The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 13, 1860, Image 4
rittammusu, ivey ernes taTkatircrr, Armapsiim,Deintetbee 41/. s*6& jictillsidl he ingolved at the Oesiewert - OW le Ns Daperlanset veal 3 s k , ip. o f 1111reb ill, Ude, doe carrying the mails of dig States for fear years, commencing ol i o 1 l b ___ , _ _ read *tiding Jane 30, 1044, in the or riIIiMTLVANIA. ou the mute, end by lifbs ed. dabillor departure and arrivals here- in ageldl Decision announced by April 24,1860. tialeisniteal aroseme carPfdly At tilifrothaiti e* *full ) $41 3 / 1 0111 Carlisle., by 'fillies 'louse Diehl:s ena, Walnut Ifotioni, and Lee's Cross goads, to Shippensburg, 20 miles sad . twic twice it week. Liars Carlisle Monday and Friday at 1 p in; ' Arrive Ili Shipixtisburg by T p n; ' JAretve Shippeitsburg Tuesday mad Saturday ail P m i Arrive at Carlisle by T p in. • Proposals ere invited far &third weekly trip. illls From Carlisle, by A lien, to Builtng Springs, 15 ilea sad back, tacit e a week hum WWII:Tar/day and Friday at 3 p Arrive at Boiling Spring. 4 by i p m; IMIO" Soiling Sprints Tuesday aad f riAlsy 'edam; • *Mrs at Ir.- 12 in. ',Nitres* Krrrirsi fle.hy itonn t Itock,te Stough*. 110 Iles &ad back. once ■ week. kern Iterreriiie tiatorfily at to * sa; leafs at Stoughotown by 12 is; Memo Staughsiouru Saturday ask 1 p ur; Arrive at Kerriville by 3 gm. 141111rena Bilippeasburg. by Orrstowa.Pleasaat liii, and upper Strasburg, to Hoak/oi l alike@ arid hack, twice a week. Less. Mappens') u rg Wednesday and Saint slay se 9 a s; &Ors ea iitalbury hr 1 p m; Lomb Roxbsry Wednesday and Saturday ett 2 p in; Arrive at Shippensburg by 6 p ni. 111614Preest illtippeusburg by Middle Spring, to Newburg, 7 miles nod beck, three tires ' *week. "are Shippenshurg Tuesday, Thursday, sod Saturday at it p m; ' Arvirttat Newburg by .4 pm; Mass Newburg Tuesday, Thursday, /tad `Saturday at 12} p 111; Ampit• tt ishippeLL,bur g by 2} p la. Proposals for sit-time. -week ranks art invited. 1141Tirrosaldahanor. by Fisher's Ferry and liw grata, to SUattury, i 3 mites sad Lack, twice • week. Leave Nahanoy Tuesday and Saturday 1 pm; /arrive at Sunbury bi pm; lAbmi Sunbury . Tuesday and Saturday at $ a rat Arrive at NI ahanoy by 12 m. 1111111 From Herndon, by Mahaney, Tieback's, Greenbrier, Licit: Sountniu, Upper Ha isantango and Barry. to Mineroville, miles and back, twice a week. Linn Mahaney Yondry and Friday at I a as; Arrive at linersville by 5 p ' lAilitliiaersctlie Tuesday and Saturday at fast; Z i v a s Mattartoy by 5p m. sus Grata, by Klingersto% n, Rough mad and Helper, to Upper Mahantaa /7 miles and back, once a week, •Leays Gratz 'll ednesday at 6 a in; Arrive at Upper itsitatitsago be 10 a vs; lam Upper Na.bautango Wednesday at 12 • 7Si; Arrive at Gratz by 5 p m. Sadirom Gettysburg, by Fairfield, V OPOStala • Dale, 'Waynesboro , Riuggold, 81d., and • Leitoraburg, to Hagerstown, 35 tai e s and ' back, three times a week. Lure Gettysburg Tuesday, Thursday, and - . Saturday ate am; • Arrive at Hagerstown by 4 p in; Leave Hagerstown Monday, Wednesday, sad Friday at 8 a m; Antra at Gettysburg by 4 p as. ViSkitties Gatrysissm by Granite Hill sad Strataretewn, to New Cheater, /4 wiles • and back, timer tiaies a week to Hunters - lowa, and Mice • week residue. Issan Gettysburg Tuesday, Thursday, sad t 4 Sat St 8 • en; eseitve ll" ist illi tunterstown by Si a to, and at New Chester on Tuesday sad Saturday by 11 a RI: Leafs New Chester Tuesday and Satairdsy at 111 in) - Atria* at Houtarstown by lf p in, and at . G I I= p Tu vi e . sday, Thursday, and Sat. llllllRSPOsetaistlifeburg.byliummasbeirg,.&renats wilhe, /*tier, lieudersville, Masai/as. sad Isisi Luck, to Gettysburg, equal)* 35 sties sad back, twice a week. balm Gettysburg Tuesday and Saturday at I a a: `. ~bseisres a Sandersville by 11 a lug lams lieudamilla Tuesday and Saturitay .; • 44 Ili Mt .- __AParieri let Gettysburg by 5p m. 110111! Stew at tatown,Stsaw badge Fawn Grove, and &Ate Ridge, to Berinivil/r, la ;Rill's aad back, twice a - • treat. Lome Shrewsbury Weduesdy sad &till* day st / pay Ateive at Bryausville by 1 p in) - Lino Stistisville Wacineaday and Sabot der at e a la; ve at Shrewsbury by It wi, usidt u. Slate Hill, by Bryansville and Castle to McCall's Ferry,llmiles and back, Wee a week. Igleiva Kate Sill Monday and Friday at 4 Alkire at WCall's Ferry by 11 a Tai -Uses NeOistra Ferry Tuesday sod Sates day at 2 p m; jOira-sd, Slate Hill by 1 p m. um Prom Hopewell ~.'sstre. by Cross Roads, Apple Grove, and tullastowa, to York, 22 miles and back, twice a week. Loan Hopewell Cent" Wednesday wad I Satesday at C a ra; Arrive at York by 13 nr, Leave York Wednesday and Saturday at 1 Ijo at Hopewell Centre by I p m. $4 Wrightsville to Margaretta Furnace, erille Grattarnaville, =a York is Yooall's P ent, 23 stiles wad ihadt, !trice a week. Us" Wrightsville Tuesday and Saturday attest; tartan st steer' Ferry by i p Lee.* X cCsll's Ferry Monday sad Friday et 31 avai =at Wrigbtrtille by 7 p m. Lb to conerneare at Columbia are Invited. SOT Tram Cross Roads, by Cuba, Chaeoefort, Lover Cheacefort and Castle Fts, to Paul Rotors, 23 sales sad beet, twice week. Least Cross !toads Tnestsy sad Fsids7 et a . 22 . 1113 at NIA Bottom try p m; • ... 7.eselk bottom Tneseey sad Friday at .my Ardis a Vroo Roads by 12 re. Irnott llbsorer. lunation, by Porter's &A -' , Whims Smitten, Hanover sad New to Gettysburg, 10t miles and buck, daily, wept Stalky, by railroad ; tit* a branch from Hanover to Littke , Ilobs, Smiles and back, six dales a weak, 1•11 4 rub bt dee connexion. Lease navorer Junction daily, except Sas. tag, at 10 Is; Attie. st Gett.,.ba. g by 11 es; tarn Geltysbarg daily, except Sunday, at s io Is; /000 es llbsesPear lanetios loy 11111111100 at listatur, by Abbottstows, to lost A 1234 10 mi lesaud back, three times s tam 1111mrear Tuesday, Tharsday, sad anWillif P *vein at, Laic Balla by 44 ton; Ziorri is Betts Tuesday, Thaueday. and iit Zentriliass; • at snow by IS sit. -14108.1.4 Litdanows, by Harney, ltd., to Eft. • -;iiision. 14 mike and back. time taxes Wedsainbuy,and 111161611ria - 1. *a; Aarbiltud Mnratebnis by 4 pat: tam tuoit dopi lioaday, _24 4 14)rabliv:- •sa . bannovra by 1 1 a la. " alit Invited lies alit-dises *aft awl tsv 4, 4"` Welts week, Torre • " 4)81bil 41a0r, amps Sudo, ea ordeal et illehisireZ i r ir t p is; Melee at Tali WON" - • 11.4 p Lame Tisk Solplume . ammo , I • us; • - Arri all :• 4l :Nas Oxford by f • nor Laws Task fialpier sdki. tal, eteept Sox*, at • a as; Anita as Carlasla by 10 s sa; Lass CosrlSals daily, lacapt &massy, os ar- Neal at Philadalpkia asatl, say at 2 p Antes at Took Sulphur Springs by 6 p so. 2433 nom Llasolie IkStistrrysteurs arid Sgaan Corn er, to Gettysburg, 17 miles and back, tiares tunas a week. Leave Ramose* Tuesday, Tbotsday, sod Saturday at 1 p sa. Arsine at Gettysburg by 8 p Leave Gettysburg Tuesday, Tlautsdair, sad $St u r tra at 6 a in; Arrive 3 Hawn": by 12 tn. 2433 Froia Spring Forge to Cydonia, 5 Laos sad buck, once a week. Leave Spring Purge Saturday at 11 a; Arrive st Codoript by 1 p to; Leave Ondurus Saturday at 2 p or, Arrive at spring Forge i ll e •p a. 2434Fr0m East Berlin, by s Tavern and Farmer's, to York, 14 mules and back, ones a asek.• Leave East Berlin Saturday at 7 • in; Arrive at York by lui a or Leave York Saturday, Was ' rrival of easier' mall, say at 3 p m; Arrive at East Berlin by 6 p 3435Froui East Berlin, by Bull. Bermudian, and Franklintown, to Dillsbarg,l6 miles act back, once a week, Leave East Berlin Thursday at 2 p m; Arrive at Dillsburg by 4 p ta; Leave Dillsburg Thursday at II a as; . . Arrive at East Berlin by 12 m. 14341Frota Chambersburg, by Saint Thomas, Loudon, SicoCinittellotturg, Hare .ents ille, Ray's BilL and Bloody Ilan, to BnAird, 5d miles and back. daily. Leave Chambersburg daily at 7 a an Arrive at Bedford by 9 p tu; Leave Bedford daily at 7 a m; Arrive at Cbarnberabure by so p m. :437Front Clixwbershurg by Marion, Green Castle, and State Line, to Ifagarston Md., 21 miles and hack, six times a weak. Leave Cimmbersburg daily, except Sunday, after arrival of iLisrritibarg mail, say at 12 n; Arrive at Hagerstown by 54 p in; Leave Hagerstown daily, except Sunday, at 64 am; Arrive at Chambersbnrg by 12 a. 24.3SFrom Cbambersburg, by Keefer's Store, Upper Strasburg, Fannettaburg, Buret Cabin, Shade Gap, Orbiaania, Shirleys burg, Aughwick Mills, and Tipeyard Mills, to Mount Union, Zott miles sad back, three times a week. Leave Cliamitexaburg Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 4 am; Arrive at Mount Claim" by 11 p a: Leave Hostig Colon Idoaday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4 a it; Arrive at Chisaaberaburg by 11 p m. 2439 From Chamberabarg, by Jackson Hall, sad Quincy, to Waynesbero' IS miles and back, three times a week . Leave Chambersburg Monday, Wednesday,, and Friday at f p at; Arrive at Waynesboro' by pa; Leave Waynesboro'llonday, Wednesday, and Friday st 1 a us; Arrive at Chamberebarg by I p a. :440Frora IleConnellsbant, 10 Webster . ' WA* fl miles and back, twice a week. Leave McConnell/limn Tuesday and Fri day, after the arrival of the Chambers berg wall, say at tli p ta; Arrive at Webster's Mlle by S. p at; Leave Webster's Pipe Teesday wit Friday at 1 p'; Attire at MCCollll,llsbarg by s p 2441 now Illereersbarg, 6y rptaa. to Green Castle, le wiles sad back, six theca a week. • Leave Illereersbarg tiatly, except &today, at a at; Attire at Greasesedelty 7 p la; Leave Orem Castle daily, except eassday, at 12 la ; Arrive at Meroontswg by 2 p s. 2442 From Martinsburg, by Sylvaa, to Rostock, Id., 14 miles and back, mace a west. Leave Meroersburg Friday ate a es; Arrive at Hancock by 6 psi; Leave Himont* Saturday at 11. a Is; • Ankara lioreerzburg by 5 p ia. 3443Pr0m Horriseavilko, ►y Dublin Rills, to Orbisonia, 30 mike amid back, ones a week. Leave Harrisonville Tuesday at 9 a IN Arrive at Orbkonia by e p m; Leave Orbieenia Monday at 8 a nu Arrive at liarrisonrille ►y 3 p m.. 1444Froes Haeriaoarille, by &duels Tannery, West Dahlia, sad Wells' Tannery, to Hopewell,2o miles and back, once a week. Leave Marriaeorille Thursday at $ sill; • Arrive at Hopewell by 4 p ixt; Leave Hopewell Friday at '7 a m; Arrive at liarrisontille by 3 p m. 2445 From Harrisouville, by Eanasual Slpe's Mill, and Warfordsburg, to Hancock, Md., 25 miles and Lack, Mace a week. Leave Harrienoville Monday at 4 a m; Arrive at Hancock by 4 p rn; Leave Hancock Tuesday at 10 ► ns; Arrive at Harrisonville by 6 p m. 44411Fr0m Bloody Hun, by Clearrille, Moidson. villa, and Wartordsbarg, to awricock, 32 Bailee and hack, once a week. Leav♦ Bloody Hun Saturday at 7 arm, Arrive at liaorock by 5 p at; Leave Hancock Friday at 6 a ta; Arrive at Bloody Rue by 6 p ra. 2447 From 'Williamdburg, by Yellaw Springs, and Water Street. to Spruce Creek, 13 miles and back, twice ► week. Leave Williamsburg Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8-a m; Arrive at Spruce Creek by lt Leave Spruce Creek Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at Williamsburg by 5 p m. Proposals aril invited for ail-times-a-week aervice. 2443 From Williamsburg to Springfield Fur nace, 5 miles and back. 3 times a week. Leave Williamsburg Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, an arrival of mail from Spruce Creek, say at 5 p na; Arrive at Springfield Farrows lay d p to Leave Springfield Purnare Tuesday, Thurs day. and Saturday at 33 to or, Arrive at Williamsburg by 4i p m. $443 From Pannettaborg, by Dry Run. Spring Run, Doyleskurg, Concord, Waterloo, Pert bills, Rust Waterford. Honey Grove, IldeCtifteek's WeCovvvilfe, Pleasant riew,Spruct Hill, and Academia, to Port Royal, 42 loans and back, three times s week. Leave Tanuettaherg Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday st 6 6 em; Arrive et Port Rotel by 7 p us: Leave Port Royal Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at it a to; Arrive at Paanettsburg by II p us. 2450 From Fenaettsbrirg to taberieir ltsmemeo, 4 Mlles and back. enve a week. Leave Fasaettsburig Tuesday at 7 a at; byArrive at Carrick Furnace 14 • im; Leave Carrick Furnace Tuesday at Be am; Arrive at Fannettsburg by lo a is. 2451 From Orbieonia, by hew °resod* sad Speersville, to Ray's Ilia, 33 miles and back, once a week. Leave Orbisonla Friday st II a in; Arrive st Rep Mill by 4 Leave Hill Tbarsdiry at 4 a m, Arrive at Orbiscuria by 4 p m. 2461 From Burnt Cabins, by Fort Littleton, Maddensville, Three twins, Caturrtile, and Paradise furnace, to Coffee kin, 30 rifles and back, once a week. Leaveßanat Cabins Wednesday st 4 6 xi; Arens at Cott* Run by 6 p Lsalp Coffee Ran Thursday at I s is; Arrivi at Surat Cabbie by 6 p m. are Invited' for a second weekly P A * tirade Burst Cabiaa and Fort Lit. deice, to be run on Saturday. 1433 From Danville, by Chulaalty,to Northam. berlasi. IS milts sad bask s six thou a walk. loam Danville daily ies rept Sunday ,a t 4 ars; Arrive at 14orthasilerlaall by 7 a m; Lents itarrimmberiasd vier* 3aa eq. ara arrival of mail Ave PlarraGars, IMO ai Arri Till at bravitk ay lb t ai. s464liram Leraisbnii, bl lbilalabars • rAll stm ioatlitazd, Laroasbarg, 8 Clears Halt - s loal*irg, t.* Alla, Sark Glair& Grays. vz4iiirt Waal* Faro, apeart %If nabs aria barki, Uwe Mamas • week. Leave Levriatimioaday, Wediumillay,swi Friday at I a ai; • = "l 9=lsl4 al appalii, .anst Mint el CANS Arvin as Isrlsidelif aetti arretor haigintetasi ere Witted Aar Fyne Weer/7 trip Wyman Leirtsb erg mid 2451 'tont Lersrlabwrg, Wheal& New 18erist, rena's Creak, Weems's, Beastessern, Bearer 15prtage, lotidilai Creek, Cross Grove Hall, and Drcat tn. to Lewistown, sa miles Mai bock, six times a week to New Berlin, .h tires times a week reside*. Leave Lewisburg daily, except Semler, at pay Arrive at New Berlin by A p in; Lear* New Sadist daily, estop' Sunday, It 8 a in; Arrive at Lewi.bur, by 11 a M: Leave New Berlin Tuesday, Thoradyy, and Naturday at 7 a se; Arrive at Lowutown by 6p m; Leave Lewistown Monday, Wednesday, and Frillsy at 7i a m; Arrive at New Berlin by 6 p in; 2450 Fivisi Suulitir), by filine s Grove, and kuttitown, to 1/AlBllle, IS miles and back, wake a week. Leave Sunbury Saturday at G a m; Arrive at Danville Saturday at I p tn; Arrive at Sunbury by 7 p u. 2457 From Sunbury, by Nurtb umberlaed, Chilli sycioquc,Lkwisburia, M titon.Watson tow ri , and liamicy, to Williamsport, 40 miles and back, twine daily, by railroad. Lesiva Banbury daily at 3.1i1 p in and 10.15 p in; Arrive at Williamsport Ly 1 p m and 12.14 • 111 Leave WiTliamaport daily at 8.30 a in and 10 p mi Arrive atSenbury by 10.:3 a m t 11 41 pm. IMSTIVCTI OMB. CooWs*" tootittom to lo imoorporatot Os Lb* aostracti to the extant the faxottomeot may doom ',foyer. I. Urea iniaatat are allowed to ton iniennedlato Mar, when nut Mbisroire apeman]. tor mourt f ver the mails; brit on rafifond and of earobust muter there I. to be no mum dieffiv that Is eutliment for an exclience of IN marl iferr 2. On estlemel and stesfule fat and other nutria when the omfir n( e..nral 11leol ad 11 1 ,1,11 .4 it, Ur medal I Minor a the vas,. lrepartrhent. oleo pure .nice blank., bap,. locks, meg key•, are le be wearsellid I wfthout sates charge, Oa mimed tat stateriboet Ilam the meta agents at the depamment ere to he eyed of 'tout cheese, tad tee theme sachem , * me, while tr....ling with lite mails, • , comotatious ear. or •partromit la It. centre of e eat. pre arty lighted. wormed. art fornideri. and adaptiel is Ma cein•earot ...eponitios awl rtu• wMr,ttl Ump unita. Is tat 4to provided by the contractor, Loam the dietais of tai pertinent Railroad and itorwitreat oommaits arm neolroll to take ow mail from sod deliver it foto the reset lame at the soniturrerement and end of their motile, cwt to and (non all , °Mem not more tliaa •inbity efol.• tan, • Matron or loading I Proposals awe be eaboritteel fee the performance of all .that tide morace—tbort ia , rte oases weer argiity rods limo • ' 'tattoo ow landing. Receipts wiU be totaind for or .11 bags etaireyed Chary of persone unman) ed by relines& sormemies There VIII alma be -troy Min" prepared by pormasters,er onto offlam of the dePartarat, to arscompatty the mai appal. fy lag the meambor and donlart len of lb. wend bags Oa the rpril sacs roam. Iltrowier, rwiteiris will As n andnano" ayknish...worded • as atter to to eternal by Me several ristamatairs, to farms regalarity t. Ina Jae Reeky moll hags. 4. Ile pay sift b• undo ter tripe mot porthreee4 • and for each of such onitreinsw not eatiaCtetonly exprie,ed Cora blew the par of the trip may dederted. /for arrivals ao doe behrei tone me to Mirk wanaexioo frith depending malls. and not ani.fe.Ur tamed, ows-foarth of the mew ponearlon for the trip resolved to furfestom. Dedonnia wNI alas be ordered for a rule of performance inferior to that apodliad ia the contrail'. /or repeated dellmosoriss of CM hied boron epecided. into imaties, probnri• timed to this rattan thane( and the of the moll. ray to made. 11. Tor lwaving behind or throwing .hale moils, or any porticos of tam. for the oduitionion of paeminguirs, or for Ming to la netting op or nosing as scoriae ors. vain( Intellbroont is Maros of the moll, • 4• 4l tilr's Pay to ay be ad/octal. d. linos will be frepnood, salsa the delkodanct be promptly and sottlatactorily explairod by ifertiaciftee d. poettuestme or the affidavit. of other credible pe na. tor' lionise to arrive la mane% Liar ; for ow og to take lies mail from Of deliver It Into a peat adios ,tor saferiog to be wild, leered. distrdyed, robbed, or boat; mid for afar itniand, to convoy Ur mall on frequently tri the contractor ram et M ameenisd is ranniug a math, Mr, a steamboat en a roan. 1. Tar Pertoreter %moral may antral the tiontraell fK remota Warm to rue agreeably be testract ' fur •iffla. Ms the Peet 0111 c• /soft, or 4trotroyithit the luetrodione ~t the department; (or rennin to diatoms a carrier afire neared by Ca Monahan' to do ou , fur mom, au ex press as - aferairld ; or for tramporting person, or packages soevering mailable matter oat of the unit S. Tho Poitmorer tiervaral may eerier an acreage of tenter**. $ mate by allowing tiferstore • pro rata immerse ea tn. antral pay. He any chums schedules Manor- ; tura and arvivala to all came, sod particularly to osak• them sonfons to earaishms o rode o le intuit a-' ideas of pay, prltykted tile meninx time be mot abridged. He say also order am hosnoore of sped. allowieg. whine ties roldrictions of the ism, a pm rata Menai* of pay for Ike antitroal stash or wardeirch If auyi. Tire iontracter soy, however, to tbs ore of Items* of sped rolionolibi thir omotracit. by giving prompt onitoro es, she r o e p s ec o ,...„ that be prefers dram se its carrying the arm iato effort. The Postmaster littoral may also curtail or iliennotinue the servito. le sir& De In part, at pro rata darer of pry, anewteig ore wiratb's extra morpormatiou tra the amount dlopormil with. whenover, to his epialaa. the pad* tammits nears the champ, or ia ow be deeiras u it by • diametral grade et Peaaportatina. rrt ie romets will be made by elloretras from or drafts no postaraters, or otlerrerro, after the elpirstion of each Innriblo -01 1 in retwolnu7. May, Assort. sail Noeffeiber. 10. Tits drama are glean moseding 1. %be last name .altos; bat no inrrawoJ pay will tre allowed aboard they Mr frostier than advertised. If the mint. to bt nopplierl be morraeld, mated Phase suer 'stoma 1114110.L1f11.11 tea Tole Mtn add alas I. notarise* to the eerght tot real(, the eraditlire et ramie, hiller, streams", kc owl all toll bd./vs, ferrlila. Or obstructione of any knot by whin St riate my be loeurned Pio claim for additionel pay, booed is arch patted. sea So rower ere nor for alleged tat*. takes or noltappriaboweler ee to th• demo* of men ' ' not for bridges destroyed. *cries diecortnuod. or other willo stnietkom IlltromPtimg distend. oorortisor Moog the eraM• Mali term. Oakes astalitielfed after this iiimatiet la homed, and also derive the seat ract term, are to he dated without dirt pay. if the Amason be ea inertatsed. 11. A bid t eireived after tbe tart day awl boor named, or irildiont the resionly owireira bp lan ad a certifier.* so to toe tragewor, of smelt guaranty. catforrt be inumotertal is eeevothioo with • regular provewel ressotiable ID itotollot. 19 11144441 should trot propose for mete* atmetly aF medial to the vertieen,eut, and Men, if lay Main, deforestson ic• t... ant ft the sacca bid b. Ur loath offered for the advseti•orl service, the other proration, may bOooOokoloto4. . etioold be lot oar, roots hod for MI a proposal. Co aro lidated or comic 'ratios bits •peoprroffas owe fain far two or moos roatea") are ierboldea by law, sad cacaos be sonaiderod 14. The route, the Pereira, the eeerly ray. Ilus tad reiklabee of the Nader. (that 1.. Ids °Joel post eddrew.) sod %nee of each member of • Ikea, slimy a osterpouir oder*, Would M dmhectly stated 15. bidders are requested to ow Wit se ruttient*, 40, the prtuted (ono of petirinieil foriii•heill by the etrpertinent, to write net In fell We sem of Weer hole, awl Lw retain elpie...4 them. Altered 1,1, should not be eobmlktM ; nor rhonlit bide wane submitted Le ei•hdreoru No withilnierel or. Sedder Or 111111Llitor %It ty .Mooed tolau dated east rwawinwi y. (ore the 1.. t dAy reset rI iv priipirwele tech b.d intuit be ituartsitieit by two respneslble pereout General goarantgre &newt be admitted The bgd sod retranty shookt be mod'. ;ghoul!, unit Ow hll mow •1 each &moon. The department rerervet the right to reject toy lind ethgch noe be deemed tate aemgant, ant also to dtarsigoed the beds n( fel(gro( coptracton and bidders. • - 36 The brl anon id be resist, asperarrlbed Mail Pro. r,?State edAremed 4 • C•econd AaArtaot trosbater General, Contract etre," Rod teat by not by or to ou *geol.; .134 ivereaussters all( not etratoee propoeal. (or letter. of an) hand) 10 their quarterly returna It Tbr contracts are to be executed end retort...l t the department by or before the lee oar or Ave art, isec; bat the eerr:ce mew be lioenas.ncoat eu Use lit of July pre ceding, or au the mail Oar next after that data, whether the eoetrecte be executed o r out. propoetoet to tree'. tat will be en haiderc‘tuutal the oontracul gm 'Located Rad received at the department , and then as brander will is allowed anima Fax! arat aailloleot ramose thirrefor are given_ to be la.tarroured by the department In all cahWl the retiring contractor cull be required to beams ono or the ea rely'' on the hew contract. le Fnatronstars at offices on or Pew railroads, bot more than aicbty ludo from a lastk , n, ell , immediately after the 51st of March oast, report their exact distance frog the neereet shame, and how they are otberwiro espy tied with tb• nia4l, to enable the Piwittnahter General to duvet a inesi-eirwmatecer supply front the Ist uf July vast IL Section toglieren of lib um of C o pgr i ss fl areal L 1644, prortde. that contracts for the trausporta- Ilea et the wail shall be let •• in every case to the lowest biddies esseetsring anancleet siaarsatme fur (*Akita] perfum es/ea, without mbar referees* to the mode of each trans palatial than may be maceymery to provide for the nos celerity, eertainty, and secerity of each tnuispormy4o. Uudsr this lice, tads that symposia to histiseurt, the awl eriterity, cortalety, and venality,' boring been de cola to be the °MI tegai ludo, ars COeStriled as providing for the satire mat, however laws sod whatever may be the mod* M cenveswarse postoraary to Maur* iV 4• celerity, comtaiety, atid semaritv," aa6 ICI have the pestermice ewer all echoes. toodkleatiou ti a bed In asy of lit ateontial tenna is taasemonnt to • rear bid, rad canaot be nousired. so its to interfere with a regubtr Competitioe, attar the last base est hor receiving bids. *skies a ore bid. with gasrairty end sweetest*, M the soli snur to mot* • presioas but resinanaters in to tow sonalot aot v eattgy the, aulleiesay of ra•ealstars or sureties without knowing that they ate persona of sidisitta respolleibillty; sad an hid.. Wit genrsittora. nal sureties are dkirtheetay motillint siwokittant le ester tote et peeforni aim soseraets for the winkle paspirel as is the aimepied bias, tasir Iva liar Wilde* will be insterred against theme. 112. hewn soittraisters, ant pareassa Imam at the o. pasamss, omit, eetaaity will missea, laut iereernisasil aid esetiliesiel et gage ig la tail tens' ahoy* priseribet. a lr7rtitailee of sallicilesel mast be missal tensed. i• odor lar solhbases "al ha a peeeessiefer os hi • .tange 4sl owl el 6"11 / 1 101.?, _ . Saw SOON •401 Notice. ALL parsons la &UM( 10 B 11l mock, k Aron, utoovon, ors notttled to spoke tio.t.l. E. BEINGX.II.I, witboot belay, and say, costs. • j.tao. 13, 1860. 4* ONE of the letoonipqabseiete b Mstate.-. Grattan, A itoordecte, Ma, Pluses, lid and atl the sweaty Asisge.Dwing the to 4 1 1 dot rat Alls ea hoer *ay ha epeat 'Meat* geoettly, whine roe out bat these blearsemete oo che. of. SAMSON'S. -f -11111rtS, Siliwirts.--1 great 'misty of 11 easits, squibs sad 4puittier, as - • • JIA BCoTT TonALo 11011118 ai Clese-sitest ata • .0 cheaper the* tart sews at SAl[BOllll3. Ladd, Adobe at . . UT 18 SAI6IIIII. 11 111 . 81L211119115, l iii lisimraistimosellipproareg% "WING 11•CRIlinio witesitri.• lissallattiso*r Hstablidnueuts. Let liasufactirera, Planters, farmers, House keepers, or any *don persona id searcb of &a luatrunient to execute any kind oftewing rum dope by uasebinery, make aura they secure the best, by ex/mining oars before pitrobasing. alr:Samples of Work lent by wall. VOA? CONSTITVTES • Alpo sawis• isacuisaft I. It should be well made, ample is Its eaa. Stauttwa, and easily kept is larder. 11, t 1110414 0111411 • TIOST I.ocx-ortnes, alike cos both sides a-the vasterial. h should sew any and all Materiels slat cab be sewed. 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directlyfrom the spool. S. It should be able to sew• fro= coarse toga., and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with mit changing the tension. 4. It should be able to make the tension gr=ater or less. on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. '7. It should ha% e a straight needle ; curved ones are liable to break. 8 The needle should have perpendicular cotton. This is absolutely necessary for haavy work. .9. It slmuld be capable of taking la the largest OW of work. :10. It should he able to bind with a binder, hem with • hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should he always reedy to work, :12. It should be capable of using the estrus Nike of thread on both sides of the work, and of usiug different colored thread ur silk, above or below, to correspond with auy two colors of clk)th to be united. 13. It should Doable to make a long or short et}u•h. 14. it should lse able Ie beton of the seem, aid commence sewing %Sealy at the first stitch. 1 15. It shuald use easily sad snake bat little seise. 118. It should have e wheel feed; sone others in constant contact with the work. ale 17. It should not be liable to get out of order. 18. It should not be liable to 'nosh the read, nor skip stitches. 19. Is should net be necessary to use a screw dficer or wrench So set She seecUe. til. It iliould not be - liable to oil the opera ble:a dress. 414 21. It should asipfores s ridge cm the seder A e t nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, aq is the cast with 4u estraiserwriecis anschises. 112. It should not be " store trouble than it ' ' worth." 23. Finale, all of these adramages are pos t seed by our Sewing Machine. . LADD, IVERSTER a CO. Dec. 5, 1459. ly : altimore Safe Maztuthotory. f ILLER'S IMPROVED sALAmAmisa I SAFES.—Thousands of dollars in proper ! qf all kinds, saved annually i■ these sates at never failed to preserve their rontenU.— etory, L)ocauce street, Providence, Rhode land, and I:b9 North street, Baltimore. Sale r • oms, Nu. 18, South Charles street. For Met d prices send fur a circular. All Safes war uted to give satisfaction. L. H. MILLER, No. 18 South Charles Meet, Oct. 17. 1859. tie. 27. lyi Baltimore, Md. t First Premium t NI 4 NAF:I.Lfilt CIiTTAGF. .PrItNITCRE 74 It. W. lINSWOOD, No. Ili North Charles s •et. Baltimore, having been engaged for the 1 I st 17 years in the manufacture and eat, of t e above deArable Furniture, suited to country r sideuees, lias 1,41114E1d a large variety, sum/fee t red expte—ly for retail sales. .11-n, oak and Walnut Chamber Sets, Oak and Walnut Exten,ioa Tattles. Dining RCltlna 11.11 d lIIIIVS ChA in., Sidehnards, (lair and llotk Mat tie,...tes. I:ruttier l'ilhows and Bolsters, kc., kc. i )lart It 21, 1a:.9. ly itFranklin House, EFII'II.T and Reitz ruishetl, Causer If Moroni 4Nd t'ranklm streets, a few 'quarto west of tAe Sortherti Central lailway Depot, BALT,- SORB. Tarius SI per day. l'i. LEISENniNG, PropriOnr, From &Lim Grove, russurkania. I Aug. 1, 1859. OM 4 - ' -- i,tArtists', Painters' xn PunT4IGILAPHIMS' DBPOT.—The subscriber bus constantly aa hand a full .ortinvot of fliAterial• for the use of Artist*, maser* a Pal 114.1n: 1 44m Also on haled a large nti besomtifttl assortment of Sterarespit liming „a4 and 17,w4, embracing every variety of toreign and Americas Lawiseopes, Ssnliprry, .kurior and Rare! Gm*” 4e. The beauty and ipterest of the Stereseopic 'Clews upon the 'Ar tily table furnish a never ending source of en trtainment t.otb to visitors and the home circle. COUNTRY' 31EItClIANTS supplied ou the oat liberal terms. W. A. WiltiONG, No. 2 N. Liberty Bt., Baltimore, ild. Jane 37, 19:)9. )y FaduOODS, Rh. 11 Nord tfeassei omit, two doors North of the Howard (louse.—The , rsigeed , having made large additions to his Lock, is prepared to tarnish Housekeepers, Country Merchants and others, with snob articles ' as they want, on the rery best terms. ! Itarsues : Whitewash, Sweeping, Dusting, taint, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Silver , Shea, Scrub and f, Horse Brushes. , I Wootims-wars: Such as Tubs, Buckets, Measures, Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, Rolling Pins, Butter Prints, &c. Brooms, Baskets, Mats and Cordage. passer's 5 minute Ice ('ream geezers. Refrigerators, upright and chest—the I most approved kinds. Water Coolers, in Wood or Metal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthur's and other most approved Fruit and Veget.ihle Pre serving Cans. plain Tin-ware. Japanned, Block Tin, Britannic and Pitted Ware. Albata Forks ' and Spoons, Urns, Coffee and Tea Pots, Egg Boilers, Waiters, Chaffing Dishes, Knives and Forks, Waffle Irons, Sauce Pans, Scales and Weights, Coffee Mills, Table restors, Old Domin ion Coffee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, Nurse Damps, Toilet Sets, Foot Tubs. Bath Tubs, Knife Cleaners, Wire Dish Covens, Table Mats, together ith a variety of articles useful and necessary to Eloteekeepers. Rohr & De\ ix' Patent Excetsinr , NVashing Machines. Plain Tin and Sheet Iron ,',Ware and Brushes of every description, mans. lectured to order. GEO. A. MILLS, No 11 North Howard at., Baltimore, ]f d, March 14, 18,7,9. ly . UPHOLSTERER LI PAPER /NGER, ANT VENETIAN BLIND ILANI.:FACTURER, No. 62 North Howard St.zwet, cue door above Lexington, I.l•Leinoxs. Paper Ilaregisva.—Constantly in store, Paper Hangings of every description, and at the lats. and most approved patterns. also, Burders Fire Board Prints, dc. repuisan Dia^lo.--limps on band, and manu factures to order, Venetian Blinds ora/1 colors, sites and qualities, which will compare favora bly with any offered to the ofir Paper Hanging done in the best style.— Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, or suktianod. March 7, 1N39. I y PEILL .1.2 , 11L1 BRASS BORES, 53 itolliday street, Baltimore, Md. RitQLSTSR k 'BB, the Proprietors, ars prepared to fornieb BELLS of all descriptions, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, whirl are 'warranted equal kn quality of tone, prolongstion of sound and durability, to any made in the United States. Our Bells are made of the best materials warranted to give satire astlefictlen ; also, against breakage. Farm Bells, ranging front 10 to 104 pounds, I always on band at sorthernpriese. . For Certificates with JIM porteoulars, mud for One of our Circulate. 1 Aug. 39, leak Ly Postmaster tterserol. - A viaum we' Pio 'blamably, nawara,at A. s cow s sows. oars nom lank mobs yew plankton at r t o ues'i sad Sore Otollthig, of wtioi yox w lad ik lOpoiniiked, oho tastio thatstmor Over-ocosto and Logitu t tAtrolltier, beg .4 doily de epos. "efiss= l" biliiSt Nov. SC ag 150. House Furnishing B. T. Hynson, Baltimore AsTo eueirult I. die mtavvrAue i= as cis AI Mid ist-Dissesell liteghre, Is Pishisiont serest, eider Ile awe stele sod tim ODA:4n% it IMEMAIII t JEW:, and sok, sad will endegror to enservo, • cattiness's of the patronage of ties eN tree, se well as *my asininity of new custom. They %rare joss rows , 041 from the cities with an immense most of Goods--oossisthig he part of Building Materials, sash as Walls, Screws, Nines, bolts, Locks, Glass. ft& Tool 4, including Edge Tockl.s of every description, Saws, Planes, Cbissels, Genre, Braces and Ditto, Angers, Squares Gummy ' Hammers die. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, Vice%, Rasps, ?Dee, Done Shoos, Horse-ahoe Nails, &c , with them, very cheap. Coach ings, such as Cloth, Canvass, Damask , Fringes, Cotton, Moss, 011 Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Fella's*, Bows, Poles, Shafts, tc. Shoe Findhlgs, Tampico, Brash and. French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, kc. with a general assortment of Shoemaker's toots: Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, he. IiOUSEKibMPKRS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, firittannia, Mints and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters. Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pane ' Tuba, Churns, Carpeting, Arc. Also, a generalassortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sites and kinds; Cast. Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, each as Crashed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses sad Syrups. Coffee, Spices, Chocolate. Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentiue, Fish. be.; &full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fiet, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Llocksraith,CabluotiLakees,Pointer's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as }ow for CASH as any house out of the city. HENRY U. DANNER, WAYBIUGHT ZIRCILEM, Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. The Greatest Discovery 9r THE AGE.—lnfisawastory and Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using W. L. .I,IIR'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. he riket•oll Rheautatte affec tions. has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific introduced to the pblie. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by H L. MILLER, Who Mesabi and Retail Druggist. East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, 'famish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stag's, bot tled Oils, Regains* and .Tlnctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, lie. kc. g a r A.D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettysburg fur " IL L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic 24i:- tare." [Oct. 24, 1850. 1y Removal. A LEXANDU 1 1 2.1125 E, Clock and Watch -1-1 maker, has removed his shop to the room on the Walt side of the Public Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler,Esq., as r% Law attics, where he will always be appy to attend to the calls of cutomors. Thankful for past thrum, he hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, Apra 11, Isls* Just In Season I GMI CS A CALL I—Ttie undersigaed have just received frosa the cities an immense stock of CLOTHS, CASSIbIititILS, C ASS I N Ertl, V SST INGS in all varieties, ha., suitable for the season, which they offer to the public at awe cedentedly low rates. "They ask a call, To eoneisce all " of the treth of this•assertion. No trouble to show goods and give prices. A large lot of READY-HAHN. CLOTHING also selling cheaper then ever. Garments made op for men and boys, aa us ual, in the vary bast manner, and according to any style desired. Tits work being done in their own establishment, they are always en abled to warrant it. Remember, chair place of business 11the bergamot commodious room ad. Joining as & Culp's, on Chpnebersbarg street. JACOISS 1 Sept. 19, 1/159. can This Way 1 11111 E subscriber would inform the public that he continues his MACHINE sac*, in thambersburg street, Gettysburg, tear the Foundry, where lie has various kinds of Ma chimes isa head, sac► as Threshing Machiaes, Corn Sbeikers, Cortiodder Cutters, Cleversood Hullers, Straw Cutters, sod Horse Powers of different kinds,—two, four or six-boree, to salt parchasers;--indeed ell suck as oisa had at Hanover or Littlestown. Also, Mortising Ma chines, for bonne carpenters, 'sot up in this very best and most substautial manner. Claris* Screws or long Bolts, any kind or size less than eleven feet in length, always attended to,as well as Tnrning in iron, casting or wood. Also all k inch of REPAIRING cm Machinery, dressing-np Mill Spindles, Sc., dune on the shortest notice. The undersigned manufactures Moustax's PATIN'? iiORB6 RAKE, which lee offers at the lowest living profit. He is likewise agent for the REAPER t MOWER nsaaufeetatred by Joseph 511h -ratan, at East Berlin. I hope that all in want of anything In my lien will call at my Shop before going elsewhere. I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to purchasers. DAYLD lITZRNIUL April 11, 1859. Iyo Change of Hours ‘ - ‘N TUB GITTYBIII.7I2O RAILROAD 1— k j Summer Arrangement.-ton and after Thurs day, April 21st, the MORNING TRAIN will leave Gettysburg It 6.30 o'clock A. M., connecting et Hanover Junction with Express train to Balti more at 9.32, and Mail train from Baltimore at 9.32, returning to Gettysburg at 12.30 noon, with passengers from Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, and the North and West. The AFTERNOON TRAIN will leave Gettys burg at l o'clock, P. M., connecting at Hanover Junction with Mail train to Baltimore at 3.37, re turning to 43 ettysbnrg about 6.30 P. M , with passengers from York, Ils.rrisburg,Philadelphia, and the North and West. sa-Sy the above arrangement passengers can go either North or South on the Northern Central Railway both morning and afternoon. R. WCURDY, President. April 25, 1859 Adams County trtu.A.L FIRE LtiSURA.NCE COMPANY.— lacorporstad March 111, 1851. OF/ICS/UM President—George Swope. Vice Preeidest—S. R. Russell. Secretary_ D. A. Buehler. freeteurer—David M'Creary. Brecurnre Commium—Rohert NoCurdy, heob King, Andrew Heintssimin. Maskapere—Geopie Swope, D. A. Euelitsr,Ja. cab King, A. lisantselmen, R. X'Curdy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Pahnestock, Wm. B. MeClellaa, B. Wttson, 11. Richelberpr, Abdiel Tt. WU, John Wolford, H. A. Picking., AbslT. Wright, John Horner, R. 11. McCreary, S. R. Remelt, D. WOreaq, Andrew Polley, John Picking, J. R. Hersh. bfir This Company Is Ilietted to Its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in socceuttal operation for more then six yeses, and to that ported has peid all losses sad ex penses, withese sa f emsenesset, having also a large surplus **Oat is the Treaurry. The Owe pay raptor! so Agents—ell Wastages lining done by the btanegers, who are aanwitlynteelt ed by the Stockholders. Any penes dinstrift an Inseranoe ens apply to any Of Idea above named lintiegers for farther Informmetea. sir The Ixecutive Committee meets at 'the woe sighs Company on the last Wediesolay is every mierath, at 2, P. K. Sept.!? 11158. IV 0 ono eaa doubt tbo amorous if WI looks at tho vaoioa flhatdo sod wookot sod *Moo Undosoilblu sad Bravoes, ottani *ad wools& floultsorootoe Joao* coxilioss we ft In, boo Naga, botor, nortodibio ussoira gyms, cagimp, Gloves,lllpesomp% Ooo irmi 4 6 ., ibsw otzrio of Moab embroblerod WNW& kraireon from obi skra liessellid le liamtisis, amiss • sad rope INWP, IMss. "`" .‘ Maio naionir-An measuirre.—ir • rats alle optima our hirge mut eonesodleeli arehesou, eta Me earner et Statics Ind Bello Isar the Depot of the Geelphon liadreed Coesposy, sad are prepared to receive of 41 lands, viz: BLOCS, Mint E r l l lVOltS, OATS, he. Also, on heed end for w e , g a m, Goanoa, Plaster, Fish, he. A largo stock of Otromr‘w just received, consisting a Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas, Spires of all kinds, Crier-ware, ke., Lc, which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell as low as can be bought eleewhert, wholesale and Iferetuusts will do well by calling to see and esaanna our stock before purchasing die. where, es oar motto will be " quick sales and passlits." We would also call theettentkm of all inter ested isitlie thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, Bogs, kc., to the fact that we hare for sale Breinig, Fronefield t Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we hare sold from IbtX/ to 2000 pout& per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER, BOLLINGER ik CO. Gettysburg, apt. fi, ir C. GrTNN k BRO. hare just received sad are opening at their new store on the ! , surtli-west corner of Centre Square, Getty sb urg, a large and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goode and Groceries. The ladies par ticularly are invited to call and examine our OW. perior styles of l)reea Goods and Fancy articles, embracing erery thing coming properly under this head at prices not heretofore equalled, and in quality aurpa,sed by none. GENTLEMEN'S 'WEAR, of every d eseription, consis ting of Cloths, Cassinseres, Casistetts, Coatings, Vestings, kr., which cannot be surpassed oal at the city in quality and price. • Our stock of Groceries is also complete, while every ether article generally found In • Dry Goods store eau be had at the "Railroad Stott" of J. C. Quinn k Bro. Balirring that die put. lie can emit themselves better Isere than else where, we Invite them to give ue a call. Por the pruof of oar assertion, cell and examine our stocketen if you don't buy. [April 4, 18&9. Still at Work ! ACHMAKING AND BLACKSBITHECO. / G —The undersigned rospestfully informs his friends sad the pabliar that be emulous the Conoitimitiag aM it/acksmitbing business in every branch at his establishment ht Chant bersburg street. He Ku ea band and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, Ate., of the beat material, and made by superior work men. 1118 - Rzrainue and Bt acasarrama all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. COUNTRY PRODQUIS trims to exchmuip for work M market pricer- pgr Persons desiring articles or work la the Coachasaking or Illacksmithlag line, are re. 'poet/ally incited to call oa JOHN L. HOLTZWORTII. 'Osttysbart, Jam. 34,'66. TM subscriber offers st Private Sale, his HOUSE AND LOT, on High 1331„ street, adjoining Solentos rowers. The ' House is a two-story Brick, nearly new, with a Back-building, and a well of water. Tema rza July 11, 1859. tf HE subscriber has opened new Oyster and Eating Saloons, on the south aids at Unbars street, near the Diamond, (two dooi below (leo. Arnold's Store,) where he will receive EVERT DAY, (Sunday excepted,) end serve in the various styles, the best quality of FRESH OYSTERS, from Baltinsime. keeping a good article, bs expecte to receive a littera 'patronage. He will also supply orb. tens wholesale to other establishments. His Bill of Fare will, however, not be ca ds. ed to Oysters alone. Other articles lathe Hid ing line can always be isMI tet onuass---aloa a nice glass of ALL jarßutrance to Ladles' Saloon ale centre door of the bnildiog — to Gentleme n' loon at the door adjoining it on the west. G. F. SOSMODS. Gettyibarg, Oct. 31,1 She. ReznevaL aubseriber has removed his Rough sod Machine Skop from the Foundry building to Railroad meet, of Tate's Blacksmith shop, beck of the Nagle Hotel, where he is better prepared than ever to at tired to customers. Ploughs always on baud and made to order at the shortest notice, and Machines, Reapers, Act., repaired. Also he will attend to cleaning, and repairing Clocks. May 10. DAVID WAI It. Ileimimat rall9rs! Grain and Produce House, (IN CILUBERSIWRG STREET--The au dersigned haring purchased the large building in the rear of his store oa Chiunbers homburg street, known as '• Camp's Brewery," has converted it into a Produce Warehouse, and is now prepared to receive On kind, of Grain and Produce. to wit : PLOFR. WHEAT. RYR , CORN, OATS, Seeds, he., for which the highest market price will be given. ger To accommodate those who may prefer it, 1 will also receive on COII3IISSION sad hirward Produce of all kinds, harks made ar rangements for that purpose with 3 responsible kens* la the city. I also continue my Grocery- and Variety Store, and keep on hand GROCERIES of all kinds, Salt, Coffee, tingar. Molasses, Teas, Rice, Oils, 'Spices, Fish. Cedar-ware kc. Having jest received a very large supply, purchased on remarkably favorable terms, 1 am prepared to furnish Country Dealers very cheaply, and will sell at all times, WHOLES-ILE AND RETAIL. The public are invited Lo call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits." JOHN SCOTT, Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1559.. T 1 F. XcILHENY having just returned from the city of Philadelphia, where he has selected very carefully his FALL AND WINTER; GOODS, is prepared to show the prettisst and moat fashionable stock of goods In kis line ever brought to this place, which will be sold at prices that will defy all competition. His stock of HATS AND CAPS is full and complete, ern bracing Men's No. 1. black Silk Hats, Men's black Cassimere Hats, Mert's line soft Felt Hats, Men's Ledger Hata, Men's Russia Bread Rim Hats, Men's Silk Velvet Caps, Ledger Caps, Navy, Plush, and Plush trimmed Caps. A splendid assortment of BOYS' k CHILDREN'S CAPS, Prom 25 cts. to $1,25. Also, an exten- t sive assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, con sisting of Men's Water-proof Boots, Fine Calf t Cork-soled Boots, Heevy Kip Boots, Calf Con gress Gaiters, Boys' Beets, Shoes and Gaiters. Thankful to my friends and customers for! put favors I hope by politeness and liar dealing to merit • continuance of their patronage. Oct. 17, 1859. R. F. McILIIBNY. AJULIALtit SCOTT. I. WIT= SCOTT. A. Scott & eon, "VALERS Le Dry Goods, !awry Articles, Queenswere, Groceries, *a, As, opposite Ls Hotel," Chunbersbrrg street. Irarble Yard Removed. rsubscriber having removed his *ace of business to Lan York street, a short Ms- Wise below St. Church, would ansounos $s the poblit tbst be le still propensity Welsh all kind; a( work in his line, such 'iso Lion. .Nteents, Headstones, ht., he., of every ninety at style and Sank, with and without bean sad soy frets, to suit purchasers, sad at prices to Snit the times. Persons desiring anytkiegto his line will find it a decided advantage to exenies his stock and prices before purchasiagsibsevbses. WY. B. =AL& Gettrburg, March 11,18b9. riIYSCINEr ?Itologrophs aro A. No. L. I, tt , ' Ambroorpos aso narrepasood. Noloiliotypoo aro extolled. Spberooqpoo aro tip-top. ' Mooched Votive! IA hi. toms' n o Sky-ftbt GlNSerYtt st the corm Of tho Thimovid,Oottlotarig. Elihmak; ITIMI Met OTMOCIATIS aver ellkesilli sow Cietking Store maids of en dir i ciaoh. nevalrbe bow, assit Oar will 10111 Y Wisiss; god estutbd aad ihe ammiligo maw ist io rehoL) Mee ileseiairt Railroad Store. Private dale. DAN'L. F. PITTENTCRF New Oyster Saloons. Call and See the Bargains! Arm surer at vitAXL-Artate BrkilLEß, bovist. stock of Tin and Sheet Iton wain VI WVOlrrer BeneCuethielenr, whaitY tc"heillredEttosatiell;b4llllloollll"totialliel"r".. the superintendence of G. 11. Buda* SS $ Oll now prepared to furnish everytkhkg *tem at the lowest prices. Is addition iir tkot,_ _ordliser ry wars, they lurre *large supply 1/1111/11W1 and house furnishing goods, of every triebekh incinclittg enamelled and ttn Mettles, Tau, 10. 1 for preserving, cooking and frying. CAI sag see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves sire house funtishing goods at their Warshongs, the corner of Carlisle and Railroad strew. taf'Spooting put up as shortest notice. Lem. ber, Coal and Lime always on band at their yard at the same place. Nor. 14, 115 g. SITSADS k BUSTLE& Cook and Parlor Stoves. A NDRKW POLLEY would respeetAilly N AL kirm the public that he now has a lot .f GOOK' and PARLOR STOVES, whirl► be offers at prices to suit the times. Gettysburg, Aug. 29, 195 L Use Shriner's TIALSAHIC COUGH SYRUP. JID AS A FAMILY WORDY IT aat NO EGICALI Tignimoarat so C 11111111111.112. is to certify, that ea the re commendation of a regular and skilful physi cian, we have used the "Balsamic Cough Syrup " prepared by W. Z. Slogan, la one bask-. and find it t.) answer well the purposes for which it is prepared. S. Elottuau, Peg tor of Lutheran Chunk Tine to wn, Md. Reed the foils:ming Letter *ma Bev. H. P. Jordan : Botoirrours, Md. Mr. W. Z. Sbriner f —Dear lit, :--I bare gives your " Balsamic Cough Syrup" a fair trial, end am happy to sax that I hare serer tried lay , thing that relieved me so me. I ban Wins gi it in my family with the ume good ef kelirfa every instance. ft is certainly a most excellent remedy, and esthete he in every tarsi. ly. The exceeding low price *Vehicle tt b said places it within the reach of all. . Pardon the liberty I have taw la %us es. ing my experience is the use cede Syrup unso licited by you. Itespectfully yours, U. P. Jsuu. TZETIJIOXT 011 mucus.. lammett, Frederick co., lid. Mr. Shriner :--At your request, t hare ex. swine I the composition of your halsatnio Cough Syrup," and hom my knowledge of tho ingredients, and baving`witnessed its good ef fects, / eau recommend it to the public as a vabothie comyowsd tbr Cone's, Colds, and all chronic pahmooary affectims. Toon. Sus, Tan ISTOWn, Md. 1 have proscribed W.I. Skrieset's halsamis Cough Syrup" to wry prodiee tbr stems! years, and regard it sank esoehtent medicine Ms-Coughs, Colds, sad all Brouckial alfectiama. Sam's Sewn, N. D. erne run' mutesesois. Jmnso9, York co., Yu., July 18, 1850 To W. S. Eihrieer,--De^a Sir kart bees keeping year "Submit Comb Syrup" fur mai* for the last firs yea's, sail k has Oros almost sairersal satisfaction. It is one of tke most pow* Medicines loess in our neigbborbooll faver sales, therefese,lieve been large, especially last winker, haring mild at-retail at least tea doses bottles. I therefore do not besitate to recommend it to the pedslia es a good atediehut. Years, vospectlitily i • Jaw's Sflutetan. Terraa's Stesse. York co., *ay 11, 1160. W. I. Shrine,—hear hist—Yew Cough Syrup is becoming very motor Lem I hate been selling it fir about tee and It gives more general satithietioa ay medicine I bare ever sold_ We see it in ear family, se* would not be without it 9X say newest. Yet children, it tertaialy is as iavaluable wadi else: S. G. listosaosso. .Iscstom Tortes., May IS, 16511. To W. F. Shriner :--linssitler your Balsam's Cough Syrup one of the heal COIRII% 111041 " 1 of the de.y. There is no windlass I have eves sold gave such universal satisfaetios, sad woo that, I have used in my family 1 like so well. Yours, trely, C. F. Itstuss. Price, 3 eta. per bottle, or 3 beitbil Sold by all Druggists sod Merchants. Oct. 17, DM. 14mt Howard Association, 11111L.t. DELP H I A.—.l Benevolent Institution Jr established by special Endowment, fet the Belief of the Sick and Distressed, &Siete.: milli Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.-- Medics/ advice giree vials, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with alt. scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, se..) and in cases of extreme poverty. Medicine furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spernintorrham, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and ou the NEW REMEDIES employed is the Dis pensary, sent to the afflicted in se/Littler/elopes. free of charge. Two or three Stamp for post age will be acceptable. Address Dr. J.SKILLEN norcuros, Mita, Surgeon, Howard Associstioa Swot Ninth Street, Philadelphin, Pa. order of the Directors. EZRA D. lIE. ET JILL, Gao. FAIRCHILD, Seep. Pres% Nov. 1 . , 1659. ly A Fresh Assortment Oir GOODS. RECEIVED AT REISINGER'S , —The subscriber has just returned from the City with another and most seeedid asenri• ment of Goods for GENTLEME. 'S WRAP--+a which he calls the attention of the subtle. Hs has selected his stock with great care, sea nut sea and manufacture every variety of Clothing in the cheapest and most substantial maser. He desires all who wish to be well fitted with good, gen tee! PALI, AND WINTER CLOTHING, to girt him a call. Re cannot be ensiled in the town. Every one, therefore, who &One a bargain, should call with aim at hie Merchant TailoringEatablleluttent is Gailiebs strent, end door to gtirs RAIL JACOB RWINIS6IIIR. Oct 31, 11511. Farmers' k Nectiumice' AVDIGS OISTITtrTEON OF ADAM 001914 S ?T.-1411A mow by astai.--cpwpowft your surplus funds In We tastltutlon sit se. (wive Lowest at t,bs rata of Crow twat, Asst psis cent. Tbis lutitutlon offers • so sii~ndl and pro table larpositery to ohne cepsepic ISM . W. 1 114000 (Late eche wimmer* Olaf zwrisitors irtricannutarOM•mi Ur man 1iLAX177441 1 01rC110. $l4 Per net S IT tred, (ase4r tipportle 1110 elpred est pidbm ii . I ,lo:7l 4 = weng ill WIMP OM% peepore& 40 SO dirollle 11rr 0 abort moties. A. • =l poweisi,, oliewTer ?We .a thewass. 11, 111010. 17 -ICLMUM= sas aid sad allirameol I tpe a rt - =V= it=ge .nalt =t bie ANA. I r a tiowf v f i o t - Z - W r -