The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 20, 1860, Image 4
EMIG was. • - 0 14 a' ea..; .1 1131:414-" rdmesoc . .1010. STALKY, A. N. PgrivirtL /111P914Bdraissinsosarisir a C11111211&11w7isca. JO. 1. PXTUS, A. B. Tici Paz i scirs.t. frsits, swrinnanas 11Itt slum Lammas. pit he ililad daring tAs gear.] Logan& acmes. • Past., Attila SCH WINO, pus, PLI&O AND VOCAL DICILIC Past. NICHOLAS VILMA:i t . _ givrq ASD arms. NAD'LLS KATT AT, SUC* iaLinitu•az 41, iMll4lOllle. SAMUEL PICKERING, Esq., DILAIVLIG & OIL PAINTISO. Las N. ELIZABETH PETTIBONI, TBACIVI OF YATIItY4TICS. Les IL VIROLNIA WHITLOCKE, MILLIS 11/WiCllll/1. The Principal takes this method, in advance pf tb• teasel Catalogue and Circular, of an ponneing that the SU year of this Institution on the Frit' Wednesday of September met He desires to assure the friends and pa from of the College that the same earnest de vett= to the work of Female Education which has marked its history apts . far, will continue to ebsicisCitrise the operations of the School; }ad that no pains or calicos° will he spared to 'emits it all that could be da•ired both as • Literary Institution and as a Christian home for those entrusted to its cure. risSollege Etheiee and Grounds.—Tiy , location pith eCollege, on the Northern Centr.el Rail road, six miles from Baltimore has been select ed as orie'orthe most delis aLle tr. thz: The grounds include tweat -one a. res of e C (•!- lent land, and are °rut:Dented Nit., a be. , ui;ful woodland ureteral ac res. : ti the midst of which, on an elevated and bight. des.rable sae. is lo cated the College edifice, f•Jur stur,es in height. The budding is constructed of brick ; octagonal in form, 200 feet in circumference, encircled bj wide and beautiful _verandahs—bas ample ac commodatiOris for one hundred hoarders, and presents a Tory striking and imposing appear ance. The location is highly saluhr:ous and picturesque, and commands 4t delightful view of the surrounding country. The internal arrangements are complete. and are all that could be desired There are thin, - two rooms in all, eight of which arc very 'plut ons. In tile tank loft are two reservoirs, with a ci*ity of 3,000 gallons , and from these, the Kitchen, I sundry, Bath-rooms, and the Cham bers, Dormitories end Stair-land:up, era pibundantly supplied with pure water. All the apartments are provided with registers fpr ventilation, and the admission . of warm air, in the winter season, from large brick furnaces.— be Gni iirrangements ere also cornt,let e. The uildittg throtighout, is furnished in a very net- t and attractive style, and the Principal i. salts- Mod that parente and guare'iansio ill be highly pleased with the enure arrangements of the College. Object -cid Clarader of (lie School.—Mount Washington College affords to its pupils, ample mesas and appliances, for thorough physi cal and intellectual training, with all the advantages and surroundings of a Christian! family. 'Provision is made for physical education, in the daily praetit-e calisthenic exercises, the value of which has 'teen seen, in the improved health end fuller muscular development of the pupils ejthe Collegt. The IL evand.ths and ex-1 tensivelt rooms, laid c ut i; - , beautiful walks, runtish both the invitation and opper.unhy for healthful recre. - tion in the once air. As regards intellectual cuttyre, it is believed that the ceursi of study -.nd method, ut in itruction, ediopte - PCMOUCL Wasliington ; are, j to say the lost. tquul to those of the best schools in the country. The studies in which its pupils are et gaged, with the free oral tear+. ; ings that accompa-y each reri•ation, and the frequent delive.y of formal lectures on scien tific or literr.r sv_bjtcts, with choice readtngs • from the Classic poets and prose writers of the English language, combine 12:10b: favorably, to produce the best form of true womanly culti vation. In this conaection, it is deemed proper• to mention, as ore of the great advantages of the Institution, rut: as m tterially affecting its character and rootabuting greatly to the suc cessful accomplishment of its objects, that ficktutsody a Boardiry School, and that no pupils are admitted, bat such as arc, in fall, members of the - Coaqie A course leas been rtahlilLed for resident graduates, who may tlec , irt to prosecute their studies beyond the regrinr curriculum. Be sides the study of the text books mentioqed, they will prosecute a systematic course of read ing, and will have the advantage of special lectures. The pollp g e is furnished with complete ap paratus tot illuatrition in the departments of chemistry end littoral rhilosophy; and thP public may fist ;snored that whatever ma- be becessary, from time ti time, to keep pace with the progress of the age, will be brought into the service of the Colkge. artstias Inlir,:c:tato.-,-The religions teachi ngs pf the College contemplate a thorough and harmonious acquaintance with the fundamental facts anti truths of Christianity, as taught clearly in the Scriptures, and which rise above all mere sectarianism, to that higher unity of the Divine Life, in which "there is neither Jew Dor Greek ; for all are one in Christ Jesus." The Attire character of the religious training of the College is eminently Christian without leiag sectarian—and while no pains will be spared to impart a practical kn'wledge of the Christian Religion, parents and guardians may rest assured, that no attempt %ill be made to interfere with the particular denominational re!s49ris cattle pupils. TERMS. T or the entiFe ENGLISH COURSE, including Latin and Greek, Board, Furnishes' Boom, Taal, Light And NVasking, for Scholastic Year s $;:00 00 ITTR4 =ARCM. Instruction on the Piano or • (3 sitar, including the nee of ths instrument, ' $l3 00 per Quarter. Instruction ou the Organ, 20 00 Vocal Music,(aeparate les'ns,)ls 00 " " (in classes,) 500 " Modern Langdagsa, each 8 00 pa riqnting, (ez atuare of materials,) Drawing, and Painting in Water Colors each 6 00 Dnumeatal Needlework, 600 " fitationeryforSekeelßoossuee, 160 44 Diploma fee $5 00. Where it would be preferred, • 'peel:il l arrangement can be made in advance, that will metre to the pupil the privilege of the entire - pouree locluding all the extra branches. The bills for each half session are to be paid, is advance, and a deposit must be made to cover tittipliseftse of books and materials for Painting, Distqllg AO Needle Work, etc., where it is' haired OW these should be furnished by the Institution. New Pupils are charged only from the date of, their eutranee into the school, but the engage. Meat, is, in all cues, for a year, unless a. dis tinct assangement is made flsr a shorter time. No abatement will be made it the case of old pupils wbo stay away atter the opening of the Session, or of such as stay be absent from the Oolleg• during the year, unless inch absence be oauesd by Serious sickness. Pupils who remain at the College during tbsi !Vaud= will tie charged for Boarding aad !Washing, $4.25 per week. Per admission, additional particulars, be., Wrens; Ri'. GEO. LEWIS STALE Y, *Gnat Washington, Baltimore co., *d, pier to BAT. T. P. Bucher, Gettysburg. " Dr. Gerhart, Lancaster. Joshua dotter, Eiq., Zdanatabssi. tri m s /!otter, Eau., • BfAgrth R• 41.1 W- I •Prboro . . MP* ifs6o. -. _ .-', • Nei! 11.111rMr - . , ; t l O. , ~' . 11 11 = 2 '- •.' ' - . 01 4 lk t4 T al 411.48e 4 0 .' . , !Week s - geir 449r,f - Tut ?t 1 0 :reSP•cifiViaiPoitaer sti tii• 'it Ishii Mulattos to mamma tits , d'' t '' at maw phicsoutt! will be , 14 aitything la • kis Las, it .. . rms,Busgies,Closak tisidlstai. elicit am scat'. . . • ' - '-. ~..0.,-.'", i ' •••••-. * , - 005140064.. irith sty Liist7, I ......, . - -- ~ 400-- , ; >jik ' absoksetithiag business is I r t*sti.sp qii an • oict- - -- du) Corner of Wigh t -, • '" strests, Otis bless ski* i' 7 ,'. - ' : 9- . • lo 1314 4Tiair r a p ti n ," - tt tr:*"...._ • - . - ' —. 'Groceries, Notions, moo. 'T' audersigned has opened a Grocery H 4 Motion Bulre, In Baltimore Street, timely opposite the Court House, Gettysburg, where the public will constantly find, selling cheap ks the cheapest, SUGA.IIS, Syrups, Molasses, Cof fees, Teas, Rica, Cheese, Spices of all kinds, li.t.kerel, Chocolate, Brooms and Brushes; Fresh Butter and Eggs, Ground Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps, Salt; Tobacco, bears, Snuff; Confections, all kiinls of Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Bread, S.:nicker", Cakes of different kinds • Shoe and FStoce Pol Isl. Fancy Goods, 14 u sli nsGiniichams, Cotton Bats, Wadding. Hosiery, Handkerchief., Suspenders, Pins, Needles, Clothes Pias, But tons, with Notions of all kinds. A lobare of the public's patronage is respectfully solicited. LYDIA C. NORBECK. May 21, 1860. Gm TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE.—SITEADS it BUEHLER, having purchased the stock of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of George E. Buehler, have opened an establishment in con nection with their Stove Ware Room, under the superintendence of G. E. Buehler, and are now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware. they have a large supply of kitchen and hou,e furnishing goods, of et ery variety, including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pans, k , for preservimg, cooking and frying Call and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. SEir Spouting put up at ihortest notice. Lum ber. Coal end Lime Ala lip on hand at their 3.. rd at the same _ _ _ 14, ld:10 THE undersigned respectfully informs the ci•izens of Gettrburg and the public gen erully, that he has opened a new Tinning es taldibhment. in Chamblrsbatg street, directly opposite Chri,t Church. Ile will manufacture, 21,1 d Leap ton.ttotly on hand, every variety of TIN-WARE, PRESSED and JAPAN-WARE, and u ill. always be r.adv to du REPAIRING. RODYiNG end SPOUTING also done in the bet , t minner. Prices moderate, and no eEurt spared to render full twisfaition. A share of ,The public's otti °nage is solicited. A. P. BACGHER. Gettysburg. June 18, 18G0. ly HELM}. of Philadelphia, the con tactor for the erection of the Gettyr burg Gas Works, has taken the roorilattly oc cupied by Col. Samson, nearly opposite the I.tuk., for his office, and is prepared to fit out at once xr.y building with G. Fixtures. lie will in a few days hate the various styles on exhi bitii,u at his room, and. invites attention to thew, a: those de.irous of introducing the Gas will he sat ed the trouble and expense of pro curing them from the city—his prices being as law as they can be procured anywhere else. April 16, 1860. i-FrAvEJust received from the city tbelsrgest stock of GROCERIES they have e•er tittered to the public--Sug.frs, Syrups, Coffees, Tess, Rice, Cheese, Fish, salt, Spices, &c., embracing all varieties, at all prices, the lowest the market will afford. Also Brooms, Brushes, ',and Notions; Tar, Oils, Candles, &c., in short, • to be found in a firs: class Grocery Ind Variety Store, Ths Flour and Feed business is continued with a steady increase. The highest market prices paid and the smallest profits asked. The public are in% ited to give us a call and see for themselves. NORM:OC & MARTIN, Corner of Baltimore and High streets. May 21, 18GO. DUMPING, known by every man in the JI county, sod no doubt many a nue wished there nerer had been such a place, as many were broken up by permitting, or rather oblig ed to have their names entered upon the coun ty dockets. But look at the change. It is a pleasure now to call there and buy goods of AMSON at such astonishingly reduced prices— lower than ever before offered in the county. He hay just receised from the tijips a large lot of new Ready-made CLOTHINTI;efor men end boys' wear; with Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Clocks, Watcher, Jewelry, Violins, Segars, Tobacco, kc., kc., kc. Call soon, and don't mi.s the great bargains now badat the old County Building, corner of the Diamond and York street, Gettysbt rg.— T hat's the spot! Thankful to his old customers for their pa tronage, he hopes by his change oflocation not oL:ly to retain their custom, but secure a large number of new buyers. Zu en tire .Ammersuit—coat, pacts And rest— for .i. 1.25! X. SAMSON. April 16, 1860. The Union Hotel, LOCATED at Smithburg, Washington es., Md. uis Betel has been thoroughly repaired and refuted. s,nci the subscriber feels confident that any who may give him • call will he bully sa tisfied, ar it .hall be his aim to cater to ttus in terests of his customers. JOSEPII FURLEY, Proprietor Juae 18,1840. -3m "Er.;01:G11. FOR A FORTUNE.—A Londop Ej paper istateq:—There is now in an Alms house at Bristol ar old man who etates, that for sixty'years he spent sixpence a day in drink, but was never intoxicated. How much would this sixpence a-day put by every year at five per cent. compound interest amount to in sixty years'. enquired • thoughtful neighbor. Putting down the first year'n easing (365 six pences) equal to $43 54, he added the interest, and this went cm, year by your, until he found that in the 60th year, the sixpence a day reach ed the startling sum of $14.336 28. Judge of the old man's surprise, when told that by saving his sixpence a day, and depositing it in a Savings Institution he might now, at the end of 60yeare.havebeenworth thatnoble sumsl4,- 336 28, which would have bought him a fine farm, or town mansion, and surrounded him with comforts and luxuries, and left a hand some estate to his children after him. He had, and hundreds now in our midst have, but to de posit sixpence a day in the Fiala's' AND MI CSALNICS' SATINGS INSTITUTION 07 ADAZA COI:N -TT, to accomplish this result. Gettysburg, July 23, 1860. 10_ 00. " Globe „Inn, ctiAific STO WS . Frederick county , )' l l ll l{aving been renovated and re-farnished, t e proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, as he guarantees full satisfaction in every case. Charges moderate. RE:MY HERR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1859. tf MBE subscriber offers at Private Sale, his HOUSE AND LOT, on High afi street, adjoining Solomon Powers. The Howe is • two-story Brick, nearly new, with a Back-building, and a well 'Of water. Terms may- DAN'L. F. PITTENTURI. July 11, 1569. tf Air the Sign of the BIG BOOT, in Chun hamburg street- We liavejust received a stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, 'hanks, eirpet Bites, Umbrellas, Buggy Har ness, Collars, Whips, lc., and are determined to mill aks,he lowest prices possible for cnah.— Call salt judge for yourselves. J u ly 13. 1810. • . COBEAW k CULP. LIdSCHICE woold invite the attestloo 9f boyars to his larva stock of • Block Cloths, tia. Colortd do. Fine Black Cessions*, Tang do., 54 4 18 triPe 4• 1 fjlosM * OMNI, W i diary, attiP•adellie 14#41teragith, 414 60 - 4PrU u 49. ' • LF7 O O aft 10 blablrlititt7A•ii *ad coariaoo yourselves, t QB gr rzgruUS m bea oil 4144 to 1 / 4 _ 4 4,41 c0'4 0 17-:-e! Goery N. eipt. Of tir Minea4l;44ktgrAerg 4071,,,,,,uts of log sod pleiu Oy GUM poem always we WWI as tie Waft .. . ... ITINP 4 141?, Stoves, 511E.10S k BUEIILER Tinning r Tinning ! Gas Fixtures. Norbock & Martin The Old County Sixpence a Day, Private Sale. More New Goods Men's Wear. !- 4 •mt. , .2 . r1 "? . ' 'the) Greats* Diseavery •1 . Cannon. & - Adair% • t?IP TEM A.GE----lalh IW oomatorp and ChroaleiNEW JIIARBLE WORKS, corn *, of Bath- Riwumstisin cam be ti r ed by u s i ng H. L. more sad East Middle streets, directly op, , GLEE'S CELEBRATED RIIMATIC MIX-, Irlfsto the new Court FLOILD., Oettyeburg.-- 1 TUBE. Many prOminent citizens of this, and Mitring recently arrived from Philadelphia, and , the adjoining eoenties, have testified to Its feeling tally competent to execute all work lq j rest a unty. its mamma to 14,be woo gal c sffee...:, ;he finest style of thenit„ we would respectful; i Lions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any . ly invite the attention of the public wishing to specific introduced to the public. Price 60 procure anything in our line, to favor us with a cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and call and examine specimens of our work. We storekeepers. Prepared only by if L. MILLER, are prepared to furnish-MONCMENTS, TOMBS I Wholsesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, AND HEADSTONES, MARBLE MANTLE 3, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Die -,racy,, h o t-appertaining to our business, at the lowest pos. , tied Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Bible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee' ry Glass, Perfume Patent Medicines, kc., kc. that our work shall bi put up in a manner sub- i Ear A.D. Buetiler is the Agent in Gettysburg stantial and tasteful equal to the best to Le ' for .. H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mix- seen in the cities, where erery improvemei t tore." [Oct. 24, 1859. ly which experience has suggested is availed of, i and especially do we guarantee that our Ceme tery and Grave Yard work shall be so carefully set as not to he affected by frost, but shall main tain fur years that erectness of position given at the completion of a job, and so necessary to continued gracefulness and symmetry. Nov. 28, 1859. tf ; 1880. Fresh Spring Ilecide. 1860 ! ina -ATs AND CAPS.—R. F. McILHENY Ull would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Gettysburg and ticinity to his [ large and complete stock of Hats and Caps, which he has just opened, embrivnag nearly every variety of st) le now in the market. con listing in part of Men's No. 1 Silk Hats, Men's broad-rim Russia Bats. Men's Pelt and Soft [ Hats, Men's Seamless Caps, Boy's Soft and Wool flats. Also, a large sill superior stock of STRAW GOODS, comprising Men's Straw, Leghorn and Panama lists, Misses' and Infants' Hats, Flits, Bloomers and Shaker "floods, all of the latest and most fashionable styles. Thou a jai' ini; to sit% e money and buy cheap will do well by calling on him before purchasing else r"here, as he is selling very low for cash. April 24. 1860. R F. McILREV.Y.• DELL AND LIRASS WORKS , 51 Holliday street. Baltimore, Md. REOESTER it BB,the Proprietors, are prepared to furnah BELLS of all descriptions, from 10 to 10,000 pounds. rhich VI r e lyarraßted equal in quality of tone, prolong ition of soand and durability, to any made in the United S:ates. Our Bells are made of the beet materiels, warranted to gibe entire setjstaction; also, against breakage. Faint Bells. ranging from 10 to 100 pounds, al7 - ays on hand at northern prices. For Certificates with full particulars, seed for one of our Circulars. Auj. 29, 1859. ly New News Dppot. MBE subscriber has jest opened a NEWS DEPOT on Baltimore street, nearly oppo site Fahnestocke store, where will constantly be fuund any and everything iu the reading line, of a strictly moral character. All the leading Magssines, Periodicals, Literary pa pers, Weekly and Daily, together wish Music, Ballads, Confections, Cigars, Tobacco, Cakes, end all sorts of notions, in endless variety.— Would you know the newt? Then send in your names, all ye who thirst fur knowledge, and your wants will be supplied by CHARLES LINDERIIAN. Gettysburg, April 9, 18d0. Marble Yard R3mOved. ITIHE subscriber having removed his pine* of business to East York street, a short dis tance below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prepared to furl* all kinds of work in his line, such as Mona -manila, Headstones, &c., &c., of every variety of style and finish, with and without bases and scs kets, to mit purchasers, and at prices to suit the times. Persons desiring anything in his line will find it a decided advantage to examine his stock anti ;tricot before purchlisiag elsewhere. 1111 U. 31E-ILS. Gettysburg, Numb 21, 1859. THE undersigned, being the authorized person to make removals into Ever Green Ceme tery, hopes that such as contemplate the removal of the remains of deceased relatives or friends, will avail themselves; of this season of the year to hare it done. Removals made with promptness —term* low, sad no effort spared t, please. - PETER Tilt)RN, ![arch 12, '6O. Keeper of the Cemetery Removal. MBE sabscriber has removed his Plough and .Ilachiue Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, opposite Tine's Blacksmith shop, back of the Eagle Hotel, wh"re he is bet ter prepared than ever to attend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and mAde to order at the shortest notice, end Ma, Nines, Reap , rs, repaired. Also he will attend to ele.ining and rep iiring Clocks. DAVID W-AILREN. May 10. • Merchants' Hotel, 46 NWITEI FOURTIf STREET, PITILADELPIIIA .0. WiLibbin at Bon, Proprietors. April 2, 1860. Iy* The Only Preparation HAVING PROOFS SO STRONG AND DI RECT AS TO EXPEL THE DOUBTS OF ALL—For Statesm in, Ju Iges, Editors, Phy -6611131 of the oldest schools as well as new, give it their unqualified sanction, and recom mend it for all cases of eruptions, and diseases of the scalp mini brain ; but all who have used it, unite, iu testifiug that it will preserve the hair from being gray, and from tailing to any age, as well as restore. Read the following: 011 Gaova, S. C., June 24th, 1859. Paor. 0. J. WOOD—Dear Sir:—Your /lair Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity iu this community. I hare had occasion to l,y preju dice aside, and give your Hair Restorative a perfect test : During the year 1834, I eras so unfortunate as to be thrown from my sulky against a rucks near the roadside, from which my head received n most terrible blow; causing a great deal of irritation. which communicated to the brain and ezternal surface of the head, from the ef fects of which my hair was finally destroyed over the entire surface of the bead. From the tune I first discovered its dropping, however, up to the time cf its total disapperance, I em plo3ed everything I you!! think of, being a professional man myself, and, as I thought, un derstanding the nature of the disc use, but was finally defeated in ev cry prescription advanced These and no other circumstances induced me to resort to your worthy Hair Restorative, which I have eery reason to bzlieve, produced a very happy result; to o months a,ter the first application, I bad as beautiful a head of young hair as 1 ever saw, for which 1 certainly owe jou my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear sir, I shall recommend •our remedy to all inquirers; moreover, I shall use my influence, which 1 Satter myself to say, it not a little. You can publish this if you think proper. Yours, very respectfully, fl. J. tVitIGIIT , Y. D. Office of the Jeffersonian, Philippi, Va., 1 December r2th, 1858. DIAZ Bia:—lfeet it my duty as well ma my pleasure, to state to you the following circum stance, which you can use as you think proper. A gentleman of this place, (a lawyer,) has been bald ever since his early youth ; so much so, that he was compelled to wear a wig. Ile was Induced to use a bottle of your Bair Restora tive," which be liked very much; and after nein some two or three bottles his hair grew out quite luxuriantly, and he now has a hand some head of hair. The gentleman's name is Bradford, and as he is very well known la our adjoining counties, many persons can testi fy to the truth of this statement ; 1 give it to you at the requeetof Mr. Bradford. YOU can sell a great dell of your Hair Restorative In this and the adjoining countits if you have the proper agents. Yours, kc., Da. Woon—Deer Sir :—Permit me to express the obligations I am under for the entire re storation of my hair to its original color; about i the time of my arrival * tha Wiled States It , eras rapidly becoming bittspou the ap plieation of your "Hair tivew it soon recovered its origiehrbus. Leonsider your Restorative as a My "Weallartsi Walt/alga, quite eificaciouf as weßitp t re ME4 O . 71110 nohholutlfp ; * B Sties of three 540. 1 ff? *him &id ; the small bolds 1 a iplacitad iqr one dollar per butMe; sis least tusaty per se* tures iiippitpqrtioq Um Ulf stud, retails cur twq dollars per betilit; the lame ioldi a 48. 1tir Ce4L Wag!. Prmsque* 144 !,•• hqr_43. I. sirWVrit 00., Propriellartors, 9".41 8Z --1 * 4116 'iv on INA D 'VW ail raw p.m 111110? MMM Baltimore Removals. THOMPSON SURGHNOR. F; h• '+- ~ ,flk, ».• =I A New Feature IN the business of the Erl.riar Sky-lig/a Gallery. During our l.te visit to the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, e selected a splendid assortment of sTEREOSCOPIC PIC TURES, comprising English. French. Volution, Egyptian, It.tlian and Americdn Scenery, Sta tuary Groups, Itc. Our prces fur pictures will rantie from 12 to 40 cents opiet.r. We also bare • tins lot of STEREOSCOPIC BOXES, which lie offer at reduced prices. The public general ly are invited to call sod see our I ,rge revolving Box, cont.iining 50 pictures, and we insure to all lot erg of the Fine Arts a pleasant 'visit. We are also prepared to make Stereoscopic Pictures, either Portraits or Views, at reason able rates, TY.ON k BRO., April 16, 1860 Gettysburg Foundry. ►~IHE snincribrr, biting purchased tb Foundry of Messrs. Zorbrugh, Stoat k Co.. tormrly Warrens' Foundry,) has commenced business, and is now prepared to offer to the public a larger assortment of Machinery th in has heretoloie hcen offered, such as THRESH ING MACHINES, CloTer Ilullers, Fodders Cut ters, Corn Sheller', soil Human's late improved !horse Rake. Also, STOVES, such as Cook Stoves, three different kinds ; and five different sizes of Ten-plate Stoves. Likewise Mill and Saw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Turning in Iron of Wood. afirREPAIRING of all kinds on Machinery and Castings will bi dune to order on short notice. Patterns m tde to order ; Plough Cast ings ready made ; PLOt 7 GHB, such as Srylst, iVitherow, Pincher, Woodcock, and many others not mentioned here; and eight different kinds of IRON FENCING, for Cemeteries, Poll' hes or Yards. Mort4ing Machines, one of the best now in use. Tali machine works with a lever by kaprl; any little boy can maygp Calf and examine our itoe.t ; n 4 dopbt but what we can please.' Persons ought to see it their advantage to buy machinery of any kind at borne, where it is manufactured. so that they can yea y easily get any port repla , ed or repaired. • DAVID STERNER. Gettyabirg, Feb.l3, 1841.1. Removal. ALEXANDER FRAZER, Clock add Watch maker, has removed his shop to the room on the West side of the Public square, lately occupied by David A. Bueltlef, Esq., as • La* Office, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strict atteutiou to business, and a desire to please, to merit and r:ceire the patronsze of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, lass% Dr. Esenweinla /TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, is the beet Iled:eine in the world for the Cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Drinnchitis, Asthturt, Difficulty in Breathing, PAlpitation of the Heart, and for the relief of patieuls in the advanced stages of Consumption, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, as I which pre. dispose to Consumption. ft it peculiarly adapted to tAe rather,' care of Aellea. Being prepared by a practical Pbysici in and Druggist, and one of great experience in the cure of the variant diseases to which the hu man frame is liablc h it offerel to tti afflicted with the gre itest confidence. Try it and be ecuitinced that it is invAlnsble in the cure of Bronchial affections. Pries 50 texts per Leak. Sir Prepared only by Dit. A. ESENWFIN k CO., Druggists and ChetniAs, N. W. cor. Ninth k Poplar Sts., PHILADELPHIA. sir Sold by every respectibie Druggist end Dealer in Medicines throughout the State. April 2, 1860. ly Notice to Farmers. 0(000 BLS . IIE T L h S e lil t r.giti hest maWANT ]rke price will be paid for Whent, Rye, Corn, Oats, Rarley, Clover-seed, Timothy-seed, Flour, etc., at the large vllotv Warehouse, west end of New Ulfurd. Iltsif - Gnano, Plaster, Salt, kc., and a large and well selected stock of Lumber and Co.►l constantly on band and for sale at my Ware house. FRANK. lihltSl3. New Oxford, Oct. 7, 1859. tf Something New JEN GETTYS B CRO.—The undersigned informs the citizens of the town and county, that be as commenced the BAKING business, on a large scabs, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where be will try to deserve, and hopes to receive, a Liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKER-1, PRETZELS, dic., kc., baked every day, (Sun days excepted,) all of the hest quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap proved machinery, be Ls prepared to do 4 heavy business. July 25, 1859 New Goods ! CBEAP GOODS!! HANDSOME GOODS!!! —Just received, a large assortment of cheap and desirable DRY 000D8 of every vs riety, at astonishingly low prices, and which we offer to the public. Having purchased our stock in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and having bad the htinefit of the market of three cities, and being selected with great ears, we can safely guarantee to those wishing to purchase anything in our line that they canaot fail to be pleased both as. to qudtlity and price. We have received the latest styles andpetterne of goods both for Ladles and Gentlemen, to which we invite their attention. OaII and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, April 1,1111110. Hi& of the Red Front. Llzinber and Coal, • esestudv puts AND PLAEITIM-4(0111124s oa liaad, Which we ass selliwg at mall to for CAST All Coal, *a., oast " ETZ Jan. 23, 13.0. EST received cad pow t r t nded sevrreverd of ZINSW44II O ep eb ve !Jaya, slic awes oijoapirs. Apra IL L 110017 - - 01118.--/Lsoikot addition kr ;or *so stook of carpet/ay jest roeirivod, lo which vo Writ?* imisittoa et 1 • Photogr 'pliers, Gett3sLurg, Pa veLnTixz SAUPEE . ... =I t , I sr 0 01 corms mown' SOLD. , MnOrytloo . ll Wryer N tA. com.sucoa or aVanniss by James H. Bosley, ?BANK ClO4l/11', of the PlislaskilehM Zkr. COXIIIISSION MIRMANT, elks You How to draw up Partnership Pa Woe. 124 mid 126 Nora Street, pars and gives general forms fo BALTIMORE, MD. Agreements of all kinds, Bills o lam prepared to receive and sell on Commis- Sale, Leases and Petitions. sion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having It Tells You How to draw up Bonds and Mort an experience of ten years in the Commission gages, Affidavits, Powers of At- business, ( and wishing to continue that alone,) torney, Notes and Bills of Ex- 1 n a tter myself that I shall be able to give awns change, Receipts and Releases. 1 sacrum to all who favor me with conligninents It Tells Yon The Laws fde the Collection of, Will also attend to tilling orders for Groceries, Debts, with the Statutes of Litni.. 1 Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. tation, and amount and kind of , Feb . 8, , 63. ty property Exempt from Execution In every State. I f It Tells You How to make an Assignment , properly, with forms for Composi-: tion with Creditors, and the In solvent Laws of every State. It Tells Yon The legal relations existing be tween Guardian and Ward, Master sad Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Slan der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Proper ty, Divorce and Alimony. It Tells Yon The Law for Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Natural izat ion Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. It Fells You The Law Concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre- Emption Laws to Public Lands. It Tells You The Law for Patents, with mode of procAure in obtaining one, with Interferences. Assignments and Table of Fees. It Tells You How to make your Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thertfof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial Powers of both the General and State Governments. It Tells Ycu How to keep oat of Law, by show • lug how to do your business le gally, thus saving a vast amount of property. and vexatious litiga. tion, by its timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, po.tage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Every Man or Business, and Everybody in Every State, on receipt of $l,OO, or in law style of binding at $1.25 for non lies and Mao ufacturing Es tablishments. 1 Lot Manufacturers. Plante:-s, Farpaers, House keepers, or any other persons in search of an instrument to execute spy kind of Sewing now' dine by michinery, make sure they secure the beet, by examining ours before purchasing. flier:Samples of Work sent by mail. WHAT CONSTITCTIR A GOOD SEWING MACHIN/I? 1. It should be well made, simple In its con struction, and easily kept in order, 2. It should make IL TIGHT LOCI-STITCH, alike on both sides of the Material. 3. It should sew any and all materials that can be sewed. 4. It should he able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, direLtly from the spool. 5. It should be able:to sew from coarse to flue, and from, thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. 6. It should be able to poke the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper The Family Doctor : threads, and with uniformity. CONTAINING Simple Reme lies, easily ob- 7. It should have a straight needle; eurved wined, for the Cure of Disease in all forms ones are liable to break. By Prof. lIHNRY S. TAYLOR, M. D. 8. The needle should have perpendirulm IT Tarts You How to attend upon the sick, and ' motion. This is absolutcli necessary for heavy bow to cook for them; how to i work. prepare Drinks, Poultices, kr.,l 9. It should be capable of taking in the and how to guard ag dust In- , largest pieces of work. fiction from Contagious M.` 10. It should be able to bind with' a binder, eases. hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run Ir. Tzu.s•You Of the various diseases of Chil- and gather. Been, end gives the best Wszelir •-.. it .41f- s i m pohpb e a l wa y s - fe l ia ap04.,....,.:. e:mplest mode of treatment , 12. It should be capable of using the same airing Teething, Convulsions,' size of thread on both sides of the work, and' illecination, Whooping-:ough, l of using different colored thread or silk, above Measles, &c. I or below, to correspond with any two colors of; 1T Txat.s You The symptoms of Croup, Cholera - cloth to be unit-d. Infantu ru re, Colic, Diarrhee i, I 13. It should be able to make a long or short iFors i Scalled Head, Ring- s ti tc h. worm, Chicken-poi, kc., and i 14. It should be able to fasten off the seam, gives you the best remedies for I and commence sewing tightly at the A rgt st!tch. their cure. 15. It should run.easily and make but little Ir Tuts you The symptoms of Ferer and Ague,' noise. owl Bilious, Yellow, Typhus. 16. It should barb a wheel feed; none others • Scarlet and other Fevers, and are in constant contact with the work. ~ gives you the best and simplest 17. It should not be liable to get out of order. r.medies for their cure. lB. It should not be liable to break the Ir TILLS You The symptoms of Influenza, Con- Arvid, nor skip stitche.. stteeption, Dyspepsia, A-theta, 19. It should not be twee teary to use a screw 01"01NY,CroutitheumatisugLum- driver or wrench to set the ucedle. bago, Erysipelas, kc., and gives , 20. It should not be liable to oil the opera you the best remedies for their i tots dress. • -Care. 21. 'lt should not form a ridge on the under Ir Tazzei You The symptoms of Cholera Mor- , side, nor ravel out, nor be wa.teful'uf thread, . - bus, Malignant Cholera, Smt 11- ' as is the case 'with ALL outs-en-run machines. pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Diseases i 22. It should not be •• more trouble than it of the Bladder, Kidneys and i s wort h." Liver, and the best remedies fbr 23. Finale, all of thee advantages are pos their curt. sassed by our Sewing Slachilk. Fr TILLS You The sympioms of Pleurisy,ll umps, LADD, W.F i BTER, * CO. Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralybis, i - tY the various Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and 'Eye, and the beat iemedies for their core. Ir Tzu t a iv The sjoapttaats of Epiiepsy, Jay n dice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases of the Heart, Hemorrhage, Ve. ; is veal Diseases, and Ilydro phobia, and gives the best reme dies for their core. Ir Tet.t.s Toe The lout and simplest treatment for Wounds, Broken Bones and Dislocations, Sprains, Lockjaw, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, Burns and §crofula. IT Tarts Too Of the various diseases of Women, of Child-birth, and of Idensiru ation; Whites, Purrtnaess, &e., kc., and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the beak. It is printed in a clear and open type ; is illustratud with appropriate engravings, and will be for warded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid, 'on receipt of sl.oo. ..... _ Iseel,ooo A YEAR eat be made by enter pri•ung men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very Isheral. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other informntion. apply to or ad dress, JO/IN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, 1/60 - I,OOJ A YEAR cau be made by enter prising men everywhere, in- selling the ahoy* work, as our inducements to all such are very For single copies of the Book, or for term to agents, arab other iuformation, apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 611 Satisona St., Philadelphia., Pa. Ifay 21, 1880. Hm Clothing I Clothing ! JACOB RBININGBB.has just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS for Gentle men's wear ever offered in Gettysburg. Be hu every variety, style and price of goods. While gentlemen can always find Cloths to salt their tastes they can at the same time have their measures taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in the most substan tial tuann/r, and fashionable style. To secure bargains and save money go to the Merchant Tailcring Hstablisihment of JACOB RBININGER, May 7, 1880. Carlisle street. RemovaL 1 1 \TEW SALOON.--,0110. T. ECKENRODE has 1.11 removed his Oyster establishment to the splendid new Saloon ill Jacobs & Bro's. Build ing, on the North side of Chambersburg street, where be will st all tinnme be prepared to saw up the best bf OYSTERS, in every style. By keeping a good article, he expects to receive a liberal (hare of public patronage. TURTLE SOUP, THICKEN, BERT TONGUE, PIG'S FEET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, &a, in their season. A nice glass of ALE or LAGER can always be had.— Come and try me. G. F. ICKENRODS. April I, 1460. New Spring Good& LL. SCRIM has just rieceissd Lad oars far soh the said desirable assortmot of DB7 DS ever brooglit to Oottysborg, emosisidag ta port of Sprlu Silks, • Pala Black do„ refslardi t "l ag tritnitstrae. Alit ? bra otar. basso, Luna, migualaws 0n4* 40 ASO it titTifel TUmqf 411weirat An Porentiel . ithre EAT Is iiis i mow he . wt at pa Wari dem 4bt .llt BUIRLIIII- 7 6 g WmighOr 0461 dio utility st be . go It to usdinttot boot Wootdsf dust how roar trit‘ forroPOL_ it* tillit riitolt ibr itself.-- Torsoldp rteito for AU as ratessobiolopnis. ded4ltio 41 . 1111 trialf: C a ff *4 sPf *: ~r~4e.__..v~ : ~..._.~:: in I ME 13a1vM)mcrre• .A.clL-gr,uA. Fancy Goods! FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY', TRIMMINGS, LWD TOYS, Wholesale and Retail, as Cheep as any place in Baltimore. =C==l liar Orders promptly attended to 1111FORTER and Dealer in CHINA, GLASS k QUEENSWARE, SO. 41 North Howard Street, between Lexing ton and Fayette Streets, BALTIMORE. STONEWARE always on hand, at Factory prices. June • 18, 1860. ly 131 BALTIMORk ST., BALTIMORE, MD., Manufacturers of Improl Tight-stitth SEWING MACHINES, Fors.. 18:12. Chartorel 1854. Located COIL OF 11-.I.LTIMOHE CILUILES ISALTILORIC, MD.—The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College in the United States. Desiglied expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Tuouorou PRACTiCAL I;catvsss . Eorcsrtox in the shortest possible tiu:e and at the least expense. Large and Beautifully ornamented Circu lar. containing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, SPECIMF.N or l'Esm NSIIIP, add a Large E ngraving (the finest of the kind e%er made in this country) repre-euting the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, will be sent toEveryYo3lig Man on application, Fa Ea or CuAnot. 'Write immedittely and you will receive the package by return mail. Address, E. K. LOSIEB, Baltimore, Md. Fct. 6, 1860. ly RU 4S, BLACK TEAS, dm. P. TIERNAN * SON, offer for sale the following articles, of their own importation, particularly for fami ly USI!) : Sanctity Wixee—Pemartine's guest pule, Fad and brown- Sherries, wood and in glos. Polar Winirs—.Sandeman's competition red and white Port, in wood and in glass. M,tusin♦ WINK--Johu Howard March's fine Madeira, in wood anti in glass; also, Grape Jniee. Boca Wixxs--Jahsanesberger, Steinberger Mareobrunner, Cabinet, Lieb-frau-milcb, Bron neberg, of 1846. enAmeAaxs Wass—Poet and Chandon's fin• est, in quarts and pints. Ba A , Dt z f i.--ocard and Hennessy s fine eld pale and dark Brandies. Roma—Aid and fine Jamaica, Antigua, Gren ada, and from the I ands, imported direct from London. HOLLAND Gil—The best quality—Tiernan brand—.and no mixture of aromatic poison io it. 200 half cheats of the finest Soccuoso TILL 'Baltimore, Aug. 29,1859. ly Burr Mill SW is WARRANTED—B. P. STARR k CO., Cor. of v kora sad Centre &reds, opposite N. C. R. R. Stall- Sammons, MD. Kant barer. of FRIL4CII 211311 Imparters and Dealers Burr Blocks, Bolting CIS Leatbur and Gum Belti Calcized Plaster, and W.._ ns, Quality. Also, Colone, Cocalico, and Esopbea Mill Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 27,'e0. ty. New & Rich TIIWELRY, SILVER WARE, SILVER PLAT ED WARE, ke.—.A. E. WARNER Gold and enrol* No. 10 Noun GAT Brass; EIAI,- TIEORR, YD., Ras in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, meltable for presents, embracing a great variety of PIM* Oold and Sett Broaches, MOSILICO, Car booklet, Er., itargthip, Bracelets, Finger Rings eat with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, OW, Emerald, #O,, fAdiits' Gold Chains, Test k 4.erd Chains, Illniskini Lockela, Gold Thimbles, Cud' Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Geld kings; Pencils , and Pens, Mane Buttons and Stade, Gold and Jot Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins k Ear Rings, kr. / ALSO, A twitty• of law Noostelica Plattoilkitoro, Is, Writers, Oandiesticks, Butter and l iMT ge a d n ,p ne rl Saadi° r Potts, Logos, Paw Ardi is =try aloud coo Oloustey Trois 1= Institut to ger . o imp and Priem, bdng IflllAillt tenant be Masi sse °equality, or the =2l Wl= BALTIMORE George M. Bokee, Ladd, Webster & Co., Dec. 5, 1859 # • -A Wines, Brandies, - • t • . filing undersigned have enteral into partairal 1 stip in the lIARDWARE k olocear business, at the old stand of Dugan k Zie g l er , in Baltimore street, under the Clam style an 4 firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, JRIEI!, and ask; and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They havejnet return ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods--consiating in part of Building Materials, • such as Nails, Screws Binges Bolts, Locks, Glass, kc. Tools, includinghdae Tools ofevery description,Saws, Pbusea, Chisatia, Gouges, Braces an Bitts, Augers, Squares, Ganges Hammers, lie. Blacksmiths will ihmishwrilsii Vices, Rasps. Files, Bone Oboes, kierist-shoe Nails, kc., with them, very cheap. Coach Find- li t ings, such as Cloth, Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Felines, Boas, Poles, Shafts., A c . Findings, Tampico, Brush and French X Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Tram, ate, with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet !faker's Tools, a general assortment-- I, also Varnish, Knobs, A. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knaves and Forks, Brittantlia, Albate and Sih•erisiat t a ble and Tea Spoons, Candle•sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tabs, Churns, Carpeting, Ac., Also, a general assortment of forged and roiled IRON of all sizes and kinds; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses-'and' Syrups, Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, kc.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Couch Finding, Shoe Finding, lloasekeeping, Blacksmith,Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low for CASH as any house oat of the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WAYBRIGIIT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. - I Notice. TAE undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the lame will hereaf ter be continued at tbe'old stand, in Baltimore street,.by their gone, Henry B. Danner and Way. bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner it Ziegler, Jre., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Haying retired from the Mercantile business it is necessary that our old bu4iness should he settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same withunt delay. The books 'sill be found at thi old stand. J. B. DANNER, May 25,1858. DAVID ZIEGLER. Mims County MIITUAL Fl RE INSURANCE cOMPA24 Y.—, incorporated Lurch 18, 1851. ornczas. President—George Swope. Vice Presideof--S. R. Russell. Secretary—D. A. Buehler. • Treasurer—David M'Cresry. Executive Coaulattee , --Robert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew - Heintzelmen. Jfaxagera--George Swope, U. A. Baehler,Jaft Marshall, 4. Heintz,!man, H. Ill'Curdy, Thos. . Marshall, S. Fahnextoek, Wm. B. McClellan. Wm. B. Wilson, N. Eichelberger, Abdiel John Wullord, H. A. Picking, AbrlT. Wright, John Horner, R. G. McCreary, S. IL Russell.)). IlTreary, Andrew Pulley, Joint Picking, J. B. Hersh. gray-Tbis Company is limited In Its tlsera. tious to the county of Adams. It hos been in - successful operation for more than six years, and in that pertod has paid all loses and ex penses, without gray autsemeta, having also &large surplus capital in tlie Treasury. The Com. pony employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect. ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers fur inrther information. ' sanThe Executive Committee meets at the offline of the Company on the last Weilaesday in every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27. 1854. Notice TO FARMERS AND MERCHANTS.—We hare now opened our large and commodious It arehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Keil. road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive produce• of all kinds, viz: FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN. OATS. kc. Also, on band and foo sale. Salt, Guatios, Plaster, Fish, kc. A large stock of Groceries just received, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, 31olosscs, Oils, Rice, Tpas, Spices of all kinds, Occbtr-ware, ke., which we do hot hesitate to say, we will sell at low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and ,a retail. Merchants will do well by calling to see and examine our stock before purchasing else. where, as our motto will be "quick salve 11,114 em ill profits." We would alio call the attention of ell inter ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, Hogs, Ac., to the fact that we have for sale ltreiuig, Fronefield k CO.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we hare sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers end Storekeepers. KLINEFELTEIt, IiOLUNGLR t CO. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1858. Spouting. GEORGE k HENRY WA NIPLER. will make House Spouting and put up the same kiw, for cash ar country produce. Farmers and all others .rishing their houses, barns, Mc., spout ed, would do well to give them a call. April 15, '53. tt G.* 11. WAIIPLEII. Still at Work ! riOACHNAKING AND BLACKSI/ITHING.. —Tbe undersigned rerpecifully informs his friends and the public that he continues the Coachmaking and BLick.smithing business in very branch at his establitliment in Chant bersburg street. Ile has on band and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGI.3, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, kc., of the best material, and made by superior work men. Oirltitraintsio and Btacirsifruino of alLkinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. COMMIT PROOLTX taken in exchange far work at market prices. ser Persons desiring articles or work In the Ccuschmaking or Ellacksmithing line, are re spectfully imited to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '59. Howard Agaociation, TVIILADELPHIA.—A Benevolent Institittlap, JE - established by special Endowment, fof the ite/itof of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Orgasm-- Medical advice given gratis, by the Actin Burgeon, to all who apply by letter, with $ de scription of their condition, (age, ocenpadini, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extrelo poverty Medicine furnished free of chant& VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhets2 and other Diseases of the Sexual OrP r ailt on the NEW REMEDIES employed is the Die' peccary, sent to theilllicted In sealed envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Bumps fee post age will be acceptable. Address Dr. J. SKILLRN HOUGHTOR,A=,: Surgeon Howard Amociation, No.. Ninth Street, Philadelphia, P a . Aarder the Directors. EZRA D. ti Gs°. Faiscurtn, Sas'y. Pnliftre„, Nov. 7, 1509. ly White Goods ,AND .1 would Invite the to rittoiso "MO iarge variety of Dar style erlitisacis,Osabilo, J am mu, hold _Coniatto‘, _:-911111ffai41)014 Baadkerekisfa, ikr., kg. ipos_Klew: a. -AT A, SCOTT,* lOW mai Oil ki Palmate Etaurkaaimaa, assatzberaik Tzar FRUIT CANS asd,l4oBorklak ant waft reliable aad aiareakit Imagetkitilgym__ leptimr Malta sad: Yagratabiaa IMMSII