ 351, 1858, 555637 45 " Fees, Olt 44 I= =0 “ Exonemtionl, u H 1:1:1:1 u n 1359, m 17 Disbunemenu on‘county onion, 35848 98 Tmsurcr'l commiuion, Dal-Ice in hand: of Trmnrer, We, the undersigned, Ammo" of the county of Adams, Pennsylvania, elected ondjfiorn in pursuance of low, do tcpott that we met, did audit, settie Ind ndjnlt according to low, the account of the Treunrer and Commissioner: of aid county, commencing on the 4th day of January, 1860, and ending on the 81!: day of Jlnunry, IBM—both day: Ineiulive: the} mid tecount u settled above nudoutered on record in settlement book, in the Cadmiulouou’otflco of Adnme county, in comet,ond tint We find I. bill-nee due County by Treasurer of Twit Thou-end Six Hundred Ind Forty Dollar: and Eighty-nix Cents, 452,640 88,) nnd in out-tend- i in; taxes Fifteen hounund l’our Hundred and Thirty-four Boiler: and Twenty-eight Gen“, ($13,434 28.) JOHN nmxxanuon‘, AMOS LEFEVRR, -'* HENRY DYSHRT, Audt'lon.’ Feb. 4, 1881. 4: Tyson Brothers. '~ ROPRIETORS of the EJ'C'ELSIOR m- P LIGHT GALLERY. Gn'n'snnuu. PA., take plenanre in Announcing to the public thnl thry have removed to their Nzwuu Ex'rtxsn-l SKY-LIGHT Gunny, located on the Soufh side of York ureet, opposite the Bank,.lnd one door ‘ below their old stand. ‘ The building has been erected under their immedinte supervision, and neither wine or expense hnst-n spared in rendering their apartments hath eomforteble and convenient. All the modern improvements have 'been eddrd to the working department, In that they now panels every mam,- fortbe production offiflt dare pictures. .The first premium was awarded them by the lendlcn Agricultural Fair for the 'best Amino-,5. typis and Phetog‘rnphe. ‘ . Pictures of all the various styles, (including Stereoscopic.) made as heretofore; all work executed in the beat mun-en and gnurnntied u give entire-utilfaction. They‘hcpe their-friends and the public will remember, when they wish picture: “ken, that the Excelsior Sky-light Gallery is near them, and that pictures mndc there ere always eqnel and often unpcrinr to those made in l-Irge cities. In no instance (10 the lulu. upon a sale when they fail to picnrc. {he " Excelsior " it always free to the public, and every one Is cordially invited to pay it a visit, when they will have an oppormnit 'lo decidn‘of thejustness of the patronage “Jin cmning reputation which itenjoyl. $13434 28 200 00 fibadiu will find every cohvcnhnce‘gr 1N unngcment 0! their toilet. _ [sue a. "501. can. J. rue}, ; PHOTOGRAPHERS. In. 21, 1801. ‘ National Hotel, ITTLESTOWN, ADAMS 00.. PL—The L undersigned, having lend the National Motel, (luilmnd Nanny) in Littlntown, uku this method of informing the public of the fact, Ind of the further fm‘t that he will spare no ef fort to pleue nll who may patronize kiln. Hi! Table will tlwnya be found to have the bolt the markets may ntl’ord, whilst his BA: shall con tun the choicest of Liquors. None but “tog: the and accommodating Hustlers will be tolvmc ted II the Hotel. With good beds, good tune, find all the other arrangements of the house good, not. forgetting to mention moderate charges, he cannot full to give satiafnctiun. He therefore lolicita a share of the pulalic’l pl— uonage. JOSHUA PRICE. gag-N. n.—-Honszs and VEHICLES cnn dump be had on hire u the National Hotel. Jan. 14, 1861. 3m” ’6l ’ ’‘l . PICM'NG IS NOW SELLING b . OVERUOATS at psnic prion. OVERCOATS M psnic pricel, . OVEBCOA‘I'Sn panic prion. DRESS COATS gt panic prion, ~ DRESS COATS u psnic prion, DRESS COATS at panic prices. PANTALOOXS u puic prices, ‘ PANTALOOXS a panic prices, PANTALOUNS u panicjflm VESTB of :1] kind. at psnic prices, . : YESTS of all kind. a. panic pricu, VESTS ofall kinds nzpnnic prim-I. Under-thins, meen. Socks, Gloves. Con foru, Gentlemen'l Sluwla, and denu’ Fumilho in: Good: of every description. Also, Musical lustrcuents—Accordeom, Flam, Fit", No tions, £13., tc., now being sold very chum-Id It. pticea to “it the times. HOW IS THE TIME TO BUY—CALL SOON. Jun. 14,1861. - Great Reduction prices of pllin and figured French New Enact, fill-wool Dehines In haunt! medial: Ityles, union Cuhmem And Dclnfnel I! W! variety, SMin Tnven, Pail do Shivers, mad I. nice lot ofnnion Plaidn. All the Ibo" will I). sold It LOW PRICES TO SUIT THE TEES; Call noon. .1. L. SQBXC‘. in Jan. 21, 188]. 1 1 ' 8001'! b 80!, m nomngmofilififif A: film, Ouhogo, Jun, WW3 and; Metro-p. on: ad 06» ‘ sm; $5507 45 DB. 12 00 4 00 500 00 be VS - - 4151:137 45' .2=Cas GO as.“ «s 83 mgr. as us 99 m at moo-on 1215; w u 01 122 so :03 31 681 a: 21.3; o 0“ 4a 13‘ 07 10 531 71 -- F . 640 141 153631 43