The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 19, 1860, Image 3

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    ireSll nooontmood for the planting, of an
„I=Of 200 trim at tbeir text mooting, In
tba bast 'anuses for tonally onclataserst
of Woi. B. Wason, thi sublet of
"Sprint. Crepe " will be discussed sithe nest
The President tben sdialareliklblo XlClttiag
Wellinesder evening, Muth it,
Tbree Days Zia(frik*lturtrpe.'
. ...
Haursx, March 12. -The steamer
Amei*ok US . yearning with
Linfl,Peci illbth, and per
naitiLlia own intelligence
Asitris re jects England's Italian pro
pdtkms, and announ ors that she abides
try the Villa Franca agreement. Sl.O
- wit/ not employ force at present, but
reset liberty to do so in the future.
. . o
demands from Morocco, as a
of peace, a large inileiunity,
possession of ull the conquered
~ &c.
The Atlantic telegraph company pro
pose again to attempt to reatoro the old
The locality for the prize fight be
tween Heenan and Sayers, on the 16th
of April, is near. Littleport. Tho au
thorities APO taking measures to stop it,
and are urging the railroad conipanies
aiot to run special Grains to the place.
lieenan's training ground is described
.as a fortified farm, *ithin a high wall
of flint and clay, like the squares on a
chess board.
The army of the Romagna has ro
coired reinforcements. The Archduke
31axniillian has sent to tho Pope 2,000
.c.spotes, a battery and some envalry.-1
More Austrian soldiers and officers have
arrived in the States of the Church.
A French officer just returned frog
Rome states that the Papal troops
amount to 8,000 men, of whom 4,000
are Swiss, 2,000 Claisscurs or.Drugoons,
rind 2,000 Gendarmes or Carabinoers.
'To these are to he added 4,000 Austri
ans or Bavarians at Macerate. Of
these troops, 3,500 arc at Pesuro, 2,000
Aneann, 1,000 at Urbino,.l,SOU at
Perugia, and the Dragoons at Rome.
The London Morning Chronicle Ind-
mates theflowing as the provisions
of the now treaty of alliance between
Austria and Russia, namely :
First—A triple concessions by Austria
to Russia in ril matters touching the
holy Places at Jerusalem.
Secotid—Austria agrees to conform
'her policy to that of Russia, as to the
Dmiultiau provicues and Senia.
Third—As a compensation for these
.conecssions Russia guarantor to Aus
tria all her territory, including Hunga
ry and Venetia, against insurrection
aim; foreign foes.
The Paris correspondent (tittle Times
.countenances u rumor that Nupoleurfis
endeavoring to conciliate the Pope,
.and that arrangements respecting Ro
lm:grin, likely to satisfy both parties,
lieve been prorobed. A vicsrute and
Jay government is spoken of.
The Paris correspondent of tho Lon
<inn Globe says the chances of a war in
the spring are daily becoming stronger.
_Austria is seetimulatino troops behind
the arid the north banks of the
Tivt, Po. Other continental corms.
pondents write in the saute strain.
VIENNA, Feb. 27.—The an nouncement
<>fa tr.aty of alliance between Austria
4ind Russia is Nvithout foundation ; but
it is asserted that Austria, although not
iiound by such a treaty, will no more
~a i r , ose the Russian policy in Turkey.
LoNnos, Ilarch I.—The 3lorning
Chronicle announces iu the most posi-
tive way, the conclusion of the Austro
-IZussian treaty, which it states on au
thority, was on the eve of being signed.
, Thu treaty, it says, has undergone some
modifications. ' 4tu4sia will not aid Aus
tria in Italy. Russia makes this change
in the stipulations, because she will not
interfere; but she mill nevertheless act
svith Austria in any complicati-sns that
rainy arise with regard to the countries
t.'u Thumb° or affairs in Hungary.
An attempt was made on Saturday
slight last, or rattier Sunday morning,
to break into the IParmars' & Mechanics'
Bsudc of Carroll County. A hula was
effected through the door that leads in
to tie° counting room, and the lock forc
ed off, the bolt, however ) still retained
its position in the staple, but would in
a few moments have been forced oat and
the burglars made their entrance.—
They were fortunately heard by Dr.
SVartield, who occupies the house nest
door, and his movements freightencd
them away. Their toolsappear to hare
been an auger, chisel, and crow-bar,
which was stolen from the foundry near
by.— A'estviinster Delnocrat.
_ Broke Jan.—Jesse Frock, confined in
the Carroll County Jail, on the charge
stealing money, in dyer's District,
wade his escape on Thursday week,
and has not been reeaptureli, ; pursuit
%las ui.ado, but without success.
Jest the Differenre.—We bad a num
ber of sympathy meetings here in New
York, for John Brown, not long sin,•
and we do not know how much money
was raised for his fumily. Now, why
cannot we have a sympathy meeting
for the "poor white shoemaker," strik
ing against the slavery of starvation
wages--not in Virginia, nor South Caro
but down in Idasoachusetta ?
(item for the ahoenaakers.—Paint
, ur faces black, or be able to show
it yon have murdered somebody for
odom,and we shall have a meeting for
right straight off, with plenty of
aerial aid from Plymouth Church god
sou Square. White men needn't ap
v.)— Eiapreas. •
Deposit Your Money.
-es money daily on Dapocii, f4r which is
is A per-teat. interest.
Parch 19, 190,
Notice. • _
of administration oaths estate of INosool
Ws of Bombast townsblii, Adana
haying beim pasted to the
Ling in the same t imenship,
_ mike I. oUt. ionooe indebted
to mike Issotedietelayment, and
deans legaimurt the as to preened
ketthootkothoi for Pettlesocat
- 11381•11,
Ulf& • Or _ -
'title's pro- 1
tided liald-I
ilea ti vett- ,
it nursery'.
ipples that
milotioopold -to akildroalt
Snot:tor Sky-tisiit Gallery.
G6TTYBSIIIIO=-4ittitany Lase.
Sil pell Li• 6 60 to
it i ye
%%hits 26 to
Sod 26 to
Ostin ............ —,.....
Clover Seed...
Timothy Seed
?1&x S ee d
8ar1ey..... ..... .
Plaster of Paris
I Latter groand, per b0g—......—.
Pork, ........... 00 to
......- ....------3 75 to
.....« 6 00 to 6 50
' Corn...
. Oa ts
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed.. ......
Beef CstAle, per hand.—
Bogs, per build
Guano, Peruvian, per ton
.......... DO to 1 85
...... 85 to 91
65 to 75
w. 43 to 45
460 to 475
2 75 to 3 SO
7 00 tolC 00
7 50 ta 8 50
........ 12 00 tolti 00
22 to 2,3
62 SO
HANO-171311--TecasoAT LII?,
, from wagon
Do. from stpres
' Rye
' Cora
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
' plainer
YORK—Fnin►t L►lT
Floor, f•oia
Do. from stores
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
119113 bctiabl 2V cat!. cue ss.
Do you want a good appetite?
Do you want to build up your constitution?
Do you want to feel well?
Do you want to get rid of nervousness
Do you wont energy?
Do you want to sleep well? •
Po con want a brisk and vigorous feeling?
If you do, use lloofland's German Bitters,
prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. 418 Arch Street,
Philadel.pliia, Pa., and sold by druggists and
storekeepers throughout the United States,
Canadar, West Indies, and South America, at
cents per bottle. [March 19. 1m
readers may remember we have on several oc
' casions spoken in tory eulogistic terms of •
preparation which Dr. Serra S. Hazes, of 108
Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md., has discover
ed for the cure of Epileptic Fits. Now, in do
ing so, we Lave been actuated by the very best
motives, viz : the alleviation of human suffer
ing. Frcm circumstances which have lately
come to our knowledge, we there is a cer
tain class of persona who are disposed to try
this remedy in a common sense manner. We
allude to the fitet of selec tirg a particular case
in a town where perhaps there are six or eight
eases, and trying it on one case. Now, per
haps the case selected might be the only one of
the whole number that it would not cure. This
is neither doing themselves nor the medicine
Justice. Ifs dozen persons were stricken down
with cholera in one town or neighborhood,
would they all send for a physician, or would
only one, employ him, end n - isit and see if he
cured the first patient' Thatplan of procedure
would be most absurd. So in the case of Dr:
liancis remedy, every one who has Fits should
try It for a reasonable length of time. It will
not cure Ina day or week : nothing worth doing
can be accomplished at once. What is easily
done, is as easily undone. The growth of time
is enduring. Frotn the most respectable testi-
Toony we have examined, we feel ensured that
by a proper perseverance in this remedy, nine
cases of Epilepsy out of ten may be cured. The
Pills are sent by mail free of postage to any
' part of the world. Price : one box $3; two $5;
twelvo $24. You wilt find the address above.
March 19. Im
JAMES CLARKE'S Cr trnaarita FEY/ALS P1t.1.5,
prepared from n prescription by Sir J. Clarke,
M. D.. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This well•kaown medicine is no imposition, but
a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties
and obstructions, from any cause whatever,
and although n powerful reuiedy, they contain
nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Mak
atea LADIKB i'. is peculiarly suited. It will, in
a short time, bring on the monthly period with
These - Pills have never been known So fell
where the directions on 2d page of pamphlet
are well observed.
For further particulurs get s pamphlet of the
N. 11.--$1 and tt postage stamps enclosed to
any anth..rized agent. will insure a bottle, eon
taininKorer 50 pills by return of mail.
T. W. Dyott k Son, Wholesale Agents, Phila
delphia. A. D. 13nehler, Agent, Gettysburg.
June 13,'t9. ly
akr THE PUBLIC BLESSING which is now
universally admitted to exist in Moffat's Life
Fills and Phmuix Bitters, is every day demon
strated by their astonishing efficacy in the cases
which they ore announced to cure. Al! the
complaints of the stomach and bowel., weak
ness of the digestive organs and of the system
generally, bilious and liver affections, night
fevers, head aches, piles, costiveness, consump
tion,rheunvitism, scurvy, impurity of the bloc d.
or blotched and sallow complexions, soon yield
to their curative properties. A single trial in
variably secures them th• title of the best fami
ly medicines now before the public. For salt
by the proprietor, W. B. MOFFAT, at his office,
235 Broadway. N. Y., and by Store keepers and
Druggists centrally. [Feb. 13. 17*
Wittism Coscisors, while laboring u s mis
sionary to Japan, was cured ots Consumption,
when all other means had failed, by a recipe ob
tained from a learned physician residing in the
great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured
great numbers who were suffering from Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, and Colds,
and the debility and nervous depression caused
by these disorders. -1)
Desirous of benefiting others, I will send this
recipe, which I hare brought home with me, to
all who need it, free of charge. Address
230 Baltic. street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
March 5, 'OO. 3m
Carr's Poetry.
mil/IRE is no evil in this world
Which men cannot believe;
And every honest mind and heart
Will surely this believe;
God bath ordained a perfect ears
For every ill on earth,
But leaves it unto men to And
The secret and its worth.
Thus H. G. Cur's discovered one
Which will afford relief,
And cure dyspepsia and indigestion,
Almost beyond belief.
The virtues of his Bitters are
Sow known unto all
And they who wish to be relieved
Give H. G. Carr
And even If Consumption has
Laid bead upon thy *ante,
The Sysap he bee is his store
Will qesoch the Ails' dins—
Asi health to commie
Veto the pallid cheek,
Aod ea sato the eicit,
Which words t asset *peak.
It is a sovereign, speed? case
per gulawy—went of breath.—
; rot Asthma aad throat diseases
Whiek ohms esti in death. ,
When others tail this will tact
A pennaaeat
Will bring Abu inabartag back to health„
Aud cheat old Death--Abe thief
March 1/, IMO.
Is Neer Tork, on the 11th inst., hr Rsr. Dr.
Adler, Kr. Jurars SAIIMION. of Wilinieeton.
N. C., (formerly of this place,) W ILA/ JANNA
STEIN R?, of New York. •
On the 6th the Rev S. ff. Hoff helps,
4r. NATHANIEL DiAftt.)olo'/ , to Miss It V
ANN B[CIIER, daughter of %Ir. Jacob Bucher,
all of Straban town chip. Adams county.
On the 11th test . by the same, Mr JOHN
MAN, both from the vicinity of East Berlin.
On the tith inst., by the Iter..l, IL 'kfr.
CORNELIUS SMITH, of Adams county, to Miss
NANCY DICK, of Hampton.
On , Tuesday evening last, by 60 Rev. Wil
liam McElwee, Mr. JOHN MrALISTER, of Cum
berland township, to Miis LIZZIE NI, CREAM',
daughter of Mr. Samuel McCreary, of this place
ser•We will state fQr the information of the
Star man, or men, that the gold duller accom
panying a marriage notice published in this
paper week before last, reached ns hr due
course of mail," in a letter directed to the
Compiler office.
On the 2d inst., Mrs. JANE CURRIE, wife of
Mr. Archibald Currie, of Liberty township.
On Friday morning last, iu this place, ANNA
MARY, daughter of Lewis suit Margaret Burns,
aged 6 days.
On the I.3th inst.. MARY LOUISA, infant
daughter of Wm Sloneker, of Strellau town
ship, aged 28 drys.
t 5.5
6 00
1 30 to 1 40
4 00
2 50
6 50
On Tuesday morning, COI inst., in Peters
burg, (V. 5.,) Dr. 'IMAM C. lIETCALFIi, in
the 49th year of his age. .Again has the family
circle been inAuded by the ruthless hand of
death, and a kind husband and au affectionate
parent been torn from the food embrace of a
&toted wife, and luting children. A vacant
seat has been made at the tireeide ; and the
voice that has so often soothed the anguish of
suffering humanity, has been forever hushed in
. 5 12
.. 1 33 to 145
80 ..
The arduous labors of an extensive practice,
undertnitied a naturally strong and vigorous i
constitution, and laid the foundation of the
disease that brought him to the grave; and it
was not until incapable of attending to the I
duties of his profession, that Le yielded to the
wishes of his friends, and sought to obtain that
relief Le bad so frequently been instrumental
in affording to others. hut, alas) too late—
the arrow had been unerringly sent, and the
form so recently animate with life, now repo
ses in the cold embrace of death I Esteemed
fur the many excellent qualities which he pos
sessed to an eminent degree, the last tribute of
resPect shown to his memory by the - unusually
large concourse of friends and acquaintances,
who followed Lis remains to their last resting
place, gave evidence that his memory is en
shrined in the hearts of many whose sufferings
he had alleviated; while the tears of sorrow
that were shed °ter the inanimate form of one
they loved, attested that a noble-hearted,
honest and upright tuan had gone to his re
ward. his end was peaceful. Calm and
serene as the setting of • summer's lan, he
yielded his spirit to the God who gave him
being, with Christian resignation and fortitude.
remains were interred in the Episcopal
grave-yard, attended by the members of York
Springs Lodge, No. 211, 1. Q.U. V., and of the
Masonic Fraternity, of both of which Orders
he was a prominent member, and by many
sympathizing friends. From this dispensation
of Providence, we may learn the evanescent
character of earthly things, the uncertainty of
life, and the necessity of making preparation
for the awful summons, for we are constantly
reminded by the removal of lured objects from
earth, that—
• 4 25
2 75
6 50
"Time is lleethg,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still like muffled drums are beating,
Funeral marches to the grave." o.
In Marietta, Ohio, after a long and painful
illness, Miss JULIA KOONTZ, aged 23 years.
The deceased was a member of the Baptist
Church, having made a profession of her faith
in Christ about four years ago. Those brief
years have exemplified in her the genuineness
and the preciousness of the faith she cherished.
Cowistent in life and patient in an emlneut de
gree during a lingering illness, which confined
her to her conch of suffering for a fun year and
a half, she at length sleeps in Jesus and is
blest. J. w.
On tbs 11th Inst., FM - MLA ELL7.ABETII,
daughter of Mr. John Quickel, of Butler
township, aged 4 years 4 months and 25 days.
She has gone to a mansion of rest,
From a region of sutrow and pain;
To the glorious laud of the blest,
Where she never can 'utter again.
The pants of affliction and sickness are o'er,
The cloud on her spirit will d irlen no more.
Who mourns that her garland is won
That the crown on her garland is bright,
That her trials and labors are done,
That her spirit rejoices in light?
Who weeps that our loss is her infinite gain,
Whtre death cannot enter and sin cannot
Oh, least her to rest with her God,
To join in that music benign,
Which swells o'rr blessed abode,
Where every Fight is divine;
Where dowers immortal with lustre fed
From the source of all glory unceasingly shed
TBE following applications to keep public
houses of entertainment, have been tiled in
my office, with the requisite number of signers,
and will be pre.ented at the Court of Quarter
Sessiow, on Monday, the lath day, of April next:
Geoirce W. McClellan, Bur. of Gettysburg.
Charles Will, Do.
John L. Tate, Do.
Benjamin Scl.rivcs ' Do.
Francis J. Wilson, Borough of 13erwirk.
Henry Kobler, Do.
J. A. H. Healer, Butler township.
Martin Boyer,
Francis Bream, Cumberland " •
David Goodyear, Franklin
Henry b 4, 44 ushower, "
Hetekiah Latshaw, " s 4
William Holland, " 44 .
Henry Bitner, 44 LI
Cornelius B. Haines, "
Charles M. Stine, Germany 44
Joseph Barker, 44
Levi Crebs, 41
Peter Lingenfeltu, 44
Daniel Becker, Ilitcnilton,
Collin A. Carson, a "
Jeremiah Stem, liamiltonban "
Peter Sehivre'y, " a
Reuben Stem, • " U
Burner Biel am, a "
Hannah M. Cooper, " a
Vary Hildebrand, Huntington "
John D. Becker, " la
Churles liyers, Ifenallea a
J. E. Smith, lionutpleasant "-
kiary Brough, is U
Jacob Martin, Oxford It
Jacob L. Grace, Straban IS
Jacob Sunders, " a
John Eckinrode, Tyrone 0
Allen M. Cook, " It
John Miller, Germany township.
John 2sbert, Moontjoy "
IniSRY G. WOLF, Clerk.
Mrreh 1,, 1860.
Notice. •
.111, testamentary on the estate of Matilda
Scanlan, late of Gettysburg, Adams county,
deceased, haring been granted to the under
siirued, residing in the tame place, he hereby
gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate tinake immediate payment, and those
having. Minis against the same to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
MOSES IiIeCLEAN, Executor.
31rA1'cit 11, 1860. 6t*
Seeds! Seeds.'
II and genuine CLARDBS }MIA
S ntised and selected with the greatest cars,
at the Momitain Gamier, Bownitsbeer, Th fr
stock isyea, complete, eatbreatag sears Th
um Paciu. sges can be seat b 7 mail or ex
press. JOHN JORDAN, Oariksor.
Nardi It, Nee. St
1218TITUTS.—Tho Bowan Seto
wg i otto tho Clotlaharg Floosie Issiltatli
ootnateato on the mood Yeas* is Alpil.
Tor particulars inquire of REV. D. IS tfrtift.
Hob it., Gettysburg, March 12,10. 2t
The Gettysburg Railroad.
liii MORNING 'TRAIN now lesves Get
tysburg, at C. 45 A. M., connecting at
Il anover Junction with the train from
berg to Baltimore at 5 23 A. M., reaching Bal
timore at 11 25 noon. Passengers going north
or east will also connect, by the morning train,
with the mail train front Baltimore, which pa ,, es
the Junction at 19 53 A. M. and arrive, at Har
risburg at 1.10 noon. Ginnectiont Made at
York for Columbia and Philadelphia by this
train. Returning arrives at Gettysburg at
12.45 noon with passengers who leave Harris
burg' at 7.20 A. M . and Baltimore at ti :lo A. M.
The AFTERNOtiN TRAIN leaves Gettys
burg at 1:43 P. M., connecting at Ilano%er
Junction at 4.07 P. M. with Mail train which
leaves Harriaburg at 2 P. M. and arrives at
Baltimore at 7 P. M.. and with the Express
train from Baltimore which leaves Baltimore at
3.30 I'. M. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8 P.
M. Returning arrives at Gettysburg with pas
sengers from Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the
!forth and West at 0.4; P. M. Passengers for
the :North or South on the Northern Central
will make connections throngh each way by
bath Morning and Afternoon tritiu.
11. :tI . CCIIDY, President.
Sarch 19, 1860
A Fellow+citizens the earnest solicita
tion of numerous friends, I offer myself as a
candidate for the office of .ttifERIFF, at the next
election, subject to the decision of the Demo.,
critic County Conception. Should I be so
fortunate as to be nominated and elected,
shall endeavor to discharge the duties cf the
once faithfully and impartially.
Cumberland tp., March 19, It',Bo.
Register's Notice.
PstlC/TICE Is hereby given to all legatees and
other persons concerned that the Athala• 1
ratlon accounts hereinafter mentioned will
be presented at the Orphan's Curt of Adams
county for confirmation and allowance, on
ifeaday, the lath of Apra nest, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., viz:
1174. The second account of John Carl, Ad
niltlistrator de bonis non cum testamento wi
nes*, of George Carl, late of Mountpleasant
township, deceased.
14.5. The first and final account of James
Moire, Administrator of -the estate of William
Johnston, late of Ilamiltonban township, dec'd.
I'JB. The first and final account of Elias
Slagle, Guardian of Caroline J. Rife, and the
first account of Elias Slagle, Guardian ofBlinott
li. Rife, minor children of laaan and Leah Rife.
the latter being deceased.
111. The guardianship account of Abraham
Trostie, Guardian . of minor daughter of William
Meals, deceased.
IVB. The second and final account of Philip
Wearer, Guardian of the persons and estates of
David Luther Plank and Aana Mary Louisa
Plank, the minor children of John Plank, dec'd.
119. First and Anal account ofJames Thomp
son, )xecutor of the Will of Joseph H. Black,
Iso. The first and final account of George
Robinette, Administrator of the estate of Geo.
Koch, late of batimore township, deceased.
181. The first and finial account of George
Robinette, Administrator of Elisabeth Koch,
latetof Instintore township, deceased.
1 1 /8. The account of Andrew Brutish, Gm.-
dia of the estate of George Klltlffillitn, minor
son of Henry Kauffman.
EACH &RIAU =IRS, Register.
Register's Office, Gettys
blrg Mar. 19 , 1860. f
Sheriff's Sale.
J, pursuance of a writ of renditioni A",-
perms, issued oat of the Court of Common
leak of Adams county, Pa., and to me di
rected, will be exposed to Public 'sale, at the
Coutt-house, in Gettysburg, on Satu rday, Ow
TM ;day of April new, at 1 o'clock, I'. 11.,
the fbllowing described Real Estate, vie:
ATTRACT OF LAND, containing 95 acres,
more or less, situate in Union township. Adams
cattily, Pa., adjoining lands of Pavid Flegpl,
Da* Lohr, Frederick Lohr, and .,.., ,
t it
oche improved with
' a one story -. #ac
.1.. 11 ' 0USE,LogllarnosithWagon . . S . 1111 •
Sh attached, Spring house , with 2 ~.......;
Spri g of water, two Orchards of fruit trets.Ac.
Seis d and taken in execution as the property
of ILlwns Rouen.
ISAAC Lunrrcnn. Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg. Mar, 19, .1;0,
gke'Ten per ceut. of the purchase money upon
all s:tlea by the Sheriff amid he paid over ha.
metiiiktely after the property is struck dovrn, and
on failure to comply therewith, the property will
again be put up for sale.
jj HEREAS the lion. ROM, J. Fiance,
WPresident of the several Courts of Com
mon'leas in the Counties composing the Difth
and Justice of tee Courts of Oyer and
Termlner, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial
of all capital and other oftnders in the said
district, and Davin Zteatita and lasso R. Wpm
-ma.; Awls., Judges of the Courts of Common
Pleas' } and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and
Terminer, and 'General Jail Delivery, for the
trial of all capital and other offenders in the
County - of Adams—have issued their precept,
bearing date the 11th day of January. in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
fifty-nine, and to me directed., for holding, a Court
ofCommou Plena. and General Quarter Sessions
of the Pence, and General Jail Debi ery and
Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg. on
Mooday, the 16th day of Apnl ne.-I—NtY I ICE
HERERV GIVES to all the Justices of the
Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the
said County of Adams, that they be then and
there la their proper persons. with their Rolls,
Records, Inquisitions, Examinations. and other
Remembrances, to do those things which to their
of6cea and iu that behalf appertain to his done,
and also, they who will proecuteN&gaiust the
prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of
the sahl County of Adams, are to be then and
there to prosecute against ?ARM as shall be Just.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
• March 19, 1860. tc
ASSETS. Mar. 9, , aO.
I,43ans and discounts $2011.947 35
Specie, 33,952 76
Due by other Banks 4,014 13
;Cotes Of other Banks, M ........ 50,437 81
Judgments . 14,941 38
Bonds ' , 5,518 17
Real Estate 0,400 00
Stocks' ... 966 00
Total ... $378,177 90
Circulation $162,340 00
Due to bther Banks ... 6,220 72
Deposits 20,796 89
$189,357 61
CAPITAL., $145,150 00.
The above statement is correct, to the best of
my knotrlegde and belief.
T. 1). CARSON, Cashier.
Affirmed and subscribed before me.
March 19, 1860. Gso. AISOLD, J. P.
Notice. •
tern of administration, de bonis non cum
testament° annex°, on the estate of Jacob Mu n
dorff, Sr., late of Franklin township, Aden's
county, deceased, having been granted to the
subscriber, residing In Gettysburg, be here
bt gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those baring claims against the same to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
'Vt''X. A. DUNCAN, Ado's.
Varch , 12, 1880. 81
eatery on the estate of Elisabeth
laic We Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa.,
dm:mm*4 hawing been granted to the under-
Mined, maiding in the same place, he here
by erns notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those haring claims against the same to pre
gent Cristo properly tutbentieated for settle
Earth 12, 1860. st Executor.
ROTOGRAPHS nestle &tinier! at the Ex
eelsiirr Gallery, Gettysburg,
Public, Sale.
N ManAsy, tar nth Of' ltaech end., at use o'- ,
jr clock, Y. IL, the subscriber ;voiding in
titration township, about 4 olio from Uttar,-
' burg. on the York turnpike, will expose at Pub
!..sle. on the premises, the following person
al pruperty, to wit : One first-rate WORK
HOWSE, 2 tresh milch cows, that can't be best,
fat steer, a lot of sheep, a lot of shoats, a Gnat
rate broad tread wagon and bed, Witherow
plough, I drill, bay carriages, 1 scap of bees,
iron kettle, I stove, a new broad tread wagon
mattock, a lut of corn fodder, and a great
tariety of other articles too numerous to
beir At to ndsnre w ill be given and terms made
know n on day a sale by
acti 12, 18.343. ts•
Public Salo.
rt. suhmeriber will sell at Public Sale, at
he former resit:cites of Gitosos Horca. ,u
brermauy township, ACMs county, on tile
road leading from Littlestown to Kannitsbur i z,
3 miles from the former place, OA neadaY, the
2Oth day of Mare next, the following Personal
Property, via: BUREAU, Tables, Chair's. Bed
steads. Cupboards, Desks, Stands, Store Coun
ter and Shelving, 3 Stoves and Pipe, I.irge
Copper Kettle, Iron KettleA, Putt, Lc.; llor:e
Power, Circular Saw Frame, Turning Lathe,
Poplar, Cli,rry awl Pine Lumber, mud vat ions
other articles, too numerous to mention.
air - Sale to commence at 16 o'clock, A. 11.,
on aid day, vt ben aueudance will be given and
termd made luown by
Feb. 27, 18G0. to
For Bale.
FIE FARM on which I reside, 3 miles south
of Eratnitsbutg, Md., on the Frederick
I oad. The farm consists of Fifty-four Acres
of amble land in good condition, well fenced,
and improved by a good ROUSE and
t 1
the necessary outbuildings. Part aii ;
of the land has been lately limed. There
is on the place a thriving young Orchard of 7 . 00
Apple and 2uo Peach trees, besides Pear, Pluln,
Apficot trees and Grape-vines. It will be sold
cheap and on gaud terms if upplied for at once.
1 pair iron grey mr.tched Mules, 5 years old,
sound and perfectly broken to single and
double harness. •
2 first rate wagon or farm Horses.
; fourLhorse broad tread Wagon, with lime bed.
Ilarneits for four horses, Dearly new.
1 Carriage for one or two bones, new.
2 thorough bred Durham Calves, a Lull and a
heifer, 1 year old.
A variety of farm implements.
Jan. 23, MOO. 3m
In Press,
A:D will be published, on shwa. lith. A
new work by the distinguished American
Aut ores*, Mr.. EN NA D. E. S. Sucruwoetu.
.4utobispraphy of do Author. By Mrs. Emma D.
E. N. Sou thworth. Author of "The Loat
Heiress; "Deserted Wife," "%sang Bride,"
"India," "Wife's Victory," "Attribution,"
"Curia of Clifton," "Virtu," "The Throe/lest:-
ties" "Lady of the Isle," etc.
Complete ju one large duodecimo Totem.,
neatly bound in cloth, fur One Ikultar and
Twenty-five Cents; or in two rolnmes, paper
cover, for 0n Dollar.
The Publishers take great pleasure in being
able to present to the American public another
new and charming work by the popular Ameri
can Authoress, Mrs. Emma D. K. N. South
worth. She is excelled by no living female
writer la the world. Met style is free from in
sipidity on the one hind and bombast on the
other; and though we meet . with forcible, we
are never startled with inflated language. her
characters are rarely under, bat never over
drawn. Al lier scenes are litipictures, her inci
dents fdllifided on facts, and her sentiments are
characterized bye singular purity both of con
ception and expression. She has the rare
faculty of saying what she means, and of say
idg it in such a manner as that her meaning
caunut he misinterpreted. In short, she pos
sesses in an eminent degree thosequalifications
which are the peculiar prercgatives of a good
it riter whjlc she delights the reader's imagina
tion with her descriptive twenty, shit applies
home troths to their understanding with the
force of rational conviction. The "Haunted
Homestead " has been pronounced by those who
e read the proof-sheets, to be her best work.
This is safficient to commend it to perusal, and
we anticipate for it a great popularity. For
gale 11 1 V all liooksellert.
kii — Copies of tither edition of the work,
will tee sent to any part of the United State*,
free of pWage, on rcusittiug the price of the
edition they holy wish, to the publisher, in e
Published and for Sale at the Publishing Es
tablishment of T. 13. PETERSON k BROS.,
114.rch 11, 'GO. 3011 Chestnut St., Philad'a.
WILSONS indebted to the undersigned by
r accounts along standing are notifia to
pny.up. S. G. COOK.
Feb. 27, 1860.
rjll E rindersi.zned, being the anthorizedpersoa
j_ to make removals into Erer Green Ceme
tery, hopes that such as contemplate the removal
of the remains of deceased relatives or friends,
will :trail themselves of this season of theyear to
have it done. Removals made with promptness
—terms low, and ho effort spared to please.
Keeper of the Cemetery
March 12,'60
of administration on the estate of Rebecca
r. , 111 ) see, title of St. J oseph i.uunty, I it di tius.dec'd
having been granted to the undersigned, resid
ing iu Gettysburg, Aihaus C o , Pa., he hereby
gives notice total persons indebted tosaid estate
to make immediate payment, and those hieing
chums against the same to present thew proper
ly authenticated fur settlement.
Feb. G, 1860. 6t
Lumber and Coal,
TitlE: AND PLA STEII.--of ail kinds constant
j ly on hand, which we are selling at small
profits for CASH. All Coal, kc., must be cash
un delivery. SiIEADS k BC.EULER.
Jan. 23, 1860.
H. Ward,
GOODS, NO!. 103, 105 and 107 North
cc ud Street, Philadelphia.—We are now re
ceiving our Spring Stuck, which will comprise
a large and desirable assortment of all kinds of
Flowers and Ruches will be unusually large
this season, and we would invite your special
attention to that department.. Please call and
examine them before making your purchases.
11. WARD,
Nos. 103, 105 and 107 North Second St.
March 5, MO. lm
TWIN KUHN'S ESTATS.—Letters of ad
ministration on the estate of John Kuhn,
late of Mauutpleasant township, Adams county,
deceased, baring been granted the undersigned,
residing In Conowago township, heheriabygives
notice to all persona indebted to said estate
to make immediate payment, and those haring
claims against the same to present them proper
ly authenticated for settlement.
Pinkift 1811)11RERIt, Adas'r.
March 5, 1860. 61
Last Notice.
iNOTICE is bereby given that the Books of
the late inn of lattutirtg h istottAs are
n the hands of the undersigned, and that ea
immediate set dement of accounts is earnestly ro
qoested, lipsraseits are not made on or beton
Siturdiy, the I 7tA Loy of Nardi hest, the accounts
will be placed in the haggis of an °Scar for
collection. 'WC GILL ESPIL
Gettysburg, *arch i, 1660. U.
To Farmers.
Willi POLAND OATS, weighing 40 pounds
to the buthel. Fanners &sir's; a good
variety can be supplied at the warehoase'of
JOHN HOE, by calling soon, as there is only
a Ihnited quantity ofered. [![arch 5,1860.
A . NEW IDEA IN G.--41.11 should call and
TYNONS' exquisite CRAYON
OltiTt.ll'llS, at the Eloelsior Sky-light
.(March 13.
lux subscriber, baring purchased the
Fouedry of Messrs. Zorhaugh, Moat At Co..
l ux
Warranabronniry,) has commenced
business, and is. now prepared to oder to the
public a larger assortutent of Machinery than
Las heretofore been offered, such as TiIItESII
ISO MACHINES, Clover Hullers, rudders Cut
ters, Cora Sheller*, and Morgan's late improved
Horse Rake. Also, STOVES, such as Cook
Stores, three different kinds; rid flre different
sizes of Ten-plate Stores. Likewise Mill and
Saw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Turning in
Iron or Wood.
ser REPAIRING of aH kinds on Machinery
and Castings will be done to order on short
notice. Patterns made to order; Plough Cast..
ings ready made ; PLOrGIIS, such as
Witherow, Pincher, Woodcock, and many
others not mentioned here; and eight different
kinds of IKON FENCING, fur Cemeteries,
Porches or Yards.
Alio, Mortising Machines, one of the ben
now• tu use. This machine works with a lever
be fiani; any little boy can, manage it.
Call And examine our stock ; uo doubt brit
what we can please. Persons ought to see it
their advautzge to buy machinery of any kind
At home, where it is numuttictured, so that they
can very easily get any part replaced ur repaired.
1.).t111.) BTERNEIt.
Gettysburg, Feb.l3, 18G0.
Five Splendid
OTRAWBEItRIRS.-1100M1,—Very pro
ductive ; large, beautiful, and of unequaled
WILSON'S ALBANY,—Exceedingly produe
tire ; fine for market.
TRIOMPHE DE GIN - r),—Tmmenee sire; ,
splendid appearance, and high flavor.
productive, tardy, and good flavor.
LARGE EMILY SCARLET,—The earliest ; ,
productive, and excellent.
As it is impossible to secure all the excel
lencies of this most popular fruit in one variety,
we offer the above as comprising, in five aorta,
the various points desirable.
We again confidently recommend the HOOK
ER, as by far the best fur family use, if only one
sort is to be planted—combining a greater
number of excellencies than any other variety.
Air All of the above have perfect flowers,
end will produce excellent crops, if planted
singly or together.
PRlCE,—(Securely packed to be forwarded
by express:)
Per 100 plants of any of the above varieties, $2.00
" 100 " 30 of each
" 500 " ltiO of eackvariety, 750
" 1000 " of the Hooker,lo.oo
11. R. 110KRR k CO.,
Coital: mat Nesseatea,
Rochester, N. Y.
AND PATRONAOE—For Statesmen,
Judges, Cleromcn, Ladle* and Zestlemen, le
all parts of the world test* to the efficacy of
I'rol. 0, J. Wood's Hair Restorative, and gen
tlemen of the Press are unanimous in its praise.
A few testimonials only can be bete Wow; see
circular for more, and it will be Impossible for
you to doubt.
47 Wall Street, New YOrk, Dec. 20,'58.
Gammas; Your note of the 15th inst.,
has been received, saying that yotr had heard
that I had been benefited by the use of Wood's
Male Restorative, and requesting my certificate
of the fact it I had no objection to give it.
award it to yon cheerfully, because I think
it doe. My age is about 50 years; the color of
my hair auburn, and inclined to curl. Some
five or six years Mace it began to
. turn gray,
and the scalp on the crown of my head to lose
its sensibility and dandruff to form upon it.—
Each or these disagreeabilities increased with
time, and about four months since a fourth was
added to them, my hair falling off the top of my
head and threatening-to make me bald.
In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced
to try Wood's Hair, Restorative, mainly to ar
rest.the falling o ff of my hair, for I had really
no expectation that gray hair could ever be
restored to its original color except from dyes.
I was, however, greatly surprised to find after
the use of two bottles ouiy, that not only was
the falling off arrested, bat the color was re
stuEed to the gray hairs and sensibility to the
scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my head,
very atuch to the gratification of my wife, at
whose solicitation I was induced to try it.
For this, among the 'many obligations I owe
to her sex, I strongly teeommend all husbands
who value the adrofrstion of their wives to
profit by my example, and use it if gruwing
gray or getting bald. Very respeettullv,
To 0.1.W00d 4 Cb., 444 Broadway, New York,
)ly family are absent from the city, end I am
no longer at No. 11 Corral Place.
Siamaston, Ala., July 20, 1959.
To Poor. 0. J. WOOD: Dear Sir:—Your
"lair Restorative" has done my hair so mach
good since I commenced the ace of it, that I
wish to make known to the public of its effects
on the hair, Which are great. A marl or woman
may be nearly deprived of hair; and by a resort
to your" Hair Restorative," the hair wal return
more beautiful than ever; at !east 'this is my
experience. Relieve it all ! Yours truly, .
P. S.—You can publish the Above if you like.
By publishing in our Southern papers you will
get more patronage south. I see several of
your certificates in the Mottle l'ircurs, a strong
Southern paper. W. U. li.
Pam O. J. ROOD: Dear Sir:—[laving had
the misfortune to lose the best portion of my
hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in
New Orleans in 1851, I was induced hi make
a trial of your preparation. and found it to an
swer its the very thing needed. My hair is now
thick and glossy, and no words can express my
obligations to you in giving to the a fiiict?d such
The Restorative is pat up in bottles of three
sizes, viz: large, medium, and small; the small
holds i a pint, and retails for one dollar per
bottle; the weuium holds at least twenty per
cent. more in proportion than the small, retails
for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a
quart, 40 per cent. more iu proportion, and re
tails for $3.
O. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad
way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St.
Louis, Mu.
And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers. []larch 12,1860.40 w
Gaavo Jeer.
Franklin—Jacob Mark, Jacob Lower
Oxford--John Stock, 11cory J. Kohn.
Mouotplessant—Jacob Miller , Thomas Stone-
Huntington—Jeremiah Hoff Sdallei Boners.
Barwick tp.—Daniel S. 'Limits.
Cumberland—David W. !Inner, John Herbst.
Tyrone—Daniel Diehl.
Hamilton—Daniel Lynch.
Straban—Jacob Lawrence, Samuel A. Gilliland.
Gettyaburg—Wm.B. Meals; Peter Raffanaperger,
Scary B. Danner. •
Conowago—hase D. Seller, Vincent O'Bold
3ionntjoy—Jacob Schwartz.
Bader—Jacob .Moirerey
Glexmeac Just
Berwick tp.—Jobn Elder.
Conowago--Thonine McKinney, John Wearer.
Gettyaburg--Jereme Walter, Gee. W. MeGiel..
lan, Henry Rupp.
Reading—Singleton Elamite, Samuel March,
Samuel Ditiler, Andrew Brougb.
Straban—Henry IV:tenor, Ileltael Hiller, John
Lynch, George Weaver-
Nountpleasant—Emotnuel Smitb,Rufutaireaver,
Wm. Parr.
Hamiltonian—Josepb Clelbseh, Peter Stover.
Neuslieo--Charles Stewart, Nicholas slap
Mountjoy--Simon Hewn, Jacob flortorsit.
Germany—Paul Kuhns, Wm. Duttera, Henry
lastimore—Coorud R. Myers, /no. ff. Myers.
Fraakli*--Albeit Van Dyke, Thas.S.Orsauoitt,
Berwick ber.---algoool Wolf.
Tyroo.,--ItudolpT Dietriok, Goats, lisekley,
Deals' Beam.
Itusitton—Charks Robert,
Cosaberland--Daaiel Polley, Hew Butt, Jima...
finuelogile, &Myers, Adam Weigle.
Freetern—d~ad Krieg Jams Eligheas.
I.lbeetr—alkabliWiebl, JameepOrgy.
0111,rd-ggtelawow. -
I/Woo--Peter SAL Edward Staab.
Butler—Edward Staley.
InOXiNY.-A prime artieleof Wb
can now be 44 at ft. 0. 0
tett street.
Gettysburg romuir3'.
March 12, 1860
The Only Preparation
Jurors for April.
March 12, 1880
j. Wines, Braflttes,
SUN, *Mir for saki Nu following articles,
o their own importation, particularly for fami
ly use:
Wivaa—Petriattioe'a Ineiti, pate, gold
and brown Flicrrics, in wood and in gl4ss.
Year Wists—Sandernan's competition re?
• and white Port, In wood and innings.
MADBIRA W/1411---Joliq 'Howard March's Goa
.Madeira, iu woull and In Mass; also, crape
drove . Wixes—Jahannevberger, Btainber4er,
Marrobrunnrr, Cabinet, Lieb-fran-much, Brun
neberg, of 1846.
Cnewemi VII WIN xn—)loci and Chandon's fin
est. In courts and pints.
tt.l% PI co—Otard and Hennessy* fine old pale
and dark Brandiq,/
Items--Old an tr fine .I* Ica, Antigua, Gran
ada, and from the I ands, imported direct from
ilota..tNn best quality—Tiernsu
lsrenti—and no mixture of aromatic poison in it.
140 issif chests. of the finest Hoecussissa
I.lsitisuoro, Aug. 20,1850. 1,
A. Diathiot & Songs
25 and 27 .N. Gay street. Baltimore, (near
Fttette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick
st.—the largest e.,twidn.htnent of the kind in thu
Union. Always on Imod a large assortment -dt
bracing Bureaus, Bod,teads,Tclu3ll.strards, Ward
robes, Mattresses of Husk, - Cotton and
Spring Beds, ofag. Tcte-e-Totes, Artu Chairs,
Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set.
tees, Reception and Upholsterail Chairs, As ,
Wood Chair,, Odb e ( hairs,
Barber Chairs,
Crites and Cradle;. Ilat Racks, Furniture,
Gilt and \Velma F.':1111C Looking Glasses, Shin
boards, Extension Tables, of et wry lerigtl4.
f' ers o s disposed to purchase arc invited to
call and give our stock an examination, trbia
for variety and quality of It orktnansotp is 1104
equalled by any e.taldiabin4. , nt in the country.
Nos. 23 and 17 N. Gay street.
Ang. 2, 1859. ly
CIIINA, GLASS AND gusmnsitairk.
prices. No. C ihnorer Street, near IlaltisuOre
Struet, DAwrisrous, MD.
Yob. 27,181;0. 2m
______ . _ - --- - -- •
. Burr mill Stones •
STARR & CO., Cor. -- - -:-. l ;' (-! ~
s r e
of Sorth (sod Centre Streets, /s: -
opposite N. C. R. R. Stntion, -,
8 P 41 5,... ~....-"---
)I.ltlllfile- lib' 1/4 'NZ! ,
Wars of ars of FRENC II RILS, :•••••
Importers and Dealers in ',. .„4/ !:
Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloths, '' . ..; - / 1: - .; ., , 's
Leather and Gum Beltings, --- 1 1 - , '
Calcited Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted
Quality. Also, Colune, Coed ice, and Esopluse
31111 Stones of all sizes. rel.). 27, 'GO. ly
. New & Rich
D WARE,E &e.—A. E. WA RN ER„- Gold and
versmith, Nu. 10 NORTII GAY STRBILT, BAL
TIMORE, 31D., has id store it beautiful untied
meat of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY,
suitable for presents, embracing a great variety
of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car
bunkles, ke., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger king
set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald,
kc., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest & Guard Chains,
Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins:
Signet, Chised and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils
and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and
Jet Crusses, Jet Bracelets, Pins & Ear Rine, kc.
" ' "
A Variety of Silver Mounted 44 Plated Castors,
Cake Mist:els, Waiters, Can dleßticks, Hutto and
Salt Stands, Pearl Handle De:ert Kuives,Spoona,
Forks. Ladles, Farley A rtiele4, ke., AI I of wlticla
is respectfully olTered on the lon est terms.
gar The Country Trade and Deeltlrs general
ly are invited to give me a call, and examine
Goods nudn'riees, being satisfied that my SIL
VER WARE, cannot lie surpassed either for
6ueness or quality, tx the latest and most beau
tiful patterns. ffeb. 27, ISGO. ly
OrSDED 137;2. Chartered 1954. Located
3ALTIMOAM, NILL—TIIC Largest, Most Elegantly
Furnished& Popular Commercial College in the
United States. Designed expressly for `footsie .
Men desiring to obtain a THOROCOM PMACTICAL
BCSINEB9 EpeeArlo , / in the shortest possible
time and at the least expense.
A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Cirri%
lar.containing upwards ot SIX SQUARE FRET,
WAN ' SPECIMEN or PLAYA AMNIA,and a Largelihely,
graving (tile finest of the kind ever made tn!..„o
this country) representing the Interior View ot
the College, with Catalogue stating terms, ke.,
will be sent to Ever y Young Man on application,
Fear or Cusaus. Write immediately and you
will receive the package by return mail.
Adareo., E. K. OSlER,ltitnure,3ld
Feb. 6,18 CO. ly
James H. Bosley,
Nos. 124 and 126 North Street,
I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis.
lion ail kinds OICoUNTRY PRODUCE. Having
an experience of ten years in the Commission
business, (and wishing to continue that alone,)
I flatter myself that 1 shall be able to give RAT'S
/ACTION to all who favor inc with consignments
Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries,
Guano. and all kinds of Fertilisers,
Feb. G, 't3o. ly
Watches, Jewelry,
i kr) srr.VER-IVARE.—We would respect
fully inform our friends, patrons and the
pub is generally, tlrat we have now in Storo
and offer WHOLCSALS AND RITAIL,at the lowest
CASH PRICES, a large and very choice stair. of
Watche?, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of
erery variety and style. Every delcriptiols of
DIAMOND \coax and other Jewgtav, made te
order at short notice. sgir-.l.llgootis warrant
ed to be as represented.
N. B.—Particular attention giren to the rie. ,
pairing or Watches and Jewelry of every de
scription. STAPFFFII. & HARLEY,
No. 622 lfarket St., South Side, Philadelphia.
Feb. 13, 1800. 3m
Arch Street Carpet
PkTINOS!—We are now opening our. ,'
Spring Stock of Carpeting., which brave bees "
bought extremely low for Cash, end will be
sold correspondingly cheap. We have all 'the '
newest stud richest styles of 'Velvet, Brussels,
Three-Ply, ligtrign and Venetinna—with as elk.
tensire assortment of low priced Carpotimii
Oil Cloths, Droggets, Mats, /sc., kc.
Also, 500 pieces a 3-4, 4-4, 6-4,42-4, white,'
red, check, fancy and variegated Canton
tlEgs, at very low prices.
As we buy exclusively for Cash, we are en- '
allied to offer our goods much below the Uttar
ggirConntry llerthernts -and others who are.
about purchaeing are 'macaroni° mania ex
as they cannot fail being pleased
with goods and prices.
OLDEN A nrcKsiut,
832 Arch fit., (2 doors below Ninth, South
March. 12, '6O. 3m Philadelphia.
Book Binding.
ORS= MCSIC, MAGAZINES sad 1313 1 11114
boa:island retarasii lo one
• 3 doors above the Washington Mouse • • -
Jan. 14,1860. tf "VrirgttiC
Turnpike Eleatien4 . ,_ ; "..! . :'4: ,
ION Stockholders. le - thi I tc4 sikf.laripit;:„,
big Turapike Oulipatoy stri iii -
• --,,,ertiiit,i
Ih•A as Election for President.
and Treasurer ' to cendfitat .11h0 • 11 151 01: 10 1 1 1?
Company, willhe beth ltt the ; ikablittiminii
F.J. Wiwi. in'Abbettitiern, me Ai net dip •
Merit sea, hettreen the hours if 10 A. IF:; aid # •
2P. Y. - VOSEP/1 titYB2I4IIWAN
Feb. 27. MO. td
>'." .'t? _tam..
R. P. Bayley,
.1 L n U,