The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 27, 1860, Image 2
1r .1:401;.4 „EWE, IR ITAJILS, SOME AND pauritirroa GE Tiryears G , PA, MOSDAT MORNING, AUG. 27, farm Our P'16443'. ;=: r M M.W =;! TOBAL TICKET 1 titss,?ono,L floa.torge M. Kelm, Masaics 3. Frederick la. Serve r t. W JR, 0. Patterson, I, /Os, Crockett, Jr„ 4. Joke G. Brenner, b. G. W, Jacoby, B. Chas. Kelley, T. Oliver P. James, R. David &hall, 20. Josh, 13. Howell. 21. N. B. Fetterman. 1 22. Samuel 1.3. Wm. Book. '24. 13, D. Hamlin. Y. Josl Lsitner, la. 9.8, Barbonr, 11. That. R. Walker. 12. 8,8, Winchester, 11. Jac Leabach, 25. Gaylord Church FOB GOVEI/NOR, HON. HENRY D. FOSTER, 0/ WIBIIIOIIMAXD Desoastio County Ticket AlatXlll.4 EIRICRY I, rnsas, of Tyrone township SRERITP SAMUEL WOLF, of Berwick borough i'llOTHOlf °TAIT BURT AL PIeb:LNG, of Straban township, RiGllllll A RICOIDICI EDWARD ifeINTIRR, of Liberty township CLIME 01 TEM COCRTS /0113 RICHOLTZ, of Butler township Gexximslognt WELPL&M B. OABDNER, of Huntington twp Aroiroa lIENRY DYBEILT, of Germany townsbip, DIZICTORS : • JACOB MILLER, of Reading township, 2 years. ISAAC PFOCIt, of lismiltonbao tp., 2 years. gar The editors of the Star and Sentinel, eonscious of the want of - popularity in their own eandklate for Sheriff—and utterly unable to disguise a fact so well and widely known— are, as a sort of off-set, letting oft their pop guns upon sh. Ssa ult. Wets, the Democratic e•einee for that oThce. This is as we expect ed Todd be the case, whoever might be the Democratic candidate. They would resort to some disreputable game, we felt assured, to accomplish their purpose, no matter how questionable it might be. They have nnw shown their hand in regard to Mr. Wolf. It is a trick they have prao sited before, and will continue to practice as long as they can mako a vote by it. They do not dare to attack Mr. Won's character or standing as a matt—but, mark it, they would have people believe that he has refused to solo fur Catholics on the - Democratic ticket ! This is a most nnfonnded li charge, Conceiv ed in falsehood and circulated with no other purpose than to deceive those verdant enough to believe it. The authors know they cannot prove it. Let them try it, if they can. It is eertainly bold in secret, sworn Koow l'olothingism, to presume to call in question tiro political conduct of Samuel Wolf, a man In whom they have always found a consis tent opponent of their proscriptive doctrines sued teachings I The sly falsehood will doubtless be traced to its seam before long, and if so, &scathing 43,posere *ill be the result. Ser i no Star throws out the idea that if Naas. Picmva and EICITOLTE, the Demo cratic candidates for Prot honotary and Clerk cif the Courts, are elected, the duties of the caws will " be discharged by persons real dent in the borough." We have the authori ty vf both these gentlemen to say, that they vapid regard it as dishonorable in them it they failed to assume in person the offices for Isaiah they have been nominated, should the people elect - them, (of which we have no doubt.) The citisens of the county may rely upon it., that if successful Messrs. Picraso said EICHOLTZ will, health and strength per mitting, discharge the duties of their offices themselves. lifirEverybody we conversed with on the wubject, at Court, last week, whether Demo crat er Oppositiem, acknowledged the sur passing eacellenee of the Democratic County Tiek•t. dad this, too, whilst many Opposi. ties sea conceded that gross mistakes were inuiterin the seleetion of their own ticket. A full vete is only wanted to insure the success elf the Democratic nominees. iltirWe Ind in the last &ar the following instntotsiinary sentence: " ttse . Compiler man probably did not bear the searsee, not load bat deep; that fall from the lips-et that sturdy old Democrat, 'llr. entors.* ' - • Mr. Mentors is not the kind of OM to des' in ••curses " of any kind. The Star, therefore, does him s irreng in attributing as earring ° to him on the occasion alluded to. B Wit is only another exhibition of the anee utter Brant of veracity. = airrtse Opposition editors pretend to be lieve that Sitar county ticket is itenerany sailPtatitory Id their people. We are nesared, csOciostringert4, that a number of districts win .4011 a afire* tale .! on elsobion day. .1-11 ow. Wnecur &wit mode a powerful ors& in ileioter fioerwpoa owe Electoral Tieiusii*lbithosoreebtle County nieesin. ilk TWeday mnieig sofa Itamaitiessievii ihie Genres serwler swim wpm the Baolllolll Areelotol WWI: • • - 3 ;# 1011 0 0 k .l r. _PrAr r Y.- - 0 1 : 7 "fliffTAinGreilit 9 Y 4- 11W WOOL 4111347.AtAiimi!letiorlit 11111011111110.611114 liMiiimeis 441101 W - 4 0 °4 11 01 011. 4 1 - - .. " I t lot .4.-4 - - , ._i'iA Y. ~ ~.4 that that old citadel of Dessoortc7 win roll op at lcast . 7ooo majority for Mtn. • In the Eastern part of the State -.we can toot for atunning Forrra majorities. In the ;Vest, Forrcs will reduce the Republican majorites handsomely. his personal popularity there being great. The Curtin is bound' to fall. El,acroas : lion. Richard Valli LZCTORS : 14. Isaac nockhow. 15. Geo. D, Jackson 16. John A. MI. i 7. Joal 13. Danner 18. J. R, Crawford. 19. 11. N. Lea. The Black Republicans have undertaken an ardzwas task in attemping to persuade our Foreign-born citizens that they arc their particular friends. How l,,ng is it since this same party. these same men—under the name of "Know Nothings"—were induetr:ously try ing to deprive these enmo foreign Is.rn citi zens of 'all political rights; and were it not for the interp( sition of the Democracy, they would have succeeded, and maiy of them would not now have a vote to give. It it the height of impudence, then, after such an attempt upon their rights, upon mere change of name, and a little blarney, to expect to cheat them into the support of the Abolition candidates. Oat upon such a party I They must think men have exceedingly short Diem arias. A 'Western paper thus discourses upon or ganisation : " Owe More to Ike BrearA tree it is, that the race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong. The Democitcy must see to it, that we lose nothing from want of organisation. Organization I Yes, that is what we want. Organise, then, Democrats! Organize thoroughly in the Con,gressional Districts! Oroanize in the election precincts! Organise in the cities and towns and neigh boorhoods! Organiseeverywhere, compactly, thoroughly, effectively. It is necessary ! It must be done. In this way ossly can the strength of the party be brought to bear in November. Then to your pests, Democrat s ! Throw off your coats. Roll up your sleeves! Go to work in earnest. Go to work with a will. Go to work with the determination to win. Go to work as men work who have something to do. Go to work systematinelly. Poll your,. precincts. Know how each man will note. Convince the doubting.— Strengthen the wavering. Distribute docu ments. Circulate newspapers. Di all that honorable men can do; and yozi will be sur prised in November et the extent of your vic tory—your enemies will be confounded and overt h row n . Gen. Ronsoforee State Committee, it is said, struck from the ticket the name of Gen. George M. Keim, as elector at largo, and so} - stitnted that of Hon. Johrt Cessna, of Bed ford. The Reading Times, however, liarns that Mr. C. respectfully declines the honor, in other words "won't stick, " and that Rich ard J. Haldernin,—the veritable Sir Rich ard himself-- , is to be substituted I—By all !means lei this he done. We go for Dick first, last, and all the time. There should be a man at the head of the ticket who has trav eled in Toreign parts, and can talk French. Italian, Turkish and Choctaw 1 We go for Dick—well, we do.—Lincaster Intelligencer. )•The Republicans affect to be very so licitous about Gen. Foster's position on the Presidency. They think he ought to declare for Douglas or Breckinridge. Now, it is suf ficient for Democrats to know that Gen. Fos ter was regularly nominated for Governor, and that be is a first-rate Democrat, and a first-rate man. The Republicans would like very well to see him drive from his support either the Douglas men or the Breckinridge men, but they will be dis appointed. The de mocracy of the State are a unit in support of Gen. Foster, and intend to elect him. It should be sufficient fur the Republicans to know that Gen. 'Foster is opposed to Abraham Lincoln and Abolitionism. =1 Eon* D. rester. The proepeoto for the eleetimeofirer _ for Governor. are ery day. A Jotter from OM Arks ii Don't Like It. Our Republican contemporaries are fir:, mach exercried abOut the prospects of /pion and harmony being once more restored to tyre rank., of the Demoeratie party. They are ferry much pat out about it and find fault with the way thugs are managed with as much assurance as if their stupid suggestions were worth notice: It does not suit thens--terery thing is going wrong in the Democratic party, and they would obligingly step in and fix it up ar. right if the Democrats would only al low them the privilege. They take particu lar pains where they can button-hole a Dem ocrat to try and make him believe that his party should not unite—that it would he all wrong to do so, and that he should by all means stop the Compiler. Good-natured. obliging souls, how exceedingly thankful we feel towards yon for yonr kind and (disinteres ted interference in behalf of our party. We only regret that we will be obliged to give you a sound thrashing this fall, in order to make you sensible how much we appreciate your kindness. Can They Do It, Organization ! Won't Stick Seward on bte Stump.—Mr. Seward, a few days since, delirsred a set speech in New England in favor of Lincoln and the slirre preesible conflict." Ile 'stated that Mr. Lin coln held•the earn. views in regard to slavery and the "irrepressible conflict" that he (Sew ard) did: hence be wuuld support him.— Tbe speech was a bold. une, and Las fright cued the Republicans almost out of their wita. It was too undid. Pennty/onantt Polities.---llarrieborg, Au gust 22.—The Constitutional Union State cen tral committee met here to-day, every con gressional district being represented. Cheer ing accounts from all parts of the State were received, and a strong dipposition manifested for the union of all national men. A com mittee has beta eppointal to select presiden tial electors. air The last Ohambereborg Valley Spirit lan a well-timed ooputoaioation, urging anion and iteximeny among the Democracy: is the eneoluding paragraph : If oar National Coarantilaa had not better lase has to pi Ise tato a bad wept, Art all time se* esolgh ndtlio ;get **Tie iota athker serapes:. If we a p e ,spilt to the Union, ► in se reason v ere ehorali epi‘ is timr - E4lhe aid the I go far widower* the *Aida Utakinto* *the OoTerwei, waito pis Congreeetpao, anico.lo Ike Colawki.tichet; Rain as ail. ,• • i ~, . 4... , 4 .......- - . . 0.104047 2 ai1em fross.ihtisiperk le,* kt.iitift iM Aim ofisims* giint wait libitAieilaktkrama4ll74oo. 1 1 1.. • = 3616 41,1 M i ttimik it .! ~ .... - i ---spreltAillsiXille , UWOMI . 8,- 'be atumtlei et warp y la, katta,s'7 This Luis'. • sea saw , 0111=811498111. Lino created son ma a tate, r,e, • ' ~: 4 ,, r7 a llot:ortiyO ti aot.A rp u:i ges 4o4:4.l4. Ma. *atria :-1 let *stab. name* . isr 1%-"N4 r - "----, --. _ last blue 01'01 paper: the SevAiti,se CAMPAIGN COMPI.IIIIL--The dimpsfar Mill ' t ear 1/1 111101 0h uji°. "" cost gas, is re " ken ground far. Dell and lee .by the . i Coate CoiliaiL ;Is may not be amiss to remind fruit thieves a t id garden rangers that by an set passed by la knit. bat 'with eall'aeutiaidot arsillti&l!' r.lee "Pl ed ill gdrri°4 " the feelin r .i the ' be tilifilliabad from °III gill mat° after the 1 5 ; - --naetta isa of i t i tle re :a ll m7: It is is ilro ob p v e lo r u miru sly t l h a e tio l:tes cir e tb st, e t / in that : city. oat the 1315 t.. • The leading mee,tind thafead. t t Catbolie voters against the Democratiatleket. , Presidential Election a t TEIMITY CENTS I— 'lag repaint of desk party approve slid sustain it! It seems to am papsingly strange, that Mr. vitt , rreit tmtn i,,,k r, „4- ent I, ~,tho m. Vie m a y ' Harper would so far forget hiptaelf, as to do t -.AGRA ND / SU* IX VIII 7Alitltill ' - ' ..._ CONTINENTAL COTCERT At'n 1 hot cif the conewmers and the gas company, I that the light &Alined from a given amount of not exceeding d. 50, and imnriaonment in the any such business for the purpose of twits- the last Legislature, they are enteeet to a fi ne look upon the difficulties that have existed in FESTIVAL.—Prof. J. B. HARRY is fast emo ting a question which lie himealronly a few / ! acting the arrangements for the Grand Conti- ; Illuminating gas, whetheeobtained from Mite 1 consumption shonldifie as brilliant as possible. our ranks on the Presidency as nearly editor : years ago pretended to denounce. mental Comertand Festival to souse off at Han- ' its weight of eareon,or the matter of d h:-. county jail not exceeding sixty days. ed in this State, stud out glor;eu old sooty Were it not for this agitation in regard to , over on theor coal, is composed of kydrogra, an six times ' placed 'a en a Amend and solid baais.b....l3oth and 31st init. Pre p arations The former, when mingled with air - at a red The Pittsburg Journal says "Curtin must religion. the Opp o sition party ciould sat sub- ' are go i ng Act i ve l y f o r wa rd, a n d it promises to , heat, barns readily, with the evolution of much be carried by 20,000 the second Tuesday" The mutual agreement to unite on a single sive of pricking, or almost six cents for every sist in Adams county. They make it a point 'be a grand affair. The following Committees 1 Electoral ticket should. fettle this ;natter and heat but of little light. The latter requires a and Lincoln by 50,000 in N ovem b er 1...... st alliserail diessaisy of oPilaion - it time erescod. l at the commencement, of ' every county cant - t hays been anotinted, to CO-41Plirata with each Nil white beet teethes Me free sad rapid eons Wouldn't the Journal man momp re • , Lustier!, whilst at a simple red heat it bans lief that number? We guess so! sign, to introduce this sule)ect, for the pur- , other in carrying out the arrangements : The friends both DocOLAI and BRICICIS- P a. ' pose of prejudicing the minds of that church i Odevsburs I.—R. G. Harper, D. Ziegler, Elmo but slowly. *ran cor di a ll y approve the union and are against the Democratic party. After inang-! C D . avid Wing' Esq., Geo. Litte, John Gilbert, J. snails, that, h w " hen ne t t h ic e ed fla ' cl in ic . t i l tr quits small, it b o nd hie; rdailliienen"nuelmsrerilrsyaotoet/fnle.B:ll(l)otesu:ssaelnhdsedivut3Bolelsu24maree7cmandrpeittitsii-- • pledged to sustain it. The qnestion as to who' Neely, Esq . Cept. C. H. Buehler, Col. J. L. i s the regular, or irregular, " m i ne , nee d wo i urating tin unholy crusade against foreigners 1 Tete. Samuel Weis% er, D. Kendlehart, S. It. ItUs longer a " gitatc.and distract the party--the and Clitholles in the sear of 1853, holding sell..Bsq , Henry Culp. burns with a feeble bluish het ; that when it mitlnicht caucuses. plotting their extermina- acceptrusos of the compromise waives Fairfie ld .—E. T. Rin e hart, P. Shively , R. C. is large it burns with on Tinsteady, feeble, taking required ono million four Swope, John Musselinan. Jacob Rinehart,hundred and The Washington Examiner, the tluntine fort thousand ' all future discussion on this bead. By an amicable ' ! ton from the politics of the country—and - lf. D., Ross Hunter. Robert MeCleaf, Isaac . . y sheets of blanks, anti three now that an overwhelming sentiment of theb s with a steady of a medium size it urs white the sand two hundred and thirty - ono ate. adjustment of all differences, sad under the ; Robinson, Esq., D iniel Sullivan. Andrew Sar. reddish light and much senOlte; but when it is official authority of the State Central Commit- country has sunk the soul and body of their , shalt, W. - Rogedt. Thos. Mershall,Hill McCreary. • light. wicks(' organization into the whirlpool of i tent marshals. tee, both wings of the party hare been placed Yo m rkS . / .. frcte—John . A ... . Wi_enu_an, R . . W. 7.. , ie 5. g- ; In the firee case, the light is feeble, partly / I ler, w. w . ntewart, Al cu. Id. Gardner, J. M. because the flame is small, and partly because . upon an equality, and both be, thus lie• abominations, they pretend to repudiate the' Brandon, J. Frank. Gardner, J. C. Chronister, i don Union and the Lebanon Advertiser, pa- there is not heat enough evolved to keep up I knowledge(' must be equally respected.— system they created, and have the effrontery A. K. NI) yrs. A. B. Dill, M. D., James J. Met- 'the temperature at a full whiteness , which is I Pere that bare heretofore expressed no Presi- There would be no justice iu any other view to say to the Catholics, such and such Demo - , c T a u l d fe r Geo. W. Gardner, Wm. H. Becker, Isaac ; about fort y ' sas brilliant -as a simple red tiffitial p referen ce , have recently declared for of the ease. Every Democrat under this ar. erat said, or wits heard to say. that he ißreekioridge and Lane. Liteethoen.—Amos Lefever, Jacob Sterner,' h eat . in the seCond case, the flame is of a raugement can exercise his own preference would not rote for a Catholic ! What can be ; Aug. abort,. F. it. Wolf, Wm. Young. Amos ' Speaker Pennington declines smoky red color, because a sufficiency of oxygen ! a re-election' between the two Democratic Presidential can- more presumptuous, more inconsistent and / 1 1 1 If s tt l e i r e f l i 4v S. l. S ., tudy :. G l . w Wl a t u o l ‘ i ve, N r.Ftslir, Simmons 11, cannot mingle with the gas to burn both the tto the next Congress. Me will serve out his didates, assured that his vote rill nut be more ridiculous in the eyes of all true mom- / i.). : E. I..reihusrt G. ' al • h y dro genan dcarbon . The latter, failing to present term. hare of that church ? What? a man who met / Miss V thrown away , but that it must count against In addition to these there is a Committee ass- burn, does not contribute its share in keeping I • andenhoff (Mrs. Swinbounte,) the in the dark hours of the night, when all lion the enemies of his party and the country. A , pointed for each street in Hanover, who will ,up the heat, which then will soon be reduced 1 daughter of Vandetthoff, the tragediaa, and truce Lai been thus mutually agreed upon to eat peoplythould havh been sleeping, to dis- i act in conjunction with the above Committees to that of redeem,. At this temperature the . herself an eminent actress, died recently, in. keep the organization of the party entire and franehierns as a religious denomination, to ,in t per fecting the arrangements. I t is h ope d part i c l es o f car b on g ive out but a feeble light, l Birmingham, England. She was horn ' i . ;deny us the right of holding office,— ; undivided , and and insure success, and every thee° ' that the several committed' will attend to their and rising above the flame, they become black 1815. honest Demoorat will live up, in good faith, men, now after the Democratic, party came : duties promptly. The fare over-the Railroad ' and form smoke. In the third case, the quail- i The census man in New London,Conn to the conditions of the sacred comnact. Ito our support, 'sustained us as citizens et;l is to be reduced to leis than half price. We tity of oxygen and oil or coal gas, mingling in' found a woman, who represented h er ow .' a It would beim-is - et fur the general harmony . tied to equal rights, ck me to ns and say Sa - , proper proportions, will produce perfect core- , age at 28 years, and that of her eldest son at , of the party that the Presidential question ! uel Wulf is an enemy to the Catholics—which bustion, and the particles of carbon, being then i trd years 1 A mother at .5 years of age is Lo dropped altogether until after the October : is as base a lie as ever escape! the Lips of a at a white heat, will give out an intensely bril- ! " rather nut of the common." election. When we hive mantle the landing slanderer. We du not say that Mr. Harper Haut light. If it be desirable that the flame 1 The Madison (Wis.) Argus and Democrat, 'in the State, which we will certainly d o if we I was ever guilty of such proscription, but we should be large, an extra quantity of oxygen / the central Preen of the 11 iseonsin lkm a do any that he is now engaged in a work no done in the use of ordi-l• must he supplied, as is cy, are united, th ere is time dome!' to do the /hits at last taken its position for Breekin -1 less dishonorable and unkind, nary lamps, by means of° g lass chimne y , whi ch , rid ge and Lan work, and du it well, fur the Nattoo.—Cliaot-e. The Bearer Dam D emocralt- I Ms notice of our Conrentionis based upon produces a more rapid flow of air against acid • terslrtirg V•ilry ,Fpieir. i has followed its °sample. report altogether, and if he did hear some into the interior of the fl ame. orf severe remarks made by others, in•regard to Each consumer, will, therefore, find it to his • The reporter of the N I been shown a Black Rep olk Day Book has üblica,. -- The Union Endorsed in Allegheny County. At a meeting of the Democratic County Committee of C•irre.pondence of Allegheny county on Saturday week, Col. Henry M'Cul lough offered the following reeolusious, which were unanimously adopted: Resolred, That we congratulate the Democ racy of the c iunty and State, upon the fair and amicable adjustment made of our poli tical differences by the State Central Commit tee at Cresson; we hail it rts an equitable ar rangement, and one which is e arn to secure pa ovetwhelming Democratic triumphs in Of- toter and November. Resolved, That the spotless Private tin 1 po litical; reputation of our candidate for Gov ernar, Hun. 11. D. Foster, should endear him, to the freemen of Pennsylvania, without dis tinction of party; we re-endorse his r.umkna tion, and in order to secure Lis election, we invoke the people's co-operation and sup port. lierbTlie Clarion Democral. (I)6uglas) cz presses its satisfaction with the t.'resauu Com promise. The last number P aj. lrefl Done.—The Democratic State Central Committee, at their meetiug at Cresson, on the 9th inst., ndepted a reseluti,,n a hieh we think should meet vrith the hearty npproial of every Democrat who desires the sio toss of the patty and the overthrow of tilaz k Repub licanism. Strife in the Detnocratic ranks should now CPI9C. As a grand brotherhood all should net in unity and hsrmony to eleet a union President, our nominee for tiurernor, and our district and county tickets. As a friend of out party, ore most heartily soh scribe to the resolution of the committee:lnd toll upon Our friends to unite for the good of the party and the safety of the Union. siiir-ive du not care to burden our eolumns with extrarits from Demoiratie newspapers in favor of the compromise agreed upon I y ,the DemJeratic Committee at Cresson. It is sulScient to say that many papers that opposed the first plan of union, have expressed them selves entirely oatisficd with the one lately adopted. There are indications that nearly all the Douglas papers in Western Pennsylvania affil wheel into line, and testify their devotion to the Demo:ratie cause and their abhorrence of the scheme to divide the party fur the hone ' fit of Lincoln. The Pittsburg IL.I, the lead ing Douglas paper in the West, comes up warmly to the support of the compromise, just ly considering that it affords the only possible chance of securing the electoral vote fur Due glas. The Hollidaysburg Niandard takes the same position. The nauvemtnt is spread , mg with such rapidity that before another month the Democracy of Pennsylvania will be substantially a unit, and the followers ut Forney and division dwindle down to the original rule or ruin faction which has play ed so discreditable a fart in the politics of the State.-1..",/ loss. ACT - The Loserne Union, published nt the home of Col. 11.13. Wright., the President of the 26th of July Convention, accedes to the Cresson compromise. Toe papers that hold out against it are few indeed. The straight out movement has been whittled down to al most nothing. Democrats are not au easily tr4tneferred to the Republican■ as certain persons imagined.—Patriot& Uoicut. Peanry/rania Statesman.—We hare receiv ed two numbers or a new campaign paper published at Ilarrishurg by Mr. J. l'd,Coorza. formerly of the Valley Sprit. The paper is remarkably well printed. contains a large amount of reading matter, and its original articles are marked by mote than ordinary ability. It is published at the exceedingly law price of 25 ants fur the campaign. The Staledniagutwuppotts BRZCX.Ri RI DG g stud Lois. lerthe returns of the election for Attor ney-General and other State officers, in Texas, come in slowly; bat already enough have been received to indicate the election of FLoulsor. (Breekiaridge) the Democratic candidate for Attorney-Getteral t over llicAnoo, Opposition, by one of the largest majorities ever given in the State. All the other State officers are alaardoebtlass sleeted. afrDr. lames B. Dobbins, une of the dale. goes to the Forney and Bald/unto Cousin den from Desire coastwise reported in the Iyas, Mims the editeret 'he Beliefonte Wodatstes that the nes *llO Male was not osfy nnanduirised, but that be did not attend the (keratoid's- sod dittisseepidparthise with eurreessit.^ Is / Aplat wan Slikpenad - We at this time *Orb( UN pawpaw of atiiN rho sad " ' '. ' °s ° 0 ° 011 ll° r- 4 0 1 4e4h , , Itit jar 4 , 4 . , iirAmikailaiislim tiloisis's gaii *is auertosar ads imOitsea aid ' ttilw ... sf IN!, P *loth . '.alri <Mar - . , ISE our ticket, it is very doubtful if they were nut uttered by secret enetniei of our party. Democrats are not to be gulled into the sup port of the Oi.positiou ticket by any such tricks. This has been tried before. If I were to give an opinion in regard to th'e de• feat of Messrs. Keay, Will, K:uuk anti Kuhn, I would say that these men were defeated by persons who minds had been poisoned by the hoe and cry got up by Know Nothingism. This is the secret of the %hole matter. It is not and never was, a p trt of the Democratic creed to vote against a a►an on amount of hie Now, Mr. ILarper, ws hope that you will 'hereafter have more respect for the feelings of your fellow man, whether he be Democrat or Opposition. This is christian like, and I know that you recognize the principle of " do ing unto others al y.. 0 would that others should do unto you." We will abundantly satisfy the Deans:retie party in regar I to Mr. M'olt's standing as a Democrat, his into,trity, bit fidelity to his party, and his honesty, before we erase to sign our name, A C. I= As We Expected. The Repnblienit Congressional Conference of this District, met nt Chanibersburg on last Tuesday, and upon the first ro-nomi nnte.l lion. Edward McPherson, of Adams county. This is just whet we expected and predicted. According to the arrangement made by the ftepublicaos at their first Con ference, ewh county in :lie w as titled to one term—or at least entitled to the candidate. This arrangement had Leen scru pulously hired up to until this oounty was entitled to the ennlidate, and now, notwith standing the Rermliiicans rresented a good man, his claims and the claims of the eounty are act aside at the bidding of a few of the •• Autocrats" of the Forty in Chambersburg. No other party in this Disoriet would have dared thus to treat our county, and if they had there would hare l.een tmnble in the camp. But the Republicans of the county, we suppose, are content to wear the yoke of bondage, so complacently put upon them by the Chambers) urg politicians, and to submit to the indignifyibtliont a murmur. Dr. Duf field was cleorly entitled to the nomination of the Republican party, and would hare receiv ed it if the inignitoes " wire pullers" in Chambersburg hvd n interfered. It is now tedoced to a certainty that Hoe. W. P. Fchell will represent us in Congress du ring the next term 1 Mark the prediction. Adam J. Glosabrenner, Eaq We ace the statement repeated in several papers that A. J. GI, sabrenner, Esq.. of this Borough, was a member of the "National Democrat:c Convention." which assembled at! at the Hall of the Maryland Institute, in I Baltimcire, in June, and placed in Domino tiun 3lesers. Brecki nridge and Lane. Thiel is un error. Mr. GlossLrenner represented! this District at the Charleston, and contit.u.i ed to do so at the adjourned Convention, at II Baltimore, up to the period when the men pant of tt.e Chair, after the regular Proaident and a large number of its members, includ ing entire St-tte delegations had retired, an nounced that that body was not bound by the two-third rule, and that upon the order of a mere majority . of the Convention, he would pronounce a nomination for the Presidency to be duly and regularly made. After this announcement from the Chair, a number of members retired, and a number of others who remained, declined further participation in the proceedings of the remnant of. the Convention. Among the former was Mr. Glossbrenner, but he did not attach himself to the Convention which had assembled in the Maryland Institute, net recognising, in either of the two bodies, a legitimate and reg ular representation of the satire Democracy iof the attics. It is piney to say hers that Mr. Gloestneanee, true to the sentiment that so haply pervade* the people of York, vot ing on every ballot for a salad SatkoalPeco, ocrat, and preferred as a candidate kw the Presi4ancy, and still preformtoy do all s I loorit others, Join. D. Bazez*ltlDGS. ot talsky.----rerk 6414C1k. " Mr Th. itepablioiss tubing maw ettreesesetly - *beet the preepesit of the eietr. doe of , Lteteur. tctt not Steite eo thhe "they did 4118;44 6 * 0 . 38 0 011 0 1. "mkt« Akt toe Wring at pow of that yew +swims Item Mho iiiete• bared Linecta ord!it 1, 4 11 al!bi She #4 611 or Ake rte.. Only is dal 1 /01 1 % arra.. 41111.1111 therseellithe. 1111/IMmititetha, IS • h Lai wed& . are requested further to state that every pre caution will be to en to preserve order on the grounds. Police 'en will be on duty, and any person misbehaving will be landed in the " Lock-up," upon short notice. nro CONCERTS !—We are requested by Prof. liaaat to say that there will be two Con certs—one on Thursday evening and the other on Friday evening. A train of cars will leave Gettysburg each evening at r 4 o'clock, and re turn after Concert. Faro for round trip 60 cents. The Featival to come cff OA Friday is 'Filing prepared for on the most cite/wive scale. CAS IN TIIE STREETS.—On Saturday lir en ing last, we were treated, fur the first time, to lighted streets. From large gas lantarns in every part of the town a clear and beautiful light was emitted. bringing out expressions of warm sa tisfaction on all sides. Mr. Ilzues, in this par ticular, as in every other, has had his work done in the most superiormanner, and Is descr ying of all commendation for "that same."— The Citizen's Rand gave a general serenade on the strength of the lighting up of the streets, arid their muilie was much admired. COURT DOISOS.—Th e following eases were disposed of at the Court last neck—adjourn ing on Friday morning : Common Hafer Ts. Gettysburg Railroad Company.—Appeal from Report of Viewers of damages occasioaed by location of the Railroad through Plaintiff's lands. Ver dict for Plaintiff $892 50. WM. Smiler vs. C. W. Iloffinan.—Foreign Attachment on Note given by Defeadant.— Judgment, by consent of parthisofur Plaintiff for the sum of $631 as. Qtaarter S.uts'tne?. 7 --Cs)tonsocwealth vs. Single ton Weldon.—lndicted for Burglary. Verdict —Not Guilty. Coin. va. Andrew Ilartinau.--Indictnaent for Larceny. Verdict—Not Guilty. Coen. cc. Elias Dvgroft.—lui,lictinent for Lar ceny. Verdict—Nut Guilty. Motion for at new trial. CENSCS.—StriO,I74 nrsuA p.—The number of inlinbitants of Straban township, so shown by the census jut t..ken, is 1,470 7 dwellings 28n, families 2u5, &ems 158, deaths 28; wheat 22.996 bushels, rye 2,339, corn 33,373, onto 31,- 315, closerseed 894, Lai 4,384 tons, butter 8 - 1,- 278 lbs. Tyrone Torn.l4.—lnhabitants 923, d welling§ ;70, tunilita 1i 1, firms. 111, de ttlis 25; wheat 19,705 hushel§, rye 1,918, corn 19.610, oats 20,- 17A, cloverseed 627, hay 2,41 1 2 tone, butter 44,- 539 Ilsoutngton TornsA;p.—Tnltabitants 1,870, dwellings 331. familiesll42. farms 134, deaths 16; wheat 27,745 bushels, rye 4,407, corn 34,- 285, oats 25,756, clorerseed 828, hay 2,618 tuns, butter 45,86$ lbs. Mr. SANDERS', the Census Marshal, requests us, through our columns to thank the citizens of his district (the *bore) for the numerous kindnessce and courtel i ics cztendel to him. RAIN AND HAIL.—A tremendous rain and hail storm visited the north-west ern portion of our county on Monday last. In the neighbor hood of Bendersrille bail fell in unusual quan tities, whilst the rain poured down in torrents. The streams rose very rapiily, doing consider able damage. The bridge across Opossum creek at Cook's mill was washes away. YN E5130110' RA ELROAD.—The Waynes boro' Re,orri says that $15,000 have already been F u 1.). crib ed in that place towards the building of the Railroad to Gettysburg, nhich will be inerea-ed to $25,000. The balance, $75,4)00. it thinks, can be raised without going oat of Washington township. SAD CALAMITY.--On the morning of Wednesday, the 15th inst., as two of the em ployees of Caledonia Furnace, lir. llostsa and Mr. McGss, were busily engaged in "Pond Ore Bank," the bask caved in upon them, and before relief could reach them they breathed theirlsit. Atter several hours' constant and •nsiuus labor their mangled remains were recovered, and de cently interted the uert day. gler.llr. Lest L. ARNOLD, of the firm of A. Arnold k Son, left York on Thursday week, for Bloomington, Illinois, which he has selected for his future residence. He carries with him the best wishes of a large number of denoted friends for his future prosperity. `The Hanover Inhatty, Capt. Baughman, visited Neer Olthrd on BoltardaY last , and b a d a pleasant time of it. This Company maims a very Ilan appearance, and hilly deserves the favorable reputation it hai acquired. illirTlta Black Republican Conferees of this ,Ciatirressittaal.. district mat at (numb srsbarg, tin Tula*, last, and, re-notniaated emu. En trant,' NoPitnnaos. biePtserson it rates, J.IIL. *an, Fulton, +otos. Wield, of Fulton; was intacad to withdraw. jillirTlio Rabbit* BsYal eanneeteetwitbithw 11." third", be Frhfild, Weed- baking . intithentins on &taut illeptamber lot, is the Tow& owned by Yr. linW WM, on,' mato hut MAIM. Alt an !Vito& to attend. i mirwe my, i 5 4 160- to Yr. 0011XRLIVII IRpoilirr, of Clainboriad unroship i sad me_ D Eitousofritaakilatoirooldpf for forma N 4 of ignitor iiidorooo—o• eteolkin OlOgiaKr .0 1 4 .IF l oolrtat is , P.Oro • vow* otip iik*Orldsooroa % Dole wasimis***7 Voidbir o *o fiefs tiefilieskiffileliodoire its Oiled" 'rioter. MEI 73 UMM= interest to burn neither a very small or very large flame; but so to regulate its size as to maintain it at a white heat. This be will be able readily to do, by some attention and ex perience. • J. WATERHELONSii—We notice that water melons are getting very plenty—retailing at [rotates to thirty cents, according to size and quality. As an article of luxury, a melon is great, but It is not much to brag of as an article of food, except in the tropics, where they take an orange and two gin cocktails for breakfast, a watermelon for dinner, and a cup of tea for supper. Here wo require something more outs stantial to produce caloric, but when we have laid in our supply of beef, bread and vegetables, a gillsod melon is very nice to top off with. PATS GETTING SHORTER.—The days are getting shorter—perceptibly so—not only by the. ordinary course of nature, but the cool mornings make sleeping go exceedingly com fortable that nearly every person feels disposed to lose half an hour in a comfortable snooze. Elegised' be the man that invented sleep, says Satieho !Ansa, for it is a glorious institution, and blessed be the man, say we, who invented cool mornings, for they enable 113 to take a decoction of sleep that is worth nine hundred and ninety-nine times more than the dirty worm which the early bird is supposed to catch. 'Quite a large number of new subscribers were added to our list last week, for which all concerned hare sour thanks. " Push on the column I" There is room for more. 116-I)con't fail to read the letter of Clutste.s. IlAxca, "Abe'a" cousin, on onr first page. IgirThe Renee's./ has changed its publication day to Wednesday. Republican Fear of "Union" Men. The Bell and Everett men, POMO weeks Pince, announced n masn'tneeting, sit this pinee for twit Monday night, and enntged the C.'nrt Lonna for the purpose. On Monday the Re publican leadr,rs got up handbills, announc ing a Republican meeting for the same even ing. Although they wore aware that the Bell men had engaged the Court Room, they at temntrd tel get it for themselves in order that the Bell ►peakers should be prevented from speaking. The C oninissioner.. however. de alined t, give Viem the C tort liaJm on that night heennse they had nlren lv promised it to the other meeting. Failing to smother that meeting„ their next gimp was to start their meeting nt Berlin's lintel at an early hour, and thus keep Republicans from going to the Court Room. his to such miserable dericas the Bean leaders are now reduced to hold their party together. They are afraid to trust their own men at a Bell meeting, end well they may he.—Greensburg Dfillocral. The straight-out Douglas men of Chester county held a meeting atWeat Chester on Tues day last. and attention being amlled to the fact that the resolutions omitted to make men tion of the course of John Ilickm.ui, a general discu•sion ensued as to whether he should be denntinceti or passed orer in silence. George W. Pearce, editor of the Republican. and en office holder under Forney, treated Mr. Hick man with the greatest affection. Ile said that 'she would not impugn Mr. Hickman', mo tives, fur it might turn out that he might possibly be right. Ile was unwilling to agree to a resolution denouncing Mr. Hick man." Most of the speakers re-echoed these sentiment:, and John Hickman escaped with out a word of oontlemnation. When it is re membered that Hickman, in a recent speech, assailed Liuglas irr the most violent terms, the extraordinary moderation with which he was treated by these polused Douglas men, who are swift to accuse every odor man who does not bow down to their idol, is a signifi cant indication of the direction the cuyrent is drifting them in.—fork Gazette. Accidost to Bloodis.—Blondin, the tight rope performer, while engaged the other night at Chillicothe, Ohio. in executing the terrific feat of trending a wheelbarrow across a rope seventy-4re feet above the 4round, encircled by bluing fireworks, bad bin clothe: set on Are by the premature explosion of a recket,"- The &iring little Frenchman promptly *vita. ed himself ofthe only means of safety Left him by passing foreatti to the end of his walk, while he was being roasted abdat the neck and back. Divest/AD.—A short time since, as we learn from one of oar exchanges, at a Repub• lime meeting in Warren twenty, lowa, a meet was mineted,, the bare recital of *Web le enough to said tbe,Anterhien . blood beettel las through the veiny. To synnfy the equal itat ofthe ratme, negro girl and a beautiful white ghi 'of the ma* age of the 'African. were _pub:laised ' cot of Mae basin, owl taped aspvtotrid. Oen GAM lN:mien A tittWe f—fabilmrsed Ova) DiNgiviv . . ;l "It Qloo *Daisantei fa litaies.—Te• *maim a Xmas *fair* and a temple dad illitt°d to Alone, hsre jest besodSseaverami sea Pisfrands, marCampiegaa. under the &UM. sit Ike !brad, - Taws rsdkas loss to Oka boat pima at BOMA' ate The add to midsairably azieuteed; odd time se brytt' alias WM jou, lift firgti* e t CIF u Mai ts leStigtatiniip ipublie an campaign flag--a fac /intik of one at Springfield, Masoi. The "colors of the banner are red, black ail blue. The " C,nstitntional" party of Lancaster have started a paper to advocate the claims of Bell and Everett for the offices to which they have been nominated. Thisraiw enter. prise is called the 4 Constitution," and has many warm supporters. It is stated that among the deleptas to the Bre,:kinr;dge convention at Charlottesville, Va., last week, was Abraham .Lineoln, of Rockingham, a cousin of the republican can didate for the presidency. Ou Monday evening the Hall of the Nation. al DeUmeratio (Illitekinridge) Association, south-west corner of Tenth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphra, was formally opened... Notwithstandlug the heat was very °ppm-- sive, the room was crowded, and numhers left, unable to gain admission. Two meet jugs, in ..xmsequence of the crowd, ' ganised on the outside. Capt. Day, (far.- S;evens, of Ora Ann, and ethers, delivered adk ! dresses." Later in the evening Gov. 8. and the Lion. Win. IL Welsh, of York. clutirmin of the State Committee, were serenaded by their friends. Charles Burr, aged seventy, died at Sara toga Springs on Tuesday et:ening. Ile was the nearest male relative of Aan,n Burr, and was immensely wealthy. lie formerly pal ', died almanacs around Albany for a living. Obis. Teresa (Bagieli) Sickles sail A NV!: York letter, is ill ra,;idly declining braids.' I The hunwepathic remedy for hydrophobia is to swallow a dog smaller than the otie which occasioned the malady. "Let me kiss him fur his mother," is the song of the ladies where the Prince of Wales is traveling. Dogs are said to "speak with their tails." --lbs. Hull. Tien you will admit that botAtailal doze are stump orators.-11.triforl The Empress Eugenei is—. Yes, so they say, and Louis feels delighted and &Akita's. The vintage in Alabama is heavy this year, and the owners of the vineyards are encour aged to go into grape raisi ig m ;re exten.ively.. Miss Mary Buchman, a milliner, was burnt to death on Saturday night in Jeffersonville. Tenn. She was sitting by a table sewing and accidentally overturned the lamp. The fames cPmmunicated to her dress, which-was of thin miterial. Almostinstantly her olOh ing was in fiLmer, and she was so dread alit burnt that she expired In the greatest agony iu a few hours. The Ab3lition Conipiraoy in Texas. Ere/lenient and Pinch Laic.—The excite mentin Texas, growing out of tht , discovery of the suspectetlabolition conspiracy, contin ues unabated. The Nacogdoches Chronicle, of the 7th inst., has the !allowing item ou this subject: Ella Counry.—A young man who had been ins store at Waxaliatchie was hang a few days since for giving strychnine to slaves to put in wells. A Dirconery in Brenham.—The Brenham Itatujer, of the 10:11 inst., says : "A few days since several negroes were ar rested on Mill Creek, in this county. who no knowlei4e to their having poison given them by white men for the purpose of poisoning their owner% and families, and that the day of election was the time fixed far a general insurrection. They also implicated some De grees about town as being concerned in the , murderous plot." The town of Henderson is said to bare been' entirely consumed by fire--the work of an incendiary. .4 Fact Worth rnowitsg.—lt may not .. generally known that when a person se drown-. mg, if he be taken by the arta from behind, k `between the elbow and shoulder* hi UMW.: touch the person attempting, bane hits, and whatever struggles be may main will Nay &swim the person holding him is klopiosieis head above the water, and a good evildoer van keep a man thus above water for an hoer. If seised anywhere else, the probabilig- Is that he will elotoh,the swimmer, and . per.. haps, as is often the oaae, both will be . , drowned. i Sirnackensaok, N. J., says the Joarad: , .' .N of that place, is 'gaited oter a &W depot- • , .. mot ease , which occu rredfkom . lbat tillago...k- • . on w o d nes dky. Two paallmOW lima' ]liar,. York, after being in town a few day'.dor wish a married lad'] arkheessionigt tar. The married ittlylsflt Wiliild With a ne i s hbor, and went wry idellisdi iiiestsalsidit 4 . • t o e& No clue has beidcobtabssitaftistegitok i iii'.. . sardis okiDatoluiemlaphalsok - 46;114 his sou , bstjsks iirrand lopsd him. The' Aldissa 1 111= . for ,his defeat IllyuirdatbilitiliiiditimAmi ti- Se grai•o 4 l rdlliAlhasils irrossrs - • Woili e iro 4, " I f Wi l t " - marmax seowrim; ibk S i g Mirk. -..,.. - ..Vilo kink= out is rams dii,, - , a;777: -- n-. , , 4 ,, - - 111r_iiii j o i - - ;ice 7, - `-'-' , .. , W. , ix, ~,,, ..:: Wesel 0i o r , .;**:. --11 , - : -4,,,,, . „.,- .01f ~, t< ~ ?" ` ~! ' *.T i s W„~~. ,