The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 13, 1860, Image 2
El 11. J. 0,111-Fif ly11:*111 . AND PllcirtfiTOß al Jelt**Wer '4 , PAY DIORNINO. PET: Wl9BO. _ '• • -JJnited States Senate, on. Tintiftt,Pfedliia 17t!s i t. Office peti goer Vit r arbiali bad rreviously passed the byt with an atnendinent otholiattiag.thalkaaking privilege. The mail tontiatori.ara therefore destined -to sorer Ikall44r, thor delay. Btindinkf ttees were: the noose at Washington iimallolidiry. Ohio hu the chairmen mittee on financo, the coul 6i, foreign affairs, the public' atid military h ftliirb—thp aosOm* - 14torti for each in succession boll ~oasrs. Fiberman, Corwin, Gurley , 11(!atiagAl . ldr. Henry Winter Davis ,tr if y 911grbei'two on the ways and i mppip,; Penhaylvania has several chair . IIYVISOP ,important committees—Mr. Illiftionerfor the jadiciary,and Mr Grow for erricories: John A. Gilmer, (know n Of X. is chairman of the 1m0a,44. committee of' elections.— Clark, of IC. 1., the represen solivie.of' vast oommercial interests, . ifigial , plitte low down on Indian alfairc : • 1 011 - thie Democratic men ter hers a pot 04i/Ir/flan, to wit : Mr. Ashmore, of who is chairrunn of the mileage 'ammuit4ee. 'Sfir4'2llkltherson, of this district, has 11(ice on the committee on public' bindings. House printer was not chosen on abitraday, on account of opposition Republicans to their caucus Siiticee, 31r. Dofrees, The election Rog-00 to.clay. one *map( the Democratic members de ilideaecting. upon the ccnunittcoa on rltich they Are placed. 4 iiirielffleUlti 08 have arisen in the stik)rof the Oppos i ition party of Mode tidsi ; ddifticultics which have pro. e44Sii so far that a seconti Opposttion pto Con.vention, made up of those who ails 'dissatisfied with the ultra Black 44 - 01nitietn character of the regular hopaince for Governor, has been an -440111114!4. e stir•lt appears that what is called the ' B CP,Opte's party" of Delaware are mulch excited on the question of sending. dele• ekto the Chicago convention, and uebecoming identified with the Re amblietns. The party appear to be ifonaiierably agitated on the +abject, iiedethe propriety of the movement is 4 :griiicily discussed. _ I.?..ipirehe New Hampshire Register slrys iliaritirfiiiiiPree States in which elec tions .luuto.heen held since the* John Brofrkraiiit on- Virginia, the _Black Re. tiffican ... ' steingth has fulieul o ft ' over r lii.7 thousand votes. 1.4.. • L•Siii4Know Nothings who will not fur atei follow the lead ol Black Riipuhli t' putiem, in several of the States, aro or ga nixing under a new name, that of the *!Union Party.". The lielperites depre aiiethe move; and a pretty gnarrel may trAw' l lut of it. .z 0..... ...416rjar. FOILNEY'S cleetiun as Clerk l i c*,iktoaso of Representatives may linalper , s9nal triumph, lot it furnishes Iltilbvrry Dtmooravabsolu to demonstra ito4Cot' M iiii a _ii to Democratic .4.341 - ° 4". , M, t iktes. The Republicans are not fib4ofrewarding faithful Demo wl-the. only reason why they ftafr-hitt . .d'as, because of the sup eloritrijttry be had done, and the rais it'isqipped he can do, to the Pena o satAp. party. Bat the very act frus -411614he design and object, for the itirltiiiloeriits who have allowed them - pro him- trocewl- lniti- ___g to I star" again .andra"Wosi ,, aeksitg " 14. fq* -more ewiteboa= in. yam* , have ocestelea , tol ieimpiained."—Siar. • • i - ..- ~ NiloNide lirbnlO AA Of • . A* . me etootion for May. •'. ~. --. .. ttr - .. • -- • ., 7 makes 4 F 'V E Y '.. - 8 Joust .' tal i '. torWol.--,-.... -., 1r , ' , :d l a -..r c,I RAI L Y'' ci th r e W P ri e g te li rs itri bvi li nf e' ~ in Lanear. on T.• y r ,"•. , . candidates - ''• too, w ' w . •'• .. the latikr .. 'l '4 Aim- ,del his beei , eleotpd r e bytiP . salted in the samosa of t _sat ha tox .ho ... . I ►pendinillthe / - • ; A thick Ropsibliesib mentliere o f / is.' .t - , City Tieke: by a target i a n 3 epro ig . ~ Of the , a are .:. W co4fOrtably coal: Sandhi? the endorsement of it 6;7 I.U. ' ' ' • ... Clerk of th9l2lationiil .Etaitst. of Charge of tE l lntheran Church, in„this county , . ...present/intro*. iAnOther llPOstatil has !andielll entei upon his duties about the first jority. The msjorit. ' t • la. . assDllll44iiertiblieln fictrAEDeviste pottlietiod on,,the cove q uarter ihe ! hue been rewarded folaitis treaebery...--44a April nose: Th e very desirable property of George Sanderson, Dem., for Mayor s corruption. The following, which we It read as follows : another traitor purchased at a price .—' Mr. ELI S. Mysss, in Petersburg, has been find in our Eastern exchanges, will ‘' I have read this qmpendinx Crisis Poor Forney ! Who would have be- purchased for • Parson IV /TH'l3"/".AIT/4".lieTell-t44l"bitiaiellbellignitenw,hirfoortibratatinigage, at 32,100. O ur i n .., over Thomas H. Borrows, Republican, i . * . ! ° T r i ° a c e ; 8 ",, A 'ge ms to me serve to illusFerfav -- - - formant thinks that by this time the amount is 189-4 gain of 500 over the vote of a work of of X cent") . 4 has been nearly or quite subscribed—a fact last October for the Democrats. The no.c 13144 " 11, 7"lican Al- (78 - are G IDEA". I MERIT, 6,1, yet aecaniu , , Th pernicious doctrines of tNo Abolition which k highly creditable to the liberality o f . Councils, and a majority of th e Alder- Eleeted in ilatne.—The means etiiiiloycd statistical information, and logical • to elect Republican Congreasinen in party, could have been purchased by the members of the Charge. Im , amoima u samei‘u ~ Steffy, sod-where-seek means came' litualysis." 0. . that party 1' Ever since the estran„e , _____________ ________ _ •, .., :AlfirtrilßAA!RY CBLITMATIOW:=-The As ' -- li,P - PrePi . :Zriliii?iont, arAcing - e - xpluinenrr r. - Erder Tn the late editioni, by in the same ii - e t_lment took-place-between' the--Pliiienit and Mr. Forney, the latter continued niversary Celebration of the German Reformed ant result:. : Peek, the defaulting Republican Preasu- halters, this emphatic endorsement is Not an unimportant feettrre cif . hits / rer of hiatno. Hires -- nntking a de= :Unlined! But it cannot be rubbed out.' to declare that he was still a Democrat, Sabbath School will take place, in the Church, that he still reverreailiti . principles of on the evening of the "tid of Februa r y, instant. Fig* election is, the fact that the Re- breast- of the deraieati " , e li t l • -s° far; In stands boldly . upon theTeeord Why . theTlorion.vold party, and that he dif- itcr. tar. GANS, Of nerrAblirt, will" detiver•ien public:34s and their alders and abettors • from implicating '• Democrats high in , I, . .. ferud w ith the Administration only on ' have for some tine.imv`rt. . 11 , 1 „,1 4 ,,, ffmid aa, i ("Rico" in the trans:l(43cm, he has, dade it! it 71610 atteitipted to be suppressed ? one iataated auestion. Long ain„29, ' ,„ ited, Address on the occasion. The public are - elptcfn it tf A rt •Fi trt , R .' 1 developments-that giv to the very beat al.Tell us, -ye skulking politicians, who; occasion afi an however, the Democrats of this State 1 ' their curate) , 413p94 lbe Tri.iftlent. It" (4. tile Black RepaiJliettn party. I i . .:-le• have brought the country to scenes of being his lionV"eknd the place tliatl 13aliwar Ur.zon in informed. tinis Peck! : excitement and great dauger• weti-convinced that Forney was play , Mg false, and that Ws professions of minded the sell-eonstitutOd llitzoppa,' has make a statement that he expeutied The recommendations of Theodore' i rieudshiP fur the Democratic party [Forney - ,] a victory h e „ which was ; 813,000 to eket Daniel B. ,%omea in the 1 an easy task; having carried ' the Oeto- ; First Congressional .distriet,•sB,ooo to Parker, Cassius M. Clay, Joshua R. the New York Tribune, New were loartless And insincere. • flicir suspicions have been verified. Re has her election by a large minority, would j elect E va ß. French in the Third dis- Giddings, bo hailed by their brethren throughout-I triet, ttalrE-1,0,00 to e • leet, Stephen • C. ; provad a traitor to his friends and his York J.:twang Post, ,lc , are also omit- party,' merely that he might obtain the State as a rebuke to the Chief Mag- I F('Stei: if) the Sixth district, and 811,000 : ted. kir And the names of the 68 office fon) a sectional faction whose istrate, and a justitioation of tbo in- to one of the most prominent Republi members of Congress no longer appear 1 graCe that sold his benefactor and prin- ; can leaders in Maine. Republican mo-, irinciples lie dosplifes in his heart. All lin its pages. Wby •! Dare you tell the .` vill . now eipies for a mesa of pottage. Su flush- . rals are at a very low ebb, i acknowledge the discriminat ing judgment President BCCUANAN ex ed with their success, the camp follow- -.. .... s- - ' reason, Mr. Greeley of the New York li&•The Maine Fur ors of the sectional fil , of Republican• Papers 8 . 1 . 4 te that the i Tribune P—llartford Times. 1 -c: 2 (lst:dm : lien lie refused to place For ; ney in his Cabinet. The President was e, ism, quartered in that locality undo, bondsmen of the defaulting Republican ; . -- - - ......- -, right—lie knew Forney better than any the generalship of Thaddeus Stevens, State Treasurer Peek Law put all their', "'[eking Night Hideous." ' one else, and he veryprOperly refused defiantly threw down tie gauntlet to , property out of their hands, and that! We arc told that the peace, order and to place him in a position of trust arid the Democracy. But never was an ar- the State will have to lose'ull the money i sentiment of the good citizens of Wash- responsibility. rogant foe more dis.c-onifited Irian these • - • the pious pulpit politician appropriat . ed ; ington were outraged on W e d ne sd ay The election of Col. Forney by the crafty tricksters, who sought to stigma-. Black Republicans, is an evidence of night by a band of men eviloged in . the the worthy head of our nation in a to his own use, as well as the enormous the de:initiation of that detestable and , , local contest in the city which he lion-' sums lie expended to secure the election serenading aft. John Sherman and Mr: ,i, ame.l ess party. They have given ors with the claim of his home, ' John Hickman, and by the insolent ex their the three membera of Curn*ress. their voles to a man who has said more 5 We. bespeak in behalf of the party a' .14.411..., — • preebion of their odious political iipin- hard things against them than any thousand thanks to the noble Demur-' An Interesting On-Dit. ions -by those individual.% We boom man in Pennsylvania—who bus thwart racy of our sister city, for, ed IllEnn in many attempts to obtain while the j It wink currently rumored yesterday that H ic k man was peculiarly. offensive thunder of the cannon that mere 'fired ,lioN,yer. _ Their bold and untiri n g enemy ' that ten thousand dollars had been sent : I: for the eleetiot) of the apostate• to the , in his zealous endeavor to be more Hot-. has at leinsth been taken captive. The on hero in charge of a trusty Black Re- Clerkship of trig House were unheard, } ferish thaliblielferhimselt ;.a • iii.lin a ho- I golden prize they held out to him was their glad shouts of victory w ill ~.e . e ch o i, publica) agent to be used for the lair- resist i 1 te, panto, intriroand t sd by ladles, his al. I a temptation he could not . from the hill-tops and vailies, anti ring; chase of sufficient votes to elect a Blackl Ifs ha landed in the enemy's camp, and lesions to." e ighteen tuiflion Northern joyfully upon the car of the friends of ' Republican Speaker. Of course we , like .Arnold, he is caressed, but at }lie , bayonets " " coercion of the South,' the Union, and Constitutiond rights. same time despised - by his new friends. — i cannot learn who got the mone or' - • •*I They have broken the pike of the in-! \ ' 3 ., i "imaging. like dog' , .ke . :7 - Irt 7 r° 'Pc" - , It lie will only remain in the Black Re surrectionist, and driven back the ad- how it has' been divided. There are ; i liarly disgusting—fonstAtion. ; publican ranks and make' no attempt. .. vaneing artillery of the enemies of De-, indivicluills who are probably better in-1 ' __ - here:tiler to sneak back into the Demi-i -n-lot-racy that were riding rough-shod' formed ; but wo_minnot hope that they' cf•atie party, we shall be satisfied. We over our country. will enlighten the public. They have hope, also, that henceforth we will hear good; reesonsler keeping the secret,— no more of his fierce denunciations of five thomind ' -clad reasons each.— ottiee-1161ders. For the last two years this arch traitor has denounced alt . Washiligtog Cot 'ution, 3d inst. °Mee holders as men unworth i y orbe:, lief and whose business it was to dttpe .The citizens of the lipoid - in Now that ho is h big oltic.. hcid a', holder himself, wo snpprise •he Will • the sufferers rondity his language "tti salt the times." but have Farwell John W. Forney—*e are done isitlerable. with 7(3ll.—Carlisle Yaluntcer. cf. Time -luring E Tho Philadelphia Argus Pays that Greeley, the philosopher of the Tribune, appears to be in a world of -trouble, and, ns the almanacs say, is looking oat fer storms about this time. • The Black Republicans of Rhode Is laud are not working in the tragat as harmoniously as . he desires. In fact, they are split into two factions, at war with each other, and in spite of MI he can do; the breach appears to So he tolls them, ha u late issue, that he leaves them "to hardness of heart and reprobacy of mind." Ho has also a difficulty in rogavd-to the 'time 'of the meeting of'fhi-Blitik Repnbliean Convention "at Chicago, which, in his opinion, is a unprwitioas . period, and will give the oppAnenWili the aiAryr party tho.adranutgo in the contact of 1860. Yet he eannbt now remedy the error of this move on" thit political chess board: H. Winter Davis Censured. The Maryland House o(Delegates, on Thursday last, passed the following resolution, with but one dissouting VOICO Resolved, That Henry Winter Davis, acting in Congress as one of the repre- I sentatives of this State, by his vote for Wm. Pennington, thg candidate of the Black Republican party for the Speak-; crship of the House of Represei:ratives, Las misrepresented the sentiment of all portions of this State, and Las thereby i forfeited the confidence of her . people. I I Several of the Know' Nothipg mem bers were conveniently absdnt, but all Ipresent except one " faced the music," I,lnd voted for the resolution of censure.. A traitor could not be more crushingly, rebuked. The House also adopted (33 to 2S) a resolution of inquiry to the Governor as to the truth of the statemett in Re publican journals at the North, that he, had sent congratulations to Gqr. Pen.: • nington on his election as Speaker. stelheZter say the Complter"avoids the lii-t4O" taken in at the recent Ladies' Fair. We consider our space of more value than to be occupy ing a half column of it weekly with the , receipts and expenditures .of the Fair, for the erdulire information of the scribblers for the Star. The game is not worth the powder. A full and de tailed statement, verified by the proper vouchers, was published several weeks ago---showing the ,ambtirit taken in to have reached botweeh $438 and I-144 that, after the payment of thaexpenses, the entire debt of,the Bend was liqui dated obt nfebeTrefits, and the balance devoted to the debt o Ole &and Wiligon, leaving less than seventy dollars due on that subitatitial and magnificent ma chino. This ta.atement was ealnulated to. highly „gratify every 'Democrat in I the Monty en•that very account, arouse the childish lealottsy of the Star scribblers. sb ip weok, , and rence large mpikr %, an. fo kn- Now, let theZeuilar biktrageferred to the other bone. The 14Oppaeftkie lAttlife 4 1teeii yen-to doe in their of 4 t44,imo= 4 4 A- 4 ?igailk 0 1 0 b 540 4400 9n the point. Q 04 91, 19 1 0 1 04 1 6 1, 40143r0u1tt cterolu)4l4 foLl-ezhibitr,al.the.totniis of the Star orifitMorii• Met dui 4if • sfiiteniett • A t ' - 64i4:-F* ' 4 4 4 17 .1 e 0 424 4 9 0i0 n ' btmvs.-.41414 . IM " ill ~.... In Trouble ! =iii *. cu quit \ -----' --.—P ; Ifore Desitolution. . Vickstutri, Vow , h a t' • meeting of s : *, ► Mpathy fa . 07 ilia ta*renee dlsatte raised by subscription aeilk amount of money fqr their le .. Savannah Ex p ress aoserle that t this reinter , a locomotive buikl Philadelphia, bee been to the Su seielting orders - , an has obtained theM N to the extant of fifty-six locomotives for. j Southard roads. Thu average mg of tr lottomotive is about *9OOO. "A novo preacher has been. fined 1150iiii Detroit, Michigan, atid in ilutitult efrbaiLie to bc.inipritioned 90 days, the penalty awarded by law fig negro preaching -in *rt. - State., The 'Fret, Press says 4litkoiltilerniell-are del ermin ed tit frosecute every' violation of ails la*.?"- • Ittirlt appear§ then that the oppo nents of free speech are not 101 in the South.. Had such a pmeeeding.iiiken prime on the sunny hide of Mason & Dixon's line ) it would have been sttri• bated to the influence of the 'tpeculiar institution." We can see no reason why -Michigan, which is Black Republican all through, should be opposed to the frtlt (loin of colored veceh. Surely :11 - ielii,ganders are not in any danger of insurrection, and if the darken be " right on the goose," the ganders should not object to hi.: preaching. The " Crack of boom" and" Gabriel's Trump." -- -LD - ui•ing the contest for the Speakerships of tho House ut %Vitiating ton, r rfIADDEUS STEVENS, of this State, declared that he bhould vote for Sher man, the Helper Republican candidate for Speaker, till the " crack, of doom." Gov. Conn Is, of Ohio, likewisobald that he should stick to the same candidate till " Gabriel blew his last trump." As Sherman was 'wily nfilior4vi on Friday week, and . the lielp - erito Craft went down on that day, the infortnee is a natural one, that then came the " crack of doom" and " Gabriel blew his last trump," not to the destruction of the world, but to the utter overthrow of all Holperite doctrines.--.lCorri.stown Reg ister. • iiiir Henry Wintei liativ, of Mary land, has been _bunted in . effigy in sec oral places at tIo South for voting for the Republican ctuAlltite for Speaker of the House of Representatives. -New Fork Republitans for Mr. &ward. Republican State Central Com mittee met on Tuesday week at Albany to tix the-eitne-and method of electing delegates tq tfie Chicago Presidential Ccinvention.i. - A debate occurred, in whicha member threw out the hint that the proposed mode of electing delegates by State Cortventilo instead. of die tricts, was only to ratify a " slate" propafed tObripanti in behalf of .4r. Sewhrd, jfiik.quaktion Nita dna* , de tided toy thtt atdoptitio of at call be. .a Stimislitqfsteititfon 4o oppormittka entire tielagatio6, 'to , lig - hord =tlt B, pee on , ibsolgiz of4piiL The voti "0(4 nine to rod. .r o 0 blcs, , • ; 6v,„ itis • - • gr stiew . t4t Last 4414, alt-44,+'13 matilbecv a Usti", i oiitec:l6 .clfwG#t . *There are two fhln;gc that bare ; taken place, and ,yet the liepuhlf s ahantiunpd Shurnian. First, Tom Clterin 'said be would' csentinne to vote fol. Slid - ignan until Guhriel's trump 12, sli nld sound., That trump has'ift sonfi de ,we believe. duotber member said tl y „ were going to vote for him, jf a •essury, until hell freezes from shore tol shore." Well, at last accounts no 641 i " flvete" - Itad taken p:aeo ; and yot eiltkry mother's son übuiulbued hitn. What has become of that " hack bcfno". we liars heard fea much about. Glorious Victory," " caincron su:tuinetl," and vtriuus other triunt- •• ',ant headings, introdumns to the ac co is of the recent speeiml election in 1) o ,in county,.contained in the Op p .ition papers. The " Helix:rite" of tb a place, announces that Clark, the Cameron eatididate,was elected by 1200 minority. This is nntroc. The official Morns show That Chirk has about 900 . toverity, hying 0 llemueruttc gain Of Stult 200 since hist, tall, 'when the Op p&ition majority itoDattpliin WAS up wiirds of 1100. ,Catutron's man• wee beaten in every ward in llarrisburg., :aid in Cameron's own borough . of 31 i li thlletown. Ilarper's Ferry and ‘..l3us zu Fltilstti" tiro unpalatable to the pee p! .—lirdford Gazette. . The Ttonton Amerunn says that on t the 21st inst. an . nboliticntist named cotiles attempted to 7deliver an Aboli tion lecture in Haddonfield, Camden eottnty, and advertised his intentions by handbills on the • sarrfo day'. A large nirmber of citizens collected at the place oftneeting and-Interrupted his harangue by hootings, yells and hisses; and upon hut persisting to be heard, they took hold of him and threatened him with a coat of tar and feathers. After otter ine him 3 number of indignities ho con p,cbted to leave;, promiAing never to re turn. If this had occurred down in South Carolina, or any other slave Suite, what a hot% I would Dave went up f-om every abolition throat in the country. I$ -The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, under date of 1tin..26, says: " Helper, the reputed author of the impending Crisis Book, it may be worth while to say, has not de'rived any pecuniary benefit from the extraordinary sale of the work, the profits thus far having enured to the benefit of the publisher. But he inform ed a" friend of mine this . morning, tat the Exceutiue Committee charged with dis senaixating the work, on behalf of tht' 13t puYican party, arc to have a meetiug this evening, with a view to securing him a share of the proceeds." So, so; the RepUbli?,an party does enddrae the 1141 per iufamy,.after lliiirThe Washington States copies, from the Now Orleans Picayune a touch-I in story, "to the effect...that a Colonel Lie, of Mississippi, had fin' years taken' care of a asaidenzlaughutc-ol am. Child doiint it long and - sefillnesk, lit)-tho, Witile that her hard-hearted parents r ro il f to do anything foi.lun' relief vi Thee Picaywv a. 9.l4la k zfris. AU ,untary upon the °Mike pails 14n• - 1.-- : VIA -7a1;119.5.5t0p, Lb" would-be sothupiasi amk.Airolikios. ryisiutthissr,-biwitu mint; nobly to p* the noble liitidtaii oitColiruisiticf. 11Palttitititiffit is efict, kna -itb 4 h4ii borate stl &Whelk 4-neihberet iistaliatert rifdree'bit , ve e disease._ Newt site Oef, e.. .............-.0- .. lirrible Murder—A .Mitster Killed' -- - and !turned by his Slaves.—On Monday I INTEIt oseESTING TO WllilOWS.—The Pitts last: Dr. Wm. Croxlmi,"st . highly intellt t • burg Levi Jniel gives the following decision • gent citizen of Emit= county, Va., h a d :of the Supreme Court of this State, in regard occasion to correct a servant woman to a widow's thaw under the exemption law: for some offence, but did so in a mild ' "The right ofa widow to retain real or per mid gentle manner. This 'het enraged , S to ot e p y ro d iv u e e rt o y f of her see e er h d u e n ce d i r is e e d il d h o t l i t s . h r r it tra ie st a i s s i t:b e t d e Lt negro man, who raked to " ye re- ' entirely, when she neglect. , to demand an ap cenge, b u t at t h e tilluto gale h is master praisement. II sit appraisement he made. and no intimation of his :intention. On she elects to retain less than the value of the Wedecadny last, whilst ono of the three hundred dollars. she wanes her claim to servants was engaged in grinding a alt w hich she neglects to obtain. , She bus no right to a second apprnisetnent. euttinni e , knife, lir. Croxten walked to • where he was, and whilst looking W on, 1 TELE . GRAPIIA general mectiug of the Without sill - it:ding dangcr, an - it her ser- stocklaohlers in the Llanorer Telegraph Com rant stepped behind him, gave him a pally was advertised to mke pl.t,e onSaturday vitileitt Mow upon the hack of the head, evening last, at the - Ventilllotel. for the pur whi, li tolled hint to the ground; and' pose of electing a President and Directors. It' then dispatciied him. The two then is proposed to commence the work at once, and dritizged hint behind the barn, and kind- with favor.iblo weather, thirty tiff . % s tire thought ilikg a .tiro itlacd - his • body - on it skin' to be sufficient in which to complete the line. burned it. Theynext cut the skirts of; - tlie saildlti, upon his riding horso a nd' Aid. An Agricultlrsl S oc i ety has hgen form t heti I u Nitta the horse loose, expecting ed at I.ll.odfrolllC—Copt. JOHN Be KELIOLDhIt to Create the impression that he had President, •nd lir. FIi•NIEGIN W. Coon Secretaty. beet; attacked on Lite road and murder-IA vast amount of instruction in agricultural ed. When the doctor wns,mis..ting, his , matters generally results trout such associa frknds instituted a search Tor him, and thins, as Hill no doubt be the case in this. in the pile of ashes near the barn dis- I covered two or three of his finger:4. and n portion of one of his feet. The viler- der has cuuscd great excitement in the neighborhood ;r1 %which it Mas CUIIIIII4- t ed.—Pie/mond Dispatch. Rem•tri,(tide Btrearement —A remark able bereavement has befallen the bpo4o - of Mr. Michael Fitzgerald, cirVair field: Vermont, consisting of father, mother, and five children. On Friday morning, as We learn, they were ell well, and on the Sunday following four of the children died of scarlet fever.— On Tuesday following the four were committed to one grave, and on the re turn from the sad office the parents found thb "temaining child, who lipd been left al - home, and sick with the stone disease had also died. Thu cup of. affliction could hardly be more try ing ,to parents'. beards.—Burlington Sen tinel, 3d. Aree Persons Killcd by a .Dog.—A French newspaper, the Journal do Chartres, relates a terrible affair: A dog, through whose nose some unfeel ing wretch had driven a long sharp nail, became so furious from pain, that ho attacked and bit attuoat every one with whom he came in contact. -Of toofer son 3 li!ttoft-sheee. are alreadyAlead, and Seine • of the others are eo-tdavitinfin jured that their recovery is `r.ot 'proba ble. the Franklin kailroad.—This road was opened hum Chambersburg, to Greencastle on Monday last, and a, freight an 4 pissouger train combines' is now ruining between these points for the accommodation of the ,public. The train airiaccat 12.10 P. leaves at 1.40 P. M., arriving at Chamberoburg 2.20 P. M. The train leaving Greencastle at 1.46 connects with the Cumberland Valley 2.40 train for Harrisburg. The 'are for papsqn. pry is fisted At 40 sip t*betwee :WPM t•G‘LIe Chsaitiersburg. ilifaititi 21 , •, • A firs.-Dint rich,. ra f t tr fa, doctor in 114- glYstovn.,.7%p .1; by/ ". 91 •I , Ostia on, tralfg...Y Algid seat: neer; mei istiv,,pood in 1413* ityli.stiioide Ski Tit ! ) , Y 40 4 41(hate r/5 1, . / k - iMteraa A we ACCIDENT TO TfIE.,LOC O I I ariVE• OI / , Tueiday morning last, as the down train wisest passing- through the Granite Cut between Ring t licCurdy's and Gulden's Stations, a rock, weighing probably two tons, rolled•down the bank, striking the cow-catcher of the Locomo . atm., and injuring the cylinder and pump on the left aide. The Engineer saw the rock start , from its bed; but being close upon it, he found it impossible to stop the train in time to avoid the collision, As it is, the escape was a most fortunate one. No personal injury resulted, and (lie damage is cOtnpArntively light. After disconnecting the machinery on the Kids injured, the Engineer made the run to jiano.Ner as usual, getting in on time. ale then brought tbt Engine beck, and immediately gut to wort to repair the damage—and will hate hrr upon the track again in pruper time, as good &enter." One.'ot the Hanover Engines has been doing :the rtinning upon the road since the accident. I'ITOPEWI7 'I 2 I:ALP.S.—Mr. DAVID STIIIIIt2II has purchased the Gettysburg Fclundry,(ionner li - Warrens',) at $2150. Mr. S. will contiLue the business in all its branches, and spare•no effoet to deserve a .largo patronage. Ilis work Is always well put up, and sold at the lowest living profits. 1 , Mr. JACOS BILXVICII, Agent .for the Heirs ca. ! Prratt Wt,tttr, deceased, some time since sold at publi i the follovrinfpfoliefties : Mouse , and lot :on ,.. Migh strett, at $6,5, to the Misses denuencss4-.Earn and lot, dear ..k:ssociatte Re ;formed Church, at 12411, to Mr. DANIF:L K. Sit•Adaf - arid house eta fiant. bf Jail, of $.1.75, to Mr. Join llocce. Mosso. Symms s Bossmo hare dispogeti of ' their Store to Messrs. 11/Nar Ic4isititiL 11011fiy to tale rbssession about the middle of Mare& ;11 Mr. J•IIRS S. WILSON has sold his rani in Camberkind. township, 12Z) acres, to .Gro. ARVOLD. Keg., for $3700 cash. 0/01tOlt ARNOLD; F.114.,1101d CO JAXSII S. WIL SON, 52 acres of woodland in llarniltonban township, for $lB2O cash. 11r. Lt snoatw. on the 2d inat.„from the conitnittee on Pensions and Gratuities. reported, with a negative recommendation. on Act fur the relief of ELI AS Krtrra, of this county, who was a t.oldier in the war of 1812. ‘• 11.1RVY.: 4 T. - -We are no 4 in the mid.t of what is termed the Printer'.... " ftlTit a.4..0ur readers to bear with.khe crowd td state of our coinmna-fyr a few-w•elire. - ..ser.We are sincerely thankful for the recent LLandsome additions to our subscription list. Let the good work go on. An importint cats. paign id near at band, and Democrats can post tinnisels es only by taking Deniocratic pnpert. irsalrLocal items and money are decidedly the scarcest articles that art going just now.— We speak advisedly and experimeutally,having tried to collect both. srarst. Valentine's Day—to-tiaszow MA. EDITOl:—From all that apposirs in the political hornet', I think that any observing asd reflecting man. is forted to the - coicinsicin L lbat the Deencicracy will triumph in the approach-1 ing Presidential contest.' • - The. President, in his last annual message., ' has laid down the broad Union land-ntarka--- non-interceation on the qtiestivikot slavery in the Territorieso•he enfoicemanta the Comstl tution and the law., a bold, humans oat pro gresilve foreign policy - , eakeciall In ralectaia to Mexico, form good mwtelitle tbr Unk.111)11 . 0411 Demeemeen ;•••nAlit_ aka . with the solid-vote of the &nth, is psiep . arid to edter the field, and iteetainli lanst-tritalnitireir all opposition. • S. kebrusry, 1880. Ys. "Scar's of the 3d last-, _. 4 " 114411114 snide, evidtetly aditees-amit which he " rued hatifilf lOU htehtliktion that, be did nit writtiali thas,,4ll thitt immaculate sheet. Weep actiattitttetd with till taffy (of thivreillOr-tt} will have acktrotiblit tritat# 7 W46#lo,lookheir eirkahipitae. ILAa aciaelitirlitaktl6ol4llo- it itif! 1 0964 4, tWaikeol 4 4 4 ll. B4lll W33r9r • adonis thiihtditaritti colammt thaeltOtr ,44;0. itiattOstti it, &tie ia. Oilmeitless r•,,..„. vnitirglogii *lii• Th e eni".'l4lllo l lkitiii*Sitijotel.s;tiaiii4 So botiondstAtkiiti .ft" d SI!• firtick, TAIT* liiesittratlter ..4 :-- nobt tillkOW.tiset - • '" , "t- , - - e---.. ii &g . drl eordiat to lmr-"- - • lb. :'.lkoers•tridyilA • - lahigaimitionwi I ~sfartit tip o , Bo944itkeditme4 papers thatja,gmgor-Ms ! 4°)lli tit M i tu 4 l ,c .9.uktf*rik,tii - L' .to tttite,tlip sj, t e. ? f . e. tble who captured Cook and ieCo him to liiiraer's Petry- ••11'.1111 $4,44 • .the o ffi cers of tiiiit sloAnty shun I tor* ~thorn out wlihorit'clatayland ‘C'he't ' ;ieured the kw, should at'oiiv thtitrifti" . ititiruy.—.Erie Oesitivit*. • A hoax, ScoAs-no ition- ii di. tees ler It is stated that the reeeiptekvai. cuetorns fully come .up to the estimates of the Secretary of the Treasury, that throe millions IN.oal pustegA, now in the custody of that Depattl4tbn& ready to be paid to contieetors as aoto . *ran appropriation is made. The nancial ttonditiun of the ti,,verntnont,le cdmiiderod favorabld, find it is thougtrt; - it will be able to progress Without ogn ; barrascrient. resolutien.haa besT ilitroduee s C into-14e begislatnye to reduce the salary - of tho members from 8700 to $5OO. It will probably puss-L.:over the left: - Refused to Testify:—Mr. Itedpatli has resolved not to respond to the sum. mons of the_ fi llarpor's Ferry invostigat. ing committee of tile Senate, and lAA left Boston forirarts-unknown. On the 2cl inst., at Mt. St. Mary's College, by Rey. Mr. MeMu:die. Mr. PHILIP A. SWEENEY to Slip' MARY Do KELLY, both of Frederick county, Md. sksg-The above couple have our thanks for their kind remembrance of the printer, with the hope that they may have a pitlliaLlt journey down the stream of time. stay sorrow's shadow never darken the doors of their 1001 , 4. Oa the nth inst., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, NIP 715.1•111/ It IM.tN, of Tlrone towwwiriwaier Miss CAROLINE L. inAlcnErt, of SltuaLea township. • On the 23d ult., at Waterloo, luue, Re:. W. MANE PAXTON, totteerly ut this place," to MiNS NANXIE K. KEINIIART, both of i;u4lae lowa. tin the .sth imt., nt the CCIIIOI.OIO Chap.', )tv. ENIANI;EL CISTEU to .)14e.tLIZA111-.111 5T.61:11, both of Achim+ count-v. Oh Wednesday- morning last, in Brnsttown, Comma go township, Mr. PETER. LITTLE, aged l owly 1.1 years. He WAS among those who , marched, truru this county to the defence of 11.tliimore during the List Nar with Great RA setting in Utypt. John Adams's Coniatily, ; !Hs !militias were interred at Conowsgo cluspe.l - tocTbursda,y -last, fulloweo to their twat trs{tpß by a large cro.rourte of friecaltsand quaintiincel.. Peace to his males. the MAL inst.. lI.L.N.SON tumor, aged '3 ; years 4 mouths and 9. duns : and on the .ftlt M.IIITIN LUTI.I.F.P., aged I 1 years 'months and IS. Idp—both of putrid sure throat—sons u . f . Mr. William Culp, of township. The remains of both Were in., terredln code grate in Et er Green Censeter, on Wednesday last. In this sid and sudden lost . of two interesting children the parents bite the I•yinpatities ui r all , who. know them. On the sth Mr. ULLERY J. itßgirElt, an esteemed eitii.ennrlluuntjuy township, aged 43y ears and H months. On the sth star. , Mr. JACOB .SIBTMOBFF, of Franklin township ; ageil r. , •.)) ears 4 siloutha and ti Jtyc s. In italtimb're, on the 1;4 inst., 'JAMES PUN LOP P.INTON, sou of John M. Stevenson, Jr., I aged 1 year t . Ou the lat inst ,in tdsiitit county, ANI)IIF.W, son of Mr. Pilo, Unger, ago() 3 yeatv 4 motithi and 1t days. On the sth irrit., Mrs. REls Err.l wife of Samuel Meissen. of Cumberlautl town ship, iu the :::th esr-nt Iterate. On the stlyinst., Mrs. M IttiVitET TiItIONE; I n-i,low of Miehnel Throne, lieresswi, of ler.burg. 'iced O years 8 mouths nud 12 411613. On Nlonil.,y ru,,rniuyt lart, Ur. W NUS. of Butler tuwut.liip. about .5911;it . rr. "- Comaittnicated.' nn the sth inst., in this place. Mrs—ELIZA IIE IKERSOM. wife of Mr. Philip Ihresaink, aged nyenr, r. months and itt days. Our :+eu4ilJilitieA. keen to rornahiu overate or to greut escitrmentl , ore -trmoge/r.l4htittol hi that finer t v l.oll incuiraitti l'r..oaticuce in the clane ofun earthly curer. - When the stroke has fallen npon one whose career in the battle of life. milli its greet am bitions, has hut opened: whose calm existence in unison with principles of early imphinted virtue: whose young life has been a continuing portraiture of filial atlection,-fraternal fidelity, and .wcial rectitude: frota whose moineuts, ever busy with on ectiveinduktry. ample share has been dedicated to the relief of the destitute, and the training in religion of the dawning mind of childhood, nod when. oter all. bas teen spreed a ninutle of modesty unconscious of such merit—callous, indeed. must be that heart which, cognizant of se rare a combination, can witness. unmoved, a bereavement so sad, so sudden, 40 startling. *Those who knew her in that circle upon which ever was felt the richness of her warm ; and generous nature, will find in these lines a tribute far too feeble to a character so rarely harmonious in its manifold excellence. liver sympathizing with the afflicted, seeking Its ex pression in the attentive instruction of youth. In that sphere to Which delicacy forbids our approach, to these whose life was made happy, and whose futon seemed joyous in her com panionship. no pitture of worsts' is needed to by-gone h ours, now exchanged, who tan . for the for the certattitiel of 'lE'biassell'iromor ty. Th - ose dying hairs which display the grand triumph of the ehristilmplepaied, shed Ireland - the group that watehhd she departure of her splrit, the setenevortotativ.r of - T(44 40 w fo'ff* most beautiful ete.thiy manifestitious. They now remind- tifitithile this is written, she its_ secured in her re,wiled. 8. • On .Wadnesday- last, StARGAtE2, infant daegister-of Mc. Philip Dcirsone, aged 9 days : cossmunitsfed. On iiialigtilstg,wpek,,VlßGlNlA CATBAIFFE. talpithior or Blasi 8. , and likrriet.crd. of irlantbettttownartip, aged B }enroll:oaths . • - an 4.16 Before God's throne a cher*b st,nds lurestulapcs Arad see, she . sPieidir her My beads And erldiners tidings glad. Weep net)* me, my•pareues„kied, Let jajOthr up your tearer' - • . r PT° NAN% 401n1d of Woe ~died* telltome peers. - f • Semi isiefftweitgesat bate, shots • •7 • Allytiefilllarmits'estd. pate, - Whare-ltoly Hope it lore, . Atelpleaserue'sertr maga, otaiIOOIPACIA•d - In Faltdelt4 !144.1.0 114 sore throat, XARGARBTJA I gO I /11 fat of JONiitirat /Diet* Okla , at tests weeks rod 3 days. , " - •• --1-1•44401•4•0401114""arlsesr; Thong* • .dfiliP sag INO-1:- -7: _ -;t 1 4 14 ,4 1 ,4. r idtefffk •sr nma • 1 r`g_ _ • Thenl4ll46 ; 7- 1 1 ,` caipscx tCAT ED octisvfttuess ~ws*,l MIX.A.FLPLZ.XCID. X:IXTELT3.