The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 20, 1860, Image 2

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11147/111AT NORNEVI, RUC. tqr:cr
Our ilag..
Mks. George M. Yeim,
Dtsraw - r El.scress:
3. Faiderick A.Serrer. 14. Isaac lloclancr.
2. Wm. C. Patteraon, Jackson
3. Jos., Jr., .14% John A. Ahl.
4. 3 oku G. Brenner, )17. duel B. DaTrafi.
a. O. W. Jacoby, IS. J. It Crawford.
IS. Chat. Kelley, 19. 11. X. Lee.
1. Oliver P. James, ( .N ,.. , .0. Jugh. B. Howell.
'S. David Schell, 21. S. B. Fetterman.
I. Joel Le/Weer, 2. Samuel Mariaio.ll
10. 8. 8. Barbopr, 23. iVm. Book.
111, Thos. IL Walker, 24. li. D. Iluadin.
1. 8. 8. Wiscbeeter, '23. C lord CLuri..h.
D. Ape. Loobst,h,
Democratic County. Ticket.
Asassi act- :
inxitir MTERd, of T., rune toll
&UM% WOLF, of Berwick borougla
tiZIRT A. PICKING, of Straban township
EDWARD Me/STIRE, of Liberty townabip
JOILN EICHOLTZ, sof Butler townbliip
WILLIAM B. GARDNER, of ifuntiugton tirp
HICIOLT DYSEBT, of Genuans township
Dzaecroas :
JACOB NILIAR, of Reading tovrnTh 3 year;
MAC ITOUTZ, of Hrimiltuntnisa tp.. 2
The County Convention.
C* Tiolzot
The Democratic County Convention, to
nominate w County Ticket, assembled in the
Ceerlobonse, on Monday last. Erery district
was filly represented. But the Convention
Inus not only fell—it wan one of the moot in
tisillosot bodies of the kind, of any party„that
has convened in this place fur many a year.
,AL strong feeling for harmony prevailed
throughout, and nothing whatever occurred
to soar the deliberations in the least. Tho
Opposition were loud is their boasts before-
heed that the Prepidential quostion would
produce trouble, and based all their hopes
upon such as occurrence. But they were
-ascot egregiously disappointed. That dis
sorbing question was wit.ely avoided by the
Convention, no alhasiun whatever baring been
made to it.
That the ticket nominated is an admirable
one, ail candid men admit, and it goes into
the ennui with the presiiye that it is not to
be beaten.
The oboice of the Convention for the Legis
lators fell upon Ilimar J. MYARS, of Tyrone. ,
"Widely knowm and a favorite wherever ;
knows, that be will make a successful run of
is we do tat pctmit oerself to doubt. A gen- I
demean of line aitainotentsanel sternly honest,
he will represent the county with credit to
Waled, arid his constituents. The ballot-box
*ill decide that Haan is the man to ntd to
ISANrin. Wou, of Abbutrstown, the nominee
for Sheriff; is also well fitted far the post. A
bard-working mechanic, an active business
Imo, of the highest respectability, the people
rally to the polls for hint in mans—aud
tiPtc 42l l.7 frill such be the case when their
- eyes are telly opened ; as they will be before
the same= Is over, to the despicable means
leoorted to by nnpriocipled tricksters to de
feat him. Falsehood and detraction will never
injure a mat like Samuel Wolf in a just and
ineed-thinking community.
For Protkortetary, Hurter A. Ptcatcc, of
IStra s ban, is the candidate. For this important
olfies-leae of the must important to be filled
se the county the present year=-Mr. Picking
has peettfiar mkalifroatione. There is no man
better fitted for it than he. An excellent
" Week, prompt and ourrect in all hia.duings,
elwaja eleirlyeateprehending ditty and ready
to Pertorat it to the letter=.%nd Widely known
for all Ogees trtite—tLe public,will not Tail to
11141e6M1 a proper appreciation at this
- 'The next Ott the bat ie EDWAAD
Libertjo for Register and Recorder.
llnesilinbterperier qualiinstitirli, and will mac
%tine Visieteelitiesabias °Rear. lidt a word
'am' too ilia spied him, whilst everything
win itrged in his favor. An 'illustrious
tad a corred business man, C 21,3 pee
kipit wiltaM to if that his claims are not pass
sik over.
itit,Chrk chimi c eourit, Yells Etcnokri, or
NWbat* the amino& A bard• working we-
41111iiikeisehsinsti lly all who know hit), and
; : lwatthardledi the voters of the eoanty will
his favor also. Then is not s
roam**. Wistelizminss citizen to be kind than
eixontiasionsfqht &Mee of tire cm
. ripest:be Is Wit, b, Gisrentss, of Lituatingatin.
farseNr, d floe business. ea
sad palessiog thivosfitionas• of all
biss, be is sure to be awarded s
<AllloobiliboVeniiisbilico s board. That
1141664 - 10 the mesa of bis coo .
latirful asisisgsadist of tut
mow; need leg be 4,0° 1 4
=-- of Argotic. asi4 Pwr
I= lll'b
1111 " "al*r; bibia fir up*,
Hun. I:it:Lard Vaux
to be entrusted to his hands sylir eoreßtneef --- • DittitttiArkultir CO en,
and fittelity. s,*
;;; t ranklin arriired at Nis. YA, Thk` egateelebomm by the Delitee%
Such is the ticket presented tustionstoters . • Saturthafsnornitii weeo the several difiteictra of liti.ons , E to-re
or the county by the Ilipoocrstka-Conhantiosa. Wniziern trete Welhingtunt that Secretes.. preachthenslro Ctniuty. C.lti itsAcin.
From Cop u, bottom, it it,,tuaig up oft unex,* i Gass hi retitled to& poet of duty in gold' bled the Courtlhouts, in Gettysburg, on
c epti nas u e gentlemen. atiniinst w Itaaifit7the newspapers to the contrary not- 4
Monalaylnst,'totiomlnate a Cottanty Ticket an*
or standing not one word can with truth be withitandimg. transact such other business as might - be
uttered. Democrets of ./duty, you may well ; John A. Washington. Esti , the former d eeme d necessary. Every was fully
be proud of this ticket. Psally to its support! proprietor of Nouns Vornoe has iormelly represented. Tne •C„ urent i a , organ i ze d u
In the contest for these nominati o ns, other transferred the bow and gr4ud to the La- 1 10 o'ciock by the choice of the following
gentlemen were of course dirappoluted,. It dies' Mount Vernon .issociation. 'lr. Wash.' o ffi cer , :
° m i ld not be otherwise, be:ause all could not ington will reside on his farm, Waverly, ill r,,,idrut, JOHN L. NOEL, E,..( 1 ,
'be' Amen. Bet, to rue the ismgeingtrothatronqvier aunty. He still is the proprietor( For Psesiderite, Hemet Wireoa. Stilton S.
oontempornry." we trust they will n.,w turn of a large porti"n of the Mount Vernon estate. 131 , it0r..J. E. Smartt, Ex s‘
~icrdoriuin and work fur the election of their :uccesi- tn
large nuber of nocfchante of Multi- 11"1". S 1..1. " Ea ' BgNj.. J.
ful competitors as hard a s !k e y we ll ! I litre more favor the selection of the next Mayor The credential+ of the following Delegates
elt:oes:ted //seas to have done fur Met'• election withoutrsgard to politics.. A candidate indc- were then presented :
"had they Leen the nominees." Th e 0 1 ‘posi— pendent of the Koos Nothiugs will doubtless 4 Gettyuburg—Jaoub Briakerhuft. 'Lowry 8.
Lion Lenders will- leave so atone union:test W j be sleeted.
defeat the Democratic ti c ket. Let a ll Demo. The Houston (Texas) Teieyrapit, ears that Cumberland—John Droop, Cornelius
crata work with ego's! ardor for - its recces. Gen. Houston will doubtless withdraw from r s'tre:l3:;n_lTenry Witmer,
John Leach.
The candidates are worthy, and our cause is 1 the Presidential race after the August elec. Freedom--W. Rose whi te , D av id Rhodes.
just, I lion. It thinks-that most of Ins' surporters Liberty—A. Krise, F. Mclntire.
will go for Breckinridge, as several of the Ilacniltenban— B. J. Reed, George Trenkle.
most influential papers iu his favor Lave dome Frank lin--S.inauel Isolir, Jacob Eicholtt.
out for him. Butler—John B. Galbraith,&auction Orner.
?ilenallen—Einanuel Brough, Isaac
We learn that Hon. W. R. W. Cubb, of Ala- Tvrone--George 51ackley, Jacob Bream.
bama, lately made a speech, in which " he Huntington—J. B. Miller, George Boa ere.
took strung ground for Breckinridge end L'tknure-4.4'1) A. MY-erB"
Iteading—Ttionaus Dick•., t•-.amuel C.Chron-
Line, vindicated hie position, and exhorted inter.
his friends to harmonise." I Hamilton—John Dollone, 11. Wolf.
lion. H. S. Foote, of Miss., addressed the Berwick bor.--George Davis, Henry Mayer.
friends of Judge Douglas at Harrisburg, last Berwick tp.—Samtel Brown. John Milder.
Wednestlay evening. Oxford—Jno. L. Noel, Frank. Helttel.
Conowago—John Busboy, Sr., Francis Crick-
It is announced that Hen. Henry A. Wise, I ton.
of Virginia, will, pre% ious to the President'. Mountpleastant --J. E. Smith, Jacob E. Miller.
al election. add' ens the people of Pennsylvania i Union--Joseph L. Shorb, Wm. Sell.
Germany—Simon S. Bishop, Henry Dysert.
on the side of liteckinridge and Latin.
Mountjoy—Moses Hartman, S. B. Miller.
•At a recent deg raising Newport. N. 11..
Preliminary Dominations for county officers
the crowd repatred to a stand erected for the
were then made, when the Convention ad
purpo.e, and were addretaed by the Ilion.
.Edinund Darke r fur the Breekinridge Deana> journal' to lb P. M.
racy ; Dr. John Hopkins, of Sunapee, fur the I} o'cLocx.—Convention re -assembled.—
Douglas Demo( raa y, and by fuel S. Adams, President in the Chair.
The Convention proceeded to the nomina-
Esq., of Nee post, fur the 11.4blicans.
thin candidates fur county officers, with the
Cassius M. Clay. the Abolitionist, is busy
clunvassing the State of ludiann fur the Re-
following tesults
Aerembly—llenry J. Myers.
Sheriff—Samuel Rolf.
The Saturday Rerier speaks of a story that Prothonotary—Henry A. Picking.
the ladies of the :ongregation of a fashiunable Register E Reeorder—E•la art Aferntire.
preacher, in London, are subscribing a fund Clerk of the Court!—John
Couutilssioner-1% alltarn 13. liarduer.
to procure him a divorce. Auditor—Henry Dysert.
New York has voted alternately for the Direetors—Jacob Miller, 3 years—lsaae
Democratic and Opposition candidates for the t Pfoutz, 2 years.
Presidency for the past twenty years, viz : The nominations were then declared unani-
For Van Buren in IS:1G, General Harrison in Inoue, without a dissenting yoke.
1840, Polk in 1844, Taylor is 1848, Pierce in Joseph L. Shorb, Esq., of Union township ,
1e52, Frectinut in IS5tl. was electof Representative Delegate to the
Mrs. Elizabeth Litzenberger died at the State Contention for this county.
Stark county (Ohio) infirmary on theist inst., Me•ars.U. Buss White, 112ibert M.:Clerif
aged 102 years, 10 months and 20 days. It is and Frederick Mclntire, were chosen Con
stated that when a girl she was a great favor- gressinnal Conferees, instructed to support
its of General Waahiagton, fur whom she Hon. Win. P. Schell. of Bedford county.
cooked daring 4iis visit to Little York, Pa., The County Committee fur the coming
which so pleased him that he offered her a year was tisdn appointed as
permanent situation in his family, which she Gettysburg—Jacob Brinkerhoff, Chairman;
declined.' Henry J. Stable.
Cumberland --Jitenb Lott.
The emeign diplomatic corps in Mexico Strahan—Theodore Taughinbtugh.
are reported to have originated it proposal to ' Frecdont—M. McFadden.
declare Miramon " Emperor of Mexico." Liberty—F. Mclntire.
- D.-:-Gov. Hunt s of New York, is out strongly Frankli -toff 1) ardorff rr.
for Bell and E.eralt, and% will stump the Butler-3L. Thomas.
State. Thus day by day are leading men in M aita ll ei ,_j ose ph w,dr,
the Opposition party falling into the Bell Tyrone—John.Etkenrotle.
and Everett line. Ifunt•ngton--.1. B. Miller.
Ellis. dem.. for Governor of North Carolina. 1114eatitilj"re—J.
has 5,G75 majority and two commie:a to be Ilautirto g r—John Heltono
heard from. Berwick bor.--Jueeph Wolf. •
Cu!. Thomas H. Seymour, of Connecticut, Berwick tp.--John Miller.
'minister to Russia, and butt year the candidate Otford— J. S. Gat.
of the Connecticut DetrocracyConowago--Franeis Crichton. • fur Governor, , lissuntpletisant--J. E. Mater.
is for Ltreckinridge and Lane. Union-t--William Sell,
A meeting of the Democratic State Central Germany—Simon S. Bishop.
Committee of California was held at San Fran- Mountjoy—S. B. Miller.
cimx.) on the 30th and 31st. A long discussion Thu Convention then adjourns].
ensued on nominating only one electoral ticket,
which resulted in a split ; twenty-six being
fur Ilacekiuridge and ten for Douglas.' Both
wings Lave called nominating conresfibns,
and both published addresses to the
crate. A Bell and Everett convention is also
to Le held.
" There, John, that's twice yon've come
home and furgotton that lard." " La, mo
ther; it was so greasy that it slipped my
The State Committee's Meeting at Cres-
1 9 1 /-
In tto Patriot 41- Uoion wo find such an
admirable exposition of the resolution Adopted
by the Democratic State Executive Comm] tke,
at Cresson.ein the thh inst., that we make use
of such portions of it as m ty prove of interest.
The resuliitbet adopted by the CAntuittee,
says that journal. proiloses that the Electoral
ticket formed by the Reading Convention
shall be voted f,r by Dem-ernts, and all those
uith Democratic sympathies opposed to the
election of the Republican candidates; that
for the purpose of ascertaining whi.di of the
candidates f,r President is the pretereneo of
a majority Jae cetera of the State, one of
the electors 51.1111 le dropped from the ticket,
and in his place the name of Douglas or
RlTekinridge substituted, according to the
ish of the toter, and the candidate receiving
the greatest number of rules shall, in the
event of the emcees* of the ticket, receive the
Electoral Tote of the State. If Mr. Doeglas
has inure Totes thr.n Mr. Breekinridge, then
he is to get the Electoral run: ; and if, on
the other hand, the majority turns out to
be fur Mr. Breckinridge, then the vote of
the State is to be cast fur him. This ar
rangement lurches the certain loss of the
one Elector dropped fur the purpose of
ascertaining the will of the majority. but this
is a small matter if it secures the election ul
the remaining twenty-six, and the copse
quent defeat of Lincoln.
The resolution further provides, that in
ease the Electoral cute of the State would not
elect the cboioe of the majority, and would
elect some other Democrat President, and
therell defeat .I„ineoln, the Electoral cute
shall be east fur each candidate. This por
tion of the resolution, we {resume, was adop
ted in anticipation of a contingency like this:
Suppose that the Democratic Elootors should
be chosen, and a majority of voters declare
in favor of Dreekinridge—snppose, at the
same time, that it should appear that Douglas
could be chueen ,President by the help of
Pennsylvania, andlireekicridge could out;
in that event the Electors would DeolAigedte
vote for Mr. Duu;:itait rather then throw away
the cute ottlie State upon Mr. Beech inridga,
who could not be elected by it. This is a
hypothetical case illustrative of the possible
result of the second brench of the resolution.
Of course it might so happen. that it would
work to the iulvantnge of Mr. Breckinridg
and it is j►, poor rule that won't Work bo
We were .ntlisfted with the original proposi
tion of the Cumnaittee, and sinetrely believe
that it met with the approval of a large ma
jority of the party ; but at the same time we
are ready to accept any modification likely to
prove more acceptable. This feeling was
held in contmein with the great body of the
Committee, and upon stassembling at Cresson
there was a general disposition to conciliate
and harmonize manifested un both sides.—
The result is found in the proceelings ; we
wish to note the fact that the division on the
adoption of the resolution was not a division
between the friends of Douglas and Breekin
ridge, and that many decided Douglas mess
voted affirraatintly l and alauy decidul Brock
inridge men negatively. The absence of any
thing like a Presidential test in this vote was
one of the mast auspicious signs of uni , n,
was also the acquiescence of the minority of
the Committee in the will of the majority.
Ai far as we have been able to aicertain
public feeling, the compromise is hailed with
enthusiasm, as opening" a bright prospect
fur the defeat of the Republican candidates.
On returning from Cresson a number of mem
bers of the Committee stayed over night at
Ain:on:1 1 where as soon as the news spread,
of the favtrable result at Cresson, a sponta
neocts meeting assembled, wh:ch was address
ed by Wm. If. Weill), John W. Maynard,
Charles-I.P. Carrigan,and others: The speech
es all breathed a spirit of barmen . ), which
was cordially responded to by the audience.
The sign. era all encouraging. We hare
crety assurance that the same feeling prevails
throughout the State, and that the occupa
tion n? those who wisk_to promote division in
the Democratic ranks is about gene.
laSr`The Star has already commenced mis
representing the Democratic candidates, and
Rid doubtless continue to vili4 them until
e election. The -unprincipled scribblers for
that sheet cannot say a decent Word of a
opponent. It is well that they have
commenced their game se early. A year ago,
they started the most outrageously false re
ports against certain of the De-meeratie axtr•
dids.tes—Capt. Three in particular-A.which
they were compelled to back down from after
Use der-lime. This titre they May be forced to
do so before their faisebieTofis intentions are
acco tuplishetl.
Orin the Democratic Convention of Juni
sti county, on Monday last, tkouglou! and
Brockinridp mem united in passing, unitni
mousim the folknring -among other resolu
tions t
Be sokech That we heartily approve or the
Acorn mendatim 'of the i3tsie.Centeal Oven mit.
tee in their efforts to run but one .141setorsi
Ticket ; end thus in 141 their odious sad pro
, ceedinimitisy haviabeen actuated by the wise
.atsai peorintis pinyon is maintain the union
t s
sad as!Sl;titryt: the Democratic party.
•,,4111.11 1 i aretotbArs , Pas*avis * Mae"
. .
Pr" , elala 4 ^ - - -
' l .lb/ Itictioa of tips Stais Ea(
gat its ream sooting as
• lei* - very geneval ~..„
itioiliftenity new in centring ,
Wit* lintotier sad in bir
etrovely "Demenerat vino
interim oftbspeely. •
utimiribilo placed Amiga son*
"Vgatilleas tboassivs aaiits, . 4 -
- ---r
104* A IN m 713; !it-
mind." •
Iu New York a property qualification or.
:17.50 gives. negroes the right of suffrage. Of
course it is only thewristtscratie darkey who
can jostle Democratic voters at the polls and
put on airs, and it follows, as a natural con
sequence, thatnll of them are fur " Massa
Liukuru and Ilaulbeltun." They are taking
an unusually active pelt in politiCs this sum
mer, organizing Lincoln clew, contributing
their means, and erecting poles fur the bileCk b 8
ul the irrepressible conflict party.
A tiertnan, named John Weywatler,employ.
ed at the tannery of Mr. Kline, of Mount Joy,
Lancaster county, received intelligence a few
days since, from the Faderhind. that a rela
tive of his recently died and left Line heir to,
the snug little sum of forty thousand d liars.
The Harrisburg Pdtriot 1 Union tins hois
ted the 13reckitiridge tiag. It says : "We
shall support Mr. Breckinridge under the
resolutien adopted by the State Committee at
Cresson. If the majority of voters prefer him
for the P:esideney, he will, in the orcut of the
success of the ticket, receive the vote of the
Stale—but if Mr. Douglas is the popular
favorite, then he is entitled to that vote. We
are willing to submit to the decision of the
majority, and shall• maintain the cruise of
John C. Breckinridge before the Democracy
of Pennsylvania, believing that he has the
' gruatest claims to their suffrages."
The Opposition are just now divided into
two intensely hostile wings—the%noe oupport
log Lino°ln sad the other Bell, for President.
/4-President Fillmore is about to stump New
Lick einte for Bell. Crittenden, of Keegan,-
ty, is about to du the same in that State. In
Phihittelphish the Bell men have nominated a
full City Ticket, and
already ;nt forth
candidates An three of the fire Districts. Ike
friends.of Sell calculate on polling 100,000
votes in this State, which will boninply an&
client to . beal the Liall•splitter.•
sip-Attention is being called to a pablish•
'ed speech of Cot Smart, the Democratic
cndid.* for Govern,' ot. Maine. in which
oikarges. dist Hannibal . Haab a recoiled
yerea thomad dollatena a lobby fee for get
tint a bill thrOn‘li'Oois be being at the
=me *see a niensher--aflitat Congress. it
Hilt be trio he 4iannot be elessabted as the
.1 I.*,
`" Yo rk.
Badly Cat Up.
- • (at 131alahs
" Our up-street triend of the Compiler has
forted out that two men that belonged to the
People's party, Messrs. Fuller k Swoops, are
going to support Ball & Everett, and he mikes
quite a flourish of trumpets over thb affair."
—Adams &aline'.
Bliirreto men !--rwo i Why, ffeotoll open
scores of Opposition LILADZR3 in this State
have announced themselves for Bell and
Everett, because they cannot support an Abo
litionist like Linmiln—whilst equal, if not
proportionably greater inro kils, are to be seen
among the rank and filo. Already the names
of Llon. J. B. Ingersoll, Bon. U. Fuller,
Iron. 11. Bucher Swope, David Paul Brown,
Esq., James W. Burns, Esq., David Paul
Brown, Jr., E.q., F. W. Grayson, Elq.. E. C.
Peellia, and a host of others. aro adrer•
tised to make speeches for Bell au] Everett in
rariens parts of the State.
The Fork Gavle has the follovring article
on this sbject, to which we direct the YpeCial
attention of the editor of the Sentinel:
Bell and Everett in Pennsyleania,—The ad- r
herents of thee° erindidat , ..4 in this State we-e
numerous at the time of their nomination and j
have constantly increased since that time, urt-1
til they now cr , mpose a large and fortuidolde
portion of the Opposition. At first the Re-I
publicans try abuse and ridicule attempted to:
compel them to renounce their naticnality
and to juin in the support of the sectional can
didates, Lincoln and Hamlin. Having foil
ed in their rurposeo in this way they have
nil at one. , changed their tone and are now
heseechinz them to ruffle t , , the support of
Curtin, Lincoln and Hamlin. and rescue
them from the defeat with which then are
threatened. But the eon etitutionnl-Union
men are marshalf-d by able lecders, and firm
ly attached to the Union. Hating sectional
is® and this dange - rous and agitation
of the Sla‘ery question, they remain unshak
en in their faith and march right, on in what '
they consider the plain path of duty. Hav
ing braved the coarse abuse and cruel
cule of the organs and leaders of the "irre
pressible party" they do nut hesitate to spurn'
the pitiful appeals tor assistance [rum those
who having discovered their weakngss no
longer dare to strike. In Philadelphia, Lan
cet:ter, Altoona, Reading, Hollidaysburg, and
wherever throughout the State they have
held meetings, they ltre.exhibited strength
and enthusiasts, which has filled the Repute
lima with terror; hence a. "change has cum°
over the spirit of their dreams," and they
now fawn and beg.
In Philadelphia they have made full Corr
passional nomination.. Usury M. Fuller,
Jude King. and other We men have been
nominated for ,Cningress, and $ full Leeisla...
sire ticket will &be Onced it? the field by
the *WI part _y. 'ask leaders, such wen as
Judge King, Ulm. Hatay NI. fattfei tutd hon.
Jacob Broom, are among the first men in the
,Stamt. IL Busher Swope. in Cetioal Penn
sylvania, the Prssitlent.of the Peoplaiii Par
ty elite Committee 414 is now Ina is
pert of Bell and Ev e r ett*OP 4 i4ve 4 b7 tae
oomverrative Oppositiini mama of that veo
tie°, openly refuse to saßpots the Itepublican
nominetions. ThttPootis anat. Slog*.
Gat* Gctiimist, thrsigbak.
sibe Ifigit instant. Shea tbety wi4,olasi: pro*
lad ststissnizt• apse iMir iminsAn go"
404 1111401101 ei•Olicone.
Rispirifiaof." /Loris, of Tetiftai.,l
s ski rtttße
Mg,gear iliil
'Qua voillfat'Tiippee 'word&
.IYosiess 149014;
!teed the guitar krinoliforhidip
Of Amt. ,
est that
Nei 0 ? 4, 261 "
Mt weir et las
was bone to'
w ill sl op-Tim Philo&lpinia rays, °Hit
iced the Eitoestoperea
at York, Pena&
- - - .
_og" —
• • is Aireadruipon tipipir Tonnes'.
Brant.a r—Pelsr eir:ipThe 114 4 T. P... BCCRIM preach
t leavaig, and I inuoldrappu Int4fell rrisieSermon in the German
lites at this time, ripartingiasatter pgpor- uroh"next Sabbath morning.
ititlity to lay before &Iv DensiOratic readers ectog, : will be taken.
some very imporpint.Aews in regard to *
secret, rillaiuons reports, Dow in rapid circu
lation concerning &auto of our candidates.
The - neighborhood I reslde in is tha ps3't
from which Know Nadi ingism first sprang up
in this county, and, true to its faith, the mem
bers of the party here are actively engaged at
their old mthiight"wark.
I accidently overheard the conversation of
four of this party on Wednesday evening of
last week, and it appears that some of our
deltet are to be defeated this fall by appealing
to the feelings, of Catholic voters. A nice
bessireciso indeed. lure Know Notlilog to ap
proach a member of that church and ask his
influence against the Democratic party, or to
endeavor to prejudice his mind in their Know
Nothing favor. It is an insult t our people,
and we repudiate with scorn nil such atioupts.
If every Know Nothing in the county of
Slams would show us affidavits as long as
tram bare to where the first den of Know
Nothings ever met to cut the heads off our
pcop!e,lre would nut rote for a single man
on their ticket
Mr. Diehl was defetited for the Assembly
by falsehood, and fa!seihtxxi alone. It was
said that he hod voted several times against
the Catholic Tertian of our ticket. Ile never
.lid so, and they were unable to prove it at
the time ; still the report had its influence in
some portions ocOhe county. Now they want
to defeat our candidate fur Sheriff by the
some malicious lying ; but we will dettet
them at their own game before they are done.
Mr. Wulf, they ray, voted against Joseph I.
Kuhn last fall. We aill see about all this
when the time arrives. I shall be able to
give the people of Adams county all the ne
cessary inf, rmatian upon this subject when
I once learn how many of these characters are
engaged in the dirty work.
The most prconinent of these lying battlers
is a candidate on their ticket, and is soliciting
Democratic v.tas *bile before he turns his
ek he is elisa.dering our candidate fur
&Ara. A C.
A Democrat of Little Adam 3 to the Great
Democratic Party of Pennsylvania,
FtLLOW IItIIOCRAT3:--Ile who now takes
the liberty of ofe;ing to you, through the
columns of the Compiler. a few words of ad
vice wa..s once young, but now is Uhl, and has
seen many things in this eser changing world
of ours, but I have serer seen the Democratic
party of the glorious Keystone State beaten,
or compelled to bitti do dart, when united.
Never during the last half oeatury have
wo been vanquish° i in a puliiical campaign
when vited. hut invatio,l4Y. valen in un
broken, phalanx, have matched to certain
victory In despite of all the opposition of all
the isms of the day oonibined against UP.
Advanced aces has (or some years peat pie
vented the writer from taking an active part
in pOlitioal matters.; hat an important elec
tion now rzspitlly approaching, an election
in which the ;realm. woe of our beloved coun
try is most deeply involved, and fa my burn.
bye opinion it blemars the imperative duty of
every true Democrat of Our State, whether
old or young, to do all in his power to heal or
closo the unfortunate breach now existing iu
our canto, am) effect a to-union of our party,
not Only for the
. sake of our own State, but
fur the sake of our beloved e .uatry iu its en
tire length anfi breasit'i.
Surely, the corrupt legislation of our late
General Asheatbly ought to be eauso suf
ficient to induce us to make any and all sacri
&es t out incompatible with our ancient politi
cal principles, 'to hurl such a venal legisla
ture from power and elect honest and com
petent men in their strati. hit this great
reform, 3 / 4 1,3 it rtmewbered, fellow Democrats,
cannot be effeelte I by r dirided Democracy ;
nor cnn we hoe, in,our present divided con
dition, to election? worthy candidate fur Gov
ernor ; and IA t!Ilt, will be still mare unfortu
n tee and deeply deplored, we cannot hope,
(unless our division is lie.lod,) to defeat the
" Black IlepuLtic4n" Electo-al ticket at the
November election. It is my firm belief that
nothing can ntert the int:nine:it danger of the
greatest calamity that can Wall our belused
country, now the admiration of the world,
namely: a dismemlorment of our Union, but a
speedy re-union of the Democratic party of
this and usher States, fur teyorvl
all doubt the 0.0 tt Dr n ) , ratie p trey is this
day the sheer-anchor of our Union ; paralyze
that party nod our glorious confederacy falls.
Permit me, fellow Democrats of Pentwyl
rania, then, to ask you, can any sacrifice,
Elton of the abandonment of liberty, or of our
principloi, be too great to area the dreadful
calamity with which we are now threatened,
of hating a secti.,llsl Black Republican elect
ed to the Proidettcy at the approaching
Providential eltetinn ?
Bat, re-union of our party, and consequent
ly a happy deliverance from tho sail calamity
new so imminent, I am /sanguine can Le ef
fected without a sacrifice of any great im
portance, or injuring in the slightest degree
the integrity or well-being of the party.
Let the Democracy of Pennsylvania Se
united. for the sake of the Union, and all will
be well. And how, I ant /lAN!, eon this de
sirable end to arrived at? My answer is :
let us have bus ore Democratic Electoral
ticket in our Stale. and Le united heart and
renal en that ticket, and in despite of all oat
side opposition, we can and will triumphant
ly elect that ticket. Let those Electors be
free from any pledge as for whom they will
vote, until after the election. so that they my
be free to east the vote of Pennsylvania .for
that Deumeratie .candidatc, as the vote of
Pennsylvania, aided by the votes of ether
States, can elect to the 'Presidency, and them
by defeat the election of the Black Rettoblieau
Should the Democratic
. party of Pentcyl-
Imola elect each an Electoral Ticket, (and
their ability to do as, if united, no one 'mop
doubt.) the Keyetnne State would Aka 000tt
high . grountindena ,
the balance of Poster in an CinenfAn thi moot
haportaot, ia in vault, as regard* nor perpo-
Laity as * peosperoai . and suited nation,
bas ever token place mope the qua t m e i ne i lim a
et oar goverment..
Tiakets voted at, the coming Presichnidel
election by .toseee*favorabbe
,to the idcetios
*Undo Ltoeslas, might bate
sett foam these oast by : vne 'Newl y to
the alesioal af 14. Bracidori!fge:ao that is
ihs swot eff autotelt. the fvelisaNiseiilriet
tersi goikelp nhonkt be ba• - to: vaitilbs
tat vpoteelAnanqh.7 o4l br ih Ol e mMidsl 4l ,
of Iholortikeyotel
• the C r ' -
loaciOtip4.l4ll;ol6o .
0,10001'114... it*
pelvises siEdlihsi
1 . •,. - Ingo liseemtho• tee m s
tiiiiwathitthoirtakaro, •
r!"7" ,*- • ' tierttes4j: "withtiks **iv
of the
COMPLLER.—The ailaptier brill ;
be furniellttl from this time until after the
Presidenlisl Election at THIRTY CENTS
Srsrn is lug SANK.iI
METE SUCCESS:—It affords as no ordina-:
ry ples,,sure to npuouttee the ,completion of the
Gas Works, and the entire
of the job—such a success as we have rarely
heard of. The making of Gas was commenced
about 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon, and Sat
urday at the same him, the holder, containing !
10,000 feet, was . nearly or quite full. It teas
then let into the street mains, and i n . a very
short time the first blaze of coal gas was had
within our ancient borongh. Expres.,ions o f.
delight were heard on all sidc4, but which were
heightened to an intense degree after dusk when
the houses irr the several streets were bril
liantly lighted up—the gas burning as clearly
and beautifully as if manufactured in works of!
long standing. All honor to Mr. 'lzmir. every
body said, and he well deserved the commends
Lions and congratulations showered upon him
throughout the town. The success of his en- ,
terprise and capacity in the erection of these
works is recommendation enough for any man
the, world o‘er. To Mr. Witsox. his assistant,
and the rest of the employees, credit is freely I
bestowed for their efficiency in their several
branches—each contributing to the thorough
success of the undeTtaking.
' On Saturday evening our citizens were an
on the streets, enjoying the gas light as reflec
ted frt.,m hundreds of chandeliers and brackets.
A large bon-fire was kindled in the Diamond;
- soon after, stirring martial music was 111'0[104
out, succeeded by some excellent performance/31
by the Citizens' Band. Altogether it was a
memorable evening, and one not soon to be
The Band serenaded Mr. TfEt.ns, at about 10 k i
o'clock, and they wow:handsomely received by ;
him. Mr. Flaltie also gave an entertainment ,
to his emplOyeesand a number ofinvited friends,
at the Eagle hotel, which WAS a very pleasant
occasion to all participating.
Thus were
,the Gettpburi G 11.9 Works in
that the Town Council hare at lust ordered. Gus
Nate, fifteen, for the.SgArting of the streets, to
be placed at the following points: Pour in the
Diamond. one corner of Carlisle and Railroad
Streets, one corner of North Washington and
Railroad streets, one corner of Chambersburg
and West streets, one corner of Chamber burg
and Washington streets, one corner of West
Middle and South Washington streets, one
corner of Baltimore and Middle streets, one
corner of -Baltimore and High streets, one
corner of Taltimoreind Bres-kinridge streets,
one corner of York and Stratton street 4, one
corner of Stratton and Railroad streets, and one
corner of York and Liberty streets. There arc
loud complaints that other points equally, it not
more, important, than some of the above, have
been neglected. As the taxes of all are re
quited to defray the expense, there is much
reason in the demand that this excellent " in
stitution "—gas light—he distributed through
out the town as generally and equally as pos
PARADE AND REVlEW.—Saturday last
was quite a lively day in our borough. The
military companies in this county paraded for
review and inspeetiA, and made a favorable
impression by their soldierly appearance and serciceB
- The companies on p: rade—the only I Ih i li.-Tbe Cadets of Honor and Temperance
two in the county—acre the Independent paraded our streetson Saturday et eninga-week,
Blues, Capt. Buehler, Gettysbn , g, and the In- headed by the Citisenz' Band. The boys wore
dependent Riflemen, Capt. Plank, Arendtsville. ry neat regalia, and the Band discoursed
At 2 o'clock the review . "tdbk place in the I lent music. The turn-out aas much ailini-
Diamoad-%-llajor General Hay and staff being
present. It is to be boiled that the highly An important change has been effected
satisfactory demonstration of Sattiribl will add 1 i he Hail arrangement between this place a nd
treQh ardor to } be military spirit among our ' Bendersville. Hereafter we will have three
people. Gea. thy spoke very encouragingly of mails a week—on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat ll4
the Blues and Riflemen. I urday. The new arrangement went into op-
We wore glad to not ce raptstins Brass and eration on Thursday. 41?, of Itanover, wi!i their Lienteniants,
in the line., as they are, and
wearing very beautiful uniforms, of course they
were prominent among the observed
The following are the nppoin'ments of Gen. ILLY, Major General of the 4th Division,
P. V., (coml.osed of the counties of York cud
Adams,) who will be respected a( cordingli :
Aids--J cobS. Ilalicman and
Clean, with tile rank of Major.
.Assistant Adjutant General—Martin Quinn,
A WI the rank of Major.
Division Inspector—Waliam J. Martin, with
the rank of Colonel.
Division Paymaster—John M. Deitch, with
the rauk of Major.
Division Quarter Master—George VV. Welsh,
with the rank dilollajor.
Div:sion Surgeon—Samuel Bolan, with the
rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Division Judge Advocate—William flay,
with the rank of Colonel.
VILLE.—We learn that the largest preparation
are making at Benderaville for the Itgriculttu'al-
Fair, to take place there on the 25th, 26th and
nib days of September next: The arrange
ments are in the hands of go-ahead-a-tive gen
tlemen, who will not fail of doing their whole
duty in every particular, in order that the Fair
may be a highly successful one. The location
is delightful and every convenience will be af
forded. We trust that the farms and the ma
chine shops of the county will be creditably
represented on the occasion. Roe. EDWARD
MePHIRSON will deliver the address.
rMr. EItIICIL BVIIIIIWS, of this place,
announces himself in Me Star cad Basset as au
"Independent Douglas candidate for Sheriff."
Who has encouraged Mr. 8 to this uncalled-for
more nobody seems to know, for we have not
seen 'ince the appearance of hit card a solitary
Democrat—whether for Douglas or Itrockin
ridge—who does not flatly ridicule ft. Time
may reveal the whdle secret. IT the design is
to injure Yr. SAX4II, W0f.2,14 Wilt LW short of
its purpose. That's Imre! mr
birThe mambas of the Adams County
Avianburst (Society ere rediussted to skeet et
the Court-house on ThurideF next. A general
- 111te44,84kee of the nietubers end ell others, in
terestsdipie earnestly ergot!: The Society. eiu
seat awful ergankstion, if the wet
-0)0 properly taken hold a Now Is the
"Grape Vine Sabath School", of
Bitter towesbipagatiul Sabbath School coalic•
ted with the Presbyterian Congreption
ago ciiti,ish . had celebrations on
Ageostess at both plac*s -wale no- 4 1044
4104 g rata MI& will "ealisoft
day next, tea vex* ea : Vet
setroos•94 seer Centsel ßye
'fee ikon Bawd will IbAle - Wileadslieell;
West the comielen. diood
— * Prof. Haney is now engaged In getting 'Up'
trefother raremnsieal treat. 'The Petusfossial
aim Musical Association," consisting of the di_..
visions visiotts at 2ettysbneg, Fairfield, York Springs,
Littlestown and Hanover, will give a !crawl
concert at Hanover on the evening of the 30th,
of August, and on the follow L e ss day, (the :list)
a Festival will come off in Pleaeure Grove, near
Hanover, for which the most ample preparations
will be made. Oa the morning or the Festiva i l,
Zio procession will be formed in Hanover
march to the grounds,where a regular program
me or exercises will be gone through with. , !re
10 o'clock Ilon,llow.tun McPusasoa will ^
Aver an appropriate address. Fairtield,:Oxfor
Hanover, Littlestou ti,Pctersburg, Gettysburg-, '-
York, and other towns, will be Ltrgely represet -
ted. No spirituous liquors v ill be allowed oa
the ground. Good order-will be preserved.
An arrangement has been effected by the
Professor withithe Gettysburg. 11:tilros,1 Com
pany, by which round trip tickets trill i..u
ed from Gettysburg to Hanover fur My cents,
and from Oxford for trrenly-fire cent*, and that
extra trains will be run if necessary. It is t‘i
be an affair similar to the one gotten op Lera
about ono year ago, only on a grander and
more extensive scale. Most of our readers will
recollect how eminently successfully the Pro
fessor was at that time. This promises to be
one of the grandest affairs or the kind ever got
ten in this part of the country.
OR Saturday week, the following properties :
Property of G. F. Meeker, in Sew Oxford, to
Mrs. Miley, for $3,0:41.
Property of Win. Reary, In Monnijoy
Alp, to John Shultz, for $4OO.
Interest of Mary and Willia.n Nace, in proper
ty in llonutplessnat township, to Joseph Bed
erman, for $l5.
.131 G CRANE S.EIOT,-11r. E. G. lissalr
cently shot, on his farm, on Piney Creek, a Fish
Crane measuring 6feet 2 inches across the wings,
and 4 feet 9 invites from hoed to feet. Ilard to
JACOB ALTUOrr, residing on the farm belonging
to the heirs of \VM. Oiling's. deceased, in Get -
mnny township, sent us i n few days since, a
stalk of Timothy measuring G feet 3 inciws !
Mr. Althoff also informs us that ha has pita.
threshed GO dozen of Oats, yielding the enorin on
amount off.* bushels, and weighing 39 pounds
to the bushel! Such a yield is rarely had, unit
we doubt whetter it can be excelled in Oho
fkrOur neighbor l'ottsv hasjnotcompletCol
a very neat brick buildiag nppoalte the Glob"
Hotel, where be and Mr. Coox hare c‘cryibing
in very beautiful order. The former has every
Nariety of Stoves, of the rarest flattens, and at
very cheap rates ; whilstfricud Cook attends t.)
the Tin-work, Spouting, ke., promptly, and
executes work in the best manner. aye them
a eat! in their new habitation.—Setinnal.
tir:e - -The I.olies of the Marsh Creek (Presliyo
rims) Congregation recently made their pastor.
Her. J. It. WARNER,* wedding present of litli
dolltirs. This is the fourth time we hurt had
the pleasure of noting similar istitlents in . the
two Congregations composing his charge-.
#4-Tb honorary degree of D. D. was con
ferred in The Rev. WM. IL Parros, arittsburg,
at the late Commencement of Jefferson College,
Dr. D. B. Pssrra has loentedbtimcelfiit
.1 bbottstown, this county, for the purpose t,f
practicing his profession. The Doctor has a
high reputatiott ass - Physician, Mid we haw of,.
doubt that the sick will avail themselves of to_.
IPX - Augnst Coon' commences to-day, on 1
there msy bubusiness enough to keep it in
session thiougheint the week.
`The Opposition ticket is anything bat
popular wide the rank arid tile of that party.
In all quarters dissatiAtetiou is out-spoken,
and we hear of many instances of persons
heictufore voting that ticket now expressing
determination to support the excellent
ticket made by the Deutocratic Convention oil
'Monday last.
Sith•The Pittsburq Post, the leading Deng
! las organ In Western Pennsylvania, endue
' Fes the action of the Democratic Slate Elam
tine Committee at Cresson, and in speaking
of the plea of union adopted, Bale :
! " We shall sustain it, because it will give
a united vote in Pennsylvania for the Dein
t ocratic cause. We shall sustain it, because
; it leaves to the people themselves--tbe f3MITC*3
of all power—the solution of the difficulties
which have arisen. We Anil kistain it, be
cause we believe it will bring cut the largest
Democratic vote which the State of Pennsyl
vania ever cast in a Presidential election.— -
And above all, we shall sustain it A 3 the 'Jest
means of showing to the country and she ene
rules of Mr. Douglas the strength whichthe
has in the hearts of the people of the Key
stone State. We have notioubt that there
are a few estromists on both sides, to whom
1 this compromise will he doubtful. Las them
bury their pride of opinion and personal pre
t ferencuii, end go in heart and hand fur the
common cause of Democratic success in the
!.00teing campaign."
I.Strange, if not Punny.--Week before Ink
whilst thi senior editor of the Fultpn Demo
crat war absent from borne attending themeet
-1 ing of the - Dienstieratie State CeescsAttee at
1 Cresson. tbejuniormlitor took dowii timd&
wilier the Douglas flag and run op ibMof
Breekinridge. The junior says: ...
We, the Junior Miter of this paper, %tax
strongly in favor of Breckinridp auttlatte,
believing them to be the true rePrell"P'
d vrialre
rat of Democratic principles. awrike •
ularly nominated candidates of the
t hi s opp „,m u tii, while the Senior • ' i n
absent at Cresson, attending, the'
the State Central Committee, on - car , t ,,
rpoesalility, to hoist the timmmot
4 0._
it* oesdichace, to ewpiess odrinaiiiduar
ion, and what we know to tie,tbs„
'm i ni ons feeling of th e - Seta* r Wm y.
.4 , * For thewremionikwil,likibisirielr. the
rting.o("li--ttidWPlPOCAbstinwheolni the
Johnson'll4ol lb. limid-,ot suoteftwass, 40
Mist hs theit , -.WedJelstl4,.ll, et
Kenteelb , ; , aad Jim* imiii, of OultOtt•
"T*4loo l l
, . • Breilltbmittlge mai
lin*** iso the 1301116,,Zititili#44464tri•