The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 07, 1861, Image 4

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50"“ ... more “In Opt: 81, Co A“. H ons‘ ‘olum . “lid .mufl 40 cube 0‘“ dot" ""Ir..~°'ul "“11 g .10 [“2“ “‘ul,‘ Per! Pu) ’“xw ‘Am In“K C‘s “rt &' n 1“ '. U: [l. Your 1m" 3’19“) Or' rl’_ Pme ed C 11,," lhe.‘ ‘me I;
1 mupim¥weupsid “In ”bee u_i he. 11min we du .Lhool ato II P'Vc Yen: tur‘ 3w". “‘“u nu _ “in. .0, - {1360 3: OHS ~r‘vnlo‘” AI w. THHBICMO punt: 110 (“hm c_ k 5,,_ yA9 I”; I Child "“11 “My‘l‘di hen“ rveh raised lenm .“lo Mn.
”0 “I M“ ““1 “x "in Izp‘ “11- ““50 " ““y “We “bro. "PM hr ""112 meow“: '“nl ' 2n 51-: I" 8 ”re. "d ”l ’l' ”0n Perm-“"1 T “‘eli "“vß' °-‘ Yo mm 9‘ -\ p’“d u I ”It ‘Ou c“ In ‘1! ”Pin ‘92: o's: rd”
pinks,“ “v" no ”‘0: T 25w °"e. ”an c°uud L luw. (Tm. ”“0: .me Im. l' u. '“ An. "“21; 1°” “”Ho. 'l‘ T' ‘ Kc)..." CU ' mY 35 Anon“ “"1!” "5" PW“: “c “r Pil '" WAMI A ”“1“ L'“r l“‘w'm“ t‘3m e "c- “"11“,”? "1"” n
n’d “a Age reg. 133.1 .lld 11““ Co 11. “1 ° It] ‘nslli "- u Only _ 933 m Ore fl-‘ 31“,, $O.. 'To A PR] _ Own Jen RB pl" “on On 0f ND ' In“ “ ”in P client I' “I" -Cl4r LY Ph)lA V" C ed.‘ “1:1 obe "dflrd ‘de "439 u'red ”‘0
I. '3: “‘39 m;- “r; 'O. ex- me “u: ed . “(u PA“ - “Mud“: ”1 "’1 "e 01’ MV “”l rc \2‘l‘ Pr ‘l‘ 0‘ “Fe S 22.. 11l "IS ’ “do ‘s' o’so ‘lu "h “r: ”Y‘o'ux “’L‘d' "”1 “'3l ‘ol] Wild '1" 'o'
I.“ ockb r. wu“- T! In, ‘ I.“ n. “I “he 0(u d'to Nb] _e I’e “’h ”In ‘lhrm mv - ha. 1c“ "..1 ES 0 ”v .‘ “\M ’ho rty' DIS the 11‘ 5L ““3‘ epr“N V 510 'OO J er'a hon: ”2 To Man m
u '01! Dee “dc, hon buy Ie C 3, he dSr “In 30“ ”UK I’3, .“un "b“ ’it 'll- 0f ....“ ,1,“ rG. OWL p” "LP pert n)" ‘0 ch vtos3l E\ 1' meow. Tho. log ‘ “'Cc""O 2 I. OPCFb UxL Ch"r ~3 ""01 I“b 'ln .
fi-Thu“ cu“ r,. Are an In,“ ‘mchnc nnul Inc. ‘2, iu‘l‘es iI“ lupin n°f|b “”6221 ”n n""‘b'hd b 10, ”‘3'“, ("do hues -.__T) y .. I 1 "fun 01" h “P "hod‘ SES .uh lin th’ ‘rc “rm. or H.“ xi. 0m: YTwan b m, "Nc yH:
m“ h. ”rs; ‘PM “1 “Hal: bein 3 1 “’ie “'th fen-3°ll. “h: gun.- ”he sm. ”‘ :20 "kc "”0: ""151 “’2'. {'S‘lu "'H' lelnn " ”I“: ’3' lo' "‘Hp'OM “' 2 "“941 "Mm-eir mild ’ "lupurliv-l 3 unnd’m b 551‘}an Mc- hI! °
or fix. ”who ”no Yale? ; ‘CoanCrs I": “on Ehrlken '"Ce J... “‘in: “run "... “lb-- "~ )1 “.“Jui -“‘h “”l'r “hi 0 "M ‘bld “Ms ”*2 '2 “a 8"“in u2‘o'd- ”iv ""‘in '““I 3 “ML’ 71:2 L-M PM ”’3l 'FIV “It 0"“
"11"“ C en“, "her-"3' or'deli 0““ I:ng 'O5 ‘ "any ‘° Sm I"- [“522 '“ ('1 'e“ if 0” b “Pu "1 1w "In c[Hr "‘“gx‘n H. ”in-”flu“ i W "“92 d 1” '3' "“1 “1:20 “er 3 L“D "9“: Al““bl " W ":7! “Ni "rlr‘mu ”‘lch "‘"Cr "2 E C c‘ it
Lin “mp.°Com ”If” the ring it 70ml the: 1‘ 1T: l y, :Bnmb 11,“. "me use . Cure .5 {rm e, is l! ”25:0 ”1c ,”3' (’ll “Rd" ”H" in" 97-. o "lIM' "I,o' “dc ‘F‘ghu '“nh' 0: ACHE ‘- “to“ "Job “Era-c Voiltu “'lerßWn '0 "I n ENTS
L 2-,, a!" nyo mu; m.“- "30 n cout ,ndh "5,. ”Fe "Mn "on ebe Yes Lunu The men .“Lk_ r-‘Fr “"r. ”to ‘mo "”2: b‘th‘ flag '7". ’ ‘bc’ “*1 B' Ix u"Be 'S . lin o‘ol In “114‘: I"ii ““r 2“” mew
- 1858 ”,1, nH. 60,; On. ”j “(‘55 “In, Nr ”15:; “cc. lg. “It; We ‘o' "“ '-°“lo “bed "It "Him-“mo TMFWSI “on J": u 0f “u. Th 'Or 'euk "1 ho I) r "K ”‘ud 2"‘Vh' I°be “"‘8 d“*n cu,“ bl. '
.‘ -)I “3.5“"; - I ler [he _- Ye to Ind ‘he no:r "(n In H In! ""im 1”. 2n” lu,. ~\\(. . H 12.”, the N, w the h .nfi ”*l. In in w' a.” .... ST 11F u”: Achy” “921‘” 'l 1:0 in, (1,.u
- WM" u. ’2l. ‘COu'u. Orm hlcc- Ga... ,‘nd "=2. my; ."n nll ‘° I’9. fl“... u.’ ”pm ”do *vu'u (”hon "kw .“n “esp e«I. .‘hix “Pen oleb ““21 1‘" to °°m 1 .’ru. ”h m “31.2 -“\DA "-‘mJ 92 - 'r‘ereu “'c “‘m 3‘
2...; 2.02...;:-..:-. 0°02... 2.10.2223: 2 2222.3 4' 2 300-3322;" '2: 2:32..“‘2 ...22. 0
¥‘-——-—."b'c°nu;‘ 'YFOr‘atnhlfi I'ilh "ed ' can In". mudf'llinu‘c‘w En rent ’ Ih. 't‘uch “nfl F.2d! "L I" “I: "k ' lhi “lie [n] “uh "Cm 3"] v°c '“HI '1- 'L b Dc“ ‘l}: h! H) 1"! a" ‘
. - -. l “.112 "no con .‘n' It or °d‘- In; “red ‘0! ‘M ”m P: ”Yb “" ‘N “H ”I’-
bugl-ch ‘rcm' ‘ll:,st 1‘“ an m l‘bullno‘ o "Inbe to,” In”I ilo" glam] 30 “mos u," ..‘ “ff 1n l 2 1, .db (“1 0N ' "In "dr “5"! Inn. up. w" in, _n. u{o’ he five ’“lh ”lg!- lrr
in u“r [A 00L“ 9R nu nly .e" h I’Ou. 01l ego ,__ 2 “4h .l’l'uu ”H! Um .be PM,” 3'11: 115 39 ‘°nl; I - 11; “n 1 .30 ml “t‘r lee rule rem be rtm 0n” me;
An- 95! 5 Scdi 8: n "P“:- l‘; ' C 530 illju 'lth use] ”1’ n. “"u{ °d~ Ilgr vo‘fc '4 -"u "”3 r"h Ni “rho“ [1 ‘“du ud “15¢ (“I It'll 9"“! your "°U '“mh be“) ”will Come on: ‘l‘“
lhe ml“: "(hush ”1e umbe “i“n.’wilh [and “ti:- ry. “In 2““. ‘2” ”NH. . .0. ‘AL‘ - ' ”‘Crr‘ th a Yon-i \"rdc ’igq- Dc} Sgt” "‘Ol In” ,3nd “If“. pg“! he.” .P,“ Wh“ (‘H'T cI: 0!" ”‘or of“. con ‘ln 0::
r:- or ‘A , axe Jo: an \e eor 1h “'H . "no In “ u “A; '92 ' e Ptof ‘llo ”6r 'und "1! In "1 u b o‘“u ”Md “In "M 1“N “H; - “I: hieh "mean”-
mm‘np A Agm “no 1') dn Leg. and: ‘n,v In' Me - Ln...) d“, Km, ‘ "All ”‘11.: “m ‘ pri. “1.. ‘nd red PPOP- ‘ emu I u “her m,— op, ‘a ter “or -._\. “1:- 0111] i. r
0. ' 92.. ,m. “-1.: .n. ‘1 r‘*h - huu- ... "-u 2-2:... "’2... 'I n xv sM.‘° 1: ’ 2.1., °Pe En "-‘m ' 18!: “‘b ”‘1 a... "do ”“2: ‘ v 1.0.02. '*d u "w “‘\
ofh°fEL an. nu gm "nu 9m "0w “‘0 In ‘UI. “'ed ”.1 "'1 UII ‘ls} ‘lO ""- ’ “if "s M ”V' -" ‘3’ e“ 0M I ’J‘ "”9 "'3 9°" “*5 cHe ’ "d", "In
~la 2b.. ‘O3 And ”"3. "cm. Ll, 61 0x“ .“s“K r nn. '0: 0 n “En- —. ‘8 Pr. ‘OO bou ’2l! I" "'3: D“Nb do ‘01:: ”'1- “To ”‘l5 ‘MI “‘li uf ’1
pO,“. ,no 12g. '42,; c 0 mam Ono: end You, “H... .good ”I 5 )or ‘O2 “Mn. S—. ' t "u, A “d 5 ”"20 "‘"d '1 'Ol ‘Ve “‘9! m -"I \Y R\' "'l4 L 141" "e WM“
- Jon, “d. .3041 PSnnw tum dun-- Sen 0:0 “am «1,. .us “In. ."(m > 110. Mrs “-- 2""6 “he. YEAR ' 100 “My '3l) ’CnmiC-A Pi ”or 3'o with “01'“3' ““11. “Rh. mIo '°
"h‘le'Ll'c‘L rOm' u” \l3 pl”. _ d“) n In. “0d “”11 “er m 0“ r 11 “an' '_'ln 0!)". l ”\e ’ 101' .1d In. ye, "lb“ c‘J url"1. Ul9 .042“ u bl.) {41"}.“01 n‘ ‘l
, musk ‘v C user” ”qt; .“nfl‘fl-k‘ #-“l ,\ f‘cc. not aurp .' 1““! ll”, PR ”“1“: 3 “Its! rim“, rywl tan b rln cl, on w'.llv 0f UN: _Sir. r"? u“. V ‘ls'7ouxprllll-i Chcl) “u in .‘8Hon"I 1. 94
find Pave“! 3. No; "on. "‘esl r 2 ”Pk Or' “11.1 a Kr. r 1", I hun. p -'\CTl(‘nU“n 1"}! 1 F°r 9u" s :1,” tie”, in e mud _ou. ”in? “do, worn. ”11,3“ 11%| L3l“, wluu Me ("2561”‘0 81 Am L 3 cl" 0
rod. 115,1) .3, 13;, 'i‘ “was.“ (“u-.1 u”, h .10 D-y 1m: 5] .ml I‘M‘T Al “"8 gumul "Hm. uql n Wk. se“, cby 'ltn. Ou. Ito.“ 0 °Pt “and Eve bI 1 ! ‘bcn "rid ”bun My % n. 2,. \vlu Pr
I. ICC ‘0 92d. 3"”) ‘e it “‘me .‘uu' "lr “rm-cul‘r in . I'll‘ LA‘ C-\[ du- ‘vl" tcop' rec orou "‘8 [I cut;- 0 ft, :X' nfUu} “0 0! “Che c 3" 1 855 ‘ k - nmj ' “Mid. 1"" UP
.2 1“ vl)..- ”111‘ ‘0 1310' 'l2“ k'n "5‘ "W “1.01.1‘ L(‘ [Clv‘ 'ln Ill,“1 1:. 0! xceed- I". le ‘1: r- BLn on" “u .Yuu “fly Yup“ -,I“ . [M 00“" Uh ""901 ..
*r 2’12““: “rm ‘J :r.-“‘." r,- “hi...“‘ur. Wu, ‘O3 ': .‘AvT L-H. Al.l"-"\T0 . J "era "1223‘"sz 9"“ ”"22: "402‘“? “'in “’"cl rm” “W W ‘rx’l‘cn “0.1. -”°v ”smm ‘1“;
. “0r“ . ‘t'r "“1213” “hm”! I‘m ‘o‘ cP, It“: “W CA I|. R_ X _\,_ 'o'“. nfur “0k yhb ndu , [S u... 1“, “My. i. y(I : le- 1y 3- mm "“1 “to” an
3. .' .. . In: .> -L .-L .LmAT .o. "I ‘1: "1w ,“r °¢-‘ .r “I; “:2 C“ “b ’1 “J In "W ‘ "‘5 “w
2.22.2222222 2.20.22: 2.... 32232232 '- 2:22.222‘2223:22.. 2.22.2 «-
(‘l9:. I“. it'd“ CPU“ y ind. u}: A B ’. __‘_LCL ._ TU , Th -' am ‘l. I; ’Pub'v-‘oo slo'b Ir p“ 'ur' onl‘hle‘Feuxuc' 50 jur:efi “I cuqn 4w“. ”Tn” “15“ u!“
t M 11] “ M u‘, luny uwd 13‘)“ MPm LAT 11, . l 8 P -.~ I “hid “'1: 'ud. 'enefic'rpose .‘our p. 11”), ’RH Im‘r, H 3 “'Kuok o “in: "ban 1," mm y__
‘ “hi..h’k -'\ red it“ ”"1. pu‘iuo Ill“ ctic 8 U“- :h HI) 280 “-2 ell’hier' l“deedlul 931' I" In minds"\' WPL lon. 15”“? he ”0" “'0 Wm.“ ar‘c "'1", Fl"
Ixa n‘nr ‘lhu .r nIA-l"-‘) ll“ ”n lcal th p 16,. .. 2 “’l'! 2:5“. 'Th “Li lube" m‘l'u Wk Cl AINTS ' OCF 3”“10 .|~|r ”r “1] i ugh; “'lO. “"5
‘" d 1 “hm “l-l Huh-"4ll’°'*li.]“‘nn cu]. “V‘rp “Rh" 0 COO " - ‘EN H"‘l ‘YI upon "9n bl“ "' -5 “\T' k‘ll - Sk' "“" '0 'cit‘
‘ _ . . . , , ._. 0 . _”~_.‘_ 'll, r .... _ H 2.1, .u: U. :5. d u._ an Parr _u.
-..-:3; "‘s’: 23:32-31:32 “W ' » ""2233332333222‘ Book, 0 1.3“ 2:32:20! 222,221?3322.:"23.33253320.
- ‘,~"h'~‘d“" “ .T‘N _\ "‘II ’- b I )l' 1N ’ 'Wo “t“ yin. U 12'! ““3- er! 'ir: -- ' 1 Inn-‘l‘ 1' .”l m.
1,)- Jf’-i;\|.y“':(' RUM!“ for :» _V yr‘. s’B EL}! ALL lib. [Eh-‘- ‘hcgh‘ve “:4 ulellléuu’t‘l: pro‘Sug-ked .C” y ‘2) S‘m‘hlcg 6%,?“
.22 "-12 22.332: ‘22. “222...”. m- 0 “"22 2.":
““71 J; b." “'“kl 7- ._ ._ WDcc vr mpwhl‘lqmy nmIRA" fl l 2: “rs ott's"'-_____ I", .
1‘ . and .“x ‘ I 05],- 9p “pr . “'0 ’9- "X Peri. ‘ Th: 0
_ '1“, ".1. ...... In 'nm 0x25, “hi. bu . Pur' “t .MT --_ j
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"Md A!“ 0"“2 " ‘ 'L-vm tPM" ."d u . {‘e.::,“:d, U‘r °“‘“c|'-"" (va
.. e, be nu _ )1. Le u, Lul 0 Ken nc IR
of r“. - ch “0 2 lu' A "'ll. “n Pr 0
~‘ d, .rw _2l.,|') t 1 1&4. u: sd. 0 N
n ‘ ch.“ :1.“ 3..) I. Ft 5“ “Grip 'nc1~('“rlp""l' .
A‘mb g'cmng'flo - J 10"“ “v." “'"ed’onh '“of
'vflnl' l’ihngy:k- nd I'm-.LU‘h in firthfgm
-22.2.2333... "2002.3302333
.. 2...; ”'9' l
~ E M
.“h ‘ 0
:1" Something New
N GETTYSBL'RG.—Tbe undersigned inform!
the chizeno of the town nud county. that In
nonunion“! the BAKING huaincu, on L
J min, in York street, Gettysburg, nenrly
mt. Wltucs'l Hotel, where he will try Lo
Wad hopes to receive. 1! libenl patron
@2883, to.‘.. bulked every any. (c‘uu
adopted.) n f lhe but qualxty. and sold
I! tho love“ living prufiu. Cmckcr-bnking in
w "3 lynch“ is largely earned on. And order:
my Imount, from this and IdJOlulug coun
‘fu, lipplied n th- shortest nouce. Haring
paid; large and commodious bake-homo and
”and the be“ workunn sad the mos: Ip
fond mlchiner)’, In is prepared to do n
9“; business.
Inl, :5, 1859‘
II‘ALL 0? PRICES 9—H. G. CARR having
nit returned from the city is selling goods
"at than ever—fur instance Ladiel' fine silk
mined Gnunuou at 62} ants per pair.
' fine Merino “one M. 37} cenu, Ladics‘
gl- Gusimoro [lose at 40 ceuu, fine white
on!“ Bladkcrchieft n 8 cents, Gentleman‘s
momma-o Hose :2 28 cents, Gent's AH
c country nude “one at 25 cents, Pocket
kiivu, Combs, Brushes, both hair and cloth“,
inf.“ everything belongmp: to either a. Lndy’l
' _ Goodman's toilet; nd last, but not lent.
pct of QCEENSWABE we think can't he
firnyh and pricu, common tun” low
I mu per set, and from that up to 7A
:0,“ per not for the very best ofStone China
D‘s“ 8:66.“ And everything else in the
g Quantum)?” in proportion.
Come one. Come all! find give me n m“.
Dal" forget the place, in York street, oppo
"flo the Bunk. H. G. CARR.
"X. B. Th 3 lublcribcr also his constantly
' bond ‘ fine woman-m of GROCERIES of
_ l kinda—g table Mans“: at [2 cent. pef
his“, New York Golden Syrup u 56 cents per
putt. [Son h, 1850.
k-——"'"—-—-m —.¢—— ~~ _.__-____.._
John W. Tipton,
" not of the Diamond, (nut door :0 Mc
. Ln'l Butch) Geuyuburg. PI., when he
ml] times be found ready to attend to :11
" ' h hi; line. He has also excellent 0.:-
MW mad will emu. satisfaction. Give
hit. all. [Dec. 3, 1360.
VL... ~_*__. . --V ~ . -...
”6mm Notions, Bw.
’ 8 ‘I find nu owed 3 Grocery Ind
A ‘ >3 FM Stun, in Baltimore fired, and,
3 ts flu Court Home, Gettysburg, when
Imm I'm constantly find,nlllng chap :5
m «hiya», MARS, Syrups, lulu-el, Cof
‘leu, Rico. meek, Spices of :11 kinds,
. _ J (mm, Broom. nod Bnuhse;
' ‘ Int! Eggs, Ground Cole‘s, Essence
$3.21: Herdng,o.ndla, Soups, Sdt;
~ , '11:, “if? “factions, .11 kinds
darn-q erupt, Imm, Railing, ‘nn‘id,
may, Cast“ of diforent kinds; Shoe Ind
mum“; Gaodl, Indian, Gingham-3,
‘Btu, 'sdding. Hosiery, ulndkcrchiefu,
Snip-(Jen mu; 'xreedxu, Ciothea Pins, 1m
" ‘Qflh *Ofiou of all khdo. A share of the
5 "Image hnlpeclfufiy lolicixcd.
1.2011 G. QOBQEL'JL
an. :9, 1863).. ff_ ‘ ‘ _
" .2,» g Removal. *
manna super;
Look !
V P. 3013311008 in
ambush“: to flu
hub. film‘s. Build.
We; urea,
_¢nry at
to not" n
lord Ind Tenant, Lewes
Nuninge. “ong‘gvs, Receipts Ind Holmium.—
The work is bound in Law sheep, and will be
Sch! :0 zuhscribers at 51 25 per copy, pat} nhlc
on dcl'n‘ery of the work. Tluwurk bus pass?!
the rcrision uf mum; of the best Lchrs in the
Suite and has received their unquuhficd appro
bnnun, as a reliable hhxd book of l’rfrrcm‘c
upnu nll aubjccu upon which it "cuts. The
whole is urrnngrd m suth n manner as 10 pre
sent a plniu, concise and (-xphcn. smumcnt of
the duties of all Township Uficrrs, as may br
nadilyunderstood by any one. Adams county
will be thoroughly canvassed for fine work, and
the supporl of the cillzen: u reapcafully nu
A. D. BFEHLER. Gcttysburg, in Central
Agent for Adnms county.
P. S. Good canvass": are wanted in II!
parts of ‘bis count; for the above work, to
whum A liberal] campus-(ion will be given.—
.\pplituionl, which man be made M. In early
dug-addressed to Mr. Buehler, u nbore, will
receive prompt. attention.
Doc. 17, 1560. 4%
$lOO,OOO Guarantee.
\usmxmos zxsc.
100 pound: will con: us much lurfnco u 12::
pound: of other White Lead.
Pninting done with pure Buck Lend is triceu
dunble 0 other leads
15 white:- and more brillinnt than my other
known White Lend
h superior m the finest English Whi‘e Lad for
sonnet-Lind beauty.
. BodyBUCK LEAD, k
Ere Should u Buc Lead.
Is superior to u! oxbcr Ziné in the iorld {or
exile-e whim)“: And hrilliancy.
h unrimfkd fur hodyaor quvcring property, 50
pun-d: wiudo us much paintilgu "lépongda
of “bung”. “‘ ’-« .‘
flu no equal for dnnbnity, it wem twice :5
long is olht-r Zinc Paint.
FRENCH, RICHARDS a (30., Hunnfhchren,
fi-For ule by DANSER & ZIEGLER, Get
tysburg, Pg. [Doc )0, 1860. 6a:
Norbeck 8: Mn
AYEjnu received from use my chchrgut
flock of GROCERIKS they have ever
altered tn the puking—Supra, Syrups, Cofleu,
Tm, Bloc, Chem, P 3515, Salt, Spica, ta, (0.,
embncing dl nriefies, It .2: prices, the lowest
the mrket will Alford. Alto Brooms, Brughel,
Ind Notions ; TH, 0115, Cnndks, tc., in than,
overyming to he found in I ant. clan Grocery
:ud V’nrivty Store.
The Flour and Feed bunineu is continued
with 3 "Andy incnm. The highest. market
price: Md sad the Hulk". prom: uked. The
public an iufiud to give \u n all nd lea tor
Lheuelno. -' NUBBSCK t MARTIN,
Corner of Baltimore Ind High “new.
In: 21, 1860.
enera 0
in the lintorutiw. suld b) nmny, i Ivar, “im
out nuthorit; {rum you A pure nrlitle “iii
insure success. and I Int-lime where guml eITx-cls
do not follow. the failure is «nused by the im
pure arm-10. which rursos the imcntor of the
good. i deem it my dul} as [H rntofore. to keep
you nppriwd of the continued effect on my
hair. no i nssurc all uhu enquire of me of my
unklmheu opinion ofits \‘nlunhle res-nits. lrc
mnin, dcnr llf. yuurw, A. (‘. RAYMOND.
Aurunn Hun. Ky” .\'m. :30, 13.35.
Prof, 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir :——i would cer
tuinly he doing you n grent injustice not to
make known to the world. the wonderful, as
uvli As lllt‘ unuprutl-d n-suil i lune expericucrd
from [Hing on; bottle of.\uur linir Restoratiu
After uung every kind or Rcfltunxlu‘cs extant.
but without pucceu, and finding my lend
nearly destitute of hair. I was finally induced
to try n bottle of your Hmr Rutorntive. Now,
condor nod justirc compel me to announce to
whoever mny road ”Ila. that i now pencil n
new nnd henutifui gruwlb of hair. which l
pronounce richer-and hnndmmer thnn the origi
nnl ‘l3. i will therefore take mcnsiun to re
commend this imalunhle n‘xuedy to ALL who
an; led the necessity of it.
Respectfully )ouri,
P. S.-—-This testimonial of my approbation
for your ruin-hie modicnne (M ynu are nuare
of) in unlolicitod:-but if you tuink it worthy
n place naming the rest, insert if you uish ; it
not destroy and say nothing. Yours, Le,
REY. S. A. 1!.
The Rutontive is put up in bottles of three
sizes, viz: large, medium, and nmnll; the sninli
hold: § 1 pint, and retail: for one dullnr per
bottle; the medium holdl at lent twenty per
cent. more in proportion than the “null, retail:
for two dollnrt per bottle; the huge holds a
quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, nod re
mile for $3.
0. J. WOOD & 00., Proprietors, 444 Broad
way, New York, Ind 114 Mnrket Street, St.
Louis. Mo.
And’suld by Allgood Drugg'ists sud Fancy
Goods Deulfl’l. [Dec 17,1860. 3m
001' AND saw; “you UN, 8. E. Cor-
B net of Centre Squm.—Tlne public Are re
spoctlully nquuted to bar in mind tlutut thin
Stan any be found I lnrge assortment of
BOOTS and SHOES, of the but mnerl-l.
Thu suburiher, huing jun returned from
Philtdelphin, u here In selected with can and
upon the best tennl, : lugs Assortment of
Boats and Shoes, his stock in not lull und com
plete Ind lu flutter. himself tlnt he can please
the moat fulidiouu. Cull Ind examine: my
stock. Custom nude Bout: And Shoe: d'lyl
on hunt B. l". McILHKNYu
Oct. :2, 1860.
Olfl lurk-:1 Stu-u, flmve 1-3 th, south “dd!
Philtdelpbil. We beg lure to can the uten
fion of the Lnflies, to our large nud varied stock
Having had great "peril-nee. Ind enjoying
peculiar hcilitiu in the selection 0" Furs, we
confidently ofl'er our new uock to the impec
uou of the indies, feeling usured (In: the] ‘m
decide with us,“ in bdngmu'inlled for beam
my ad “duty, :oan u it do“, of every
fiesui gion of America and Europe“ Pun,
nun Lund in Ibo In.“ And no» approved
:y‘l": capes, 'l‘nlnu, Rafi-is, kCignks,
u c min; , in loan
Mn, amt», Sibedu Bq-hnL'Pruch
Bob“, Punch Squirrel, Amdm Inch, sad
Silver Mn.
“nth! fit the var, lib-n! para-go
a b" at” “'2’": mum
m can. an. n o
Mumwciingém ‘ If
_ 80. 813 Maafimch
I. B.—OLD IVES ~ u bah uh].
owls. [Oct 6, m. ' an
\0 not My“ ‘0 anuLsconnox-‘s,
Kynmhbgqunuu M:
01%. tiny?“ 1.-
Furs! Furs! Furs!
('o . Philadelphia
lllH Work contains 2M pngoe, and upwards
T of 300 Rules uni-l Eumplrs. outing and
Huroughly PIK\('TIL‘\L. :lli‘ll ms nripe mery duy
in the rnmmuu purmils of Business. I: Ills
nlrcmly passed lhrngh a number n! Hdiliuun
in mpul men-«ion. and i.- prm-ounrvd by all
clusses of hutincu nun lu bé [he lug-inn
loo! or urn-nu, pertaining to calcululluns,
that has ever been published.
Ever) Hxnmplc in the hook u wunnm or? II
7111.. and united in a pluin manner. w thnl
when n pnrnllrl case nri es (linu- n-{rrring to
the work will find lm diflilulty in n-ndily nolr
mg i'; in A word, lhe general nrrungvment of
the CALrl‘u-ruu is no simple. thin any nnewho
knoll huw m um. BI‘HYRAt‘T. ILLTu-LY, or
mnux, mucus-Hy Sulrc any nnlinnry example
thul arise.- in busiur's. or nrrhc u‘ the Hun
result‘of any animal:- required. ‘ ..
The chicfuim of the uulhor has been 10 cit-i
chew theory and philosophy in figures. nlming‘
oul) M. fucls nnd simplicxl) . belie-ring um buxla
no” men care little- nhuut spending time inl
discuniing lhv philomphy 01' rules, or lhcl
sciem c of flgurf! dvcming it sufficient furlfiu-lr
purpow to he nhlc n' A Imus'r, by nflr’euceJ
to nrriic nl vhc niu um n. The (‘ALri'tn-(m:
dim-rs In this rv-pu‘l from all Arilhxm-lils of
the din and klmlred “mks—it is nkry topracm
licnl hminr-i rnltlllulinnA—il Is. in lhc h.unls[
u?" the hu~lneu mun, “hat the km to mum-. 1
mnlicnl \mrks is ln llw hunds of the tcuhi-r [nl
the school-room—il {nciliuucs lime and cor-T
I'C(iLC>“. ‘ I
The Work treat! oftho \lvnsnrcmonl ul'Lnnd.’
of Lumber. of Brick mu! ihick Work, of Slunel
k Slum.- Wnrk, of Grain and Grain “ms, or
COM 3: Coal l:ins.oi Wood, ofSolius, of (Jinn-i
lar. Square, or Irn-gnln Vowels. of (‘inernu
and Van, of limiting, of I‘lnsterges'zjfintcrfii
(iluicrs'. I‘m ers‘, i’iumbers', Pup]? llangcrl'.
and l'pholstcrers' Work. It Lrenu ofUnrrt-nvy
and of Foreign and Domestic Exchange, ul‘tlie
Decimnl System, of Reduction nnd its extend
ei! applicmion to Business. of Simple and Com
pound lulcrcst, And their entire application to
Business transactions, with the laws and uunges
governing and regulating the same, togeilier
with numerous cummerciul Furms,——of chnl
Tender, of Plrtinl I'aymcnu on Notes, ofßuuk-l
ing and Bunk Discount». of Equation of Pay
menu and of Partnenhip Accounts. of Assen
men: of Tues, of Weight: nnd Meuurea. of
Sqnlre Ind Cnhic Measure,“ the Square Rom
nnd its Application to Businns, ofSurf-ce, or‘
Excavnlion, Ind of many other important! pne
ticsl mutter. noi within the scope of In adver
tisement to mention.
It In just the Book for‘the Farmer. the Me-,
cbnnic, the Artisnn, or the Profeuionnl mumi
I: he pron-n n nluuble auxiliary to the Lug-i
yer, the Justice of the Pace, the Convey-amt
and um Hume Broker, to the Ana-or, the.
Bmker, the Clerk, to the Civil When and:
the Surveyor, to the Carpenter Ind Bricklayer, l
to the Stone luon and the Plaster", to the,
Piper finger and l'pholsterer, m the PM":
and the Tfler, ta, a; each nd nu will and!
ttuhpted to their nrioun mu better than;
' book published.
wk‘nailed (post pnid) to may put of the|
I'n‘xted States upon receipt of ‘he mouey.—'
Price of I tingle copy, in cloth. 60 cenu, or‘
two cop'm for $1 00. Bound in pocket-book‘
form, Morocco, 8! 00 per copy. Address, '
Box 1911, Philadelphiu P. 0., P 3. |
Dec. 3,1860. pm '
T. E. Cook & Sons
AVE unblhhed '- Depot It In]. Joli
Boon-’3, in Cbmbcrl’blll' we“, amyl
nrg. flu army hull ad Ornament-1m
ad Plums, awfully munpluud mm for we.
mu md m Mancun- vu
nnted. / [Noni 1900. t!
0 Y“! 0 Ya!
m: ndnfipefom Ila union m ‘5O
"I; yubllo u so Analogou- ad 8310 Odor,
u noticinnnhnofp-m In-hh
fiends. Charge. nodal-nu. ”Howl-High
that, our on hil. ' ISAAC mourns.
‘ Gettysburg, oa. 2’, Im.
Glob. ‘
l!‘ uniqu- mot-Mug n—tmmaed,
mm m-mpabncmt '3l: in
9-1: Mod. I- ham.” 1:
man. . -
. $3 1' m‘m’
fink.“ Ir 1": . ' ‘
:ItiHra§ i lW
I Tull: You How to choose all kind: at Heats,
Poul"), and Game, with ill] the wriou
luvl mun approved modes of dmniug
um! umking Beef nud l'urk; uLso the
but and thug-luv. may of calling, pickling
and ruring the Mine.
It Tell; You All lhe variant and mounpprored
modes of drening, conking, and boning
Nnnon. Lamb, Van], l’oullry. Méhme
ol ..11kinds,withuneaidcreuwhmnp,
Unniu, and Sluflingu upprupr'mlc to
It leu You How to choose. clean, and pm.
. urn: Full of all kinds, Ind how to
7 nuclei: it when uiuml; uho all the m
‘ rious and most nppmred model cook
ing, with the different Drcuinglfg‘laucu,
and Flavoring: appropriate to each.
It Tell; You All the various and mm! approv
ed nodes of preparing over any dilfcrcut
kinds of Meat. Fish, Fowl, (imam and
Vegelnble Soups, Brulhs, and Stu-I,
with the Relishcu and Scuouings aphro
prlnte 10 each.
It Tell: You All the various and moaupprored
modes of cooking Vegetables of every
druriplion, also how to prep-re Pickles,
(‘uunpu Ind Currie: of I“ kinda. Potted
New, Fish, Game. Mushrooms, he.
It Tell: You All the various Ind most spprm'ed
modes ofprcpuringund cooking all kind:
of Main Ind Fancy Pastry. Puddings,
' l'lCaEr‘ES' Jellies, Ind Sweet. Dishes of
eu-ry description. ,
XI. Trlls You Ali the various and nigh approv
ed modes of uniting Bren]? Hush, Muf
fim, and Biscuit. them->1 mctliud ofprc
pariug Coho, Chocolate, and Tea, and
how to muke Syrups, Cordials, and
Wmce of various Linda.
I! Toil- You lhm to so! DUI. and onmmvnt n
Tublc, how :0 Curve n“ Linda 0! Pith,
)‘h sh or Fowl. and in Ibort, how to so
simplify the whole Art. of Caching n to
bring the choicest iuxurics of the üble
within evervbody': ranch.
The book conulnn 418 pages, Ind upwards
crutch-e hundred Recipes. all of which are the
rrsulu oi Actual experience, inning been fully
nud carefully tested under the pcnonul lupu
inlendence of the wriun. It is printed in n
clmr and open type, ll illnurated with Appro
fn'lle engravings, and will be forwarded to Any
nddreu, neatly bound, and pomp paid. on
écceip‘ of the price, 31,00, or in cloth, extra,
$l.OOO A m can be mnde by enter
prising men everywhere, in lelling the above
work, our inducement: to :1] Inch being very
For tingle copies of the Book, or for terms
to wean, with other inform-Lion. apply to or
address JOHN E. POTTER, Publilhcr.
5'6. 617 Sunom BL, Philadelphia Pa.
Nov. 26, 1860. cm
Siirpenoe a Day,
pnper shun—There is now in n Aims
ouse st Bristol In old nun who states, that
for sixty Jenn he spent sixpcneo 3 day in
drink, but 111 nun Intoxicated. How much
w‘outd thin slxpenco nod? put by every yeor st
five per cent. compound ntefut amount to in
sixty yours! "out“ n thoughtlul neighbor.
Putting don tho Int ..snr’s saving (385 six
pcnces) equnl to $43 54, he ndded the interest,
snd this mt on, you by fear, until he found
tint in the 80th punks xpom-e u do, resch
ed the startling sun of 814,336 18. Judy:
of tho old uum’s surpdse, when told thot by
saving his “2ch n day, And depositing it in
o Suing: Mutton ho night now, at the end
offioyun,hlvehoeu worth thunohle “111314,-
336 28,1‘hfich would it" bought him n in
(am, «town-union. sud surrounded him
with comforts ad knit-. 5“ left 3 hand
some auto to his chndnn mar him. He but,
And hundreds now In our midst hveLbnt to de
posit finance 5 by hi m. meu' an ll:-
cu‘nos’ Sunny limo: or Anal con—
-71, b loco-push this malt.
Mm, July 13, )8“.
Est. Boot. ' Shoe.
on m 000 m AT 18: SIGN 0?
m: mo noon—no mum hm
us "and :- nun supply of £111,011»,
h “Sod. I, ' m mum:- ’
n u up 0 In,
Bridles, oaks, it. _
M‘l Ion: 0! ml this no. ‘0 Order
? W '0'?“ music“ m—
ono-nub work :Iqu on 5%. Price- luv
for cat. 003 8 cm.
Nov. 19, IPM. ' ‘ ‘ ' '
...,m" wzm
has“? WW” 9.: “ms:
‘ ‘ . ‘ u u
..‘g mWfihe-h m 9: 2'-
Sir: I lune used your Pills in my grnenl
and hospital rncticc ever lime you nude them,
nu! cannot {thinly to my they are the beat.
cathurtic we unpluy. Tht ir regulating Action
on the lltcr in quick Ind decided, consequently
they Ire In ndmimble remedy tor drrnngements
oftlml organ. Indcch hxue leldom {and 3
case of bilious disrupt- nu obstinate that it did
not. readilyyiehl to them. Pattern-Hy yours,
Ammo HALL. M. 1).,
Physician ot'thc Murine Ilusptul.
ho- Dl'. 1.0 emu, of Chm-go. ~
Your Pills have had Ii long trial In my pne
u'ce, Ind] hold them in esteem u uuu of tho
belt Opericuu l have ever lound. The titer:-
tive elect upon “to liver makes them An ucol
lcm remedy, when given in small dose: for
bilioul dyuelurry and diarrhwn. Their luxu
touting nukes them very ngccpmblu and con
xcnirnl lor the me ofwumcn and children.
hon Hu. J. Y. Him", Putnr of Advent Cbu ".11. Both-
Dr. A)": lluu'e lucd )uur l'llls mth u
lnordinnry lucceu in my lumily Ind mnong
thou: I lm cnlled to visit in distress. Tu regu
lue [he organs of digestion and purify the
blood, they lure the wry but remedy I have
ever known, und 1 can confidently recommend
them to my fricndl. Yours, J. \ . Hutu.
“'nrmw, \\'_\omxng co , N. ‘l'.. Oct. 24,715.
Dear Sir: Inm thing your Cnthurtic Pill:
in my pmcliu, and find them an urcllont
pnrgntive to clvunse the ”slum and purify the
fountains of the blood.
Juux G. Mummy, )1. p.
CUNSTIPATIOX, (‘Oé'l'lVl-ZNESS, Sl'l’l’llh‘S-
7mm Dr. J I’. Virgin, )h‘mtml, Cumul-
Too much cannot be mid of 3uur l’ills for
the (ure ot'voflivcness. ”others of our {ra
lcruity bane found them as cfiicM-iuus u‘l
lune, lhcyallouldjoin me in proclaiming“ for
the benefit. of [be qullituer-who suflvr from
that complaint, which, ahhudgh bad enough in
ilsell,is the progenitor of olhera that an: “onto.
I believe cmtlwuus Lo orig unto in the liver,
bulyuur Pills life“. that organ and cure the
lromlln I Etuan, Physician and Mld-lfo. too.
2 find one or two large dose: of )our l'ills.
taken at the proper lime, are excellent promo
lirea orthe natural accrction when wholly or
partially auppresssd, and also \‘cry ell'cclual to
cleanse the nomad: and expel worms. They
are so much the beat. phyaic we have that I re
mmmend nu olhcrto my patients.
From an Bu. Dr. Hart-a, ar' a. law In 2pm. Church.
Puhuki Home, Savannah, Gm, Jun. 6,176.
Honored Sir: I should be ungrateful for
”)0 relicfyour akill lnu brought me il I did not.
report my cue to you. A cold settled in my
limbs and brought on oxcrucinling neuralgie
palm, which ended in rhronlc rbeum-imn.—-
Noivilhlmnding I had the best of p 11) aicitnn,
the (ii-cue grew worse and worse, until by the
Advice ofyour excellent age!“ in Baltimore, Dr.
Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effect:
were Ilowl but lure. By persevering in the use
of them, I am now entirely well.
Senate Climber, Bnmn Rouge, LL. 5 Doe.’ss.
Dr. Ayn: 1 [me been entirely cured, by
you Pille, of RheunuLlc Gout-n painful din
mo tint find :81in me for yes".
film! of the Fill: in market contain Mer
cury, which. nluxongh ; valuable remedy in
skilful hands. is dnugeroul in 3 public pill,
from the drrndful consequence: thtl frequent
ly follow in inuulioul use. These contain no
[nu-cur] or minetal substance whztovcr.
him, 25 mm per Box. or 6 Bow In 81.
Pnpmd b! Dr. J. C. "El 8 (20., Lows“, Inn.
#3Ol by A. D. Bach] 1:, Gettysburg; P.
Bobliu, Arenduvillo; 15310:: as new,
Fdrfleld; P. A. Mym, New Chum; I. Salter,
New Oxford; E. Btu-shew, York Springn; Ind
damn gum").
Sem. 3, xB6O. lyeow
t»: 1'!!!“
The experience of thousand: daily prowl
tlmt no prepurnliou oflron enn he can‘t-rad
with it. impurities of the blood, depreu un of
Vital energy, pole nnd utherwwe sickly cum.
plexions indicate its necessity in than“ every
coneeiuhle cue.
lnnoximu in all mnlndiee in which it hue
been tried, it hm- pruH-d nlmulutcly curative in
each of the following complaints, V“:
In Del/”Ely, Nervous .lfl'edfmu. Sam-Em
lion, Dim-quid, Cum/imtinu, Diarrhea. Dy:-
ndrry, Incipient Connmvphnn, Scmfllllm:
7'HIIII'I'IIIUXII. Salt 131 mm, Minututrwuliou,
“Voila. CMDI‘OII'II. Lixr Cumplui-11. admit:
Ilruvluchu, lt‘lmmalitm. Inlamt'lkul Fecal,
Pimple: on [he Face. (It.
In cares of (Rum. Dzmmr, whether the
ruult of acute disease. or uf the continued
dimunitiun of nervous and nmeeullr energy
from chronic enmplnints, one Irinl of thil rer
turntiw hns prm ed ullct'csnful to an extent.
uhlrh no description nor written utteflation
would render credible. lmnlldl so long bed
ridden as to have become forgotten In their
own neiglilmi’homln. have Hudt ' re-aleenr-r
ed in the busy World as if ' it run d from
protrncted trm‘el inn distn itlllllvf/ISUDIG very
simml instnnees oflhis kin are altegtt‘d of fe
nmlc Sull‘erers, emncintcd victims of Int-rent
mumstnus. sanguineoul uhunelion, critic-l
chnnges, and that complication ufncn'om and
dupe-mic aversion to ulr and exercise fur which
the physician has no nnme. .
In Stun-01's Apnea-mu of all kinds. And for
reasons t-nullnr to medical men. the oyerntinn
of this prepnrutinn of iron mu»! neceuarily he
lnlutnry, for, unlike the old oxides, it in ”gun,
unsly tonic, without being exciting nnd over
heating; and gently, regularly aperienl, "en
in the mull olmtlnnte eme- of eostivenm with
out ever hetng n gntptrie purgutite, or inflicting
n disugreenhle sensation.
it is this latter propertan‘ong others, 'hlth
makes it so mum rkuhly ell’et-tmd and perm-non}
a remedy for I'll", ulmn which it Ilse appear!
tu exert. n distinct and specific action, by dint
persing the loenl tendency which form: them.
In lh'si-xmlu. innumerable as m m elulew,
a single box of these (lhalybt-utc Pill! bu often
Inuit-ed for the moat lubituul curl, Including
the attendant Cay-liveneu.
ln unchecked llukuuaA.e\‘enth-n «hand
to Dnnxum‘, confirmed, elnneiutmg, and Ape.
patently malignfiut, the effect: hue been equal
ly decisive and astonishing.
In the local palm, lou ol‘ huh Ind eta-gun,
debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, thick
generally indicate lsetriuxr (,‘uut'lrrlol, thin
remedy has nilnyed the alarm of friend: Ind
physirimne. in several very gratifying“! inc,
tereulng Instances. '
In SCIOH'LOCI Tunncmosu, this medicated
iron has had far more thnn’the good ell'ect oh
the most enutlonlly nuanced paper-um qt‘
iodine, without any 0! their well know‘ lie
The nuentlon of (males cannot be too eon:
fldcntly lurked to this remedy and mwmln,
in the use! peeullsrly naming them. ‘
In Ruxl'unlsl, both chronic and lnfllfllm_
tory—iu the latter, however, more decidedly—v.
it has been inrsr'vlbly well reported, both”
alleviating pain and rednclng the swellingsfihd.
stltfness of the Joints and muscles. '
In lsrsumnr Psvns lt muss ”email,
be Is great remedy and energetic restoring.
and its progress in the new settlements o! the
Wm, mu probably be one at high renew-yd
usefulness. ' ‘
No remedy has ever been dlscovmd in the
whole history otmedicipe, which exert! nah
prompt, hsppy, snd [all] mwrsflvs cinch;-
Good appetite, complete dlgcsllqs, rum
quismou o! strength, with en um!
“on for native sud cheerful csmlsoflnuefi
stay follow he use. . »
Put up in nest fist nets! boxes cool-Ida:
50 pills, price 60 mag box; for ssh J]
drag-imam} dealers. ' be sens mull!)
u! resson reedptofflri prleeu'Ml' his”,
"am, “who.” be addressed in ' ~91?
.‘ B. B. LOCKS t 00., fluqsrw," .
oa. 15, Im. 11 to cm NJ.
V'lscu‘r SunnL.
COACHIAKIXD m ”‘3‘ . ,i'” ,0
—l'bc IBM“: to. f) ..
undead: at! an 1k tn: M 47-h -
lnortq.bmehuhb mug '-
bcrihr“ smut. ~l'o‘ ha Wang 1
Wuovglflfflifiiii QEGA _ ‘