The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 13, 1860, Image 3
• it-'" eV . an. -'de 1 0 041003 60 10 wWI IF +to t an .1124Pti*. 4 , 00- ieshileoces illAkereast tiegaggiii - 4, ~ ' ere . .... )(scam r oar $00114,H11,1,..01) the Wad lefet. lESJ C'Sl "'AWN allemnisid to et All the )till so, &Big ear, sus Nuadey, rig 'its. ,-1 ?oinh . Isri itoriaeh and bowels, weak- * e a " (Ft , 4he foltees4o4 , e 444).. Des _,.... :Irmilderit, Ilm. - organs atia . • ol4l iiika amnesia!, rift; 4 head ad bet-rate dagrugist. t Gear?, rithighe a ,„, fe,..9rwiel •Plogiss, Beer affections. night ,ftaithilisi, 4 isregi of emeLlent Milch Vows, / Cilaifitte Withiowitig 11111, Cutting Prez, ' ,coiftiveness, consume - rum De l tas% g ii ii i a w e ip saa, s oh h e d s , ( one , ► Giindihotie, IfiltEre, Mains, fates, forks, and t io SeurVY,lmpurity of the blusd. p eee w. teetissi epod else eserecor-14 . 00 . 14 w ee ,a koree ; all darer farniimg Menoill. 'Moo; a rbetetj of; ,sallow complexipng, en Yield 'Won, Ploughs, Harrows, dhow pi t o i gh,,, llonselgia6 and Kitchen Furniture, viii h' lot' to ie properties. A .ingre-trial in- 1;4mo torks, 1 Tee/de-geared ng Three iltis- .of P., 'Mfoetety thelinsliel. sri res them de title of the best lan,l. thine. liolliug Scram, Wkrinos. mg Mai, 4-sets, Ver'llals 1.+5 commence -at 9 ti'atick, A. M , on 11 - now before the public. F.uriefel 4 4 - 44, 04 4, 4 , 0, 0„, 144 . 41 .4 4 , ,, y czu oisio ,, , k keo gi e , said day, when attendance oi ill be given and' li aneepropiistor, W. B. iIoPFAT, at his slice. j pod Single-tree*, Log and Fifth Chainag;Crpw..4 terms Wade known Ify 28611Irewiway, N. Y., and by Store Keepersitail i - r and Dig•girtglrim, large Chop Cbest,:Cutting 1511.11' BRINEF.IIHOPF, Br. ' Dtaggiste generally. [ Feb, it 1:0 - . oa I Box, and a variety of other farming artole..- t Jan. 30 , 7800 . ts I Amp, liousiel t ojd awl kitchen Furniture, too , - " -- - - - -- i '4'll l Bl WnY P IIOIII NMT- -- Fne a loagtime nurnercu• to mention. Personal Property Ariati - liss a parag raph making its =miter ~ fogrkiiile to commence at 10 o' c lock, A. 11. , 4 T PUBLIC SALE.- r The subseriber,intead adWpe• ' ranee in our D ol uiw y t , with the l on paid (iv, when attendance will begiten and ii,,.. ing to quit farininli t will Pell at Pulrlie 4 me t "'Vitale Irordat "-Fite '• Fitt''' . alwaYe ' terms made knowta by CHARLES it ILI.. Sale, at his resisl,i r mce l , in Butler town:hip, • ; tar'somesan offensive caption, but I yes,,L3, WOO. tif no to , liin- benevolent and , humane , who', _ _ et Adams comity, I mile soutkwest of Lower's - 11111, on Monday, the iih day ,_f .If.rch aryl, the tkotilallayipaitlitti Rutile sorrows of others.-s-1 - - • Pllblio Sale. following Personal _'raper*}, viz: 3 bead of :3oese !M att are shocked at-any indicattun of ed ahs even thrown into nervous ex c itans 'era withessing a hearse ur a coffin.- dig i subscriber, in tending . tot farming , /TIREto •t %CORE HORSES, 1 pair of sell-broken _Hiles,, 1 .. willarder at Public Sale, at his rhaultace, 2TN 0-year old Colts, Mulch Cown and Young . us, AHoway's ('seek , on the road leading from Cattle, Brood SUN, 1 Four-horseVag-on. Eng 5i.,_,..e o. i tt)bt P hi "' ' We ' bat ' Li aiwa ." litr ' l• I.ittlestown to Emmiusburg, &haul 3 Milts west lisp Wagon Be!, Lime Bed, Feed Truukb, Horse, 'riisoteknwarrienistalld even death in she face a itlo ' of the former, on Frulay. the 11th day of _Wore* next, Gears, (a large lot and nearly new,) Wagon CALIWISP,..and especially take every opportuni , the following Personal Property, viz : 4 head Saddle, Ploughs and Harrows.boubleandsin tyfitrakileitriating diocese. Viewed in thislight of valuable. HORSES, including 2- first-rate , gle Shovel Ploughs, Corn Furl., Corn Cot erer, ' 1/Wl22Vertiseutent. of S S Haney, at itei finite- Brood Mares.lTwo-vearllngand 2 (. 0 oe-y earling ; Traces, Fifth Chain, twit-horse Spreader. Sin-I more street, Baltienne, Md., passit•• a certain Calls, .Blooded Siallton, rising 3 Peary old, gle and Double Trees, NViunuwing Mill, and a interest; and thcise who know of any one suf. variety of other firming utensils. this Sp r i n g and nut to be b ea te n far beauty ; feting from Epilepsy, Spasms, or Fits of any • kind, should feel it a plea-sure to cut out his 6 Lich Cows, ii Heifers:l Bull, a Sheep, 7 fis2Y - Sale w commence at 9 o'clock.._ M., on Shoats, / Britoil Jots, a Wagons, k CNC) narrow- said day, when attendance a ill be git en and advertisement, or in some other way send V. ord tread and o n e broad tread )Thseshil g MaLliine terms made know ii by to the afflicted of the great value of his refit - Jou 3u, 'hi). ts S.ttll'El. FICHOLTZ dies. They can be sent to Roy part of file <oun- "g" " " V • 614:ve " et'd l ' eulier ' \i . heat Fan , . (irate Dr.ll 1 R oc k awa y and 1 trilling-top try by mail. Price, $3 per box. Two, S:, - Il Valuable Personal uggy.tboth near)) new, 2 setts Buggy Harness, Twelve, s24.Jan. 23. lm ____,..........___ -w-- -... • Sleigh, 2 Log sled., Ploughs and Barrows,. DROPERTY AT I'l 111.1 C SALE,-The sub-1 THE GREAT ENGLISH , nEm E lay !_sfit. Cultivators. Shovel Ploughs, Corn.kork. Huller. L -- b‘rther, intending to remote to a smaller 3A HES CLARKE'S CetallatTED FKX , LE Pit I, ;Jackserlia - . Revolving Horse hake, Cider MAI farm, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, I preparectfiani a prescription by sir .1. Clarke, and l'sess, iu good.order. 4 barrels of 1 inegar. In Neuntpleasuut township.. . t Quaky, It, 111,,Viysiciatt Extraordinary - to the Queen . large Li-ea log Pub , 4 setts Norte Gears. Wagon near N,l4.Unit Vernon School House , !!the 11au- 1 Saddle, fancy saddle. and Bridle, .ba.te saddle, user It on 7',7lay, the 2141/1 day of I,l,ruary . Thipareit-known medicine to no imposition. but a sure mad Lae remedy fur Female Difttin'ties Fite-Curse Line, Halter. and Bake" Gliatine, next, the following Per•onal Property, t 43-- Smooth Barrel Rifle, Double Barrel Shot .en; 2 AlititlissAs one heavy A ith foal, and the other and Obstructions. from any cause whatetkr, grad witkiwagh a powerful remedy, they coati:tit C,.,rn by the bushel. Also, Household and an exisollopt family animal, 3 CURS, enlen and iothiug !artful to the eoestitution. To kfilk- Kitchen Furnitare, such as Bedsteads WA Young Cattle, 1 I Three-horde Wagon, 1 Atm; Lewis it is.pecaliarly suited. It will. in liedill.g. Ta1 2 1C.., Chairs, and a variety- of other I One-tsurse Wagon, Sleigh, Slid, Four-horse ; o short time, bring on the neoutilly period with artistes. too unnierous to mention. i Thresher and Horse-mixer. one of Wanban gh's , regularity. s o rs a i e to ei o .nmence at 8 o', A. 31., on , Seeder., with Guano Attach-neut. Wheat Fru, -- These - Pills have never been known -to fail- said day, when attendance will be given and Cutting Box, Ploughs , nllll Harrows, Double , where the directions on 2d page of pamphlet tem made itatlitet by . :Shute! Ploughs, Corti Fork.. Single arid Double- ' are well observed. LIEGRGE..II. norcs. Trees, 'lase +, of all lairds, Cow Cliains,i Orr fu„lltrer particulars get a pamphlet el idte ) Feb- 13, 1 0 '50. La* Log Chains. Ita 'PI. Firiks ) and other farming agent. -i ----- . utensils. Also, Howieliold and K i tchen Furn- I N. !L-$1 and 0 postage starepa eec/ased to Public Sale. - I here. such as • rahre, Bedstead, Cooking Store! say authorised agent, will insure a bottle,-con- fit .. eehneibee, inumdlha, ea „i t & m u g% 1 and fixtures. Tubs, Barrels, ke. Also, Wheat, , Lining over 50 pills by return of mail. -J will oder as Publie Sale * w e , m oj enee, , Oats and Potatoes, by the bushel, with many ' • T. W. 1./yott k Son. Wholesale Agents. Phila- it . ItIORIa- toot:l4lp r .A.Miews -county, near 1 eecer °ilk)" , to" numerous to mention. , alelphia. A. D. Ihiehler, Agent, Gettysburg. ' Munsmaiiburg, on Tuesday, Rut Intli deg oftifereA I Stis ... d.!'" to commence ■•t,l2o'cluar A. 11 .1 June 13, '53. ly I twit the rolltes r in g Personal ta to p os ay. a i l :- on aid di.v • when attendanc ill be given and , HOME 1514'. tone ihrariasate for saddhearettlead,) I terms Made LNVWU by DR. 300F1..\ ND S CELEBRATED GER- I Two-year old Colt anti I YeaatiegHoli t ft i FR.LNCIS M. Brin/Y. YAK BITTERS. prepared by Dr. C. 31. Jade- Mikis Bowe, Voresig -t.sesle, 0 head of Sheep, Jas. 30„ 18G0. la* son k Ce., Vitileal.el,phia Pa., will effeotnally . Three-horse Wagon, thOotohessie Welton, Oat-; ; PUbiie WO. enure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, riage, Slettli, l4 l: i ti e lowli i Will, Cutting Der, chronic of Nervous Debility , Diseases of the Three-horse • Shovel Plough, rptintaeheergber, igteadtag lo • remora b lli Kidneys, and all diseases arising trom a disor- Co:bar - awe, Doable mad diegle- Trees , Retrofw- 1 I_ maadee ttate will sell at fluidic Sple,et Iris demi Liver or Alsolorteli. Poen /Li Constipation, ing Hay Rake. tkrein Gnedle. Forks and Settee, residence. is Fragitlin sownohip, Adams coca-' kuward l'iies, Fulness of Blood to the liggd, Ebg Chain, Crow and Halter Chaise, Heim- ts, en rialtday, dm 2d14 day of Felled:, mot., the lizidity of the S:umuch. Nausea, Ihartflro, Gears, 2 gems Single Hammes, 2 Griedstones ' fallowing Personal Property, via: FOUR i Striegust for Food. Fulness or Weight, in Um. ki beelharrow, 200 astrentaptihre r tirstisaby Lb; , LE-SD OF WORK 1101/141;S, 1 large Bull, sup- i Simiusch, Sour Eructations, Stalang or Flutter.. bushel, Gloster: Tisnother and Honey-blade I poised .to weigh vat all pousoia, 1 hroad-tread i ing at the I'it.of the Stomach, Swimming of the Seeds. Also, an Orange Time. hittaridg *tit ; Fausroksemeet. tliegoe,..l -nanowatroa,d. Wagon, ,Hanui, flurried and - Difficult Breathing. ilut- ('lock wad Case. CerenrCuplonerd, Sink, Table, Rune Gears, Ploughs pod Harrow,. Sherd ! tering et the Heart, Choking or sailfocatingsen. ' Writing„Resh, Cooking Stare, Teaaplatte Stove, Ploughs, Coru Forks, Itriasouoleg gill. Cools:is( seu.ations *then in aik fur posture. Datmetuaor Weelawbeel, Sausage tirivaler, lay many other- Box, Sisel, r -LTJoseabing Machine, Hay Carriage, Vistm,"Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever Illgtir s ilis. I Wood Leddilrgsliitatiut, 'Rdils,,aud 'other farm- 1 and DUN Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per- ' WfitiMit&J• tit switrolinc, 04 Iks oleleck s .ak X.,,, loeteeelit. • . i initiation, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, on-radii dity, whet. attendassee will be given and' Also, at the same time and piece, will Pain in the Side. Hack, Chest, Limbo, &a.. Sod- . terms Milk known hi JOHN HARTLI. :be off red, the undivided heir of a Tract of , 'fen Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Steals, ! Fe11...14, Mo. ts . CHF •VT TIABER-LAND, containing about 61 Constant Imagining of 'Evil, and great Repress- 1 --- Ac pait i p.ateskiit Fiataklin township, near Hill I lon of :Spirits. Public - Sale.' I "'Own. 1 . , These Bitters are sold at 75 cents per bottle,. l .. litubeertber wilt off& et Public Sakaatt 1 staiLSitle to cotargele; at 10 o'clock, A. M., by druggists and dealers in tuediciurs every- ', his seshaelam, o w eh e r esei .,,,,,, e d.h y a ooo l, on said day, when atteadeis'Fe,wilLbe ghee and where. A. D. litenana, Agent, tiettsehusg. 1 un theroad heading Nom Littleatown teemeSade tiPow.a by 3 4 114 S _,P• RE- 4 .R.X. F Jan. 23. Ira I, eilt.itnetiraloarg. 5 miter weirs of Littlestoe n, Fels- ' ii. / 84 'N 14 [AL B. Miitaa, Autt. '. - • - ' ' ' an44-111 , entlfora east Of adrsoim, In Mountjoy --- - • - - - - -- . =EMI mtEtifirs-MlirkiMlL township. Adams county, ex liseadhp, die Mar ' " Public Sale - • deg ef Harrill 444. 'the Ilutilowiag Personal I,etFaii - 4,4ll,4lllslieViilitStisal. PROPERTY.- : gi, ET T-Y731111 lib"---eirreanee lase. , Prepeseg. wiz: 4 WORK HORSES, 4 Mitch 11. j On Enda", file 24. &fog ti .41nrca AU( ' 1860, f, r iifierfirie Flour-- 4 30 to 5 00 Cows, 1 Heifer, V 118 , 111 4 4 Stoma, 3 Shosp,-.1.1 at i' o'clptik, A, Si., gieisubscriber, intendiug to Rye, Flour 3 50 Naieow-treasttligagellailtone Bed, flay Carriage, remove Wept. will sell at Public Sale,.cip the, SVfiltis Wheat .................1 10 to 120 1 Ploughs and Ilasrews; Shovel Plosiglia,Aisarn ' preatioeo, anthe • Ned lc-ailing from Gett,isburg Irel Wheat ..... ......... l Od to I . 1 .2 Farts. 2' - vets Prirt Gears, 2 sets Hind Gears, tO ICanaitatiorg-four miles from the former and 1 k'orn, 6d, Collars Bridles,Amga.lfultee and Cow Chains, six boat the lauer place, the fiaptiolneescribed 1 Eye - - es I Hookilliagt pigmy awl. Biomass, Log t3lett;Stes Personal ereperts, to wit : FIV'F. IlliA.D OF as i gicend Doubee-Rams, Grain Drill, only ninon* 1101t$14Sittar of them good yonag word; horarts, i ,Ttuckwheat ...... ...,..........»...t.0.. 56 iiiiihns;ailso r llonseholii anci.Eatelieu Furniture, mai one a two yearling colt; a tut of Halal:at- , Buckwheat Meal ` ...... ~,,.._„ . e'en . wißso veriet of other artscies, too numerous the, among wittich are three fresh Mich Cows: a -Oliver 5eed...... 4 37 to 4 61 R lso Inktli•II, • • - l lot of shoats, 1 four-horse narrow-Lord, dear itoaby Seed 1 75 , Sale to commence at ln o'clock, A. M.,' Wagon, Liam lied, Hay Carriage. Feeetrougne WC 8ied,...... ..• !, ao on said day, when attendance will he given I Ploughs, two and three-liurse harrows, double, Itsaiiii..... ...... - go and terms made knoau by i and single Shot il Plough+, all of whi•li are, Plaster of ramie 651 JOHN A LAWRENCE. I nearly new, brain Drill. Jack-screw, NVlleil- . I latter ground, per bag......... ...... 5 5 Feb. 13, 1860. ts [ . ..Tacos It LC'S C, -tart. 1 barrow, Shovels, Forks, Horse Gears for fire iatk.,........• 7 00 to 7 25 - -. 'horses, the most of them new. Bridleii, Saddles. I Gettysburg Foundry. i one a new Side Saddle, Halter., Cow Chi:ins, 3 D.ILIIII/11 E-Fitll2lv Lau. IlF; subscriber, hiving prtrchised the Boxes of Bees. one a p dant box: and about 221 Floirr -,......... ....... -...-. 537t0 5 50 FoundrY of Mes.r.. Zorlin ug li, gloat k Cu., Acre. of Grain in the ground Also,flouseholdi Wheat - ..... ...... ..... . 25a •:0 1 46 ( ornaerly Warrens' Foundry.l has commeneed Furniture, among which are 2 Mahogany front , RI c..... ..............„._,„. ...,-..-.. 85 to 80 business, and is now prepared to often to the Bureaus, Tabli s, ('hair., cuiumon, cane seat i'iirn 70 to, 73 public a larger assortment of Machinery th•in ed and parlor, Washstands, Corner Cupboard, Si its 40 to • 45 Os, heretofore been offered. Pilch as TililESl4- Eight-Chi) ClO4 k. Bedstead* and Bedding, Caae n , „,,.„ . ...„ 'Clover Seed „ 4 87 to 5 1-1 • iNG M t.'7ll.`tr.: , Clover Hullers, Fadden Cut. of Ontnr-rs, good Air-tight Cooll'ing Stove, rar- 'Timothy. 5eed........- 2 75 to 3 . 25 tees, Corn shelters, an•Pilorga it's late improved for Stove, Tin Ware, Buten, Barrels, Meat Ves- Reef Cattle, per huud....... 5 50 tolo 00 florae !take. Also, ST () ; Es . suc h• a, ('uok eels, and a gre t tt tariety of °Oar articles WO 'lugs, per bond • 825t0 8 75 Stoves three different kind.' and Bse different numerous to mentitn. !lay I. • 14 00 tol9 00 sites of Ten-plate scot es Bill and lhacAttentlauce . will be given and terms dada' Whiskey '2 so 54 Saw-mill Casting., and all kinds of Turning. i n known on day of sale by . 1 . Guano, Peruvian, per ton 62 ini lion or Wood. C. .II LEAN CUIIRENS. I ' se-Ea.TAIRINiI of all kinds on Machinery Feb. C. 18i10. 3t* IlttlgOVßß-TuriatioaY tors. anti Cos - airs wail be done to order on short - ---- - - - - - Flotkr, from wagons__ ................. 5 00 notice. Patterns made to order: Plough Cast.. 'Public Sale 'Do. from 5t0re5......., 5 50; tags ready made : I'LtinGllS, such as Seylar, ' of HIGHLY YA LCABLE PERSONAL PRO- Wheat 1 15 to 1 2.5' Witherow, Moeller, WoodeoLk, and many 1, JE Plillift, -sWill be .old at Public Sale, at Rye' .............--•-• 80 others not mentioueil here and eight different the late residence of Minhael A. Slagle, de- Corn ...... 65 kinds of ?RON FENCING, fur Cemeteries,' ceamet-hrttxford town/hip, Adams county, on Oats ' 38 Porches or Yards. Thursday and Ai-nlaw, Me Biit and 9/A dims of Clover Seed ........ - 475 Also, Mortising tf ich Ines one of the be-t .11streA /ler!, the following highly valuable -Per -Timothy Seed 1 75 now in use. This nLichlae works with a lever sonal Property, lir.. 6EI EN HORSES, 3 plaster +- 6 50 by hand any little buy manage it. Colts. one and two years old, 6 Milch Cow+. 1 - I Call and examine our stock ;no doubt but D ur h am H u ll , _Soong Cattle, 2 Brood Sous, 1.: YORK-Finial' I.4aT. ' what we can please. Persons ought t o see it kiitaats,•llorse Gears. 2 Wagons, 1 One-horse Flour, from wagons 5 00 their adrantage to buy machinery of any kind Wagon, I Cart and Gears, Wagon Red, nay Do. from stores :i 75 iat hoine,Where it is manutaceureil, so that they ts„ddess,, Hay Carriages, Winnowing Mill, Wheat . 1 20 to I 30 ) can very easily get any pert replaced or repaired. Threshing Machine and Horse Power . 1 Reaptug R -ye ...,.- 81.1 . • Pit.VID STERNE': I Machine. Grain Drill. Spring-tooth hake, Coen ........ 65 ' Gettysburg, Feb.-13, 1860. Ploughs, Harrows. Forks, Rakes, Blackatuith ,tat 5,..,... Tools, Oats, Corn, 4c. Cleerar...'fieed 4 67 'Read faid Judge Also, the Personal Property of Rieman, A. Timothy Seed 2 00 FOR vonreelree, add I know you'll be gratis -' deceated, to wit: 2 Shares Han- 'Plaster 650 I • yea that there ie- uo use to complain of over Branch ,Itaitrouil Stock, I Buggy and a, —_—_____,,_2 bed shoes or wet feet When H. G, calm netts Harness, 2 Sleighs, doable-liarrelled Gun,- A i Church Dedication. I Gum Shoes for 25 cents. And still better, there full assortment ... of, Household and Kitchen . -_.- _ Its no'asseof Mflitring with C oma . Chilbl a i ns and Furniture. consisting in part of Beds and Bed- , L'ATHULIC Cilvacti just completed at Bonoughtown, in Mountpleasant township, t amersty. will be dedicated on Sunday, lie pay. frE *dzjn Feet, `when son can get the very stuff I H. G. Carr's to erne thlein all. No cure no Dome, get itaradttre it. steads. Tables, Chairs, Carpeting , 0.011,M1, hr.- lot, Goal arid Gauk Suttee,. Queenavrare, Look ' lug Glasse:es, Stands, kc. i 19th of February ma.. at 10 okloebt A. M. Se, 11 Come all yeti dyspeptic persons. I can fi x you i ...6 0 46.4 40 com men c e a t 10 o'clock, A. li,,' earl diakonal:bed liergymen are expected to all right in a abort time. 11. G. Carr's Uni- of each day, when attenclauce,will be el en and , be present en ahe occasion. ' , versa! Bittern is the stud toltiotit with. It is terqrstgade known by DAVID 11. M• 14411.5. I isli.l3, 1860. td I cheep, and its intrinsic value is Only to be got , Feb. G, 180 Q. Ma J. 1' F . kitAtILAIL, Aact. at by trying it. 1 - - - I List of Letters' itEITAINING in the Post Oflee, Gsvagsbuvg, Feb. 13, 14361 L rown Ira. Karl :Heller Benjamin 3 ttowers Jacob, "tiartzell Zifinglions were A. I. were 4 11 troter4iias *IUD& her Vin. fiDee, farreilitel SI Trozel Christian lents Boldneas Itlohn F. Other liniAl. Rasta ei John -• tifolers Mrs. Agnes' = amnia M. Ileklaa: Ibr.r.. -M. '14:.• - -... • an i rig David S. . William B. Miller A. M.& F Pinar - CT — ?liiikTelits. Cattusrbre EMT P. 3, - - kenos D. 4. t em :-:"" r; Wlllian lill. 'A.. • aoio Artni - k Orsaltual _ . eirretn 3phi ,, - ••- -- Plisiliklllibiraifirsie Suit fits: Dubow pat Deanktin . Illiiiitiot *Wilma = I , lider4kr. ' . aiiiiiliCti 41alsit0.1s: .. . . A. mpg& Wlllials WilThundlibis *Os I. ACOR..GX'4iFt. 1 aCi r . at - IttirPerscrtstealnntectr fet&7l in the above list inn Please say' . they iintrtratifilahele‘ Now is the tinae , to get nice, good and cheap * Haslet?, atii. G. Carr's. Also, srfresko supply orCheese, and all kinds of hue, choice Fruits, Atli as Figs, Prunes, Dice?, Raisins, currants, Lemons, *c. H. G. hiker's is the place to get the finest and nags Itiarhionable colors of block-ties now in town andwery-cheap. P:verVp.qy come and - stre - andion'll be rare to 60! 1 ,k. Feb. 13. MX). • . "09 , 04 Zew'pjky.. , . - ,§glll/WitrWARK—WD mfitiad respect- TaIIy.MIQIND 'of frießdir 'Patrons aLld OA • jotters/Iy, that we have now in Store And ofWir- liet LTD Riust, at tkelowest (3avt.Patcgs v a..bmip, I. and TorLalipice jtock of lietebaa, 41,waley,Alvertiql-P,lpied Ware, of ever,r,variety aad 4i le . Eyvgy keeFriaton of Vaasurprzt Woim, acid other, made to omlarAt _Wart aotica. skir.-Illgpots ,warrant -10 19 : 1)a aareprementod, ,Ai. /4.7—NrAfcuiAr Slig* fkir tiAe 11 °' luifilill 4 Tur.beit all 4 s._lse, si , de -1001.1- Ai 81 41IFFER I t, 1 M.. 4 l 2 3*Aricel,St, flotka Side, *o'4 3 l lB6 'k als , , Public Sale. Fr HE subscrittat, intending to remove td a smaller farm, will sell at Ptiblic• Salt., at his residence, in Franklin township, Adams cothtips . .,abeitiroisLe mile from Iliekley's Tannery, os _Saturday, tAe 3d dee er March WIC the follow_ hig paijossai ,tieop T ety, wiz: I BROOD MARE, 2 two-rear old " Orphan Boy " Colts,- Se Cows, 21 1 teifers, (sfritigfng,)- 2 Bulls, one of them fat and 'estimated to weigh 1300 pounds: 6 head of Youlfrealels, &Nod offinaSheep, Horse Gears, WheetLbairow, aatlivrarlety• °Pother articles, ten iugpmesit. Widipifoa. - fair Sale tsi commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on sheltl Q Ti torimtistienescimee - willibe giYen and wranveruttln kiontotty• Veit 8,1 tr - JA.GOB HERSIIF.V. 19 %"" nt inta OF fin " Feb AI; *o. • 33 - . ....... 3 ; 1 . 9 _511 • ""lit INVAX-•r7.” .. • ••••••• 50j31 • • ' 1494148 tti Wnr . ...... - te l, s re I Be. Estate 58 'vire -.AWN of rairaounty, Report - , as *if! —fliwist the Fifth day of January, IB!, to the Foust li day of isoatary, 1880-4;oth Idaym inc.ra- ItiTet J. lai DANSF.R. F.rq , usurer, and the Com .tpitAtonera, In ao-OuIPC wall the County 4,if A am., us follow . - : • Dr. To cub in hands of Treasurer iid last teFlen4eut, s24of 77 Out4landinK Concur Taxes and Quit 114.nts in hands o(Collector A s h 7090 73 r' , ,nat . e, Rafts and Lent., assessed f0r,1859. I.4renigh of Cicitystturg, 1322 18 " ' Qt . ! ii. Rents, I'7B 54 Cumberland towwiltp, l!91 1G Cfrinany 910 34 ii.sford '• vile. 01, itim:tingtoo " Pfoo 51 I..sf.4more - '-.. 184 0:. lfstaiitoubas " 1403 94 1.114,4-4 11, 80 6.; tiaroilsou o pi 71, Men.aiiefl 4: I 91 simqiiup 4' 1203 74 Irntiklin er' 1402 ighi C"o".rOgil • '" 904 9, Tyr taii l4 722 FEI , slutliifjoy ti 93G 11 llountpleassnt ll o,". 1259 84 Residing It 1187 8.1 itedwick ~ 3.48 1,0 Fret.dona it .:446 .7,1 Clan,' t4 1308 9$ Ilu er II 871 37 lleirpris& her. ...., . - 192 9 --27610 92 ',NFL fr01ci . 4 1 04,2p4 sundr,,e persons, 2 ilt,gr. 90 Abataisitntpia./81uota for 1859, 604 4G easileltose pew ig liieri - S)ieriff, for Jury tees for 18.. a. C- 6 41 (ran Wm. 3. ilcUlellan, Esq., fur jnry foes for 1859, Caels,:rrign M. Samson, in part for C 0.,, 14pikOw,,' & 15)10 00 Cash from J. N'''..lternar, in part for ellargoiszt /loupe, ' ips of Cab from Samuell;inrboraw,piu., do- , nation, o. lob' oo sundry perilous, for steps gold Cuurt Hitite, •..,,,„„, 11 50 mood 7 vu tor`6l/ stoves, 18 78 ii, DlG,elae tp j ~follisibir, • 7 'Co . w,4944 . Kf.„ tor eidraye, 11 in o. D. MeConaugby, .; 1 yard • 4 matting, ilia. Jacob C y ru s , COlif, r. Ip,et. )0. Henry liitnei,E:i•sis, . ,20 00 Jo. " " Ins, lb do ../o. L. WEN:EmiI.; fli k eig, 25 00 f:). Join 4csliikry, 'Esq., fines, 33 00,1 Asiallloaal ta. from suudu'perioos,lBso, 35 12 Exonenstedtaf.from suOdfypersoni, " 4: 03 ‘5623111 31 TNe OutstandingCoonty Us end ga= ihprear to be WAN: hands of the foldowipg Collectors to wig.: 'Years. C'oll edam Bnr.4 rasps. 1n154, John E. iteit•s. Huntington, 180. Butnnel irr, Tyner, Samuel Weliritz,t.leltyeflurg, 14 if (pit Neut., Ism . . Henry O. Carr, Gettystritilf, Quk Rents, it John )leCren t ry. Strobes", Jecob C. flitreutilrf, Tyrone, lhibt. Hear, thstprlikettylibusg, 11 4. ilia lOW, sw Henn. Mar t Germany, 5814 )" Philip A. Myers, Latimore, 85 33 kg Bane? Ural s 61enallen, 15 67 " K. W. stahle, Franklin, 404 40 It, Jacob Cavantan,Mountpleeeent, 316 51 541. tantouel Ziegler, Ciettysturg, 691 Id I" 4 Qoil Rents, 178 ko to George Bushmen, Cumberland, 637 93 ," John Rider, GiailMay. , add 34 gg Fitincie Marshall. tleford, 411 41 igg James Wildoliantiegtea, 906 51 " ,Ames IleiginAntbnore, 606 0) " Augustus Hartzell, liamiltonban, ...4115_ 94 " Frederic' Mclntire, Liberty, 79 13 " &dm Wrist. llatuiltnn, . 232 71 " Barney Myers, Ilena:46 636 e 9 " Jacob Onsswell, atralata, 410 14 " J0hn%10114..X3441.0 575 77 r" - fi George lli !ai l ett itc 4 rnl r u s c iPl'i tn . ? " Jams, Rider, linfintio.T.j 14# " Plrickeas Marmhtn, Mountileasent, 723 BO " J. J. Kuhn, Reading, , RI 113 " Win. Slifer. tnion t ' 2/1 98 " John Galbraith, Butler , 281 37 " Joseph Wolf , licra,ick Intr., 41 23 , 1 $llOl9 23 . , j Ilfirlfinitioy, Liberty sintgi s erwisk to Mire litiiii in - ftll itlitli oe trent, sold the t‘lanee of th I j ilgtriets la pwitontciapt U. 140.11 *Oil niaaii./.6: ..!' .-• r 1.1 • • s liti ' l. By Orders paid set; 412 ,Saari: ty auditing and settling pre accounts, $42 00 . m. Mcelesn Esq., littio j , ticia , I• j poieled bribe Comet to *unlit plitlilic j I affair"; 1.5 00 rinth g , blanks, he, 310 99 it 1 sheriffis bills of Coast costs, 960 13 Olseldiapay, 2#o 00 Abatement to.Colleetors of 11. per seat., 10/9 0 6 tot and - Wild Cat scalps, 48 17 (tamers! in ry and Tip Stares! pity, 930 0 As%eolors' pry, Jailor's fees for - keeping prliortiervand turnkey, Wood, stone coal, hauling, le., for pubFic buildings, Repairs at prison, Jury and Tip Stages' l taly, October Bpeetal Court, Register, Prothonotary and Clerk of Sessions' fees, Tax refunded to sundry persons, Court Cr)er's pay, Certificates of Constables' tfturns, Counsel fees, Treasurer of Alms House, Postage and stationery for Commis• siohers' office, Motes and interest paid Rank •nd sun dry persons, 12701 72 Quit Rents paid George Ilimee's heirs, l 00 Win. B. McClellan, Esq., Dist. Att.iiiee, 137 00 3-esiah fledner,Rsq.,Commisitioner'spay,2: lo 00 lacoreßeffertsperger. Esq., •• ' 4 830 00. Data,' ()emitting', Seq., " ~ 220 00 Keeping prisoners at East. Penitentiary, 27 -66 Jame Lig-rawer, Sheriff, conveying.- . . ' prisoners to-Eastern Penitentiary, 60 60 hakes' and Constahles' fees for tom- mitting vagrants, 18 1 ) witire etk fas for inquisitions, 89 Itll Railroad Company for height, 890 Samuel Witherow for crying sale, 5 po Town Count*, part pay on repair of Town Clock, 10 09 - ' Commissioners' traveling expenses, l iB, Ming up old Court noose cellar In , Centre Saipan, 33 llyircup 4aruaun rent fur county offloes, 10 fled diog an d el:J.:hivial' ifision, 50 1 , 1:i. D. I.lo4on,.Esq.,lyclititent; for six : WIUPPiii.EZ. 04 111044 nest, i Court Donee, J. ItriAitteutterfrge4ps sontract in-full for Conowstofbridge., PritneiteCtslc; Hat„ contract in Ittli a .for .„ Big,Cencorpgo bridge,,. epo, 0. Earposnol .431w/taco Qt $BOOO on new , • CottrAithristii slo. It 4ohn B. Knew, Rm., contact astiow.rstivt House. - 0 rpOhn R. Turner,-Rsq • is full for antra 10* , 1300 4.44kritAisiu,vfor Salliatara and desks for county offiCes, A 28 If Prtmint lostilag,Nti• fraac°lng ha w • Court 11con s „ . . • :4* Ofilk , liiftftdigfOlietrsViri a o a . 4l privy at new coon on% str , artags-and tiling lot at ,new Coast , ..a• (~..., „. IS Ihrtiirke ..-.4. ---L,, k. \ - , „ s . . t • r is ~ s r rt ..den eo • nt,b, 41 . 46.41AVAI'llier, ' tepttslg l iftle2nitw o i ! a d r ,,, of ' .0 wtlf argot ilre, le 11 ille 44( ig i /recirsigic . IV, oil • aixersiay, rAe 21 1 d i tipy of Reitnunx raf t iat 1* ' vr ..,,,,,,, ~ ....1.4,-V.,- t'sgpeolt, V,. -tik., the following Read iiistplp,t nit • F.P‘ ' '"'" W__ _ ,__ 32l - AO* tflk ha; higlay,valuabir y,trakkrivswitja, .” t.ri. 4 - . '" )11 . tfrlikkiMilOfilf...„.:llllll4. _ 41 , -kiNg4,':. sit tutted 2 ,miles ;440 t irtastic L ky de - mites a, 310.4110104` ti•Mottts ;4 ., ;... , 0 ,,- ta..; .. inn , , i f t 1 , • 0 and , PurolakedaPopulna.Cosmientiellitothisit ' *et ' 3 ',7 1 ,,,,',Z,1 4 7 T 2 1 1.,,,,.. 1 l y L in ..",,," l i i" m i* . __ . . United...46ns. idieeigtit4 dlpresslyiff*" , Maw v ' g ur „ - I' a ''''" - cres - sa "4Z: i 1 7t e11 yiiT 4 , 1 4,.. - ,i,,,._ It ferct N eicieikkwto obtains th Tmueitutfitatttrsa: ThikanMat.cgoiateftjTsEc. story LISt: ~0 4mt • (sprt , ' iill time and at ih* least eatt4l9e. frith a Back-baiti4ingt of 130 feet; a ' I fll , 'A' 1001 `tte -11114. }4611 " 01 7' 0rg10W1104.412:412.-i is r.containing it p*ardi ofolifX SQVARZ FEET; im ltigilkititt, 3654,.8.5 by 46 feet, _ . krill* tits:4-11in% ai....2 , essitustiWtandli. butgo,bui With a double Th`reshiust Floor, nitil-nWirt,ll- log Machine Shot lid Granary, under a eon- r ttitin g Ithe 100 " 1 . of•taft iknd ererigunde in thiesesionesy it eprosenting,the lasteetor Mew of tigualiciatf *lee ;out, which is covered with; 11 " ' ' ' lle g''' with Catologuetssoting knots, kr , r:, Pre , s shingles , ..stalls in the Basement fur 18 orleainitil: aei Cou .i : with 2 Feeding Rogru ,. will IPI ittlittofilviuty - Youwg Mab on.appliealion, A Young apple i•rchard, irefull bearing; 'rll'o Par.). or Citssos. ' Write immediate*. asiekram fr KNAN'efiti.lsBM , Quarter for Seri - anti; Ear- I wilf reOei.s e the pooling by reUnietnails t tinge Houseetwo•CoroCribs,witich will contain I r , A ` 1111 ""• E. K•LIJIEII, litla 4l orel 4 13, 1000 tbsenidli;. Noy Varnish, • Bpritig and Ice j r eh' 6 ' 18 ''' 1. I T Houses. 132aeltemidt, Ssep,,Smoke linage, tun ow Sheds, fi fty feet each.; a Dlt.tlV lA3IEI I.S. Wont -MP sof the Fencing are Post•and "I it, with a Gate to,each field, with, ether sub- , simillab Us* ralsishie improvement*, all, of which .have biro made within the last ten 'gears. This sproperty is in the highcatfitste tif• eultiniasibn,-having bora heavily lived sod; manared fpr the past ten ye 'N.- '• Richland, ' Is noted throughout the •Contity for its fine Surge pacip;cif.Wheat and Corn, and is c0ir.•,, , .. Auditors' Report. Surge by many the meat highly improved and rshe Itkintotabjitthettudares of the Couti of . prodoctilos_Fitrni in the County, of whiel4 Al' Common Pleas of Adams county. persons %h. want to purchase can satisfy them -4 'e, dbaruadtmalimedsdhlysfeetedukuditthri to ' 'selves try) mmtairv , and examination. settle and adjust the -Public Ateounts of the Also. et the same time nmi phiee, v, ill be of. ! Tartunter and Commissioners of said County,,, kRWSTAIN I.. 01), he.tvily Tim hat ing been sworn or affirmed agreeably to law, bored a 'tit 1o u lig i. liesau t, Ise i ily part of a slooeport the lollowsug to be & general statement . Tract ofAltand knotiii iii ••A11;1 Haver% congeal otlaiAl accounts, from the Fifth day of January, ' tug 221 Acre,. 11 1 59, to the Fotirth day of.fanuar), 1860—both I Also, (hi neatly, tie 601 se Iferch, I S•ici, be- 1 days incleeitre.: I ginning et• 9 o'clock, A. M., 'Ali/ be mild on the J. B. IMSNItiI, Esq., Treasurer, and Commis- premites of the -trite John Noon tn. deceased,l dtiousrii,ip account with the County of Adams: 'lying two miles North-east of Frederick city, Dr, the entirecNersonal Property, viz: I To cash in hands of Tfeasnier at kik A large stock of HOU:Ili: 1 , Cow'., Sitecp, ' settlement, $.2106 77 How,: Wagons, Carts, Corringes, Hernesi ifhastandlng County Tax and ttoissitants Reaping Machloct and Funning Implements of du hands dt Collectors, 7 090 73 every kiatt , soo barrels-Corn-id crib, mi a c r es Amount of County Tax and Quitikents , iiliiihstaf gsmmaug,llouseliold sad Kitchen Forni assessed fur Inse, ' 22014 93:1 Lure, kc. 1 Ajii:ittoaal Tax from sundry persons; 36 r_4 ' Terms of 3011 of the Beal Reicte.—One-third Exonerate4l Tux - 4 6 elJtVe paimhasii money to he paid 011 1.110 they Loans from Bank and sundry persons. 51825 00 of sale, or on the ratification thereof by the ' qaajt from 31. tiamsop, in part for Coons Court;assd the remaining two-thirds ill six equal ty Building, 1500 00 annusEphymeats, the purchaser or purchasers pit, J. kV. Magnets to pam for old I theseak.giviagisitite with stitlicieut security, or Court House, 293 47 mortgage. hearing interest front the de) of sale. 44, 8, 03 1 D ur b onur , 4 5 „, i , & ma w 's , mg, 00 amitpapiefierest , the blot of each year, a it!.' the 'Bo. sundry perxonsOlt atepst.of ofd 1 interest paid on the whole amount of the de ' CouftlMO!, • 21 50 ferred payment!. - Do. Wm. e. A c itWalart, Elq„ for gpfigeditissepalon of , the Farm and pretsisee jury fees - , 24 00 , can be given immediately, excepting-the D we ll- Do. Isaac Lightner,Stfertil,tosr jury ing. posseagidd of-Which will be givon,on the let fees, fo 00 4411 0 140 m Do. Jacob Craig, coats, 15 00 Do. " " fine, 100 , Do. Henry Ditaer, fine, ' 20 Do. " " costa, 10 00 Do. L. Itelap, Esq., flees, 25* Ito. John 31cSherry, Esq.. Aims, 35 701 Do. enmity personaliarsteres, 111 22i, i Do. 'thole! Gelsetutily, , Esq., Umber, T 004 Iko. D.)icegsgligiby, Erb, one jail matting, Do. Wm. lades White, Beg., for :a - . 41% - iii )Tay Ag Wei u ', FilftlEfatitth, ' Rdad dwells's!i add dataagesvisreee, Reftairs it bridge.; ladtedrstiltber,llSeriff i liairig 911,106 - . . . i-1 75 Csonerations to Collector", 110 0:' feed 801 n untsfiiiim4l Us. israd tuft-TWO. in : t hind! of Collectors, 14079 23 Treasurer's deiritniiisidu, 636 34) lishincib hi beads 3f44essurer, 101 84 • In testimony that the foregoinx,Statement of I r., the Rep mati.liapenditures,exhibited siltsatoitoffittoof.theTresaurtr of saidrogpri sop Ia a, sorlact aturtrae csapy, as taken from and compared arithAttepahrinals remaining in the botoltotdif thisoilice, we ilava hereun,to set our itamispaladsafrued the.seal,of laid- office, at (iettyaistn, tit... Fourth day of January, One Tlithstram&sathtstiu mired : • 1 , JACOB 114kfFEN:SrERGSli, , I).ANIEL Jskhlbill 1,1A,1,1.5(14.1., Aft est—J. M. W•Lrsi, -- 24 00 20 00 SO 13 00 I 00 shit LL , K wni, 9 ,v tz in : r o i we b t e lint r, ; ; li x li e lAl c i: u :v cti h r ile o ti i ic t ri h , e awd l e, o ciu s e t irisieidd., fll will oft salkdeeesseii, in Cumberland township, Adams coed* icithin one mile ' of Horner's- NMI., on russafit; Me 28th day of February next, thu fal lowing Persqgal Property, viz : 151 ~ rgood Olives, 1 Sow anti Pi'gs. 1 131Velie"Vilikron, Onrriage, 4;orit PltittOla, Cr. - .. . 4 dame, lity Carriagt, Cutting Box, and a varie s- onl4l4ll4iffint* f* 1064 m hi I alt of etbei focusing articles. Also, IrouselrOld .4 4 • sd 1 mos 4ul atm' teken Farnttttre. such as Beds anti Bed , 41 a 100 . " "teas, Tables, Chairs, Secretary, Ten-elate 44 14 . MT . "" 1 SteWilsid 1 , 41)e, ilithawaor Cook Stove tifid-Fix- II ,, rose 1 0 14 ) ~ ; tures, Carpeting, Case ; of "Drawers, :Bands, Iron 41 II lagit 8 ' 033 .c. Kettle, ilreat - Peosett,- Barrels, he., a-quantity of 1857 • 57 22 I Bak*''''tour and Cloverifeed. Also, one of lffite . 71 . 4 , 1, 1,,f! ; Kelsey's Bee Hives, uith an Individual Hight -1138 .." _.,'''-i Also tha,Patint Right &tile sanefurCuttiber lios 21 . 5 .58 .. 9,0 4 tr w is id fl p. - rssw 00. I ipi.teas‘l6 l fis cbmmcnce at 10 o'clock, A. NI., 4 Di ' burs ' ne°4 liil ' C4llll ti aids", 4342611 'on said Cy', when attendance will be giS'Ettand " Tfeasurerlit 111 otomisniou, 438 3fl tenususa i skt *ii;iril liv " Balruce Lis Ik } urrinaint' iret, 107 t 84 FIrEDiItICK Draft, &certif. alMiiir Tele niniitsigned will sill at !Melte tale, * 541236 ' 33 apfs residence:4r Franklin taw - reship, 6,5011. 1 best quality lialttitifivhingtes. - - FRKBERICK DIEIIL. t 8 58 41 28 1 . 9‘ 04 G 8 9.4 15R 77 /18 &O 357 86 84 82 23 4.9 178 50 , catnip, Abstemeet es Siete Quota, ^ Fees, et II =ll " Exo!erailoat, - We, the toderitivted, Auditors of the County of Adima, Pennsylvania., elected and sworn he ptedeince of law do Report that we,met, did audX‘ n ietile and adjust aletorditig to law, th • sesuptat otahe Tremont and Cotinmkesioners ofl said conetn commencing un the 'rah day of . Jinuiry, 18 . 59, and ending on the Puurth day of .I January, 1660—both da i s ibeinsive : Chat Said account as settled above and euteeird•coi'recciii in settlement book, in the- Commiseioners' Chien of Adams iounty, is correct, and thkt nod a balance due County by Taaasurer, of Ono , Thousand and Serenty-use Dollars and Eighty-' fttut Caots,( 1 $10:1 84,) mud iu ontodanding taxes %wen ThousAud and ScAenty l niue ballets and Tv, enty-three C,eutt, X 11079 23.) 1.-.A.A(..7 II •IIETER, JOHN BRINKERHOFF', AMOS LEFEVER, Fah, 6, 1860. 41 elißli47ANllll 7-A X,--Publiebad by the :"IljuiCipkaparf of Adams county, agreeably to Art of Amen:s6lv : rt=rlActelautt IlTilli t Esq., ol•PIPPIS CCalltil, for Collateral los hen mom Tait, received, tor. t a Commonwealth frOni *ft Ast., 1t56.8,19 N0v.30,- 46511. as follows : Received frtgo the personal thepresentatives of the Collie log CeceleTs, : 851 57 3113 13 Jane G&4lls4ittb, bat. *flee iliactillot, 573 78 lia.ltket'llannter, one of the'Ex'rs, partial, 145 00 -1 Junk Pattenion, 29 84 Say Des 42 7a", John lk Cfa)l:iit ugh, hJ3nce, 2 49 its nSb iley,unt. ()retie Airmis,pitr:l,lso 001 •• throttler " 1.543 Poi Stariraret Doth, balance, 11 96 , 1 John Knepp, 42 09: Peter Fauns, partial, 8U OU 202 49 60 15 336 6J 215 05 137 40 57 87 94 "15 88 39 SO 00 740 00 Juba K. R. flerrigan, bslancer, Mary Hewitt, tai and interest, Pater tiorier, Jr., l'i;ter Facia!, partial, Staab A nualtoug, tax and intarest, B 9 57 iitifsabeth Diehl, Ai&Kee, Ain, Jager,clis count, Qiewriotto ottoman, - 1 10410104 1 41 11 0149 M, .11!Ilfi:ookstlio:Oloordiass of goo of tie ti libiroueskinuNdocessed; OltDietesamtlasioas, per cent., *dem PP 44l 4= 4 1 ,101” we abcilustliceinpect. gi rb. 6 1 ISM 44 4-4ASON. 50 90 247 0-1 ♦t. 1 as .1) MEI nd 00 54.0 se 4bo oo IX WI 307 24 SI - 2 551 Odd V; 5.5.4 19 SZ.S23O 31 11 02 604 46 *SIM $1 ColliOral 4,11.4 58 02 traa • OATHAittKE A. NOONAN', Hs's. JOSEPH J. NOUNkS, u •• -HUGH licALEdig, j ' Jan. 30, 1860. td VubMo Sale. Jan. 2 , 1850. ti 7ablic Sale. FPLIE mihaeviher haying disposed qf !tie Farm,. . eeflat Z:lllT7le,at his resldeheeiitrotoiyaLlAda iu county, mile fingssitgAtUccelpgrig,..on the State road, en Manley, tAe El Of .4 tri t niary next . , the fol lowing veinal:l • 4e.reitnal PrypArty t .viz 1 EXTRA FA J AIIIA' Liar, ; Mares, mill With fuel, It tows, two heavy with Ciant. lot. .of Yoong , Gattle, Sheep and )logs, 1 tagtip, Lime 1 10 fled, Ploughs, IlArr 1,, Cultivator, Coin-cov erer, ltentile tihovel ugh, Three-horeOree, Double and Single _too, tie/ Cavriages;Flax brake, Vitae Rake. gaud graft Wit e . ,lttla good Winnowing Ilifl. these Gears, Collets. and Basile!, 'one good Riding Saddle, good Grain cnielle, new, sett of Buggy Barnes's Sleigh, Rake*..koriss, gc. Alsti„Appeeliold and Kitchen fiurniture.,and a variety of other ertaeles not specian übove. air Saleig oominence at t.i.o'clock, A. Ni.. on said day. a hen attendance will, bo given and 'terms.trfado known by . bar Also, at the same time and plate, a ill btdffssinsilli A of GROUND, adjoining the farm, containing 1.'2 Acres, more or less, with a 1101.7:3E and-SRN/VA; thereon, an excellent Or chatfilat thioiashfroit, and two wells .of water. Any person wishing to view the lot befgre the day of salerwilkoadl on the suh4criher. JACOB B. 11IL . LAP. [Juitx Auctioeer. Jan. 21, 18.60 For Sale. prItIE FARM on which I reside, 3 miles south '1! l ot EintnitsbuLg; Mtl., do the Frederick ,!toad. Timliaiiiii conflate . of 'Fifty-four Acres of atitladeOlciott condition, *eft feliced, and' f peOeit-liy a tout; 1101.78 E and ', all the nevi's's/fry_ otanildints. Per iffi! of the kniehas bean litelilimed.. The . is oti the places ihiiiinx youngOraard of-1 OMireit Apple and 3 eh trees, besides Pear; Plum, Airielikt, tirapei-vines. It will be sold eheliplaWi 'd terwiltaiipltedler it once. - IY . : DECTI4I - °OVER.. 13 77; 31 00, 13 75 25'93 40 90 69 25 ' , 18 48r1 95 00: 10 00 95 00 12' 9tls la 4 sA 4 IE. 690 1 1 I parr 114:1 - oh grey .ms *MS. sound and A. 1 ilitiklWro Horses. 41 ha r-bo li brgad.tread Wag a n'revi th lime bed. $ adV t iltaTili natty ne*. - .VIA or huiterilft, oevr. . ..-.: , 3 Shp ~ crlAtitilork Cfah'es,;a bolt. and a be ea old. lid. '' A v 1 & Welikrimen ti.- • - ' • ' ' i l A ' DASELTZHOOVHR. A rri ibi la . . - 44_ That:exVllinft 'ravers: %laird, Ads ' rz!i. iet in tlin.oecliViticy of itittireAs Alt very I iuid lard matainv I atiedueul, vial every .fol ay taversiodioluiug maw Ebstthettrairlift 4tHatidlNUolithig 'fail : A — llkilAbrGeortediirditr Ikortevra. JanAllllll4t, • it" ' 11115"ftle-g-Isitaka of lat. .ffif We 41011WOCIIiira:11oh" is 1 ' ' '''seht *haat . ll"'IgbAl 44110110 kr llSSlRiadiadt. " • James H. Bosley, 't , ll Coss TRP (ON M Rdlti 170 s. 124 Arid I :`6 Yards Sii;el, 11.1 LTI M 1 1 RV., MD. I am pr - eparetto g geeelve and sell on Ciaimis ition All Lind,' or I'OrSTKY PltOMTtld: /114 I n v g an experience. elf "tea veinla the Wmit hughnee:,, (and wishing ootithiik thit it 4 flatter u lt siff that I ihattlie t0:0 4 4,14.mi= i.trriok tall who favor me whiff eringikrrohntv -IVIII p t 1..,0 attend to tieing *Merl trio etetiatrice, 011000, 311i1 VI kinds of Fertilizer's . . Feb. ly Wines, Branatet, rms, IsLACK TEA* 1 7 :TItTr.: 4 (.11qr ft ,11 0 SON, (lifer fur :4alle the followiiiitifttlles, gat thetr oat la trzapurtJtiten, particularl; fur fatal- Sittnus Wisva—Petnartin't•s fineat:pato,toid and hro q ; 4 1terrirt, in wood and in gins a r l'oryr \VIN NA--.Sandeman'a competition% and white fort, in' wood slid in Nlkor.tat Ilita---.John - Howard Ilarch's no Niadeica, in wood and in glaas ; also, litlapo Juice. Wtsal--Jahanne,lierger, Sta'antrver, Varrobcartnyr, Cabinet,- Lieb-crau-mllelißitin neberg,', of 1846. Cu A 1111`.WAII WINES—NiOCi fin- ' ns6 ip.R.Liartt and pint:.. It RANI)! ejl—eit - arri and lienneasy a fisaeorttpaa AUCi dark liroariles. • ` and fine Jamaica, Antlgna, Glron= ada. and tram the 1 4 Ands, imported direct *ova 'London. Gtx —The belt quality-115mm Ltri,lll(l—_-*Jitl,no zni %Jure of arotn,kie poison in it. 20 T hairch,tA or the finest Buuclivsa TZA. Ihtltituure, Aug.20.1855s ly A s 15T8#11 o .. t_ & SOWS ''‘4. ‘291,..a AND FURNITURE WARE:11004 8 , Not. ' I — ) 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, incur Fagelito..sts,),esteeding from Gay to Fredrick et.—the largest establishment of, the kind es dou - Usher.- Always on leassd:p 'large assort sor t tit t HOUSEHOLD AND. OFFICE FURNITU4 ,ens 'bracing Bureaus, iludateads, Washstands, ad risies,,ifettresses of Rusk, Cotton anditiOit Sluing Beds, Sofas, Tete-e,Tetes, Arm Chairs, ileocking.Ghairs, Etageres, Marble Tahles, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairt,*AS SO kt3/110 COLORS 01 COTTAGE FCRNITJIRR, Weed Clusirs,. Oflice Chairs, likerkkei Ckuirs, Cribs and Cradles, Rat Meeks, ITilll Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Giaatee, Slides boards; Ettedsfori Tables, of every length; ~.s•I •Recaons disposed to purchase iire invAted to oalt.nati.ogisse our stock an examiqektion4whia fur variety and quality of ssoikmansnip, is not eqoallad byasety estptilishajent in She co.ulker. , A. lIATIII,OT 4 SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay sheet. 111150: ly . Advertisegierit., Taig:Kif:d seIIs,CtkERCOATA very v olA ilf" _E" . ' Se 11r OVERgOATS vAry,ehogp, gelhiOYFßCOATlPeryette•F. PLCKING Beni cheeakCLOTII CO:ATIf, Cheap 004T.83. • Cheap CI;OTI! opfrt racx.i.NG also Pilla cheapTY4STS, Very cheap VESTS, , Very drab YESITS. NCO:MS PANTS are gocieind .etiap,.4" . , Very good.and very„eheip, ' Very good,andv ‘ cry oiresp: PICKING would like to have;petiplo ,c,t3l spa see his stack—because in addition t0i1i . e.7,10 Pli./EING has Carpet Sacks Cheap, Wash thegi ?rusks, Gloves, §uspen,ders,.4 imit- Shirts cheap, Violin., Accordeons, Fftfe,i,Firmi j 30.4.testp,Cloci.a and Jewelry_ of errerjAsylp tion cheap—has everything lastiall Ir. ept j Tethe ,GentlemeulkFurnishing line. lientlerriesttumi lite assigthipg ,in the Clothing, or t".aiay. ler would do we ll Co call I on Picking, fcik . ing has made up hie mind to.seliGool3,..n M'Eft Alann•their-Autve ever been sold bpfprit;lirae,,, nOituty. !lard times make.s low p7A . i:estr'oll7l* isg bit allorf itt.o,4atn t t era b twr. s r treet,:fout<toora cast of the Eagle Hotel, ( l'ates.) • AL gtri 460. ., - Ds. AVLai2e'2 RI AIRR tat mar uu & Lnlp PILLS ACIE9 .—We beg leave to call theatten- '- lea of the Ttide , dnd more- eigieciallyilta PhysiCiinis•of the country, to two ottheanoda popertuereusediasiow before the public. Ws refer to UR. CHAS. WLANE'SOELRISHIA-TED Vilffnifet.rtirt: AND 1.11111.T.11,L5. Nie t ls e , not recommend them as universal CuteliUal r , , but simply 1 1 / 4 1Tivbit their nein* ptirportir i rat 1116 1 1 1 4.liktiF.IIGE,r for, ax.pclliag Wortnsf the bums!: system. It has atso boetradmlniis-sr- I ter.ed with Lb eMolot siltliffactoryrarnltaiSistibse _,. ribiroXiatitrilii subject la Worms. The LIMON filtlLS, , lbetlieettie of Islet a•Coviroits.l 4 ll, all g r .41 LlO C iOl It AN GIVICENTIC, tog; sam-A i to. vs In Iras~li • ohFsvis tarn Aooa, preparatory - A.O lO 'or after taking quinine,' tlet• f. rlafgayisviria- Wy make a speedy ainiiiikernaisent caw 05 70(401 . te Witattte above -mentioned 4:1- eases, they are unrivaled. and never.kriown m to fail nifieli ailmluistercd in itectordnalit-altb v i; P die clirevticiim - .4114 JACOB B. MILLAR Their tapreeedintbd .populsritf hasj In- iii 4 ire'eaßidieripeksbit: MEM Arr IMPIatTLIIIIS, sto 113TSIKlic.i, PA., to dispose oilitheinfflraga, 1 bosfigkin iiAltit tiferhscStestr 4 ueeesdelly I loupi t id for Ur last 'veers, add nliejowss is injmgi t ireilfillr altillioPled 4 trrne - an dm sten Sibs So' niketilasidstaisnrew XXII' •Oeloydeuxusinedkkat IL:tr. VLane's Celebrated Vermlftife!idd Maw :PillsOa '.isliiiitbriietaiiiitt•tierliolialoa, ,ti iii- WA. ablisinbilin.thetnise6r/nedltsle U. ;yrs2sielliiiii=4:/-1•41F * ell , -00 •0111palla d- Mrs Willa meet ihrinaVilabt it --lahilliAMASlll4 s i t A • )14 - 1 4 4 UNV a. P. s .—Deslers and Pb ~. :, *est o t WI, tij,F4 a I fit , aro dr..Mkr SW * *9 write. 6itidEriPtAidifiblirpmetnare apt sir dr Laas, ilat# l4 t o Nlirest 1.,1 fittikry, Pp. _To t: wis to gislilid.lllll. re * r ill &iir`a* paYamit - ttpireitlf •- -„lff frs taw' ituftel'Onie-troortaa • •:.; 2, twelve ieeie poitsipi vtanlibs.:ofteict ,:;_:1r 1 ,- ,iilhge' p foribthEVAr ilinsezill' st , .7. ~ .._72. .. . grerrsoireadada*ua be itee.ote". 4 ---- 7' : .. • triAtSi'ativA. • ' - ' .1* , 4 " 7 ! -SD: ' . - Far sale by 74 i9.treell#o, Mriiiil4lllllll34liVOr, iiiilAPVEibirlOtierally th:rdittipli a nts. • . 1. " 2 ' 18 '14 dtr ....4;;.: : AtiS, 5 years:old. ;ea to gate sad §Lt N - As i aroui ga rNvIrS- k, *lf. illr CriNeellitnftlerx 4 11 Ai tbritriwklNWamaissaiNNOwatt ha,. 1 . tf r . , IN, • MS