The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 23, 1860, Image 4
D l _ issoutio ti. • IWO. - Sumner Arrangement. 110. i . . FrlllE Partnersbip heretofore existing beton& j LNS Black Frock Coats, cheep at . 1 . Jacob Bestrews and Charles F. Winter, In I PICKING'S. ' the Produce, Mercantile, Cue.l and l o nsnber ' RAB and Brown Camtimere Froth Coats, business, is this day, by mutual consent, die-., very cheap. at PICKING'S, solved. All accounts will be settled by J. 1 ACK Coats, of all colors, recur rkahly cheap, Bastress, at the Old stand. at PicKING J. TARSEILLES, Frock and Sack C o at. no . to r h.. ua ly Cheap, at PICKING s. -...-- I•CR Coats, Liiien, Sacks and Fro, ks. un- New Firm. reasonably cheap, at PICKING S. JN,--1, 1 Black Cabal:ware Pants, astonishingly COB DASTRESS and JACOB PETERS hare entered into Partnership to the above .1 chealii• at PICKINGS. . A Now Feature busyness. at the old stand, (the large bas kANC 1 Cassimere Pants, plea-singly cheap, Ti - I the business of the ErcrAlor .4ky -b l hi Warehouse.) and respectrolly solicit a comma- at F PICKING'S. Asilterp„ During our I ite vi s it t o the eiri, t auce of the patronage hitherto besiotted upon ia,,, I ATINETT, Duck and Linen Pants, annum ortisOndelphia 'sad Baltimore, we selected a the oil firm. They will, nt all time's, piv the I nionlY cheap. at PICKING S ' spit': !Id assortment of FITERFO , 2OPfc plc, lilzhest cat', proe• bit' FLOCR,GRAIN,SEEDS, i loTioN Pants, all colors, unusually cheap, '1 Ut'..e.S. cumpri-ing Em.ritsli. Frenidi. Venitissi, &L., ac , and have ciin,tantiv on hand 1,1,' II- 4 1 / 4 _,./ nt PICKtNti S. 'ig'ri , llA -- 's Italian awl Arayrie in Scenery, Sta. Br.R. co. , ,L.ALT, PLATER, CGIAJCERIES, 1 10\ - S . Co.ttg, Vests and Pants, certainly vary I ) osp, at PICKING'S. c. i tarry dratted. ke. Our pro es for picturcs i 4 Scill .at the lowest rates, .0 l i ar ,p,' iron, :2 to -. < era. *puce. We also hate i JACOB 11.ASTRF,SS, C.:IA . IIN and Silk Vests, good mud pootitely ~ due tat of s - fe.i.EOSCOPic BOXEzI, which JACOB PF.TER.s. 1,71 chgap it PICKING S. offer at r(ducc _I ince*. The pu'ilo. general- New Oxford, April i), letio. Gin• , 1 11 - AIt:• , EILES and Naiikanet Vests, unpre. i 31', It t:ttsl to c.,' I and set our I • r6.e. C. t 'al% ing' ll cedenteilly cheap, at PICKING'S • • Isii: f,,1 tkirtureS, ant we insure to New Periodical Store. Q t sFENUER:,, Shirt.,, Culla re, Socks, Stocks, I; love! : Lc.. • orful . chcap, at PICKINWS, .I tfie F.L<fo Arts :1 pleaSait ti, t. - DEADING FOR EVF:RVIIODV, AND Al.l. ►7 CLOCKS and Jewelry of all kinds, confound. '"e, ur,_ al -.< Cr. r t-eii to make Stereno - •'fi.e. n KINDS OF READING — The undersigned ['INKING S. Lit.. -, L'Me: 4'0t...t0 tg of Views. et rea+ Jo- mustredpectfully annotates to the re tiling ' " Ll''''''''' at atilt rates. 'l'l - 0 * BRIJ , ' public that be has opened is new Pero:Au:al 1- rloi.,lNs. Fifes, Flutes, kc., tiiiiiit •• (logged" chap. at PICKISU S. . 4,1 tuKr4i.beri. Store and News D.put in the room recently or ' I , :..tburg. P i cnpied for that purpose by Messrs. Aughin- It F 1 t' RS, , I: k i t s to IA , pc * K a i - c G ' , ... i al 1 - baisgh k Son, in Carlisle street. a few door. - 1 - GREAT many other thing's, among which above the Washingtou Houite, where he is roe- ;_k_ , are Flt dr,sitioly at Pickir , 's. .11... ed th t ared to meet the a ants anti suit the tastes of . • Net- . ... cheap , . . ar _I L rtl Coat.. Leggings and Caps. which takes - -: - )ist a Co., the liter.lry NN .<rA ki ever! : thing else in town down for •Junent ed The cite D Lilies a ill Le re.c.< :A ed and delivered PICKING S. cheap •' -r to the promptly. All the leading Mag i Linea, Periodi- , 1ie5 i %." E 1 1 ..y 80i ,y,,,, l si please call at PICKING'S ' t-t- th to elli, Liter. Journals, Pictorials, Ballads , lls . - r matter of course [A pril 30, '6O, .. iii;ESTI- 11u,o , and in tact any and e‘ erytiting in the I l4 4 • . . L.- rat- Nev..' ..nd Periodical line will be found, at the,' . ' ... ~:,,rated new rhtatAishment of ..',. such as Cook i JOSEPH BROADHEAtirs ! .-. ;.d. , -a ,4 fire different Ikx - Subscriptioris to papers, magazines. kc., or "i e ...:, 1 r. ::, „.„... 1,0 1 1,-,. Mill .and received at all times. Gise us a call. ' J. Ei.• -•.: 1 (: , ,:in,:i, :i - nd ale Linda of Turning in April 2, iota,. 3m 1, - ; s. • r l's' ~, : sit , -- -- I jgry-:',,1 - P I.i ItING of all kinds on Machinery' C The etta t a lif oral* Sea Lion 44 110 fjti,:.:l._,4 , N. j:1 he done to order on short, NOW f! ex at Barnum's SluseuM ii: I ... , ... ,ten , m iiie jo order . Plough Cast-' no longer a curiosity, when compared i'.-..,.,•, re , :r made •, I'd,orGliS, air, li as Sr,} 1.. r. i with the exceedingly low prices . ..of Pictures LA- V. <tu. - L, , - 71 r, Plocher, Woodcock, and many I ken at Weaver's Photographic One, which has oe.:ers .it mentioned here; and eight different ! - at lasleurine to Gettysburg, ediglis situated in Lied, of IRON FICNCING, for Cemeteries, the South-west corner of the Diamond, directly 'Porches or Yards. j in front of Mr. Schick'a Variety Store, where • Alao,ilortising Machines, one of' the best; Mr. W. is happy to invite all his sold patrons now in use. This machine works with a lever' and the public generally. as he i 4 npe• fullypre by hand; any little boy can manage it. ; pared to accommodate them with good and Vail and camping our stock,; no doubt bat, truthful Likenesses, in all Nye various styles of what we can please, Persous ought to see it, the Art—having recently secured the services their advantage to buy machinery of any kind ' of E. H. Btrwe, of New York, who has had her at home, where it is msuitlitelered. so that they., eral years of practical etperience, in all its aus, very elasilyget any part repla c ed or repaired., branches. Photographs, Ambrotvpes, fine mel- DAVID STERNER. l ed Types. Ambropcaphs, Melaint•utypes, Ster- Gettysburg, Feb.l3, 1860. i eocopes, kc.. taken at the lowest rated. Auto - i graph Portraits-11 for SI--‘-suitaltie for visit. ing cards, to send by mail, kc. Old and faded Daguerreotypes enlarged and copied, pictures taken for rings, breastpins, lockets, kc. Please call and examine specimens and then judge. P. S.—. Views of Buildings, Landscapes, Farms, kc.; also deceased persons, taken. June 18. SAW:EL WEAVER. E 1' , x • oct L'lt r r FIE 1i.,:,i , r.•."r, r ,ino.: : - of :d ',torrcer!y Warn:., ~, ,- 1•1.7 r 7 rt .., - , .... 1 _. .. Gettysburg• Foundry. •t,~ OM MEE Grain and Produce House, (IN CILAMBERSHIMG STREET.—The un dersigned having purchased the large buildlag in the rear of his store on Chainbers . bursburg street, known as " Camp's Brewery," has converted it into a Produce Warehouse, and is now prepared to receive all kinds of Grain and Produce, to wit : FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, Ikeda, &c., for which the highest market price will be given, ~.28i1P`To accommodate those who mar prefer fr I -will adso receive on COMMISSION and fort-ard Protiuce of all kinds, havir.g made ar rangements for that purpose with a responsible house• in the city. I also continue my Grocery and Variety Store, and keep on hand GROCERIES of all klads, Salt,•C r otree, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Rice, Oils, Spices, Fish, Cedar-were, dc. Having Just received a very large supply, purchased on remarkably favorable terms, I am prepared to furulabCountry Dealers very cheaply, and will sell at all times, WHOLESALE .I.\D RETAIL. The public are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits." JOLLN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1859. Notice to Farmers. WANT -1041000 1 1. 1N i S h . S e G h —Testi ß g - h il market pries will be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn. Oats, Barley, Clover-seed, Timothy-seed, Flour, k c attire large yellow Warehouse, west end 4 f New Orford. filirOusno. Plaster, Salt, ke.. and a large u 4 well selected stock of Lnmber and Coal = stly on hand and for Bale at my Ware- IRANK. IIERSIL Nor Oxford, Oct. 7, 18.7.9. tf Something New NOETTYSBCRG.—The undersigned informs the citizens of the town and county, that he as commenced the BAKING business, on a Large settle. in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where he will try to deserve, and hopes to receive, a liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CR.kt'KERS, PRETZELS. kr., baked ei erY day, (Sun days excepted.) all of the het quality. and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-bvkiug in all its branche., is I.trgel . carryid on. and orders to any amount. from th,s anor adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. !Laving erected a large and commodious hake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap proved tnacLinery, he is prepared to do a heavy business. July 25, 1.35) Use Shriner's IDALSAIIIC j_) AS A FAMILY lII..MEDY IT HAS NO TERTV4oSY Or CLFRITXrN Ba`Th:s •is to cu rtlfy. on the re comtnendati, aof a _ Itar an I ph:eel- - elan we Late 11-e•I the ••11.4.1saunie Cough STrelp " r E Shi :uer. in our fami 3y, and find it t) well the it oses for which it is I;:eprir,:d. S. St , .• ISA hi, Pastor of Lutheran Church. nines town, Ali Read the following Letter from }ler. Ir. P. Jordan: rNIONTOWN, Md. Kr. W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir :—I have given your "Balsamic Congh Syrup " a fair trial. and sea happy to say that I have never tried any thing that relieved me so soon. I have also given it In my family with the same good ef fects in every instance. It is certainly a must excellent remedy, end ought to be in ev,.ry fami ly. The exceeding low price at n !licit it is sold places it within the reach of all. Pardon the liberty I have taken in-thus giv ing my experience in the 1/3C of the Syrup unso licited by you. Respectfully your.. ' ' FISTIXONT OF PITTFICIAss. 11 LIBFATY, Frederick co.. Md. , Ilfr. Shriner :—At your request, I have ex 1 amine I the composition of your •• Balsamic ' Gough Syrup," and from lay knowledge of the iziXredients, and having witnessed it, good ef fects., I eau recommend it to the public as a valuable compound for Coughs. Colds, and all chronic pulmonary affections. Tuos. Sze, M. I). TANEVTOWN, Md. 'I 1 have prescribed IV. E. Shriner's "Balsamic Cough Syrup" in my practice for several years, ' and regard it as an excellent medicine in Coughs, Colds, sad all Bronchial affections. tiszt't Swot's, 11. D. Pry! TZARS' 111.1triltliuENCE. Jerrassos, York co., Pa., July 18, 1859. ! - 'To'W. E. Shriner,--Dear Sir:-1 have been ,Iteepitm your "Balsamic Cough Syrup " fur sale Allarthelast five years, and it has given alutust ' maireireol eatlafaction. - Asks/me of the most popular Medicines in use , tooter,ateighborhood. Our salci.therefure, have ; -100* large, especially last winter, having sold .aiseatail at least ten dozen bottles. I therefore' leiszueii hesitzte to recommend it to the public *int azirossi medicine. boars, respectfully, ' sr.azus SPAA6LAt. 1 .... r.PFiNFLFif Storm. York co.. May 17, IsL9. 'lr. B. Shriner,—llear Sir:—Your Cough' -glyengle becoming very popular here. 1 have bee!-81411‘ it for about two years, and it gives .mss general than any mediefize I IMmtuar sr sold. We use it in our family, and , l imea east be without it on any account. For .011010144 it otrtaialy is an invaluable meth- - t-aillewir S. G. I.IILDIBILAFD. . ...ANL_ -.....• James, bark co., May 18, 11t59. '' Tilt, E. Shriner :----I consider your Balsamic timpa rri p mu of the best Cough remedies giagay. - mOcli There is no medicine 1 have ever -e,. give ttitiversal satisfoction. mid none ': &kW* tilletin is; far/4W like so well. e.., , t'''''. ; 4' Yours, Slyly, C. 7 .R iauxo . ~,,Agra . lorwiti*ega.sper bottle, or 3 bottles kr $l. v , :iv - . 4 , * ot aabrunists *ad Merchants. r — '''. 41 '' . e . Ott, 17, 1859. lea MEE =II VILEST INE SAUPEE 11. P. JORDAN Parch 31, 18C4 The North West CORNER AHEAD!--J. C. GUI NN 4, nno. have just received from the eastern a barge find well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are offering to the public at prices which cannot fail to satisfy all—among which is a splendid assortment of De I.,Laue:;, Foil de CLever2, Btrbatoes, Berage, La vas and Calicoes, of every grade, style and price. Also, a splendid assortment of Gentle men's Wear of every description, Cloths and Cassimeres, black anti fancy ; a splendid stock of Vesting, Velvet, Satin and Marseilles—.and in fact any and everything in the Dry Goods line. Would you buy good Goode, pretty Goods, cheap Goods, and secure great Intr,:aius?— Then call at the cheap corner store or J. C. GUINN .t. BRO April 16, 16.60 To Consumptives AND NERVOUS SUPFERERS.—The sub scriber, fur several years a resident of Asia, discovered while there. a simple vegetable remedy—a sure Cure for Canenmption, Asthma, Browkills, Catghs, Odds. and ,Ferrous Loehdity. For the benefit of Consumptives and Serrates &ferrets. be is willing to make the same public. To those who desire it, he will scud the Pre scription, with fall directions (fret of charge :) also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy eau ol.tain it by return mail, by addressing J. B. qt:THRERT, Botanic Physician, No. 429 Broadway, New York. April 9, 1860. 3m Spring 1860. ASCOTT t SON have just received, and are now opening, at their establishment ambersburg at., opposite the "Eagle Ho tel." a large, choice and desirable stock of SPRING GOODS, which they offer to the pub lic, satisfied that goods can't be sold cAtaperlhao they are now offering them. Our stock com prises alt the different styles and qualities Of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Shawls,- Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods, Laces, itc., For MEN and BOYS' WEAR we have our usual variety, in style, quality and price. Our customers will always find our stock of Domestic Goods full, cheap and complete. We Invite all to give us a eall and examine our stock, satisfied that an examination is all that is necessary to convince all that our's is the cheap store. No trouble to show goods 4— Thankful for past etteourag;ntent, and wimilld respectfully ask a continuance of the same. A. SCOTT * Sor N. U. Country Produce taken in exchange. for Goods. [April 16, 180. Gas Fixtures. WM. HELME, of Philadelphia, the con tractor for the erection of the Gettys burg Gas Works, has taken the room lately oc cupieid by Col. Samson, nearly opposite the Bank, for his °thee, and is prepared to fit out at once any building with Gas Fixtures. lie will in a few days have the various styles on exhi bition at his room, and invites attention to them, as those de,irous of introducing the Gas will be sated the trouble and expense of pro curing them from the city—his prices beings, low as they can be procured anywhere else. April lt, 18t30. Norbeck & Martin 14.1.VE just received from the city the largest stock of GROCERIES they hare ever uttered to the public—Sug„trs, Syrups. Coffees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Fish, Salt, Spice:. kc., ke., embrAcing all varieties. at all puce=, the lowest the market will aff , rd. Also Brooms, Brushes, and Notions ; Tar, Oils, Candles, ke.. in short, everything to he found to a first class Grocery and Variety Store. The Flour and Feed business is tontinued with a steady increase. The highest market pricer. paid and the smallest profits asked. The public are invited to give us a coil and see for themselves. NORBF.CK. k NIARTIN, Corner of Baltimore and High streets. May 21. IHCO. Globe Inn, • m E n r a ri l ...k in N g l( i ; . S ee TO re W n N o , l F u r t ed ed er a i n e d k co : frn n u ty.ll . the proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, a.' heguarantees fall satisfaction In every case. Charges moderate. HENRI' ILEItR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1859. tf Men's Wear. T L. SCHICK would invite the attention of J • buyers to his large stock of Fine Black Cloths, • Fine Coiored do., Fine Black Cassinieres, Fancy do., Side Stripe do., Vesting~, • Cravats, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, ice., IC. April 16, 1860,, Private Sale. MBE subscriber offers it Private Sale, his HOUSE AND LOT, on High ' street, ►doining Solomon Powers. The Sousa is ► two-story Brie*, nearly new, with ► Bark-building, and a well of water. Terms WI. DAN'L. 11. PITTENTUELF • July 11, 1859. il ALARGE lot of Crockery and Queenrware for sale by Ic . OIII3ECR k EARTIN. J. BASTRF.S.S. C. F. V.-flak:Lt. 9. It should be capable of taking in the largest pieces of work. la. It should he able to bind with a hinder, i hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should be always ready to work. 12. It should he capable of using the same size of thread on both sides of the work, and A Card. I of using different colored thread or silk, above IWISH to inform my friend Hoff being that I or below, to correspond with any two actors of . 1 did not inteuil to run his Machine down in; cloth to he united. • my adtertisecuent :no man reading my ~,h . ,;r . , i 12. It should be able to make a tong or short' tisement careful!, can say so, because Idou't say . stitch. anything about the construction, or general i 1-1. It should be able to fasten off the semb, character, or any otter point of the Machine, ! and commence sewing tigbtiyat the drst stitch. more than that I stated his machine cuts behind , 15, It should run easily and make but little t driving wheels , and mine in front. Nor shall' noise. I I say anything in regard to that, at this thin., I it;. It should have a wheel feed; none others for the reurou that there are other men making are in constant contact with the work. the same Machine, who always treated me as i 17. It should not be liable to get out of order. ! gentlemeti; I treated them as su..h also, and Is. It should not be liable to break the. , don't know but what their Machines will an- thread, nor skip stitches. ewer the purpose as well as the common run of 19. It should not be necessary to as* a screw- Machlues. driter or wrench to set the needle. Fwant further to inform my friend liofflieins, 20. It should out be liable to oil the opera-1 i that I can pro' e that ho tried to get the r i g h t , tar's dress. Ito make the Buckeye Machine iu the first place, 21. It should not form a rid:m on the under' hut he was informed that 1 had the right fur, side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread,' th's section of country fur it, so he took a hat as is the tase with ALL CHAIN-STITCH f4achines. was left, moil ever siuce has becu runniug my' e 22. It should out be •'more troubld thou -it Machine down, and claimed advantages over s worth." mine—but, according to hie own adini.sion, his 23. Finale. all of these advantages are pop- Machine proved a perfect failure. Last season. ! sewed by our Sewing Machine. as be himself says, they came back otter trial* LARD, WEBSTER k CO. Now, my Machine shall nut bear the name of Dec. 5, 1859. ly lying about in the fields, nor that I could nut , make them work. This I will not staud, nor A. Blathiot & Son's would he either, or any other man, after mis- QfWA AND FCRNITCRE WAREROOMR, Noe, representing my Machine as did Mr. 11, 0 25 and 27 S. Gay street, Baltimore, (near My object in mentioning in my advertisement Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick anything about the Dover Machine, was simply st.—the largest estaldistiment of the kind in the ito correct some misrepresentations made in re- Union, 'Always on hand a largo assortment of geed to the two Machines, so the public would IIoCSEIIOI-1/ AND OFFICE FI'IINITFRE, ma ntic confound my Machine with the Dover 513- bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, NV,o,hstands, Ward chine. But as the matter has gone so far, 1 robes, Mattresses of Husk - , Cotton end Hair, Shall try to correct some of his expressions.— I Spring Beds, sor,,. Tete-e-Totes, Arm ('hairs, First, my friend thinks I must be •• hard up for Rocking Chairs. Etageres. Markle Tables. Sri sales." So long as I can make more sales than I tees, Reception and 14bulstereil Chairs, AS- Machines, and sell every now and then one to a SORTED COLORS (IF COTTAGE FCRNITC RE, man who Wel )1: - . lloffhtins' I.`olcr 71:041o: Wool C 11 •= 17, 1 Olt'-= Chllr:' r-f::; CL::"*.i last season, and s.:11 them too at my regoAlarly Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture. established prices, I, at least, am s..tiAed.-- Gilt and ‘Valout Frame Looking Glasses, Side gut d on 't it took as if M r . ll o trhei tt s is - ha r d boards. Extension Tables, of every length. up to make sales," when he offers his Machines fire a less price than the same Machine is offer ed by other manufacturers of the same Mai. ins 2d. My friend 11. thinks I "must het ery tam!, excited, or afraid of the Ball Machine." I would inform my friend and the public, that I wallet thegreatest practical field trial of Reapers, and Muwers ever held iu the United States, at Syracuse, 300 miles west of New York city, in July, 180, when all the different Mae:hies were tried, in every shape and form, and after all was over, the first premium, grand gold Medal mid Diploma...was awarded to the Buckeye Machine as the best Moe jug Machine, of er Burrell's. Hallenbeck's, liirLy a, Heath . .. Ho vey's, Ball's OAio ifoorer, Manny's, Ketcliutn'4, and a number of ethers. I hate no reason to be excited or afraid of the Ball Mach inc. after it has been licked at such a great tri.i I. I have seen more different Machines work, than my friend 11. ever knew or heard of, and could h tve had the making of the Ilall Mochitie before he ever knew anything about It. . 3d. My ftiend 11. says, ••a kicked dog will holler," in which I usnet give him perfei. tly right. -When he read my solvertiscnient, be was kicked, and then he hollered ; he out) made a mistake, fur he was the kikked dug . I would not want to be kicked any 62rd - et. than to have all the _Machines of one season's make brought back, after having made a great blow.otit how I was going to take all the other Mm hives down, and before having any experience or trial. 4th. Ity friend ff. thinks I misrepresented the thing, by saying that come of him Machines were " lying in the fence-corners "—that was the report. 1 c•rn't say that I saw one of his Ma chines exactly in a fence-corner, but I did sec one of his Machines in a fileld—where I st trted one of mine aside of it--which had better been in IL fence corner out of the sth. My friend denies that he made the Ball Machine last Summer, and states thati knew it. I don't know what he called his Machine at the end of the Season. but at the beginning of it. the cry was Mr. lloffleins is making the Ball Reaper and Mower. Now I can't an where this talk can have originated from than from Mr.floffheins himself, the maker of the Machine. So, if I misrepresented that, I think my friend can blame himself for it ; men wanting Machines will generally enquire the name of it., and whose patent it is. Now, Mr. If., what was the name of your Machine at the end of the season? t;th. As to the honesty be talks about, if we were to exchange, there would be very little boot coming to hint: and as for my agent tell ing him that we made machines to cut behind the driving wheels last summer and could not -make them work, the agent says he told Mt. If. that we could not make quite as nice a sheaf as our other way of raking off, a hich is quite a different storrfrom what Mr. 11. says. We wish him not tom tke so many changes in his state ments. We made only one Machine last season to cut behind—he says Machines; and as for cutting, if our friend will ever make a Machine to ecru' it he o ill do well. • All that was ever said in regard to its working the raking off in grain I had six different men on to rake off, and all agree 1 that they could make the nicest I sheaf ti ith ttin cutting operation in front. My friend charged me a ith misrepresenting, but he can beat are fir at that. Ile asks why I do' not make my Machines to cut behind? I am ; New & Rich 'ready to make all that are ordered, and insure; TEWELRY, SILVER. WARE, S'.I.VER PLAT. them to cut as welt ax any other double driving t i j ED WARE. kc.—A. E. ;VARNER Gold and %heel Xlachine.:silversmith. Nu. 10 NORTH (i1.1,* STRERT, SAL. I Mr. 11. talks about his Machine beir , so per- ; ! TIMORE, MD., has in store it i4eautifill assorts 1 fectly balanced, has lug no weight on the tongue ment of styles and patterns of RICII JEWELRY. lat all. From my practical experience I think I suitable for presents, embracing a great variety ' that any fool must know that a Machine VCACT- 1 of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car ty balanced, standing on Ltvel ground. must tilt hunkle., ke , Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings up cutting up hill. I dent want mine so ri ell set with Diamond. Ruby, Pearl, ()pal, Emerald, balanced as that, because we do n 't neat to get ke., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest k Guard Chains, off the Machine and walk np the bill to rake Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; I the grain off We prefer riding on the Machine Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings ; Pencils all the time to rake off. Now, farmers. which and Pens, sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and will suit you best. a %whine that will tilt up go- Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets. Pins k Ear Rings, 4ke. lag up hill, or one you can stay on all the tuic? A I. 9 0 , If the latter, son can get them :Amy shop , and A variety ofSilt er Mounted k Plated Castors, ' farther, a Machine that you sit in trout of cut- Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Better and ting apparatus. so if you are by accidentthroon Salt Stands, Pearl Handle Desert Knivea,Spoons, off, you are in chanur of being cut up. as I Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, ac., all of which know of two cases basing happened on a Ma- is respectfully offered ou the lowest terms. chine that you set behind the cutters. If kW - The Country Trude and Dealers general thiown off of my Machine you are entirely out ly are invited to give mo a call, and examine of danger. If the latter suits you beat, you mit t Goods and Prices, being satisfied that my SlL get them at my shop. TER WARE cannot be surpassed either for Now, my Priend Hoffheins, i fineness or terns. pat e ild quality, or the latest and most beau- Do not get excited at these few lines . i t [Feb. ?.7, 18130. 17 Some day we will hare a mowing match, In some tangled clover-patch, And whoever can do the best mowing, Will have all the eaance for blowing. When the mowing match we attend. • I expect is meet you as a friend. J. ff. SHIREMAN East Berlin, Juite 4, MO. IS Burr Mill Stones WARRANTED—B. F. STARR k CO., of North End Crotre Sirre opposite N. C. R. R. Stati( liatrimona, Ho. Manufl Curers of FRENCH BURY Importers and Dealers Wall Paper! Wall Paper 1 ! , Burr Block; Bolting Clot WE hare past reeeived from the city of Leather and Gum Belting New York a large assortment of Caleiced Plaster, and Mil_ Paper of the newest patterns and designs.— Quality. Also, Colone, Cocalico, and Esopbes Glazed, Marbhe and Oak, velvet and plain bor- Mill Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 27, '6O. ly der, decoration, fire board prints and window' - shades. Wall Paper front a cents per piece and DRASTIC .GOODS, in every variety, at upwards. It. F. MOLLHENT. i SCHICK'S, consisting of Prints, Muslin; March 20, 1860. i Ingham's, Checks, Ticking; Sheetings, kc. 13a1t1mor®1~.c1v't~_ Ladd, Webster & CO ., IBALTIMORL ST., BALTIMORE, M1.5.,1 91 Manufacturers of Improved Tight-stitch SEWING MACHINES, for Families and Mspufreturing E.tablishments. Let Mannfacturerg7 Planters. Farmers, Rouse.: lecpers, or sue other persoul in search of en in.trument to execute any kind of Sewing now done hr machinery, make sure they secure the bert.l9 examining our, before purchasing. izirSaruple., of Work sent by mail. wuat cossTITLTI.a • GuOD SEW] G 1. It should be well made, simple in Its con struction. and easily kept in order, '2. It should make n 114.11 T LUCIC-STITCH, alike on both Iles of the material. 3. It should sew uny and all materials that can be sex ed. 4 It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk dire•,tl) from the spool 5 It should be able to sew from coarse to fine, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. ti It should be able to make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. 7. It should havu a - straight needle; curre* ones are liable to break. • S. The needle should have perpendicular motion. This is absolutely necessary fur heavy work. Itersiiirs disposed to purchase are invited to call and gi‘e uur stock au examination, which fort strict and quality of vtorkootosnip i. nut equalled by any ec.tablislainent in the country. A. NIATIMIT k SON, Nu:. 25 suit 27 N. Gay street. Aug 2, 1859. ly \ 1:1, XItl:1) I 4 :,2. Cliartere.ll:;s4. Talented. 1 t•ii!: 11.11,TI1ltilZE CIIARLF.S STS.. It t LTI Mita f: MD.—The lair,, \loot Elegaiitty Furnished x Cowin( rt int Cora ge in the 1 - nited States. De , igtie I exprc-I.‘ tor Voting Mei* de bring to obtain a Titutiot tericm. Ity •1. Ei.te sous in roe thOrteet possible time :tint at the least expense. A I..irge an Iteautifufly Omani( nted (leen lar. cont :tieing upwards ot SIX Sql• ABE FEET, Wall Sr KCJIIEN or I'KNX •sir, iintl a Large Eir gra% ing I the finest ot the kind e% cr made in tilt. country)repre.enting the Interior View of the„Cul:ege, with 1' italogne 4tating tcrais, kc., a ill be sent to Ever on application, Faxx or rii.vatix. Write iininetlinteki• and )on will receive the package be return mail. Address. E. E. LOSlklt, Feb. 6, 180. ly Wines, Brandies, - no intl.:, BLACK TEAS, dc. P. TIERNAN Jt offer for sale the following articles. of t:icir ow n importation, parti,ularl; for Emi l) ti •e: Soranv Wrcrs—Pemartinc's flnext pale. gold and brown :Slierriei., in wood p nd in gI Pour W ISA—Sandematex competition red and ‘N bite l'vrt. in wood and in glisg. lIPMADEtn.t isr—John llonsitil Mari h's fine Molt ira, in wood and in glace; Grape 11 , mc Wlvs‘—.l.thnnne4herzer. Ste nherzer Mareobrnikner. Cabinet, Lich4cBu-mileh, Bran nenerg, of 1546. CUAMPAGNI: Wtvax—lfoet and Chandou's est. in quarts and pints. llaaNmen—otard and Hennessy a fine all pale and dark Heandiea. Runs—Old end line Jamaica, Antigun, Gren- : ado, and from the I ands, imported direct from London. Ilou.a.ND GlN—The best quality—Tiernan brand—and no mixture or aromatic poison in it. 300 half cheats of the [lnert Soccuoxo TeA. Baltimore, Aug. 29, 1859. ly James H. Bosley, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Not. 124 and 12G Nvrth Street, BALTIMORE, MD I am prepared to receive rind sell on Conim;s sion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. an experience of ten years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone.) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give saris- FACTION to all who favor me with congignments Will also attend to filling orders tnr Grocc,Fies t Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 6, '6O. ly • ' • Asllll3ii COUntr IkirUTCAL FIMICI?intIANCE COMPANY.— lacorporated ILtreb 18, 1381. scerciary—D. A. Buehler. Trasearer —Da v d X' C rea ry ' . .E.recenre Conwintree--Robert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew lleintzelman. Managers—George Swope, D. A. Bueliler,Ja cob King, A. Heintzelnsan, R. lUCurdy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Fahnestock, Wm. 1/. McClellan. Wm. B. Wilson, M. Biehelherger, Abdiel F.Gitt, John Wohord, H. A. Picking, Abel T. 'Wright, John Horner, R. G..MeCreary, S. R. Russell, D. IlTreary, Andrew Pulley, dotiu Picking, J. R. Hersh. `This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, apd in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, rraheet any anesanuitt, having also a largo surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who nre annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above natned Managers for further information. Dor The Eleciaive Committee meek& at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M. TOTO FARMERS AND MERCII-ANTS.—We , bare now opened ourlarge and commodious' &rehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail- i road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg' Railroad Compan7, and are prepared to receise j produce of all kinds, Ili: FLOUR, WHEAT, I RYE, CORN, OATS, he. Also, on band and fur sale, Salt, Guanos, Plaster, Fish, kc. A large , stock pf Groceries just received, consisting of, Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses,. Oils, Rice, I Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, he., te.,l which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at low ati can be bought elsewhere, wbolesalo and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to 4er ' and eiamine our stock before purchasing else- ; where; as our motto will be "quick sales and' small profits." We would also call the attention of all inter ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of . their Cattle, Horses, flogs, he., to the fact that we bare for sale Breinig, Fronefield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of' , whietrere have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmer's and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER, BOLLINGER 1 CO. 'Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1851.1. New Firm—New Goods. THE undersigned have entered into partnere ship iu the HARDWARE & GROCERY business, at the old stand of Dancer St Ziegler, in Baltimore street. under the name, style and firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, J RS., and ask, sad will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They hat e just return ed from the cities with an immense stock of (leads—consisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws. Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass, kc. Tools, including Edge Tools of every description, Saws, Planes, Maids, Gouges, !traces and Bitts, Angers, Squares, Guages Ilmnituers. kc. Blacksmiths will MN An% tk, Vices., Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails. kc., with them, very cheap. Coach Find ings, such as Cloth, Wm-ass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Felloes, Bows, Pules, Shaft., Sc. Shoe Findiugs, Tampico, Brush and French forocro, Linings, Binding. Pegs, Lasts, Bout Trees, .ke., with a geueral assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittannia, Albata and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters. Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, l'aus, Tuba. Churns, Carpeting, kc. Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sixes and kind% : Cist. Shear, and Blister Steel, which they a ill sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES:a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed. Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West ludia aunt Sugar House Moliesscs and Strops, Coffee. Spices, Choc..lnte. Fine. Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed. Fi,ll and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, kc.; until assorttnent of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil, also Fire-prow: Paints; iu fact, almost every article in the 11.irdivsris, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, tionsekcepiug, Bloc ksui ith,Cabinet Maker's, Palmer s,t; and Grocery line.all of %hid' they .ire determin ed to sell as low fur CASH as any house out of the city._ HENRIr B. DANNER., TIIE. undersigned having retired from the 3loircantile business, the -ante will hereaf ter he Continued at the old stand, in Baltimore street, lby their sons, Henry 11. Danner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of DaXner t Ziegler,Jra.,•a - hom we will recommend to, and fur whom se would bespeak a liberal share of patronage front old customers, and of the public in general. !lacing retired from the 2lereantile business it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Hook Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books x ill be timpani at the old staid. J. H. DANNER, Hay 25,1858. DAVID Zit:ULM. GEORGE k HENRY WIM Pun will make House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash 3r country produce. Farmers and all otherr tithing their houses, barn, ac., spout ed, would do well to givet- h efn a cull. April 15,'53. tf G. & If. WIMPLES. - - - Still at Work! COACIIIIAKING AND BLACKSSIITHING. —The undersigned respectfully informs hi friends and the public that he continues the Coachmaking and Blacksmithing business iu every branch at his establishment in Chum bersburg street. He has on Land and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring W..guns, ic., of the beat materiel, and made by superior n ork men.allirßEP•lßlNG end I, LACK,IIITO IN GI of all kinds done at rev onnble rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. Cot:wrstr Pun:lces taken in exchange for work al market prices. 'Persona desiring articles or work in the Coachmaking or Blacksmithiug line, are re spectfully inlited to call on MUMS. ProWiret—George Swope. Vier President—S. FL Russell Sept. 2T, 1858 Notice WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER (4ttysburg, May 24, 18:43. Notice. Spouting. JOAN L. 110LTZWORTFI Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '59. More New Goods A T the Sign of the BIG BOOT, in Chambers burgl-1, street. We have just received a large stock of HATS, CAPS, 'MOTS, SHOES. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Utubrell.le, Buggy Har ness. Collars, Whips, kc , and are determined to sell at the lowest prices possible tor cash.— Call and judge for yourselves. Oct. 17, 1859. COBEA:c k CCIP. - • - Howard Association, VHILADELPHIA.—A Benel oleut Institution established by special Endowment, for the iet of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.-- Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with n di.- scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, kc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty Medicine furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhces, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dis pensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for post age will be acceptable. Address Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Cho. FAIRCHILD, See y. J'reet. Nov. 7, 1859. ly White Goods EMBROIDERIES.—J. L. SCHICK would invite the ladies to examine his Ale variety of new style Brilliaates, Cambric., Jaconete; Plaid Cambric., Litmus, Collars, Ileadkerchiell, Ae., ko. [April 14,1880. ARPXTIother addition Igo our fine C stonk of carpeting' just received, to which we 'write the attention of housekeepers. FAH'ARBTOt;B BROTREIL9. Canziirn - & Adalr's IS'TIW MARBLE WORKS, corner of Bahl- more and east Middle atreete, directly op pos VI the new Court House. Gettrsburg.— Having recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful- ly invite the attention of the public wishing to procure anything in our line, to fivur us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to furnish MONUMENTS. TOMBS AND lIIADSTONES, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and ail other work appertaining to our business, at the lowest pos sible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work •hall be put up in a manner sub stantial and tasteful equal to the best to be seen in the cities, where every improvement N huh experience has suggested is arsiled of, and especially do we guarantee that our Cerne ten. and G ra ve Yard work shall be 40 carefully set as not to be alfe,ted by frust.but shall main tain for years that erectness of position given at the completion of a job, cud so necessary to continued gracefulness and symmetry. - Nor. 28, 1.859. tf , ' Removal. LEXI2.IDER FRAZER. Clock and Watr-h.%•' maker, has removed hi- hop to the room on the West side of the Public Squar e , l ate l y A i occupied by David A. Buehler. Esq.. ILL& Law Office. where he will always b, happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desire to please. to merit .snd reeieive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 1v..9 The Greatest Discovery V THE AGE.--Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism can he cured by u4inz H. L. M LIAR'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, hare te.ttg e d to its great utility. Lts success in Rheumatic affec tions, has b hitherto unparalleled by any specific introduced to the public: Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggihts and storekeepers. Prepared only by H L. MILLER, Wholsesale and Retail Drug - psi, £.4144 Berlin. Adams county, Pa., dealer in DI up, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints. Dye-mug's, bct ticd Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, CAA. D. Buehler is the agent in Gettysburg for " H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mix ture." [Oct. 24, 1959. ly New Goods ! CHEAP GOODS!! HANDSOME GOODS P,), —Just received, a large a.surtrnent of cheap and dettirable DRY GOODS of every va rlet), at astonishingly low prices. awl which we offer to the public. Having purehnsed our stock in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimort., and having had the benefit of the mtrket of three cities, and being selected with great care, we'can safely guarantee to those ' , biting to purchase anything In our line that they cannot fail to be pleased both AS to yu•tlity and prier. We have received the latest styles and patterns of goods both for Ladies and Gentlemen, to which we invite their attention. Call aud ex amine befure purchasing elewhere. FAHNE.ITOCK BROTHERS, Apt it 9,18G0. Sign of the Red Front. Dr. Esenwein's TAR ASD WOOD : 4 ;APTIIA rEcrorLIL, is the best Ifedicine in the world fur the Cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup. Bronchitis, Abthtna,DifFiLnlty in Itreathing, Pulp,tation of the Heart, Diptheria, and or the relief of patients in the advanced stip of Consumption, together with all Disenses of the and Chest, and which re d6pose to Con4amption. ' It is paruliar/y adapted to the radical cure of Asthma, Being prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist, and one of great experience i n th e cure of the various diseases to which the hu man frame is liable. It i , iitTered to thesafflicteil with the greatest coati ienre. Try it and be convinced that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial acectious. Price 50 cents per Sear Prepared only by Dlt. A. ESENWEIN k CO., Druggi.ta and Chemiso, cor. Ninth k Pophir St,., I 4. Bra - Aid by every!e Druggist ant Dealer inlfedicines throughout the State. April 2, 1860, ly • •Z-." Dr. Baakee TREATS ALL DISEAsES.—DR. BAAKEE will give special attention to the tullowicg uiseases: Coughs, Colds, Consumption. Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the Nose, Mouth, Throat imid Lung. 4. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin di:eases—Lum bago Lumbar Abscesse , .. Scrottiia, Itheuma- ParaljeiS. EplßT•y.Py , pepsie. Piles, and all diseases of the Stonia! h. Liver and Bowels; also all chronic uiscaset pertaining to Women and Children. Dr. Hiakee can pro duce one thousand certificates 0: his perfect success in curing Cancers, Old Sores cr C leers, Fistula, Scald Heads, Weave, Swellings and Tu mors of every description and without the use of the knile. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondeuec, therefore the patients must place thernseit es under the Doc tor's persons: supervision. DR. BAAKEE has made a n-tv discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfeet absorption of the Carseacr, and restore pertect vision to the Eye without the use of the knife or uecille, and he cures all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, • without the use of the knife or needle, and lie has constantly on hand au excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial E‘ es, and Tjinpanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages —insetted in five rutuutes. Also, a large as sortment of Ear Trumpets of sizes and every description known in the world. Also, a large assoatment of benirtiful Artifii.ial Hands, with Wrist, Arm and Elbow attachments. Also, of Feet, with Ankle, Leg and Knee-joint attach meuts--natural as nature itself. These articles can be sent by Express to any p in of the world. Dr. Basket: is oue of the most celebrated and skillful Physicians and Surgeons now living. His fenae is known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters address ed to Dr. Bankee must contain ten cents• to ply postage and incidental expenses. All Chronic diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex cept those mentioned. that will require his per sonal supervision. Office hours from 9A. M., to 4 I'. M. DOCTOR BAAKEE, 637 Broadway, a few doors below Bleeker street, May 14, 1.8t.0. ly New York City. - - 1860. Fresh Spring Goods. 1860 HAT. AND CAP.-11. F. McILHENY would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity to his large and complete stock of Hats and Caps, which he has just opened, embracing nearly .! every variety of style now in the market, con- Biotin in part of Men's No. I Silk Hats, Men's broad-rim Russia Hats, Men's Felt and Soft Bats, lien's Seamless Caps, Boy's Soft and Wool Hats. Also, a large and superior stock : of STRAW GOODS, comprising Men's Straw, ! Leghorn and Panama Hats, Misses' and Infants' 1 Hats, Flats, Bloomers and Shaker Hoods, all I of the latest and most fashionable styles. Thoss wishing to save money and buy cheap will do well by calling on him before purchasing else where, as he is selling very low for cash. A ril 23, MO. R. F. IifeILIIENY. Lumber and Coal, LIVE AND PLASTER—of all kinds constant ly on hand, which we are selling at small profits for CASE. All Coal. kc.„, must be cash on delivery. • 611EAD. BCEULER. Jan. 23, 1860. - JCST received and now opening, a large and varied assortment of QUEENSWARE, to which we invite the attention of buyers. A. ril 18. A. SCOTT k SON. AVI OF ULT,--Ityou wish to celebrate tb `-± day of Independence by smoking s,fin Ratan Cigar, you will find the best st,ll, Cr CARR'S, in York street. LADIES' FANS, very cheap, at. 11. 0: CASK'S WHAT EVERYBODY WAIVE:4.4I The Family Doctor : nONTAMING Simple Remedies, easily °b k./ mined, for the Cure of Disease iu all forms.. By Prof. lissiar S. TAYLOR, M. D. IT TELLS.YOU How to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for them; how to prepare Drinks, Poultices, de., and how to guard against In fection from Contagious Dis eases. Pr YELLS You Of the various diseases of Chil dren, and gives the beet and simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Convulsions, Vaccination, Whouping-rough, Meats/es, kc• 1r Tetzs Yor The symptoms of Croup,-cholera Infantum, Colic, Diarrheas, Worms, Stalled Head, Ring worm, Chicken-pox, de., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. Pr Tatts You The symptoms of Fever and Ague, • . and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus . , Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives you the best and simplest f remedies for their cure. • lir Tam./ Toy The symptoms of Influenza, Con , sumption, Dyspep.ia, Asthma, Dropsy,Guutith nu bago, Erysipelas, de., and gives you the best remedies fur their cure. IT TILLS You The symptoms of Cholera Nor_ bus, Malignant Cholera, Small pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Diseas es of the Bladder, Kidneys anti Liver, and the best remedies fur their cure. IT TELLS YOU' The symptoms ofPleuriay,Munipe, Neuralgia,Apoplexy, Paralysis, the various Dis Lases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear sa l Eye, and the best remedies MT their cure. IT TELLS You The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaun dice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases of the Heart, Hemorrhage, Ve nereal Diseases, and 11 tiro phobia, and gives the beat route_ dies for their cure. iv netts You The best and simplest treatment for Wounds, Broken Bones and Dislocations, Sprains ' Lockjaw, Fever Sores, White Swellings, lllcers,Whitlows,Boils,Seurry, Burns and Scrofula. I•r Trutt You Of the variant disesses of Women, of Child-birth, and of Menstru ation; Whites, Barrenness, te., de., and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. it Is printed in a clear and open type ; is illtistruted 'with appropriate engravings, and will be fur warded to your address, neatly bound and postage.puill, on receipt of $l.OO. oar 1,000 A 1. EAR can be made by enter ) prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to Agents, with other-information, apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, 18G0. Gin 50,000 COPIES ALREADY SOLO. Everybody's Lawyer A ND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS by 1 - 1 Fa ANK CROSBY, of tie It 'dells You How to draw up l'urtnership pera and gives general forms fts Agreements of all kinds, Bills o sale, Leases and Petitions. It Tells You How to draw up Bonds and Mort gages. Affidavits. Powers of At torney, Notes and Bills of .Ex change, Receipts and Releases. It Tells Yon The Lan for the Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi. Wien, and amount and kind of • property Exempt from Execution in every State. It Tells You How to make an Assignment properly. a kit forms for Compo.i lion with Creditors, and thtoln<, solvent Laws oreyery State. It Tells You The legal relations existing be- . tween Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells Yon What constitutes Libel and Slan der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the \VIC& a Right in Proper ty. Dix uree and Alimony: It Tells You The Law for Ileclhtnics' Liens in ever, State. and the N atuniiiratio Laws of this country, and bun to ecßnply with the same. It Tells You The Law Concerning Pi nsions and how to obtain'nue, and the Pre- Emption Laws to Public Lands. It Tens You The Law fur Patents, with mode of procAure in obtaining one, with Interferences, Assigupsents and Table of Fees. It Tells Ton Bow to make your Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells Ida The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial Powers of both the General and State Governments. It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by show ing how to do ;coy' business le gally, thus saving a real amount of property, and vexatious !Riga tion, by its timely consultation. Single copies will he sent by mail, postage paid, to Every Fanner, Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody in Every State, on receipt of $l,OO, or in law style of binding at, $1;25. . Iti'9,ooo A YEAR can be_ made by enter ' prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 &Anson) St., Philadelphia, Pa. , May 21 18d0. . - Clothing! Clothing ! JACOB ILEININGER has just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot ut SPRING AND SUMMlikt GOODS for Gentle meu's wear ever offered in Gettysburg. lie has et cry variety, style awl price of goods. While gentlemen can always find Cloths to salt their tastes they can at the same time have their measures taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in the most substan tial manner, and fashionable style. To secure bargains any save money go to the Merchant Tailoring Establishment of JACOB REININGER, Carlisle street. May 7, IRO Removal. XTF.W SALCTN.—GEO. F. ECEFSRODE has removed his Oyster establishment to the splendid new Saloon in Jacobs k Bro's. Bond ing, dn the North side of Charubersbnrg street, where he will at all times be prepared to serve up the best of OYSTERS, in every style. By keeping a good article, be expects to receive ' liberal share of public pa trorutge. TURTLE SOUP, CIIICKE.N, BEEF TONGUE, PIG'S FEET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, kc. in their season. A nice glass e ALE or LACIER can t s/wAys be bad.— Come and try me. 0. F. ECKENRODE: April 2, 1860. -- New Spring Goods. - r L. SCHICK has just received and offers for , sale the most desirable assortment or DRY GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, consisting in part of Spring Silks, Plain Black do., • Foulards, • Spring de Lalnee; Oriental Jimittres. Also, Bombazines, 111pm:ow, De - Obig hams, Lawns, Brillianeese Shepherd's pPlaaids, Crape de lisping, Timis Baregse, LC. • I April 16, 1660, An Invention. THAT is apt a hem -'.- ' - 'y be seen - at the Ware Room of: kIII7IIIILIRrp-a ent Washing_ ' -1- ',...' , likettitt the utilitrof which there can rr - 7, :: et..'"lt is on4olffist.. edly the beat W•. ' - •zhliwthat • , . been invented. I ~ipealc f in ' Township rights foe ' '' r Ik: reagora . Machines also for WE, lailtiusdyst, May 7, 180. - ' 4 ; - _ I .. =