=I nittettitt . , --- 1 - , - TR; ART WORLD 1 PHOTI;OGRAPHYk -2:IV. • - ~ -.. 11 OPUS PORCITLAIN.—Secused by letters 1 -- - --- --..... patent in the Caited Shwas, Emplaud, Prance , and Belgium. 'Mgt 't. Intl 1491,0131 Change of Time. ETTYSIIIIRG RAILROAD.—On and after *re Lie SAL S P 4111 —AL • ...... 'i t —... ILA T /S iIk: C A O M M K P RI A!' 7CI T A i N N P o ki°I7B°°I O R * P ostd inC wa P° Tt itCs L F.- G WodattodaYi Oct. 34; 111430, the Morning 0 7, ',4 $ f 4 i C'.l',.. ...; ___,""' ri: ) 2"'sa. l York, having secured their novel and iagenlous Train will heave Gettysburg at 7.30 A. IL, with A. .n., . Aoombir.i.. ..... , A.- invention by American and Earepean patents,' passengers for all the connections, North and 1611114 " 4 .1% ' *St6te of 11112 " gt. 11.1 " / " , are fully prepared to execute ail orders for 'South, on the Northern Central Railway. and deciramod. rniltonban townsh ImAaglin I ILINIATURII LIKRNRs,SY.9 I return about I o'clock, P. M. The afternoon " 44 ' 8 P a f.„, , g .„,_ r al „," Publ ,,_ ic f' ll ?,,,"L' i 114 " . .. r... , of Persons on China, presenting all the nurse- Train will leave Gettysburg at 2.45. P. M ; but riewt• Ile v„,,,,_, --- "''''''', "" s ' '''', "_ , °. " 1 "`,7 tire and advantageous features of ordinary passengers br this Train can go no farther than )4 " the f g!'"'"'"" ( '' Ira "' ''' I.llRi irn* puoto,,:raph. the brilliancy and finish of n lianoeer the same evening Returning will Improvenseigl. tg wit : , water-color drawing and a Li h. rto lin attic,- reach Gettystmrg about 5 P . NI with palace- No. l.—A TTtACT OF tA.NTI slteate in slided r fuel, , c of di.relfilry Isv I tin.; renderedl as gyre from Harrisburg. Philndelphi I, /se. By township, 'Containing lu Acres, more or less, iii.l.cr,eli itte as the Littoral prourtiss ot this arrangement persons from the countr y . leerily/ thereon erected a large . , the artsl s i• on which thee are tran'llt erred near the line of the Railroad ha, ing lasagnes. Three-storj GIII 4 T MILL. p irt „I' - As the p itenersi ;freers of the Company en. to traces)... tin Gett;sburg can tale t-e noon stone find pert ft -Ante, }coed LOG -;',, 1 ab.es the repro lu t on 0' Pr ot ~,r iph. not on- ' Trt.o up and hare nearly two hours in teetts. 110108 E, good Stable, and other - • - ly on plain surfaces, but upon such as aro burg, and retuin in the kftern mi Trim necessary uut-iiiiiiiiintts The \i •I 1 is Elt arl; via n d or oL i tgok, degree of irrevii int; —por- it 11c121 littl , President new, haring / psi: of tlurr., 1 pc .r •' I- firfii"- tracts can billfWprooliced a tli lault.e s art-ora• pee., shod a Coru-dcier . Ti,", n) „_b,,,,• i; is all er , nod delicacy or /1,. au,n, upon Parcel i n —-- -- --- il i csAssg jg template or.ier. li is lot K1(.1 our ;F ar r.' of incd. c- i•• in nod hi", orlon ii-ed , Alexander Frazer, creek, in Carroll's Tr. ct. one tt taw best as arto ice of luxury or of houeekol•l utility, C LOCK AND WATCH-11 AK ER, has removed growiug region. i- the eo-aaty. The i SUsgl a, lit& shop to the horse 1 ttel• occupied by C I :IT-right 1%111 ,.e sold with the Mill I URNS,VASES, BREAKFAST CEPS, 1 Widowilerb4 tear the west tnd of Charnbcr.- No. 2'.—A TRACT Or IIUENTAIN 1,.t SD, Toilet Artuele. kr. , th e reb . ; s ecurinz fiiithful burg street, sonth side, wiser. he wilt sitters containing 64 ACRES and I eti Perches, adjoin., ' Portraits and furnishing a unique and exqnr-. be happr to attend to the calls of his costomers lug lands of henry liiesecler. D if.t 1 Metz cite style of ornamentation of articlts in domes- }D. is thankful for pint fay ors Riot ho p u s to and others. Ten Acres are cleared and under •t.c use.' receive the continued patronage of the public good fencing—the La! tn,t. 4 , covered w.tb In order to furnish fie 'oties for the gratifi- Soy. 2,1 d .J, tf rood Rock oak, Pine an 1 ( )icso,.t :11..btr. 1 cation of the popular taste• and to meet the No. 3 k TRACT Of' W)tels-1, a \ Is, situate i wants of those porous of the Fine Art. de • r iii Franklin township co itainin; .24 ACRE." ous of baling Porti.iits on l'orcA lain the Cf ri- And 51 Perches, adj., sing Tract No. I Lind, of pan) have Imported l-eim Europe a collection Levi Pitger, Henry Ilie:.e...ker old others. This of superior por risen goods , taanulactr.ired Tract is well covered with good oak and ho_ko. to their own order, which the; sell at cost ry timber. I prl. es Persons wishing to I•iew the Property will As 11 e Ir-ivi fin Comp-rev err owners of the call span either of the undersi,snetl, the first ' patent r _ht and . ons.eoutertils the only persons named of which resoles within a halt mile of l aiitho-i-ed to -ise the process the, have deter= the Mill, the other sear 11, idlers . r; ' mine.] in order ti afrifird prop' of , very iecti In A -pair of good Copper otitis v. 1.1 also be sold at thediffin time iof the Union an °plit-tory'', —ll to pre- PORTRAI.3 ti ON CHIN; I‘, I -s. parsictlanitauce will he given and terms madel to make the fol f wing proem. t • , nto resident. )hasty, 0 11 day of sale by lin the Connery, who are unable to In-it person- J A 'filf,a LINN, sill the Atelh rand other teallerie sus New York: (Ai. Ulttsi. 11 ALTER, i l'crsons ten hog aph dograph. am' rot, pt. )Idstinusiczoo 4. or ,11,,,t,r -rc r.l c t.• t' e eflire ot the Company in New Y ork, se imp toted 4y 1 ~ ~ 4 1 1 0Wn Fro nit 1 FIVI. lio/L' Aliti, i R sAi.E.—The f-nba rihera offer for sale will refreirc in return by et press free of other -their property on the North sole of List charge, a rue' . ..N orn tine • .t a Bee tablet Cup and t or attereft, in the kJ. CW.411 (A tiet• .horg. I P•fwl t er , au') tio • n -trait transit mad thereou. 1 their I , oltl2ditt Its' en It/1••y on tit' Vk r.t nit Hi Ito ss 1“-tranamitti ins ado ierri eat Lc nod 1 rear,:ausdadinitunc ,ot ui 1i t. .• 1. , in •' , PIA cr. o n 1 1s \ Diel.l fl'a, the Sant, cemtuning one third cf• as. acre, IllOr, they will sec ure in lil e mans.er, a handsonsei, or less, beta tog a Two - f ~ \' ,• • t.. -.*::.`a l're.n , h Vase or Toilet Article, with the portrast. boarded Da el itio I (II --i - I) .- Irir„iii,; r ,seduced by the patented I -Deese Itirtatherboarde 111 ,11.., II is R.,'..- *"..ti. By sendung Al iir of datrutrrcOtNpcs and oven, And a \V(11 of Wit r. Tiro poperfy is 1. IIILEN DUI 1.8.1'..e, cuurerJent to the Railroad.o'they will rec.. N c in return is Pair of rich Herres rkyrit nut sold by &I •.-/ .1 set 'A , ' al dcn 0' Va.,.% with •is portraits executed eyelid to min- i next, it w• :11 then he otlerud at Public lature paintings ani, in like manner, portraits Hale, on the premisss I can be reproelueed on puff, laid scares or I ascii Perrone wishing to polo lies. will make ap- of even ii i,' ifs ..f , ~ ~ i . r..,..,ng in price from plicatlon to lit & NV NIcCA,c kr Legs. I Twenty to I Inc Hai iced Dollars the pair . Bah to commen eatl i, i•lor•k P. iff .en raid N. K.—lie perti ular in writing tee address, dar.,when attin !ince will tie t .ven and terms town, county and: tote distieo LIN. of 'soh” made known by i All letters to be addrestf dto (.114111e.11 \V Cll.O NiISE "Manager, American Thos vrirpiiie Pore.fros C 0.," .AV ..k. MARY L. CRUISE. 1 731 linouna Al i Nets' York. Oct. 22, 1940 3m Valuable Town Property i AT PRIV ATE SALE.—That DESIRABLE / - 10kCHYAKIM.1 AND BLACKSIIITHING PROPERTY . i i ts ni o n o Bde more street ‘,_/ —The undersigned respectfully informs one door 'with of the Po.t °thee, in Gettys- hte friends and the poldie that he continues burg, with alleys on 'he north and ens., and the Cnachmaking and Itlnckstinithinfs business adjoining Fret Mitillenherg on the 4014th It Ir. -1, rt. branch at his est Id fliment in ( horn consists of a HALF :Ayr or (,rtil Nr, cchn a berslio.g street. lie has on bun I and will Two•istory Ron,the int f's eillit 4 lIIP•zzE, ' Inane', ,tare to order all kinds ot CARRIAGES, and a tar: eta o- , tor., Br etc It , is-I , ii hi- :V::: BrtitulES SI.ERIII', :spring IVagoets, ke., of ing, thereon , also a well of enter in I ,e 1,,..•t •n t n.i 1 'in ,de Ur superior work• front and a tpartner.l if , i well in the rear of me-, ffar'ltt Pantile. ea I lit tcksittivntvo of the dwelling , all kinfif, dor. , at rensro, this. rates, promptly barrhi. property ern. for mans. years oven- and to t 1 :e A ttl , llrtiori ot eustoint re. pled as a Tal erg Sited,and I. one of the mo.t COL \ THY I' . Drc•E taken in exchange for desirable in the town fur I,ii.in• se of any kind work at market prices . A c h ance to purchase n-op^r•e so centril is fk l `Persons desiring articles' or work in the rarely off rel, and ~ •,!. m'ists a•in find this a' Coectimni•ng or lilackamithing line, are re rare Chatter. I llippl.r to J tl Mt lilaN \ EP., , spec tfully united to call on Agent for the °Anent. , JIIIIN 1, HOLTZWOUTH l eG tt,sht.-g Jan 24 'rsu. Valuable Farm for Sale. , An Invention IC aI. 2, iseo. ts Oct. , 18C0. to Na. 2, ISGO. Ta..u.ker,ber offers for vile. nn very ac commoileting terms, Two rAnms. •! i t situate in StrAhlin t o w . l ,l,ip. Ad ams (soon y. 3 miles el4t of Cert\ , ) ,, Irz, 1 mile from the Railroad, Coral/11611Z Iri .1,-req, m,,re or less, the irnprovernelts uu i%iii..h we A STONE Eiltt'SE, good iSer,k Barn, end other on c-lriii,lin_.. 3I I .. 1 1 About I 5 acres are to Ilea. :ow ..1:1.1 • there it refining fp r n..• A.lt.er io e‘ or which never f3ll-. Of choice grafted Fruit. a l -ont 4 .I..rcs 1100 or 2600 litt Sheli of Lirao tilt° b een put upon the farm. and it. c3,..-eule-.ce t tlle Railroad renders Lime very Ai • " luie. There in a due proportion of (0.3, Mutate is Cumlwrland township, on the Hotaitsisurg Road, a mil: and a halt trout Gettysburg, containing 14; Acres. more or less, the improvements on %bleb are 1. new FRAME RWXLLING 1101:SE, lirge Brick Ra m , an d other out-buildings; a troll of Wetter at the barn, and one at the house. About 22 acres are in Meadow. There is a due proportion of Timber. About 3,000 bushels of Limn have been put npon the Farm. Weir The terms will Le made known. on ap plication to the subscriber. PETER TROSTLF.. Refl. 3, I,B'lo. tf A Good Home. IsteOSSGAIIL.IND FOR SALE —A FARM, terstalume about 28; Acres, situated i n miitontran township, Adams county, adjoin ing are property went:flown as the "OrrFaryn: ' about one-half of this farm is cf same qualite MI Ores inna. The meadows are large anal good soil, can be made to pr-,dace very large crops of Flay: a prodnct for which there is now a constant good market; about 90 acres are in timber, much of it of the best lauds. including Locust and Walnut. It is supposed the most valuable Poplar tinther in. the county is on this property and within i of a mile of a good Sawrsfi l lp, ' A voting Apple Orchard, contain ing 300 tretut of choice selected fruit. planted 2 or 3:yearn ago. A youn,z Peach Orchard of ion frees of best kiwis %elected. These Or ehartisi; when in Lull heating. will add greatly to the - lei/tine of the proPes.riy. as the quality of Adams ronrity iruit i 4 kno en ar.:l he'.l in great esteetnin the cities Nna4ouses'prine. - s on the firm, bee of which is n lalfe Snlpher Spring. that pIY hico:ne of greet value as soon as the Gettystrtirg and Wirnesbora'. or Gettysburg . and einsWthershorg 'hall:maids are Saisiied, as the property is within one mile of these Rail rondli and 'hy there roils a constrtnt supply of Franklin cOunty lime may he had .. :,,,... i. cheaply, so as to irarrare the land !,,,, l int to anyqegree off: —tility desired ...,, HI There hi a HOUSE and gaol sub-., . -..:... stantial Barn on the farm. Also, A TRACT OF MOUNT-1 1 LAND, in same La amship, adjoining lands .of T. Stevens, and &tiers, containing about ?.5 Acres. gnarThe property will be ahowa to any per son 'risking to pnrehase rind the price made 'town . on application to Isaac Robinson, Esq., ltairlielti; Rooert. G..11 , -Cre try, George W Mc- Ciotti% Isla., and t:7l. Jam's D. Paxton, Get. tyahnrii. -1911 U A. 31'TH. Bar 17;131). Farm for Sale. rrietlS subscriber will sell ILIA Flit 4, situated l itt•tit!sislain townaltip, Adams county, 2 1 im .wott or Vattbtown, on the Miller-town road, ;The,farm coat:tics 7., ACRES—Zs() acres . else The The tan., is in a g0.t.1 state of , ultiv.i• "Jou iltit been limed. There are all kinds I or trait--a thrlcing. young Orctutra of choice graftiti - *nit; also patches. pears antl iihms or 'balm,. kinds. The 'ouiltlings are L izt one ante fillt stitri STOP: norsg, a 11 I large noir Etanli w ilarta l a tt s toper - Shop, ke. Tiste Loa is in good order. and cannot be_ boattit raising pot.atoes, I calculate ou rais in IlvOnsillra bushels this .yesr. A never teitistsprin or INp/or at the door. 4. a Mj.;4l„ lIING,IMAN. . _ • - - er t diVa r 4, 44l O T A 14 it:Ahem, gu4 cl lull nit' = yer. tlit 1790 4 .11 r: rcicruttßs are tol% are ettatry.— - iitt of the bond ; Getty/burg fr-"reek and nsoderite 'price: are rtie 41011,111eirktietor th. ltdadsiot Sky-lkght. i,..; . - , ---- Ifik ie 4,, , '• - ettit: - " Fiante - 4 1- • 40 qittV' 'i A o s l'' ...-.„!,..,..,i w 11 TIT kT k not a litimhng., truly he seer, at the W :1 -e r!-,orn of SilE.ol fit:MILER—a P,ocnt 3hnitt the utility of no mkttk". Tt unfiouht i the Titichino that has ever on i. ire , 1; ,.4. It nv l for itself.— TO,l rkhip r.i.r'it3 for ale on reitionable terms. Mnr:iir.es als.) for sate. C . .1:1 and see it. 11 , r' 14t)^ Vi i ll ' over. an] althan;:h every ono cool have his wishes en•ir-ly kat:slier!. it becomes tt s;` , :hit. TJe next in 'mita question fo nirn nal In the people of Ail.trig / 1 l :1 - `1 . 1. 1 t., I,n tht and eiten•i i est Etli and wint-r We unhesTtnting'y iny, to SA.NiriON - S— , 4 F. earner of the Diainini!. in the old Coantr Get•ysbarg, Oct. 15, IS.IO. Mill? undersigned having retired frnm the I Mercantile hnsiness. the suite trill here If ter he continued nt the oli stand, in Biltimore street. by their sons, ITen:y B. Danner and IV: v.- bright Zieglsr, under the mime and etele of Danner L . Z.egler, Jrs., whom we will recw-nmend to, Intl for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from ola customers, and of the public in general. Haylug retired fro:n the Mercantile business it is necessary that oar cld business shou!d be settled up. We, therefore. notify all those in debted to us ether by Judgment. Note or Book - Account, to call and settle the s tme with , ,ut delay. The books Rill be fouivii at the old stand. J. B T 1 ANN ER, Mtv 25.1359. nAvm Stoves, TIN AND STIEET IRON Nt',1117.,,--,SITE. I I DS. BrEIILF.R.; having purchaNed the st..,ck of Tin and Sheet Ironlrire of George E. Buehler. hate opener] an establishment in eon nection with their Stove Ware Room, tinder the superintendence of E. Buehler. and are cow prepared to furnish everything in that line' at the lowest prices. Jr. addition to the ordina ry ware, they have a large supply cf kitelien and house furni,ll:ng goods ' of every variety, includlng cnam:lled and till Kettles, Pane. fic , for preser‘lmg, cooking and fr; :rig Call and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. 7 Haines Bros.' ta'Spoutingpnt up at shorteet notice. Lnm- VER.STRYNG GRAND ACTION ri.v..No her, Coal and Lime always on hand at theircelebrated for superior qn.ility yard at the same place. o, fONE and elegance and beauty of finish.— Nov. 14, t 32. SiIEADS t BrEIILF.R. i These Pianos have always taken the FIRST PREMIUM when placed in competition with other make.rs. Cl:allesswe cal conspetawn. A splendid assortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer styles always on hand. Also Second-hand Pianos and S I11I'IIuVEI) MELOD EON; from s4a to sj3o. 5.,21 - I.very Instrument Warranted. (*O. L. WALifis'R'S Piano and Melodeon Depot, S. E. Cor.lth Arch Su., foilad'a. Aug. 8, 180. 618 JACOB REISINGER. has just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING AND SCIINIEII GOODS for ecatle men's wear e•er oTered in Gettysburg. He has every variety, style and price of goods. While gentlemen can always find Cloths to snit their tastes they can, at the same time have their measarea taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in the most substan tial manner, and fasibionable style. To secure loarvtins any save money go to the Merchant Titilcrtng Establishment of JACOB REININGEM, May 7, 180. Carlisle street. Pall Trade 1860. C.IIRPRTS, OIL CLOTH. JOSIMII'VICTORT, • 1;5 Ler.lngtoo st., 3 doors West of How.trd, BALTDMILIC, Isforms his enstomen mod pnrcluuters gen erally, that Lis stock or Carpets, Oil Cloth. Mactinv, kc., is now complete, eonsisling of l Brussels Carpet,Velret, Three-ply, Ingrain and Venetian; Carpets of every style and prier, Oil Cloth from 1 to 8 yards wide, Matting, Bugs, slats, „Slat..olodg, ke.", Rag Carpets of our own make,,eonstanily on bawl, all of whleb win be sold at the eFry do rote` nalaqi Vtel'OßT, 45 - L4ztngton Slroet; Sept. 24,'00, 3se Atittmors, SUL - , _ Norbeck-agr, Marlin., - 11 - Avsjast Teethed train the clty Sistlargest stock of GROCERIES' they lame ever • rt ROM offend to the pulsar—Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, ii: i t:E 111 ‘. - Cieitei`him i - tl ,__ irt., 7 0, ,11 . , real ) Ittre, Cbeese, nib, dolt, . kr., de., ‘ . lisfidoe Skop fr4o, ir d iiiii r s. t o ohn u , : orebrielog all rstirtlef, it 4 Ole lowest to ilrilod Arto4, TasTs'EloskaOittt t the Writ." le6l ‘ l4k.ht. • r allei l Tar, Oils, - Ciadldsk,' . a slots, sltop, disk of ths Wyk 4h - ere - be is bet, 1 1116/ Netlime ; ter pepers.' thostorgrataisd, to. customers.' eler 7 i .. hll4 t° ' Ye I °.lad ilf int - tr:Griiisci7 i Pioq*LatvgdYk.mt *ld eta isle So order at i and v trite, ' St C' re- - Tiro sod , Food buskin is essinnotid 114*1194*L*tade( atid-Thickiiits,itesPerstAt c) kre4l, Algol. stilkatteid %st i r:teaks sod iiittro .stait 4 taerosoe. Tdo /blghotot -Norte* iiim o zikks. ~_. , . 44 .0-4 4 p rokas z o t . prlols pall osoliko*spillost Orate Oohed. - Tim' potato arolsrtismt es Ova to eillei oatil -lei lb, 71.1_; 1 -7 . 144 - ,, e ""*. ',' - - , :' - ' l <- ' * Abessolgies: • '., 'MIMI- It illiatfliti---: QM 00X119, Ofue 'ffilirlitaN 9th etoisto %. . Copor of llollosofo 404$ Eilirk*Poots. Vi siiittiP WO tory thosio ) as R.O. CARR'S. I/Idyll ) lie°. A , • ILTI =1 F ME Ihe Election Notica. Clothing 1 Clothing ! Oct. 22, 18C0 SF.I,I.ING OFF .Ar CO:iT'—A large sto, of Goof., nt the Stu.e of J. C WINS Itt:t !,r.e portiot: t, , re Pt.' fresh fro:11 the C.tv. B.,(An of Finn r.re ,^.i , _r I , r dr per %lA'', It t: , 1). ft. G A:tf.rn,t, 0 22, It; Ct §EWING MACHINE. Tte great and increasing dernotad for this re:nark•bir s nlpie marline is a gaarantee of its buiftriut excellence. For Sale at FA IRBASK.I''SCALF:RP.FOWSE, 715 Chesnut Street, - • PJULADMintA Sept. 17, IEOIO. 3m Rush to Schick's! N GOODS I-4. L. SCHICK, S. W. mwner of the Dinnionti. Gettysimrg, respectf u lly cellist).* attention. of purviineri to kis new and splendid stock of rALL AND %1, INTER GOOD:31 flis stock is so large arid +o well arranged tcr suit town and country trade, th.tt tt is iI3IIPOV. Bible to rV"a"make mention 01 his most desira ble goods. All /.c is for persons to call and examtue ills complete Fto, k. They will go away well plea.cil and mina return for more. He has a full Ftrii kof DR S GOillkS, °revery description : PlAin nnt! figured Ilerinoes and Cashmeres, all wool •11 wool Del.tinolli cotton Phids. plain and ti,tared. Volcanism, Freudi Arabian 'Velours, Fut, Gruetellas end Slops de Loins, all prices. A dirge stock of Traveling Dress Goods, plain and figured Silks. Flounces. A full and com plete stock of Prints constantly on hand.— C LOT /IS, Cashmeres: Duster Cloths. Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans; Frwach. K•tglish and American Shawls. Plaid and Knitted Shawls for Chil dren—all styles end priers. House-famishing Goods of every description. A full and com plete stock of Notions, 'Perfumery, Jewelry, hosiery. Gloves. Gent!' god Ladies' Osanelits, Wool Capes and hoods, of the very latest etre& Threae. and Cotton Edgings, Laces, Ac., An., /te., Ac., Ac. ALL CO3IEI No trouble to show Guodi. Oet. if', I Iwo. New Goods! New Goods! AIINICSTOCK PROTITERS would reope.et _r fully Inform the pehlie Met they have re turned from the Cities with the largest, cheap est and prettiest stock of GOODS ever opened in the Counts.. consisting of Undies' Dress Goods, Cloths, bastrimeren, Uusinets,-V.•stinttt, Domestics, &e., utUnf whieb will be Mitered so low. as to defy competition. (lire us ► cull, -No trouble to show Goods it the s'gn of the FRONT. Oct. 22, 18(h). J. Palmer ar ir TtKtrr STIO: ET W PITT!. AIVA Dealers in riA, Chee.in and Provisions, have constantly en band an assortment of Dried and Pickled Pikh, &c., viz : Mackerel, Salmon, Illue -Fish, lierrhiga. 13.1. Pork, I,nrl, Shoulder , . !Innis, Sides, Cheese. 1%-nn,, k g , lo g i c * Sin Genuine Family Liquora. 'VITAI. It. MoIIF,IIOI'SE k Importers 1 I and Whoiesale Dealers in iIftANUIES. WINES, GINS s SEG be,; I..nre to call the attention of cititena or the United State , to their Pure Wine.; and Li inors, put up under their own .giper% ision,tor F stud Median I/ it qr. in cases t 4,l,te . istoitiera. .ether b titres. who requ:re to purch.ise in l.tr , a or quantities, in c,isks or b.ittle,i, Mill be li.erally dealt with. Price Lti..t sent i.n opplielt:on lor the flit a , the hest remc Ic known for P . , Inrge-tion, Debility. and all Dc-e,i-eq As a hecerog... it pun., end di to the taste.— SOl.l l / 1 sill Druz•zi,t,. WM. 110!17,110rSE 8: co , prop.rg, S 5 Fin Marc.. Jer•ey City, J P. —The F nhgeeiherti cri i th to ent,ettze FL few Active taco, ?La Lot 1 and Trovehum A ztint4 fir their house, to whom liberal inducements will be offered For p irticulan, aibirees as ribore. Nor. 5, IdeU. din AFTJ many years of sueeessfal practice, DR. KILLING still desires to do rood to the afflicted. He eontionsi to cure all kinds of OANCKRS, TUMORS. WENS, SCROFULA, or IiVIO'S EVIL, SORES, ke., if curable, without amain or poison. Ile does not confine him self merely to the core of the above die , bet will treat all others with success.— PAtieuts will be visited, if desired, a reasonable distance. Persons desiring to visit 1)r. K. wiU please stop at the Railroad Rotel in Mechanics burg, where they will be directed to his resi dence. For all particulars write- -state dis eases plainly. Recline • postage etamp to prepay answer. Address Dr, C. L. BELLING, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland co., Ps. Oct,- 15,, 1660. osi • -:1 Barga•ns ! Wilccx & Gibb'a I'iLICE S3O 00 Dancer Institute. MEI EIS MUTUAL PIlLil INSURAJIC X COIBPAIIT.-t• incorporated Vara' 18, 1851. President—George Swope. Tice Presideat--S. R. Russell. Secretary—D. A. Buehler. 1%-earsirer—Darld M'Creat7. Esserstire Committm—Robert McCurdy, Jam* Kin", Andrew Heintselmett. Managers--George Swope, D. A. Buehler:Ja cob King, A. Heintz , twee, R. M'Curdy, Thoe. A. Marshall, S Pahnestork. Wis. R. Meek)lak. Win. B. Wilson, W. X ichelberger, Abdiel John Woltord. H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wrigbt, John Horner, it G. McCreary. S. R. Russell, D. M'Creary, Andrew Polley,John Picking, J. R. Hersh. Oig"This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. Ii has been in opvratiiin for more than six years, nod in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, unthaid any a•pearment, hat ing also a large :surplus capital in the Trensnry. The C•m- Pioy employs no Agent*—nll business being done by the Managers. who are annuall• elect ed by the Storkholders. Any person desiring an Imturance cnn apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. e Committee meets at the office of the Company cn the last Wedoeiday in every month, at 2, I'. M. Sept. 27, I 8-04. Cannon & Adair's LATER - MA.P.CI,F, WOIIKS, corner of Bahl ore and Fast \fiddle streets, directly op •ms,le new Court tlettrNburg r •entle armed Ir o n and feel,ll2. trot to ex/wet,. all work iu the n•,—: le of tllc art we wool respe, trol ly itirtte the ittention of the public wishing to pnteure anything in onr hne, to floor aa with a call and ei.tintne specimens of oar work. We are prepared to furnish Mt INFMENTS. TOMBS AND HF: NfAltlll,li ‘NTI.E. , . SLABS fur Cabinet-makers, and all other work appertkaining to onr bu.dness. at the lowest pos sible price.. We do not hesitate to winrantee that onr work , thall oft put up in a manner suh stsatial and tasteful e.itnal to the best to be seen in the cities, R here tier; Impr , ) , -Pront which experience hits PJf4g. -teal .1\ ' l l,l and espechtlly do we glarantee th tt onr Ceme tery and Graa.e Yard 1 , , et as not to be affected t tro-t.but lain for years that erectness of position ~ riven at the completion of a job. and so necessary to chntiatied gracefulness and symiactry.. Nue. 20, 1539. tf Grain Grain! TtalM; subgeriber still continues purchasing all kinds of PROIWCE, at hiq old stand on imbergburg street. viz :—FIA)I. 7 11, W3EAT, RI'S, CORN, OAT'S, SEEDS, Sic., for which the highest m.trket prices will he given. oar. I will also continue ray GROCERY and VARINTY STORE, and till keep conatantly on hind Groceries. S tli, Oil, Fish, Ce,lar-ware, Dry Goods, co S, r,litzder, Guano, ,k, . The public ate invited ter tall. as I tun deterunt..- ad to sell as cheap as the tobeitpeQt. . Gettysburg, Aug. G, 1860 Gettysburg Foundry. THE snbscriber, having rut-, breed t* Yonndry of Me ,, srs.Zorban,:lt, Sloat ,t. CO., merly Warrens , ' ronniry,) has commenced business, and is nom prepsred to oflor to the public a larger assortment of Machinery. thin has heretofore been offered, such ng TiIitESII ING MACHINES, Clover Huller.. Fodder! ('ut ters, Corn Sheller!. and klorrm's late improved Horse like. Also, STOVES) such ns Cook Storm three different kinds ; nod five difrerent 'sites of Ten-plite Stoves. Liketsi.e Mill and 'Sow-mill Castings, antrollkinds of Tuining in Iron or Wood. rsa - RP.PAIRINI of all kinds nn Ninehinery And Castings will he done to order on short notice. PAterns mule to nr•ler ; Plonl;llooct inT4 ready rnnde•; PLO►'tGIIS, Pu th as tie:4lcr, Wit herow, Pincher, Woodcock, nod m.ine others not mentioned here; mid right different lauds of IRON FENCING,' for Cemeteriv3, Porches or Yards. Also, Mortising 3feet:llnel'. one of the be.t now in use. Thi3 machine works with A lever by hand; any little boy ens manage it. Cal-and einminti *err stork; no doubt but what WC can geese. rerson.i °nicht to s..t. it their advantage to buy machine!, of our kind ea home. wkere it h nmaittiiirliired. so that they 'C . very eaviry get aa,ypart top Iwo ed or *pal red. •• ; • ' .DAVID STERNER. Gettysburg, Feb.l3/ lBdo. TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA s PF:r7ORAI,, is the bet litedieine to the wrwlei for the Curet), Coughs and DMA!, Croup. BrOnchitis, Asthma, gibiculty ht breathing, • Palpitatimt or the Heart, Diptherhit; ne4 for the relief °fiat/fete- in the adrow.re rt , iees or Commotion, totrethertith all Theelees of the Throat and Chest. an I which pre dispose to Consumption. It is recu!larly a , L7p'ed N titersd.enl (-Ire of .l ei,, n4 , Axing prepare! by a practical Pliy,ici in and Druggist, and one of great experience in the cure of the various dioceses tp which the hu man Craw is Tiahi'. It *v. offered to the afflicted with the greetest confidence. Try it and be eonrin^e4 that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affections. Price 50 erea per 6.,711e. garPrepArel only by D. A. ESENWETN C() , Driißgistg and Chemistt, .)i.W roe. Ninth k Poplar Sts , Paicaortrat t. by et ery respectable Deng ist and De tier in )Icdicines throughout the St.tte. .Ipril 2, 1880. Iy Something Now TN Ci7,TTYSBI:II6.—The undarsignedinforms the c.tizens of the town and county, that,he hits commenced the DAMN() business, on a birge scale. in York street, Gettrshur7, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel. where he will try to and hopes to reccire, a liberal patron age. 1111EAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CrI..I(IKR,P,S, PRETZELS, he., kc.. baked even- day, (Sun days ex , .epted,) all of the beet rtnallty, and sold at the lowe:t living profits. Cracker-b4ng in all hr.inches I.tr ir ;:dy carried rders t-) any timount, from title and adjuring coun ties, suppled at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodious hake-hone aad secured the hest workman and , the most ap proved machinery, he it prepared to do a heavy business. July 25, 1839 E W SALOON.--GEO. F. ECKENRODF. has 11 removed his Oyster establishment to the splendid new Saloon in liscobs & Bros. Build ing, on the North side of Chemberstsurg street, where he will at all times be prelisred to serve up the best of OYSTERS, In every style, Ey keeping a good ankle, he expects to receive - e, liberal share of public patronage. TURTLE SOUP; CHICKEN, BEEF TONGUE, PIG'S FEET. TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAV, BIRDS, &c., in their season. A nice glass of ALE or LAGER can always be had.— Come and try me. 0. P. ECKENRODE. April 2, 1800. UDR A SAFE AIM PROFTTABLE TWIST MENT.—Wasass's PI.TEITC0111P11131t0.1", patented by D. Watts's. This is an agriettl turel implement which oo gement of its dura bility, simplicity and cheapness, o ill be general ly adopted by Farmers. With it one man tart do the 'work of three. Before.* palms. -was procured it was tboronghly tested by *somber of Farmers and ill every instance gave Wield satisfaction. State, °aunty and Township Rights for sale. Enterprising men tan moist handsome prate by purchasing Statue . dr Counties and canemesing. Artily permutes:Ey M D. Warren and George N. Brintinatt.':Oost , esanicatiOno sadroosed to GooltorE. BRISONIA atGettyaborg, P.a., containing postage Also; will receive mteution. lir Agents desedesi ofie r tsvai NO* and Stafte.'t +.1.11171,31551L . , .1 113111 subscriber ctikti IPrlvete ifs awn AND Lar; - oii• teohdostSidelifiarileitbr..- Etittir,MbludtalliniirasjOri* —Viaaftp:ig*li'anoll of yaw. may. Jul 7 yt, prim, U a„;fr Of • 0 ..1` . .).; : r =EEO =in JOHN SCOTT Dr. Esonwein's VALENTINE SAUPEA Removal. A Chance elatitiellelP ei Ate` .gma feebl aid complaining Are you out of order, with I Tour system deranged, and you" Itellemp uneetaforts- 4 blot These symptoms are alum the prelude to serious illness. Some dt of sick ; nese is creeping upon you, • and should be averted a timely use of the rigs remedy. Take Ayer's Pill and deanse out the diso dered humors—purify el blood, and let the full more oa unobstructed be.ilthagain. They 'Um] late the functions of tl body into vigorous Seth ty, purify the system from the obstructions which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and obstructs its natural functions. These, if not relies ed. • react upon themselves and the surrounding or gang. producing general aggravation, suffering, and disease. While in this condition, oppregg ed by the derangements. take Ayer's Pills, and lee how directly they resters the natural action of the spurn. and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent i in this trivial and common compl lint, is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous distemrers. The risme purgstive effect expels them. Caused by similar o'istructions and de ' Jangements of the natural functions of the holy, they are rapidly, and many of them stir , . ly. cured by the same means. None who know the t irtnes of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when sufferini froin the disorders tloy cure. z•tntem-nts from leading physici ins in some of the priruipal clt,es, and from other a t:1 kno‘A n t nt , lir pPrci,a, from a Forwarding Merchant of St Lerlii. Yoh 4, 14Z05. Dr Ayer: Your :ire tit.• p ,r,•goo of all that is great in medicine. They have cored m' little daughter of ulcerous sores upon h , r hands nod felt that had !roved incurable for 'tears. Her mother has been long grievously &filmed with hloteheq and pimples on her akin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cured her. AMA NIORGRIDGII. AS A FAMILY eiIYS (C. From Dr Y. W. Cartwright. New Orleans. ~Your are the prime of purges. Their itlcellent qualities buriu.s.4 Buy cathartic we po-i , e54. They are mild, but %cry certain and errectii.il in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treat ment of disease. HEADACHE, .SICK HEADACHE, FOUL STOMACH. From Dr. Bayard Boyd, Baltimore. Del!' Bro..lyer: len utiot answer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to siiy all that we ever treat with a purga tive medicine. I place great dependence on ad ett.e.tual cathartic in my daily contest with hien.e. and believing as I do that your Pills sffur,l us the best we have, I of course value them highly. Pitt4a-trg. Pa., If iy I, 18n5 Dr. J. C Ayer—Sir: I have been repeated ly cured of the worst headache any body can ha% eshy a dosp or two of your Pills. It seems :o ark from a foul stomach. which they cleanse as once. Yours with great reipeet, En W Prsal.u. Cl'k of sam met Clarion. B!LR)I DISCPtDiiRR—LIVF.R COMPIAINTS from Dr. Theodor* Ben, or N. Tort City. ;;ot oily are your Pills admirably adapted to their poi-pose as an otirerient, bnt I find their , bi.neficial effc‘ta upon the /river vary marked ind, c , l. The}have in my prai.tice proved inure i elle , hial fur the cure of b . iltons complaints' than any one r.•mely I can mention. I aineerely re- I joke that we have at length a purgative which di IF orthr the confidence of the profec3lon and ' the people. Department of the Iptcrior,l Wa , h;n;zton. P C'., 7th Feb. 1:4",f;. Sir: I hate 11.1 , 41 yollr PIUS in my g , neral h , ,.pital practice ever since yon made them, and cannot he,,itate to gay they are the hest enthirtie we employ . Their rep:Laing fiction on the liver i 4 quick and decided. corvegnently they are an a dtnk.thle remedy for derangements of tit it orzlo. Indeed. 1 have seldom found a erase of h:liouq disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fr.‘ternally yours, A LoNzo BALI„ Phyeirian of thp Marine DYSENTERY, DI IR MT*: R'! 1. x.wonms hom Dr J G area of Cbieato. Tour Pills have had a long trinl in my prati tire, and 1 hold them in esteem as one of the tie4t ■nerinnta 1 have ever bound. The nitern tire e•ffect upon the li%pr mikes them : n excel lent remedy, whim given in small doses for dyr.entery And ditirrhrest. Their einear coating makeq them very se( eptnble and con veoient for the rise of women and children. DYSPEPSIA. IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. /root Haw. J. V Wren, Pastor of Advent Ow**. Dorton Dr. A) er : I bare ui,ed your Pills with ex trarir,linary success in my launily ntia among. those I am called to visit in distress. To regu- I , te the organs of ii:gestion and purity the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them toloy friends. Sours, J. V. !links. W.irsaw, ry'oniing co . Y.. 0(t. 24, '35. Dear Sir : lem unteg your Cathartic Pills in my practice, and bud tLem an excellent purgative to cl-tnee the system and purify the fountains of the blond. .0. JOHN G. sisacir4W, M. D. CONSTIPATION. COSTIVENESS, SUPPRKS SION. RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEU KALGIA, DROPSY. PARALYSIS. Fl Ir. ETc. From Dr. J P. Vangttn, Montreal, Caavia- Too much cannot be a.uo of :.uur Pills for the cure of costiveness. If other., of our fra ternity have fount them is ea.:acious as I hive, they should join me in proclaiming it for the benefit of the multitudes s - ho suffer from that complaint, winch, although bad enough in itselt,is the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe costiveness to origluate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cute the disease. Prom Sirs E Start, Ptiyaician ipd Midair*, Boston I find one or two large doses of your l'ills, taken at the proper time, are excellent promo tivet of the natural secretion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also:tory effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They are 8Q much the best physic we have that 1 te clmmt•nd no other to my patients. /row tie tie. Dr Darts*, et the Mellediat Epa. Church. Pnlaskl Howse, Savannah. Ga., Jun . 6, 56. Honored air: should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has .brought me if I did not report my case to you. A cold settled mmy limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, *hien ended in chronic rheutuatica.— Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew wfstie'and worst, neulby the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slew, but sore. By persevering in the use of them, I am no* entirely well. Senate Chamber, Baton Renire,Lx., 5 Dec. '55. Dr. Ayer: I ►tee bees autirely cured, by your PULP, of litbalusatic Gont—st painful dis ease that had afilieted me for years. - VI:ICES? SLIDISA. iirMost of the 'PIM In market contain Her onry, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, bi - -dm/warms in a public pill, from the dreadllit conaeqacaces that frequent ly (oliow its Incautious use. Theo* contain no mercury or mineral sabotance whatever. ?rise, Ili ends per , ila, or jars for $L ?rtpand by ir, 1. C. 1!U k Ca; !,swell, • rsold by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; p. Bobtlts, Arendterille ;• Paxton k McCreary, Fairiehl ; P. A. Myers, Tfew,Ch ester ; M. Staster, Mew Oxford; B. Biterbew, York. Bpi-Ingo; and -dealers generally. • Sept. 3 1 1860. 1860. Pall and, Winter Goods. Oka n b ser ib a , baying just returned from the Bastard Claes With a large and rem did assortment at JIM and CAPS, would re epmtfully call' the intention of purchasers' to eke tune. HI, stock of Mats Is 1%11 and com plete, ccinalsting 181 *riled Mentailaidonable and -baadsonie No., L Silk lists Peels Ant& Soft. Mato, Sties, low. Ord inedinni i s pth . crows, Cloth and Mated gaps, Plash itnirPlish r trinnu a ni COlll, tor an and ha" Laney BAill • and clipeasteliadies,torOier 11 14 a_load sortimitto : Woo: otwhich ww be i jap i i =tro, cor "PO. 44 0 ;^ Pk* #W, cif ,45 1 t6 „ 11 .tItu adt_ WO4l - 110teriOss. ‘ . 7 . • yealr 2 14 Irt.o Opt , WIWI igtAiNIOTT lINZITS, 1 "WI lio birWietikier Okbear r SU Y lWllOll* IhOitiiii"" *iPies leMil!lOg , 11y1.1.11004,&" lIMIIIIN ES MC OEM Pik .. -%' - ieisrnirtectoragaiLlererfter.:" . - -, 7!---zumin nurvnt. Lowrance D. Metes Cr PO'S STORE t-40gN .IfAillt NOTIOS ROUSE.. ' - No. MI Aratilft., bitwoeit TM wall& iladelpbia, ( late of ' FANCY GOODS. 816 Market St. ) I 1108RIRT, TRIMMINGS, porter. ‘ , a t - AND TOYS, 4 " nufastui of and Dealer in 4 'Wholesale and Retail , asCheap as any place in ki n d s of FAN c Baltimore. i FURS. Having 111 Punt= t i tSree BALTIMORE. moved 40 my N ger , Ordore promptly ended to. Store, 718 Arch St .. June 16, 1860. ly ----- --- ----- - A. Mathiot & Son , s ed entirely in the Me ufacturre ettd Sale SFA AND FURNTITRE WAREROOMS. Nos. Fancy Fun, which, 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near accordance with I Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick "One Price Principle, an.-the largest establishment of the kind in the I have marked at' " Union. Always on hand a large assortment of lowest possible prices consistent with a reason. noreglioLe AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em- able profit, I would solicit a visit from those in e n e n se e n e essential. tees, En, ay flail it bracing Bureaus, Bedstends , Washstands . Ward- want of Furs ' or either Ladies' or Children' robes, robes, Mattresses of Hest:. Cotton and Hair, Wear, and an Inspection of my sele.-tion of Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, those goods, satisfied . as NM, of roy.abilit' . to Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set- please in every atal3t desired d tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS- Persona SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, inconvenient to call personally , need n 1 aure Wood Chairs. Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, the article they wish, together w only ith theprice, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture, and Instructions for sending, and forw ard the Gilt Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses. Side- order to my address-money accompa nying nn el ... boards, Extension Tables, of every length . to insure a satisfactory compliance with th eir Persons disposed to pnrchase are invited to wishes. call ani give our stock an examination, which i - [Sept. 3, 1800. 3m Yard Removed. for variety and quality of workmanshipis not M s aX ubs b cr l i e ber having removed his place of equalled by any establishment in the At ntry. I r i b E nsiness to East York street short I A. MATHIOT k SON, i lance below St. James' Church, would .a atinoU i n7e . a r s art Nos. 25 and '27 N. Gay Street. Ang. 6 18GO. ly : t e k n i t n s dig, Headstones. s a t • o o i r i k e 8 . i it a e his k c line, „ o f t e , N O e t. r ll y ! to the public that he is still prepared to furnish Ladd, Webster & Co.,,::itt o . f 13ALTIMORt ST., BALTIMORE. I D Manufaetnrera of improvedTirlit-stitch I'll mr , , style and fiti%ll, with and without . bases • and am kets, to suit li • SEWING MACHINES, pare asers, anti at prices to snit the times. Persons desiring anything inhis for Families and MAniiracturing Establishments.g ' will find it w decided adrant e Let Manufacturers. Planters, Farmers, House - , stock d pricesbefore ". to examine his and purt.liasitir elsewhere. I, epers. or any other persons in search of an WM. B. NIF ALS iu-trument to execute any kind of Sewing now , Gettvsburg March 21, 1859. .' '- done hr machinery, make sure they secure the - Gettysburg, )torch ____ 13( st, br examining ours before purchasing. giqe, 'Samples of Work stilt by mail. Globe Inn, . WHAT CONSTITT:TES A GOOD SEWINO W ',MICE ? 1 M ECII 1. \ - - ICSTOWN, Frederick county,Md.- 1. It shonld be well made, simple in its con-1 Having been renovated and re-furnished, strnetiort, and easily kept le order. , the proprietor assures the public that a call is 2. It should make a TIGHT LOCK-STITCH, alike' only needed, as he guarantees full satisfaction in , every Ease. Charm moderate. on both sides of the material. 3. It should sew any and all materials thatl HENRY' HERR, Proprietor. , Feb. 14, 1859. tf can be sewed. 4. It iltrOula he able to use Cotton, Thread, I -- ---- - or Silk, directly from the spool. I • Madame Schwend's 1 5. It should be able to sew from coarse to line, NVALLIBLE P.OWDERSs far thespcedyaad and front thiek to thin, with rapidity, and with- I effectual Cure of all Inflammations. Fe out changing the tension. I estreseism, Dyspepsia sad' Liver Complaint, H. It should be able to make the tension: Pile*, Gravel, and all Acute and (niate Die. greater or leas, on both the under and upper ' eases if ADULTS and CHILDREN. Band 8 threads, ned.ts - ith uniformity. i cent Scrimp to her Agent. 'O. 13. JONES, 7. It should liars a straight needle ; curved ', , Box 2070 Pkilad'a. P. O.! onesnre liable to break . i Ileadeeds of testimonials. Alitency--8. W. 8. The needle should have perpendienhu Cor. Third A Arch Sta. [Oct. 6, '6u. I.ot motion. This is absolutely necessary for heavy ; ---•- -------- - _ work.l To the Public. It 9. 14, ef l onid he capable of taking in the MITE undersigned, having tdisposM of his largest pieces of work. I . News Storeio Mr. Jot:Eric BRO%DfIEAD in 10. ft sheald he able to bind with a binder, tends to discontinue the hostiles d Itf - hem with a hemmer ; shunld stitch, fell, r u n the bl,' .4tan • 'list he feels indebted to pu te for the bliernl and gather. ; patronage extended to him, he would cordislly H. It should he always ready to work. I recommend all his old customers to Mr. Broad -12. It should be capable of using the same b ea d , who will always be prepared to accotn size of thread on both sides of toe work, and ' moditte them with anything in his line. of using different colored thread or silk, above I CHARLES LINDERMAN. or below, to correspond with any two colors of ' ; Aug. 27, 1880. cloth to be united.• 12. It should be able to make a long or short I - - s I Notice. titch. 14. It should be able to fasten off the seam, TICATING purchased the News Store of Mr. and commence sewing tightlyat the first stitch. ' I II - 14305Allti f it is my purpose to cuntinne 15. ft should run easily and make but little the tininess on a More estensire irate than anise. , . , heretofore'.- Daily city papers. and ell the poli te,. It should have a wheel feed; none others t ular seaplanes and periodicals of the day, at arc in constant contact with the work. I ways on hand. JOSEPH Bitta.A.DilEAD. 17. It should not he liable to get out of order. I AIM'. 2T, 1869, tt ls. ft should not he liable to break the I Omni, nor skip steams. 1 Watches, Jewelry 19. it should not be neeessnrr to use a scroll- ANB SILVER-WARE -We would respects wrench or ween to set the needle- fully inform our friends, patrons and the 20. It should not be liable to oil the opera-1 ILL pu bli c 11 that haveinStore , genera .t,we now tor's dress. ; and oiler WHOLE , ALE Asp RETAIL, at the lowest 21. It should not form a ridge on the under! Cash Prices, a large and eery choice stock ut n side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, . .:ATCHrs, JEWELRY, SILVER •ND PLATED WASS, AS is the else with ALL CHAIN-ATITCH machines. i of every satiety and style.' 22. It should not be " more trouble than RI Every description of Diamond Work mad is worth." other Jawelry made to order, at short notice.- 33. Finale, all of these advantages are pat- . tta"All goods warranted to be as repres•ented. scssed by our Sewing Machine. CO. N. 8.-Particular attention given to Re- L A UD, WEBSTER s ...1 t pai r in g watches and Jewelry, of erery descrip - ly lion. ST.A.I'FFER'tg VALLEY, - ' No. 622 Market St., South Side, Philrl'a. Sept...l, 1860. 3z5 --.,,. The Only Preparation._ THAT HAS liTlitill TiII:TEST 4F111.54t5, 1 AND OROWS MORE AND 110 1 1 E POPU LAR EVERY' DAY I- And testimonials, new, and nimost w.thotit number, might he ttneu from lediewand gentlemen in all grades of so ciety. whose Ifni tett testimony none oo old resist, that Prof. Wood's ii•-ir Itestaratire will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair olthe youth to old arc, in nil its youthful beauty. Battle ('r ek, Mich , Dec. 21. Mg. , Prof. Wood c-Thee willt please accept a line ''to inform the- that the hair on zny head all (ell off over twenty years ago, caused IA a compli cated chronic disease. attended aid, an crop tion on the head. A ..olitimial conr-e of suf fering thrpligh life has in reduced me to a state of dependence, 1 h , ve not le en nide t o olve l n staff for caps, neither !Ilse I been Ale to do them up, in conse•oion, - e oc which my head has suffered extremely from redo. '1 his indncrd me to pay Briggs k 110 Ines alinnst the last cent I h'l on earth f‘,r a two doll it ly,ttle of thy Hair Restorative nbo t the first of Aurustlaat. I h ave faithfully followed th • dire , t'ons and the bald spot is tow cot erect with hair thick and black, though short. it is .1:9 coming in all I over my head. Feeling confident that another i large bottle would restore it entirely nnd per ' nuinently, I feel anxious to persevere in its Ole, and being destitute of means to purchase any I more, I *anti ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for I a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture ideclaration -"the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." IThy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ligonly Noble co., Indiana. Feb. 5, 1859. , Prof. 0. J. Wood . Dear Sir:-In the latter , part of the yes! . 1352, while attending the State ` rand National Ltw School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cruise unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, to that in the short space of six months, the whole upper ' part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining portion lupon the side an d back part of my head short, 1 ly after became gray, so that you will not be 4 surprised when I tell you that upon my return to tbo State of Indiana, to more casual ar. - • quatotances were not so much at a loss to die. ' cover the cause of the change in toy appearance, i as my more intimate acquaintances were ill I recognise me at all. i I at once made application to the most skill. fel physicians in the country, bet, receiving ' no assurance from them that sn) hair could again be restored, I was forced to beeome re conciled to my fate, man, fortunately. in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative I was recommended to me by a druggist, as be. ing the most reliable Hair Restorative In use. ' I tried one bottle, and found to my great oaths. faction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time,l have used seven dollars' worth of your Rstorative, and as a reautt,liave a rich coat of very soft * black Mb, whieb no money can buy. As a mark of my mmtltude lbr your labor and skill In the production of SO wonderful an article, I hare recommended Its use to many qt my friends and acquaintances,who, 1,105 happy to Inform you, are using it rlth ILhe ef. feet. TerY respectfully, yours, • A. M. LATTA, - * Attorney and Counsellor at Lap. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dodos throughout the -world. - The Restorative Is pet ,up In bottles deists sins, viz : large, sisdleM, and marl i the *el - • - • . • -- one dollar Poe Dee. 5, 1859 o‘itskt „ I :5, 1001,7:CDF.D 1'452. Chartered IVA,. Located tA g t. OF BALTIMORE k CHARLES STS.. BALTIMORE, Mo.—The Largest, Mo=t Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College iu the United States. - Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a THOROUGH PRACTICAL BI4I.IIESIL Eoccsno:s in the shortest possible time and et theleast expense. A Large and_ - Beautifully Ornamented rirctt lar, containing upwlrds or SIX SQUARE FEET, with SPECIMEN' or PeNlioNsrite, and a Large E ngraving (the finest of the kind eTer made in this country) representing the InteCor View of the Colleg.. with Catalogue stating terms, tr., will t , e sent to EveryYonng Ilan on appli , ation, FRC' or CHAIIGZ. Write immetliatel:, and you ul.ll receive the parkftge by ritnrn Address, E. K. LOSILR, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 6, 130. ly James H. Bosley, C 0.11)IISS lON NI F. E.CIIANT, No,. 124 and 1.25 rortA Street, B .11, TIM OR.F., 31D I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis sion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Elating an experience Or, ken years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that stone,) I flatter myself that I shill( be able to give sAvis e.urtos to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. . Feb. 6, '6O. ly New & Rich JEWELRY, SILVE WARE, SILVER PL AT ED WA A...E. WARN F4l Gold and Stirexamith, No. 10 Gat arusitt,,BA.L. TIMORE, MD., has in store a beautiful assort meat of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY,. suitable for presents, embracing a great variety of Plain GOld • mi Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car . uiskles, kc., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, opai. Emerald, kc., Ladies' G‘Md Glistint,-leil-di Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold .Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and _l'mts, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins k Ear Birtga,acc. ALB 0 , A variety of Surer Mounted &Flitted Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Salt Stands, Pearl Handle Desert Kai res,Spoous, Forks, Ladies, Fancy Articles, Arc., all of which is respectfully offered on the lowest terms. ViirTbe Country Trade and Dealers general ly are invited to give me a call, and examine' Goods and Prices, being sstisfied that my SIL VER WARE cannot be surpassed either. for fineness or,quality, or the latest and most bean- Uful Pittette. [Feb. 27 186 e. Burr kill Stones ' ED—B. F. FiTA BR Jr CO., Oor of egad &atm deraste, oppositeN. C. R. R. Station, Racrettows, 80. Maaufaa; turers of FRENCH BURRS, lispootors and Dealer* in . Burr Blocks, Belting Lather and Gnm B 4 lop, 'Oaklced Plaster, ant ill Iron Quality. "Also, Colo& "Amen Mill atones of all sizes. (Feb.i7, 'OW ly ' George Bok I VIPOSTRit Mad Dealer fa (MLNA, GLASS 41 Nbetbitioverd Street; toe MidTy_Litke Streets, I ElTONSWA t always ' es - Jain tiLAMB *Wei" of ier 43111444 Tratommt *ray! 41410t 1, 11611 . qd others _ * 41411,4016issiltrir store thoo. .411.46, ki3o7lool l t, vie sei 1 4 • staerili, Cashiet4s, 71 • 1 "frl" ‘M Z 3 El II