The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 06, 1860, Image 3

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    lea $ •
ibeltetV' ,
/*OM tsb
i4iostasd.l o- 01ford.Soerafts,
Int Miliztrius4Viha -Friday, j
. 4 .llarce. saes tint,
ifne r#llA4.„ The aortal_ Property, wiz 5E.0,5„714,,
eA rcr.. Colts, one and two year. 40, 6 Mites Cotes, 1 ,
AI Durham Buil, Young Catt i la 2 BroodZows 1 2
.11,ArS gent/erne/1s and lesbcsta, Horse Gear*, 2 Ws ' as, I Otte-ho ' r.e
meet with great,gavor.— Wagon, I Cast and G ft . su lit gen Bed, Hay
Locitfors, Bay C/OTMK . unowing still
theetnethod_ 1 Thrcrbing . Macbine and - HorsaPower, l Ball ,•
and - proper topurehthe ll,2oo6smept and-I Machine, Grain linll, Spring-tooth Rake,
e aktaiof the milker:it tax, . On-; 'Ploughs, Harrows, Forks, Rakes, Blacksmith
Tools, Unto, Corn, te.
fifi l tit fit' liearly as possitile to - til! idles Also, the P ersonal Property of illtqrsgt.A.
Clint govern theSss, deceaaed, to wit: 2 Shirias Ban
ted States artily.— Itsu
over Branch Railroad hock , 1 Boggy and,
SO says the Harrisburg Patriot and Haeoeso, 2 skiab,, double-barrelled Gost,---s
full assortment of Household and Kitchen '
Furniture, consisting in part of Be& and ,
lipp . s . ttchoiy Cataatroplia-On steads, Tables, Chair., Carpeting, Da-l+, Par
dity.:,trOning a fire b ro w 0nt ..% t h e lor; ( ir i al .e a s nd ,z t. ta 'o n o a k ss t ores, Queens ware, Look
biurnientiora doable sixfitory_ tenement Ing ioar;sei commence at 10 o'clock, A M. ,
liouseOuigliti street, New York, °cell. ()leach day, wben attend-ince wifl and
,ieentv_two families. The terms made known by - DAViD 2.Nrt`lpfS. ,
13VICi Feb. 6, IE6O. ts* J. F. Kettn.En,
abut np rite stairway with great..
rapidity, cutting off escape, and from ' -Thiblic std e
.#Pinglaihpersons perisheci. The scene F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY.—
ill:iii6Ctit.sed as awful in the extreme. oon Friday, the der of March next, isco,
s, lnse'dWeiling Of Daniel Early, Sr., at y o'clock, A. 11 ,the subscriber, intending to
91 S
ityde Parke: ein this state, was con.' remove West, will cell at Public ale, on the
OUtlleti on Thursday night, and three of
premises, au the road leading from Gettysburg,
to Emmitsburg. four 'tido from the former and
Lis-children perish;;(l in the flames. sox from the latter !dice, the ful lowing 'Leger; bed ,
Personal Property, to wit FIVE HEAD OF
IlLoliSEs. four of thew good young w ork horses,
and one a two yearling cult, it lot of Horn Cat
tle, among which are three fresh 31iLch Cows: a
lot of :•,.boat. 1 tuur-huNe narrow-tread
Nt aguu, Lane Bed, play Carriage, Feed Trough,
Ploughs, 040 and tierce-horse fiarrow N double
and single She's el Plough-, all of which -are
nearly new.ain Drill, Jack-screw, Wheel
barrow, shor es, Forks, Horse Gears fur file
horses, the most of theta new, Bridle:, Saddles,
one a new Side Saddle, Halters, c us cch a i,,, , 3
75 Boxes of Bees. one a patent box: and &boot
35 Acres of Grain iu the ground. Also.lfousebuld
;,•,.; Furniture. among whirl, are 2 Mahogany front
2 00 Bureaus, Tables, Chair, common, cane seat
-4 50 10 5
ed and parlor; Washst.ind., Corner Cupboard,
4 7
7 75' Eight-day Clock. lie&teads and Bedding, Cit.!.
20 1 0 Drawers, good Air-tight Cooking Store, Par
-60 tnr Stove, Tin Ware. Boxes. Barrels, Meat 1-ea
-6 50 I eels, and a great s ariety of other articles too
914;z o ro , us to ruenticn.
700 , Attendance will be given and terms made
kJ:lo*a on day of sale by
'fir Several c ommunication,' on hand must
bide their time.
1,, $.• = ar_Wo .6 . 3 0 1,1m:111
Super(u• Flour
Rye Flour •
Whitt Wiieut....
/led Wheat.......
..... . .....
11u , I. a heat %teal. ......
'to% er Seed
"filnu:ll Seed
Il.tx Seed
rley '
J • la,ter of V ari.,
tastrrgruhad , per
lurk, •
........... ........ „5 37 to 6 /SO '
........... ....... 123 :0,1 b 0 i , r , - • Public Smite.
. ........... 80 to 08
FIVE subscriber, intenainx So remove to a
68 to 74
... ............
46 ji_ smaller farm. will sell at Public Sale, at his
41 to
, ~,„ to s 31 residedee, in Franklin township, Adams ciui
--••• •..
'',:. n to 3 00 tv. as Tiosday, the 28th dog of Petkruary raw_ the
. ' s 7
_ lO 00 following Personal l'roperty, viz: POOR
" 7 Is ' to 8 50 HEAD OF WORK HOHSES, 1 large Bull. sap
-7.— 14 00 1819 00 . Posed to weigh 1800 pounds, 1 broad-tread
~._ ._ 24: Four-horse Wagon, 1 narrow-tread W a go n ,
••• c " '"6.2 00 ' Hume Gears, Ploughs and Harrows, Shovel
-- --- --
i Ploughs. Corn Forks, Winnowing Mill Cutting
HANI.OIII—Ta realist LAST . ( Bob, Sled, 1 Thresbiog Machine, Hay Carriage,
S lour, from wagons.,... ._. ...... 5 00 I Wood Ladders, Forks, Rakes, aid other tarta
Do. from sturci....... ..... -..-.. 5 30 lug impletieots.
i t 0 to 1 .•, 5 l Ilifor Also. at the Peale time and place, will
po i be offted, the undivided half of • Tract of
ltve- - 62 d-OHES:44.TT TlMBillt-LANO.coutaining about 6
4 'oral ........ ....-- . „ 38 , Acres, situated in Franklin tuwaship, nett- Hill
4 tats ...... «. • • • - « .• • •
• 4 75 t l Av irD •
4 , laver Seed....
175 sirs.k. to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
'Timothy 5ted......................-- 6 501 ! L on said day, when attendance will be given and
_Plaster Wass made itntiwt by .1 A MES T. HEART.
- -
1 Feb. 6, 1860. to [51.8., Auct.
111 e...,
Tiirtiothy Seta..
Iteel Cat t le, per hued.
llogs, per bund
Coanu, Penni/tn. per 143116
0 nK--F Itl (UT LAST.
Uo. (tutu stores.....---
"W beat
, Cunt
ALits- .......
Clover :feed.
'Timothy Seed..
1 10 to. 1
Grand Jury Report.
AOAM: 4. (*eII:STY, PS.—At a Court - 'of
Quarter Ses.iotts of the Peace. held 'at
4:ettpliUrg. in and for the r.,uutv. on the
Itti day of Janu try. A. II . IrGo. bekfoie th e .
Judges of the same court. duly assigned. kc.
The under-igaeld Crawl Jurors respectfully
report. that they silkier(' the Jail at the sugges
tion of the c'tthrt., and that they feel constrain
aid to say that the JAI i. not in ge&tl condition;
. .that one of the eel's has 'keen brMe en throagh
435;5t prisoner. and - that they are , of opinion that
siosnethfug should be done better to confine and
secure the prisoners there, and as fA as pos.4-
,14E:to keep them in separate
Henry A. Picking, Jo-hurt Brown,
Jatnes Poise. Wm. Range.
Peter Cn,hey. John Lansinger.
' Wm. T. Williams, David M. Myers,
Jaeollz. 4 tereter,
Jona • John Stolen,
John eliden, Philip Reamer,
Isaac 'Rife. JaViki/ :'heads,
('hat. E. nand
Ephraiin Stkenb,
John WWl:tiger, Paul :towers.
d. tick! ey.. [Veb. 6 , litiSO.
Public Sale.
subscriber. intending to remove to a
F. smaller Carta. %ill sell at Public Sale, at
.hfr residenee, in Franklin toan.llip, Adams
.eolllllty,abtiut one mile from Mickley's Tannery,
.oaSahurtlay. tae 3,/ day qi 1 / a rra Neil. the follow
ing Personal Propert?. .iz: 1 BROOD
2 tstss-year old t irphan ltor Cotta, 4 Cows.
2 Ileifers. (springing.) 2 Ilnlls , one Of them fat
and estimated,,to weitrlt 13 , 10 pound -1; d heed of
Young Cattle. 5 held of tine Sheep, Horse Genre,
Wheel-barrow, and a sariety of other articles,
Soo , numerous to mention.
as i rSislie to eosinienee at 10 o'clock. A. W .
.on said day, when tittend.ince will be given and
Aerate made known by
Feb. 6. 186 Q. Is
Public Sale.
- - E subseriber. intending to remove to the
West. will sell at Public Sale. at his rest
c., iu Cumberland township..ldarus county.
.ois Friday, the 2414 day of Febraare inst.. the fol
towing Personal Property, rim: ONE HORSE.
5 heed of Mulch Cow-. three of them fre.liSoung
.('.title, Carriage. ettaisid new that will suit for
.either one or trap, sett of good llor-e
alears. good one-horse Wagon, good Jack
.crew. 2 bores of Roes, kelt Also, Household
Awl Kitchen Pernitista f fonestlug of Bureaus,
lables‘,Chairs. Sofa, alienist new,Beds. 3.Stores,
.one of them a Cooking Starve, Brass Clock. and
„many other articles too intuerons . to mention.
,Sale to eommease at 10 o'clock. A. 21,,
,'lien conditious will bolt:mato known by
Feb. e, 1860. 21...4
or osiatiOtrosson oo she eststa or o.ebeees
2impoer 4 lotoofatA ose ph cowl cyflodisas,dep.'d.,
haviutbees treated to the usdoegligoodemsold
jag -is Gettysburg, Adams to., Pi4,lke_hereby
goos,ootice to all persons indebtod woad Waste
.14i woke immediate payment, 1114 : 1131 04 baYia*
chshossegaisietthe.sooke to presout,thent proper
„Feb. *
. .. . .
• o ur m ul d e pk -, .-, . , .
.6 ritalealtililllND,lno Sart Com.
..,- pinion for t 1 r01Vi 06 . 141 . 143 -
Every Pianist, I Monlidttylreture this
itTegr . Singer, ~ J
3 =Szitatiow-01
7. r•rereaclia ,
, - oForte
Fame' Pnlin, illbelticAffift
Every.Amstour .. ; NANGEltaippe
r ronouneed by tle-inties Pew,
3 50
...1 10 to I :Ili
...I Uti to /
15 Great Sale
80awd Wrdstesilayi the 21st surd 224 days of,
65.! Peoresery welt. at 9 o'clock, A. M.. of cash day.
30 The astbseribers, intending to renlyVlS to tho
117 Wesit,•will tell at Prattle 'Sale, on the premises,
kid In Tyrone township, Adams county, one ogle
51;1 Nettie of New Cheater, the following , Salable?
Personal Property, vii a IIEAIJOY HORSES, ,
(roar of which are excellent drood mares,) and
3 Colts, two of them two yearlings and one a!
yearling. 6 Mitch Cows, 5 headorlieef Cattk-,
! 12 !mad of Young Cattle. and h lot of shoats,
; 3 Wagon.. two orthem toor-hoese. broad-tread
' and one a two-horse narrow-tread: Falling Top
Buggy. Lime lied. 2 Bar Carriages. Wood Lad
den, Feed Trough, 2 Sleighs, 2 Sleds, Ploughs,
Ithrreesrh. (one a three-horse) Double and Sin
'de Shovel Ploughs. Putting Boxes, Horse
!takes, grain Drill, Rolling amen, !Patent Day
1 . Pitcher, Cradle', Scythes. luip Wheelbarrow, •
Jackscrew. Grindstone. frogs-cut Wood end
Hand Saws, Augers, Chisels. ke.t Axes. Mauls
and Wedge,, Mattm-ks. Spades, Hoes.:
Forks. kc. A large lot of Bone Gears, Fly •
i Nets,WagonSaddledlulter Chains,Coa Chains. ,
Log ChaintliFifth Chains. Breast Chains, Butt
Chains. Spreaders, single, doable Alta three
, horse Trees, first-rate double set of light Dar
t ness, Siadle do., Riding Saddles and Bridles. 2
heavy Ropes, buy by the Top, Straw by the
Bundle, a large lot of Grain and Potatoes be
the bushel. and a large quantity of Meat b.s the
pound. Also, iloasst•old Furniture, among
Which are 2 Wardrobes, 5 Bureaus. :sideboard,
3 Caltbo•rda, 4 Dining and 3 Breakfaat Tables.
12 Bebsteads and Bedding, 2 Washstands and
Chaniberware. 2 Settees, 5 setts Cdniirs. 3 Sinks.
Mirrors, Chests, 1 Parlor. I Coal. 2 Cook. and
3 Ten-plate, Sorer and Pipe: Churns, Butter
Bowl, Tub )trot Ve••els. Flour Chests, Halt
liushelogd Peek 51cp.surcs, Bags, Copper and
Iron Kettle, Buckets, Pots, Pau., .0.; a large
lot of tilassa are, Queen ware, Tin-ware and
Earthen% are, had a large number of other arti
cles not herein mentioned. The sale will •
commence on the _lst and continue two too dots
or until ever thin.; is sold.
Attendance given and terms made known on
day of sale by JOSEPH HILL
Jhn. 20,1860. is JOHN W. HILL.
scriber, intending to remove to a smaller
tarot, will sell of Public Sale, at his residence,
in Mountpleasant township. Adamls county,
near Mount Vernon School House, on the Han
over Road, on Tiowday„ tit day of Yebrwary
nut, the Personal Property. viz .-
2 MABF-' 4 . one henry with foal. and the other
an excellent family animal, 3 Colts, Cows and
Young Cattle, 1 Sow. 1 Three-horse Wagon, 1
One-horse Wagon, iftleigle. Sled; Four-horse
Thresher and 110/0-Weer, one of Wartbaugh's
Seeders, with Gnaw: Attaehatent, Wheat 'F* a,
Cutting But, Plortghs sited Harrows, Double
Shovel ploughs, Corn Forks. Single and Double-
Trees. Horse Gears; of all kinds, Cow Chains,
Log gains, Rakes, Forks. and ntber fanning
utensils. Also, Household and Kitchen Furn
iture, such as a Table, Bedstead. Cooking Stove
and fixtures, Tube. Bartels, kc. Also, Wheat,
Oats and Potatoes, by the bushel, with ninny
Other articles, too numerous to mention.
I giirSetie to commence at 10 ti'elack, A. M.,
on /aid day, When attendance will be Ova:rood
tarsus tasdk known by
J (A) B ZJI-: R.-311 E 1
T PUBEilOtAtt.—The sit4tefiber,lnterld
lf t Public
f, al-rs. quit farming lus
. deaeeingrlttlet • Teti atowaship;
Adams aniney, e mile wintlftreat - of Lower's
11111; in areodiry, tae , sth day* Miwolalew, the'
6tittor•Pesenil Ptoperty; viol 41-head'of
Weptc. I PIIIP' o , lPM:broken Mules.
314 , 0-yeak old &eV:WA OirtretiOltd+Young
Cattle, , Brnoct Sow -I Vskir-tioroi. , Wago" n, t mg
, lieli Wagon Bed , dine Ited, , reed+Prongh t toree
Geareii, (a large . lot asklf neartystiewt) ymon
Saddle, Ploughs asettntrrowi, thslabte - ...-,.:. -
free Shovel Pkinglts; Corn Fork* Cortileoneet,
-Traeoe, Ftflt ttliaiu, two-bi)l4e Spreisferi
- Eno-
Elit amid Motile Trees, Winnowing 4111, ant a
-Ifilifo . o- . of other firming ulibsitilT. • • '
te to edintoerpos siylliPthltilti-A: N:, on
_ _ .... ..
Feb. C, 1860. 3t*
Valuable Personal
Jaa. 30, MO. talk
Personal Property
4 'lll' • s
Pay, al
WV. 0141,1414.vt: I
day.., Autry, . 4848, 4 tits 4
tu4 uf v fnuunnir. Is-;O--both days Lady-
J. DANSkjli Bp., Treainre!,. and
sui ss loners, in, account with the Counly of
Adam..., as follows:
Tp cash in bands of Trcasurer at last
spipletnnot, $2406 77
Outstanding County Tilts and • Quit
iiimii in bands of Collectors,
eotrolip.Narlerroo4 lervirs asoarrof for 1899.
Borough of Getty,tiurg, 137.2 Is
quitnoniS, „lit) 60
e umbtfland township; , 1201 le
Garpiatty 910,34
Osjord ll 1216 lilj
Huntington 144/45 51
Latimer. u ' 884 06
Hamiltenban " 144 94
Liberty u 0• 0, ea
31Amilton 92.411.
Menallen 891 99
Strabais 1303 74
Franklin 149.1. 10
CL. onowage 993 90
Tyrone 722 83
kli.ountjoy LI
.936 22
Meuntpleassnt " . 125,9 84
Reading 44 1187 89
Berwick " .395 10
Freedom 436 71
Union 1308 95
Butler 871 37
Berwick bor., 192 35
22010 92
Loan from Bank and onodry persons, 21825 00
Abarament on Stale Quota for 1859, 604 48
Cash from loose Lislrtnor.., Sherif, for
jury teesifor 1559,
Cush from Wm. B. McClellan,Eaq., for •
jury fees for 1859, _
Cab from M. Sormion f in part fur Co.
Cash from J. k V. Warrior, in part for
old Court llou4e,
Cash from Samuel Duthoraw,F.sq., do-
nation, •
sundry persons, for steps at old
Court lionew
sundry persons, eor old stoves,
1/1 G sisel now, lisq..for lumber,
W. ROSA White, Et q., fur estrus,
D. 514,Coniuighy, Esq., I yard
Do. Jacob Ciaig,, casts, 15 00
Du. " fine. 1 00
Do. Usury klitner, cow, 20 00
Do. " fine, 10 00
Do. L. Delap, Erg., Clues, 25 00
Do. John 11cSherry, Esq., lines, 35 00
Additional tax Crotasuialry persoos,lBs9, 35 12
Ezunersted tas from sti udyy persons, a 483
The Outstandiac thalotr-Tax end Quit - Beats
appear to he is the heeds of the followlag
CoNectars, to wit :
Pars. eallerfars. Bar. 4 reps.
1834. Joke E. Nelkea, iluktingtoe, $ 8 88
1855. Sammel Bs4ler, Tyrone 41 28
SSII. Sale eel Weaver, Ge4eyebsirgt 168 84
't ' .44tritalitS, 68 94
1857. Henry G. Carr, Gettys him 258 77
~" 14 i 4 c u te /kali, 178 50
IP Julia DeCre . arjr, Statham, 257 66
" • Nosh C. Pitteuturf, 17iroue, 84 83
1858. Henry Culp, Getionburg, 23 49
,4 Quit gents, 178 50
" Henry Dittle, Gesunany, 56 74
" Philip L. Myer*. Intimore, 85 32
" Dorsey Myers. lenallen, 13 67
" R. W. Stable, Prmiklin, 404 40
" Jacob Cushman, Munntpleassat„ 318 51
1899. Emanuel Ziegler, Gettysburg, 691 18
'' " 44 Qiit Rents, 178 50
" George Bushman. Cumberland, 537 93
" Jain Rider, Germany, 566 34
•. Francis-Marshall, Oxford, 417 41
•• . bunts Wilt, doectinkrtois, 906 51
" Jatues lteigle. Latituorn, • 64,15 05
" Augustus Hartsell, Mandltonban, 565 94
" Frederick Mclntire. Liberty, 79 13
" John %Feist, Hamilton, 212 11
" Barney 34ers, Mena:len, 536 59
„ta r ot, Crisew•ell. Stratum, 410 1 - 4
" John Lancer, Franklin. 576 77
•• . ilenrr•F.•mlet, Casowago, 564 87
George Guise, Tyrone, 484 33
" James Rider, Alountjoy, 148 86
"- Phineas Marsden, Slountpkensanti 724 60
" J. J. Kuhn, Beading, 163 83
•• Um. Slifer, Union, 231 $8
" John Galbraith, Butler, 284 87
•` Joseph Wolf, Berwick bar., 41 28
leteNountjoy , Liberty and Itertriek towniirii;
bx‘e paid in full since settlement, and the
balance of the districts in part, except Union
and RAVI,:
Cr. Orders paid out. ad fonom t
Br auditing and settliog.publk accounts, $42 00
Wu). NfcCiev, Aliditor
pointed by the Court to audit public
affair-, 00
Printang. hlanlo. kr., 3TO 99
Sheriff - 4 billy of Court costs, As - 13
ClerVs pay, 200 60
Abatement to Collectors of 5 per cent., ItYPI 06
Fox and Wild Cat scalp', 4PI 277
General Jun and Tip Stares' pay, 00 D 2
_lase isort', 1351•57
Jailues fvs for keeping pri.soners and
Wood, stone cool, hauling, *c., for -
politic . building,,,
Repairs at prison,
Grand Jury and Tip Stares' pay,
October Special C . ourt,
Register, frothonotary and Clerk of
3ession4' fees, t 37 40
Tax refunded to sundry person., 57 67
Court Cuer'6 pAy, lll 94 75
Certificates of Constables' returns, BA 39
Counsel rem 50 00
TreasUrer of Alms House, 7500 00
Postage and stationery for Commis
sioners' office,
Notes and interest paid - Bank and sun
dry persuus„ 12701 72
Quit Rent' , paid George heirs, 2 00
Wtn.ll. sq.,DistAtt.ilre, 137,00
.Loslah Benner, lilset.,COalliiissioner's pay, 230 „
Jacob Raffensperger Esq., 2300D0
Daniel Geiseltann, 0 230 00
KesTing prisoners et East. Penitentiary, 17 56
Isaac Lightner, Sheriff, conveying
prisoners to Edstern Penitentiary, 60 50
Justices' and Constables' fees for corn
- enitting vagrants,
Justices' fees for it:m*llloons,
Rallniad Company for freight,
Samuel Witherow for crying sale.
Town Council: part pr os repatr of
•Town Cloet i
Corainierfonerte !riveting eepenees,
?Ming Op Slld'Courtlinoss• colter in
Centre &inure, 33 00
Harcni Efohoon, AM for einnedrofiku, 50 00
Bedding tad cidthhirfor OMNI; SS 31
S. D. Button, 'Architect, for in
petinttrAffikg Ind inspecting! ritier
CPako l ; 4 let)
J. it:Pittkittarf, Req., e r outine-t
for Oonoirogo.bridife.
Fritteineote, Alq.,;filltfor
4terpolnikhonniscoAntS/000 on new
04:4 - swusep
11841., - eastiwc - t
os sowliesil,4lwWwei. _ - 884 00
JON A. Taissr4 114018 11810084 sirs. • •
I.lko. 00
431. a 11.411SWAss84 $ 600110.1 : *
swag Okla, . 18 Sp
divollressoing -sew
4:0 00
Me- 1 411m . Mkt iminwitai sad
iltimOimewleiiretament, 381.84'
Caresseaa4 glikiallrliMiliyAidtrin CO* t
%a:ann./1a Omits cart St sew
- 464- •15
l el.
; aims,
as...aterl faserm,, , 447 l • - :__ l i
iiiiiio"4old ,i ptdar resawate).
Os - "va.. tila , r, ••,.
t • t . r skol4.ofl.lA ; .
•coolist r: ' ' 4 - il "14' .14dsere i ,g,43IO4MIXED ori l d. - J)ocated s =MG": A l e
ihig Eiectioa,
_ Ele•ciion ' " l'ii' 5 "11 to illgisierpgigalitaltatd of 209 sr co4s.„,tpr .--..
___ AttiA. l tWs s Ts, t Dot i4cainviloli.l ogi n..
I MO C. APPlen 4 **ay. hieScirefPear. Plunt. 'slit LT Ild ' 0 1 01, MIX '''' kie 1 4 11110 11 t4lUt g 3 nt /Y i '' kt slaiplv for ushisqliZr ,
Road dimsges and dautagAilews,
,1,1 .A prat it aspek-riaras. t its veal t it ,i i Idii Faireishaska. Popular csaincisseciaCqUete I P.Vie ;Ilia Vlat*lPC(.o;; r e m ix.p ..
Rectairs at beidg,e.„ . "". '' iasisraprodin_ _ sas,afsgil &tire at on. e.s4.l.leitel Stases. Desisiped erpressidilgr to ung irqs . s Itutiutyn sxstetri. It IA talc.
Isa4c Liglitiser,Shcrilr, for IlUaraioulag
iirors. lf 751' .... .„ utho Elt .ki,i, desiring Load:aria a Tiopostar le' sexiest. teretr with the ino.t piatlittgtarY •
t i :lolierallol3% to, 239 ut I -
F tit R ilkA J, E. I lit (mean -Eit:evtou it iipitl Ehurtegt,llo.,bible riout.tuituulco,ubiertto WUttl,ls,
time and at tha teat el k i'll.l.S, (ur the cure of, I.ll4 , l,V;ostei'as..
C,.„44ei:t°„".' teen , - - - IlitWitri Ifiritaanntawy . e,,eimi 11 e1i4c1te,,... , pip
uutStauaing Lat. and Quit Rents In • '
/nsincts . of Collectors, 11079 72 ' sound and perfectly braken tu anugle and. lar,taludditkilnglipw s sitds.4.oW*4l4.l4lAFEl•7l',. ,lu cases of ...Ft;s en aNn Auer, pisets,lto al
• double biannetc. ' \ • with Sranitrit7 or P119n49511114-ssuill , t,nrre En- :or after taking Quinine:tit:el-
,sientaillitsiffas t ...." 73
Treasurer's comintssion, . GM :to i 2 .
firstrate wagonsor fella Moises. ' graving (the *test of tire kind ever made in 1 bly make . a speedy and perntanipcifire. re
itairacellt bands of Treasurer, 1074 at .
. four- hors broad tread Pegon, , trith lime bed. • thieraarlarryrapreserting the Interior Vielrof ) As epeeitiea for the above mfittronied dis. " 1
' i Harness for font nonern,cithssay air*. , the Colleze, %sip Cataiugoo stating terms, .k.c., t easpL, titer are gurivitied, and rtarer,kinown I n ei
l I Carriage for one. or two homes, new., , wild-be boat toTsaery Young kleaton appliErtiou, to fat i tilien•aduaittliterinl iu accardint with 10
2 thorough bred Durhaat Calves, a bail and a ; FREE or Cii ( aot: *rite inenctruttely• and you the, directions. ~ 4 ...
brifer, Ilisar old. ;14 in rereivesthe package hpridarnparil: : Thew onprecedented rofrulttrit t r ii ., Ins ; 1 1
A iariety of farm implements. \ 1 Address, E. K. LOWER., Ilaltimore, lid. i (laced the Preprictors g E,LhMlNll II RS, ws
I). BELTZLItIOVERI , i Feh./i. 'IPA. ll : PITTSIII:110., PA., to dignisit or, th ee. nig'.
- 1 basins... , s, lu a Lich they have !Leta iificesigayg
I engaged for the I.t.t 20 years, and they Win p r
i now give, their undivided time and rat:l4lon to
l their manufacture. ' And being determined that
IDr. Wk.:site's Celebrated Verudfuge and Liver
1911• shall contiuucto ocenpy t tift high position
; they now hold atuong.the great remedies, of the
i day, they will maiden° to spare neither gine
nor expellee or procuring the Best and Paha&
materials, and compound them in dm must
' thorough manner. Address all orderi to
I Patshirt, Pa,
P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering lam
others than Fleming Bros., will do Weir to
: ii rite their orders distinctly, and pike mode itstlpt.
,c..lfYiene'l, prvaretl by 17eming Brur., liiitanuy,
Pa. To thaw wr.hing to bite them a . Irbil, wit
will forward per wail po•t paid, to jay part of
thf , d.' uited litotes, one box of Pills for twelve
to ee-cent pontugo 4413111p5, or one vial of Vat.
, utifuge fur Itturkeen three-cent stamps. Ail or.
dere front Canada must be accompanied by trln
tv cents extra.
, For sale by A. D. Madder, .I,gent,Clettysburg,
and by dealers general throughout the county.
May i. 1839. Iy
70,30 73
ffi testintotty that the foregoing Simotaaas of
the Receipts and Expenditures exhibited
exit. • at tbe °thee of tb t Treasurer of said Goon
-41* •'le is a correct and'tree copy, as taken
from and rotnpn red with the originate remaiaiag
fet books eftilioalll4, we have hereuntb met
oust bands cad Railed the sod of amid caliewitt
Geitysbarg. the Fourth day of January, One
Tbbuttautregightliandred and Sixty.
Attest---J. M. WALTER, tylerk.
auditors' Report
0 the Honorable the Judge+ of the Court of
Common Pleas of Adam.; county:
e,the undersigned, tThl y elected Auditors t o
se 0 and adjust the Public A cernint4 of the
T surer and Counni,sioner , of said Couiit,
lit hg been iti•Ofti or affirmed agreeatily to law.
d rt the following to be a general statement
ofasid aceouits. from the Fifth day of Jamoiir .
1819, to the Fourth day ofianuary. IsCO—both
&sq.! Inclualee:
J. 11. DAN ER, Egg.. Treasurer, and Commin
sioaera,fu account v ith thef'ounty of Adatmt:
1 Dr.
Tq cash in hands of Treasurer at last
tettlement, z. l
Ontatanding County Tax and Quit Rents
In hand. , of Collectors,
,641dunkof County Tax and Qoit Rents
sstseed for 1859, :2010 v 2
A4itionekrTux from suntlr,y persons, 35 (3
24 00
20 00
1500. 00
293 67
II 00 00
71 50
111 74
7 00
II 02
k...4onerstell Tas ' -
4 83
Lns fro m Itank and sundry persons, 21825 00
C4sh•froot M. S*oooo, in part foreman.
ty Building, • /.OQO 00
Igo e . ,L, k 's", Warner, in part for old
1 Court... Rouse, 283 67
Do. &Lai Durbocaw, Esq., donation, 200 00
Aso. sundry persons for steps of told
i Costa !louse,
00. W. 4: At t etellin; Eaq., for
I ill" k4ort -
'Do. Isaac l o isittue r,Sheriff, for jury
i • k'er. • • 20 00
iDo. {aeob Craig, emits, 15 00
J i Der. " 4 o fine, 100
Mo. Henry Dituer. fine, 20 00
D. " `• costs 10 09
Du. I. Ipelap, Etg.. fines, 25 00
Do. Job si 110 4 1ierry, Eag.. fines, 25 40
,Do. futility persons for stores, DJ 78
Wu. Daniel Gei.eltnno. K i ll., lumber, 7 00
Du. D. Ilel'onaughy i liato, ulso Dia •
Do. Wtu. Boss White, Bag., for
A l ibatement on State Quota,
$3,13239 31
outstanding Taxes fur 1654 Si 58
'• 1855 41.28
" • Joao 23s 78
11157 - 778 75
.1 1656 143811 63
1859 r. 133 24
• 1857 - 57 22
• 18541• • 74 38
HMO 11 73
18341 215 58
1859 6 51
Iltsbursetnent on County orders, 424211 54
Treasurer's Commission, 436 3t.
&shires in Stands ot Treasurer, 1871 *4
, Feet,
4 II
. . . .
of cultivation, having been heavily limedwad
etenured fur the past ten ye:irs. "Richlands"
is motel throughout the County fur its tote
large crops of Wheat and Corn, and is confide
tried by many the most highly improved "aild
prodeetii e Farm ka the County, of which all
persons who want to purrha,e can eartiodytheat
........_ ~.. I selves' by entinl,ry and examination.
=ll Mae. at thereon time and place, will be of-,
[treed a lot of W lI:NrA IN LAN O. heavily That
We, the undersigned, Auditors 11 Use Coputy•
1 hered with Young Chesnut. being part 'of a
If Adam', Penuaylvanie, elected and swung la
ureettince of law, do Report that we met. know n as -kill Haven," contain •
edit, settle and s: did 1 Tract of luind t.
adjust accorditif
_to law, the i t 2,2 1 Acrel
°oat u f the Treaser!i' and.Commiisiutiers of Also, Oa Tuesday, Ike 64 of Marti, 1860, be
of . 1 ?remises or the late John 'Noonan deceesed,
id county, commeneiug (fit the Fifth day of itiuning at it o'clock, A. NI., will he sold on t_be
itlfuttry, 18,:•8, and eliding onlintrpuith dey
limitary, 1860—both days Inclusive : that laid ki Peg two rune° .NLirth'lNst dr I s telhAck city,
illccount sacsettiedeolsove and ente t eil of recor d i the entire Personal Property, :
settle6tedt 'bunt, in the e 4tembielobera' j A large stock of 1141 "ESI Colic ASUNIP ... ,
ce pf Adams county ! is COrteell, intirthadwe ',
clogs, Wagons, Carts. Carnage., Hsrneee
nil a. balance due CrountyloY Trumann' r„ of (late t Ressping Machine. and Farming Implemeiltl,l4
ousand and Seventy-mac/hollers and Mighty. r every kind : Soo barrels Corn in sag h. too aUell
er Dentl4(slo7l Bto aad fe oeUtasilingetwees 1 Wheat
keen Thousand and lieventyaultee bolt r/ ee
Sd I tore, Ac.
wear-three Ceat5,(5414f00..23.) of gru a lug, Household and Kriebel] Fund
' T e rri s Soh of the keel Resale . --One.third
1 ISAAC 1111RETNR, " (of the purchase money to be paid on the-day
I JOHN RIIIINKERHOFF, :fedi/ors, 'of sale, sir on the ratification thereof by fbe
i AMOS I:O4.*DVRR, ! Court,and the remaining two-thirds in ght,,(9111111
1 Feb. 4, rem it. 1 annual payments, the purchaser or purchasers
Ctillateral. . mortgage. bearing in teret.t from the day of sale,
, Nal omu Ell u l l T i., .:t i N on C rm t: , o T r A x .S. iti .- 14 Fu s
c b o ll un oh t ;d ..
ag h r y reabi‘
d XeCof As , le Inlay : die , : and payable at tin end of each year , with the
... 1
, interest paid Oil the whole anion II i of the de
ferred pay Well tS.
Pri . Ossem*ion of the Farm a nd premise s
The Account of ZACILIMIAW UYilta, 'SIN.. t
e give!! hotnediatt ly, efeepting the Dwell
!Register, re , ceived for the Cutonionweitltb front cai' '
Dee. lot, re5A. to Nov, ite, 1880, asi.follow, : jilt*. Posseas,on of which will he gil en on the lit
i Received from the personal Repteseaterives of A P ril uelt •
C.l - 11,1-VtiNli.A. NOONAN', Ez'x.
kif the following decedents, via:
Jose Ualbraith, bal. after clisconnh Sid 7 .i, JOSEVI IJ. NtNJNAS, 1
II CiillAtc.ll.i:Elt, 5 I gr nta
Salturtlnun te r, one of the gi'rs, partial, 143 01.1 ,
84 I Jan. 10, 1860, td
tissues Patterson, . 4'J
. _
Sand) Drardorg, 42 in
Jobe R. Chsybisuph, balance, . '2 49
Christian Shut ley,one utile Adnirs.psel,l;.o 00
4 Exoneration',
$lOOl2 23
992 12
202 49
So is
236 69
275 05
•• the other '
Margaret 11. Dosb, balance,
Peter Emus.
:Jahn K. It. iderrignu, balance,
'Marydleaitt. tax and interest,
Peter Snyder, Jr..
Peter Fauns. partial ;
;Sarah Armsming, tax and interest,
'Elizabeth Diehl,
'John li. Walter, .
, Wm. Orr. after discount,
Charlotte Johnston,
,Juhu !Arms-,
, il/111C liiddletnoeer,
And from the Guardian of one uf•the
kgetees of Marcus Barns, deceased,
Deduct commission., 5 pet cent,
lg 17
99 36
a 90
5 AO
br the
The. uttd . crliirnegl, Auditor appoin ted
Court, reports that the &WTI' accodilcorrert.
Feb. 6, 1860. 41 W3l EAN.
10 00
22 30
iJ . • Priblie Silei. •
HE subscriber, intending to gale farming,
I P will sell' at Public Sale, at his residence,
in - trnban township, Adams COUTIty, on Aiday,
i i Me. 2d fi . a . sr of itarcti nert,.the follow idg - Persomsl
LPI O'pirti;Nit. : 3' hesid of HORSEe, Cow. and
tniung C attle , Hogysinit sheep, 1 good ?brie
f lioife'R'aiort. Wagon Bed, Hay Laddeli, Hone
1 , Gears, Ploughkand Harrows, Shovel Ploughs,
,Cativirors, leidflow 4 ifig . *ill, Cuttings Box,
1 drfoidiiiiii, IlititTri:ChNins, Rak*a,• Volt
, laid
ill Oil utedidts. Alin, a **tiny
House ol d and Xiteken Furniture, with a kg
of t'Asn'as' liy dial/ult'''.
-1610 1 "gare tiViltAil*We at 9 o'clock, A.X., on
maid day, when atteadaiee will be given and
, terms made know
iSitike OftINKERHOFF, Sr.
Ain': 30, 1491 - a • - . - -
SO 00
241 00
899 00
3W 00
, globoklima, •
Bcifiumtrrewx- T •
; itHfiff-bAB
, ;• • ', iatinieihtbe #orblSe Wu. sorealPto
oeoy predt4l,- , ii be &Amen fall 0919titaibiel
.2 r- A • MOW Ntllll.k P 11900999499
Feb. 14, 1859. cf
" 2 24 1 9 .
$ 562 30 3f
S24OC 77
7 090 i 3
T 1 50
:t 00
U 02
GO4 4ti
556236 31
115,0 00
42 09
80 00
13 :7
31 00
13 75
Z 5 93
4,0 VG
GO 25
18 48
95 00
10 00
95 00
12 50
$1,160 47
58 02
$llO2 45
- r f-+~~
Jan. 23, 1840. 3m
• i
-- ---- - , James H. Bosley,
Public Sale. i
/1 1 111 E sebseriberhaviag disposed of hls Farm,' k . „,/ . .Vas. 12 { and 12d Aiurth Street,
Olt sell at Public Sale. at his residence.; \ -BALTIMORE, MD.
in Huntington towfrithip, Adams county. } lam prepared to receive and - sell on Cotmois
tulle Balm Hdlersloug, on the state -road, um lion all kind's oft'Ol'•STRY PRIMCCE. Davilig
Tuesday, Ake ".B r* dogagf Febrmary next, the tut- m on evil/oleo:cc of ten years in the Commission
lowing *doable Personal Property, viz : l''business, land, wishiug to continue that alone.)
EXTRA FAMILY MARE, 2 Mares heavy with I natter myself that} shall be able to give ascot.
fuel, 4 04•4t4; two heave with ('elf, a lot of ?amigo, to all wb'K favor me with consignmenta
Young CattLe, Sheep end llogl, 1 Wagon . , Lime Will also attend to 'filling orders for ,iiroceries,
lied, Ploughs. Harrogs, Cultivator, Corn-coy- Guano, and all kinds ‘rif Fertilizers.
erer, Double Short I Plough, Three-horse Tree. Feb. 0, '6O. ly
Double and Stogie Trees, tiny Carriage-4, Flax- ;----- -- - -- ---\--- - -----
brake, Horse Rake, good GtAin Drill, extra gaud Wines, Brandies,
Avinnowi Ng Mill, Goers, Collars *adll T'MS, BLACK TEAS. .If:‘,.. P. TIERN.IN k•
Bridles, ene good !tidiest .Saddle. good Grain Ilt, SON, otTer for sale tho folluwilng aftieles,
Cradle, new sett of Boggy Bartle's, Sleigh, of their own importation. partioularlV for falul-
Rakes, Fork , . Sc. IN; use. i-
Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and ' su rrai r W IN K.___Pcmartine's fineatintle, gold
a variety of other articles not specified abut C. and brown Sherrie , . in 'Wood and in glass.
Shia - Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on ' Pon, Woota—Sandenian'a competition red
said ilm,y, a hen atteinianL.a a ill be gin en and ' and white Port, in wood arid in glass. •l•
terms made knox la by I M ADKILIA WINIS—JOiIn 1:10W:Ird :March's fine
JACOB B. MILLAR.,; Madeira, in wood and in glass; also, Grape !
gite-Also, at the same time. and place. a ill i J u i ce , s
be uttered. A I.OT OF GROUND, adjoining the HOCK WllRA—J.thrtnnebericer, Stetnberger,
farm. containing 1.2 Acres. nnore or less. a ith a Marruhrunner, Cabinet, Lieb-frati-trdiel;; Brou-4 '. Now Goods—
eursE amid STABLE thereon. en excellent Dr- 1 • OR EM . ' GOODS—PRETTY tit/GDS.—Fah
netir.rg of 1846.
chard oft hoice fruit, and two wells of eater. , eIIAMPAGN,It WIIE3---MOCt and Chaadon'i fin- I IL,/ nanack Brothers have just returned (rota
-In.! Pe 6 ort wishing to view the lot before ale est, in quarts and - pints. ' -fthatChitat with the largest. prettiest and cheapest
day of sale will c.. 1.1 on the subscriber. ' BRANDire—Otarilondllenn'essy• 3 fine olthpale , assortment of Goods es er offered to the public.
J•lc () U It. 11 ILLEE. and dark liranales: gb ~ Wahavaanatouilmilly largc and cliefstestoldsof
Jan. 23, 186;0. (Joe.. liA , Yr3. Auctioneer.', !teas—Old and fin?'.ianinielt, Ahitigna, Gren- 1 Silks, Delaiutsa, and every variety of Ladies'
- - - - --- - -_.•
ads, and from UM I ands, imported dileet from , Dress Goods. Cassimers, Cassinetta, Yestinga,
Public Sale. , London. • - )_/re; Coil early and osaiiiitiu for yoursels es.-
- 1 - 40 Y virtue of an order of the orphan's Court • • a Gtr—The beg quality.-:.Tiernati IWe will aalielif -Yon that our- Goods are anoint.
nof :.e..e.,. county. Md., the subscriber, ' brand—and no crilstute oTurnsnatie pOilinit in it .; ally•cheep. Nu trouble to-host floods.
1......1 .4 I.
as Esscutrit of the last a.ill and testament of 200 half rhe'sts of the;finest Soccusmo TI.A, I I•'.IIINESTOCK itIiPSIIKIIS.
JOHY-KO014414„, decensed. a ill sell at Public . Sule, ' Baltimore, Aug, 29,1.1659. ly i Out. 17, 18,)9. .. Sign Red , Froth.
_ . __.
•it the City Hotel, in Frederick city. Md.. on I '--'-- ' __
-- ..
rhurldtry, the t'ld day r./ FAeuary nett, at' i i A. Mathiot & Son's 1 Something NeW
o'clgi c k, P. M., the following Real E.tatc,to wit: I
-0 C.:IOFA AND FURNITURE iy.110'.1I005(S, No,. -IN GETTYSBCRG.--The underslgnal in(orms
That highly valuable FARM known as •• RICH . 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near j the citizens-of the morn and county, that ho
LANDS," situated 2 miles . North-east of Prete- Fayette st.,) extending from Guy to Frederick Milli commenced the BAKING
. I f iniknesi, on a
rick City , containing : ) :i2 ACRES, 1 Rood and ' st.—the largest establishment of the kind, in the' large scale. in York street, Gettt ii&urtt, nearly
213 Perches of first i l unlitv Limestone land.—' Cniun. Always on hand a large assortment of i•oPpositsr Wattles's lintel. where he wig try to
Forty acres of which Is heavily TimheredlsarllOUSEDOLD AND OFFICE yURNITCUE, em-
deserve, and hopes to receive, a liberal patron-
Theimpresements consist one "Iwo- brining linrenos, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward- , age. ItlIE.lll, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS,
story DIVELLING, ru feet front: ssAZI 1. - % robe+. slattresscs of Ilu•k, Cotton and Hair, I - PRETZPILS. Are. Av.. baked every day, Ma n _
with a Bads-building of Cu feet: a .' , :illir s , Spring Reds. Sofas, Tete-c-Tetcs, Arm Chaim ' day's excepted,) all of the best quality, an J oi s t
Bare Louie is 1854, t 1.5 by 46 feet,. e_ : i Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set- at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in,
with a double Threshing Floor, and a Testisse- tees. Reception awl Upholstered Chair , , A . ,.,:.. all its branches is largely carried on, and' orders.
lag Machine Stied and Granary, udder a eon- i SUltTlili CtILORS,CF COTTAGE FeRNITURE, ' to any amount, from this and adjoining c oon ,.
donation of the roof, which is covered with i Wood -014", Unice Chairs, Barber Chaim ! ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Hering
Cypress shinghs: Stalls in the Basement-for ils. I, Cribs and Cruilles. liat Backs, Ball Furnitall, erected a large and cifininodiulia bake-house and
Horses, owl ld Cos a ; with 2 I:ceiling' ittiOurt. I Gilt cad Walnut Frame Looking Glastes, Sides, secured the hest workinati -and the m os t g p..
A young Apple Diehard, its fall twaritig; TWO • hoards., Etteusion Tables, of every length. I proved . machintry.,. he is prepared to 4, ss
TENANT HOCSKS.t.lnartt..r for Servantai Cars I Persons disposed to purchase are ins ited to I heavy business.
ringe Mink, two Coro ('ribs, which will contain call awl give our stock an examituation t which l i VALENTINE SACPRE.
Wets - barrels; goy barrack, Spring and Ice • fur variety cud quality . tH workmanship is not
Houses, Ellacksestitis Shop. Smoke House ' two i eq u a lled by any establishment in ate ,country.
Cow Shed,s, fifty feet each ; a DRAW IAME 4 A. MATUIOT It SON,
KILN. Eanr-lifths or the Fenciag are Post and' Nos. 25 said 27 S. Gay stteet.
Rail, with a Gate to each field. with other ash- 0
I Aug: 859 . ly -
stoutial and saleable improvements, all of --- - - - -- ..-s- -",- -- --- -- - _
which base been mule within the last opt I
elPeWstrurg Gas - Company.
yeaza. This property is in the hiicitest oasts _- _
Public Sale.
rE Subscriber, Eircntur of the feat • ill
„,„ ~,,„„,e„, llt.scu, deceased.
a ki *ea at Public :sale. at the late residence of
said (It:reseed, in Cumberland township. Adams
rultuti, a 'thin one mile of llorner's Mlll, on
retegockti, the '4l4tA, clay uf Fehruary cart. the fol
lowing Persoual Property, A ix :
1 IIAIIE, i good Von., I Sow and Pigs,
flue-Horse IVrtgou, C.trriage, Corn Ploughs,
%mow. Wittniming, Mill, \\ hi elbarrow,
atone. flay Carriage. Cutting Box. and a varie
ty ut other (arming articles. Also. household
I Kite Len Furniture, such as Beds and Bed-
Mads, Tables, Chnirs, Seeretary Ten-plate
Slims and Pipe, Umtata ay Goal: Stove and Fix
tares, Cain - resin, Case of Dratt erg Stands, iron
kettle, Meat Vessels, flArrels, Sc , n quantity of
Bacon, Flour and Cluverseed. Also, one of
Kelsey's lire 'lives. with all Individual Right—
Alpo the Patent Rigiot of the same for Cumber
laud township.
Par - Sale to %vihence at 10 o'clock. A. M.,
on bald day, iiiittentlauct will be gieen and
twins made an4Yen by
,l `The undersigned will sell at Rrirate al4e,
at his residence. in Frauhlris township, 5,5,00
best• quality Oak Lap. Shingles.
Jan. 23. 1801 tit
• _ F or Sale
rIR ittNT.—„,l44 eicellent Tavern
J Stand, it New Usfurd 1 Adams ' , la
trapiste.rea I
rs mown as
Tavernakpratent in , the occipandy of
ft -V.« Wicker. 111.414auta.•is Ism , aad. ror
I!=at*. good and . larr,Statttiag, •
44/44 *Wt. is fry
ateasiary !or a tavern, itljainiag
Ibtrtblie Nasal, sear the'Vetty•tflprillail
aoatir-,George Street, ork o ha.
• hr. 14, NOW •
1 „tea • • 0 •
tOrgigelgbi l tZ'S kSTATe—tift er t&ad
ey etinistrattowou the estatevflotraltobtits,
lute of Ken:alto. ' 4 4, Adams county, tie-
Rl/.+NV A ILJOU.N.—Not „ Lce is hereby given to
~ tare auhscribcri to the Caiiiu ike Wi
il Sttte
p e
" Ur i burg Gas Company ihat the CorpOralcirs
nainedl, is the Act of IncurVOratiiiii ha k e ap
ntakfloaday, the 13 1 h day of I'ebruary neat, e 7 o'clock, P. M., at the .trbitration Room in
the Conk-house, in the Borough of Gettysburg,
o.s,the time and place for the subscribers of
I stpclz . to meet, in order to organize the said
Compaily, and - to choose by a majority of votes
of till said subscribes . by ball2t, a 'President
and'six Managers to serve until their successors
shall be dialv erected.
! O. MCConaughy, R. G. McCreary,
, Henry Wautz, Dovid Wills,
A. D. Buehler, H. S. Holier.
1 . .H. J. Stabfe, . Charles Hornet,
)ifi, Jacobs, -J. it. Dander,
T. b. clip i n, S. R. Russell,
Geoe F t Rirycick, It. G. ff 4 rpet,
Jal. F . ahrititock, Juo. T. lidlthenny,
• • 'LA. &ohlsobellc,: George Swope,
m. A. ttulteiin, .I.ohn'Gthiert,
Osic i rie,&iliol l i ' David Ziegler.
' g i it Mc • Cu y, Wtn. Dottgiatpt.
i Jim. JO, 1304. t
Ai St dement ofa.affairs of the Society up to
the iieisday, ofJno 'Lary, IntlO, inel usiye :
4 Antosnd Of-property insured, 324.,930
prein'arnutexintreasury, 16,187 d 3
Cash in hands of Treasurer, 44 it;
Cash to bands of Treasurer stigma. -
I , sestleoseat, .53/3 21
Cash rernhard for miouhersbip
fess& irolpolisies,
Cash recei%ed for by-lairs,
1k expenAel °rein Company for the year, 60 12
444 lti
Attest— J. litrametr,tieo;y.
Jan. 30. !icy. A*
- Picking% Advertisement
nicKtsG sells OVERCOATS very cheap,
r cirs OVERCOATS very cheap. • •
• Sells oVERCOATS vfearcheap.
PICKING also sells cheap rESTS,
Very cheap VRST'S.
Very cheap VESTS.
PICKING'S PANTS are good and "chtip,
Val li /pod iad-very cheap,
Very good and very cheap.
PfeRING woold like 0:i• have'pis . )1111e c-al and
see hie eta:l.—because in addition tbilhe above
PICKING iiae earpet Sacks cheap; linibralhim
and Trunke; Gloves, Suspendtri, aud
Shirts chespi t ylolins, Aecordeons,
Le . ke ,CloCkit 41R1 Jewelry of-everectescrip r
trunTllelp--has is eiything
4.leuthnhen need : .
enytidachit the Clothing or Vithsly we
would to sail to all' ow Pitting, for Rickin
has hadelhp Ekh nil ad to selitiooo.loll4‘APE
than thiy Ipave eNter been biforeAn th
darlity. 'third times nuittif t w plkit ‘ et.
at hit etas; Idoliansifershorg stelot,%fo,tu• doors
east of the Evil, Rota, Vratet.) '
Jan. fr,
AWI Bush !
eog fliktiStiiTett 20 'dioing of
o 1,10* . al ir faelirrituf.
u oiaigir t leAl4fria4 - I,lllllrofrliett area
I. • Ap4k3*llli9Vri
co 01(
4t i 4 will Ait „of,
forvioie,, . • diti_tlll,l
livery: 1 44. i• . 4- '.rBOrLit
:NW Binding. -
GO 4,2
5 4;5
July 25 , 180
li mdertigned baring retired. Dons the
Morciantile businesti r the-same
ter be continued at•the old stand, LO-Voltimore
street, by their eons, lieury Dannermnd Way-
Isright Ziegler, under the name ant stllist of
Danner AZiegler,Jrs., whom we will recommend
to...and for whom we would bespeak - a liberal
slave of patronage from old custortwls, and of
the pdblie in general.
haying retired from the Mercantile•busisesi,
it is neveasal7 that our old business slattsid be
settled up. We, therefore, no. all , those In.
debted to us either by Judgment, Not* or Hook
Account, to. cull and svttle the same .eitkost
delay. The books will be found st the old
a tistd. J. li. DANNEOII,
May 25,1858. DAVID ZIE:GLER.
Glorious News ! -, -- -
3 ONE - cai Aix:J hr calll r 4 :glue u--
;Iseriter V l : ftlutretu. : t t
citicaM ooe of the largest stikics of•FALL
and tt INTEd"GOODS dyer brought Sp Getty s
. ~
burg—in pazt,its follows:
i r
Ficiciciitioes r pLiin and red l - gottergs
of all kinils,Tottiii Delsins, kiipee;Orien
tat Lustres,,Silk Illnpinas, an k ..,itric. * aasort-
Amos of plait iiiiitl figured
Boialsasines, ke:;.Frentisii )1.1". ~t , ,
.Ilaailkerchinfs, FLoans,
inv., Laces, Inseiliogs; Boitirets'aiirßibboaa,
Shtowls . arid Mantillas; Mus!ins, kiiiiseStmet -
liar, tiosiary, Gloves. ie. '
Cloths,. cassirneres„):,nsainets, VestlruitsTandl
svegertbi,ag else, in tbe gentleman ' s weatellse.
The undersigned is thaqkful foipsnitTairorts,
and will spare Au, effort to deserve the public's
cuptismcd patronage. J. L. 4):11144,...
Oct : t i. S. W. corner of the pismand:
and Wihter elbOdl4
have just received our stock. QA vials
asiakbleaorthe Fail and Winter salea c tawlikth,
we invite the attentlbn buyer s-- v &A for
beauty and _price cap not be surpassed.-tamong
*Link may be found a %trim". of X411111ES•
uatiss uolow, of new and ItaslojibliTa...
signs, Shawls, Bonnets, Trinaminp, ke.—
Our ; shuek of DOMESTIC tIOALL/Sia,,,vfao full
and complete. Fur ILEX'S AX IL IW% E' WEAR,
we have a variety.of ticnbs• ,Sag
astli,gaw; 4 4* ofcrtricata andfle"--
11aviseg4urulinised our goods 0.104' wire* fur
esalt.-are are enabled to sell diem at priseirtm
sult-this,tlrnes. All we ask is an -imiuninatfosa
of tuse.atonk-before purchasing. Thankful ter
past encouragement, we hope by !Aria Mien.- 'bossiness am' 4,deshie -to
merit, as well as receive, a c'untinuange d th•
Caine, aii well is lots of new. Our-Aetna is,
"Quick-wales and small prufits."
Oct. '3, 1859. A. SCOTT
_ia SON.
104 28
„ ..
. , More Rev. c ,ictct: di ,-,,,
AT the signof the Lilt.; BOtlTi is Obsiabers-
Vare _ 'street: IlVe -hive-joithmeallele a
largo stock of HATS, CAPE', WOW. SHOES.
Trunks, Carpetilags, L'aihrellas,, ,, Betftgy tfai
ness, Collars, Wbips 4 4c., and •araeßiltervained
44,beitit 4 thiwictiverst-prics.possible;Smiash. 4 —
Call &adjudge fur yourselves. y, I ..
Oct. el,” 111.11. : ' .UtsittA.V. /V COMP.
-- . - s•--r-i
George Ar nold;. ,
llAviNia illio-Ve4f - bfir4e4:' . ,
, Dress ai i ii-V4147 '0644 - 7 . ' ',. ' I
if .- tkititt tO • T, i •
tilgis,'lttAV*ol at all *if, ' - MOsaa
slik Pit of chm.CliAtti . b'' ' ' ."-• 7 4- Aid_
1 ; Irrolnipt, satf,..Wen't fist ' '''..- T.
no, Keady- made Mir Vckatlettletta: sad
ei e
Ban teas Ctilttk,' Piii ' '` ' ,lf - .
'ARM SOO, I*, —
4 4
Cravats, Ic. 45. OW
etem,),Ftiefelitoliflif ' illOildrpeas.
vo , FiCus
ivir • Slid le
k ok Y.
is Ow
sit& a
..*11.1714a ,
isel. o r .117. ars
--8 V:41 0 4 6 *;::t .
LO the privaioes of tir,
Rt u' : -
.4 1 , 1 14 4 1 1A1.46,1,