The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 28, 1859, Image 4
Good and Cheap ! • I Removal ritaidoesignoill trontd inform his Maeda /ilia subscribe' informs llisiej4 i. - s im is i b usa wi e " ires uy,ti mi g 1 6 . comma... ' friends and Oho public that -441/aUs_julis. /1153111105, he has removed his large Boot mind itiliganainga i ag Ms neahtishonnit, in ilhaa•ll4.l Shoo Eitablitimamat, to the eimatimmaa ,user Shrowg, (agar the oast emml.) Goursirorm Ps , of Ceti tre Apure. Gettrabern, when Imo has wow IriMwo bilks os head • Met-rabr 101 l of work, oaken& an.l will roans., to ketiplor liaison es- PM1141044 to pot up to ordcr nit atmr tensi•e variety of wort. of hie elm twannfacture. mi.* , lot - ietiohii is Yin hue, via :--iitookavay The work t• made op is the best sad mom llamado and Boautiody Carriage*, manner. including all the newest style+. and Top, liteekagrav and Trotting Bng- I embra,c* boors SHOW . Men s, Women's giea, /trig lie out, 4c. Wile sal Cbadren s uairEits. to short, every article good workmen and good eneteriale, tie ea• ssnallr t, be found ia a first class estahltsh pleiga his work to be of the best quality—and meet of the% tad He ham now and will Lontsnue his prices are among the lutresf. to have employed a u•nsteer of workmen. "hard gedraspairing dust at abort *mire, and at to heat,' to wake up customer work. That A. remlosable rates. Country produce take. is will sell CGMAP, is easily proves. Give hive a ',tailings for work. Call i call. PISIMISC bee Boots. Shoes and °sitar*, sad Jose 15, JACOB TROXKL. I get bin prices. With itaexceptiAtable wort anti —low rates. he hopes for sod expects a fair share Still at Work! ; of the public's patronage. C r)AernusKiso AKI) iIL wKsmrrnlNG .; Siartiboeraakers are informed that he il —nwe undersigned respectfully informs'way, keeps oo hand i• UPPERS. for Shoes sad hug friss& aad tb• peblic that he continues 4-;s'tert• ready fur which he dispiztsesi the Clostebainsking and Riacksmi thing Unsiness o f on pleasing ten " . i s - 4 " 13ALLWigili ia,ver7 breach at 4tx estaliiisbtoent in Outgo- ; Sept. 12 . 1111 'w• I.r liersharg street. Ho has on band and will mansfactare to order all kinds of C A RRI .\ GE 'S, Something New _Emma, SLR 4 ti HS, Spring Wagons, lc., 0(4 Itl GFTTYSIWRO.—The undereigned informs the hies* osittatial, and made by superior work- the citizens of the town And county, that he mon- illdrii.arailavria and BLACCSNITHING of AR commenced the BAKING business, ens a alt kinds dose at ,reasonable rates, promptly large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly and to law satisfaction of customers. oppo;:te Wattles s Hotel. where h. will try to c uts? " ihovvei taken in exchange f or i deserve. and hopes to reeeire, a liberal patron work at nuultet prices. , age lIREALr• ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, !''Pesos, desiring articles or work in the i PRETZELS, tr., k,e., baked every day, (Run- Coachinaking or Blacksmithing line, are re- days excepted.) all of the best quality, and sold specially 'limited to call on iat the lowest living prohta. Cracker-baking la JOUN L. HOLTZ WORM 1 all ite branches is largely carried on, and orders erU Gystorg, yea. 24, '59. I to any amount, from this and adjoining eono ties, supplied at the shortest qotice. Haring erected a large and commodious hake-house apd secured the heat workman and tLe most ap proved taert.loory, he is respired to do a hoary business. Removal 4LigiAsZElt FRAZER, ('tuck and Watch /111. Ittaiter, /pis removed his stoup to the room or ura Wee; aisle of the Publt. Sitar*, lately occupied by Dal id A. Buehlir. Esq., as a Law Otlice. where he will alw.iys be happy to attend to Lim teens of customers. Thankful for past revues, ha hopes. by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit arid receive the Fatness/sof the public. • Gettiareirg, April It, 115 P Frazer River OrTWIF.I—Come to the Store at Green iambi for Bargains I—The undersigned would meet respectfully inform the public that ho km parchasuil the Store of John. Weikert, at Grernmoant, Adams county, half-way oa the road from Gettysburg to Enicuitaburg, where be expects, by attention and small prollts, to re tain all the old custom and secure lots of aew His stock of DRY GOODS, of every descrtpday G roceries, Confor:loatiries, Queeaewart. Woodesi were, Hrorkery-ware, Hardware, ie., is Lege and varied—equal to that of any other betides storwaed he will sell at priceaaatoeleklegly low. 114 only aslA a trial, to prove the tneth at this atesetiou. Cralltrfrakl4 4 3 laic= la exchange tor rook. J. AiJr.X. Illitklitit. The taillsrsixaed silo tarries oa the CAA RIALGIVIGIJiUNG besinen at the Mat plamosid Whirs istaceateatts to purchasers. Ile win yam* We Week tood, whilst his shames ere sow the beset 'moderate.lLepoirleg doss am short sago*. ALEX. ELLI/P714. Pets 14, UZI. Iy NUN' I. ILLIXIIII now Firm—New Goods. rnadersigued have entered into r pastiest aShip in the HARDWARE it GROCERY bind/sem, et the old stand of Danner k Ziegler, in Bali ere street: lender the ameseistyl• and firtn of DANNER. k ZIEGLER, ha-, Lad ask, and wild wideavor to deserve, a continuous.* of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of ocw custom. They have just return ed from the Mlles Ishii an imateuse stock of Goods—eowtstiug in part of Building Materials, auto as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Mass, kc. Toole, including Edge Tools of every description, Saws, Planes, Chisels, Ganglia, Braces and Ditto. Augers, gussets, Gimes, Hammers, Le, libicksinolis will find Aavils, Vices, Hoops, FiW, Horse Shoes, Horse-oboe Nails, Am, with tan. very cheap. Coach Find. imp, seek as Ali. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Coils', Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spoke*, Fellow, Bowe, Po/es, Shafts, Le. Shoe Findhigs, Tampico, Brush and French Morocco, Linings, Binding:, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, witk a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. iligibtet Maker's Tools, a general assortment-- also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPERS ! wal also lied a large assortment of Knives and Petits, Itrittaeuia, Albeit' and Silver-plsted Ta ble sad Tea Swells. Candle-sticks, Waiters. Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Ikea Settles, Pan., Tolls, Churns, Carpeting, Le. Mao, a general assortment of forged and tidied taus or all sizes and kinds ; Cast, Shear, Wad Water Steel, which they will sell as cheap as Ise cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral acaortmeat, such as Crushed, Pulveriowl, Ciarilled and Roma Sugars ; New Orleans, West India aunt Sugar House Molasses mid Byeeps, OiCea, Spices, Chocolate, Foie, Coaroe sad ; Liuseal. Pleb and Sperm OIL; Ttt Fish, kc.; a fall assortment of Lend and Zino, dry sad la oil ; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Fladiug, Sher Finding, llonsekeeping, Blaciroemith,Calllaet linker's, Painter's. Glacier's, and Mowery Une.all of which they are determin ed ea low for CASH as any house out of the fik 4 y. HENRY B. DANNER, WA I" BRIGHT ZIEG LHIL lastivellaws, May 21, 1858. lotioe. Astadisigned haring retired from the secomble buttreos. the some will Imweaf ter be emathmed at the old stand., is Baltimore L ett*, Week ti their sons, Henry B. Danner and Way bright ' er. seder the IMMO and styie of Demur At ,Ans . , whom we will recommend tooted Of or m we would bespeak a liberal shams of patronage from old customers, and of tbs paella is general. Baring Mired from the ILereastile button, It Os mosinese 7 that our old business should be settled sp.We, therefore. notify all those in dents& is us either by Judgmeut, Note or Book A to call and settle the same without delay. Tbobooks sill be found at the old tud. J. B. D.k.VSKR, Iry it, tau. DAVID ZIEGLER. New Grocery. riaVAT Mt star sseasse sevestfially iaforns the citizens of town tied sonerry. that he has opened a Cossaotiusary and Nottea &ore, ea Turk etre* twe doors met of Ss James' Latimer& Moroi. whore he has now on hand a gnome ameortmout of goods is kis line--easi as: Syrup, from 40 to 70 mall Ilsr Paull Suter% all kinds ; Coffee', dif forest kinds; Vinegar, Salt, fish. Cheese, &Mei if wring, ground sod ungroand Pep- Pug', Ckrros, Idasuza, Seas, Cleager, Starch. Rice, Teas, Candifec Murata C o lo. Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; Smelts. Sockets, Candies, all tints : Walnut., Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nets. Layer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, Tan ey. Oakes, Crackers of all kinds, &c., i t . Bak, sad Am boaght ad sold. He in vites lie cells of the radio, ectarimed that hes maannsout will please. both in quality enkpriee. Re is detenniseil to sell cheaper than.** cheapest. L Dea. IS, '4.1. IL.alarm. Ali BUD, hen just received and • WA opealeg at their isms , stern iloi tliii I foam a Centre Square, t;euyaburg, slew aml complete 11111Cotaiiiat of Spring azwl I eveifilist Gook and Grocutics. The 'Mies w =lll4ars Wilted to mil cad ealieliae war as- 1 1/10ss at Drama Goods cad Weary articles, esilessits everything amain properly ruder i glob Mal at prime sot heretofore equalled, cad is l iattp surpassed by mate. Gilt? MMUS n stereo deserl plies, eoesletiag *Meths, 0ZP11. 0 4 Onaligiats, Coatings, Vesting., be., emu be surpass' Set of the city is q*oat prim thesk of Groceries is else complete, idols =n:Ankle generally Amid is a Dry Op be had at the "Railroad Store" 04/ifie 1110111-411 to. liellertm tbat the üb. ilk SR Mk fires Letter p ttar bare than flas. mbeadiVallislat Stem to give at a call. Pee ralar assertion, can cad stamiae ear Wyo. limit boy. [April 4, MS, r . . 4•LEIMI—Ia quantities great or malt OD - --sapplied at lbe lowest market price. JOHN st.!,)r;. r Jialy 25,1859 UST trout the city with the best and cheap t4ateat assortneest YKC Pd sad MOLASSIB we liars yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices ; SUGARS, a very large stock, low; CUM/ Ks, SEAS. Choco late, Rim Cheese, Spices, (all kinds,) Crackers and Tea Cakes. Vinegar, rkklee, Begar-eared HAMM sad SHOCLDBRB, Lard. Shed, Mackerel and Berridge, Balt, Ceder-wara, Talk, Buckets, he.; Baskets, flour Selves., Brooms, Brushes, ha; all Made et Cordage, Coacteatrated Lye; Runt and Sapseline PLUCK, all hinds etleed; Potatoes., Fresh Batter and Rep eiraetastGy oa head ; fancy Goods, Cosifectleaaries and Fruit. Give as a call. ft affords as photon to ahoy as r ige and Inviting stock. NORSECII I MASK= Gettysburg. ley at, Me. AMC:WOW', Prederkit meaty, Mt.— Ilsrleg boss ressreted sad re-thrsisived, preprletor swam the riffle that a eall is oely seeded, sew imamate.. full astlatetles Is every ease. Oversee mathervits. file4lll Me, Proprietor. Feb. 14, leaS. of Chants of Hours if - V Tail GITTIBBURG MAILBOAD I,y Sammoor Arnasupwww.--0• sad after Thurs day, April 21st, the MORNING MAUI wW lean Gettysburg m 6.30 o'clock A. M. * wasootlng at Regorge Joachim with farrow traia to 11411- &Os at 142, aad Mail train from OWthaon at 9.32, netwahig to Gettysioarg at 12.30 soak with foissaagers from Baltimore, To* burg, Plilladeighla, sad the Mirth sad Rost. Tim AM/IMM( Tr.ADI win leave Gamy,- burg st I o'clock, P. M., coomectiog at Bowyer Junction with Mall train m Baltimore at 3.37, no %arsine to Gettysburg about 4.30 P. 11., whh passengers from York,/ isniaborm Phhadoiphis, aad the North sad E=333 Igirßy the ober* iirrtharimmet possoogors esa go either North or Swath *a the Nortkorn Cos Seal Railway both isoruksir au4l sitemou. R. JCUCILDIFT Pripsideat. April 35, 1/159 p*reFARMERS AND IfIIIteRANTS..„e iAyr sow opeaed oar large amid commodioes house, os the career of *rano, sad Rail road streets, sear the Depot ad do Gettysburg Railroad Coe peay. sad are prepared to moire produce of an kinds, rt.': FLOrR, WIIRAT, RTE, CORN, OATS, he. Also, oa head - sad for sale, Salt. Unaaoa, Pleaher,lish, dm A bilge stock of Groceries Jetst ?waived, soasistiag of Sugars, Coeses, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Vies, Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar ware, ha., he., which we do sot hesitate to say, we will sell se low as Call he bought eleewhere, wholesale and retail. ilerehewu will do wen by obillag to see and examine oar stock before pareltredasg aloe where, as our motto will be "quick ash+ mid sell profits. 3 We would eke eall the ateeethee of ail iater ester! 111 the thrifty and healthful eoudieleu of their Cattle, Home. Hogs, /se., to the fact that we have for sale Breit*, Proliegeid • ms's Celehrsted Vegetable (JAMS POWDBit, of which we have mold from 131141 to WOO }ms.. pee &seem to Fanners esti tetereiteepus. Adams Count?' A i l - CV:IAL FIRE ISSURASCSIAMPANT.-- ITI. lasoeporssed Mgreb 18, 1861. Seerteary—D. A. Baeisier. Prewerow--Dst id If Creary. gadmetstate ComAidnee—Bobett, inCirdypitribilk King, Andrew Heintsettaaa. Nonegers--George Swope, D. A. Banisittr,Ja to* King, A. Heintselshos, R. ll'Ciardy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Fr.tineet.ock, W. B. McCiallina l , We. H. Wilson, M. Kichelberger, Abdied F. Gatt i John Wollord, H. A. Picking, ANAT. Wright, John Horner, a. G. HeCrtiory, S. B. Bass./l. D. M'Creary, Audios, Poliey, Jobs Picking, J. B. Cosspesty d lisalied in it, 64/ma tions to the county of Admen. It i.e been in successful . opernuoe foe more Simi six years, and in that period has paid all Weser and ex penses, reakost may auseseasesst, haring also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annnally sleet ed b♦ the Stockirahlers. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further infonnation. girThe Executire Committee meets at the office of the Company ow the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M. Sept, 27, 1834. mug FAMILY DOCTOR: contaluisig in plain I language, free from medical terms, 04.1 CAI'SES. SYMPTOMS and CURE of disease is every form, with important R.I7LLS FOR PR.& SERVLNO THE HEALTH. and Directious fee, the Sick Chamber, and the Proper Treatmeat of the Sick.—This book is written in a plain, easy angt familiar style, adapted expressly to family and individnal use. It advocates no particular theory of za.diclDe, but draws alike from the Flowers of the Fleld, the Pleats of the Garden, or the Minerals of Earth. for such Remedial as bare proved the most simple, safe, and efectunia belie, jag that wherever &man has towed foothold, there the Giver of all Good has. la soma form. nareifelly pieced a/ipecac. Neither does it profess to supersede the physician, but fatly to avoid the necessity and ex sass of call ing him to except in daneross coma. It ls I. fact a physician itself, always at baud end ready to serve yon, while its eimpla receipt nay goes aaveyen many times its amt. It -contains MI pages, in a eta" amid spate typo, ie illuseraced by apprepritme segrevings, and wilt be forwarded is yaw address, peonage paid and neatly banal, es reeeipia of as price $1 00. Itsseryisedy albesili have it, Agosia wasted wwwywbers, vim will is 4 it twy mole?, whoa Memel iwningw moats will be owls Lddrwas, PRE subscriber has roastrrod kis Plough sit.l IL/whine IShibp tom lb* Tawdry building is IlLaiiroad most,otis Tates( ilkohossith *imp. hack of tho - Zygis Masi, whore he is Wiltptoonsi gess "recto 41110. Sessi to essiossen. flemqiis asiwaror biN and ands to order atlMii sharissa re pto !Wash Ins.. Reapers.' its, repel . About win qtly . • Most.t I ;:May !) . _ VALWINE SArnx Here We Are Again 1 P5 .1 . 1 Wr1 Notioe KIJNIVNLTia, ISOLLENGSA it 00. Gettysburg, tr. 6, 18511. OPFICIR/1. • Swope. ram Presidost—s. LtasseL%. What Everybody Wants. JONE. PVITICIty Pit Weber. it.. sly lintssa 11464efpiiii,1% Jolly 4, 1150. en .~~~ • ~. $l,OOO Agents Wanted. TERYBODra LAMTER AND COUNSEL LOR IN BUSINESS, °Detaining plata sad ample inetractiona to Everybody for treaneet log their tiesinesia according to hvir, wlth legal Amos Inr dra trio, tie varioies onnewary papers easeirotod therewith. together with the lairs of ME th• Steles, for CoUicticra of Debts, Property Exempt, true Execution. Michaele,' Lines, Ex eentioe of Deeds cad Mortgages, Rights of liar- Had VComea , Dower, Usury, Wills, It c. By Fuca Cliairr, Erg ,of the Philadelphia Bar 384 pages. 12swo. Au entirely new work on the frehjeet adapt ed to the wants of citizen of the rnitetil Mates. Single copies rent by wall to any lid dreee. oil receipt of price, sl,ow, or In low style of binding at $1.15. LW* Agents wanted to esineass for it, with whom liberal arrangements will be made. Ap ply to or address JOHN R. POTTER. Publisher. No. fill Seesaw Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. IT, 1859. tin J. W. Soott, (bag of the Ana of Primehett••• ft Neat( ) GIINTLENXN'S FURNISHING STORE, and SHIRT NANUFACToRY. No. 814 Ches nut Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) lisibidelphia. J. W. :if on. would respectful ly all the etteutios of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, acid is prepared to 111 orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied COUNTRY TRADE supplied with pus Hums and COLLAILS. Oct /T, 1859. 17 Iltb. Dry Goods for Autumn. 'bli - IMULL STOCK OP SILK GOODS, JC Tall Stock of STAPLE 604)05, Fall Stock of FANCY GOODS, Fashionable FALL BRAWLS, CUM* 0111111111111 AID VESTIIOIII, BLANESTS, erase, Tana Lases, ac. ' as. ITIIN a LANDFILL, Fourth I Arch streets. Philadelphia. N. N.—Maek Silks, Wholesale, at low Mee. Balmlike daily freak New Task Asetioas. &O. 12, 1850. Su , Lumber & Coal, sale by SARUM k WINTER, New Oxford ritooll2lßB, NILL TRIM, tc., Ac., Toe Ws Wlwiesale wad Retail by RASMUS A WINTER., New Oxford. Air Tbs bigbest Oub prices paid for Grails. May 30, 1859. eat* Call This Way 1 rbsubscribes would informs the public the e continues his MACHINE SHOP, in ersbarg street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where ite. las various kinds of Ma chines on hand, such as Threshing Machines, Corn Sharkey Corefedder Cutlers, Cloverseed Huh,. Stem Cutters, and Horse Powers of different kind,—two, bur or sii-horse, to suit perebasers ;—intised all such as can be had at Hanover or Littleotown. Also, Mortising Ma shies., forboase carpenters, pet ap in the very best and most substantial manner. Cutting Screws sr brag Bolts, any kind or size less than eleven feet In length, always attended to, as well as Tussling in boa, casting or wood. Also all kinds of REPAIRING on Machinery, dntssiag-up MW Spindles, ke., done on the shortest notice. The undersigned nuainfacturss NOLOA3I's Parise 1101k82 RAKE, which he oilers at the lowest living profit. He is likewise agent kw the REAPER k )WWBR sostanfaetured by Joseph Shirentaa, atTest Berlin. I hope that all in waist of anything in my line will call at my Shop before going elsewhere. I will warrant aU my work to give satisfaction to pwrehasere. DAVID STUMM. Aprti n, 11159. ly' New Agricultural Settlement. rALL WANTING FARMS, a rare oppor tuttity In a delightful and healthy climate, 25 miles southeast of Philadelphia, on the Cam den and Atlantic Railroad, New Jersey.-- - -An old estate, consisting of several thousands of acres of productive soil, has been divided into earns of carious sixes to snit the purchaaer.— A popelatioa of some fifteen hundred, from various parts of the middle Stales and New Eng land, hays settled then the past year, improved their places, and raised excellent crops. The price of the land is at the low um of from $l5 to $2O per acre; the soil is of the hest quality for the prodactios of Wheat, Clover, Corn, Peaches, Grapes sad Vegetables. IT IS CUT' Till BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THI BE lON. The place is perfectly secure from heels—tbe destructive enemy of the farmer.— Crops of grain, grass and fruit are sow growing and een be seen. By examining the place it self, a comet judgment oat be formed of the pnothaetteettese of the load. The teams are made easy to secure the rapid improvement of the land, which is only sold for actual improvement. The result has been, that within the past year, souse three bested houses have bees erected, two mills, one steam, *nr mores, some forty viwyseds sad peach amber& planted, sad a laegeuimmiter of other improvesseate, makin it • derivable and satire place of beginner. WS I AIKgT, sades remiss may pensiive rem he leposties, is the 118 T IN Tilt UNION. Produce hriegiag double the price than in locations awn from the city, and non the. desists the es thais the Vint. It le known that the and beat fruits and vegetables la this lathed, nese front New Jersey, and en ananally exported to the erten' of millions. In locating hen, the settler has Neeny advan tages. He is within • few hours' rids of the pun cities of New Kngland and Iliad), States, he is near his old friend. and associations, be is la • settled country where every improreusent of comfort and civilization is at hand. He am buy every article he wants at the dampest price, and sell bib prod ace foe the highest, (is the West this is reve'sed,) he has schotois for is children, divine Negligee, and will Buoy an open winter, awl dclightfal elioelq grbere fevers are %smarty unknown. The rowdier the change apon those from the north, has generally Duca to Tutors them to ha cac.Lls 4 able of health. • In the way of building and improving, Iniaber ewe be obtained at the male at the nit* of 110 to $1.5 per thousand. lirreks from the brick yard opened in the place, every article Cam be procured in the piece, good carpenters are at hand. and there is so place is the Union whore .uildinp and improvements can be made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with the ad vantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before.— The reason is, it was never thrown in the sear bet ; and unless these statements were correct, no one would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will Doe land under cultivation, and such is the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor hood ; they will witness the improvements sad can judge the character of the population. II they come with a view to settle, they should cove prepared to stay a day or taro and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held es re fesal. Thera are two daily trains to Pkidadelpikia, aad to all settlers wbo improve, the Radrooil Cbmpeoly saw a J)ee octet fa ais assatbs, dud a Wpm: treat for tires years. THB TOWN OF ILLIMONTON.—In canner- Lim with the a/trio:aural settlemeat, a new and thririag tows has min/ally &Aiwa, which pro seats inducements for any Lind of bit/nabs, Few - titularly stares and manufactories. The Biwa business could be carried oa in this place mid market to good advantage, also somas business, I and manalkotoriesof agrisokural imptementa or founderies far mating small articles. The isproveseat has been so rapid en to insure a gamma." mad parasaait increase of basimom Town lots of a goad sine, ws do not sell moan sees, as It woald afflict the improvement of the place, can be had at Rota $lOO and upwards. Bammessam firmorr, a monthly literary and agrieultural sheet. cos taming Hell informs. ilea at Hamtmatios, can be obtabaad at lb seats Twits. We ladisime feeds given, ' clear of ell Incesibessore edema stoney as pabi, Roses so Ike bet: Wes The street witarr, Pbantlotykie, for Nerostontes by Rai/road, at Te A. 11, or 44 P. X. Tare to oentlL Ines twe terreies *r lir. Byrom lloarelteg ate , reuleseet bowl. Pseibss lad bogs, skusirlib Ilr. Brum, sprier-Ipol, wit they bore amidst as IS perobooterg, as Its ea ilibegr *ors over the bet tilde earetoin, Iles - Of IMMO*, La, tars and appltaanosiliot b 01001• 8 1 1 0 0 b Lai *a Ileross r liermossess P. 0,, Askarthe roam. tg, Nee leresy, or 8. S. Olmietba,, 300 *Nab Nth Mort, Tbnialleipbit. *p end %h/M• tine cheerfully fumirhed, J •'y ' GM Baltimore .A.ct - ce`UE;..'is JOIX C, ES ELLIM. Muller ft Prick, PIitODUCH CoutoLuisa and roe- Ir l so7 R ding Illoreitesta. North stralcopposits N. L.L Depot, BALTIMOAIL Jaanary 17, Mil. ly DAXIIIL •. WAIT!. JOIN A. Kari. White & Swope, WHOLESALE Dealers in B001"3, 9 nogs, CAP'S, k STRAW GOODS also, is fashionable Voleskiz, Silk, Tait lad Per HATS, N W. Cor. Baltimore and Howard streets, Balti more, kid [Nor. 29, 1858. Artists', Painters' A ND PHOTOGRAPHERS DEPOT.—Th• A subscriber has constantly on hand • full assortment of materials for the use of Artists, Pewter* and Phatopraphrni. Also on hand a large and beautiful assortment of B,'srtsenple !nitro:- arum and Views, embracing every variety of Foreign and American Lauda...olkm Statuary, Parlor end Rare! Groups. dr The beauty and interest of the Sterescopie Views upon the par lor table furnish a never ending source of en tertainment both to visitors and the horse circle. COUNTRY MERCHANTS supplied on the most liberal terms. W. Pte. f !f. Liberty 81., Raitipore, Md J■N 77, 1859. ly George M. Bokee, IXTORTER sad Dealer injULNA, GLASS, • QIIBBNSWARI, No. 41 North !toward Bt., tween Lexington and Fayette Eltreete, Balti more, Rd. [bee. 20, 11148. 1y t 17NAXIL Firs LED C‘3l`Trl3 l l l lr l i RNITURR.— . E 4 It W. lINYWOOD, No. lei North Charles street, Ilaltleame, having been engaged for the last 11 years la the inanulhotare and sale et the above desirable Farititare, suited to country residue's, ham en bead a large variety, ssarualac tared expressly for retail sale.. Abo, Oak and Walling Chamber Beta, Oak and Walnut isteasioa Tables, Dining Room and Fancy Chairs, Sideboards, Hair and Houk Mat tresses, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, Ac., March 21, 18&O. ly B. T. Hynson. TTPHOLRTERRR, PAPER HANGER, AND u VIENSTIAN BLIND BANEFACITRER, No. 52 North Howard Street, one door above Lexington, linvetnonst. Paper Ilangiart.—Coamaaady in store ' Papa Renews of siery description, and of the Wsr and roost approved patterns. Also, Borden Firs Board Print*. kr. Vasetien Blinds.—Keeps on hand, and masa factures to order, Venetian Blinds of all rotors, sizes and qualities, which will compare favora bly with any offered to tb• or Paper Hanging done is the beat style.— Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, a v exchanged. March 7, 1839. ly New & Rich JEWELRY, SILVER WARB PLAT ED WARE, kc.—A. IL WARNER, 0311 and Silversmith. No. 10 tiorten OAT 8 , BAL TIMORE, MD., has in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for presents, embracing a great variety of Mails Gold and Sett Broaches, Monies, Car hankies, ke., Eareltinip, Bracelets, Finger Slags set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, he., Ladles' Gold Chains, Vest k Guard Challis, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plat's Gold Rings; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Batons and Stubs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pinsk Ear Rings, he. ALSO, A variety of Silver Mounted k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets. Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Stilt Stands, Pearl Handle Desert Knives, Spool's, Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles. te., all of which is respectfully offered on the lowest terms .TheDMIL Country Trade and Dealers genteelly are invited to give me a call, and examine Goods and Prices, being satisfied that wry SILVMM WARM cannot be surpassed either for fineseas or quality, or the Latest and most beautiful patterns. January 17, 1859. ly House Furnishing gr001)8, Fe. 11 North ilossord omit, two doors North of the Howard Noose.—The ersigned, haring made largo additions to his stock, is prepared to furnish Housekeepers, Country Merchants and others, with mach articles MI they want, on the very best terns& Barium: Whitewash, Hweopin,g, Dusting, Paint, Hair, Tooth, Nall, Wirer, Shoe, Scrub and Horse Brushes. WOODEN-WARM : Such dui Tubs, lockets, Measures, Tar Buckets, Charms ' Mauls, Bolling Pins, Butter Prints, kc. Browns, Baskets, Mats and Cordage. Masser's V misses lee Cream Freesers. Rehigerators, sgrferkt sad chess—die most approved kiads. Wsleq Coolers, is Wood or Metal. Tin and Wire Wm. Arthur's sod other most approved Fruit Mid Vegetable Pre serviag Calm, plain Tin-oars, Jppaaved, Block Ti.,Britannia sad Plated Wire. /Libels Forks and Spoons, Ursa, Cores sad Tee Pots, lige Boilers, Waiters, Chaffing Dishes, Naives and Forks, Was. Irons Banee Peas, Scales and Weights, Coffee Mills, Table Dastors, Old Domin ion Coffee Pots, Shovel and ?Sags, Naive Lamps, Toilet Bets, Foot Tabs, Balk Tuba, Knit, Cleaners, Wire Dish Covers, table hits, together sat irislo with a varlet; of articles 1 sad aeosseery to Housekeepers. Bohr &De ' Patent NAcalelor Washing Haddam. Plain In and Sheet Iron Wars and Drubs s et every ' a, matt declared to order. GEO. A. KILLS, No. 11 North Reward et., Ilaldisoes, NA Kars& 14, ISt*. 17 , A. Mathlot & Boni §OVA AND FtI9ITITVB2 WABJEROOWS, Nos. 25 and 2T M. Gay street, Baltimore, (now yette sk.,) satsadtac ikon Gay to Frederick st.-4lm largest esteblishmeat of the kind I. the Union. Always-ea bawl • large iumortasent et HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstaads, Ward robes, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and Bair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking . Chalrs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set tees. Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FiILNITURE, Wood Chairs, °See Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Creches, ma. Racks, Bell Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Bxtension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call aad give our stock an examination, which for variety aad quality of workmanship is not equal/ad by any establishment In the country. A. MATMOT l sox, Nos. 15 ani p ? 7 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1559. ly Wm. Knabe & Co., .OS. 1,3, 5 end 7 North Eutaw Street,— SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street, twee' Charles and Light--BALTIMORE, Md., Muratbetimes' of Gold Medal Presides GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Wm. Knabe k Co. would respentently invite the attention of the public, and especially those in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, to their as (ported mock of instrammits, which, for power sad sweetness atone, easy and agreeable teach, and beauty of inish, have, by the best ogedges, been proasisaced isarivaled by say in the 0011 W. try. As to the relative merit* of ossuPiaties, we would refer to the Certificates of lixsatleare I, our pommies, from 'TIIALVERG, STRALOStf, G. BATTER sad li. VIEUXTEMPB, as also ft some of the most distiaguisked professors sad amateurs in the country; also to the &Mowing HIGHEST PRILXIUMI3, received within the last three years : GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland 1 has e, 1x66 , 18544 1857. SILVER MBDA.LB at the Metrepolitaa lastitais, Weehiagecia, 1867; aka, MEDAL at the Franklin Inatliate, Phliadsi. phsa, UM ; riser PREMIUM at the Meshaeicif lasiinses, kieleased, 11156, lade Ad k i bv„, mese' of NU 1116•11141101111 PO kb". the fail isms frame, and me guarueleed for FIVE TRAM. gel..Pardemier attention paid to the selections of Inieremsate Ise disease sedate, sad a privilege of exchange pasted at may time widest six mos., If the hastrummes should set peers emir* l owa_ fisobery. A liberal dimmest be Girgymen, reactant and Schools. Taros Metal Wholesale dealers will lad it to their stem tags to vim as a call, ks by Shag iseremsvi Wiliam", vs are sashisil Is $1 ail erases with lispaisli. as Wit a Isms sometiosas st Nlrsi. as boa Ilhatesiss. as et priess Owl SW al= 110110 . 04 Mad sot rum& uuuc CUB' s Ob. /smeary IT, lilt It , - 0 Something New g ii OIVT INTIMPRISR CONDUCTRD 0 UPON A LIIIRRAL k IMPARTIAL lit j_vir I_6', f 141 to snit Rverody 1 le Ginn of Great Wan! Gifts of a Botta? Quality! C And Morn of Them ! TM most liberal, punctual and ',liable ~ ill GIFT BOOK IINTIMPRISE in existenee. 's'B , 0. The best evidence of this is the fart of its 0. being Um only one that stands endorsed by . 4 Z the Press of the City in which it is located. M P READQUARTICRS FUR SOUTHERN AND ~.i 43 Ir 11 W ESTERS ORDNRS I MAL7IOIK, MD.. I Write for a Catalogue. it embraces a '... ! s he thousand varieties of publications in every 7. ' .... department of Literature., together with the >, ' (22 LARGEST LIST of useful, ornamental and 74 t valuable Gifts ever published. 2150 differ- LA- tsar 3 ent rarieties !--none of which are of less ce, value than 50 ets., and from that totloo 00. ;j RKAD ! RBA I 1—$1848,01)0 distriliated among our Petrone during the put yenr. ovgß $150.000 IN GIFTS to be distrihnted•i during the present year! consisting of Gold W 4 _, and Silver Watches, Chains, Charms, Leek eta, 811 k Dress Patterns. Fine Crape Shawls, Rich Lace Collars, Sewing Machines, Meal eal lastruments, and in fact. SOMETHING TO . § 2 SETT EVERYBODY ! AGENTS WANTED ai lITERYWHERB. Catalogues giving fall r . particular,' mailed free to any address. —i t.) Don't forget, direct all orders to B. B. HOYT I CO., No. 41 Baltimore st., Ultimo's, lid. 8 iir7lllllllltT SATISFACTION OCAILAMTSED g Sept. 26, 1859. 3121 Burr 31:111 Stows WAItRANTED.—B. F. "STABS CO., Cor. sf Nord and Cesare Striae, opposite N. C. It. B. Station, „„.. _ BALTIIIOIII, MD. Manta terms of FILENCII BURRS, -4/1 \V 1110portars and Dealers in Burr • A Blake, Bolting Cloths, Lea ther sad Gum Beitinp, Cal cined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. Also, Coloae, Goalie°, and Sulpha Mill Stoma of all does. [Feb. 7 , '59. ly Co IXIBBI ON MERCHANT, Nos. 194 aid 126 N..d Strait, BALTIMORE, MD. am prepared to receive and sell on Commis sion all kinds of COUICTRY PROM:CIL Having aa experience of tea years in the Comminioa bossiness,. (and wishing to continue that alone.) fatter myself that 1 shAll be able to give avers- FACTION to all Rho favor use irilh consignments WIU also attend to Oiling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. lab. 14, '59. ly 111- ILIL lioward and Baltimore Streets, BALTISORS, 111. w Proprietors. Fare reduced to $l.lO per day. Call fir tbe Howard House Coach at the Depots. A. SHIPS, 1 Proprietors. ' J. N. BUCK, i Jaaaary 34, Me. ly ..40. 1F . 40 1111. c ,1r /Iv d2W EtrICDED 18M. Cbartert‘j R. Located COIL or BA LllllOllll is MILES STS., BALTMORM, ND. The Largest, Nape elegantly Furnished it Popular Commercial College in the Vatted State., DESIGNED EXPRESSLY POK YOUNG MEN Desiring to obtala a thorough Practical Rualsaaa Zrery Toußg an has a Couatiog Desk to him. self, cad le separately instructed. STZDIXTS Li ATTINDANCII MON NIAALY Ersav • ST/MI IN ?HI UNION. Tim most Comprehensive and Thoromrk °Owe of Study, ined the only PRACTICAL METHOD OP INSTRUCTION de Copying from Prieted sr Maaitscrfpt Finis he LAMMING BOCIZACIMPTI4I AT TRU BALTIWORS 00.1111NRCIAL COLLSGX. ?hie method of isetrortion Is nowhere elso liars. duced is this country. Every Young Ewa should write lame Irately for one of them large sad beautiful Ornamental Circulars, representing the exterior •nd interior view of the College, Penmanship, tc., which will be sent by retina mall, free If Amy*, with Cala logmitcontaining list of students, terms of tuition, o= of the Press on oar new system of Wok , ota. L IL Lassa, Principal—Lecturer ea the Science at lowarbas, Suninees, Cuatouis, rte. 4. N. Plll/4.1P11, Prefieser of Book-Yeepiag and ' Commoredial Oakslams. 11. IL DATIM, Amoriato Prot. of Book-Korplog N. C. James, Professor of Peureasship. 8. T. WILLIAMS, 8.q., Koresuritilo lAw. liov. IL Y. Rams, D. D., Commortial &Wm. TIMMY Rea. Sella P. Keeeedy, Hon. Joshua Veasset, Boa. Themes Soma, W. U. Keighler. /web ?nut, Iraq, Wiliiaa Karin, Seq. The thee eseelly required le template the fell seers% Mew 8 to 12 weskit A DIMOILA is awarded to ail Graduates. Large Circulars and Cutslogues statieg tams, lc., seat say sail fro of clump , . Address L K. LOSUIIt, Baltimore, Md. T, 1859. ly T)T BUYING GROCERIBB fro. HOOK # BALDWIN, lf. conker otLeztagtoa aad Omen Meads, BALTIMORE, MD. Tom save 25 eta. per pound to lights Too. Too gm 50 eta. per boast Y bey* floor. Too tom 50 eta. per bond in buying Fisk. You tare boa 2 le 11 dollars per 100 pounds in baying Bacon. Ton area trim 1 to 4 eta. per gn i zt y jag &wan. Yoe sore (seen 2 lei ate. per period is baying %Nabs. Yoe mare ems I Is 14 eta.• per gallon in buying Yolaireas. Ta abort you eta ours inanty . _ bi dm Grocery Has by boyibi or HUOK BALDWIE, B. W. canter of Liszragtea bad Gneasstains. If say body doabts It let them eh , * as 0111111 1111• L, Asid if they an sot setts/led we will be mutest that they 'hall bay somewhere Mar We warrant emery ankle we sett. We pack all goods meanly, and charge sighing for psekhig. And if the Goods an not They auk be retuned Porous failing It incommodes:, to visit Ultima*, Ga 11/41W of u arugh the Nail and nay rely area having their adore Pratingly sal sarlstatteteily &treaded to. liru mugs POll saerrita.liii HOOK • BiLDIVLN, 1111tedimesie and lotall Grocers, 8. R. wow at Lexington aad Urea& sta., Jana 31, MO. Usa.34. ly.] Baltitactre. OAL sad Semlock Sole Leather. Oak sad Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak sad Hasslook Sole Leather. Promeek,flaneaa, sad American Calf Ski** Preach, Oarless, set America* OW Mhos. belch Gersuom sad Amoriesa Calf Sabre. isseeel iii nd sad Palest Leakier. Mater..,sad Pedant Leaden , . Scoreses, Lid mad Patent Leather . Biadiass, Ludas* Lasting, As. Illadhsp, Leda,* Lambos, he. Eisele.% Lashass, LaMiesp, Se. Rip Invite Osaaacr Sendmads and Idoesalies tames to azsaelas oar stock at Leallar„ Bhast liadhega, Is., *bleb Ire aka at .I,llodassie ea IMMO hie sash ar goad parr s theiresariess. AX airs Sia m esessist, IIATIWID, ELY le n No.-44 Roush CaleirtA, • ' bort. 111, ISM. i, James H. Bosley, Howard House, 'Lineation Are hen Introduced. rAovirr : xoney Saved ea mot every wade Y rapsuaated, at oar exposes. Leather 1 Leather 1 Th e Cars are Here ! LL i T / d i iN h O S t I, e A R E RE n , re t D o l l. ' a ! — n n T o h u e s c a . ed 4 e to - old country frierbou and merchants Iwell as the citizens of Gettysburg, and "the of mankind," that his sew and com modious Warepteestee is now open, and that be is ' , relying GRAIN I PIttIIWOR of all kinks, for which he is praying the highest market prices ; and while the public can dispose of their pro dace to the best advantage, theg can be supplied In return with Groceries, of every description, consisting of Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses Teas, Rice, kn.. Ike., also, Guano, Plaster, Oils, bider ware, and a thousand other things not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cheep's* is our motto. If the people consult their own Interests, and act wisely, they wtll not forget the undersigned. !loping the faces of all my old customers will meat me again, and with them many new ones, 1 shall endeavor to please the.. JOHN IitACK. 1 Gettysburg, Nov. 22,1958. Glorious News ! f ONEY can be saved by calling on the stab ly' scriber, who ham just returned from the cities with one of the Largest mocks of FALL and WINTER IIOoDS ever brought to Gettys burg—in part as follows: /reach Merinoes, plain and figured, Cobergs ef all kieds, Comas Detain,., all prises, Orien tal Leistres, Silk Illusions, and a large assort ment of plain and figured Silks, Alpacas', Bombazines, kc.; French Worked Collars, ut a . dereleeves, liaadkerchiers, Flouncing', Edg- ings, Laces, lasertings; Bonnets and Rdbbons, Shawls and Mantillas; kmlins, Li 11•414 Sheet ing", Hosiery, Glares, ke. Cloths, Ciusimeres, Coesineta, Vesidhip, and everything else In the gentleman's wear flee. _ The undersigned is thankful for past favors, and will spare no effort to deserve the public's continued patronage. J. L. SCHICK, Oct. 17. B. W. corset of the Diamond. Cheap Clothing. GRO. ARNOLD has sow got up ills stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTIILNG—aII sizes sad of every misty. Over Coats, Dress Coats, Moakey Jackets, Vesta, Pastaleoas, Drawers, Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Ic., all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest lbr the mosey. Cell sad see them. [Oct. 3, '5B. Pollock, Baoon , & Co., O. 10 SOUTH SIWOND ST., PHILADELe PHIA, Importers and•Wholesaie and Re tail Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.— In this department buyers will find a very fhl and eomplete stock of plain, medinat and fancy DRESS SILKS, principally purchased at tbe re cent large Auction Salem, in Philadelphia and I New York ; and will he sold below the coat of importation. Also, a full line of Black Dress Silks, of the most celebrated maannfactnre, and hi hinstre. Also, In their appropriate depart •ets, an extensive and varied assortmeat of other Dress Materials, embracing all the most approved fabrics and latest styles for Fall and Winter Wear. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!!—In this department we offer by far the most exten- ; sive assortment to be found in the City; which embraces all the latest novelties, and most pop-! ular styles, of the season, in low to superfine ' Goods ; many of which hare been purchased at I the late large Auction Sales, and will he sold at greatlyreduced prices. CLOAKS! RAGLANS!! MANTLES f i I-13nyeri wiU find In this depart- meat a very extensive assortment., and almost endless variety to select from, and without any doubt the largest and most varied Stock both in point of quality and style to be found in this ! Country—ranging in prices from low to super /as goods; all monnfitetared of the but and most approved materials, for Fall and Winter 1 ; Wear, and of unequalled workmanship for first class retail sales, gerStrengers visiting Philedciplde, ere so licited to examine our stock. A liberal discount to wholesale cash-buyers. POLLOCK, BACON & CO., No. 20 South Second Street, Philadelphia Oct. 24, 1259. 3m Fine Old Brandies. rBB subscribers, Importers nod Dealers in (, 1 WINES k LIQUORS. would most respect ! k y call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 North boat Street, PidokWei, where they hares large assort. meat of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. flaring made arrange ments with some of the irst houses is Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to Ihraish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms. the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle: BRANDIE:4: Otard, Ileunesy, Pellersion, Pinet, Castillion ; J. J. Deputy k 00., T. limes, A. Sergnetta, Martel, Music, kr., ke„, of Tories' breath and qualities. WIVES: Champagne, Madeira. Lisbon, Old Oporto, Tenerillit, Burguntlr i Hoek, Mascot, Claret, Sherry, sad Malaga Ntlnes. BoUsad Gin, Sebeideat (Schnapps, Jataakta Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple, Blackberry , Cheers, Ginger, sad Raspberry Braadlea; Cordials. Wise Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters. In. Also, Awaits and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Cousteauly ea band en ex toast,. Nark atlas eld Mosongabela, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, of varlets podia, some of which are guaraateed to be superior co any in the country, all of which are highly Improved by age. from our long experieese la tbe basiam, and a thorough kaowledge of the tastes of the community; we latter ourselves to be able to AU all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders trots the country (which are most re spectfully selleited) will be promptly attended to. Great care taken in peeking and shipping. /SAM goods seat from our establishment are guaraateed to give satisbetlea, with the privilege of being S. P. =ll.w! k RRO-, Ne. 5 Nertia Front Bt., Pltiledelphle. Feb. 7, ISM ly . . -.-.'#....' . I 1:I.. • ...".... 4 114L ) ' ''s- -......----- . ~._ Dr. Basket) rwieslTS ALL DISEASES.—DR. BAARRII t; giro special attention to the following Coughs, Colds, Consnmption, Croup, In/salsa, Asihnis, Bronchitis and all diseases ef the Nose, Youth, Throat and Lungs. Atten tiostle the treat/neat of all Skin diseases--Lum- imigg, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, PUN, sad all diseases of the Stomach, Liver sad lowele; also all chronic diseases pertaining to Woman sad Children. Dr. Baakee can pro duce on. thousand certificates of his peelliet seesaw in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula, Scald Heads, Wens, Swellings and To lson of every description and without the use of the kuifis. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the patients must place themselves ander the Doc tor's personal supervision. DR. BAAIDLE has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATAILACT, sad restore perfect vision to the Nye witheat the use of the knife or needle, sad he eases all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and he has constantly oa heed an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes:sad Trope:mos, sr Ear Drinse, as/table for either sex and all ages --Weeded in Eve minutes. Also, a large as mortised of tar Trumpets of all dam and every description known in she world. Also, a bin= assortment of beautiful Artificial Bonds, with. Wrist, Ann and Elbow attadimeata. Aloe, of Feet, with Ankle, Log and Lamijoint 1116101- 11,1111111—Slitarig as notate Itself. Them artless tea be seat by Awn* to any part of tie wand. Dr. lad= is =a of the meat adebrated and skillbd !hyoids= and leer eons now thing.— Rio Issas S bistro persouelly is emarly every city in the wed& All bolero address ed- Stakes must coati= ten can* to pay =step and inclibutta i l spouses. All Chronic Miami sot he heated by oorrespondesdi, ex ept those mentiesed, that require his per toad seperrisiss. Ofllee hours fro* 9 IL 1 1 -1 to 4 T. DOCTOR MAKES, 1 104 litudlway, a lbw deers above Fourth street, Nor. „IL Dea.3ll. lyj New York City. Wood I. T WILL sun ray HOOD I.oa=ll .1 week, at Moots We, or tor... Posoisootrlstiog to parehoso *oft sill sad ris M. Bso. ARNOW, Groophotati, Oct. 17, 1859. It • Cook and Parlor Stares. A NORM POLLEY would respectfully hi lt form the public that be now has a lot of CuuK and PARLOR STOVES, width he alters at prices to salt the times. Gettysburg, Aug. Mt, Mt. Partners' & Neohanieuf APINGS INSTITUTION OF ADAJiS COUN TY.— Wesatb cosset by seisift—DIPINDOI your surplus funds in this Institaties and Mk oelre Interest at the rate of from two 14) fair par cent. This institution offers a safe, coovsaidist and profitable depository to all C l / 1 /110/1 of pawls dal] 4, 1,139. - Grain and Produce House, N CHAYNSR.9BCRCi STREST.—TiIe *s ky dersigned having purchased the largo building in the mar of his store on - Chambers bilrsburg street, known me " Camp's lirewery,," has converted it into a Produce Warehouse, and is now prepared to receive all kinds of Grain and Produce, to wit : FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, Seeds, to., for which the highest, sw►rket price will be gives:. Iffer•To accommodate those who may pr efer it, I will also receive on COMMISSIO- and forward Produce of all kinds, haring made ar rantresuenta for that purpose with s responsible house in the city. I also continue my Grocery and Variety Store, and keep on hand GROCELLIBS of all kinds, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Rice, Oils, Spice., fish, Cedar-ware, Ac. Haying Just received a cop. large supply, purchased on remarkably favorable terms, I am prepared to garnish CoanDealers very shea, and wiU fell at all tim es , WHO LUAU A ND RETAIL. The publiciire invited to call Libre purchasing II elsewhere, lam determined to sell as cheap as the saesloss‘ ect the principle of " Quick Sans and Small Proits." JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1859. Dr. BrLane's CgLERR ATE!) yfiltillFlJGß PILLB.---We beg /soave to call dm Mum- r tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of therms( =" popular remedies Now before the peblie. _We mt refer to DR. CHAS. M' LAS OgLirlikLATE D VI ILMIFUGN AND LIVIIII PILLS. We do not rect. , m”o. , l thorn as universal Cure-alls, bat simple for what their name purports, viz: The V EfiIIIFUGN, for expelliag Worms from 9 0 the human system. It has also beesadininie tared with the most satisfactory result, to vs- il l rions Animals subject to Worms. Tim LIVER we PILLS, for the cure of Liven Cossi.aurrs, all al BILIOUS DIIRASOINICSTS,I3I. 81L10.41111101, IS. pip In cases of Fares axe Aeon, preparatory to ill or after taking Quinine, they aleses *vast*. 0 bly make a speedy sad peesemasat care. As specifics for the above mentioned dis slues, they are unrivaled, and sever known to me to fail when administered in SCOOIIiIIIIO4I with {IP the di ree tioas.. Their nnprecedented popalarity has In. • F ue duced the Proprietors, F Ll M IN G BROTHERS, PITTSBURG, PA., to dispose of their Prig business, iu which they have bees successfully engaged for the last 20 years, sad they will fat now give their **divided time and attention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr..ll'Lane's Celebrated Vernaifuge sad Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense ie procuring the Best and Purest materials, and compound them In the most thorough manner. Address all orders to ,YLESING BROTHIRS, Pittsburg, Ps. P. B.—Dealers sad Physicians ordering from others than nestles Bros., will dr well to write their orders distinctly, and babeens bra Dr. If Law's, pngoarad Plastiv Bras., Paislairy, P.. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per man post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve three-tent postage stamps, et one vial of Ver mirage for fourteen throe-tent stamps. AU or ders from Canada lama be aceonspaaied by emp ty cents extra. Foe sale by A. 1). Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg, sad by dealers generally throughout the meaty. May 2, MD. ly Special Announcement ri TEM QUAKER CITY PUBLIBULYG HOUSXI-100,000 010elogues, new, 'u rged and revised—now ready for distribution. &sparks indasseusonts to the puhlic.—A now and sure plan for obtaining GOLD and fiILYKR WATCHES, and other valuable Prize'. Full particulars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from lip ma. to $lOO, GUARANTIOD to each purchaser. $lOO.OOO in Gills hare been distributed to my patrons within the past six mouths—.slso,3oo to be dis tributed during the nett six months. The ladueemcata _offered Agents are more liberal than those a say ether house I. the business. Raving been in the Publishing and Books*S ing business for the last eight years, my ex perience enables me to itoeduct the Gift Inter prise with the greatest satidaetims to alt. AGENIW. WANTED in every tows and county. For hill particulars address DUANE, RULIMON, Quaker City PubllshiniZ , use, 33 South Third Sept. 21% 1859. 4m Philadelphia, Pa. Watches, derwsiry, ND SILVER WARN.—We would rospert fully Inform our friends, patrons and the pub ie puersUy that we bare just °posed our New Witch, Jewelry, 811yer and Plated Ware Establishment, at No. 6?.2 Market street, when we offer Wholesale sad Retail, at the lowan Gash Prices, a large and very choice stook of every description of roods usually kept is • first-class Watch sad isweby Store. We hope by untiring efforts to aeoomitoodate and please sot only to Mouton our former pa trons, but merit and manta Leap aeolosima to the same. Every description ofDiantcsul Work and ether Jewelry made to order at short notice. All goods warranted to be as represented. Particular attention given to the repairing el Watches and Jewelry of every description. STACIPTER A KARLEY, No. 823 XVId arta, &WA &4 kiladelphis. N. 8.--We will continue oar Old Store, No. 1411 North Second street, tots short time only. Aag. 1, 1859. 31u The Cheap Book Store, IN Philadelphia, is at No. 224 North ilensod street, (betwese Base end nos strosts,)— etsussso MEASLY S QIIASIME OE t OESTVEY Aoo I--sod still condoms bushman es tits prin ciple of the "Moak " ka. Constantly on band, and midi to Coaster Merehasts, Booksellers, Store Keeper; Polio sod Prisms Schools, Cepikeps, ACl M i lli ki li P Teachers, kr-, at 'Vihoissals, and to everyliss4 at Retail: All kinds of School Books, MOM Milions, Foots Cap, Letter sod NOLO rapeila, .. Mates sad Slate Pencils, Cartoiso, Zed, Black sad Blue Irks, Utter and Note Missives, in /root Thaw% Copy Books, Cypberisg sad Composition Books, Blank AmouMares* nt and . Neloomiadust. De n t s, way - aims, goolitioll and ntlions prices, . , Steel Peas acid Pen Beldam .... . Wrapping Palms sad Boss* Almanacs, Diaries, Used Pessei ll b illimi N spiel Band, School Bewaris, sad everytklag else--be. shies Tastily, Belo* awl Pocket Bibles, Myna Books, Prayer Daft, listatker with 4 large Block of Books lit Mil departimaat of Was. tarot lad **We to Ma taste. WWI at do vary lowest Nett Cask Pri. mops - . MART, GBTZ k CO., Posuraras Aso Boogsalaidil l / 2 No. 234 Nests &mead street, Philaddrida. attention paid to siL,..natisrit n - ~ by WA. - /4. 11, 1859. But