The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 05, 1859, Image 3
, . . . 13 AP "Illaiglillii2M2114;- ` 5 - ''' t- -.-. - toe **Compiler. • Mr him O. ot alparehf_ a . 111111111011 - 4/tilleakiltisted Anuses mousi ng . • - , 4112 4 man well knows in II Pit. whim 4.loiiiiitossa ending jaborMg under as attar of amnia a pais, OA' riper 4 4 4 sin banoirm sew lags jumped through hie dumber 'mow an the Berlin oitbeat sUbileMbingtorit. But they third Moil m the State t%pital Motel. ht that nuns pep set that r w iii bat pay for i t , a , t town, and falling on the brick pavement Ism , low, was almost Instantly killed. Mr. R. wait I there are -WO lathy Blain it,. ATs x-rirta. a gentleman of considerable wealth, and at' For the Compiler. , fine social qualities - , but strongly addicted 10, the intoxicating cup. Mr. R. was, in his 1 Nark few days fir. a Republican was time, otte of the most extensive railroad eon- I asked by a Democrat at East Berlin what the tractors in this country, having assisted in I Tribune thinks of old Brown, when he an- i west:meting the greater part of the lesdins swered that the " Tri/rtsne thinks what any public improvements in Pennsylvania as well , senailile max ought to think of him." There's as . t.hate .. large inof New York. Prior to his death he i em re ountract Virginia: The last ! Abolition sympathy for yeti. I work he engaged in in Pennsylvania was , CiTiZgX ()F "II C<""r". !the enlargement of the Union Canal. Mar riect_ i One Democrat Short.—lt is said that John T.. Brown, Democrat, elected to the louse of On Tharvdsy last. at the residence of the bti i c ., fi i th e r, by the Rev. J.. 4. Murray, Mr. J. 'Representatives from the Fifth Congressional District of Kentucky, will not take his seat, W. NSELY, of Reading township, to 3liss MITE' a t the opening of Congress, be being under E.WMA, daughter of lion. Isaac E. Wiseman, of the constitutional age. The second section of; Huntington township. • I article lit of the constitution declares that , sW•The kind remembrance of the printer by o 'cc person shall be a representative who the happy pair, in the forwarding to him of a :shall nut have attained the age of twenty-five supply of the wedding cake, calls forth his Years." Mr. Brown lacks a few months of earnest thanks and the sincere wish that their the required age. I brightest anticipations may be realized. 1 Diodontres in the American Board of Alio- May their haute be blessed—may no rude care, sioas.—Bosrow, Nov. 30.—Rev. Dr. Pomeroy, No sorrow And admitt-ture there; secretary of th/ American Board of Foreign But Conneopla constant pour - Missions, to-day resigned in consequence of I Its blessings 'till thc'r cup runs o'er. disclosures made by letters addressed to him oh! may it be their blest retreat. during his absence, and opened by other Which friendship seeks with willing feet, members of the board, showing him guilty of , Where all is ciltn. serene and clear, - criminal acts. Dr. P. had been secretary for As Heaven's unclouded atmosphere. ' twelve Tears, and was one of the most pronii- On the 29th inst., by the Rev . . Jac° l37 .iigier, ' nent cierKymen in Maine, previously. An Mr. SAMUEL GONDER to Mi+.s SARAH' C. investigation will be made. , MITCHELL, both from the vicin ity . of kVaynes- 1 -...... I hero'. 1 Viz Throat Disease in Boston.—Diptherin.' In the Presbyterian Church, Fredericksburg, a sort of croup, Nevada somewhat among Va., on Thursday, the 24th inst., by the Rev. nin Boston the present time. Th i A. A. Hodge. SAMUEL G. DANIEL, Esq., to ' c throah ildrte becomes sore, at a false membrane is for e Miss MARIA K. lIENDER.SoN, formerly of this cried in the windpipe, until the passage to place. On Tuesday. the 22tlinet .by the Rev. H. G. the lungs is entirely closed up, and the . un- Dill, Mr. JOHN A. SNOWDEN to M., is R. iCIIEL fortunate sufferer dies a distressing death E. BERCAW, b0..11 of Str.tban township. from suffocation. Its attacks are sometimes N' • Mil rt Clear- ' On the 24th inst.. nem- .en i pu , li ,, ht, but usually about one death occurs out field county, 1'.1.. by 1:(2%. J. R. Focht, Mr. of four that are iittarcke,l by it. GEORGE W. REX. formerly of Ad tms county,., ---'- -- ------ - - -- to Miss 11.1CHEL ERHAIID, all of Clearfield county JD is ci__ On the 14th of Nov., SAIIXII J. NE, infant (laughter of Mr. Samuel Kitzmiller, Jr., of York.Pa.,,(formerly of this place,) aged 4 wee►v. tin the ,2.lst of NUN., in Fairfield, Adams county. WILLIE M. SHIVELY, aged 7 years 6 months and 10 days. On the 19th ult., JOANNA 31.1111', aged 17 years, and on the 27th, AGNES AIATILDA, aged 11 years, children of Pius and Matilda. Fink. of Mountjoy township. The tie., is hruken, soy dearest child, That bound thee here to me— Mv heart ha s List its single pearl, And thine at last 1. free; Dead us the enrth that ss rape thy clay, Dead as the stone laws e thee— Cold as this heart that breaks to say It nos er more ern lose thee. I prest thee to my aching breast, No blush corn:, o er thy brow— Those gentle arms that once carress'd Fa.ll roned me deadly now: The sale, of lore no longer part Thu-e dead blue lips of thole— ! hiy we hand upon thy heart, 'Tis cold, at to wine. We a re henenth our native heaved, onr native land— * fair grave to thee i given In this sill bed of sand: But thin wort single in thy faith, And tingle in thynorth— And thou thonld'st die a lonely death, And he in lonely earth. • Then lay thee down. and take thy rest, 31s last—last look is Kisco— The earth it smoothed above thy breast, dud wine it jet nuns en. No prayer, 110 parting tn - ayer— M!, peel-bed do.e can have— But a Mather! sighs Cnibalnl th,y COTSO, And Emends' tears thy gin e. Special Notice.s. DYSPEPSIA —7bore to perhaps." disease lehkik de. Atmore the happiness and comfort of individuals, aed (sol i es to the saws extent as Dyspep,a or I adlestkid. Pree oiusly to the t•ry of the ATER BITTERS. there exuded uu seetlie,ne acce,llble to thou, Illitinring from thii+ each epre»d di.rasc , rth.cla relieved It any iderk. , ed degree. The rower a thee* aittere over the Axe named dis use as well we Over ail Wore turlog Weir origin in 1.- le eau. and functional .11,..00s of the stomach, ' Aatiltua and General Debility is bejond aL qat taon Ik sPoody son t permsnent •zu rt. of some of the ssresest sad stabboro coos on leourd a suirmant coutlimutioa of this fact. COPY OF A LF.TTET: FBO3I k SCHOOL TY.ACHER IN PETRO'S —Detroit, June 16, 1.4•3.-31 inters. $. W. Fowls Jt. Co , Rueron .—I n referees-e to the Oxygenated Bitters, I can , that after baring the Do, •Tietieta for Leieial mina( dy dig • itb ;win eel beeriness In my stomach pre‘iitled no-on by a friend .° tied bees cu red be medicine to try • bottle of Green's ()summated Bitter, lief,* ua.t lilt( a bottte t felt greatly relieved. lull. by the tme I lbst used two bottle. and a 'half I was entirely veil. ant still remain vo I kr/CM Of See•rai Cao.e, leerall,treeceg eves thee me eye, elakb have been entine:y cured by tote invaluable medi an. ; and *ed. me great,sure to rerrismnend it to any i$ ail may be segerirvg from this dreadful malady. „W. A. rAcoN, Tereaer„of Detroit Velvet debool. Pi:spired by Setlt t 'Yowls & (1... Best.os. and for sale by A.. 9). tiettystru Ty, ; Jacob Fulweilsr, Ilucrouas bore; if gi.xeder. New Oxford; D. X Bollinger, Abbott,- town • William Wolf, nut ourlie ; Peter Bobt‘t 6 • flamp tos; Wes. I. Metcalf, Nark derieza Jame* A Xlder.. Xsti mitsbedi ; and by sil dap.ders in Isobel ass. [Null le. it Tali ?MUNI COUP LETY",..-1 nuttier perfect mire of Epilepsy by Dr. name's Epilrotm Pais • Donate Nick. P,Nalutaa's C. 0., Oct let /855 Dr. Sam►—Dear Sir :—lleriag been afflicted with fell log fits for some yews past. I dev.rminel to give your Pitts a trial, (+dvertiesment of which I saw to sumo of the papers.) sad eortholie..l to use them for some months. nottl t wee eoUnily cured. I believe them to be a fret rate Elias; WI since I bare wed than, I bare hot bed one attest. and am now In the mop :neat of good health. I asp, Tory vrspeetfelly, yostra, ate., J JACOBS. P. S. The Pills sere resorataexhiad to N3* by itr. Nathan Newby, of thb county. to whose address you seat them. There Plitt, besides coring Epilepsy, are a. apselite tor all teodllicatioos of oerrooy dupes Price SS per box i two bularrifor Se; twelve boxes for 1124 • Persona eor-loairsg a montane* aft hays the Fibs mot them *roost the omit, se its receipt. /or We by Sera 8 Etsscs, No. 108 Between toed, Baltimore. , to oh= orders from sit partial' the I:Wm' must be addrausq. [Nev. 21. lm TO COMICSITTITI4I.—TIie adoerthor hating been re stored he a few weskits, h. very Blonde remedy, alter andtsred aerecal :earl with a arose* Lim At ,t eedies, that dread &awn, Conanowilon,—ls anxious Tlooks !move to lie bllow rellerent th e tomes .re COM , o ell Otte dean it be sal Nog • Dopy et the weipt owe *rodMee ehuw), otUt dlreetions ter preps:tag sod wale( eq=rd zi =ll lad a nem eere Ova &A. The oaly otdeet et the earwig/no to the liemetiqus to Soma the alio tad, mil les Moo every ii*Orsr win try his remedy, it will me dem •POISA I NO "Iv pews a biarneg. Parties Yirealits do posed Ida Oros Wrest iwg i = mbe aD • WILSON, str-s T. 41111 / 1 / 11 itirlida 1111112 Y —Bl 1 'mos o=llPlebtostrocur Itoit•c••• ! Pmts. pooparod tress • Imoosclotio• by Mc Jr. Maw M.D. Pkyabolow Istr•ordi. to dor QUO*. Thu 1 1 / 1 41 boors noolketice Jo coo is. wig coot Nes moldy for Accool• Diaktlitir , . Sera airy Paso obooroor, sod atiosigh • tboy ambito o•Ndoo Isorroba to tie 131A hrji 0.8411010- 70 till aso Lassos it ia Or•Oerky mu m & 1 t via. is • Awl Iliiit t ban ea as unathly period with lan aim bore Urn to tail where the ' rigis ZtillT cliaortloon soil of papilla an Tait olorrood. NOI fortiose got s pasboblot trio of the obant. N.amdil Nebo *um' isaitsei a soy saibor tuKt 'rift than -- a bo Ws . inekibithie ow in PIM& SW rococo T. Ir. & lea, IrkslassiwAgernat Irlalatialphla.— A. D. boost, astleoliccrt [ 1 0 11 " 1 iv& se rl'sksss wisSimg wort*** ifssuessliselislyks s aire , au nla M , lxe m s basissee gesall, ese aborlim., mums& a allitt, Country Produce tIOrGHT arid SOLD ut the S. E. corner of the Ittuniond. Gettyuburg. ec. 5, 1859. Z. NI Y ERS. OR SALE.—The i,ub.t.riber offers at Private Sale, A HOUSE sod K. LI? LOT OF GROUND, on West Mid st - dle street, Gettysburg, adjoining Dr. Study on the West and Anthony Codori on the east.— The Howse is a counortible two-story Frame, ueatherboarded, with a Itack-building ; also Stable and well of water on the premises. If this property is tot sold by Monday, A 2d day cf January next, it uill be offered at Public Sale on that day, at 1 o'clock. I'. Communicated Dec. 5, 1859. td TRH snbscriber, having been, appointed hr the Orphan's Court of Ailakni county, an lditor to diAribute the balance remaining in the hands of tSaBASTIAN STITZEL. Administrator of the estate of DANtEL. S. Nlturz. late of Hun tington township, deceased, to and among the persons legally entitle , ( to receive the same. hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of bit appointment at the office of M. k W. McClean, in Gettysburg. cm. TA.tradoy, Me 2211 day of Petenther mat., nt 10 o'clock. A. M.. of said day,at which time and piglet all persona interested will please attend. MUSES .11cCI.E.1N, .11111 r Dec. 5, 1859. 41 Notice. miff; first aeconnt ofJoet. B. 1 . /Asses ttnrlGeo. CHRITZNA.N. AAsiggip of JOuS CIIIIITZUAN. Intl been filed in the CoIHR of COVOLIIOII Pleas of Adams county. and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the 27th day of Dxember U t s.l., un less cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB ISCSHEY , Froth' y Prothonotary's Office, Gettys- t burg. Dee. 5, 1839. 4t' °AMOS INSTITUTION.—An Election for Thirteen Directors of the Farmers' ar.d Mechanics Sayings Institution of Adams coun ty. to serve for the year 1800, will b. hold at the office of the Institution, an Saturday, f lu I to day of Dorember mat., between the hours of 10 o'clock, .1. M., and 2 o'clock, P. M. GEORGE THRONE, GEORCR ARNOLD, Ste'y s Tre..l4. Dec. 5, 1859. td CiACSAGE crTTERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS, SAUSAGE crmns. SAUSAGE STUTTERS, SAUSAGE STUTTERS, SAUSAGE STUTTERS. LARD PRESSES, LARD PRESSES, LARD PRESSES. LARD CANS, LARD CANS, LARD CANS. Dec. 5, 1859. Hanover B. Railroad. WINTER ARLIANQEMENTS.—On and af ter Monday, the sth inst., the Passen ger Trains will run as follows : First Train lerites Hanover at 8 A. Y., with Passengers for Baltimore, York, Harris, burg, Columbia and Philadelphia. Second Train leaves Hanoverat 3 P.N., with Passengers for Baltimore and Intermediate points. Eatra Train on every Tuesday and Saturday leaves Hanover at 5 I'. M., with Passengers for York, Harrisburg, kc., returning with Pai sengers from Baltimore. Through taakets are now issued to Philadel phia, Columbia, Harris b u rg„Willianasport, Read ing, Baltimore, York, Wrightsville, and anoth er principal way points on the line of the Northern Central Railway. . D. E. TROVE, Ticket Agent. Hanover, Dec. 5, 1859. T COST!—Now is Tin miss FOR BARGAINS. I A: —GEO. ARNOLD is selling off the fol. owing goods at coat: 25 cent Moults Daum at 20, 20 cent do. at le, 121 do. at 10; Berage Desires at similar rates; 50 cent Coburg Cloths at 37k, and 31 cent do. at 25; Alpacca, Ginghams, Calicoes, Sack Flannels, and Pls.da, st the same rates; also, Long and Squ are Shawls, cheaper than the cheapest C and see them. [Nor. 28, 1859. County Surveyor. JOHN G. BRINKERHOFF, Surveyor Ayr the county of Adams. Office in Straban town ship. Post-Office address, Hunterstowa, Adams county, Pa. [Nov. 28, 1869. ITO YOl7 WANT A GOOD Mint( MTV— Then v to Weaver's Sky-light Gallery, Middle street, Gettysberg. BLI.DLNTO MATERIALS.—Paints, 01Is, ke. always on hand and will be thralsked a low sales at IfiII33IBTOCIFS. rpALLOW.-A prime article of Tallow can 1 be bad at SWIM A BENNESIL AMBILO, Melain°. Enamel and Photograph Picture*, of superior style, token at Wee wee e Wry-light e OB THE HOLIDAYS I—AU desirous of prasentiag *air friends witika traVisealAr2 I and. lasting mamma et hisesisid sepsis M ones to taus Isealsios Mgr aed seism owl et mows! aura Town Property GEORGE CIIRITZ11:01 Notice. Election. Ladies' Dress Goods Ladd, Webster & Co., Ii BALTIMORk ST.,BALTIMORE, MD, A l steefeetarers of Ispreced Tight-4141dt 1-3 . MWISG MACIIIEBB for Faegliat and Manigartering Establisimeelit. Let Meeetactavers, Fluters, Farmers, Hone& keepeset or any other parsons in search of a* instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done by machinery, make sure they secure the best, by examining ours before purchasing. star Samples of Work sent by mail. 11111 AT COSITITVTDS l GOOD /SWUM KAMM? 1. It should be well made, simple In Its con struction, and easily kept in order. 2. It should make a VONT LOCI-lITITCM, alike OD both sides of the material. 3. It should sew any and all 'materials that can be sewed. 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5, It should he able to sew from coarse to fine, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. u. It should be able to make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. 7. It should hare a straight needle ; tarred ones are liable to break. 8. The needle should hare perpendieulm motion. This is absolutely necessary for heavy wurk. 9. It should bercapable of taking in th• largest-pieces of iTerk. 10. It should he able to bind with a binder, hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should he always ready to work. 12. It should be capable of using the. same size of thread on both s ides of the work, and of using different colored thread or silk, above or below, to correspond with any two colors of cloth to be united. 13. It should be able to make a long or short stitch. 14. It should be able to fasten off the seam, and commence ace ing tighlly at the fint stitch. 1.5. It should run easily and make knt little noise. 16. It should hare a wheel feed; none others are in constant contact wills the work. 17. It should not be liable to get out of order. Mit should not be liable to break the thread, uor skip stitches, 19. It should not be necessary to use a screw.- dri% er or wrench to set the needle. 20. it should nut be• liable to oil the opera tor's dress. 21. It should not form a ridge on the under side, nor ra% el out, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the ease with ♦LL CHAIN-STITCH machines. 22. It should nut be " wore trouble than it is worth." 23. Finale, all of these advantages are pos sessed by our Sewing Machine. LADD, WEBSTER At CO. Dec. 5, 1859. ly • Register's Notice. I\TOTICH is hereby given to all legatees and ill other persons concerned that the Wain. istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Cann of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, opi Tuesday, the 271 A of Deceilther next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz: 154. The first and final account of Moses Senft, Guardian of Lucy Ann Kohler, minor daughter of Jacob Kohler, deceased. 153. The first account of William Walter, Executor of the last will and testament of George Walter, late of Franklin township, dec'd. 156. The first and final account of George Throne. Administrator of the estate of Jubu McGrew, Lite of Mcuallen township, deceased. 157, The and filial asenunt of Edward Spalding, Administrier of William Bernier, deceased. 158. The account of John Wolford, Adminis trator of the estate of James Snider, deceased, late of Huntington township. 159. The tirst aceouut of Jacob Myers, Esq., Executor of the last will and testament of Geo. Toot, deceased. 160. First account of Wm. 11. Webb, Admin istrator of the estate of Henry Stombnugh, dec. tut. The account of F.. W. Stable, Guardian of Win. Lyman Thomas, Philip 11. Thomas, Harney Thomas, and Jacob P. Thomas, minor children ut J icob P. Thomas, deceased. 1112. The first account of Joel A. Danner, Ex ecutor of laaac niddlemoser, deceased. 163. The first and heal account of Samuel Pitzer, Guardian of Emanuel George Tro.,.tle. one of tbc minor children uf Henry Tro•tle, dec. 1434. The i.e.( and neconnt of Maxwell Shields, Esq., guardian of Martha Virginia Knox, minor child of Samuel Knox, deceased, exhibited by James H. Marshall and John Musselman, Ad misistratnra of the estase of the said Maxwell Shields, deceased. 11. The Second account of Maxwell Shields, Esq., guardian of Elizabeth llarriet Knox, min or child of Samuel Knox, deceased, said exhib itad by James 11. Marshall and John Nesselman, Administrators of the estate of Maxwell Shields, deceased. 166. The account of Maxwell Shields. Esq , Testamentary Trustee for Mrs. Margaret C. Witt crow and daughters, under the wilt of Sam uel Hutehiuson, of the borough of Gettysburg, deceased, exhibited by James 11. Marshall and John Musselman, Administrators of the estate of Maxwell Shields, deceased. 167. The account of Maxwell Shields, Esq., guardian of the estate of Samuel M. Witherow, P. Witherow, Margaret E. Witherow, Mary R. Witherow, Sarah H. Witherow, John Vb'itherow, and Cbarlesworth Witherow, children of Col. S. had Mrs. E. J. Witherow, deceased, settled by James H. Marshall and John Muatelman. Administrators Gf tbe estate of Max well Shields, deceased. 7.ACH tRIAII 3117E113, lleguter. Registeri Office, GI ettys burg, Nor. 28, 1859. Adams-tounty 1=;1 3 t II t ,=;., e - 5 ,g 4 T,A i E i L rit{c a., A rACIIERB' INSTITUTIC—Notice to the Teachers, Directors and friends of educa tion in Adams county, is hereby given, that the Adams County Teachers' Institute will be held at New Oxford, on Illursdoy, Friday mod Satur day, the 814, ULh and IOIA day. of fleoesalper nem, and it is hoped all the Tea:Liers of the county will attend and thus avail themselves of Au op portunity to benefit their Schools and increase their own stock of professional knowledge. The attendance of the Teachers will undoubt edly result to the benefit of the schools, and, therefore, Directors are earnestly requested to allow them the time thus occupied. The subject of a Teachers' Library, in con nection with the institute, will form part of the deliberations, and we trust our Teachers will give the matter a thorough and careful con sideration, in order that the measures prepare. tory to its organization may not be hindered through ignorance of the trubjeci, nor crushed by aa untimely and misguided zeal in its be half. -* JNO. C. ELLIS, Co. Sept. Nov. 28, 1859. 3t Auditor's Notice. sodesedemed, appointed by the Orphan's 'WI tart of Adams county, Auditor to distri bute the balance remaining in the hands of Jneratez &Janson" and JACOB Ssmoos, Re locate:a teethe 'Litwin and testamentof BALTIEZ Gaufraa, late of Franklin township, Adams county, *tossed, to and among the parties le gally entitled to receive the same, will sit at his office, in the Borough of Gettysburg, county aforesaid, en ifeedeg, the LOLL day of Demober sow, 1859, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place all persons interested In the estate aforesaid are Wiled to attend. WM. B. IIIoOLELLAN, Aid* Noy. n, 1858. St Taxes Ibr 1860. rMl'tnistersigse OceHector of the State and easity Taxes qt Ilamiltontain tOwaship or a, hereby lefOrant theme is arrears that be will be at Sehivelts Hotel, in Fairfield, on Soorricr, taw 14101 dip ef Detorabor ant, to re ceive said Taximp as well as the Ninth Flees. It is earaeatly urged apok these who have a yet paid to make payment thsday namod,as after that eollestioas Wig is eofaebmd l " o24ll ai to law. AUGUSTUS HARTZIEL,DoIIector. Nov. es, Itldo. Tyson , Photographs ars A No. 1. 1 Trues' imbrotrpoo ars wasarpeassd. Tisousi Notalastypes aro a:ciao:at. . Tysoos'arsiiplop. Tyson' roboailbsd Maras are Ise. Trams' aimSky-lighaliallsap *oaths rug. corner of the Dionsai,thasysbatip Pro Y-118- rottkk",,wit„ IS sjpotitrim . 4o, timirlihtilli iiiii.Jfiffith* ; is;oi isa alas illwhav-far railrai aim", ?thrifty, w• VAN IIII VIT a SON'S, Watrricur Patin , . Valuable Rail ilateas t A", liglAre Again 1 ~t AND CSKAPERSOODO A l r PRPATII BALL--A per Thiwkwkie T OE .01) COVIT. IL PUBLIC ftitX.--. i---MallterS SAMSON his ttintitifr-Tulliovillikirerlisegoiabligll4l4l44o. Be la h a :fi issine ri . her, itionley In Feet for the Indefit At the cities of New York aid latUrshuellfethd is its Oght aAi De- I 1116(106 Na, eaSigeffel Bs'Peeselliedleeeo Pkilmidc, with the largest stook of Fall and or less, 12 Acres of which is MP* or . i itirPtraa Musser, dammed, ti ill o ff er at Pub- Winter. ishig e v er offered in Gettysburg.— pot, containing 111 Acres and 70 w i t h' Lkit f3ais, all the Seal Batiste of said Santsowa nos for selling good and cheep Timber and &hoot 20 Acre' of /604°w• no; `'" *glowing times and laces, to wit : Os Clothing, but the stock now on hand esceeds Weatherboarded Dwelling HOUSE, improvements are a Two-stogy . • Tiesarsoday, (As 221 dory of nest, at the I anything he has been able to o ff er heretofore— .ll, late residence of said deceased. la Geuysburg, ' having purchased on advantageous tcrins.— coed Barn, Mechanic's Shop, - - •-' 1 1., at 13 e'olock, IL, of said day, the property in stock consists in port, of all kinds of Over with • One-story Bark-bnilding ; a ts, Shawls, Pantaloons, Waistcoats', ruder aelitto.Yabss'l : rir Tilli MANSION, or late residence of , rts, Drawers , Gloves, Hats and Caps, Boots other Out-buildings — all in good . . . rem the p iazze of the newt , you have a fell v i ew of , said deceased, being a fall Lot, fronting on; and Shoes, and in fact everything necessary to the town, and can see the Can arriving and de- South Baltimore street, !sounded by lot of l rig a man out from bead to feet in complete parting. The land is mostly red soil, is of good' Chamberlin's heirs on the north and west, on order. If any one wants a complete suit— quality, and susceptible of a high state of mitt- ths south by " alley. The Improve- - I GOOD AND CllNAP—they will do well by ration. Lime acts well on it., and can Wimp; rnents are a good two-story Brick Dwell- :II ' calling at Samsoa's. be had at the ILl:Dead Depot, one mile distant, lo g HOUSK, with • one-story Brick I IgarAlso--linsical !nitro men ts , Jewelry, and at 121 cents per bushel. There is a Young Ap- Back-building, Wash-house, and two additional; Notions, which it is not necessary to specify, o r one-story Houses, one of brick and the other ale nye on hand at SAMSON'S. fruitn Peat h Orchard, and a great variety in the yard. A well of a ater at the door, log, with • Frame Stable, Wood-house, a well I Oct. 24, 1959. and a never-failing Spring at the barn. This of excellent water in the centre of the lot, with ( - some frail trees. This property will be sold property, with very little te.xpense, can be mails entire re in two pans, as may hest suit pur • very desirable and most beautiful country'', chaser,. residence, well calculated for a vineyard and vegetable farm. will sell cheap and on the most accorn- No. 3: A TIALF LOT OF GROUND, on 10fi West High street, with an alley in the rear, modeling terms. It will be shown either by ri bounded by half lot of Mrs. Neinstedt on the 1 Mr. Slentt, living on the premises, or myself, east, and Lewis Myers on the west. on „ - this lot are erected an unfinished two- 111 • T , residing in town. GEoIIGE ARNOLD. Is • story Frame Weathetboarded 11UUSE Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 5, 1859. Timber Land No. 3 : AN ACRE OF LAND, more or less, i‘e,, on in the rear of So. 1, bounded north and east by AT PUBLIC S ILE —The sub , criber will t an alley, on the south by lots of Dr. John Run offer at Public Sale, on the p leek d George Shrvock. and on the west by Saturday, the .31st day of Ih-eembet "err, A TRACT lots of John H. Culp and Frederick Pillard, on OF MOUNTAIN LAND, containing about 25 which are erected a Frame Barn, ni:11 threshing Acres. situate in Men.slien township, Adams l Boor and stable, and some fruit trees. This county, shout three quarters of a mile 80110. property will be sold together, or in two parts, west of BendersN mile, adjoining lands of Conrad ias m ay b est suit purchasers. Wierman, Peter Rice and others. The land is 4 : ONE ALlti, OF LAND, more or less. well covered with a variety of Timber, and will in the rear of the County Prison. bounded by be sold in SIX LOTS, of shout 4 acres each. an alley on the north, lot of John Houck on Sc - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. / 1 •• On the west and Peter Frey on the south. The said day, w hen attendance will be given and improvements are ten one-story Dwell terms made known by ~ in HOCSES, one • • frame and rough- :: 4 :, Nov. 2,9, 18.59 td cast and the other log, w ith sortie fruit trees. To be sold entire or separate, to suit purchasers. PROPERTY IN CUIIIIERL.tsD TOWNSHIP. —A Tract of Land, in Cumberland township, Adams county, containing in all tis acres and 104 perches, bounded by the Gettysburg and Littlestown Turnpike, and lands of Nathaniel Lightner. Abraham Spangler, Mrs. II igan, George Spingler and 11 um. Patter-on ; part of the tract is ios ered with 3 wing timber, and Civic is also a spriorz of good water upon it.— T lie ti.o. t Im is bee,' ,lia )(led and is ill be uttered in lot:, .is iolloa , - N. I. i ontlicting- 21 a, res pipes, at Pile; N0..1. 27 acres 143 perches, No. ..4 litres 1:,2 pm rel,e.: No. 4, 11 acres 27 pi rmlie.m. This tr ~,t w,ll be :old entire or in lots, as sbo% e stated, as Uit3 best suit per iliaers. JESSE SIIYERS Cannon & Adair's NEW MARBLE Wt./Mi.:4, corner of Balti more and East M.jddle streets, directly-op posite the new Court. liuube, Gettysburg.— Having recently arrived Gnu Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest sty le of the art, we would respectful ly incite the attention of the puliiic wishing to procure anything in oo r line, to favor as with a call and examine specimens of our a ori.. 'We are prepared to furnish NIiINUNtENT;:, Ttlm its AND HEAPSTOSES, MARBLE MANTLES. SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and nll other a 0 ,. 1.. appertaining to our bustuess. at the 1013 irs4. }..os•- res. We ilo Itseltate to gu 1 . a sible pries. that our work shall li' !Atli in n manner situ.- stantial and tasteful tiok 4 to the best to he seen in the cities an here eadv.y , ilopro‘t rii‘ol. which experienne item s:aggebted is availed wt, and especially do we fro -antic that our Ceme tery and Grave Yard woik shall be FO carefully set as not to LI affected ley frost, but stdl niniu. lain for years that erectness of position *riven at the cosupletion of a job. and so necessary to continued I.Tracefolimss and i.yinnietry. Nur. 28, te:.s.). tf Notice. DR. L. R.. RTONESIFEIt'S ESTATE.—Lct ters of administration on the estate of Dr. L. 11 ,Stonesifer, late of Little=town. Adams en., dec . d. Las ing Leen grunted to the undersign ed, residing ia 11.,noser, York cour.t:t, lie lei dy giyes notice to all perNon3 indebted to said est.ite to make immediate pa) meat, and those having claims against the same to present them ptoperle authenticated air settlement. ss H. OATS MYERS, r Nor. 2R. I 4 t. 6t Notice. ESTATF..—Letters tes tamentary on the estate of henry late of Iluniitpleasant tura., Adams CO., having been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in the same township, she hereby gives no tike to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those toti ing claims again , t the rune to present them propkr lv authenticated for settlement. MARGARET MILLER, Facr'r November 21, 1e39. 6t Notice. JOITN SMITH'S F.STATH.—Letters testa meutary on the estate of John Smith, late of Mountpleasstut township, Adams county, deceased, haring been granted to the ander signed, reeidir.g in Oxford township, he here by gites notice to all per.ous indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticate.' for settle ment. FRANCIS 11AILSHALL, Nov. 7, 19%9. GO Stoves, MIN' AND SHEET 11:0:s1 WARE.—SITEADS .t BUEHLER, hat lug purchased •Ilha stock of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of (ions E. Buehler. hale opened an estaldi.huseat la con nection a itli their stove Ware Roost, ander the superintyndence of G. Buehler. and ure notit• prepared to furnish everything is that line nt the lowest pri, e 3. In addition to the ordina ry Aare, they ha l e a large supply of kitchen and hone furnishing goods. of every variety, including enataelled and tin Kettles, Pans, ke., fur pre-ci viings, cooking and In iug Call and see them. splendid assortment of Stores and hou..e furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. alai—Spout' ng put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always on hand at their yarn at the same place. Nor. 14. 811EADS t BUEHLER. Furs! Furs !! JJOSEPHROSENBAUM, FANCY FUR _MANUFACTURER h IMPORTER, Alt has now ready his very extensive Stock of Fun ; eunisibting of Capes, Half-Capes, Vieto rises. Muffs, Cuffs, etc.. in Mink Sable, Stone Marten, Fitch, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, and other lower priced Fun, all of which he is prepared to Fell at prices to defy competition. All Furs sold in this store, are trarr~i to be what they are represented. Store: No. 416 Arch street, between 4th antio sth, (above Eyre and Landers Dry Goods storejipign of the Golden Lion, Philadelphia. P. S.``—Furs altered into fashionable Myles, at a moderate charge. [Oct. 17, 1859. House and Lot FOR SALE.-1 will sell a small Dwell. .-- ing 110tibE AND LOT, 'ilrlL CIIII.M. Rif burg street. Also, several Building . ar Lots in the Borough. GEO. AILSO D. Gettysburg, Sept. 12, 1859. tf Private Sale. • MITE subscriber offers at Private Sale, i fai IfOrSE AND LOT, on High street, adjoining Solomon Powers. The House is a two-story Brick, nearly new, with a Back-building, and a well of water. Terms easy. DAN'L. P. PITTENTURP. July 11, 1859. If RemovaL TM subscriber has removed his Plough and Machine Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, opsite Tales Blacksmith shop, back of the Nagle Hotel, where he is better prepared than ever MA. tend Is ausisteers. Ploughs always on baud and made to order at the shortest notice, and m ac hi nso , Reapors, he., repaired. Also be will attend to efesaiog and repairing Clocks. May 10, DAVID WARRIIN. Howard Ammo •ADSLPHIA.—A Ikeeradeottastitotios established by goad balletnosat, for Ow aa of the Welk smt Distressodoiltiebill with Vlrabiatood apteleatie Dbatettoe, sad avecemy for the Oared Diemala ofthollesoidlerpm— /ladled Mirk* ear, by dm. Ulla; Bargeaa k to s*l w ho y Wier, with de aeriptioa of that (sem ootavedtea, habit" of tih, ke.4 ood be moo of memo P4Mnoise, Wilma} Mame of Amara ILtatt4l BMWS eat and aka% Disoasee *VIM eameal (61"111b=, ? - Al-0, on Friday, clitk 2'd doy of Derr/miser ow, at I I o'clock, A. n ill lie ogered at Public Sale, at the bowl id John Moritz. on t!.e Coll Spring road, 111110 TRACTS OF TIIIIIF.R 1,,t51), in Hamilton township. Alimmis coun ty, one tract, through which the Cold Springs rassid runs. containing 255 acres of Patented 1.41101, disided into lots. ac follon : No. 1 con tains 50 acres 107 perches: No. 2, 127 acres pert hen : No. 3, 4 t acres 125 perk hes ; No. 4, 35 acres 37 perches; No 5, 20 neres 145 perches; No, C. 10 acres 50 perches. To lie sold entire or its lots, to suit bidders. About 12ki acres of , this tract is supeeptible of cultivation and v iii make a gaud farm. On No. 2 there is a , 4 Ruud one and a half story Log HOUSE, ;a with a pprtng and sonic fruit trees. It The other Truk t contains so flare:. noire or less, of Patented Land. a public road running through it. This Tract is k overed with firpt- I rite thrising Chesnut 1111.1 Oak timber. and of fer+ rare inducements to per-ons a bating to buy timber laud. It has been dtt ided int@ four lots, to wit: No. 1 contains 13 req 9 perches ; No. 2. 18 acres 70 perches; No. 3, 20 acne.; No. 4, 27 acres. This tract nil! be sold entire, or in lots, as above 'toted, as may best suit. The bats on bath tracts are laid out ro as to have the advantage of acceps to the public roads. Slay - Should the day fixed fur the sale of the Mountain Land be wet or otherwise nnfrivora ble, the sale will take place ou the first fair day thereafter. Persons desirous of viewing either of the tracts of Molintate Land, will be shown the same by John Morita. residing near thereto. Ski-Attendance given and .erm•imaile known by JACOB BENNER, Attorney in Fact fur the Widow and Hain of Peter 'l.‘ eikert, dyed. Nov. 28, 1859, is - - *atent Pocket COl5 tartlCCTOlt, fob te ding the various kinds of GOLD AND SILVER COINS.—It is odmitited by all to be the most perfect thiag of its kind ever offered to Mist paiblie. lib so small that it an be carried In Se jocks. oat soy Inconrenience. Every Merchant should have 11l - Every Storekeepor sbool4 looyof Every Verbs* should hove it Krell : p i" Bosley', should have It 1 It detects am* niosiest, &Abase, thi( knees and weight, from • half !Mir to Dollar in !River, and from El in Gold ep to'P" besides foreign Cold and Silver aid fells ea quadtly as seen, without the sugollotanse of a • ord. It is simple, eminent!, useful, dsysliis, economical and fp rfect. M'A Warrants, goes with every one that is !mid. PRICE ONE DOLLAR, Po6t.psid, to any part oldie United States. scit WHAT TIC LAWS/ATEA/I SAT Curator The posaeasion of it is a perfect guarantee again 4t being imposed upon withspurious coins. —Nears. Detection le sore, certain, liesitable.—die. • Jodirs.d. ' A blind mut with one in his poonesion nati bid defiance to the moat skillful einadistisiter of the day.-114v. Itolleim. We prooolittet ft without hesitation to bettor most perfect thing of its kind ever ofered to the public.—fens. lafeeirer. We like it, and cordially recommend K to public favor.--lratiasint Arran It is worth its price tea time tat —Citphin. AGENTS WANTIOD. An Agent wanted in every Comity la the United Suttee, to whoa a henry din4ollll6 Rill be made. Samples sent, with tom et aging, on the receipt of owe dollar. Address all oder, to IMLAY & MICISIILL'B Bank Note Reporter,Pialladelphia, Pa. The Reporter has he ir Thirty years the constant and necessary companion of lie Cashier, Merchant, Clerk, Trador,Mechenic and the People, being the oldest an the Cantinad, and the ablest in the World, and having on subscribers than ill others combined,. is fished on the let and 14th of each -nes* at the following prices: 'Monthly, 1 copy, one year, . - 131 80 _ Semi-Monthly, I copy, ono year, -.3 00 including without esti* shave a copy of lb* o fr Coins or the World, enittandli • i It of magnilicently illonstneed lr 1 shins of the vark = ots Gold, Mai Wing Coins of all notient, than cast be visa blreig, 1 other wok and stall& can be tobbilitedikinkliM I othersource by any possity of steitiia . ' ' Address, IMLAY kgICRIRTMI Bask Note Reporter, Philail l tis Nov. in, lib,. 2a, ' '1" ' The " Greatest QF , TEM AGE.--laltr Rbesesallian as be 191 CSLIBRATID TURIC. *say prosineat the adjoining celestite, hare root utility. Ito somas la dons, baa been hitherto ni specific introduced to the public. coats per both lbar ode by all dr storekeepers- PrapatsdawbJ7 111rhoissaelo and *tail I Maus' amity; Pa:, Vaisish, 80111 e; Dyo.etel tie* Oils, ileseaccia and itecterea, T alaak Poltieserg, Patent ilieglickene, /Pik, Af. Mir &O. SreAisr le Ow Agnot i =ton /or " IL L. Killer's Oeheinatoil sera." peat U t MO: AAT Palmer ,kaa. Amor MUST MUM PRILAVA. it 01161191 1 A.W-41M6, , -- mitaaky aa ikubeas awitat "SO d.7:101e, 4ka, ftrkid, 1644 aslisah, nab, Harlags, atos4 01001. ausl ' 0 4 430 0 1 0*4_ ...0111113 la Dix marArticlas, Qempliftwatil, Greolosilloifte-1 act °Melt. Motel," Obasabetsbr stmt. ETIMIVEM= A Fresh Assortment OF GOODS RECEIVED AT REININGLIVS. —The subscriber has just returned from the City with another and most splendid assort ment of Goods for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR—to which he calls the attention tlthe public. He hits selected his stock with great care, anti can sell and manufacture every variety of clothing in the cheapest and most substantial manner Re desires all who wish to be well fitted with good. genteel FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to give him si call. lie cannot be excelled in the town. Every one, therefore, who desires a bargain, should call with him at his Merchant Tailoring Es•ablisinnent in Carlisle street, next door to McConsughy's Hall. JACOB REININGER. Oct. 31, 1859 Last Notice. ALL persons who are indebtef to me by Note or Book account, of long standing, are hereby notified that suit will ha brought upon all such claims that are but paid prior to the 1.1 day of Jamgary next. Nor. T. 18.59. GEO. ARNOLD. It is the duty of every citizen of this Great Republic to foster - and encourage native genius and Aruslillan enterprise.'—Dsstsz Wistaria. THE " GREAT REPUBLIC " MONTHLY:— A Iltigithine devoted ent:rely to the eleva tion of American authorship, wholly national, in no w ice settioual or sectarian , having for its motto the I% ords of the great statesman : "No North, No South, No East, No West;" haling nothing to do with polities, aiming only at the highest in Art, Literature and Science, and em ploying the best writers in every branch, is again before the American pabhe, decking their support. Tnl4 Nlagazinc is now finishing the firbt year, and drawing near the elo.e of the Second Vol ume. anklias tuCt u ith unparalleled lucre's. The Third Volume will commence with the number for January. 181 M, which will be issued e.rl in December. 1859. Every number will he splendidly illu-trated in the highest style of art. Among the numerous contributors engag ed for the coming year arc the follon ing well known distinguished authors: Fitz Green HaHeck, Orestes A. Brownron, Geo. P. Morris, Wm. Gillmore Simms, Park Benjamin. John G. Saic, Hannah F. Gould, eiLlhotin McKenzie, M. F. Maury, Seba Smith, Puck Downing,) J. T. Headley, Geo. D. Pren tire. Alice Carey, Mrs. Kirkland, - Mrs. Oakes Ptiebe Carey, Mrs. Ell e t, kc., kc., kc. In the January number will be commenced the ino.,t strikingly original novel of the day, entitled THE PROPHET; or, Scenes of Border Life. by Flit-abet') Oakes Smith. There will also be commenced in an early number of the coining volume a most startling and intensely interesting original novel, entitled THE SLAVER OF TILE COAST ; or, the Afri can Trader. By Calhoun Mckenzie. THE GREAT RF.PUBLIC MONTHLY is the largest Magazine published in this country.— Over 540,000 has been already expewied to bring it to its present high degree of merit.— The publkhers are determined to give it the largest circulation in the world. With this tiew they make the following MAGNIFICENT OFFERS, and they refer to every subscriber now on their books as to the fidelity with which they fulfill their engagements. Single Copies Subscription, per year.......... Clubs, of three or more, each Any one sending a Club of Five subscribers, with the money, shall receive, by mail, his choke of either of the following magnificent Steel Ragravings, viz: TMX LAST SUPPER. Size of plate, 25 by Value, ss, us crry OF TUE GREAT KING. She of .24 by 30 *ek es. Value, $:). PAL,AM Of WESTMINSTER. Size , dif .26 by 311 belies. Yaks. $5. WALThIF. SCOTTS MONUMENT. Size WI Onto, 26 by 34 lashes, Yelue, $4. " Ifli THUM Tlfitikoll LORD," She of = ,. 111/iiscb4n. Value, S 3. . . She of plate, 31 by 35 1 . illeW. "v... Ally ehil a Club of Tea subscribers shall make choice of lay ttosof the above augravisgt. Airy oils asadlag a club of Fifteen subscribers shall receive his choice of any four of shove engravings. Any one sending a club of Twenty aubscribers shall receive all of the; above engravings, and a copy of the Magazine for one year, gratis, This splendid over will enable every one, by a very trilling exertion, in getting subscribers, la 4ibtain as Ana a esoilettion of rare works of art odors ilia pater, sr can be obtained any where far $25, cosh. Yt stlaniet rad young ladies, all over the an invited to get fp Claim epos at El mr. Boa. at tb. the vale* of 'Civet, sad *triode Z ilit 46 l an ., Omit Viso 4 5 4 11"11 ' . " 461 1 -141r e2U-"7. - • Asir' tia leakiipt . . . .414.) • a* - . : : serbpd *ow GU j MIAs SAM • Nress4 Awl Vivra. Yaw, by SAN wraysa. MO 1860. BOIE • sad uelw a otk., - ,' . painting; by Hicks, tad ire Med onideel in the highest style of Art y are each 25z.34 inches, each mars min assaeraai NSW , . 80 many coarse, miserable, pictures have bees palmed upon The public as works of art--an 4 especial:y ix cheep, black end ms 44 sway ings—that IV A& mionekratowsk taste that th safe in matting wise, IN* have !tot seen. e have paid the grit Mikis their own prices, amounting to many tiltsammil dollars, to produce engravinp reeliy.hemstill4 as well as the beet portraits, and that shall be splendid oraments to any parlor. alreplu boos that'can be relied on: The Editor of the New York Observer rays :. "These engravings are genuine works of an— the likenesses ore admirable. The portrait of Mr. Everett will take precedenee, of all others." The New York Christian Advocate says : "They are among the fittest engravings weber* ever seen, and TUC rcatlenisa AIX lIILLT !Muni/ILI 105 ALL TOSS racoon." • TERMS, ALMOST GRATIS. We will send. post paid, securely pecked in rollers—Either Engraving and a $3 Xagesite, one year. for $3. Both Engravings, and a $8 Magazine, one year, for $4. • gurAgents who remit $3O at one time, will have an extra copy of each engraving. _Tiro , Magazines ere Harper's, 1 4 At Kiekierieeklper, Codey's Lady's Book, The Atlantic, Shattered. gerily special arrangcment,the entheystris subscription to the Magazines is pelt 0 , 01 - 11 r. us to their publishers, and enbacribera reeds* their sugply for the year direct boas their re spectivelpublication offices. The eat of the engravings is 01911 only by the difference be tureen the lowest wholesale aid the mast price of tht Magazines. lfreF.ngravings sent at once, and subscrip tions to periodicals commence with current. issue, unless otherwise ordered. Money_ehpue rick if proof is retained of having been nusiW. First Impressions - are best, therefore nod tesisiy.. 0. IL B3ILEY &CO., (At Wm. Hall 1k Son's Music Store ' ) 543 Broadway, New York. ger J. .1 ughinbaugh & Sun are the Agente in this ',Lice. Nov. 14, :859. lot Use Shriner's; B ALSAMIC COUGH svitrr. AS A FAMILY REMEDY IT HAS O. ' EQUAL 1 TERTIMONV Or eLEICIYMICX. s i r Th's is to certify., that on thit commendation of s regular and skllftil, clan, we have used the "Balsamic Syrup " prepared by W. E. Shriner, hi oar ly, and find it t answer well the puepoitelcoe which it is prepared. ft. SIM" Pastor of Lutheran Church, Taney_town, Md. Read the following Letter from Mar. li. P. Jordan : txioxrowir, lir. W. E. Shriner,—Dertr Sir httirt gl►ett your “Italsamic Cough Syrup " a fair am happy to say that i have never tried itay thing that relieved me so soon. I have also given it in my family with the saute grood4tz fects in every instance. It is certainly ninon excellent remedy, and ought to be in OTOry ly. The exceeding low price at WWII it til 8014 places it within the reach of all. Pardon the liberty I have taken in the& giv. ing my experience in the use of the Syrup use. licited by you. Respectfully yours, 'IL P. Amami. TVITIMONT Or PIITSICIAXi. Mr. Shriner :—At your request,. I ltioggt. !amine! the composition ofyour "Bithiallds I Cough Syrup," and from my knowledge of the ingredients, and baring witnessed eta !dell of! feet., I can recommend it to the Pa 044 valuable compound for Coughs, Coldn i. ig chronic pulmonary affections. TM. sari:WU Tim witomiirdad• - 1 have prescribed W. E. Shriner's "fildeeetite . Cough Syrup" in my practice for seemed yelol, and regard it as nn excellent medicine InCiandlK, Colds, and all Bronchial affections. SAN'L Sworn, V. D. • TIPS TZARS' VIPIRINICR. JErrensos, York co., Pa., July 111, 11159. To W. E. Shriner,--Dees • —1 byre beee keeping your "Balsamic Cffilkh Syrup "timid. for the last fire years, and it has siren MAW universal satisfaction. „ : It is one of the moat popular Medici:n*4M in our neighborhood. Our sides, thirrefinlit,iiftvi been large, especially last Winter, havhiClMllt. at retail at Inst ten doyen bottles. I thee' Obi* -- do not hesitate to recommend it to the pikle as a good medicine. Tony", rspectibtlyi - - 4 • 'Ja sots arairctur." PORTIR'S Stoixo. Toth co., May lit I= o - W. B. Shriner,—ale L I Syrup is becoming veillrisopttlar hitte;e-Eltions se been selling it for about liyearea, ilittAllkOret - more general satisfaction *en say enetallW-4! have aver sold. We use'lMinmausfendlet, gist would not be without it on any eenostost. children, it certainly is an invaluable' • eine. S. Q. ilivonewith; • $0 25 3 00 2 00 Items, Turk co:, Nay 1$ To W. R. Shriner consider your 6=14 Cough Syrup one of the best Cough of the day. There is no medicine I hirelda: soh' gave such universal satisfaction, sad OW" that I have used in my family I like so ere11.%:.:3 ; `.' Yours, truly, C. F. :_lp.r.isxek Prire,374 eta. per bottle, or 3" IWttleglek-fl. Sold by nit 'Druggists And Merchants. Oct. 17, 1859. 10m - - Notice to Fannara, '...;,-:, .1 00 00aB B U D S . IiP:LS fit i il.ll4 . prim wt 4 be pedfor-Wiltant, line, Sarum Salim Clover -neek Tjaaothy-seek •:• .... at kluge yellow Warehouse, west tunkentin . Wort. • , • wait. 'WW 1 Salt, ke i ; ir- seleiteml stank of Lanaber ' 1/11 . • I,T on haw 3 zed for sate 4t zl' ' me. ANW. _ , Neifontbrd, Oet . 7,, NW. tf • : - '. New Vali A4Pcn't Nev.l4, 1115 u. 4% Lieincry, Frederick co., . LIMA CI