The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 31, 1859, Image 4
.411 tett qf Artiste, . Also ea hand's {rye km 4 L tim A r. Cat Starve halm! mese ' eta ..very lassir wr •, ilkaserinaa. lositskeePesi Sewer', P• . qnuips..#4 The beauty sad in `ttlot ISterescoptc Views upon the per , • ish **imp enduag centre of Co , • both tqvlsitors sad the home circle. gx ,ORCLLINTS &applied on the ;nos& or. .sers k s. 2 *, W. A. NirIBONG, • *O.• 2NI Wrstty SLrii4ltim44fel /14. k 404 111 0\ 11114 Doge!. ict GLASS, k 6 •", .1116. bro. 41 North 1.1.4‘64h4 Ctia 1144,1 44/Cti. Sreet.s, / 34 4 11 4" 21 04 11 4-, , . (Mc. 20, 1454 ; ir t ip,..;,- . New 4 Rich ITE)c ut . I, SILVER WARS Sl'aVi7 pLAT POLI4-44 it, Ice. --4.. 15. WAIINEILI N Gsli and t. 14 IQ Nourn GAY *TIMM BAL •-)ID., his ie store a heautifel atsnrt uris4 nfatetee and paten's of Ricii JEwgLity, ayitiOle for presents, embracing a gre-it lariety of r l .* gold and Sett Ilso,aches, Iluiutics 7 Car linaltlitio; at., Vat-kings, liraeelets, Fingqr Itinv set - 'diamond, w Ruby, Pear!, Opal, F t ruerald, ke , Geld Chains, Vest 4 Gard Chains, Ifitidallgra Lodtsti, t;4414 Thiu4l4le4, Cliff Pitts ; Signet, Chaft4 and Plain Guild stings •, • Pencils an 4 Pans, Sleeve BUttuns stud Stubs, Gold and Jet pe(itses, - Jet Drscelets, Pinsk Ear !Sn i p, Lc. 4LB 0 , A voilohr af Silver gourited 4 Piated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters Ciuldicatirlte, Butte; and Sa w = 'Pearl handle Desert Kclives,SpuoriA, V se, fairy ,Vticlat, ice„ all uf a hick it rellitaettullyoffereol on the luntst terms ! LAEc,)stintry Trade suld Dealers genet-311y ii_ to liVe use I can. and examine dood, being satisfied that my SILVER _,,,cailti9ibti surpassed rickur tor tiu4.:1..4,,..i ar the latest amid mutt beautiful patterns. lip' 17; 1859. ly 440101445.1442: r. A. raki,. 84 Prick, FflnThtV k PRODUCE Comrnisaion and Fqr, ants, North sorer, up;wsit• N. —; D rAL 1111111.T1.54111t}q, - . -4. 4 -JUMP PuraiEihinß wo. - 1I hunk *word Alrect, two It slp d North of the Howard llouie.—The itaTiarr made large additions to his _VIDPIed to furnish Housekeepers, Coleolliggraksts sad others, with suet; artielFs Ile tiNeititaiallan , the err hest terms. 4alipia: ..Wkitewitals, Sweeping, Dustin ,, ' , Pfalr i Until, Nail, Si' k er, Shoe, Scrub uud ikwildarushes. Walstara-wase: Such as Tubs, Buckets, Illiadasok Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, Bolling ristaaksittar Prios; .te. Brooms" Baskets, Matt sadlousdage. Manors 5 minute Ice Cream rafters, Refrigerators. ogri,;ht and t hast—th e ed kiacis. Water Coolers, in Wood ilirtr ir l'in mid Wire Safes, Arthur's sad tau4lll9# llPProved Fruit and Vegetable Pre- Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block Pala aid Plated Ware. Alhata Forks 040$11100a, Urns, Coffee atilt Tca Coca, Eg,4 alters, Cloak; Dishes, Knives and Y' Arsau. Irons, Sauce Puns, healed and W Daltee Mills, Table ()tutors, Oid Dom in- Iwo N4.2,8140%11 and Tongs, Nurse ),:imps, Ne t Tol*F 3 Dets, Foot Tiibs, Bath Tubs, Knife Olestwegs,,Wire Dish Covers, Table Mats, together wltholiKuutiotr of articles useful anti necessary to ifoolikaspars. Rohr k Davis' Patent Excelsior W' - - 3(aciriztes, Plain Tin and SliNit. Iruu W -, firgalles of every description ' mane tiltla order. GEO. A. MILLS, 11 North floward at., Baltimore, Xlil, "PO 140859, 11 - -;" ..i,A. Mathiot at Son's § D PURNITCRIPWAREBAJONP3, Nos,. Wad 92 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near yylwat.,) extending from Gay to Frederick at.--41411deviest establishment of the kind in the L'alott.* • Always on hand a lar se assortment of HO OLD A,...5t) (HI ICE MIT CBE, clu ng44itits b llartaus, lip, ads , Ward rebel, • attrosseit - Cotton and Haar, =Beds, Sofas, e:Tetes, Arta Chairs, Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set- Ureic_ ptiou and Upholstered Chairs, AS SWF COLORS OF COTTAGE FI: It NITC It li, ia Wood"V In, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs. tribe - and - Cradles, Hat Racks. 11411 Furniture, Gilt and WaJaut Frame Woking Glasses, Side boards, Rsteasiort Tables; of every length. ' Pumas disposed to purchase art invited to eallaad give our stock an examination, which for VlttiOty and quality of workmanship it not equalled by any establishment in the country, A. NATHIOT ,k SUN, Nos. 25 aad 2i N. Gay atr:et. An: . 2, 14153, ly Wm. Kaaba & Co., Niw at A-114l I North hutow dtreet,- .44440.1t,0L1. 1 1 , Nu. Ni Ualol3lore Str•Cl; W ide/ *ad ifight—,./341,f (MOUE, Xcl., Wm. re of Gold Premium Aitfl PIANO Foams, taalas t t;o. woohl respectfully Invite themeatioo of the public, and ct.pecikay those feat Of a, Ffl r CLASS PIANO, to their as sorts* istai.k of lustruments, which, fur power ' Judges, .tai, qa Amt. is 'll.lliOSll, iso from 'sore and . Um) last Maryland IlktUAl4 oa, 185 Ii ieobamics' lustre ill iron leCtlOtt Wilms *ask nlErnens tataveund /spur( ptepat to receive 1 -- .. i 01 . eitifinst prodece-.a,FLOUR, WHEAT, Lf L osive v . ariety Cilllkiek, of his own manufacture. RYE, COM, OATS, kc. Alto. on band and Ibt ti L110i3,1 1 / I ED lis A il. Chartered left . Located 4 eit.t itLEs sTs., ‘ The wore. is mat up in the bestami most datable sale, Salt, Guano o, Plaster, Fish, ie. A large I Jr COIL OF B T 13111114 ( RALTLIORX, Mu. . manner. inciethog .. er eam it stook/4 GnXeriee tt sit ar s/ A:reit - 4, consisting of The rAtteti. Slott glee/lay Furnished .1 Popular ' embraces ' 14 °°T 8 . 4_ ,Rogste t COLIXSI `'liolossits, 01X, Rice, . and Children's LIAITERS, in s oil, testy article I Teat, SOW *roil * s, Cedar-warn, ht., ic., Continstrcial College iq the United States. IDASIALIKP KXPI:E:sSLI kiln lassoed lic t s usually to be fogad in a nest class establish- which we do slot bemitate tq say, we will sell as LieutinAtitterdibtoin a Ebtlitontk rractical Botinete 1 , meet uf the kin& lie has pow and will continue low es can be bought eLsewhers, wholesale and' • ''... ' ••• rattedtb 3 n. • '''''' ` - - - + l° ha- employ a aaaaaar at 'sackfuls. ttil**4 i rots* Xstoho** n4lO weil by calling to See Weary , 41 1 pia a c ougt i m peak tq hi m . to best,' to make up customer murk. That be and examine ours loe* before purehuing else, self, sod is separately instructed, -" I will seIICHEAP, i:: easily proven. Giro him a where, am.oar motto will be - quick soles and his Boots, Shoes stud Gaiters. and sm ill profits." IBITDEXtg LX ATTEXDANet race NisitLY Evros i 0. 11 . el'imitle ST „, in „i n L .,.,,, • I get his prices. With unexceptiouable work and , We Would also call the attention of all inter- The snout Comprehensive end Thorough Cuolnle low rates, he hopes fur and expects a fair share ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of of Study, and the only of tbs. public's. patronage. , their Cattle, Horses, Ifogs, kc., to the fact that PRACTICAL kteruou OF INSTRUCTION: Alle"..3lsuemakeris are informed that he al- ,we hare for ale Breluit. Fruoelleld 41G 00-'t 4 Dire here introduced . ways keeps on hand w UPPEILI," for Shoes aqd (*etch/ate/I Vege4aille G.AITLE POWDER, or 4 c opy i ng f r „, p rivedn; • 4i n nworr i pt Form, in' Gaiters, !Tasty fur bottoming. which he ili•poses which we hays ealtllioili 1500 to 2000 pottads Lesansis Boot-leletreesi AT Tee. ,of on Irmo. JOHN BALL WEG. per annum to Formers and Storekeepers. BALTIMORE comintitetti. - com.EGF.. I s( - I , t• 12 . 1859 . ij - KIJNEFKLTKR, BOLLINGER ICO This metlpgl of instruction It hitibece else iqtro- ' G zttysharg, risk 0, 10.#0. - direct iti fhtfit m o= e .' - I Grain and Products House, _ Every Yount Moat • _ knopedllsiely f N Cli.iMßilitsnutto STREE T . —The un (II for one of those large hihmutligl Ettgameotsl I dorsigued having purchased the lane Circulars, represeitingillittmteristiod Interior 1 bu ding in the rear or his store on Chambers view of the College, Pennianship, be.orblehr will . bursburg street, known as "Damp's Brewery." be sent !:ty returniir.iyeee qf charge , with Costa- f has converted It Into a Produce Warehouse, logne coutaloicirli. tem/nor tuition, 1 and is now prepared to receive alt kinds of opinions of the Press errs viten' of Hook- Grain and Produce, tow it : Keeping, etc. . FLOUR., WHEAT. RVE. CORN, OATS, /ACM Seeds, le., for which the highest market price E. K. Loma, Principal—Lecturer on the Science , will be given. of Accounts, Business, Custom+, etc. I Lee fo accommodate tho.e who may prefer 4, M. it4lLLiri, pryfessor of Book-Keeping and . it, I e til also receive oq CIINNISSWN and Commercial Calculations. fora ard Produce of all kinds, ha% ing made ar lI.H. Loma, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping,, rangensents fv,r that purpose with a responsible s. C. Jemmies, Professor of Pearnansliip. 1 14ou•e in the city. S. T, Witoons, Esq., Mercantile Law. I also cocaina° my Grocery and Variety Bev. E. V. Meese, D. D., Comu/ercial Ethics. Store. and keep on heal GROCEIthiS of all TausTeCa: t kind:. Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Itn.e, lion. John P. Kennedy, Hon. Joshua Vansant, 1 this, Spices, Fish, Cedar-ware, .1: u . ii firing lion, Thomas Swami, *Wm. 11. Keighilar, Esq., ? just rei eived a very largtsupply, purcha-ed on 4 acob Trust, Eaq., William Kash', Esq. i remiritably favorable terms, lam prepared to The time usually required to complete the full furnish Couuts, - Dealers vcr . % c h eaply. /111 , 1 IA ill cour,e, iron, s to 12 weeks. ! sell at all plipes. WHOLESALE ANIS RETAIL. A Dies ems is awarded to all Graduates. I The public illse invited to call before purchasing Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms,' elsen here, as I am determined t, •CII as khe.ip ..te , sent my mail free of eharye. Address ,as the (Leapest, on the praudple of - (,)o,LI. E. K. f. ! USIER, lialtamore, lid. i Dales and ! Small Profits.•' JUll:si SCO IT. IY ( llettsorg, bept. ~ 1:4.7,:). --- i ------- - . - - I Dr Bl'Lane's ;':::•!=--- riELEIIIIATED VERNIIFTGE k LIVER n; 1 k j !'ILL.'.-11 ' e beg leave to call the at ten- • - ! Goa of the Trede,and Inure especial!) the 1 \..,,, I Pli,sicians of the couo tri , to two of thymus? y j p 'polar reined les no ale tore the poldte. We ....i i refer to DR. CHAS M I. 1\ E'SCELEISP.ATF:p 72 VERIIIFUGE AND 1,11 ER P 11.1.5. We do ' ''''- not seeninmend them as unker•cit th.l,-;01,,. CC but simply for a hat their 114111‘• pnrports, t iz- :- --. 4 This VF:RMIFL'i:E, fur expelling Worms/roan g , o , the human ,% item. It li is iil4o h.en ailialini+- .... with the toomt 4 iti.l i, tkir, i e,dit.A to \ a- 74 rion , koiatilk •ohje,t to !Cori:,. The [AVE'', = PILLS. for the .tire 4 1,11 Ea l'ollel.W.T.S. all ~74 Itimlit. s Di.II.I\I,LNILITA,:""It I. 11E.11,-ACIIZAIC. In erase, of I . YI eft Ail, At.; C, pi eparaitor . ‘ to .- or after taking Quinine. the) ethicist iso aria- --: 41.1 mike a +itcc.l . ) :ant perm-meat core. e 7 .s specifies for the Id i ot e own:Aimed ilk- r " ii eases, they are unritaleil. nod nu% ~. r known ~,,,t to fail wilco an aci..ord-toce with ''' r-• the directions. Their unprecedented popill trill has in- ;:,', dared the Proprietor4,H.ElllNi.llitt/T111:::S. = PIT C:slil:ltti, PA., to Lit their Drug's business, in which they have been succc , :fillii - c•-• oQ hand a full Fch. T, TREATS ALL DISEASE:I.—DR. BANKEE trill gibe spAlKattention to the following &senses:. Cou lds, Consiimption, Croup, intluensa, As Bronchitis anti ill diseases of the Nose, ' and Lungs. -Wen: tion to the t t of all Skin diseasea—Lum intim Abscesses, Scrofu CUn tism, Neuralgia. Paralysis, Epilepsy,lll LLi I r i p,p,ia, Piles. and all diseases yf the Stomach, Ln er and flowels; also all chronic discuses pertaining to tYunien and Children. Dr. Ilaakte can pry duce one thousand ciirtiheAte, of hill perfect success in curing Cluicers, Old Sures or l•lceri, Fistul.i, Serail Heads. Wens, Swellings and Tu mors of every description and without the u.,e of the knife. These last named diseases can not he treated by correspondence, therefore the patients must place thi,Ensdees under the Doc tor. personal -upervi+ion. Dlt. BA ANNE has made a new disco% cry an Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATAR (CT, and restore perfect vision to the E . ) e without the 11.56 of the kuifa or needle, and he cures all diseases of the EYE AND EAft, without the use of the knife or needle, and he hits eon-tit:oy ou hand au etcelleut assortuteot of beautiful Artiticlai Eyes, and T)miwinuins, or Ear Drum., suitable for either sea: and all ages —inserted iu tit e minutes. Dr, Haakee is one of the most celebrated and skilful Physicians and Surgeons now ti ilis fame is known personally in nearly every principal city iu the world. All letters directed to Dr. Haakce, (enclosing ten cents.) asking any questions pertaining to any disc:Ls°, shall be promptly answercel;and all Chronic diseases C3ll be treated by correspondence, except those mentioned. that will require his personal super vision. Office hours from 9A. M., to 4 I'. M. DOCTOR 11AAli::1•:, 704 Ilros,lwar, a few doors above. Fourth street, April 11, Uau.3l, In New York City. Burr Mill Stones w A m TI T R A .k i is; I T E t 1:11. ( -13 . 'O., Cu of _Vora and Centre Stregh oppernite N. C. K. R. Station BALTIMORE, Sin. llanufat. turers of FRENCH BURRS. importers and Dealers in Sur Mocks, Bolting Cloths, Lc: ther and Gum Beltines, Car cined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. Also, Colone, Coc4lico, antiAisophes Mill Stories of all sizes. [Feb. 7, ':Ja. ly Money Saved BY ➢GTI\G GROCERIES from 1/0 OK 4. BALDWIN, corner of Lexington and Green Bisects, BALTIMORE, MD. You save :5 eta. per pound in buying Tea. You save 50 eta. per bare' • In buying Flour. You Aare 5? eta, per barrel In buying Flab. Yon save from 2 to 3 dollar' per 100 pentads la buying Baron. You save from 1 to 4 cis. per pound iu buying Sugars. You save from 2 to 6 cts. per pound in buying Coffee. You save from 2 to 10 cts. per gallon in beyiag Molassea. shoetyes esa save mosey on most grimy article In the Grocery this by baying of • - HOUK BA.LDWLN, S. W. corner (Wl4'll4o4o sod Oceeo sta., • - - . }litho/Rag u any bog, ileshisle.b4ibe - us gOe at ...014-111114.4.• waitill be content it t ua Al l ay slual bey • somielOr e AS. waratitViS s 4tiiki e pacit,llll alitnp Tor packing. Ind it the .GOOdkorli not rTcfpo4 Thep na 1?e out j 4 e . 24 4 . Pervoillail' at Can ordar'nf s` .'~`R ~~ - ~~7 # pr. Baak so Ell engaged for the last and u di !Ai now give their undit iiled tone and Attention to their manufacture. And tieing determined that Dr. M•Lane's• Celebrated had Lit er slitill continue to IR_ upy the high position they 1101% hull among the great rcineiliet of the day. they Hill tontoine to spare neither timo nor t cpense in prof wring the Best and Purest material*, and couipound them in the Malt thorough wanner. Addrest all oril,r,* to PLENIiNG Pittsburg. P.l. P. P.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to rite their order+ distinctly, and take leant but lir. Jr Lane's, prepared by lirmtv I'd. To those willing to give thew n trill. tee will furwtrd per mail post paid, to any p trt of the rnited Mates. one box of Pill* for tttelte three-cent postage st imps. or one toil of \ er mifuge for fourteen duet-011i. stamp*. All or ders from Canada usust be accootpauied by tot eu ty cents extra. For sale ley A. 1). Buehler, Agent, Get tt slot rg. au.' by dealers generally throughout the county. )1.1 2. 181”. The Cheap Book Store, TN Phil:1,1(21;1in, i< nt No. 221 North Second I street, (between 11.. n c and Vine street3,)- 1-,r.inusulto NIARLY N Ql ARTLIt Ur A CE Teßt .tau !—:out $9ll rontiolle4 })115111CJ1 Oil thu prin ciple of the -ntAble arrpener," Const.intly on hand, And Bold to Country Merchluts, Booksellers, Store Keeper!, Public and Private tiellool!, Colleges, Academie!, Teachers, kc., nt 11 hulesale, aud to everybody at Retail: UI kinds of School Bonk?, latext edition•, Fools Cap, Letter and Note Papers, Slates and Slate 12.mcils, Carmine, Atari, Black and Blue Inks, Letter and Not* Ear,lopes, iu great variety, Copy Books, Cyphering and Composition Books, Blank Account and Memorandum Bunks, many sizes, diiTerent qualities and carious prices, Stkel Pens and Pen Holders, NVrapiiing I',ipers and Bonnet Bands, ATmanscs, Diaries, LeAd Pencils, Writing Sand, School Rewards, and everything else—be sides Family, School and Pocket Bil,les, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, together with a large Stock of 'Books in every dep. rtmeut of Litera ture, and suited to every taste. I ke All at the tery lowe.t. Nett Cash Pri ea3."*2 LEARY, GETZ .k CO., Prattsittas AND BOOKSELLEttg, •No. 224 North Second street, Philadelphia. lierPartienlAr attention paid to all orders by null. Aug. 2.4, 1959. tlrn Special Announcement L 1 i, BOX TM/ QUAKER CITY PUBLISIIING tIOUSE I—i 00,000 Catalogues, new, en and revised—now ready fur distribution. Superior isuiwoorments to the public.—A new awl sari plan for obtaining GOLD and SILVER W.LTCHLS, and other valuable Prises. Full particulars given in Catalogues, which will be Mat free to all upon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from 30 cts. to 3100, GUARANTEED to each purchaser. 3100,000 is Gifts hare been distributed to my patrons within the past six months-3160,000 to be dis tributed during the nest sizpontbs. The inducements offered Agents are more Metal than those of any other house In the ibetAdess. 4 ' - riaLbeen in the Publishing and Ilooksell -1 'business for the lest eight years, my ex perience enables me to conduct the Gilt Euter vise Id* the mated gatlirfiletion to all. ser.iram. WANTHOlu:Stvery town and iunty. rueful particulars address ' - • ' DU , ANE RULISAN; • Quaker Oftr - Publiiiblag House, $3 Heath Tidtd Street. - - — ll tatadallaia, Pa. . =E=:l 1141:triint Remote& • iurtss 3. E. ooi respect& lly ie fotaaatha ofAiettysto* qt amok - - saki Aad fn Classaberaberg IWO/Pa pug Stoth i ttitt i 'F•clicuroile. She linen `OM thar*Tit =I 11181=1:1 Adams County MIaTUA I. FIRS INSU HAMM I 3.1111PANT...T- I ueo rpo rated Match l s, 4t4:,4. orricits. l'resulert—George i wope. Presidrael---oi. M. Russell. Secretary—D. A. titiehier. Troisurer—lht‘ , id M'Crenry. Efecaisre C.nrundtee—ltubert. IteCtirtly, Kinz, Andrew Ilrintselman. .It,,iugcre--Ge urge S upe, U. A. It ue hler, Jo - cob King, A. Ileintzeltnau, M'eurdy, Thos. A Manama, S. Fuhnestock, Wm. IL M,Clellitn, Wm. ft. kt.y,ichelber g er, Abdiel F.Gitt, Jahn Woltord. am. pickin g , .tbel T. Wright, John Horner, R. G. McCrenr), S 11. nitwit, D. M'CreAry, Audrey' Pulley, John Plcklng, J. R. Hersh. kends Company is limited in Its opera living to the county of Ad.itns. it hag been in successful operatiou fur more than six years, anl in that period 11110 paid all losses and ex peuscs, without any aeiristrulat, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com p illy employs no Agentii—All business being di-me by the Managers, Is his are annually elect ed by the Stoels'ioblers. Auy person desiring an holarante Call 111.1 d, to any of the above named Mauncrers for further information. pt 'The t:\ci_ntiv?. Committee moets at tile °cic ut the Company on the lust Weducaday in et cry month, at 2, M. A Word to the Wise! DoS T FAIL to call and see SAMSON'S New large nml .iplendol so-ortntent S .XI) Buy s ci.trrlits(; Furnish !fig Good.+—at. externik e lot of all kinds or HATS, SHOES mill GAITEIN--an ri% alled a•.oirtinent of TRCSKS sod C kRPET 1 , 10E: 4 , -orne %yr% IntioLonne and ntw styli. Also, it liege and splendid variety of Setti, Bre.t,t l'ini Ka.r Ittng• ; WATCHES, M CA I. INS :VENTS. Sr . kr. A cry soine an I net% i L IRAN ELI.Vi(i; short, everything in his line. Mier all 1,64 and dune. SAMS(*. S THE SPOT to buy ,%oar gaudy at the rtglit prices. .1 wf,rll to the wiAe iY sufli •ient. wM winti to boy to •will otz,tin will du reil b. c tiling, et , . I and will sell theta good. cheaper thou Lite) cult Lay ttatiat iu titeetty. I.rti IR, 185' Elastic Cement 00FING.—T he subset . alwrs are prepared to out: I,t nn I put on nt the shortert notice, . Child s Cu.. I'ATU.NT 1:11tP. AND WA. STIC cENtEsr nouFIN:: It is prr:, .•, Iy Fire un , l Water proof, and in itaraiolit:, ii einal, if not superior, to any letalic Rooting., It ran lie put utt tivar tin. iron, or roofs, lioucber tint ur steep thee wit‘ lie. In point of resinting the element,' of fire and %%met. nothiug )et Isecu disco% ered equal to the El 1-.t.c Cement. Those who 'Live u•ted it, nave tentrifieit that It 0 the very perfe t o ot of Roofing. and that th er e is no further mum for improvement. No one will now thlak of putting too shingles. when this Cement can he had for much less money and will outwear four shingle roofs. This Roofing is w.trranted ar represented. The I.l.i.ctic Cement is the cheapent and bent protect: on front decay for wood exposed to the % , (..ither or ilanitiot , ‘ of the grotio l t. it is also the tient print for iron, effectually pre% enting rust : and wherever applied perfectly exclude.; dampness. The sub.icriber4 trice Cement for tale in quantities to suit. For iurther informatiou, ap ply to I'. J. & C. ‘l. TATE, llutel, Gettysburg, April 2",. 1A59. ti Change of Hours N THE GETTYSBURG RAILRCIAD O Sumfltrr Arramiornent.-141 and after Thurs duy, ApriL2l.t. the TRAIN will leave Gettysburg tt t..r „',luck A...M., connecting At Hanover Junction w ith Express train fo Buhl more at 9.3!, and Mail train from Baltimore at 9.32. returning to Getty,burg at 12.30 noon, NA ith passengers from it.titimore, York. Harris burg. Philadelphia. and the North and West. The. AFTERNIP tN TPAIN will leave Gettys burg at I o'clock, P. M., connecting nt Hanover Junction with )laal train lei Baltimore at 3.31, re turning to Gettysburg about 6.30 P. U. , with passengers from York, I larrisburg, Philadelphia, and the North and West. aiiirlty the above arrangement •pasaengers tan go either North or South on the Northern Central 11.1i.1 ay both morning and aftern,oou. It. N.1 . C17111.)Y, President. April 25, 1959. What Everybody Wants. TliE F.UIILV DOCTOR: containing in plain language, free frum wed,cal terms, the CACSES, S IL(:TOMS and CURE of disease in every form, with important RULES FOR. PRE SERVING TIIE HEALTH, and Directions for the Sick Chamber. and the Proper Treatment of the Sick.—This book 13 written in a plain, easy and familiar style : adapted expressly to f-tu:ly and usc. It advocates no particular theory of mediciuk but alike from the Flowers of the Field, the Plants of the Garden, or the .Nlinerals of Earth, fur such Remedies as have proved the most simple, snfe,lad effectual & believing that wherever disease has found • foothold, there the Giver est ail Good has, in some form, mercifully placed a Specific. Neither dues it profess to atipercede the physician, but Ou W avoid the necessity and expense of call except in dangerous oases. It is in ysiciau iUrif, always at hand and here* you, while he idvapiereceiptmay soon tare you many times its emit. h contains 308 ► clear sad open type, is illustrated by appropaiste eagravings, and will he forwardedto your addrese, postage paid and neatly bound, on reaelpt4i of the price 00. Everybody should hive it. Agents wanted everywhere, who will find it very popular, and with whom liberal arrange• meats will be made Address, JOII2I E. Plirrlttt Putliabtr, '- 'S"o. 617 Sansom St., PhiladelphT.'l%,. July 4, 1853., ,tlta SO e 1 13118417 tiziee . ot ra the , wro "Ind f° t. nn h: rt2i largi Ituarty ipr**, er, mane tutu re 4 Ell ME r grieve Tart r Ora*, -Loo hand %get, - line-44mb, as t eyrop t ,,fresa 411% 4 70 tents Ohm tsliCoffees, dif- Mb. Cheese. Se b& ei . rsfas, ground end ungeound Pep. per. Alsplee, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mustard, Sods, Ginger, Btareh. Bloc. Tr mis Ca sii 4 i ld Burnet Lye; Browns, Buckets, Omani, all kinds': Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts. Almonds, Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges. Fan cy Cakes, Crackers of all Wide. ke., &c. Baiter and Z. - bOught and sold. He in 'jos O s e sib i of the poblich motioned that his speortmens will pWps, bothality and price . Its L detortabsed to weeper than the cheapest. . WM. E. BITTLE. Gettysharg, Dee.lo, GICE. CS A CALL I—Thenedersigned have just received from the elites an immense stock of CLOVIS, OASSIMMLES, C ASS IN ETB, VESTINUS is all varieties, ke n anit♦bie for the season, which they oder to the public at µowe cedentedly low rates. " They ask a call, To convince all " of the truth of this imertioa. No trouble to Ito w goods end give prices. A large lot of REA pl" -M A DE CLOTHING also selling cheaper that/ et er. Ilartnents tnade up for men and boys, as us ual• iu the very best manner, add according to soy 4t)le desired. The work being done iu their own establishment, they aro aluit,A en abled to warrant it. Remember, their place uf bn-iuc•a ii the large and cornmodlomi room nil joining Cubcan 8 Culp's, on Chanibtaiburg ,trees. JACOBS k ItRO., Sept. 19, 1z459. Fine Old Brandies. Tut.Acribers, Importers and llealere in k LIQUORS, would most respect fully can the attention of purchasua to their ()Id E-tablishineut, No. 5 NorM Front Strre, Polo 3,'phks, w Lere they hare a large assort nn nt of IVilleB and Liquors of the ehoice.,t braii.ll and qualities. Hatingmade arrange ment ith some of the tirst h oes in Cognac nud ltechelle, enables thew to to their enstetners, upon the most liberal term., the (olio wing brands of Cognac and Rochelle: N1)1 ES: titard, llennesy, Pellet sion, L.o.tillion; J.. 1. Dopuy k Co., T. 114 uses, t. Sergiiette, Martel, Matctt, kc., kc., avid-ions brand, and qualities. WINES: Champagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporrii, I rerieritru, Burgundy, Hock, Muscat, trt t, Sherry, anda Wines. II 'lh liar, Sehei li tt Schnapps, Jamaica Spirt's, Scratch rind Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple Itiat Lbem , Cherry, Winger, and Raspberry Br.indies; Cordials, Wtr a Litters, Amsterdam Ritter+, kr. Also, .I. 4 ents and sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on band nn ex tensive stock of fine old Ifonongahela, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, sonic of which are guaranteed to be superior to any iu the country, all of a hick are highly improved n„ e. Fr )m our long experience in the basinzss, and& thurougk knowledge of the tastes of the community, we 11114ter ourselves to be able to fill all order. the may be entrusted to us. Orders from time country (which are most re spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended to. tare tt. care Liken in packing and shipping. ay-.llt goods sent from our establishment ars guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., No. 5 North Front:St., Philadelphia. Feh. 7. 1+59. ly The Cars are Here! Id. THINGS ARE, RKARY I—The under signed has the pleasure of announcing to los old country friends—farmers and merchants —as well al the citizens of Gettysburg. and "the rest of mankind," that his new and coni modions Warehouse in now open. and t h .tt lie is receiving GRAIN .t I'ItUOUCE, of all kink. for which he is pitying the highest market prii ; and while the public can dispose of their pro duce to the beet advantage, they eon he supplied in return with Groceries, of every description, roust:sting of Salt, Coffee, Soros, Nlobtases, Teak. Rice. lc., Ate.. also, Guano, Plaster, Oils, Cedar ware, and a thousand other things nut here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and Cheap as the dieelpo‘t is our motto. If tie people consoit t'leir own intere.ts, , ind act wisely, they will not forget the undersigned. !loping the fittuiliar fa , es ufnll m y old cu itoniers will meet tne again, and with them many new uues, hall endeavor to please them. JUIIS 110KE. Gettysburg, Nov. 22,11158. OrTDONE!—Come to the Rtore at Green mount (r flarmias!—The nrlershg.ied would most respectfully inform the public that he has purchased the store of John Weikert, at Grreurtwunt, .kd.ints eouuty, half-way on the road from Gettysburg to krutuit , burg, a here he expects, by attenliou and small profits, to re tain all the old custom and secure lota of new Ilia stock of DRY GOODY, of every description, Groceries, Coo fectionarice, Queensware, Wooden were, Crockery-ware, Hardware, ke., is large and varied—equal to that of auy other nit c Luis store—and be will sell at prices aiti4ll•Lingly low. lie only asks a trial, to pron.'s truth ut ttis assertion. Cuuntry pruduce taken in exchange tor goods .1. ALEX. 11Alti'LR. The undersigned atm carries on the CAR ftIA K Nll hosinese at the same piece, end offcrs rare inducements to purchasers. He will warrant his v. crk good. whilst his charges are among the most moderate. Repairing dono on J. at FT HARPER. Feb. 14, 1859. ly ST A BLI SU ILENT. Osasase U. Tees has opened a. new. •,_•:-:11:_t_t try este bileheast . oaths stables I...iser. oa Washisetesilipmei t seempled is pert by the . " Eagle notel,st MiChsa made tech ;mane meets as will eissiblpitthw to sesestmotiate the public at an iblieSe..llek ci ftsable terms, with horses, agelee i Ha His stock Is good. Oa fufleral occasions. , he will be able to eapp:y a want which has bees mach seeded. tolf'•Tersis CABU.B7 UT '5B- PST from tbe eltyldt! t the best snd cheap al est assottetifitassed*OLASSES t at we bdte let Mailed, ealtutased to pleat. all persOes is itaalletsad wit SUGARS, *4 very tarp 040014.10w1 QOM lass, Slice, ADlbeese,, Spies/4 =ids,) Crackers and Tea Oak" Thaw,' UMW asst ilibiell•Lard, Woad; sad Itessiage, Balt, Alaties t Tehosikile"" bat 'baskets. -Fly Imre!' kinds r lbws sad ' Potatoes, hand; Fans; tarsus a cm 44)! Just in 804101 1 4 ! Merchant Tailor.; -- - -- ---- - Frazer River EU7=l Here We Are Again I Irffi b• continuance of • the patronage of the old firm, as well as any j quantity of new custom. They have just return- I ed from the cities with an immense stock of: Goods—consisting in part of BuildinzMaterials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolt% Locks, Glees, itc. Tools, including Edge Tools of every dotskriptiqa, Saws, Planes, Chissels, Gouges, Braces ind Vitra. Angers, Squares, °nage', i Hammers, kc. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, I Vices, Rasps, Piles, Horse Shoes, Iforse.shoe Nails, tc., with them, very cheap. Coach Find- logs, such as Cloth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, ! Cotton, Moss. Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Fellers, Bows, Poles, Shafts, ke. Shoe Findings. Tampico, Brash and French Morocco,l Linings, Bindings, Pep, Lasts, Boot Trees, ke., with a generil assortment of Shoemaker's tools. I Cabinet Maker's 'Fools, a general assortment also Varnish, Knobs, lc. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittainia, Albate and Silver-plated Ta. hie and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Bad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tabs, Churns, Carpeting, tr. Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; C ear, and Blister Steel, which they will se p as the cheapest. GROCERIES, afu gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West ludia and Sugar House Molasses and Syrups, Coffee, Spices, Chocolate; Fine, Coarse and Dairy Solt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, kc.: a full assortment of Lead and Zinc. dry sad in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; • in fact, almost every. article in the Hardware, , Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Marl:sip it li.robinet Maker's. Painter's, Glazier's, , and Grocery line, all ass-filch they Are determin ed to sell as low for CASH as any house out of . the city. HENRY B. DANNER. W4YEIPtIGIIT ZIEGLER Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. Notice. Mini, undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the saute will hereaf ter he continued at the old gaud, in Baltimore street. by their sons, Henry 13. Danner and Way. la'ight %defiler, under the '0:1Ole and st y le of Danner k Zaerzler,Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom la e would bespeak a liberal Allan• of patronage from old cu.tomers, and of the public in general. ilit‘ log retired from the Mercantile hnsiness, it i 4 oece4,itry that onr old bu.itiess should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Hook Act. unlit, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. J. B. DANNKII, 11Av 25,1858 Removal. ALEX A.NDgIt FRAZER. Clock and Watch maker, has removed his shop to the room oil the West side *1 the Public : 4 441tare, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, E.:4., as a Law Office, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful fur past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April.ll, 1115 P Lumber & Coal, Fog gale by ILISTRESS k WINTER, New Oxfued. GROCERIES, MILL FEED, kc. 7 Lc., For Wholeaale tuid Retail by ILISTII%:i6 A: WINTER, New Oxford. efirThe highest Cftsh prices pail fur UrAin Ility 30, 1859. titu* - - - Good and Cheap ! THE undersigned would inform his friends acid the public ; gener.illy.thet he continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in nil its branches, at his establishment, in East. Mid die Street, !near the east end.) Gettysburg. Ps., where ue his un hand a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to ord , :r whatever may be desired in his line, TIZ :—Ruckauray and Boat-body Carriages. Falling- Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug gic4. Jersey Wagons, .kc. With 4 good workmen and good materials. he can pledge hi , work to be of the best quality—and !its prices are among the lowest fttirltepairing done at short notice. and at reasonable rates. Conntry . ,produce taken in exchange for work. Call! - June 15, 'Li. JACOB TIWXEL. mill at Work! rioAcenuilloo ALAcKsmiturso. —l'he essdirraigned rei , pectfails'istforns his friends sad the public that be conflates the Conchcoaking and ittactsatisliic.- trafirraa . in ..!cery branch at his esto — tuisianconat is bersburg street. He has au. lui.fd manufacture to order all LisAL, (: BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Splrtafr vf the hest trinteri d. and era lAt by sailer:tor *wit, uh'u• Ems': *a4. 'lf all kinds done at ressoffolau and to the sstisfaetion ut eq.-wmers. COUNTRY PUUOCCE. 1.111:1 fur. work at rn:trket prices. litorrersons desiring aside:en or w q eh, in t a le Coachniaking or Blackssaitiki.44 iuu, spertfully invited to call on JOHN L 110LSZANZalt. Gettysburg. Jan. 244 New Grocery Stowe. NEW Flint AND NEW COODS,--SNY DER & BENNER have just received at their Sew Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David Malreary's Saddlery tia tablishmant, the largest and most complete assortment of Groceriei brought to Get tysburg fur a long time, consisting of Gorse, (four kinds,) Sugar, (four kinds,) Molasses, Syrup, Shad, Mackerel, Froth Flour, Corn, Vats, _Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in shark every thing usually kept in a dristrulitas Grocery Store. • , illet*Thehighest market price paid forevisik. try produce or taken in exchange for Goods. gsgr Give na a oall. Buy your Groceries' where you will be mare to get those good and cheap. itorlluror's oeiobrated writing Ink for sale. (Nov 1,11358. Cali Tby May! Titeeiseineli'admoi4 Waco' ) the public that' eaatlases Ida Livannv outtr, in tiassabersharg Welk fietePhieelt. IMF the Founder, alma be usweriwas_, .. t lllsois of 31:- Oda*. en hand, sae* sus Thrown Aschises Eaters, Carshaldei Clatters,- tfloverteed Straw cites* and lianwrawen at ; e Idodap-71Not.foor ot.olo7koroo , to mat .rwresesenp—tasost all sack as caw be bad a$ Uumwer as 40, , *WW2* Xs., shines; Sat ' ' npia the wet? M* wad, tnsa Cattiag, Idegikas tihaw 4. - so* AP* t+ Won, :trio • 4 lentanTilltilLtl God. tered Into partner k GROCEILY 'tanner k Ziegler,' name, style and JilS., and ask, _ ___ ~- - Btuibesat inairrav '. --' rYUR alibscriber woubl eu tinat i gre to the eitlseus-of CI OS* --.. • l e generally, that be has 'el Min* ' an entire new and spl ' X1C.41161117 iltaise BROTYPSROOM, at his recisions In WO/12h die street, one Nears west. or Fabseet ,- 4 Store, where he Is prepared to ftmilidi Arabi* Melalno, llnamel 'and Pbotograph Pletares In every style of the art, which-he will irareant to entire satisfaction, and is prepared to as, oottunociate all with good pictures. either single or in groups. Ile also has it number df 'peel. meal at his room in Chombersburg street, a few doors West of Cobean 1 Culp's Shoe Store, where he still contianes as formerly, to take 1 pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of themselves and flriend4 will do well to give me a call, aa I have reduceit my prices to lull the , present hard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of altkinds ; also Lusertetilu Lockets,. Breast Pine, Finger flings, ke. • , The subscriber being thankful to hi s Me 1 and the public in general for past isa_ L wishes them to o tinue it, and assures that as beretorn y shall not be disietlekea (Charges 0 cents to $lO. hours for operating from 8A.X.t04 P. M. Quid Loolkets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always CM hillenjvit the very lowest prices. Children will not be taken for less than DIM sir.ttnbrotypes taken for fifty cents and up. wards, and in the best style. . SAMUEL WEAVER. ,April 26, 1858 A. Homestead for Sid; - HOMESTEAD for $lOO ; also, Homesteads for $lOOO and over , situated oh, and near tappahannock River, above and below FRED. ERICK:110RO, IN VIRGINIA. A 'new Town, called RAPPAHANNOCK, has recently been kid out, in CULPEPER, COUNTY, in the midst of the GOLD REGION OF VIRGINIA, sur rounded by Mines and Mining Companies ; and Farms and Town Lots to alternate divisions or shares. can now be had fur a "Mere Song," Sites ply to induce settlement in this desirable region. 254,900 worth of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or given away as an inducement th crone on anti make improvements, and the land is of the most Improvable qualities, Itany have already settled ay scores of others are coating. j Good farming land, in tracts of any vise to suit 1 purchasers, can also be had at from Ceti:4lU per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly Install. ments. I.7nortsvioNsatr -rinse wtt.t to std,, 1 CAIOOI BE GIVEV. IeirAGENTS ARE WANTED everywhere to sell these lands ; liberal inducements wtil 1.0 given. E. DALTER, Land Agent, July IR, 1859. slu. Port Royal, Va s Goods for the Seasoal --- mriF: subs( Tiber inst. retuned from the city. R id, a lart.e supply of NEW GtlOttS, which he ta rA to sell cheaper titan ever. tlhe him a call. -end judge fur yoursdves. His as sortment embraces Cluthe,eassitneres t Vestingl t all kinds of ;Summer Goods. and a largo assort !vent of 1tE41.11-11ADE CNG, fur men and buys. Carlisle st.. 4 doors reeled Centre Squere, Gettysburg, April 4, 18:1. DAVID ZIEGLER Ayer's Sarsaparilla A comprmhd remedy, in which we have la. bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power u to afford an effective antidote for the diseases :garNiparilla is reputed to cure. believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Struulims complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense servi , r to this loge class *rout afflicted Mellow-cit tent How completely this sompound will do it has been proven by capers intent on many of the wom cases to be butt of the *Mowing complaintt: Simon: Ls aw n Sent, re LOVA Caarturrs. Eiterritets AND En errive Disessts, tuxes, Pivrtis, Thirrcurs, 'f (Atone, SAL? Untv 21 9 Sven 'tot AND fivrtstune Ars rrerioxs, Menet-I:rat Dist:sr, Daorsr, Nees att,3l oR Tic I).>. wrucrx, DERIIATT, DID- Tri-sit .jr,N INuicarsTD/N",, EuTALPII.4I, WAN Fin:, and Indeed the whole class 11 a complaint, :.rising:.risingfrum Inevaixr or Tut ~..uuD. This compound will be found a great pro. =tour of health, when taken in thu spring. to expel the fetal hurrays which tester in the 61, al at that scam of the year. By the time ly expubitri of them many rankling irtiontem are nipped in the Lud. .Ituitittnks can, b the aid of this remedy, spare diet:reign from the eaduzan c Of fuel eruptions and ulcerous sore, thri.u.-ed which the sptem wig strive to rid it-cif of errrgisions, if not omitted to do this thswziTh the matural channels of the body be as alterative tn-liitine. Manse out 'the vitiated Iliad wionicv you ninon its impurities binatti t im through the skin in pimples. eruptions. sr .0, ms ; when ;pal find it is ob -tr=-a:d and Joir...sai la the Tarr , . 1; eftinie it /6.33.-V -r it is 16.111. and nadir hetioup sail tell vat, %ben- Erna whereno porticutsr &order n pintbe caper tatter heath. ad Fres linnerc anr eliennaitup tlr !And. Keep the bit v.t bet11.1.1)6 . .. 3161 watt; toot with this tJul),thno. ot 14se464:VAMAL there min be no Iltrvi;l4. hodtba. Nximer se beer vemething I I 11-C ;214 WM/Ilte, anal the tomtit matioinory of litio iu, cortoollottal toot tomarthitattra. Stiosiuctitta leak sad dramme mach,. the i.eptientions, staclrnhion thee ends. But the. wonlill Lac town fflotetimusly deceived by prttetesaiinws etr it. partly bemire the drug alums hooe nos all the virtue that is claimed toe it, Not mere berms* mid, preparation; trevttmaliter. tv NC o...LlCAlutratrti extracts of it, footsie touts little a the virtue of thasaparilla. vs mar thing else. lhariag late veers the public have been mis led briar e bottle-, pretending to give a quart of Einmet of sarsaparilla fur one dollar. 3lost Wiliest here Lieu frauds upon the rick, for they not ouly captain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla. but often no curative properties whaler et. Mace, hitter and painful disappointment has kr/lowed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which tked ay market. until the {41114) %WU is justly despised, and has become Sysearmeas with imposition and cheat. Still we call this ei nipcund Sarsaparilla. midtalend Waggly such a remedy as 01011 reitme" the VIM from the load of obloquy which testa slam 'dna we think we hare ground for Werth% It has virtues which are irusimlle _hit the aremsynk of the diseases it is attend, ed to ease. bioileerr to secure their complete eradleatioa from the system, the remedy should - be "oedemaf takes secording to directions oa es - Cathartic NO •, :r os - „ s " s ,