Iris Cassias is poihrsoissi story IlbsdiaT rem Ist Mass J. *mai, is $ 75 pet ammo K pal mirk' Cff ostossi—is wiper gesso it INS pig is imilvisce. No solloailsiss trossollisisliii,, swim at time egoism or the pair War, INA sorsorogos poiAL his imertoi at she tool nom is. r *arse fare mkt' aestesto asit Ca ra. 4 01 , 011111 L &Nib Sakissiont stray Weedy swifts Wanglirs' nisilig Sambrishoollll-- "Geiweese ea die Lige. D. XeConsushi. AwryTIOILUT AT LA W. ( Wire owe debar vest er Illeekler's drys earl beak sterreXlmns. street.) Arrearri ass ilesserres Vat 'ATMS Asp Progress_ Beauty Lank Wes- MINN lark-pay suspended Claims, and a/1 oaks: claims *calmer tke Grwerameat st Willi. [apes, D. C 4 also Americas Claims is Nagiand. Lead Warrants Weasel sad wilt re besgitr,sad Werra piers giros_ Arrass engaged la le eating reamers is lowa, Wised aad saber orseasesatanst. iiiir.l per to tint persereaDy ar ky Lotter. 41,0t7akerg, Nov. 21, 'II. J. C. Neely.. AaTTOMT AT LAW, will anima to oiler- Sins mad an ocher bas Loess intrusion to res mitit promptness_ Ode, nearly opposite raimisnock's Store. Itoltrotore street_ Ckaysiorut, April 11. 1!:9. t! Wzn. A. Duncan, A TTORNET AT LAW.—Oliet is tike North vast wiser of Cesare S.4.sre. Gettysburg. [Oct, 3., IE:3. ti A. I. Cover, ATTORNEY AT LAW will prosrptly &tumid w Coarct.:otis and other bc.siseas es trssted to list. °Ste bet FAS:esti:eke sad Dosser k Lezier szorMltiasorestreed. Gestysbusg. [Sept_ i , 16AS. Wm. B. ltdatethm, teiTTORNET AT L AV.—Mice is W0g154- dLe street. owe door west ad tle sew east House. Istttlibarz. Sam. 14, 1.4.14. Edward B. Buehler, tiTTORSEY AT LAW. will faithfully tail prout?tly 2:1•.-33 to se! l..ssmees ratrosied to mum. He sp.e-as-1 tie German '..attgauce_— AMP at tat same pi _ r r ie Sooth laitiosoro atzaaa, ite-Ar F.)rtey * Irat Store, aa4 asearty opposite Z..e4ter s stAste. Getty - gist:. 31.1-r:¢ Dr. A. W. Dorsey, EoILICERLI" ol . " Canton tensity, Nif.... Is stisig persaser-iy . ...x.-sted is Gettysburg. seers professioa-i. 1,-: - . - i,-ts to the cusses* of the tows sail rarrons4is: cosatry is the practice." the tuitions bratiches of his progesalon. Once sad te.iiience_ I;iii....nione meet. seat thee to The Compiler 0th,71... slier* he may Le 61111011 at an time, when not prof•-sisonally es s& ax.rials ego. Prof.S.3 . %Ikon Smith. Baldmoor*. YL - Res. Anarm.tos Webster, D. D.. Latimer. IL Dr. .1_ L Wt.:at:ester, MA. Dr. W. A_ 31.tiloss, Java" Extort, Esq., Jolot Giro, E. Warspier. " Rev. Mosso 3, ta. Gettysburg. Get_ 23. J. Lawrence sin, IL D. ;? AS his *ace one door re -t of the ers.s cr.,•reki is Cissaiberstinr: strect. aod opposite rtetkees stem. wSert n i_sihing to 'Box'. say Dews' Operstios peromeNt are respertftiffir iarited to ma. Rae its.tta - as Drs. Homer, Rev. C. P. Erred,. D. D . %es. D. L. ELosigisser, D. D.., Rev. Prot. IL Jacobs. Pr , . li. L- 4:sr-vim Gettysk arr., Apra Al. `'...a. -, Patent Pocket DETECaoIt. roe tedia• g the miasma t/ knais aIGuLD LSD is admitted b a 2 to be tar most perfect this' of its kin": uiretni vdr pabak- his as email that it CAA he carried ia tie pocket with out as! iaeoatel6ettee. Eariy Merritart sltoald hare h ! Every - StarpeeptT slairld bre it Every 4.air aloail homy ! £l - eri• Asa is Et:sill* . ss shield& %r are it' It ieterts at t►e same —eat. bah site, tkickaas awl acigtxt. frost a Half Warn to a Dollar la Slicer. *ad hook SI is Gail •p to St., Itotaits focr4a Gold mad sad soli: as graittly as seen_ witloat tat ataistaare or a nor & It is etaiacat:s - aortal. darabk ecitamaical 2114 Warzaates gotirtritik eret7 or.e. Ca-si. is PRICE ONE Lokil.LAZ 7 I'a.t-pa;,i, to say part of the iraite.t I == -4: a. Li 1 per.tert rearsater acais-st L.cin .paktioe.s a—Se'Fs_ Detection :4 ctrtsis.„ inctitable--Ere. Josirsie. _I Wird now Otte is kis peasesima sway bid datfisusce t.) Use 111.4b4, siiiifal coasusisitist of thee dsy.—Ee , _ We promoc axe it ur ithost hesitation to be the smog perfect thine of its kind ever altered ta, the pabkie-- face*. Larirrn-. Ire Fite it aaJ cordially reconnsead it • pobtie Ess - or.—Nesoolof Jr,go_ It is worth I. price test :ivies toloi.--City Item AGENT'S W_V_NTE I) ha lost iraazal is every Cameolp in lb* Calmat :Rates, to aleom a heavy irmeoaut rill be made. Samples amt. o i&L terms at *Kesel, em the receipt et eme halbe. Aaideesa all onires is MLA T t 1114:01CLUS Beak 'Soot Reporter. Plialrotelpiti Po. That Reporter kaa bees f..,r Thirty years the roastaat sad aire.meary eaar.paziw's a tat Cashier, Retch-sat. Clerk_ Trawler. Rea-sale s ad the People_ heist , the wOie.t oa the Coattheat_ sad the ablest is the World sad hariatz wore saboerarers disk all others cosabirted. is pith limbed Al Ist sad ISth of ascii lama- at jhe fear prices: Noatidy. I copy, oat year, - - Sea- laudiehr. i cnpr, else year. - 2*o ischeirsom orniealet tuna awn* /I C 0917 of tie Caine of tie World, eaataimng a Morn samber Of mibcalfori . : Indy illanraimi Fat -Sunk impres sions et tie oarnias Goad. Silyar tad eater esias of an matio ns. tbas emu be faaad is aay Aber work, awl slit* cam be obsiamed tram aafr pew awes by say paudbility' of mesas_ Adienaa. IYLST t BICICICKLL:ta: Saab Sate Reporter, fibiladeiplia, Pa. lila. U., 11314. itrerYbodY Take Notice I 111= Oho torierseproi lam just retorool the City, Raid km DOW ea bawl, mad immeLkeepiairemosomiy, m Sae asooes- Tema of ovocEsuls sad QLMSIrAIIt as La moo hem kept is this pioce_ Alm a inery foe ammtment of MUM sleek Bairiot, italics F .tor anal Comas*. area rip of lest quallay, rine Dolma OLLSWIS as 16%1110333* a prom amide of loighoca Cana, a irrinalimi octal' o of lapaly readies, prime Midas of Moon mod Tula firia" Oa Bois; also a Mt Of boob sorb as Tocaoa, Al alai and Pole_ listo—oatt great meow Ohs mighoo iboPeait sad Caw way, too ow ouram la ommaira. Aim a Ist cif MCI' Yarnals web as Soaps, Ptednocormo, is. NO 111 1 4 Alai give imosoo&I, - a 0- CAU. elm is awn smos, NM door to liaapsfa Polory, Ia ant Tookossost r flga 111„ Spars Liconses. a g oiod,.. to bog "abbe It 7 =, .1 1 .14 1 11". ' 164 Age omm putoottil ilko Omit 41.401N0 Pr A" , lt i :Uvisma v wort amorbi l m_ 1 11 =11,1Vorillior limi l # saw ustrim CM Br R. J. STAHL& 42 1 r YEAR. Vllllll lIILLIMIGIS 111. SIMAVIL The warder Waked dawn at the lead et eight Oa the graves where the Mad were aleepeag, Asa. clearly as stay. arse the pale aistaaiight Oar the ttakt caarthyaril creeping. Ow after saather tie griseacesee began Ta haste sad to afire. sad VaIWA sad tarn gear up is their ghastly apparel! Ha, he. far the dame* l—and the pliaatama Wulf la skeletaa recadel atraaciag. Moe nth awl the poor, and tie 1 1 / 1 4 magi the roakr• Bat thee wisvi.:lr -sberts I:Limbered theirdaaciar. No shame had these revelers warted *ad trial, So they shook alf she caresates heat body awl Limb ABA mattered them e'er the halve ~~.».- Itlimpaihotatb ems. wags aitsbo bow= ar Wisps rippler ellasalf - pr.Ai Seals from a ltaiway. At a recent meeting of New York Ifortioaltaral Society, Professor 8. B. .iforse=Led some sweet peas, found in the of a mummy that had lain for 30/0 years in an Ev-ptian tomb.— Strange u the statement may seem, the Society was assured by the Profes sor, that a portico of those peas thus found, had been planted and actually vegetated. From this fact it would ap pear that the yttality of seeds is scarce ly affected by the lapse .of time_ Ex elaskin firma the air and moisture, per haps. ara the circumstances necessary for preservation of seeds and grain, d • ••_ many renteries. Pdaties--.1.10w (ow cooks know to fry potatoes. There is nothing • Iso easy to get and yet so palatable for breakfast, with a thick , tender beef- ) 'seal steak, or a aixtion chop.fizzing — fitsm 1 mg a , the gridiron_ To fry raw potatoes . stars at , they should be pared, cut and slow- i wise into slices an eighth of an i "Xll thickness, dropped into a pan' over the fire, containing hot beef drip pings, turned frequently, nicely *wn- ed all over bet never burned_ Th s eiW , ,, ditioe of a little ask and pepper. while% in tee pan, and a little loan dredged over dew, is an improvement. Ciesitimaa 114 e Maass —The Pe tersburg in speaking of the Christmas esielwatiMs ia that region Guys 66 As tar the negro popektios, it is impossible for as to describe their eo joyment. Webster's 4fietiesery does not metals enough wants of the proper sat to do it with. Enough be it to my that melt derkey was tea *interns big as the biggest white vaan,and fifty times t as saucy as they naturally are. The speeisses pertaining to our office made lameelf soiree at an early hour, forgot to build oar Ire, brash our table, eke* our pees, or do asythisgohs that ought to hare beea dose, and we dare my that at the premed writing he is either drunk se a sot, or locked up in that edilke that stands in such loving am tiguity with the Yayor's Mice. We hope the latter, with all our lent sod o The /We —Tim Harrisburg (Pa.) T a Rep!blican mays tie upland popaiaboa of Harris bswenooseds rim *Easy other tows in tie ftme, sad Yris elms is made sp, to a great mien, oCisdoket, intemperate, srartilms sad Sounded,- persona of boa game, some of adios are before our =rues almost every day ia tile W. do wit know sr any moss in the State tint bus don mom towards on oseregia. g wordiest swoon to nog grate to Peossyisaals, Qs* tbs Te k - intirl, sad itsmid not now eanplans at dos malt "Prat Brand Dollars a Week far a Lady's Denseee.—Lilies are invited tepees a week wits the French Coen at tba ltdaperer's country piece of Coat_ Omar- ?bey have roar toddle a day, and are serer expected to wear the mow gown twice.. The coet, thareiyew, for a lady's drawee for that, week, id assally about fifteen bandied dollars 111111" The Ltvs*kie New says the best protection frogs woowteiloes will "be obtained by assrrylOg a pretty wo man." Thaw pest* sever bite a man whew they ems lad aocraiag better mod sweter. seruoulaing to a lady who was pouring oat a stream of talk Jerrold alispered to the person sacs to Wm, •48be'll ono sons, sad ties we etas strike is' e washrc itttaimaa that wires *our paNI lwr, yat few peragao eaa bare hiiied to oitterwe that, at a paw al rale, martied mew told meth ammo tbas Imeitakwa. 111111 1 11. priming astirisba- tits Atria Choir Din rat base boos said its shawie. Oa& 'They Wen tombs& atom, as Is risme, to satkoss porehows. This is sir coossta Sone for Lumen Co. eras widow and mini Waal will Ile lased written ea immay "from iirbilli issessas pea. art, Aim as. Mt tetosittit 16. is d[ 's leftis t initiet ask thee dorsi' is emit =!EE!iM MP% WWI ilinlol6l awe 011.411111111104. li* Mita Ma raimist'se-ar WO" the amigo.' rat —la tits Veiled Btaiai la Poli nary WNW liadsy City Nastadsd a Oposoh midis tm ibitcAte siva& d Ito Moir iltadad WI they will lour parr& a thasstiad boast: " If ass dart aost osier 'pm oar I political lorilas, is & sot alasunal. ty tie tit aid curses, sad clomleg Wit that bosses nomad as? Was sa w a people baton so bissoal as vs awl, if tree to carselvas ? Ui4 soar mayo.& er maim cositsis witlia its bowel ita many eleateats et ' ,of ate& apa, sad stglocy ? Oar raal ger bee ahead, eanspienene, ehnratad and Tisibic It was deafly thaearmat at the eamnameseneat, fad distiasity EMI NO. 16. seen throughoeit our whole earser.-- ShaH we wantonly ran Epos it, slid do • all the glorious aistrespatiant of the high destiny that awaits us? I be. ascii the abolitionists, themselves. solemnly to passe is their wad wad Is tal comma. Amid the Mardis viLirisV of objects of humanity sad lemoseiseme which invite employment of their mew gins, lei them select POMO one mom harmlees, that doom not threaten to del age our (notary in blood. '-.1 call upon that man portion of the ekrgy which has lent Itself to times wild and ruinous scheme, Dot toterest the holy nature of the divine mama of the founder of oar religiorievred lorrodS by his peaceful examples. I 1111W1114 that portion of my countrywomen who hare given their countenance to aboli tion, to remember that they are Imo most tor.-ed and honored when ironag in their own appropriate and defigbi ful sphere, and to reflect that the ink which they shed in subscribing with their fair hands abolition petit/loco, may prove bet therelude to the sbaddisg of the blood of -their brethren. I ad jure all the inhabitants of the free States to rebuke and discountenance, by their opinion and their example, memares ' which must inevitably lead to the moat .. hoes consequences. And let as all, as countrymen, as friends, and as brothers, cherish in unfading nmensey the motto whieh bore oar ancestors tri. amphantly through ail the trials of the . revolution, as, if adhered to, it will COD 'duct their posterity throe all that I may, in the dispensation of i 'rur idesey ' I be reserved for them." Daniel Webster as Abstainimo. Daniel Webster, in the tosoad States Serrate, spoke as follows : "Now, sir this prejadiee boa bon produced ' by ' the incessant attrition of abolition doctrines, by abolition mom and abolition lecturers upon tboreom mon mind No /roan tread fit ate day's Ilona was ever more beaten than the feelings of the pabrsei certain parts of the North. They have been beaten every elvatk, and easy ety and every hoar NY Mt DUI AND n4li AND 1111D-A-DCS Of ?HL AIIOASTION MOM AND anoursos urrnums, and tbab LL which has created thmttroma - And, agaie, be dec lared : “ I am againstagitators North and South. I am against all narrow and local ideas North and South, and against all narrow and local anted,. I am an American, and I know no lo cality in America. lfy heart, my arm timents, my judgment demand oit me that I should ramie sack a cams as shall promote the good, and the bongo• ny, and the anion of the whole upeatry. This I shall do, God wdliag, to the sad of the chapter.” A series of joint rawhide% all the good mask of the Ulnas. him been offered in the Heatudix &OM* among theta the following : 4th. Resolved, That we bolt with admiration sled approval at the tiensHe demonstrations in the itarth,andpeoss- Ise oar mina-being friends of that sec tion oar hearty co-operation in t = sectional strife and restoring feelings in the different sections et oar confederacy. We are for the equality of the Staten, the supremacy at the colatitudes, the caseation of the has and preservation of tie' UnionWe ask nothing mere Ikea ire we Wig to airari to others. .. Split it the MUMS leyislatsre.-+Lia ; razimore, K. T, Jae. 9.—Ttas Tan& torial Legislature or lamas = is i o a joint lleiolatios adjourning 'to ton, which Governor Nadary volaulL The Legislature passed it ovirAths veto by a two-thirds rots ots gisirea. f A question having seism as is do issat 1 siltation:ay of the vote, the o r S La T adjourned to Lawrence , whits M.. aority resanied at Leamptos. both factious chain to be this legal body, sod it is apprehended that another serifs of Lerstati* a dillieuhies will bra ersated by than diusgreeemist. As /sduns Ibils a Ikea' rad as Barr %ills Ike JadiduL—ON Tuesday shads week an Indies beater imeoemeakel a Mtge bear sear Beef River etailevrd r the affray proved Wel to The Indian shot the bear, media* las se verely, and then rushed et to dispatch hist with hie Mr. Brain ...locked Mores ' Lathan, sad a straggle kw Sir aisaid. The realties mast have been alma& oes, as the balbgereakia ewe mithaed. They were geoid .a fibers time altar, Iyum a Mew Ib4apartAlvad. BasCka M.) Aar rha, - Rotiostor Mot hid* wow Log a pang Noma wood Mogi, tiodrinoil for lonoesy, was bang osidietod to jog ist iiva atmolopoord,ll. two coostab:oo. He kootilted doini of his amoodiuuso, to poi tito admit frOs kis hot, jumped into WA* *idea it=gto be panivorodiiimii val boos Maim: - 111111P4hirrit m bi g Pisistri viers fimpotio4lo sit ii as "". • 61 7 b - tr. to ; tho WSW Etolastod Ks !fie g Atm possool ottoolOos a Vs gone* peolutoo. - 111141siar llmmaiN INNA11: 8 = Chadiansweer of disi la ad Of es 14111111sy istask. _~ ~ 1113