The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 20, 1860, Image 3

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    • , . -.. '- .
To cash in hands' of.A Asesameektylr
AlihArklik•Sr. ::ar i an '- : - ,-,. . , i „; 04 1 106 T 1
~ J-40,0410,, i t __...,
14 1 . i . 11 p.....,--- 1 ,,, 4 -- m , 4 --- L Rop nlx in ban aof - 46,0 7i
Gear Corl, Ratite adi Shia
114 ,, PA4 1 .111 " 1ai r Mi ' I " . '
A..l4 l e,#oUef I- Anse. IPq4 • • • ,; i ~A t habit/ ' Q . *AA:
'ea" '
liiraglirti I A : Pt'R : : • 40'40, intends ,
....V_ltEr - Vbakfs, 'e, at his roil tins, ip,. r r, sh is hip, CulelkadallkLilikoldp4,, illif ef4e..7"
!IA!! ..Iff'6l, , Gua j Adams c Wel. dieelei
4111 ; Lower': , ereirrralq , .' '' - ' • , 6 0. 1 4 11 0 P.
0 . =.4 4 ,1 ~.. ,„„ 5 m,.. 1 4. , OzforW . • 'it , ,• ... - 4,14 t e34„„,..
.ANKAIROIe illirrki,o4 11 bArt.r. Huntingtolo, *. . v.. -,., • - 112400114- '
i •lhietrta a dftrit WORK HORS , 1 Rye „pc,
.b .t a'' ,4 ItuLes. ' 1A* 1460111 fie/ deli
re: , I 2 Twoiloynoid 404 1 pea r„ n i i4Fahmiktill bean s' . • .c. 1411410130
ihtir,l. lir, lit ' Cott* kltagaligks" ) 'onr-4otaoThiergoi; Bugs i Liberty . 6 . 0 AV+
' &eft fedstt lish Wagon itosi.J.stoorliona e readlzsang.h, floral Hatol l ° 4o ° . - 14 ' ' 411111 31,"
• ( UM; to karate tor. *lid haute seat) Wegtie Menallen .. Rai -i4
HOUCK. 1 tiniia. inti4ghtionl.A/grieee„3ioulAg and t.. .It
_MOB 1015.,'
l KhrhaLleed, thililar-Csai. riezi a, Cont. Coverer, Franklin , 4492. tie
-lesellat afatelloria, two-bkrii..4zender, Sire. ~. CP o4 witii o '" "s • • ' 50:44 t.
' . !Ow sad, EiOn t llCSPiudit, W i 1 0414 Pg,,Y4 lair aid ILI"14. s 4, - - .146 3 .4114. ' •••• 44 ,4 44644 r ta te . •
. .—.....w.cormintr, hoar . I qua teraleg variety of other faruaing utenati.i. , illtantjar ‘ tr . itlills &2. ,
1 20,1 '1 . .. - id* otjaw at Pule alo p sit ,his realdence. 1• • ...
ileasan t : a ISBN i , do
Filliiirtod r ..... : .::: - -- • Mililivalotl/ nolloOsostoo as Wift.lock, A. NI .00 Ito...anti , ' -4C 4i• ' ItakCilet,
...... 130 ' hi Intividle tow/nisi/.
„Adams toting - , ti e t sr said day, when' atteadauee a iIT 14, given and Remit' " - • tiff Iti...
rlaater ,:. r 11 0 tri it b ...: :.• ................. . I 504 Ms am seas rp", oft faseirsp, 34,144 d aF t j?"„ c h 1 Versa aillstit 4110011/0-4.__ ! ..t-
~,„,„, Berwick * 365-10 T . O t 'Wear dodges of ass Court of
INAS? gra mid, tier 1eakt........."-.-. rENS-• *at. Stye following. l'AFaanaj Pro pert , v i z..-- Jan, 30, Cu. ts SAIII U. yPIC7I',TZ. Free) erier - a - , WIS Si •• faniatataNestil It dehilleksteasty.:
Pork; - ... :..nii.....t...,........ T 126 Oa 7 -- 35' 1110114 (oho frat- rue for oaddai and lead,) i --!----:---,----- -- . - . ruicig a•• '' - 1.1106 , 24. , e, the madmigaliadoinipollesiesiA6dilort to
t - 4l Matto•yeas aid Cott sad 1 ! I e.irllng Colt, 5 ' ?III:1k Sae IMMti. - ~ 1112141 , ' ollheellho*M 46k•koltlic. Aszeoaisto orille
1i -.14Ad01L3110111.-F3triLi tuar., ! Wleh Coy*, You Cattle, 3 heed of Eheep, , ~ F Ilicsilt-Y it ALC AtILW Plt P.SON AI, PRO- Beheeir use., ' 193 AS i rl airme lliasi ociann esaitote eu ta mer .eil alsi bi ;C t o o n i n a tz :
irtilli - r i ..! - ..d..... --.....-._..... -3 _6E433 ta ' Tutee-torte Wriit 4 mr, a line-orte• ItsZoth Car- kJ' Pglar- - AViN tilt 46141 r 4 r/tr'llt flsre. at —.—.4.1010 7; LlitriftiraVllo4l.lll
_ Ws kw agaseralateptemeld
Wfsoltk...'-'....,..1,:!..,..... ....... ...... ..--- II -24 L i 1 .1) stage , Sleigh, IrjAttocrwiog Mill, Cutting 8010 the tau raddrate of ILicheel A. Slagle, de_ Loan from Baititsiedl main pawassitt, 21825 00 . rP ar5411.401141.1 0
15434 it; j 1859, to thellogithdrop of/aeuswei, litoo--loottl
nro;:_li. ... ! „ . . ;;;;;;;;;;
;; _ ;;...v. se, to Et4:-Ty,.....bix." Plod; Double bhuyv.l i'lgagt, ' erased, is trend wow aohip, Adams cashity, on Abe Oh" hi lhohllierrhs he i1r413• said accounu,tromtheitialr Say tit:January,
go' -2: 4 ,. '
- - A . 4..."........••.............•••••••%. 66 to :4; Gaktstra4or, Donnie ii."ll Single-Tries , at , rots . - d rhirrilpi and Petietty, tat 84 and en awe t i• Cash from laiserißghtbee, libeadr. foe
dai11r......-... - "1..... ....... ~.... ......... .- 41 to 45 iOw no r Rake, 4; 1. 4 4414 Cr,: lle, Furl: t and Itaket.l 11.1•46-eint, tln following bighiv • N liftable inr. jury teethe 113 hili - 24 00 V a4lll64l "k t- • - •J. It. DA.NN Esq., Treasurer, a 64 Commie-
Cleft/ pillIVIL.r. ..... ...-.... ..... ..-- 441 to 4 25' Log Clial , t, Cow and ILl:ter Chains, - Horse shoal Property. vie: ii.EVE.;i MOMS ! . 3 C 4O/ 11 A L L 11 ,1 1.6/ .'„,„."2 111 " 4 / 1 4,Fal lo hr
.1 to, 04 . 4 alne* It iternis,thost;onsits , of Adam* ..,
"Ti az tonir Seed . 214 1m..1 25 Goan. 2 sott4 Smolt ilunott, 2 Ofindttr•nes, b Coluione /turf two y'PaPik oi,l, 4 Wick Orrin, 1, Ito*
mor , Alt
Nair esette, per Sued- ..... ......... 700 404 001 Wine/barrow, - 10 u Wagoa Spo k e-r. t; ra! 1 : 1 h . ."' the Durham TWIT, Toting rattle, 2 'Brood sows 12' Ito* illhollesesf bi Part he CO. -
aclg t 'Per hind / 1 4 .
. ........ ........---8 as to 8 1.5.: bone*, Clover, Timothy mad llosey-1; lade : Shoots. Hunt nears. J iraons, 1 Ono-horse i ottffileg• V.
~., 1!,00 Sotto tisk is tondo orProasuSer at last
'1 1 ):•,,.. - ..:.: 14 00 told 00.: Swede. Also, as Dern e Tree, bearing ', Wirth I Colt and Gear., Wailes Rod. Ha C/41k 1 " .°1 i. 4 ' . " lulbut v hi f ilt " k w
g fruit; Y i k „Aett,lB,rnent, • $ 2406 ir:
Rae, ' .... ...... _. 1.1 to 24 : Ohmic *ad Case. Giulia Go phor.rl, Sink, Table. 4 , 14 ors, • tiny Carriage A, 'Wi nnowing Mill, alit 'MA Iliosito, ~ 293 41ffertelkuditnerWt atyaPareiodeoffßomeir.
Cash from Samuel Durbonsw, Ess..dts- in hands of Marston,
IGhaso, Peruvian, per tag 62 00 i Writing Doak, evoking Stove , Tan-plate Stu% e, I 14:17yelring Machina 'wed HA-ins I'u.v,ar, 1 Reaping - - 7090 t 3
i ifoot r wisoni, Sausage Grinder, app many otter , ilsiritiae; Or"In Drill; 6 Priolt - tooth ilokai i ii., ' salfoa, 200 thic s inzaardully titiritid (NW/tuft ' 1.,
i simians. , Plongli . ,a .7 :Arrovrz, !Port., Rakes, Blacksmith' "O• 11140 ,11 41404,14 b00110g0 &told . for tit* - - '' • -111010 101
5 06 i IlitirSsit to roramente at 11 o'ilork. A. M., ; 'Tunis, 0 111 ', 1 " 61 " 1 . '641. Court House, 71 to I Adaiitionalya2 frousawodry tiersoar t • 35 3
3561 oa said day, when multi/sun will be given and I Also., tit,,„Ver.,nnal pro r iorty at Mteaau . A l (1 . gari c hir 11 1 " 1 "wh , hwokillrovells 18 1.21521,11 4611 ,1.,1_ . . - . 4 BY' _
...- 115 to 1 251 terms aide known by JULES 11.111.T1N. I 8/Astrra , decriasatl, to wit: 2 Shane Man,. rt lll'Venloelmea,lies.due•lerakair t .• -2 3 011 -molmdrirwrlzilloorremill•Poreollis 11825 De. 1 ' if! ' ' ' -o
60, lota. 13, 1864. is • i over l'irnril-li Re Jr oad Stock, 1 Doug tinii i Po. : lllF:o6llo 4 llhiliNhas., Air wesitipa, II 02 grit kotn,,Y. part foreman.
62 - -a' O . - , i llilq•P i Irkrg
il 7 ' '' l ll l / 4 7` ': ..` ! t t t l ; "6" : fit
: - i.l igpg Or . emitaranias truposed-af his . Farm,
3a i Plibi4e Sale I Aott wasariceni. of 11/....,ch . 1 4 and K 1 en :__,_ -1), 10. _ 0 riVaelooe, to plat dboatid . irill siellaid.abila kl.sle, at hit residence,
4500 p v I ,15 Oet, .Court flouts, 293 in- illimitmmora Uswaship, Adams county, 4
ALC ARIA PERSON AL PROVERTy..._, intents, consittleg is past o f Dods and Bed- I"' halot• c 40614 1
, ~.) I D o. 11 41 lima, ler At . ‘ - thrio.ll "ow, mot, iftarada; 700 4XI hly•frota Iteidlorebaeg, on the State roisei, on
1 se _ Tie eal.scriber, hit...swung so r e mote t o . mend., Tittilea, ellitiri, CArpeOng, 1 oaks, Par- ,_ .
ti ss/ -- • -.- .. . . I ue, Coat era COOL blore.3, QUeetl!Weee, Look. 1 ". ffeelYti l hleti rawal•• 'lO op, Do. so iglAmturtbr nep• /lota - ?Wow , ri5.2.103 dew of Febrile/7 eeri, the fat-
Dn. • " •• Ina, • 10 GO - Se„ -, . 2109 , 44•0 trig• tetaiblo Personal Property, viz : 1
ing I,3l.learq ; Stands, kr.
u ' I “eupp Non
Vietiale to calntnenre a t 10 o'elork, A. 1... 11 ' • -- t. -" 112.14 ' ' • 25 1)0 Do. Wm. 11, Ilcclellaa, Eiq., On • -11MfallarrtiOSLY HARR, I Mates heavy with
• 'Igo: , 'Sollitreimaboors, Ea*, den t . ,„;, 35 •' -- i. t e u t. ---c , 24 cl aw c-clowo, two Leavy with Calf, a ;at of
9 nostlul
HANOVER—Tv casoly Lair
Flour, from wagons--
N. -freak stocea..
Usti .........
Cte►er Seed ....
Therottiy &Fed
. YORK—FaII/AM krat
Itisitr, bow wagows
11*. how store"
Timottly S.ed
...... it•••••••
stypt-rtaisponsrm O LIKE!
Srf,ll ACID,
• AND -
lea Pbernctrof the
WM effect. mid lititiq.purer IV+
.-Peaparf etas - lea Gs:ape—will produce
fIitaATEII, WEIGEL! 40 Wiir:4l,
Anil other Grain, per ittroltel.
T. P-R T: VENTS BCE 71 .- 'Ol
solleit Farmers to give it* fair trial, being
orolideat of its worth. It has been este nAirdy
eased in the New togiwati and &littera Status
for ieti years peat, N. 14 it. increasing fain
PROVICS ITS 1151,;PlillItiklITI I
It itt peeked in t-Ittuerr, limorptittePonneiseaeb.
voi:Fa.t4 PEtI'"IIAG, on - aSo PEI TON.
' Orders ilineppapituied by Remittances wfll
toe.% with Prourpt Atwution.
SaoliaLes given Free of
Guilt, es-application to dm Sole Agent,
It \V. P. ALLEN,
No. 14 South Delaware Avenue.
18641. 31.
Kerosene and Coal
OIL LAMPS l—ifead Quartets sod Mattufae,
ton - , Nu. 114 Booth Seeded Buret, helve .
chepnut, and No. I G.'arter Street, Philadelphia.
M. B. DrOTT'S Excelsior Kerosene IthAl 4.7 1 ,41
Oil Burner. MENII/L Spring Burner,
and all other good Burners for Coal Ohl. to
gether with . the largest and haedsosnest. Variety
of LAMPS, of every description. Cif kNia.-
LOUIS, from two to Sets btarners—Glttsses,
Strader. and all articles pertaining to
the business, together with the hest g Y Rt ISE:Sri
UM in the tonnrry—Wholeside and iietail—st
the Manufsettrere lowest prices. ,
isirlterchanti and others will same hoary,
by ezaniining oar Stock sad Prices.
LAMP and'ol.4 PIrPI3IIII tiTtsloB sicidEAC.
TORY, No. 114 Soullirf3aisand sad lie. l Car
ter street; below °basset, Philadelphia.
Teh.'2o, ltkid. Set
Peg Waked Szsiii.
'pt . 'virtue of aCchder of the-Orythaa's Court
of -44414 2- Oeutax, fttrinrtiat Abet, Acluiln
istrsor oTPuttir Cott. dteveislied, titer et
Public 54,1 e, at tlfi ?lib/feltot* cif fteilerick
Black, iu Eiiimititiorg, Sid., enTlpendby, Ow Bth
lei Ei9mitiberg, 0., ....
dos 0,/ tared ag
next, the Real igatate of told de-1 . . _ ______ ,
li as d. an d.j tu t i p a i WWI nead:e Bourns ikt •
cutout, via: A FARM, sitaate-ta Liberty nit a,n ,p.
R . 6 , 1, lret 11 101141
aeiraalaii4 Adams wants . 3 wiles weesa of Rae- . --- I -11.1 ` 141 ain s. l 1"8:4•••4.u'il be ---- ' • • • S.
aiiasbatj s4k3inlet tends or heirs of tilet 2 4 Z oe 411"
'6* • " "li &it giti
- vi ----- - - I
lames e ' lert Asks at 31114411 abililds Asa i ' :.. •' I V feet-wail
"lib inriretrY7
9tlier 11..C . Mal.10a&' 104 Ite.fte, aeon . *r Ises,11 71 "" 51 ' t" " 1.4 " #* 118:. Al""tiltbotOWilaisetiVO SitAILIPWARZ,--Ws insaidaispesl4
o r._ . .. _• _
_. 13 tUren tfroltritrtgrith Oerat i f3tlntialcias tad+ 1k kits iiikkuOiwittePAl , ' mid °L
i4,4;1'.3 . 0 - ickti'arlartnetriiir - e eitaret snit La . a
niaa..06,44, QT, cift7artaa, - mild , mice ef laill
44444 tta
E - ' Oa welt coierid - 14#011kMaiair Mambas
*4_ - Ji,. - 9iiii, Ithpibtr. - hi bapycyreutetaa
ars A a,"firab
HOG , rtiiiie'yealtg..ole
ctino_o_o4:Ace fran : t.c.• Them!
/I r„ v ano t goctsi 4piiiikirileilit"* -
4 ' '"rtre- toe& krAi
ptritt . fg,tiatitisaiats..maisporiat
treleo4rwitt too
ll epat lM% - : or
aerea, - -Wilay saeripeildleeP—
*irons of -Abaft Wl*:
Oh easpitidir; teem' eie.:4l*
levy. i- - e 7, , .-•*, 741.5--% .) 71 , .... --
- ' - WO4I4IO;ONSi kittellialg: ll '
t • , f *bite' lagelemisalual ketaibOe •
•_ - , VerairfitW4. fa: 4;.j.'1, d , 7
- - -4. • '',': - . •. ; ziie...7. 1 f,g rj k -. -.. e . '
* aCt4lithial ' .. ,
Gi•itrAnrit. will offer at Put/ bit
residence. tix.f.ird township, A 414101. c.vunty, •
' near Senft i Mill. on the road levolim (rota said
tro Honorer, on ilewitar, t 4, 1.!4.4
NdreA west. the following rataatote Per.oo4
l'ropert. tier. 4 bead of tiret•nrette draught
C head of ex,-ellent .1411C11 ('urn. 1'
413. DATIIII[III /14111. 2 Wagons., o i•th Orli& (um: ,
bread-sread AD d OPT/C narrow-tread.) I Oneeiao re*
Wagon. Ploughs, Barrows, Shod Ploughs,
Corp Foriv, 1 Treble-geare4 Threshing /111-
'rhino, 1ei:41442g Screen. IV tarsus, ing Mill, 4 sot,:
lof doree Gears, Iliker and eon Clsaias, Double:
sari Siagrtertrees, Lug mod Filth Chain., Crow- ,
bat/ rod Digging kali, largo Chop Cheet,,Ctoting •
and a variety of other farming article—
Atlas, liionwehold and Kau-hen Furnitare, too
12 1 / 1 11erG111114) mention.
of ea., h der. a 13, a Atte:l,lll.l'e will he given and isroit l eensa, Sheep and Hogs, I Wagon, Lime
Una.: mode known be DA', li) M. lfl'iliFi. iflowt- Piturllts, Harrows, Cuitlrst or, Corn-cov-
Fel". C, 114 CU. Is* .1 F. lionotsa, Acct . eirenrilenbla *beret Plough,
___ -- _ - - - - - - 1 Double and Single Trees, Vey Carriages. Flax-
Public Sale . - 11Viltif, 4 1:11,191e Rake , goosKlesin lorill, extra', good
OF VALULTILE i'fit: 4 lEcil, PRO pEitvy.- i ye m ak s ito tti gi it ik C . etutti pix siiirikegt Reit& Wietioesileig Mill, H'osso. Users, Collars. and
tie i'rrierv, the .lat day cyf itircA nat , 18.0 , appear to be 14 ate .119.411‘0, P1_1161 10 ,11 1 81/ fNilffee, Illie pod itidieg Sieddla. good Grain
.., o'clock, A. M., the sone-ether, intending to 1 C o hoonoset,ao na: ,„ „ •
._,,, o . , , , *stile, stew tout of Buggy !farness, Sleigh,
rem e West m , 1 1 , cll et Ptil)te lair, as the Nibs/*, i (4,iktsi,, ,SO Talii. " t • 1 . ._ Rakes, Forks , kr.
prentioss, writhe. road leading from Gettysburg 18.54. John E. tkakes, lip is. SR,'"
.. 1.4 „ Also, ithapnielsold and K itch,* Furniture, and
to Emmit•thlirg, roar notes teen& the furuser and 187,3.-Sonsiqd*Alistatiol, . ►..
. 1 . v. ,g - •• • variet - Dreads firagall lust specified above.
acs from Ole latter pin‘ e, the falioremaietmeeibeal 114. flainsllkk Witaiideisie.ol4o - Mt - 4 6 0 " 14 60- ' IMMIONWeiII at* 9'elwelii A-IMrii on
Per , ounl Propert, t,, nit FIVE HRAP OF •• 4 , ., , .. a- .. . 414, - ere rs 4 mild dagt,...61411 Otteedasign Will be give. sad
troluiB'4,9aar crf thrift good young work lien, i 11157. fidemeil. 'Folic t . : 20 .11 4 11.02 term s made known er
awl. one a two yearitng colt: a tot 9r Lia r 1I a , „4. ,,,, 4!..,
_, .- 1711.e0 . JACO 13. MILLAR.
s- . ,„ , , , •• .. 804' 46
tlo, sassing whiLla are three (rola Mulch Cows; a , a Jobs •
', 2,1718 t; s
------s--. or Atso,:“.. am on,. am and Sate, sill
Itot of t.lhoats. I fear-horse uarrow-tread lis ko s b,sg • ,gs O n B4 ;81 -,- • 1 ....e -.- /10230, 31 be oftred, A I.olf Or Ciaqrbil), odoining the
Wagon, Lime ff , d, Hay Carriage, Feed Troggli, i ms. iih tsw am m ak i , 23 , 0 ' 1 --, - - 1 -.1 0 , .
.. 4 04, 40400 .0. I farm, containaggarAgresoeore or less, with a
f Vloutsa, two soul Harrows, doable a a. 14 II Ullti p
.. .!!!! 1781 -.o• i ,-.., , r Am.
.....- .
: s"•• IfiaNiliiiiiiimniSSAAJA. thereun,, an exctllent Or
- --- -- , and single Shot el Plough a, all of which are a_ . illabogs • ".,,,,:
.. ~
.. 56; Opis- - ttem a gmbript i ghog,s4,64, t r ,
_, s4lit 5 b utt o f a v a c4 ,i n at. an cl two vielli o r eater.
Pablie Saes , nearly wen - , Grain Drill, Jack-arreve, Wheel- La , -.P 41gy .....•,.....4 2
_..„" " - ' 1 1" , ' - :.- 1 1 .11 -. ' 41 4 4-,,iiptin e t t view the lot before the
• , nnbneriber will mien on pondic.Endo, at , hamar, Sliatel., Fork:, Norse Gears for Civet- kw Inc 08.010,111.11,
1441,,,, 316 51
, m o ii ,,,,, drone. on tkie krin owilt ," y jocob , horse*. the moat of them new. Bridles, Saddret, " E. TV. Stehle, nags 1 n., ' ' l t' ; ', 404140
Tp F
t doll!, on dire rend leading wen Gittleatown l one a new - .Aide Saddle, Halters. Cow eisAists,lll 1 , 6 4 ., ' -41) :' 'l''' 140 1 ..v.1 "11111 W a- '.l 0 77 84 di l l: 1911 'l3, 1860. [ Jour I"kuhAncticMeer
Sp % ..1 gig*. e, JArtill B. MILLAR.
Dote, of Bees, ewe a paten t Linz; and s h oat 2i, 1859. u 'lll 2 ° V ilit inae li t i e li g sir eU,gs , "lift . : l i p: " ''':
' •-•.r: ..-
'Mg"' ' ' . 23 VII - glairtsf lhas v. - M call on the subscriber.
:-At Lii 4 . 1L.... , ,- 1.4 4 ., ,- --.... . ~..„....,, 8933. ! ow .I_ . ' _.
to'llromflobarg. r, :Avg west of Liteiestowu
t o ws miles east et Sett'. )till, is Moeintjuv,
ten" of (: rain in the ground . Ais°,// Qui etwi d " I - "!" -*: rflai 4 ~Alal ~ 1 1.78t50 ~ F m • .4 ,t 4 - .1,.. 1 5 . ? 11111
134 i Furniture, among which are 2 Mahogaay Iron_ I -or, igeeignilliggiumplit; r f *wimpy . . 5 3 7113 " " T V' ' 7 l..' S '•• •,,, 724 4 . /Oil
`township. Allstots county , cif liersefey, tee
4 , ernbrvo, I Bureaus, Tables. Chairs , common, cane UAL. " John limier, Germany. , . -66 G: VP it *..4 •• • . .d . , •- - eimp.k ~..„.m. 73 ,
gap i t , .Voreh Inert, the following
viz: . 4 ".„ 14K fmasss, 4 mddi ,rd and parlor: Washatanda, Corner Cupbparst, •' Fame,. Ursfer4r • 411 l i t -14 tllettlwilioitt,' '"' Aii.lBBo - ! 21'S, Obi
t , Ei g h t- d ay Cluck, Ra i l- ten d s and Beddow, rase L ..c - amass t0.4b406404JA., , , .14 4 " " ka . 3 " r-ni" . --s - -1 , 1 1 . - -..6.
cow!, I Heifer. I Dull 9 Shoals. 3 141seep,3 Di
ot I/caner:, good Air-tight Cooking Stove. Par- : .ri • • Anus 49409.1 4 #1,am t m 5 , • ,. 1 3 =155,411 • 424i1a 541
'',.f.i.rron -tread Wagon SO le Ned. Hs .• Carrioge,
low Store, Ti. Ware, !tote-, Itarrels, Nl ; e9t. V t'S- ! .'. ' 11111101014.9419Z1ii9U, trikX9Attai6tr 565 ; ' ll
Prenzits and IfArrow , . S.iovet Plo . agiss. Corn.
sets, aud a ip•ent turiety of other attielaa too " Fre4eri4 l Bsoool46. tAbflzkis ~ 79 13 . . 4 • (44, .t a i
-...- Icrt t e l t
Fat ks. 2 Bet; Front Gtars, 2 sets Iliad Gears..
Collar, Bridles, Log, Halter and r ow Il i c mi i. I I""Cami to "entk n• " :JO/lb 31;104 AisiroNiell. . 261 ti •"' -..--:. ca.+ p,.. ,r,,,,,-1 . . , ,
alairAttevain act a ill he g iven and terms tiade , " he ir 18.5strs 113,104:len, . 534 '.- •••••-- ...r2z....ft . t-' : v.-4" - • $56 - '3O all
[lock/Lane Ham aud flarae.,a, Lug Sle , L Stu- 4
- } known on dar'of sale bi ' i -'" SAWA Critt.wett,,gstraisss, 14 cs / "--ten.`
gLe and listable-trees. fitaiss {kill, only ran one - -
C. M' LE A N C 1 . 1111.11 i 3.. 4 4 ' Jolt ii.,l4eulgr, kra o rkli f t„.
... kg -' 4 1111i5,41014 .1111=410881,41radieglea . .4 . 41s .Cosa bt,
season:also, Household and Ettetica Furniture
' 1 Feb. e. 1890. ;A* ll " Henry Entlet, Colossi ago, _ • 5,04 67 or Adsma, Pennsylvania, elev . ** mei swore „ie.
with a r , rive of Debar attic/ea, WI 11.9410t0 US .
'l. 4 .. pienimitemor t milie k 4 . .. 484 ille *AO it Winds kagart.thadt . le tnet h did
jeer*Lie to commence at-1Q o'clock, .. M., ' PUblic Ekile. }‘• J antes sitiplits,4 l 4444;,. '., . 141 Alec* ill. 41441110101; -So la w," 1 .44 .
intending to remorse- t „, ,!i i .02.egt e th „timuttlicegetuk, 72 50 account of the Treatorew ea* ',lioness or,i
on said day. then atitudauce wall be gives r it Wubtrelber,
and terms made knownhy inualler farm. will eel itYPublic Saha A! his "4- 4 ii•iiiiiik ,:. , / 6. 11611.141 ' .41 " 14 " 1 = 1 4 1 "*"..,_ 1 0 0 . ' • 1 0 1 7 of'
JOHN A I. A Wit EN C 13. !Tesideoce, us Franklin touudbrp, AdafTl4 etmh - -' 4 -0 , ifihrooore t , ~. ... . Ai , .._,...7. 7 . wort pelisetliss,ignurtli tiltr of
Feb. 12, 18C.O. to [lacon Kt, Na , Ana. c , tl- °ft r''Mft2Y. uhf -24144•5' or Fel.regri 34t. the ft 4 . -A h *G0116144 , 11-! 1 :/ ill I - - 1 311 ; 4 44 : 11 .*Thbiefif -4001 . 411 13 11144 1ti11eire : that 1644-1
-- -- - --- ---- ----- 1 folly* itag Peraoull Property. viz: .vo LIR 4 4 " aoserkailielf,Jlfidwatli. bor., 41 18 accouno,."Atosattlailmbownelosi eutered of record i
Gettysburg Foundry. HRAD OF Wtlitli HORSES% 1 large ROT sup- 1 l '- ••'.-' .• 6 • .1...-..--,..aZL allUanselia43lo99k -is . aim Ciessontiesiorters' ,
12217 . 2 23 ! Office of Adams county, is comet. and that we'
TH li a taw ribose , itiVi ty purrAaatd the / posed to weigh 1800 pounds,„ / hiciad.tread e , **".
.= . find - erd stritosottriq Treasuir. of 11141.1
1.•,,,g r y o r x,,,, c5 . z ur b a , mg h, 61" s, ,k p o. , Four-korse Wag" n, I narrow - cretin Wagon.. rlitadofjny,Liberty and gieverisk tun n 1
(t0,,,,,tr Watrena' Fuandry,) bas commenced Horse Gears, Pkiiglls and Harrows, Whored karst . 'OWL isr Teti
.thee seteteeninite sad , the i, l . o ., llle 22 • llllal ef i e n tAil ell e ss e n , d , iitilt,7-.
business. and is now prepared to oiler to the. Plough.. Coro F,,rlsa. Wtonowiag 'Mill, Cutting lialadce iif i the distrkla tut pertesedepisliaion '."' ' t ,(lo7i 8.4,) audio outstonding taAes '
yk.leveu itiedsalfd-pardlierelKy.eiae Lkllair*ldd
poislie a larger /40nm:rent of Machinery than i Boa, Sled, I Threshing Machine, Hoy Carriage, 0;1 If o or tg ,. . , -
has heretofore keen offered , such as THRES.II- Wood Ladder:, Forks, lakes, and older tam- .., • i 4601111 ,, 0 " 411 27 4 = 4 : 2 8.)
ING MACULISES,(I444 sir HstUers,Fodders Cut- . ing linTlemee"-
ters, Cons Shellers,ondiforgasC, l ab , impro „d : bar Alzo, at the same tin,, wed plates, will • .4110/WhilliCiAilaikierriit i• -4 16 d400•4,
- - • •• he offered, the utidlrided half of a Tract of
I 20 to 1 30
4 ;s
2 4)0
6 541
alartillaeto 0111111Sleiell 41, 10 o'clock, A. V.,
oe alibkdirjr4 wiles attioubuiciidill beziveck And
teems wade known lay Cif 11- 1 {,SILL.
Apt. LZI, //11/11. Is
florae Wile. Also, STOVE* Seth as C'iiok . Area, the at/dinar, - Wm. `Nratan,` El , Atitsfloo e Z
Storrs, gerh
t h ree e h„ t ki w i. ; amd hie da i . eco , : ellEr4:4il'T Ti Milk:it-LAND, containing shout 6 he d u t o ki 3 i. t u b c htet th *t a t v
size. o f Tr ' ,pi,* dt "e 4. Likewise atilt hhd , A.cre., situated fix Franklin towaship, aims riff! ar a i re -
flaw-mill Castings, and alltiniiii of Turning in' Tawa- P.rtAti.4. binnks, ire., . 371 _
Iron or Wood, _ 1 :or —ale to coromeoce al 10 o'cloct, e .k.. M., i . . . ArAkSo4-PiihMsised by
Illtharildi.PALßlNO ofoll kiwis on 1/4schiaery on rstil day, whrtiotsentione. will ire given and ei Sti e e r r k ir i s pa hps of Cotitt crests,
aniky, agreeak
. ' ' I°2"ss 00
eib"*l3 . Commission ' e "labillie rs of stolaissa la so
and Cass:bow will. be dons Au order on short Levi* wads Lasky. a LS' J.52lrA 1 1 "•. Ilkftre..Y. gr Rstirlti ?:
t 1 Abate/3 ° l " tv r°lledtpilllf 5 S t calh " " l! all* l7 4 _ ,
„ tit * 'iteroitat i ' ll ,k Zarin a Nis 441 0 . 0 .
rodeo. Poittitur iu.i.le to order , Plough Pa.,,L., Feb 6, Itit , O. is D. 341.1.,ta, .net . 1 Fox ar i l w i ld eat mom - .
' .• 20. 00
w - - ---- I • " - `"littoilittr;"o.atallini t Gusty; Ilitr Coltman/ 10:},
lugs ready made : 114114:4116, suFla as • 6 eykar, 4 -
- -'-
• i t Grrier3i Ary andlip ktlilrek' ran 931'01
' Withrrissr, Pioche?, I , Vo i. 4, ,-,, k and mien? I ..rttiale ma. i Aut.: , ,Dr,i' hot*, ~.. .. .1 , 161 ,„,, i , ,
- beritre TA X teethed -air rho Clostimonweiklih,..
_._. ^ d "'-'" Iftifir et': Ist Ml.* to Ski**, lilldkoris folleiati
others not meiallitkoki. here • and right differeitt. T u, Illstisierthor, iatileasileg to motor& to a Isilfor's tag fte keeping polioneimitan
i Ifitadl of ilitia. 1"1:1;(.....i.i., for , Gemeterles,•4 fit !Arm, win' aril et Pnblic Salt., oi l , ta in i tel , • -1 ,,, 5• 396 12 Received
$7B from the personal llialliressiotattlp
i Forchor .or Xstsols, t his Franlain ii'itrnshfp, sciams 'lrda,t. colit , enal, htmlr, kg., 4or jot Arqhfieitrist 4 ttesetteati, elm:
, 01 e b! - TkriSlitilteraltlt, - a
lital.llter iliostinaiii.
i Also, Mortising Nfachint", one of the best ; countl,Aliont o n e mi l e front 3lieidey it-Titaner . 1 public builthoga, 2
nos, ist sae. This machine works with a lever iOn g4:44 , 4434 MA trefizy ef AferrekrorC 'the f0110w..., Usis h frs nii,riptli; • . - 50 111 BaitzerGminc,er.000 of tha gels, partial, 140.
I by hand,; Any little hoe edam
, Cal and esalniue our stOck Ino dot 1,141„, 2 t”-yeatiqffit . !Airbag' bier ' Gselts,, 4 - Coo s. iirtober .41 . icctill Court, , 276 04,1 gr‘n nelittieri' r
what We can please. Persons dagtit ••tir sole It t 2 4 1 1 4414 ii Olikrirttrig_l 2 210 ' 6 , one a awn .144 4 ItegLsttk., Prbttrilertsirl arta CiPiqk rif t'Jdowlf:lslvmmeciAdreire,-
their &drawbar. to buy rrincitirrtro of airy klod i and IlNiernakoil,tio wk tills 1300 posnylk : 0 bra d ot lzi,s gone fees, -* 11 ; d o , ; . 1111Strth:041Vilp,i1b4rOtillitt 11,66 4 16Aps *l,l.
at home, there ft is mitnetforturri4. so that tiof t Vuuni; C4tile, IS heild of tine Sheri', 13ory, flearasl Tp.r refauilad ID stn dq mattes, , =. 7 8 7 ' •
min very easilyget any parwrepliasetrar roplairpoi. t ae Alll-littrr o V. l ‘nef a "reictr OP aobB. Ilfrticirk e ',, Court Crer's pay, , ,
~ 4 , 4 75 1 Margaret 11. 1../us., blot 1, '
DA V LAO -STILLS Ell. too num.ersoks tornionll44l. $ , Csru 6cote s of roptit9blfil MOM,
Gew - Jblag,Tab. 13, IM. ; sgelitikle to emensonste at 19 o'clock,. A. N . Connie -1 4: 1 s • r# ' 011 , 111 L'• •' •
- ..- ----e- on odd doy. alien atleattsoce will he /elven an Treasury,k of-Itimilkigre; - . 7:,o0 00 J....°-14. n its liqr I.?,...bnlirlei,
'' • 64/ 88! 0 411 0 4 . .. 414 ... 4'l'i
' ' -
_ ~ . . _ _ _ .
Frozesriket, *lige Iva eta feint,. vary , attft:
at . 21.'1:1. Cities to etthip *eat-ill. Ito core asa
pay. Ctnxte, get fj stad , teiylt.: '
Comp stt yotritraperittc{pmallea r l annt On;on
, rtykt in strrA aloe. IL tam ' Am ' t's tieit,
yetaarOltteta Is Itre-fftulPati dra4l4-41. la Is
Its inlttlettc Artuoltraill le be Ot
- . .
IN.llelfati , to' gel al* loft 164 e
14 'O. is BrisifilModF akaß
ait'malt MAW &IPA
te - 414 'fr aet ,-I).Nl't italaitatr, tlysta nes,
CiAit ) a flitiVt. fatVallwiraeaa awl
tVittettire-•tro - vow •Fix
415,4 r): r • -
- 4:ode - Ewan and as* Ilad)ooelVbe
, A 1 M fi
rook,-sons ok u olt o at. me 10 1 1 " 1111 3 -, no i r is . ist i w j : iii * : 4.l3k oin grom pi! ii pay . 23) t)0 - ! iNLla ..ii : 15q, alter discount,
ititilt II slertiMetarvias IS likirtaasqat4anicri . .if -. . " - 1111‘ •'' . 23ll4. 4 4sruitt* rolivillthii
••.4. ti
N.aiblik. fa 614; Pie - A oira-fteck wo r t ;(v . ":1-.. ..,.• _ . .:. .i, 24) 00 elttir Litseler t •
Ery itim
•• .
Wakches Jewel*, l i t tha e d, "rib s " o g 4 • ~ia .'t s it . •-, Obottbkni a r r , TA 56 ; i!gutc " .!goiser,
1 _Vdti • 4 . 1 0e11ra 119 11 ♦ tirlik , AMC riOttln Or hale' i. ft erminetle,-; oalitt4ini • .. w - 410411 10 1 ce als 'Me
461411011110 " rah 11 /14 I SPIOWIII amble iti ippi 'algal& F ra w ii vest 7 00 50 Nral,limapisitt
1 . 4att.ese Ea above *sit no- AIR 400,5• lAN& a t': , rlVille Co ifdimiald- '
elttilttnolPhir,ei lowa. -
Itltili ittigi e a':iwtimo gq,
~. 1 / 1 /1 Ili - 'llQbea ii un citt- di
• •' r ' ' NYMAN )1/
iXatfiril e , rit F.
r -011.6.144-1 - .-lia, ..
ii.! tiunal 1,4 .1 fres snide 59, 35 ;1'„
E lu ae r itvd lizautasandry Ipriaossf,- 4
-t sMlt—
• - • :,74562301L
Viirts pea awt, 4r ) 1 / 4 411wei :
Ilya]; (kir ilettltorpittriii• *Mats, $4! 00
, . .
rof sr 4,01 1 11:14,tet . , Ise Omar is- „ r . ~.._e testem,
' AFt ;it% SW 4ad la
Notes 0.41 . itletti - rad tout" lad aft- ~
"trelltl'l . 81) - 4i / f ot t rb !' r . rli' 4et ;
er''lkiLL . j niti
y• p•le,,h7 ' -' • • . 127 of 7i trithSliltriffra '• lifivrigil laming,
Qua gtalirkieltftleitScres't Thiiii 2, i.L . El' mb eth Well '-i• ' -
Will 8., Ikclillaa, - Bot: Dirt:- 10w.11141, in 7,7) . IdtutlF iriffige. l " -
Paiditailll,44tip• 4
• • •-r t' 2.4e 1 1.1 1
• 'OR 4;44
4 1.1411116` ''•
` Ilib-. atirlatilir, , Elleerlit,lhilay7
w• • - * Ti t I 1 20 *
• c- iltt.'`rikolegUftfeiets, ' 15 ,ser'
Do. d rU it, :00,
b flbr 4 irenOrf, fie. . 20 der
D o , :fti ••.. 4 P•••.. eb,,t, , • , 10 dO l
4 15tr. d itifeifir;ifikt..-41neto, " 25 00
Do. Jobs 110.31ker7 Em p fines, ' 35.00
..Do. ir sullaterviolots, - '. 18 78
06-1 Polli ' ' th, itio(4,4ember, 1 2'. 00
' / 1 !t: WS I, ilatith7, l A l l , s (Vella , '
Q.; liriti:"' Awn ' Sint ileg- Rol l tor'
ibliteimil an ete. - . 4 ZIKAIL I "
Pei. V I VIOL. 'it
. f • s. „
t •
tdursiguod, Auditor:,
40411001. 440110 64
Apricot thm.
, . 4 , •
- Vpildr.lolll
psi 1110 1 0.:40 AgelogieAft 4
,r 4 ;
6 0111tAdignalla .
• 0 .4; irgfria-*
iste.ll•Mis liSrissall•le •^ • -
chants* If baillirthirliam Calves, • butmet: a
IPeillsi*, Lyme sill.
1 1 1 157/1 1 • !L.. •
" 'O4WAInatIVE R.
- Aria 1
*e bit 1101, 1
otationew Mama, dbeeselelt't
I :$110 116 !4,- toSiolkho tit Mt neitip , eaboti4 WOW odttctiie sE ifoirter's 001
fFseJi 'de Ilwilifitgpsf.ll4/erepooroi, tern fol
- Perierlidl4l4oepeelapois : •
' tilt** 4' ireembtolot, l Sew ado 4 ass, 1 '
'elittetAkne4 . iraitteaa, Q•eer PIM& 1
'llerreiry Wbebowbet . 3tiii:Wheeiborrovir, Grim:l-
.44km * Hew Gerriate t tinttbeg ettiLa 1%64-
ey of other Owens* articles. Aiwa, Hossaholli
led !Metre Trdtle iwrtr, mob atelleds.mhi . Bed-
Matide, Weise, Obodea, 14.-94sel
Bkrce 164 Flog Mitthaway Cook Store mod }
turtle, Carpctlni - Catre_of
Kettle, Meat Weadlifi, akelb, kc., a quantity of
rilac:ect ; Blase on& CiettecNeled. Abigj owe ell
--fieleetre Doe .eriek tat 1041 iasitl. Right—
Aims Oa Pit totitliaglatef sopa.* Cvitber- ~
^batd - *armhipc 11
deal. So empootame at 10 ib'elock, A. U.,
1110 3tsr aAtan ateeet4otes will, be &allow-1 4
SeeeWniadsketaita by
L ' 1111111011RIGIC.
Mir The n ndersivtoll *ill soil at privista sale.
at his residencilliSt FriukM tavvissAip, b, 304
belt titti . tity - t)*iiskyi Sl►isrgl•6. _
— /01116 .13,
For Salo
Qit litENT.—That evnieent Taverna
Stand, in New Orfurd, Adams
tityi Ps., for many years known as
Hew's* Tavern, at present in the occupancy tft
0. T. Marker. The House le large sad very
iwavergent, with goad and large Stabling, a
• • ge Garden and Lot of lirouon, with every
crnseniunce necessary for a tavern, adjoining
tie Public' Stamm, near the Gettysburg
timid. Apply' to JOHN LOWNII2.,
Mouth George, Street, lurk, Pa
TO fIOBLITZ'S IiCSTAIT.--Lettens of ad
ministrntiow on the estate of Jetta Bobble,
late of Hamilton township, Maros county, de
caaaecrhoying been granted the trndereigned,
(tho'Orat named regleng in Paradise torrealrip,
York county, and, tba last notated in the afore-
Hamilton tewaship t ) tbe„,y hereby give
notice to all persons indebted to Mid-estate
so nishosiasukediste payssent ) sad those boring.
eiShns iggsiestAlse same tD proseut them proper , .
ly autherticaleol for It ttionspt•
. 44;a'r
Jac 0; 411100.
-.body ;Take Natite i
• 'IT the _sandsonisnad has just returned ;
' 11rIIa the 44, a nA ha! new on hand', and
in -olla , iteepini coseinnik,vis a gat Sri assort
-4111011.01 ii•ROCßaltks sad USENSWARC &al
'Amen been kept in this pp lace. Also a very
• ots!cti4w l of FaulTS, such as
Fkiaosaw skied Cure/Lots, Own tip of
•4i-llP"dird'i pimp Dates. ORANGE'S andl
..WOWA-7.5, a prune article of.Laihorn Citron,'
:a soliseßid ankleat brandy Pesches, prime
iaritolaa* C boassaini Tug, 3pises of all kinda 4 _
lost ' l / 4 .NVIS, sq.c,it is Pecans, M,
444-14414P14 ?'PAY odic!.
. Nitosni tires ey t ray, too nu
.inensipn.- , Also a - 14 PANO
eipO t ..$9,401;
Conssaas sad 041,-
Asidgiss 1443 Cali.
Stortio igenig k ,nomaies rms. tie4t. Uor A
lokfiq.l:4i-X l 4 Welt
IMPitti. UK/ AR.
VPUEgV i wi
• liwien o
gmikor 44aqs
wilireielfelte ;tell
• 40{e.5 1 4,
Fob. Of 44, *AV
It. 11.nnorp*.V. , ,, 4tit,
. 14
NOer WO rdriPag ,
' • -:` - - SALTO . . .r" .p
I am prepared ito r . eseix iiiit. ....
Asa :Weir* 44:4) UAW P,
4 4 0
* Vlik ag
awaapeinsma,-af telk.llllo * rz- ..- " • °
bu.dness (and wisbing to continue. tha rs ~)
S giatevaigaellliturtrhAL 44 1 Tr,
FACTION to nil who fitTfriol ld l 4 l 6l,.. e c riti
Vidi nu* twat ib 41441111 fi ~r eft
Guam. wad al Lathaticol: Fajligiaict. - • -
Feb. C t 'OO. ly
Wise% IgraxiiMg,
4 ißspfikailit &
4".otaw fur Ole lollooistdrowea,
of r.foon he pc/oaken, portieoisrkejtackiara
ly use:
'Fittikot Wtooo4-Poliostisiose 001 e
fiROOPb I4
and brown Sherries, in wood and In
Petite Wnnts—Srantittnnetitr tonapetiti t tnt red
tint whits Port, in wood/ sod legit:444k
MAlitiat• Pintit—Joita Jitwtbed /401'0 fine
Madeira, in wood and in glass alaq,l i rpe
?trite. -
liocit , Wmts--Jairanntitttriter nit:suer,
litoctotoonrrer, Osbinet, loitb•trati.inileltfitron
nettettr, 11146.
Wisca.—Arattt /tad Citonits.W n-
Mt, in courts arid pints.
Bi, A Noitii—otard and itenteity a fifiklilditale
*tut *IA itrsedles.
Roue—Old and fine Jamaica, At",liatj'icilen
ride, and (rats the I sods, ituPtsstit tlress fruit
London. •
Hot t ern latif•-•The beat qualitys-Thipats
brand—anda,o mixture of cromatie polio:" in it.
2)O half chests of the finest Sovemote-T.L.
?fiftiet:ore, hug. 29,1850. ly.
Math * gct & 0 8
SOFA A ND I: 1.711 N IT 1:101 WARMlleithliS, Not.
25 }tad 27 N. Clay street,. Baltimore, (tear
Fayette et.,) extending froterGaylo Frederick
et.--The largest catebtfEbtrient of Ott kiiiKiltthe
Union. Always on hand a large assortitsift of
-bracing Bureaus., Bedsteads, Washstands" Ward
robes, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and !lair,
Spring Beds, Softy, Tete-e-Tetoa, Arm Claire,
Rocking Chairs, -Etageres, Marble Tablet, set
tees, ReceptiOn and Upholstered Man g - Ala-
Wood Chairs, OfEies Chain , Barbet chair",
Cribs and Cradle", Hat Ri" NaikFultiltra,
Gilt and'Weibut Trans. Loath* Glallioaf
Riteadon•Tablea, tlf eisety. laggtbev;
Persons- distpated to peralstat art *kid to
call and give over stacksws taihasitifttsotlplcis
for variety and quallfY wasiimatalue itatnot
equalled-by gay establiskranattla IbeitatitlNW.
A. MleirliLOS
Nos. 25 and DM. Astralllool.
Attg. 2, 1859. ;
4,ootixt i
.13 it3KINO seals 01W,17.00..„ ;, r • ,
Soils OVIMP4IO3-VII"sP.'
PiOKLNG sells clamp OLOTII CO/
• ClsesirOMOTll C 1 $,
cb m es4OPEVTS.
PICKING slid sslis shssp .
Very cheap InVii;4,,
- t . bv . ll MITS.
Ilirry good auk
io eti
PICKING would like.
see his stOck-w-because
PICKWGhu Cilarße(
Truqo, Gloyert, - 8
sa i rtscliesqforitij k 4 4e
ite•ec4u4), eici an 4
Lion cheAp— Ns ovot&tI
ing anything" id the Ch
wottid do well to ell
has . ruatfe ;sit b ;isessd t.
thala,thu, Eat, Vet 1;t
at his alwisitiAagsketeloigust,
ems) ortfitt Negtelotet, 5.2
Jon. 60, 1860.
fin illnaniate: -
c (id rAttlalltrfr ' 4 # l l4lllltif 4. R p
, TlLL§.—te b bee l4'll teetill` .4. -
1 t of the Tole; 00 mail' 41 . 1 4 4 e. if
• l'htsiclAos of the etititdi l tottro • r b tr
1 PCA'eMedles claw b t 4i .-• ;. o
r erg) .C1t0:311.4 • - •; • 4 $
,\ dX Vrtr t - • ow
1 nbilteEotolnend - thens
lhut. i 13 91Y far e t, Whaltheinil4._ • Viz: so
The ICAAALFUIiii, fgr *Ala o "pp
the boW4tr terftdctr• Altitoh_ tea a4l-- • ia. so ,
'wed #loh tboetiOit aiiiWrgetiortidali • vs- r e
Vieiti - Ailiti4d4oll6slolo47l4llM-41110 ', • I ' 2,w
i rif.l.2; ibi-421. Evi*ettiveitC . --, • - 14
ftrtiofirillekttomMitiot; WE ' - •
TO task off siset,tv too i ' to
I ; '
otittfte. 4
film , It a .„,,,, 7
hit troOrr
~ a
.4tikkifiss, die lArtfe
elute 1141 *re 'triflrdirit, I( a t
to rgn iNfrigaidediert&* th or
00%11n4tAii A r. A„,-.4. -. -..4,1r.
' Th - cl `)teeetented a s t m t fa is-
JprietiyipCit A. ' CMS, "
3• • j A a wW 2111 i af their Drug ns..
. Wet th aVe r tisaf t u i ly IX
/or the last
,Trott,. wilt p
i tiiili4i4iiiip o i -• ea to
d" Alb determlnod that
, .. Liver
AA- eistio okositrat i Moo
Nelit , ll lB6, itiqraile4sl of the
ill co 'VI-% yir time
V6ro ,- f -:••
• litetrathwary-