The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 28, 1859, Image 2
%ho s 1 ink; " 1 410' A . ..V A VG 4 .I.I;SY, ;e, 11159 [~~ _ ~~~ 11~Z1SL`Y *kin bien destroyed by Sibf:' - - - - v atairei J 54 filartam. --The nook ()Me 840/040111•10pia site,Sozpire Sidits..(oow :Mat -41MIMR/4144nitioWnmparly: dal sowtmined) VAPIPTOR*, txdocitincsod QPPP444. oak' giequibist- Q ..-sistiVotalif .inlina pr*atie or,oppogi uNoomospif 14.3 1 0—griksidentio eats:ion of .41 414 that:4lopp, than who look care ltd itere#4llpey over the taliee of re v , Klpfre thee; with the like exhib jlL; Kamp si wile; occasions entertain no er ,iSit lreir I. orlit will ursy herself on )4 ,fr ,.. XS. pi 41 lleoilocrntic pnrty.—consfau n. Aiftastichtasisits Coming iSightf—We begin -Sto ,basne: hope cesu of Abotitienited Massa .4eblittietts. The Boston Post considers it a Ailiptitiottat ebstering fact that there are aeoe/51totiee4fsylfoor Democratie members of ,abiefititaistbusetts !louse of Representative*, 4, 4146014 k* years sinee there was but a soli -Val' it thinks the Democrats in that tlitatileutreilbse for encouragement. ANA SlirarlitlP&P;keneenthas been raised in the isefilghboalsood of Chsetestown and Harper's Ferry, bylletiaereas reports tßat hundreds of - 41111fid' Actitiontets were about to attempt Witilie of Brown from prison. A thousand 04411•1011 We swamped, and will remain there ad* Mir ilia execution of the oonricts, for the mesas of quelling disturbances that may Arias frostuy , caitse, and to repel any attacks tkatimar hassnade by the friends of Brown. he Supreme Court of Appeals hAs -riltritp) !mine the judgment of the Cir. ,fit JeTerson county, Va., in the . ree, Brolip. Consequently, he bo ,liiins i os f kle 2d of December. ' ' retitOg SPunky.—We lez . rn from rtarris :buritria one of the crazy Abolitionists, who sre' s tt'iing to make a martyr of John Brown, , !take t a fighting challenge to the Governor df 14nnsylvania, for delivering over to the ,suMpikets t ot Virginia Brown's fellow mur derer awl conspirator, Cook. is the Esidince.—Ron. Joshqs. R. ,lii:kkatling is one of the two members "at Appn,bliaan State Central COl2l - Ohio. It is itoportant to state this, i a t pilke,e t4e,etteaapted serails itaaarrection - at Amer:s Ferri, the Re putAilAwar harcattealPt esy his connection with their pa . rt,y, have attempted to PaPtlii&t. Ps 01.1011Lie grir"he Deglocratic party is the only na ' tniritparty Aod i tlxo principles of 044 Gia)y op Aow• povpig , pYti are 'sectiooal ► nd daagero "LICA nation/3 non-u-men who are in favor r-- H of paypaigatVng the Union of these States— men who Are opposed to civil war in the .4. l o l ollol ll lB4 l rOliyAnd oonfusinn in the North, Arallfuoder4be Demoorstio standstoi nod Pot ltis?thiplAWotimparty whioh would destroy the 4 17n10-wthe only hope of freedom tihroggierwloitbe world. • fg e 9 ,l l / 2 . 3l nali t t, . ,hardest fooght bat tliln nosily rrpodential contests, essentifil to lucoest, -seesilillhaeletbktin imredgoloesitookoy if usiin ' -work, both legitimate and t t zitild 4 it, But it would not— e eystoned - rcis into the RePublican arch with a round -Mijiirity of IT,MO!—/farria. rs' glpd to know when Pennryl - laripPed into the Republican arch." AStiklft ft was the "PLOPLZ'S Pier" leaircogfett, t the last election. But the sa 'a goes to show the duplicity pAtrty. Before the election iti c r tkittifselvis 'the People's Party, oso digoant at the idea of being bed übea ror .dboiityniiiir.; , ut pare the ec4Ctlsey ilealroldlitbron off the suiwiltsollei were elaint4issx so a iMII6 j.4Amfirsier4 *6l3mph:l Will the id/Pee, Nwhodtartszembeeli4baiblia . lews Mho doped by -liketilaskAlteptetilliemaAesdenr, - look at this 4hisAineiwtows.44oowilisee the wick that itigeogitn playst-vpowtheit . AllgisjitarApacoorss forced to make okomf i rtaill fir of tke !Asti, say Rcitiljpg wrong " in as con viction of ad rown, But thst sane atti- Fla thay—staclare Almst "all this has been tapp.pltbagyby. tkessoperissiis' rill reality gs dictinion Nft Sites 4 1 / 4 111107180.0sstivsfmn weak-beisnad desgb- Vieslakaerster Arid poli 011aissilimeitropreht itPr`PlE's 1111.00.011 This I. taw lii24 of Atel. 5p0'4.4144111 1111119;f1d-44# of 11=4 11 . 11 i to Tmieytitkei st . warder tad TAW. t= owl =M* soasgesellidt Itsisas Whftniiedkillidlesdia,ndieletipper 16114dM4414•11ipalp, ay ia*.aw: sf -oftdomperiturtio..7.-Vbiais arcftstsp, 064111444ti5e sat tommorto bribe Clipper's soadjiiiii 11141100 . =2-sol iaalt st 1aM424"w9 Vim' I=l • 'Ward Los us go look a oNr abooloisariab was a waft WI dio door ofXser Sal pandit toilet far " b. Met Rev. ffwry Ward doe Coessitetiee feast:am sal tether opened a sort of auction, and invited bids riles for the Kauai eampaign—he acting es the crier, and wing the North Church as the, amnion room. It wu then that Professor Silliman, after Mr. Ikecher's denunciation of 111111,51111MhilWriffialikr4 " Usrsold bfrtinsirs4ll , 4slbonskthib ha fur the procuring of a somber of weapons of defence f0r4114 pastf . eeising.nea,shad-4hat Aliarefaia Mr. Lines Rudd put down on the paper—B. Plimap,ene - Bharp's rifle. (The pace of rite was 925.)- Mr. llasiosellaadliadillr.Daitaisbalisdpaik it once. 'Mr. Russel' speaks first—Put me down for one, Rtr,Sil,gittton, pastor of the chnicb—Oals of &glans a this eliurogi, Der. Liarrey Liallibrigeidir bat with ihd dbmpany, - and I, as his pasta; desire , ta peasant tatins a (Bi ble and aliiipapp'it eiM. tlireat‘eoplauae.) P. P. Pie—l will give one. Stephen D. Pardee--I will give one fur myself, and one for my wife. Mr. Badeher.-1 like to see that ; it is a wok, tight and left. (Great laughter.) Charles lc Put we down fur tares. Thomas E. Truwbrilge—Pat me (lota for four. Dr. J. J. Ilowe—l will subscribe for one. A gentleman said tbat Miss Mary Dutton would Bite one. Dr. Stephen Hubbard—One. Mr. Beecher here stated that if 25 could be raised on the 'toot. be would pledge 25 more from Pipseouth Church—fifty beinga ruffirient number fur the whole supply. (Clapping of hands all jver the house.) Professor Sillimait now left Mr. Beecher to speak fur the Lid, and gat down to enjJy the occlusion. Mr. Killam—l give one. Mr. liee,:iter—Katam —that's a significant name in connectiun with a Sharp's rifle.— (Laughter.) Prot W. A. Norton—One for me. Viani Another f.,r ms. 1110- Mr. y r . Moses ler—l will pledge one Shop's rill° from the uniur class of Yale College.— (Great applause.) Prof. &Hirano, rising in his seat. and sweep ing the gallaries with his eye—There are four classes in rate Coliegr. [lmmense sensation.] Henry Trowbridge---oue. John 0 North -o.le. Mr. Beecher -el think Kansas will now know there is a Nora / Wm. Kingsley—One fnr roe. Lucius L. Olmstead—One, Mr. Dunlispl will pledge one for the Se, ltior ulass Of Yale College. It was now ascertained that instead of 25, It:way-seven rifles had been subsuriloed. the cost of which, together with the amount receiv ed at tho door for adruissfun :nada the collection fur fiensits, in the North Church, one thousand doilars. The meeting theo adjourned." We hays alluded to this auction thus par ticularly because we regard it of importance as one of tha " signs of the times." The ex citiment and passion of the Kansas contro versy bare now passed away. Events are rapidly and clearly bringing to light the secret motives and purposes of those who were so prominent and active in its agitation and trou• hies. The consequences of their principles have dertloped themselves at Harper's Ferry in a mannerton certain and clear to *How of der.ial or Mist epresentstion,-‘and too alarming to admit of defence or palliation. -- ---11-• .1111. A.bolition Htundutity. The Cincinnati Requiter sus that a politi cal Abolition preacher in 'Northern Ohio, who entertains his pious flock ever,v Sunday morn ing with a pitetios account of the cruelties indicted by Southern masters on their slaves, was lately fined five dollars fur inhumanly whipping a little orphan boy he had taken 'Crop New York to raise. The boy, says the Enquirer, had loaned a neighbor a whip—a single leather string tied to a stink---en the discovery of which the kind-hearted, generous soul, who weeps at the fables of Southern atsceities, took the lad to a barn and whipped hint with a cowhide till his back and legs were oompletely raw. The noise of the whip and the shrieks of the little sufferer brought the i*glibort to his assistance, sod delivered the lamb, for the time, from the wolf in sheep's clothing, Baltimore Rowdy Clubs. ' The political rowdy asst.cilitions that rule the city of Baltimore by getting _possession of the polls on election dap and.drisinAnyray ra sufftcient number of Pee:wrap' to secure the election of their cadid*eawl whose raj-Wing outrages the T4ar fanners are so anxious to palliate,) zkn, to thee:l)4ooly names—to wit "Plug Uglies," "tip 'RIM" "Butters," "IrlEgulatora," "Blood Zoks," "Sc olds, "Bed "Necks," "Celatbons- Riltris," "Scalp Necks," "Short, 43140." "Bs.bes," "Bieck Snakos,""Titlrs," "Stiug - ere,; "11.111 els, "Dead liebblts," "Shang hats." "Bull's "Green-eyed Moon term," "Bull's .yes." "Bangers," and "tang- ups." 11,-The Saw and other Abolition ReWeb bean Know-Nothing editors, dieoovering that they CILIMA ca off- the ahnuiders of their party the responsibility of di* iseederosa oat-break st , Harper's rerry, &damps to ridi cnio the fears of the Virginia Reople. Nit the Virginians have reason for deep analog. WWI Jean beg to _aßpgelleatA danger to 117 Aeis• Lahr -.1,84.V1 red- over :WI a . • . •. es as t on of digit'" Phillips axl merson, an soon the iznluir . oke sird, f , it o, i and Greeky:s n.elregaitsaw--..wltan.ihey know ; lei .stifons.-Caangilds.444lo-ohoshairlidasthe AilgiiArisiiiNWOPyibukitelfintid 4iiiiwitaset iissAvilliawn titateepsiWbe *AMU Abi/aAlik-.ftto Pill*Ab °wit lirslidell... AotiikOw AgAwain eirf As4sors RitinsasifseirossimadeawliadOdiallit-6-, Allind t agefiagasigelailPl itsuiffAtt . .111111nistiastodiar nilailentemasist - litialisist, ant' 4 1kkapotoorwqrAthilosP444. --, • • . , - MMN --- Omit Apia. • Mart MOW tin ilsaise Brown! 'A OmMOM Melimo. ' 441 0" -411. 1 1 : 1 11C , o av ir m is, 64 ir li t ti : 4 ins. liticnsisai : li r _a a ?plan do ri ' 1 0 1 'No - . 1 4 allou ' attetb ''' 4 . 1 01 0 , " ,0 7 i .." 7 mugs is ' . .tridg- I . ... • ' . , r ir. -i 1 tril4 *ial* - - ' , Pe alteellwo. in ::•i, ‘"f d. IskehlzAceit:Tgin meeting of our chi; ° 1 4,. , g 1 auk opt South J . tis dated ' L S. the "I 7 dit 1.0 y - .111 kit ~' . , can 1111 i , 00 ..,, laded of lighting the tom 4 011iitil,' llftitittiore,A• g o Itaidoik litio o d n ,„ ...., -efs dile thori kal ty ertt lri 4l l suul lk. tH' ltsin i tbilitH 4kiiiMi lgilis "4 : : Ps" _, li e t*lr. IL ' . 1. .. ,1E,.. i*W °859, la t " ing t. and 6:1941111 1a1 t . - .. *'": . • e neadbre,i ) Ili 111) be th the Chil' eun w" rt -hildl oo n th T e ues A da rb y ilniti eren ° i n nr Ista ni ti l : l° thilii' llitilt eNY 6f ; il 4: l--- j Th ifirit rAlli"Strimna'e ik_ _. house,. sun to .s "oar . wt abundant* I "As a friend to the &institution of • i amiss' hums to Mahe and keep alive disturnan. o motion of If. J. Fahneatock, Ilan. Joel B i t l and learee . i`wifilithfteiretheit litfilit' dead, rue of that journal of Sept. : Union I feel Uzi ,thi :L to b. ai ma rise of yff.u.:Lf a, i ce e at home. Yet Me would mem to be just Danner was called t o the Chair. Hon. S. Re ; mourn tils'dbathi iffilSinens *id* letsweent .f i lt i l pi s k i wane* *at i sworn.. seiert. l ' i , what ecime of tliti e llenui*eaus leaders herelßussell wee chosen Secretary. lat Neer Oxfdtd du thilroday. - - ,---' • X-Jek4 ,Ig Cook' - li e t wni"4- 10- mu k .J. , 11 6 .. 4 ,• , a in A....._ miweiiii..., ; acme. hog"! taken the t j.ifred Col. Forbes , Prof . M. Jumbo, lion. R. J. Fisher, D. la w ;Mae% lap 12 r * ,nliiii fat The tifel tiggluzizakikra allAsitorte%; ictle,„Kansai, In order to keep 1 hieConanghy, Esq., R. G. McCreary, Erq.,' in town to-slay, and will speTe.ltt' Tdaa Hall l• li_ t his -p--. a n d 'II-- weisti" ee - ,op an irrepressible conflict among our bro. Prof. Muhleoberg and H. J. Stehle, d e 44020 0 41 , t h airr d .400y ( who sorsa _invaiiitad me ivivittuntrh:t iet in the . n tionw eighZ oi nng ann to n w n us inionsy They ., „e melt ! .. vitertt . smolt. this (Monday) eveni ng , to the o i ti or !,s is st ... iv , f ausiosay r eons it i au .... there. tin more role , spett:hee on the occasion, all urging the im wants of Kansas. r. Cook went from Had- A gis abi tar .. ,j" *dews now is out - that" portance of the contemplated enterprise, and L 171 3 d 1 1141% "1 ktdieby. a ninn e t t r pt ai rkssekl ut 111 7;•alios hip. kb& Republican fighting man, Forbes, was' immediate action in' barry:ing It fbrwird.— dun tei Kenn., and while there has made ' ‘'°"' i''''' , ibt a ew.vosseneiteee.wveetebseney I Umber Jimt rfs , an ultra Abolitionist of this vil- daDuendAy_ahn_ se st,. a y asar y naa i n a as i n . L on . Thalo ll awing commies'* a were appointad,44 of both „A im , ; i hust movements and the ' Inge. They are armed wi th a pair of Colt's * n u mb o f ars anions:A/in Crilrbimadi kaolin rarn i sare excl.,- and desitia .drooping into lows, -. . don to head the movement there; and it fut. ucertain the number of _l* . iitons who would ers, and this ex;eititi f i de surfs for-Kansas on Tours . I Charlestown and the adjacent O w " t '2"4" useserore, that hie Republican friends, t take the Oas, and tbe &Haber ofiturn d o ., t a, i t,,, L , e4 ,1 o f a b ray . , com „ a „ ~ , i . Elm i and twos, so as to svoi respletoe. and when in girifig-him motley and putting him in Com. I make report wait nest meTetilig : who gaprepired- to defend' theinsefves from 1 ". `" 66ikIe" li pounce " Ch r, isilimm ' as a "' rum ukilwicriA)""B ecst a sy in ecl'eere seilkote 1 (3.11/4i. st " . " --° `P'' B e "" rd -1i 4 " 6 " attitek, - -aud to glee the rulhans an opportuni- , release lll' et at, jell and demand Ate ors .t-..-1 sod measles of our country in a foreiye land.. Wants q. If Vi e& can or dare, to 'earn the reward of 1 0Tn,„04,.. in the a o va gia la d a "% j r " th e ° j il i r dioio wn ' ry so 7r Of course these allegations will be met b . ): Baltimore al t—II. J. Stehle, David Mc eleven hundred dollars which has been offer- es ad %Ws scalp. Wearssatured that he is a - lour State. The reason for using revolvers the • more cjpscrupulous o f Republi , can , CretAry brava_ rser i ese „„.„ ,s , ut dorm twin. r __, ii . that they can be carried about the . personi journals, as usual, with a flat denial, or with 1 York atreet—aon. S. R. Russell, Dayld there a grand rally ,q,l,fe,. th e troth. , r . without lotretullt ittentien or el° lll ng alle . I suldreepaiseeatione - and.prevariemaions &Irwin 1 Wills, RM. mann. The *tut time fur culleeting the The Hartford Timis says the meeting was t bethoirght to break the force of so disgraceful / Cluunhoriturg street--D. McConsughy, ore.' of the brigands above mentioned I ' held fits the Oourant advertised, and T. M. Al- could nut ascertain, but they will go W I a fact; but it willbe of no avail. We have a' Esq., A. D. Buehler. lyn, Esq., was appointed Chairman, an d H. Charlestown in disguise and mostly by night. ( •wittietes on the stand whose disinterestedness I Middle street—Henry J. Fahnestoot, Geo. L. Rider, Esq., Socreotry. Mr. Cook ad-I".hi'ih plan opted by their i and-credibility never to our knowledge Little. • , 1 1 believe, r is a adopted and whet' he hoe to My, For the balance of the town—Hon. J. B. dressed the meeting, and said that when he rn !FT e L.: 'far they have observed theattasnet I been imPenched ; as to the existence and object of their there(ore, must be accepted as true, until it Danner, Prof. Jacobs, R. G. McCreary, Esq. arrived in Kansas "he passed himself off ask 'ecru,'i a Northern man with Southern polities," a nd , a ss oc iation, an d to avoid suspicion on the lis disproved by authority equally respectable: An earnest interest was manifested in this way gut the confidence jr SJuthern part of all outsiders here, they will leave I We allude, to the London Morning Star, a i throughout the proceeding.', and the meeting so that their m o tives, will not be , journal in quite as good standing in England I adjourned in high hopes of success—tea meet men. He received a commission as a staff ! grad ua lly, suspected until a day or two previous to the ~ i , „ 1 was now.; as the New Ikea Tribune or the Albany {again this (Monday) evening, at 7 o'clock, at officer from them ; attended their secret meet- , execution of Blown. ed into a large room . where , to my aAtenish-: Evening Journal - ere. The Star, (in its I the same place. A full turn out of cur citi legs. He then went to Governor Robinson and Reeder, and told them what he had learn- ruent, r l . foup . d some seventy-five . persons con- Paris correspondence, June 2d,) after Ivey-I:ens is anticipated. _ ,. ell i _2 l . lter seemingly ,en k n_Vr e nt r u t r ii n s e ern:, ting the loss of " the owl Euglish bead of I ed. " The thanks of the Assembly were ten- 6"1411 - • dared to Mr. Cook," says the Courant. ; ° 5 3 : 1 7 10 1 w wu ua i i n " the 7 30ro • P` oe ' g ven3 " 1 persons I Colimel Forbes" to - Garibaldi in his operations i This, it appears, is the same John E. Cook were initiated, and took the oath of member-; on the continent, and alluding to his release who was second in command to " Old Ossa- ship." --...0.1- I from a prison through the influence of the watornie Drown" in his late negro insurrec- An Anonymous Letter. British government, says: Lion st Harper's Ferry. It seems that be, The Kanawha (Va.) Star says: The fol. I "He subsequently went to Kansas, where too, was one of the Fremont orators in 1856 I lowing letter was taken from the post office' he has been doing good service in the anti -a "brava, fearless man," who p:ayed duo- ,of this place by the clerk of this county, on slavery celiac, deputed by Me Rovietres of Lon blc-fue in Kansas, then came North, raised , Friday night last. The post mark of the let.-1 don and Yew York tj heed Me movement du men and money, and went back to Kansas, to ; ter was "New York cite, Oct. nd, 1859. .,_ 1 ring the disturbance in that proviiice." aid old Brown in fighting " b t order ruffians," ' The letter was addressed to the "Clerk I) Here, then, the cat is out of the Lag! The 1 the i wherever they could meet them, and in mak-Court . Charlestown, Kanawha county, Va.,"mask is off! We know, at length, all about ing Aa much trouble and noise in Kansas ar- I and was evidently intended for the clerk at the" mission" of this "cool-headed Col. For fairs as possible. Following along in the line I Charlestown of Jefferson county, instead of, beL" He was "deputed by the Societ ley of of their vocation, and by the aid of rifles then !the clerk at Charleabwri, Kanawha county. ' London and New York to head the movement and since furnished them, we find them at ' The The letter has been forwarded to Goy. WISO : during the disturbances in Kansas." Harper's Ferry, killing peaceable citizens, I c um or via COURT, Here, khan, is a beautiful record l—Repula and commencing a general slave insurrection,: Charlestown, nrginia— Bean politicians in secret league with the with the intention of destroying our present ; Abolition societies of Englund, to foment a government and founding a new one by force Chß war at home ! Hiring the confessed and of arms on the slavery issue, chosen agent of Exeter Hall to help to keep up a fratricidal conflict on American soil ! Giving him money and letters of recummen dation, and in other ways aiding him to car ry out the views of "the Societies of London!" Oh ! shame, where is thy - blush !--Kete York 14 if Seward Knew !" The Par managers, ever since the Harper's !ferry insurrection, have bean very much ex ercised in mind because we hare deemed it dae to the "truth of history," to bold certain leaders of the Republican party Its cognizant of, and therefore partners in, Jltl Brown's plot to stir np a servile insurrection in Vir ginia. What will the managers say to the following from the Louisville Journal, a pa per they have delighted to quote-4 paper that has no sympathy with the Democratic party—a paper, in fact, that in timer past has been, ■nd is now, shoulder to eberiter with the Star in auaekio Demoorstie men and Inarsoses. Speaking of the plate the Aurnal aye : Mr. Seward knew it all : but most certainly he never told any part of it, willow he told it in guilty confidence. Ile kept the villainous secret but too well. Not the arch conspirator Brown himself guarded the terrible mystery with more profound reserve. It. concealed a traitor's plot with a traitor's Granting that Mr. Seward's offence is noth ing blaster than a criminal lack ofcouritge to do his'dety to society ail himself, yet how mean and contemptible *Big position ! lie, the Representative of the Empire State in the Ilalls of the Federal Councils, a Senator of the United States, the idol of a great par ty, a statesman, a citizen of the highCst di-s -tinction, a Christian, ands gentleman, bends his ear to this tale of devilish •conspiracy acalast the peace and lives of his fellow-eitt zeakapd, adluittiog it with but a passing twinge of compunction, locks the atrocious scheme id his bosom, and goo: forth, with impenetrable complacency, to lavish smiles sad salutations on its appointed.victims. Oh whatwaharne is this ! It is deep snotigh to redden the cheeks of every citizen in the land. We do not say that, a man or a human being capsfile of such foul recreancy, such abject, sinfuLlseakness, is not fit to live; but we do asy tbsthe is not ditto aleociate on 4erms of equality or on any terms with honest men. The " Weekly Oonititution." We publish, below, - the prospectus of Oen. Bowman's ably conducted and eminently use. ful Cmstitait'on, 11 hich we commend hi the i perusal or6ar readers : We would earnestly. invite the attention of our Democratic friends throngliout the-Union , ...ta4e weekit etiiissa of onr.par;, which we 1 .p9blish every buturday morning and which I has already met such marked end flattering i museums. The l' Wz acts. 6,N arrrrnox " fan Large wad. bairotifully-nrisited sheet, combin ing the adTuaagca of a political newspaper. made op of she most, im portant edlioriais which are published id our daily lead.; will'eontain clueing the Mission of ocairees sarefully-prepared abetkacta, of the rage of-the various deparinseateof ,the Lev:lment, fur obtaining which we have pare ar Moilities ; all patents ;sifted are . Ti r atilhitintria'fitit : all changes In, or ithioon tiatances of post offices regularly appear :end ssaftains e „beisides,:a ism" amen ria of well selected miscelli4Apuji neyrs, .ther w„ikkl the latest markets - and thle&caplic Tntelh liteett; troottillfic and fiiriiiglf. •Tlfh r " Sabbath 'ag V; pekliabal waste.-Daily sif. &Mar- Vkftwille,k/ell4t7r,ArlifllV* 4 ° , ' I.ICLY. SD ....1/ ld a tgo yjatereetng a • ture of the paper , anthdiete tb tritattiaror. Nothing - O - Miiiirfan eitaFanteetif admitted iliniiii e Into this tit. , a o Ali: hike befere.the ISerfple AA pig OAP Ilielogr.V ) f ihe Pqm i t - U t art , at the same time furnish em iskTjotirent, Velffei Aire piptiellt, it &tett Solar thre Joesswef itipeiweptehteierWhed qweittlit 4 ' Mk cam, PPO Fe IMP.SI4. Icrer • ,..%• c, .... ....„, ser . ifird* diliiiKapir Worms. adi r Au a! L.. 10481 4 1,1•4 6.1 N. mows -... Jialkit mit, il,qtr spo 1.4 1 0! Sl t i b Si &l og, 1 wrlf*„, lon , We 11114111APyul iffle Imsteti it 1 isurtr,s44 '3oalibtliesileuirdlihirpievipediy -if IMO I.ooll* .. , J .1..1 4.-va..vo -4. - -:... - - -. 'kW Asa Sit : You had better caution your Ituthetil ties to be careful about idiotism (do) with Ossowolosnie Brown ; so sure as you hurt one hair of his bend, mark my word—the following day, you will see every city, town , and village suuth of Mason and Dixon's lime iu riixec We are determined to put down slavery at all odds. Forcibly if it must. peaceably if it can.— lieltere me when I tell you the end i• not yet a long odds. All-!f us at the North sympathise with the Just Alain' and Indignation. Meat-of the -Republican preees, the Star tustosg.theez,..treite lightly the Harper's Fer ry foray and the alarmed condition of the Virginia iispeisiiiiine pleasieg contrast with sash +tensile, ire oopy the following from the Detroit (hlschisan) Fsee Press, a Dentoenitiepaper The wander ie, perhaps, that the South SO ataiptiratai at the occurrence, sines it has seen to what extent Brown re ceived aid ir, hid purposes ; and how much of sympathy prevails in th 4 Nortlr for the old villain. We can conceive of nothing more terrible in life titan a slave insurrection, excited and led 1,3 , so had and ereryway des perate a character as Brown. .It involves the worst c,onseguences that •tri befall men, wo olen And children ; it involves desolAtion of homes, murder, the violation of women, ra pine and conflagration. This is the enter tainment to which the South was invited by 111660 concerned in the 'Virginia conspirac . T. Is it strange that the South regards the affair with the most intense indignation 1" Fatal Railroad Accident A most sad and melancholy accident occur redon the Northern Central Railroad on Satur day afternoon weak. The passenger train of cars which left Calvert Station on that after noon at 3 o'clock, had proceeded safely until within", short,distanste of ILelleille, about four miles from Baltimore, when going round a' cure one,of the mile was pressed , from its place, and three Airs were thrown from the track. The locomotive, tender an. baggage oar kept *a track, and the forward trucks of the passenger war refrained iu their proper place. As , soup AS the engineer discovered that sonsethingarsts wows& ha reversed hip engine, but could not stop until 40 had pro eoeded about a hundred yards. Zia( two rear cars ware upset, and lodged againet a tele graph pole. The Conductor of the train, Mr, Alfred Crawford, who was on ths.plittleagt between the two rear curs, in attempting-4o jump off, was so estelikst *eV kiatheed Was horribly crushed, killing him iestanele. IPme or three other mersons'arate slightly injured. Several of,the 'oars were badly broken, and it was miraculous tbateeare lives were not lost. Mr. Crawford was about 96,years,•of age, unmarried, sad bed been engaged foe sofa"l years in *he capacity of oonenatera in which be had. secured , ibe.estaearaad,Anli desseeut the othersof the oorapaayeaad was highly respeesedeby all who.kstow:hiai for his urbattityan*aptighitteas °lid& •Illasigisins sebretsmar.egoll.hank tOlejtiatore, said :lore I Leh* wham, of by his friorrii. 7.40,096404.1 acissaimosd, st ojelay serviral kathisrto iba train. 11111 0 884 &sea*, OinkS mit t.n. ibr•Boz, weginqiirit Mr. Gum its f of. his pins' *gib ixt4hgriataii, bin forts nanip escaped writhing althorn. " 2br4te Ram;:sai lecideat—nree As =lid `grid Seieral tistrettOn Fn d 4 -AA a lerilllreltebtfistit abaft' al its %diva wut l ii i tentrar4niest` . ; I ksro latemV ere. raitAtict,bstrilibeetf oriktA 'a lEe - retairlraiolletaik it abitldWrio , a trirCdrilltktifefehirattirtietafill 4 boil earner slitigliiiiiihipiWitifillairortf *IA be stopped the editat irftlikiirtftitiiii SO AttlitiHrelittair ikifibildkaliiik* iltii&—• A: f NNW** HISMOSOtateg Stiblleap/PglaliAt a lle t iiiMP MS& Newby, were killed. Several iffiNt.4ll/11 Wale vtlivitiltutigialifteitaii46 rienAomisollite vemorimPiiiiv oadien "Hdwalidtegyareigkar ,, voi trietwassilt altermoilywoupoostombeit bideame IZ7Z. ha~M. - __ OW . 41804 iisroliasiblisim 4 44 **************Nikiee- CEZI 1. = lEil MARTYRS OT n ARITIes FIRRY . • , tor* .t - dkjiti bttiv E.rpress. The Murderer Brown. --.- - Some fiery reeperetable Nerthern newspa pers—among them the New York Journal of Onnmerce—thint it would be tintld nulicy to spare the life of old Oesswittomie Brown.— They nditiit that his offence is an aggravated one, and that he richly deserves to be hanged; but they.think his death by the halter int. which be has rumbis head with hilt eyes wide open. would still further inflame the abolition sentiment of the North And widen the pence ful grip that has for some years been opening between the North and the South. It is impossible nut to respect the motive: which prompt a conservative paper like the Journal o/ Commerce lo counsel the exerci-e of clemency to Brown. But whilst we re spect its motives. we dissent entirely from its view of the propriety of staying the aeenf,ing hand of the low in the case of the rubber, traitor nod murderer who now lies securely in the grasp of the State he invaded with weapons of death in his bloody hands. T. spare the villain's We, would be to unite oth er "freedom shriekera" to embark in similar enterprises. It would be an invitation to Vie Emigrant Aid Society of Massachusetts to send their ensminserient into the midst of peaseful oommunititi at the &nth, to fo ment inmerrectioa and cumniti rubbery and murder. Would elimency to Brown hare a soothing effect tr•ori Norther% Altolltionitnu ? We ch, not think se? It wcoisktibs-ettrnmared. to cow ardice Oa th4.paltt of the slaretudders of l'ir giAla— It Le'o44 be said ~ thot there was a powerful element in tirninta Ratite to Flare ?) in farerible ter 2 1 1?wintiontint, and that the , Covernor tied the Legislators dared not perish the ezectilion at it-man who bad at tempted by force to liberate the stares. In oar vinion the execution of Brown and his assoc.bites will have a good efeet at the N'urth; and the eftbct would be all tide' better, if the blecxly-eilnded and bloody-hooded scoundrels could be hanged so high that-their execution might be seen front sou State iu the Union. It *ould, we are sure,„ restrain the; ardor of Bee Cher, Greeley and 'Giddings, if they mold witness their “Wenees triro'-k going through what Webster in hie reply tir Uayee asyleti the "sorligrd Wines* of dying without touching t " grontid " If Brown Bat eithertri been a peaceful and willtheMtirili Mt sitt-the %tut gone ' epu n this trapilitleit •Wdlhee sadden- slain:Want, ot" to sar a rneal oe.fier i k.tsconie-bei had soft r ll * at Aindipulp &evil of Ilitrpor's 'itonerr or--t t i b li e tfrgh - t",ici t g o so f e r me t t l i :;h t o:f il le ..... a- Mit ibis iffilth.thfft iettdinlithis bends bare been isahrontsinelluiert,bisipl. nor is it the first time be has made _ a hostile . illi : c41.4#10-4PleakaPiate, fur the pur like 04" e tag tbit Minns thelwof at heir priSpett±: •..TfleaWeelhinlias lutiebeetf trim coned with the gore of petrAlable settlers Althee.tiMelltypt.ity the.olidfiooundrel, and citizens of issoterbbave hall Fir. ptop eytigoreibry elf . I , itiri ; by" I!Tht — alicf hii - ft y : Benwaie • gyve posh New in the North. iiIIIIIMPROoIiacr oC , Aosisorritt r a ters 4 desw a te ,loy oer ilt attP s ion, in . -sa— ri! litpdflib St 1 1 4 ' Kt•iff iefilkeiokailliteelloitei inersidepol* . [Lawrence, • i o d OWL Unese upon In_prorok ;, riq 4 v ie eftetd 4 spy s • Led. In conelasion"-011.1iiiiiiisiirsprass'es 'weer *it rome s sighbif hams omit se lillhdi bAiliMeggferVe. t b it • . „ . 1 , 4 , ~w a, aa 14 1 I.l?itif~ tusai . meworn i I_,actal Ai!'et.. Curt Diklultai Court eakinued in session throughout the week, Thanksgiving day excepted. Prisi dent Judge Fisula,:nnd Associates ZIECLICR and WiERVIN, on the Bench. The Grand Jury was discharged on Wednesday. The fallowing trials were bad: CONXON !LEAP Samuel McCreary and. Wm. McCreary ts. Jesse M. Hutton. Summons in trespass on the ease. Verdict for Plu titfs—Vi damages. Samuel Ferguson vs. Jaeob Huller. Sum mons in debt on three uutes. Verdict, $4O fur the Defendant. W. Ross White, Administrator of Joseph Orndorff, deceased, ♦r. Joseph Riddlemoser. Appeal' from JoAlce's duilet. Verdict, fur the Defendant. BARTER SESSION 4 Commonwealth y'm. Samuel Cashman. &c., on oath of Mary Ann CrisAwell. Verdict, G uiljyr of A mum 1 t and Battery. San tehced to pay a fine of $lO and eostA, Commonwealth Ts. Wm. Boller. Assault end Battery, on oath of Bernard Devine. Verdict, Guilty. Sentenced to $1 fine, and give security in $5OO to keep the peuce fur 16 months. Coinmmwcalth vg. Lucy Ann Miller and others. Assault and Battery, on oath of Catherine Gintlibg. Verdict, Guilty. De fendants to pay a fine of fi cents emelt and tree costs. Craumonvrcalth vs. Emanuel her. As. Sault and battery, on oath of Wm. Wine brenner, .Yerdict, Guilty. Sentenced to three months ixoprisonment iu Cuuuty to pay a fine of $2O and costs. The Gran!! Jury found true bills for mur der and tvitlici - ms mischief against David Illngetnakt, Jacob Stover and Ifenry Craig. Fatal Archie's:. Mr. MICLUEL He*RISC, of framiltonhan township, was found deal on Sunday, the inst. On the evening previous he took his sapper 'wig, the family, as usual, and, at 8 o'clock. started for his mill, to take his turn at grinding. On his way, he stopued at ono of his out-buildings, it is supposed to secure the siuors. lie was fuun4, about 9 o'clock next miming, at the lia4e of the stair-way, d•iwn which lie had fallen. Ile must ha‘o beau instantly killed. For the Compiler. Ma. Entrox—Dear'Sir, 7 4 have eftealtArd the shrill sound of the ileum faipifor:Alyr ing the evening lately; and have afenitered what wto going on in OM dit4.ctites;tnosiin2,- that military onupanic4 do not pars ,in the evening, hot I have learnt letelptiset . ,the Cashtown Republicans had Proe,fded tam selves with a tenor and .bass drum, (t sub scription among them,) having ttAfpr o te,give the Democrat.; in Franklin toirnebilittftePthe election a solemn solo, and grtiAns svittiout number, befureleeving upon•their voyage, fur Salt .River. Bet #te eiection , :ronitit ad verse to their expectations lit thelengship, geleste.P.orrabisegjess ; Church. I cons n • ne tly 41 ey eenessl.4he The United •Preskyterien Obereh snj matter - for a time, hot truth ititartkrrty; end this place, Ithich tillte „ been undevgning• re-I;tands pre-eminent over all thipsh. l 7 Agile P airli k l o , . bS IWT Vel'Pf rie Y Agatit - 01 , 4 pesueleition _resulted aconraing..ll4beit el f"' wee "' "e Pilitifeskiewbeen -14.11104.0ei feetiftions, I have nedeubt bailie Democrats the Vist:eritt vestihtila out A Op.° ; *mid bays been seranaded,in,A,sitarul east end, over whiAmnyt ;pilaff ii erected.; " iner . Dal the s iipletjtkeickjeo.,4l:yessa The exterior of the building Lee born Pilitaimi sold his Weitsosablit titidithewetount4 the color of the New • Court • litese, S ig 1 4, i„ u tt. o f t h e 41 :4: 4 0if u no,b/ f r, , whole structure, inside and ontPeesetiks hove prevented,.4 5012714:04 it appeopuice opal to any of ociin*EitErnotiern plani and taking op . thillr4iThitiottnesett with churches. The* location is am 'lths 'mut pprilatl mpsio e*tee tltie groitaatWeiptallar; delightful in the place. pfg's-Ferry, to jab? Asir jigitilitlkitilmaksu isististeettll reeleir.ptieisateraiAtitn,,— N0v.,1859. -'-itarpoompawma. Di.cressing l it• learn. that :qr. : J. 3la N LNG. the contrac tor foe the censtruation of the Turnpike to Ennitsbarg, and residing in the, vicinity of that place, met with nn nceideut un Fliday last, which resulted in his death on Saturdus. It seems that whilst assisting to get 4 beef into n slaughter house, he in some way became entangle.] in the rope fditened to theNlittutLand was thrown with such violet)** to the ground •ts to produce fatal injuries. Re spoke but n ' t tow words, and died the full iwing day. llia death is tow* regretted by a large circle of, friend* and aeryunintanses: Bask litlestiou. The elution for Directors of the •Bank of Gettysburg, on Monday lett, restated in thel c.istrios. of the • 444,114 Di, tgest dement (haw Svrapejt.-Kentibehart. Marais •Posinsuo„ W D: , llfinte; !mhos Ibtier, Gettrive ;Young; Dr. L :Liberbt B. `W.Jll4.X.AltiersanS. L o n g well, ILWisikotiackelMisesit o ieeob Beesta , .. r reeident Anti Minima of the ( sett Lutg•and -Petersham Turnpike reittirted as fOTh,*. Peleideet, WO;4 Ef.; 1 1**; M4Berft, Am, WO. amir.A l66 4* 4. silt% *S. I t9Carkit tt• :ittiekamo, Wiiras Siction; Treitisstrino. • .:Setb' .i^4. I 'l 9 l* IsFiliokAeoessed, Iu Osluitip, to -Mr. , tibiAiwippr Air..olllWB6-!-$lll ^i 41.41 -140.Viii0 1 54 4 %1A1 ilysiaddA•4lo. aidAd --akeirtrn,.,ll,ilo4orei.) -talIV-0101110Pdirgiardaskivi '''Wqoll. l o l7lol e , ' "Al* --414vart " i' , 4 1 4 4 : 9e 0 ,14 3' that! It is our painful duty thisnotra . qi!%o Or"' oath - it Ito - . exalter& Hum Platter' `e{''now' Maoism • leilitutiettllesngassas. , On litonibtx, morning liftinit t . ..-tACOB A. GAarmita. otPirAkibis igliti akapany with his . ,...12a .,.. Lei i ......... ,.... w - Warte4 fit a Vti - for than Gettysburg, setli i 'M'' .. a utile when hiesokl4ll4os444Pgaabl e and ran of. Thu!„ie If-lk front the bum with ?Wow, :_ed• and the_ horse dashed fiatiaosiplarimriotolm a bin. The buggy wail nnulholilts4Vie being thrown aping. a trek lititilain we are glad to say. issoapiat iriti4mat Serious injury. m Nevi Ozteed. The spirit of - improvechintrli sdltallve in our neighbcning town of New Oxford, and every department of briskest seams to be looking up in tlist,tbiriving village. The tine two-story brick dwakiitivot Mr. _Jao. It. living is nearly corapietaidt44o lire two story brick house eflitc-A. W. *sus. Dr. SMITH, of NOIOTO - T, Is aborit erect* a com modious double house, acul 4antsc F. Orrr making preparations to erect a large brick heailb--all of which *ill "li;titeditable • to the town. sw-Jmert C. Baiwasalots, Esq., was sworn'in u County Siirvite% ittPlredliesday last, the term of Eoyalt4,lllNlitritta, Esq., having expired. the ettilleielt Qtheer per formed the duties of the phatralelettly and satisfactorily, and so *ill tieeitlititers who has just entered upon it.. Ner_Tlie East l'etinaylrahro which closed its Thirteenth ..4,111141 Session, at Goldsboro', York county, os4Milerhist., appointed Rev. J. F. Wilin.arit:lll . take charge of the Adams county. fiy,,,4 final next spring, sad Rev. Wm. Gluon for the next year. Fur York Middle; Rey. S. Cetsw -..- TURD, mar By tht advertisement of - oir County Superintendent of Cummon!Soboolsi- &WS C, Esq., in another colimnn, it *AI be obAl served that the Adams Culp,ly -Zmzioierio. In stitute will canvone in Nee , OxOtni on the Bth, 9th and 10th of December tieit. We direct special nttenijon to the athertiseinent. Var . trAC. l )l2 BA F.R, a lunatic - , escaped from the York Aluts-huuse soma` two yri ) y,o oso, and has not been hoard of sintots-Artissflani /y are in great distress. and advertise to in formation of him. He is ahout 114 yeariof age, 5 feet 10 incites high, of strung features. light complexion, pock-marked, and thwitoes of Loth feet are amputated. Information of him mny be communicated to . MiObtiel/ftieber, Esq., of 11.►nover. p¢3-The contract for building a Presi dent's House on the C.dlege grounds, Vas been awarded to .MosArpt. timottag CLIRITZII AN, Of 004 plate. They will com mence upon it shortly. Thankggi ring day pruteed off ifithnnt anything noteworthy. Buainess was general ly suspentirel. 26P - The Ilano-er Drituch Ilatilrowil will - commence running n Pomsengor Train to-Jay Fla rperhe Perry. The Court hns tleeitled that ,the prilonerre Are guilty upon the vanitssuPourate brought aptiost them, arid has proncianced isamtenee of death upon them all. '.Nyterithstitoding -- this Tra,.% & Deo. enutiuue, to .malge their unriyalle3 Picture+, at their new giltplisibt Gallery, N. E. corner of the Ditanond, Get tysliurg. Pa. • . liiirlis Nfigrir:WHlWOel7rai4be Own' of sbolbted" fignabi *as pueNgTilitiNirfliet Amt. !and Gined ansmeol!li., eleo?"usereci 10 * 1 , 1 0.494.1tga_ 1 ! ,.. :P1P cLii 4 .Tvo of themisselkalidolhill IIaMPF/0 0110.41Wited fooreiblpftwoosollit OKljiligino," 'vale die **:41447.0W:. ,' 4ll .tirt lie . ;_ pgveraist AMPAI 0111"" t ir s ratify Woks& Ale 1 1 4.1 3 ,04 at !4 . L*...40 1 8 .1. , ae11ity t h rtif t P• ll* '''' 1 ' -' 4.61 - ' ''" -'' '.."` Y` - "0100114- X= . IMMO Fo tte Compiler