The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 15, 1860, Image 2

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MONTDAN MoRNN:, ()cr. IS. ico
Our Flag_
goo. George M. Reim, lion. Richard Vanz
Disraicr F.Liectifitfl:
1. Frederick Alien - m.. 34. 1 - me Tioi.khow.
2. Wm. C. Pattir+mi. 11. (:co. I).,lnckeou
3. Joe. Crockett. Jr., 1 , 3. Jol:n A. Ali!.
4. John G. Brenovr, 17. Joel 1.1. Danurr
5. G. W. Jacoby, ilB. J. R. Cranford.
B, Chas. Kelley, D. H. N. Lee.
7. Oliver P. James, 1 21. Josh. H. Howell.
8. David &hall, :21. N. H. Fetterman.
9. Joel Leitner, i 22. Samuel Marshall.
iO. S. S. flarhnur, '23. Wm. Bonk.
11, rb... H. B. n. }lnmlin
11. 8, S. WittrheEter, GeO.rd Church
13. Jos. Laubacli,
ilieollotloo of tb- Orcoorralie Mate Ezret•-
ESIMILVIID. net the Democratic Electoral Ticket lee
beaded *kb the name ni St•phito A boogies. or John C.
Unneklorktio, as en Elector at Large. and in theevent of
thirteen's'a of awn Ticket. if the orestee — nomber of cozen
mean har• been cast for nteploin A Ihnigle•. then the
votoof Slectnral Cohere or tb.. `tat.. .ban be c a st fur
!gopher' Dougle• cod 11e,e1,1 V. Johnson for Preei
deed and Vies Pre, tan' but If for John C Ilreek,nridge,
then for Jo:ltt C. Brett:hr. 'ge an! Jo. I.itne for the Piaui*
.collons. If the rote of Penn•. irons cane it elect the eon
&Jane for *hum the theJority or ihe rot, are giant. and at
eaC elect anrl3l4D runnAL: f..r the . M e or f'reou lend of the
United &Atm claiming t. he a De ....crat. then the rot*
of the Electoral College imAJI L. for that candidate
If It coil not elect iiittlier of the II oroor for whom it it
Cwt. nr sac of the Deirricratil aho are "Rte.! for In the
Stalls, then the cots •h Cl can didate• Too
Jun the ookinrity of ttie eutei r f the b-ite ; and that Um
-Chairman of tom Ccee•ee is In.trm tod t obtain from
ristiernen on tii.• :17 I Ticket o• thn
Mate their sei•eral Rol p ri t e. of JO
do foregoing re-et,ti,n no I ti report tie reo .it Di his
action In to• preen cc, at the nt , it tatet , ng Of tine Oshawa-
Pao, to he hold Da the J
The Result in the County
The political ba•tle of Tue.A.ty last wns one
of the most warmly contested ever had iii the
county. The Democrats, relying upon the
justice - of their cause aid the merits of-their
candidate, went int) the work with a will ;
whilst the Opposition, ravenoirkly hungering
after office. brought into use every device and
every appliance, to accomplish their ends—
the election of their ticket, and the defeat of a
Caiholic 1 We hear of their principal and
411 e leaders, in all quarter!, coaxing, threat
ening, buying,--doing any and everything—
to secure votes enough to carry 'ha county.
Certain of the districts stem to have been
literally flooded with Opposition m.ney, to
be need among those whose votes it:would
purchase. In spite of all, however, we have
the satisfaction of nnnouncing to our sister
counties of the Commonwealth. that the
popeler vote of Adams isDemocratic, Henry
D. F,ster having carried it by a majority of
761 Boelde, we have 'Eves of the nine
L'ol3 t y officers.
The boast was frequentluomplesbefore the
election, that Edward McP"%von, the Black
Republican candidate for Congress, would
sweep this county, bPina a native and a resi•
`dent of it, by at least 3(10 majority. and the
roost extraordinary eflartiwcre put forth to
reach that trgure. lint the result, instead of
increasing, pulls his maj oity of 120, in 1853,
down to 84! Certainly not a very conipli
-inentary ewtortirment of his course by his
more immediate fellow citizens.
"Henry J. - Myers, the Deumcrati; candidate 1
for the Legislature, is handsomely elected,
notwithstanding the vaunted popularity of
his opponent and the desperate fight made
by him and his friends'. Mr. Myers's election
is a gain, the Opposition having carried the 1
member of the L islature for the hut two .
years. A glorious result, indeed.
Against Samuel Wolf, the Democratic
candidate for Sheriff, a nr,st bitter warfare!
was v aged, especially by the Know Nothing.'
of his own vicinity. No,trick, no falsehood, ,
was too contemptible for 'them to resort to.—
But all erns of no avail; 'the people came no.:
bly to the rescue of a persecuted man, and
triumphantly elected him. Those amongst
whom defection was most persistently sought ;
to be produced, steal mai.fully by hisa; and
vindicated their own intelligence whilst they
rebuked his traducers. Ilia election is a /sore ;
blow upon the Opposition.
The defeat of Henry A. Picking, for Pro-1
eb o not e e T , is to be deplored. A more up
right and a more competent gentleman never
ran for that office since the county has been j
established, and yet from the hogiuning he
was subjected to the most wholesale-mime
presentation—falsehood of the most outrage. 1
ous character. The same men who made
John Picking's qualifications the ground
wont of their electioneering six years ago,
spared no effort to depreciate the certainly 1
equal fitness of Henry A. Picking. When 1
the heat and the smoke •of the battle shalt
have fully passed off, we doubt not that many
who Dontributed to Mr. Picking's defeat will
regret that they did not assist to place him in
a position fur which ho possesses such ad
mirable qualifications.
To accomplish the defeat of Mr. Mclntire,
the Democratic nominee for Register and
Recorder, was the GREAT purpose of the Op- I
position—leaders and followers, high and
From the day he was nominated, down
to 7 o'eleck on Tuesday evening last, they. I
were as sleepless as they were reckless to!
prevent his election. His high character n.
a man and a citizen, his excellent qualifica
tions, counted as nothing in the e)ks of the
oppostimi. Held a Catholic, and, therefore.
they resolved that he must be put down at
every bust. Against him ell their old iiinw
Nothing fanatisism was aroused—against
hint Ai* whole organisation was directed—
bestaalle.ha is a Catholic I liitrery district of
Oa county the most deePerata of.theppposi.
Oozes effort' weramade againthim. Voters
want threatettbd with the lose of work, Were
e wsottey, and, every ether inducement,
to irate atilmat Mr. Moltitire—bettuse he is
li c s ol es aire; -Me have the names of many of
the Olt" tian leaders throughout the slivers!
1 may get more) who were en.
pard'irith.thear whole souls in this proacrip
ab9 th. dAy may ousel when we
was thew; •heetaase we daabtliot thati
aver haring aecomplialted their unholy Par. I The "Wide Minikes." Pennsylvania IbtetorL •
pose, they will bypoeritioally *oppose's the ' We predicted in oar last that the leaders of The Democratic State Central Ginsmiftes
very class one of whom they hate hers so the "Ride Awrkw," a Know Nothing orjoan- met at Readies on Friday 11%4, and alter son,
persistently opposed, and eht•nt to be their ization under Black liveldicau auspices, siderablo discussion, adopted the following
special friends I Hypocrisy could not go would soon tire of the affair, arid then seek to resolution, will scarcely a dissenting voice;
farther, and yet it cmty be looked for even io wriggle out of all responsibility in connection Rev red, Tlint this Comm tine do hereby re
rridniltitt! action f et iHim on the td offal},
this intelligent county of ours. But they with it, as the sotre parties did r e :rd to
hove been too open and glaring in their work cld sworn Know Nothirgism. Already even we re orn ' in;M n l t n o t i the ‘ r ' s ; t l .. o n f ri flC l n la n t
this time—they hove said too much agnin4 is our predicticn being verified. The. editor iililll./ILL stand hr the E' t,r i :ll utkeimade
Mr. Mclntire's religion—they have bid too of the Se - ghee!, in his NVednes in) issue, R I.I vibe Democratic State Cc:tit eulkot at Reading
high and too frequently for votes again•t tholigh he gives the Wide Awakes - mid and °M
MAr‘h '
114.;0 allow of the o.vering over of their comfort," makes the puhlic avowal that he
nefsrioss upe-atims. 1.. t the OupoPition does not belong to "the dub ;" whilst we hear
talk noVaore of having ceased their proserip- that the ostensible editor of the Star march-'
Live hostility to Catholics—too defeat of /.1 . 1-
,M in the Wide Awake procesiliont Wednes.;
ward Mclntire by their denunciations of hi, 'day night wiih"ta hart'nglas lantern
religiv, their tricks and their hrile•p, will nod then in his prier F: 'Jay lie seeks to
sucAk trumpet-tungised against them to the smoe , ll over tee odium which attaches to
last day. BLit for the coneenttnte I and del- Wide Awalteism 14 the ridicul o us sosertion
perate efforts of the Or,risition, Mr. MA • ntire shut the Demoerate have 0 Pee:et association
wouhl have heen triutnp!tantly chosen.
The election of J.thn Eicholtz, to theClerk
chip of the Couru, by the highest mnjority
had in the county, 155, is tut oronplimentary
to hits as it is " the other way " to his oppo
nent. 'Latin M. Wolf neglected the old coun
sel, " to mind his own busine••," and hence
ie the best whippet I min on their ticket. It
affords us mach pleasure to reeorl Mr.
Eieholts's election—
As it d e that of W.o. B. GArdner, the
Dentocratia eandidsite fur Cqunly Commix
itioner, czaitist whotri a heavy effort was
mode. The Commiasionera' 13 ot.r 1 is, there
fore, still entirely Democratic, a fact which
will be gratifying to Cie majority uf the tax
payers of the county.
For Dim: cur.. of the Poor, we have a gain
of one, making all entire Board win Dem
ocratie. Mr. 3ftpselcattn, Oppositi.m, was
e'eetetl hot year, but on ticrount of failing
health resigned, and Isaac Prows. Democrat,
is chosen in his Once. Jacon Miller suc
ceeds Mr. Whit., so that that e.tabl.shmcnt
will continua to be in the baknds of careful
ant.l economical matutiers.
Mr. Dy•ert, Democrat, is chosen Auditor,
by n handsome majority, as ho deserves to
We hare thus summed up the result in the
county. The of ein: figures will he f mini in
enotber column. Whilst we feel an hone-t
pride in announcing the election of seven of
our county candidate% we eannot but deplore
the lose of two such excellent and highly
qualified gentlemen as Henry A. P.cking and
Edward Idtlobre. Trickery and misrepre
eentation prevailed against thorn— by no other
means coon they have been defeat -d.
Spurious Tickets.
The Opposition in this county never exert
ed themselves as they did on Tuesday last.—
They seemed to make it a deeth-straggle,—
Every devic.e.--cvery appliance—wag put in
to use,—deception, trickery and firilery,—
bribery on a scale never before heard of in
the county. The spurious ticket system
was carried out to perfection by them.—
Nearly all their candidates had them, bat
the C. X. Martin spurious ticket, a very near
ithitation of the Democratic tieiet, with his
name printed where 'Edward Mclntire's
should haveeeen, was most generally circula
ted, and the greatest care seemed w have
been taken ioo have it•voted. how many of
them were vo'ed by mistake esnnot be told,
but that some of them were, in Butler, M etial
len, Oxford, and at other polls, is not to le
doebtetl. Another caution to votifts to ex
amine-their tickets with care.
Congreigonal Election.
The following are the reported and offic:al
majorities in this C ingressional district;
&Eau, Dim. /11cPnlatow, Op.
A lamp.
Berlfi.rri, • 250 .
Franklin, 72
Fulton, 14G
Juniata, l5O
It is statel that the Opposition State Com
mittee had 575,000, to carry the October
e!eation. If this be true, no doubt a tame
portion of it found its way into this -district.
for by the lavish use of money alone can this
result be amounted for.
Reform Victory in Baltimore.
The municipal election In Baltimore. on
Wednesday last. resulted in a complete, victo
tory for the Reform party, the Know ]yothingo
hot carrying a single ward. Brown/Reform,
in el( ctetle)layt r. (Ter llindes, Know Noth'ng,
hy the crushing majority of 8,104, whilst the
IleLrn.ers enrr3 ertry member t r the first and
second branches of Council/4 The electikin
Isa.s a rory quiet one.
IPiir The r elit 1r of the Sentinel says the
Wide Al vi tikes are '• an active, energetic band.
unityd to pull down the Futter) fabric at Wash
ington." That'+ just what the Know Nothings
pretenled was their object when they met in
their midnight councils to proscril e a respec
table religious denomination and person. of
foreign birth. Although the edit3r declares
that he was got a Know Nothing, ells know
that be plactoii Know Nothing tickets at his
mast-head and urged hie reltdere to support
them. Now he also denies being a Wide
Awake, but praises and puff+ the moveinent,
and gives it all manner of " aid and eon/fort,'
privately and in his 'columns. As he twis
ted the Know Nothings by supporting their
ticicobi, it was but reasonable to suppose him
with them; as be estels the Wide Awakes,
he must be with them. If he is not against
them, be is certainly br them, even though
he be not a regularlyrnatLLFD" and equipped
member of " the club." " Straws always
show which way the wind blows."
oar lit he doillgs of the editor of this paper
must be a souroe of Much "bother" to the
Star managers. The editor of the CAppiler
"did this,. acd he did that, and the other
thing," is to be found in almost ererrartiele
of their paper. If he were out of the way
what teotwhi they talk about?
Irby, we cannot men go to a yearly meet
ing at Pft.utz's * more, where people of all
denominations meet almost by the thousand,
without haring them follow us, and tramping
up stories about our saying this and that in
politics. Mt%lly,is thou 's not a smell lousiness?
—particularly when one or their own candi
dates, Mr. J. F. Bailey, was nn the groom!
all the time, mid they nut mentioning a word
about alai.
iiirCurtin, Opposition, IA elected Governor
of this State by probably M,060 majority.—
Bettor luck next time. lkquocrate, pelt your
dints andatry h again. we do not believe
tbsteny sectional rimy, as the Black Repi l>.
lim a party is, can Lau stand in this country.
Denicrcracy gnat tatinnattjs : trieis i pb,- as it
het 4t - is Ps"- • - 3
porßailei. D"116
t t oe f i sP °QI4 - "
front the York, Cow • Retry
trice—. 4 Bahl.. • ;-*
culled "Eye Shutters." Any ono niakin
such a declaration mutt, be " a foul or •
It was generally understood on our stieeta
on Monday latit that the Wide Awakes in
tended to appear at the election nest day,
fully equipped, to "regulate" the polls. Thit.
induced the D mocrittie 'meting nt Will'e
Hotel, on 11 , nday eveiti%!. to appoint a large
c. tvimittee. to attend at the election. The
Wide .Awsie.t, 11-we‘er, d;d nut make their
appeoratice. In the afternoon, a dozen or
! more young Democrats; fur the eakeuf a lit
tle sport, concluded to have a burlesque
performance on the Wide Awakes, and ndopt
ed the Ulnae of **Eye Shutters," ouglepted. of
count., by the Know Nutlijoz Republies.n
! name of "Wide Awakes." They were lac
I inz up And dwelt in fr nt or the Cim t-I.ot:sr,
mole.tin4 no one and am wing the crowd
generally, when a member. f the Wide Awoke
!club, with more temper alit sense, reit
that he could ”whip ary
ton • Tic Ehnltt " Thiw &Gant eleclarati..»
hanaglit oa a mae+ • in which re large number
allow.•d tb in , elyei to Le enraged—nvii in
%%limb the nominal editor 4.f the
hare fared wr.rne than he 4'id if lie fool not
acted upon the principle that "the.eiellOtt
the Letter e art ofsrlinr."
From this ain't 1 c:reamstatioe the Star
undertake+ to declare that the Den tcrnt
-ILave a secret organization. Mon of par
t ties here look upon tit, Star's -dodge" as
dicubtu* leyntui degree—hut they may not
aceithrough the lepotte which under) er it,
land that v• e believe to b • th:s: that the Star
managers ace that the &sails! (awl
deep-seattai jealoutiv betwe,...ll the too)
is clearing tie way to back out of • Wale
Awake" responsibility. and theb the entice
odium of the organization will re.t upon
them, when the only thing left them as an
otT+et will be, :u protect that the Demo erats
were equally go;lty this theory be +la
rect, we prom . l.o them a s•liopy time" at it,
as they h.tve Lad with pit scriptivo midnight
Know N•Ali;aigism.
gar The Star's unwarranted personal nit-
Pantie are beginning to diggust eves members
41 its own party. And thry do not liepitate
to say so, beesu+e they cannot f rit to gee that
it+ attacks nron our C ors,, County
Officers, and per+or it in I rivate life. can no
longer he justified or esenped. IL s
fact that It pall° kali nal should be in
such recklessly unprineit let hand,.
fifirS .ine dastardly incen•liery fired the
Catholii. Churrh in Cat 1:1.1 night a-Irrel,
at about 11 o'clock. and notsritlis'andiu,.; all
the efforts i f ti a fire department. the building
vras destroyed. The less "rid full heavily
upon the congrAgation.
The thrge .talcs cunneetel w:th filar',•
lintel, in the central part of the town, wa•
burnt the night tref..rp.
lair The re.ult Ithe election in this State.
on Tues•lay lust, nrlmoniAt , F all Democrats to
be thorou, Illy 'mite I in Notenther.
VWThe Star nzinagers complain that the
Adjourned Court on blondAy 1.1-t naturaliz
ed several foreigners. The Court was open
to both parties, ard no injustice was done to
any one. What will not men do when they
stoop as low as the managers of tf e Star do
in this ass.
ifirWe regret to learn th tt the larga boot
and shoe hones of Wb to k Swope, corner of
Baltimore and inward streets, Baltimore,
was ecnsiderably damaged by fire un Satur
day week. The file origimsted in the upper
story, from a spark through a pipe hole, it is
'opposed, nod though soon abet:he-I, the loss
Ly the burning of gr.. de an the grinding
of the building, amounted to aryersil thousand
(Mises. Covet Ly in-urunce. Ti.e st o res
adjoining on flowsid st. were also somewhat
damage!—loit fully insured,
itir The success of the Republicans in title
Slate }null created a pro'ouud sensation at
the South. There is tt uuble ahead—probably
in the neer future.
W•Near Pitts! ur:, P.i , n grnsq widow
hnd niirriol her ,•ekoncl husband • without
the interv.-ntion of a divorce, when, i.e:hold
the first husband returned and claimed his
ftwn. The two hos Lands and the wife eat
down and' talked it user, and as the ?eault,
the original pruprietor sold out all right and
title fur sa.
serm re. Sarah IL Green, of Lwrell, com
mitted t•uicide by drowning herself on Tues
day. Cause—she ba I been suffering severely
from a headache.
lOW The Davenport (Iowa) band have sued
the mayor of that city for a serenade they
gave him last spring, on the occnaion of his
election. This is a novel "nit, any way it is
regarded, whether the mayor elect ordered
the mus:o or the band furnished it voluntarily.
SisrA report has reached Norfolk of the
di.covery of a plot for itw.urrection among the
slaves in Princess Anne ea., Va. Ten arrests.
it is said, have Leen made, iscluding the
ilerOn &Imlay week the corner stnoe of a
German Catholic church was laid at Colum
bia, Pa., by 131;ihop Wood.
The "honorable" Thrmas J. ifunaay,
as ez.member of the New York Legi3lature.
was sentenced nn Thursday by reorder Ber
nard, of the Court of General Sessions, of
New Yurk cite, to four months' imprisonment
in the penitentiary at Blackwell's Island, for
as attempted ontrega utxm s little girl.
fAirNot a tingle band fire-engine is now
in um) in Beaton, the last citmpany basing
been Stisibended a few days since. -
Meek &pap an Projetaily.--Carl Shan,
the pet c/retA.r of the Black Republican*,
Apealte of God as 'Anal i dog sestleates be
yond the stars." .
Judge Dock.
The Republicans are endeavoring to make
a great deal of capital out of he accession of
Judge Dock to their ranks. We should not
have alluded to the matter at all. but for the'
fact that the North American etatteo that he
was " 6 , r many ovirs “ne ..f the lett,ling and
most active Democrat.' in the interior of the
State," and is 't en uncle of t•ettatm- Bigler,"
ahul represents VIM as a seri o us lose to the
Democracy and a great gain to the Itepubli.
cans. The truth is, that Judge Dock spent
the best part of his life in the ranks of the
Opposition. lie was a bitter Anti-Mason.—
In 1848 the Democrats nominated him for
Congress, and he was badly beaten, running
far behind his ticket. Ile hai taken no sae
tire part in politics for some years, and his
ecovertion to Republicanism is not likely to
influence any vote tat his own. It Taut,
to trumpet abroad, but here ut home Judge
Dock's political course is regartictl as of the
very smallest cunsequence.—Llarrisburg Pat
riot tt.. 14.4i0n.
Carl Schurz Again.
We invite the attet.ti m ot our renders to
the iron) the Cimihnali Emystirer
of the 4th inst., which we think drive.; the
hiwt nail in the ct , Ptn of that ii•FA lent der:Am
ur of the Fathers ut the I:cpult;ic, CAUL Sut 114.
P 610 Eh
This Rer rildictin orator n acre a •peeoh nt
Toirdo the other ereoio,.., nod, n, to
e herald of that !Awn. re.l , .rst , e,l I ie ob
nos7..un Pentimehtr &pont tho Doolorntien of
ihtlependen:e, ittinigner* nod 11.e.,11arrican
Re. °lotion. the //scud PR%
'He did !hit deny any alrelstion that ham '
been in .tle Jigtaile•t him by eke t)!, ocretee
preset. Ile vpratell his oelehrated tirade,
whit h we hive published. surd for w aid
WM cheered by the ne;;To equality
eau., to the very eVtili. .9 sta
te-1 soluitahlially by biln-eIL rv , that it this
goternment rrus ins , ttet ted by white tiled, to
be edit:mastered by n bite non. I. r the het e
tit eit rre:tis rue n, and if a neg.. .s tot the
of the white men. 'tl en one Dochirds
teem of Indere ndence was a dip!
an, 'erne's., 'a hypocritical pie, •.! — . drawn up hy pet ere' to
'totew do-it in-the ev es. or the world' slot to
•thveiste noble-hearted fit h. ult.' I n.liuc them
aid and a.ststante,—.l. SIEAN YANKEE
1:1Ch —A WOODEN r Ul'3l TI I E
ACTICED U PUN L 110 LE 11 I tit W.'
' l'nere watt nu Iniptuking tt.e inett.,ing nt
the gelid .I. an. It. publi c ans le/t I t.. the
Ifte .Ji ent'u.ntinetu ther,u.ter ... ntd only tr 2,
attributt: I IA) the act t laislyt tilt, un up .1/
them by liht open and urea gui.e.l nv..‘,.,..ttk,
4 1
whrre t ie,' ► ttpeelcd derstith-; i-, th,.,1-
'hot Ali g the.r Fe.t.ter.—the rat It and Lk."
--- - - --- --
The Two Principe' Ideas
We Lave uu du Alt, hot tont.. l e 4 e fr,rtion
of the pesrte are daily liocomio4., w ore e.. 0.
'incest • f the truth of the teittlileia put foith
by the Chlio Sala/nag that " Nprii/i*
and irrepreaahlt who tipoo the , Nuks,'
are the two principal idea* of lending Repot,
hex s, lioscever much th .y mac seek to die
gui.e or d nftbeir trite closract , !r, It is on
this rjouod the battle has to tos
the only ward kaders for the peop'e in such II
contest must IY Psniionol i t.i. t in. t.
• Pennsylv3nia Elocticn
Puthttwy.t.Pillt, O. 12 —The
this unanung tl o returns fr, in the F rpt
Diturict limits the e evion of
M. 'Thaler, the 1-ptll,l;eitncan t: e,
iiiit:uied the election and gets
to ;Hite been successful. Mr. Dtatter'g
majority is
ti.o wD totsr.twit.l
Oct. 12 — . rho rose of the
firs con,.srte.usional dikri-t dos Leen tiirmvi.
Into court for judicial et..ns sort. Mr. testifics that hit ncalority in the
fourth ward ha+ ht en Minced !rout 314 to
since the eeunt of the jddge• wits made.
The court reftsAed tl P sips licatien for
copy of the papers in the protounolary's of
fice, beihg a matter for congress's limit
det l
ion, but ordered that enid pnpur, les ideeed
under lock and key. audjact cu airther unit
Mr. Byerty, the return judge, lies Lees ar
rested on e charge us Sur..,cry.
ilea`The Rernblicar:s Ch 911.C3, Mass., bud
a procession nn Wednesday ni,titt Reek. and
among the dabs in line were the •` Attueks
Wide-Awnkes..." compared entirt ly of tliggel*.
fin. 4. A:Andrew. the Black IttpulUienn
candidate for Governor, honored them by ta
king his place in the line, just in tl n rear,
the mayor of the city and other " White folks"
following. These facts we take from the
Boston Atltt... repnb.
Danger Irons Lincobed Election.— All rat.-
ties a t•ree that it Line°lit is electAti the Union
will be in chtnger. But the B tit k
cans themselves do nut even preteorl that the
Union will be jeopardised by the pireee.v nt
either ot the other candidates. No pattiqt
ought to cast is vote that, can 1 y potsi;tiiity
ituperil the stability of the oJvertunent.
The Prince nf Wales i n Plitt adriplCa
The Prince of VI . ales arid suite arrived i n fib;l..
(,n Tuesday. A cramd eniertnin
ment was giren et the Academy of DLi is in
honor of his presence. fie woe nt Washing!
ton the week before, where he way e•itertaio
ed in a manner stiiiati!e to his pi.eiiii,n,
Si The Buffalo Expresi has the ()Vowing
nceriunt of a chocking uce,dent which h.uppc
ed in that city : "A hright little Lov between
three and [our years old, who:ie mime an were
unable to accertnin, was instantly killed while
playing on the trnck of the Buffalo and New
Y tck city Road. in the vicinity of the freight
house, between fire and six o'clock, butt even
ing. He weir struck by a train whiob vas be
ing switched off, in such a manner Mint his
head wee cut completely off: leaving his bo
dy upon the ties end his bead upon the aide
of the track."
Sear Er. Olier, a celebrated Freich physi
ciao, oas dimar‘ered that bone tires nut im
mediately die when the heart ceopes to, beat.
For. after lare death of en animal, D.. Oiler has
relented boos from the body to that of a liv
ing ntuuaal, ani the bone thus introduced
has united itself completely to that properly
belonging to the anima/. f here seems to be
no doubt. therefore, that we Way mend and
replace our bones as easily as a table.deg.
Siorkia.nnes and Miss , ,uri have experienced
weather which puts our dog day heat to shame.
The wind blew fur four hoar•. on the 13th,
at Grasshopper Fulls. as if it came from the
month of au oven. The thermometer rose to
110 deg. in the abode. .Anisnale were various
ly affonted. Chickens and pit died. Cattle
suffered more. perhaps, from fright than heat.
The Border Star ((t1o.) says that the wind
there was like the breath of a (ornate. The
Independence Herald, of the 1%438 State, says
it was so intense as almost to scorch the tams.
People had to close their doors and windows
to keep it wt. though the thermometer was
but 105 des. "
tilos rcoiqb,:4 . tcjJ
lihroodl 111 1 / 4 11118 of do People !
lidrxwasanao---..-A large and enthusiastic
meeting of the DensoeTaey,,of Franklin end
surrounding toirnahips was held nt the hones
of Henry 'Dither, in Mtronito.burg, on Satur
day etening n•aeek. The Arendtsioille Dem
ocrats came down upon a li t rge a far, wagon.
drawn by eight gray horeev, with two attrac
tive transparoncis, fhgra, hickories, &e., and
martial rnosic. The Mu:nen-Its residing in
the neighborhood of Flohr's Church also had
an eight-horse (Issy) team, with gag.,
whilst there was a four-horse team from the
Cumberlb.nd line, on Marsh creek—all loaded
down with enthosiaa:ie Democrats. There
was nl•n a num( row. dele:m . on form this
place, headed by th , . Citlz:ns B old. It was
the larr_et.t political meeting ever held tl7ere.
The following orteanizatiln waa had :
President, Bug. r wiv DE 'annul%
Fire President.f. Abraham Plank. rapt. C.
Thommt, Adam Reta , rt. Thomav F. Grammer,
Peter Eveter. George Throim, I , lac W.ikert.
henry J. Britikerh•ff. J.din Dime. James
Hoiaell, David Jlartman, Jacob Taut, lsaac
Mlller, Jacob Eicholtx, Philip Cutshall, Hen
ry AVildasin, 11. W. Whirmor. Moses Raffens
perger, J.,bn Ca/Id:ugh, Wm. Miller, Sr.,
Wm. Allison. Jacob EA.-finale. Abraham
Hart, Sr.. Capt. F. Diehl, henry Bitner.
Seridaries. Capt. Jacob PI ink, Samuel
Ilart, Cirtiebus Daugherty. Thomas Fisher,
Jonathan Wider. Joseph Flak. Manuah Caz
boogh, Peter Watling. Arno. lies.
Mon. Wm. P. Schell, (who arrived her:
about noon,) was first called out, followed by
G. W. Welsh, lisq.. of Chambersburm. then
J. C. Neely, Esq., W. X. Duncan, E.q., Dr.
D. S. Peter and 11. J. Stable. The meeting
ai;journed in the hi,thest spirit., the Band
playing sercral of their beat pieces.
Me 4. Itatenn e s.--On Monflny evening
another fine turn nut wee he I. at Mrs.
Brough'e, in Fin, klin town-hip. The Pe
nn creep of the I , urroundingt country mere
thole almre4 to a man, whilet the lower end
trin• well )epret , ented. Tie Nina-rats from
&out Mutntnneburg went up will' n fin e
eight-bur's team, martial tnueio, transpa
reue;es, Page, &e., attrueting n great deal of
attention. The following gentlemen were
chosen the taw*:
liTsigeni, CoNean TH o .t
Voce Presidests. Jaao. Carla:logla, Maim
Ilcbeti, Samuel Trope, Simon 11,11,-, p i mp
enaslaall. Samuel Hindman ? Benj. Deardorff,
J. cob Hartman, Henry Law% er, Hoerr .1.
Brinkerhoff, George A. C arwell, Ilenry
Augnstus ['arise], Henry Battler, Sam
uel llart , Henry Knouse, Augustan. Dune an.
Daniel Knotise, Ephraim Mori.r., Aims RAl
car, Joseph Robert, Fre 'crick Slinks. Henry
Shultz, Pi ederiek Diehl, Jira. 11 . ltaiffens
perger. Benj min Bluolraugh, Jerame Mar
tin, Jacob Eicholts. Htnry Hershy, George
Hanes, Henry Hewn, Adolphe Klceppa r,Capt.
J. Plank, Geo. J. Beck, Benj. Hinkle.
S crelarie.r, Rusaoll, A Lrallani Hart,
Jr.. :11.tav,ah Carbaugh. .lac.ata
r•utan Tliwnas, Peter Writ:. Aar •n
Jim. Shows, Pzte•r Hart,
Alma Bucher, Daniel Seale, ..14aues Now
Speeches *ere in tile by W. A. Duncan,
Esq., J. C. Neely, E4q., Dr. W. C. stem, E.
W. Stahl., Jacob Lott a'id 11. J. Stable.—
A‘ljnumet.l with three cheers for the ticket,
and several stirring airy by the Citizens'
Garrrsurso.-0o the snme evening tle
DeLnocrary of the Borou,ea wet in
force et Will's hotel, and orgnohted ns ful
lows : •
l'residesit, 'lnn. J. B. DANNEa.
Viec Prerideuts, J..bu le,Dazinoll, E. J
Culp, J"kepli
'odorant, Jacch Trosel, Jacob Brinker
latcharialt M era.
George C. Crass was inritetl to address the
mecung ill German, whieh lie did in n %cry
forcible minuet ; and was succeeded I.y E.
B. Buehler, E q., in en ettective riicezlt in
English, after which rovers! committee% were
appointed, end tl e altering n.lj.turucti in a
high state t.f enthusiasm.
A few momenta Alice I t.i,•k.Nl lip a c ., 1 1
of the Star. in one of sour toss n oboe-. and
looking over it, observid in an not of the way
corner, one of the most shameful articles I
ever saw in a newspaper. It had reference
to the Democratie meeting at Fairfield. and
the impression is tried to be made that you,
as one of the speakers, were not respectfully
received. I was present at the meeting,
beard butb the speeches, y. nes and Mr.
Nerl)'s, and both were received with decided
favor. I know that whilst you were
speaking, Mr. Thoruns A. Marshall, marshal,
proposed three cheers in response to (MO of
your points, and that you Legged that the
meeting would deter such expressions until
you had concluded, which would not be long,
as you could not justify yourself to &sin the
ernted to a late boar, toe night being dark,
the roads muddy, and tunny had long dis
tances home. I kuow, further, that at your
saying that you were about to c.,nclude.
many sung out, "go u.s gl on :" "give
us A longer speech !" With these facts with
in my own knowledge, I
,cannot but feel in
dignant th at
. the contemptible, brainless
whelp of the Star, shou:d seek, in order to
gratify his little, melee, spite upon . yourself,
to make the impression that Ilant:ltouban
Democrats showed a want of respect to you
on the occasion alluded to, whereas we have
always looked upon you as one of the most
active, hard-working Democrats, and have
always endeavored to treat you well therefor.
I do not care about inquiring into the mo
tire which prompts the editor of the S'ar to
attack you and us in this mean way. I now
know that be is entirely unworthy of belief,
if I did not before, and can safely prosoome
him a disgrace to the editorial profession.
October 12, 1880
ear" Hamiltonban " will excuse us for
omitting a part of his oommunication—that
part which too heavily taxes oar modesty.
On the 9th of October, 1860, Salim
Worm, Blacksmith, of Abbottatown, Adams
county, was eonvicted fur haring committed
various political sins. and sentenced by the
people/ of Adams (minty to three years im
prisonment in the County Jail. Goon.
Ida. SIAHLIt : Sir-141/4 me Wined the idea
tbst the nest Pennsylrania State Flit' be
held in Adams county, in the neighborhood
of Gettysburg.
I see energy and ability enough in the
county fur any undertaking. A FIIIND.
sir Snow fell on Friday week in (*snider
able quantities otithe line of the Grand Trunk
railway. between lelanii Fund, Fty, and Ac
ton, Coulomb'. . -
iiirM a meant 66.0 in Sum Francisco, tw
thqP•104••444 tiendred And Nighty loop
were iitiabanawebr 0 10bizr" upwind.
Oxfo rd ,
1 . 111 i bil c il lAga, 197 452 190 458
Wla, '. 233 278 229 382
Rerlll, .4
162 91 162 93
Yo 85 229 73 ' 242
liontlknito ~ 180 143 177 145
rgal ,
Franklin, . 11 233 196 232 167
Conowago, 138 38 138 38
Ffeidlerlbu 86 198 ' 85 109
llountjoy, 117 102 112 107
Mountpleasaltit, 287 65 263 68
Hampton, 4'` 148 112 146 114
Berwick bor., 32 53 32 53
Berwick twp.,
Gettysburg, 208 280 210 211
Ctimb•rland, 110 139 107 141
Li ttlestow n, 142 136 148 132
Oxford, 149 92 143 97
York Springs, 309 438 202 433
hiller:low a, 237 274 233 277
Berlin, 163 91 160 93
lienallen c 84 230 93 217
Ho nte ritown, 170 1151 _lBO 141
Franklin, 233 106 230 .199
COnOWo go, • 139 37 136 38
Heldlen burg, 91 102 83 107
Mountjoy, 117 102 118 100
Mountpleasaut, 268 64 261 66
Hampton, • 150 109 141' lld
Berm ick bor., 32 53 Ai' .53
Freedom, 42 63 42 64
Union, 128 46 1'24 ' 48
Butler, 117 133 117 1:14
Lerwick tiyp., Gb 40 75 28
(lettyAnne, 204 262 185
CunaLerland, 110 139 104
Lit tlestown, 145 132 140
ttzfairil, 154 89 143
York Springs, 188 449 200
Millerstown, 233 278 2: - .2
Berlin, 151 92 150
//ensile; 88 2.1 78
Hunt. rstown, 161 It 3 176
Franklin, 229 1..9 23J
Conowi•go, 136 38 134
ilebtleraburg, 84 10) 87
Sfuuntjoy, 117 100 117
Mountples tint, 264 63 2Gti
llamp op , 133 124 148
Berwick bor., 33 83 33
Free.lom, 49 b 45 39
Union, 124 48 123
Butler, 107 145 104
Lie, wikt twp., 05 40 67
G ettyabarg, 221 246 209
C u ruberland, 116 134 106
Littlertown, 145 133 146
Ox lord, 147 93 149
York Springs, 198 443 215
Aliller4kown, 234 277 233
Berlin, 157 94 162
Ilenallen, 190 214 69
Ilunterstown, 180 143 178 k lin, 235 194 232
I pima, rro, 138 Z 8 138
Ileuilrrsburg, NS 106 88
Mini ntjoy, 118 161 120
.Sli•uutplearant, 267 64 266
Hampton 140 112 148
ikrwit k Ler., 29 56 32'
1... e. Juni, 42 64 40
Utoou, 125 46 124
Itutler, . 138 111 114
Berwick twp., -53 53 GT
Gettyrbarg, 2:0 260 211 258 211 257
Cumberland, 110 139 110 140 110 141
Littleatown, 146 132 148 132 164 114
Oxford, 148 94 148 94 149 93
York Spring; 198 416 199 448 198 452
Mlllernown, 233 278 208 305 223 278
Berlin, 164 90 163 bl 163 91
86 228 87 229 86 229
Hanierstown, 182 141 179 142 1i 0 143
Franklin, 231 197 233 196 2. , 2 197
Conowago, 148 38 138 36 138 38
Heidlerstfurg, 84 111 85 108 66 108
Mouutjoy, 101 116 117 102 115 193
It on a tided sant, 266 66 266 66 264 68
Hampton, 161 98 145 111 148 113
Hera Lek bor., 35 53 33 52, 31 b 3
Freedom, 42 63 42 63 42 64
Union, 124 48 125 46 122 47
Butler, 116 139 114 137 111 138
Berwick twp., 67 39 67 33 66 39
/16floster's majority 76, McPherson's 84,
Myers's 95, , S. Wolfs 92, Liaily's 19, i lleirtin s
15, gicholtz's 155, Gar iner'n 1:1. Miller's 63 2
Ploutz's 20, Dysert's 88.
Democrat.; in )1111ALL cars—Opposition in
Cern° reported majoritits of all the dis
tricts in the county on Wednesday morning,
elected the whole Democratic ticket—Mr. Pick
ing by 1 and Mr. 4 majority, The
official returns from hienallen and Petersburg,
hiiserer, changed the result—defeating the
fotmer by 10 and the latter by 1:,--the :nistakes
effecting the defeat of these tv.o gentlemen
liirOur clever Postmaster, Mr. GUMP., has
been unusually successful with his grapes and
pumpkins the past season. His grape crop has
yielded him 24 gallons of wine, and one of his
mammoth pumpkins measures 4 feet by 4 feet
Inches in circumference. Hard to beat.
lorlir. Geo. F. Rattanntoon, who keeps the
'Restaurant in Jacobs' building, Chambersbarg
street, placed upon onr table, the other day, a
large and plump Pheasant, which was really
delicious—"too good to talk about." Whilst
we tender him our thanks, we may also men
tion that he geuerally keeps game in season,
beside oysters, kc., all done np in the choicest
,gr`The advertisement of Messrs. Hunt k
Co., of Philadelphia, under the caption of
" Handsome Womea," will attract the /Mention
of our lady readers. Their advertisement sets
forth that they are Perfumers to Her Majesty,
Queen Victoria, and at the late bridal ceremony
of the Princess Royal, presented a megailleent
case of these Perfumes to the Princess ; in
which were included all of the above-named
equisite toilet goods, manufactured expressly
for the ladies.
10111 elal (1111111111.
The Company guarantee " The Moots eof
Roan " to Eire a roseate hoe to the cheeks that
will be permanent fbr years, without tajety, to
this ate.
illrOhlo an% ID4IS hive glee* , the
Republiesus, se 'WPM istielpiguid.
0 re NC
a el el
a .
.. od
P r r et
215 254 195 275
111 140 103 147
147 130 143 133
♦? _ 63
125 47 125 47
116 137 111 141
66 46 66 40
2849 2773 2767 2851
177:: 0
2E53 2758 2534
CD ..
. , . I A
.". .1
2778 2788 2785
V 2 ..0 cz ,
-a is
7-7 a 0. c-•
ea .-- as -...
o r.-- c
I. 14 4
PI r
2877 2723 2tC6
5 . ri
-= 7 1 4
21119 2776 2817 27:/7 2833 2765
The Tote far enamor in the State.
Mot roe, •
143 100
A dams
Wyomin g ..
Franklin, '
Cun berland,
sir The delegation from p q nnAylvarti i in
the next Congress will stand, from present
eppearances,twenty Renablioang to five Dam
wrote, a biels is a trTtin of two Demosrats.
The Legislature is Opposition in bah
Eirefoisirl N'cotioiss.
Say-We would advise our renders who may
ICbe attracted to the city by the Cattle Show,
• .
3 , Institute Exhibition, or business, not to neglect
iZ • pnyinr a visit to the evensite Furniture Es
, tablishrnent of .1. 11.1THIOT & SON. They
-; will find in their Pall Stock the grandest as
-270' sortment of•liots , q hold Fut niture ever menu
-143 fat red In any est blisliment in the country,
134 tonitieting of Bost w , •ud, M,thogany and Walnut
luti Parl.,r. Chamber nod Doing Room Furniture,
4424, trgetfier with a spleth;id nsqor , ment of plain,
255 peen made articls s, ‹u'rins• the moit evrava-
U 5 glut or economii al tastes. ,As the Messrs.
2:4 3fittoot are gliwr ys I leased to Jihibit their
14 stock, an invitschn to call, if -art ely for the
ratifichtion of i nit( sits, is eritPudettro all.
107 Nos, 25 and 27 North Otv St., -
100 . ()et. 15. 5t Near Payette, Baltimore.
liid gestion, Wn'er Brash,
suur Sturnacb, Junod;ce. F.utultucy, OenerAl
ik t•ility ,&c., find n re-dy refit( bind speedy
cure in iiike west remedy.
' Are believed loy roan) who have been et,, , , of
the above courpleit,t- to he the only me, vine
which the materio no r dirn at' ords' for their In
t, II:ble cure. It is not an alcoholic prepare
; floe, which, wtOle g % ing a moniontary stima-
Ins, reduces the s. stem in the same ratio; bnt
, one distinct and tittle:rent !rota any metileol
pi eparation ever comportati.ed, And a kith will.
I in most eases, xtrixet the di4p ear by the roots
and restore the patient to prim ne health.. In
proof of which, testimony of the very highest
I end unexceptionable eberacte - r is presented.
We tall the attentiou of the reale to the fed
' lowing letter from President BMWs, of We.,
leput University :
Nippon/owe, Conn. ' Feb. 28, 1859.
: Messrs. Sera W. Volvos .1k Co ., .„
Gentlemen :—I first mode note of the Oxygle.
noted 11.trer$ etane sea rn or eigirt years since.
Lavitut sutft red for twt.ut, Ne. rot from a form
, of Dyspepsia. which was at-, mied with a tiervotts
headache, on an average of cot less than one
day in a week, I was indberd by the unpre
tending rem omnsendw ion of Dr. Green l , tar try
one heal e cad if no beneLt wtis received to die
continue the use."
The use of one bottle werrante 1 a further
; trial, to the extent of s-one three or lour, with
X carviul observance of the at cowl anying di
rections. The reetet sax an ahrost entire re
licf from the usual tl3-pvtic sy mptusus ends
their t epressing, pa+ntut touset,ut 'lves. I kw
t Here these Bitters in olio rd an entire change in
' the hebits of my eysii 131 end neon the acute
energies of te -thr ditTes•the organs. 1 now deem
myself as -xi!' pt float Dyspepsia :Is u oft por
tent.. These Mut rs hat e . leo bet uof lienite
too her menibtrs of my fan ily. \ cry tee; set
fully 3 ours, At CA . :A I'S W. SMITU.
Aar Prt•pared by SETH W. FOWLF: k CO.
Boston, and for sa:e 43 A. D. Buehler, Groys
l burg : E. Hitt chew, Vork Spring-; Win. Wolf,
East Berl.n ; Solomon Chrorlister, Holnl'loni
Jacob F'ultrei .er, Mu mmesburg ; D. K. I tollinger,
1 A hhottstown ; M. St. , ater, New Oxford; John,.
1 Miller, Li.tlest,wn; and by de..lers et , erywhere.,
I Oct. 1b; lodo. 4w
Prepared from a Ire,. ription r fir J. Clarke,
M. U., Pli),ieinn Exttrordinary to the Queen.—
This medicine is norailing in the
cure ofelltbuse painful and dangerous diseases
to which the female constitution is subject. It
moderates all excess and removes all obstruc
tions, arid a speedy cure may Le relied on. To
Married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. ,It will,
in a short time, bring on the monthly period
with regularity.
Each e One Dollar, bears the Gov
ernment Stau:p of Great Britain, to prevent
counterfeit :I.
CArrios.---.These Pills shottld not he taken
11- female.) during the first three months el
Pregnancy, as they are sure to,bring on Mis
carriage, hut at any other time they are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections,
Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight.
exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics*
and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when
all other means have failed; and although •
powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel,
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu
Ful! directions in the pamphlet around each
package, which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the Fnited States and Canada,
JOB .110SF.S, (Late I. C. Baldwin & C 0.,)
Rochester, N. Y.
N. B.—sl 00 and 0 postage 'temps enclosed
to any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle,
coutnining 56 Pills, by return astiL
June 11,'G0. 13eow
girTHE PUBLIC BLEBSP;G which I. now
universally admitted to exit Iloffiat's Lift.
Pills and Vhcenix Bitters, Is every day demon
strated by their astonishing efficacy in the cues
which they are announced to ours. All the
complaints of the stomacts and bowels, weak
ness of the digestive organs and of the system
generally, bilious and liver affections, night
fevers, head aches, piles, costiveness, connotop.
ti on, rheumatism, sc rimy, impurity of att blood,.
or blotched and sallow complexions, Min yield
to'thcir curative properties. A single trial in
variably secures them the title of the b es t h o g_
ly medicines now before the public. For sale
by the proprietor, W. B. 111.01 1 T AT, at his office,
235 Broadway, N. Y., and by S. FOrIMIX
Agent, Gettysburg. (Feb. 13. le
TLENEN.—Ths subscriber will send Oka i f f
aerie) to all wbo desire it, the Snipe and
rections for malting a Magda Viipsuada ßlM,
that will, in from two tfat days, remove
Pimples Blotches, Tau, es, 8410111 7 ,5,
and alaniparities sad ?minim of the Skin,
leaving the same-mss Nature ist4ps l l4 it slim"
bn—eoft, dear anamA sad essatVld. Thom 41*-
Sb:births /14140, with tali , instructions, direc
tions, and advice, fiAlpbstia,ool ono' earl
(with return ifestaga,)
la. T. 11118 1 1 Ar r
‘• 4111100W ' SOON*, /419)101,
120 1
674 • ;
900 -
830. -