The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 19, 1860, Image 4
waster, haring been lately renewed and en larged, so ss to accontroodate • large number of parsons to the handsomest and most com fortable manner. There Is as abundance of water, hydrant, two wells, and a cistern.— Tkere is as Ice-hquse. Kash-house. Smoke bow., Wood-shed, and all other necessary Onhbutidings. There is sufficient Stabling for 104I6orses. ?be lions< is furnished with Gas in all die principal apartments. TWA lintel has been doing a tau.t extensive basin's'. baring its reputation highly et ablish ed„ sod is known far and near as a most corn fositabla place of sojourn, and its possession is worthy' o(piblic attention The terms will be reside known on the day of ad* by lIARVEI' D. '6WF.ENEY, GEORGE TinUN E. ALEXANDER COBEAN. Committse of Stockholders. a rThis - place is the termination of the R - 4, by which there is a direct rommnisi cation twice a day with all the }..astern Cities sell the °text We.t. rlf not sold on said day, It will be Rented Oct. 15. 1860. is Valuable Farm for Salo. T..HE subscritoty offers for sale, on very ac commodatieg terms, TWO l'AlV.lri. a. 1, situate in Strahan township. Adsms county, 3 miles east of Gettysburg. i mile from tb Railroad, contsinin; 110 Avres, more or less, the improvements on which ~.. . ou•at STUNS 1101.% - t E, good liana .. 4 Darn, and other on t-bntiJin;:s. 7- 4 ; :. ; About LS acre; ere in Metoinvi.and :: -• •.. - - there is running spring svdter in e‘ery held. whirl, never f it'. There is a 1 I rge Orchard of choler grafted Fruit. a'•ont 4 sctes. About 2100 or 21100 -litish..l4 of Little hat e hem' put upon the farm. find its rune( nienre to the Rosilroad renders Lime very sc.essible. There is A due proportion of T on ucr. No. 2, situ rte in Cumberland township. on the lioninitsburg Road, A mile stud a 11411 Iron Gettysburg, containing 13"0 A, res. mare or less, the improvements in o hid) tire it to. w FRA \IF: DVVIII.LiNG 1101.*4E, large lici,L 11,,,, h „,l other oat-buildings; a well of w.iter at the barn. and one fit the hoube. About 2 2 acres pm i n. meadow. There is a due proportion of Timber. About 3,000 bustekla of Loots hate beets pet upon the Farm. lier The terms will he made known on ap plication to the subscriber. PETER TROSTLE. Sept. 3,13 CO. tf A Good Home. l a t _ OSISGARLAND FOR SALE.—A FARM, : containing about 283 Arreg. sitnated in nalltonban township. Adams county. adjoin- big the property well known as the "Orr Farm." about one-halt' of this farm is of same quality The meadows nre lame and au Orra Lind good EUil. can be made to produce very Inrge crops of Hay, a product for which there is now siyonstant good market: about 90 acres ere in timber, much of it of the best kinds, including Locunvand Walnut. It is .uppr,sed the most Tabsable Poplar timber in the county is on this property and within 1 of a mile of a griod Bair -wilL A young Apple Orchard, coutatn- log 200 trees of choice .elected fruit. planter! 2 or 3 years ago. A young Peach Orchard of 100 trees of heat kinds .cl.cted. Theis Or- chards, when in Lull bearing, 'a ill add greatly to the value of the property, as the quality of Adams county fruit k known and held in great esteem in the cities. Numerous Springs on theunilersigueS have entered into partnere farm, one of which is a large Salpher Spring. , T ship in the HARDWARE & GROCERY that may become of great %aloe as soovila — s the business, at the old stand of Danner & Ziegler, Gettysburg and Waynesboro'. or Getiysburg in Baltimore street, under the name, style and and Chambersbiirg, ilailrotds are finished. ns firm of DANNER k JRS.. and ask, the property is a ithin one mile of these Rail- and will endeavor to de -erve. a continuance of roads; and by these roads a constant supply of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any Franklin county lime may he hadquantity ot new custom. TheT have just return cheaply, so as to improve the land ~ty ed from the cities with an iminense stock of to any degree csf fertility desired Goods—consisting in part of Building Materials, There is a HOUSE and good sub-, such as Nails. Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, stantial Barn on the faroi. Glass. ke, Tools, iiislluding Edge Tools of every Also, A TRACT OF MOCNTAIN LAND. in description, Saws. Planes. Chissels, Gouges, same township, adjoining lands of T. stevens,' Braces and Bitts. Augers, Squares. Gueges and others, containing about 33 Acres. Hammers. &c. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, IflarThe property will be shown to any per- F Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe sap wishing to purchase and the price made Nails, &c., with them, very cheap. Coach Find ktsown on application to Isaac Robin...toll, Esq., ings, such as Cloth, Canvass. Damask , Fringes, Fairfield; Robert, G. McCreary, George W. Mc- i Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Clellan, and Col. James D. Paxton, Get. i Spokes, Fellor., Bows, Poles. shafts, &c. Shoe tysburg. /SILO B. MUTE. Finding's, Tampico, Brush and French Morocco, _Sept. 1.1, 1883. Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, ac., with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, &c. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittannia, Alhata and Sayer-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons. Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tonga, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans. Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, ke Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCEItIES. a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, Farm for Sale. rrifl& subsciiber will sell his FATIN, situated la Franklin township, Adams county, 2 nals west of Cashtown, on the gillerstown e road. The Farm contains 75 ACIIF.S-50 acres cigar. The is in a good state of cultiva tiass, having been limed. There are all kinds of fruit—a thriving young Orchard of-choice grafted fruit; also peaches, pears and p:ums afiltst beat kinds. The buildings are a one and a half story STONE 11111:5E, a 1: 1 ., large new b - Ilarn, a l'ooper Shop, 4 te -- . - The far is in good order , and cannot be beat for g potatoes. I calculate on rais itig firchno d bushel; this year. A never tiding spring of water at the door. kA:IcL. 1, 1860 $lOO,OOO. - S AT E SATE INVESTAgST!—Any person haring looney 4 , 1 nrc=t, t•hether to the amount of toasliore or ot, will call at the Cheap Cloth- air litoresf Fit.44xLis 13. P , ICKING , in Cham- Itersbur , street .// here will be found the lam tat, eturapest and best selected assortment of OVERCOATS, ever Drought into the County— among .whieh are Beaver Clutlis, Seal Skins, Cloths,c,lssimercs, Satiuetts,l.c., ,kc.—in short entry. taph at any pr.ce. 5.600 VOTERS of Adams county, who vent to the polls on Election day, as well lttt - those who remained at home, will please bear hi wind that F. R. Picking has just receiv ed a splendid toisortulent of Ores , ' Coats, Cassi mere Rosiness Coots, in endless variety, Safi detti, dc., itc., at pnces to suit all classes and etenttions. ADAMS COUNTY, SS.—Yon are hereby politely requested to call at Picking's-sind emeassine the &nest and largest stock of PANTS, oreierj - • "description, ever hronet to this mar ket. Mock Doe Skin, Fancy Cassimeres of ere shade coueelvable, together with Sati iietts, Double and Twists, Cords, Jeans, ke. ; 41- riTX.EY'fi LIND" 'tis said, is a pretty 15- place, but nothing to compare with the Sideedad assortment of VhST.S just received at Picking's, ofsill kiuds of material—every color, lad leant" price. OLD BORKAS is here I Prepare to meet him by calling at Pit.Ling.'s, who can furaish elms* with Under Shirts of every t 1 !hewers, Socks, Gloves, Conskirta, Gen , ileaten's Shawls, and in fact any article intend- Otto frighten the uld fellow off. Thankful fur the liberal share of patron agg_taretofore exteadod to me, I hope, by up • gilibil'dating, and by offering great bargains, AD - Irak a continuance of the lame. 12, 1860. F. B. PICKING. New ii very BAML'EL'ISISCAMAS Jurors foi •lUD Strabes—Jamee L. Neel, fp Donohoe, Mommpleasent - --Bli Bposseller. Otttysberg--George Little, Usury J. Stelae, Wm. H. Culp. Franklin—Samuel Beer, Joseph Hebert. Xenallea--Solomon Peters. Berwick boreegh.-Preder,ck Weir. Cembserlssid—Franca Bream, James tough. Berwick--Oeorge Outer. Latimors—John Stiuel , Paul Troop, Hamilton—Abner Itilttebraad, .ILichsel Diallune Liberty—John Flolu.—John Smith. Caton—Amos Lcfecer. Oxford—John Kluak. Youutjoy—Dax al Reltliug—Henry Rummel. ' 11111%ZIAL sear. Cumberland—Samuel Harman, Huntlngton—Aleor,re Bream. }leading--Jobe Geiseintan. Oiford--Simori Slagle. Gertarny—Lfeury It tar, K. F. Short). Ihmilton—Jolto Frankho--John Cole, Peter Retteraan. L , timore—lsaae D. Worley. 1:13i012-1tremish Gitt, John Rife. Straban—John Worts, Wm. btallsmith, Jonas Rebert. Mocnipleaaant--James Devoe, Jacob Lott, (of A.) Jo‘epli Lille. John Hauptman. Freedom—Wm. :joss White. Mouillijoy—Newton Horner, Jame+ Retiree. ilaintitunban— Jacob Hoke, David Moser, Wm T. f. 1. B t V trilmtt. Gettysburg—Jaroh Troxel. Butler—Yrrderick Hartzell, /101144 arffens perirer. B,rwitk tsup.—Seney Bittingrr. Menalleu—Conraft.Weaner, Nlictusel lioffman. ronolvAgo—Joseph ]dunk, Simon llarnish. l'roce—Dantri Ihehl, Leonard Delap. (Jct. 22, 1860. Cancer Institute. FTER many years of successful practice, A. "l_ DR. KELLING still desires to du good to the A(Ext.:J. Ile continues to cure all kinds of CANCERS, TtNIORS, WENS, SCROFULA, or KING'S EVIL. SORES, Jtc., if curable. without cutting or poison. lie dues nut contme him self merely to the cure of the above dis c see but will treat all others A 101 sutcess.— Ps:ients will be vi•ited. if devired, a reasmanble distance. Persons deAring to visit Dr. K. si ill please stop at the lt.tilroad Hotel in Mechanics burg, where they will hr directed to his resi dence. Fur till particulars write —state dis— eases plainly, Ei.eliise a povtage stamp to prepay answer. Address Ur. C. L. KELLLSG, 31cchunic.uurz, Cumberland co., Pa. Utt. 1), ladd. taut No .ice TO FARMERS AND MERCHANTS:—We have now opened our 'lege and-commodious arehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail road streets, near the Depot of the Gett)sburg Railroad Company. and are prepared ti receive produce of all kinds, viz: FLOI'R, WHEAT, RYE, CORN. OATS, kc. Also, on hand and for sale, Salt. tinanos, Plaster, Fish, kc. A large stock of Groceries just received. consisting of Sugars, Cotter•, Srrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware. kc., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at low as can be bought elsewhere, a holesale and retail. Men Mint:, will do well by calling to see and examine our mock before purchasing else where, as our motto will be quick sales ato l l small profits." We would also call the attention of all inter estetl in the thrally and healthful condition of their Cattle. Horses, Hogs, kc , to the fact that we have for sale Breinig, Frociefield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we bare sold from 1:04) to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. . _ _ KLINEFELTER, BOI.LINGER k CO Gettysbuly, Sept. 5,185 S. New Firm—New Goods. West India and Sugar House Molasses and Syrups, Coffee, Spices, Chocolate. Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm GIL; Turpentine. Fish. kc.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fsct, almost erery article in the Hardware, Coach Finding. Shoe Finding. Housekeeping:, lilacksmith.Cahinet Maker's. Painter's. G Maier s, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low for CASH as any house cut of the city. HENRY B. DINNER, WAY BRIGHT Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. • .......Li e rgr i lttl:lll . 4:ll. — I --- ruki";:— . - - -- - 16- • . ~..L\ r tk ... Haines Bros.' 9 VERSTRUNG GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTKS, celebrated for superior grinlit o fONE and elegance and beauty of finish.— These Pianos have always taken the FIRST PREMIUM when placed in competition with other m liters. Male-nor all rompamon. A splendid assortment of LUCID XIV and plainer styles always on head. Alec Second-hand Pianos and PRINCE'S IMPROVED MELOD EONS from $45 to $350. ai`Every Instrument Warranted. GEO. L. WALKER'S Piano and Melodeon Depot, S. K. Cor. 7th k Arch Stn., Philatra. - Aug. 6, 1860. 6m Norbeck & Martin lair AVE just re - Mir ed from the eity **largest stock of GROCERIES they here erer ourred to the public—Sngars, Syrups, Coffees, Tess, Rice, Cheese, Fish, Salt, Spices, de. he., embracing all varieties, at all prices, the lowest the market will afford. Also Brooms, Brushes, end Notions ; Tar, Oils, Candles, he., in abort, everything to be found in a first class Grocery and Variety Store. • and Feed business is continued ty Increase. The highest market Ind the sitiatletit profits asked. The irited to give us it call and see for NORBECK h MARTIN, - ter of Latimer* and WO streets. Removal. obectibtrriuma raw arid Ws Plough and one Shalpfross the Fasedry building AreetLolopnalte Tats's Rtaeltantita of the Nagia Hots!, where he is bet- . than emir to ahead to eastomers. ways on bond and owls to order as ' maim, and Machias*, Reapers, No he will attend to tie:ming and tocka.* will Raid ft, rood iesortmet of sad ferke r ßreaseriek amt Abate 'es Spoo4lr, re., cheep at the se* A. SCOTT d SON. AXD IILACISNITRING /adetslipseid respectfully Informs his Meads sad the public that he toothiest' the Coachinakiag sad Blacksmithlag bestowal; in every breach at his establishinent In Chats bersliaer street. Be bat oa bead sad will maaafects re to order Oland/ of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spiels Wagons, kr., of the best material. and made by superior work men. sir-lisrAtrais and BLaccsernstio of all Mods done at reasonable rates, promptly mad to the satisfaction of customers. COCVTRY Paoocc■ taken In exchange to• work at market prices. gi'Persons desiring articles or work in the Coacbmaking or Blacks/milking line, are re spectfully Int ited to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWOHTH Oettyibnrr. ha. 24, '59. RAT is not a humbug. may be !keen at the Wa-e Room of SHEADS k BI7EIILER—a atent Washing Machine, about the utility of which there can he no mistake. It is undoubt edly the best It ashi.ig Machine that has ever been Invented. It must speak for itself Township rights for ale on reasonable terms. Machines also for sale. Call and see it. May 7. MO. Tsorer, and although every one can't hnre his wishes entirel3 sata.ified, at becomes us to submit. The nest important question for all men. and particularly the people of Adams county, Is where to buy the best and cheapest tall and winter eluding. We unhesitatingly say, at SAMSON S—thar a (A, .pot—N. E. corner of the Diamond, in the old County Building. Gettysburg, Oct. 15,1860. TIIR hoN Mg retired from the Mercantile Int•dnes., the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stAnd. in Baltimore street, by their sons. Henry It. Danner and Way bright Ziegler. under the name and Ftsle of Danner Ji Ziegler.Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and fora hom we would bespeak a liberal shArc of potrormice from old customers, and of the public in getter .1: Ilarmg retired from the Mercantile business it is nece-care that our old business should be set/led up. We. therefore, notify all otiose in debted to us either by Judgment. Note or Hook Account, to call end settle the ki.ittie without delay. The books skill be found at the old stand. J. 11. DANNER. May 25,1858 MIN ANT) SHEET IRON WARE.—SITEADS .4 BUEHLER, having purchased the stock of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of George K. Buehler, have opened an estAblishment in con nection with their : 4 w%, Ware Room, under the superintendence of G. E. Buehler, and are now prepared to furi4.4l, everything in that liue at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware; they hive a large supply of kitchen and house furnishing goods, of every variety, including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pan., ac., for pre.errimg. cooking and frying. Call and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing gouds at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. eke-Spntiting put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always un baud at their yard at the same place. Soy. 14, 18.50. SHEADS k BEETILER. AOOl3 REININGF:R has Just returned from the citie with :he prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS fu Gentle mea's wear ever offered in Gettysburg. lie has every variety, style an I price of goods. While gentlemen ran always find Cloths to salt their hotel they can at the same time have their measures taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, iu the most suhstan ti it m inner, and fashionable style. To secure bargains and save money go to the Merchant Tail( ring Establishment of JACOB RETNINGER, May Y, 1860. Carlisle street. Fall Trade 1860. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH. JoSEPII VICTORY, BALTIMORE, 11D., Informs his customers and purchasers gen erally, that his stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth. MattiugA, lc., is now comrlcte, consisting of Brussels Carpet. Velvet, Three-14y, Ingrain and Venetian; Carpets of every std le and price, Oil Cloth from 1 to 8 yards wide, Matting, flu 4 s, Mats, Stair Rods, kc., Rag Carpets of our own make, constantly ou band, all of which will be sold at the very !Owes!. rates. JOSEPH VICTORY, 143 Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md. TFIE nndersiened, being the authorised person 1 . to make removals into Erer Green Ceme tery, hopes that such as contemplate the removal of the remains of deceased relatives or friends will Mail themselves of this senson of ar to have it done. Removals torde with promptness —terms low, and no effort enured to plelse. PE MR. THORN, March 12, 'CO. Keeper of the Cemetery. PIM undersigned respectfully informs the ci`izens of Gettysburg and the public gen erally, that he has opened a new Tinning es tabli.hment. in Cliambersburg street, directly opposite Christ Church. He will manufacture, and keep constantly on band, every variety of TIN-A'AR'•:, I'IIESSED and JAPAN-WARE, and to ill always be r•ady to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and SPOUTING also done in the bczt manner. Pikes moderate, and no eTurt •pared to ruder full Aotis'action. A share of the public's patronage ie solicited. GEOR(*: ARNOLD has procured the cer vices of W. T. KING, and has commenced the above business, and will carry it on in all its various branches. And has connected him self with the stole of Mr. George Arnold, where there will be constantly kept on hand a large stock of chea t ) Cloths, Over•coatings. Csssi mere!, Cassinetts, VeAt i up, and Trimmings of every kind. Work dune in the very beet man ner, and in city style on short notice. Custom work and cutting out solicited when goods are purchased elsewhere. The shop is in counee. tion with Mr. Arnold's store, where Mr. King can always be found during business hours. iiitel•°Give as a call. pept. 17,'60. 2tu ILINOUGII FOR A FORTUNi.—A London Je d papsr states:—There is now in an Alms house at Bristol an old man who states, that for sixty years he spent sixpence a day in drink, bat was never intoxicated. How much would this sixpence a-day put by every year at five per cent. compound interest ansountAo in sixty years? enquired a thoughtful neighbor. Putting down the first year's saving (385 six peaces) equal to $43 54, be added the interest, and this went on, year by year, until be found that in the 00th year, the sixpence a day reach ed the startling sum of $14,338 28. Judge of the old man's surprise, when told that by saving his sixpence a day, and depositing it in a Savings Institution he might now, at the end of 84yean,have been worth that noble sum $14,- 358 MI, which would have bought him a fine farm, or town mansion, and surrounded him with comforts and luxuries, and left a hand some estate to bit children after bins. He had, and hundreds now in our midst have, bet to de posit sixpence a day in the FAILIIICIVe . A.IIIII )in- OVA HMV SAVIVIO iIIITZTVTIOX or ALUM COCK TT, to accomplish this result. Gettysburg, July 25, 1580. AT the Sip is the BM 004 yr. in Chem beadiest stmt. Ws barque% reeeived rip Mock of HATS; CAPS, W 0713, 1311058, 'intake, Carpet Sage, lltabndMa; Bow Har ney', CAthirst Whine, he., sad are determined to Dell at the 'overt prima possible for mob.— Call and juti7e for yourselves. July 23,.188e. COBXAS A CULP. TF yell de not believe ItA r lielatieell *amines vo tkag . lan ite=d defer* tto, •;. 'PIO" 4tiAlemrll..t.eter. Q t "• 044101,114101 t tat ' ore tie jficliboosotobes oit akY , lttrit Geltery.'4 ' TTBON s BRO. DAVID WpULE.)lr.f, *ifl'Ullitrorikt An Invention The Election Notice. HAVII) ZIEGLF:R. Stoves, Clothing ! Clothing ! 145 Lexington •t., 3 doors We At of How.irri, Sept. 24,'60. 3m Removals. Tinning ! Tinning 1 A. I'. BAUGIIER Gcttyihurg, June IR, 1960. ly Merchant Tailoring. Sixpence a Day, Itore New goods UAW thiii-Ptio WANCY ma nom 1--JOHN No. 718 Arch at., betwoon 7th aad Bib Set, &delis* Oats of 811 Motet St.,) To porter, Woostlictine or and Dealer la a kip& of' SA NC Having _ re• IBM moved to my N e Store, 719 Areb S end being now enze ed eatirsiy is the Man, ntletare and Sale Fancy Fun, which •ccordseoe with the "Oae Price Principle i have !marked at the lowest aossible prices consistent with a reason able profit, I would solicit a visit from those in want of Furs for either Ladies' or Children.' Wear, and an inspection of mr tele •tion of those goods, satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in every desired essential. Persons at a distance, who may find it inconvenient to call personally, need only name the article they wish, together with the price, and instructions for sending, and forward the order to my address—money accompanying— lo insure a sattsfactory compliance with their [Sept. 3, 1860. 3m wishes Marble Yard Removed. MU: subscriber haling removed his place of business to East York street, a short lis t ince below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line. such as Moon 'merits, Headstone*, kc., kc., of every variety of et} le and finish, with and without ha.ies and soi kets, to suit purchasers, and at prices to snit the times. Persons desiring an; tiling in his line will find it gt decided advantage to examine his Mock and prices before purchasing eleea here. \V 1. B. MEALS. Gettysburg, March 21, Globe Inn, MECHANICSTOWN,Fruderick row' Baling been renniated and re-furuished, the proprietor assures the public that a t•.III is only needed, as he 7.itruntees full satisfaction in eArry case. Charge. moderate. HENRY HERR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 18.59. tf Madame Schwend's YnNFALLIBLE POWDF:RS , for the speedy and effectual Cure of all IntlArnmations. Fevers, eumatism, Dy4pepsia and Liver Complaint, Pales, Gravel, and all Acute and Chronic - Dis eases of ADCLTS and CHILDREN. Send 3 cent Stamp to her Agent. 0-11. JUNES. Box 20,70 PhiLid'a. P. 0 Ilrindre46 of testimonialp. • Age , ley—S. Cur. Third & Arch tits. pet. tl, 'ou. lot To the Public. THE undersigned, haring disposed of his News Store to tr. JOSTPR Amanita tn. in tends to discontinue the bUsiness; and whilst he feels indebted to the public fur the liberal patronage extended to him, he would rordi illy recommends!l his old customers to %Ir. Broad head, who will always be prepared to aCC:OII3.• modate them with anything in his line. CLIAIILES LINDERMAN. Aug. 27, 1860. Notice. 'HAVING purchased the News Store of Mr. Lasosastss, it is my purpose to continue the business on a More extensive scale than heretofore. Daily eiiy papers, and all the pop ular marixines and periodicals of the day, al ways on hand. TOSlirli BILOADHEA.D. Aug. 27, 1880. ti , Watches, Jewelry AND SILVSB-WARIL—We would respect. fully inform our friends, patrons and the public generally, that we have now in Store and offer WHOLICSALIt AND RITAIL, at the lowest Coati Prices, a large and wry choice stock of WATCHIRS, J6WELItY, SILVIS 41.11 D PLATIED of every variety and style. Every description of Diamond' Work and other farcelry made to order, at short notice.— bar Ail goods warranted to be as represented. N. B.—Particular attention given. to Re pairtoz Watches and Jewelry, of et ery descrip tion. STAUFFER & BARLEY, No. G 22 Market St., South Side, Phihid'a. Sept. 3, 1800. 3m The Only Preparatitm THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF VEARA, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE 1 3 0 P- C EVERY DAY !—.And testimonials, new, and I.lmost w.thoot number. might be given from .adies and gentlemen in all gr ides of so ciety, whose united testimony none con'..l resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek, Mich , Dec. 21, I a:',l4. Prof. W. 041 :—Thee willt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on Inc head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a compli cated chronic disease, attended with an erup tion on the head. A course of suf fering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to °Wain stuff for caps, neither hale I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cola. This induced me !o pay Briggs k Hodges almost the lyst cent I had on earth for a two dollar ti the of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August lost. I have faithfully followed the directious and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it is also cooling in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feet anxious to pereevere in its use, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouhlst not he willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle. and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—" the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRRY. Ligonter. Noble co., Indiana. Feb. 5, 1859 Prof. 0. J. Wood : Dear Sir •—in the latter part of the year :852, while attending the State and NAtioual I. iw School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced fulling off very rapidly. so that in the short specs of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was alino,t entirely bereft of it 4 covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head short !) after became gray, so that you selll not be burpriaed when I tell you that upon my return to the Stale of Indiana, my more carnal ac quaintances were not so much nt a loss to dis cover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more intimate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. 1 at once made application to the most skill ful physicians in the country, hut, receiving no assurance from them that m) hair could again be restored, 1 was forced to become re conciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as be ing the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to toy great sada tiction that it was producing the desired effect. since that time; I -hare used seven &diked worth of your Restorative, and AS/ moult, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I hare recommended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to Inform you, are using it with i n ef fect, Very respectfully, yours, f A. M. LATTA, Attorney sod Counsellor at Law. Depot, 414 Broadney, and sold by all dealers throughout the world. The Restorative is put op im bottle' of three sizes, ?is : large, medium, and small ; the small holds a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per emit, sore in proportion than the email, retails for two dollars per bottlat the large bolds a quart. 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re tails for is. O. J. WOOD & 00., Proprietore; 444 Brut - way, New York, aad 114. ilaciral &mei, Louis, No. And sold by all good Demists aad fancy Goode . Dealer*. Ltlept. LT, MO. Sea ULlarglB Droggat, sad shop al , oriuthutsll7. bosillsosso oebassall Phappirripl, Aurae. "asjougleu- iltstr 4 " )141 us ask" a' 'llse* ea rum ] parlor wall. Exeeliiires , Gettysburg. isaltianiitgee 4Lcils•'Wi!L. wieners D. Dietes 0110 N SOUS& ' FANCY GOODS. HOIRISI 171.111111117704 AND TOYS, MIN isle sad Retail, seams, as say Oboe Ii BsMotors. 151 Pasitszits &m um, SALTIIIOILL ter Orders promptly attooded to. June 18, 1960. ly A. Blathiot & Son's SOFA AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Clay street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending frovkagy to Frederick IL—the largest establishrseeko(the kind in the Union. Always on hand a tarts assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Mattresses of Hus!:, Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses. Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call ;gni give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the ~•ountry. A. kIATIHOT k SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 6 1860. I y • James H. Bosley, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Noe. 124 and 126 Nora' Street, BALTIMORE, MD. I am prepared to receire and sell on Commis sion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Haring an experience of ten years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone.) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give SATIS FACTION to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 6, 'GO, ly Ladd, Webster & Co., 131 BALTIMORh ST., BALTIMORE, MD., Mitnnfitetnrers of Improved Tight-stitch SEWING MACHINES, for Families and Manufacturing Establishments. Let Manufactnrers, Planters, Farmers, House keepers, or any other persons in search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done by machinery, make sure they secure the best, by examining ours before purchasing. AO-Samples of Work sent by mail. WHAT CONSTITUTF9 A GOOD IlEwncit MACHINE? 1. It should be well made, simple in its con struction, and easily kept in order. 2. It should make a TIGHT LOCK-STITCH, alike on both sides of the material. 3. It should sew any and all materials that can be sewed. 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5. It should be able to sew from coarse to fine, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. 6. It should be able to make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. 7. It should hare a straigh edle; curved ones are liable to break. 8. The needle should hove perpendieuln motion. This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. s 9. It should be capable of taking in the largest pieces of work. 19. It should be able to bind with a binder, hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 1.1. It should be always read♦ to work 12. IL should be capable of Losing the same size of thread on both sides of the work. and of wing different colored thread or silk, above or below, to correspond with any two colors of cloth to be united. 13. It should be able to make a long or abort stitch. 14. It shonld be able to fasten or the seam, And commence sewing tightlyat the first stitch. 15. It should run easily and make but little noise. 16. it should bare a wheel feed; none others are in constant contact with the work. 17. It should not be liable to get out of order. 14. It should not be liable to break the thread, nor skip stitches. 19. It should not be necessary to use &screw driver or wrench to set the needle. 20. It should not be liable to oil the opera tor's dress. 21. It should not forma ridge on the nuder side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, es is the case with ♦tt. email-m.ITH machines. 22. It should not be "more trouble than it is worth." 23. Finale, all of these adeantagea are pos sessed by our Sewing Machine. LA.DD, WEBSTER k CO. Dee. 5, 1859. ly - 4° . ° •c,s* ot y4ALoUNDED 1832. Chartered 1834. Located cop.. OF BALTIMORE It CHARLES STS., TIIIORR, NlD.—The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished & Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed" expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Tiloaocou PnacTicat, Ilcstsxss .Eurcxriox in the shortest possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circu lar, containing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with Sezcimas or PIX.IIALSHIP, and a Large En graving (the finest of the kind ever made in this country) representing the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, itc., will he sent toEvery Young Man on application, FUZE or t*HARGI. Write immediately and you will receive the package by return mail. Addreis, E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 6,18 GO. ly New & Rich JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, S'.I.VER PLAT ED WARE, kc.—A. E. WAMIR Uold and silversmith, No. 10 NORTH GAT STURM 3 L. TIMOItE, YD., has in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICO JEWELRY. sn table for presents, embracing a great varlet, of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car. b unkl es, Lc., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, kc., Ladies' Gold Chains. 'Vest & Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pinsk Ear Rings, Ate. ALSO, A variety of Silver llounted k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Salt St ands, Pearl Handle Hese rt Kra res,Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, kc., all of wilich is respectfully oared on the lowest terms. ' -The Country Trade and Dealers general ly are Invited to give me a call, and examine GoodoLad Prices, being satisfied that my SIL VRA WARE caaaot be surpassed either for lassoes or quality, or die latest sad most beau tiful patteras, [Feb. 2? 1860. .y Burr Brill Stones WARRANTED—B. F. STARR k CO- "" of T ;WA mid Cilium estpeeits N. O. E tiasti4 Itatertuess; Ma. ]Late' taxers of FRENCH Hr importers sad Devitt _ Buis Mocks, Bolting Cloths, Leather &ad Gum /3oltin— Clicked Pledger, sad . Qualiiy. Also, ()ohne, 11111 Booms of all sixes. George IL Bokee, . TYPOSTRft aad Dealer la CHM!, GLASS it QIIIINMI2II, C. 41 Noith Howard Street, between Lidos, ton Ira rviem . stmas s'Aerumis. stosontAas alwayiroa- Ittiak at IPtiewry 'Fier, ' qua 111 111110. 174 ALMHaII variety of Meaty *ad Oda Ova/ (ed ?mama always IS UN at the 041oc , 11141011r$ 820. add ober* Viii lbd sietesst Tiabets. Pberi", lod.okstbsAdafsliiiiidink4t4 •'• . • 4.lloeni ites• shmeris,. tie Hoods cheap. 0.11 sad see 1 • fps 2 11 0ffialitn . • g TOWot :MI.~I' baring pgirebssad th I=sellogirs. Zeetwilsigt, abet a ,Vouiriry,) has somnsmseed , vat k nor prepared to offer to tha public s ausastesent of Machinery than has bereishire been grid, .snah sr TH RUM ENO ILACHIMIS, 011eler Hullers, rodders Cut ters, Coratihellers, and illorpn's late improved Horse Rake, Abo,, STOVES, such as C oo k Stoves, throe different kinds; and Ave different sizes of Tee-plate Stoves. Likewise Mill and Saw-aill Castings, and all kinds of Turning in Iron or Wood. IiiiirREPAIRING of all kinds on Machinery and Castings will be done to order on short • notice. Patterns made to order ; Plough Cast , inga ready made ; PLOUGHS, such as Seylsr, Witherow, Plocher, Woodcock, and many others not mentioned here; and eight different kinds of IRON FENCLNIi, for Cemeteries, Porches or Yards. Also, Mortising Machines, one of the best now In use. This machine works with a lever by band ; any little boy can manage it. Call and examine our stock ; no doubt but °what we can please. Persons ought to see it ' their advantage to bay machinery of any kind at home, where it is manufactured, so that they e•-n very easily get any part replaced or repaired. DAVID STERNER. Gettysburg, Feb. 13, 1860. IVI EWMARBLE WORKS, corner of Balti more and East Middle streets, directly op posite the new Court House, Gett'sburg.— Having recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing to procure anything in outline, to favor us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES, MARBLE, MANTLES, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work appertaining to our nt the lowe it pos sible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work shall be put up iu a manner sub stantial and tasteful equal to the best to be seen iu the cities, where every improvement which experience has sugg-sted is mailed of, and especially do we g-..tarantee that our Ceme tery and Grove Yard work shall be so carefully set as not to he affected by frost, but shall main tain for years that erectness of position given at the completion of a job, and so necessary to continued gracefulness and symmetry. Nov. 28, 1859. tf Grain ! Grain! THE subscriber still continues purchaging all kinds of PRODUCE, at his old atm nd on thamberaburg street, viz:—FLUOR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, SEEDS, dtc.. for which the highest market price. will be given. girl will also continue toy GROCERY and VARIETY STORE, and will keep constantly on hand Groceries, Salt, Oil, Fish, Cedar-ware, Dry Goo , ls, Confections, Plaster, Guano, kc.— The public are invie-t1 to call, as I am determin ed to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Getty burg, Aug. A, 1560 MUTUAL FIRE, INSURANCE, COMPANY.— incorporated March 18, /851. OnPICIIII3. Prudent—George Swope. Vice President—S. R. Russell i , Smithery A. Buehler. Ttvasaire rid M'Creary. .Szeetair ince--Robert McCurdy, Jacob King, And heintzelman. - Jtusayerp—George Swope, D. A. Boehler,Ja. cab King, A. fle.ntzeltnan, R. M'Cnrdy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Fahnestock, Wm. B. 31, Cie!lmo. Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichclberger, Abdiel John Woltord, H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright, John Horner, R. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell. D. Wereary, Andrew Pulley, John Plain, J. R. Hersh. shalr•This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It bag been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, witlaont any assessment, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The CM patty employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person de.iriug an Insurance can apply to any of the shore named Managers for further information. 'The Execntirn Committee meets at the (Ace of the Company op the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, M. Sept. 27. 1858. T . AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, is the hest Medicine in the world for the Cure of and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Consumption, together with all /Diseases of the Throat and Chest, end which pre dispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma, Being prepared by a practical Physicinn and Druggist, and one of great experience in the cure of the various diseases to which the hu man frame is liable. It it offered to the afflicted with the greatest confidence. Try it and be convinced that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affections. Price 50 cents per bottle. "N i g-Prepared only by DR. A. ESENWEIN k CO., Druggists and Chemists, \.W. cor. Ninth k Poplar Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Sold by _ respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicines throughout the State. April 2, 1860. 1 y TN GETTYSBURG.—The undersigned informs L the citizens of the town and cotinty, that he has commenced the BAKING business, ou a large scale, in York street, Gettrburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where he will try to deserve, and hopes to receive, a liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, &e., Sc. baked every day, (Sun days excepted,) all orthe best quality, and'sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured tke best workman and the most ap proved machinery, he is prepared to do a heavy business. July 25, 1859 NSW SALOON.—GEO. P. ECKRNRODE has removed his Oyster establishment to the spleadid new Saloon in Jacobs t Bro's. Build ing, on the North side of Chambersburg street, where he will at all times be prepared to serve ap the best of OYSTERS, in every style. By keeping a good article, be expects to receive a liberal share of public patronage. TURTLE SOUP, CHICKEN, BEEP TONGUE, PIG'S FEET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAN, BIRDS, he., In their season. A nice glass of ALE or LAGER can always be had.— Gems and try me. " G. F. ECKISRODE. April 2, 1860. MISR A SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVEST ' PENT . —W 's Psrss ?CMS Plantar, I wanted by D. Wssairs. This is as adrieul tarsi bripiattient which on account of its dors simplieitytind cbespness,will be generale 17 adopted by Fanners. With It one rasa can Ito the work of three. Before a patent was procured it was thoroughly tested by a number of Tamers and is every instance. gaill perfect eatiodietion. State, Comity and Township Rights for sale. Enterprising woo can realise inntdeoine prefix by parasitise BiitAoo or Oxcarts wad canvassing._ Ately penomuy coa. 4phes (Feb. 27, 'SO. . I s T • Cannon & Adair's Adams County Dr. Esenwein's Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Diptheria, Something New V/‘LENTINI SAIIPEE Removal. r r . _.. ..,..._ - Aysei'llarsiparillas • • PT/BMW •12.11 BL001).-41461t,.. ! • ow of the NthNth esehethic: cr, sae ape* „ -- BCHO Pia LA AND 80 ROM, ' LOU'S AFFECTIONS, acce es - • TL'IIORS, ULCERS, BORES, A ' .- . ERUPTIONS,PIMPLES,PCS- Ifileic TULES, BLOTCHES, ROILS, ~! - _ BLAINS, AND ALL SKIN "* 414 ---"•• 1 DISEASES. Oa, Ind., h J. C. Ayer k Co.kland Get,: I St feel It my dity to acknowledge what your Sarsaparilla Itas done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous affection, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it burst owl In Ulcers on my har.ds and arms; soniethnes It turned inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head 'and covered my scalp ar,d ears with one sore, width was painful and loathsome beyond descripticm. I tried many medicines and several physicians, but without witch relief from any thing. In afct, the disorder grew worse. At length / wan rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger abaft you had prepared an alterative (saesspi k eln a )" - for 1 knew from your reputation that any thing yonoade must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, - and used it till it cored me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoon fill over a month, and used .ilinost tnree bottles. New and healthy skin soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by toy feelings that the disease bas gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel vt hat I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age, and remain ever grate fully, Yours, ALFRED B. TALENT. ST. ANTIIONYS FIRE. RUSE OR ERYSIPE LAS, TETTER AND SALT BRUM. SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, SORE EYES, DROPSY.' Dr. Robert M. l'reble writes frow Salem. N. Y., 12th Sept., 1859, that he has cured an In veterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous attack of Nl:divan'. Erysipelas by large noses of the same ; says he cures the continua Eruptions by it constantly. BRONCIIOCELE,GOITREort SWELLED NECK. Zebulon Sloan, of Prospect, Texas, writes : "Three bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goitre—a hideous swelling on the neck, which I had suffered front over two tears." LECCURRIIG OR WIIITF:S, UV. RIAMTU NOR. UTERINE ULCERATION, tIEMALE DISEASES. Dr. J. H. S. Channing, of "dew York City,_ writes: "I most cheerfully comply with the • request of your agent In raying I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alterative in in the numerous complaints for which we em. ploy such a remedy, but especially in Female Diseases of the Seri/Wont diathesis. I have cured many iuveterate cues of Lencorrlimeit by it, and some where the complaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulceration it self was soon cured. Nothing %Mlle my knowledge equals it fur these female derange menu." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala.,writes, " A dangerous ovarian tumor on wee o the fe males in my family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your Extract of S.srsapse villa. Our physician thought nothing but ex tirpation could afford relief, but he advireclibe trial ofyeur Sample-Ills as the last resort be lore cutting, and it proved effectuaL After taking your remedy eight weeks nu symptom of the disease remains." RHEUMATISM, GOUT, LIVER (41,14 PLAINT. lndepend%nce, Preston co., Va.. tith - July. Dr. J. C. Aye:: Sir—l bare been afflicted with a painful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, which baffled the skill of physiehms, and stuck to me la spite of all the maladies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One bot tle cured me in two weeks, and restored my , general health so much that I mu far better than before I was attacked. I think it a won derful medicine. J. Faux. , Jules 1. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: " bare been afflicted for years with an affeetiun of the Liver, • hich destroy td my health. I tried every thing, and every thing faded to re lieve me; and I have been a broken-down man fur some years from no other rante.than de rungemeut of the Liver. My beltived pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to try your Say- , saperill.t, because he said be knew you, and any thing yule made was worth trying. By the blesaing of God it has cured me, end has so pu rified my blood as to make a nwrtnan of me.— . 1 feel young again. Time best that can be said of you is' not half good enough." ' J OUN SCOTT ISCHIMUS, CANI'ER., TUMORS, ENLARGE. .RENT, ULCERATION. CARIES AND EX- FuLIATIoN OF THE BuNES A great variety of eases hare been reported to un where cures of these formidable com plaints hare resulted from the use of this reuse dy, but our space here will n it llama them.— Some of them may be found in our American Alumnae, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call fur them. DYSPEPSIA. HEART DISEASE. FITS, EPI LEPSY, MELANCHOLY, NEURALGIA. Luny remarlutble cures of these affections have been made by the alterative power of this medicine. it stimulates the vital function, in to vigorous action, and thu: oNercutues disor ders which would be supposed beyond its cinch. Such a remedy ban lung been required by the necessities ut the people. and we are confident that this will du fur them all that medicine can do. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR TUE RAPID PURR OF Conghs, Colds, Intim ona, Hoarsens-s. Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for the Relief of Con,.unipthe Patients in adra need Stages of the Disease. This is a remedy co universally known to surpass any °tiltr for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless here to pub lish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, hare made it known throughout tlis civilised ti tions of the earth. Few are the communities, or even fatnil•es, among them who have not some personal experience of its effects--seine living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and d.ingerous • disoihers of the throat a nd lungs. As all know *e dreadful fa tality of-these disorders. and as they know,too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did hare when tusking the cures which have won so strongly upon the confident* of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATER is CO., WO, sarsola by A. D. Ruebier, Gettysburg; P. Roblitz, Arenas rWe ; Paxton k McCreary, Pair.. field; P. A. _Myers, New Chester; N. Stettin, New Oxford; E. Hiteshew, York Springs; anti dealers generally. [Sept. 10,1860: lyeuw 1860. 1880. Fall and Winter Goode. THE subscriber, baying just returned from the Eastern Cities with a large sad splen. did assortment of HATS and CAPS, would re speetihily esti the Boeotian of purchasers to the same. His stock of Hats is full 'aid com plete, consisting in part of Yea's fisblNable and handsome No. 1 Bilk Hats, Dress Hats, Softgiats, high, low and medium depth of crowT, Cloth and Glazed Ceps, Plush and flush trimmed Caps, for men and -boys, Fancy lists and Caps for Children, together witra good as sortment of Wool Hs ts, all of which will he sold at very low prices for cash. Also, a fine as sortment of Ladies' and Misses' Black and Brown *Term Hats, Felt flats, Sc. ft. F. McILIHINT, Oct. 22, 1580. • CLEWING MACHIN& Ws great sad laereaSing demand lbe. ibis remastsbly simple ' esseldailt parsike of its superior excellemce, . • . :Ke Pftli111111006; . For Salo at '— 4 ' Wilooz & Gibb% 't 4