The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 26, 1859, Image 4
. .. ------ - Cr ll4ll /". • 341 :4Lartl - ..1 ;-an - I 0 .04 414 , I frllleunb ' scriber woold inreirn th - talm bile Dm 't "4 JOll3l C eartame, .. L a ,. yews i ts eoatfiants his M+lt;fllNE :110P, la ( 1 /A=l,e - entre •tree• Oetegeiburg n mesr the '' Knell4r ar. Tridk, Foundry. where h.. him melees klttis of Ms- L - OUR k rut CE Ceotinnualson er4For- , nine, ou hand • such as TleifteldiinO tactriuch warding Tier 1 . 1 Ni llo r:rerttoPP°ll4o it ,tr.. Corn - be:ler. I.!ciraf iddcr Clitters,Sloveiseed C. LR. Depot li. TIMORX - 11 i'ler., Straw Cutter. anrilloceit?owers of January 17, 1859; ly d 11. - reut kinds -tea four or stx-horee to suit - per + --indeed all smeh au con be had at First Premium ilt-weer or .llso If erti. ng Me- ICISIMELLED cOTT %AA.: FL fl \ ITCRF - eh, -ea for hou 0 carpenters pot up in the eve ii„ 4. W HEY WooD, \u-lei North thaaelee 4 ,, , , • t Il n I I! ...:t .t1!.,.1-itit t! menn .r t u'ting street Baltimore, hating been engaged lb, the S ree ,or 1 • e B•Ot ant 1... n ' , r • 7 , • ',...s th la 1.. t /7 Iran in the man/latter, sold sale of , -- - - eie•• .1 b •in Is nieti pia ea. attended to, a. Kt.!l the aboa e desk:ebb. 1 tie itattre, Rusted to country Cook and Parlor Stoves. ~ 1 , I'''i, in , r .n e e.-tin- ur n oud M. , all residen• es, ha. on heed a Itree rarietv enanufee iNilflEll" l'01.1.1:V w a ;id rssoectfullv ,n- t ~,L,O l I ' l . l' 1,ii:,(•,,G ees ye, utter- Ire.str e-up tared expressly for rethtl e ilea. VIII '4, lii II S. .I.see wt .• sh•••••• t n .R , \lst, Oak and IN allimt Cii amber Sets otk torso the pill , le th , t lie n.• ye la e. e Stun et Si leen11°.11:1.(0: SI I •Le which he otter- T: " ' n " 4 '''' ine4 ru'l"f " •hir • 3lee .t' 1 and M slnut F.'', asi on fables. DlUtt,l7 Room and Ps.TIOCI" 111/11!../ , . V. %KY.' which he offer, at the France Chair. asi !cleaned , Haar and fink Mat estinfices to suit the times I clisPat,• 1,, la: prom lie le Ilk. wise agent lsr tresses,Feather I'lll is - Lod Pol,t• rs, /cc , Ste ei ntlelirstarg, Aug 2'l, 1 e - , 1 the HE 11'1.1: ee MIJUr. ye- manuto• ture•l 1,. Siena 21 lee i ' —,-_ MAXIS* Scurf . J U 4E% Elf teuTT Jolepli ,!' qtrt:n - ,n it Eal! Berlin --- - - ___ The Cars are Here! 1 hope tit .t •ill iii a int ofant thine in my 1, ir. Artists', Painters' 11. r A. Scott & t3on, , will call at tine Situp le tere Roan{ elsewhere. I AND PiIOTOGEI IPTIF.RS , ' DEPOT,-The I i'1 0 7,11.4 in Dry r , io I-. Fancy Articles.' will a arrant all my work to ee e sat.efnettent to , .1-1. stapler, her haft constantly on hand a full at tliteensware Oroceries. kn.."... , oepusite pure ha rers• DA \ ID brLllNkal• i aesurtnaent of waterfall for the use of ArouSe. 15 I, 110td,' ( 441rnbi-r'bi re. street. ; Arid 11, la 7/ , `i . lye" - l'atoiciiind 1"ot Irteiere. e Iso on hand a large f - ---- t - __lB6o. . Marble Yard Removed. and beautiful a.sort flint of Srerforoirri Inc urro- 41 mods and Vmb even - v ien-.. cre,lve eve ninety of R "It Ss duty of every s Airen of this cre„ T i- fig... ,.., , rd.or haa mg removed his place of I urcien and An :n I. inirliedp;, .Ntati try, a , pr .t. Theilitintio and ftepuddic to luster tlel.l encourage new e me .in EA,I. hurl street at short die- . parfar cad I.'qe.ii I;ram th genine and -lineman enterprise, -It %etre t , 10 , P hel ,, A ''' , l initP,4 Church, would announc e interest of the 4 s'nr.c.o r A iew. upon the par- I, Witittres t„ the p delis that be to std] pri eere! to f reish lon table ft rrii.h n net. l" - en •I m e tsource of en- it TIT IT " ..t I„I p R z F. OI .I , T ,I Ft e 7 F. o l t T i ii , i , , I . c r, ' , ;i i t i, tier L t il: s -,_ ta i l u l ,, k n i L. l . ll l 4 l,.. ,: i r os n t ::: , k ,... i .i ni t ti . ie ,„ l it , P ,I I S ‘ ti e t r il , as o i il f. ;ll , / , - 1 tertattim,rt both t •a • itet/end'he home ciri.le l 4/I \ THI Me Iti. II AN r.-, applied on the f c Slott of Am e n/ in ji , i ih or .h , ei i , ,11 ) ii t hu g . ,!, ..• I, 111.1,1, 1i ,'li at .1 la .thoet 1.1,-2 n• , •1 u ,,,, t iyb, ra ! ts ere , a In no levee se( ;Iona! or sc'berme b a rez I - 1 . . 'ee he '• to e 1•:: I I, ha- , ,_.. Au! at 1,-;• •tO F Int 113014 , 0 the words of the :rt. 1. .... ,•gra,' i \ , !II • I , I' • 1 , r.1i, , ; Tl, 01111, If) hi . ' I li• ( 11011/1, SO : , (11/111, Nu l'i.t \,, 11 e,t his. i.: still :ill t aU. .dt I. ~,, a.Z,.. to , ,semi... h, Jame _ nt notbing to do wit% peldi . iiiiiime ails et tl, • ,r„ „ ,I: id ptiees hefete p Leh•ion .• • •i li -^ n highest in Art Literate-, Le Isa .t. 11. l d,Ol se- WI 13 NIL AL's^ B. T. Hynson, o , fluyinic the bet viree-s in emery branch, - (1..t1y b .eg. Min li 21, 1 c'N I r rprint.qTrAtt - I; p \ ' , TR ir A.Nnr.r. ANT) , , again before the LA L ikthine eee'enig their -- I U l'E‘Efl I‘, 111,1\ It 1F kr !ITER. me gepport. Howard Association' t No' s' North Howard streellitne door above in This llag i-ine 's non n ii-hine the 5-4 t. rein, - n ;II ADELPHIA•-A Itenea elt rit Il.titnt on L e , r , , ,: ieii. i ; ,,, i ,„ e „ imed drawing near th^ cio , c of alt' ••••• eau I 1'„!- U (... 0, i-li , 1 1,, 'pee la' Eridemin -at, liar the /*v . 11 ,,,,, i ,,,,,, -oiriiitoni ,,,, in 'tore, p a?ez stray soil in fa flirt will, tt ipareN , l , ,l s I.- ~., Relief of the -,1 • 1, ./.1 D•,i d 1111.• t'-d it d'i! ll 'lnnateness •if Pitt, de. , rietem, an d of th e tc,,, ,Pie Tuird Volume Ns CI coo nn,•• N 1 011 t' :e Virulent • au I . I . ls t! snit, Di, 1.1. 1 1 ,i1 1• ye( t elly a l n• 1 meet ape-oaed patterns Also, Border.; rinedieur fur Junoar i t, , I , i, I, nan I, .Wl,- i ,a , 1 ror the Cu: - • of Di-, 1 ,, -,f On . , ' .1 org in- - vli 'ire Holed Pettit+ • h r. I issrly in fiea ein.e. r. 14 - , I Lien• n i iber Ns•sl Nle II al se Mite given e.-. 010 I t tile At e • r. • ' 4 b..p: , ..bd1 , aliak-tr etc.; ,7, ells h gh' •t >ie. , ' ' Sur 2it to ell el.,' ,p,• kea l••/ter „ ill, n .1a: r ''''” I" ; ''. ;• -K-I . '` ", • band• and Tn"n "l , tnr, • • to (,r • , ,-, e etian liliuds of all colors, art s , .lni mg ILr he ro i l , • • a•r emir.. , 1i e.... e e i••••• 9 /... their • eidtt• Oil i N..''' " "I"' 'n i 1,,,.1 ilnel'iie• which trill compare favora ed for tit • .oin ii: ee tr are :h todo t log »'.ll- h i',.', o' Ir• /,:t 1 in e isr- ii• , sure ens bit' with ar , o ff ere d to tie ri dd4., 11,110Ven dioteel4 e. 'te•, iutl,,,r. P ''' '''''. Il " I ' P ` f "'"' lllllPr ea free °fel " r '' e i. • 1 ttear ?epee 11•melee dean in the hest style.- i kits Gr... 1 II ilk:, 0 , -in., A. Br •e.n-o - t. A V.l.' Vitl.E .i.• Pi lIITS ea slpertnetor-rame, 1,1 Itlevisretrainted end trimmed, or exchangcl. ; I Cara_ P. II o-cis. IA ii Goime t roe ii- reek amt other Ili 41 , ~, of Co , Si.xual Oreane, en ,l 4;) lime!' 7,1 ea% 1r 11 Ilitenisyeg, „Jo" na . ti Site, II 1.111 ill 11. t% ii,l, on the ''t r:1"." IllItiEFill:-; emplot ed in the sibs. - ' i 'll . - A odi og ,, yr e K, -. N ., )t F. \l •n: r . :• , , , Iii•• n .11, pee, we. sent to '‘i •al feted 111 sea led, i New & Rich ''(Jack LVeartLing , J.T.11 • is/ o. II P- •.1- tree uf eliaree. Tiro or three Stamps fur post-" . • Site, „Alit .:. C /ft : . IT". l .tii.l 11•+.ii ,1 e, age K ill he au.• ant Olt IF.WET,TIY SZNVEit lt' tRE nerr,"l - 7.".'. PI. 1T- I to itinihh, Pliebe C • tre ii la , . n, .. ,t, .111 , Irens Dr..I.SKILLEN FIOrGIITON, Acting i 0 . , MI IS A ILI: n A n; -- %• K 55 AnNn, 02! I S'ld b la t'ILJAtio Ir . , n imh r will be , (-omelet, n 1 `', irgeon. !lowan , .lesociatt„„, No. 2 S„iitli S ' llter '"" tl '• N "• di) N " Til (:" SIR ' ET ! B'T''' 61; TI1101:11. MD., It is in store a h . ant :"11 astorte I 11 the m ,-t .t- , r•' -• • nil 7il NI., of Cie d k \ .ntli Street, 1'11'11(1411pin/9. Pu. Be order of ratified Till 1 , t , o'lf i ~- si• le; of tlotei r 'th,! , lerin tors EZRA, D. HEARtii4II.I., ;rnent of ets lee Ad patterns oiI:UCH JEWET-RY, 0:1 I..ife. ity Eliza'. ,i ii ts, s • ',lli ,h Gi 53 le ttecarbn Sese.e. . , i sets itilo fur iir,..0.11., ern!irr, mg' a groat vari.•ty 1 ret I. 4 There will 2.140 h" r, gown lin an eeea .`, et 7,1 S s , IV (If l'i.t.l Gold aml Stet Ileo iehes, Mot tee, rare lb number of the i 1 , ' , ! rg i,,ltittit. a rnoltt etattliiii , - • - i hankies. A-e , E . .r-flint7i. It! tei•lete, Finger 'limn; ^ti , auelledtmeel v int/ reeti•le ••rzetzeil stoYeLeentlad J. W. Scott, alit with Diamond itiiiit, 1.•11I, Opal, Emerald, il TeIE SI, 15 Er: ill' Ti 1F: !'ti t''• I 0- the .klri- (Cafe ei .,, ,i , j . ,, , in n.t . wmeheian , 4, Scotts) 1 1 , .. leadies" fluid l'hein.. V•est •t . Gnarl! Cheins., e rut Trader. Sir I a •10 in NI, he i ',. Miniature T. 0601.. l'oild Th iiibbei Unit' Pins rl EN fIAMEN A URYAfiISt: ATORg: and • signet, ' ' -. . . THE GIIE -1 i 11.1..P1 Bs IC Mir.] W.V . le Cie girl and ?drain Gol/1 Binge • Pelle le he lir SHIRT ‘ I • : '' I.F-tt•Tt ' it Y , N n• 8/4 Ch et- and Pens, Sleet It iltteie end Stubs, Gobi :teal LI! "tires( 3/Ag ,treat 1 , ,1 , /t , le l In tiltd.codutvr - ou t Street. (Ile.ati)” the (lime 1 (Lau e ase)a (lye! 5,.....{0,1.0J h • be e (already expended to Phil ulel hitt. J. W. SeOTT wo nt teepe iil- Jet Cru-s - es, Jts. Bracelet , . Pins A. Foie Binge, A e is bring it to its yr , ..cut high degree at met.- Iv call tree ettentinn of his former patrons *WI .%. I. iII 0 . i e The publisher. are determined 1 .., give it (he f r k,,,0,- / , h a • se a „stare, aid i s prepared to fill ; i , 'Z' y i t ''' ' . ', "r t nr x 7 It ; r 'l ';. unt 7 i l k t r , k i ' t^ a , 4 e"tor'' S largest circa)] 'tree in tiat. world, With this orders for Sllliers at short notice. A per.tect t e asse , iat.e • ri. nte est a .....etter and ni slew the) nytkr. the following 51 I'3Xliell'ENT fit gdaratitied. (*Or STIll• TRADE supplied Sat ::•: , tands, I\ orl Handl , I iesert Kula e., Spoons, ,iIJI/FEItS, and Ries reter to, emery either: o,o r i a ith Vine eintars and Cottsas. Forks, Leine; 1' seer Arbiter, sex., all of %hie in now an their book, a. t i the lidell! , , with which , i,i g t: IT, lof t is is respectfully 111PN.di , i it the lin e,t tenon ! „The COltlit.7 - r•atie and Polders genernlly . they fulfill their engagements. . T E 11 ifs : 1 - _ - Ritrmers'. & Mechanics' , are ins teed to gin t. me a et!! and examine Goole being sati , tied that my SILVEII it Single. Copies - ....SAN 31 ' VINNS iNSTITIITN):); oF ADAM'S COFN- 1 and Il'k 11 1 1:Pc c a v i c in ' cannot he surplus...A chit n- for fineness or I ,Sub4trapito 1, per t r It 3 OP I ... S A r I . - r • i' d r , Alre bW orwaY- --- PeP 4,, te ' quality, or the Infest noel taost beautit al patterns r i crub., or three or 'nor ~ each "•• 2 6 t•tier sue i'u 'ii I in this 1 t tion and re- 1 Atte' Ofee sznlng a Glob , of rive subscribers.. - • ''n ) ' ' 11 31 1 nJanuary 17, 18 - .9. ly (-cite in lomat at the rate of Pruett two to four per , with t h e rrioney, shall re rive, by mail. Ills I cent. This in-Mutton olTers a safe, doivettient 4,0144 of tether of the following magnificent, a A Steel Ener it inge, 1 i z - RI; Prori:.l'eleelopositoiTtuall classes of people. I i / 1 selv 4 135. +-THE 1,1 , 3 f ••••1 Pililt. Sae of plate, 23 hr! - ' il. al 410 inches v lig e, sx,, I New Agricultural Settlement. t, Tiff. I'l I a th "fill. G BEAT KIN(... Size of Tie) ALL 11 _k ‘ TING 1 lltslS. a rare °Timor glege 2". l i , , "..n I'.• - A .11e es ' e Tin.; ILA I, A. , , I ; o • 50. i ,,,, f \I I\ e , rr En. Size 31_ tunity ru A4l V and lie titii. cilia i t IS, f . 1 .. mile. amitheaet of l'hiladelphet, on the Clin- a e( platten. 15 In' Je t n -hes. Valli , S.. u • AL. i.hal. :-5.0 i s rsmo ‘ c01. ,.. T. size I den and Atlantic Railroad, New Jersey.-Au It old e st a t e, uiati ae, conne, of sc r ota l th o usands of 04 plate , 2-, he i in • hes Vane. tita '• WE Pal. kin% 111 E, Oil LORD .' I -Bite of acres of prndm tire soil, leis been divided into d Faring of various -ire , to snit the purch o'er - plate, 2111 1.. •n ''c.. 1 aloe, -id, n .1 populati or of ,ome fifteen hundred. from BOBEBT Ilia: \-. Size 44' plate, 21 by 25ri inches. Nrc1,„,c,;;.1 various parti latf i the middle States and New Eng- rt Any one see l id...' a Club of Ten ruYicribeer • livid hair ••cttYll thrre the pest year, improved their places, amid ral•Nt eteellent crops. The than receive hi; eO , -1. •of arc te. oof il. about v eugravin,4- Any tin ler dine a eta') ofFiftinni - T r ' ee of the land 1." tat )fie low sum of from 5./:1 .9 sabsexioers snail recrit e his (home of env four o - alo per acre; the soil is oirthe hest - quality i - of ehtree xegrlt Lugs. Anyone sanding a-cluh for the production of Wheat. Clover. Coro, i; ot • To enta .suers , „raters .hall tee etre/all of the Penches. Grapes and. Vegetables. IT IS CON alums en . graviniz. el i a „pe of the 31 , zazine SIDERED TILE BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THE 4 for One }sort gr it, UNION. The piece is perfeetiv secure from a; --, , frosts-elae destructis e enemy of the fanner.- i This ep'erndid cdt e 8 .11 ene*„.lo evert 'one he r1 i,,, n5 " , Props of grain. grass !In nn d fruit are now growing a eery trithag ex r..sien. in getting and can lie seen. By examining the place it- I to sibtaioatg„,fi a , ~iiectaon o' . rare works of . art to adorn hie -.ado:. as can be t,btalnedauv- " I f. a e°'rre' t .lodgment can be formed of the ,I where for 4 .t...• •:uses pr tilli. terene<e of the bind. The tertns are made A • .ent ; eof the fretting cootie-nom an I rottri , r, ell over to secure the rapid Luitnatem the countrin , arc invited to get up t. tubs upon lan d • w hic k lt ' hal T anbliernk'inalimPfnventent• i • ebpre term-. t The resat* has been, that within the pastyesr, 51 sortie three hundre•l hou , ec have been erected, Yostatits , _•rs, nal other re=peetehl. , person; two mills, ' t ine eteam, four stores, some forty e Who mats ditture to act q. Agent., and to re/Km yr einyardea and pea la errelmrds planted. and a . a ca4eorouvws,uen in -te ol of the above lesseral barge number of lathe , ' unproa• ements, making it a offtwMtre amthoric _1 • , • -.y ird 1.- ~ i.i i cr.ti , r , al t the prices 1, •re.anen n eic deetme, tare .-it a d '''' N'd" an -1 .trove plac e of heat/less. i'• THE NI 11:NET, as the reader may perceive n olic order for -their troulue. The tugrlati, ~., Wm. Knabe & ou it , lo..atina is the BEST IS TRE EiNION• 9 re will 3)t sent in vomti, n in the under in whic h VOS. 1,3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw Street.- i 'd I l uce nugnie d ou bt s the price t h an in I the clubs ere_ iu • l t I o l' SALESROOM No 207 Daltinniore Street, Neat; ins air ty from the cite, and more than i .I_ll • . PIRST CIO %if . , err.. - - T sEIIvED , i,o„,ii: • t te price thin the l i est. i t is known betweeis Charles and Light-BALTLMOILE, Md., I t inhealilition to ti :e at), a ; si inardieled Direr Menufactnrere of Gold Medi/ Premium °RANI); that th • etirlst st all I•sot. fr Lts and 1 egetables 11118 now fanner. that where patsies do no. 0 -form dolls and where tae:(- name, are nut sent in this I it.tii le come front New Jersey. and are AND SQUARE PLI-NO FORTES. in annnall•• etpor•ed to the Paten'of millions. Win. Knabe ,k Co. world respectfully invitel ill ...Clubs:, that 'in.cle sub-, r•re for sending the Ii•JC A ' .11e her,-, the settle r has many adtnn- the attention of the public, and especially thosel n amount set opp,,,iie to e telt of the t rove Fq graringt, shall .rucele eba mail nets Eneraeinel tee . lle is nIOOII a t'll - hour, ride of the in want of it FIRS f (I.Ahs , PIA \O, to their as- ealusassmand omit copy of the Sided, .uelo Or lie r ' .' t 'of N.e " I:Pgluld a n d 'diddle States, tone. easy and agn eable touch, Ironed stock of anutrumeets, which for power I I he is neat he, old trends as it 1 1 , S1C:1010'lq". he is and sweetnessnt • a liktilose of these. E.rigrat lag; nre.of three tine ~ in 't se .• ,ed c, 1 , 1i.-1 w here erere impruvenient and beetle) of finish, have, by the beetofjodges, ri e of co nt ar t sn.l els lit ation is at hand lie can been pronounced nem altd be -any is the conn- Ike Alleieto xi( thoee offareci be the Oi.o _ler lota e, era tertas act he urines at the c'etepest te). As to the relet•ae merits of our Pianos, n e ie l'sdeogiesi all of teem rite B e t te and et me- e mon', 1 refer t i the Ctrt tia.ate . of Eteelleni-e in se'l his prnduee fa r the hi g h es t , Lin( .isintrituric worth thau )ring es er ofTe,-- Price anti our pus-es ion tri• n 111 A 1.111.81 - , flt..lKi) , ll, tie !lest th's is, re% cese•i.l he has SellOill. for ed by ans ''• rill& hitterprise ' or •• Art AseoCia his ehillren, din ii ^ ,anti c nod will enjoy an (I :., I'fTER and IL \ lEI X TEMPS, ne al,o iron - ii taco," open a .rite- and delightful climate, w here some of the in ee. dis. ne 1ae1...1 peel s or. and t - 111te - lottst - Selmer - and i The City of the Crest King,: -heath! adorn the wall./ o r en er , freers 'ire trer , n %now 1. The result of the ''." ll te l ',:i '" t h e " ' ''' Lis • n/ , ' , t o the Liaoning IfIGIfF.- - T PIIFAII I 'ile I, • ria ed va dine the last 1 chisn4e tir in those from the north ha.. generally Creirigien and Scooter m the country been to rc.,t sre them to an excellent state of three ears, _ (..." 1 .1 ) V. :h 1 51,5 at the tlerylanel i t • illo ends, offers an these were ever made be- i Institute IS .'• 1 ier, 1- •7. :ILA El: 111:1)U.S fiitherifischance" in the matter. no he 'HI' ftt the Iletroeol t n . ii le.ou, .8.., ' I In the uya i of building and amproa lag, lumber i h e rone Wi.. , i -. i -.-- 'AlttittesV *Dein entcrpri.e no humling W e M.O. 111.1) 'it, .nt • 1, ki , n Inetitute sa l up imei er o vmen: p oeinia ,,,, r , tr ., i i , iere can he obtalued at the mills at the rate of SIO 'Phla lel plul I , ,t I IR , t L'ith N'e I Ve at toe Mechanics' Fine Old Brandies. t., :tr. per t noiisnnd. Brick , from the b ric k ellskelmei,mtaill N1'01 , 3 1.?" . at! . re.ttl in Thesac - Instetute It • Ire/ n I I-, ,-,, leen All insult, filar. subscribers Importers and Dealers in Plea lit . owl I, t crature andt„ nvell }'rd ''P"'''''' •n trP plac e. e"rY article ran be MI these genereesly liberal offers, ItTsdellTlMl. ill °fib. above, any one condi it , 4, lieert procured in the il ce, good carpenters are at 'rents of our manerret•/re la the full Iran hand,eel Oa/ -c 1.- re place in the Union %there fram • en 1 ye e use tutee e 1 for I. IVE I'E-Here , TRI,TICES att. sit, ea paid to the eeleetion lion Johu r Kenneth:4, }lon. Joulina Vansant j ii WINIi.S k LIQUOits, would most respect toily call the attention of purchasers to their Old Eitublishment, No. 5 Nortli 'resit Street. beilllinee and Improa enicuts can be made 1 11141 -- I ' lrt. ` ul '.'" P/o/aficiphio, where they hate v. large e,ssort ape della. and fs.lialf extra, (1 60,) shall receire of lii-teumente f, - dist tn. or I,r. and apm dege lion. Th omas swarm, Wm II keighler. Esq the-twelve back nreenbere of the Meg. Leine from e'nrol's i }Gilliam K . 0.1 )„ ., F.sq meat of Wines and Liquors of the choicest h amar. 185 ,. 1 -,,,, ing ii p^(-feet , ct of the • The , rode-w:11 at rat/eche struck with the ad- to!' ~., ," ~^ --- i • .• I at In. , tone within ele moss, Jacob Tru•t, 1....•(( . us49/1119'AT REPUBLIC" MONTHLY front its vantages bent presented. and es 'k himself why if brai's andqualities.l4,l%lo7 made arrange the •asti imen• ,, - , elio 'lino , . prove entire', satin- The time usually required to complete the full - - talents with some of the first houses in Cognac the prop-rt, has not been teken up befsre.- fa c ''''' • A I ril d'"'"'"°4 to tIe 7 OnILII, course, front Btol2 x. et'es eensitseacement i . ere! School- Terme liGerraland Ro:helle, enables them to furnish to their Ti i e reas m 1.3, i t V.SSR never thrown in the mar- T e ' e icr - A Dirtova is awar d e d to all Graduates. 11 ii ,lam dealers i , ill fln I • it. to their advan- Lar, ,, Circelaru and Cat aloguee stating terms, Alt - subscriptior,s inririahljin edvanee, and customers, upon the most liberal terms, the ke : and unle. - these etalemente were correct, nolteriation from the abyre terms. No furtherfollowing bruids of Cognac and Rochelle. e to gate n. a ; ;II tab hr greatly increased .t.c no one would he inviteit to esamine the la nd tit , : , Sailleuttaceris tiecee,ary to titti , !e forrulfie clubs e i , i ta ie . µ e are enabled to fill all orders with BR. kN DIES Otard, llennesy, Pellet sion, before pun hosing. 'This all are expected to do. E K. LOSIEIt Baltimore, Md. or to Agent. !,,LN e name and Post Unice ad- Tete r Trill see lend tinder cultivat.on, and such cu.petele. I Feb 7, 1(15e. ly Pinet, Castillion , J J. Depuy L. Co., T. "limes, dnimeis . iiri full. All glinlc over three dollar; A Scrgnetta, Martel, Matett, kc., /sc., of various at the ex., a! of the settlement that thee will no ...... , "" r- er'n't' , on hand. ne large a s so rt ment' Oswald be seat by draft,if convenient 1, lee .' ,• L t persons from their own ueighbor- of Mg I . OII EONS. from the hest Factories D FLINGS at Great Bargain', ,-.1 James H. Bosley, breads and qualities. la i littil ;ii p s iperly nuthenticeted, at oir in", ' 'nEcw,,D_lity • n n ' 1 01IMISSION NIEBERANT, WINES. Champagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old l a ad t,,•.1 will ultriess the improreinentu and _ , pa sad enrreni hills receiteed atat rite. from S i lo to $l5O Pianos Etchanged, U Oporto Terteriffe, Burennriy Hoek I .lluscat, . -- W a. s c olio .. e - th •ehar a cter of tl.e pc•plation. II Nor . 1'24 end 128 North Street, ao-z,,,, • Claret, Sherry, and Ilelitga I;:nes. ' tt e . : , ee , a •. w i -h a. v eNS t I settle, they sho u ld• Ihred .snd Timed. 1 BALTIMORE, 111). leitisillhigenhe Is forwiale h• all new. deelere A call Is rea ps, tfolly <olicited 'Holland Gut Scheidatia Schnapps, Jamaica leo** Putted States and Canada Tbe Rotsde come !linear, dto 'ter a day or two and be rowdy /em Prepared to ref e,ve eqd eel' on Commis- q ' VI KNABE &CO Sion all kinds of COUNTRY PitoDUCE. Ravin pints, Scotch and Trish Whiske3, Pear,h, Ap glogepasegota publishers prices br •it to pure hese, as loc,ations cannot be held on re- ', . , Teamity; it. Dexter , Sr Co R. M Dewitt, Tien- fa''d Jarman I, In',n iy 1 - " ' an experience o f ten years in the COIIIIMISSiCI pie, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, mad Raspberry There are tvo daily trains to Phils.delp • hia. , -- h - Brandies; Cordials,Wine Bitters Amsterdam siellisms,-Blake A Long in New Yeti& said by A . rit a thi o t & s on , s b us i ness, (and v. /slang to coatinue that alone,) , Bitters, ke give deate,,,, in the , prisipat coke and t) all settlers who in,roee, the keblroM i I flatter myeelf that 1 shall be able to glee aorta- ' . . . a diti YOUR CLUBS I C err , / .711. e a fr , e ticket (or sir months, and a SOFA AND FUR',,t;ITI.:IIE WAREROOMS, Nos. r tr r irrx to a ll who f,, wi sh • t Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old or me cons ignments • a also attend to filling orders for Groceries, 1 Wheat t\ Make Constantly on hood an ex , ),,7 15 and 27 N Cmy street, Baltimore, (near W II et tieltneis Copies sent upon the receipt of 2e it i..' - ." ''' ''''' ' 4 . 1.- ''''''' "a-. office ofd Monongahela, lt d Fa ette a st, st i extend • fr toFrederick • THE TOWN OF HAMAINTOV.-1n sootier- 3 , tag -om Gay pi -tie largest establiahment of the kind in the Feb 14, 59. ly Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. • • l'keetigntrings will be sent on rollers tensive stock o ye an Bourbon Whittles. of YariOtie gre•les, some of ' lion with the agr ic u lt ura l settlement, I new and Twelealie,wr by. express. • r ninn Ale as on band a large as.nrtment et --- -- • en'a-OAKSIIT A CO., Publeshwe, th-neoe town he. natur-Ile arisen, which pre s aeons in Iticeulent- for any sand of business, par- Ht'L: l4l °l.r ) .-%.: \ ri . t-n 11('F'. Fl' 13 •Nl 11 RE•em- i Howard House, , the country, all of which are highly improved • - ' 112 ..e.. 114 William St Y k •, New or th e •gh oe bracing Bure ins Bed-teeds,Waslest ands, Ward. eu. _ 'be age, NOV. Si f 1955 Dt t.eularl) stores and manefactories oRNba H oward and atltrinore Streets, • harness could be curled on in this place and , robes, Nlattrt , s 3 of Husk. Cotton and Ilan., BALTIMORE, ?I i. ew Proprietors . Fare reduced to $1 50 • market to good advantage also cotton business, Sllrisqe Beds, Bolas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arrn Chairs , thoroughknowledge ofthetastes ofthe and a 1 F rom our long experience in the businzar, )IIIICOMOI4 and manuftctories of agricultural implements Rocking Gla airs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set- per day. Call for the jlowerd House Coach at Reception and Upholstered Chairs. AS- communaty, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to as. CITY PUBLISHING or founderies for easting,innell articles. The I tees, the Depots. Calalognes, new, ea-, tiepiovemennt has been so rapt' se to toilers a , SDRTED COLORS or COTTAGF. FURNITURE,. J. N. BUCK, spectrally selimtedy will be promptly attended ready , for distribution. constant and pereserunat increase of business, I VA'ood Chairs, Office Chaim. Berber Chairs, y artagr , ~4 . i,-, D. . 1 ,,, A n 8 / 1 1PE4 }Proprietors. 1 Orders Irons the country (nblch arstpost re- I , the ptible,-A new Town lots of a rood sire, we do opt 'ea small icribkitoti Cradles ; Hat Racks. Ilan Furniture . --- •,/ erg OQI.D and SILVEIt, naes,,aui !:would elect the troproseteent of the Gilt End Walnut Frame ',oohing Glasses, side. i J. Weatherby & Co., 1 ifirAlt goods yens from oar establishment I WEIOLF.SALF, and Retail Dealers ill CIIIL- 1 ar pr a t y lr il l e a g rilik a a r illed h a tigg ° g4 gg e t e urated eeti . sfeetielt) with the rentable Prizes. Full, place,_ean be bed as front sloo . and airwards I boards, Extension Tables, of every length. i giga ,,,,, „b ig ', will he Th e 1it,,,,,,,p 2 ,, f d p aw , , ,, it a carmt h k r i ttara ,, T l., Perbbna disposed to purchase are invited to 18 not wood and coal Also Clielt - cl l a Ila ll , P SON'S FURNACES, brick and portae. n E. P. XIDBLETON * BRO., ,katiag, ancragrienhural onset, cue obta in full ioffrrms- cell and give our stock an examination, which C6OIIiNG STOVES, of rer • desert C ' fort fret!! 59 cis. to $l9O, nob. of franninoaton, can be obtainuiega,2s eaa tti for tariety and qnnlity of eorkmanship ton No. 6 North•Froat St., Philadelphia. Store and Feb : i _purchaser. St no,ooo per annum. iequalled by any , egte A blisti g sa xr an n td io n .r the k co s t u i i t7. 1 Letrobe Stove& P'ran - kl ' in Air - tight ,Bar-r .-- 'ne °I / 81 1. .ly 'I Office Cannon eSt°"g ill ' Yes Fic ' nour Gaa-urning and ; • - itinted to my petrona Title inclippntable-warrantee deetis glyene 'Noe. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. ;CIASP, Clicrthillig. • - Itemoval. ,p—si 50,000 to be des- clear Qf till inctimbeeanee when moony is inuil. ' spectrally solicited. Merchants supplied oo thrillers from tits countryre- F.O.GARNOLD has tonitgot tip WU Meek of 4 LENANDER FRAISSR, Clock sad Watch. acs mumbo. , . Route to the land "eat•e Vine street ,wharf, I Aug .: .1859. ly 'ALI, AND =MR CTAYTIIIE(I-z-all 11 .. maker, has removed hir•shop to oil room trod • Agigits are more Plilladellihin.; for Ha mouton by ttailroad, ett i ty other house in the 7i A. M., or 4 P. M s ' Fara 90 reefs. !rhea I -Carpets, t J. WEATHERBY' A CO., sizes and of every veltlll2).. °ear Coati, Dress on the West 'hien of the ?radio Nati**, lately Caere invite for Mr, Byrnes. Doerding con. OIL, CLOTHS Ali D DRUGOETS, wholesalii 40 and 42 Light st., one door from Lombard Coats, Monkey Jattect, Vests, Peadeloong, occupied by Dodd A. %tibiae, Sm., at a Law dishing and Bookiieli- vezilences on baud- Parties had bet/tenant-ash 1 ;and reibill. Cdnetently on hand an easort. l Aug. $ 2,1959. tient ' Drawers Sktieta. lidieeir,"Sesiery, Ste., - ell a l Bit:Twos.: 7 which will be sold as cheep MI th e thentglast for I Office, where be will always beehsppy Tondttoint to the calls of customers. Thaaktbl Or past night years, ray ox - Mr . riTraiiii,,a Principe 4, entilithey hare detided i ment •Isf Cravats atgow prices, consisting of , ---- - - -.:-- , Slab' tdondast the Gift Xuter- as to purchasing, as ,he will show them over , Velvet, Br-easels , Three -ply, Ingrain and Vane-. • Franklin Holm the money.. Call and see them. teet.,Vs/4. .__.--..._ --.... SPOUtinge favors, he hopes, la strict attention- to business, d it desire tO please, to merit and reeeire ths satisfaction its all, ;he land in ins carriage .I of ettpeesteC I,et- Mai Cornets , of every • style and prise. Oil. EBUILT sad Refuralshe)d, Of gelFortf OANITAL WEAVUR is an oldf me4exped ...,,,, or k HENRY' WA ER will make Xt rol i goo f Use public. N • rrep in ewer! tow And tort mot aPPU'eatiorea ems ha Oadeanote4 to Lan- ' Cloths from 1 tiselliys.rds wide. Also, Rugs, I mu/ Franklin eirftlit, A !tow 'quartet West elf 0 artist, Mid his pictures siblifiiO 4 g., G ......- -ilarg a la rm , i disk Byrnes, flaramontoo' ..o,,,.Ashentbs~.. ; Bpair iiiode, Couto* eadd Ceteisa. Mattlhgs, lit Ng, irth". (I°lllllll RalloroY • DoP O4 I III -tel faction, whenktelen at • his Sky:. ilelliegy f gouty •I'mating sad put /1 0 1 / 4 41116 / 41° T Greitisbnrg, Alts.a.ll, /85P JA.NEriIt'LLSON . , , 1 I .Y. Now Jersey, or S. 11 - sIMIKINOMAtiIifiI hi of oat nolna melte. lig the phase or Nom Terms ‘,l • . ••• ' for cash or predate.. is gad a u _,,„. -, ee i a • in Middle street. • oftliAgenishln • tit r houses, + i ere essitne• WEB, t3,l*lg k r , It* 11i11 -10 -'; l oliii , ter eitinf4aidista. Fifth street. Phi:Ade/Ail. Map., .gonedoogapa f s eer t ielpgage.„., gam, ydapop,r, • - " • „ 4:1 1 3 . L ite, 4 „„ a „,„41,,,,,,an, . •as % I nk ephi Aga age, Leay for e i,ti •1. i • . ~.,„ ~,, 'en' I,O I IIINIISIM icons ammiripte•tisimani. • •••.-‘• . "p r od igalg, • a11 i1i0nfi.,04,,,,,, ,Tv A _ 4,,,kitrik. pit., ik...a ttx G --41 4 044 al API, re V G6.,4 H. IV pit 1111 4 044 4 4 .. 1* 40 P AI I44e Pato, rki" ' 'id 7 - T; /"9 ' 1/14 - k Selpe. 42, 1839. 3ra thatintore, lid. -241 gr 1,-1050' OPP '' - - `^' • Aielisit - 10" . 4 •* ~ . 1 -• - - W. A. WISONG, No 2 N. L:1, rt . rt., B itlrnore. 1 v Houso Furnishing er onnA. .\ - 0. 11 ..Vorth Ilmcard erret, two 1111 r doors North of th.. 11 itvint lions. , .—The wide..sigried, havi,i , madi•Lirrge additions to his i on.-k, is prepsreil' to facoi‘li holisek , epers. ' con ntry lierehints and others, trial such articles They ran he returned it:: they went, on the very hest terms. 1' • Bet airs: Whiten-I*h, Stye...pine:, rousting. Persons finding, it Paint, Ilair, Tooth, Sail, Silver, Shoe, Synth and inconvelient to rilit 11.1/tlmore, llorse Brushes. :an order or us thran•zit the ”itil 1 „ %Cooney-Irene: S•ieh as 'nibs, Ilitekets, end m^r relt- upon 1 Itlessitres. Tar . tillelsetol, ('horn:, Mnlll., Itollin..; . I;:ving theirtorders l'iir... Butter Pri•it , ., ~ . ..c. Ili On Os. 11.tskets, Mats promptir ens! ssti•-if‘, t or:1y attend,l to. ' 1 rind Conla7r. 1 1 ::er' , -.. 1 in;:.1:•- Ire Crema gke - so camtnr too DRAYA4I':, Frseters. llvf-ircsr.ttor, nwright and—the 111 1, )K k 1i .11,p1' IN , , ' Timid apriro-ed kind.. IVnt.Lr rooler4. in 11 ' I).1(1 Whole,tle and Rettil CI-ricers, 1 or Metal. Tln and W;re Sires. Arthur's and i S. W. corner of Lexington and Green F Vt., other most aNrore..l Vroit and Veqetshle I're- i • J une 27. 1 i r,9,. [j iii . 21. Iy.] Baltimore , serving Cans. p 1 .in Tin-wire, Jap.iiined, Block 1 sTin, Britannia and I'lltel Ware. Alitata Forks a t n oi d po o i e S niN i v i s a , i t t e ' r r , tis , n (: 1 0 .5 % e x a D n i :. T ) os e .1 Knit-es Pots, e. P• n ':., i 7. ,1 ' Forki, Watlle Irons, SAIITe . Pane, Sc.tles and Weighb(roffee :gills, Table castors. Coll IThinin i ion Coffee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, N urea Limps, Toilet Sete, FOot Tube, Bath Tube, knife Cleaucre, Wire Dieh rovers, Table;,•ether with A Tftriety'of article: useful and ner;•.ory i n housekeepers. Rohr tr. Davis' Patent Etvelsior Washing Mitkiinee. I'litin Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and Bruehee of every deseriotion. menu ifaetured to order. liEO. It. )111.1.5. No. 11 Yorth tioward et., Baltimore, lid. I . March 14, 1859. ly 1P 4 1 1 . 4 4:09.0::: , a , VelikA.C±NT.tef. 1 4 .' . ''"'iMNIIMIDOIO34,B L,-- 7 * .. k..-4*: t '' - .; '''' • Prolfeil ..'''' ' ' ' '.- ..: ' -. ": I S°g"thingt-Sew A 1 ONES eon bosrosed by calling on the sub- le FAWNERS AND MEIICII.INT:-.l.—We GIFT ENTERPIIIST • 111 • * hif 'Vas just returnesffroca the,', hsvllMlsr owned our large and commodious ...set corner. on and Rail- • 1 arebo- nn the of Str tt '3 CFO* A 1.1111E1141. k 'IMPARTIAL ItitlCA lilt . CONDUVTED ' 6' ' n h ber on ' one the la.rgillt stocks of FALL/ . and WINTER GOODS everroog,it to Gettyais . , I mad streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg ..-• ~....N !--42ift *sit grervbA r I ' 1 rg—tn part as follows: • ...-4 it.iroad Otompany, amid are prepared to receive :a : ari:neat 1-aloe! I ' .11 ' is • lainyule figured C u bergalPtotince of all. kinds. viz: FLOUR.. WHEAT, ~..,.. 0 }reach erino , k .i 4 - rien „:, RYE. CORK, OA.TS, &T. Also. on hand and for 14 Gift' ofa Better Quality' 7' of 1 c Dl II - al kinds. Litton e mos, s pnces, et le. Salt. - Guanos, Plaster. Fish, kc. A large 7. And More of Them ! iaa tat I stred silk Illusions. aod a law assort - m ock - The most liberal. punctual and relia: ! 'n of plain. and fi .ared silks. Alp. . oc:iii, of Groceries just received, consisting or ::: 4 GIFT HOOK ENTERPTII. , E in ev • ' e s' n"nt • k I 'II l" Sugars. Cofees, Syrups, Moltisses, Oils. Rice, 7: I,enre- 7. MonhatinCS. it.C.; or e t. o ars. ti- E jg ,_ Teas. Spices of all kind,. Ced Ar-ii are, kc., itc., :i The best eNideace of this IA the fact of its der:leered Handkerrlitefs. Flouncing.. which ive do not hesitate to say, we will sell as brio„ the only one thatettands endorsed by •..-", lag; Laces, Issertings• Rootlets and Ribbons, low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and the Crest; of the City in which it is located. t'l Shawls - : and Mantillas. Muslins, Linens, Sheet retail. Merchants will do well hy calling to ;.-.III:.IItQUARTEII.7- Ft qt SOUTHERN AND -i trigs Hosiery. Cloves, ke. and examine our stock before purchasing else '...l WE:sTERN OltliEllS! Bit.rrooas Mot Irz Cloths, c a ssimeres Citisinets restings, and'.. where, as our motto will be "quack sake and Writ, fur a Catalogue. It ember:: --. embraces '' '"" everything else the gentleman ; weir line. temall profits ' _ th ,. , fl it varietiee of pul•lieaCtins in every :-'• The undersignel is thiinktal for past favors, 8 • We would also call the attention of all inter •,: department of Literature. together with they :,- a n , 1 will a are no effort to deserve the public's J. L. scificK, ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of . LAI:(;P:- , T LIST ,f it' ,, efit, ..-;;arc i t and .../: continued !) atronar.e. i their Cattle, Homes. Hogs, ir.. to the fact that i. L rslualdr Gift. vier pabh,h, I. i :•Ir •, u dicier - oct 17. P S. %V. corner of the Diamond. __— t we have for side Bretnig. •Fronefi elil k Co. a :tot , A ri,.ties l .--none of y.h.cli arc of lea -- ....., I Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of _. i..loctli in ,•1 rt= mil fr,,m that to SI 00 00 7 ' which we have sold from 1500 to"Oi 0 .. ) .. pounds :T.: BEAD ' 11 E \l' " - -F.-.l*" , ''')) diitributeil := per a.nuutn to Farmers and Mort keepers. amen oar Pstr•ms drug th , 7/ KLINE F ELTER,I3I.H.LINGER k CO I ^ 7 : o VElCi ..27 ' l .`"i n IX Glets to lie dl,tributed '''s--, y.. daring theyresent! c..ti,Gettysburg, ept. 5, 1858.i , ting of Gold '''" '7. and S,lve•Wlt , hes. Chains Charms, Lock ': c ts, Silk Dress Patterns, Fine ('rape Shawls, 71 1 _, F., - Rich Lace Collars, S-tring Ninrhines, Must- -=.P , -- cil ini.trumi tits. and in fart, 5011E70140 To 7 . 1 :.... ...- srir EN't:ItYnODY ' AGENTS WANTED - ? ) 1 K. FVEIIVWSTERE rAtatOgile9 giving full " E • p irti' mars mailed free to any address.-- ;_, Don't forget, direct all ord e rs to :s: 11. E. HOYT & CO.. ...c. 7. Nu. 41 Baltimore st., Baltimore. Md. t.... , ..... all- e*PF:7II7CT SkTI9I , AITION UVARANTIZD I Y"" Sept. '..t, 1859. I,* ==:2l Burr Mill Stones WARRANTF.D.—B, F. 1 A: T ' '- STARR bt CO . Cos. / r ' _, of Nortli and entire Streets, (:\ •\, , ~:, opposite N. C. R. R. Station. ~.", Ilat.ristdtte, Ito. Mantra...l6- !,.-. Curers of FRENCH BUMS. '... "........ Importers and Dealers hd3urr -,• Blocks, Boil[ Cloths. I,Pa- -i.•••••--, -lirc. :A ther and Gum Beltinits. CM- 1— cinosl Platter. and Mill irons, of A - striated Qual ity. Al4O, Colone, Curalirn, and Ltophes Mill Stones of all .17.e3. [Ft li. '. ';', , .4. ly Mon©y Saved 1 - DrYING rron, 110„h,t• )1.1 /. 9 ft” .Y, j. \V. corner of I.ccinizton awl Green streets, • 11/11.TINIottg, MD You sure ?.5 Rs. per pbun'd You gave fO c: per Lard l Yon 83T C 50 et:. per barrel in 'raying Fish You save from 2. to 3 dollarq per 100 pounds In ha" ing Bacon You tutrArom . 1 to 4 ets. per pound You save from 2 tort eta. per p iuua in lin,ying i °Eke You .ave from 3 u) 10 cot. per gillon in buying Mobisset n aliort you can tarp money Ow Grocery linr by burin? of 1101)K k S. W. corner of Lexington and firenn If any body doubts it 1.. t them dice us ()NE. rittAt.., And if they are nnt AntisAitA We wnr , -tnt every article we sell. We pick 211 goods •e•nretr. nll.l citarg.e nothing for packing the Cools are unt F 1" NDED 111 3 1.. Clnrtered 1.914. Located colt. OF BALTIMORE & CHARLES BTS., T tr.eimnee. Mp. 1 Ne* 'York; end will be sold below the cost of The T.nrzegt. 3fogt Kteg.intly Futniglied t Poggalrfr importition. A 1.904 aMU line of Black Ih-ess commereisl College in the tnited States. I Silks, of the most celebrated mannfirtore. and DI:SP:NM EX PIIK:zSLY Ft►ft YOUNG MEN Desiring to obtain n thoronabTroctieal Business ' • Efifeation. Erery Tming Man has a Counting Dmik to him- self. and ie separately in•trnlrtrd. STUDZSTA lY •TTZ!COVIICII ?ROW NICIRLX EViRT STATT. TSrns UN lON. The most Comprehensive end Thorough Course of Study, and the nnlr PRACTICAL METHOD OK INSTRUCTION Are here introduced. No Copying from Printed•or Manuscript Pomp in LFARTING BOOK-lEKVING AT THAI BALTIXORE CONINIERCI Al b COLLAGE. This method of instruction is noricre else intro- Ertel' Toting alms shonl.l u rite immediately tar ode of those large and bnatttihtl Ornamental Circular., repregentini the exterior and interior Ti'fr of the College. l'entuan.fhip, hr., whit h will be sent hr return mail, free , of r4arje, with C.tta lope containing list of St , lLlt.n IR term of t lotion, opinirina of the 'Pres. on our new tt,tem of lltiok- Keeping, etc. E. E. Lnattx, Principal—Leetnrcr on the Science of Accounts, lizt,,iness, Ct;gtouts, etc. J. M. PfIII.LIPA, Profes.or of 13001.-Kceping and Commercial CAlcolotiong. DArir.R. Aq oci-tte Prof. of Book-} eepilg N. C. JOUXSON, Protegsur of Perim tn.hip. S. T. WILLIAMS, Men :motile Law. • Rev% E. V. Itz.ssE, U. 1.)., Commexclal Ethies4 in buying. Tca in buying Flour in buying Sugars uu most every article ISaltiniore ue wilt ?)e rnnt~nt - th:4 they shall bee - Somewhere else n; r!, reacot •d, at onr exptstyte duced in this cowary MIMI ALL THINGS ARE READY —The l nndor signed Inks the pli•sure of announcing to ld countty friends—f Armers and merchants —aa well as the citizens of • Gettysburg, and "the rest of mankind, - that hit new mid com modious Watehouse is now open. and that he is recei‘ ing GRA IN ft Pl.i 1 1)r CF: of all kinks, foe which he is p- mg the highest market prices ; and while the public can ili.lioi• of their pro dove to the he,.t :oh - ant:lgo. the y can be supplied In return P.llll Groceriet, of eve-v dc-cription, con.sictingof S.dt. Coffee, Sitar, Molasses, Teas. Ri c e, &c., &C., al,o, Guano, PlaFter, Oils, Cellar were, and a thousand other thing not hero mentioned. Whole:ale, Retail and cheap as the cheape , t is our motto. if the fic , i;.le cnri.rilt their own intere-t4. and act wt-iel•,-, they IN iii not forget the uncle--i.zned. liapimy. the fmniliar flees oriel my ohl cuttorner• will meet nin .Cain. and N‘itli them lieW ones. I ' , AIM! cad , Ivor to plea-e them. JOHN lIOKE. tli. tty -burg,. Nov. 22, 18.7,8. • ' -* Dr. Baakee T PLEATS ALL DISEASES.—DR. B IAEEE will giro special attention to tie following I 114easti: Cfjugh4, Cold., Consumption. Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the Nose, Mouth, Throat and Lungs. Attar'. tioe to the treatment of all Skin diseases—Lum bago, Lumbar Aliscegees, Scrofula, Rheuma tism. Neuralgia; Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsi Piles. and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver:A , Dowels; also all chronic diseases pertaining to Women and Children.. Dr. Baakee can, pro duce one thousand certificates of his perfect ' success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Ulcers * Fistula, Scald Reads, Wens, Swellings and Tu ' mom of every description and without the use !of the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the waled' inust place themselves under the Doc tor's perkiest *riper% ision. DR. ISAAKEE has maile4 new discovery of a ' Fluid that will produce per:ect absorption of the C4* It %CT, and restore perfect vision to the Eye 1 without the use of the knife or needle, and he 1 cures alt diseases of the EYE AND I:AR, I And the best of it all La the fact (tot my rhymes) without the use of the knife or needle, and he He is Belling at prirerto SHIT TIIE BARD tins constantly on hand tin exctdrent as-nr,ment t TIIIES. of beautiful Artificial Et es. and 'l - ylllp:dawns, or always find Clothing. in quality rare, Ear Drums, imitable tor eitl/er bax and ages Made up of materials for service and wear: —inserted in tire minutes. 2.1-0, a IJrge Then give him a call anlyon'll find him on trawl, sortment of Ear Trumpets of alLidzcs and evtry In Chambersbneg street. right at his old stand. description knorn inhale world. Al.o. a large I Gettysburg. Oct. 17, 1859. nsairtment of beintifAl Artificial Bands, with: readathl his e arg p Wrist. ,Arnt and Moir attachments. Ake, of . Removal. Feet, with Ankle. Leg stir: Knee-joint attach- rFITTE: sulvieriber •informs hi men' s—ua t urn] a. nature itselE These scat Its ho tins frie ndsremn can be sent hr Expresw to anypareof the world.thatublic un Dr. l;nakee it one of the most celebrated and Shoe F,:tablighnnint, to Clinntbershurg street, i skilful Phrsici tus and Surgeons nt iv airing.— Gettysburg. where he has now ou hand. I His fame Is known personalty in nearly every and will continue to-keep for sale. an ex ! Fincipal City in the world. All letters address- : tensire variety of work, of his own manufacture. et! to Dr. tiankee rultst contain ten rams. to p a y The work is made up to thebest and most durable manner, iocituting all the newest styles, and All Chronic i :postage nod Incidental expenses. ' diseases can he treated by era-re-pond u c, ex and abort, e d sone) supervision. Office built» li•oni 9d. %Li usually to be- found ilea first establish td NI. - it - Ti in ttA meet of the kind. Halms nowand will continue 794 I...midway, a few door- , above Fon rt It street, to kart' employed. a number of workmen. 4 ' hard Nut Dan.3l",:ty) /feat Yur. (;It.). to beat," to make up customer work. Titat he _ I will seIICBEAP, is eat* proven. Give him a call, exktmine his Boots, Shoesand Gaiters, and I get his prices. With unexceptionable work and low rates. he hopes for and expects a fair share of the public's patronage. Ste-Shoemakers are in:brined that he al ways keeps on hand “UPPEDS,” for Shoes and Ottitors,-rcody for bottoming. which . he disposes of oar pleasing terrag. JOHN BALLWEII. Sopt. 13, 1859 : ly Poilock Baoon & Co., NO. !1 801."Thl SECOND ST., POILADET.- PIM, Importer, nod Whole-r Ale Anti Re tn,l Dealer. in Enny and Staple Dry Condi.— In this department buyer , * wi ll find a Ten- fall . _ _ . and compiete stock of Pfain, medium and faney DRIAS SILKS, principally purchased at the re cent large Auction 'Salm. iii Philadelphia and high In'atre. Also. in their approiniate derirt moth, an extenai%e aad varied assortment of other Dre* MAteriala, emhraeing all the moat approredfahrieg and late,t style! for Fall and; Winter IVear. WLS * SII AWLS! this tlepirtmeot oiT,..r },r far the most exten sive :s.r.‘ortment to he found io the City; which embrace: all the I tte•t no% el‘les, and tno.t pop- obit' style!, of the ~ 1 5.i0n, in low to anifekine ' Goods ; many of which hire been pnrehaged at 'tic Lite large .ktietion and will be sold at I greatly re lured priceq. CIPAKS? RAGLANS!! MANTLES' I !—liip.ers will firritln this ttepart-; ment a spry eiten , i‘e as.ortment, and almost endle+. variety sheet from, and 1-ithont any doubt the btize=t An , l most vaned St.K•k both in point of quality nnd st , le to be found in this front late tosateper fine goodq, all ninnottetarcli or the be•tt and most apnroto 1 materi..l4 for F.tll nod Winter Wear, and of unequalled workmanship for tint retail RIO'S. are CO. .1 to examine our stuck. A liberal diictunt to wholesale buyer,. POLLOCK% BACON' X CO No. 20 youth Socoild street, Philadelphia. (lot. 2i. 185 r. :Im Adams County ILITTrAt, FIRE INSURANCE COMPA.M -lucorporated, March Is, 1851. OFFICERS. —1; corze .Swope. I flee Pr , t1 , 1 , 1' —S. R. Russell. S•err(.l.-7--L). A. Buehler. —I) M'Creary. elazre t'ee—llobert itcCurtly, Jacob Sing , Andrew Ileint7elmln. Swope.. U. A. Rachler,Jn cob I:mg. A. lientiolman, P.. Nl'Curdy, Thom. A. Marshall, S. Fahneßtork, Wm. B. M, Ciellan, Win. IL IV'!son, M. Eichclherger, Abdiel John Woltord, U. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright. John llorner,.R. G. Mt•Creary, S. IL Russell, D. M'Crcary, Andrew 'Polley, John Picking, J. IL Company is limited in its opera tions to flie county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid .all losses and.ex penses, without any aunt:mod , having also a large surplus, capital in , the treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all .business being done by the 3fanngers, who are annual elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insnrance, can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. • e'The Execntivs Committee tnreti at the office of the Company en the last Wednesday In every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. Latest News! T' great excitement in Gettv‘ - burg 'tis said "Iscaused by Picking's CLOTHING all neat and ready made, His goods are all fresh, his shies are 01l new, Just drop in and see and you'll find thi. istrue. If you want a fine coat, he has every shade, Blue, brown and black, all well trimmed and made; And his large stock of pants comprise g all colors The finest of Cassimers, Doeskins and others. And now of his rests all the patterns are new, Of fine silks and - satins, and velvets not few ; His stock is too large to enumerate here. In a word he has all . that gentlemen wear. Ile has ith , 7n a stele): made expresAy- for youth, And his mode of dealing is farness and truth ; Something NON N GETTYSEICRO.—The undersigned informs I the citizens of the town and county, the.tte has tommeneed the 8.AK1:50 business, on 4arge scats, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where lie will try to deserve, and hopes to receive, .1 , lib-ral patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES. CRACK - F:I2.S. PIINTZEL:4. 44c.. ke., baked every day, (Sun dare excepted.) all of the beet quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely etrrried on. and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. erected a large and conarnod ions hake-house a n d secured the hest workmin and the most ap proved machinery, he is prepared to do a bury business. VALENTINE SAL-PEE Jail 25, 1859 Here We Ar 3 Again ! TUST from the eitv with the hest find cheap est assortment A . t'SYRUPS and MOLASSES* that we 'have yet offered, ralcul tied to ulease all persons in rturlity and price.; : sn; tits, a very large stn -k. low; COFFEES. TEAS. Choco late, Ciro. Cheese. Spices, (all kiuds.) Crackers and Tea CAkes, Vinegar. Pickles. Sugar-cured HAMS and SIMI - LDS:HS. Tigard, Shad. Mackerel and Herrings, Salt. Cedar-ware.Tnlas, Buckets, Ac.; B Fl , nr Selves. Brooms. PrnAhes, Are,; all kinds of Cordage. Concentrated Lye; Extra and Soperflnt FI,IiTTR. all kinds of Feed; Potatoc=. Fre-h Butter and Eggs constantiv on hand ; Fancy flood:. Confectionaries and - E - rnit. Give ns a call. It afford , us pleasure td show ou r lge and inviting SaI:BECK k MARTIN. Gettysburg. May 10, 1a39. Globe Inn, Et 'H SICSTOWN. Frederick county, Having been renovated and re-furnished, the proprietor assorts the public that a eall is only needed, az, he gurtrantees full satisfaction in eN ery case. Charges moderfte. Iff:NRY ITERR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1P7,9. tf What Everybody Wants. THE FAMILY DOCTOR: containing in plain lannnace. free from medical terms, the CSES, SYMPTOMS and MEE of disease in every form, with impOrtant RULES FOR PRE :SERVING THE HEALTH, and Directions for the Sick Chamber, and the Proper Treatment of the Sick.—This book is written in a p/silleiplaY. and farnaiar style, adapted expressly to and indiiidual use. Ij advocates no particular theory of Medicine, hut draws alike from the Flowers of the Field, the Plants of the Garden, or the Minerals of Earth, for such Remedies_ as hare proved the moit simple,safe,andeffeettiaia believing that wherever disease has found a foothold. there the Giver of all Good has, in some form,mercifully placedsSpecific. Neither does it profess to /unread(' the physician, but, only to avoid the necessity and expense of salt lug him in except in deuterons cases. It is in fitet-'a physicist( itself, always at hand and ready to "serve yea, while its ample receip t may soon save you many times its (lost. It ebntalns 308 pages, In a clear and open type, is illustrated by appropariate engravings, and Will be forwarded to your ware* postage paid and neatly, hound, on i receipts of the price ' VI 00. Everybody.should have it. Agents wanted everywhere, who will find it very popular; tuld with whowif,liberat arrange ments will be made Address.' JOHN E.. POTTER, Publisher, No. 6/143141P08144.,:PtiOa4elphia, Pa. 4,1.1350. ..131n, . . J FIP tom So undersigned. would Mine* and the pnbile generally i that he eestinues Ftle4 CARRIAGE-MAKIAG t1511414,8X In all its branches, at hie establishment, ltl fsf Ld die Street, (near the eastwad,) Gettystittsg, where he has on hand a first-rate lot br "wink ) and is prepared to put up to order whatever may be desired In his line, viz I—jtoclaway and float-body Carriages, IPsiifing. Top, Rockaway and Trotting - Bug • t gies, Jersey 'Wagons, kc. With good workmen and good material', he tan pledge his work to be of the beet quality--and hi's prices are among the lowest. sar•Repairin g done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call I Jane 15,'67. JACOB TWIRL. Still at Work I eIoAcrmAKING AND BLACKSIIITIITI43, —The undersigned respeetfhlly taforsrts his friends and the public that be continnes the Coachmaking and Blacksmithlnt business iu erery branch at his establishment la Obam bersburg street. He has on band aid' will manufacture to order all kluds of cAzatuoss, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagon, of the best material, and made by snperliwr work men. ierfcsrAlßlNG and %acuity's:so of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. COUNTRY Pnonrcs taken in exchange for work at market prices. (!al'-Porsons desiring articles or work In the Coachtnaking or Ellacksmithing line, are re pertfully invited to csll on JOAN L. HOLTZWORTII Gettysburg. Jan. 24, '59. 116Sitti TS. WAYIRICINT ZIZGLXII New Firm--New Goods. min undersigned have entered'into partner ship in the HARDWARE k GROCERY busines.:, at the old stand of Danner k Ziegler, in Baltimore Atreet, tinder the name, style and firm of DANNER is ZIEGLER, HIS., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They hare just return ed from the cities With an immense stock of C oods—consi sting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass, &c. T 001.4, including. Edge Tools of every description, Saws, Planes, Chissels, Gouges, Braces and Bitts, Angers, Squares, ,Guages, Hammers, kc. Blacksmiths will and'Anrils, Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Bone-shoe Nails, kc., with them. very cheap. 'Coach Find ings, such as ('loth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Felines, Bows, Poles, Shafts, kr. Shoe Findings, Tampico. Brush and French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Teets, kc., with ageneral assortment of Shiemaker's tools: Cabinet Maker's Tools, a gestalt assortment.— also Varnish, Knobs, Ice. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Farks, Brittannia, Albata and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sficks, Waite's. Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Own, Carpeting, kc. Also. a genernl assortment., of forged and rolled 11tON of all sizes and kin ds; Cast, Shear, and Bli:ter Steel, which they will sell as cheap , as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and ge n . oral a.ssoi twin , such as Crushed, Pulverised, (unr i fled and Brown Sugars; New' Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and Syrups, Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine. Fish. kc.: n full assortment of Lead and Zinc. dry audio oil; also Firilproef Paints; in fact, alm,.-; every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Howsekeeping, f Black cruith.Cabinet %faker's, Painter's,Glazier's, and Grocery line.nll of which they are deterni in. ed to sell as low for CASH as any house out. of the city. , HENRY B. DANNER, WAYDRIGFIT ZISGLER. Gettysburg. Mu 24, 1858'. Notice. !1F on.l , rNigned having retired from the Mere:lfl ye business, the same will hereaf ter he cowl/mei] at the old stand, in Baltimore , street. by their sone, Uenry B. Danner and Way bright Ziegler. under the name and- atylo of Muir er S Ziegirr,Jrz., whom we will recotnmeild • to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal irttronagc from old customers, and-of ' the publ.c in general. Ilnring retired from the Mereantile business, it iq necefsdry that our old business Should be Settled op. We, therefore, notify en - those in illibted to ns either-by Judgment, Noitt or Book Account. to call and 'settle the same withont drlay. The books sill be "'bind at the old J. B. DANNICIL. 11... y 2:1,18;i8. ZIRGLER. Frasier River 0 VTDONF.!--Cotne to the Store it Green meant for Bargains I—The undersigned wonld most respectfully inform the public that he has parehased the Store pf John Welkert, at Greenmount, Adams county, half-way - on the road from Gettysburg to Emmitlhurg, where he ecpects, by etiolation and mall . profits, to re ' tain oTti custom and secure lots of new I lis stock of DRY GOODS. of eVeryiesCHiltroo, G roceries. Confectionaries. Queeustrare. Wood en t ware, Crockery-ware, Hardware, kc., is large and varied►-equal to that of any other first else' , store—and he_ will sell at prices istonishingly low. He only asks a trial, to prove the truth of this aviertinn. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. ALEX. HARPER. The undersigned also carries otr. lhe CAR RIAGE-MAKING business at the same place, and offers rnre indoceiaents to purchasets. He will warrnut his work good, whilst his charges are among the most moderate. Repairing done on short notice. J. ALEX. HARPER. * Feb. 14, 1R59, Rlitroal. Store. T C. aciss t illto hove just reeeived and arc *petting at their new store on the ortiv-ivest corner Of Centre Square,Gettysburg, a large and complete assortment of Rpring and Summer Goods anti Groceries. The ladies par ticularly are invited to call and examine oar su perior 6tyleq of Dress Goods and Fancy artieler, emhaliting everything coming properly under this head at prices not heretofore carolled, and in quality surpassed by none. GENTLSMICVS WEAR, of every description.consisti ng of Cloths, i mere F.. 7 Casinette, Coathigs, Vestinge, which cannot be surpassed out of the city In quality and prise. , . Our stock of Groceries is also complete, while every other article generally found in • Dry Goods store can he had at the "Railroad Store" of .T. C. Quinn dr Bro. Believing that the pub, lie can snit themselves better here than else. where, we invite them to give us a call. For the proof of our assertion. call and examine our stock, even if you don't, huy. [April 4.1859. New Grocery. THLS WAY FOR BARGAINS—The sub. 11 scriber respectfully informs tho citizens of town and country, that lie hoe opened a Grocery, confectionary and Notion Store, en York street, two doors east of St. James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general assortment of goods in his line—such as : Syrup, from 40 to 70 :ants per gallon ; Sugars, all kinds; Coffee., dif ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish. Cheese, Scutoh.lPirring, ground and tinground Pep. per, Alepice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mustard, Soda, Ginger, Starch. Rise, Teas, Candles, Extract Coffee, Chocolate. Ocenennlitect A rt Lye; Brooms, Buckets, Candies, sit kinder, Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Alnico ' Gran& Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons. triepti cY Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, - ,14.; . • Butter and Elf', bought and sold. eta, vitas the mils of the public, convinced OW Iris ass ortment will please. both in quaky and price. lie its determined op sail chaps* than the cheapest. 4 , W M— X . BITTLE, Gettysburg, Dec, 10, '5B. . .., . • - • .47 •.. • 7 1, /11.