C Arnie Ideation inKeutncly has resulta.l 1 Niles Taykiest lsouthern Fete. • I In the ebeftee or Gill (m 414.4143 t'uornte... Clerk ' The P. !trial it Liaise tier.:—,slr. Miles Tay vC iheCourtUf A_p peals, over Ciintun ~1 iy„,l, 6 „ n , iteh . tit reguLtfpenux?A6 candidate, n IVa...hirigturt eir”cii.% the fricida or Mr`. I large majority. Mr. M'Clarty was a stirlv.rt- I, ..1.1'..11 not to co-operate with the frie•ida Of I et,of Breakittridge. In obedience to the .!c- Mr. I;reekil.riklgo fur tie r.urpt,e of d feat ertie issued from Wasbingtnn by JLI..a Tay- in Lne-10. Ihe address enter-2 into an Ws Co.. against any 11111vIl *Ciliate% er w.ta arfi,untent t alwer that a cent',lnati ,n of lireckittridge Democrats, the Dou,,zlos Deltio.. • ilvinut•ratit would itr.olre'a atteri:ke I pried ;crate put in the field as their c..indilate eiple, Mr. Taylor affeeted de,tr it *Pearl. that In „t ''t the Il ' u 4 r ia' tt there er,Ceege. But it beell74 that 1.413 I 4 . -1 dropped Bulling and toted directly for. ty virtue was only intended t.,r C4 4 .1/1.U . 141 t L 14414 mint*, their candidate baring but few Totes. in ecct tin q.ctrters, wuere a union of the D zni -, l'atriol 417 Uninn. ( , ,: r ;icy would prom , to the def,at I Liiie,,lll.: nu)..er teal Mr. Taylor fairly inatigtir„ated the u3uventent in lienn,ylvania prervnt the union of Democrats upon C.- 11.c.1 1:n;.; elee tornl ticket than. he Nt irtkd 1,.r ha home in !, Lluisiaua, and the first we hear of him that he is engaged in an nut:rapt to fuse the Bell and Everett and Southern States ngain.t. lire..lkiuridge. T. e &num Courier, a leadin4 organ of t.ti and Everett joarty, lat.!) enntalued n di.pttell from Sew orlinins which !dm.' Milem 'Fa) kir, Chairman of the 1.1,11..dai Na tiunal Committee, bas ucen here, !VII rite 114 it and Everett party ham e azreed with him t ) run but ono ticket—': ,If I) ,11;41 Is :IA halt 11.:11 electors. The ..:tine agreefuer.t been Lhade in Alabama, Ge and ' and will nu doubt eztrii.l to all the ut;,er ern Stat,..s." In the frier of ii,f rni t•i n the sinaerity u: Mr. Ta) a:, I C to may be fairly estimated. Tue.r piotest a. f1;:j,111 ollly a at a4ain-t tie funiDu f I)em ,crate with I.)mi ,cra•s, and n.it fig,lit.t a e3mbination betw•Tn the su pp4Jrt era of Mr. Duuir,:a. and the S utl.ern enemies of the Dem.icrati,2l.arty. - - - ffihrke.o l / l i l 2Vc>t.i.ClolBl. A CARD TO TOING LADIES AND CF:N -421 TLEMEN.—The subscriber will send p rep of r.,t, ov r , to all who desire it, the Recipe eud btrilildh for makiag a simple I",y-:a l ./e that will, In from two to eight thy+, remote Pimples, lilotckes, Tao, Freckl.-$, *Aid all impurities wad rouglines4 of the zikri, leaving the same--as Nature intended it should he—soft, dear, smooth sad bequeljul. TbuSql, - sirieg the Recipe, with full in,treetiou., direc tion, sad ad% ice, will ple.ise call uu or .uldre.4 (with retails postage,) JAS. T. M.U2SII.‘I,L, Practo..al Cheuilst, No. 32 City Nuil,liogs, New lurk, Aug. 20, lout). Ato T 111: GREAT ENGLIsiI rtr.:‘l.7DY.—Sta /Axis CEI.AiItitAT,L) FEMALE PILLS.— erepared from a prescription of titr J. Ci.-rk,2, M. U., Physician. Extraordinary to the Thia invaluable medicine is untailin- ' in the cure oral! those painful and ttang.erou.lli.e tsp . to u Lich the ferrule constitution is moderates all excess and r.rno :111 a - Owls, and a speedy cure to ty be relied un. Tu Married Ladies it is peculiarly It ullf, in a short time, brie; oa the 'Lot/C. l y ptr.JAir Villa regularity. - Koch isottle, price One Dollar, be ,r 3 the Gov-. ernment Stamp of Gre.tt lfr.t ..lu, to counterfeits. Cagnok.—These Pah 5:10:11d flat IC !flit`ll by females dur:trz the first three naunth , of Pregnancy, as they ate ~ure to brint - ; o, Carriage, but nt nuy other th are In all canes of Nerv.ll.; .t:ll: , pin.tl no:A, Pala In the Back nal Liol'); It .exertion, l'a:pitattuu of the ift.trt, lipter;( s and Whiten, these ui:l a cure wh.n all other towns have faded: Itud it powerful remedy, do not c , irß,d72 irw2 antimony, or ituy thing hurtful to the contitu %ion. Full directions in the pamphlet around ea-li package, which shoal.] be carefully preserve!. Sole Agent for the r States ail JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. !LIMN. in ) I:oche-ter, N. N. 8.-31 00 and it post ize staial , s to any Authorize.] Agent, a I:1 insure a ito:li., , t•ulitAining SU Pilis, by return mail. JUL /I: n, .4.0. DirT4lF, which is; omr oniverially admitted to exi-t in Mot tat,. Life J'ills and l'hwaix Kieter , . t, i v(r% d.tt dem 111- 4atrated Itty their stoonoshin:celie..ey iu she eases which they are announced to cure. All the oil/plaint., of the .tertsuell and bowel., weak of the dige,tise org.sn- and of the system venerally, bilious and lever alf,etion., isitt!st li reri, head ache.. !qt...., i eithene.s, eO4-1,,p -ttoet.rheurtiatista, ~•is!s%.l7tlistirit) of the blo,d, or blotched and usui lctit , ut. wuu )ittld to their curative isr,,peresen. „k tzl4l variably orcures thell the ertlt tlse be-t 7y tnedielue+ won belure the public. For sale by the proprietor, W. IL AI 0 I i AT, nt hie ollie.e, S. V., and by 6. $. Forney, Agri!, (lett . % sburg,. Feb 13. 1)* TICC.ELFLWILIM37O. On the 9th in.t., in HlllO% cr, by Rev. Tlionils :Street, Mr. DAVID LT RRENS, Cninh, rl.: 1,1 town,hip., to Mis., TO \S "1). lAt, of Chegtur count'. On the 1-Ith inst. Joy thi i ne.E. Jacob 7.;clfcr, Nr. G. 1,1111.1... to 3!:,s r OS. both ot t; el On the 9th lust., Ly RC.% . D r, -`,lr. 'WILLIAM rater.. o; county, to SAIZALL coutity Ishii) On the /2th in in Frunklin tots 3r,..! three eorings of excellent wade, in alitind ince. st.., - JACOB COVER, in the 71st year of his nos. 1 There is a thriving Orchard,. and a large nu:a lit' the 27th ult.. Mrs. 1.1.:All CLINE. conort., her orCui rry And Peach trees, o I this far a.— ief David Cline, ail youngest daughter of Mr. I TIC" is it ales:table property, lieiti 4 i a a god , state oh culuvation, and convenient to schools, Wm. Clark, in the _td y e tr of her age; her in fant child die I a few hYlri previous. . eitc. Tucre are ;Viola 34 acres of Woodland be- On Monday week, PItEDEIIiCK TOE( tDOPtE, I Liuuing to this farm. .son of Mr. Jacoli 11.:nitig.tr, of tuffs pl tee, aged I Nu. 2le A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, -about 1011:maks. , ildj iini ig the Man•ion F , rni. containing 74 A cr.!, a id 129 Pitrete.t, com, , essinif' ai 1 tr i p; hod, At Baltimore. on the Ist inst , Mrs. MARY A. I LIVERS, relict of the I tie Thou is L:vert,. of or valo role Timber-Le/it which win tor Lilt! Mt. St. Mary's College, near Euunitsburg, inthe ' w th tne aforesaid property or separately.— C4tlt year of her age. i There are itlsa several or .•ei -failing epringe. of . e•.,elleqt water on thus land. This prootrtv In Cash:o wu, on th^ 14th hist,. JOBS WIL LIAM, infant son of George Be k. 3.;<.d 2 ~ i jullii, I.llitial or Henry Yulte...ll , •oh Wolf, Dun mow Ls and2:l day-t. ~..t1 Becker, John Mantua rt, anil others. Ou the 1 tith inst-of putrid gcrethroftt. tiARA.II No 3 ig an excellent hit of CIIESNUT TIM MAILGA RET, daughter of.i.asepli and Mar. - Ann BEit, a!iich cannot be eui-iay east lle.l. It is Il . ulherts,pa,ufllainiltunbautp.,ag -ll' v.ittni 7d. , situated iu Puradi:e t in iii.tiii , York county, cassc.t....ren. alrant 4 tuiLt. truer it nb,0,..2-unwed tracts, _ . On the 7th init.. netr Al. , ,attz,town, C ELIZABETH. only daughtxr of Samuel and Mar„aret Brady, aged 1 e 4 • months and 6 d 'ye. Thin xrt gone in thy innocence, beauty and bloom. Leaving earth and its sorrow, for a he :verily horse, Thy spirit bath spired on the wit of ad/N e. Tu thy Savior who ettlied—ta e,Juntr,:‘ e. 9knotber sweet voice }oil', the be +lad Released from a world of sorrow and p tin, With Ang Gis . rejiiicin , th 'tilt die: more sing lu the Lome of the 'Awed. to the Heavenly King. We miss thy sweet prattle so dear to our hearts, Iu thinking of thee. the ti tr afresh start,, Yet thou'rt 4olessed l,eiou t uteaso re, tIQ suf. ferinv nre tier; We would not enli thee hack from th it peaceful shore. When we've finished our coarse, and det:h' drawing nigh, Who transplanted our darlingto regions on high. May he find ni prepared to ohe . v the ,tern Nor shrink at the thought of the coffin and TJECI9 7311.4!L3.3Er-Mrl'B. GETTYSLIcIiG vruicuAT LA3 Superlas 'Lye Flour.-- Whitt Wheat................... j.ted Whea1............ ........... COrn ........... . Oats 2S Clover Seed. 4 50 to 5 00 Timothy 8eed....«.—.........,--i 75 tu 2 00 1 20 Barley ....... Plaser of Paris . ..... Raster 'Around, per Isa4z BALITIMOIIK—Fuvar LAST. F100r..--........... ......... b 50 to 5 61 •20 :4 1 60 Hytt ...... 71 to 80 73 to 70 Oats «:a.. 32 to 88 ...... —...--.. 0 00 .43 0 00 Trtesstay ..... 0 80 to 0 00 Beef Mile, per hand 5 50 to 800 Hogs, piri. 00 to 8 50 Hay • 00 to/7 00 Whiskey 21 to 22 Gomm, Pertrioa, per los —..— 82 U 0 HA OVER,-tialltia AT 4AJIT. . 5 50 . Mout, from wava5................. , Do. from stores —.......... --.1.—, 6 00 eat... ............—......;.........;.. I 12 to 130 .. • •••••••••••••••••••• . .—.... •• ...; 11 7...... 65 60 et ...... ..• •••••••••••* •••••••••• *no.; ,31 ••••••••••••••• ,••••••••• •• coop**, ••••• • PO ' Ter , ileid ••'•••”••••• •••••••• ,••••••• 41:125 . .....,................„..... . . , 'llleaatlyr Steil' • ' -1- 60 Inaster.l:-....••••••• ...ea. .4., •••••••• 8 2) 3J.13E13=/. GEM ....4 6 - i to 5 00 3 50 __A 10 to 1 20 ....1 00 to 1 12 Notice. ~,~~~. • 810"-The Ese . eutiNe Committee by the Forne% lI tideman ,nt wet in Ilarrisbor,: the 26.11 ~ f July, 11.1- bea,141.1 ilLwor ling t , t on We i• nes..l.ly tLe 1 i;1/ ivat., at tLe dmehl , r Itou-e. C,111:71:tIOC WaS Silty-DC%on per,gl,, and We un t!..tt about, t*.•.etity-ti.:o, ',e‘s tl..tu a ( I 1. were Tre.,ent. Toio loin ,rits .t mit tee proceeded to take tie um.utlioriz , d etc.,' of tatr...iasiag; the 1:....t•1in4 el ...torol ticket by i-triking 0.0:ea...1it the n intev of thJee per-ono who reloied to ple•d4e theiti,ekes to Vote ttio tylit , ie.aty for Dou r . , ,la, ami .1 )11., -on. 01141 troy 11,,0 n e t uniu thurize..l by Vie supporters of Mr. 1) uglaa in Penni:, trania, but it WA] in exprOss tiou of the proitrantiae to trked out by the Conventioa of the •-ltitlt tilt- 11 Vr :let 41 lIIP without a shadow of authority. it w 0.4 a retmlution within a re%olution—an act of reelcle.s perpetrate.] Ly a handlul of men tnatrened lit a lav!..k parlor, %%here tl•ey were ghat tot from observation and criticism. ail reporters being excludal ex,ept the reporter fo: Fat tte)'s cr.; which, as the Rpcaal organ Nr tlisurg,, , a•tihation, 'lraq permitted to prepare. 6.) I/I La h of Ulu pro, eol iligi as the umnagers wished to see the light Tt:IS is the inst tlegper.lie card I,f the ilisrup timii^t-i. W u hit% eno doubt that it w:11 Lu receiied w itlr interne indignatiwi four !Utile of asp supporters of Ur. basp.l.i., awl they will take itiisi”dtate scene to re, udi• ate ilk! aets ul tl.e Cwillilit:Ce arta %will Lliuir il.itid• of responsibility fur its pructistilliAlk.— I/orris/Jury Patriot it. I *mew.. Well-Improved & Valuable INS AT IT RLR SALE.—The under_ r signed, Atteruies in fact for the Widow ona Heirs of EDWARD if 11)i{ s , deeediled, will r at Publ.c vn W.: ',militias, on bee ,'ay, 44. , 111. i day S,ptnaber Nes!, at 1 k, the fulluwing described valuable Lands, ttz : Na I—THE MANSION FARM. situate in Hamilton township, Adam; cAtuty, p.,., 8 1, 0 ,a 3 mites front New Oxford, And the saute il;Stilitce CrEst ideriin, near the 'while roAd leading from the fotimer to the }rutin/ place, mad Adjoin ing lauds of Ibiti.l lilier.SAutucl %Volt, Adam Sow. is, Co der. utbers, and containing Ito; • 1 Acres And 07 l'erches, uttrt I.og Lneaiu 1101... 4 E. large Bank It Ira, And other convenient out-buildinT,s thereon crect:d ; with and conta,ins 7 Acre; e.n.1.1-4 Perches, n g hunt; of Fleury Marsh ill, and thu Ina lots of Joseph J. 1 . lona- These pr orrer...d.ep.trate ly or, Log .ther, aet ru y b atsuit pualutsers.— lie Farms arc cou%;ni •toly loca.ed, ..n1 in .t guid nod imp:-u‘in,:. u - ...4,11b0rh.).,.!. The t., of :.:1; will be accunitn.,dat,ng, t ~7 ,re 1'.).-sr.4stin tall I,e 14 . .. ea on •h. , of Apt .1 next. Further infor , uAtiorte LaineJ by npvly ing W the suh; live ou tne 1. • Air. 20. LE\ 1 :!.‘ Desirable Pr o'33r ty T PUBLIC S ,üb-criber, in umiling to a o into t ,wn. o i'l •r at Silc. on the p fiv, rAe ./ai, nee', THE l'llfil'EHTV nua oci upies, ,ltu.ited on the G ttv h.ir!! I or Iron. R .^.c-e3 and :;')' thin the'l borou , zh and 'shunt 13 nci- C-mberland ton nship—the tracts a Joini , ir. i..eli !her.— I Ind is in a good i...tate of col Seaton, rn i the fencing good. The improve me.its are a well finished COM' And a h Dwelling Brick B Ho ds ”, an excellent well of suit wate:r young Apple Orchard. variety i f plum and chiirry tre.23. prcp rt aljoins David McMillan, Mrs. Shultz, Juba 1( 11 Clel lan. Geo. Arnold, PA. A - , S. Sinail, and a pub lic lane. efitr.S.ile to commence at 1 o'c!oe%, P. v., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made Lnou 11 Iry Aug. '2O, 140. is • Carr Ahead Again ! inr G. CAR laas ag : Lio been to tlle city 11 and laid in tnothc r I.trzr Fto,_k of Gru cer.vs, Queensware and Notion , , of every de scription. Sugar 11 11).;. for $l, a very good 60 G 25 1 00 . His stock of Brushes, Brooms, Baskets, Demi itres, 'Lc. is always full-418 well ns his assort ment of Ars, Tobacco, Snuff, ke. Ladles' sop Skeleton Skirts, 1t hoops, for $l. Ladies' Gauntlets, a fine article cr Lile thread. for 37 cents—Gloves and Hosiery in proportion. Ladles' Perfumery, of all kinds.— Call at 11. G. cArucs, Aug. 1. 1 13, 1860. in York street. time Factory TN GETTYSBURG I—ATTENTION, FARM ]. EMl—The undersigned would most re spectfully inform the pablic in gener.tl, and the farming oda/inanity In particular, that they hare erected two spacious LIME KILNS, at the corner of Stratton street and the Railroad, and are now burning, and will continue to burn, large quaSstitles of the BEST LIME, which. they will alpine of at the lowest living rates. Farmers and ethers ire invited to give them a call. By supplying good article, which they expect 14.84), they cannot fall AO giro satisfac- AcCURDT Arm 20,1860: lf Notice. Ant tlitetlELl 3 ESTATE..--Leteeri of 'ailoshilehnliton on lhe eatite of Jonah t townalti, Adams c° l4l ftffattana4 having been granted to the • • aell4ting Clacii4 townahl he ' • 44sstri. to all perbo*s iodeb to lititOpmettiappaymen and ,siltadnakthe saute ta prevent thew ;property st• aticAied Tor eartlenteat. .141 XL 111tInti, Adair. 20; MT: 04' .1 . 11 ; EPHRAIM HANAWAY IMO , 2 ,Trilp:itUulf-P;114) Sa,b Or VALI , 4.EL E R.E' At. 1.61 A T F.: A i\D Fan- SO NAL rItOPF.RTY —ii,i ,T i.-• ' %ac t roe 1.4 of.S....pferstiarr, 11111 , ;, at t+ o't lovl, A Mi r the , iliseribtr. Aalcoiniatrat9r • ith tii, 17.iia-inci ,d of Cos aAD S/11 . 1 , 11111,-Ilitt t.imo 1, Is SI , 'T rat r'tillic Sale, on the 110r.,1,,n Tr., t -I . - -A de c• teed, in the liiirough of 1,i...1 ' , ,irz, tl.c fo.iuui:2:g parcels of Iliiil li.ll'i,, :,, %, it S,) I TIIE MANS/ON TEA ('T, ', 1 :: 11 rry 1,1 , :k..lnt lind dos - ir.tble L.ountr) -rut, ....tn - oe in to: soatnt rn lithits it the Borough iir lielt:,b- I , Ur p r, an,oinlng /rtn,f; nf Cap:. J,,1,,, II ) , r+, Ja cob Benner, lion. 1). Z1eg1...-r. 11, enJ. '..--t d,:.. J.htt Itupp, I.L.r%ey D. ft l a ein, ~ „iii iiiii r-. containing 40 Acres, more or lee e. i 3 ft high state of cultivation, on Ns hie': ale Liti_le.l ~ large and commudioui; Ta a-,:or ' . ,-- 7 71:1„, :_ , ToNllllol:riii,Bricl. lt..tik n. ro. , T i - il l "' 1 0 WA .7, , ,a Skied and Zituoke lioa,. '- .414.1; ‘% Ail 3 no% er-tailing springs of er- -at.l_,,f reilent water, one of thew io cite ;:- t :: i 1, a I.trge thrib tag Ort.li.tr,l of Aiyi, b' n•'.• r fruit trees. There are about i-ini.r,:.. of nrit-rat.• meadow: This propert) 01f,r.. I,: 4 , ti Q in ducements for investment, from 1.4 ;WI 1(1,4 1 and advantnge.i. No. 2 A LOT OF 011iil . ND, in CI s l', ,r , i . ....... 11 of (iett)shurg, friutiu,z u • 1 -t../Ili I;.t:ton , re. .Irtet, adjuln,ng lota of Dr. 6:11d . .....1 1 •11 , :cd 1,. .iu ollej un the mirth, Iml ro: d n It P J . I ";,7;=`-‘ o:Two.,tory Itoo,;1,-c Ott Hot. ::1-:, %%11 . .• 1 , ?,, i i, 1:. , l-bn,liiling, a new l'i - Anae 61.11,1e,..iii: , 1Lit,. a well of excellent w,,.ti r. No. 3: A TILACT th LAND, ,ituat , •'n r im ',erianil ton - 114111p, I. in;; oa the Luili t-hurg to id, v./thin 1 toile of GI tt.,•dorg, Adj ,ihnj. 1 1,,i, of Wm. Mil-, .Irn , i . 1".....:1: ,nd other,, mid (rolf.tlning s 2. Arree, more or 1e, ,, :. Tver , 1 4 Olt this tr.tet it VI t) i 1:1 , 1 it good xpring o f water, and an orzli trd of fruit tat es No 4: A TRACI' COVElirl) WITH f'olilt) TlNiliEft, situate 11 Ctiml.erlAnd tots: , g!.:n. ad jomiuK Linda ut Philip it.t.dd.u:,. J.li oh Kiilln3 . n.l Win. Currtn-u, cont..uumg 11 .1....re.i, inor.i or less. Si.,..ITRACT covered n'it`i go tl C',ezritt Lot tibt cat%) of st t+. .11.1.tte in I. udi of Johd ILikcr and Peter t mad tl;tl,4' 33 .dare;, mu; e 'v , ll or to tv, o parts, a+ ntay rtarl'ernoll; Witt/11:1 1 r to I.(NV the Itt. II P.,ttate, will be .boon the , nine I,y cr.11:11; on the fstni ly on the Mausto , l Property, or !pun the sub teriber. in liettsburg. Also, at the game ti Inc awl p 1 re^. the foliar:- i•lg Personal Property . 11 )IZSES, ,0.111 0 tir,t-rate brood roared 4 Cults, (one carding and one sot Lling - ,) 4 first r.t.to Milch l'uws, 4 heifers, Win-ALA:id Oat i by the fora in the ground, 11:Q an .1 Straw by the ton, 2 Wagons, 1 first rate. Carriage anti liarnesq, Ploughs and llarron a, Double Shovel Plough, Corn Fork, Plough-wheuta, Lo x Chains. Crew tar, Cow and Halter Cha:ns, Gears, Rakes anti Forks, 1 first-rate Windmill. Cutting lint, Threshing Machine, '2 Saddtes, one a new Side-saddle, 400 Chesnnt Pth.t4, heavy, 110 Lo cust Posts, limey. 200 Chestnut Shi•igl,- , , 100 Got. Plank, and Household and Nltclicti Feral, ture,"as follows: 1 Bedstead and Bed, Tables, Ch tics, lot of Carpeting, Mantle Clock. 11.allia ny caul Stove and fixtures, Teu-plste stove and Corner Cupboard, Desk, Caro 01 Drau cr.+, Chili- I, licAuch, with other articles, t.. 0 11:111erons to menthe's. 'lf the properly he mit nll eq!.l the sth, the sale will ir! continued un th f.,llJv. iug ta.y. Alltendence will be gate i awl tk•nbs code kutimu by DANIEL K. SNyi)l:.:, Aug. 10, 1.260. J.& La.,' s ra:o. • Valuable.R9al Estite, AT PUBLIC HALH.—In pur-qtanoe to an orier of the Orph , tn'a Court of Ad tins county,! the subscribers. Ad•nini ;:r.ttur 4 of Ale.itXMl litso, deceased, Tatll offer :It l'ill•I:e SAL". on the premises. on 'e atr , l,7. , I,r 211 , log of Srptesder next, the followiug 1:r .1 F'..t.tte of ,aid deceased, via : - A SHALL FARM, containing 34 At reg nod ft; l'erches.sitnate in He idin4 ton - .!; ip. Ad mos county,effithin sight of East Beam, ;.o the mad leading from Hampton to tfntt id .ee. adi.iining hinds of John Goiselman, tie. ! rg.., Sp .outer on I 7 1.—.A 1 othirs. , The improvement 4 ; r_ .l. , - now Teroamory /trick Hot SE,n ti : I 1 new Frame 1.1..rn, Wagon shed end . i ~:. Corn Cid!), and other out-buildieg.i.„ A .,,,,t,, l Z n good well of miter near thQ (10,4-, w.t!l 0 young Apple Orchard. and other . fruit. Land adjoleing could be purehaaed. if desine4. .. Alsn. A TRACT OF WOODLAND, in he s Buie township, about 9 miles north of CI! i ,%uv e , ad joining biases Ohronister. and oth,:rs, contain tug 4 Ames and 85 Perches. Persons wishing to view the property are re quested!to call on Eli 11)ers, r.stdi g on the tint mentioned. bEirSale bi convnftnee nt 1 cieloe'4. P. Ji. , on Auld (toy, when ntterolsiittre will be given and terms utnde known by i;IVGLICTON EICIIOLTZ, ELI 11 Y .1 he qore B► the Certrt--11. Woc►, Clerk. Aug. ;19, 1860. is Notice. NirAzArtErn WISLE'n'B E:iTATF..—Letters of ximihi,trutioti on the estate of Ell tle:th ler, late of taklin town =hip, A lothas county. (lee , (::(e(I, ha.% been gr a tel to the tin.lersiAnti 1, re -I 'hog in t• , it nsh p, lie hereby gives notice to all person. , ittdelstel to a,tid testate t imme pa vineat, find ths). , :e 1111113:W; 4: •1•1 , II) !Ire i,ott thew proper:: nuth inii. 1, 1 for lc. wilt. LIENJ.IIIIti r. An g. 1:1. 1:1, Notic '3. JOHN 1111..t.T.L'zi EST —L-Item •11:1try t::e 1,11, e of F tuv.n-hip, cu..tut .Ivc t 011: t/11.1 r 1.4 It 1L1,4 I t the Stilt 1,/ •.l I.y gi +. , t• t” all lit 1(1.1...: I La c , i.:tte tti mtwc tttnuc,litte p. 9 .1u I huiug s.imr• t,.11-I.ze • 11 , , Lyer -1; a ut.tientwated fur eett.lt;neut. ADAM NIF.I.IiD, SOLO /N E ADAM C. 111LI.1:14 Aug. 13, 1860. tit cato/ Notice. PETER LITTLE :6 I:::TATE.—.Noticr i here- Li green to all p.treuui as lvLted to rile estate of Peter Little, late oi Coucie, Adams county, tleeciscl Lu na tke im mediate payment to the nuJorsig I( .1 EXC. utura v re6idiug iniihe same tun [Ally, ;toil tliote Lut ing claims against the gam- to pr cut thew properly authenticated for s.tticnient. J. 10):: J. LITTLI:, JACOB A DAYS, July 2.3, 18CO. Gt* Etc, uteri. Notice. BARBARA SPANGLER'S ESTATE —Let ters bf administration on the est•lte of Barbara Spangler, late of IJountjoy tuNcu‘hip, Adam* county, deceased, having been grcut ed to the undersignel, residing neat TAary town, Carroll county, M 41., he hereby gives no tice to all persons indebted to said e_ rate io make immediate payment, sod those having claims against the same to presentthein proper ly authenticated for settlement. JONAS SPANGLER, Adair. July 23,1800. 61 3 Cents Reward. 'Do ANAWAY from the subscriber, residing in 1.1) Cumberland township, on the 7tj inst., a houni boy named JAMES WADR about 5 feet high, and 17 years old. All persons are hereby waned at to barbs) of trust him on lay actouni, as I will pay no debts of his con tracting. The above reward will be given fur his return to me, but no thanks. Shit:EL F01.11..K. Ang. 13, 1860. 2t• G. A. Lasiderr, wo..i to WORTH WHARVES, PHIL ADEL -11 PULL, mausataetara sad have for skis Tirporisaarit, Patent Spun, Hy- CXRDLEII &Gana, illOrariatiadr, &Aril, Oar - • ,assirstaLlosr.Osaaas. Pare Sperms, Lard . BleaebadWlta*Sea CUB Elaglusak, Stri t ,ipsd Whale, TAnners', Catiitfrit,-hlns; Oleisiell' and Red Oils. mos I Wtriteit Tallow, Ailirsarse; Chstaltal f Fancy, sad other Soapsi Aag. i3y WA& to. - ri GOD work ...,...=e,rtodioweerees era the ehareoteriolos, - , 01Atio,Itsc ior Sky,light Geller/. TYOO.,N k 13110.' "fit 1 t r do ' A LA 0 0 r rr qiitenzlere 11. fur raale by MRCI.INOIC klIA1:71N. Bale IF A VALCADIS srtmkriber, intaading to Axil. 14r • o:ting, will Sell SS 0 .• Pub.: lc gale, on the premises, oa YAW% t/ o nett, the following: talastlde itenl Il•tate, tic : A FA •itn.it:. its ll:uuil ton toy. n4hip. Adam., county, '2: 'mites from "en Oxford un.l 2 m'le, fro.o It. nllan, Kdj.,in lag 'awls of Adam Wolf. llo'flirin..nnd r0n0...t,z0 rtek. contain n_ 147 A. res, more or I in In state bl;It Cul . ltv :Iton. Tlic intiro%emettl , ;tre a - k 110 i::"/%, Mlll tar,:e !tank I!r.rn, 2 Corn Crib-, v ., I .11 Shel, n 1' rf.,lltrig well •••• •••:, • of avter at the door, end au Apple Orchard, choir.. fr.:it. There are due pro. portions of ilicA,Liv r.tid timber It ,!. I„*3"•l'ir..ori; t %ie.y the property •'.e..1 to t.,111 11J the ,tit".riber, rcei thereon. Ile to continence nt l o'clock, P M.. on T, hen ntt , •a lance will be ',ITCCI and terui3 Malt inOWLI by A 117,. 13, n';‘). is A Good Farm, AT PitIVATE SlLE.—The • F tilm•riber, de sinng to quit kilning, offers his FARM at pri% ate ale. If is taste lin Monntplea ant tut Adavia county, near 13nnunglifown. adjoining I.*ads ohleur:, Weil..erf, F. Kai idle All, and ,Alik;rs, and enritaln. 110 A -le, more cr leii—w,th due pronnrt•en. "tine:olow m wood land. The farm ha_it,e2a t.it u e timed 0, er, is in eset Heat condition. The lit- are a Two-story Stone 1101'51:, .1. ILL, LI, rtmr l ('urn C d rih, an all C e-q s nry out-hinhling=. There won.] Apple ON.. hard. and other fruit, n.l the ?rem also a nerer-fail.ug -pri mg ar the hern•nc. par Pernona eve ll.e property will call oil the .• Ill) ii.ier, there.n. Aug. 65 'ti J. 3t• J iIIN SOCKS.. Private Slle. VALUABLE Flit ti'FßTV.—T'oc ! - Oierih,r a ill Inn st Pticate iie, that VA Li'A ItLF TIt . AVI OF LAND, known 14 the '• Farm, - eiltinte in fict Thug toh A• 1 int' connty, adjoining the town of 11.i,tpton, and hin ,11.)114 the COlitA% ltgo etn•ck. Th, ['arm ti Nlt impros :1, the Lind ht a go )1 •itite ofiNfa nitiTation, an ;has bet ree , tit'j The access to it. lota tiou of it, and it., facilities of farming, me the t cry be=t. It w ill b_• .441 d entire. or 4:irided to suit pur chasers. Personae i -hint; to r iew :Toper ty, can do ao by callivg un Jutr< BYIKRS, on it, and persons desirous of purchasing aid calkon the undersigned. _ _ July 23, 19GO. tf Collectors, Take Notice. r" Ilectqrs of Taxes for 1839 and pre . ;i- I ens years, in the different torroshipt of Adams county, are hereby notified that they I will be required to settle up their duplicates on, or before the :Oa tidy of Amply( out. or. which day the Commissioners will meet at their office .o give the uceetsary exoneration', he. • If the duplicatesare nut settled up is full by the above date, the Collectors wilt tie dealt with accord ing to law, wallop( regard to tierialiP. -The CJllezlAns of the present year will beret-; iso'rea to pity over to the County Treasurer all loonies that way be collected by the August Court. • JACO,' ILAFFENSPEIIitigIt, DA XII% CI:I6SL3I AN, JAMES IL. MARSILILL, • Commissioners of Atittll.l county. Attest—d. 31. Wat.rua, (Clerk. Aug. 6, 184;0. hI . Bahool Tax.-.4titemsat. A ri sc a t te t neenndt P Ituilding T r ax a , Curr ;set s i n the the Borough of Gettystnirg. for the year com mencing June 1, I.Stia, will be allowed :An all per-ons paying the same on or befor. , the lit ner', either to the Gotham.. Sturm. WatiltituiV, or the Trea.urer, Dr. E. G. FAIIVE• ivrocu. No abatement rill he allow-ell after that &Qt.. By order of the Board_ toe G, 311, A.lll:Eill.fill.Ser'r. PIER.SON 8 ESTATF.—Lettcre tee r Vimentury ou the estate of huehe Pierson, Lite of Iltintingtou towns:tip, Adams county, ike.ased, hiring been gr to Cie umkr figned, residin:: in the s tme township, he hereby girt it Dolce t) all pentane iatlebted to sai , l estate to make immediate pAyment, an I thole basing claim.* ..giti.let the it.tt'ot. to preient thatn pro l terly authentic tied fir • vttlemeo t. NA IC E. WIE it .1.1.1. , Executor. Aug. 18i O. (it LOWY lIER.StiA E6r.lTF:.—Letters testa e) mentnry on th+ estate of John Her,h, I tte.of Tyrone totroship..ktiness county, PH , deceased, baring be?n pointed to the under signed. residiog in Mountpl .:want township. he hereby gives-notice to all persons iodelkted to said estate to make immediate .payment, an i those haring claims against the same to pre sent them pro.mrly auoentiented for settle ment. JOIN It . lllsliJH, July SO, MO. 6t - 1.1 • :•. - Haines Bros.' 'P vEnsi...Nu eiItAND ACilirii PIANO Fi.),:rl:-;. i liratcl y o lir - , erir iio iltt . . t. 1 iS , .: .11.1 dr.: .“, nod b-ati . y idi tiai -lt.— Tlit::e l'i.o,u I 111.10 111%1 iy ~.‘ t3i. •Il 0( 1 . 11:S1: NO.:AIt . :I when 1,11 of in c ,at .) •* , ti,el Nt Alt 01111. r ui %kers. Ck..://, , ,,,.- c! , , •,,,/,' 01. A ..l:l , l4lii_ , Aortli , ..ni or LW' i 4 XI i" toil p .iiner bt)les alw.tys o a lit. 1•1. .Iko ;So 0.i4-11.iod Pirvio.; an I PIZIXIT;:i INIPIIJI"1-....) \IELVD EON:i front $45 1., $3:ol. 'st*.r.v LAI uni.n.t \\*.trr.ititol. (fl 0. 1.. W.ll.liF.P.'B Pi in i :itoi \1..104...) i Di•vot, S E. Cor. ; LII .t. -1,... 1 .a 6 . ...5., 114.1.1 I a. An . . - ;. 6, 1860. Gm Grain ! Grain ! rp subscriber still contirities purchasing all kinds of PRODUCE, at his old st Ch itnliersbnrg street, viz W:IEAT, UTE, COUN, OATS, SEEDS, &t., for which the Li„:best tnariet prices will b. given. Lek - I will also continue my GROCERY and STUEI.E, sad will keep constantly on hand Gruccrica, Salt, Oil, FiS/1, Cedar-ware, Grp Goods, Uuntectious, PLister, Guano, lc,— The public are to coll.:La I stn cletennic el to sell it clicop as ttle Llneup_•t. Gettysburg, Aug. 6, teen A. Mathiot & Sort's SOF A AND rußsirt wA R KROOIII3, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near layette st.,) extending, from Gay t. Frederick at.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always Gn Ji Lei a large assortment of Hot' MOLD AND OFFICE FCR_NITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Mattresses of Hus!,, Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofas Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, flocking Chairs, R‘ageres, Marble Tablas, Set tees, Reception and Cpholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OFCOTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Ilan Fernittrre, Gilt and Walnut imam Looking Glasses, Side boards, Exteasion Tables, of every hsnstii. Persoes disposed to purchase are lay call sa3 gire*cun stock an eserninathay far variety and quality of weekinenehip equalled by any establishment inutile - A. MATkilOt k'f ' Noe. ift. &ad.!, N. eV Aug. IRO.. 17 • _Rural Bogie, erawaberik the Adams . qui 'cultural Society', are requested t t Court-house, in Gettysburg, So ssoli,Aognat.2,l4, at 2. tendaitcs is seigssitso. 3OT f Efate. y BAlrs 3 rtcy desirable FARM I INA Out sap:filling the Borne% tieitythutte Rod two ate toot milts 1 11 041 int ati "ht. ircrittea.fy: retio:' It' 3 AlEti. IE3 GE011(1.7. 5LITI:11 W. A. nrNTAN. • Gyttpborg.' Notice. Notice. Ezertdor JOHN SCOTT Aeel'ol,eVe Rale' '9F 41 DESI'VA MA TA 11 U.—The soliseribew s • APlllgnev of he.. U.inyLov an.' Wirt., will er at l'ohlit it 1.11,", Oft th. premiers, ow Sativ day, fhf 1 5th do K,73ternh , r wort, the following valuable Real E t•te, viz • A SMALL FARM. .ItuAtrtl in tlniosi fownshilo. Ad ims county, shout front Litti.e , town, and hsif a m In from a stAtion, sdininin7 1.11.i1a of „I Vie.% Ptihr^r, iitlinrs, (-iota:Mug N i Acre. !nor.. ur Its , • intro, emeit. are a Tis Loi:;• 11(I!'7•1: it Corn I't O>, Sprinz •• eseetiont Wittrr, a uoo'l APl> l ` , "r -4, hard. with peaches, pears, plums. kn. .1 Lime Kiln on the premkes, Tue Farm k I ill off in conernient fitilJ,, with due proportions of nod timber-land, nu 1 moler gold cliesuut rail fiinnity:i and good rultiration. The Prol"`rty is located within oun mile ul Lime stone Quarries tin I Kilds, odd (.02% enieut to church( , , school-loin:es, mulls and sturcs. bto^"Pur.uns wizttio4 to die the property will call on tine r. vrithin Ore: gu %rtcri of a unit) of the Fartn--4.;a1l on kra's cic to cormat I o'c lock, P. 11., on Bata d ky. %%hen attcn li`.l3Ce w'll be ;:i% en and terms en..de known by LEVI D. 3I Aut, IScP). to cptcy. Public Sale. ON Fr. - tni. the 31.tt ;1;;/ f;t - A/quo, I sro, the 1,•;-big;ted, Ex2c.ltt,r of the eitate of DANIt.t IJoLLIvoAR, lat;. , of l'Ar.td'oe town4ltin, Volk oonnt, ;1;•;:;A•el, I% ill .; 11 .;;;; tit.e htllowtox Ite.tl Est %to, v:1: .1 ;;;T::."l,t'T Ui' 1-INO, eont.ttning• :11;lut tt;I:;onour Itn;ls of t. 4 antutl 11,11insicr, Jean It311;;;u, John K'nutp and wine, onthe road leatitt,t; from Abbott4towu to &Olt Berlin, 011 hich sre ereetel TWO DW.',.1.1.1NG HOUSES, one tt Lao story ntol the•other a story "nrl n d° ; half. Grid Mill, Saw Mill, • OrthAtd, ,lc. t - -.3*.'aTe to commence at 12 o'clock, 11., on .iny, when attendance will be gi%en and terms iuwde known by _ sAurEL lIQLLINGE2 7 E.ir AuA. C:, ISC(. CS A Valuable Farm AT PU BLit; SALK.—WiII be olered nt Pith- IL; B.x!e, on th 3 pretni.m4, cm gommr , Liv, at Immi 'i4 of Seplern 5-r next A GOOD F A ILI. situate in Butler township, next , collet!, adjoining lands Of the heirs et Wo.GALIMAITH, deceased, Henry Lower, Cenuo We.sver,aud Lonnded on th. west by Great Conowago, containing la) Acres; more or less, consisting of up-lan,l and mandew, with a duo proportion of timber.— The buildings are a good Two story 'LOG HOUSE, with Stone hack-hailding attached,Log Barn, _ g 1 with Other out-nooses. There is an Orthard of benring Apple trees, Peach trees, Az. the land is in a goo tl state of cultivation. There i* a quarry .of excelle•vt Sand Stone on the pinoises. This farm is situated on eJno wago creek, yet never has any of the 1 mud been overflowu by it. whiel is st, great advantage this farm has liver others along tint stream. ' gekrP:rsbns wishing to view the property will call chimer on incoh !Hetrick, residing op the pientises, or on Henry Wertz. in Stratorn tiggnmilmip. The latter named will make the terms , known en day of sale. igeit"Sale to comumen-e at I o'clock, P. K. 31 AUGARET GA LBRAITif July 30, 18GO. is . A Valuable Farm Aonet PUBLIC 3.lLE.—The sabscribers, Bs feritt.)rs of the last will and testament of !ETLICR, deceased, will offer st Public S'lle,pn the premises, en gpird ty, the Bth day of Seyr.wher next ; the following vainiihie Real Eitatt, viz: A FARM, situate in l7natireriand townithip, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands of Henry elms, David Horner, William Walk er, 'Old others, containing 171 Acres, more or I^ss, With plenty of meadow and titnher. The improv.inents constst of a large ,,,,.." two-littry BRICK. HOUt.E, Rank -..r. I lij lltrni Wagon Stied, Corn' era., .z . f 4 ; [ill:, , t /Smoke House, Bog Pen, two wells e -- = ' y - of ciee.iient water, one at the hutt.e ana the other, at the h trn, with a Pm!) in etch, a gao.l Apple OrchArd, with a variety of other fruit trees STICh AS peach. cherry an I plum. Also, A TENANT BONE. Swab Shop, Stable, well ) f wa' g r. lc. Bkii — The tract will be o!Tered in two parts, one c mtnining about 100 acres, with the prin cipal Imildin the other ahont 71 nere4, with the tenant hnnse and 111A5t:•mith chop. The pr vpOrt if,r)R of tintlwr and meadow to each are hir. if not ,old in two pares, the Emu %Till be offered in one tract. ft-le•Perconit wishing to view the property wilt wall on ether or the ENectitorc, the tirst named recline.; thereon. and tl.e 1 i.it-natneli within one and a hall • A-r3ale to commence nt I o'elo• k, P. W., on iind d ty. when attend will hi given and term! m litc.knoe it by HENRY f:YLEIt, JESSS Stir:lMß rz, Ere:iitors July 30. IEISO. U Valuable Pro?erty F1.41P. S I.E.—Tito tinder•l_w:l. Trustee to 3 T....ter OF 1,-1-I , :.r.ing to ertilo h inof.l te , tt MUN:r ma?. Jecc. , se,l, es ill es - p,,e. to P , ,hlie S.de. o I N'altreff py. fh, POI day or, 18 , 11. thlt Tr. %.01' OF IAN!) lying r•longl'..e.h • reel, in Ilnroilt town - ,hi,,, Fr.tok lin eo•tni•, l'a., G .n r ies =oath we.lt of rharn t,riblrfr, nn 11101 C I south rant of St 'Mom Is, a•Ijolnio:, tools of Wra. A rrn:trou.; Jacob Pirk -11,Z.1111,1 others, containing 153 _totes, more or ; , )vr to .11.1C:1 arc itotet Me.vb w Land. T.., int .-ot . ements .re n Twu- , tury Litt; h r le B .rn, au other out-buihling4. There Is an o.t h ird attache! to tic farm. There it alto a 31. jt f , ,r a 4+t+MILL, ”1/ tLi. p op. rty. Th.. a bot eid .perty .lt iura tit ()et LIVIA by Mr. Peter Al').:rt. and per.±un3 whiting to Vie w• f property arc. requeF•ttd to still up ,n him. kgef i r'S Ile to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on .tiil da, w:ien attend Ilare will be given and t..ratt made known by W. A. 111:Nr.t.5...". Jai) 23, 1850. to To TJaehers & Directors. OC are hereby notified that 1 will visit the following places for the purpose of es. aw ning tent-hers. on th•• days mentioned: • BtrAbla tp., et Ifunterstown, Anc.t. 11, 12 M. tlsford tp., at New Oxford, Aug. 25, 1 P.M. Bersriel. bor. and tp., At Abbot:Wows, Aug. 27, I F.M. Hamilton tp., at Berlin. Aug. 2e, 10 A. M. Coco wag.) tp., a t .VcSlterrystown. A ug. 29. I P.M. ReKding tp. and Hamptoa, (Ind.) at Hampton, Aug. Jo. 10 A. M. Mottutplcisant tp.. at Brush Run School house, A ht. al, 10A. M. Tyrone tp., at fleidleraburz. Sept. 5, LO A. M. Huntington and Latimore 101., at Petersburg, Sept. 6, 9 A. M. Union and Germany tpi., at Lktlatif,own, Sept. 7, 10 .1. M. Mountjoy tp., at Two Taverns, Sept. 8, 10 A.M. Cumberl.t.nd tp., at Shrives's Tavern, Sept. 10, 10 A. M. rree.lom tp., at Morita's. Sept. 11, 10 A. I. Liberty tp., at School noose No.l, Sept. 12, 10 A. 11. linenilumbar' tp.. Fairfield, Sept.l3, 10 A. IL Butter tp., at laddletown, Scjt. 15, .19 A. IL lienallen tp., Baaderarille, JO, 10 A. M. No pivot, amuninati give* unless at the special instaaca of tilhatspectlro Direc tors, mtpersoodia writing, by attest* a majori ty ottbo Board. Towbars must apply for ax*Mination 'Why Om Directors of the township In whirl) they de sire to toneA: Any teacher failing to Alain a . akshoot in the township aria:rola his or her ax- I - 'AL &EM Farm ..., A T t ri r n o l f ,lo l 4ALFl st .— w T i ti ll es a tt n b d icr te lb mu er, E e V ni cez t r Ott **l _, three last y e sa lin rs ht t e nneh ell i egint: pi . tAtt3 MACS, deceased, will offer at Public. lof JtE . EB and PLANT% willoiretrAVlAldtle:o . : Sate, on the premises, on Tivadav, lA' 4111 dry! ing the Fall of 10 , 30, and Spri: of 1g1y11,141 0 , Of S-pfertber nest, the following Reel Estate of : a-molly large and thrifty tot of Apple, said deceased, viz : • IPeit h, Dwarf and Standard Pdef, • " 4 " A FAP3I, straits in Cutnherland tue'll.thipo, I Plum, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine/Idd - rip.' Ad init eon oty, adjoining lands of Henry Lott, ' Qlincre; also Grape Vines, (contending Jame , Roder. Jesse Shererti and fleerge Arnold,' varieties,) Currants, Gooseberries 1 Raspherries cant liiiinq , 4 7 Acres, more or less, ' 1 anti Strawberries, of the' most poplins. kinds ; hopr , iied with a one and a half ,:,,./' 1 s 111,0 chute.'miletitaneolieFritits, such's* Span e:itry Pwt Pong !PO Sli, a Frame -"I P. 4 i l.h cho.nnt, Enobot Walunt, kcii.4l l flelber j;,,r,,.,, e ,.rty iii w, Vi ~,toii Shed and t. _fi„..i. with a iarge variety of Orto•unental and Ever core Crib rittoeurd, and other outbuildings • greens, hill of the choicest Cli n t!.,) Shrubbery, two springs of water near the buildings.— i titre., Climbers, Roses, ite. , There is a young thriving Apple Urn Ii tr.', with i N. 11.—We ti fluid hereby caution tho publie Pcxcli and Plum trees, on the premises. A fair inz.tint. imposters frnuolnlently pretending to ho proportion is excellent Timber.our Agents, with the design of speculating On S t i e t o commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said , the reputation of there Nurseries, in selling ti.ty, when atiendanen will be given and terms' inferior trees, which are bought of unreliable Nerstrymea at low ratas. All persons lailown to ho thus intrag,ed expose themselves to the permit) of Ow I iw, a:id is ill be dealt with aç eordingly. We have, since John 13urktiolder, rr'd , has failed in selling, appo'nted It S. I PxxraN, of Gettysburg, and several (Alters to can‘,l.s.i this and other adjoining Counties, to i take orders for nest fail delivery. We will be responsible for ail trees and plants sold by , 114 ii Agents, and, only those tslio hare an -ac knowledged certificate from its. All trees and i plant, sell by our Agents will be delivered in proper teosou and hi goor . order. % GEORGE PETERS St CO., FAirtmorst Ntonsrnime, Benderi,ville, Adams county, Pa. - .1111 Y K I J'J. Lapr. 0. Cmj • , ruAdo kuuwn by i'..C.I . :1);•:111Cli DIEUL, Ereeutor July 16, 1660. u OF A rALCABLR FARM.—The sohseribers, Executori of the last a iR and testament of roaGyt W•Lrxa, Sr., deceased, Pill otTer at Public Sale, on the premises, 6n Wedar,l:y, the e/i STlena4cr next, the to/lolling valuable Re.l Estate. viz: A FARM, sitivite in Stralnn town3hip. Adam: county, n,ljoining lands of Wm. Wible, Solo- Don Welty, and other:, containing Id./ Acres, mare or les:, improved with a Two-st , .ry( 4 4 , 1/c.cllin4 - House. Bank r Irn, Corn rlb 1;* %and Wazon S i I. • }lou.e, nrli ut Nl,:ktvr of the dour and a a pring. near Le. .111 Apple On it Ird, and 01h..r fruit. There are lute proportions of meadow and woodland. Per. /lid o i to view the property are re que,ted to call on either of the Ecerutura. 20:Y3 — Sale to commence at. I O'clock, I'. IT., on said day, %% hen attendance will Le given and (arms made known by HENRY A. PICKING, J. M. WALTER, July 30, 1910. t.. 9 i The proprietor of this admirable compound. nglin calls the attention of the Agricultural i comtnnnity to his valuable discovery in Administrators Sale I chemistry. We live in an at.m of progress auil O F VALCAIILE REAL ESTATE OF PETER ' improvement,". 11 • 11 d'` . 811",h1 new tight upon lIONFOIIT. DEC D.—lu pursuance of an our pith in every department of the arts and, • Order of the Orphan's Court 0: Attains count vllo B cieutt's : vet Perdledtand atpl hesitate without - "' the undersi,rued, Atlm'nistrators of the estate deriding fur theim-elt es n hat is truth and what of Pur.:e. 3II?,FOUT, de 'Ufkr , e , /, %% ill expose to ,is 11111111) , LT. I claim .and ask at the hands of all Public Sole, on the prelates, On t!le lithalay of Srie iltif i , mid well informed tanners it fair and S'l4 , tit'v'r 'la', at 1 &cluck, P. M., theVALI-A- ' impartial trial of my discovery, feeling confi- BLE FA Mof said decease I, situated in '.:...:dra- .lent that it et ill be found the most useful sad ban t obliip, Adams coun , y, 3 miles from : practical of any that has been made in the nine. G • ,burg, on the Yon: Tort.pilse, adjoining.. !Petah ctotury. its value is not for a alexia mils of John Tate. Sr.. Isaac 1i11 , .r. John Rine- day or a year, or of an individual character, hart and others, containing 178 Acres. har.og ; but one of reat national importance, .It roust thereon erected a good Two-story . I tin loubtedly, from well attested experiments, HOUSE, lorrt 1.04 and Weather- I already have added in the aggregate at taut ~,.r. our million of dollars annually to the produce. boarded and part brick. calealatcd ....: ' s i for two families, Wash House, -..1.: : ,.. 4 1 , or the nstion ill the shape of milk, butter, fat &e. From the SliMe amoaut of food everyfarmer t . Brick Bank Darn, Carriage House, and other out-buildings, with two never-failini3 e „ v.:Lk of i dairyman and horseman, will therefore Mtn g water with pumps—one at the llbi lint he , find it so necessary fur his interest to keep it other at the bar,. Theca is a good proportion ! alwa)s on hand, as to make it one of the indLs- of Meadow nod Timber Land, and a fine Apple' readable articles of his farm house. Orchard, and a large variety of other ch..ice ! It does not swell up or innate an animal IoW: fruit trees on the premises which seldrin fuel a false appearance, as most horse powders or to bear. The Gettysburg Railroad plisses i horse mixtures du, which are compounsted.by.. • through the farm. The land is in a good state ! ignorant imitators or pretenders, but give • of cultivation, (part of which has been recently health and additional weigh; to the animal. limed,) under good fencing, and is one of the It may be used for Horses, Cows, Bugs, and I : most valuable properties in the county. 'Sheep, in the following complaints Dar Also, at the same time and place, will [luaus. .." .- bo sold A TKACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND—one- Distemper, Grease, Snrfiet,...: • half of 15 Acres—on the Cold Spring road, ad- i C'', °ng.llB) Gripes, Ulcers in tllntrogo, joining lands of Jolut Moritz, Henry Brinker- I r.an.Yl Hidebound, Heaves, Koff, and others. This tract is well covered Fever, Inflammation, Worms, with thriving Chesnut umber. . Fistula, Jaundice, Yellow* lfgrAttenlance will be given and terms Foot disease, Kidney disease, Scours, made known by JACOB MONFORT, Lung disease, Straightened hair, Stockin of JACOB CASSAT, Itch, Gbtuders. [the g legs. Adminiatrators. ser'See directions on the packages. • H. G. CARR, Gettysburg, Pa.. July 16, 1830. bl House and Lot AT PUBLIC SALE.—The subscribers. Ex ecutors of the last will and testament of aa Lirmit, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, LAe 22d day of September nezt, the Real Estate of said de ceased, consisting of A liorsE AND LOT, situated in Brustatown, Conowago township, Adams county, adjoining John Rite, D rid Suiyser, end others. The HOUSE 111;V: is a one4 s t a a halt story Log, and the lot con early 3 Acres. There is an ex cellent well of water - owl a first rate Apple Ur eh.werci on the premises. .Persons wishing , to view the property are reques-ted to call on either of the Efeentors. tcr Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said d ic , when attendance will he green and terms made know n by JACOB J. LITTLE, JACOB ADA visi, Exceutors. July 23,1360. 3t* ripHE Partnership heretofore existing between Jacob Bastress nod Charles F. Winter, in the Produce, Mercantile, Coal and Lumber bu.ineis, is this day, by mutual consent, di5,,,,,1%cd. ,,, , ,1%cd. All accounts will be settled by J. B.i.tress, at the old stand. J. BASTIIES.S, Mar4_ . 3l, 1860. C. F. WINTER. \ New Firm. JA(A)B BASTRESS and JACOB PETERS have entered into Partnership in the above business, et the old sta id. (the large brick Werehouse.) and respectfully solicit a continu ance of the patronage hitherto beytowed upon the of l firm. They will. at all timet, pay the hilliest cash prices for t R.GiAIS SEEPS, be ttc., and have constantly on hand LUM BER, COAL, S.ALT, PLASTER, GItOCEIIIES, !sc., at the lowest rates. JACOB BASTRESS, JACOB I;TEB.S. New Oxfurd, April 9, ietA. 6:n* New Periodical Store. 13E.11)(Nt; FOR. EVERYBODY. AND ALL BINDS OP READING.—The undersigned must respectfully unnoune*s to the- rending pubtic that Le has opened a new Periodical Store and News Depot in the room recently oc eupLd for that purpose by Mcs:rs. Aughin baugh k Son, in Carlisle street, a tew doors ahnco the W.uihingt):l Howse., where he pre rare.) to meet the wants and suit the tastes of the literate world. Tru3tee Tito city Dailies will be received and deli rere I promptly. All the leading Ilagnzines, Periodi cals, Literary Journals, Pictorials, Ballads, 11664, and In fact any and everything in the News and Periodical line will be found at the new establishment of JOSgPFI 11110.ADLIEA.D. Stir Satwriptions to papers, magazines. received at al/ times. Gire us a cal/. J. D. April 2, 1860. 3m Just in Season! IV! 178 A OAIA. I—The undersigned have Ur just received from tam cities an immense stock of CLOT HS, tiASSIVERES, C ASSN ETS, VESTIIitIB in all varieties, Ac., mailable for the season,which giro offer to the public at tinpre cemlentdly low rates. " nay ask a To convince all " of the troth of Me seeertkoo. No trouble to show rods and give prices. -A large tot of RigADY-MADS OLQTHING oleo se lltogelmper than ever. Garments made up for men sal boys, as Mi te, la the morylmt manner, al according to any style de AM: The w •Iseieg dune in their own establishment, the arm always en. abled to varmint it. Remember, their place of business le the large and commodious room ea joining Cohean it Culp's on Chambershasg street. . • JACUBB 1 BRO., Sept. 19, 1459. Merchant:Were. Notice. vim; ESTATE .—Letters tes ti the Mats of John Elicitor, township, Adrass county, 0 bats granisti to tbirandiersigr same towitittipAn bore .o all persons indebted to saidestm oulimehd• Pernests Stit thssa basin, sews lit MOM. thew proper. listrostainosent. IiJOILLEL, B. BLAMER, St*, , Assuage Public: Sale Exr , trtorx Dissolution. issessyskof Join Ss raw Avss*, lumitic.)lv Cresisson Pleas: by 2 IMF IW ` ef UrsallW, unless flircoietrevey. - H4l/08 EBSSSY, Rootkiff. ,~ ~.~ ,~~c. ; _ ~,. Tho Greatest Money Saving RTICLE that can be purchased i/1 H. G. r % nu s celebrated HORSE AND CATTLE. PO% 'DER. FL.rmers, Dairymen and Horsemen, wnnt you to tOcn notice of this and giro it your avention, and you cart save money by it— I and "money eilN ed 13 money made," you all know. July 23, 18(30 A Chance FOR A SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVESTI- 18 NIENT.—W.t Raves ParrxTCornPlanter t 7 patented by 1). Wlnacv. This is an agriettl- , turd implement which on account of its duns bility, siieplit ity and cheapness, will be general ly adopted by Farmers. With it one man CAW do the work of three. Before a patent whs procured it vra., thoroughlftested'hy a number of Farmers and in every instance gave perfect batisf..iction. :4t.tte, Comity and Township 111 lita for sale. Entutpri.ing men can realise handsome profits by purchasing States or Counties and canvassing. Applypersonalli to D. Warren and George E. liringmrm. Com munications addrescd to GEORGE E. BEttroirrsi, nt Cittl)=l,urg, P.t., containing postaw,e stamp, will receite attention. kk„V`A•g42nts Isauted In every County And litat. • [July 9, IrtitlCr. tf - The North West alc OMER AHEAD!--J. C. GCINN k BTIO. have just received front the eastern cities, a rge and well selectedittock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOLDS, which they are offering to the public at prices a Lich cannot fall to satisfy all—among which iE a splendid assortment of De Laines, Poll de Cheverd, Barbadoes, Berne, Lawns and Calicoes, of every grade, style and price. Also, a splendid .i!-orttuent of C,entle , men's Wear of every description, Cloths - and Casiimere, Mack and fancy ; a splendid stoat of Vestings, Velvet, satin and Marseillei---and in . fact alas and ever)thing in the Drit Goods lin o. 'Would you buy good Cools, pretty Goody, cheap 'Goods, and secure great bargains?— Thg.,Lt tall at the cheap corner store or J. C. (.11.1.NN ic BRO. April 16, ISGO. Spring 1860. A. SCOTT & SON have just received, and . are mall opening, at their establishment ta'.:f.ambersbur ,, st., opm,site the " Engte Do- tel.:' a lArge, ! „, mice and desirable stock' of SPRIN 0 : '1';1)0DS, which they offer to the pub lic, Riiti gfi e 1 th:.t goods can't 6e cheaper than. they are now offering them. Our stuck corn - - prises fill the different and finalities of DIE.-v DRESS Shoals, Ribbons, White Goods, Laces ' &c., M For EN . and BOYS' WENT?. we have vur 11 ,, fl v. ri et y, in style, quality and price. Our ce. , tomer, uitv4s4 find our stock of Domestic Goods full. cheap and cuniplete. invite all to give us a call and examinionr stock, satisfied that un examination is all qua( is neees...lry to convince oat/int OfK6i.l ,t 4 cheap store. No trouble to tilhair 49440. 7 7.- Thankful fur past encouragement aid ltrppld respectfully ask a ountinuaneie el - 14e** ' A. cuTr t N. B. Country Produce taken in eicbangtr or Goods. - '6O. Sumner Arrangement. '4O. ISE Black Frock Coats, chelyi it s,t . . RAE and Drown Cairsimere - Frock. Costly very cheap, at PICKING'S:. ;. ACK Coats, of all colors, remarkably allow, at PICKING'S. .1 RS EIL L ES L , Frock and Sask . Coats, Ivo. torionsly heap, at PICKING'S- .•.. PCK Coati, Linen, Sacks-iinditanolts, in ressonaWy cheap, at - PICKING'S- , 0. 1 Mack Cassinieret Pipits, Astonishingly cheap, at- PICKING'S. NOY Cassimere Pants, plessitiglysibiesp, .., at - PICKINGS. ATINSTT, Mick and Linen Pasts; cannm-• manly cheap, at - PICKIII43PIEL • LITTON Pasts, all colors, nnesnally Wisp, at PICKING'S., OYSTWati, - Vests and Pants; certabily very cheap, at ' PKIKINGOS ATIN and Silk Vests, good and positively spelt, at PICKINGS. WPtBELLES and Nankanet V . ..., norm -sedenteilly cheap, kb -• • *v i r cps. 4 7., 1 ENDERS, Shirts, - GOlssif -, ifillikks, I PI Egli