The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 17, 1860, Image 3
E - ... vibligas 4 -geolleiiate 4.- I' Platy:lt 14.11.1 L-440. 1. GRUM 110VICT.-.-Thls beautlfOt and eery decira ).c country seat, adjoining the Borough of Get. lysburr, on the road leading to Fairfield, ie now offered at Private Sale. The Farm contains 124 AcREM, more or less, lb tin I'2 acres of Which are in Timber, and about 10 acres of Meadow bottons ; there are MO young Apple and Pesch Orchards on the premises : the land is the red gruel soil, sas c'eptible of a high sate of cuitiration : lime acts well upon it and can always be had at the Railroad Depot, which is in sight et cents er bushel. The improl meats are a urge two s tory Weatherb idtil , d 11U1-' BE, ith Cell r, Batk,baibling, Bake Oven, :?-nuke House. a biirire Bank slurs. with Iliac, torn toge:her w dill all t:ces;aQ I hit-lera,l4liai.7 , , in c omplete order; there i, a pump of ilie dour au 1 a never-failing spring ,if water close by Willoughby's Run hound., t h e west end of the Fafni. Tilss property will he shown by Mr. J. Scott Wilson tiling on the premises, or by the subscriber in Gettysburg. No. CUMBERLAND FARM —This Fartn is also a handsome and very desirable propert), situate on the nine, town road, four miles from Gettysburg, 1:.:8 Acres, more or less About 30 acres are in Timber and 23 to to acres in Meadow. Tluc land is also of the red grnsel Lind, clear of stones, ea•ily cult laird. produces well. and is capable of bring tmproic t. All it wants to make It One 4): the best farm s :n the neighlicrnood is a farmer and A little lime which uw alway , he I) td either at Gettysburg or at Littlestow t at Id} cents per "t !: , re is a °ling Apple and Peach trchard two 51 rings of water near the Louse, and a strewn of water crosses the south end of the firm near the buildings. The im rroreasents are a one and it half story :Slone !DV:SR, Bake Omen. Smoke s. large double Barn. with W..isim 2 4 1:eds. Corn ('rib, Hog, Pen. and all necessar y v - Church. ull , l St.hOUt // u nit, All close by, in a keit) thy and plc :said neigh t•ortiood and good soxi,ty. This prom:lir sill ie shown by Mr. Jaen adjoin/lg.— Terlis N 0.?... WRITE 11.11.L.—Th - ut Farm contains 100 Acres, more •r less; it was orkgitiallv a part of No. 1, nsd is no less desirable, being the same 'kind of red soil, easily cultivated and re•dneiog welt. and wantsjust what \e.2 does w make it one amgrag the best farms is the neighborhood. Some 30 acres are In Timber and 23 or 30 acres in Meadow. There is a 0(10" Apple and Peach Orchard en the prensi ties. The improvements area Two-story ‘Veatherboarded HOUSE, with Cellar and jj llack-bui!ding, Siuoke House, Frame /91„ itarn, with Wagon Shed, Core Crib, and o cr siut-buililiags, with a pump at the door, all tiew. This property trouts on the Taneytown s - oad---the publics road leading from the Taney totta road to the Baltimore Turnpike passes the door; -a small stream of water runs through s.:ie meadow. This firm has the same advan tages that Nit. 2 has. as to church, school house, mill, lime, and good society, sad will be chosen by Mr. John Black, or by .11r. J. Bol linger, adjoining it. Terms easy. Ike - Persons a is.hing td purchase will please ut the i.roperties. OL L). Gettjsbarg, Scpt,.. 17, /titdo. it=.s Tavern Stanit SALE.—In pursuanc e asOrder of the Orplastu's.Caert of Adams county, the 4-41t,a.criber. Guardian of BRNIAII C. SRYDRA Red CONRAD 4.'33 , 41151:13., minor children of Conrad Snyder, dev'iL, will offer at public tale, on the premise/, ois S sturdry, the 134 Sr' of October ~eSI, the interest of itu.d minors. being two is TilZ TAISERN PIIUPERTI', known as •• r. brie is Tierern," situate in the borough ~f Cett3sLurg. AL the juattion of the Ernmits -I.ltig ruJd with the Baltimore Turnpike. The. lot . nta ins al pert-Ilea of laud. The ituprore• Ilti are a Large Two-story lint I: Dwelling HOCSE, a Two wn- Fame --.1111. a Fme Frame dtable, Sheds wit (into :rite, 2 Walt of Water, with new Pumps bi the.eume; a part of the lot is enclosed as a Garden. The properti has many K.:tentage. stz a Public HODSR,espec6Jl,3 - for Wagoners, RS LLere is ample room tor teems. ze j 14 commence ut 12 o'ektek, M., on fait' day, when attenditure sill be-birch and tuaut mad& known by JACOB BENNER, Geary/km. 11 2 - the Coertr-11. G. Ifotr, Clerk. gi.3. -At the wee time and plate. 1 will sill my harms:4 in the above deseribed Property, !wing st.t. recuoinierz one-third part is the same. J SN VD1311., liy her Agent, Jakeob Benner. Sirlf the &hove Piaptirt,y is nut eoll , at the tillute time and ?lace, ii then he offered for itt public mgcry., fur OW yeur Leo= Ikit fsst day of April nett ,St pt. 17, 180. ts A Good Home. OSEGARLAND SAI.E.—.II. FARM, coutoiniag at 28ti Acme, situated in JAIL iltouban township, Adams conutYrndjoitt ing the property vre4 known as the "Orr Parfet" .clout this twin is of sae quality .as Ores lead , The meadows Me large and good soil, can be made to produce very 1 irge of Hay, n product for which there is now se constant good market; about WO acres are in timber, much of it of the hest kinds, including Locust and trntunt.„ It is supposed the must aluable Poplar timber in the county is on this p.roperty and iaithib of a mile of a good :Saw-mill. A young Apple Orchard, contain ing '2OO trees of choice ttelceted fruit, planted 2 or 3 years ago. A young Peach Orchard of 100 trees of hest kinds selected. These Or chards, when in lull beariitg, will add greatly to the value of the property, as thequality of Adaw.s toasty trait is kno‘‘,in and held in great esteem in the cities. Nuruerous Springs on the farm, one of which is a large Solpher Spring that may become of calve as goon as the Gettysburg and dray nesborci, or Gettlrahurg and Chambersbarg Railroads are finished. as the property is within one ruile of these Rail roads; and by these roads a constant mipply of Franklin county lime may he had cneaply, so as to improve the laud 5 to anydegree of fertility desired.-- .:1' . . There iS a HOUSE and good sub-.-- s• star:alai Barn on the farm. Also, A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, in saran township, adjoining hands of T. Sterens, and others, containing about '35 Acres. RiiirThe property will be shown to any per son wishing to purchase and the price mode known on applfestion to Isaae Robinson, Esq., Ftdrfield•, Robert G. NleCreary, George W. Clellan, Esqs., and Col. J trues D. Paxton, Get- t 'burg. Sept.. 17, 1800. tf Merchant Tailoring.. GEORGIi ARNOLD has procured the ser vices of W. T. KING, and has ecnamenced the above business, and will carry it on in all Its verione branches, and has connected him self with the stole of Mr. George Arnold,where there will be constantly kept on band a large stock of cheap Cloths, Over-coatings. Cassi meres, Cassinetts, Vesting', and Trimmings of every kind. Work done in the very best man ner, and in city style on short notice. Custom work and cutting out solicited when goods are purchased elsewhere. The shop is in connec tion with Mr. Arnold's store, where Mr. King CAD always be found duri,og business hours. ifirGice ns a call. [Sept. 17,'00. 2m Gettysburg TNALB Winter Session of the Geuysburg Female Institute, will commence on Monday, the 151 h of October ties:. for further particulars apply to REV. D. EYSTER, Principal, High street, Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 1860. 3t , to th e prem PATSY ises of . the subscriber, in 'Franklin township, about the 27th of July Last, a Viiite and red spotted mnly STEER, sup posed to be between 2 and .1 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay char ge* and take him away JACOB LADY. Sept. 17, 1860. 3t To Perpone out of Employment. ACILI E S WANTED TO SELL ?FIB BRIE SEWING MAO , R.—we Wig give on, or wag from $25 to $6O Der mmatie, auks This • new 311- dam, mat so ample in Its construction that a claksiflOyears can tiara to operate it by half ait si t airL istractien. It is squid to any Paul lbws ltsohjoe la use, and the pries is but renwowildiiag se Ages . e y will snare.. N. BOYLAN, 44- . *do Setts/ IhAtina ' t C Iketea; Obi.. inierirs Wes. persuades of susdry writs of nod' • Exponas, issued out of the Court cf C'... tuun Plass of Adams county, I's., and t 3 ma directed, will be exposed to Publir SAle. at the Court-house, In Gettysburg, on Saturday, day of &Timber inst., at 1 o'clock, the following described Real Estate, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, containing 13 Acres, more or less, situated in Latimore township, Adams county, adjoining 14011 of Alfred Miller, David Gardner, and others, improved with a Two-story Wcatherboarded 1101:: 4 E, a Frame Bern, a well of water, en Orchard of fruit trees, kc. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, sitiated in Latimore township, Adams connty, . ail lands of Wirt. 11. Webb, Cul. Julin Wul furl, add the York Springs property, antain ing 3:: Acres, inure or less. Seized and t een in ciiecution as the property of Fitssgi.l.a UA- L/.1: A TRACT OF LAND. conL-tlning 4 Acres. more ur less, Alienated in Huntington town hip, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lauds of .411,f -eline, John ('leaver, Joseph Witrman, and others. improted with a Two-story Frame Roughcast 1101'8E, Frame Stable, Spring of wattr, fruit trres, &c, Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of JoSltela DAI. A LIT OF GPsnliSll, situated in the Borough of Gett:.,hurg, Adams county, Pa., on the south-ts eat corner of High street and Long L ine, containing :to feet front on High street nnd running back CO feet on Long Lune.— Se7zel and taken in execution as the pros cry of ELtL %BM! Ituriaa and SzZlt.:llL BtTLk n. A TRAVT OF LAND, situated i.r T)rone ton - 4110p, s cowl ty. adjuiaing lands of Johlidfitarner, and others. containing 2 more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the property of JACOB t;ut.ozl. ISAAC: LIGHTNER, Sherd. Sheriffs °lnce. Gettysburg,. &pt. 10, 'GO. Deie-Teit per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff m•:st be p Lid over im mediately utter the property is strut k down, and on failure to comply there% ith, the property will aka . = be put up fur sale. Thomas C. Reed, In the Court of Common VI. Pleas of Adams county, Su. laaae R. Smith. 2, April Term, 1800. Pro- fly •sine of an Order of Salo in the above Case to nr dlirected, I will sell at the Court house, I Genii-shorn, ow sstowelay. ►Ar 211th day of STreaor ace; ONE AND A HALF LOTS OF GliOrNO, in the Boronsti of Gettysburg, float ing on West l'wrk street, adjoining lots of Jane Dittertiae sad .heirs of James A. non Two. deceased, haring as alley in the rear. The insprovernents an n large Two-Mary Brick Orkelliog nous% Two-story Dack-boildiug, with a a ell of cater. IS de to commeoee at I o'clock in the after noon. 1 / 3 A/C LIGHTNER, .14,n1. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg. Sept. 10, 'GO. flisi'Ten percent. of the purchase money upon all stiles by the Sherif mutt be paid user im ruetllately after the property is igruck down, and tea failure to comply therewith, the property sill agalu be put up for sale. §EWING MACHINE. T e great and increasing demand for this remarkably simple mailtine is a guarantee cf its supvior excellence. . For Sale at RAT 11AS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARF, AVD CROWS MORE AND MORE POPC- I Alt EVERY IL'tV Aud testimonials, new, rand a:roost w.thout number. might be given from Indies rad gtntlettnen In all grade+ of so ! eirty. who , e ignited te , :timony none could reaizt, I thla Prof. Wood's Bair Re.,torative will restore the bad and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful be.inty. Estill , Creek, Mich., Dec. 21, 185 t. Prof, Troo-I:—Thee milt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my hend'all , cll off over twenty years ago, canted be a compli cated chronic disease, attended with an erup tion on the head A continual course of suf fering through life having reduced me to *state of dependence, I have not been able to oblitio stuff for caps, neither have I beep able to d them up, in conseqaeuce of which my lie•id has suffered. extremely front cold. This induced me to pay Briggs k Hodges almost the hut cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August [Ail. I bare faithfuNy followed the directions and the ball spot is now cowered with hair thick and black, tbongh abort, it Is also coming in All over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it =their and per mancutly, I feel anxious to persevere in its use ‘ and being deetituda-of means to purchase any sore, I *hold ask thee if thee wouldst ■art be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—" the reward is to those that arc kind to the widow and the fatherless." Prof. 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir:—ln the latter part of the year 1852 while attending the gtate and National Law School of the State of la . * York, my hair, front a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the Maori spice of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my bead short ly after became gray, so that 3on will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of imintoo, roy more ca.sual ac quaintances were Ilta ,t 1 much at a loss to dis coi er the cause of the ch tugs in inyappearance, as nit more intimate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. 1 at once made application to the most skill ful physicians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that m) hair could again be restored, 1 a-as forced to become re conciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857. your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as be ing the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great salts faction that it was producing the desi'ed effect. Since that time, I have used seven dollars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can bur. ISAAC IL SMITH,' As a mark of my orratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recommended its use to many ot my friends and acquaintances, who. I am happy to inform you, are using it with like ef fect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorn6 and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers throughout the world. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium, and small ; the small holds i a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per sent. more in proportion than the small, retails, for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a; quart, 40 per cent. more in proyortiun, and re tads for 5.3. 0. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. [Sept. 17,1860. 3tn AND SILVER-WARE.—We would respect fully inform our f ri ends, pations and the ic generally, that we have now in Store aad.offer Wnositsstm LID RaTilL, at the lowest Cash Prices, a large and very choice stock of WATCRIUL, JiWILIIT, SILVIM AM) PLLTSD WAIN, of every variety and style. . grary description of Diamond Work and other Jewelry made to order, at short notice.— Nardi' goods warranted to be as represented. N. B.—Particular attention given to Re pairing Watches and Jewelry, of every descrip tion. STAUFM k HARLEY, No. 621 Market St., South Side, Philad'a. Sept. 3, 1860. ~.x . TROX 2 BRO. are continually turning out bandsome colored ntotogrOs from small res. Being on 7042 . “ flay ", on and let us suite noteethlng trortlty a Place on Your parlor **II. - Excelsior Gallery, G(!tt)sborg. Sheriff's Sale. ceedings in Partition Wnox. & Gibb's I'R!CE ,so 00 FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSE, • 715 Chesnut Street, Sept. 17, lftiO. 3m Tho Only Preparation BC3 ASS H KIRBY Thy friend, Ligonier, Noble eo., Indiana. Feb. 5, 1859 Watches, Jewelry • - •77 , = - 7, ... • A Good Parma, ' •. ; WIIIISSEASC, ha sad by the Let of the It PrELIC BA4lL—Tbe undersigned, MN OeseralAlseenably of /3M tee entitled ' *Wore et the last Inn sad Testament of I : "An lei to regulate the General 12mtions of. s .1 9 , detemred, mill offer at Fibre ' thi s c„o oll oo ow e t ittb,” enacted 00 the 24 or, Sal , on the premises, on FRIDAY, ems Itri DAV , July, 1829. it is enjoined on me to give Pildle l or OCTOSEIt 'err, THE VALCABLN FARM of I Notice of such Election to be held , and to . said deceased, situate In Mointjoy 'township, (enumerate in such notice what officers are to' Adams county, 3 miles from Gettysburg, near I ,be elected : I, ISAAC LIGHTNER. Sheriff the Baltimore Turnpike, adjoining lands of • of the County of Adams, do, therefore, hereby i Daniel Shafer,Peter Cownover, Jacob Schwartz, and , others, contain ing . 108 Acres and 53 give this public notice to the Electors of the I eat . The improvements .., said County of Adams , that a General Electws rc , , will be held in said County, on `he Second ~ - st. oi a large and commodious •-• III! story Stone Dwelling IDJUSE, , ' Ttictilaii of Ortater next, (the MO in the a Bank Barn, covered with pine • , several Districts composed of the following shingles; Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, Townahtpv. viz : Carnage House, Smake !louse, Blacksmith In the First district, composed of the Bur- •• Shop. end other out.imildings ; Cu excellent ough of Gettysburg and the township of Cum well of wa!er at the door, and two thriving Ahi- Berland, at the Court-house, In Ge•tysburg pie Orchards, together txith a variety of other I In the Second district. composed of the fruit. The farm is mostly under good Chesnut' , township of Germany. at the house latcly occu- rail fences. and the I and, having been recently ' pied by Peter Lingenfeiter. in the town of limed, is under a high state of cultivation.—' Li tlestown, in the township of Germans. , There are about 20 acres firat.quality Meadow, In the Third district, composed of the town- with a fair proportion ofTimber. This proper.!' ship of Oxford, at the h ,use of Jacob F. Beck, I ty, Irons its very desirable location, and front Da I 1:1 the town of New Oxford. I many superior adlautagea, offers rare induce- In the Fourth district, composed of the ments for investment. Persons wishing to slew t townships of Latirnore and Iluntingum, at the' said property will please c ill on Mr. Jacob house of Caleb B. Hildebrand, in - the town ship of llunthigton. In the Fifth distilct, composed of the town ships of Hamiltonban and Liberty. at the Public School-house in Milletstown. In the Sixth dist: ict, composedkt the town : hip of Hamilton, at the house nNiir - occupied by Danitl Brrker. in the town of East Berlin. In the Seventh district. composed of the ownship of 31, nallen, •in the Public School house In the town of Bendersville. In the Eighth district. composed of the township of Straban. at the house of Jacob L. Grass. in Hunterstown. In the Ninth district.composed of the town ship of Franklin. (including that part recently stricken off from Itdetiallen,) at the house now occupied by Joseph Bennett, in said township. In the T-nth of the in the Tent.. district. composed of the tow n ship of Conowago, at the house of John Buwbey,in ,Nlc.Sberrystown. In the Eleventh district. composed of the township olyyrone. at the house of Allen C. Cook. in Ileialentborg. . _ _ In the Twelfth district, composed of the township of Llousitjoy, at the house of Victor Haas, in said township. In the Iliir.eenth district, composed of the township at Slountp!essant, at the public School-house in said township, situate at the cross roe ono leading from Oxford to the Two , the miter from iluntersto.rn to Ilanoret-71.-- Jn tho Fourteenth district, composed of the lkwasi,!ji of Reading, at tho public Schuol houhein hampton. In the Fifteenth district, composed of the Borough of Bervrieb, at the public School- Ixwese in Albottstown. In the Sixteenth district, controlled of the township of Freedom. at the honey of Nicholas Moritz, in said township. In the Seventeenth district, composed of the township of Union, at the house of Enoch Le fever. in said township. In the EiAteenth district, contromd of the township of Batter, at the public Schuol-house in Midd:ttown, in said township. In the Nineteenth district, Lumposed of the towiniiiip of Berwick, at the Pigeon 11111 S spool-11,,unc. iu said township. At which titue and places will be elected ii)ll l 3‘i it a t ; One Mew rof Congress to represent c Dis trict co. .red of the Countie • Ad.ints, , Frankllta, BL urd, Fulton au • mama; One Member of A laid) One Sheriff; One Prothoccittry ; One Register and corder; One Clerk of t ouris ; One Cain _loner; Two b ctors of the Poor; and • rnILADILLPHIA Particular attention is directed to the Act of Ai:amiably. pasted the 27 to day of February. 1819. entitled "An act relative to voting at elections in Adams, Dauphin, York, Lances ter, Cumberland, Brad:ord. Centre. Greene, acrd Erie," wiz: Saccrzox 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Coasmou. weahh of Pennsylvania in General As.etn6 ly met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same—that it shall be lawful fora the qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Lan caster, Dauphin, York, Franklin. Cumber land, Bradford. Centre, Greene, and Erie, from and after the passage of this act, to vote for all candidates for the various offices to be filed at an election on one slip or ticket : Provided, That the office for which every can didate is voted for, shall be designated. as re quired by the elistidg laws of this Common wealth. SSICTION 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting iii the wanner above pre scribal. shall be punished by the existing Taws of this Commonwealth. Atteution is also directed to the following section of the Act of the General Asletubly o the seehion of 1851. entitled ••An act uo pro vide fur the election of Judges of the ascend Courts of this Voututonwealth :" tiscriox 4. That the election for Judges shall be held and conducted in the several election districts in the same manner in all re spects as elections for representatives are or shall be held and conducted, and by the same Judges. Inspeetoes, and other officers; and the prowl/tinny- of the act of the General Assembly. sntitkd "An Act relating vi the election/4 ofl, this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, one thousand eighs, bundled ant I thirty-nine, and the several supplements, and all laws, as (Ix as theisarne &ball be in force and applicable, shall be deemed and taken to apply to the election for Judges ;1 Provided, That the aforesaid electors shall i vote for judges of the Supreme Court on a! separate piece of paper, 14 MI for all other, judgi a required to be learned in the law, on another separate piece of paper. ALso--In and by virtue of the 14th section of the act aforesaid, every person, excepting Justices of the Peale, wo shall hold aby ottloel or api ointment of pro fit or trust under the, Goiernment of the Cnited States, or of any ' city or incorporated district, whether a com missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the legislative,executive orjudiciary de partment of this state, or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated distnct, and also that every member of Congress and of tl e State Legislature, an I of the Select or Com mon Council of any City, or Commissioner of any incorporated district. is by law incapable of holding or exereislug at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspecior, or Clerk of any e:ec.ion of this Commonwealth, and chit no Judge, Inspector, or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. At-so---That an the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to ex ecutions, and for other purposes," approved April Itlth, 1840, it is enacted that the afore said 14th section -sha I not be construed, as to prevent any militia officer or Lorough , cer, from azrving as judge, inspector er clerk, at any general or special election in this Com monvrealtb." And in and by an Act of the General As sembly of this State, passed the 241 day of Ju ly, 1839, it is directed that the inspectors and Judges be at the places of their districts on the day of the General Election aforesaid, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to do and perhrm the several duties required and enjoined on them 1 in and by the same act. Arid be it further directed, in and by the Act. of the General Assembly of this State. aforesaid, that one of the Judges of each of the different districts aforesaid, who shall ' Notice. hive the charge of the certificates of the num- bet of votes which shall have been given for i TIAVID HOOVER'S ESTATE.—Letters tee each candidate for the different offices then i ju tamentary on the estate of David Hoover, and there voted for at their respective di a ., late of Reading township, Adam county, de theta, s h a ll meet t h e t hi r d d ay a f ter t h e oleo ) d, hiving been granted to the nudge r L i en , wh i c h shall he on Friday, the isl6m , a We d, two of them residing in the sane October aforesaid, at the oourt-lsooes, awl wnahip, and Henry residing In Median B oroug h o f Gettysburg, then and there to township, they hereby give notice to all _ rons indebted to said estate to make h make a fair statement and certificate of t he „...,„„„i and those basing claim, "assail,. number of roses, which Asti have beeitiven E -1.--- "' e , 1, - at the Mere% districts is the oo.uty Adem a for any persons foe the offices aforesaid °L ac ig t ra tl e em to e p a re t. se 1 DA em Nllll ° . Pe ll r oo lYa ir il E ib ß aa l s_, for HENRY HOOVER. ' fw ra • &Gil oil HOOVER, lifer. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 'GO. W e pt. 10, 1160. CO Baker. its present occupant. Should the above named property not be sold on said day, it will be for Rent. 'Also, at the same time and place, will be •Efered, A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN-LAM), in Ramiltouban township. Adams county, about 3 miles north-west from the\ " Alills," adjoining lands of Abraham Spangler, Isaac Lightner, Esq., an t i others, tontaiaing 11 Acres, more or less. This tract is for the most part thicidy covered with young and thriving ches nut, and need only be seen to give entire satis faction. Iffiy-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by AARON MELT, JAMES MeIL.VAIN, Executors. Sept. 3, 1861. to Valuable Real Estate, AT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber, At.. torney in Fact for the Widow and all the Children and Legal Represent•ttives of Pirate Wittirear, deceased, offers at Private Sale, the following Properties belonging to the estate of said decedent, viz TILE MANSION, or late residence of said d lr . ceased, being a full Lot, fronting on South Lid 7, Gnome street, bounded by lot of Chamberlin'. heir on the north and west, on the south by a 9 alley.- The Improvements are a good Two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with a one story Brick Back-biildiag, Wa.h-house, and two additional one-story Houses, one of brick and the other log, with a Frame Stable, Wood• house, a well of excellent water in thiii centre of the lot, with rotas fruit tree.. This proper ty will he soil entire or in two parts, as way best suit purchasers. PROPERTY IN CINBERLANDTOWNSHIP. —A Tra.kt of Land, in Cumberland township, Adams county, containing in all 6 acres and 104 perches, bounded by the Gettysburg and Littleslown Turnpike, and lands of Nathaniel Lightner, Abraham Spangler, Mrs. Bogart, George Spangler and Wm. Patterson ; part of the tract is covered with young timber, and there is also a qpring of good water upon it.— The tract has hoes-divided and will be of in lots, as follow ir ,No. 1. containing 21 acres 2 perches, at l'ike; No.l, 27 acres 143 perrhea; No. 3, 4 acres 152 perches; No. 4,4,11 acres 27 perches. Thu tract will be sox: entire or ib ots, as above stated, as may bit suit pur chasers, JACOB II ENNER, Attorney in Fact for etc Widow and Heirs of Peter ‘Velitert, dec'd Sept. 3,18 1 33. 5t Valuable Farm, AT PRlvxm r sALE.—The under4igned of fer,' at Private Sale. HIS FARM, f ittimte i =Mon township, Adams county, 2 miles below New Oxford, on the Carlisle turnialke, adjoining lands of ..bleob Wolf, Henry StroAt, and others, containitig 82 *Acres and 90 Perrhei, on which are erected 2 one and a half story LOU HOUSES, Bank Barn, Corn .. • Cr:b, Hog Stable. and other out-build- ' . l.. it L logs. There are two excellent well; of ' '''' ." wAter on the premises. The laud has nil been limed and is In a good st.te of cultivation. fir• Persons wishing to view the property will call on the subscriber, resillinx on the premises. JOIE': 1117 PP. SepL 10, 1800. 3t A Small Farm AT PUBLIC SALE. —In pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the subscriber.. Administrators of the estate of Dvitst Ficus 4, deceased, will offer st Public Sale, on the premises, on MONDAY, THR LIT DAY Or OCTOBER NEXT, the following Real E.Aate of said decedent, viz : A SMALL FARM, situate In Huntington township, Adams county, adjoining lands of John Sadler, Eli Gochenour, Thomas Stephens i and others. containing 41Acres and 80 Perches. The imornvements are a Log DWEL LING HOUSE, Spring House, Frew, Eff Stable, and an Orchard; a never-failing well and spring of water near the door. Leos t i are two excellent STONE QUARRIES on the premises, one of Slate Flag and the other' Building Stone. A due proportion of Timber' j and Meadow. j Persons wishing to view the property are re quested to call on the last-named Administra tor, or on John Pieties, residing thereon. Sale to commence at 1 o'cloek, P. N., on said day, when attendance will be glean asal tsrtlis made known by JOSIAH MEWL ISAAC E. WIERMAN, Adasissistralors. By the Court-11. G. Wotr, Clerk. Sept, 10, 1860. is Venable Real Estate, • AT PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be offered at Pub lie Sale, on the premises , ors Saturday, (A. 1 oof October avai, the Real Estate of Dann NICIDICIS, deceased, cAnsisting of A PLANTA TION, or Tree' of Patented Land, situate in Reading township, Adams county, on the hank of the Great. Conowago creek, adjoining lanjv of Thomas N. Dicks, John Laydom, and Joseph Spangler, containing 173 Acres, more or leas. The Farm is one mile trom , New Chester and three from New Oxford. The im provements are a Ltrye Two-stor; BRICK HOUSE. a large Barn. (part la frame part log.) Log Spring House, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, a ith a never-fail ing well of water near the hou-e ; tee excellent Springs on the farm, an Ort hard, Aic. About too acres of the land are cleared. and in a good statt , of culti‘ation ; the rest lue well set in ex cellent Timber. There is a due proportiou of Meadow. Sal! to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance w 111 be given and teems wade known by TIII HEIRS of Daniel Neidich, deceased. Sept. 10, 18G0. ti Private Bale. THE subscriber will sell at Private Sale his TRACT OF LAND, situated in Hamilton ban township, Adams county, Pa., half a mile west of Fountaindale, on the Turnpike Road, adjoining lands of Jacob lLetleigh, Robert Wil son, and others, containing 12 Acres, more or less. Nine acres are in a state of good cultiva tion, the balance in Timber. The Dwell ing is • Two-story LOG HOUSE, well Iff finished outside and also inside, a good • , 111T double Log Barn, Hog Pen, and other neces sary buildings. There is a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit of good quality on the premises, also, two springs of never-tailing water near the Dwelling. Persons wishing to view the property will call on the subscriber lir!ng thereon. mar f the property is not sold on or before the 22d day of October, it will_ on that day be offered at Public Sale, and if not sold will be Rented. GEORGE DENTLER. Sept. 10, 1860. 3t Public Sato ' o9IP A VERY VALUABLE IPARIL-12 pur -IMUM. of az Order oldie Orphan ' s Court Adam enuoty, will be offered at Public Bala, on the premises, es evreday, the sth day qf Octo ber nut, the following described Real Estate of the late Waviest's, fintstos,Risq., deceased, viz: TUB MANSION FARM, situate in Liberty township, Adams county containing 275 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the heirs of Hun. James McDivit, deceased, heirs of Wm. Iliihr, deceased, John Nunemaker, and others, on the turnpike leading from the Maryland line to Waynesboro', and within two miles of Em mitsburg. The improvements are '....,, a large Two-story Roughcast " fit! DwellingNOUSK,Logßarn,Wagon / F, Shed. Corn Crib, Spring House,. _••...„.., with an excellent spring of waters there is al:Ai a Spring of water in the Barn-yard. There are upo n the farm 2 Orchards, one of which is not, excelled by any in that district of country.— Friends' and Tom's creeks both pass through the farm. The place has a large body of choice . Titniv.r and a fair proportion of good Ileadow. 1 The Lind is Ina high state of cultivation, under: good fencing. and is one of the moat desirable ! properties in the county. The attention of buyers is especially Invited, ' as the property must Le sold. The farm will, be sold entire or in parcels, as may best twit purchasers. A portion of the timber embracing about :0 acres will be sold separately-either ; entire or in lots to suit buyers. say - Per•ons desiring to view the property will call on either of the Administrators, re riding uear Fairfield, or on John Nauemaker, residing near the farm. "Sa:e to cJoarnence at 10 co' A. M., on maid day, when attendance w and terms made known by JAMRS H. MARS L, JOHN MUSSHLMAN, .4theinistraters. Hy the Court—H. G. Wolf, Clerk. Sept. 3, 1860. to A Rare Chance 1 rAT.rABLE LIMESTONK PARK AT PrB LW SALE.—The subscriber, intending relinquish farming, Will offer at Public Sale, n the•premises, ass Wednesday, the 261* day of planter next, the following desirable property, 'a : .A biIIKSTONS FARM, situate in Conn or) township, Adams county,, Pa., adjoining 1 rids of Heirs of Jacob Keller, deceased, and o hers, one mile from Hanover and the same distance from .11cSherrystown, along the Littles town Railroad, containing 130 Acres, more or less, with due proportions of bleadow and Woodland. The Farm is under good fencing and good cultivation. The improve ments are a nearly now BRICK HOUSE, with Basement and a Two-story Rack- fl a r,f building, a large Bank Barn,- Wagon " Shed,: Corn Crib, Spring House, and all other n..4fessary out-buildings; a never-failing spring of water at the buildings, and a young bearing Apple Orchard, with other fruit, such as peach es, pears, plums and cherries. • Thy farm is well a lotted, having four springs upon it' and a stream running through it. This is one of the most desirable properties in the county, and the a• tention of Capitalikts is invited to it,. Such a chance to purchase, is rarely offered. Persons wi , hing to view thel property are requested to call on the subscriber, rtsiding thereon. fff'S•lc to commence at I o'clock, P. 11,11 said day, when attendance will be given and terms triode known by MARCUS WORTZ. Aug. 27, IdCO. 1a A Limestone Farm AT PUBLIC SALE.--,The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises. on Tuesday, Ike 211 A of STtenber inst., the following described valuable property, viz : A LIMESTONE FARM, situate in Hamilton ffau township. Adams county, Pa., adjoininz lands of Wm. Culp. James Marshall, Blythe's heirs, nod others, containing 133 Acres, more or less, with due proportioui of excellent Wood land and Meadow. The farm is In a good state of cultivation and under good fencing. A wnet-failing stream of water palsies !brunt)] the telly!, making It eery desirable for pastur ing. 'The improvements are a Two-story - LOG HOUSE, with h:itchen attached,Double Log Barn, . 1 - 1 II new Wagon Shed and Corn Crib., Spring House, S woke House, large Hog Pen, and other out-buiangs; a well of never-fail ing water at the door, and a good Apple Or chard, with other fruit. There Is also on the farm a new and substan tial LIME KILN, with plenty of Lime Stone.— The Lime-burning business has been carriel on on this Farm for a cumber of years, always with profit ; and as the bo ty of Lime Stolle is heavy, and of good quality, a rare chance is now offered to any oae who m ty desire to con tinue the business. • !lejr•Persons desiring to view the property are rousted to call on the subscriber, at the Limo Factory, in Gettysburg, or on the family, residing on the farm. irtirdale to commence et 10 teclock, A. IL. on ►eid day, when attendaacc will be given and terse' made knows by GEORGE C. CRASS. Sept. 3,18 CO. is Valuable Farm for sti.le. T.r.lE subseribn offers for sale, on very sic commodutinz terms, TWO FARMS. o. 1, situate in Strabah township, Adams county, 3 miles east of Gettysburg, 1 mile from the Railroad, containing 110 Acne, more or less, the improvements on which are a STUNK HOUSE, good Bank Barn, and o t her out-buildings.— About 15 acres are in Meadow, and there is running spring water in every field, which never fiils. There is a large Orchard of choice grafted Fruit, about 4 acres. About 2700 or MO bushels of Lime have been put upon the farm, and its convenience to the Railroad renders Lime very accessible. There is a due proportion of Timber. No. 1, situate in Cumberland township, on the Emmitsburg !load, a mile and a half from Gettysburg, containing 145 Acres : more or less, the improtements inn which are It new FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Ltrge Brick Darn, and other uut-bnildingA; a well of water at the barn. and one at the house. Abaft 23 acres are in Meadow. There is a due proportion of Tauber. About 3.000 bushels of Lime have been put upon the Farm. Semr-The terms will be made known on ap plication to the subscriber. PETER TROSTLE. Sept. 3, 1860. tf A Tract of Land, AT PUBLIC SALE.—Tbe subscriber, Ex ecutor of Pitman Ptsasos, deceased. will utter at Public Sale, on the premises, on Satyr day, tAs WA day of (*lobe , newt, the following Real Estate of said decedent. viz: A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Latimore township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Wm. F. Bonner, Michael Lear, and others, con taining 33 ACRES, more or less, fully one-half being well-covered with Chesnut, and White, Black and Rock oik TIMBER. There are two good springs on the tract. ROO-Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call ost the undersigned, or on John A. Spealman, in Petersburg. The tract will be offered together or in parts, as may best suit purchasers. slar-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will bz given and terms made known by ISAAC E. WIERMAN, Execiaor. Aug. 27, 1860. is Notice. JOHN MILLER'S ESTATE.—Letters testa mentary on the estate of John Mille;, late of Reading township, Adams county, deceased, having bean granted to the undersigned, resid ing in the same township, they hereby give notice to all persons Ind ‘bted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those haring claims against the wee to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. ADAM MILLER, SOLOMON MILLER, ADAM C. MILLER, Aug. 13, 1860. (It Meader* Notice. TACOB LITTLE'S =STATE.—Letteire tes t) tamenbu7 on the estate of Jacob Little, late of Strobes township, Adams minty, de ceased, having bees greeted to the sedersign ed, residing in the mins township, bt hereby Bit. es notice to ell persons indebted to sell estate to make Immediate payment, and them b minx chains against the same to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. HENRY LITTLE, Sept. 3, MO. QS Exerogr. Dqsirable Property ATAT PUBLIC BALE.—The subscriber, In trading to remove Into town, will offer at is Sale, on the premises, o* Saturday, the 661 day of October acre, THE PROPERTY be now occupies, situated on the pettyshurg borough line, 8 acres and 313 perches being within the borough and about 13 acres in Cumberland township--the tracts adjoining each other.— The land is in a good state of cultivation, and the fencing good. The improve ments are a well fiuished one and half story Brick Dwelling HOUSE, Brick Back-building, llouse, an excellent well of soft water; a thriving young Apple Orchard, wiih a variety of peach, plum and cherry trees. The property adjoins David McMillan , Mrs. Shultx,John H. McClel lan, Geo. Arnold, I'. A. k S. Small, and a pub lic lane. gerSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by EPHRAIM 11ANAWAY. Aug. 20, 1909. is Valuable Real Estate AT PUBLIC SALA—The subscribers, Ex ecutors of JOlll llttten, deceased, will otter at Public Sale, uu the premkes, on Thurs day, the 27th day of tirrrnstrr nez:, the following valuable Real Estate of said decedent, viz TITS MANSION FARM, situate in Reading township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands of Jacob Smith, Benjamin Malann, Michael :end Peter Barb°lt, and others, containing I GO Acres, more or less, wiih a sufficiency of first-rate Woodland and Meadow. The Farm is in ex cellent cultivation, having been several times limed; and the fencing is of the best (pinty, mostly of chesniit rails. It is one of the most' productive Farms in the county.— The Improvements consist of a Two-story BRICK HOUSE, new ; Two-story Brick Baek-building, ." • large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Cor: Lrtb, Carriage House, large Hog Pen. Spring House,' Smoke House and Dry House, and all other ne cessary oat-buildings; two springs of never-. failing water convenient to the buildings. also , • well, with a pump in4t,irt the barn yard; nu excellent. Apple Orchard, not excelled in the township, with other 'fruit, such as peaches, , pears and cherries. There is a never-failing' stream of waiter through the farm. • Also, A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the Mansion Farm. containing 10 Acres, more or less, about 3 acres being in timber. The im protcmunts sr.: a Two-story. BRICK HOUSE, and Putter Shop—both new. Also, A TRACT Oi? LAND, situate in the same township, adjoining lands of Adam Brown, George ts`romer. George Fissel, William Myers, and others, containing 44 Acres, more or less—about FS acres being Woodland. The cleared land has been well limed—gr.rnite soil. There is a good spr:ng on the property and running .water throng), it. On Friday, Eke 28114 day of September tirzl, will be offered, on the premises, A TRACT OF CIIRSNUT.TIMBERLANIVintuate iu Hunting ton township, Adams county, adjoining lands of John Bream, Smith's heirs, and ethers, con taining 5 Acres and 94 Perches. The tract Is well covered with first-rate rail timber. Syr-Persons wishing to view either of the three first mentioned properties are requested to call at the mtu.ion house; and to view the chesnut timberland Mr. John Bream may be called upon. sol-Bale to commence at 10 o'cabk, A. M., on said days, wiieu attendan.:e will be giveunfid terms made kutwu by ADAM MILLER, 801,41M0.1.1 MILLER, ADAM C. MILLER, Aug. 27, iscn. ts* Nxeculors. Public Sale. pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's I Court of Adams county, the subscribers, Ad mmistrators of the estate of Josef% Cummins, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises. on Saturday, the 2,:itik day of Sep:coder next, the following valuable Real Estate, vita. A FA rtai, situate in Freedom ton nship, Adams county, on the Ettnnitsburg road. about smiles from Gettysburg, adj,inins lauds of Jacob Brown, Ilenry Myers, and others, containing MI Acres. more or leis, with a sufficiency of first-rate Meadow and Timberland. The term is in excellent cultivation, and good lancing.— The improvements ere a large Two story Brick Dwelling HOUSE. large thi" Bank Barn, 11 - ligon Shed. Corn Crib, and all other necessary out-buildings ; three nevar-failingsprings of water, also a well with a pump in it; an Apple Orchard of choice fruit. mar Persous wishing to view the property are requeatol to call on the lass named Ad ministrator, residing on the premise: , gray-Sale to ;commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be gi% en and terms made knuun by UCTAVILS CREEGER, JOSEPH M. CREEGiIt, Adm'rs. By the Court—H. G. WOLP, Cl Pk. • Aug. 27, 18G0. is Register's Notice. N'OTICS is hereby gii en to all legatees and other persons concerned that the A.dmia istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented st the Orphan's Ciurt of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, on needy, the 25M of Sep:ember nea, at 10 o'clock, A. H., tiz: 214, The first and final account of Barnard Hildebrand And Abner B. Hildebrand, Admin istrators of the estate of Wiliiam.Hildelrrand, deceased. 215. The first and liattl account of Jacob Mundorff, Jr., Executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Muudorff, deceased, settled by Adam Hebert and Charles B. Polley, Admin istrators of the estate of Jacob Mundurff, Jr., deceased. 216. Account of Jacob Mundorff, Jr., testa mentary Trustee, under the Will of Jacob Mundorff. Sr., deceased, for John Mundoreund Mary Middlecoff, (afterwards Mary Albert) and her children, settled by Adam Hebert and Cbarlea B. Polley, Administrators of J • Standoa, Jr.. deemured 217. The first account of Rufus Duttra, Ad ministrator of Geo. W. illitinger, deceased. 118. The first and final account of David Clapsaddle, Executor of the last will an I testa ment of Elizabeth Clapsaddle, late of llountjoy township, deceased. Also, on October lar. 119. The first and fund account of Abrnham Krise and John Massebalm, Administrators of the estate of Christian Shully, deceased. 120. The first and final account of Samuel R. Russel, Administrator of the estate of Wm. G. Seitz, deceased. 1.) gofer. Register's Office, Gettys burg, Aug. 27, 11160. Ladies' One Price EANCY FUR STORE I—JOHN FAREIIIA, No. 718 Arch St., between 7th and Bth Ste., iladelphia, (late of 818 Market St.,) Ii porter, Manufactur of and Dealer in kinds of F ANC Raving moved to my N. Store, 718 Arch Si and being now enzai ed entirely in the Ur ufacture and Sale Fancy Furs, which, accordance with "One Price Principl , I have marked at . lowest possible prices consistent with a reason able profit, I would solicit a visit from those in west of Furs for either Ladies' or Childrens' Wear, and an inspection of my sele-tion of those goods, satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in every desired essentia:. 'Persons at a distance, who may find it inconvenient to call personally, need only name the article they wish, together with the price, and instructions for lending, and forward the order to my address—money aecampaoying— to insure a satisfactory compliance whit- tbl6 wishes. [Sept. 3,.11110. Notice to Trespaasera: - TUE undersigned hereby warn ail'persons against trespassing on their prrmises in ii ting or hunting. The game laws will be rigidly enforced against all such trespassers. Jacob Starry, Samuel Wolf, John Diets, Michael Miller, Henry Stock, Sr., David March, Lydia Irony, Bonbon Wulf, Henry Stock, Jr., John L. Collins, Ere WoV, . Wesley Reagy, Juba Bapp, Daniel lihrehati, Wm. Wagoner, George Lou‘b. llimiltan tp., Sept 3, leo. 3t Ayer's Cethartio AUL . A " you skit, feeble, and compininktgt Are you out of order, wit !your system deraaged,ani sour feelings uncomforta. tile? These symptoms aro often the prelude to serioa' illness. Some fit of shet ness is creeping upon yet and should be averted b; a timely use of the righ remedy. Take Aver's PIII/ and cleanse out 'the limn dered humors—purify th , blood, aid let the fluid move on unobstructed healthagain. They stitnu• late the functions of th body into vigorous netir. ty, purify the system from the obstructions which make diseise. A c0 ., 1 settles somewhere in the body, add obstructs its natural functions. These, if not relieved, react upon themselves and tee surrounding or gans, producing general aggravation, Suffering, and disease. While in this condition, oppress ed by the derangements. take Ayer's Pale, and see bow directly they restore the natural action of the system, and bidi it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and c ommon complaint, is also . true in many of the deep-scated and dangerous dissemrers. The sinie purgative effect expeli them. Cancel by similar chstructions and de rangettents of the natural functions of the body, they are rapt,lly, arid many of them sure ly, cured by the same means. Nona uho know the virtues of these Pills, will negleot to employ them alien suffenng floor the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public perznus FrorCitrorinirdlng klerchant of St Louis, Folk 4,1356. DK A} er : Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulterotts sores upon her 1 hands and feet that had I roved incurable for years. Her mother has been long grievously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and iu her hair. After our child wait cure - she also tried your l'ills, and they have cured her.* ASA Moßatupac AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. /real Dr. IL W. Cartwright, Saw OrtitaaaL Your-Pills - are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities _surpass any cathartic wu possess. They are mild, but very certain and , effectual in their 'tenon on the bowels, which makes them invaluable tool in the dally-trtat meat of disease. HEADACHE, SICK HEADACHE, FOUL STOMACH. from Dr. Edward ►Mrd, Daltloan. Deer Bro. Ayer: ICa 11111 A aulwer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with a purga tive medicine. I place great dependence on as effectual cathartic iu my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the best we have, I of course value them highly. Pittsburg, Pa., May 1, 183. Dr. J. C. Ayer—Sir: I hare been repeated ly cured of the worst headache any body ClUll have by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, Ere. W. Perna, Cl'k of Bteamet Clarion. BILIOUS DISORDICRS-M VER COMPLAINTS. lima Dr. Tbsoden Dell, or New York City. Not only are your Pillm admirably adapted Um their purpose as an asperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have In my practice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious complaints thaw any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely re joice that we have at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence of the profession and the people. Department of the interior, Washington, D. C., 7th Feb. Idepe. Sir: I have used your Pills in my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the but cathartic we employ. Their regulating action on the liver is quick and dFcided, consequently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., Physician of the Marine Hospital.. DYSENTERY, DIARRIKEA, RELAX,WORMS. Front Dr. J. G. Drees, of Chkago. - Your Pills have had a long trial in my ;prac tice, and I bold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. The altera tive effect upon the liver makes them an excel lent remedy, when given in• small doses for bilious dysentery and diarrhma. Their sugar coating makes them very acceptable and con. venient for the arse of women and children. DYSPEPSIA; IMPURITY OF TUN BLOOD. , Pros Rey. J. T. Mose, Pastor of Advent Charon Reuss„ Dr. Ayer : I have used your Pais with ex traordinary success in my family and amoog those lam called to visit in distress. To regu late the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known ' sad I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. Hutu. Waxsaw, Wyoming co., N. Y., Oct. 44,'65. Dear Sir: Asiin using your Cathartic Pills in my practieWrand find ttem an excellent purgative to cleanse the systYm and purify the fountains of the blood. Joua 0. Mg“:1111M, 1. D. CONSTIPATION, COSTIVENESS, SUPPRES SION, IiIIEUMATISII, GOUT, NEURALGIA, DROPSY, PARALYSIS, FITS, ETC. Prow Dr. J P. Vaughn, Montreal, ellhl4ll. Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of costiveness. If others of our fra ternity have found them as effit.icious as I have, they should join me in proclaiming it for the benefit of the mu;titud•s who suffer from that complaint, which, although had enough in itselLis the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pill Affect that organ and lure the disease. /rem Wn E. Stuart, Physician Lod 3.lltrife, Bodo /,- I find one or two large doses of Your Pitts, taken at the propel, time, are excellent promo tives of the natural secretion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse_ the stomach awl expel warms. They are so much the best physic we have that I re commend no other to my patients. from the Her Dr. Hawke', of the Methodist Spa. Church. Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 0, '56. Honored Sir: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought Mt if I did not report my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rheumatis.n.— Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the ath ice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them, I am now entirely well. Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge, La., 6 Dee.'s4, Dr. Ayer: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout—a painful dis ease that ad afflicted me for years. bar Most of the Pills in market contain 31ei. cury, which, although a valuable remedy la skilful hnuds. is dangerous in a public pin, from the dreadful consequences that frequent ly follow its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Pelee, 25 teats per Bet, or I &nester $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. lin k CO., Lowell, Nati he sold by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; P. Boblitz, Arendtsville ' • Paztoa. k• McCreary, Fairfield; P. A. Myers, New Cheater ;•31. Stagier, New Oxford, E. Iliteshew, York Springs; and dealers generally. Sept. 3,1860. lyeow G. A. & E. A. Landoll; wro.. 110 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADSL: illi PHIA, manufacture and have for sale , ISpermaceti, Patent Sperm , Hy,. CANDLES draulic, Adamantine, Hotll,Car and Tallow Candles. Pure Sperm, Lard Bleached Whale, Sett • • lttal• Stephen!, Strained Whale, Teasers', C urriers , Palm, Olsine. and Red Oils. SOAPS I White, Yellow, Brown, Cbenanaji Olive, Fancy, and other Soaps. • Aug. 13, 181 r. 3m CMIZEIM BLizAstra W 151.8313 ESTATE.--Lettegi-;) of adfnialstistion qg the estate ofglisabeth. . 4 aler, late of .FranTlin township, Maw: —., county, deceased, baring bees granted to 1ik7 40 1 124 4 4 na e Jiggled, residing igtetileberls,nti towltir ' '. r , he bet eby gives notiee:s4ll44floas to said estate to make ituf. ' , Ilayttient k those•baring ulaignsagabisik L,„_....• - ~ _, * I , - t,- t teal, r pert? anthe 'MAU& ''''v'''': 7-.. - : fit,..4,..41.N 1 , .. W 7 : 11- : i ' , 1' - Aut. 13, 14;0. tit . • .-,.. !I'T•wwl VIXCENT SLIDZLL Notice. El