The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 03, 1860, Image 3

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    I , • . • ... .. . - • ,
Istiroil woo- f L• -. iis t eto
, w oe .
' I '.' Reglitelli Mottos. •
_MXTAllilik - 14.
a* o (, I I ill • i P* 4 =i iwt o i n ,...„ 0 .„ 0 ..,.. ',f aw n s , t a d w a ge l inm A tie, ' Oral is *retry gi VIPS to t hat leatees and
area la aelf IP B. Setall other poisons conceraed t tbe Adatla-
Stores am too *mask air rge room 4 4T, LCll lrie kien i ll i t y P a il t i l ie e killie d. c k% at p the . it , Cil Y a L l"ri . ! stratioa accounts hereinafter mentioned will
fill ief Marmot retry, patter.; *Lew +ever/ 1.6 ' ' 'a -sr—e j _,:iyi ii ,..a nts . 1840 T a w ;l am . 0 —: be reheated at the Curt of Common Pleas of
riety of aidlyfft, Were, glieed.iroa Ware, Ti. 111 21 "._1•W iliow
reside. loured , ,
aboetr 3 Adams county for confirmation and allow-
Ware, Planisited Ware , Japan Ware —embnic- which 10 `
of r(I ' lt , el and ' m iles nice, oil Mau *day, the 27, th of Dereseber sort, at
lag, indeed, everything in Om house farnishing North -441 k re "lc' 1.1,• 1 mile Booth - • , 3l .
• f 10 o dock , A. ~ v ia
of Mt. Pleasant , and adii,si 6,
bog. A 1.., Sausage Cutters,Sansage Staffers, we't„_ _ ' ---•'--D-44. lands O ' 2 It. The account of John Tudor, Admix's-
Joaepb ssossultnai;
Farm aiteuel Koko, Ezra Breagte.
' Lard Presses fie, Lc. They are prepared LO trator of Phebe Tudor. deceased.
, t 34 other. . contains 140 AGRZS,
oil wbolaatie sad retail, Ti. Ware 1104 Sheet
more or lasi ;. frombnis I 332. The first, and dual account of David
I Mara . of their own twanntsctare—lraeldnif
1 4 20 to
25 A 451.1 uf t : ri f eh m,. - ",,, Maaaelmass, Executor Or the last will and Leg
ates ticket number of bands to supply any de- ' b a nolibers the nee cleared, aid 7 - -.” tasseat of Christian Masser, late of Liberty
maa4. Their assortment of Lumbar is err! aid° of ealtirati° 6 ` 1; I. divided '214 nine to W Oa/
_i_p, deceased.
i Adds beside the Meadow •; Springs In all the ,
large ; also Coal of every kind. 233. 'The account of Col. John Wolford, Ad
..._..._..............------ lieu & &wept two, which open into the Barn , i . r , „4 d
Tng l ag rti c .ot mgnicAr, Avl) TOILET ' Yard. all under good fencing—a large portion' m oistrator o J o h n . n,) er, d ecease d .
_ ! 234. The first and final account of John '
lIECKIPT BOOK.—This book contains Recipe. of it Post and Rail. The buildings
and Directions for making al! the most taloa- , consist of a good and convenient .1- Simpson. Guardian of Catharine Myers, one of
the minor children of Jacob 115ers i deteascd.
ble Medical preparations in ate; also Recipes Farm HOC: 4 E and Kitchen, S moke ' : 1/11
and lull and explicit directions for making all 'House, Spring !louse, lien House. _.. who has also deceased..,,
the most popular arid useful Cosmetics, Per- kc.: a first-rate large and netrly new B 25. The first and final account of Johnatik Ferret- and Susannah Itoblitz, Administrators
fumes, Fnguents. Hair Restoratives, and all Harr., w i t h : m o t Stable room, Cora House. of John Boblitz, deceased.
Toilet Ittirles. It you areAuff e ring with any Wagon Sli,d, Hog Peu, and all the other tie- 236. The first and final seem:int of David
chronic disease—if you wish a beautiful cola- cessory out-buildings--and all in good condi- Slagle. Guardian of Simon
pier on, a flue head of hair, a smooth face, • tioa. The Farm yields well. and with its am- of Solomon Slagle, deceased.
clear skin. a luxuriant beard or moustache—or pie improvements is one of the must desirable 237. The first and final account of Abraham
if you with to know anything and everything i n t i lt county.
Trostle. Guardian of the person and estato of
i n the Medical and Toilet line, you should, by r•Ternts will be easy, and made known by Christiana S un day.
all means, peruse a copy of this book. For the subscriber, oho will take much pleasure in 238. The second and final account of James
full particulars, and a sample of the work fur showing the property to any one wi-hint t o ; Davis. Administrator of the estate of Peter'
perusal, (free,) address the publisher. purchase, and giving all needed information. IFones, deceased.
T. V. CHAPMAN. Iter.3, .00. is RICHARD J. LAM Alt.
No. 931 Broadway, New York. j
239. The second account of John Vlohr,
' Krecutor of the teat will and testament of Wm.
Flohr, deceased.
EACH kft111( MYERS, R•pitar. i
Register's Whet, Getty's- k
burg, Nov. 26, lebo. i i
Nor. 5. 3m
TO CONSUMPTIVE:4 —The Advertiser. line
in been restored to healtla in n few weeks by ft
Very II 'triple remedy. after haring sntfered oe; eral
Terri with aes ere Ifni:affection. and that dread
disposes, ransainptit,n—is Alralo4.l to make
known to his fellow-.ulTrrers the mean!' ofcure
To all who desire It, he will send a copy of
the prescription nn•d (free of charge,! with the
directions for preparing and using the same,
which they will find a sure Cure fur Cons/imp
tiva, dfroncititi• , . k(. The only ohje,t
of the advertiser in Feuding'thl pre+cription is
to benefit the Olin ted, and spre.l.l information
which he conceives to he invaluable. and he
hopes every sufferer will try his remedy. Its it
will cost theca nothing and wry prove • bier
sing. V fly Work rout tins 204 pages, and upwards
Parties wishing the pregeription • ill please of sna Rules and Examples. entirely and
address REV. EDW.\ RD A. WII,soN, Ihoroughir rUACTICAL. Allen as arise erery day
Finn eounty, •in the t (minion pursnits of Rosiness. It has
Oct. 12,1141;0. ty New Turk. through a notntrer of Editions
i n repot snecessiort, ant is pronounced by all
s irTIIF: PUBLIC 131.1...i.11NG which is now
chatntes of bUsiness (tint to be the emiroterr
unirersallr admitted fu th,t in Molfat'st Lite
some or iskriestesets. pertaining to calculations,
And l'lmenix Bitters. is every tlttv cleman
th-it has ever been published.
strated hr their Agtoniihiu„r rifiet:cv
Fiery Example in the hook ls women' OCT IN
which they are announced to cure. All the'
ruLt., nod stated itt a plain emptier, so that
complaints of the atantar), and bowet ,, , weak
when a Tattrallel rase nerles those referring to
mess of the digestive organs and of the .; - stew
generally, bilious and liver affections. night the work will find no difficult, - in readily
; in word, the general arrusgement of
focers,head aches, pules, cestit CUttAtlinit
the CALCULATOR en simple, that any ~who
Los. rheum att Ain, scurvy, pu rit vut the blood,
or blotched and sallow ccoupletion.s, soon yield knows how to ADO, et:artier, weurtetv, er
to their curative properties. A single trial in-
limos. can easily solve any drdinary example
v•riahlv securer them the title of the best (mini-
that stripes in business, or arrive at the true
lv tiedicittes now before the public. For sale resale of ony estimate required.
by the proprietor, W. MOFFAT, „ A m, „m et, ! The chief aim of the author has been to ea
tr, Broartway. N. Y., and Itv S. S. Forney chew ths•ri and philosophy in figures. airuiag
w ( Feb. 13. r tress
l y at facts and simplicity, believithat busi-
Agent Gettysburg.
men care little about spend ing
time in
WISTAICS 1111-SAll OF WILD ciumar; discussing the philosophy of rule., or the
—Toughs, Colds, Bronchial', Asthma, Croup, science of figures, deeming it snakiest for their
IVhoopinx Cough, Quinsy, and-the numerous purpose to be able AT • nont.ST, by reference,
as well as titingerons disemses kof the Throat, to smite at the Tics *RAWL!. The CALCUL .Toa
CUest and Lungs. prevail, in our changeable differs in this respect from all Arithmetic' of
climate, mt till seasoris 111 the rear: (err are the .18., and kindred works—it Is a key to peste.
firinnAte enough to escape their baneful in- tied insieres• estleulations—it IX, In the heeds
tinence. slow important then to have at hand of the business man, what the key to maths.
a sett un Atiti,lo lc to ail this , rtlint4o6l Mtg.. Ex- ' , enticed works is in the bands of the teacher is
perieuce proves that this exists in Wistar's the schocti.rnons—it faeniusu b s time and ens.-
Balsam to An extent not (auatl in any other . mettle's.
recurrit ; however se% ere the Außering. toe ap- ; The Work treateof the Measurements,Last,
itt IL it Loa of 0114 ',wilting. healing and arum/er.. of Lowlier, of Brick and Brick Work, of flume
lul lialstutu at once canquiahea l the tli.eam and k Stone Work, of esti Grain oats, of
restores the sufferer to w 08 , 1 tell health. Coal k Goal Bina. of Wood. of Solids, of Otren-
Fitull GEOUt.E. W. ETTEII, ESQ., LUMBER tar, /Moore. or lerrgalar Vemala. of Olotsrms
1110,CIIANT. land VMS, of 'Cooing, of Plastrrere, Painters',
WIDDI.R.TOWX, Daunts CO., Ps., Apr. 24, '6O• Glaziers'. Pavers', Plumbers', Paper Haileft%
Mews. S. W. Fowls k Cu.,— • land Upholsterers' Work. It treats of estrreney
.tbout set en mouths bince I was severely af- and of Foreign anti Ihmtestie R . :chino, of the
11 " trd with Whooping rultithi and had Almon t Decimal System, of Redaction and its extend
given up the hope ut recovery. It wits.' must • e.l application to Realness, of Simple and Com
e 'Mem mtock of t h is de.tnirtive and danger- pound Interest, nod their entire spplie ition to
out di•e.utr. I h-id tried every remedy which I Business transactions, with the laws and ns tree
be•ri recommended. lint they all failed en- governing and regniating the same, together
tarely, u•itil a trial of 1111. IClaT.ta • s Iht.a►tt Olt aide numerous commercial Fortes,—uf Legal
\Vit.() tatty wm. commenced. the use Ofwhtch Tender. of Partial Payments on Notes, of Boni
gave immediate relief. Coder circutn- ing and Bank Discount, of Kvittion of Pay
stance,. rat her than b- without the Balsam I i mrnta atl , l of Partnership Accounts. of A•sess
would pay fifty dollars fur a bottle of it, be- ment of Tiles, of Weights and Measures, of
liering that it is the only certain antidote toe 4 Square and Cubic Measure, of the Square Root
the die sae. I moat cheerfully r,coniutend amt its Application to Business, of Surface, or
this invaluable remedy to the public. s Excavation, and of many other important prac-
GF.ifittlE W. ETTF:I2. I tics matters nut within the scope of an silver-
FllO3l DAVID SLIFER. ESQ. tisement to mention.
Lawissuso, Ps., 31.. y T, 1860. I It is jest the Book for the Partner, the Re-
Seth W. Fovrlo k Co., • , eltanie,ilte Artisan, or the Professional man.
Gentle:Lieu: I have used Dr. Wistar's 11•11- It has proven a valuable Auxiliary to the Law
s•in of Wild Cherry, and believe it to be an ex- yer. the Justice orate Peace, the Conveyancer,
cellent remedy fur Collet., Colds, And Induni- and Real Estmte Broker, to the Assessor, the
niation of the Lungs, And I recouttriend it moat, Hanker, the Clerk, to the Civil Enxineer and
cheerfully. DAVID :LIFER. the Surveyor, to the Carpenter and Bricklayer,
str(',actin In Purchersers.—The only ramjet , : to the Stone Mason and the Plasterer, to the
Ira al.'s Balsam has th e written s; f rnatnre of "I. Paner Hanger and rpholsteter, to the Peter
Itrrrs ' And the printed one (it the Proprietors , and-the Tiler, ke., de.. ; each and all will find
on the outer wrapper; all other is vile and it adapted to their various wants better than
. I
Jrtllle , s. any hook published. - . •
per•;'replred hr SET(' W. FOWLE & CO.,' g il e d . (post road)t o „ n 3. part et . the
110.tou. nod for sale by A. D. Buehler. Gettys• United States upon receipt of the money.—
burg: K. llitehhew, York Spring.; Wiu. Wolf, Pelee of n single copy, In loth, 60 cents, or
F.A•t. Soloulon Chronl-ter. liamptou; tilt° copies for•Sl 00. Sewed in pestritstAsook
Je.eol) Fulweiler,Muntm.4shurg; D.E. rosin, Morocco, $1 00 per copy. Address,
Abhott.tosn: M. St tater, New Oxford; John M. M. AMMER.
Little4towtt; and by de aers ever) where.. Box 1911,Philadelpltia I'.
Nur. 12, 18d6. Dee. 3, taro. um
TII:', GREAT Etlf,Nll 11F.MED1.—qta ' Sands' Sarsaparilla,
Prepared from a preneriiiiion of S.r J. Clarke,
T ll Purif)ing the Blood, will be toned a rev•
N. I).. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.—
This inna'de medicine is unfnilmg in the tam cure for SCROFCLA AND SCItOECLOUs
cure of all thuae paitinil and dangerous disetse m s Drs"l'ElLs• As an Alteracive and ileaaratia /r
%gent it i. Unequalled! A plentiful snpply of
to whieh the female constitution is siihject, It -
pure blood is ea•enti.ll to animal life. When
moderntes all excess and removes all obctrue
t the proper circultcon of the vita' fi o i,j i s im
jams, and a speedy cure may he relied on. To
peeled •iclione•is is Die inevitable consequence,
'lamed Ladies it . ii peculiarly suited. hall!, become unhealthy, the liver be
in a short time, bring on the monthly period the secret
. , conics clogged ala i impure tide, wiiicn forced
with regularity.
into the s . , stem. % mutes and intirsuies the blood.
Each bottle, price One Doll tr. bears the 11 or
engendering rcrofitlnand cutuaeous and hilt:try
ernment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent
disorders. SANDS SA USAPA REA. A will
gently stimulate tie functions of the atom tell
Carriott —Three Pills should not be taken
and bowels to a regular and healthy action,
by females during the first three mouths of
and without nnuea or purging expel all dele-
Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Miss
! terious accumulations, purify the Wood, equal
carriage, but wt any other time tb-y are s ifs.
ize the cireulatton, promote perspiration, lass
In all cavities( Nervous and Spinal Affections, ,
prom e the appetite, imp irt tone and 3 igur to
Pnin in the Beek and Limbs. Fatigue on slight
exertion. ro:liit. , tion
of . the tie.irt, !fritter " the sy•teru. mud gradnall but surely extirpate
and Whites, these Pills will effect s cure when , the disease. Latiollig all unsightly eneresences
to disappear, and leii iug the skin perfectly,
all other means hare failed: and although
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel , smooth aud flexible.
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the eonstitus Priee $1 00 per bottle or G bottles for
Don. ,$5 00. As for Sands' Sarsaparilla, and take
Full directions in the pamphlet around each , no other.
package, which should be carefully preserved.' bar Prep.-ea b r A. 13. kD. SANDS. Drug
gists, luo Fulton St., roe. of Willi lm, N. Y.
Sole Agent for the United Statesand Canada,
JOB 110SES, (Late I.C. Baldwin k C 0.,) : Dec. by A. D. licantxn, Gettysburg, Pa.
Rochester. N. Y. I - ' ' loin. lat
N. 13.—51 00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed-
Sixpence a Day
- -----,
to any Inthorized Agent, will insure a bottle,
containing 60 Pills, by return mail. - i EI j .NOUGII FOR A FORTUNE.—A London
June 11, '6O. lyeow I I ' papar states:—There is now in an Alms
_ house at Bristol an 0111 man who states, that
for sixty dears be spent sixpence a day in
Sapqsa• Flour
Rye /tow__ .....• •..
White Wheat.--
Red Wheat
B••••• - 4S
Clover Seed 4-10 to 4 75
Timothy Seed ...... 23 te I 11
Flax , 1 20
'gamer of Paris .....................«
I hater trolled, per b0z......—....
Pork »«„x..;.........„........
BALT IMoitg—Fistamt &AST.
Fl° 01 "••••-........................' ......... 1 00 tit 5 12
. Wheat .... ......... ... ..•..-... i 00 :41 45
Ry• ....................................... ' 1 .5 to so
C• 11 1--....--............... - , ~.. 50 iir 63
Wu; .."-- ..—.-. $0 to 15
Clover .._..» .............._..» .............. L --................. 5 z 5 tie 5. SO
Tialertby -...--...-...-. 2 00 80 7-3#
Beef Cattle,peilieelt...--....- 500 to 7 Sit
Bev, pie ,beed.---4------ Took 7 SO
Hay ---.».----------.12 00 1016 oo
Whiskey „.",.......•••••••• e.0.m.. f..•••• 19 is 20
effilagae,Pertiviert, per ton.---- ' 02,00
• - "stztLlllNYVlliitTreassm”Asr.
tlik be bad 0.4. A
Rye • ••466 1 . 2
666.6.6••••• 6666.4101666664... 4O
Oats • * 6.6 6 ., 6 t
'719 - 6+4ti p irNlat: '6
Rohrer's Practical Calculator,
A Book of plain 'lllicit and Calculations for
Operation., by M iliftl 31. Rosana,
Practical Surveyor and Conteyancer. New
• Edition. Pu J. B. Ltrirtsccrt, &
drink, hut was never Intoxicated. flow much
4 50
I would this sixpence n-ttey pat by every year at
lfirs per cent.. compound interest amount to in
3 s °' ,
;'sixty years? enquired a thoughtful neighbor.
--/ 00 to 1 12 I"attl . ag down tie first year's saying (363 six.
20 to 25 ; peaces) equal ta $43 54. he added the iaterest,
and tbiswest on, year by year, anti/ be found
that in the 60th year. the sixpeece a day reacts-
ed the startling soul of 314,336 23
of the old man's surprise, when told that by
&ming his sixpence a day, sail depositing it in
a &sings rnatitation ha might now, at the sod
of - 60 yitars,have been worth that noble sum $14,.
336 iB, wbick would bare bought him • line
1 SO
6 00
farm, or town mansion, and sigerwondad hint
with et:linking and intaries, and left • hand
some estate to his ailitrat Wier Mu- Ha bad,
and hundreds nowin one midst lure, bat to de
posit gispeate a day is Use !Pawn's' Aran Xs-
rr, to accomplish this remit.
Geuysbarg, Jail 113, 1660.
Ladies, •
Emma call at Tabauttwks, will Sad Ow
to/bad/wisest DRS t! GOODS is taws, De
, Cashmeres, rigared Neriaaes, Coburg,
Pranch filerlaixw, all .111rwal,aa toss 21i; coats •
yard. Call sew
Oct. 22. rmemeroci. summis.
WAKIL-4ast A rOt xta readv.
. V
11!It hii 1101.1=,
Melodeon For Sale.
CPT of Prince k Co's. improved and patent
11FILOTWONS noutoe hank, doubt , :
reed, and four stops ; elegantly finlsked. in
handsome rosewood. and well adapted for a
small cburcb' or the drawing room It can be
sects at Ht. James' Churth. Eal.t York 4. Fur
partleuhirs apply to J. S. GILLESPIg.
Nor. 26, 1860. 31.
Fish, Oysters, &c
TORN A. NITERS. Carlisle Street, Gettysburg,
near licelellan's Hotel, is constantly re
IRISH POTATOF.S, APPLES, kc., from the
city tuarkeu, whico lie is eniuy,r at the lovrest
profits. Families and dealers supplied with
Oysters by the canon or otherwise. A 'hereof
public patronage is soll(itnl, sad every effort
will he made to-give satisfaction in all Wet.
NOV. 26, limo, 31
At Broadhead's,
TN Carlisle street, the latest ('eriodicals can
alwu)s be had. This is the time to renew
subscriptions. Don't dal Let " come right
The new Odd FellowiCertiticete—a splendid
affair, and che.ip--can Le obtained at Broad
head's. Call. inspect., and boy.
Nor. 2i, 1840.
Tyson Brothers
T'" pleasure in announcing to their kind
patrons and friends that their new and es
teusive " Sly-Light Gallery," (on: the south
side of York street, opposite the Bonk, and oue
door below ,their old gallery,) i■ nearly corn
pitted, and they hope to welcome the piddle in
the New Estriblishusent, on and after .laeuary
lit, 1861; until then they will continue opera
ting in their ed ruom, corner of Venire Square,
tiettyaburg, Pa. [Nor. 26, 1860.
TN ALL ITS BRANCHES, executed in the
i best style known in the art. at C. G.
(MANX'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, oI
Sixth, Phil idelithis. LIFE SIZE in Oil and
Pastel, Stereoscopic Pnoraits, A int.rotypes, Ds
gnenvotypes, kc., fur C.Ases, Medallions, Pius,
king% Ay. [Nur. 12, 18GO. ly
testamentary on trio estate of Mary
Illdebrand, late of IN ntingtots twp., Adonis co.,
deceased, baring been granted to the tinder
igned, residing In the sa me township, be hereby
give* 10•101 to ill persons indebted to said
estate to wake tototediato payment, and those
baying claims again-t the same in present them
properly satkutaticated for teuletuent.
Nov. 2, 11110. 61*
Retailers of Goods, Wares and Sirrchno
u see, as well so tho Maniere, in Adams county,
who hare sot yet lifted their Licensee, are re
quested to do so on or before blie loal clay of
DoxasCer ants, without Ail. The law bind. me
to urge this matter epos deliageents, and it is
hoped that so farther steps will be necessary,
to induce them to comply.
Nov. 19, ISGO. to Comity Treasurer
Notice—Gas Stook.
rJrO STGCKIIOI.DEM.—Payseut of the
f rurth Inetailuient apdh subscriptiots to
e Capital stork of the Gettysburg Gas Com
pany due or the lit of Nastaber, 1860, Is re
quired to he wade without delay to Joao IL
I) . the Treasurer.
gur By the Act of Assembly relating to Gas
Companies, if notice for the payment of rub
s. riptions of Stock be not compiled with, the
Company can require one per centum per month
interest on the amount due and unpaid.
M. JACOBS, Preet.
D. MeCosArnwr, Sec'} - .
Nor. iu
Hat Boot. Shoe.
BIG BOOT.—The nnderslgned hare
ja.t a f'resb snpply of Hata, Cops,
Boots, Shoes, Trunks. Carpet Bags; ke Also,
hurts a good supply of Saddles and Harness,
Bridb.s, Odlars.
Shoes and Boots Of all kinds made to order
by tirAt-rate workmen, and on sbort notice.—
llome-orade work always on band. Prices low
for cash. WBEAN k CULP.
Nur. 19, ISO
" Wide Awake" Meetings
“81.111t5f 1126.1.1.,” and every day between
the insist of TA. M. and 6j P. W. nt the south
weiteoruer of the Diamond. in George A emold's
Clothing , Store, be having just returned from
the city with • superior stock of Black, Ohre
and Brown Cloths, for Over and Dress ('oats,
the best selection of Black nod Faacv C.1! , 51.•
Inert!, Coburg VAlencia, Solferinos, lous.
Giugharns, Calicoes, Bleached and Un
bleached Mu.dins, Sheeung and Bagging, all of
plain or neat fashionable figure.; In a word, the
styles are just the •••190ny" for the times. all
of which will be sold at the very lowest ca.!'
,ALSO—Ready Made Clothing in every varie
ty, style and sire. If we cannot fit you, W. T.
lit+o, who never misses a fit, will take your
measure sod =like you • garment on the short
est notice.
Oct. 6, 1860
Premium Phetograpbe II
Premium Eelainotypes if I
Prerelam Spbereotypes !11l
Premium Pictures
Of every style, at the Excelsior Sky-light Gal
lery, Gettysburg, Pa. TYSON BRO'S.
Nov. IS, MO.
GUM COMBS, Gum El+ir Piss, Gum Sleeve
Hadar*, all very cheap, at MG. CARR'S.
CLOCKS, Aceordeoas, Violins, Flutes, Fifes,
kn., togetlter with ail kinds of Notions,
and Gentloinea's famishing Goods of every do
scriptioo, to be Dad at Froirries.
U3T RECKIVID.—A large and beautiful
variety of Gold iMedalions, Bar Rings,
t-pins, Ae. , it., which are °Erred at great.
ly reduced prices, by TYSON BRO.'S, Insulator
Sky-light Gallery, Gettysburg, Pa.
A LARGE sad ratite assortment of Plain
sad fancy, oral sad square gilded frames
coartastly on head aid tor sale low, at the
Excelsior Sky-light Gallery, Gettysbdrg, Pa.
SMALL Mame fteearatel,hitapled and en
fatted at Us* Lies War Sky-light Gallery,
tiettyaburg. - TtldUlf-SSLO'S.
, .
ryin vests proadtsPiatere, puTysea's,
P. to rrosies, go to nasa l s, is Slut coney,
sal Wen of time z an, Osityaba •-
Ir k
Change of Tim° I haw lag, as 1114 Jug Deaseher Nut, at the
. residence of said Peter Mitaselnian. in Malik
110 RA lI.ROA H.-00 and after timbals township. Adams county, the minable
Monday, Nor. 24, IMO. the Morning passional property of said Assignor, as follow*:
Train will lease Gettysburg et 7.40 A.. 11, with 7 BEAU OF I.IOIIAIIB, one of which is a Stel.
passengers for all the .tonnections. North and lien, 3 Mulch Cows, 4 head of Cattle, Hess,
Booth, on the Northern Central Railway, and . Shoats, one road Wagon, one farms do., 1 Spring
return about 1.10 P. M. The afternoon i Wagon, Plongfaa, Flarrows,Cultie,stetrs, Thresh-
Train will leave Gettysburg at 2.45. P. W.; but Leg Machine, Grain Drill, I Reaper, (iceor
passengers by ibis Train can go no farther than snick's Patent.) Hay Ladders, Rakes, Forks, Hay
Hanover We same et ening. Returning will Cutter, Patent Hay Rake, Cider Mill and Press,
reach Gettysburg about 5.15 P. M., with Rotten- Cross-tut Saw, Hay Forks, Horse Gears, Wind
gem from Harrisburg, Philadelphia, hc. By Mill; Wheat by the bushel, Corn by the bushel,
this arrangement persons from the country, liar by the ton, Potatoes by the bushel. a let
near the line of the Railroad, haying business of Star's, Log Chain. Fifth Chain. Cow Chains,
to transact in tlettyiborg, can take the noon Fly-nets, Halters. riee-hires, isc., bc., with
Train up and have nearly two hours in Getty'- other farming implements.
burg, and retui II in the kftcrnoou Train. vie-Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture:
11....11cCURDY, President. Reds, Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Mantle'.
Clock, and other articles of household and
kitchen furniture, too numerous to mention.
e i rSale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,'
on said day. when attendance will he given'
and terms made known by
Nov. 2G, 1860
Houses and Lands
4 T S.ALF..—The subscribers will
offer at Public Side. on the premises, at
Saturday, the Bth dali of Deceitiber sta., ale fol
lowing property, viz.
NO. I : A LOT OF GROUND. situate in
Fairfield, Aditos county, in the centre of the
town, adjoining Peter Sehively and others,
having thereon a Two—tory Log Pough- ~,
east HOUSE , with back-building, Black- iii l
smith Shop, Wagon maker Shop Stable, II
well of water, and a fine lot of fruit trees.
No. 1: A LOT OF t:IIiWND, adjoining No
I, with R variett of fruit threca thereon.
No. 3: A LOT OF GIWCYD adjoining No.
2, with n new Tno-story UKening HOUSE,
thereon erected. .U•o leoit trre- on the lot.
s' n. 4 • A TP,ACT lii I,AND, aniutuing
F•+.rnetd on the e....t iluiog \rre• awl
345 Perches The tract %ill be uttered ut three
lots or ‘a Iniy salt pit r,huierlt.
No. TI: CT tr.' LAND.
situate in lianzitoni an t ,, u .1416 p. Adjoining
Lind. of T. A and Peter Mussehrtan,
rola lining p Ac res, more or less, with rxt elistut
Chesnut aid nv( k-o ik Timber thereon.
jarrertani I;l,ltiug. to view the property
eAll 0:1 either of the untlereigued i iu Fair.
bar Sole to comrn•ner nt I o'clock, P. >4..
na mii4tLiy, whoa :ittehilitnce will beg:rem and
teens wade known by
[R. G. CA S, Auctioneer.]
Nor. 19, 1860. ti
Grand Jury Report.
MO the Honorable the ledger of the Court
I of Qaarter Srattione of the Penes for the
County of Adams:
The Grand Inquest of the county aforesaid,
for the November Sessions of 1840, limit/gems
eluded their !tibias. respe..-tfully report (as •
gratifying (att. spealdag well for the morals of
the county.) 'lilt but three bills of indictment
Isere presented to us for our action, and those
of light grade.
Our time was mainly occupied with the con
sideration of an application fur the iticorpora
tiou of the borough of Littlestown, and the
consideration of Bridge Views.
The Grand Jury report that they Nailed the
Prison, under the superrision of the Blotter,
Samuel Weil, and found it well kept, and in
excellent order; and but one prisoner in custo
dy at the present time.
The Grand Jury also visited the Ahem House,
now accommodating about one hundred in
matea, mid cannot but express our gratibratioa
at witnessing the neatness and order of things - ,
exhibited, under the careful masfiyrentent
Jacob Culp, the Steward. The Yana presents
a very promising appearance.
Ali of which is respectfully suhmittel
J. L. IiKKLY, Foreman
John Bushman, Philip Donohue. Elias:Von.
nor, li. J. Stable, Wum. 11. Culp, Joseph
Itrbert, rflifttill Dream, Frederick Wolf, James
George thuter. John 11. cilium'',
Paul Troup, Michael DeDone. John Flohr, Julio
Clunk. David Little. Ileury lluwweL
Nor. 21, ISGO. 31
Seven Years!
MAE seven venrs of unrivalled success at
-1 tending trie I'OBNIOI'OI.ITAN ART AS-
SoCIATION, - h.tve novie it n household word
thron,ehnnt every quarter of the Country.
Coder the auspices of this popular ; lustitu
don, over thre. Ai/mired iLmsasad AVOW/ have
learned to spprecilte—by beautiful works of
art on their walk. and choice literature on their
tables, the grelt benefits derived from becom
ing a sul4seriber.
Subscriptions are now being received in a
ratio unparalleled with that of aril previous
can becomes member by subscribing drat dol
lars, for which sum they will receive
Ist.—The large and superb steel engraving,
30 x 38 inches, entitled, "FALSTAFF MCS
2d.--ttne copy. one year, of that elegantly Il
lustrated maptsine, "Tlig. COSIIOPOLITAN
34.—Tour admissions, during the lesson, to
WAY, N. Y."
In addition to the above beneliti, there will
be given to subscribers, as gratuitous peen:t
WORKS OF ART! comprising valuable paint
ings, marbles, parinne, untilnev&e., forming a
truly national benefit.
The Superb Engraving, which every sub
scriber will receive, entitled, " Falstaff Muster
ing his Recruits," Is one of the most beautiful
and popular engravings eser issued In this
country. It is done on steel, in Ass Ass awl
elippie, and is printed CM heavy plate patter, it
by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament,
suitable for the walls of either the librar‘, par
lor or office. Its suhject is the celebrated • ene
of Sir John Falstaff receiving, in Justice Shal
low's office, the recruits which had been gath
ered for his "rugged regiment." It could nut
be furnished by the trade for les: than $3.
The Art Jornsal is too well known to the
whole country to need commendation. It Is a
magnificently illtistrited magazine of Art, con
taining Eg3:l)ol, , Storic;, Poems, Gossip, kc., by
tte very best writers in America.
°The Engraving is sent to env part of the
conntry by m it 1. a ith safety, being packed on a
pubtoge prepaid.
Subscriptions will be received until the
E.% ening of the 3lst of January. 180, at which
time the books will close and the premiums be
given to subscribers.
No person is restricted to a single subscrip
tion. Those remitting $l5, Are entitled to five
memberships and to une extra Engraving fur
their trouble.
Subscriptions from C aifornia, the Canadas.
and all Foreign Coolitrieq. must be $J ,so in
stead of $3, in order to dcfni.) extr.t pottage, etc.
For further particulars send for a copy of
the elegantly illustrated .4rt Joarsat, pro
nounced tAs Aandsoniest risogaruse to .4 aeries. It
contains &Catalogue of Premiums,and numerous
superb engravings. Regular price, 50 cents per
number. Specimen copies, however, will be
seat to those wiehincto subscribe, on receipt of
18 cents, in stamps or coin- Address,
C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.,
546 Broadway, New York.
N. B.—Subscriptions received and forwarded
by ii. G. GEYER, Ageat for tletsysbarg and
vicinity, where specimen Engravings and Art
Joarnal can be seen. - [Nov. 28, 18GO.
Pay Up i
r)rHE partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers, wader the brm same of
MIL& I ZLiaiildtL, Jill., having beta dissolved,
they hereby give notice to all persons indebt
ed to them, by Note or Book Account, to call
and settle the sage before the li rat da of Jan
nary next, at which time their SCOGUILLI will be
placed in the hands of ea °neer for collection.
Nov. 3, 1840.
A New Posture
T the business of. the &alio, Saw-lirld
Duriag our last visit to the cities a,
Gettysburg iladelpids sad WO iserel we selected spies
dld isitortioent of STEREOSCOPIC PICTOBBS, I
SOOT AND BIM NIPONS- 34 1 & & Car"l eoufprisfur &Wish, French, Venitisa, licrption,
JO Der of Derar• Eblaam — 'the pate are re - j Italian sad Assuriess Seetiery,Statuary Groups,
sPeettally requested to bear Is illad that at Ws de. Our prises dor pictures will range front 11 '
Store 0111 Y be found • leelte am:mama 0( ' to 40 seat& siliess. , We also bays a this Jot of
BOOTS and SOURS, of rite beet sesterial. I snagtorcopio BOXES, obleb
Ths sabaer!ber. basing just retorted Avis reduced-prices. The publit generally are in-
I Ptdlsdelpbla, where be selected with CM sad to e d wee p s ot too our k in , rere tyl eit s er i(
'AP°, I/2e bees tenses d WWI ••• 1111 (1e4Petiitebte IN pdeturesowsd we isms to sit
poets sad 911001, hilll4ollA is notrfull sad ettW, won dtebs Flak Arts *suit visit. • '
pieta Sod be Miles hiseseK WS be sae pines • er e ere also prorate d to sake .gtereeseepic
rite _mug tescidioes. Cell itak.asaiskiittll c t ik arllMMegatimin
ClisMoss vials Heels
ea keisill 1.711.21114 11 1
Oct. 21, 1114111. April lf, Gettysburg, PS.
Militia& Sala
trim subscribers. duiriee• of PIM Mrs
-1 saLatit, will offer at Public Outcry, on
Nor. 19.1840. is Amsnatea.
illa/..k leo, at the same time and place will be
sold a LOT OF GROUND, in Fairfield. adjnining
Ilenry Overdeer and 31laj. John Mu4selrnan,
fronting on the public street, on which Is
erected a one and a half story Prewar Weather
boarded ROUSH, with a well of water Gear the
riitiE Subscribers haring been Appo'nted As
siwiters of Pam' Mt:I;I4EOIAX and Was,
of Tainiltoubagi township, under a deed of trust
for the benefit of creditors, hereby give notice
to all per:uni indebted to 'said Assignor to
in Ike homed' ,te payment of their relieetire
duet. find all persons ha% ing claims or dernAudit
against said Assignor, to present the name to
the undersigned, re,iding in said township,
properly authenticated for settlement.
Nur. 10, 1860. 61. A stiirwrs
_ •-
Great Work on the Horse.
rYIIE 11014 SE AND 1118 DISEASES : by
Roomer JaNsixas, V. S.. Professor of Pa
t sology andOperativeSurgery in the Veterinary
Odlege of Philadelphia, etc., etc.
IVill Tell You Of the Origin, llistory and dis
tinctive traits of the various breeds of
11: u rupee a, Asiatic, A frica n and A entire n
Horses, with the ph ) sical form:Letitia and
peculiarities of the suLimul, and how to
ascertain his age by the number and
condition of his teeth ; illeatrated with
numerous esptanalury engravings.
Will Tell You WM-ceding, Breaking, Stahling,
Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the
general management of the home, with
the beat modes of adminiateriog medi
cine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking,
fearing, Shying.Stum Ming, Crib Biting,
Restlessness, and other glees to which
. be is subject; with astmerous explana
tory engravings.
Will Tell You Of thmcsuses, syinfolms, and
Treatment of Strengies, Silks Throat,
Distemper:Catarrh, Intleensl,llrenehitis,
Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind,
Citsrosie. Cough, Roaring and Whistling,
.Lattipss. Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and
Decayed Teeth, with other diseases of the
Month and Respiratory Organs.
Will Tell You Of the causes, symptoms, and
Treattneut of Worms, Buts, Colic, Strati
' gulatioa, Stony Concretions, Rupturen,
Palsy, Din 'Therm, Jaundice, Hep Itirrhima,
Bloody Crisse, Stones in the Kidneys and
Bladder, lotlanumation, and other di.-
eases of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver •ud
Urinary Organs.
Will Tell You Of the causes, symptoms, end
Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog
Bpnvin, Bing-bone, Soreenie, Strains,
Broken knees, Wind GAUP, Founder,
Sole Bruise toad Orarel, Cracked Hoofs,
Scratcher, Canker, Thrush. and Corns;
also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Bp i I el:my, Stag
gers, and gither diseases of Om Feet,
Legs, and Head.
Will Tell You Of the cares, syniptows, and
Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Gla oder.,
Parry, Scarlet Fever, Mange. Surfeit,
Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Crawl:, Galls,
Diseases of the Nye and Beset, kr., ke.,
and how to :manage Castration, Bleed
ing, Trephinning, Roweling, • Firing,
liermia, Amputation, Tapping, and other
surgical operations.
Will Tell You Of itarey's Method of Musing
Horses ; how to Approach, Halter, or
Stable a Colt; bow to accustom a horse
to strange sounds sad sights, and how
to Sit, Saddle, aide, and Break him to
Derailed; also, the form sad law of
WABRAITY. The whole being the result
of more than fifteen yean' careful study
of the babas, peculiarities, wants sad
weaknesses ofil this noble and useful
The book counties 354 pages, appropriately
illustrated by nearly One Hundred hingrarings.
It is printed in a clear and open type, and will
be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on
receipt of price, half bound, $l,OO, of, iu cloth,
exut. SIX..
sloop A yzAit, can be made by enter
priaiug men ererywtiere, in selling the abort,
and other popular works of ours. Our induce
meats to all such are exceedingly liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for tersest*
agent:, with other information, apply to or ad
dress JOHN E. POTTlift, Publisher,
No. GL Suu.out St., Philadelphia,
Nov. 26, 1860. 00
Tinning ! Tinning !
THE undersigned reapectfally Informs the
citizens of Gettysburg and the public gen
erally, that he has opened a new Tinning es
tablishment. in Chambersburg street, directly
opposite Christ Church. He will manufacture,
and keep constantly on hand, every variety of
and a ill slwa, s be r.ady to du REPAIRING.
ROOFING sud SPOUTING also done In the
best manner. l'rices moderate, and no effort
spared to render full satisfaction. A share of
the public's patronage is solicited.
Gettysburg, June 18, 1860. ly
Merchant Tailoring.
EOHGE ARNOLD has procured the W-
U ices of W. T. }ING, and has commenced
the above businesA, and will carry it on in all
its various bran( hes, and has connected him
self w ith the stole of Mr. George Arnold, where
there will be constantly kept on hand a large
stock of cheap Cloths, Over.coatings, Cassi
metes, Cassinetts. Vesting. 3. and Trimmings of
every kind. Work done in the very hest man
ner, and in city style on short notice. Custom
work and cutting out solicited when goods are
purchased elsewhere. The shop is in connec
tion with Arnold's store, where Mx. King
can always be found during business hours.
aura ive es a call. [dept. 17,'60. 203
* e po*ritearn.....**Pleeere, r
,Cr-' . : e_,.-i . • - e ._
GroceriewMtlons, loot' .7" - - -. .! ..- ? • 1
ium, MM., -t att e
rpm; undersigned hie opened • Croce" and ' riff AI:MEATS figStORATIVE "*"•'-
i• 1 Notion Mere, is Baltimore street, nearly 4 V - - ' ' ' - yr nerr.`
1 opposite the flour, Heave. Gettlyeborg, where , An aperient sad Stamachle r• - tion of
1 the public will eoeslantly find, selling cheap ea IllfllepatflD4rdif s. • •.' •,., i ' .
It ti I
the cheapest, STIGALS, Syrups, Itelessee, Cofe , buelEoe ite, a ; (L' , t • AK . ~ 1
!fees, Teas, Ries. Cheese, Spices of aft kinds, : eat Medietti itsaMotlit i.. A iee II ' ,1 , t
I lisekerel, Chocolate, Brooms and Bruslase; ' thatllikidlititifirdi4 • ~ t r‘r 1
Fresh Butter and Egg+, Ground Coffee, Easence Um. -, ..._ . - ..e.‘. _ s e ee" ; a: . •
of Cofee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps, Salt; the _wirposeetrot - '. • ' preens
It a il:
i Tobacco, &leers, Snuff; Confections, all kinds ' that sopresleretion of Iron emit • 2 , pared
of Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Bread, ' with it. Impurities of the blood e d ' foe of
Crackers, tikes of different kinds; Shoe and vital, enemy pale and othernesse y Came
Store Polish; Fancy Goods, Muslin', G ingharns, photos. !snot iiiiriiiiadrit ki . every
Cotton Bate, Wadding. Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, cos sisal OWL ee' • , •- ..„...._„ l _,
Suspenders, Pins, Nee•dles, Clothes Pins, But- Intsasiosie.its4ll4eletlitie,hipstrirttilt has
toes, with Notions, of all kinds. A share of the been triecrif his ler6"l-off abectlettely ' ties in
public's patronage is respectfully solicited. each of the foilowins campktiate,eis t ,
LYDIA C. NORM:WK. In Debility, .menus etfeetinne '
Nov. 19, 1840. tf boa, Dyspep4in, Conrtipltion, Dt'ure'Aceet, -
i eatery. Incipient Color rnpllon, savm
Town Property 75tberenlnsia. Salt Elieuks.,antasatrualiam e
T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned of- Witifes, Chlorosis, Leer Cmetpletinie, eintato
fere at Prit ate Sale the Property in which H,a,tart,e,,, Rlienneativn, Intel onitteng Decays,
e now resides, situate in East Middle street, riittple4 on the Fire. de.
Gettysburg., ar:joining S. R. Tipton on the west In cases of Gess/tee Desturr, Whether tats
and Mrs. McElroy on the east, with an ....- result of acute disease, or of the continued
allay In the rear. THE 1101'SP. is n N,-, dimunition of nervous and nauscular energy
two-story Frame. Weatherhoerded. aith from chronic complaints, one trial organ; tee*
Back-building; a well of water, with a pump iu teretive has proved successful to an extent
it, at the door; and a variety of fruit, such as tthirli no description nor written atteleetin
apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, and would render credible. Invalids so long bed'
grapes, all the most choice. ridden as to have heroine forgotten in Omar
ZACHARIAII MYERS. °an neighborhoods, have suddenly to-appeslM
ed io the busy world as if just returned taw
• protracted travel in a distant laud.. Some very
signal instances of this kind ere attested of fee
male Sufferers, emeciated victim' of apiptent
maresmue, estliguineous exhaustion, .cri' •
changes, and that complication of nervous
dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for w I
the physician has nn name. A. ...
In ST:lll'Ota ATI2CTIONS of all kinds, end To;
reagents familiar to niedlcal men, the opeinti9l,
of this prepnratien of irou must xecessatily,d,
salutary, fur, unlike the old oxides, it la visors,
misty tonic, without bring exciting an eyer.:.
heating; and gently, regularly epecieni, oval
in the most olist ion te recce [if costiveneae with.
out cc er being a gastric purgative, oe initiatle4r e
a dieegreealde sensatiou. . .
It is this latter property, entong others, w„.l4ch„
imil,(, it so remarkahl3 effect it el and petunia's&
a remedy for /Wee upon e hieh it also appear..
to exert a distinct and specific action, by dile
persing the local tenth ncy which forms them, ,
111 DY.PEPSTA , inetenereble as ere its cans
a single box of these Cliniyheate Pills has oft
puffed for the most habitual eases, Including'
the attendant Costiveness, • • •
In tinchecked Dreneter, e, even when adveriesed
to Ovverriete, eonfirined. emaciating, 'lndian.'
parently malignant, the etfecte have been egad. ,
ly derisive and'estonishing. r ':2
In the local pain, Ir.; of flesh end Oren - gibe
debilitating cough, end remittent hectic, which'
generally bole-Ito lee JPIENT Ceeseeterrost, this•
remedy lies refineed the slam of friends and
plete-itittas, in see era' very gratifying ie.Ml in.;
teresting inetatnce4,
In Senor ceetei Teeenectaere, this medicated -.
iron line had fur more thau the good effect it'
the most enutieuelf balanced prep/either, of . ,
iodine, without any of their well known line'
The attention of femeles carnet he too cone .
Hdently int - Heil to thee remedy andrestorattv4s
iu the cases, peculiarly affecting them._ lw-
In lineureetax, both t•bronic and inflame's-,
tory—ln the latter, however, more decidedly—
it hal been invariably well reported, both air':
alleviating pain and redneing the swelllngsand '
e -
staffuess of the joints and muscles, .3.
In fersettivereser Peeves it must necessarily
let a great remedy and energetic restorative, '
and its progress in the new settlements of the
West, will probably be one of high renownertd,..
No remedy bris ever been discovered la the '
whole history of medic ine, which exerts each
prompt happe e and . fully restorative effl•cts.-..
Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid ac- '
quisition of strength, will, no unusual disport- '
tion for active and cheerful exercise, Itume6S- ,
- - •
ately follow its use.
Put up in neat Met metal boxes containing , .:
60 pills, price 50 cents per bog ; for isle by. 1
druggists and dealer-J. Will be sent free to any,
- address on receipt of the price. All letters, -1
orders, etc., should be addressed to
11.13. LOCKE & CO., General Agents,
Pet. I's, 1860- ly 20 Cedar St., N. T.
FALL OF I'RICESI-11. G. CA1:11 having
just returned front the city is selling goods
lower than ever—for instance Ladies' fine silk
fleecy lined Gsuntlets nt 624 cents p.n. pair.
Ladies' fine Merino Hose at ..:17icents, Ladies'
fine Cassimcre Hose at 40 cents, fine white
ocket Handkerchiefs at 8 cents. Gentlemen's
tine Caseimern Ilo,e at 2tl cents, Gent's all
wool country made Hose at 25 cents. Pocket
Knives, Combs, Brushes, both hair and clothes.
in fact everything belonging to either a Ladv's
or Goatlaman's toilet; and last, bnt not least,
his stock of QUERNSWA RE we think can't be
best tor style and prices, common teas as ion
aS 18 Rents per set, and from .that tip to 7S
cents per set for the ery belt of Stone China
Cups and Saucers and everything else in the
Queeneware line in proportion.
Come one! Come all I and give me a call.
Don't forget the place, in York street. next
door to Saupee's bakery. H. G. CARR.
N. 11. The subscriber nlso lifts consuintly
os hand a fine assortment kit GROCI;RIES of
all kicills--good tsble Ilubu;ses ut 13 cents per
quart, New York Golden Syrup at 56 cents per
gullet*. [Nov. 12, 1860.
SAE: INVF-STMENTI—.Iriv person having
mosey to invest. whether to the atootint of
toe above or not, will coil at. the Cheap Cloth
ing Store of FkANKLIN H. Plestun, In Chum
bersburg street, where will be found the larg
est, cheapest and beat selected assortment.of
OVERCOATS., ever brought into the County—
among which are Beaver Cloths, Seal Skins,
Cloths,Cusiimeres, Satinetts,S.c., ,ke.--tn short
every style at any
VJIJIE 5,600 VOTERS of Adams county, whb
I went to the polls on Election day, as vcc/1
as those who remained at home, will 'please
bear in mind that F. B. Vicking has just receiv
ed a splendid enactment of Dress Coats, Cttssi
mere Business Coats, in endless satiety, Safi
netts, lc., Ate., at price* to snit - all classes and
A DAMS COUNTY, SS.—lion are hereby
politely requested to cell at Picking's and
exit.uine the litivst anti largest stock of P.A,NTS,
of every description. ever tiruuet to thir men.
Let. Week Dee Skin, Finney Cessicueres of
every shade atnicelvable, together with Soil
netts, Double and Twists, Uri% Jeans, Ite.
6 6 TNIXEI"S LAND - ' 'tis sniff, is s pretty
Ly place, but nothing to compare with the
splendid assortment of YESTS just received at
Picking's, of all kite& of nsatarialevery color,
std le sad pricer
OLD &MAAS is here! Prepare to meet him
by tailing at Picking's, who can furnish
you cheaply with Under Shirts of every
kind, Drawers. Socks, Gloves, Comforts, Gen
tlemen's Shawls, and in fact any articleinteud
ed to frighten the old rellow oft
ar c irTltank Cul for the liberal share of patron:
age heretofore extended to me, I hope, by up
right riesling, and by offering great bargains;
to merit a continuance of the slums.
OcL 22, 1860. F. EL PICKING.
Rat subscriber has removed his Plough and
Machine shop from the Foundry building
to ilroad street, opposite Tate's Blacksmith
shop, hack of the Eagle Hotel, where be is, bet
ter prepared than ever to attend to customer'.
Ploughs always on hand and made to order at
the Aborted notice, and Machines, Reapers, kc.,
repaired. Also he will attend to cleaning and
repairing Clocks. DAVID WARREN.
May 10.
The People's Cook Book.
Carefully Revised by 'Mrs. S. J. tide.
It Tells You How to choose all kinds of Heats,
Poultry, and Game, with all the various
and moat approved modes of dre"ing
and cooking Beef and Pork ; also the
best and simplest way of salting, pi. lling
and curing the same.
Ti Tells You All the various and most approved
modes of dressing, cooking, and boning
Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and G.ttue
of all kinds, with the different Dressdngs,
Gravies, and Stuffings appropriate to
It Tells You How to choose, eletn, and pre
serve Fish of all kin Is, and how to
sweeten it when teinteili also all the va
rious and most approved modes of cack
ling, with the different Dressings, Sauces,
and Flavorings appropriate to each.
It Tells You All the various and most hplirov
ed modes of preparing over fifty different
kinds of Bleat. Fish. Fowl, Gain". and
Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews,
with the- Relishes and Seasonings appro
priate to etch.
It Tells Yon All the various and most approved
modes of cooking Vegetables of every
description, also now to prepare Piekli•s,
Camps and Curries of all kinds. Potted
Meats, Fish, Game. Mushrooms, kr.
It Tells You All the various and roost approved
modes of preparimprand cooking all kinds
of Plain and Fancy P.tstry, Puddings,
Omelettes, Fritters, i's kr...Confect ion cry.
Preserves, Jellies, awl Sweet Dishes of
every description.
It Tells You Ali the various and most approv
ed mode, of making Bread. Rusks. Muf
fins. and Discuir, the beat method of pre.
paring Coffee, Choco:ate. and Tea, and
bow to melee Syrups, Cordials, sad
Wines of various kinds.
It Tells You How to set oat and oraaraent
Table, how to Carve all kinds of Fish,
Flesh or Fowl, and in short, how to so
simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to
bring the choicest luxuries of the table
within everybody's mull.
The book contains 418 pages, and upwards
of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are the
results of actual espenence, having been fully
and carefully tested under the personal super
intendenes of the writers. It is printed to
clear and op.. type, Is illustrated with appro
yriate engravings, and will be forwarded toasty
address, neatly bound, and Itovtaire paid, on
receipt of the yrks, SIAIO, silo eosin, extra,
$l.OOO A YEAR can be made by enter-1 _
prising men everywiiirc. in selling the above Rein . 7 ; R,l
work, our inducements to all such beingr ery
• MIRE undersigned, beligthe eathoricedpintsio *-;.
libera l single copies or the Book, or f .
terms or I to make removers into Ever Green Cesliat.: , " 4 /`
be er, hopes that ruckus contemplate ilie riisoval
to agents, with other information, apply to or' a i ht m i n i m of deceased „mo w , otaltado
address JOHN E. POTTER., Pnbhisher,
will avail themselves °Mils somas' oftkeyier si !4
No. 6il Seasock St., Pliii.idelphia, Pa.
Ncrr. 28, MO. • Gm hare lt done. ftenrsvisht asap' allaltpsowspeaDDC 1.'3
—terms low, aDd to egro=tis=s; , es QR.
Depot Jou
11 ,_____,—._ ..c.:..., -.4 ....i.a:. ,..1*-49 494
T. a Coo s k ar 80 " na ih4. .lliireh 12, 'BO. Neepircif 194 Cariliff.lw-AA
Sown's, taCksailroloirg street, Gettys- enry Rughts.• - - soon& WI
burg. fine lbrOY brut nad CArwilawsial run i . SADDLE AND 11111NiCaNNA : ,ADA4IIO ";:.
sad PUMA, 1.9 4 te•tat4•141" liamll4,juartirtei•Viciiitlllit l ."
4 iligrGall sad,. , ofwction war- t o shi ;Cl i elak.tweteraoll"Etieer -.
siswited. . , , - , q t,o •1/ J 1/ 800 - tf IGookithelee Swddloo, —
Wes, As. . lilts area eat. '''•-- •
Tose, , • , ' ~.1 1,51rIng * _ i Am t .
_i3oseo. _ a* , ' 4 . 11 ! )44 t i t t .o ) 7 l'. • -
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• i iti 4 4t: 2 4 " ' 't4l;al %
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• I - curl'• • ~,,z
Oct. 29, 1860. tt 1477,13itlyibiass, PL 11804,11 - -
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Nov. 12, 1860
Prof. L. Miller's •
and Economical Compound. i,
nal color without dyeing, and preventing the
Hair from turning grny.
it, when there k the lenge ofsitaNty tot '`-
reculierstise ener,ry relnnining. •
and ail cntaneous stfection; of the Scalp. • 3
to it an unequalled gloss and brilliancy. makiag
It soft and silky in iu texttrre and causing it Se
curl readily.
The great celebrity and the increasing de
mandfor this anegnalled preparation, courhire
the proprietor that one trim/ Is only nece.asary
to satisfy a discerning public of Its superior •
qualities over any other preparation at prestos -
-in use. It cleanses the head and scalp front
dandruff and other cntancout diseases, cremes fl
the hair to grow luxuriantly, and•glves It 'W.'
rich, a B ft, g l oss y and flexible
nl,O ^ere the hair is loosening and thinning., :
it nill gile strength end vigor to the fositsty'lli
and re tore the growth to those pnrts whicil
have become bstld, eau,ing it to yield a freak' t
covering of hair.
There are humlici of ladies and gentlegrAV"
in New York who itrs hud their hair restored
by the tile of this Invigorator, when all *thee
preparations had failed. 1.. M. bps in his Ong-
Deosloll lettLrs innumerable testifring to the . 4
alcove facts, from persons of the highest
,pertability. It will effectually prevent tlie — P .
11.dr frbru tnrning gray until the latest pettod
of life: and In cases where the hair has already
changed its color, tlee use of the Invigorator •t
will with certainty restore it to its original hne, '-
giving it a dark, glossy appearance. Asa pee.
fume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative R. ifif
particularly recommended, baring au agreeable
fragrance; and the great facilities it afford, in
dressing the hair, which, when moist with tie
Invigorator can be dressed in any reqeired fens
so as to preserve its place, whether pisla we he
curls—hence the greet demand for it by the
Indies a 3 a standard toilet article which saw
,Night to *be' without, es the price places IC
within the reach of being •
per hottle, to be had at all respectable dreg.:
gilts and peilfurnei-s.' -
1.. MlLLElt,wonlii call the attention 4yr pa.
recta and Gnat. , liana to the use or hid !origin..
*tor, in cites where tile ehildren's hair Int
to he weak-. The nee of it lays the fountiatilte
for a ;rood head of hair, as it removes ugly hit
purittes that may have becernee ewaneetal wltb •
the scalp, the removal of which is seessuastr
both fur the health of the child, aherthisistitus'
affpearunee of its hair.
t'AITTION.—None genuine without the law.
simile of LOUIS MILLER being on the oats" • '
wrapper; also, L. lllLl.tift'S 11A1R INVltitta
RATtgt, N. T., blown in the ease.
Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey Bt., and sold by all
the principal Ilerclatnta and Druggletstbstangbai
out the world.
Liberal discoantto pe rehasersbytbAt csaatity.
*el also desire to present to. the Mooncais
public my ?Caw A7D lyrsossu I.IIIIIII7AIMODIO
LIQUID HAIR DYE ',bid" after youssot adeses.-.
116 c experimenting I base bronibt 14 peibetieit.
It dyes Black or Brown instantly witbootise!. l
jury to the Hair or lAin—trarroiltieft the best
article of the kiwi to existence. PRICE.ONLY
fi L O CENTS. Depot, 211 Dey Street, Now York,- ,-)
Oct. 29, 1867 ly •