The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 24, 1860, Image 3

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The triumphant election of Gen. Henry D.
taster to the Gubernatorial chair of the C.:A.lm
tionwealtt is, from all we can see and hear,
a foregone conclusion. How can it be other
erise f Every Democrat in the State—no
matter what his Providential predileetipcis
areis heart and soul for our pure azid no-
ble-hearted candidate so are also thousands
of good and true Union men belonging to
other political organisations. The Democra
tic party none, when thoroughly united. as
it is on the question (f Governor, never has
been, never can be defeated ;but, in addition
to a united party vote, the thousands outside
of our oremnization, who will cast their votes
for Gen. Foster, make assurance dnuidyscire,
and render his election certain,and that, too,
by an overwhelming major' ty
And GelsAftister is in every respect worthy
the position of Magi-itrate 4' this great
and glorious old t.,%.mmonwealtli. A Penn
sylvanian by birth and in feeling, every pul
sation of his noble heart beau fur the honor.
prosperity and glory of his native State. Of
incorruptitie -h.mesty and integrity, his ad
ministration will be n model nne for posteri
ty to contemplate. The government, under
his dircution, will be brought back to whatit
WAS in the palmy days of those pure patriots
and statesmen, Simim Snyder and Francis R.
Sliunk, and Pennsylvania will stand forth
redeemed and regenerated from rorruption
and political intrigno--the wonder and admi
ration of thrt whole Union.
The Democracy of the State may well be
proud of such a candilate. and we do not
wonder that they arc so enthusiastic in his
support. Everywhere—north.' south, east
aridwest--,but one spirit animates the Democ
racy, and Unit is a determiustioa to make
henry D. Foster" the next Governor by one
of throve old fashioned Democratic mnjorifien
kith Which we were went to astonish sour
foes.—Lisscesicr Intel! yeneer.
A Lie Nailed.
Cusastasnrao. ( pt. 12.—The Democrat
ic ooufereesof this District have noin.nated
Hon. IV. P. Schell, of Bedford county. fur
Congress. The conferees of )lithin took nu
part in the cunferent* and disapprove of its
The above, purporting to be a Telegraph
dispatch, from this place, ha. fund its way
into some of the papers. Such a message,
we are assured by the o'peratur here, was nev
er sent over the wires from this town. It is
a sheer fabrication and a cowardly attempt
to injure our Congressional candidate. There
Is not a particle of dissatisfaction existing
against the nomination of Mr. Schell in this
district, and Main county does not happen
tu be in the diatrict.—ChasateJ stars Spirit.
lap c• 4o I imil IV' ca ti. act is.
JAYE/ CL•ssx's Casasaariro F Ptu.a.—
i'repared from a pre.cription of Sir J. Chule.
Piipiciau Extraordinary to the Queen.—
This ins :double, Int-dicine is unfailing in the
cure of all those puinful and dan.rerous dise4se4
to which the female constitution is shbject. It
moderates all excess and:. cum - ca all obstruc
tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To
Ilarried Ladies it is peculiarly suited.. It will,
in a short time, bring on the monthly period
srith regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Gor
wrnment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent
Cstmos--These Pills should • not be taken
by females during the first three months of
Pregaancy, as they art sure to bring on -Mis
carriage, bat at nay other time *1.4 are site.
In all eases of Nervous as el Spinal A Ireztions,
Pain in the Wick sad taints*, Fatigue on alight
csertiou, ra:pitAtiou of elre_lleart., Hysterics
and Mr - likes, these 'Pills will effect a cure when
all other snenas have failed; end although a
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony, or an) thing hurt/Ulu; the euustitu-
Full directions in the pamphlet around each
package, which should he c.trclully preserve/.
Sole igen tfar the United St ttcs a444.laltadn.,
JOB MUSES, (Late!. C. lialdwiuk C 0..)
Rochester, N. Y.
'N. 11.—j/ 01and G postage sumps enclosed
lu :toy autliorized 14ent, will ins•ire a bJttlu,
ontAming 30 Pills, by return inJIL
Juue 11, 'CU. lieow
retued) has long been t berished by the
community for its remarkable efficacy LI re
-1 el i rig, healing and curing the moil, obstinate,
paiufri and long standing cases of Cough. Cold,
Influenza. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough, Croup, Asthma, Inflammation of the
Lungs; while e% en Cousumpzion itself has
ielded to its magic it:ilia:nee alien all other
means have failed. Its whole history proves
that the past has produced ni remedy of equal
value, as a spre Mr the numerous and danger
,,u; pulmonary affiations which prevail allover
the land.
THE REV. JACOB sEctr.r.a,
Well known and ulna: respected aincm;,- the
German peva': ..tiun cf thu; country. mat e
the follow ins statement for the beuelit of the
ra., Feh. It, 1.859.
:tfeszr.s. Seth W. Powle 1. Itoston—
Dear Sirs realii.ed in m's 1 iruil) -
importmet bene%: , from the tt:e of sour w.tiu.t
hie preparation—Wi, tar's ot . Wad C .m
-%Mirth me pleasure to recomni..nd it :u
the public. Some eight y—kr• ago one of cry
daughters seeme. to be in n decline, and little
hopes of her recoeery . tr cre entert.tined. I then
procured n bottle our excellent Balsatu,ntl
before she had tabu the w 1101- of the contents
of the bottle there was a great impro\ement in
her health. I have, in my•lu it case,
made frequent use of Tour val:iable ruecilLine,
and have always been loencli , e,i by it. I would.
however, caution the publii. against imposition.
because there is a good deal of spurious Wis
tais Balsam of Wild Cherry atlost thrnngliont
the country. JACOB SECHLhIL
Caul so n to Parchalers.—The only genuine
Wutara Balsas has the swiftest signature or ,• I.
MUTTS" and the printed one of the Proprietors
on the outer wrapper; all other is rile and
ifir Prepared by SETH W. FOWLS & CO.,
Boston. and for sale by A. D. B”chler, Getty.-
burg ; E. iliteshew, York Spring: , ; Wm. Wolf.
Rao, Berlin; Solomon Chronl,ttzr, Hampton;
_Jacob Fulweiler,Mumm•Liburg; D. E. Hollinger,
Abbentstown; M. Staat^r, New Oxford; John
Miller, Littlestown; and by dealers everywhere.
Sept. 10, 180. 4w
TLEMEN.—The subscriber will send (free of
aterys) to all who desire it, the Recipe and di
rections for making a simple Vejeoble Boils,
that will, in from two to eight days, remove
Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, Sallowness,
aad all impurities and ronghbess of the Skin,
leaving the same—as Nature intended it should
be--eoft, dear. entootA aid beautiful. Those de
siring the Recipe, with fail instructions, direc
tions, and advice, will please call on or addre 111
(with return postage.)
Practical Chemist,
No. 32 City Baildingt, New York.
Aug. 20, 1860. 3m
sir THI3 PUBLIC BLESSINES wbicil is now
Universally afitniusd to exist in Moffat's Life i
end Phconix Bitters, is every clay dilatan
t/ their astonishing efficacy in the cases
i ch they are announced to cure. 111 the
of the stomach and bowels, weak
' alba etive 011011:11 and of the system
bilious ;and liver affections, night
head tteles;pites, costiveness, coasnmp
slimy_ • ectrry,imparity of the.blocd,
Mitt* eitrs ' allow ccoapienituts,soon yield
to their entaginsproperties., , A single trial Mt
vasiabl .
,_ *a tithe the best Esse'.
ir - thitrahlic. Far "ali t
10 the ' ',A. 11101"YAZ mints *Ore;
Literlrek' and br Si* Yorteh
*bar& -- [Feb. . ly*
To the Board of Kamer' of the /Whim Cmisti )Meal
71 " I..purisn. Compaq.
The Pioectin Con:rents* el..mtt the folletrirec Matt
meet of the operstlothe of too Chnstiotal fur time pout
yew-, •ht
Ain t Nut 4 on band Sept 5, 1539 12,611 13
Cash Premiums reed daring ?ear 1236 ub
lutarest ree'd on Not 131 63
Gab raid out u per Repnct of
Treasurer, daring the year,
I) McCreary, Treasurer,
0 D. A. Daeither, IMersaary,
Nothe outland het L lIMO.
Cai in BIM/ a Treasurer t Managers,
A m't of Premium Notui Sept S. ICA.
.• tocefired during pla.,
Espirnd sad surrendered daring year;
j hen:data !Coto sow to fora,
Am't of Property lee'rd Sept. 6,'66,
daring too you,
1 Ind rad and marnendared baring year,
1 Anil apropeity tam twitted,
No. of Polkies ostatamtlft. Sept. 6, '59,
IA issiftd daring Owl yew,
earraadered and txplesd darlas tb• year,
N.. d Pollees sew i■ fora,
Pot& ilffelltill, bearirig Intoreat,
Cash is boob of Mown k lilasagers,
Cash lauds,
Notna in tome,
Total available Teak.
Time trorutire *oweOtos bars Ode day creneed ea Order
I 4r..r .1 Louis L. Lerog of *OS, ler Wm aortelood y bar.
Wog of hi. We, of tbe olebt of J• 17115 Type he aW ea
twig a etatal Maim of fir Ovary 'Nola for 5J mortalord
by ere. rw le Koreas of drterostoet.o br amieeb4e arbi
tr. t 1.. DOA terse chime eon be Iripsidatod *Wont
ling io the tweeted hale.
MeCURDY, Xi Corn
GETTYSBURG-B,trituove Lal?
Superfine Floor.
ifye Y10ur..—....
IV hit* W heat.
[Lye .....
Clover Seed
Timothy 5ee1..........
Flour ......
or Peru
11.x.sttr ground, per bag ...
Flour 5 75 to C 00
Wheat ..... ; 10 :o 1 65
nye PO to 85
... 67 to 70
Oat.? 30 to 37
Cloret Seed 5 50 .o 6 00
Timothy .......... 2 00 to 3 75
Beef Cattle, per hood. 6 00 to 8 00
Hogs, per bond ..... 8 00 to 8 50
12 00 tol6 00
Whiskey 22 to 23
Guano, Perini/to, per ton 26 00
Flour, from wagoaa
• Du. troiu 0t0re5.„—.............. 600
' ‘Vhe.Lt .. .4. 1 '. to 1 35
Rye . -- 65
Corn. .............. .....—.... 63
Outs .. ...... .... 31
o Clover 5eed.............. .............. 4 75
ITiwotliy Seed... —....... ..... .. 2 50
t'ltt+tt•r• 6 25
On Thlrsday ercuing 14 , 4, tie R.y. J. R.
Keiser, Mr IIENItt . IIcuANNELL to Miss ANN
JA.NE POWERS—aII of this place.
gE2r We are tinder obligations to the bride
and groom fors splendid cake. and take this
occasion to return our thanks and otterour eon
! gratulation'. Matrimony is a good thing, and
we Lope the happy couple may live long to en
joy its blessings.
In C irlisle, oa the lAtis inst., by the Rev.
Jacob Fry, Mr. W.ll. W. WATTLES, of Pitts
; burg, (form&rly of this place,) to Miss JULIA
A. Mg.:AI:ER, of Carlisle. •
On the 30th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Myers, Mr. 011 SNOWBERGER, of Washington town
ek :p, Franklin county. to Miss LEAH HOFF,
iof Straban township, Adam. county.
tin the 18th nit., at the residenre of the
bride's fatter, by the Rev. J. U. Weidler,
' hLI OWNER to Miss Ei,LIE CONRAD, both of
this county.
On the :Oth in.t., in this place, WILLIAM
t AIeCLELLAN, infant, son ofaacul.) and largaret,
• Brinkerhoff, agod 7 mouths.
lOu Saturday week, DAVID F., son of Jaccb
; nod Elizabeth Shaver, of Franklin township,
aged 10 years 7 months and 11 days.
At Allei,heny city, July 30th, SALLIR
I SWEENEY, formerly of this place, aged 70
years 4 mouths and 2 days.
On the 18th inst., WM. lIENRY SPA.NGLER,
aged 11 years 8-months and IS days.
Oa the 13.1 t inst., ROBERT, infant son of
George Bishop, aged 3 weeks and 3 days.
In Mountple.o.ant to wn.snip, on the ?Mb inst.,
JASIES B. J. LITTLE, eon of Peter IL and
abeth Little, aged 3 ,years and , ll months.
Oz Thursday week, SARAH ELIZABETH,
tog titer of Mr. J.o oh Eichultz, of ir,Lokliu
toAship, aged :; e.ll azttl 13 (id) d.
La‘a her dorm gently, the struggle is o'er,
The last sigh h.,th passed for et erusore.
Weep not so sa liv. relinquish her now,
Tue cold baud of cleAth bath pissed over her
No more shall her merry laugh fall on your ears,
No more shall her gentle voice your loneliness
No more shall heryoung head. lay on your bre,ast,
Asking your sweet sung to lull her t o rest.
No more at your feet shall she kneel every day,
To lisp out the prayers you hale taught her to
Dear parents, lay her down where friends will
So young and so innocent, so early to die. •
On the lEith of, JS.IRY E., daughter
of John and Sarah Sheffer, of Westmanchester
tp.. York county, aged 8 years 11 months and
26 days.
God lent her for a season,
Then beckoned her away.
"Farewell, my earthly parents,
I can no longer stay."
At 'Rano% er, on.the 26th of August, Miss ANN
MARIA DYSCRT, aged 50 dears and 23 days.
beneath the cross of le.,us,
I lay me dotro to die,
'Till in to(te chariot of hie love,
He bearslne up on high.
Then 367.2 my harp of gold,
And tone it loud and long,
The cross of Jesus etheifted,
My everinsting song. a.
A Card.
.3211A81N TOW3SHIP, Sept. 20, 1860
Ti. J. Swain, ESQ : Dear Sir :-111.11,MUCII
as the report that I would not, if elected Pro
thonotary, attend to the duties of said office in
person, is still circulated, I have thought that
it might
.perhaps be well enough to insert a
card in your paper, reiterating what I had au
thorized you to say some time ago, viz : that I
won% consider it dishonorable to accept a
nomination for an office, if I did not desigu, if
elected, to give it my personal attention. I
pledge myself to do so, If eleited, if health and
streuth be continued.
Respectfully yours,
Sept. 24,111110. St
Wall Paper! Wall Pater!!
WS hars just motored from the city of
New York a Mtge assortment of Wall
Raper of the newest patterns sad designs.—
Glazed, Marble Lad Oak, swiret sad plain bor.
der, decoration, are board prints sad window
Amite*. Wall Paper from $ cents per piece sad
upwards. R. F. YcMilßiY.
March 26, 1800.
~...5a~.Y.. a.~-r
ITIBE Assessors elected at the last Spring
Election are hereby notified to attend itt
the Commissioners' Wire, In the Borough of
Gettysburg, to rece;te Blank Assessment Dn
plie-ates and the necessary tustruttions,
The Assessors of rninn. Connwago. Berwick.
Berwick for., oxford, 14 tradd - ,i, Itmading,
Ilountpleikaant, Germany, Straban and Yount-
Joy. will attend on Tuesday, the IGth of October
$4,5113 SS
And the Aii.esaors for th- Borough. ("timber
land. Freedom. Liberty, H•intltonban, Franklin,
Butler, Menellen, Tyrone, Huntington and
Latimore. will nttend on Wednesd a y, the 17th
day of October next.
By order of the Commisglnnera,
J. M. WALTER, Clerk.
Sept 24, 180;0. td
- -
Pall Trade 1860.
111 SA 47
60 00
AO 00
27b4 16
1160 7
11.4 =I 3 31
ipso,L3:2 le
•:u.arr 31
20,391 23
I =l:3
145 Lexington st., 3 doors West of Howard,
BALllllOltt, Un,
$1.265,311 43
34,537 63
Informs his customers and purchasers gen-.
erilly, that his stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth.
Matting.. Ac., is now complete, consisting of
Brussels Carpet, Velvet, Three-ply, Ingrain and
Venetian: Carpets of every style and price, Oil
Cloth from 1 to 8 yar Is wide, Matting, Rugs,
Mats, Stair Rods, - ke., Rag Carpets of our own
make, constantly on liana, all of which will be
sold at the very lowest rates.
145 Lexington Street.
Baltimore, Md.
•I.C/4.676 06
307,113 At
51.317,700 t 3
Sept. 14,410. 3m
!r“ la
110 J 7
01,144 hil
"iota 04
M. BEITLIIR would most respectfully in
form the Ladies of Hampton and surrounding
country that she has secnred her bit stock of
Millinery Goods, embracing every variety, cal
culated to please every taste. Prices low, as
usual. Her assortment includes all colors of
Straw Bonnets and Feathers, Ribbons and caller
Trimmings. Silk and Velvet Bonnets also on
hand, ready made. Likewise Band Boxes.
Sept. 24, 180. St •
4114.179 96
Sands' Sarsaparilla.
5 00 to 5 25
3 60
1 20 to 1 30
........1 lo to 1 16
~.-.-. GO
4 75 to 5 00
1 7.; to 2 00
1 20
6 25
1 u 0
It is recommended by the lending medical
authorities end is highly approved by all who
hare tried It. Da p& &air: find it n perfect cc.
steratirr; and persons who le ill a sedentary life
will find their nervous and general system
strengthened and improved by its use.
The great object of this medicine is :
FIRST. To purify the sp.tem of all morbid
matter. and impart to the blood such
properties as to make it new, pure,
and rich.
Stcoxo. To cleanse the stomach and I-owelq of
acrid huroons, acidity, and all. mucus
tat diseases.
THIRD. To soften and relieve stricture the
skin, and thus establitth a healthy and
natnral flow °f il th° " insensible per
FOURTH. To impart tone and strength to the di
gestive organs, and give great rigor
and vitality toall the organ° of the body.
Ftrru. To eradicate all diseased, impure, and
poisonous particles from the blood,
SIXTH. To rounteruct the ill effects produced
by the use of mercury, and to rcmol e
all scorbutic eruptions, arising from
Aek for Sani4' Sarsaparilla and take no other.
bay - Prepared by A. H. k D. HANDS. Drag
vete, 100 Fulton St., cor. of William, N. Y.
For sale by A. D. Dus.utint, Getty:burg, Pa.
Sept. 24, 1860. Im
ja containing about .IStl Acres, situated in
Lbtmiltunhan town hip, Adams county, ndjoin
ing the property well known as the "Orr farm:"
abut one-half of this farm is of same quality
as Orr's land. The meadows are large and
g od soil. can be made to produce very large
crop.; of Illy, a product for wh:ch there is now
a constant good market; about 90 acres are in
timber, much of it of the best kinds, including
Locust and Walnut. It is supposed the most
valuable Poplar timber in the county is on this
property and within I of a mile of a good
Saviemill. A young Apple Orchard, contain
ingloo trees of choice selected fruit. planted 2
or 3 years ago. A young Peach Orch.trd of
Inn trees of best kinds selected. These Or
chards, when in Lull bearing, will add greatly
to the value of the property, as the quality of
Adams county Init is known and held in great
esteem in She cities. Numerous Springs on the
firm, one of which is a large Stilpher Spring,
that may become of great value as soon its the
Gettysburg and Waynesboro', or Gettysburg
and Chambersbnrg Railroads are finished, as
the property is within one mile. of tit.escßail
roads; and by these roads a corstant: apply of
Franklin county lime may be had
cheaply, so u to improve the land
to spy degree of fertility desired.—
There is a lIOUSR and good sub-.:
stantial Barn on the farm.
same township, adjoining lands of T. Stevens,
and others, containing about 3$ Acres.
mirThe property will be shown to nny pet
son wishing to purchase and the price made
known on application to 1.911.1 C Robinson, R. 1.,
; Robert G. McCreary. George W. Mc-
Clellan, Ergs., and Col. Jam^s D. Paxton, Get-
tyshurg. IS..IAC R. SMITH
Sept. 17, 1840. if
TpOR SALA.--In pursuance of an Order of
_EI the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the
subscriber. Guardian of Ilitsisa C. SXYDZIt and
CONIAD SSTDZII, minor children of Conrad
Snyder, deed., will °Ter at public sale, on the
premises, on Saturday, the 131 A day of October
n-rl, the interest of said minors. being two
third*, in THE TAVERN PIItiPERTY, known
as " Schr'ver's Timm," situat e in the borough
of Gettysburg, at the ju a nction of the Ernrnits
burg r'dad with the Baltimore Turnpike. The
lot contains 97 perehos of land. The improve
ments are a Lstge Two-story t r ...
Brick Dwelling 111 PPSE, a Two- 4 ; ';
story Brick Back-Buildinv, Frame Hu.
Barn, Frame Stable, Sheds with, c
Granaries, 2 Wells of Water, with new Pumps
in the same; a part of the lot is enclosed as a
Garden. The property has many advantages
as a Public House. especially fur Wagoners, as
there is ample room for teams.
Seer - Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., on
said d ,y, when attendance twill be giaen and
terms made known by
JACOB BENNET:, Guardian.
By the Court—li. G. Woi.r, Clerk.
sir At the came time and place, I will sell
my interest in the above described Property,
being the remaining one-third part in the same.
war If the, above P operty is not sold at the
above-tune and place, it will then be offered for
RENT, at public "outcry, for one year from the
first day of April next.
Sept. 17, 1860. t.. 9
Merchant Tailoring.
GFORGE ARNOLD h.ts procured the ser
vices of W. T. KING, and hag commenced
the above business, and will carry it on in all
its various branchei, and.haa connected him
self with the stole of Mr. George Arnold. where
there will be constantly kept -hand a large
stock of cheap Clotho, Over-imatings, Cassi
merea, Cassinetts, Vestings, ings of
every kind. Work done to t t man
ner, and In city style on short Custom
work and cutting out solicited goods are
purchased elsewhere. The shop is in connec
tion with la r. Arnold's store. where Mr. King
can always be found during business hours.
lei'Give us a call. [Sept. 17,'60. 2tn
- EIEMA LE INSTITUTE.—The Winter Session
of the Gettysburg Female Institute, will
commence ea Newby, the 15th of October next.
For further particsiars apply to Rev. D. KTSTIII,
Principal, High street, Gettysburg.
Gettysburg, Sept. IT, 1880. St
to the premises of the subscriber. in
CFranklin township, about the Vith of July
last, a white and red spotted muly STEER, top
posed to be between 2 and 3 years old. The
oyster le-requested to proropropertr, pay char
ges and take hint at JA.4.10$ LADY.
Sept. 17, 1800. 3t
Notice to A:meows
matter, which CAWS SO many and GI-
tlez4h, end bones. sod effect their com
plete expnlsion from the body.
whatever cause
A Good Homo.
Tavern Stand
By her Agent, Jacob Benner
Sheriff's Bales.
I '
pitrimanc i e ssu o e f d sundry writs tbe
o f rt V c7 'I C
o ' m :
moo Plena of Adams county. Pa., and t 3 sue
directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, at
the Court-house, in Gettysburg, on Saturday,
:Le nth ch.!, of S.7stemb , r 414.4 clocif.,l' .11 ,
the foil. IN 11C , 1 - 11 , e4 ILC/11 E•Ulte, :
A TRACY OF LAND, containing 13 Acres,
more or less, situated 111 Latimore township,
Adams county, P. 1., alluining ]Ands of Alfred
)hiker, Darid Gardner, and Eithers, improved
with a' Two-story Wenthertio.irdecia•Dwelling
110CSE, a Frame of water, au
orchard of fruit trees. &c.
ALSO, A TRACT OP LAND, situated in
Lalicaore township, Adams county, Pa., nu
joining lands of Win. Col. John Willi
ford. and the York Springs property, contain
lag 32 Acres, more or less. Seised and taken
in execution as the property of FiILAIIKLIN MIL
A TRACT OF LAND, containing 4 Acres.
more or lees, situated in Huntington township,
Adams county, Pa.., adjoining lands of Jesse
Cline, John Cleaver, Joseph Wierman, and
others, improved with a Two-story Frame
Roughcast HOUSE, Frame Stable, Spring of
water, fruit trees, kc. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the property of Joszeu DAT.
A LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Borough
of Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa., on the
south-west corner of Ilizh street and Long
Lane, containing 30 feet front on High street
and running, back 80 feet on Long Lane.—
Seized and taken in execution as the pros arty
A TRACT OP LAND. situated in Tyrone
township, Adams counly, Pa., adjoining lands of
John Starner, and others, containing 2 Acres,
more or I ss. keized and taken in execution
as '. .pert j( of Jacob Ocznev.
40 /,
IS AC LIGHTNER. Sh , riar.
rs... ..i ee etty sburg, Sept. 10,'61.
-• Ten per t. of the purchase money upon
ales by t. Sheriff must be paid os er int
, effiately n • the property is struck down,and
'ti failure comply therewith, the property will
again be put up for sale.
Sheriff's Sale.
Thome@ C. Reed, le the Court of Common
VB. Pleas of AdATIli count" - , No.
Imo R. Smite. 2, April Term, IMO. Pro-
ce•cdinge in Partition
By virtue of an Order of Sale in the above
ease to me directed, I will. sell, at the Court
hon.e, in Gettysburg, on i7vmlev.-411e 29/A dap
of Soptember Next, ONE . ..kND A HALF LOTS OF
GROUND, in the Borough of dettysbarg, ft out
log on West York street, adjmning lots of Jane
Ditterline and heirs of James A. Thompson,
decelsed, basing an alley in the rear. The
improvements are a large Two-story Brick
Da citing HOUSE., Two-story Back-building.
with n well of water.
Sale to coma:et:we at 1 oclock in the after
noon. 1.- 4 -IAC LiliaTNElt, Merl/.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Sept. 10, '6O.
gar Ten percent of the purchase money upon
all sales by the Sheriff mu-t be paid over im
mediately after the property k struck down, and
on failure to comply therewith, the property
trill again be put up fur sale.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE subscr;her ()Ors for sale, on very ac
commodating terms, TWO FARMS.
No. 1, situate in IStraban township, Adams
county..-3. miles east of Gettysburg, 1 mile from
the Railroad, containing 110 Acres, more or
less, the improvements on which
ate a STONE 11017 SE, good Bank
Bun. and other ont-buildings.—
About 15 acres are in Meadow, and
there is running spring water in every field,
which never f .11s. There is a 1 irge Orchard of
choice grafted Fruit, about 4 acres. About
2700 or 2800 busbuls of Lime h Ave been put
upon the farm, and its convenience to the
Railroad renders Lime very accessible. There
is a due proportion of Timber.
No. 2, situate in Cumberland town.hip, on
the Flmrnitsburg Road, a mile and a half Irom
Gettysburg, containing 14' Acres. more or less,
the improvementx on which are a new FRAMF
DIVELLiNG 1101'SE, large Brick Barn, and
other out-buildinp; a well of water at the
barn, and oue at house. About 22 acre , *
are in Meadow.lft , re is a doe onion of
Timber. About 3,000 bushels of Lime hare
been put upon the Farm.
ifer The terms will be' made known on ap
plication td the inbscriber.
Sept. 3, 1860. tf
Valuable Real Estate,
T PUBLIC SA L F..—Will be offered at Pub
lic Sale, onrthe premis:rs, on Situro'riy, tke
WAay of October next, the Re.t I Estate of DAYIICL
A 2
Mimeo, deceased, consb.ting of A PLANTA
TION, or Tract of Patented Land, situate in
Reading township, Adams county', on the bank
of the Great Conowago creek, adjoining lands
of Thomas N. Dicks, John Laydom, and Joseph
Spangler, containing 173 Acres, more or less.
The Farm Is one mile from New Chester and
three front New Oxford. The im
provements are • large Two-storf .
BRICK 110PSE, a large Barn, (part s : II - .
frame part log,) Log Spring !Raise,
Wagon Shed.and Corn Crib, with a never-fall
jar well of water near the house; two extellent
Springs on the farm, an Orchard, kc. About
I uu acres of the land are cleared, and in a good
state of cultivation ; the residue well set In ex
cellent Timber. There is a due proportion of
The Farm will be Offered In parts or In one
tract, to snit pnrchasers.
SigrSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 11., on
said day, when attenance will be, given and
terms made known by THE HEIRS
of Daniel Neidich, deceased.
Sept. 10, 1860. U
Private Sale.
THE subscriber will sell at PrivattliSale his
TRACT OP LAND, &Waved in Hamilton
ban township, Adams county, Pa., half a mile
west of Fountaindale, on the Turnpike Road,
adjoining tousle of Jacob Ifietleigh, Robert Wil
son, and dthers, containing 12 Acre+, more or
leas. Nine acres arc in a state of food cultiva
tion, the balance in Timber. The Dwoll
ing is a Two-story LOG 1101*SE. well ii'
finished outside and al-0 inside, a good „II
double Log Barn, Poi Pen. and ether net e.t.
sary buildings. There is a goof Appleor
and other fruit of good quality on the prem-es,
also, two springs of ne%er-t tiling water near
the Dwelling.
Persons wishing to view the property will call
oh the subscriber living thoreon.
the property is not sold on or befog
the 22d day of October, it will on that day bo
offered at Public Sale, and it not sold will be
Sept. 10, 1860. 3t
Valuable Farm,
T PRIVATE SALE.:--The undersigned of
fers at Private Sale, HIS FARM, situate
in I amilton township, Adams county, 2 miles
below New dxford, on the Carible turnpike,
adjoining lands of Jacob Wolf, Henry Stock,
and others, containing 82 Acres and 98 Perches,
on which are erected 2 one and a half
story LUG fIOCES, Bank Barn, Corn
Crib, Hog Stable. and other out-build- g a 1 1 ,
ings. There are two excellent wells of "'
water on the premises. The land has all been
limed rind is in a good state of cultivation.
blerPersons wishing to view the property
will call on the subscriber, residing on the
premises. JOHN RUPP.
Sept. 10, 1860. 3t
tamentaryy on the estate of David Hoover,
late of Reading township, Adams county, de
ceased, haring been granted to the wader
signe 1, two of them residing in the same
township, and Henry residing in Straban
tow . nahip, they hereby give notice to all per
eons indebted to said estate to make immediate
paymen‘ and those haling claims against the
same to prose/them properly authenticated f
settlement; DANIEL HOOVES, ,e 1
' HENRY 110014: r ik
Sept. 10, 1860. Gt*
ITYBON k SRO: are coatithitagy
handsome colored Photographs •
Notaries. Bring on your "%ay" o
us snake something worthy a ranee
parlor wall. &testator gallery, Getty
JUST received and now opening, • lame and
Ruled amortment of QUEIiNSIVArtE, to
whi we invite the attention of buyert.
April Pi. A. SCOTT SOY.
Valuable Real Estate
MOCNT.—This beautiful and very desire
( e country seat, adjoining the Borough or Get
{ tyshurg, on the road leading t• Fairfield, is
now offered at Private Sale
1 The Farm contains 124 AC:IF.I 4 , more or
le q lo to 12 acres of whliii are in Timber. ar.l
about 3) acres of Meadow hot•om , there are
' too young triple and Peach Or, bards on the
premises , the land is the red g , ..-itel so I, sus
ttiptil,le of a high stile of cultivation: lime
icto bell upon it an I eta alnat., be 11.1 , 1 at the
Rant.° id Depot, which is in sight, at 12i tents
per bushel. The improvements are a
large tyre! story IN e Itherhotrded MOUSE, 1;1 :r,
with Cellar, Back-building, Bake Wen,
Smoke House. a large Bank Barn. with Bins,
Corn I rib, ac., together a ith all neces,ary
Gut-buildings, in complete order ; there is a
pump at the door and a never-failing spring of
water close by. Willoughby's Run bounds the
west end of the Firm. Tlaie'property will be
-liou d by Ily J. S, utt Wilson, tiring on the
premii‘es, or by the subscriber in Gettysburg.
No. 2. CUMBEIILAN OFARM.—This Farm is
also a handsome and very desirable property,
situate on the Tancytown road, four miles from
G et tyaburg, containing 138 Acres, more or less.
About 30 acres are in Timber and 25 to 30 acres
in Meadow. This land is also of tie red gravel
!dad, clear of stones, easily cultivated.
produces well, and Is capable of being highly
improved. All it wants to make it one of the
boat farms in the neighborhood is a farmer and
a little lime, which can always be bad either at
Gettysburg or at Littlestown at 1,21 cents per
bushel. There Is a young Apple and l'eacb
Orchard and two springs of watt". near the
house, and a stream of water crosses the Forth
end of the farm near the buildings. The im
provements are a one and a half story
Stone HOUSE, Bake Oven. Smoke Mu
lion3e, a large dauble Barn, with Wagon
Sheds, Corn Crib, Bog Pen, and all necessary
Out-buildings; Church, Mill and School Hotie,
all close by, in a healthy and pleasant neigh
borhood and good society. This property a ill
be shown by Mr. John Black, adjoining.—
Terms easy.
N 0.3. WRITE lIALL.—This Farm contains
100 Acres, nigre or less; it was originally a
part of No. 2. Ostia no leis desirable, being the
same kind of red 'oil, easily cultivated and
producing well. and wants just what No. 2 does
to make it one among the best farms in the
neighborhood. Some 30 acres are in 'Timber
and 23 or 30 acres .in Meadow. There is a
young Apple and Peach Orchard on the premi
ses. The improvements are a Two-story
Wentherboerded DOUSE, with Cellar and I
Back-but:ding, Smoke Ilouse, Frame
Barn, with Wagon shed, Corn Crib, and other
Out-Luildinip, with a pump at the door, all
new. Thts ptoperty fronts on the Taney town
road—the public road leading from the Taney -
town road to the Baltimore Turnpike passes
the door; a small stream of water runs through
the meadow. This farm has the same advan
tages that No. 2 has, as to church, school
hol-e, mill, lime, and good society, and will he
shown by Mr. John Black, or by Mr. J. Bol
linger, adjoining it.. Terms easy.
Iserl'ersons wishing to purchase will please
look at the properties. GEO. .11LNGL,D.
Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 1860. $.5
Wilcox & Gibb'3
T Brent and ineresslog demand for this
remarlably simple machine is a guarantee of
its superior excellence.
For Site Rt
Sept. 17, 1 rat). 3m
Tho Only Preparation
LAR EVERY IIAY I—And teAimonials, ntw,
and almost AN thout norubzr, might be gi% en
from ladies and gentlemen in all grade? of so
ciety. whose united testimony none cou:d resist,
that Prof. Wood's Hair Reat.rat:vrtvill restore
the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the
youth to old age, in all its Timid - L(1 beauty.
Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 2J, 1858.
Prof. Wood :—Theewillt please accept a line
to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell
off over twenty years ago, cansed by a compli
cated chronic disease, attended with an erup
tion on the head. A continual course-of suf
fering through life having reduced me to a slate
of dependence, I have not been able to ob`ain
stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do
them up, In consegot ace of which my bead has
suffered extremely from cold. This induced
me to pay Briggs k !lodges almost the last cent
I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy
Hair Restorative about the first of August last.
I have faithfully followe I the direction. and the
bald spot is now covered with hair thick and
black, though short, it is also coming In all
over my head. Feeling confident that another
large bottle would restore it entirely and per
manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use,
and being destitute of means to purchase any
more, I would ask thee if thee would.t not be
willing to send me an order on thine agents for
a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture
declaration—'the reward is to those that are
kind to the widow and the fatherle
Thy friend, , SUSANNAH KIRBY
Ligonier, Noble co., Indiana. Feb. 5, 1853
Prof. 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir the latter
part of the year 1852. ' while attending the State
and National Liar School of the State of New
York, my hair, from • cause unknown to me,
commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in
the short space of six tootitts, the whole npper
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of
its covering, and much of the remaining portion
upon the side and back part of my head short
ly after became gray. so that fun will flat be
surprised when I tell you that upon my return
to the State of Indiana, my m,ire casual 'Le
git tintance: were no: co much at a loss to dis
cover t he came of the change in my appearance,
RS my monr intin.ate acquaintances were to
recogni.e ty,• at all.
1 at once made applleal ion to the most skill
ful physicians in the country, but, receiving
no MS , Untnee from them thatat) hair could
again be restored. I was forcedno become re
conciled to my fate, until, fortuuately. in the
latter part of the t ear 1857, your Restorative
wits recommen led to trii! by a drazgist, as be
ing the must reliable Hair Restorative in use.
I tried one bottle, and found to my great satis
faction that is was the desired effect.
Since that time, I have used set en dollars'
worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have
a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no
money can buy.
As a mark of my gratitude for your labor
and skill in the production of so wonderful
an article, I hsve recommended. it; n., , e to irony
ot me friends and acquaintances. who, I am
happy to inform yon, are using it with like ef
fect. Very respectfully, yours,
Attorney and Counsellor at LAW.
Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers
throughout the world.
The Restorative is put np in bottles of three
sizes, viz : large, medium, and small ; the small
holds a pint, and retails for one dollar per
bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per
vent. more In proportion than the email, retail!.
for two dollars per bottle; the I.trge holds a
quart, 49 per cent. more In proportion, and re
tails for $3.
0. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad
way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St.
Louis, Ma.
And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers. (Sept. 17, 186 u. 3:11
To Persons out of Employment.
SEWING MAINOLNE.—We will give a
'utumissiou, or inatia at from $25 to VO per
monde, and expenses paid. Tide is a new Ma.
chine, and so aisaple in its constracaloe that a
child of 10 years can learn to operate it by ball
an hour's instruction. It is egi►al to any Fami
ly Sewing Machine in nee, and the price is but
Fifteen Dollars. .
Persons wish*/ geligrasey will address
rriP- .1. N. BOYLAN,
Lids Co.,
sev alOrir 4 111~Iiiic
' Mika, Otilo
C ARPETS. --Another edf" ti our Rns
stock of carpeting, ja, i t to which
we invite the idtention o• Awe.
FAIINE: 711E113.
, r•
PMCE $3O 00
115 Chesnut street,
• "proclamation.
IVTIERRA'S, in nt , l by tt'e Act of the
Gtmerril A iseinliv of this Stets, eiltitled
"An act to regulate the General Elections of
this Commonwealth." enacted on the .2d of
July, 18 9, it is enjoined on me to give Public
Notice of such Etc 'ion to he held. and to
enumerate in such notice what oflieers are to
t)e. elected : I, Is %AC I,IGII roll., Sheriff
of the County of A Ilms. d ,• therefor,. herehr
give this p nqtlec to the Eleotnri of the
said County of that a 0 w•rol
will be held i sod on the
Mr.tday nl Orfoi,ei• iv rl, (Pit 91/1.) in the
several Districts composed of the following
Townships. viz:
In the First district. composed of the Bor
ough of Gettysburg end the township of Cum
berland, at the Co irt-11,use, in Ge t‘sburg.
In the S.eond district. composed of the
township of Germany. at the twine :ately occu
pied by Peter Liugenfeter, in the town of-
Littlestown, in the t..wnship of tierinanr.
In the Third district, composed of the town
ship of Oxford. at,ihe It .use ofJacui. E. Beek,
in ill,. town New Oxford.
In the Follith district. composed of the
townships of Latimer.. and Huntington. at Lilo
house of Caleb B. Ilddebtand, in the town
ship of finnan:act
In the Fifth district, composed of the town
ships of Ilsmiltonban and Liberty. at the
Public School-honsc i ftlillerstown.
Tn the Sixth district: co•npod of the town-
F hip of llamaton, at the house now occupied
by Daniel Hecker. in the town of East Berlin.
In the Strenth dt+trict, coniptied of the
townetip of !it nallef!. in the Public School
bonse in the town of Pendereville.
In the F:ighth district, eouipoAerl of 'the
township ofStraban. at the house of Jacob L
Cram in Hunterstown. '
In the Ninth diiAtrict-,eomplsed of thejown.
ship of Frunklin (InclUding that part recently
stricken off from Menetlen.) at the house now
occupied by Jove')lt Bennett, in knid township.
In the Tenth district., comp:pied wf.the s to ,n.
ship of Conowago, at the house of John
Busboy, in McSberrystown.'
In the Eleventh di.trict. comp - aced of the
torrualtip of Tyrone. at the house of Allen C.
Cook, in Heidlershorg.
In the Twelfth dist' let, comma d rf the
township of Mountjoy. ut the house of Victor
Hass, in said township.
In the Thireenth (11..triet. cntnposed of the
township of Mountp'tasant, at the !while
Sehool-houze in said t•.wn,hip. hounte St t h e
crosst roads, the one leadirit , from Oxford to
the Two Taverns, the other f ruto" lluuteratusn
to Hanover.
In the Fourteenth district. composed of the
township of Resting, at the public School
house in Ilsnipton.
Tn the Fifteenth districi. composed of the
Borough of Berwick, et the public School
house in A bbnttlt town.
In the Sistecirh district. comtrised of the
township of Freedom, at the house of Ntcholas
Moritz, in said township.
In the Seventeenth ilisirict, comprised of the
township of Union, at the house of Enoch Le
fever, in said township.
In the Euzliteenth district, corn r04e.1 of the
.wnship of Butler, at the public School-house
in Middletown, in said township.
In thin Nineteenth district, comp-vied of the
township of Berwi •k, at the Pigeon fill
S•hood•honae. in eniil townshin.
At which time an 1 places will be elected
One Governor of the Conononste..lth of Peun-
One Member of Cone-n. 3,4 to represent the Dig
triet compole.l of the Conntiei of Adams,
. Franklin, Ile.:ford, F and Juniata;
One Memo, r of Asseuthl) ;
One Sh• riff;
One Prothonotarr ;
One Register and Reeerder;
One Clerk of the Courts;
One rommirdoncr; -
Tirrrn:reetor3 of.tbe Poor end
One C..nntv AutPtor.
• _
Particular attentinn is direcled to the Act of
Assembly. pas?. d : tho `27til d 'yr of Fehrnary,
1819, cmitl d "An act relative to vnting aF
elections in Adams, U.utphin, York. Linens
ter, r u niberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene,
and Erie." viz:
Sscrios 1. Ile it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representative.; of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly
met, and it is hereby enacted by the aultiSrity_
of the same—that it shall be lawful for the
qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Lan
caster, Dauphin, York. Franklin, Cumber
land. Bradford, Centre. Gicene. and Erie,
from and after the passage of this act, to vote
for all candidates for the various offices to be
Bled at an election on one slip or ticket :
Provided. That the office for which every can
didate is voted for, shall he designated, as re
quired by the existing laws of toils Common
SEcriox 2. Thit any frond committed by
any person rotinuin the winner above pre
scribed, shall be punished by the existing
laws of this Commonwealth.
. Attention is also directed to the following
section of the Act of the General Assemhly o
the session of 1851, entitled "An act to pro
vide for the election of Judges of the several
Courts of thid Commonwealth :"
Stenos 4. That the election for Judges
shall be held and conducted in the several
election districts in the same manner in all re
spects as elections for rer.resentstives are or
shall be held and conducted. and.-by the name
Judges, Inspectors, and other officers: and the
provisions of the act of the General Assembly. i
entitled "An Act relating to the elections of,
this Corninoftwealth," epproved the second
day of July, one thousand eight hnndied end
thirty-nine, and the several rinpplementm, end
all other like laws. as fir as the same shell he
in force and applicable. shall be deemed and
taken to apply to the election for Judges :
Provided, That the aforesaid electors shall
vote for judges of the Supreme Court on a
separate piece of Paper, rid for all oilier
judges required to be learned in the law, on
another separate piece of pa per.
Also—ln and by virtu e of the 14 h section
of the act aforesaid. every person. ex.-cluing
Justices of the l', who shall hold a. y office
or appointment of prtd - it or trust under the
Gmerinuent of the Critted Stites, or of any
city or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned of or o:herwise. a subordinite
officer or agent, e ho is, or sh .11 la employed
under the legislative.elcentice orjud:ctury de
partment of this State, or of the United States,
or of any city or incorporated district. and also
that every member of Congress end of Ile
State Legislature, and of the Select or Cotn
mon Council of any City. or Comnibssioner of
any incorporated district. is by law incapable
of holding or exercisbig at the same time, the
office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or
Clerk of any elec ion of this I 'ommor.we.ilth,
and that no Judge, Inspector, or other officer
of any such election, shall be eligible to any
office to be then toned for.
Also--That in the fourth section of the Act
of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to ex
ecutions, and for other purposes," approved
April 16th, 1840. it is enacted that the afore
said 14th section "ehal not be construed, as
to prevent any militia officer or borough offi
cer, from serving as judge. inspector or clerk,
at any general or special election in this Com
And in and by an Act of the General As-1 G. A. ac E. A. Landoll, ,
itembly of this State, passed the 2d day of Ju- . XTO. 110 NORTH WHARVES, PEILLADEt-
Iy. 1832, it is directed that the Inspectors and i 11 PILLS, manufacture and have for sale
Judges!' be at the places of their districts on' l Spermaceti, Patent sperm, By
the day of the General Election aforesaid. at 9 1 CANDLES druidic, Adamantine, Ilotel,C#
o'clock in the forenoon. to do and perform the and Tallow Candles.
Pure Sperm, Lard Bleached Whale, Sea
several duties required and enjoined on them 1
. i OILS Elephant, Strained Whale, Tanners',
in and by the same act. Currlers' l Piiiin ' Oleine, and Red Oils.
And be it farther directed, in and bYthei
Act of the General Assembly of this &ate, l SO-SPS 1 , White s 1411!°', Brown, Cheated/
) Olivitaillitney l and other Soaps•
aforesaid. that one of the Judges of each of ' A,,,, 13, moo,
the diffetent districts aforesaid, 'rho 8130! --
have the charge of the certificates of the nom- ' Notice.
her of votes which shall have been given fbr 'LIZABETH WISEER'..'
each candidate for the d. ff erent Wheat then ' of administration° .
and there voted :or at their respective die- i Vkler, late of Fray
'rid& shall meet the thilleday after the elec.: county, deceased, his ,
tion, which shall be on Friday, the 12th ef' undersigned ! residim
October aforesaid, at the Court-house, in the / he hereby gives, sot!
Borough of Gettysburg, then and • there to to said estate to matt
make a fair statement anateertilLate of the those having elsbrill IS
k number of votes. thich shall have tees given ' them properly anther
• 618NJA311
at the different districts •in the eoluty of, ,
Adams for Elf persons far the oftioes afurearid t _ " 13 g . 13, ... / .!" . "
. - tvf. 4at t I.."A AC INIIITN Ea. ISherilf. I /LARGE lot of drockery Saul ' ra
,4 ~_l(r, : ~'1") . 1 ~,J,‘;,•pt. 17, 'IA for by NOABECK k
5.11i'-', . • - -
Fk S' '
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
the speed)• cure of the sub,Oitied varieties
of diseage:
r•eltuft'LAANDS( nom:-
ws AFPECTI INS, arca is
v Nit)ll:4. ULCERS, SORES,
kl\ .4. A\ D ALL SKIN - 7- 11 4 ix
011(l• nd, Ind , 6th June, 1860.
J. C. Ayer k. Co. Grow; : 1 feel it my iduty
to tieknowicilg , what your Sarsaparilla has
done for me. ILtidug inherited a Scrofulous
aff,,iion, I bite Enllcrc l hum it in various
ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in
Ulcers on my harois and tirmu: sometimes it
turned inward and (hid -eir•cd etc tit the stomach.
Too years ago it liroke out on my head rind
covered sty ul nip fl mine aore,witfcit
was painful and loatli, , ,itryi hi rood ile.nription.
I tried many 111 , ill111'. and •'l oral
but without mil, It relief from any thing, in
fact, the di-order ar, , ,A a ono., At length I WWI
rejoiced to read in the Giu-pel Vca ender that
you had prepared an alteratlxc iSar.aparilia,)
for I knew from your rckitation that any thing
yon made be go id; I zw,i-tr to Cincinnati
and got it, and used it all it cured tae. I took
it, as you advise, in small do .04 of a. teaspoon
ful °tern month. itn,l used linost laree bottlez.
New and healthy skin soon begin to form under
the stab, which after a while fell 'WT.' lly skin
is now clear, and I hit ay liy my feelings th it
the disease has gone from m, 4y.tcm, You
can well believe that I tee) wbat'l am say'lig
when I tell 'on, that I hole. you to he one of
the apostles of the age, and remain tiler grate
fully, Yours, At.rttso It.
ST. ANTIIONI"S FIRS, ilOsE trt Eltysim.
Dr. Robert M. Preb!c n ritei from Salem. N.
Y., 12th Sept., 1859, tha't he ha: cured tot itt
veterote care of Drop Mich threatened to
terminate fatilly,b ering use of our
Sarstparilla, and it trutli attack of
Matignon: Erysipol c tu,, , es of the
same ; inys he cures th to Eruptioni by
it constantly.
Zebulon Sloan, of Pr.,•pc, w
t, Texas, rites
"Three battles of your S rn , parilla cured me
from a Goitre—a hideou P swelling on the neck,
which I had suffered over two years."
Dr. J. 0. S. Charming, of New York; City,
writes : t I most cheerfully comply, with the.
request oflyour ngent in saying I have found
your Sarsaparilla ft most eir,•ellent alterative in
in the numerous complaints for which we em
ploy such 'a remedy, but especially in Female
Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. i have
cnred many inve i teratir cases of Lemeorrlitra by
it, and some where the complaint was caused
by ulceration of the uterus. The ulceration it
self was so in cured. Nothing within my
knowledge equals It for these female derange
Edward S. Marrow, of Newhnry, iAln. , writer.
"A dangerous ovarian tumor on one of the fb.-'
males in my family, which had dtflcd all the
remedies we could employ, has at len.rth been
completely cured by your Extract of Sirsepa
rine. Our physician thought nothing but ex
tirpation could afford relief, hot he advised the
trial of year Sarsaparilla as the last resort be
fore cutting, and it proved effectual. After
taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of
the disease rem tins."
Independence, Preston co., Ye., oth July.l9.
Dr. J. C. Ayer: hare been afflicted
with a rtinful chronic Rheumatism for a long
.time, which b tilled the skilrof physicians, and
stuck to me in spite of all the retnedies I could
fnd, until I trielT your Sarsaparilla. One bot
tle cured me in two weeks, and restored my
general health so much that I am far better
than before I was attacked. I think it a won
derful medicine. J. FRIANT
Jules Y. Getchell, of SL Lents, writes: " I
have been afflicted for years With an affection
of the Meer, which destroyed my health. I
trird every thing, and every thing failed to
lieve me; and I have been a breken-down
for- some years from no other rause than de
rangement of the Liver. My beloved pastor,
the Rev. Mr. Espy, - advised me to try your Sar
saparilla, beeanse he said he knew you, and
anything yon made was worth trying. fly the
blessing of God it has cured me, and has so pu-
Tifkd my blood as to make a new man of me.—
I feel young again. The beat that can he said
- oryou is not half good enough."
A great variety of eases have been reported
tout where cures of these formida ble cont •
plaints have resulted from the nse of this reme
dy„blit our space here will n ninth them.—
Some of them may be found in Our American
Almanac, which the agents below named are
pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for
them. -
Many remarkable cares of these affections
have been made by the alterative power of this
medicine. It stimulateq the vital functions in
to vigorous action, and thus overcomes disor
ders which would be supposed beyond its
rt itch. Such a remedy has long been required
by the necessities of the people, and we aro
confident that this will du for them all that
medicine can do.
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, floarsenels, Croup,
Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and
for the Relief of Consumptive
l'Atients iu advanced Stages
of the Disease.
This is a remedy so universally known to
surpass any other tor the cure of throat and
lung complaints, that it is useless here to pub
lish the evidence 0 1 it 3 virtu( s. Its unrivalled
excellence for coughs cud colds, and its truly
woaderful cures of pulmonary direase, have
made it known throughout tht civilised an
tiong of the earth. Few are the communities,
or even famil:es. among them who hate not
soMe,perbonal experience of its effects—some
living; rophy in their midst of its victory o;et
the sbldle add dangerous disorders of the
throat\snd lump. As all know the dreadful ISt-
Laity of these disorders, and as they know, too,
the (Areas of this remedy, we need nut do more
than to ~ssn re them th it it has now all the vir
tues that it did have when making the cures
which h tee won so strongly upon the confidence
of mankind.
Prepared by Dr. I. C. ATER & CO., Lowell, *du.
ze3y-Sol.l by A. D. iluebler, Gettysburg; P.
Bohlitc. A rend tsrille ; Paxton tc McCreary, Fair
field ; P. A. Myers, New Chaster; M. tits ate;,
New Oxfora; liitesliew, York Springs; and
dealer? generally. [Sept. 10,1860. lyeuv
Lime Factory
ER.-;!—The undersigned would roost re
-pectfully inform the public in general, and the
fitralingcornmunity in partic filar, that they hit" -
erected twospacious LINE RI LNS, at the career
of Stratton street and tne Railroad, and are
now buruing, and will continue to berm, fame
quantities of the BEST Lill it, which therwM
dispose of at the lowest living rater. Farmers
an d others arc invited to give them a eill. By
supplying a good article, which they expect
always to do, they cannot fail to give =OW
Aug. 20, 1860. tf .