The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 29, 1860, Image 4
GI * 'll'*4l-7 41MILVAS 071111t3r - 111rflibilaiiiit1.2LYUSOCJIGQIIPAVT.— if*firpttfttill 'arch IS, 1851. • - orrtcints. orge Swope. e. kept --8. R.. Russell. wry—D. A. Buehler. * Olllll-Da rid M'Creary. Jissiweies Cosaittes- z ttobert McCurdy, Jiteob ,112 0 stisewlielstaeltnext. orge Swope, Li. A. Buebler,Ja-', A. Helntsclmao It. M'Cardy, Thos. . au, lii.lahnest4cti. Wm. B. MtClellaa. 111 m. &Wilson, M. Eichelberger, . John Watford, H. A. Picking, AhelT. Wright, 742114 Bonier, ft. G. McCreary, S. R. Rosen, D. Prliptari, Andrew Pulley, John Picking, J. R. b. spThis Company is limited in its opera-1 fions to ths county of Adams. It has been in't; pasp-mtul operation for more than six years,l -004 tO that period has paid all losses and ex- penses,without any asseirment,llnying also &large burpias cakit4/ in to,: T.eetury. The Cam vpatsy. employs no Agents—all business being: ine by the Managers, who are annually elect pd by It e Stockholder... Any per:on desirii4 Ati fusurarme can apply to auy of the ahole sassed Managers for farther information. offil•'The Executive Committee meets at the once of the Company cm the last Wednesday: lairery liaLtel.l), at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. Gettysburg Foundry. HE sq./ t;...r;;Jer, hni ,ng purai,/sed th Foundry or Me4ri Zorhan;h, Sloat • Co., ormerly Warrens' Foundry, r has comment ed usiness, and is now prepared to oiler to the public a lager assortment of Machinery than has heretofore been /./ffered, such as THRESH pro mAcrltsr.s. Clover II /Hers. Folders Cut £*,Corn Snell,,-• 11. r.d. ll,rz. , n't late improved flOrserjtaYte. .11 u. :-Ti/VE.S. such as Cook proves, three diff,r/ It kinds; and hve different Srtes of Ten-pl.oe. .'7.toves. Likewise Mill and: aw - mill C'" l . l "ii 3 / ttod all kinds of Turning iti' . . On or Wood. lISsee.PAIIIING of all kinds on Machinery and Castings Will be done to order on short notice.Patteras made to order; Plough Cast-- Jogs read, ma to ; PLOUGHS, such.' Seylsr, Witherow, Plocher, Woodcock, and many others not me/it/one I here; and eight different k i ds of IltoN FENCING, for Cemeteries, arches or Yanig. Also, Machines, one of the best DOW in use. Ills machine work with • lever y hand i any little boy can manage IL oa.ll and examine our stock ; nu doubt but Ibat we can please. Persona ought to s-e it elr.adsantage to buy machinery of any kind At home, where it is mmufactured, so that they reryeast:y get any part replayed or repaired. DA VII) STERNER. Gettysburg, Feb. 13; 1 t+6o. Pnnon & Adair's rEW MARBLR WORKS, corner of Balti more and E tat Middle streets, directly op.: to thesekew Court House, Gettysburg &Ting recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to exccnte all w o rk in he fine s t style of the art, we would respectful ,f invite - the attention of the public wishing to prOcariJ anything in our line, to favor us with a pw4l and examine speQtmens of our work. We Rre prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND FLEA I):sTONES, MARBLE MANTLE i, SLABS for c i lbitlet•llllker9, and all other work .sppertainine to our business, at the lowest pus fi4le piens. We do not hes.tate to guarantee floi. Our work stiall be put up in a manner sub stantial and tasieLil equal to the best to be Been in the cities, where e% cry improve:tent Jib foe 'experience has 3uz,z” , t:ni is availed of, and especially do we gaitr.intee that our Ceme tery and Grave Yard worn shall be so carefully het se not to be aTected by frost, but shall main ;Ain for pars that erectness of podtiou gi%eu fit the completion of n job, and so necessary to Fontinued gracefulness and symmetry. Nov. 28, 18:4). tf , Dr. Es enwein's T AR AND WOOD NAPTHA PECTORAL, i f the Nat Medicine in the world for the Corso} Niughs and Colds, Croup, litNinchids, • " Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Diptheria, kitesad far die relief of patients in the adranced or Itsarnptign, together. with all Diseases of the Theo tt and Chest, and which pre . ' dispose to Consumption. „pit reauliarig adopeed to the rabeal curs of Asthsui, Being prepared by a prtetical Physician end Druggist, and one of grent experience in the pare of the various diseases to which the ha mum frame is liable It is offered to the atHicted with the greatest Fonfldence. Try it and be convinced that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affections. Price 50 roolCa p•r bottle. IlifirPrepared only by • DIL A. IESENWEIN & CO., Ornggists and Chemists, r . W. cos. Ninth At Poplar Sta., PHILADILPHIA.. air Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicines throughout the State. April 2_, 1860. ly • . . Something New ~_:- NGT.TTYSIICRG.—The undersigned informs ;lie citicens of the ice n an-1 county, that he ,-,A c4lilmtneed the BAKLX(I business; on a 1 large scale, in York street, Gettystorg,,, nearly apposite Wattles's Hotel, where he 11 11l try to Aellerve, and hopes to receive, a liberal i at.on age. BREAD, ROLLS. CAKES. CRACKERS, ritETZELS, Arc.. ,ikc . baked every day. (Sun gari excepted,) all of the best qu titty, and sold ut the loweat living profits. tracker-baking in i'll its branches I.4argely c-irriel on, and orders any amount, from this and adjoiaing tonn es, supplied at the shortest notice. Having ir;ctsd a large and commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap— 'veiled tr.actine7, he is prepared to do a heavy business. . _ July 25, 149 d. A. & E. A. Landell, No. 110 NORTH WHARVES, PHIL ADEL PHU, manufacture and hare far sale • Spermaceti, Patent Sperm, Hy- CANDLES &guile, Adamantine, Hotel, Car and Tallow Candles. Pare Sperm, Lard Bleached Whale, Sea OILS Elephant, Strained Whale, Tanners', Curriers', Oleine, and Bed Oils. SOAPS }White, Yellow, Brow-n, Olive, Fancy, and other Soaps. Aug. 13, 1860. 3m Removal. i..)INV SALOOI,7I.—GEO. F. BCKENRODE has removed kis Oyster establishment to the ndid new Saloon in Jacobs . Bro's. Build- mg, on the North side of Chambersbnrg street, *here be will at all times be prepared to serve lip the best of GYSIERS, in every style. lily 'xeeping a good ortiOe. he expects to receive a. , .4heral shire of publisopatronage. TORTLF,I °OUP, CHICKEN, BEEF TONGUE. PIG'S! irltg`T. TRIPE, BOILED andJILIZD EGGS, ICE pRE.LIt, BIRDS, Sc., in tbeiir Mason. A nice glass of ALE or LAGER can alwevs he tied.— 1 CAlliflt 444 try me. G. F, ECI(.&NRODE: April 2, 1860. i 4. Chance FA SAFE A.NO PROFITABLE INVEST- M • r.-11 - aalts's PaitzTOoria Pit:inter, patented by D. Wastum Ti is is an agricul lopl inplenteut which on account of its dura bbtlity,stmplicity and cheapness. will be general adopted by Farmers_ With it one man can 9 the work of three. 'Wore a patent was prucared it was thoroughly tested by a number pt Farmers and in every instance gave perfect satisfaction. State, County and Township Rights for sale. Enterprising men can realize iiftlielsizwie milts by purchasing States or Counties and otavassing. Apply personally to pall:Ten sad George E. 15ringmat. Com cations addressed to GlCOatill B. HaING.V•3 td OSitillbilat, Pa., containing postage stamp, wieirealve attention. oferAgenta wanted in eTery County and -. • - E. 101- 9, 1860. it . • _2 & BRO. are octatinti tlly turning out ltandlosle colored Photographs from small arig. • isrldg on yodr " tiny ' ones and let iMILIPAIte Something worthy a place on sour llsealsioe Gallery, tiettleburg. 1101 %try them tad comities - PROW PICTURES are so NA fa the - country. fkf ”ry s , PP L I"ad GettysbluT . VALENTINE SATTEE gtill at Work! . Groceries, Notions, acc. 1 AGAYAKING AND BLACK:3I4II7IINC riE undersigned has opened a Grocery and The undersigned respectfully kciforms I Notion Store, in Baltimore street, nearly b friends and the public that he tootintys ' opposite th e Court House, Gettysburg, where c s l° the Coathmaking and Blacksmithing business ; the public will constantly find, selling theLp its in every branch et his establishment in (Sham- the chearst, SUGARS, Syrup.. Molasses, Cof treroburg street. Ile hms on hand and will ; fees :Teas. !tee. 4 beese, Spices of all kinds, manufacture to ord..r all kind* of CA.ItfIIAGES, Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms and lirushi‘e; BtIGGIBS, BLEW H:t Spring Wagons, /sc., of Fresh Butt , r and Eggs. Ground C...ifee, Essence the best material, and made by superior work- I of Coffee, Scotch Ilerring, Candle. 4 Soaps, Salt; i men. skfrllarsie.o.o and BLACKS/WM/CO of ; Tobacco, Se, an, Swift . ; Confection •, all kii,ds all kinds' done at reasonable rate , , protNwtly of Nuts, Orso.ges, Lemons, 11.,isins, Bread, I anfLeo the satisfaction of customers. N . I Crai kers, Cakes of different kinds; Shoe and' 00CITZT PKOOCCI taken in exchange toe; Stove Polish, Fancy Goods, Mu lius.liingliarusi, ' work at market price... i Cotton Bats, Wadding, fi,sier • liandkerchicfs,, iffirf'ersous desiring articles or work In the iSsispender*. Pin., Needles, f';iiti.e. l'in., but-1 Coachmaking or Blacksinithing line, are re- , tons, With Notions of all kinds. A share of the specttully int tied to call on ; public's patronage is respectfully ited. JOIIN L. lIOLTZWORTII I LYDIA C. MA:ILA:K. Gettysburg. /an. 24, '59. Gm Carr Ahead Again! lIG. CAR.R. hat Again been to the city an , 11.1i,1 in nuotto r large PtO k of Queetn.,vrtvre ktu.l Notionti. of el err de twriptiou. Sugar 11 Ibi. fur .$l, a very good artiste' 11i• stock of Brushes, Broome. Baskets, Dem i jowl. etc., is alTars wall as his iatsort u.tnt of Segass, to.ificeo, tr, Jcc. Ladies' Hoop Skeleton Skirts, Iti hoops, for Si. Ladies' Gauntlets, a fine article of Lilt thread, for 37 ceuts—Gloies and Hosiere in proportion. Ladies' Perfumery, of ell kinds.— Cull at IL Aug. 20, 16C0. in York street. Pri - vate Sale. /1111 E subscriber offers at l'rivate Sale, his IforSE AND Litt on 111 4 i, ~.;$ street, edjoiniug Solomon Powers. The House is a two-st4ry Brick, nearly new, with a , Sack-building, and n well of .a.ter. Terms ea.y. DANA,. P. PITTESTeIiT. ! July 11, 18n9. tf Notice rirOFARMERS AND MERCFI.kNTS.—We have now opened our large and commodious Warehou , e. on the corner of Stratton nmt Rail road streeis, near the Pepot of the Gettyshurg Railroad Company, And are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: WIIKAT, RYE, CoRN, OATS, kc. Also, on hand and f. r sale, Salt, tianos. Plaster, Fish, kc. A large stock of Groceries just received, consisting of Sugars, eolfees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, ltice, Tei.s, Spices of all kinds,, Ate., ke., which we do not hesitite to say, we will sell et low as can he bou g ht elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do *tell by calling to see and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as our motto will be "quick sales and small profits." We would Also call the attention of all inter ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle. Horses, Hogs, kc., to the (Act that we hare for gale Breinig, Fronefield k ('o.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers apl Storekeepers. KLINEFEPTER. BOLLINGER k CO. Gettysbul g, Sept. 5, tent. Haines Bros.' OVERSTRCNG GRAND ACTION PIANO Pi ittTES. celtbrAted for superior quality of TONE and elegance and beauty of finkb.— Thege Piano. 4 ha* aLenys taken the FIRST PR -:11.11:11 w:leiv place! in competition with other makers. CAalleng. el:ai/iron- A splendid assortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer styles alway 4 on hand. Al -o S.econd-hand Pianos and PRINCE'.; IMPituVP:II MELOD EONS from $4l bselivery Instrument Warranted. OEO. L. WALKER'S Piano arid ..klelodeon Dem. S. E. Cor. 7th tr. Arch Sta., Piaui's. Aug. 6, 1860. Gm _ Sands' Sara warilla. ATURE'S TRUE RESTORATIVE. II 1 ram; ONIC k ALTERATIVE EVa r. t) P PREPARE.D: It is recommended by the leading med cal mak/rifles and is highly approved by all who bare tried it. Delicate , led ee find ti 41 perfect re storalive: and persons who lead a sedentary lite will find their nervous an•t general system strengthened and improved by its use. The great object of this medicine is : num. To purify the system pf all morbid matter, and impart Jo the Wood inch properties as to make it now, pure, and rich. SRCOND. To cleanse the stoma h and bowels of acrid humors, acidity, and all mucus matter, which cania so many and EA, tal diSe*Sell. THIRD. To soften - and relieve , stricture of the skin, and thus establish a healthy nnd neteural dow of the " insensible pvt- spiration." FOCSTIL To impart tone and strength to the di gestive organs, and give great vigor and vitality tool! the organs of the body. Fts-ru. To eradicate all diseased, impure, stud poisonous_ particles from the blood, flesh. and bories„and effect their coin- plate expcilsion•from the ho lyt • Sara. to counteract the ill effects proiored by the use of mercury, and to remove aft scorbutic eruptions, arising tro:n whatever cause. for Sands' Sarsaparilla and tAke no other. kor Prvpared by A. B. k D. SANOSpOrug gissi, 100 Fulton St., cor. of William, N. Y. For sale by A. D. BCIIILER, Gettysburg, Pa Sept. 24, 1800. lm New Firm—New Goods. rplIE undersigned have entered into partnere 1 ship in the HARDWARE k GROCERY business, at the old stand of Danner & Ziegler, in Baltimore street. tinder the name, stile and firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, IRS., and ask. and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new cnsto:n. They ll:m.l,lst return ed (coin the cities with an immmse stock of Goods—consisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, kc. Tools, including Edge Tools ()revery description, Sims, Planes, Chissels, Gougos, Braces and Bats, Augers, Sqiii,res, Gnat:vs Hammers. kc. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, Vices, Rasp:. Files. Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Sails, Lc., with them, very cheap. Coach Find tugs, such as Cloth, Cans ass. tsk rringo:, Cotton, Moss. Oil Cloth, Springs, Hobbs, Spoked, Felloes, Bows. Poles. Shrifts, kc. Shoe o, Brash and Freno:i )toroczo, Linings. Bindirui.s, Pegs. Lasts. Boot Trees, with a general a,eori: lent o: Sitoemiker's to di Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general ass ,rttnentr— al-o Varnish, Knobs, kc. Hot SEKL:EPEBS will also find a 1-rge assortment of Knives ,nd Forks, Brittannia, Albata and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles. Pane, Tubs, Counts, Carpeting, kc. Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crashed, Pulverieed, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Sngar Howe Molasses and Syrups, Coffee, Spices,.Chotolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy tialt ; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OiL; Turpentine, Fish, he.: a full assortment of Load sod Zinc, dry and in oil: also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding. Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Blacksznith.CabinetMaker's,Painter's,Glazier's, and Grocery line. all of which they are determin ed to sell as low for CASII as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24, 1#458. Spoutiug. GSOROS k HENRY WAMPLER will :nuke House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country produce. Farmers and al/ otkerr wishing their houses, barns, kr., spout.. ed, would do well to give them a call. Aprtt l'i, '53. et G. kH. WAMPLER. InF you want to buy the finest and best fitting Ladies' Gaiters, Ladies Nor. Boots, Gents' ear Boots, Infasta' and Yfintba' Shoes, call at itch," ut 'a. QRPM'S, Drone., Carpeta, boOdsofte uid ehea? at rikaPsFrocP' , • May 11, 1860 An Invention TT! AT is not a humbug. may be seen at the AV.I..e Room of MiIiADS k LUMIL.ER—a P vent Washing Machin. nbrott th , utillty of which there can he no Ini3Likr. It is 1111 IOLIht• rillr the hest Washi rg M tch.tvi th tt h Cer tieeu inrentel It must si•eal. for itself.— Toten'd rights for ale on re t,uo..tole terms. Ilachines nlio fur sale. Call aid lee It. Nhv 7. IP4O. Sixpence a Day, F 501.7131 1 FOR A FORTISNE.—A London A pa' •r state- - -There i, now in nu Alms house at Bristol an old man w'io state, that for sixty ye .r: he spent sixpence • day in drink, but wcs nexer nit tie ited. How much would th•s :ixpenee n-dny put by every year at flee per cent. corn' ou'id merest amount 'n in sixty year: 7 enquired a thoughtful neighbor. Putting down the first year's saving six pence.) eq 54 he added the interest, and this went on, erne by y-nr, until he found that in the finth ) ear. the s'xpcu' e a (Ix:: reach e i the startling eg.m of $14,316 2s, Judge of the'uld man's, when told that by sating his al:pt.:re n day, and depositing it in a Savings In:titution he , might now, at the end of nOyears,ll.)e. been worth that noble sum $14,- 334 :M. whi' h vruni.t hate bought him a fine farm, or town 'urn lot), •n.I surrounded him with comforts and luxuries, and left a hand some estate. to his children after him. lie had, and hundred. now in our midst have. but to de posit sixpence a d• y in the FAllatsus' Aso Sic ertaxics Sarlans ht.TITI•TION 01' ADAMS CODS tY, to acenmplich this rt) , •utt. Gettysburg, July 23, ISGO. Moire New Goods AT the S;gn of the BIG 8.141 T, in aim bersburg street. We has , . just receivli a larAe HATS, CAPS, 800 I'S, SIIOE3, Trunks, Cr 3«t B Ts, Umbrella; Baggy Har ness, Collars, Whips, kc , and are &termini-I to sell at the lowest prices 1.0431b1e (Jr cash.— Call aid judge for )our:elres. July 23. IR6 e. COBT.AN k CULP. New Livery STABLISITMENT.—The subscriber having purchased the LIVERY 4 6 II f A BLES of CHAS. M. TATI, deceased. on Chambersburg street, a few doors west of the Estgle Hotel he respectfully ttustlunee+ to the public that it is his intention to continue the bustness at the same place, snd will he prepared to accommodate all with anything in his line, on reasonable terms. Horses, Buggies, Coaches. Hacks, 4tc.,alwa)s in readlo •ss. Give me a call. ear" Al3O, in conrection with my Livery, will carry on the Rlacksmithing buiinr,s in all Its branches at the shop on the corner of Wash ington and Railroad etreet4, where thole wish ing anything in that lin. cnn Aiwa. s b^ ac co 11.1 ottIIVIL SAMUEL HErok-.T. July 23, 1860. Removal. frIHE subscriberhas removei! his Plough and . 11achile Shop front the Fottivirc budding to Railroad mreet, oppo-ite Tate's Itlackaii.ith shop, hack of the Eagle lintel, where he le bet ter prep.ire I than ever tal attend to cuetomers. Plough+ always on bat , nd male to order at the shortest notice, anrilachitica, Reapers, Ac., repairel. Ako he will attend to cleAninlz and repairing Clucks. DAVID NV A :at Slay 10. - - - Norb3ck & Martin mir ky E j ust received from the cit . " he large.q stuck of GROCERIES they have offered to the public--Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Fish, Silt, Spicos, Sc. , kc., embr icwg all varieties, at all prices, the lowest the to trket will *frond. Also licooloN, Hi us'.es, and Notions ; Tar. Oils. Candles, ac., in short, everything to be found n • first class Grocery and Variety Store. The Floor and Feed business contino with a steady Judean:- The highest market prices paid and the smallest profit...talked. The public are invited to give us a call sod Nee for then selves. NORBECK k M ARTIN, Corner of Baltimote and Ugh street 4 May 21, 1?•60, Stoves, PIN AN!) SHEET IRON WABE.—SHEA ik h.tving purcha..ed tho stock of Tin and Sh.el Iron Wure of George E.' Buehler, hare opened en establishment in ..on nection with their Stove Ware Boom, under the snperintendenee of G. B.liwhier, su.i are now prepared to funish er) Mug in that line at the lowest prices. 'ln sedition to the ordina ry ware, they have ti large &apply of kitch• n and house' furnishing goods, of every variety, betiding enamelled and flu Kettles, Pant, kc., for prewrimg, cooking and fr ing. Call a d e•theru. Splendid asAortzuvat of Stoves and Noose furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. DorSpouting put up at shortest notice. Lowt her, Coal and Lime always oa hand at their yard at the sata'• place. Nor. 14, 18.49. SHEAVS k MILER. Merehante Hotel, 46 t NORTII FOURTri. S E TR KT, LULADELPfff 4. C. MlLlabin & Elm, Proprietors April 2, ISGO. 1y• Clothing ! Clothing I JACOB REININGF.R has just returned from the cities with the pret.'rst and cheapest lot „i SPRING AND SI'MMER GOODS for Gentle men s wear ever offered in Gettysburg. Ile his evert , variety, style an ipr eof gout's. While gentL.mea c.tu always fin rlo•hs to suit their tastes they can at the s tine time hare thea measure I taken and a trarment put up to or ler upon the shorte , t notice, in the most substan tial manner. and fashionable stele. To secure hirwaina ant. save money go to the Merchant Tail( :mg Establishment of JACOB RF.ININGER, Carlisle street. May 7, 1960 Notice. /FITE undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, In Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry 11. Danner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and stile of Danner k Ziegler,Jrs., whom we N% ill recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the pablic in general. Hering retired from the Ifereantile business it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Hook Account, to call and s(ttle the same without dela:. The hooka v, ill be found at the old stand. J. H. DANNER. May 25,1858. DAVID ZIEGLER. Howard Association, j,IiIi.ADELPIIi . Benevolent Institution r established by special Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially fur the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.— Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a dr artion of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, ke) and in cues of extreme poverty Medicine 'furnished free of charge. VALILIIBLE'ESPORTS on Spermatorrhora, sad other Diseases of the Sexual Chipits, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dis pensary, sent to the of lieted in sealed envelopes, free of eharge. two or three Stampt foe post age will be acceptable. Address Dr. I.EIIIIDLEN 1301hDRTON,Actizig Somme; Howard Alsocistion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, PhitedtJpbia, rs. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. RLARTIVELL, , Ow- 4111riltit.D. Sad`."pet. NOT. t , 18a9. 17 Baltimore .A.c3.77' - ts_ 1 Fancy Goods. FANCY GOODS, HOSIZIEY, TRIMMI.NWS, AND TOYS, Wholesale and Retail, a Cheap Al any plate in BAltiunoru. 151 FRANKLIN STARRY LIALTIIIOIIE. V'," Orders prorop Attended to. Ladd, Webster & Co., Pl] B A I.TI MORI% ST, BALTIMORE, MP.. Mnnufaf turers SEWING NI i'lll Es, for Family's and Nt a r tart r ng E•tablishruents. Let littauf.tittirer4, int r 4, Earmt re, Howie keepers. or any other per , ,m, st'unh aan ; instrunwitt to execute any kin..l of Sewing now done by machinery, wake sure thy Fecure the beat. by examining oura before purchasing. pesrrimplei of IVork sent by mail. WHAT CobNTITCTES A G 001) PEKING ? 1. It should be well made, simple in its con struction, end cosily kept in 2. It sl.ould make a Tl4llll* LuCIC-11TITCH. alike urt both rider of the matertul. 3. It 91:0U11 aew any and all 'tanteria!a that can he at•N ed. ' 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5. It should be able to sew from (merge to 611 P, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. 6. It should be able to mule the tension greeter or less, on both the under ,aud upper threeds, and with uniformity. 7. It should have s straight needle ; curved ones are liable to break. 8. The needle should hors perpendirulai motion. This Is absolutely necessary for heavy work. 9. It should he capable of taking io the large“ pieces of work. 1 0 . It should be üble to bind with a hinder, hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fill, run and gather. 11. It should be always rea ly to work. 12. It should he capable of using the same size of thread on both side 4 of me work, and of using different colored thread or silk, above or below, to correspond with any two colors of clo'h to be united. 13. It should be able to make a long or short eft b. 14. It should he ab!c to fasten off the seam, and commence se ring tig ,tlynt the first st:telt. 15. It should run e.t.d,' nod make but little noise. 16. It should have a wheel ted; none others are in eonstaat ontart w (.1 the ‘t ork. 17. It :build not ho to ;et oot of order. 1-. It n'to:,l4 not he habit, ti break the thread, nor qtite.l.e‘„ l.l.• IL should not lie nece.i..‘re to use n screw er ur wrench to set th n, ()le. 20. It •buuld not be I“tble to oil the opera tor's drewo. 21. It should not forms ridite on the under ph - I.!, nor rurel out, no: wit tvful of thread, RS is the ease •LL ell 32, It should not be " more trouble than it is worth." 23, Fin Ile. a ll of these advanta;e3 are pogs seAsed b ; out Sewing AI .rhitir. LADD, 11 FASSTUR, k. CO. Dee. 3, 1839. ly El Ell0f ; ND . :1) 1q7,2. ChArtere.l 1;54. Located COlt. ISALThI ORS !et II t IZLES S fS., ttrimour, ly Furnished ,t l'opul • r Comet-real College iu the United St LICA. BP.ii;rl,4l •Xpro,.-ly for Young NI, n dei.ring to obtain a Tdos.,.• .11 l'itAcricAt. BENINESE lioccariox in tie shortest possible tt.t.e and at the leas: expense. A Large and Ilenntitully tMt tm. , ted lar,contaiaing upwards of SIX St,l . ATE FEr.r, Wail SPECIMEN OP PEEN %%SHIP, an 1 a i.tltje graving (the finest of the kind eier mAde in this country) repreee sting thy n t-rior*View of tit-, with Ca'alo , ,r to stating terms, AEC, Will be sent to Every Yon lig Man o application, Fan or Cuauf:B. Witte immediately and you Sill receit e the pa k tyr by re, r. ti mail. .d Tress. C. N. LUSlkit, fi.iilituure, 37d Feb. 6, 1860. ly . New & Rich TEWP.I.IIY, SILVER WARE S'LVER PLAT EL) %VALLE, Lc.--1. WARNER told and ersini h, No. 10 Nauru Gar .Irassr. TIMtiRE, MD., has in store a be ittlitul ment of styles and tintteras of RiC , I JEWELRY, Flat i ele fur prezients, embracing a greet varlets of Pl lin Gold and Sett Broached, Vosaict, Car bunkles, k.c., Ear-Iting., Bracelets, Finger Rine. set with Diamond, Ruby. Pearl, Opal, Emerald, &c.. Lartiei* Gold t:linins, V. st St Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Taiwhies, Cu' Pins: Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rinds ; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Cross:s, Jet Bracelets, Pins k Err Rings, &e. ALSO, A variety of Silt er Mounted k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters.-Candiesticks, Ratter and Salt Stands, Pearl Hand I e 11e..ert Knives,Spoons, Ladles„ Fancy Artic 4c., ell of which is respectfully offered un the lowest terms. Iva- The CostutryTrade and Dealers general ly are invited to give me a call. and examine Goods and Price*, being satisfied that my SIL VER WARE cannot be surpassed either for Dueness or quality, or the latest and most beau tiful patterns. [Feb. 37 'DAC. .y Burr Mill Stones ARRANTED—B. F. -.rim . ' STARR & Co., rot% ... r "... ' • ~ 2. ~.. nß r orih and ( R. o n, ' • f\ opposite N. C. R. R. St ttion, - 4,t‘ . 13avrtxo3s. MD. M , 1111..1.C. V hirers of FRENCH 131 . It RS, f , ...4 */ Importers said Dealers in *ii.i . / Burr Blocks , Bolting Cloths, •eif-- 7 ... -„,..,.."‘' Leather and Gun' Urgings. I -1' Calcined Plaster, And M H Irons, or Warranted Qunlity. Also, Co lone, Coed;leo, and Esophet Sidi Stones of all rizes. [Feb. 27.'60. lc Winos, Brandies, BUMF, BLACK TEA S„t c. P. TIERNAN At SON, offer f. r gale the following articles, of their own importation, particularly for fami ly use: Saaaar WlNES—Pemartine's finest pale, gold and brown Sherrie. in wood and in glass. Poar Wires—Sandeinan's competition red and white Port, in wood and in glass. MAnsisa Wiss—John Howard March's fine Madeira, in wood and in glass ; also, Grape Juice. /face Wffss—Jahannesberger, Steinberger Marcobrunner, Cabinet, I.mb-frau-matt, iron neberg, of 184 n. CIIAXPAGSE Wiese—Yoe( and Chandon's fin est, in Tian' and pints. - BRANDIIS—Otard and Hennessy a fine old pale and d irk Brandies. Ituwei—Old and fine Jamaica, Antigua, Gren ada, and from t'oe 1 ande, imported direct from London. HOLLLXD GlN—The best quality—Tiernan brand—and no mixture of aressatie poison in it. 200 66.1 f rhe.ts of the finest Sononoaa Baltimore, Aug. 29, 1859. 17 George M. Bokee, IMPORIMPORTER and Deaj ee i n CHINA, GLASS k QUEENSWARE, TER 41 North Howard Street, between Lexing ton and Fayette Streets, BALTIMORE. f3'TONEWARE always on band, at Factory prices. June 18, 1860. ly James H. Bosley, COMMISSION MERCHANT', • Nos. 124 and 126 -Vora &rut, BALTIMORE, MD. .1 ant prepared to receive and sell on °mule. sloe all kiwis of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having an expecienee of .test yam in the Conwohision wis basineee, (sad .ontinue that aloae,) I Allittie Impel! gal e able to give um ramosi to all who with eeptaigiusuolf Will also Jawed ti titaesedere Ito Oroearies, Guano, sedan kinds eirreeellsete. rob. 6, 'SO. ly Merchant Tailoring. f - -% FORGE ARNOLD has procured the per \ .11 - vices of W. T. KING, and has commenced the above business, and wilt carry it on in all it various branches, and has connected him self with the stole of Mr. George A.nold, where there will be constantly kept on hand a large stock of cheap Cloths, Over-costing, CAssi meres, Cassinetts, Vestings, and Trimmings of try kind. Work done in the very best man ner, and in city style on short notice. Custom work and cutting out solicited when goods are purchased elsewhere. The shop is in connec tion with Mr. Arnold's store, where Mr. King can stagy' be found during business hours. IforGive us a call. [Sept. 17,'G0. 2m ~~~~~~~ G~' ~~~~~ Fall Trade 1860. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH. JOSEPII VICTORY . , 145 Lexington at., 3 duors Wm of llornrit, Informs his customers an.l purchasers zen entity, that his stock of rarpefg. 011 Ciotti. Mnttintrs, kc., is now coin! lets, cnn•i-tiug of Itnassels Carpet, Velvet, Threc-pfy, Ingr.llll And Venetian: Carpets of every sty le aril price, thl 1 to 8 ynras w*,de, Matting. Mitts, Stair Rods, Xc., Rag Carpets of o , ir own make, constantly on hand. all of wuich will sold se the very lowest rnte3. JOSEPH VICTOIIY, 145 Les.ington Strcet, Sept. 24,'00. 3m II iltimore, Md. Tinning! Tinning ! THE underblzn,..l respectfull.) ineorma the ei`itens of G-ttytti rg sad thy' ooLlic gen entlly, that he hits opened a new Tint,.ug es. tabliehment. in Charnbersbu• etre, t, directly opposite Christ Church. II,!tv.11 ru ii,ufa and keep cone .nt'y 0.1 h tad, eve. y of TIN-WARR, prtEssi:o and JAPAN-WARE, and will always be real) to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and SPOC Mao d ne iu the best manner. P.icei moderate, ..ud no effort spared to rt oder full satisfaction. A share of the public's patronage is solicited. A. P. BAUGIIER.. Gettyaburg, J une 18, 18 .U. ly Removals. TAF.undersigned,beingthe authorised person to make removals into liver Green Ceme tery, hopes that such ac t ontemplate t:tc removal of the remains of deceased relatives or friends, will avail themselves of this sirtson of the fear to hive it done. Rentoval , made with promptness —terms low, and no effort spared to please. PETER Starch 17,'60. Keeper of the Cemetery. Marble Yard Removed. TAE subsqiber haring remoYed his place of husinesff to East York street, a short dis tance below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prep.tied to furnish all kinds of work in his line, such as Monu nments, Headstones, Am., tr.c., of er, variev of stile and finish, with and without bases and so , lets, to suit lIUTCIiC.CTA, anti at yo it - es to suit the times. Persons desiring anything in his line will find it a decided advantage to examine his stock and prices bourn purchasing elsewhere., Wit. „U. MEALS. Gettysburg, March 21, I Sida. sTA M BLISIIS HAMPTON—MARY Il'Litli~ cry ir j M. BEITLEiI w Wild most r,apecCuily in form the Ladies of II tmpton and 4 urrouu.Eng conutry that F. he has arenrA her Fall I.l.ick of Millinery Good+, einbracin.t. every variety, cal culated to pie ise every tt te. Prices low, as usual. Her Assortment inclit.iel all color- i,t Straw Bonnets an I Feathers, Ilahlidus and biller Trimmings. Silk and Velvet lions: t.+ also on hand, ready made. Li Hand Boles. &pt. 24, 1880. 5t _ _ Madame Schwend's NFALLIBLE POWDERS, for the speedyand I effeetu it Cure of all Intlatnni itioug, Fevers, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Livtr Culapi rut, I'iles, Grave!, and kill Acute wid Chroo:c Di,- eases of ADULTS and CHILDREN. Send 3 emit Stamp to her Agent._ G. R. JONES, itol 2070 l'hil.ttFa. I'. O. Hundreds of t;itimonialt. Agen , y—S. Cor. Third & Arc.i ets. [Oct. $3, '6O. 101 Henry Hughes, .kDDLE AS t) 11.11:NES3 VAK . :R. iltrrrs- P•.,, hut in; just r..turited tr,,ai to the Great Eastern, is now suiphe.l with a la' ge assortment of Sddlra, llarues , Trauks, Valises, late we a call. Aug. 13, 1860. Tho Only Preparation MHAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND.OROWS MORE AND MORE POPU LAR EVERY DAY 1--And iestiminials, new, and almost, w.thout number, mig!it be given from ladies an I gentlemen in all grades of so ciety, whose united testimony ?Mlle COl/:(1 resist, that Pro;. Woi)d's Hair Restur.itive will restore theliald snd gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its 3outhfal beauty. = Prof. Wood :—Thee willt pie .se accept a line to inform thee that the lair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, ce.used by a compli cated chronic disease, attended Kith an erup tion on the heal. A continual course of auf, fering through life baring reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither h tire I been nide to do them up, in consequence of which my hendbas suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Brikzs kliodges Almost the last cent I had on earth for - a two dollar bottle of thy flair Ilestorati%Ahout the first of August lae t. (have faithfully f dlowed the directious and the bald spot is now cover with hair th ick and black, though short, ..lso coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely rind per manently, I feel anciolis to persevere in its use, and being destriute of meths to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receise to th).ielf the scripture declaration—" the reward is to those that arc kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ligonier, Skrb:e co., Indiana. Feb. 5, 1859 Prof. 0. J. Wood : Dear Sir:—ln the latter part of the year 1852, n bile attending the State and National L oar School of the Statz , of New York, my hair. from a CAUSC unknown to me, commenced fa,lin , ,:r off very rapidly, so that in the short spa, e of six months, the whole upper part of my , :ralp was almost entirely bereft of its covering. and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head short ly after became gr4y, co that yon will not b. surprised 11 itell I t II yon that upon my return to the State of I:1(1111.1,a, my more cv , ual ac quaintances were not so much at a lose to dis cover the cause of the change in rayappearance, as my more intimate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. I at once made application to the most skill ful physicians in the country, but, receiving no assuran, e from them that na) hair could again be restored, I was forced to br come re conciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the 3 ear 1857, your Restorative was recommended to mo by a druggist, as be ing the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great 'satis faction that it was producing the desired effect. Since 'that time, I have used seven dollars' worth 01 your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for yonr labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article. I have recommended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like ef fect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Att9rney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 414 Broadau, and sold by all dealers throughout the world - . The Restoiatire is put up in bottles of three sizes, ris: large, medium, and amid] ; the/mail bolds 4 a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per sent.. more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re tails (or $3. 0. J. WOOD é CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad way, New York, and 114 Markel Street., St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. [Sept. 17,1860. 3m AmorLABOR variety of fancy and plain Ova/ Gilded Frames always 711 hand at the Gallery. TYSON k BRO. CIVIL COMBS. Gum" Plat Ghim Slam G Holders, alt vior clasp, at G. CLEWS. ftANC, Fun STORE ~ --.IOIIN AREIRA, No. 718 Arch St., betweeelth sad Bth Sta., si l ladelphia, (late of 1118 )iaart St.,) im. porter, Manufncturt of and Desirr in n, kinds of VAN C' FURS. Having r moved to my 5 e Store, 118 Arch S and being. now enga ed entirely in the ufacture and S.tle Fancy Furs, which, accordance with t - One Price Principle, I have marked at the lowest possible prices consistent with a reason able profit, I would solicit a visit from those in want of Furs for either Ladies' or Children,' Wear, and an^ ia:pctiou of my sele •tioci of t'.ose g.ickla,s.ttislied. as I am, of my ability to please in every de-tr.-.1 essential. rrir -.-0111 at a distauLe, who may find it inconvenient to call personally, need only name the article they wish, together withthe price, and iiistructions fur sendin2, - , and forward the order to my address—money accompanying— t..) insure a satiifactory compliance with their [Sept. 3, In 3m -- Watches, Jewelry, Mu AND SILVEII-WARE.—We would respect.. fully inform our friends, patrons and the !Altaic gtuerally, thst we have now in Store ald offer Waot.cs Lz AND RETAIL, at the lowest Cash Prices, a dirge and very chose stock or Warenib, Jew-lt.av,liftzvers. AND PLATED WAIIE, of every variety and atle. Every description of Diamond 'Work and other Jewelry made ,o order, at short notice.-- tar All ;.,o )ds warranted to be us represented. N. B.—Particular attention given to Re pairing Bitches and Jewelry, of every de,erip. (ion. STAUFFER k HARLEY, No. 422 Markt t St., South Side, Philad'a. Sept. 3, 13(.0. 3m Grain ! Grain! HE subscriber still continues purchasing all kinds of PRODUCE, nt his old stand on lamber•burg ~t reet, viz :—FLOU ft, RYE, CORN, O. SEEDS, et.z., for wit;e4 the highest market prices will be given. sari will als continue my GROCERY nui VARIETY STOIIE, and will Reif) constantly on hand Groceries, Salt, 0:1, Fish, Ced tr-ware, Dry Goods, Confection Plaster, Guano, . 1 / 4 e.— The public are invited to call, as lam determit ed to sell as cheap as the cheapest. JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Atte:. 6 1860. • SOF,j. AND Ft; RNITCRE WA REROOMS, Nos. 25 and 27 N. U.iy street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick st.—the largest establishinent ofthe kind itrilic Union. Always on'hand a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FUR.' 1 fUlt E. cm bracin,z Bureaus. Bed ;Wads, Washstands, Wa rd robea, Mattresses bf Cotton and !lair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etapres, Marble fables, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Ch.tirs, AS SO Et Cr.) COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairi. OfFt-e C'tairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Bat Racks. Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to cell ani give our stock an esnmin•ttion, %%bleb for vcrirty and quality of workmanship is n•Tt equallet by any establishment in t'le :ountry. A. MATBIGT k SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Ang. 6 1850. ly A ITHESEAS. hi and by the Azt t.f theV Gettnral AaaAthlv of thia Stat.. entith., kn act to regulate t'.e General Elections of this Commonwealth." erricted on t'm 2.4 of July. 18:9. it k enjoined on me to give IV lic Notice of such Elecien to be held, and to • enumerate in such notice what officers are to by elected: An! “so in porstteme uf an A.t • .0' eon 4re a pryscrihiNg one uni- 1 form day fir hohlio4 elections for E!•e!ors ofl President an I Vie Pres - oleot in all the s t ,r, . 4 of the die on. apnr,tro 1 Jan • .rr 2. it; .therefore. T. ISA AC LlOll rsEn. sheriff of the County of Adam:. d therefore. here!): give this p , .blic notice to the Electors of the, said County of Adono 4, that an Eiection! will be held in said County. on 7'or:s tog. rite 6th dly Norefaha; visx'. at whin'i ii:ite TWENTY-SEVEN ELECTOiLB for Pro,i- tient anti Vice Presideut'of the U +lied Siete. a . • to 1 e ele.qe,l In the First district, composed of the Bor ough of Gettysburg and the tow manp of Cum berland, it the Court•h wee. In I;(.,tv.hurg. In the Sec Ind district. complied of tt , e township of Germany. st the house occu pied by Peter Lingentleter in the town of Li tlestowo, in the town-hip of Germany. In be Third district. completed of the town ship of Oxford, at the h gote ofJ.teob F. tieek, in di_ town or New 111tord. In the Fourth district, composed of the townships of Litt itnor • mil th•• house of Caleb B. lithlebr.a.Al, iu the town ship of linnti gton. In the Fifth district, compose] of the town ships of liamiltonicto and Liber:y, at the Public Si. i t hlillerstown. Ia the Sixth district. cileposeti of the trorn. /hip cf H inLitort, at the lonigir by Daniel t.'we's-r., in the towiror Etst B In the Seventh thstriet. comp ,4e.: Of the tewns*.ip of Mt nallr,o, in the P.d.Le house in the town otliendersville. In the EighLii district. composed of tie township ofSt, at the hou,eot Jsc)b L. Grass. in Ilunterstown. In the Ninth Vistrict.comrwised of the town ship of Franklin. (including that part recently stricken off from Menallen.) at the house now occupied by Joseph Bennett, in said township. In the Tenth district, composed of the town ship of Conowago, at the house of John Bushey. in McSherrystown. In the Eleventh district, composed of the township of Tyrone, at the house of Allen C. Cook, in lionlersliurg. in the Twelfth district, composed of the township of Mountjoy. at the house of Victor Haas, in acid township. In the Thirtocnth district. composed of the townsh•p of !viountp easant u , at the public School-house in said township. situate at the cross roads, the one leading from Oxford to the Two Taverns, the other (row Hunters:own to Hanover. In the FJurteenth district, composed of the township of Reading, at the public School house in Hampton. In the Fifteenth district, composed of the Borough of Berwick, at the public School house to Abbottstown. In the Sixteenth district. compbeecl of the township of Freedom, at the house of Nicholas Stories, in said township. In the Seventeenth oistrict. composed of the township of Uaion. at the house of guoch Le fever, in said township. In th I Eighteenth district, composed of the township of Boiler, at the public School-bouse in 3liddletown, in said township. In the Nineteenth district, csomposed of the township of Betwiek, at the Pigeon Hill School•boase, in said township. The election to be open betweerilhe hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, by Public proclamation, and to be kept open until 7 o'- clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. And the several Judges, Inspectors and Clerks, who shall have attended at the last election for members of the General Assem bly, shall attend and perform at the said election of Electors the like duties, and be subject to the like penalties for neglect or misconduct as they are or shall be liable to at the election of members of the General Assembly. And the Judges of the respective Dietriets aforesaid, are by the said act required to meet at the Court House. in the borough of Gettysburg, on the third day after the falai day of Election, being Friday, the 9th day of Noreunber, then and there to perf..rm tool things required of them by law. ISAAC LIGIII'NE,II, Sheriff. Sheriff's °Mee, Gettysburg, Oct. 15, '6O. BIMMO ligobea, Sfeigh *Gs, Basle &Mks, Gum Bbues, Umbrellas, Gum •Overemlbt, 04 pet Boas t awl Ulu*. of 49t. La4ies' One ?rice A. Mathiot & Son'a Proclamation. To the Public!. --e TBE undersigned, haring disposed of his News Store to Mr. Jour% Baosonceo, tends to discontinue the business; andishilst he feels indebted to the public for the liberal patronage extended to him, ho would cordially recommend all his old customers to Mr. Broad head, who will always he prepared to soot/tes modate them with anything in his line. Aug. 27, 1860. CIIARLBS LINDEBILLN. Notice. R AVING purchased the Newa Store of Mr, _ Ltsocaxxx, it is my purpo4e to contluue the business on a more extensive scale ttvta heretofore. Daily city papers, and all the pop ular magazines and periodicals of the day, al. ways on hand. JOSEPH BI3.OADHEAD. Aag. 37, MO, tf The Old County BIIILDING, known by every man In the county, and no doubt many a one wished there never had be, such a place, as many were broken up by permitting., or rather ehlig ed to have their names entered upon the coun ty dockets. But look at the change. It is pleasure now to call there and buy goods of 8 A.MSON at such astonishingly reduced prices—, lower than ever before offored in the county, lie has just received from the cities a. largo lot of new Ready-made CLOTHING, for men end boys' wear: with Hats, ilooti and shoes, Trunks, Valises, Cacpet !digs, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Violins, Scgars, Tob tcco, kc., kc., Ace. Call soon, and don't miss the great bargains now had at the 'old County Building, corner of the Diamond and York street, Gettysbrrg.— That's the spot! Thankful to his old customers for their 'pa tronage, he hopes by his change — oflocation not only to retain their custom, but secure a large number of new buyers. An entire summer suit—coat, pants and vest— for $1,351 M. SAMSON.' April 16, 1860. Globe Inn, ArCIIINICSTOWN, Frederick conoty,lld. liaring twen renovated and re-furnished, the preprietor assures the putdic that • call Is only needed, as he gustrante.!s full satisfaction In every case. Chargrq mo , lernte. • HENRI' 11EltR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, WO. tf Wood COPIES ALREADY SOLD. Everybody's Lawyer A ND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINE3,4 by 11 Fatty Caosnr, of MI Plnlaclelphia Z. , . It Tells You How to draw up Partnership Pa pers and gives general forms for Agreements of all kinds, BIN of ale, Leases and Petitions. It Tells You How to draw op Bonds and Mort g-tgcs, Affidavits, Powers of At torneY, qaotel an! Bilk of Ex change, ~ecelpeg and ilasiteases. It Tells You The Laws for'Thetollection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi. tatitin, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every State. It Tells You flow to make an Assignment properly, with forms for Co ',posi tion with Gre , li,ors, and the In . sofreot L .ws of Croy State. 1 It Tells You The letal relations existing he •een Guardian and Ward, Master „Ali o nd A pprdo tice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Slan • der, sal the Law as to Elnrriag, "t - Dower;the Wife's Right in Proper ' tv. Dfvorce and Alimony. It Tells You The Ltw for ilechaaies' Liens in every S., it-, and the Saturaliz:ttion L., ws of this country, and bow to comply n ith the softie. It Tells You The L tw rouceraing Pensions and • 1, , ,w to obtain one, and the l're- E option Laws to Public Larids. - It Tells You The L 'W for Patellt4, with MO 1• of pro,- (lure in obtaining one, with i I ayfereoces, A.,.:guinents and 1 T .ble of re., It Tells Ye., 11 iw to make your Will, and how to A , Loilli-ter on on Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every . State. 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