THE COMPILER. il J. !MOLL; ILVOI AND PROPSLUITia. PAs MONDAY ifOrINNO, OCT. 1, 1840 Our Flag_ FMB DEMOCRATIC STATE ELEC TORAL TICKETS SiN•ToIcILL ES,ECTuRS : Pon. George U. Keirr., Hon. Richard Vei3z Dtsruict F4-.Pertous: 1. Frederick A.'Serrer, 14. [suit U.ocki.ovr. 2. AVrn. C. Pattorson, .1.5 ? Ceo. U. JrkeLscva Jos. Crockett, Jr., !lc,: John I. Ahl. t_ lola. G. [keener, r7i Joel R. DerliAer. 6. G. W. Jacobi . , 18, J. R. Crawford. t. Chas. Kelley, !19.4. Lc.t. 7. Oliver P. James., po -T.. Howell. 43 . David ticket., l• • . Letterman. 9. Joel Lehner, 112. gn'znel Marshall i.(►ftet. a. ilarbour, 123. Wm. B oo k. 11. tha/E.ll 'Walker. 24. If. I). Hamlin 12. S. S. VisetteEter, Guy lord Church 33. Jos. Limbach, Sew.' suiisis of Vie TArineer• tic State Ex•ca- =2=!Mi Ilettotrile t That tae Democratic rectors! Tick/4 b Leaded with the 11:41,00 of hteplem A. Donelas. or Joh• C. lltreakinoidge. Y 103 Elector at Urge, mei in the evert of •nce.m of eaOt Ticket, if the greater number of voles shall hare been cast for 9:ei,hen A bone... then tb. •ote of the Electoral College of the plate shall he e..t tor Viteo.han A. bungle• and berachel Jutliaoli to• Preal deut and Vice Preoudent but If for C lireckiondge, then for John D. Dm:lto:H.4e •ol Joe Lane for the emu, odLcre I r the Tote of Pecos,; vauu cano. , t • lect t:141 Can dk•lAL• foe whom the majority or the votes are mat. and it can elect any man emitting for the ...Mee of Propellent of the United ktetee, claim* , to be a Democrat, then the Tots of the Electoral College shall be cut for that casethlats. I fit will nut elect either of the Del:roe-rata for whom It Is coot, or ay . of the keenocrate who are emir, toe is the Mates, then the roy shall be teat for the canialats who ha the majority of the Toted of the State : and that the Clpurpo.n of this Ctmouttee be toot rooted to obtain from the gentlemen on the Deneocrette Lie Loral Ticket of this 14t...41 they re•erAl end datioet tp.edgea of acenowicen:e i• the forwAutug reencution ant to rvIA,-t tle malt of Ws aotiea le the premise* 4 the next lou•ting of the C4JIMILUM tole Lel,: on the day of FOR GOVERNOR, gCM HENRY D. FOSTER, Or WEIITYOIIIiLAND Pos COXGRILI, ,UON. WILLIAM P. SCHELL, Or IZDPOED COCNTY Democratic County Ticket. AssamilLY : lIENRY J. IfYE4S, of Tyrone township Sonar•: SAMUEL WOLF, of Berwick borough PROVIONOTARY ElENftr• A. PLCKING, of Suaban township RE,GOTKII & RICORDZI EDWARD McISTIRE, of Liberty township CLERK Or THZ COURTS JOHN EICHOLTZ, of Butler township Corrissioxe a WILLfAIf B. GARDNER, of Huntington twp Acrorroa,;. HENRY DYSERT, of Germany township DIRICTOII.B J A COB MILLER, of Reading township, 3 ti•ears ISAAC PFOCTZ, of Ilamiltonban tp., 2 years - vg 6 WP44 - 101n2 Ilthn Freemen of Adams, Pric) Ireporrpt. The Democratic citizens of Adams county, and all others opposed to sectionalism and proscription, are re quested to meet at the following times and places, to wit: At J. E. SMITH'S, in Monntpleas, ant twp., Monday Evening, Oct. 1. At Easx BERlas, Tuesday Evening, October 2. At STRASBArGR'S SCROOL 'HOUSE, in Buchanan Valley, Wednesday Evening, October 3. At FAIRFIELD, Thursday Even ng, October 4. At LrrrLurroirs, Friday Eve - thug, October 5. At MIIMMABIIIIRG, Saturday Even. ing, October 6. At Mrs. Baouou's, in Franklin township, on Monday Evening, Oc tober 8. The speakers for these meetings will be Hon. Moses McClean, E. B. Buehler, Esq., Wm. McClean, Esq., J. C. Neely, Esq., W. A. Duncan, F• 841., Dr. D. B, Peffer, H. J. Stable, And otters. 'THE CrriraNs' BAND, of Get tysburg, will be present at these Meetings, JACOB BRUM:RS[OPP, Chturtnam Outstay Comunitlise. >tfpTlion. Ws. P. Bantu., the Democratic candidate far Congress, expected to visit this county last week, tut he writes us that sick ness is his famil: prevented him from doing so. Be dam Poi feel site in remaining away from his home more than a day at a time— returning Ist itevery evening—and hence is at present "Of:led in his efforts w Bedford county. Thsmoersts of the Coludy, You are frequently asked by Opposition candidates to vote for thew Can you think of doing any such thing whilst you are charg. ed, by one of, the' orgaae of that party, the /Star awl H a rter, as °Seers of Count., Ju. rasaM, with Vim DISBONEBT—fur, asks Ike al*Balnas paper, is speaking of the of& eera St OW 0011#112 "Mid aPeei to AIM OWNS *Mr ilieeferediß-Atia beak - Democrats of Ad ailitt.=*" as. swims is_ as Mt roust Bensgahlt - Sto #lar's impliestioa that aft erasiatT , aim dealt you are not to be `'be, too, that -the way to dwiwakresaadisoliMskieditti *tabors a1EY#44 1 0 44 0 ti!deraltgAeir Rambo* ak. edit : al :lit .b 40.104 AS )11001111 WPolletglis Paiy tht Oar 1-0; voimpit..7T.lgt•wra.• !^-"J" NI Pherson and the Helper The Sentinel nu tioulevoultl. if it amid, but it dare not, deny Mr. Meßberson's rota for JOHN SILERMAN, the enVolper of Hel per's infamous Aoolitiou Book, fur Speaker of tbo !louse of Representatives. The Let counot be &pirated out of— r it is too wail known. But what ch.os the Sestinel do in the emer gency 1 Just what Juan Merman himself did in the tame strait. Shernran'wvti bidloted for flails - 4nd days; McPherson till the time wiring kir hint. It then became evident that his connection with the Helper B ok weuid prtvent his election —that a majority ai the members would not rote for so rabid an Abolitionist. Something bad to be done to reilere him fr j m this weight —he wouid never get through 'with so h eav y s load upon his back. What was to be done? At !eat the expedient wee hit upon that Sher man should appear in, a card and state that he knew nothing of the Book which he en dorsed: Sherman, was slow to conic into the metsure—it w a s humiliating that a man of hie position •;tiould lower himself to so small eabterf•,ge—his feelings of independence revolted at it. But his friends were persi,r tent- —McPherson, no doubt, among them— ar.d be yielded. He, John Sherman, the can didate of a prominent party of the country for one of the moat important posts under this great government, confessed that he did a weighty thing without knowing what they was about ! But the trick failed. The brat.d was upon John Sherman's brow, and all the denials he cou'd heap one upon the other could not save him. lie was set aside to make place for another—Jne who had not so disgraced and bumiliate,d himself. And we tell the editor of the Sentinel that Edward McPherson, the supporter of the en dorser of the [fel* Book, will Le sot aside too, that one with'no such dark spot upon his " record" may be placed in the Bail of our National Congress to represent this dis trict. Shern.isn's "last mud" was worth nothing —and the &stied will not relieve hloPherson by any allusion to it. Electioneering Boldness Before the organisation of the Know Noth ing party, Charles X. Martin, the Opposi tion candidate for Register and Recorder. made iotid pretentious to Democracy. In the course of time, however, we find hint at the head of the new order—acting the part of GRAND MASTER for Aims county—and no one boasted more tauntingly than he as to bow very soon the Doloocratio party would be exploded into atoms by "SAM" and his followers,4nd no one in the county lost more time, by y and night., to accomplish t)}at end than be. The result, however. proved him a poor prophet—and a very badly defeat ed candidate for County Treathrer ! The Democratic party in Adams county srostletaiit explode, for the accommodation of such hun gry aspirants as C. X. Martin, who think of nothing but qifice--orrrot---OFFICE! Re is again on the turf, and is begging Democrats to vote for him—meekly *touring them that be "must dtpend upon his Demo cratic friends' for success!" Really, this is cool, is it not, fellow Democrats. First he leaves his party, to get into what he considers will prove a stronger one, and spares no ef fort to ruin his old party ; but now finding his Know Nothing organization too steak to elect him, he gets a nomination from it, and clett asks Democrats to help him into office! - Democrats are not as ignorant ne C. X. Martin seems to suppose, and as he will dis cover about election time. They have not yet forgotten how, when snow Nuthin,gism was on the rise, he glorified over the antici pated defeat and ruin of their party. eWThe Opposition, taking advantage of 1 the holding of the Agricultural Fail at Ben dersville, called a meeting there for Wednes• day evening. From all the circumstance', , an immense demonstration was expected, and no little effort was made to that end. Their Band went out from town early in the morn ing, with a view to stir up enthusiasm.— (Some said it was to "take down" the Ben. deraville Band ; if the fattest, they had fully their match, though by years the older.)— The evening came, but not tho anticipated hundreds to hear the " orators." The people evidently looked upon the meeting as out of place. The Fair was made up by,all parties, and to take advantage of the oetrasian as the managers here did for a political purpose, was looked upon as a rather mean act.— Hence the meeting, we are reliably inform ed, proved a very bad failure—adding another clash to the shower-bath which the Opposition managers are now compelled to take. Ilfir One of the " big fibs " appears in the last Sentinel. The editor says "tho Dem ocrats have become frightened at the prob. pecte before them"! The Democratic ticket bide fair to sweep everything before it. Men of all parties ex press their admiration of the superior quali fications of the Democratic nominees, anti scores of Opposition voters will support them. And they will do this the more readily be cause of the log-rolling and trickery which prevailed in the Opposition Convention, and by which alone more than half of its nomi nees secured their places upon the ticket. Democrats "frightened," indeed! The bal lot box will show that •'tho collar is on the other horse." Sig-In prefatory remarks to the insignifi cant affidavit of Jacob Geiselam), the Star wont out of its way to say that that individ ual was a cousin to Daniel Geis.linen, one of our highly respected County Commissioners. We believe they do hold the very close rela tionship of second cousins, but we object to the position that because one of two second cousins may be a. reliable gentleman, that therefore the other must be so—and we have no doubt that Daniel Geiseiman oh,leets also. Further—in politics we know them to be no sort of cousins. IVbilst Daniel is a wholo sealed Democrat, the other is—let us see. First a weak-kneel Democrat, than a Know Nothing, and now a Know Nothing Republi can. Most likely a "Wide Awake" into the bargain. The Star folks should always bear in mind that "comparisonrare odious." "A Change." The &gime? makes the announcement with aonmr`Voitrieh of trumpetv," that an indivie: nal who Las herateure been an active ttivnii: cra t e h os avowed himself for Lincoln anal navalln. Who is the "gentleman?" We doubt not that it is a cave of 'ltem riddititie of bad rubbish." 'flat we dinetavAlmge *az. that the may Jodie. deiii.'nelgivivor, "fees the mimic" of scAtnosied. tbst yoo are to ing Fv !lamb% = . °4 A Challenge r 4 year ago, ee the eve of the election, ole of the Ster4t "last card" dodges was, to re i port that Capt. Diana had contribotetj e ram of money to a Catholic Church iu order to , secure totes—and the boast was male in glaring letters that the charge eouid he PROVEN." C^.pt. Dithi demanded the proof—gave a broad kin, that the proof must be forthcoming or a retraction made—the I Star man got frightened, and, after the eta-how, i actroirtztoctßr that be -- had min l--ebert, he h‘d been "uoi.tinfurwat."' So much fur the desperate " last card" of a year ago. INow we have another—coming through the same charinel, but under a new guise.— The affsdavit of Jrcob Geiselmaa failing en tirely in its purpose—it* effect, indeed, being Tether favorable to Samnel wuir than against him—something else must be done, and that something else is "a challenge" from Samuel Metzger. Let us examine into this nefarious business. Metsgar cffers to bet "$5OO to $100" that " Sant. Wulf said be woull never vote for a Catholic." Sam /CI Metrzaz is one of the most bitter Opposition partisans and one of the most bit ter men living. lie is the father-in-law of Samuel Wulf, and yet lies nut spoken to h'm for eight years. It is said that Metzgar even parses upon the street the children of Sane'. Wolf. the children of his own daughter, with out recognisi ng them. Further, we are told that several years ago this man kletsgar establish ed an oppasition blacksmith shop in Abbotta town to break down Samuel Wulf, his son-in• law. Still further. it is reliably said that Sletsg,ar has threatened to spend TWO saY- Dl[D DOLLARS to defeat Samuel Wulf for Sheriff! Whilst all these things are known, it is equally well known that Metzgar and his other on-in-law, John M. Wolf, an Opposi tion man, are and have boon on the best of terms. brow what is the secret which under lies all this nnitp,sity to Samuel w,,ir Can It be anything else tl an that Samuel Wulf is a Democrat, and wilt not bend in hjs politics to accommodate the bitter and over-bearing partisan spirit of his father-in-law, Samuel Metzgar? Under such akstate of feeling a man like Metzger would stop at nothing. But is thicharge true? John M. Wolf, the other son-in-law of 3fetrzar, and the Op position Candidate for Clerk of the Courts, admitted to a gentleman at Heidlorshurg that Samuel Wulf WWI CLEAR OF ITI No one knows more about the getting up of the false hood than this same John M. Wulf, ani he says Sauget WOLF 18 CLEAR OF IT ! Metzgar's challenge will be sooeptad. .Let him produce hie money aithe Compiler ogee. and it will belcoverel as he asks, and more too—on this Condition, that his proof mast oome from men of character and reliability— men who wont! not' allow their hostile feel ings to lead: then; to. the commission of a wrong, as plenty of persons at Abbottatown did when thiy swore, in the presenoe of Sam uel Metzger. in a dark lantern council, to de price a respectable portion of our citizens of their dearest rights. What think an honest public nlw of the demon spirit,which is at work to hunt down Samuel WoIC? " The Cat Qat of the Bag!" The Opposition 'cannot even keep their plane to themselves. The fstos vgt aglii.a. them ! During the Fair at Undersellle, last week, three or four prominent Opposition gentle men of this county lodged in one must at Myers's hotel. There was another gentle man in the apartment, whom they either must not have untitled or supposed asleep.— Before giving themselves up to the arms of Morpheus, they indulged in a long political conversation, during which it transpired that they had not much confidence in the election of their ticket—but that they depended alto gether oa bard work, and hoped TO DEFEAT PICKING AND MeINTIRE BY TRADING! —by humbugging Democrats into voting for Baily and Martin, by promises that Opposi tion men would vote for other of the Demo eratie candidates. Democrats, BEWARE! BE WARNED IN TIME! The whole Dem cratio ticket can be elected—end by no other system than that of TRICKERY can either Baily or Martin be successful, NO TRAD ING ! ! ! The Star folks have run out of capital.l judge this from the fact that they are I trying to attack the intelligent and honest ; gentlemen who are now so wisely and econom ically managing our county affa'rs. Never ' in the history of the county were things bet- 1 ter conducted, and the public know it. Even i the editor of the Sentinel, who is as anxious for a , " change." (and more'' change" into his pocket.) as anybody else. sees the folly of such miserable attacks, and refuses to have Anything to do with thaw. No, no, managers of the Star, that cock won't fight. The people know that all you care about is to get control of the county af fairs yourselves. in order that you and your favorites may fatten upon the spoils of office. Considerations for the interests of the peo ple wool.' wei, , ,h little with a set of hungry cormorants, who, in their greed for office, went so far as to swear away the rights and privileges of a large and respectable body of our fellow tax-paving citizens. Pretty times, Indeed, we'd have now, had these Know Nothings, who could 21'4 get office from any other party before, succeeded in their de signs. Fortunately, the people. led on by the Democracy, pushed them aside—and they will do so again; berThe &ar Pays that the Opposition meeting in New Oxford, on Saturday evening a.week, numbered about "1000" persons:— This is the 'chopper—the yarn, not the meet ing—of the season. Why, you might eat of the last 0. and the figures left would be too high. The Democratic meeting there the astute evening is conceded to have been from thretf to eve times as large. If the Star is correct, the men, women and children from all the surrounding townships must have been present to make up a crowd of from four to six thotacand—jammed into the village of New Oxford. in one evening! Tom Pep per'. falsehoods were "email potatoes" to the Sear's. lirThi Know Nothing Republican editors and orators are pitching into us personally 011 around. Thank you, gentlemen, thank you 1 You compliment us.. Surely, we could act wish our position as • Democrat to be aute more prominent. VirDesacreas, the Mar sara that jistle• sainset be it:peeled al soar bands eves under roes solemn oaths As Caen egeers sad Jo iron. .RESENT TUX lUSITA I T AT TUX 1 POLIA Mit . :11.*:#1 , to limey for .Ifotest The Opposition mangers begin to see how decidedly the thsnees are against their can dilates—and that only by the most desperate means can they hope to elect any one of them. To this end they hare resolved to 1)(114 their best energie s towards Charles X. Martin's tiseeets--and the extent to which they are going in this direction may be inferred from the fact that these managers are now offering coasideruble sums of money fur /kntoeratic votes for Afartin ! Democrau, rebuke these bribes, ered by unprincipled men who thick only of defeat ing your party, by girtng a rouging majori ty fur the whole Democratic ticket I Sir Our neighbor of the Sentinel is "off his eggs." lie says the editor of this paper "ridicules" Abe Lit;looln and "nick•names" him the orail-splitter." Hold on, neighbor ; if there is tiny "nick-naming" in this, your •elf and the.reat of your political friends have set the example. Why, even at your late meeting in this place, the "nick•naming" you complain of was very aptly done by driv ing through our streets a wagon with a rick ety old rail fence upon it. as a proof that "old Abe" was a "rail-splitter." According to the &mind'• logic the delegation which came down the Cliambersburc turnpike were guilty of grossly "ridiculing" their own can slidate fur President. "Sweep before your own door." neighbor. Nr. Schell may, or may nut, as a poor boy, raised in the country, have split rails. But if he did, it is not-claimed as a qualification Cur Congress, nor will it be. IffirThe Star managers are bravo:ling alarmed. No boasting in their !estimator—no life. The "sore kod "is seen in every arti cle. They now begin to realize that the peo ple are not with them—that their ticket can not Le elected. Hence 'they alroaly writhe under their not-to-be averted defeat, and howl like cow-hided spaniels. No one nt all acquainted with their seribblinzs can fail to perceive the depression and bad humor which underlies their articles. The sourness of disappointment is seen all over the sheet. Democrats, keep up the Ere! Yuti've got 'em The Democratic Ticket. &ereotypad newspaper puffs are not requi, red to commend to the support of the citizen. of Adams county the nominees of the Demo.: cratic party. They aro widely known as good, honest and capable men, and as such will receive a o .rdial support. No person doubts either their honesty or their ability. But their friends should see to it in time that they be properly and successfully surAted at the polls. Let not the impre4sion that " they will be easily elected,".relai the ener gies of any member of the Democratic party ; but I.t it iocrettso the activity of frieuds. The Wide AWakeL This semi military arganization is one of the worst features of the Republican party. M.ole up for the most part of the remnants of Know-Nuthingism. they embrace the very persons that are mostly likely to . creetto diw turbances whererer they go. and their facil_ ity fur eJmbination. with the'r pass words and their other modes of concentration, ren der them g f4mitlable power, in a crowd- or in a town, that cannot well be resi'ated except by sim;!ar organization. When 'the time comes that our political meetings are made up in whole or in part of th - eite half military organizations, the worst of consequtneas will. nccessaril3 ensue. Scenes of !lot and blood shed will be sure to follow, peaceable people will be kept from the meetings, and our poli tical arrangements will be banded over entire ly to these secretly trained bands. Every goad citizen, therefore, sh4ml4l eel his face a- . gninst political parties that encourage them. W. P. Schell's Record. We refer our readers to the record of Mr. Sahel' on the Tariff and Extra Pay, published in this week's paper. Mr. &hell always has been in favor of a better tariff than the pre sent, and as everyLody who knows the two men will admit, can and will do more for the Tariff, in oue week, than McPherson in two years. Ile has also been ecosistent in his opposition to Extra Pay, hexing so late as April, voted fur its repeal—Bedford Gazette. Curtin and Wild Cat Banks. Col. CCRTLY was a member that State administratii•n that chartered the Shamokin, the Tioga county, the Central Bank at Milli. daysburg, the Lawrence county, and several other Wild Banks that palmed it large amount of their hills upon the pa,,lie and then could u'l pay ! .Of course these Bank char ters were not properly restrioied, or they, could not have thus swintilad the public at the- outstart. The Governor and his advi sers were therefore to blame, and chief of the latter was Col. CURTIN I Can it be reit s-inably expected that he will make a better Governor than he did an advisor to the Governor No, of course not, and lithe people want no more Wild Cat Banks they must vote for Gen. Fosvza for Governor.—Clinion Dentocial. 'The Star says it is reported in fun. tington and Latimore that D►rtn SaalYtt, the Opposition candidate for County Com missioner, is a " Nigger•Cntcher!"—" that at one time he made etAty Collars by catching some runaways and carrying them back to their masters." We never heard this before. lEirMePherson is Leglnning to discover that his Covode Reports won't aecure hint ma ny votes. There is no "thunder" in them.— Hence he is resorting to the gnme of making thundering "big brags" in all his gpreches attont the very great ease with which he is b be slectei. Boyish I boyish I aliiriVe are literalll overrun with commu nications, and And it impossible to give them all a place in our columnc, much as we would desire to accommodate our friends. Kr-Messrs. Singleton Rieholtz isud RH My ers, Administrators of Abraham King, deceas ed, have sold the farm of said decedent., in Reading townshil., to Jacob Stouffer-34 acres for $3.20.); and 4 acres of woodland to John King for $52 75 per acre. Wild Cherry Balsas-t.—The memory of Dr. Wistar is embalmed in the hearts of thous- ands, whom his Balsam of Wild Cherry has cured of coughs, colds, consumption, or some other form of Palmory dramas. ffirThere's a vile counterfeit of this Bal sam, therefore be sure and buy only that pre pared by a W. ?ORLI & CO., Boston. which has the viragos gyrators of L BUTTS on the outside limper. Foster ail Orriia.—.Thesa gentleman will pot steam the Slats together. Mr. Curtin plesding slist hi. ea to will nut per him to met (ilea. Frvlltr at points esti,- fa eory to the latter. H. wan* the Gener al to (Oyer him around to the iieptilgktvt Ineetioga be hat *urged lo *damn, M v 22 IN MOTION! Lame and Enthusiastic Gath ering of the Democracy in Gettysburg! TUE OPPOSITIOI MISIGEIS DISMAYED! The Democratic meeting in this place on Friday evening hot was a glorious demonstra tion, giving even more and more life to the Democracy and operating as a crushing dam per upon the Opposition. At an early hour the people commenced coming in from all quar ters, in parties of dozens and twenties, so that by 6} o'clock the central part of town, where the speaking was to be had, was alive with our oountry friends. And then, as i bat one more wave was wanted to swell .the good so that it might bear down all Opposition before it, in came the Ilemiltonban and Marsh creek delegation, with their four and six-horse teams, and em tiler vehicles, all loaded with enthusiastic Democrats, and deck ed oat with gay flags and forests of hickorie+. They were received with cheer after cheer, and upon parading through the town, with their etirrine• martial music leading off. they created a perfect juror. Their marshals were Thomas A, Marshall and Jacob L. Firor. During the afternoon a large and hsateful *tend was erected in the Diamond by A. W. Flemming and 0. F. Beard. A splendid Flag of our country decorated it. The meeting was called to order at the stand by lion. J. B. Danner, who proposed the fallowing list of officers. Adopted with a shout : President, JACOB Lori.. Vice L'reaideals, John Lynch, Lome 11,mr &wt. Col. James L. Neely. Thomae A. shall Joeob Cashman. Josiah Denner.Thoreaa N. Dicks, Jaco`, L. Firor. Henry Brinkerhoff, William Wis. taker., Henry Bitner. Jacob Trozel, Jeremiah stem. Samuel Hart, Peter "Mackley, Adam Rebert, Francis Bream. Peter Hoffman, Jesse P. Topper, Gem re Piece!. Augustus lbtrtzel. Jacob Swisher. Wm.Slline brenner, George Shryock. Samuel McCreary. Secretaries, Robert M.:Clear. John. Wertz. Cornelius Daugherty, Amos Rev . haw; Here , as, W. N. Sanders, Thomas Winebrenner, Manoab Carbaugh, M. B. Miller, Andrew Mollrain, Joseph A. Orodurt Joseph Saylor. The meeting was addressed by E. B. Bueh ler, Eaq.. Dr, D. 8. Fairer. J. C. Neely, Esq.. and W. A. Duncan, Esq.. in a mnwt able and effective manner, the speaking holding the crowd until a late hour, when the meeting adjourned with three musing cheers fur Fos ter and the whole ticket. The gentleman expected from Philadelphia was detained by urgent 'engagements at home., where a warm struggle is Leing car ried on. The Citiiens' Band was on the ground and treated the meeting to some of their best pieces. performed in fine style. It was one of the largest evening meetings ever held in this place, and far sorpaased that t the Oppositiot. two weeks ago. The tarn out from the country was folly TWICE AS LARGE. It reminded one of 1844 times.— truth, the patriotic people are in motion ! Alt0"•In their parade through the town, nur coentry friends halted in front of the Compi ler of and gave three warm cheers. The compliment was a grateful one, and will in cite us to renev.ed efforts in behalf of the good old cause. They have our acknowledg ments. ( *ewes- ow-A large Democratic Meting was held at Fayetteville on Friday coeniug. It wa•g a ldressed by Judge NM and C. M. Duncan, E-q., of Chatnbersburg, nod Jame D. Neu m.n, of this county. Democratic Rally at New Oxford ! The largest political gathering in Adams county this season, was hell nu S..turday evening last, in Oxford, at the PRiblic house hf Jacob F. Beek. It was one of the old fai3h inno.l movements, which generally precede triumph at the pulls. It really appeared that a Fym.ntaneous enthusiasm brought the far mers nod mechanics from their homes for the purpose of extinguishing the new order called Wide Awakes. JOSEPU J. SMITE! was called to the ehreir, and other staunch Democrats appointed Vice Presidents and Secretaries, whose names we do not reenllect. Dr. D. & Parra& was called upon, and after receiving three cheers, proceeded to ad dress the meeting fur one boor and a half, in the mnpt itnpresaive manner. This speech was free from the low black guardibm resorted to by many speakers. yet it was one of the most genteel lampo , inin and scathing expositions of Know Nothing ism, Plug 13.41yistn, Blood Tub, Rip Rap and Wide Awakeism, that we have ever listened to. We hope the services of this gentleman may be procured at every meeting in the county. After the conclusion of the speech, the meeting was ordered into line by EDWAXD WsNeuorr, of Abbottetown, who acted as Chief 3larshal, and in double file paraded through the principal streets in the village, halting in front of Mr. Shane's Hotel. Three cheers where given to the landlord, after which 210 of the number partook of the best the house could afford. The line formed again, and in single file marched back to the square ; and after a few passes backward and forward in front of the lamp-lighters, whom we could have surrounded in numbers 5 to 1. orders were given to dismiss. Such an open rebuke to Wide Awaits Know Nothings has not yet been given in Adams onunty. September 25, 1860. 0. Ms. STAHL% :—The other party are trying very bard to defeat Ham A. P/CKLIIG, the candidate for Prothoootary. Bat how they can make any headway I don't see. Mr. Picking I know, and almost everybody in the eounty knows, east bs beat in his fitness for the oboe. Re is a fret rate clerk, with great deal of clear knowledge about law mat ters ; beside& he is a very clever and accom modating man, and speaks German as well as Engtish. Burka man is just what that office needs, and if elected (which I think sure) all the people will acknowledge that it would hays been too bad to set him aside—partici'. tarty for one who is quite a young man with out erperience; and whom we do not know to have say qualifications for the Milos at all.— The Opposition used to brag about John Picking being a good Prothonotary. We can in every respell be as well satisfied with . Henry 4. risking, if not a little better. - - F.Asak'sc. , . • - . Os ism Read t Read! Read! dN OPEN CONFESSION by the Same Pcrso* who Circulated the Report I—Thel Lie eldenitkrl by one of their own Party and a Candidate upon their oleo Ticket, John M. Wolf, Me Brother-in-law of Samuel Wolf!—Read the Confession, Democrats, and hand it to your Neighbors ! The Opposition have put a report in circu lation, with a view to injuring Samuel Wolf, the Democratic candidate for Sheriff, that he was untrue to Catholics epos the Democratic ticket, and more of that kind of Know Noth ing stuff. But the falsehood is now nailed to the counter as base coin, and by one of their own men-,—one of their own candidates! , John M. Wolf, the Opposition candidate for Clerk of the Courts. in &conversation with John Eckenrode, of Heidlersburg, said' TO +r SAKVILL WOLF WAS CLZ4S or IT--buS put tLe blame upon his father. ' With all their infamous fabrications, it has not yet been plainly asserted in the Star and Sentinel that Samuel Wolf had cut the ticket, but suppositions forced into realities for the reason it was said that Frederick Wolf had instructed the delegates to defeat Mr. Reny. Mark the truth, that Frederiek Wolf himself has not been charged with scratching a tick et, but merely that he should have instructed the delegates in 1855 or 18.6 not to have Catholic nominated. lest ho might be defeat ed ; and Jakey Geiselman, an avowed Know Nothing. is called upon to swear before ajus flee of the peace that he did say so. And George Jordy, of Abbottstown, who was turn ed oht of the put office by the Postmaster General for reasons unknown to us, must lend his name to substantiate the moat in famous lie that one individual could perpe trate against another. This man Jot* bar told a wilco, lie for the purpose of injuring Samuel Wolf, and he knows it. We can prove his aasertion a base, malignant false hood, and irlle dares to face it let him de mand the proof and he chill have it. C o me on, f Jordv, and face the truth, or hide your fare to shame for •ver. Jordv knows full well that Mr. Reilv was a candidate for Associate Judge in 1856 Jordy knows, too, that he himself was storm ed from office through petitions signed by numerous citizens of his own neighborhood in 1851, two years Ware Mr. Reily was he fore ,h people ; and from the time on he (Jordy) was a rank Opposition and had nothing to do with Democratic dclogate meetings thereafter. Jordy, Mice notice. Yon hare not been in the house of Frederick Wolf sines you were turned oat of the post office. The delegate election at which you say Mr. Wulf opposed ir. Kelly's nomination was held at the house Freder,cit Wulf, and in tthe presence of the following persons: Frederick Wulf, Joseph Wulf, Dr. Peffer, Michael Strainer, Francis Strubinger, Joseph Kraut. Samuel flair, Samuel Haner and George Davis. Dr. Pcf fer and Joseph Wolf wire sent as delegates. Jordy, you were not there. You then could I almost hate assassinated the Democrats for you out two years before ; and how unreasonable it is to suppose that you, a bit : ter eileany of this party,',ipd !I Fillmore man at that, "tan be admitted to our rneetir4.— We charge you with wanton falsehood if you say you were nt the delegate election which sent the delegates to the convention tbat set tled Roily. Kohler's talk is apron a par with thnemaker Stahl'e, neither - of whom are worth winding. Kr,hlor 1* the tavern keeper at Abbettsowa, and Stahl the es-door keeper at limisturze Sraut.a :—lt ii very seldom that I trouble an oditor with apolitical communica tion, but not bein; entirely unobisertant of things and matters, I think it might amiss to note some procce,lings indulged in by some leaders of the Opposition. I would have dropped a line before this, but a loss what to call the Opnpeition, and, in fact, I still am at -a lose how to `style them. I have nt different times spoken to men ill the O_ position ranks, but always find w hen they are attacked concerning their Bled: Repub licanism, they will slide off and turn People's party or American party ; but you tell then) that's the name of the original Know Nothing party ; so soon as they heat this, they are a little like your neighbor editors, they make one more effort to get up a name that maybe acceptable, and in their tlelirinni thy gather all the mash and chaff available fitr the final effort. And then it comes! the triu3li for down your throat, and the chaff is ahnetl and hurled toward the eye, and when they make this tremendous fling they squall out, "Whig" —" old Whig party." That's it. I am, however, glad to say that none of tl.eir nau seous stuff or slang takes the least effect on .Democracy in this part of the county. Our Democrats say anything so rotten and putrid as bail been heralded through the county is shaken and sonured off nt once, sail by the continual wiping Democrats hare become so bright that the filthy stuff will not only •not stick, lot immelia•ely roes hack to its proper place where it originnted. Of thi frt,t some of our Optosition candidntes bare foiled the eff , ci to their sorrow. I cannot here pass over the conduct of the Opposition neighbors of our candidate for Sheriff. Mr • Samuel Wolf has been assailed by- falsehood. , on .01 sides, not only by men that should hay.. ',ink ed to their own election, but by men who rather insult that portion of people on whom they intend to work, than assuage or cool I their much excited and injured feeltogs.— Does the Opposition candidate from Abbotts town think to make rotes against his brother- in-law, or for himself, or any of his party, by courting that class of neople whom he swore to put down by his voice and rote? Does he think that the little election tricks are forgot ' ten when a certain Esq: figured in qualifying the election officers, and when this certain great Esq. told the board he (the E.g.) need not be sworn, as he was the Mr. Esq. from Abbott/down. Lc.; and when the fees were sent up to the Commissioners, was it not for qualifying the whole board—each so much? Dow was it, Johntql Come, speak out ! It's only *little trick amongst, your many faults, and as you and your toots have been very conspicuous in fabricating falsehoods, don't take it hard if we give you a little of the truth. And to another of your neighbors I would say, go to that Know Nothing lodge that rejected you (Car reasons known to your self.) and have yourself initiated ere you go much further. Your electioneering won't take. You're too well kqUWM • I have ono doubt you hare heard of the Wide Awakes uniforming themselveit,Ac.— There are men engaged in this nefarious af fair that ere long . will be sorry - fur the part they have taken in it. Young men, beware of the snare Sid for you. Know Nothings had their day and were made so bite the dust, and the career of the Wide Awakes will even be shorter than their's. TM Till COMPthill. =I In conclusion, I will state some particular facts to the honest, voters of Adams county. Since the present campaign has 001111281203edr the Oppos: lion bays been very industrious througb their journals in this county and otherwise. in enlisting and trying to drag * certain portion of oar eammanity into their ranks. They lava made certain meq 04 the Democratic tickets a target in this particular business, but I am glad to say that they have entirely failed in their he ll ish desiign. The day has come that Catholic Denioorala will judge doe tismsweives. Tasty will not be led astray, by those who not long does : base worn by the stlasighl to dinfreankine Rocs Cusi. 1:=! The Plot Revealed! 'iodinate them the dupes of "Amerkees." and t o• well do the Oppoation see it now. Row. ever, the game is to be played in s difereat manner. A devise is afloat to defeat Mr. Ma. the Democratic candidate for Register and Recorder. and thereby throw odium sod distrust on the Democratic party. The Op. position Wide Awakes hive actually gone so far as to try and bribe Democratic voters by offering mo ney to persons that might be will ing to aid in the defeat of Mr. 51eIntire. We could !Tire sower. but at present will retrain. Suffice to say, that in the neighboring town ship, or rather town, not far from this, seer tarn Opposition leader offered fifteen dollars for twelve Democratic votes, to be oast assainat Mr. Mclntire and in favor of their candidate; and this offer, tun, was made to a respectable Democratic voter by a Wide Awake member ••• of the Opposition party. I wilt ttotoommetti on this at present, but leave the community to judge for themselves ; and if any of the Opposition feel uneasy or hurt. we stand ready to prove what we have stated concern ing this matter. What do you think of it, respectable opponents? What do you think of it, Democrats? I leave you to judge fur yourselves. Should it be necessary, you may hear from mo again. FAIR PLAY. Munotpleasant,tp., S3pt. 26, 1860. TOR TIN ontrzum. Join D. Spacer, Hebert Dell, J. F. waikor. Jahn M. Wolf, C. X. 3lertle , David abilver, mad wins, .11LNSWILD be Coiadesasei We want you tried by a jury of your own . countrymen, and one of your own chJoaing I Mr. Becker, I will examine you first.— - Stand up. Are you guilty or not of joining the order of Know Nothings, whase oonstitution and by-laws proscribed Catholics and Foreigners? Were you not one of the earliest members of ' the Know Nothing cooncil in Petersburg?--. Were you not, being the eon of a foreigner s kept nut of one of its prominent offices for some time, untita "dispensation "was grant led II 0. 11. Tifany. the Grand *aster °tam order in-the State ? Did you not for soise time hold the business papers of theoounoil? Do you not think that the order was in con flict with the sPirit of free government, and would hare ended in the most bloody civil revolution had the system succeeded? Can you consistently ask those classes, Catholics . and foreigners, whom you swore to proscribe, to vote for you 1 4 " . I ask yoi thee questions, and if you fail to answer immediately, we shall hold you re, sponsible fur the political sins here charged. Now, Rolp-rt Berl, John M. Wolf, C. X. Martin, J. F. Baily,D4rid &river. and others, you have heard the questions I have put 'to Mr. Becker, and like him you must answer whether you are or are not equally guilty, Do it quick, "or the night cometh on, when INQUiRtIt: nu man can work :" • full SUE COUPUML Citizens. Read This before You Vote for Clerk of the Courts I Read the Truth] The office of Clerk of the Courts is one of the most responsible of the county. and it is c , pccially our duty to elect a parent to fill it whose known integrity and intellizeace oral ifies him for the post. You have upon the one side John Bich., of Butler township, ar. honest, hard-working c;tizen, with; whom very m my of rat are ac quainted. 4 min against whom nothiag eon be said, save that he -isls. Kt easy and quiet" to make votes. So play the Oppcttion. Mr, Eicholtz is of mittnre \i.ears. and would make an efficient and trustworthy officer. Upon the other side you have J.hst, M. Wolf, of Berwick boruit;lt, whose health and strength are sufficiently good in enable him to go to work and earn a jit elihood hi the en eat of his brow. lie is yet young and has quite time enough to make his living without work: Beside Mr. Wolf has not the clearest political record to commend hint to the sup port of the people. He has been one of the most bitter Know Nothings that ever swore 'allegiance to the order, and even at this time his political prejudices are of sr rank a na ture as to render him totally unfit to b. Clerk of the Courts. lie is too much of a simly politician to have about the Court Howe. Read again. Not only has Mr. Wolf sworn himself into the order above mentioned. which should, of itself, render him obnoxious to the people of Adams county, but more re cently be has sworn before one of the justices of the peace in this county, (314. Henry Bit. tinvir) that he would not use spirituous liquors as a beverage, fir greys-ars. Let the suture of the oatb be what it may, it certainly shows that he had been using the article before as beverage and was obliged to bring to his aid the binding force of a solemn promise before Mr. Bittinger to strengthen his resolution. This was done in Mr. Wolf's own offiee, and we call upon him to prove it untrue. Mr. Wolf has confessed that he did take what he calls an extra-judicial oath, the meaning of which I am not able to solve. This fact alone, independent of any other. defect in his qtaliff idiot] fur the office, should I.e suffiuient reason for us tote in a holy for Mr. Eicholtz, the honest, hard-working , mechanic. Let those who can, prove the charge untrue. Eicholtz is the man, pen:lent of party considerations. W. Ma. EDITOII:—One oral neighbors has just informed me, and he is indignant even yet, that D.I►ID 511111'1.14 the Opposition candidate for Commissioner, bad the impudence to ask him fur his vote. My neighbor is a Catholic, and Sbriver knows it. No wonder that the former should become incensed, because be had heard often enough to place the fact be yond doubt that during the getting op and existence of the Know Nothing councils tiers was not a man in Cumberland tOwnship more active in them—almcst ranning his legs et* your place and through the surrounding country wherever there was a dark lantern gathering, to help to build up the ranks of the very order which was to pat Catholics down, and keep alma dawn—with tha bees of mid-nighters upon their necks. Mr. &river had better carry hie pork to another mark Tao? Look 001 LOOk . ' Frank. Koehler, the Auctioneer. Of As Aitkes bottswtowno.fththisstoo;inacety,, a is me en ta gaged ber Asia Widedisowning spinet Samuel Wolf, and . it is ref' por t e d upon pretty good suthouty that her ' intends to visit the Catholic townships a few days previous to the election, We would merely remark that Mr. , Kooky , ler's visit to the Paradise chapel on Sunda 7 lest gives him no raw amongst tts, aid if ha visits NOtiasplessast township Sa *lt rue pose, he will go borne will!' &ilea is kit site. that will buss vsxy load in all time *wok Prank, you had iota not mans hoic, you see not a Democrat{:,. : leet voted lobed 314 Ray Yourmif. We look ulna low is. 0 Know Nothing, and ;at a Inds. wad. NOT ' A : IebBOSII* *MAW al cep mad /44 . 111 %.1 4 wake Vine, iistlihdfattieheilthie+witihrOt go is ma* 44 A Ct. Os' MisarnsaAutft. FOR 8S OCOITILBIL.
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