1 I GETTYSBURG—SarvuoAT use. Snperine Flow. Itye F10nr....—.... White Wheat.-- ...... Red Wheat C0rn........... . Rye Clover Seed.... 5 00 Timothy 5eed...............114t60 to Flax 120 Plaser of roais.. Vlaster ground, per be; Pork BAI/TlMORS—Flumir war. 5 00 to 5 12 Flour Wheat 1 05 ILo 150 Rye ..... v............ 75 to 80 Corn •.•••••• ••••«.»...»..«.. 57 to 63 Oats ................«••.••.... 30 to 35 Clover ... .. 5 62 to 8 75 Timothy 3 00 to 3 50 Beef Cattle, per 6 00 to 7 50 Slogs, per band 7001.800 Hay 00 tale 00 Whiskey 20 to 21 Gaauo, Peruvian, per t0n.... ..... 62 00 HANOVER—Tit lILIDAY LAST. Flour, from wagons-- ............ Do. from stores....-..., Wheat Rye ... Corn- ............ ...... 0at5...... ....---- Clover fieed............ ......... Timothy Seed---.....---.—. Plaster .. ..... ..--...-.-- 111voectie01. Iffcstic,cois. • THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY—Sts JAX/18 CLAIII 7 I CIL &&&&&& D FMMALI PILLS.- Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Pbyrician Extraordinary to the Queen.— This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of ill those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstruc tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To Married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Gov ernment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. Caurtor.—These Pills should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregasocy, as they are sure to bring on carriage, hoist any other time they are safe. la all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pats is the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other tetras have foiled; end although roaedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu tion. Foil directions in the pamphlet around each padcagc whir* should be carefully preserved. Bcile Agent for the United Stases and Canada, JUB .110SES, (Late I. C. &kiwis t C 0.,) Rochester, N. Y. N. B.—sl 00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorised Agent, will Insure* bottle, containing 50 Pill, by return ma& Jane 11,'60. lyeow THE AMERICAS MEDICAL AND TOILET RECEIPT BOOB.—This book contains Recipe, and Directions for makinf, all the most valua ble MediCal preparations in use • also Recipes and lull arid explicit directions for making all the most popular and useful Cosmetics, Par fumes, Unguents, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles. If you are suffering with any chronic disease—lf you wish a besatiful com plex on, a fine head of hair, a smooth face, a clear skin, a Insuriaat beard or mouatsebe—or if ou wish to know anything and everything iu the Medical and Toilet line, you should, by all means, peruse a copy of this book. For fin 11 particulars, and a sample of the work for ptrusal, (free,) address the publisher. T. P. CHAPMAN. No. 83 1 Broadway, Now York. to Nov. 5. 31a TO CONSITIIPTIMIt3 —The Advertiser, bat ing been restored to health In a few weeks by • very simple remedy, after having n ffered severe/ Scars with revere long afibetion, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to musks known to his fellow-sufferers the means °fear& To all who desire It, he will seed a espy of the prescription need (free of charge,) with the directions fur preparing and using the 11111160, which they will And a sure Cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will tort them nothing, and may prove a bles sing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address RSV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kinks county, New York. Oct. 22, 1860. ly SWUM PUBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exist in lioffitt's Life Pills and Phcanix Bitters, is every day demon strated by their astonishing efficacy in the cases which they are announced to cure. All the complaints of the stomach and bowels, weak ness of the digestive organs and of the system generally, bilious and liver affections, night fevers, head aches, piles, costiveness, consump tum, rheumatism, scurvy, impurity of the blood, or blotched and sallow complexions, soon yield to their curative properties. A single trial in variably secures them the title of the best fami ly medicines now before the public. For sale by the proprietor, W. B. 11OFFAT, at his office, 235 Broadway, N. Y., and by S. S. Forney Agent, Gettysburg. [Feb. 13. ly. VrISTAR'S 8..k1.k3A1l OF WILD CHERRY. —Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, and the numerous as well as dangerous diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, prevail, in our changeable climate, at all seasons at the year: few are fortunate enough to escape their baneful in fineace. How important then to have at hand a certain antidote to all these complaints. Ex perience proves that this exists in Wistar's Balsam to an extent not found in any other remedy; however severe the suffering, the ap plication of this soothing, healing and wonder ful Balsam at once vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. .FROM GEORGE WETTER, ESQ., LUMBER .... MERCHANT DAVPRII CO., PA., Apr. 24, 'BO. Messrs. S. W. Fowlo k Co.,— About seven months since I was severely af flicted with Whooping Cough, and had almost given the hope of recovery. It was a most violent attack of this destructive and danger ous disease. I had tried every remedy which I had heard recommended, but they all failed en tirely, until a trial of D. Wisvaz s Bstsam or CiilltitT was commenced, the use of which gave immediate relief. Under similar circum stances, rather than be without the Balsam I would pay fifty dollars for a bottle of it, be lieving that it is the only certain antidote for the disease. I most cheerfully recommend this invaluable remedy to the public. GEORGE W. ICITE.R. FROM DAVID SLIFER, ESQ. Lsezasczo, May 'l, 1860. Beth V. Fowler 1 Co., Gentlemen : I have wed Dr. Wlstar's Bal sam of 1 1114 Merry, and believe It to be an ex cellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, and Inflam mation of the Lungs, sad I recommend it most cheerfully. DAVID BLIPS& ltiiirantiott to Pordeditrs.—Tbe only $14040111e Wisktr's Balsas has the writtsa signature of "L Burrs" and the ptiAted one of the Proprietors on the outer wrapper; all other is vile and worthless. `Prepared by SETH W. FOWLS k 00.. Boston, and for sale by A. D. Biel'ler, Gettys burg ; B. Hiteekow, York Springs; W. Wolf, Ant Berlin; t3olontou CbroniMer, Hampton; Jamb litilweiler, tratmaab nrg;D. R. Bollinger, bbalgetown; M. Sumter; New Oxfortbt„Joim Littltosaown; and by dealers everywkere. N•v. I 1,00. 4r • t A rn T• • kit • ,; °44 =ottpes 111 4111- 1 41 01111 4 noo llll ?maim Pictures till! of the luddskot ls3-liet Oak lern Pa. TYSON BROIL • Us _ pigs or &Mead th the eibirthrerg, H. 111= T 0 the Honorable the Jad=es of She Court of Quarter Sessionof the Paws for the oy of Adams: The Grand inquest of the county aforesaid, for the November Session of 1114 KI, having con cluded their labors, respectfully report (as a gratifying fact, speaking well for the morals of the county,) that taut three bills of 1541cteneat were presented to us for our action, and those of light grade. Our time was mainly occupied with the con sideration °fan application for the incorpora tion of the borough of Littlestown, and the consideration of Bridge Views. ............ 4 50 ...-.... 3 60 I 00 to I 12 90 to 95 50 • 65 25 461 a5O 1 00 0 00 The Grand Jury report that they visited the Prison, under the supervision of the Sheriff, Samuel Wolf, and found it well kept, and in excellent order; and but one prisoner in custo dy at the present time. The Grand Jury also visited the Alms House, now accommodating about one hundred in mates, and cannot but express our gratification at witnessing the neatness and order of things exhibited, under the careful management of Jacob Culp, the Steward. The Farm present, • very promising appearance_ All of which is respectfully submitted. J. L. NEELY, Foreman. John Bushman, Philip Donohue. Elias Spon sellor, 11. J. Stable, Wm. H. Culp, Joicpb Hebert, '♦ands Bream. Frederick Wolf, James McCullough, George (Aster, John H. Stitsell, Paul Troup, Michael Dellone, John Flohr,Joha Clunk, David Little, Henry RunemeL Nov. 21, 18C0. 3t 660 6 00 .... ..... - I 18 to 1 28 GO 31 5 25 2 06 6 25 TOCRH seven years of unrivalled success at tending the " COSMOPOLITAN AST AS IATION," have nods it a household word throughout every quarter of the Country. Under the auspices of this popular institu tion, over three /tundra thousand Amass have learned to appreciate—by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great benefits derived front becom ing a subscriber. Subscriptions are now being received In a ratio unparalleled with that of any previous year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.—Any person can become a meinber by subscribing Am /M -iens, for which sum they will receive Ist.—The large and superb steel engrevhsg, 30 x 38 inches, entitled, "FALSTAJI, MUS TERING 1118 RECRUITS." 2d.-0a• copy, a.. you, of that *lewdly Il lustrated minutiae, " THZ COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL." 3d.—Four admissions, during the swoon, to "THE GALLERY OP PAINTINGS, 34843110 A D WAY, N. Y." In addition to the above benefits, there will be given to subscribers, aa grutultons prem iums., over FIVE HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART I comprising valuable point- Inge, marbles, pariaas, outlines, kc., forming a truly national beside. The Superb Engraving, which every sub scriber will receive, entitled, " Falstaff Muster ing his Recruits," is one of the most beautiful and popular engravings ever issued in this country. It is demo on steel, In fine kat sad stipple, and is printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either the library, par lor or office. Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir Jolla Falstaff receiving, is Justice Shal low's office, the recruits which had been gath ered Ear his " ragged regiment." It could not be fariiiihed by the trade for less than $5. The Art Jaerusl b too well known to the whole country to need commendation. It is • seagnificently illustrated magas/me of Art, con taining Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, ie., by the very best writers In America. The Engraving is sent to any part of the wintry by mail, with safety, belag packed on a cylinder, postage prepaid. . Subscriptions will be received until the Evening of the 31st of January, 1861, at which time the books will close and the premiums be given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscrip tion. Those remitting $l5 are entitled to fire memberships and to. one extra Engraving for their trouble. Subscriptions from" Califers's, the Canada', sad all Foreign Countries, mutt be $3 58 la stead of $3, in oeder to defr ay extra postage, etc. For further particulars aced for a copy of the elegantly illastratod Are Jotssal, pro nosseed the handsaw' smspanime is dories. Ti contalnesCatalogueofPretnissur o and numerous superb eagraviegs. Regular prke, 60 Gents per &somber. Speciosa copied, however, will be seat to those wishing so subscribe, on receipt of 18 casts, in stamps or cola. Address, C. L. DIRBY, Actuary C. A. A., 546 Broadway, New York. N. 8.--Sabecriptions received and forwarded by H. G. GZYIBB., Agent for Gettyaberg and vicinity, where specimen Uttering, and Art /*areal can be peen. [Nov.26, 1660. ÜBLIC BALL—The embectilrers will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, oe , the 8/A day of Doessisber nest, the fol lowing property, cis: NO. 1 : A LOT OF GROUND, situate In Fairfield, Adams county, In the centre of the town, adjoining Peter Sehively and others, having thereon a Two-story Log Bough cast HOUSE, with Blick-ballding, Black-. snilth Shop, Wagon-maker Shop, Stable, weD of water, and aline lot of fruit trees. No. 2: A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining No. I, with a variety of fruit threes thereon. No. 3: A LOT OF GROUND adjoining No. 2, with a new Two-story Dwelling HOUSE, thereon erected. Also fruit trees on the lot. No. 4: A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining Fairfield on the North, containing 6 Acres and 36 Perches. The tract will be offered in three lots or whole, as may snit parchmers. No. 5: A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, situate in Hamiltonban township, adjoining lands of T. A. Marshall and Peter Mosselman, containing 8 Acres, more or less, with excellent Chesnut and Rock-oak Timber thereon. sisk-Persons wishing to view the property will call on either of the andersigned, in Fair field. Bar Sal e to commence at 1 o'clock, P. N., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by °BORON TRINKLI, EDWARD RUSK. [ll G. Casa, Auctioneer.] Nov. 19, 1860. to IO STOCKHOLDBBS.—Payment of the fourth Installment upon subscriptions to Capital stook of the Gettysburg (he COM.. puny due es Lis In of November, 1880, is re vised to be made without delay to Jost. B. , the Treasurer. s arßy the Act of Assembly relating to Gas Companies, if notice for the payment of sub scriptions of Stock be not complied with, the Company can require one per centum per month interest on the amount due and unpaid. M. JACOBS, Preset. D. kfcCossruwe, See'y. Nov. 19, 1880. Hat. Boot Shoe. XORB NEW GOODS AT THE SIGN OP THE BIG BOOT.—Tbe undersigned have sat received a fresh supply of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Ctrpet Bags, Ac. Also, have a good supply of Saddles and Harness, Bridles, O.Ws, Ac. -.. Skoog sad Boots of ill kiads roads to order by first-rata workaura, and on short notice. Homo-made work always on band. Priors low for cash. Nov. 19, 1880 "Wide Awake" Meetings TVERY NIGHT 71118 WEEK, AT THE "BLUER' HALL," and every day between hours of 7 A. IL and Ece P. M., at the south west corner of the Diamond, in George Annettre Clothing Store, he haring Just returned from the city with a superior Buick of Bina, Oliva and Brown Cloths, for ()car and Dm* Coats, the bast selection of Black and Fancy Casst. mere., Coburg Velenclea, Solferinos, Mons. De- Lisa", Gingham, Calicoes, Bleached and Un bleached Nus.Uns, Sheeting and Bagging, all of plain er sent fashionable grey in • word, the series an just the "Apeaur" for the times, all of whkb will be sold at the very lowest cash prices, Aiilliatisly Made Clothing is every ratio- V 4 Mph and sine. If we Wiwi lit you, W. T. MIIIIiikoIIWIF sever misses a IM, will take out mlliniefl‘std mks you a gamut oa the short. 14111011.1. Grand Jury Report. Seven Years ! Houses and Lends Notice—Gas Stook. COBKIN k CULP imulerr smi ww, an 'visaed sad PekON at A. 81MTE e BOWS eltop *NW ' ~~ Great Work on the Horse. r 2 HORSE AND HIS DISEASES : by 1101111.1 T JIIVIV (NOS, V. 8., Professor of Pa oli:ly andOperatireleargery In the Veterinary College of Philadelphia, eta., etc. Will Tell Tot Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the general management of the hors*, with the beat modes of administering inedi• else, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessness, and other vices is which he is 'object; with numerous expLuisi tory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell Yon Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Dtstemper,Catarrh,lnduenza.Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling, Lampas, Sore Mouth and [7l , ers, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Month and Respiratory Urgana. THE HUSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Fell You Of the canoes, symptoms, and • Treatment of Worms, Bou, Colic, Stran gulation, Stony Concretions, Raptures, Palsy, Diarrbcra, Jaundice, Hupatirrhica, Bloody Urise, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other dis eases of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Organs. TIM HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell Yon Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog Spavin, Ring-bone, Swernie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, ('racked 1100 U, Scratches, Canker. Thrush, and Corn' ; aLso, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Stag gers, and otlier diseases of the Peet, Lep, aad Mead. Till HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You Of the causes, symptom, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Er it, (Thuiders, Percy, Scarlet Fever, Kaagert3arfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Disesees of the Bye and Heart, kg, he., sad bow to manage Castration, Eked lag, Trephissing, Howelial, Firing, Hernia, Amputation, Tapping, sad other surgical openttious. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You Of Barey's Method of tenable Horses ; bow to Approach, Halter, or &able a Colt; bow to accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights, and bow to Bit, /Saddle, fide, and Break bum to Haruess; also, the form and law of W AAAAA TT. The whole beillg the result of more than fifteen years' careful study of the habits, peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 . pager, appropriately Illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed In • clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half boned, $l,OO, or, in cloth, sutra, 11,36. 11.000 A Mit Cu be made by en's:- prising men everywhere, in selling the above, and other populiir works of ours. Oar induce ments to all such are exceedingly Were!. For single copies of the Hook, or for termite agents, with other to notation, apply to or ad. dress JOHN POTTER, Publisher, No. 611 Barium Ht., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 1111, 1860. 6s The People's Cook Book. 'WORRY COOKERY IN ALL ITB BRANCORB.—Dy Miss ELfsA Acron. Larefully Revised by Mrs. 8. J. Hale. ft Tells You- Bow to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Ossnis, with all the variosp and most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork ; also the beet and simplest way of salting, pickling endearing the /MUM It Tells You All the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the differept Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffings a ppropriate to each. It Tells Ton How to choose, elesn, sad pre serve Irish or all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted; also all the vs . lions and meet approved modes of cook- ing, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and FLavorings appropriate to each. It Tall► Yoe All tirs various and wort approv ed modes of preparing ever Any different kinds of Neat, Fish, Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Soaps, Broths, and thews, with the Relishes and illeasoninp appro priate to each. It Tells Yon All the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, also bow to prepare Pickles, Catsup' and Carries of all Wads, Potted Meats, Fish, (lame, Mushrooms, M. It Tells Yoe AM the vartoes and most approved modes apreperlagaed cooking all kinds et Plain sad Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters,Cakes,Conlectionery, Preserves, Jellies, sad Sweet Dishes of every description. It Tells Yoe AU the various and most approv ed modes of making Breed, Busks, Muf fins, and Biscuit, the best method of pre paring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, msti Wines of various kinds. It Tells Yon Bow to set out and ornament a Table, bow to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flt sh or Fowl, and in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within everyb3dy's reach. The book contains 418 pages., and upwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are the results of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested under the personal super intendence of the writers. It Is printed in • clear and open type, le illustrated with appro priate engravings, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the price, 81,00, or In cloth, extra, 81,25. $l.OOO A YZAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, oar inducements to all each being very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN K. POTTER,, Publisher, No. 617 Hansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 36, 1880. 8m A New Feature IbN the business of the 2bxeisior 84-Jsght Gal lery. During our last visit to the citiee of iladelphia and Baltimore, we selected • splen did assortment ofVEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, °ow prising IngliE, French, Venitian, Blgyptiati, Italian and American Scenery, Statuary Groups, lc. Oar prices for pictures will range from 11 to 40 cents apiece. We ale° hare a fine lot of STEREOSCOPIC BOXES, which we offer at reduced prices. The public generally are in vited to call and see our large revolving Box, containlig 60 pictures, and we insure to all lorer• of the Pine Arts a pleasant visit. We are also prepared to make Suweoseople Pictures, eitber Portraits or Views, at reasona ble rates. TYSON a BRO., Photographers, April 16, 1860. Gettysburg, Pa. Change of Time. ITTYISSURG RAILROAD.-4)s and after ur Monday, Nor. 26, 1660, the Morning Train will leave Gettysburg at 1.40 A. 11., with iiwengers fir aU the contact:ions, North sad South, on the Northern O•stral Railway, and return about 1.20 P. IL The aftwueos Train will leave Gettysburg at 2.46, P. N.; but passengers by this Train °sago so farther than Hanover the same essatur. Setarstsg will rash Gettysburg abase 648 P.N., with Woo fers from Harrisburg, PhUadellphlft, Re. By this arrangement pereou frau es °wintry, soar t 6• line of the Railroad, having basissas to transact is Gettobarg, can take the soon Train ap and have nearly two hours is Gatti* hug, and retain in the Afternoon Train. L IteOURDY, President. goy. J., 16411 EMMEN Aasigiaeed Sale. MAR subscribers, Assignees of Petrie Mos rstass, will offer at Public Outcry, o■ Thardaw, the IPt day of Detesoler mart, at the residence of said Peter Musselman. in Hansa tonban township, Adams county, the mumble personal property of said Assignor, as follows: FIRAD OR HORSES, one of which is a Stal lion, 2 Inch Cows, 4 bead of Cattle, Hogs, Shoats, one road Wagon, one farm do., 1 Spring Wagon, Ploaghs, Harrows, Cult (retort, Thresh ing Machine, Grain Drill, 1 Reaper, (McCor- , mick's Patent,) Hay Ladders, Rakes, Forks, flay Cutter, Patent Hay Rake, Cider Yitl and Press, Cross-cut Saw, Hay Forks, Horse Gears, Rind Wbeat by the bushel, Corn by the bailie!, Hay by the too, Potatoes by the bushel, a lot of Stares, Log Chain, Fitth Chain, Cow Chains, Fly-nets, Halters, gee-hives, Ac., ic., with other farming implements. I'Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture: i Beds, Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Mantle ; Clock, and other articles of household anti kitchen furniture, too numerous to mention. "Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN MICKLEY, WM. CULP, Nor. 19.1860. ts darigates. par A leo, at the same time and place will be sold a LOT OF G FLOCN D, in Fairfield, adjoining Henry Overdeer and Maj. John Mnaselmitn, fronting on the public street, on which ls erected a one and a half story Frame Weather boarded H0L783, with a well of water near the door. Notice. oTuaHR subscribers having been appointed As signees of PIITZIL 111111J11.11Alf and Wllra, nsiltonban township, underA deed of trust for the benefit of ereditocs, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said Assignor to make immediate payment of their respective dues, and all persons having claims or demmhis against said Assignor, to present the same to the undersigned, residing la said township, properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN lIICYLRT, WM. GULP, Nov. 11, 11110. et Assirans. -- Tinning 1 Tinning I Mill undersigned respectrully Informs the I citizens of Gettysburg and the public gen erally, that his has peered a new Tinning es tablishment. la Cienbersburg street, directly opposite Christ ChWilt. He will manniheture, and keep constantly 00 baud, every variety of TIN-WARE, PRESSED and JAPAN-WARS, and will always be ready to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and SPOUTING also done in the best manner. Prices moderate, and no effort spared to render fall satisfaction. A share of the public's patronage Is solicited. A. P. BAUGLIER. Gettysburg, June.lB, 1880. ly Merchant Tailoring. GNORGE ARNOLD has procured the ser vices of W. T. KJNG, and has commenced the above business, and will carry it on in all its various branches, and has connected him self with the stole of Mr. George Arnoldoibere sheen-11l be constantly kept on hand a large stock of cheap Cloths, Over-coatings, Caul meres, Ciuminetts, Tomatoes, and Trimmings of every kind. Work dons in the very best man ner, and in city style on short notice. Custom work and cutting out solicited when goods are purchased elsewhere. The shop is in olonnee tion with lit. Arnold's store, where Mr. King can always be found during business hours. iiiralve as a call. [Sept. 17,'80. 2m Gettysburg BOOT AND SIIOI3 EMPORIUM, S. E. Cor ner of Centre Square.—The public are re spect:oily requested to bear in mind that, at this Store may be found a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOWS, of the hest material. The subscriber, having just returned from Philadelphia, where he selected with care and upon the best terms, a large assortment of Soots and Shoes, his stock Is tow full and com plete and be flatters himself that he can pleads the most fastidious. Call and examine my stock. Custom made Boots and Shoed always on hand. EL F. XcILBBNY. Oct. 22, IR6O. Three Desirable Farms rettoß SALR.—Ooe scifoiolog, and the other two aro 4 miles await& of the Borough of eberg. °KO., A EiLNOLD. Oct. 29, tins. t( Assignee's Notice. THE undersigaed,having been appointed As signee, under a deed of trust for the benefit creditors, of Janos F. Kinross*. of the Bo rough of Gettysburg, Admits county, notice is hereby given to all persons knowtag themselves indebted to said Assignor, to make immediate payment to the undersigned, residing In mad borough, and those ha vkg claims spinal the same to present them, 11116perly authenticated for settlement. A. Wit. A.. DUNCAN, Aasyses. Belling Off! serThe Assignee will &spore of Mr. Rein- Inger'. STOCK OF GOODS by retail, AT RE DUCED PRICES and on accommodating terms. Oct. 22, 1800. 6t Notice. JACOB LUTZ'S 11:1TAT1L—Letters of ad ministration on the estate of Jacob Lute, late of Coeowago township, Adams county, deceased, having beau granted to the under signed, residing la Union 'airship, he here by gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to tasks immediate payment, and thews having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JACOII HOSTETTER, .eldas'r. Oct. 21, 1660. 6t5 Notioe—Pay Up THZ undersigned, being abort to remove to Hagerstown, is desirous of baying his books settled up with 1.7 little delay as possible. For that purposc ha girt: this public notice that all &exeunt. not sculel on or bolo/ e the first day of December nest s ill b pla,lesl In the hands of an officer for cQilretioa. C. 11 DOT' L. D. Oct. 29, 1860. td Pay Up! TAE partnership heretofore e.:....:nrbetween the subscribers, under the fine Dane of Dunks t ixtutics, Jrs., havlacteen dissolved, they hereby Rive notice to r:1 pt..ons iu'.ebt ed to them, by Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same bekre the Bret day of Jan uary next, at which time their aznotints vi ill Le placed in the hands of e n officer for collection. lal4f1.1" 13. DANNRR, WAYI3IIIOIIT 7.IhiGLEiF.,„ Nov. 2, 1840. T. E. Cook & &JEW nAITY, established a Depot ai 114 :Nis Scow's, in Chainbersbo:g st. cet, Gettya arg. Fine thrifty Fruit and Drumm:it r.tal ,Tree► and Pleats, outtalk) , transplantec there forsa4l. Illai`Call and see thern—satisfa?tie car ranted— (Nor. 12, 11410. tf Lodies, IF you call •t Fahnestocks, you will And the handsomest DRESS GOODS in town, De nes, Cashmeres, Figured Merinos", Coburg, French Merinos', all Wool, as low as la cents • yard. Call soon. Oct. 22. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. Notice r,RETAILERS AND DISTILLERS.—The Rotailets of Goods, Wares and itereham se well as the Distillers, in Adams county, who have not yet lifted their Licenses, are re nested to do co on or before tite loth dap of sat, without fall. The law binds um to sme this matter upon delinquents, and it is hoped that ao farther steps will be necessary to indite* them to comply. WAYBRIGEIT ZIEGLER, Nov. 19, 11160.. td County Treasurer. Left in MUstakel WAS loft at the Stables of the Nagle Ro tel, on Thursday night last, a large WAS KARI, blind of aa eye, three white het, and about tan yeats old. Also one set siverspiatod HARNLSEL The owner ls spestet to come forward, prove propart,y, pay sharps, sad take her away. JOHN L. TAM Nov. 19, 1990. 3t • Ir% lIIIENSWA.I&-A anr i ou rmxtr ure moor. al as • Groceries,. Notions, Fig it has opened a Grocery end Notion 1 3tX, 1 la Baltimore street, nearly opposite the Court House, Gettysburg, where the public will constantly end, selling cheap as j the cheapest, SUGARS, Syrups, Molasses, Cur -1 fees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Spices of all kinds, Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms sad Brushse ; Fresh Butter sad Riggs, Ground Coffee, iissence of Coffee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps, Salt ; Tobacco, Swan, Snuff; Confections, all kinds ,of Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Bread, Crackers, Cakes of different kinds; Shoe and Stove Polish; Fancy Goods, Muslins,Ginghams, Cotton Bats, Wadding. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Pins, Needles, Clothes Pins, But tons, with Notions of all kinds. A share of the public's patronage is respectfully solicited. LYDIA C. NORBECK Nor. 19, 18C0. tt Notioe rpo JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, AND TO ALL WllO.ll IT )(AY CONCERN.-9i'here as orders signed by two Justices of the Pt i ace for the admission of the Poor into the House of limploymeet ibr the County of Adams, are very frequently directed to the Directors of the Poor and the said House of Employment, and fees for the said orders claimed, under Acts of As sembly not applicable to this County: And whereas, it Is enacted by the Act of 13th Marcy, 1839, the provisions of which were ex tended to Adams county by the Act of 7th April, 1840, that the poor shall be admitted oa an order granted by any one of the Directors, or by oss Justice of the Peace, for which no Justice of the Peace shall be entitled to fees or reward : Notice is hereby given by the said Directors, that X 0 PIES Pun JVSTICSII' ORDERS WILL RI PAID; and turtber, it is recommended that applications for admission or relief be made to owe of the Directors, when convenient to the applicant; otherwise, applications within the County, for admission, shall be made but to one Justice, upon whose order no fee will be paid. Orders left with the Steward wiU be promptly executed. ABRAHAM SPANGLER, ISAAC PPOUTZ, • JACOB KILLER keine/14/m • Attest—D. O. Banramors, ark. Nov. 12, 1810. 3t Bixpenoe a Day, FINOUGH FOB A FORTUNE — A London paper states:—There is now , in an Alias ouse at Bristol an old man who states, that for sixty years he spent sixpenee a day in drink, but was never Intoxicated. How much would this sixpence a-day put by every year at /vs per cant. composed interest amount to in sixty years ? enquired a thoughtful neighbor. Patting down the first year'. Devise (865 six peaces) equal to $43 54 , he added the interest, and this west on, year by year, until he foetid that in the 60th year, the sixpence a day reach ed the startling sum of $14,336 28. Judge of the old mares surprise, when told that by saving his sixpence a day, and depositing it in a Savings Institution he might row, at the aid of 60 years,have been worth thatnoble s um $14,- 336 28, which would have bought him a One farm, or town mansion, and surrounded him with comforts and luxuries, and left a hand some estate to his children alter him. He had, and hundreds now In our midst have, bet to de posit sixpence a day in the naming' 1110 Ma- MUSIC& BAVISQII INSTITCTIOX or ADAMS Cots- Fr, to accomplish this result. Gettysburg, July 23, 1860. Look I ORE, AND BEHOLD THE GREAT DOWN PALL OF Pamirs I—H. 0. CARR having just returned from the city is selling goods lower than ever—for Instance Ladles' fine silk fleecy lined Gauntlets at 621 cents per pair, Ladies' fine Merino Hose at 371 cents, Ladies' be Cassimere Hose at 40 cents, flAe white Pocket Handkerchiefs at 8 tents, Gentlemen's llae Ceisiteere Hose at 38 cents, Gent's all wool country made Hoes at 25 cents. Pocket Knives, Combs, Brushes, both hair and clothes, in fact everything belonging to either a Lady's or Geatlemaa's toilet; and last, but not least, his stock of QCKENSWAU we think can't be beat for style mid prices, common tees as low as 18 cents per set, and from that up to 75 cents per set for the very best of Stone China Cups and Saucers and everything elsefin the Queenaware nee la proportion. Come oast Come.alll sad give me a call. Don't Onset the place, to York street, next doer to fiespee's bakery. IL G. CARR. N. 8.. The subscriber also has constantly on band a assortment of GROCERIES o all kind table Molasses at 12 cents per quart, New a:J[ool4es Syrup at 56 cents per gallon. [Nov. 12, 1860. $lOO,OOO. SAPR 1118TMENT I—Any person lariat am to lowest, whether to the amondt of toe above not, win call at the Cheap Cloth. tog Store of aanxt.is B. Plcants, In Ohm bersbnrg street, where will be found the larg est, cheapest and best selected assertroent of OVERCOATS, ever brought into the County— among which are Beaver Cloths, Seal Skins, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, he., te.—ln short every style at any price. T'5,000 VOTERS of Adams county, who went to the polls on Election day, u well as those who remained at home, will please bear In mind that F. B. Picking has jut receiv ed a splendid assortment of Dreu Coats, Ijssel mere Business Coats, in endless ratiety, Sall netts, kc., he., at prices to suit all classes and conditions. ADAYS COUNTY, SS.—You are hereby politely requested to mill at Picking% and examine the finest and largest stock of PANTS, of every description, ever brought to this mar ket. Black Doe Skin, Fancy Cassimeres of every shade conceivable, together with Sati netts, Double and Twists, Cords, Jonas, kc. 44- rltmcrs LAND" 'tis said, is a pretty i j pace, but nothing to compare with the splendid assortment of VItBTB just received at Picking's, of all kinds of material—every color, style and price. OLD BO illtAS is here! Prepare to meet him ki by calling at Picking's, who can tarnish yon cheaply with Under Shirts of every kind, Drat era, Socks, (hors, Comforts, Gen tlemtsi's Shawls, and in fact any article intend ed to fright,. the old fellow off. SF 'Thankful for the liberal share of patron age heretofore extended to me, I hope, by up right dealio7, and by offering great bargains, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct. 22, 1880. F. B. PICKING. }Torun Eye Balsam, T - 10 Ft INFLAIDID IPYELIDB, and for the cure JC of Scrofulous Humors and soreness cur roLinding or near the Eye. In all diseases of thlie character It Is almost • certain cure. The fulloning ei,ract from • letter just received, refers to one of the many sitiillar cases con tautly roported: Jansay Cirr i Oct. 29th, 1859. Ilsoess. A. B. k D. Sesos—Dear Sirs : I has, for a number of years been troubled with sot a and inflamed eye lids, which though they never caused me much pain, were very annoy ing on olber alcocnts. I bare tried s number of medicines at difereat times without" the slightest 'access. Seeing an advertisement of your Roman Dye Balsam, in spite of my scepti dem, I resolved to get some, and 'Aleut try It. I a•a now writing this in the fullest gratitude to inform you (I could almost send you a fifty dollar tau) that a few and only a few, applies dons have resulted la a complete care. Respectfully yours, L. ZABRISKIE PRICE 26 CENTS PER JAIL—WiII be sent Me per Nail to any part of the Milted States upon reoeipt of 60 cents in postage stamps. aiirPrepared by A. B. 411 D. SANDS, Drag gists, 100 Fulton t., eor. of William, N. Y. For Ws by A. D. Busman, Gettysburg, Pa. Noy. 7 6, 1844. lm O Yes ! 0 Yes i rig sodaralptod *Mors his 'orrice* to tho public as as Auctioneer sad Bole airier an solicits a slow of patrosars from hii friends. Chargsi ssodststo Esskkacer la RIO Artist, loss the Jail. ISAAC LICIEIMIL 0,4 470 11 f t Ost. is, Imo. H. G. Cares EnZ th• So vot tbs cheapest Welles trs- Is hews, asd cheapest WsLisa y thaw sash. A las artists sf Waage ilocadiamteassal im l cheaper Wm at say War pion Is tows. [Nov. 12. E am4 )=Mo GOODS; i► every 'variety, at SCRIM'S, tvyaeiitlap of Prints, Neap= lat, !Salop, likintiqp, 111. Town Property eA.T PRITATS SALE undersigned of fers at Private Sale the Property is which now resides, situate in Bast Middle street, Gettysburg, at:joining 8. R. Tipton on the west and. Mrs. lieltlroy on the east, with an ~..,. alley in the rear. THE 1101.75 E is aMI two-story Praise, Weatherboarded, with ''''' Back-building; a well of water, with A pump in it, at the door; and a variety of fruit, such as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, and grapes, all the most choice. ZACHARIAIf MYERS Nor! 12, 1860. tf 20,000 Pounds OF PORK WANTED in December next, for which CASH will be paid. Farmers who have the article for sale, will do well by calling anti making engagements with the Jpalnacriber, at his Flour, Bacon t Grocery Scotia, In West Middle street, Gettysburg. GEO. LITTLE. Nor. 3, 1860. 4t Dr. Mott's CIIALYSEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS OF IRON. An aperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com bustion in Hy drogen. Sanctioned by the high est Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their prac tice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron cnn be compared with It. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly com plexions indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious In all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, via: 1.8 Debility, Nervous Aflectious. F,asoria. tiou, Dyepepria. Coustipation, DiutThan, Dys. eatery, Lecipient Consumption, Scrofulous Taherimioeir, Salt /Unita, Nisatemitrualion, Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Complaints, Chronic Headaches, Rlserwustisoi, lotermitteal Fevers, rimpke on the Face, tfe. In cases of Gasaitat. Dimmer, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued dimunition of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this res torative has proved successful to an extent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, bare suddenly reappear ed In the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel Ina distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of fie male Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent userastons, eangnineons exhaustion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Naivotts APISOTIONN of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unUktrthe old oxides, it Is vigor ously tonic, without being exciting and over heating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costiveness with out ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. - It is this latter propertyounong others, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which It also appears to exert • distinct and specific action, by die pining the local tendency Which forms them. In DYSPEPSIA, Inunmerable as are its causes, a single box of these Citalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the most habitual cases, including the attendant Costiveness. In unchecked Mammas, even when advanced to Drearrsay, confirmed, emaciating, and ap parently malignant, the efforts hare been equal ly decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indicate Inturour Clonstnerrron, this remedy has allayed the alarm et friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and in teresting instance.. In Sonortmons Tossacutosm, this medicated iron bas bad far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known lia bilities. The attention of females cannot be too con fidently invited to this remedy anbremorative, in the cases peculiarly &flitting them. In assunartan, both chronic and inflamma tory—in the latter, however, more decidedly -1 it has been Iniarlably well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In DIPS*. Wear Uses! it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, stud its progress' in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. - No remedy has ever been discovered In the whole history of mediates, which exerts such prompt, happy, sad fully restorative effects.-- flood appetite, complete digestion, rapid ac qeisition of strength, with an unu sual dispoei uon for active and cheerful exercise, immedi ately follow its use. Put up in neat Oat metal boxes containing 60 pills, price 50 cents per box ; for sale by druggists sad dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. AU letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to it. B. LOCKS k CO., General Agents, Oct. 16, 1860. ly 20 Cedar Bt., N. Y. ProL L. Killer's p - AIR INVIGORATOR.—An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound. OR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its origi nal color without dyeing, and preventing the Hair from turning grey. FOB PREVENTING BALDNESS, and curing it, when there is the least particle of vitality or recuperative suera remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and all cutaneous affections of the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYLNG THE FIAIR, imparting to it an unequalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky In its texture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing de mand for this unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation at present in use. It cleanses the head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous discuss, cau s es the hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will give strength sad vigor to the roots, and restore the growth to those parts which have become bald, causing It to yield a fresh covering of hair. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen In New York who have had their hair restored by the use of this Invigorator, when all other preparations had failed. L. M. has in his pos session letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest re spectability. It will. effectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of life; and In cases where the hair has already changed Its color, the use of the Invigorator will with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. Asa per fume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can be dressed in aay required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for It by the ladies as a standard . toilet article which none ought to be without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable drug gists and perfumers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Pa rents and Guardians to the use of his Invigor ator, In cases where the children's hair inclines to be weak. The nae of it lays the foundation fora good head of hair, &I it removes any Im purities that may bare become connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, audthe future appearance of its hair. CAUTION.--None genuine without the die simile of LOUIS MILLER being on the outer =; also, L. *ILLgR'S HAIR INVIGO- M. Y., blows ht the glass. Wholesale Depot, be Day St., and mid by all the principal Merchants sad Druggists through oat the world. Liberal discount to mehasere bythe quatity. air/ also desire to present to the Americas publicsy Now AXCI Istritorso 111111TAIIITANIOCII LIQUID HAIR. DYE which after years of Wen tide experhueuthig I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without fa jury to the Hair or Skin—warrsated the best article of the Mad la existents. PRICE, ONLY fiIMCENTS. Depot, 5* Day Street, New York. oct. ly Gin as a Remedial Agent. D'S DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, es.• T pet hilly designed for the use of the Medi cal Profeasioe and the Fuessly, having impel-ced ed the so-called "Gins," "Aromatic,""Cordial, 4 "Medicated," "Schnapps," etc., is now en• dorsed by all of the prominent physicians, chemists and connoisseurs, as possessing all of those twirnuic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an OLD and PUBS Gin. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. ; A. M. BININGER & CO., (Established in 1778.1 Sole l'roprietors, Nn. 19 Broad street, N. Y _ For stile by FRENCH. RICHARDS k CO.,— W. W. & IL SMITH, and all of the prourittent Wholesale DruggistA in Philadelphia. Oct. 15, 1860. 1.) Dividend. BANK Op atT1711101141,1 Nov. 6, 1860. f THE President and Directors of this teethe tioo have th is day declare!' a semi-animal idend of POUR PER CENT., payable on sad alter Monday, the 12th inst. Nov. 14,'60. • T. D. CARSON, Cashier. " Quick Sales & Small Profits.* AWING purehesed a large and varied . as eortmentof FALL AND WINTERGOODB,, we are prepared to offer bargains to all whet may favor us with a call. We will not attempt to particularixe,lis our stock ecmprlses For eign and Domestic Dry Goods, Fancy Articles, Trimmings, tkc,, Sc., together with a large as sortment of Groceries and Queenswam, to which we would respectfully ark an examina tion before purchasing, as we are determlesd to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Tkankfull for the liberal encouragement heretofore extended to us we would respectfully ask a continuum* of the same. A. SCOTT t,80.N. Oct. lb. 1860. Handsome Women. ' /110 THE LADIEB.—HUNT'I3 "BLOOM 0, ROBES." A rich and elegant color for the cheeks or lips. IT WILL NOT WASH OR RUB 0)?, and when once applied, remising durable for years. The tint is so rich and on. tural, that the closest scrutiny fails to detect Its use. Can be removed by lemon juice and will not injure the skin. This is a new preparation, used by the celebrated Court Bean ties of Lon. don and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, wish directions for use. for $1 00. RUNT'S "COURT TOJLET POWDER," Ito parts a dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike anything elao.usad for this pug. pose. Mailed free for 50 ("Hilo. BENT'S BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin. Milled free for 50 Cents. kIITNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE," for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps It from falling off, and is warranted To KARR MB HAIR CURL. Mailed free for $1 00. BUNT'S "PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums, purifies the breath effectual ly, PaSSISTIS TSB 88888 •ND P 88888 TS TOOTS• ace.. Mailed free for $1 00. HUNT'S " BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossoms and co logne. Mailed free for $1 00. This exquisite . perfume was first used by the Principe Royal of Ragland, on bee marriage. !less!'(. Haut k Co. presented the Princess with en elegant ease of Perfdluery, (in wbich all of the above articles were included) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent Free, by express, for $5 00.. Cash can either accompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on de livery of goods. HUNT k CO., Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St., London, and 77 Hansom St., Phila delphia, Pa. For Sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. ilarThe Trade Supplie d . [Oct. 15, f ilo. ly - Sower, Barnes & Co., POOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, St North Third et., Lower Side, above Mar et, PIIILAVILTIIII. Invite the attention of Teachers, Booksellers and Country Merchant*, to their very large Stock of School Books, pnb. lished in this and other cities, together with Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Paper and Stationery generally. S. B. k Co. are publish ers of many Popular Works, among which sr, the following: THE SERIES OF NORMAL ARITHMETIC/I, By Edward Brooks, A. M., Professor of Math ematics in Pennsylvania State Normal School. Whatever helps the student to a TRORODOW Cni- DIZSTAIDINO of his study, VIASSIBTILO by his Teacher, acts as a powerful stimulant upon him, while it releases the Teacher from the la bor of making explanations which wvid be unnecessary with a more perfect Text Book. The series above named has been published but a short time, and yet within a few months, without advertising or puffing, the demand amounts to almost one hundred thousand co pies. Some of their advantages may be belay stated, as follows: 1. They contain more new matter than any similar series. 2. They exhibit a nnmber of new aritbutetl. cal solutions to problems that have heretofore been confined to Algebra. 3. The matter Is arrunged more philosophi cally than in others, and is therefore Willow adapted for instruction. 4. No sill deem or phrases, signs or figures, are - , introduced in lessons previous to those ia which they are fully explained, and the pupil is thus led along without the necessity of frequent sad troublesome explanations on the part of the teacher. Very few elementary works have this merit. 5. New modes of Teaching are suggested throughout the series, and under the name of "Social Arithmetic," curious and interesting problems are introduced, which may be ■esd with advantage in wakening up the attention, and sharpening the faculties of the school. 6. The key Is not only what Its title imports, but it is also a complete treatise on the art of teaching Mental Arithmetic; being filled with hints useful to the Teacher. The everyday practical value of Mental At.. ithmetic to everi m pue who receives or pays money, if only fdr the daily necessaries of lite, is now universally admitted. It therefore be. comes imperative upon teachers to practice the best method of teaching it. The book' are beautifully printed on thick whits paper, and neatly and tastefully bound. Their prices are as follows : Normal Primary Arithmetic,....:... ..... .15 tent.. Normal Mental Arithmetic, - 25 tg Key to Mental Aiithmetic, ...... ....... ..... 25 " A very liberal deduction to Teachers, and those who buy in qaantitles. Single copies sent to Teachers by Mail, on receipt of one third of the above prices to pre-pay postage. SANDER'S SICRIBS OF RHADMRS, . Consisting of Printer, 124 cents; Speller, 15 cents; First Reader, 16 cents; Second,3o cents; ThirJ, 40 coats; Fourth, 58 cents; FIILq , 75 cents; High School, 88 cents; Young Ladles,BB cents ; and Sander's New Speaker, $1,00; ele gantly printed, beautifully illustrated, inbetan. Willy bound, and sold at lower prices than any other Series of Readers. wErrrrs COPY BOOKS, By T. Kirk White, President of Pennsylvania Commercial College. The writing la bewettfUll, yet simple, practical and easily taught, the sys tan being founded on natural habits and' principle.. The sale has become very large and is lacreaaing. They afford a liberal profit to dealers. PISTON'S OUTLINE YIPS. 4 - Thls series of Six Sapid, Map. io fiaw *Opt ed la almost every solehol of node I* the Milos, where Geography Is taught, sad has no P e rl i tlY CAL GEOGRAPHY bas beet tatit-';; duced upon, the Hemisphere Naps, all Its tails having been so arranged as to present most "gorgeous appelirouloo.,_Whila 01v5:14,4 Interfere with see& other or the ridded& ly shoirt spin Maps, and are eas il y tin ' ' l l understood by Teacher and Pupil. Price 4 for fell set of six !lips, or $lO for set off**. - - Ispbere laps alone. Get. 1000. Ml -4 "