The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 19, 1860, Image 3

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    denim, NlAtielhaAr** 4ll444l E . w"
pated•te exeento th. wait . The pop*
were sent' await bola the armory on a pre
tended tersed to another part of the tits.
Andencib_mpopeared st the armory with ties
warillet. The negro was at once let out and
was fa Rea by the mob, amidst the most de
iallietike yeas, the firing of pistcis, etc.—
The warrant issued by Justice DlVroif was
of course • mere pretext to get the negro
odt of the lockup by a show of legality
The Republicans did not like to pull down
the building so soon after the election of
Old Abe. But their proceedings last night
furnish the first practical commentary upon
the result of the late election. It is the be- '
ginning o f the end.
Sentence for an Election Prand
In the Court of Qatrter Sessions at Phila
delphia, on Thursday, the m >Lion for a
now trial in the case of William Ilyerly,
convicted of makinß a fraudulent return at
the late °ember election. was dismissed.—
The prisoner was then sentenced to pay a
fine of three hundred dollars and undergo
an imprisonment for two yesrs and six
months. This sentence. the Philadelphia
- Press" remsrks furnishes an admonition
to other unscrupulou, partisans which they
should not be slow to heed. The hest in
terests of our country require that crimes
which in unv tvay militate azainst the puri
ty of the ballot-lox should not be regarded
as mere trifling offences, but as mistl.-eds.
for which the perpetrators deserve , . and. will
certainly receive, condign punishment.-
&ran?" Horialatv.—A few months am the
typhoid fever made its appearance in the
family of Mr. Bieber. residing in Lebanon
enmity. Pa., by which nearly the ele,le
family have died. The mother was the fir-t
victim, and after her the father and other
members of the family. until six of them
have been laid in the cold and silent grave.
11117;) a a 140. Notions.
—Coughs. Cottle, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup,
Whooping Cough, Quinsy, and the numerous
as well as dangerons diseases of the Throat,
Chest 1111/ Lungs, prevail, in our changeable
climate, at all eCIBOIIS of the year; kw are
fortunate enough to escape their haneful in
fluence. How important then to hart at bend
Is certain antidote to :ill thesis complaints. Ex
perience proves that this exists in Wistitr's
Balsam to an extent not found in any (Alter
remedy ; however severe the suffering, the ap
plication of this soothing, healing and wonder
ful Balsam at once vanquishes the disease and
restores the sufferer to wonted health.
Messrs. S. W. Fowle
About seven months since I was severely af
flicted with Whooping Cough; and bud almost
given np the hope of recovery. It waits most
violent attack of this destructive and danger
ous disease. I had tried every remedy which I
bad beard recommended, hnt they all failed en
tirely. natil a trial of De. WISTAS'S BALSAM or
WILD CHIRST was commenced, the use of which
gave immediate relief. Under similar eircum
static-es, rather than be without the Balsam I
would pay fifty dollars fur a bottle of it, he
lievinit that it is the only certain antidote for
the disease. 1 most. cheerfully recommend
this invaluable remedy to the public.
tawrasuno, PA., May 7, 1860.
Seth W. Fowlb k Co., - -
Gentlemen:, I hitse used Dr. Wistar's
es of Wild Cherry, and believelt Labe an es
crllvnt remedy fur Coughs, Colds, sad Inflam
mation of the Lungs, and I recommend It most
cheerfully. DAVID SLIFER.
mar Caution to Perrrkasers.—The only gPrettise
Wistar's Siloam has the written signature of 1 . I.
Brrra" and the printed one of the Proprietors
on the outer wrapper; all other is Tile and
gart'repared by SETH W. YOWLE & CO..
Boston, and for sale by A. D. Bnehler, Getty..
burg; E. Hiteshew, York Springy; Wm. Wolf,
Emit Berlin; Solomon Chronieter, Hampton;
Jacob Fultreiler, 21n mmeaborg; D. 11..Hollinger,
Abbottstown; M. Sumter, New Oxford; John
Littlestowo; and by dealers everywhere.
Nov. 12, Mk& 4w
Pr LMON I C WA FERS!—Thepriginal Medicine
is sblished itt 1107, and first article of the kipd
el er introduced under the aline of "Putatoitc
WAVNItS," in this or any other country; nil
other Yuimonic Wafers are counterfeits. The
genuine can he tuns a by the mune BRIAN
Lein; stamped on each WAFER.
3rean's Pa!manic lA - idlers
Relieve Coughs, Copia, Sure th.roat, Hoarsesess
Bryan's Paltnogie Wafers .
Rel . /el - ft:As:bum, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing
13rran's Pu!manic Wafers
Believe Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Clicst.
lircan's Pulmortie Wafers
Relies; incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases.
Hr au I Pulmonic Wafers
Bryan's Pulnuanie Wafer*
Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minutes.
Brvan's Pulmonic Wetter/a
Are a Blessing to HIl and Constitutions
liryan's Pulsconic Wafers
Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers
Bryna'a Pulmouic Wafers
Are in al imple furor and pleAsan:. to Lhe taste.
Brynu*s Puhnunie Wafers
.Nc.'oily relies e.butetrect rapid and lasting Cures
Bryan's Pultnouie WiLfert
iv+ warranted to give so tialtetion to every one
Nt family 6 bould be without x box of
Bryau'b l'ulmonie ‘Vafers
ill the house.
No traveler should be without a supply of
Bryans Pulinouic Wafers
in his pocket.
No person will ever object to give for
BryAn's Puline ,, ic Wafers
Twenty-bNe Cents
JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor.ltochester,
Jane 13, /860. lyeow
RECEIPT BOuK.—llils book contains Recipes
and Directions for making all the most valua
ble Medical preparations in use • also Recipes
and full and explicit directions for making all
the most popular and useful Cosmetics, Per
fumes, Unguents, 1114 Restoratives, and all
Toilet Articles. If you are suffering with any
chronic disease—if you wish a beautiful emu
plex‘on, a Brie head of hair, a smooth face,
clear skin, a luxuriant heard or moustache—or
if you wish to know anything and everything
in the 'Medical and Toilet.line, you should, be
All means, peruse a copy of this Look. For
full particulars, and a sample of tLe work for
perusal, (free) address the publisher.
No. 831 Broadway, New York.
NOT. 5. 3m
TO CONSUMPTIVES —The Advertiser, hay
ing been restored to health in a few weeks by a
very simple remedy, alter having suffered several
years with severe lung affection, and that dread
disease, Consumption—is anxious to„ i onake
known to his fellow-sufferers the means Wcure.
To ail who desire It, he will send a copy of
the prescription used (free of charge,) with the
directions for preparing and using the same,
which they will find a sore Core for Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, tr. The only object
of the advertiser in sending the prescription is
to benefit the afflicted, and spread information
which he conceives to be invaluable, and he
hopes every saffenr will try his remedy, as it
will cost them noshing, sad may prole a bles
Parties wishing the prescription will please
Williamsburg, Kings cocain
0* 21, IMO. ly 218 W York.
Iliirl'RE PUBLIC BLESSING which Is now
universally admitted to exist in Moffat's Life
Pills and Phonnix Bitters , is erery day demon
' Oiler asionishiitg efficacy In the cases
ash} ' art annottaced to cure . All the
SO= of the atomic!' and bowels, weak
ness theAlestive organs and of the system
. gosexplly,.bllions and lists affections, night
• • • • • *AU, piles, costiveness, Conaump
- . • , - fontny,hispurity of tbe blood,
SW f-.49.1 *ld balhOW cbskiaszigiussilow7 lol4 l
_tn . ;, - 2 i llgiltOTspitorrtiosi. - A lOWA Isial la
. ' • dbeat the tide of ebe ditil
ly '`''`' • before the imiklliF. - 9reeieN?
-IN wed:by tvg. XVII%
. . --
sigailianta alga. ' .
On Saturday' LEA when the .ilaisterstown i
- Aaditnese eds. •
ihUS Wan returning hoot Baltimore, a! r ir" aabaariliala ' "algae" of Pam Mas
t negro man sitting onthe assattrith the driver,'
i SILVIII, wilt offer at Public Outcry, on '
was thrown o ff and broke hie neck. The nada,' the 11 a day of Doetwiler matt, at the
i negro belonged to Mr. Forney, of the for-
residence of said Pater llnsselman, In Hamil
-1 township, Adams county, the valuable
trier Place, and had ann off into P e nn°Y l Ts - personal property of said Assignor, as follows:
nit this day before the election., but was to-' 1 BRAD Or 13011868 one m which is a gtal
ken. brought bank and folsiood in the Haiti- , H on , 2 Mulch Cows, 4 , "head of Castile. Hogs,
more jail, and was being brought home
Shoats, one road Wagon, one farm do., I Spring
when the above accident oeeurred. We ' Wagon, Ploughs, Harrows, Culttrators, Thresh
learn that the wheel of the omnibus run off, ing Machine, Grain Drill, 1 Reaper, (licCor.
and the negro being drunk was thrown mia's Patent.l Hay Lncldery,RAkes, Forks Fifty
head first light between the horses, and Cutter, Pment Hay Rake. Cider )1111 and Press,
instant death ensued. This negro, we be. Cross-cut Saw, Hay Forks. Horse Gears. Wind
' here. was accompanied by onepr two others Mill; Wbeat by the bushel. Corn by the bushel,
who belong w the same party.— 'Wm:muter liar by the ton. Putato.e. by the bushel,' • lot
Dehvx:rat. of Staves, Log Chaiu, Filth Chain, Cow Chains,
- -........
The Peesidolt in favor V . a CV/Trent:Ml of all other farming implements.
the Stafes.—The President begins to talk of "Mr' Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture:
disunion, and, in order to avert that ealarai- Beds, Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Mantle
ty, on Saturday expressed an opinion in fa- Clock, and other articles of household and
vor of a convention, in which all the States kitchen furniture, too numerous to mention.
are to be repre.ented. This suggestion has' b y to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M.,
been made in certain other quarters, an d i, 211 said day, when attendance will be given
based upon the expectation of several guar- i said terms made known b
O y .
antee*---one of which is to includes distinct ;
recognition of the right of a State to secede ,
Nov. 19.1860. to Asp/neer.
trim the Union, about which-there seem.% i,
balrAtio, at the same time and place will be
to be some ditforence. Among other guar- sold a LOT OF GROUND, in Fairfield, adjoining
unteee are the repeal of the State lAws inter-
fering with die execution of the fugitive fronting on
and 1110. John Musselnian,
on the public street, on which is
slave law in certain of the free State,, and erected a one and a half star, Frame Weather-
Ruch a recognition of the right of slave
holders to carry their „ property" into the' d o or.
boarded HOUSE, with a well of water near the
territories a. will enable them to hold them
there until the people come to form a State
constitution: a distinct provision against the
abolition of slavery in the District of Colum
bia, without- the consent of Virginia and
Maryland; and, also, a pledge that the in
ter-slave-trade ',hall not be Arrested.—PAita.
filmier: in Ltiek.-1)r. Alexander Small
and Men. Samuel Warring and Edward
Miller. returned home on the '.Bth ult.,
from a hunting tour in Clinton county. Pa.
They were absent one week, during which
time they killed eight deers, and among
the number was one that weighed over two
hundred pounds.— York Press.
fternenrge .%rnold has gold hi 4 fa
(White Hall) containing 100 acres, for
WO, to lAnac T. Schrirei
Ilei"The people of Windhnm, Vermont,
were in their sleighs on Monday week, the
snow being five or six inehea deep.
Superfine Flour 4 88 to 6 00
Rye Flour 3 25
White Wheat 8. 110 to 1 20
Red Wheat 1 10 LO 1 15
Corn ...—.... 50
Rye 68
'Oats ..... 26
Buck u heat.— ..... 48
Clover Seed 5 25 to 5 75
Timothy 50 to 1 75
Flax Seed ------ 1 20
Barley ............ 61)
Plaser of Puns 6 50
I laster ground, per bag...._.......1 00
Floor 5 to 5 37
Wheat 2 :o 1 57 .
11ye A. 5 to 80
:urn ......... ....—.. ....... ..... 57 to 75
Oats 30 to 35
Clover Seed .. 5 87 to 6 50
Timothy filted..—... 3 00 to 3 50
Beet Cattle, per huud 6 00 to 8 00
flogs, per baud 8 00 to 8 25
twasio, Peruvian, per t0n....
Flour, from 'wagons 6 50
Do. trout stores 6 00
Wheat.... 1 18 to 1 78
Rye 72
Corn 60
Oats 31
Clover Seed 5 25
Timuthy• Seed 2 00
Plaster 6 2S
On the 30th of Oct. last. by the Rev. Jacob
Ziegler, Mr. E. J. WISOTZKKY to Miss MARIA
WARNER, both of Gettysburg_
At Little Pritein, Lancaster county, Pe.. on
the lath of the 10th month, letio, acconling to
the order of the Religions Society of Friends,
NATI lAN Slll.l LI, of Ilenallen Monthly Meeting,
Adams candy, Pa., to MARY, daughter of Eli
and Elizabeth Smedley, of the former place.
In Franklin township, on the 15th inst., by
Rev. T. P. Bucher, Mr. TOBIAS R. COVER to
Miu MALLNDA C. MICKLEY, only daughter
of Peter Mickley, Merchant.
On the 11th inst., by John Carbangh, Esq..
GLEDECKER, both of this comity.
IP 401 • • .111
On the 7th inst., in Franklin township, JOHN
HART, an estimable citizen and Christian gen
tleman. aged 38 years and 4 months.
On Friday last, in Cumberland township, Mr.
GEORGE IZER, aged about 72 years.
On the 20th of Oct., in Seneca county, Ohio,
at an advanced age, Miss MARGARET KNEE,
formerly of Adams county, Pa.
.(,)n the Bth ult., JOHN FIX-SILVAN, aged 11
years 10 months and 2 days, son of Jolla
Ilestiman, of Mountpleasant township.
On the 13th inst., JOHN HENRY, son of
Jacob And Ann Lou isa Althoff, of Germany tp.,
aged 10 months and 3 days.
I am happy, I am blest,
I am waiting for the rest;
Weep not, weep not for me,
For I am happy in eternity.
Houses and Lands '
AT rrisuc SAL.R.—The subscrigfers will
offer at Public Sale. on the premises, on
Saturday, Oie Bth day of Ateeemiter nen, the fol
lowing property, viz:
!NO. 1 : A . LOT OF GROUND, sitnate in
Fairfield. Adams county, in the centre of the
town, adjoining Peter Schively and others,
ha% ing thereon a Two-story Log Rough
cast HOUSE, with Back-building, Black tt
smith Shop, Wagon maker Shop, Stable, 11
well of water. and a fine lot of fruit trees.
No. 2: A LOT OF GROI . ND, adjoining No.
I, with a •ariety of fruit threes thereon.
No. 3: A LOT - OF GROUND adjoining No.
2, with a new Two-story Dwelling 1101..:-51::,
thereon errkted. Also fruit trees on the lot.
Yo. 4: A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining
Fairfield on the North, containing 6 Acres and
36 Perches. The tract will be offered in three
lots or whole, as may snit purchasers.
situate in alamiltonhan township, adjoining
lands of T. A. Marshall and Peter ilusselman,
contsining 8 Acres, more or less, with excellent
Chesnut and Rock-oak Timber thereon.
`Persons -wishing to view the property
wilt cull on either of the undersigned, in Fair
Bigr.Sale to - commence at 1 o'clock, P. M..
on said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by
[B. G. Cul, Auctioneer.)
Nov. 19, 1869. to
Notice—Gas Stook.
rerTOCKHOLDERS.—Payment of the
th Installment upon subscriptions to
toe Capital stock of the Gettysburg Gas Com
pany d* se the Ist of November, 1860, Is re
quired to be made without delay to Jolt B.
Wats*, the Treasurer
sarßy the Aet of Assembly relating to Gas
Companies, if notice for the payment of sub
scriptions of Stock be Riot complied with, the
Company can require one per eentum per mouth
Interest on the amount due and unpaid.
M. JACOBS, Pres't.
V. licCosAvoire, Soc'y.
N or. 19, 1880
NUMaIT Election.
rip::roluateer Compel' lea of /dome comity
- will meet ot theiisereral 4komories, oe
ad 244tiiitst, between the holm of 10
o'clock, to elect, ik BSI GADISA GEN
- • les 4Po 44Ihi l ialrje Disisloa 10 , 444
ORLX. 49011",
Toe: le, lila - . to .
oTHE subscribers hieing been appo'sted As
idgmees of PETROL CABBLIE•N and Wire,
amilton bats township, under a deed of trust
for the benOt of creditors, hereby give notice
to all persons indebted to said Assignor to
make Immediate payment of their respective
does, and an persons hissing claims or demands
against said Assignor, to present the same to
the undersigned, residing in said township,
properly authenticated for settlement.
Noy. 19, 1860. 8t
Retailers of Goods, Wares and Merchan
aloe, as well as the Di.tillers, in Adams county,
who bare not yet lifted their Licenses, are re
quested to do so on or before
wilewistinlfem, without fall. The law binds me
to tarp this matter upon delinquents, and it is
hoped that no further steps will b. neLesmary
to Induce them to comply.
6 a 1 ; •
._, 18 i 6 1 . td
Left in Mistake!
WAS left at the Rabies of the Eagle Ro
tel, on Thursday night last, a,.e
BLACK MARE, blind of an e)e, three a bite
feet, and shoat ten years old. Also one set
airer-plated HARNE: 4 B. The owner is re
quested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges, and take her away.
I Nor. 19, 1960. 3t
THE BIG BOOT.—The undersigned have
ju.t received it fresh supply of Ilru, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, de. also,
Lave • good supply of Saddles a;14:1 41arsesa,
Bridles, Cullers, icc.
Shots and Boots of all kinds made to order
by tint-rate workmen, and on short notice
11omt-tuada work always un hand. Prices low
for cash
Noy. 19, 18G0
Groceries, Notions, &c.
11 01) tolo DO
20 co 21
62 00
THE undersigned has opened a Grocery and
Notion Store, in Baltimore street, nearly
opposite the Court House, Gettysburg, a here
the public will constantly tind,selliug cheap as
the cheapest, SUGARS, Syrups, Molasses, Cof
fees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Spices of all kinds,
Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms and Brushse;
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Ground Coffee, Essence
of Coffee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps. Suit ;
Tobacco, Segara, Snuff; Confections, all kinds
of Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Bread,
Crackers, Cakes of different kinds; Shoe and
Stove Polish; Fancy Goods, Muslin', G inghanss,
Cotton Bats, Wadding. Hosiery, Hand ken:hiefs,
Suspenders, Pins, Needle*, Clothes Pius, But
tons with Notions of all kinds. A shore of the
public's patruntge is respectfully Solicited.
Nor. 19, 1860. tf
as orders signed by two Justices of the Peace
for the admission of the Poor into the House of
Emplojment for the County of Adams, are very
frequently directed to the Directors of the Poor
and the said House of Employment, and fees
for the said orders claimed, under Acts of As
sembly not applicable to this County:
And whereas, it Is enacted by the Act of 13th
March, 18310, the provisions of which were ex
tended to Adams county by the Act of .7th
April, 1840, that the poor shall be admitted on
au order granted by any one of the Directors,
or by oss Justice of the Peace. for which no
Justice of the Peace shall be entitled to fee, or
Notice is hereby given by the said Directors,
that so PIES POl JCIITICtIe 01015.1 WILL Si PAID;
and further, it is recotumended that applications
for edmission or relief be made to one of the
Ditectors, when convenient to the applicant;
otherwise, applications within the County, for
admission, shall be made bat to one Justice,
upon whose order no fee will be paid.
Orders left with the Steward will be promptly
Atteqt—D. C. Batrassuorr, Clerk.
Nov. t 2, leGo. 3t
just returned from the city is selling goods
lower than ever—for instance Ladies' flue silk
fleecy lined Gauntlets at 624 cents par pair,
Ladies' line Merino Hose at 37} cents, Ladies'
fine Cassimere Hose at 40 cents, fine white
Pocket Handkerchiefs at 8 cents. Gentlemen's
fill' Cassimere Hose at 28 cents, Gent's all
Wool country made Hose at 25 cents, Pocket
Knives, Combs, Brushes, both hair and clothes,
in fact everything . belonging to either a Lad,'s
or Gentleman's toilet: and last, but not least,
his stock of QITEENSWABE we think can't be
la i est for style and prices, common teas as low
as 18 cents per set, and from that up to 75
cents per set for the very best of Stone China
Cups and Saucers and everything else in the
Queenaware line in proportion.
Come one! Come all I and give me a call.
Don't forget the place, in York street, next
door to Saupee's bakery. H. G. CARR.
N B. The subscriber also has constantly
on hand a fine assortment of GROCERIES of
all kinds—good table Molasses at 12 cents per
quart, New York Golden Syrup at 58 cents per
gallon. [Nov. 12, 1860.
"Wide Awake" Meetings
"BLUE'S' HALL," and every day between
the of V A. M. and 64 P. M.. at the south
westecrust of the Diamond. in George A rmold's
Clothier Store, he having just returned from
the city with a superior stock of Black, Olive
and Brown Cloths, for Over and Dress Coats,
the best selection of Black and Fancy Cassi
mere., Coburg Valencias, Solferinos, Mous. De
laines, Gingham., Calicoes, Bleached and Un
bleached Muslin& Sheeting and Bagging, all of
plain or neat 63Y/onside figures; la a word, the
styles are just the "A/cog," for the times, all
of which will be sold at the very lowest cash
ALSO—Ready Made Clothing in every varie
ty, style and rise. If we cannot fit yen, W. T.
lass, who never xdsees a lit, will take your
measure and make you a garment on the short
est notice.
Oct. 6, 1860
Lba ALL ITS BELA.liCHliki, executed in tit
' n style known in tb• art. at 0. -O.
E'l3 IiALLEitY, 6413 Azv Simi. But of
&Oh, Philadelphia. Lint 817 A in Oil and
1 Pia, Ottulcuseepat Portraits, Aiebeotypes, Da
-1 E ll i n n
"1 65 1 Pt Ow" , 11 "ncr" , Phut,, t Nov. it; ISO.. ,17,
County TreAukurer
Jonx L. TATE
Valuable ][ill PropertY
&By virtu* of an order of the OrphanOrphan'stut of Adams county, the undersigned, Ad
ministrators the estate of LO ALL BLIIIIINS,
deceased, late of Ea miltonban towuhip,Adams
county, Pa., will offer at Public Sale, on I%iset
day, the 29th ley el Ativetaber list., at 12 o'clock,
M., the following described tracu of land with
improvements., to wit:
No. I.—A TRACT OP LAND, situate in said
township, containing 10 Acres, more or less,
having thereon erected a barge
Three-story GRIST MILL, part ll
stone and part frame, good LOG .°,
HOUSE, good Stable, and other '
neeesaary out-buildings. The is nearly
new. having 2 pair of Ilarrt, I pair of Chop
pers, and a Corn-dner. The inachinerLis all
good, and in complete order. It is located on
Marsh creek. in Carroll's 1 r. ct, one of the best
grain growing regions in the County. The
Rater-right w 111 be sold with the Mill.
containing 64 ACRES and 126 Perches, adjoin
ing lands of Henry Biesecker, David Metz,
and others. Ten Acres are cleared and under
good fencing—the balance is covered 'Aida
good Rock oak. Pine and Chesnut Timber. 1
No. 3.—A TRACT OF WOOD-LAND, situate
in Franklin township, cuntAintng 24 ACRES,
and 51 Perches. adjoining Tract No. 1., lands of
Levi Fitter, Henry llie•eeker and others. This
Tract is well covered a its good oak and hicko
ry timber.
Persons wishing to view the Property will'
call upon either of the undersigned, the first
named of V 1 hich resides within a half mile of
the Mill, the other near lieidlersburg.
A pair of good Copper Stills will also be sold
at the same time.
r A tten.lau ce will be given an d terms made
known on day of Bale by
Nov. 2, 180. to A duvolouroicrro.
Town Property
OR SA I,E.—The subscribers offer for sale
their property on the North side of East
ork street, in the Borough of Gettysburg,
bounded by en alley on the West and in the
rear, and adjoining lot of 11rs. Snsan etturers or
the East, ceints ining one third of tin acre, mote
Ikot: less, having • Tao-story Weather- ' AVE estaLlished a Depot at Maj. JOAN
bAdrded Dwellin ' t , 110USX, a One-story iii
heart's, in Ghand rsbufg lane 'ettys-
Weistb ar dOsi tiling lion.e, .. - ItE I . Fine thrifty Fr land Urnsi tut Trees'.
oven f Wate , T h e/ 11 04
c ." • a se • —soli 'i ltMrJ.
Merl( not sold ty &1.. day, Me le day of ranted. • [Nov. 12, 1860. tf
December nest, it ill the t e offered at Public
Sal on the pr lies. r B. CF. Carr's
5 5 to pa ..,„ 0 .. l .si • ' S the place to get the cheapest Wollen Un-
P . W. siir; d dershirts in town, and tLe cheapest Wollea
le etralftigisice at I o't P`" ... i O O i rawers--unly 1 - 5 cents each. A fiu., article of
y, whe attendance wil t given and terms f Wollen ItointiaboatsandComforts—ali cheaper
of sale made known by I than at auy other place in town. [Nov. 12.
GEORGE W. CRONISE. ___ __ _ _
ANNA MARY L. GRUNLSE. Roman Eye Balsam,
'UDR INFLAMED FYELIDS, and for the cure
ju of Scrofulous Humitrs and surene•of sur
rounding or near the Eye. In all diseases of
this character it is almost a certain cure. The
following ettrnet from a letter just received,
refers to one of the many similar cases con
stantly reported :
Juntas Cm, Oct. 29th, 1859.
Missals. A B. I D. Savos—Dear Sirs : I
have for a number of years been troubled with
sore and inflamed eye lids, wLich though they
never caused me much pain, were very annoy
ing on other accounts. I have tried a number
of medicines at differed" IKnies without the
slightest success. Seeing afradvertieement of
your Roman Eye Balsam, In spite of my scepti
cism, I resoTs ed to get some, and at least try It.
I em now writing this in the fullest gratitude
to inform you (I coald almost send you a flßy
dollar bill) that a few and only a few, applica
tions have resulted in • complete cure.
Respectfully yours,
free per Mail to any part of the United States
upon receipt of 50 cents In postage stamps.
bar Prepared by A. B. 1 D. SA-YDS. Dreg
gists, 100 Fulton tit., cot, of William, N. Y.
For sale by A. D. Bunts', Gettysburg, Pa.
Nov. 5, 18.:0. Im
Oct. 29, 180. to
Valuable Town Property
PROPERTY, situate on Baltimore street,
oue door south of the Post Office, in Gettys
burg, with alleys on the north and east, and
I adjoining Prof. yuhlcnberg on the south. It
consists of a HALF LOT OF GROUND, wilt a
Two-story Roughcast Dwelling HOUSE, „...
and a larye two-story Brick Back-build- ,
ing, thereon ; also a well of water in
front and a (partnership) w the rear of
the dwelling.
.'This property was for many occu
pied as a Tavern Stand, end is one ofthe most
desirable in the town for businrss of any kind.
A chance to purchase property so central Is
rarely offered, and capitalists will and this
rare chance. Apply to JACOB BENNER,
Agent for the Owners.
Nov. I, 1800. 4t
Valuable Real Estate
AT PUBLIC SA LE.—Will be offered at Pub
lie Sale, an Wednesday, the 21st of NONIIII
upou the lir misc., A HALF LOT OF
GROUND, fronting - Ttu South Baltimore street,
in the Borough of Gettysburg, bounded by lots
of Misses Rowe and Dr. John Runkle, and hav
ing an alley in the rear. The improvements are
a Two-btory Fritnie Weatherhotird- ,
ed Decelliog 110USE,i two-5t0ry . . , .1
f iu
Brick Back - building . ling Stable, ..
1 -
w ith a Carriage-house, Smoke- '. ;..
heuse, and other oat-buildings. There is ou
the premises an excellent well of water, and
also • cistun. Aiso, a small LOT OF GROUND,
in the ran. of the above described Lot, and
separated from the same by an alley, adjoining
lots of Dr. John Runkle, George Shryouk, and
Daniel K. Snyder.
*far-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock In the
afternoon. Attendance glen and terms made
known by J. L. HILL,
Nov. 5,1860. is Testamentary Trustee.
Three Desirable Farms
rR B ALE .— One adjoining , and the other
wo art 4 miles south or the Borough of
teettyaburg. ' GEU. ARNOLD.
Oct. 29, 1860. tf
Assignee's Notice.
undtrsigued,bering been appointed As
signee, under a deed of trust for the benefit
of creditors, of JACOB F. RIIIINIXOInt, of the Bo
rough of Gettysburg, Adams county, notice is
hereby given to all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said Assignor, to make Immediate
paymeht to the undersigned, residing in said
borough, and those having claims against the
same to present them, properly authenticated
for settlement.
mar Tbe Assignee irill dispose of Mr. Rein
inger's STOCK OF GOODS by retail, AT RR
DUCE'D PRIcES and on accommodating terms.
Oct. 22, 1860. 6t
JACOB LUTZ'S ESTATE.—Letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Jacob Lutz,
late of Conowago township, Adams county,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, re.iding in Union townivp, he here
by gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate pad went, and those
baying claims against the same to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 22, 1860, 6t*
Notice—Pay Up
THE undertigoed, being about to remove
to Hagerstown, is desirous of hating
his books settled up with as little delay ill
possibtri. For that purpose he pies this public
notice that all accounts not settled on or before
the first day of December next will be placed
in the hands of an officer for collection.
C. R. DORAN, M. D.
Oct. 29,1860. td
T'partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribet t s, under the firm name of
D k, Jrs., Laving been dissolved,
they hereby give notice to all persons indebt
ed to them, by Note or Book Account, to call
and settle the same before the first day of Jan
uary next, at which time their accounts will be
placed in the bands of en officer fur collection.
Nov. 2, MO.
3 c'ETEIt JOHNS'S ESTATlL—Letters of
administration on the estate of Peter
Jo as, late of Cumberland township, Adams
county, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Gettysburg, be here
by gives notice to all persona indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those bowleg claims against the same to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 15, 18410. et
testassentszy es the estate of Mazy
disbrand , late of Huntington tirp., Adams co.,
deceased, haring been granted to the under
signed, residing In the same township, his hereby
gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, and those
baring claims against the same to present them
properly authenticated for settlesest.
Not. 2, 1860. Cl'
BLOPLINT SH ' WAIL vatiaties at.
rA A. 4001? 4 84)1P8 amp stare:
WM. A. DUNCAN, dodoes
Selling Off!
ray Up !
Town Prop erty
AT PiIIVATII 844.11 The its?
forest Privet* Salaam Prop-...
tow reedas, situate in Seat WWL. tet,
Gettyeivirg, eqoining 8. R. Tipton' on the went
and hrs. WEkey'. en the east, with and
alley in the rear. 110088 is a
two-stop Frans*, Wastbsrbostrded, with
Back-building; • well of water, with a pump in
lt. at the door; and a variety of huit, such as
apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherrie:, and
grapes, all the most choice.
Nov. 12, 1860. if
Desirable Home,
A T PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber trill
11, offer at Public Sale, on the previiaes,
on .Iloaday, (he flu. day of November orrt, the
•ery DESIRABLE PROPERTY he now occu
pies, situate
4 0161 e Chambersburg turnpike, in
the borough Gettysburg, adjoining the The
ological Seminary grounds. The lot cousins
acres, with a two-story Double Roughcast
House, Stable with barn floor, Shop, good
young Orchard, well of water, &e., thereon.
Sc,le to commence at 1 o'clock,?. IL, on said
d..y, when attendance will be given and terms
made known by
0.1. 15, 1860. ts
Election. or Germacao,
Nov. 2, IhtO. f
NOTIOE it hereby given to the Stockholders
of the Nuik of Gettysburg, that an Elec
tion for Thirteen Directors, to serve one yelr,
will be held at the Banking-houce, on Monday,
the 19th day of November.
ba-A general meeting of the Stockholders
will take place at the came time.
Nov. 2, 'tin. to T. D. CARSON, Cashier.
20,000 Pounds
OF PORK WANTED in December next, for
which DASD will be paid. Farmers who
have the article for sale, will do well by calling
and making ecgagementa with the subscriber,
at his Flour, Bacon I Grocery store. in Wei
Middle street, Gettysburg. CEO. LITTLE.
Nor. 2, leGu. It
T. E. Cook gr Sons
Dr. Mott's
An aperient and Stomachic preparation of
IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com
bustion in Hydrogen_ Sanctioned by the high
est Medical Authorities, both in Europe and
.United States, and prescribed in their prac
The experience of thousands daily proves
that no preparation of Iron can be compared
with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of
vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly com
plexions indicate its necessity in almost every
conceivable ease.
Innoxions in all maladies in which it has
been tried, It has proved absolutely curative in
each of the following co mplaints, via
in Debility. Nervous Affections. Emacia
tion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrham, Dys
entery. Incipient Consvmplion, Scrofulous
Nbexestlosis, Sall Rheum, Mismenstruation.
Whites, Chlorosis, Liner Complaints. Chronic
Headaches, .hleurnagsm, Inielmillent Fevers,
l'imples on the Fuee. Jr,
In cases of Gitssaat. DssitrrY, whether the
result of acute disease, or of the continued
dimunition of nervous and muscular energy
from chronic complaints, one trial of this res
torative has proved successful to an extent
which no description nor written attestation
would render credible. Invalids so long bed
ridden as to have become forgotten in their
own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appear
ed In the busy world as if just returned from
protracted travel in a distant land. Some very
signal instances of this kind are attested of fe
male Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent
msrasmus, sangnineous exhaustion, critical
changes, and that complication of nervous and
dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which
the ph) sician has no name.
In Nsnvous A rexcrioss of all kinds, and for
reasons familiar to medical men, the operation
of this preparation of iron must necessarily be
ellntary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigor
ously tonic, without being exciting and os
heating; and gently, regularly aperient, even
in the most obstinate cases of costiveness with
out ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting
a disagreeable sensation.
It is this hitter property, among others, which
makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent
a remedy for upon which it also appears
to exert a distinct and specific action, by dis
persing the local tendency which forms them.
In DYSPEPSIA, innumerable as are its causes,
a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often
siifti(ed for the most habitual cases, including
the attendant Costiveness. .
In unchecked DIA lIIIHCZA, even when advanced
to 14st NTEKT, confirmed, em tciating, and ap
parently malignant, the effects have been equal
ly decisive and astonishing.
In the local pains, lon of flesh and strength,
debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which
generally indicate INCIPIINT CONSUbIPTION, this
remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and
physicians, in several very gratifying aad in
teresting instances.
In Scsorciors Tosencotains, this medicated
iron has had far more than the good effect of
the most cautiously balanced preparations of
iodine, without any of their seal known Its•
The attention of females cannot be too con
fidently invited to this remedy and restorative,
in the eases peculiarly affecting them.
In Iltasunitrum, both chronic and 1116.1111:11111M
toty--la the latter, however, more decidedly—
Is has been invariably well reported, both as
alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and
stiffness of the joints and muscles.
In larnanrrrsa? Ferns it mast neceuarlly
De a great remedy and energetic restorative,
aid its progress in the sew settlements of the
Was, Intl probably be one of high renews and
No remedy has ever been discovered to the
whole history of medicine, whick exerts such
prompt, and hilly reetorittive effects.—
Good, complete digestion, rapid se
quisitkm of strength, with an lliassal disposi.
won for active and &gerbil exercise, immedi
ately follow its use.
Put up in neat that metal boxes containing
50 pills, prim 80 mets per box for sale by
druggists and dealers. Will. be sent free to any
address on receipt of th e price. All letters,
orders, - etc., should be addressed to
. B. LOCKS I CO., General Agents,
Oct. 15. 1850., ly
_2O Cedar St.,*.
=MO -MOOS, lir *tort jractety; et
=olattoi of ihrtoloOlualby
and Belgium,
LAIN COMPANY, No. Tel Broadway, New
York, having secured their novel and Ingenious
invention by American and European patents,
are fully prepared to execute all orders for
of Persons on Chins, presenting all the attest
tike and advantageous features of ordinary
photographs, the bifilinney and finish of a
water-color drawing, and a hitherto unattain
ed quality of durability, by being rendered as
imperialiable as the natural properties of
the arti‘ lee upon which they are transferlvd.
As the patented process of the Company en
ables the reproduction of Photographs not on
ly on plain surfaces, hut upon such as are
round or of any degree of irregularity—por
traits can he reproduced with faultless accura
cy, and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain
wares of any description and dimension used
as articles of luxury or of household utility,
sash as
Toilet Articles, tc., thereby. securing' faithful
portraits and furnishing. a unique and exqui
site style of ornamentation of articles in domes
tic use.
In order to furnish facilities for the gratifi
cation of the p•optilar ta.te, and to meet the
♦rants of those patrons of the Fine Arta desir
ous of having Portraits on Porcelain, the Com
pany have imported from Europe a collection
of superior porcelain goods, tnanufacturied
to their own order, which they sell at cost
As the American Company are owners of the
patent right, and consequently the only persons
authorised to use the process, they bare deter
mined, in order to afford people of erery section
of the Union an opportunity to posies/
to make the following proposition to residents
in the Country, who Are unable to visit prrson
ally the Atelier and other Galleries In New York :
Persons sending • photograph, amt.rotype,
or daguerreotype to the office of the Company
in New York, scrompanied by
will receive in--return, express, free of other
charge, a rich/yarn:tweeted Breakfast Cup and
Saucer, with the thereon.
By transmitting.* daguerreotype and
y will recnre la like manner. a handsome
'Ruch Vase or Totret Article, with the portrait
reproduced by the patented process.
By sending a pair of daguerreotypes and
they will receive in return a Pair of rich Sevres
Vases, with the portraits executed equal to min
iature paintings; ani, in like manner, portraits
can be reproduced on porcelain wares or Vases
of crery quality of fiui.sle, ranging in price from
Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the pair.
N. H.—He particular in 'writing the address,
town, county and State distinctly.
All letters to be addressed to
"Zenager, Amenean !'holographic Porcelain C 0.,"
781 BROADWAY, New York.
(let. 22, 1860. Set
Arft INTIGORATOR.—An Effective, Sak
and Economical Compound.
nal color without dyeing, and prevent the
Hair from turning gray.
it, when there is the least particle of vitality or
recuperative energy remaining.
and all cutaneous affections ot the Scalp.
to it an unequalled gloss and brilliancy, making
it soft and silky In its testers and causing it to
rurl readily.
The great celebrity and the increasing de
mand for this unequalled preparation, nominee
the proprietor that one trial Is only necessary
to satisfy a discerning public of its superior
qualities over any other preparation at present
in use. It cleanses the head and scalp from
datideaff and other cutaneous diseases, causes
thi-lialr to grow luxuriantly, and gives it
rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, acid
also where the hair is loosening and thinning,
it will give atnength and vigor to the roots,
and restore the growth to those parts which
have become bald, causing it to yield a fresh
covering of hale.
There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen
in New York who have had their hair restored
by the use of this Invigorator, when all other
preparations had failed. L. M . has in his pos
session letters innumerable testifying to .the
above facts, from persons of the highest re
spectability. It wilt effectually preempt the
hair from turning gray until the latest period
of life; audio cases where the hair has already
changed its color, the use of the Invigorator
will with certainty restore it to its original hue,
giving I 4 a dark, glossy appearance. As a per
fume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is
particularly recommended, having an agreeable
fragrance; and the great facilities it affords in
dressing the hair, which, when moist with the
Invigorator can be dressed in any required form
so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in
curls—hence the great demand for it by the
ladies as a standard toilet article which none
ought to be without, as the price pieces it
within the reach of all, being
per bottle, to be had at all respectable drug
gists and perfumers.
L. MILLER would call the attention of Pa
rents and Guardians to the use of his Invigor
ator, in cases where the children's hair inclines
to be weak.. The use of it lays the foundation
for a good head of hair, as it removes any im
purities that may have become connected with
the scalp, the removal of which is necessary
both for the health of the child, and the future
appearance of its hair.
CAUTION.—Nune genuine without the
simile of LOUIS MILLER being on the outer
wrapper; also, L. MILLER S HAIR INVIGO
IL\ TOR, S. Y., blown in the glass.
Wholet•ale Depot, 56 Dey St and cold by all
the principal Ilevatants and Druggists through
out the world.
!Ahern' discount to purchasers hythe quantity.
aIEO desire to present to the American
public my NICW •111) INSTANTANCOL:d
LIQUID HAIR. DYE which after years of scien
tific experimenting f hare brought to perfection.
It dyes Black or Brown invantly without in
jury to the Hair or Skin—warranted the hest
nrtirle of the kind in existence. PRICE, ONLY
50 CENTS. Depot. 56 [ley Street, New York.
Oct. 29, 1860. Iv . •
XbN the business of the Exce/nor Sky-light Gal
lery. During our last visit to the cities of
iladelphia and Baltimore, we selected a splen
did assortment of STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES,
comprisiog English, French, Yea Ulan, Egyptian,
Italian and American Sceuery,Statnary Groups,
to. Our prices for pictures will range from 12
to 40 cents apiece. . We also have a flue lot of
STEREOSCOPIC LOXES, which we offer at
reduced prices. The public generally are in
vited to call and see our large revolving Box,
containing 60 pictures, and we insure to all
lovers of the Fine Arts a pleasant visit.
We are also prepared to make Stereoscopic
Picuares, either Portraits or Views, &treasona
ble rates. TYSON I BRO.
April 16, 1860. Gettysburg, Pe.
E unsettled State, County and Military
cr i Tam and gait Rents of the Boroogh of
ettysburyr far 1857, have buil tritasfereed to
me by H. G. Carr for eolleceloe— All these
back-staading taxes must be paid at or before
the November Court—otherwise snits will be
brought for the same. The Doe Heated are in
the hands of Esquire Covss, to 'whom payments
Mint be made. ANDREW POLLEY.
Oct. 29, 18110. 34
D 0 sot forget to call at A. SD ITT t 80rS,
If yon want to boy cheap Dress Goods;
sucb as flostnnens, Do Law, Pohliall-friti•
risme*, Cobluis, *c l an of newand &Woos*
IN.—Seettred by letttnc
States, England. Trance i
Prof. L. Miller's
A New. Feature
Taxes—Pay Up !
Gin as a Remedial Agent.
de:igned fur the use of the Midi.
ral Profespon and the Family, !taring supereed
eft the so-called "G ins." "Aroauttic, ' "Cordial,"
" Medie.ited,"_ " Schnapps," 'etc., is now eie
dorsed by nll of the prominent phyalclani t
ebernistsand connoisseurs, as possessing all
those intri t me medicinal qualities (tonic and
diuretic)" which belong to an OLD and PURI!
Gin. Put up in quart bottles and sold by aU
druggists, grocers, etc.
(Established in 1778.) Sole Proprietors,
No. 19 Broad street, N. Y.
For sale by FhEACII, RICHARDS k
W. W. k 11. SMITH, and all of the proclaim*
Wholesale Driwgists to Philadelphia.
Oct. 15, 18ti1). 1)
Sower, arnes & Co.,
North Third st., Lower Side, above Mars
ket, PHILADCLPHIA. his he the attention or
Ttat.hers, Booksellers and Country Merchinte,
to their ver large Stn kof School Books, pub
lished in this and other cities, together with
Itliscellanecus and Blank Books, Paper and
Stationery generally. S. B. St Co. are publith
cril of many Popular Works, among which are
the following:
JI. E4lWard Brooks, A. M., Professor of Math.
emetics In Pennsylvania State Normal School.
WheteA er helps the student to R THOROUGH UK.
lIRRibW.DIIIO of his study, rIA.RISTIM by hie
Teacher. acts us a pots erfut stimulant upon
hire, wLile it releases the Teacher from the law
Los of tusking elplanations which would be
unnecessary rich a more perfect Text Book.
The series abuse named has been publishes"
hut a short time, and yet within a few months.
without advertising or 'puffing, the demand
amounts to alrtint one hundred thousand cos
pies. Some of their advantages may be Wily
stated, ns follows:
I. They contain more new matter Lima soy
similar series.
2. They exhibit a number of new nrititimett
enl solutions to problems that have heretofore
been ronfined to Algebra.
3. The matter is arranged more phltosephi
caliy then iu others, and is therefore better
adapted for instruction.
- 4. No sul jetty or2hrases, signs or fi gurer, ars
introduced in lessodS previous to those in which
they are fully explained, and the pupil is tbs s
led along without the necessity of frequent and
troublesome explan.ttions oa the part of the
teacher. Very few elementary works have this
5. New modes of Teaching pre Nonrated
throughout ihe series, nud adder the name of
"Social Arithmetic,' curious and Intoned/kg
problems are introduce* which may be used:
with advantage in wakening up the atleathig,
and sharpening the facultiee of the ached.
6. The key is not only what its title hapart
but It is also a complete treatise ott the ert of
teaching Mental Arithtnesioj-being•flled with
Biota useful to the Teacher.-
The everyday practicativalue of Mental At
ivintetic to every one who sreceives or pays
money, if only fur the daily 'necessaries of lite,
is now universally admitted. It- therefore be
comas imperative upon teachers to practice the
beat method of teaching it.
The books are beautifully printed on thick
white paper, and neatly and tastefully bound.
Their prices are as follows:
Normal Primary Arithmetic,
Normal Mental Arithmetic, ..
Key to Mental Arithmetic 15 "
A very liberal deduction to Teachers, and
those who buy in quantities. Single copies
sent to Teachers by Mail, on receipt of one
third of the above prices to pre-pay postage.
Consisting of Primer, 121 cents; Speller, 15
cents; Find Reader, 15 cents ; Second, 30 cents;
Third, 40 cents; Fourth, 66 cents; Pifth,
cents; High School, 88 cents ; Young Ladies, SS
cents; and Sander's Nen Speaker, $1,00; *le
wdly printed, illustrated, substan
tinily bound, and sold at lower prices than any
other Series of Readers.
By T. Kirk White, it.resideut of Penury Prude
Commercial College. The writing is beautifal,
yet simple, practical and easily taught, the sys
tem bejjm founded on natural habits aid'
principllW. The sale has become very large and
is increasing. They afford a liberal profit to
This series of Six Superb Maps is now adopt
ed in almost every school of note in the
I.7uion, where Geography is taught, sad has
no cqoal.
duced upon the Hemisphere Maps, all its de
tails having been so arranged as to present s
most gorgeous appearance, mo bile they do set
interfere with each other or the subjects swot.
ly shown upor. Maps, and are easily taught sal
understood by Teacher and Pupil. Price $U
fur full set of P iz Maps, or Slo for set of Hos. •
ispbere Maps alone.
Oct. 22, 15110. (An
' Handsome WO
T ,
ROSES." A rich and eloitautleolor far
the cheeks or lips. IT WILL NUT VASII OR
RE - 13 OF F, and when once applied, remiss
durable for years. The tint is so rich and as:
tgral, Clot the closest scrutiw fails to detect its
use. Can he removed by I on Julie sad will
not injure the Skin. This is • ne oration,
used by the eel, orated Cour Be • si of Leos.
don and Paris. Mailed ire in es, wills
ii, it
directions for rise. for $1 09
HUNT'S " Col'llT TOILET POWI:4111, 1, I.
parts a dAzzling a hitenes to the conoeskso r
and is unlike anything else !Ind fur this par.
pose. Mailed free for 5o Cents-.
lIF.NT'S ,' BRITISH BALM," remtiles tan,
freckles. sunburn and all eroptious alibi skis.
Mailed free for 50 Cents.
HUNT'S " POMADE;' for the
hnir, strengthens and improves its growth,
k(eps it from falling otT. and is warranted to
%RR THE HAIR CDRL. Mailed free for $1 00.
teeth and gums, cleanses and a Icitens theist:A,
hardens the gums, purifies the breath effitettaal.
ACHX. Mailed free for $1 00.
a double extract of orange blolsome and es
logae. Mailed free for Ii 00. .-This' exquisite
perfume was first used by the Princess Royal
of ilagland, on her marriage. Messrs. Huai k
Co. presented the Princess with an
case of Perfumery, (in which all of the
articles were included) in handsome cut glass
with gold stoppers. valued at $l5OO. particulars
of which appeared in the public prints.
All the above articles sent Free, by express,
for 65 00. Cash can either accompany tha
order, or be paid to the express ages' COB iliow
livery of goods. lICNT Jt CU,. •
Perfumers to the
Regent St., London, and 77 Sensom st.,
dillphia, Pa. . ,
For Sale by all Druggists and Perfatunc
The TradeSapplied., 17
B•xit or Gerrrssusei,t
Nor. it, 18130. j
rividE President and Directors of this instils.
tion have this day declared a semi
end of FOUR PER CENT., payable ore"
alter Monday, the 12th inst.
Nor. 12,'80. T.,D. CARSON, Cialtieli:_!
" Quick Sales & Small Pita' ts:"!
TTAVE4G purchased a Luis madntrie4Apir
rt. sort:Dent of FALL AND WniTffitg
we are prepared to offer bargains to aillebp •
may favor ns with a call. We will not aillempt
to particularise, 'se our stock 01 raPere atie t
eign and Domestic Dry Goods. Fang-
Trimmings, he., ttc., together with slims s 4;
eortinent of Groceries and Qs • Sp
which we woold respectfully rah, ap; , •
time-before: parcbsoug, as we are 4
to sell as cheap as the cheapest,. ••Th
the Ilbersl eneouragemos boretolbro
tosis we wooldtostetthiptsAltorSipii
oftbs name. A-110MT its • '
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