The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 23, 1860, Image 3
ZdsC)CiALTa =Mnnrat. tAIIPAIGN COMPILEIL—The Ccsicitler wilt be firitisWed front this time until after the Presidential Rlection at FIFTY CHNTiii -BcSo If THI OWThe bailding of tht Bridge act•• Opos- Bunt creek ) at Mr. ho. W. Dytt'it, hax been awarded by the County Cotnutiiisioners to Mr. J. M. Ptrrvircar, at $l,lOO. STrti:CK 81 . I.IGIITNING.—The wagon shed on the farm of IS - m. lluckr , t,qtrrit, iu the occu pancy of 8.411117 EL ECLENRODE, in the neighbor hood of Emmitcburg, WMI. struck by lightning on Sunday morning, July I,t, consuming a new wagon, loaded %ith li.ty, about 15 bushels of eloveneed a lot of corn. grain cradles, rakes, forks, 3L. Mr. ELkenrode's loss is estimated at $3OO. FIRE.—We learn that the light which was ...isibSe here on Monday night about l 9 o'clock, tiS caused by the Lorain of Mr. Shmffer's I,lrn, about out mile this side of Manchester, Md. The building and contents were destroyed. EnrCATIO:CAL.—At n meeting m the School Directors on Monday eveninz last, Miss Marrig 13ENTLY WAS appointed to fill the Tile-alley oc casioned by the resignation of Xis' Powgits as one of the Teachers in the Politic Schools of the Borough. On the came evening the Board awarded the Thompsonian Scholarship" in Penorylvania College to JAIIICS WOODS, SOO of Mr. AMU/ill -I,Ea 'Wows, oceis place. This is a permanent in Pennsylvania College, placed in he hamli of the Common School Directors of tilt. Borough, to be given out from time tritium to the most meritorious pupil. •The Opposition County Convention is to meet in this plate on Monday, the 6th of August EMI 'The Game of Forney Feather Attempt to Disor.fmnize the Demo rrolie traitor Forney dce' not appear to be satisfied with his etirts so far to defeat and destroy the Democratic Party. Iwo years ago, he was busy in his effortis defeat the partin this State. To do this he called his Altoona State Convention. That was done to defeat the State ticket. Then he ezerted his influence to detest as man_y Con gresamen as he ovoid throughout the State.— In this Congrossisioaal district he openly advo cated the election of John Woad, pnd the re atilt was the defeat of the Democratic candi date. He has contributed his share to bring about the disruption of the party at Balti snore and rejoiced when he saw the thing was .accomplished. Now, he is directing all his efforts to prevent the union of the Democratic party upon a single electoral ticket emcees,. TIE IS REALLY IN rayon OF THE ELECTION OF LINCOLN. and he knonissthat Lincoln's chances will Le best promoted, - by keeping ups schism in the Democtatic rarty. The P•ess is using its beat efforts to thwart the plan of the Dem• ocratic State Committee, by which it is pio to throw a s.rli4 Democratic vote in 'Pennsylvania, and thus defeat Blaok liepu lr lirailistri. Democrats of blontgomet7 county, this is the sober, solid 'truth. FORNEY IS Al lING TO UTTERLY DEsTID)I"IIIE DEMOCRA'IIC PARTY BY KEEPING UP A SCHISM, IIIAT - LINCOLN MAY BE SUCCESSFUL. AND lIE WILL NO DOUBT :OON STATE WII•11 ALL KINDS OF I'LAUSIBLE STORIES TO ACCOMI'LISII 1115 PURPOSES. The Press already op poses the union elect-eel ticket lieminse its success will thwart his purposes, and lii:cause _be will he utterly powerless to accomplish any further mischief, fur doing which, so fur, lie has been paid by the Black Republicans of Congress.—Norristmea Register. {`The New York Herald sari that thus far, throughauteha country, 4 261) papers hate declared fur Breckinridge. and 252 for Doug la--turd the Journal ut Commerce Kays that the greater part 4if the Democratic paptra ut the North which have nut set taken lOU.' fir Breckinridga. IS rib aci iiiia. 35kT cat 143 co so . TIIE GREAT ESi/LIStl REIIEDY.--qta JiMCS CELCI3II.I,TIia FEW tLE l'iLL•.— Prepared from a pr;•-eription rf ,Sir .1. Clarice. M. 1)., Pii)sician Estraurdinary tu the Queen.— Ihis ins aluabdc tio2dicine is unfailing iu the cure of all Hinge painful an 1 da•tgerous disease: au Nht It the fem tie cou-titution is subject. It moderate.' all CZC...f . S3 and removes all obstruc tions, and a speedy cure to ty be relied on. To Married Ltdies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the 'monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price o,ne Dull tr, bears the Gov ernment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. . Csurtoc.—These Pills should not be teien by fe.uales during the first .three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis carriage, but at Asir other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain iu the Back and I.lruhs, Fatigue on slight assertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Waites, these Pills will effect a cure when 11l other means have failed; end although a piNerful remedy, du not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thin hurtful to the eonstitu bun. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully pre+erced. Sole Agent for the rnited States and Canada, JUL! MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin k Co., Rochester, N. V. N. 11.—S1. 00 and postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, will insure a bjttle, containiag .51 Pills, by return mail. June 11, lyeow PCBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exist in Moffat's Life rills and Phcnnix Bitters, is every day demon strated by their astonishing effic.tcy in the cases which they are announced to cure. All the complaints of the stomach and bowels, weak ness of the digestive urg.tns and of the system : generally, bilious and liver affections, night fevers, bead aches, pile osti vene consump tion, rheumatism, scuny, impurity of the blood, or blotched and sallow complexions, soon yield to their curative properties. A single trial in variably secures them the title of the best f.stni ly medicines now before the public. For sale %y the proprietor, W. B. IUFFAT, at his office, 235 Broadway, N. 1.., and by S. :1. Forney, Agent, Gettysburg. [Feb. 13. 1)* = AbLv• tr-lb br..o GETTYSBURG—SATURDAY LAST Superfine Flour.. Rye Flour White Wheat Red Wheat Cora.. Rye Oats - Clover Seed ..... Timothy Seed Yin.: Seed ----- Barley ...... . ..... Bluer of Paris . Hester ground, per beg...... 81LT12101113,---nuovr Last. ....... ....... 5 25 to 5 37 Wheat ..............•... 1 10 :e 1 55 Ityo . .......... 66 to 76 t;orit 62 to 72 tlsta..... —.—. 32 to 39 Clover Seed 0 00 .o 0 00 Timothy Seed ....... 0 00 to 0 00 Beef Cattle, per bend . 5)0to 9 00 Bop, per hued . 7 50 to 8 150 lisy...—.---..„... ...... ......14 00 tolB 00 Whiskty....—.--......—.—. 30 to 31 °luso, Pervivlan, per t0n......... 02 00 HANOVita--TainiliDAT LLIT Flour, from •- .Da. *MI it49110areed.....••• 4 87 5 50 , Whoa 1 00 to 1 20 • • TLys •••.• ••• G 5 coat •• .. ****** 68 Otto- • .• •'• """ 33 Coyle 4 2S Timothy Seed * 50 Haste r - Os • • too ***** 41 , ** 21 On the Bth inst., by the ROA , . Daniel Rierel, Mr. GF.VRGH HINER to Nisi ftLizABETH AN? ;AYERS. both of Adagio county. On the 15th inst.. by the iteV. L. Gerhard, Mr. ABRAHAM KING to Min ABIGAIL SUN DAY, both of Bait Berlin, On Thnraday afternoon, in this place, Miss MARIA C. McCI,ELLA.N. axed 58 years. On Thursday night. JAMIE' A. THOMPSON, Esq.. a much respected citizen of this place, aged 69 years. On Thursday morning last. Ifr. JOHN LEM. a highly esteemed citizen of Readiug township, aged about s:i years. On the 21-t in the vicinity of New Oxford. Mr JAt'oll lIELTZEL, aged 63 ;ears G months and 7 'Li; s. On the 17th imt., in Butler township, Mrs. CATIIARINE THOMAS. consort, of Geo. Tho -11151.. decelocd, aged ;I: sears 4 months and 10 Jaya. On the 18th inst., In Butler township, Mrs. CATHARINF, REX, consort of Jacub Rex, aged CA rears and 5 months. On. the 19th inst., in Prahltlo township, MARY 31A TILDA, daughter of Veil Pitzet o ned 9 years 3 months and 3 days. On the 11th inst., in Hanover, ANNA ELIZA BETH, daughter of Henry A. and Agnes M. J. Eckrarede, aged 1 year 4 months and 19 days. On the Ist inst., in Adams county, FRANK LIN, son of John and Eliza Legere, aged 16 years 9 months and 24 days. On the 10th inst., in Adams county, Miss BARBARA SPAN (ILEA, aged 49 years 7 months and 22 days. On the 13th 1110.1011 N NICHOLAS, son of Mr. Adam Starch, of Straban township, aged 7 years 5 months And 7 days. Communicated. On the 21st of Jane, JOSEPH EDGAR, son of John and Elizabeth Kunkle, aged l year fl mouths and 6 days. We lay thee in the silent tomb, Sweet blossom of a day, II We just began to see thy bloom, And thou wast called away. Sleep thou, dear, departed Eddie, Thy mother's tears will wet the sod. And dowers will early deck thy grave, And angels bear thee home to God. My Lord bat need of these flowerets gay, The reaper said, end smiled; Dear tokens of the earth are they, Where Ile was once a child. They shall all bloom in the fields of light, Transplanted by my care. Ind saints upon their gar:nente white These sacred blossoms wear. And the mother gave in tears and pain The flowers she most did lore, She knew she should find them all again . lu the fields of light above. Adieu, sweet ireasure of our love, A fund and lout farewell— Thy spirit seeks the realms above— Once more farewell, farewell the Star please copy. P. a. r. OF REAL ESTATE.—The Bati scriber, Executor of the List will and tes tament of fares Nloietrz, deceased, will otter at Public Sale. on the premises. an riteutiv, the des t I f A v usi wit, the following litizhly valua ble Real Estate of said deceased, viz: A FA BM, situate in Reading township, Adams county, adjoining lands ofJohn A. Dicks. Jacob Hanes, Levi Chrouister, and town lots of Dr. C. Blish. of Ilazaptqa, and others, containing 134 Acres and 53 Perches, neat measure, about 40 :tires of which are first rate Timber-land, with a proper proportion of Meadow. The improvements.are a large two story lisaEllt and Log Weather boarde Dwelling HOUSE, Large, `, Barn, with pine shingle roof on, Corn Spring Hun-e, with a Keverfailing spring ad joining it, and excellent springs of a - Ater !oar the dour of the dwelling; a. choice Apple Or chard, with a variety of other fruit, such as Pearbss, Cherries, Plums, .tc. Thar tract has been partly well limed. and Is is a high state of cultivation and under good fencing. The !arid is well watered. The sseighboz hood is a pleasant one, with Churches, School-1,011,e5, .Mures, Mills, and Mechanic Shops convenient. This tract can be conveniently divided Into several tracts and w ill he offered separately and togeth,tr. The part No. 1, with the build ings, wilt contain Gu Acres, more or less, and tie residue will be uttered to suit purchasers. The opportunity to purchase property so de...Ar able is rarely offered and the attention of those wishing to invest is called to it.. Persons desiring to l i lt a' the prpperty are requested to call on the Executor, residing thereon. A clear title and possession mill be given on the first. of April next. gkir'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said da), when attenuauee will be gicen atd terms /11.11.1 C known by JOIIN MORITZ, July 23, Ib6U. Ls E.Terti'or. Register's Notice. NOTICH is hereby gii en to all legatees and other persons concerned that the Admin istration accounehereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's C)urt of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, on Monday, the 20th of Aatjtai lint, at 10 o'clock, A. N., viz : 1:03. The first account of John Klinepeter and Frederick Klinepeter, Administrators of Frederick Klitiepeter, deceased. .!04. The first account of Isaiah W. Orr, Ad ministrator of the estate of William Orr, dec'd. 20.. The first end final account of Isaac Pierson, Administrator of the estate of Martha Pierson. of Unutington township, deceased. 206. The account of.,Samuel Wiest and Satn uel Wol, Administrators of the estate of Jacob Wolf, deceased. 207. The account of Samuel Orerholtzer, Executor of Lucy A. (tverboltzer, late of Head ing township, deceased. 206. The account of Peter Weiricb, Executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Weirich, late of Germany towaship, deceased. 209. The first andkl account of Maj. John Musselman, Admiu for of the estate of Charlotte K. Johnston. deceased. 210. The second and final account of Freder ick G. Hoffman, Administrator of the estate of Martin Cerbaugh, Sr., late of Franklin town ship, deceased. 211. The second accountef Michael A.Slagle, one of the surviving Executors of the last will and_testament of Michael Slagle, deceased, set tled by Col. David M. Myer.., Administrator of the estate of the said Michael A. Slagle, dec'd. 212. The third and final account of William D. Dimes and Alexander S. Mmes. Executors of the last will and testament of Geo. Dimes, dec'd. 21:3. The tirst and final account ofJohll Pick ing, Administrator of the estate of George ISshwartx, hue of Hamilton township, deceased. 214. The first and final account of Philip Sweeney, acting Executor of the last will and testameut of Hugh Sweeney. ZACH ARUM MYERS, Resister, Register's Office, Gettys- I burg, July 23; 186 u. I 4 87 3 50 1 08 to 1 15 90 to 1 03 56 82 28 "EINOUGB FOR A FORTUNE.-1 London rj paper states:—There is now jn an Alm - house at Bristol an old man who states, that for sixty years he spent sixpence a day in drink, but was never intoxicated. Bow much woald this sixpence a-day put by every year at fire per cent. compound interest amount to in sixty years? enquired a thoughtful neighbor. Putting down the first year's saving (363 six pences) equal to $43 54, he added the interest, and this went on, year by year, until he found that in the 60th year, the sixpence a day reach ed the startling sum of $14,336 28. Judge of the old man's surprise, when told that, by saving his sixpence a day, and depositing it in a Savings Institution he might now, at the end of 60 yeamhave been worth that noble sum $14,- 336 XB, which would have bought him a fine farm, or town mansion, and surrounded him with comforts and Inxuries, and left a hand some estate to his children after him. Be had, mid hundreds now in our midst hare, but to de posit sixpence a day in ON FAsutzaa' LID Un man& &visas Ixerrrrunos OF ,DAYS 001:71- TT, to accomplish this result. Crettysipre, July 23, 1860. ...3 13 to 4 00 —1 50 to 0 00 ••• • 1 20 ..• 60 ... 6 25 ... / 00 TITS first and final account of Joex Strynsn, Committee of IigSZT Gtrs, (at lunatic) haa been Sled in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the 20th dap of Mersa west, unless cause be show-u to the contrary. JACOB BU UST, Proiky. • July 23, 1860. td* ID X3E1.10. Public Sale Sixpence a Day, Notice. Private Sale. VALUABLE PROPERTY.—The stfhscrihet will sell at Private Sale, that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, known as the " make Farm," situate In Reading township, Adams county, adjoining the-town of Hampton, and lying along the Conowago creek. The Farm is well I Improved. the land in a good state an:: enlti ration, and has been recently limed •"' The access to it, location of it, and it, facilities of farming, are the tery best. It will he sold entire. or divided to snit pun. chasers. Perbotpt wishing to blew bail proper ty, ran do so by calling on Join lift:RA, residing on it. and persons desirous of purchasing w ill call on the undersigned. _ _ July. 23, 1860. 1( Valuable Property FOR SALE.—The Truclee to r sell a TRACT LAND, belongtu.4 to certain heinnf JACOB MCN rffinVir. de c eased, w i ll eTpose to Public Sale. on Safer-eta-v. the M:h day of Serlomo,tr, 11460. that TRACT (1F LAN!) lying along Rock creek, in Hamilton township, Frank• lin county, Pa.. 5 miles rontli west of Chem / bersburg, and 3 miles south cast of St. Thomas,. adjoining lands of Wm. Armstrong, Jacob Pick ing, and others, containing IIS3 Acres. more or !no; 30 or 40 acres are good Meadow Land. The Improvements are a Two-story LOG ti t ;i'SF, 1.. Barn. and other out-building... There is an o:chard api A ttach e d t o t h e firm. There is also a seat for a Saw 11;t4, on this property. The shot e property is •t present occupied by Ur. Peter Alhert. W. A. DUNCAN, July 23, 18t0. is House . and Lot T PrEILIC SALF,..—The subscribers. Ex ecutors of the last will and testament of area larrts, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, ota Saturday, Me 22d day Of &awe 2 sber mnt, the Real Estate of said de ceased, consisting of A fIOCSE AND LOT, situated in Brasknown, Conowago township, Adams county, adjuiningJohn Rife, Da-ft-a . cid Smyser, aad others. The 110 USE isc IP i 4 a one sad a halt story Log, an.l the lot contains nearly 3 Acres. There is an eS cellent well of water and a first rate Apple Or chard on the premises. 'l'ereoas wishing to view the property are relue4ted to canon either of the Executors. 'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made knowii by JACOB LITTLE, July _3,16C0. 3t. Notice. NTOTICE 13 hereby given that an ti:lplication ,j, 11113 been made to the Court of Conanwn Pleas, in and for Hie County of Adams. to grant a Charter of In. orpuration :u an Association of persons antler the name, st:t le and title of the "CITIZENS' BAND OF GETTYSBURG," and that if 110 ruthcient reason be shown to the con trary, the said Court at the next term, to it : on tiie 3d ifonduy of August, 11160, will decree and declare that the persons so associated shall become and be a corporation or body politic ac cording to the articles and conditions in au in strument of writing set forth and duly tiled in the office of the Prothonotary of the Lod Court. Hy the Court. JACOB BUSHEY, Pruili'y, July 23, MO. 31 Notice. TILE undersigned, Auditor appointed hy the Court of Common l'leas of Adams county, to di:tribute the b dance remaining in the hands of heats Movroar arbiblotti F. Faun', Est's., Assignees of Mx In Movroar, under a deed of voluntary assignmeut for the benclitof creditors, hereby gives notice to all persons haring Chilli/I against maid estate, that lie will oit in the discharge of the duties of his appoint ment, at his office in the Borough of Gettys burg, on Trieeciety, the 71A dcy .4 wp. next, at lu o'clock, A. M., of .Imid day, to make ilia trtbutton among th• parties entitled thereto. WNI. A. DrSCAY, July 23, 1840. 3t Notice. T:TEIt LITTLE'S ESTATE.—Loiters teltl- P meutary on the estate of Peter Little, late of Couowago township, Adams county, &ettacit, having been grouted to the under sigaed, re.iiling in the same township, they here by give notice to ull persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims againstthe same to present theta properly authenticated for settlement. JACOB LITTLE, JACOB ADAMS, Executors. July 23, 1800. ct Notice. I)ARBARA SPANGLER S ESTATE.—Let ters of administration on the estate of liarbsra Spangler, late of Mnuntjoy township, Adams county, deceased, having been grant ed to the untieNdgne t , re-idtng near Taney town, Carroll county. )Id., he hereby gives no tiLe to all per?oas indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hating claims apraiipt the same to present them proper !) autheuticAlvd fur settlement. JONAS SPANGLER, Adair. July 23, IBGO. Gt New Livery IOSTABLISIDIEST.—The subscriber z e T L _EA having purchased the LIVElti t MILES of Chas. Al. TATIC, de:edied, ull ('hanthersburg street, a few doors west of the Eagle hotel, he respectfully announces to the public that it is his iufention to continue the busine4s at the same place, and will be prepared to accommodate all with anything in his line, on reasonable terms. llorses, Buggies, Coaches, Hacks ; Lc.,alwa) sin readiness. Give me a call. ger Also, in connection with my Livery, I will carry on the Blacksmithing business in all its branches at the shop on the corner of Wash ington and Railroad streets, where those V 1 ish . ing anything In that hne can always be ac commodated. SAMUEL HERBST. July 23, 1860. Pamphlet Laws. THE Pamphlet Laws of the last session of the Le g islature of Pennsylvania, hare been re ceived at my °Bice, in Gettysburg, and are 1 ready for distribution to those entitled to re ' eelve them. JACOB BUSHEY, Proth'y. July 22, 1860. 3t The Greatest Money Saving ARTICLE that can be purchased Is A. (1. Cana s celebrated HORSE AND CATTLE Pt, wDErt. Farmers, Dairymen and Horsemen, I want you to take notice of this and give It your ou e m a o n n s e a; e m money ade ;, b o y uit— and " money saved I know. 'lnc proprietor of this admirable compound Win calls the attention of the Agricultural community to his valuable discovery in chemistry. We live in an age of progress and improvement. Each day sheds new light upon our path in every department of the arts and sciences; tit peoi.le stand and hesitate without deciding for themseli es a hat is truth and what is humbug. I claim and ask at the hands of all scientific and 11 cll informed farmers a fair and impartial trial of my discovery, feeling confi dent that it A ill be found the most useful and practical of any that has been made in the nine teenth century. Its value is not fbr a single day or a year, or of an individual character, but one of great national importance. It must undoubtedly, from well attested experiments, !already has e added in the aggregate at least one million of dollars annually to the produce of the nation in the shape of milk, butter, fat, ke. Front the same amount of food every farmer. dairyman and horseman, will therefore soon find it so necessary for his Interest to keep it always on hand. as to make It one of the indis pensable articles of his farm house. ' It does not swell up or inflate an animal into a false appearance, as most horse powders or i horse mixtures do, which are compounded by ignorant imitators or pretenders, but gives health and additional weight to the animal. It may be used for Horses, Cows, Hogs, and Sheep, In the following complaints : Hozsza Distemper, GreSaav Surfiet, Coughs, Gripes, Ulcers in Welting', Furry, Hidebound, Heaves, Fever, - Inflammation, Worms, Fistula, Jaundice, 'lelions, Foot disease, Kidney disease, Scours, Lung disease, Straightened hair, Stocking of Itch, . Glanders. [the legs. inirStre directions on the packages. IL G. CARR, Gettysburg,. Pa. July 23,1860. Sheriff's Sales. pursuant* of Rundry writs of Venditioni I &ponds and Fteri titian. itteued nut of the Court cf Common Pleas of Adams county, Pa , and to me directed, will be emteuied to Pub lic Sale, at the Court-house, in Gettysburg. on Saturday, the not day of Awjtut Pert, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., the following described Heal Estate, viz : • A TRACT OF LAND, containing 246 Acres, more or less, situate in llntnilt.inlian township. ' Adams county, adjoining !Audi of Sanford S'iroeiler. Clirtiitian Mitivilinan, and others, improved with a two-story Li) ; !It it -, E. 1 m i roughcast.) with a one-btvr , ; Log It iiild- ii . g attached, a Stone Banklrn, Smithl 1 E . Shop, Spring House, with spring of water. Smoke House, two Orch irils'of fritit trees, arid other iruproiements. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of S. C WAtern. A TRACT OF LAND. containing :0 Acres. a ore or less, situate in Mountpleasant tow n /Lip, Adams county, adjoining lands of Henry J. Bernier, John Shultz. Crengcr, and taller. improved with a two. story LOG BOIYE, a one and a half story Log ;; Building attacbea, a Log Wash and II Smoke House, a Bank Barn, with Wagon , led and Corn Crib attached, an Orchard of fruit trees, a well of water, tc.--..Seized and taken in caltatiolll as the property of EMANCEL GOLDIIN. A 'TRACT OF LAND, containing 8 Acres, more or less, situate in Mountjov township, Adams county , adjoining lands of John Bush man, Peter Baker, John Black, and others, improved with a one and a half story „,,,- FRAME, HOUSE, a. one-story Frame Bhilding attached, a Bank Barn, part log a. tied part frame, an Orchard of fruit trees, • well of water, Lc. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of wiLLtAx ReART. The interest of Margaret Nace and William Nace in A TRACT OF LAND, containing 13 Acres, more or less, !limit(' in Mountpleasant township; Adams county, adjoining lands of William IL Lott, Esq., George Nace, and others, improved with a one story LOG 110C5E,. 24 ri Log Stable, a well of water, an Orchard 11 ? of fruit trees, Ac. Seized and taken in II execution as the estate of MARGAILIT Sacs and WILLIAM SAM A TRACT OF LAND, containing 1200 Acres, more or less, situate in Franklin town.hip, Adams county, adjoining lands of Robert B 'eakney, Charles Stewart, and others, int proOtd with a two-story IV-eatherboarded . . 4 H ouse, with a one-story Stone Back- 11 , 1 building attached, Bank Barn, Wagon ,It Shed and Corn Crib, Spring House, m ith spring of water, Saw Mill, Shingle Mill, Orchard of fruit trees, Ac. 'Seized and t tkett in executiiin as the property of CIIARLNA MCKT.NRICK, SAM VV. iIICKICCRICK at, d JAMSa MCKCNILICC. TWO LOTS OF :;ROUND, situate on the Public Square, in the town of New Oxford, Adams county, adjoiniug lots of Joseph S.l3itt, George Hersh, and others, improved with a large two-story IIIICSR, part stone and .. part frame. with a two-stoty Br, ^k Back- it building attached, a Brick Stu hie, a ll Frame Stable: Smoke House, two well , of outer. end other improvementst-long known a,. kliley•s Tavern stand. and rtroltred a better stunt! 'ban ever by the Gett;,•hurg Itailroad passing chi "' that place. Seized and taken in execution as the property of (honor. F. Recut:a. At the same time and place. by virtue of sundry writs of Ltrtra lanai?. the folio% ing described Real Estate, nix: A LOT OF 61t01 . ND, situate on the east side of Washington street, north of North street, in the borough of Gettysburg, Adams county, ad joining lots of Peter Thorn, Wm. Steinour, and others, improved with a twu-story Brick ..-s. Dwelling ROUSE, Ac. Seized and taken lIET in execution as the property of Witti tx liztticscu, JACOII listutateu and LEWIS Bett ies:Ka. W. A. DU:ST.kS. Getty Liirg Trustee JACOB ADAMS, Executors A TRACT OF LAND, enntnining G 43 Acre.. more or less, situate in latimore taw natip, Adams county, adjoining lauds of J. Myers. Win. F. Bonner, Plorlm Pierson and Michael Stambaugh, improvcd with a tiro story Frame Weatherhottrdtal nursE, u lug Barn with frone sheds notched, ! I spring House, with spring of water, orclvard, ke. Seized and taken in execution as the property of ABRAH•M M. LINN. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Gott} .burg, July 23, .60. DcrTeti per cent. of the puolinse money upon all sales by the Sherif must be paid over im mediately after the property is struck down. and otifitiluie to comply therewith, the property will again be put up fur sale. AT PUBLIC SA L E.—The subscriber, Execu tor of the last will and testament of JAIIKS BLACK, deceased, will offer at Politic :ale, on the premises, ow Tarsday, the 4th day of :414,ru1a nerytlia following Beal Estate of gala deceased, viz : A FARM, situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, adjoining binds of Henn• bitt, James Rider, Jesse Shcrertz and George Arnold, containing /17 Acres, more tm improved with a one and a halt - . story Dwelling II'OUSE. a Fr.inte 11Jrn, nearly new, Wagou t. 4 .hed and . Corn Crib attached, and other outbuitdolg3; two springs of water near the building 4.— There is a youv thriving Apple Orchard, with Peach and Plum trees, on the premises. A frir proportion id excellent Timber. Sale to commence at I o'clock. P. af., on said day, when attendance will be given and tenni made known by pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will be offered at Public Sale. on the preini-e4, on Saturday, eke lrith, day of Aiyput next, the Real Estate of Jcos Kuns,doceased,tate of MouptplenPant town. d hip, in said counts, consisting of A TRACT OF LAND, sitting" in said township, adjoining lands of John Legore, Egbert Eckert, Prier Lawrence, and others, containing 23 Acres, more or !eta. The improvements ' are a One and a Half Story LOG N HOUSE, Log Barn,-with a Well of Water near the door of the house. . There is also a Spring of Water on the land, with an Orchard of Fruit Trees. IffirThere is a portion of the trait in Tim. ber, and a sufficiency of Meadow. I le- Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M said day, when attendance will be given and terms made knewa Prtliff, NJEDEIIERR, Ales' r. fly the Court-11. G. WoLe, Clerk. bir At the above time and place will be sold a quantity of WHILkT and RYE in the sheaf. July 16, 1800. is AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned. Agent for Jana and NANCY Bove, offers at PriN ate Sate, A TRACT OF CIIES:IUT TIM BER LAND, containing 10u Acres, aitnatu in Menallen township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Andrew Bittinger, Charles Stewart. (formerly Boyd's,) and others. The tract is well covered with thriving Chesnnt timber. If not sold at private sale previous to Titurs dcY, the 9th day .lla.qmpt next, it will afterwards be laid out in lots and sold at public outcry. lkirrersons wishing to view the land are requested to call on the undersigned, residing at Bell's Mill, in Menallen township. JACOB SAND9E, Agent. July 16, 1860. TIIE subscriber , desirous of moving to the South. will offer ' at Public Sale, on the premises, his desirable FARM, on the 1 ltA of August new, at 1 o'clock, P. M., situate in Butler township, Adams county. Pa.. Gi miles north of Gettysburg, on the old and direct road to Carlisle (near Bender's church.) It contains 134 ACR 3—about 25 acres are covered with thriving timber—the balance is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a comfortable Two-story STONE HOUSE, good Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, Hay Shed, Smoke and Wash House, Smith Shop, and other out-buildings. There is an Orchard of choice Apple, Pear, Cherry and Peach trees—seldom falling to bear in abundance ; about 30 acres are in meadow, yielding heavy crops of valua ble say. The farm has been limed once, and part twice, 'bail running water, two welts of good water, one at the door and the other at the garden. Possession given in 1861. Terms easy—title good. Persons desirous to buy are Invited to attend as there will boa bargain. irar Terms made knottn by the subscriber, residing on the premises July 9, 1860. td A Small Farm iIIEDEIIICIC DIEIII,, Rserestor July IG, 186). is Orphan's Court Sale. Chesnut Timber Land Public Sale. AIR. EDITOR :—Plasne state in the columns of the Cowspgst, that the Mends of WIT,- H. GARDNER, of Huntington township, will present his name to the Democratic Con vention for the nomination of Commissioner. Wive DIMOCIATIL Huntington tp., July 23, 18tin. cc F. are requested to announce SAMUEL 1, MARCH. of Reading township, as can d Ante for Coniini,“ioner. subjecrto the deci.iou of the Ihmorrat/c County Contention. June Itc. I 00. tc WE are requested to Rita on nc e MARTIN GHTZ, of Ilamilton township, as a can didate for Commissioner, subject to the decision ! of the Democratic County Contention. • June 18, 1860. tc NETF: are requested to announce JACOB Vll t I.L. of Berwick township, as A candi date for Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Contention. JulrP, 1460. te Nur - F: are r' quested to announce BARNET V 111 - ERS, of Menallen township, as a candidate for Commissioner, subject to theste vision of the Democratic County Convention. July 9, 1860. to MO THE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY:— TO Fellow-citizens:—Through the encourage ment of some of my friends, I offer miself as a candidate for the ofEe of SHKRIFP, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Conven tion. If nominated and elected, I shall en deavor to discharge my duties faithfully and satisfactorily. PETER DRENDCHiIeF. llountjoy tp., Mar 14, 180. MO THE VOTERS OF ADAMS Cot? Ty Fellow-citizens :—At the earnest solicita tion of numerous friends, I offer myself as a ciindbliite fur the office of SIIMUFF, nt the next election. subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to be nominated and elected, shall endea‘or to discharge the duties of the ultra luitufully and impartially. _ GE(//t(E BPSIIMAN Cumberland tp., March 19, St,u. tc MO THE VOTEIt OF ADAMS COUNTY:— Fellow..itizens:—At the earnett solicits lion of numerous friettl offer myself as a isndidate for the office oMiEIIIFF, et the next I election, subject to the decision of the Demo- ; crstic County ConAntion. Should I be so litrtunate ns to be nominated and elected, ;I fill endeavor to diseharge the duties of tlie, office faithfully and impartially. J.lf'oll TROXEL Gettysburg : March 26, lE6u. tc ,'juo THE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY:— Fellow-citizens:—At the earnest solicita tion ,-f numerous friends, I offer mycelf as a eaodio. to for the nice of SIIEItIFF, at the next e i vr ti on , : abject to Cie decision of the Demo cratic Cono!Y Convention. should I be so f o rt urlit te sti to be nominated and elected, I shall endeavor :o 4.11“-har^,e the duties of the office faithfully ant: ;cnpartislly. N - 1 1 .11AE1. 11. MILLER. Mrien!plen , iitnt 11,, ; April 1 0, te To TIIE VOTERS OF DAIIS COC:;Ty : At the urgent colicitation of many of friends and tenon -Democrat:, I am induced to idler myself a. a candidate for the office of SHERlFF—subject to the dcm.ion of tho Demo cr.itic County Convention. If nominated I promise the party that no energetic efforts shall Le lo.t to secure my election: and it elected, I promise the voters of the county to discharge the duties of the office impartially, fearle.sly and tonscieutiously. SA M UHL WOLF. Alibottstown, March 26, 1860. to AT the urgent solicitation of numerous Mends I offer mpielf ass candidate for le-election to the office of CL} lIK OF THN CoUIITS. Qubject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I he nomi nated and elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties ut s-ild ohite with tidelit.l lIESItf (.1 WOLF. April 9, 181;0. tc T the earnest Folici tion of numerous Pt friends, I offer me elf as a candidate for CLERK OF THE COURTS at the next election, subject to thecleciskati of the Denwcr t tie County ('ons cation. Should Ibe uninitiated and elect ed, I pled my best efforts to a faithful dis charge of the duties of the post. JOHN EICIIOLTZ Butler tp., April 2, 18 GO. tc gIIiNCOCTIAG ED by a number of my friends, I offer myself ris a candidate for CLERK OF E COritTS, at the next Election. (subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convec t:on.) Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the ditties of the office with fidelitr. JACOB SANDBIRS. Mountplessardtwp., May 28, 18G0. to Clerk of the Courts. AT the solicitation of numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for the office of CLEM , : OF THE rOCRTS--subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I he nominated and elected, I pledge my hest efforts to discharge the duties of the ottce satisfactorily. HENRI . G. GARB. Gettysburg, April 9, 18tiu. to Register and Recorzier. A T the solicitation of numerous friends I AL offer myself as a can.lidate for the oMee of ItEUISTEIt AXE) ItE,i;OII,DER, subject to the decision of the Domoeratic County Contention. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with prompt ness and fidelity, ANDItF.W W. FLEMMING Gettysburg. April 23, 18C0. tc Register and Recorder. lIROUGH the solicitations of Anmerous friends, I have ;teen induced to ofer my se f again as a candidate for REGISTER AND RECORDER, ruhject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the Otte with promptness and fidelity. WILLIAM UVERDEER. Benderaville, April 2, leou. tc d's Register and Recorder. TROUGH the aolicitations of many friends, I bare been induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND ItI:CORDER, (subject to the decision of the I/mart-nu, County Conreution.) Should Ibe nominated and elected, my beet efforts shall be directed to a faithful discharge of the duties of the office. SAMUEL THOMAS. Tyrone tp., June 4, 1860. tc MO VIE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY : Fellow - citizens the urgent solicita tion of numerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER A; RE CORDER, (subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention.) If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my abilities. EDWARD 11c1NTIILE Liberty tp. , July 16 , 1800. tc* Prothonotary. AT the friendly and earnest solicitation of numbers of my Fellow-citizens, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of PRO TRON'OTARY, (subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention.) If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. JACOB MELTIORN Mountplessant tp., June 4, 1880. tc Prothonotary. FELLOW-CITIZENS:—Through the solici tations of numerous friends, I offer myself as • candidate for the omce of PROTHONO TARY. (subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention.) if nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with promptness and fidelity. JAHNS J. FINK Mouutpleaiatt tp., July 16, 1860. tell JACOB MAGI' Commissioner. Commissioner. Commissioner. Commissioner. Commissioner. Sheriffalty. Sherffraltyt Sheriffalty. Sheriffhlty. Sheriftal ty. Clerk of the Courts. Clerk of the Courts. Clerk of the Courts. Register & Recorder. Valuable Farms, AT PUBLIC SALE.The undersigned, At torney in fart for the Widow and Hein, of MAMI ( ern, deceased, will sell al Pub lic Vendor, on the premises, on Saturday, the 181 A day of Aram( nee, at 9 o'clock, A. M., the fol lowing described Valunble Lands. viz : No. 1 : THE MANSION FARM, situate on the Conowago creek, In Butler township. Adams county. Pa.. adjoining lands of John W. Dull, Jesse Houck. Margaret Galbraith, and others, containing 125 ACRES, more or less, with a Two-story Loz Dwell ing House, Bank Barn, Granary, Carriage House, Spring Hon se,with excellent and abundant water, and other con venient Out-buildings, thereon erected.. There is a thriving Orchard of young bearing Apple and Peneh Trees ou this farm. The land is in a good state of cultivation, embraces a large body of excellent Meadow, and is a very desira ble property. No. 2 : THAT VALUABLE FARM, adjoin ing the mansion farm, Icing on the opposite side of Conowago creek, and on the public road leading from Oettysbuig to Carlisle. containing 130 ACBIES, more or less, comprising a large body of valuable Bottom Land and about 35 acres of good Timber. The build- ~.,_ e inga are a good Two-story Brick : f;,:t lit Dwellis HOUSE, a d i,..og Barn, .., - .t with 0 edsattached, a Wagon Shed, ._ • -,.„ rib, Co rib, and other convenient Out-buildings. There is an unfailing well of excellent water under the roof of the porch of the dwelling house. This tract is also in a good etate of cultivation, and there is a good Orchard 31 fruit trees on the premises. No. 3: A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining No. 1, lying on the public road leading tediender's Churchoind adjoining lands of MichaelDietrick, George Weaver and others, containing 106 acres, more or less, about .35 acres of which are good Timber—the balance cleared and under good cultivation. -These fanny are conveniently located, in a good and improving neighborhood, being about one-half mile frotn Bender's Cburch.and the same distance from Table Rock "pit-office, nt which point there are Merelituit,lllllrist and Saw Mills, Smith Shop, &c. TeriuTof sale will be accommodating, to snit parasites. Per sons wishing to see the property may call on the subscriber, or on John or henry G albraith, who live on the Lands. blarAlao, on onday, Me 27M day of August nest, on the pr mises, A TRACT OF TIMBER LAND, in .nalleu township, Adams county, on the p lic road from Bendersville to Sliip pensbne6., near Wank's School House, adjoin- ing laKils ofJacob B. Meals, John Wank, Geo. Black; and others, containing 20 ACRES,_ more or less. .\T„his. land is covered u ith chesnut tim her, and if etll,l would be valuable for farm ing purposes. It will be sold iu lots to suit urebasers, If desired. This sale will commence at 1 . o'clock, P. M. Due attendance will be given and terms mad. known on the days of ;sale, by MICHAEL DIETRIs. K, ' June 25, 1860. is Attorney in fact,ke. A Valuable Farm, FOR SALE.—The undersigned will sell at l'ublic Vendue, on the premises, OR &fur , Me '2SM day o/ August nal. that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, situate in Straban towuthip, Adams county, on the public road leading from the State road to Bender's Church, adjoining lands of Michael Dietrick, George Weaver, David Shriver, and others, containing 284 ACRES, more or fess, with a Two story Dwelling HOUSE, part stone ; ," MI and part log, a Log Barn with .. 4 , urn Sheds, Wagorlied and other. _ ~..., Dut-bnildings erected thereon; two Veils of good Water; also running water part of the year. About tit) Acres of this Tract is in Tim ber, and a large propertion of good Meadow. This Tract can be conveniently divided into s sveral tracts, and will be offered separately an d :•igether. The part No. I, with the build into,,wii: .tontain 155 leres,more or less, and the resi Inc will :"eptrered in lots to suit pinch a This property is situated in a good neigh borhood, about r miles from the Railroad, with a good public road lea.inf to it.- The terms of sale will be accommodating, and the attention of buyers is solicited, as a rare chance is offered t buy good land at a cheap rate. A clear and indisputable title will be given. mar Persona wighing to view the property will call either on John 11. Galbraith, residing on the adjoining farm, or on Samuel Diehl, in the itntriOiate neighborhood. Igor Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, on said day, tvhca attendance will be given and terms made known by SAMUEL DIEHL, ' MICHAEL DIETIIICK, Uturney in fact for the Heirs of Win. Galbraith, decd. Jqne 23, ISGO. ti Administrators' Sale OF VALCA BLE REAL ESTATE OF PETER MOSFORT, DECD.—In pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of AdAms county, the undersigned, Administrators of the estate of Plain Ilimroar, deceased, will expose to Public Sale, on the prelates, on Me 12M day of September or:1, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the VALUA BLE FARM of said deceased, situated in Sirs ban township, Adams county, 3 miles from Gettysburg, on the York Turnpike, adjoining lands of John Tate, Sr., Isaac Miller, John Rine hart and others, containing 178 Acres, having thereon erected a good Two-story lIOCSE, part Log and Weather- -' I boarded and part Brie calculated " for two families, Wa h Brick Bank Barn, Carr Douse, an. other ont-buildingt, with two never-failing wells of water with pumps—one at the house and the other at the barn. There is a good proportion of Meadow and Timber hand, and a fine Apple Orchard, and a large variety of other choice fruit trees on the premises which seldom fail to bear. The Gettysburg Railroad passes through the farm. The land 14 in a good state of cultitation, (part of which has been recently limed,) ander good fencing, and is one of the most valuable prop-tries in the county. glar Alpo, at the same time and pLice, will be sold A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LARD--ono half of 15 Acres—on the Cold Spring road, ad, joining lends of John Moritz, 'Henry Brinker hoff, and others. This tract is well covered with thriving Chesnut timber. NW-Attendance will be given and terms made known by JACOB MONFORT, JACOB CASSAT, July 16, 18CO. td dnuaistrators. Fruit and Ornamental TREES —The subscribers bating within the three last years much et larger! theirstock REES and PLANTS, will offer for sale dur ing the Fall of It3GO, and Spring. of I att l , an un usually large and thrifty lot of Apple, _..:.... Peach, Dwarf and Standard Pear, '.t.,.,"r: ,. Plum, Cherry, Apricot, Nei t.irine and Z, Quince; also Grape Vines, (of leading .r.,. rarieties,) Currants. Gooseberries, Raspberries and Strawberrtea, of the moat pupula- kinds ; also choice miscellaneonq Fruit. such as Span ish Chesnut. English Walnut, lze., together with a large variety of Ornamental and Ever greens, (all of the choicest kinds,) Shrubbery, Vines, Climbers, Roses, .ke. N. B.—We would hereby caution the public against imposters fraudulently pretending lobe our Agents, with the design of speculating on the reputation of these Nurseries, in selling inferior trees, which are bought of unreliable Nurserymen et low rates. All persons known to be thus engaged expose themselves. to the penalty of the law, and will be dealt with ac cordingly. We have, since John Burkholder, Esq., has failed in selling, appointed It. B. PAXTON, of Gettysburg, and several others to canvass this and other adjoining Counties, to take orders for next fall delivery. We will be responsible for all trees and plants sold by such Agents, and only those who have an ac knowledged certificate from us. All trees and plants sold by our Agents wilt be delivered in proper season and in goor order. GEORGE' PETERS k CO., FAIRMOUNT NVREIZR4II24 Benderssrille, Adams county, Pa. July 16, 1860. [apr.9. 6m] Notice. JOHN SLICKER'S ESTATE.—Letters tee tamentary on the estate of John Slicker, late of Reading township, Adults county, de ceased, having been granted to the undersign ed, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them proper ly autheuticeted for settlement. MICHAEL B, BLALTSES, July 10, 1800. 6t* ISseelph.. GNI MIMI, Qum [{ Pins, Garin Sleeve Holders, all very cheap, tat S. _ 3;lB4tl3:Y2v:›re; Fancy Goods! FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS, AND TOYS, Wholesale arid Retail, as Cheap as any place In Baltimore. 151 PIIAXICIAX STIIIILIT, BALTIMORE. ler- Orders promptly atteuded to. J George M. Bokee, IMPORTER and Dealer in CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWARE, No. 41 North Howard Street, between Lasing , tou nod Fayette Streets, BALTIMORE. STONEWARE alnays on hand, at Factory prices. June Id, 18GO. ly Baltimore PEELL AND BRASS WORKS, 53 Holliday street, Baltimore, Md. MOP:OTM it 88, the Prqrietors, are prepared to furnish BELLS of all descriptions, from 10 to 10,1109 pounds, which are warranted equal in quality of tone. prolongation of sound and durability, to any made in the United States. Our Belharare made of the best materials, warranted to gir rutin satisfaction; also, against breakag , ;, Farm Bells. from 10 to 100 pounds, always on hand at northern prices. For Certificates with full particulars, send for one of our 'Circulars. Aug. 29, 1851. 17 School AoQpunts. Dll. E. G. FAIINESTOM, TreaFurer, in ac count with the Getty,hurg School 1) . triet,from April tt, 1859, to July 5, 181;0. To cosh on handti at settlement, April 6, 1859, Outstanding Taxes, 1856 and 1857,in Lands of Wearer, 155 4t , Do. 1857 and 1658, 4OO 71 Do. 1858 and 1659, 1270 83 Assessment for year 1859 and 18CO 3 3815 Cash received in loans, COO OtY for Lot., ' 231 70. . 4 • for Tuition, &c., State Appropriation, 1860, es. By cash paid for Tuition, “ Interest, " Janitor, " . Building, &c., 1. Sundries, Esont rations, Commission to Collectors, " to Treasurer, Balance of Duplicate of 1857, /I 1858, 14 1859, Balance iu hands of Treasurer, The Committee appointed to audit ti wi t port hate don. so, and submit the above stu% went of the condition of the School Fund.. . D. A. RORRIAR,, T. D. CARSON, July 16, 1860 Private Sale. TIIE subscriber o ff ers for sale the Property on which he now resides, consisting of the . HOUSE Wild OUT-BUILDINGS, r and about 27 CRES OF . • • lIIfI II f A The laud is in a high state of eultl4 _ t ration, baring on it running woe ter, and about 300 fruit-bearing trees. Mack of the land is within the limit, of the Borough, furnishing admirable sites for Building Lots.p-. The property will be sold either as • whole, off in lots, to suit purchasers. For additional information and toms ippli r on the premises, to the subscriber. ' 11. L. IIiUGHER... June IffaB6o. 2nl A Chance "VOA A SAFE AND PROFITABLE INTIM MEAT.—Ws TS'S PAT tM TCOrII Planteri patented by D. W.sanss. This is an sgrionl. tural implement which on account of its dura bility, simplicity and cheapties4, will be resent ly adopted by Farmers. With It one man can do the work of three. Before a patent wain procured it was thoroughly tested by annuities. of Farmers and in every instance gate perfect satisfaction. State, County and Township Rights for sale. Enterprising men can resits* handsome profits by purchrsint States or Counties and canvassing. Apply personally to D. Warren and George E. Itringman. Com munications addressed to Gsoaon li. liamosas, at Gettysburg, Pa., containing postage sta.% will receive 'newton. awl& g en ta Minted is every County sad State. [July 9, 1800. IS Dr. C. E. Goldsborongh, AVING permanently located st New 01.. , ford, in this county. would respectfully otter his services to the citizenv of the place and neighborhood, in the verious branches Wish, profession. Otlice in Mr. Charles Doll's house; on the South East corner of Square, where ho can at all times be found when not professiopal— ly engaged. (July 9,186 u. 3t. New Bakery. TonHE undersigned have commenced the Bak ing business, in Washington stre - et, next r to Wm. Wisotakey's, G..t , vsburz, - where. every morning BREAD, PR1.17.1.:1..`.4, And all kiuds of CAKES, are baked. They now sell. Bread at 8 and 4 cents, instead of 18 and IS. Gents as heretofore. Every effort made to please. IItE.NZEL .V. ItEt.F. July 9,18 GO. 3t ' . Farmers, Carpenters, &c.' ATTEND TO YOUR INTERESTS.-4/u. undersigned would rctpcctl ally inform tko public, and the citisca4 of Oetty.l4,iirg and vi cinity particularly, that they are prepared to furnish all persons who coottrnplate building houses. baiii4, tc.. with materials required for said building - s, such as RAFT LATHING, SHINGLES, LiGIEDS, and all III:AVIC TIM BER for building. Also, PCI.STS, RAILS, kc., coatiattallioa hand, and upon low terms for cash. PLANK k SWOLER. Arendesrille, June-18, 1860. 3at Notice. THE undersigned, appeinted-by the OisbasCr Court of Adams county. to distribute Abe nce remaining in the Muds of Jon 11. ati are, Executor of the inst will and testamest of Perin Vssees, deceased, to and among the pap ties legally butitied thereto, will attend at bis office, ox Thursday, (he 2d dere of Assrast *A to discharge the duties of his appointment, trMt and where all parties in interest are notified to attend. Wif. H. McCLELLAN,daditliw.. July 9, 1880. 3t Notice. MITE undersigned, Auditor appointed by tins j Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, to make distribution of the fund In tka iamb' of Sa )11.7LL WIUTER, ASSinlllO of TllOlll.llll Was. sax and Wins, ander a deed of voluntary as signment for the benefit of credit/uni t bereby gives notice that be will sit at his oaks, la Go tysburg, ow Wednesday, the 25th day Air Ma i at 10 o'clock, A. M., to discharge the dation of said appointment, when and wliewa in interest may attend. E. B. BUEULZR, 4,11114 p July 9, 11180. 41 More New Goods T the Sign of the BIG BOOT, In Oben bersbnrg street. We have jest reeeloredl• arge stock of HATS, DAPS, BOOTS., MOW Trunks, Carpet Bags, Untbrellaa, Bum an ness, Collars, Whips, kc., sad are illseseabsei to sell at the lowest prices postikltin wa s Call and judge for yourseleetc_ Jaly 23, len. COBRAS k Otnill* • Tle you do uotboliese May Amami JL Yourselves. tikst, TYSONS' MTN the beat aud cheapest to bed le tho Gallery N. 11. tor. oI the Oloasouitr $9 3 ;0 6380 18 70 sc,ooo do- $7790 33 $33-05 60 33 111 OS -370' 91 214 SO 123 79 39 311 72 91 214 11 • 1733 47, Sll9 $6,60. lie UM