The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 01, 1860, Image 3

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.--Betiderasill• >rs Saw had Its "crest day," too,
sad deserrette have proper mention made there -
of. The Agricultural Fair held there during
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday last, was
one of those successes which people do not al
ways look for. an od that account the more a
greeable. We were plximed, delighted, with
all its belurgings—all its departments.
" . The ground, cos ering sotue four is
handomoly located, and substantially enclosed,
- having, of course, the necessary buildings and
stalls—the whole evinciag good taste. The
display of horses was full and attractive—that
of cattle, Lc , though not so large, was credita
ble—whilst the Ladies' Department was among
the best a e ever saw. The needle-work, of
cvery con( el able style, was especially admira
ble. whJI.4 the small fruits, Rowers, paintings,
musical instrumenta, ke., which made up the
, thousand and one articles contained in that
" , ng, presented a picture which the ce
feast itself upon for hours. Whilst we
Bite high praise to the gentlemen of that region
for their spirit and efficiency, as displayed in
this undertaking, weinust award to the I.,dies
el en more, for their great go)d taste and ii.dus
try. The managers are no doubt under Orli
gations to all exhibitors, and will be gLit to
have aim favors again.
Among the most attractive features of the
ring ‘A as the splendid six-horse team of the
Ric es'. It elicited general admiration, and was,
indeed, a sight worth seeing. We doubt
- thither the State can produce a better.
The attendance was throughout good, we be-
Cere, hut on Wednesday w•e know it to have
been very Mtge, embracing a number of thous
and. The entire available space was almost
covered with human beings, and this without
a Railroad or other public communication with
the town.
The Bcndersville Baral furnished the music,
Lich was fine, notwithstanding the orgisniza
t:o:l is quite a new one. We have heard mach
o:der Rands do wor,..e. and trust they may be
encouraged to persevere until they take rank
maw./ g the fia re tuoct. They have musical talent,
<Jr \se are greatly mistaken.
.111 in all, the Fair Ivas a success, and with
FL:CiI a start there cannot fail to be good one
main, next year. .
We should have been glad to•have given the
nuard of premiums in this issue; but sulfpobe
thy IL:t haq not vet been made out.
AC4:II)ENT.—On Wednesday
last, rourniug from the Ben
r,% Fair. one of the hirge Strg,e Coaches
l•etwren flett'sburg and that place
V.:ln iiteidetitrily upiset. The couch was hear..
;IN I.lden W ith pass•engtrs. orit-ide end 'aside.
and in cro. , sistg a breaker where the ground
v, - soruesrlint sideling, the henry weight on
top of tue stage, entuied it to lose its bid
Il:ICe aq,i turn over. By the presenel of minil
i.are of the drier the horses were checked
range to say, the pits,engers escaped with
out injury—excepting a few who were cousid
bru ised —Star.
THEFT.-1 live gallon keg of currant wine
sr stolen from the eel:aro' our next doctr nei;rl.-
1:or: Dr. Dorbty, ono hiaht !vat t ek.
fly that these pc tty tLiei es cannut be caught
31.1. t iroper virtnple made.
E W ',II.IT.IItY CI IMP A N Y.—We arc plena -
01 10 Ie ra tliattibe citizen of Mouut hook and
Iry h • cp,ro, itrAffluxis comity, art about Marling
I.L cumpalay of,"aogerJ," to be called the
ludeperidentU reys.
/El i? co cs Lai Ncoticteoss.
'IL is remedy ims long been cherished by the
(Lhniunity for its remarkable cthcacy i / IC
) of rag, healing and curing the most oln.tittat..,
.t Lful and long standing cases of Congb. Cold,
I ',Lterrza, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Whooping
CoL ('rung, Asthma, * lnflammation of the
; w bile even Consumption itself li a.
.de 1 to its magic influence when all Other
h.iLrn have failed. Its whale history pfurea
th.,t the pant has produced to remedy of equal
:L/ c. as it cure-for the aium..rous and d Inger, pulmonary affections which prevail /taunt
tL land.
W - . 11 known and witch respevted among the
Gernisu population of this country, utak. s
1.1.1 e following ,t.ttroteut fur the beoetit of the
11.ccoven, Pa., FA. IC, 191
e• -N. Seth W. Fuw:e lios:tots—
Dear ,Sirs:-11.1ving realized in my family
ituportaut benefit-4 from the use of your vidua
-I,b. preparation—Wistar's Balsain Of Wild C her
ry—lt affords the pleasure to reeoliiii.end it to
the public. Sow: eight years ago one of my
(I.l,l,,,httrsz.rem.:.d to be iu a dezline, sad little
!topes u: her recovery were entertained. 1 then
pro:urel a INttle of your eicellent Balsarn,and
before she had taken the At-hoie ante cos/gents
of the bottle there w.ts a great itn:irJiemnt in
her ' , edit's' : 1 have, in Lily individual vise,
Ina le frequent use of your taluable medicine,
stud hare always been benefited by it. I would,
butt et•er, caution the public riga:slot imposition',
bc:auie there is a gyud deal of spurious Wis
tar's Balsam of Wild CLitrry afloat throughout
the country ? JACOB
Caution to Purchasers.—The ouly
11'atar'41 Balsam has the written signatureUY
l; - rte" and the printed one of the Ifrop,ricie s
on the outer wrapper; all other is vile and
{V OrtblCs3.
g_pPrepared by SETH W. YOWLE ,t CO ,
13oston, and for sale by A. D. Huel,ler, Getty--
burg; E. Iliteglicw, York Springs; Wm. W
East Berlin; Solomon ChrJnist?r, Hampton;
JacJb Fulweller,Murumaxborg; 1). E.llollinger,
..kl,hott.tovra: 31. St-Later, New Oxford: John
Miller, LAttlestou n ; and by de.llers everywhere.
Sept. 10, 12c0. 4w
PULMONIC WAFERS'—The Origioal Medicine
first article of the kil.d
ever introduced andertli% norne of " Pt-Lilo:4lc
Weraus," in this or any other country ; all
other Pulmonic Wafers a.te counterfeits. The
genuine can be kuoten by the name BRYAN
Leins stamped on each W.giFElt.
:}ryan's Pulmonic Wafers
Relieve Ctutgl4, Colds. Sure Tla.oat, Hoarseness.
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers,
Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing.
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
Relieve Spitting 9f Blood, Pains jn the Chest.
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
Relieve incipient CQnsumptio,'Lung Diseases.
Bryan's Pulmonic Waters ,_-
Relieve Irritsticin of the Crate and Tonsils.
Bryan's P9lmonic Wafers
Relieve the above Complaints in Ten 4inutes
Bryan's Pukr:lonic Wafers
Are a Blessing to all Classes and Constitutions
Bryan's Palmpute Wafers
Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers
Bryan's Pulmojaic Wafers
Are in a simple form and Pleasant to the taste
firsan's Pu!meals Wafers
Not only reliere,but effect rapid and laatittgCures
Bryan's 'Palmonic Wafers
Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one
No family should be without a box of
Bryan's Pn!motile Wafers
in the house.
No traveler should be without a supply of
Bryan's Pulnionic Wafers
in his pocket,
No person will ever object to give for
Dryan's Pulmonic Wafers •
Twenty-five Cents.
JOB XOSBS, Bole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y
June 18, 1880. lynow
TLENEN,—The enbscrilter will send (free of
eSsrps) to all who desire it, the Recipe sad di
rectioas for staking is sisspls. Vestige le Be,
that Will, to bon two to eight dam re wore
Frumpies t Blintehes, Tan, Freaks, &.11 0 en tess ,
wad ail impurities and maths's, of tie Skin,
leasing the sans — as Natty* Wended IS should
b e - 4 A arw, owed and heantiAd. Thrill del
airing the Ise*, with fell inarvetfiaais, direc
tions, sad adotto, 'will please ea 4 on or addrp
(with return 191111r id i
Pra4tiessl Chemist, -
No. i*Cety.Boildiars i NOW York.
Aug. 241, NO. , la
Aaaarmyksamikiakaosa6wPf.l , l4l4•4
--G ETTYS II URG—SATtrasorr usge.
Superfine Flour.—
Rre Flour
Whate Wheat
Red Wheat ......
ClorerSeed .........
Timotby Setd—.—.
Flax Seed ...... ....-
Barley --
Plaser of Paris ---
I faster grisanci, per
Oats ...........
Ctorer 5eed....... Y .
Timothy Seed
Beet Cattle, pet hand.
Hugs, per huud
.............. .......
Guano, PernsittEl, per ton
H 0 V ft--T m (DUDA LAIiT
Flour, Crum/ wagoas
Do. from stores
NVLeat ......
Clover Seed..
Timothy Seed
.v. .7, iv gieJ• iplil
On the llth alt, by the Rey. Mr. Miller, in
St. Francis Xerier's Church, Gettysharg,: Mr.
JEROME A. BBINCIINER, ors Ernatitstburg, to
Miss AMANDA A. NOEL, of Butler to:mast/Lip,
•*dame county. '
On the I Ith alt., at Locust Gr•3re, near Eta
mitsburg, by Rev. H. Bishop, Dr. JACOB RINE
BART. of Fairfield, to Miss MAGGIE, daugh
ter of Peter Graybill, Esq.
On the 25th ult., by the same, Mr. D tVID
RCS/IRAN, formerly of Adams co., to Miss
AMANDA KEILIIOLTZ, of Nutusit:shurg.
On the 13th ult., at Pleasant Retreat PAT
ronage, near Chamberabnrg, by the Rev. James
.11. Bishop, Rev. J. GIUEON SROA Fr to Liss
SUE PETERS, of the vicinity of
Adams county, P.t.
On the 18th ult. ' in Reading townghip, M.
L. Taughinbaugh, aged 52 yeitrs and 4 tut..ntlie.
Blessed are they who die In the Lord.
On the 18th ult., in Adams county, JOHN
F RAN EL IN, son of Jacob and 1 isher,
aged 7 yeara and 19 dt.s.
I On Monday lust, B.IIII'EL, Pm of J. F.
and ::arch Fahne.atnek, of this pLice, iu the Srd
)ear of his age.,
On Thursday evening last, Mr. , . SARAH
VALENTINE, wife of 3lr. John Valentine, of
Ilantiltonbaa tows aged 21,ye.vs 3 months
and 14 du) i. •
01 the _'3rd ult, ti FORGE CALVIN, son of
. Mr. Ephraim lloritz,olFraukliwtowneldp,aged
S years 4 months aid 'Jo days.
STRAZAN TOWNIatr, Sept. r.n.; IRrtn.
' 11. J. Creme, 1:W4: De ,r Sir •—lika:uttrh
. as the repurt that I worth' not, if fleeted Pro
ttead to the duties of s•u•1 office In
per •on, it still eireu , ated, I hare thought DIA
,it misfit perhaps be well enotko to iusert a
card in your piper • reiterat4ig what I ha•l au
thorized you t t ray some tine ago, tiz : that I
would consider it dishonorable to a-rept a
Domination for no office, ill dil not d fiigu , if
eleeted, to give it ivy persoual titteNlii,3. 1
ph. 1;:e IllyNtlf to do all, if elected, if health and
strength be euutinued.
!Leslie/V(111y yours,
Sr;:. 24, 181:0. 3t
J. J. Horron,
—Office on Baltimore gtreet, nearly oppo
site rain es:oek Brothers' store.
Liettysburg, Oct. 1, 1860. t.f
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersizned, Auditor appointed by the
(et hs , t's Court of Adams county. to dig
p ups seeptions to the account of ISAIAH
W. 0119. - Administrator of the estate of WIL
LIAM 01:11 devessed, late of 11.1tniltonlotn
uslitp.A , itas couuty, dee., hereby notifies all
pe - eon= it, ca l f wny iuterested, that he will sit
At his afire. for the purpose of ilispo-ing of said
nn Ir.gbiesaray, die 21M day of Oa.-
' .1. D.. 11-.60. J. C. NEELY,
1 Oct. 1, I , tk. td A udihr.
Pay Up !—Last Notice !
' rim F. snhs:riber is determined that his Books
I shall be settled tip. Ile therefore gie es
souther notice to those indebted, to come and
PAY. All accounts not liquidated by the lOLA
of o:tober intl., will be place d in the hands of
an officer for colection. WY. GILL&SPLE.
Oct. 1, 1860. 3t*
1880. Fall Millinery, 1860.
pt .
i just epeeise a handsome assortment of
Lite •t and most tashiohable styles. which she
aid sell at the very lowest cash prices.
t I . 43.l—Ladies, call and examine them.
t. Oct. 1, /3t;1i,3
'arna for Sale.
FINER subscriber will sell his FARM, situated
1 in Franklin township, Adams county, 2
miles west of Cashtowu, , on the Millerstown
road. The Party, contatia. 75 ACILES-50 acres
clear. The I.tnd is in a good state of cultiva
tion, having beea limed. There are nll kinds
of fruit—o thrilittg young Orchard of choice
grafted fruit ; also pe trims. pears and plums
of the best kinds. The buildings-ftre a .
one and a half story STONE HOUSE, a E f fi
large new Bank Barn, a Cooper Shop,
ac. The (Amu is in good order, and cannot be
beat for raising potatoes. I calculate on rais
ing five hundred bushels this year. A never
failing spring of water at the door.
Oct. 1, 1800
List of .
Oct. 1, 18G0.
itley George
Brady Mrs. Isabella
Bickel Res. H. M.
Barlow Henry M.
Baanner Mrs. Barak E.
Bassist Rev. Gopplieh
Bosley Drs.
Banther A. E.
Brion Miss M.
Campbell J.
Cates P. J.
Cluck Henry
Colitis Wm. A.
Collins P. D.
Chronister Mre.Hannala
Forrest W. H.
Fritchey F. A.
Frame Enos M.
Ginter John
Hartzell .1. D.
Bart Abraham
Humrichouse C. W.
Hake; Freiertek
Hassler Rev. J. W.
Horner J. F.
Irwin M.
Keefer Miss Kate
Little Miss Ann Eliza
Lyons L, Z, 1
McFeely Col. John 2
Iloon.shour Mrs. lisrriet :
Ilishsel John
lieinstpr J.
Cooper (U.S.Seatnan.)
•Persons calling for letters in the above
list will please say they were advertised.
frYSON & BRO. are continually tuning oat
handsome colored Photographs from small
Natures. tiring on yOur "tiny" ones and let
us make something worthy a place on your
parlor wall. Excelsior Gaßery, Gettysburg.
UST weived sad pow opesinz, 1 large sod
varied assortme n t of QITICESSIVARE, to
w ' It sekitirglolbs ottlgorhgril6.
41401.- •-- - • - - - &-zdY, •
00 to 6 25
3 SO
«...........1 15 to 1 20
1 3to 1 12
. ...... 60
...... 28
• 30 CO 5 00
-...............1 to 2 00
1 20
6 25
1 00
562 to 575
• lb to I 60
to 85
45 to 70
...... 30 to 36
5 66 .o 6 00
• 2 00 to 2 75
• 5 50 to 8 00
8 00 to 8 56
00 tolG 00
22 to 23
26 00
...... I 20 to 1 :la
A Card.
• ost Office, Gettysburg,
McKee Rev. W.
Miller Jacob
Myers David M.
Peters George
. Pryo Asa
Ptlieger George
Ryan M. 2
Royal Miss S.
Raid Mrs. R.
Reeser Wm.
Russell Miss Catharine
Stahl Samuel •
Shrirer Anna Margaret
Shuts Mrs. Lavinia
Smith H. B.
hoop I. C.
'toner D. 3,
lewart Samuel 4
loenburg Lee
ith Miss Susan
with Lis Mary
aylor Wm.
ride D. J,
Wilson Sam'l C.
Wilson John 2
Walker John
Wisaler Albert
Dode B. G. W. Jr.
Phi, Kipp*, Psi. Fra
President Philo Society
Heirs at Law of John LI.
Public Bale
Oa Trodaasday, the day of October inst.,
the undersigned. Administrators of the estate
of SAKCILL W. !dueness, late of Streban town
ship, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, at the
late residence of said deceased, in said town
ship, 2 miles from Bunterstown and 2 from
New Che , ter, on the old Carlisle road, the fol
lowing Personal Property, viz •
ling Colt, 4 head of MBA Cows.-2 bead of
Young Cattle, a Brood Sow and Pigs, several
Stock Hogs, 1 narrow-tread Plantation Wagon,
1 thie-horse Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 Two
horse Carriage, Spread and Shafts, Threshing
Machine, Win d-ntill, Cutting Box, Rolling
Screen, Hay Ladders, I.trge English Wagon
Bed, Cart Body. One-horse S:elgb, 1 irge Sled.
3-hone Cultit ator, Ploughs, Shu% el Ploughq,
Flax Brake., Horse Rake, Jack S, reN4
rhaiikt, t•rbwhar. 2 Crindst.ines, a lot at 11;g.,
Double and Single Trees, Horse Bar-
DM, Collar.; and Bridles. Riding Siddle and
Bridle, Side Saddle, 2 Cross, ut S.tws, Iron
''ice, and a lot of Carpenters T.ols
consisting in part of Bei,teatls and Bedding
eirewkftst, Dining end Kit..lien Tables, Centre
Bureans, Corner Cupboards, I set of
Cane Scat Chairs, sets of Common
Chairs, Set.ees. Safe, S Jnds. Twenty-four hour
Cluck, Veni , inn Window Blinds, 1 Parlor, 2
Ten-plate .inti 2 Cooking Stores, with Pipe and
all nt cessary apparatus.a large lot of Carpeting,
Iron Kettle, Sausage Cotter, Meat Vessel., Bar
rels, Tabs,-Tin-ware, and many other articles
aot necessary to enumerate.
6 25
6 00
6 25
THE FARM will also be offered for sale at 12
o'clock, on said day, unless previously disposed
of at Private Sale. It contains 243 Acres, and
will be sold together or divided, to suit pur
*Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. N.,
on said day, w hen attendance will be given and
terms made known by
Oct. 1, 1840. is Adinanu trators.
Valuable Real Estate,
AT I'CIILIC SALE.—In pursuance of an
Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams
county, the subscribers, Administrators of the
estate of I) .1:4 Ict Plates, deeeased, will offer at
Pubic Sale, on the premiers, on Saturday, the
20th day of fieebee wt., the following Real
Estate of mild deeelent, ris :
MANSION FARM, situate in Hunting
ton township, Adams county, Pa., hilt a ile
frost Petersburg, (1. 5.,) adjoining lands of
John PAieger, John &idler, Jr., John Day, and
gibers, containing 163 A( les anti 36 Perches;
about 25 acres are woodland. ( overed with ex
cellent cheentit and oak timner—and aln.ut
acres meadow. The firm is under good culti
vation, and is weil nstervd, - haiia,, n( rf,ri
Aprings In neJriy all the fields. 'I hereaire
some five or i.;.x Lime Kilns (onvinienci near.
ie improvements are a Two-story
HOUSE, with, Basement,
'trick k Barn, W.tgon Shed and
Corn Crib. tttps'l ag House and Gran-
Aries, log: Shop, with other necess.try out
buildings; a tseverthilli.,: spring of water in the
yard, a fine young thrivi n g 2pple Orchard.with
a variety at other fruit, such as f• aches. pears,
plants and cherries. Also, a one an! a half
story BRICK TKNANT HOUSH, and a Bts'k
stait't Shop—with water convenient.
Cla Noaday, Me 22d day s/ October Use., the
ing wifl be offered, on the premises: A
VALUABLE: FA lilt, situate partly in Hunting
ton and pertly in Rending townships, Adams
eonnty, adjoining la\oda of Abraham FieLts,
Jesse rhronisttr, John Hartman, and others,
containing 211 Acres and :al Perches,—about
40 acres are heavy oak timberland, and acres
meadow, and mote can he made. The f.trut is
well watered. The improvements consist of a
one . and a half story LOG HOUSF:, Double
Log Barn , R 1 1. P:1 of never-failing water at the
door, an Apple Orchard, and other improve
ments. This property will be offered entire or
in three parts, as mist bent suit purchasers.
• Per n ous wishing to view these preperttes are
refriested to call on the List-named of the
Administrators, residing in Huntington twp.
S de to com.acu.:c at 1 o'clock, P. Y. , ou said
when attend .nee will be given and terms
made known by
A dia. aulralurs
By the Court—H. G. Wot.r, Clerk.
Oct. 1, 1669. to
To Bridge Builders.
SEALK,D PROPOSALS Dill be received at
theiotlice of the Commissioners of Ad ints
c o unty.,o,,u/ Ilunday. the Usth day of Oeiober tnzt.,
for building aWOODEN BRIDGE across " Lit
tle (.7:mon-ago Creek," (upon the old site.) on
the road leading from Hnoterstonn to Me:4ber
rystown, u .arllone's Mill. The Bridge is to
h± 1 cult after the style of "Burr's Patent," one
span 55 fret long.
PlAus and specifications for the Bridge can
be SeCII by persJus wishing to fld ou the day of
letting, or Ity application to J. M. Walter, Clerk
to Co.sicnisiouvr=.
Commissioners of Adams county
Attest—J. M. WALTKII, Clerk.
Oet. 1, 1660. td
Svds' Sarsaparilla.
TOt IMIT, 1111,VIDIT, ucn pcsert,
recommended by the leading
authorities and i• highly approte 1 by all who
have tried it. Delicate le lies find it a perftrt re.
storadr , : and persons olio lead a sednutary lite
will find their nervous and general system
strengthened and Improved by its use.
The great object of this medicine is:
Ftarr. To purify the system of all morbid
matter, and Impart to the blood such
properties as to make it new, pure,
and rich.
&mos.*. To cleanse the stomach and bowels of
acrid humors, acidity, and all mucus
matter, which cause so many and fa.-
tal diseases.
?BIRD. ro soften and relieve stricture of the
skin, and thus establish a healthy and
natural dow of the "insensible per
Focare. To impart tone and strength to the di
gestive organs, and giro great rigor
and vitality toall the organs of the bocly.
Firm. To eradicate all diseased, impure, sad
poisonous particles from the blood,
flesh, and bones, and effect their com
plete expulsion from toe body.
SLIM To counteract the ill effects produced
by the use of mercury, and to remove
all scorbutic eruptluus, arising from
whaterer cause.
Ask for Saudi' Sitraaparilla and Like no other.
Wir Prepared by A. 11. & D. SANDS. Drug
guts, 100 Fulton St., eor. of William, N. Y.
For sale by A. D. Buzzbia, Gettysburg, Pa.
Sept. 24, 180. lm
Notice to Assessors.
TeHE Assessors elected at the last Spring
Electir are hereby notified to attend at
t Commissioners' Office, in the Borough of
Gettysburg, to receive Blank Assessment Du
plicates anCthe necessary instructions, as tO/-
The Assessors of Union, Coßowago, Berwick.
Berwick Bor., Oxford, Hamilton, Rending,
Mountpleasant, Germany, Strabnn and Mount
joy, will attend on Tuesday, the 16th of October
nex t
And the Assessors for Lbe Borough, Cumber
land, Freedom. Liberty, liamiltooban, Franklin,
Butler, lienallra, Tyrone, Huntington and
Latimore, will attend on Wednesday, the Mt
day of October next,
By order of the Commissioners,
J. M. WALTER, Clerk.
Sept. 24, 186. td
taneentary with* estate of David Hoover,
late of Reading township, Adams county, de
ceased, having been 'Fantod to the under
signed, two of them residing in the saute
iownship, and Henry residing is Straban
township, they hereby give Dodos to all pat
rons indebted to said estate to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against the
same to present them properly authenticated fur
settle.meut. DANIEL HOOVER, 1 Be y ,
WITH 111,0YE1i,,1c'r.
- '
- - Trzrmm.n.
WIIEREAS. So andl by the Aet of the
General etasesahly aside Slate. ontidisti
“An set to regulate the General Sleetione of
this Commonwealth." enacted on the 2d of
July, 18:9. it is enjoined on me to give Pulilie
Notice of such F:iection to be
:Ri held. sod to
enumerate in such notice lel, cers are to
be elected : I, ISAAC LIGFITNER, Sheriff
of the County of Adams. 4n, therefore, hereby
give this pnblic notios to the Electors of the
said County of Adams, that a G•neral Election
will be held in said County, on the &rota
Tuesday of (kioher nr.rt, (the 014,) i n th e
several Districts composed of the following
Townships. TM:
In the First district. composed of the Bor
ough of Gettysburg and the township of Cum
berland. et the Conrt house, in Gettysburg.
In the Scond district. composed of the
township of Germany. at the house lately occu
pied by Peter Li Irenre;trr. in the town of
Littlestown, in the t. , wriNhip of Geimany.
In the Third district. conipo-ed of the town
ship of Oxford. at the h , use of J neoh F. Beck,
in the town of New Oxford.
In the Fourth
. distriet. composed of the
townships of Latimore and Huntington, at the
house of Caleb B. Illldebraud, in the town
ship of Huntington.
In the Fifth district, composed of the town
ships of Hamiltonban and Liberty, at the
Public School-house in Milleistourn.
In the Siith district. oomposed of the town
ft:lip of Hamilton, at the house now occupied
by Daniel Becker. in the town of East Berlin.
In the Seventh district..composed of the
township of 3lcnallen. in the Public School
house in the town of Bendersville.
In the Eighth district. composed of the
township of Stratton, at the house of Jacob L
Grass, in flun4erstown.
In the Ninth district.oomposed of the town
ship of Franklin. (including that part recently
stricken off from ,Slenatien,) at the house now
occupied by Joseph Bennett, in said township.
In the Tenth distriet.composed of the town
ship of Conowago, at the house of John
Busboy, in le%herrystown. ,
In the Eleventh district. composed of the
township of Tyrone,. at the house of Allen C.
Cook, in Ifeidlersburg.
in the Twelfth district, compoard of the
township of hlountjoy. at the house of Victor
Haas. in said township.
In the Thirl centh district, composed of the
township of NlountVeasent, at the public
School-hou-e in - said township, situate at the
cross road*. the one leading from Oxford to
the Two Taverns, the other from llunkrinue
to Hanover.
In the Fonrteenth district. composed of the
township of Reading, at the public School•
house in Ilanipton. a
In the Fifteenth district. composed of the
Borough of Berwick, at the public' School.
house in A iplw.tatown,
In the Sixteenth district. corny ivied o( the
township of Fre stout. at the house of Nicholas
Moritz. in said township.
In the Seventeenth district, cntnnf the
township of Union, at the house orroch Le•
fever, in said township.
In the Eirliteenth district. coinpostsl or the
township of Butler, at the public School house
in Middletown, in said township.
In the Nineteenth district, coutrulael of the
o w ,:ehip of Berwick, at the Pigeon Hill
&b,,,, n i. h ,:nse, in said township.
A t w hi c h t ame and places will be elected
One Gocernor of the Commons c*ith of Penn-
Otte Nlenther of Congress represent the Dis
trict compose/I of the ConL:ti",l of Adam :,
Franklin, Bedfard. Fulton and 4 1111 iatai
One Niel:ll,er of Assembly;
tine Sheriff;
One l'rothonotnry;
Otte Register and Recorder;
Oue Clerk of the Courts;
One Commissioner;
Two Directors of the Poor; and
Oue County Auditor
Particular attention in directed to the Acta
Assembly. pasted the 27th day of-February.
1849. entitld "An act relative to voting at
elections in Adams. Dauphin. York, Lancas
ter. Cumberland. itridtord, Centre, Greene,
and Erie." viz :
&writ»; L Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Miserably
met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority
of the game—that it shill be lawful for the
qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Lan
cattier. Dauphin. York. Franklin, Camber.
land, Bradford. Centte, thecae, and Erie.
from and after the passage of this act. to vote
for all candidates for the various offices to be
tilled at an election on one clip or ticket :
Provided, That the office for which every can
didata it voted for, eball be designated, as re
quired by the existing laws of this Common
Secrtos 2. That ally fraud committed by
any person voting in the manner above pre
scribed, shall be punished by the eitating
laws of this Commonwealth.
Attention is also directed to the following
section of the Act of the General Assembly o
the session of 1851. entitled "An act to pro
vide fur the election of Judges of the several
Courts of this Commonwealth :"
Sexvtow 4. That the election for Judges
shall be I.eld and conducted in the several
election districts is the *sole manner in aU
e as elections for representatives are or
shall be held and co:Awe:ed. and by the same
Judge*, Inspectors, and other officers; and the
provisions of the act-of theiaeneral Assembly.
entitled "An Act relating t' the elections of
this Commonwealth." approved the second
day of July, one thousand eight bundled and
thirty-nine. and the several supplements, and
all other like laws, as ftr as the same shall be
in force and applicable, shall be deemed and
taken to apply to the election for Judges :
Provided. That the aforesaid electors shall
vote for judges of the Supreme Court on a
separate piece of paper, .tnd for all other
judges required to be learned to the law, on
another separate piece of pa per.
Aiso—ln and by virtt.e of the 14th sec Coo
of the act aforesaid, every person, excepting
Justices of the Peace, who shall holdall office
or appointment of pr. flt or trust under the
Government of the United States, or of any
city or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed
under the kgislative,executive or judlciary de
partment of this State, or of the U 1, r Led States,
or of any city or incorporated district, and also
that every member of Cougr. ss and of the
State Legislature. and of the Select or Com
mon Council of any City, or Commissioner of
any incorporated district, is by law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time, the
office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or
Clerk of any elec.ion of this Commoewealth,
and that no Judge, Inspector, or other officer
of any such election, shall be eligible to any
office to be then voted for.
Also—That in the fourth section of the Act
of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to ex
ecutions, and for other purposes," approved
April 16th,,18.40. it is en ictel that the afore-
said 14th section -shall not be construed, as
to prevent any militia officer or borough offi
cer, from serving as judge, inspecOor or clerk,
at any general or special electiou in this Com•
• - And in and by an Act of the General As
setubly of this State, passed the 2d day of Ju
ly, 1839, it is directed that the Inspectors and
Judges be at the places of their districts on
the day of the General Election aforesaid, at 9
o'clock in the forenoon, to do and perfnm the
several duties required and enjoined on them
in and by the same act.
And be it further directed, in and by the
Act of the General Assembly of this State.
aforesaid. that one of the Judges of each of
the different districts aforesaid, who shall
hare the charge of the sertiflcates of tbe num
ber of votes which shall have bees given kg
each eandidese Air the different trims then
and there voted 5w at their respective
trims, shell meet the third day &Aar the else.
lion, which shall be ea Friday, the 12th of
October aforesaid. at the Cksartebante, in the
Borough of Gettysburg, then and tyre to
make a fair statement and certitiosttrof the
number oUroses, which shell have Lusa given
it the different districts in the county of
&duns for any persons (jr the offices; akweeaid
011111,, aseisS.
eberirs Qtatif i tty sßuil Lll4l.l , Sept. 17, 'at;
Valuable Perm ibr Sale. Wilcox & Gibb's
a subacribee Milers *or ale, on very Ie- WING vAcimig.
eommodating twee, TWO FARMS.
o. 1, situate to Bind:ow township, Adams We 'rent and increasing demand for this
county, 3 miles eaat.of Gettysburg, 1 mile from remarkably simple machine is a guarantee of
the Railroad, containing 110 Acres, more or its suptriur escelletica.
less, the improvements on which
n 2 e a STONE EIOGSE, good Bank fit 1
Barn, o and other out-buildings.—
About l 5 acres are In Meadow. and .
tht-re is running spring water in every field.,
which serer There is a large Orchard of
choke grafted Fruit, about 4 acres. About
2700 or 2.500 bushels of Lime have been put
upon the farm, and its convenience to the
Railroad renders Lime very accessible. There
is a due proportion of Timber.
No. 2, situate to Cumberland town.iliip, on
the Kmmitsborg Road, a mile and a half from
Gettysburg, containing 143 Arras. more or less,
the inKir it ettient, on which arc a 13CW FRANIF,
DWELIAN+I HOUSE, large Brick Barn, sod
o th er out-buttding4; a well of water at the
barn, and one at the house. About 22 acres ,
nre in Meadow. There is a due. proportion of
Timber About 3,000 bushels of Lime hare
been put upon the Farm
sheir The terms will be made known" on ap-
OIL attua to the subscriber.
Sept. 3, 1860. tf
Private Sale.
TE subscriber will sell at Private Sale his
TRACT OF LAND, situated is Hamilton
ban township, Adams county, Pa., h a mile
west of Fountaindele, on the Turnpike Rand,
adjoining lands of Jacob Haelleigh, Robert. Wil
son, and others, containing 12 Acres, more or
less. Nine acres are in a state of good cultiva
tion, the balance in Timber. The Dwell
ing Is a Two-story LOG HOUSE, well j
finished outside and also inside, a good L . tt
double Log Barn. Hog Pen, and other aeces
ears buildings. There is a good Apple Orchard,
and other fruit of good quality en the premise's,
also, two springs of never-tailing water near
the Dwell,ng.
Persons wishing to view the property a ill call
on the subscriber living thereon.
jikeir-If the property is not sold on or before
the 22d day of October, It will on that day be
offered at Public S..le. and if not Fold be
Sep). 10, 1860.. 3t
Good Home.
cont. lining about 283 Acres, situnt•.i iu
liamiltonh in townsh , p. Adam. , coun , y, adjoin
ing the property arc* knawn as the “ttrr Farm; '
ab t tt one-halt of this farm is of same quality ;
its Orr's land. The meadows are large and
good soil. can be'made to produce very large
c.ops of Hay, a product for which there is now
a constant good market; about 'JO acres are iu
ti ob , 7. much of it of the best kind:4, includiug
Locno and Walnut. It is supposed the mein
I.llnahle Poplar timber In the county ou this
property and within of a mile of a good
Saw-mill. A voting Apple Orchard, contain
ing 200 trees of choice selected fruit. planted 2
or 3:years ago. A young Peach Orchard of
100 trees of but kinds selected. These Or
chards, *hen in full bearing, will add greatly
to the value of the property, as the quality at
Adams eonnty fruit is known and held in great
esteem in the cities. Numerous Springs on the
farm, one of which is a large Sulpher Spring,
that may become of great %slue as soon as the
Gettysburg and Waynesboro', or Gettysburg
and Chambersburg Railroads are finished, as
the property is within one mile of these R tit.
roads: and by these Nada a constant supply of
Franklin county lime may lie had
cheaply, so as to improve the land
to any degree of fertility desired.— -
There is a HOUSE and good sub-
Stantial Barn on the farm.,
same townehip, adjoising him of T. Stevens,
5 ,.: 1 others, containing about 35 Acres.
si g_rie property will be shown to any per
son_ w i s hi d2 to purchase and the price made
k'own on app li c ,;!lon to lodate Robinson. E
Faireeld; Robert O. Zeßreary, 3eorga Mc-
Clellan, and Col. J•aints D. Pazaiivi. Uet
tysbnrg. ISAAC R. SMltil t .
Sept. 17, 1800. if t
Tavorn Stand
K Olt SALE. In pursuance of en Order of
the Orphaa's Court of Adam. county, the
sn scriber, Guardian of Result C. Selina and
Cuxean SYYDIIR minor children of Conrad
Snyder, dec'd.,
will offer at public sale, on the
premises, on Sapirtfay, tA , 13a . day of October
next, the interest of -aid minors, being two
thirds, In TUE TAVERN PROPERTY, known
as " Sehriver's Tavern," situate in the borough
of Gettysburg, at tb" junction of the Erumits
burg road with the P.altinsore Turnpike. The
lot contnina gel perches of land. The improve
ments are a T.arge Two-.tort' , -
Brick Dwelling nor Ell, a Two- . f ill
story Brick Back-Building, Frame . I/ 1 1
Bata, Frame Stable. Sheds with .
Granaries, 2 Wells of Water, with uew Drops
in the name: a part of the lot is enelosed as a
Garden. The property has many advantiges
as a Public House, especially for Wagoners, as
there is ample room for teams.
jper Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, X., on
sold day, when stleudince will be given and
terms made known by
JAt'OB BENNER, Guardian.
By the Court—li. G. Wotr, Clerk.
ear At the Rime time and place, I will sell
my interest in the above described Property,
being the remainime one-third part in the saute.
By her Agent, Jacob Benner.
oberlf the above Property is not sold at the
time and pl ice, it will then be offered for
RENT, at public out, ry, for one yeas from the
first day of April nett.
Sept. 17, liitilL ta
Merchant Tailoring.
GEOTIGg .g.q.N01.11 has procured the ser
vices of W. T. KlNG,itnil has comurotteed
the chore iya 4:rice.t, And will carry it OD in all
its various branches, a,.d has connected him
self with the stoic of Mr. George Arnold,where
there will Le con+tantly kept on haled a large
stock of (-hex? Cloths, Over-eostings. CASAI.•
111 .res. Cassinetts, Vesting!, and Trimmings of
every kiud. Work done to the very best
ncr, ant w e:ty style on notice. Custom
wur;. and cutting out soli( ited when goods are
ptirclised chett here. The shop is in ciunec
tlun ujth Mr: Arnold's store, where Mr. King
can always be found during business hours.
,a - 6/%e a c ill. (Dept. 17.'6 1 :r. 2 crt
FESIALT: INsTITCTIC.—The Winter Session
of the tiqtyiburg Female In4titute, will
commence on Monday, the 15th of October next.
For further particulars apply to Rrr. D. ETBTII,
Principal, High street, Gettysburg.
Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 1860. 3t
CAME to the premises of the subscriber, in
Frankliu township, about the 2ith of July
last, a white and red spotted muly STEER, sup
posed to he between 2 and 3 years old. The
owner is requested to prone property, pay char
ges and take him away JACOB I.,A.DY.
Sept. 17, 1860. Yt
Fall Trade 1880.
1;3 Lexington et., 3 doors West ofliow*rd,
Informs his eustonters and purchaser! gen
erally, that Lis stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth,
Mattingt ' kc., is now complete, consisting of
Brussels Carpet, Velvet, Three-ply, Ingrain and
Venetifn; Carpets of every style and price, Oil
Cloth from 1 to 8 yards wide ,
Matting, Rags,
Rau, Stair Rods, Le., Rag Carpets of our own
make, constantly on hand, all of which will be
sold at the very lowest rates.
145 Lexington Street,
Sept. 24, '6O. 3m Baltimore, Rd.
M. BNITLNft would most respectfully W
orm the Ladies of Hampton and surrounding
country that she has secured her IfaU stock of
Millinery Goods, embracing ev variety, cal
culated to please every taste. Prices low, as
usual. Her aasurtment includes all colors of
Straw Bonnets and Feathers, Ribbon and other
Trimmings. Silk wad Velvet Bonnets also on
hand, ready made. Likewise Band Bows.
Sept. 24, 1860. at
ALL wt TriXON A BRAYS pl lery of Ptip-1
C 11 91 Inirr, 0 Stem
se l aVelgurie thill"""
• 11°1 4 CAltitt Ilt3 * KI . IS •
pw,y R . 4. qvA{ • •
For Sale at
YOUNT.—This beautiful and very deaira
b e country seat, adjoining' the Borough of Get
tysburg, on the road leadiug to Fairfield, is
now offered at Private Sale.
The Farm contains 124 ACRES, more or
less, 10 to 12 acres of which ere in Timber, and
about 30 acres of Meadow hottu:n ; there are
two young Apple and Peach Orchards on the
premises; the land is the red grat cl soil, Qns
ceptible of a high et its of cultivation; lime
acts well upon it and can ally tys lie ii ui at the
Railroad Depot, which is in sight, at 221 cents
per bushel. The iinproTcinetits are a
large two story \Tenth erboarded HOUSE,
with Cellar, Back-building, Bake Oven,
Smoke House, a large Bank Barn, with Bins,
Corn Crib, /Lc. together with all necessary
Out-buildings, In complete order; there is a
pump at the door eq.& never-failing spring of
water close by. WThoighby's Run bounds the
west end of the Farm. This property will be
shown by Mr. J. Scott Wilson, living on the
premises, or by the subscriber in (jttycburg.
N 0.2. CUMBERLAND Farm is
also a ban tonne and very desirable property,
situate on the Taneytown road. four m.les from
Gettysburg, containing 1 . 38 Acres. more or It as.
About 30 acres are in Timber and 25 to 3) acres
in Meadow. This land is also of the red gravel
kind, clear of stones, easily cultivated.
produces well, and is capable of being highly
Improved. All it wants to make It one of the
best firms In the neighborhood is a farmer and
a little lime, which can always be had eithe r at
Gettysburg or at Littleatown at 121 eenbi per
bushel. There is a young Apple and Peach
Orchard and two springs of water near the
house, and a stream of water crosses the south
end of the ferns near the buildings. The im
provements are a one and a half story
Stouc HOUSE, Bake Oven. S.noka 1:s
1103 PC, a large double Biro, with Wago
Shed. Corn Crib, Mx; Pen, and all noce sary
Oat-buildings; Chord). Mill and School iioll.4e,
all clone by, in a healthy and pleasant
burhood an4gool sod , . ty. This property will
be shown by Mr. John Black, adjuiuip.—
Terms easy.
No 3. WIIfTE I:REL.—This Firm contains
100 Acres, more or lets; its was originall%
pert of No. 2, and is no less d...sirable, being the
same kind of red soil, easily Oultivatcd and
producing well, and wantajnst a hat No. 2 does
to make it one among the best farms in the
neighborhood. Some 30 acres are in Ilmher
and 2:, or 30 acres in Meaanw. There 14 a
young Apple and Pe ich Orchard on the premi
ses. The improvements are a Two-story
Weatherbourded fiCII;: , E, with Cellar
Beek-building, Smoke house , Frame it
Barn. with Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other
Out-buildings, with a pump at the door, all
new. This property front; on the Taneytown
road—the public road leading from the Taney
town road to the Baltimore Turnpike passes
the door; a small stream of water runs through
the meadow. This ism has the same advo
- that No. 2 has, as tb church, school
house, mill, lime, and good society, and will be
shown by Mr. John Black, or by Mr. J. Bol
linger, adjoining it. Terms easy.
Persono w ishiug to purchase will please
look et the properties. GEO. ARNOLD.
Itiettysburg, Sept. 17, 1860. $0
The Only Preparation
LAR EVERY DAY I—And testimonials, now,
a dd Alm )st-wlthout number, might be given
from I.4ies and gvntletnen hi all grades of so
ciety, whoge gaited testimony n me entf.d resist,
that Prof. WooTs Hair Restorative will restore
tio bald and grey, and preserve the Lair of the
youth to old age, in a its youibfal bealty.
Battle Creek, Mich., Dee. 21, IRSB.
Prof. Wood :-.--Thee willt please accept it line
to inform thee Huts the hair on my head all fell
off over twenty years ago. caused by a compli
cated chronic disease, atta.. - ded with an erup
tion on the head. A continua! course of suf
fering through life having redncea me to a state
of dependence, I have not been able ;..2 obtain
staff for caps, neither have I been able ts. do
them up, in consequence of which isky bead has
suffered extremely from cold. This induced
me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent
I had on earth for a two dollar butte of thy
Hair Restorative ationt the first of August last.
I hare faithfully followed the direction.' and the
bald spot is now covered with hair thick and
black, though short, it is also coming in all
over , my head. Feeling confident that another
largelsottle would restore it entirely and per
manandy, I feel anxious to persevere in its use,
and being destitute of nreanti to purchase any
more, I would ask thee if thee wonldst n it be
willing to send me an order on thine agents. for
a bottla, and receive to thyself the scripture
declaration—" the reward is to those that are
kind to the widow and the fatherless."
Thy friend, SUSANNAH RMBY.
Prof. 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir :=ln the latter
part of the year 1852, while attending the State
and National Law School of thp State of New
York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me,
commenced falling off very rapidly, so that
the short space of six months, the whole upper
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of
its covering, and much of the remaining portion
upon the side and back part of my held short
ly after became gray, so that you will not be
surprised when I tell you that upon my return
to the State of Indiana, my more casual ac
quaintances were not so much at a loss to dis
cover the cause of the change in my appearance,
as my more intimate acquaintances were to
recognise me at all.
I at once made application to the most skill
f•il physiciani in the country, but, receiving
no assurance from them that my hair could
again be restored, I wits forced to become re
conciled to my fate, until, fortunately. in the
latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative
woe recompended to me by a druggist, as be
ing the meat reliable Bair Restorative in use.
I uied one bottle, and found to my great satis
faction that it was producing the desired effect.
Since that time, I have used tie‘en dollars'
worth of your Restorative, and as a result. have
a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no
money can buy.
As a mark of my gratitude for your labor
and skill in the production of imp wolderful
an article, I have recommended its use to
of my friends and acquaintances. who, I am
happy to inform you, are using it uritli like era
feet. Very respectfully, yours,
A. V. LATTA„ '
Attorney and Counsellor at La*.
Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers
throughout the world.
The Restorative is put up in bottles of three
sizes, viz: large, medium, and small; the small
holds j a pint, and retails for onec- dollar per
bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per
cent. more in proportion than the small, retails
for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a
quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re
tails for $3.
0. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad
way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St.
Louis, Mo.
And sold by on good Druggists and Fsney
Goods Dealers. [Sept. 17, 1860. 3m
To Personas out of Employment.
SEWING MAC E .— We will give a
mission, or wages at from $25 to $6O per
month, and expenses paid. This is a new Ma
chine, and so simple in its construction that a
child of 10 years can learn to operate it by half
an hour's instruction- It is equal to any Fami
ly Sew' Machias in ate, and the price is but
Fifteen 1 . , .
Pe • • • • an Avenel will address
,',-- ' J. N. BOYLAN,
- . &le Sewing Machine Co.,
Sept. °or St Milan, Ohio.
GOOD inielk a nd moderate prices are the
characterkdics of the Excelsior Sky-light
Gallery. TYSON It 111/0.
PRICE 530 00
715 Chesnut Street,
Sept. 17, 1860. 3m
Valuable Real Estate
Ligonier, Noble co., Indiana. Feb. 5, 1839
. ...
. Arm.% Oattistftiti Pills.
Atru s ick, feeble,
I Are you out of order, with
your system deranged, and
your feelings inconsforta
tile ? These symptoms are
often the prelude to serious
illness. Some fit of sick
ness is creeping upon you,
and should be averted by
A tiosely use of the right
remedy. Take Ayer's Pills,
and cleanse out the dis,,r
demi truMors—purify the
blood, and let the Holds
mote on unobstructed in
lmalthagain. Theystimu
late the functions •f tilt
body into ri,;tiroms activi-
ty, purify the system from
the obstructions et hich make disease. A cold
settles somewhere in the body, and obstructs
its natural functions. These, if sot relieved,
react upon them t•elt es and the sarrouoding Or
glltt s , producinz general aggra..atinti, suffering,
and disease. %%bile in this condition, opTress
ed by the deranxement4. tale Ayer's Pills, auli
see how directly they restore the natural acties
of the system, and with it the buoyant Feeling
of health again. What is true and so apparent
in this trit ial and t °mown compl tint, is also
true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous
distemrers. The same purgative effect expels
them. Caused by similar o'istructionS and de
asingem,enta of the natural functions of the
body, they are rapidly, and many of them sure
ly, cured by the same means. None who know
the virtues of these l'Ule,,will neglece to employ
them when suffering (ruin the disorders they
Statementa from leading physicinga In some
of the principal cities, and from other well
known public. per.tens.
/ma a Forwerding Merchant of St Lents, Cab. 4,11114.
Dr. A) er : Your Pills are the paragon of all
that is great in medicine. They have cuffed
my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her
hands and feet that bad Moved incurable for
years. Her mother has breri long grievously
afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin
and In her hair. After our child was cured,
she also tried your Pills, and they have cured
her. Aa.t MORO/1110M
From Dr. Z. W Cartwright, Mow Odom&
Your fills arc the prince of purges. Their
excellent qualities surpess nuy cathartic we
possess. They arell,'but very certain pad
effectual in their action on the bowels, which
inakm; them invaluable to us in the daily treat
ment of disease: • •
From Dr. Z4ward Boyd, Baltimore.
Dear Bro. Ayer: i ceniun answer .. .) nil what
complaitils I have cured with your Pals better
than tolay all that we ever treat with a. purga
tive medicine. 1 place great. dependence Gaga
eticetnnl cathartic in my daily coolest with
di , enge, and belfrring as I du that Jon, PHU
afford ire the best we have, V( course value:
them highly.
Pittsburg, Pa., May 41853.
Dr. J. C. Ayer—Sir: I have been repeated
ly cured of the worst headaebeany body can
have by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems
to arise from a font stomach, which they cleans*
at once. Yours with great respect,
- Fn. W. PRBIBLX, Cl'k of Steamer Clarion.
from Dr. rbooloro 11.11, of New York City.
Not only ere your Pills admirably adapted to
their purpose as an asperient, but I find their
beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked
indeed. They have in my praetice periled more
effectual for the cure of bilious complaints than
any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely re
joke thakive have at length a purgative which
iy worthy the confidence of this proression and
the people.
Department of the Interior, 1
Washington, D. C., 7th Feb. I8:56.
sir: I have used your Pills in my general
sad hospital practice ever since you made them,
and caanot hesitate to say they are the bed
cathartic we employ. Their regulating action
on the liver is lekk and decided, consequently
they are au admirable remedy for derangement*
of that organ. Indeed, I bare seldom found a
caws of bilious disease so emanate that It did
not readily yield to them. Frit ternsdlyyours,
Aeoazo Batt, D,
Physician of the 3larine llospßta.
From Dr. J. G. Untie, of chime.
Your Pills hare had a long trial in my prae+
tire, and I bold them in esteem as one of the
best aperients I have ever hound. The altera
tive effect upon the liver makes them an excel.
lent remedy, when given in small doses for
bilious dysentery and diarrhcen. Their sugar-,
coating makes them very acceptable and con.
venlent for the use of women and children.
prom Rim J.• Y. Hlm.i , Pastor of advent Church, Dram
t h . Ayer: I have used your Pills with ex
traordina:r success in myfitmily and among
th ose I em . ea:!ed to visit in distress. To rept
late the organs pf digestion and purify the
Wood, they are the I , •:Yy best remedy I have /
ever known, and I den emu:del:My recommend
them to my friends. Yours, J. V. limn.
Warsaw, Wyoming co., N. Y., Oct. 20,'55.
Dear Sit: lam using your Cathartic Pills
in my practice, and find them an excellent
purgative to cleanse the system and purify the
fountains ot, the blood.
• JoUX G. MeaCHAIII; M. D.
• Prom Dr. I P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada..
Too much cannot be bald of your Pills for
the cure of costiveness. If others of our fra
ternity have found them as efficacious as I
have, they should join me in proclaiming it for
tho benefit of the multitudes who suffer from
that complaint, which, although bad enough in
itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse.
I believe costiveness to originate in the liver,
bnt your Pills affect that organ and cure the
Prom Met B. Stuart, Physician "al )1114olfo. Dorton.
I find cue or two large doses of your frills ,
taken at the proper time, are excellent promo
tive. of the natural secretion when wholly t
partially suppresssd, and also very effectual to
cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They
are so much the best physic we have that I re- "-
commend no other to my patients.
Prom the Iter. Dr. Hawke*, of the Methodist MOS Ciasedi.
Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga., Jan. (1, '3(l.
Honored Sir: I should be ungrateful for
the relief your skill has brought me if I did not
report my 'case to on. A cold settled iu my
limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic
pains, which ended in chronic rheumatis.n.—
Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians,
the disease grew worse and worse, until by the
udvice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr.
Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects
were slow, but .:ire. By persevering In the use
of them, l ain now entirely well.
Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge. La., 5 Dee.'ss.
D_r.-_Ay_e_r: I have been entirely cured, by
your Pills, of _Rheumatic Gotit—ts painful dis
ease that had afflicted me for years.
of the Pills in-market eontain Mer
cury-, which, although a valuable' remedy In
skilful hands. is dangerous in a. public pill,
from the dreadful consequences Met frequent"_
iy follow its incautious use. These,eontala as
mercury or mineral substance whe,Sever.
Price, Ji teats per Box, or i Boxes for a
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES k CO., Wail, lyiu.
14rSold by A. D. Rudder, tiettylihute; P.
Arendtsville; Paxton k *Creasy,
Fairfield; I'. A. Myers, New Chester; M. StaaSer,
New Oxford; E. iliteshew; York Springs; and
dealers generally.
Sept. s, 18G0. lyeow
Lime Factory
EftS !—The undersigned would most re
•spectfully inform the public in general, and tho
fanning community in particular...that they bare.
erected two spacious LINE KILNS,at the corner
of Stratton street and the Railroad, and Art :
now burning, and will continue to burn, largo '
quantities of the BEST LIMB, which they will •
dispose of at the lowest Bring rates. farmers •
and others sas incited to give them a ealL By
supplying a good article, which they arpoet
always to do, they cannot fail to give satistao.
ties. goOCRDY A CUBS.
ri ALL AT A. SCOTT k SON'S and en tho •
j PATIN? 811.114311ALING, AM- S.
Tionr FRUIT CANS and JARS, wbicb ase
most reliable and ecttmettiest vessels for.lies•-,v
serving Traits and Vegetables of all klatis,-.,, 4
which can be proven 1,741ar Wit ridiabistecilkc., ; ,,,i,
.kll,l, •
L - Andit 110 of °rockery sad Queesivei
4011. fb; tabs by Ifelissor4 *UM
20, 1860. tf