The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 24, 1859, Image 4
33 : alti more A-cl:vr'ts. =_ . .~,,.~ \` ,~ Dr. Baakee All At.l. DISEISKI4.—DR, lIAAKEiI millers special attention to the following milers S : Coate +, (_'olds, Consumption. Croup, lawless, Asthma. Bronchitis and all diaesara of (ie Nam, loutb, ThroAt nod I.niits. Atten tioa to the treatment of all Skin diseares—Lutu bag°, Lumbar Abscesses. Scrofula, Rlieums tism,Nouralcin, Paralysis, Epilepsy, I)yspepiis, PilaNaail all diseaoes of the : , t , iinac h. Liter and Bowels.; also all .-hrisic pertaining to Wow and Children. Dr Basket can pro. duce one thousand certificate.; of hil perfect suavest in curing Csncer., Old Sorel or t icers, = fistula, Scald Heads, Wens, 5..% e!'..n;;! and Tu ; tors of erery dPscription and without tho use f tits kaife, Thosr last ii..nied di+esses men r , A be treated by corresp.indence. t herefore the i &tiaras m u s t plate thetweh ea under the Doc- yes porsomil so pert ;lion. DR. RAAKEE has made a new discovery ofa laid amt will produce iierf , :ot absorption of the 'rrstscr, sad restore rcrfr.t ti,iotu to the Eye •v,tbout the use of the .a.fe ur needle. and he .ores all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, vitheat the U.IC of the knife or nee.lle, and he has coastantls on haw' an ei. wo , orttocnt f beautiful .trtiticial Kye.. and TympanumA. or Ear pretties, suitable for either sex and all ages —inserted in five InsnuteA. Dr, Ilaakee is one of the most celebrated and skilful Physicinni and Surgeon♦ now lit ing }Ls fame ii known personally in nearly clery principal oity in the world. Ail letters direelcd t , Dr, listakee. (enclosing ten cents.) asking any question* pertaining to any di.exse, 'hall be promptly waswerrd• 'lnd all Chronic disease. can be treated by correspondence, except those mentioned. that will require Ili+ personal super \ ISIOn. (Ake hours from 9 M ,t o $. Dot•Tt 'lt Ii.IAKEE, 704 Broadway, a few doors above Fourth street, April ly] Sew York ('sty Burr Mill Stones wNTED.—IS. STARR k Cur Of North and C.*t re Streets, ~ lipostto N. C. It. It. Sution, Mvlu:t IS kwriwkite titre's a FRF.Nvir linparter4nnd Dealer. In Vurr Mucks, ttuiting Clutl.s. Le ‘. tiler and Gum !kiting*. CAI- • ed Plaster, and Mill bunt, of W.trrAnted ity. AIM, Colone, Cu,:theo. nod Esoftlies Mill Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 7, ly Money Saved BY YING Gl:wk.:J:lEs from O o K PALI) H . / X, corner of 1.e.:10g . 10u and Grcutt Atreotx, IsAialltoßK, MD; You SIM 25 etc per poand You ears ISO eta. per barrel You •rs 60 eft. par barrel in buying FM, You save Dun 2 to 3 dollars per 100 pounds i in buying alloo/2, Y,ou sarefroui 1 to 4 ids, per pound in baying Sugars. You ease iron 2 to 0 cts. per pound in buying Coffee. You we from 2 to 10 ets. per gallon In buying Molasses. To abort you eau save money on most every article In the Grocery line by boYing of HOOK k lIALIDWLI, S. W., come of Lexington - and Green sts., If say body doubts it let them give ma ONS TA i• L, ARA if they are sot satisfied 5% WO will be cootesit that they shall boy somewhere else We warrtfut every article we sell. We pack all goods securely, and charge nothing for packing Audit the Goods are not as represented, They eau be returned at our expense Persons finding It • inconvenient to visit Baltimore, Can ordei.of us through the Mail and may rely upon having their orders Promptly aad satisfactorily attended to. ag-IO OPAROZ TOR DRAYAGR•Iia HUM( k BALDWIN, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, S. conker of Lexington and Green sta., Jaw 27, 109. Dan. 24. Iy-.] . Baltimore. lkYi 40%. • b‘' • I, IOIINDED 1832. Chartered 185-t. Located CUR. OF BALTIMORE S: CHARLES STS., 11. 113.1.rixoac. MD. nu Largest, Most Elegl.ntly Furnished k Popular Commercial College iu t 0 rutted States, nE.SIGNED EXPRELY FOR YOUNG MEN : , estring to obtain a thorough Pract;cal Business Education. Every Tcrungi Man has a Counting Desk to him 'self, and is separately instructed. SITISLITS ISi ATTINDASCZ PROM SILAILLY ETICIT STASI Di THE UNION. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course • of Studr, and the mil*. PRACTICAL METHOD OF I V.nTRUCTION Are here introduced. No Copy:log frost Printed or Mannscript Forms in LARAIINIING BooK-KREPING AT THR "'BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. This saethod of destruction is nowhere else intro lanced in this country. Every Yourag Man should writs immediately for ono of those large and he.iatiful ornamental Cirmidare,rieresenting the exterior and interior vie!' of the ollege.PenmAnship, fie.. which will be test try return mail, free of charge, with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, oinnihots of the Press on our ucw systetu of Book- Keeping, etc. IIEMIE E. K. Lamm, Principal—Lecturer on the Sciepce of Amounts, Busfincss, Customs, eu. J. M. Fulmars, ProfesAor of Book-Keeping and Consmaecial IL 11. Darras, As> to Prof. of Book-Keeping. N. C. Jonsanx, Pr sor of Penmanship. T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mercantile Law. PAT. E. Y. Masa, D. D., Commercial Ethics. Tat'STYSI: lion. Jobs P. Kennedy. Hon. Joslin& Vansaut, lion. Thomas Swann, Vint. H. Keigisler, Esq., Jacob Tram., Esq., William Kaaba, Esq. The time usually required to complete the fall coarse, from 8 td Li week.. A DI Pll.Ollll. is awarded to all Graduate•. Llags Circulars &ad Catalogues stating terms, ke y my Null free of charge. .leltireas - • g. K. LOSIEIL. Ltaltimure, !dd. R 6.7, 18:r9. ly James IL Bosley, d YX.L.I4.ION MERCIIANT, Now 124 mid PM Nara &reel, 1144TIXORK, MD. I aut prepsired to receive sod ssil on Commis sion an kinds ofCOUNTRY PRODUCE. Haring an experinmeo of ten pears in the Commission business, (sad vishigoirto enntintle Ulm atone ' ) tlallet myself thstr.sitalt be ahle to give fiATIM. taTTION to all WIN, favor me wins consignments 1"11U deo attend filling orders foe liroceties, and sill lands of fertilizers. • Feb. 14, 'Se. ty Peter Zell Ss Son, CC=SIN MERCHANTS and Dealers la 1) Cora Meal, Ottawas:a, OATS, Rye Chop, Boas Duet, *U.L FEED, Hay, Straw, Phu*. Lime, FLOUR, Field Snob, k (hound Plaster Nos. 14T 14! Yvan Howse° Slur?, aa. Ir, ly• BALTIMORE, MD. Howard House, SR Howard and Baltimore Streets, lIALTIMORS, - 11 L Cforeprietere. Faro redooed to $1.50 pot EV. Qell ter the Howard Moue Coach at the putt. A. MIA 3. S. BMX I` 4 W"'"'"." Jawasyy 24, 'MI. ly • - 13a1t:1.3i!iA:)re AidArtes. DAXIU. S. waive. White at Swope, WROLESALE Dealers in BOUTS, SHOES, CAPS, I STRAW GOOUS; alio, in fast/maniple Ilinileskin, S il k. Felt and Far FIATS, N. W. Cur. Baltimore sad Howard stzerts, Sal ts mare, 314.1 Nor. 2.9.18:.Y. AND PIWTOGRA Pli Eft-4' DP:POT —The subseriber has constantly ou hand is full assortment of materials for the use of Artists, Avnteradad Photoyraplarr , . Also ou hand a large auY beautaful assortment of S'creecup,,r Astra nc•nts and Viers, embracing every varlet) of Foreign and American Landscapes. Statuary, l'arl4r and Rural Gr.-.up•, .tr. The beauty and interest of tile Sure-,_opiC Views upon the par lor titbit: furnish a net er ending .dune of en terlai•irl•.rit both to traitor, nod the hounr a in, le. .1C N 11:1"fs1 supplied on ilia nwst liberal terc:s. June 2 IMPORTEIi end Denier, in (7111N.1, GLASS, k qt;Er.liSW.titE No. $1 North Howard St., between Lesing„isisa FSyrtte Streets, Bahl more, Md. 11)ec. 20, Id,i. Iy - 0 4 NAME1,1,ED CO' 1:1:11SITVRE.- 11 -1 it. W. 101 North Charles street. linitimore, hl%.n.;f been engaged for the last 17 years in the wanufacture and sale of the abine desirable :' , lrniurtc, suited to country residences, has on used* large \J\rie\Y)lnatliasho" turcd expressly sales., A1,,,50. Oak and \Valiant Chamber Sets. Oak end Walnut Extension Table*, Dining itoout and Fancy Chairs, Sok !march, Hair and Husk Mat tresses. Peilthor s arid HuLiters, kc., kc. )larch ly UPHOLSTERER., PAPER. HAN . OETt, AsND VENETIAN !ILI: 4 ;D 31AVITACT1'RER, Nu. 5:1 North Howard Street, cute dour above Lexington, Taper Irrnyireys.—Coutukntly its stare, Pa?sr of every description, and of the lets, and tno.t approved patterns. Alio, BordJra Fire Board l'rints, kc. rendean Itlinds.—Kceps on hand, and mann faitures to order, Venetian Blinds of all colors, nod qualities, which will compare farorl bLv %\itit nn offered to the public. psor-Paper Hanging done in the best (114 Blinds repainted and trimmed, of etc d. 3lar.,h 7, Id i 9. Ir TEwEL.Fty, SILVER WARE SrATI PLAT- Ell WARE, kr.—A. Gc lemd o. 10 Snares GAY STIIIINT. BAL TIMORE. MI)., has in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of ItlCll JEWELRY. suitable for preseals, embracing a peat variety of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics ' Par buckle", Ac. Ear-Rings. Bracelets , Finger Rinse ect with Di amond, Roby, Pearl, Opal. Emerald, lc., Ladies' Gold Chain", Vest k Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Gulf Pins-, Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Button* and Stella, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pius k Ear Rings, kc. ALSO, is baying Tea in buying Flour A variety of Sliver Mounted k Plated Caitors. Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Salt Staiid,,, Pearl Handle Desert Knives, Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Fancy Artieley, &T., all of which is reveettully offered on the lnerzst terms sel..The Country Trade and Dealers generally are invited to give me a call, and examine Goods and Prices, being satisfied that my SILVER WARE cannot bo surpassed either for fineness or quality, or the latest and most beautifulpaUerns. January 17. 1839. ly JOIIS C. XXIIALEA. A. /MCC. Baeller da Frick, FFLOCKk PRODUC E Comnsksion and For warding Mervhauts, North street, opposite N C. R. K. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1859. ly Bakistore. , A. liathiot & Son's SOFA AND FURNITURE WA REROOMS, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, tnear Fayette et.,) extending from Gay to Frederick at.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always on hand a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing 'Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Mattresses of Husk, 'Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds; Sofas, Tete-e-Tctes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Illarble Tables, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniktro, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses,llllde boards, Extension Tables, of every length. ii Persons ' sed to purchase . lie invited to call and gi r stock an examination, which for variety quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. A. MATHIOT & SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1859. ly -- -- House Furnishing GOODS, 44 - o. 11 North HoirWnit .bees, two doors North of the Howard. House.—The intnersigned, haring made large addition his stock. is prepared to furnish Housekeepers, Country Merchants and others, with such articles as they what, on the very best terms. Barsasa: Whitewash, Sweepinr, Dusting, Paint, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Silver, Shoe, Scrub and I lorie Brushes. Woooss-waas: Such as Tubs, Buckets, Measures, Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, Rolling Pins, Butter Prints, &c. Brooms, Baskets, Mats and Cordage. Maser's 5 minute Ice Cream Freezers. Itsfrigtmturs, ugright and chest—the most approved kinds. Water Coolers, in Wood or Metal. Tin and Wire S.tfes. Arthur's and other most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serving Cans. plain Tin-ware, JapAnned, Block Tin, Britannia and Plated Ware. .1,11 at.& Yorks and Spoons. I:rns, Coffee and Tea Pots, Llig Boilers, Waiters, Chatting Dishes, Knives and Forks, Waffle Irons. Sauce Pans, Scales and Weights, Coffee .Mills, Table rumors. Uld Domin ion Coffee l'ots. Shovel aud Tongs. Nurse Lamps, Toilet Sets, Foot Tubs, Bath Tubs, Knife Cleaners, Wire Dish CON ers, Table Mats, together with a variety of articles useful and necessary to Housekeepers. Rohr .t Davis' Patent Excelsior Washing Machines, flaw Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and Brushes of every description, manu factured to order. t,EO. A. MILLS, No. 11 North Howard st., Baltimore, Ald. March 14, 1859. ly NOS. 1,3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw Street,— SALE46,OOA No. 207 Baltimore Street, between Chilies and Light—BALTIMORE, )Id , Manufacturers of Gold Medal Premium GRAND A.-\D SQUARE PIANO I , tTES. • Wm. Knabe k Co. woo spectrally invite the attention of the public, especially tbone in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, to their as-' sorted Mock of instruna nts. which, fur power and sweetness of tone, easy and agreeable touch, • and beauty of finish. have, by the hest of judgev, been pronounced unmated by aoy iii the coun try. As to the relative merits tit our Pianos, we would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in our possession, from THALBERG, STRAKOSII, t. SATTER and U. VIEeSTEMPS, as also from some of.the most diattuguishud professors and amateur! iu the country ; also to the following HIGHEST PREMIUM S , received wittin the last three years: GOLD MEDALS st the Maryland Institute, 1855, 1658., 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington. 18457; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute. Phil tdel phis, Itt36; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1655, let:,! AU instru ments of unr manufacture hue the full iron frame, and are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS. 111%.Partleular attention paid to the selection of Instruments for distant orders, and a privilege of exchange granted, at any time within six mos., if the lastrusteuts should not prove eutirelysatis factory. A liberal dim:mind to Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find It to their &draft !age to five us a call, as by greatly hicrossed facilities, we are enabled to fill all orders with discatck. afeCoestaatly an head, a large aseortateat of .1141.01HiGONet, from the beat Factories. 1311L741,11D-HAND PLANOS at Great liargalaa, at prises from SU to $1341. Pianos gaeinuagod, Hired sad rased. Artists'. Painters' W. A. WISONG, 2 N. Ltherty Jt. , t:altim,re, ly George M. Bokee, First Pr minm B. T. Hynson, New & Ricb Wm. K.nabe & 00., A cal is respeothq ZUJA .11113.Uni R CO. Jiisse 1011. 1f I "zeebier Ilky-Llfebi Gallery, ' NORTU-11A8T Censer of the Diamond, (In the upper story of the Old County Build ' tag, recently parchseed by COL S•111/1011,) Get tysitarg, Pa.—The undersigned, Listing fitted up the *bees named Gallery, with the iutention of locstises Arst Claw establishment. are now prepared to furniali the best Aushroty pe and Photographic Likeile.oe. in the late:t les, by new and improted II ii iiig had several years' experience its Philadi Iphia, they feel confident of piing entire sAtiefictinu to all who may favor them with their patronage. They h I%e constructed one of the beet Sky - lighu iu the country, which, with this best Instrument. and materials, cannot fail to pro duce, et all tones, superior work. Ambru types, Sphereoty pe.. .note vs.., and Patent Leather picture., on the tenet reaion.ible terms, in cases or frame-, of the late.t patterns and best quality. Pituri.maArils. —This style of pietnre has become the fat orite in cities, Oil account of its life-like appe.irsoce and perfect durxbiliry ; being put n i p in that gilded frames ul i. t ri ous sisc•. are more ticcept.ible as portrsits than th• smaller picture,. They bare not been generally lutrodeced until recently, in consequence of the difficulty of their piodue lion, and the necessity of lung and tedious sit tings, which have beeu overcome by F. J. Evans' new improved process, the entire right for the use of which we hold for Adams coun ty. The time cf sittmg has now been reduced from minutes to a li. w second.. nod greater beauty and perfection giieu to the likeliest, ,They possess this ilupurutat Rill antage titer the other pictures. Liz: front one sitting any number of Photographs can be iiiipplied with ' ant any further trouble to the Ritter, and all as perfect as the first impression. These pictures are furnished Plain , finished In labia Ink, Wa ' ter ur Oil Colors. 101111 A. ISO?! Life Size Photographs, Oil, supe rior to oil painting.. • ENI.ARGIM PiOTOORAP/14.—Persons haring small daguerreotypes of deceased friends, can hare them enlargea by this process, and finish ed superior to the origina,J, and thereby ren dered more life-like and durable. Pictures set in Lockets, kings, he., he. All pictures warranted to glee satisfaction, or re-taken. Open from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 4, P. TY.SUN k. BROTHER., l'hot.grapiscrt. Aug. 15, 1559 riELETIRITED VERMIFP(W. k LITER 4 .1! P I LLS.—We beg temp to call the atten- lion of the Trade, and more e.peendly the Physicians of the country, to two of the most r* popular remccties uow before the public. We referto I)II.CI4S.M*LANFNCELKIIItATED LIVER PILLS. We do not recosunteuellsem as uni%crtal Cure-alls. tr., . . but simply for ailtat their name purports, viz: p, — ; The VERMIFI'Qii, for expelling Worms from a* the human systrift. It has also been adminis tered with the lowa satisfactory re.oilts to ye- im riou AlliMati subject to Worms. The LIVER, PILLS, for the cure of I..tvca Com PLAINTR, all ••4 1111.1ot - A Dzaashcar.lirt, SICK II EAD-ACIII, Are. 0 74 In eases of Fiteta preparatory to or after taking Quipirre, they almost invaria bly make itapeedr,itud permanent cure. sPeciaritlfisrr the above mentioned dim- MI eases, they stre Unrivaled, and never known to fail when adminlatered In accordance with to the direettons. Their unprecedented popularity has in- 7 4 1 (bleed the Proprietors.FLEMlNG 11 UTIIFRS, em PITTSBURG. PA., to dispose of their Drug 'utt businebs, in which they have been successfull:k engaged for the last 2a years,. and they will now give their undivided time and intention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr. IPLane's Celebrated Verminige and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will ccmtinne 4,0 spar neither time procuringnor expense in the and Purest materials, and 'compound them in the most thorough manner. Adilre‘t all orders to FLEMING lIROTHEILS, PittsTinrg, l'a. P. S.—Dealer and Physiciani ordering from others than Fleming Bros., a ill do well to write their orders distinctly. and teat nune bat Dr. if Lwow's, prepared by Flewiny Bros., Pitiabogry, To those wishing to give 11aem a trial, we will forward per mail post paid. to any part of the United States. one 110 X of Pills for twelve three-cent poitage I.t4inps, or one vial of Per mirage for fourteen three-cent stamp... All or ders from Canada must be accompanied by twen ty cents extra. • For sale by 1: Buehler, Agent: Gettysburg pnd by dealers generally throughout the county Miy 2, 1859. ly The Cheap Book Store, IN Philadelphia, is at No. 224 North Second street, (between Race And Viue streets,)— TSBLISIISO ." QUARTICIL Or A CINTCRY Aoo !—and still continues business on the prin ciple of the "nunble aureate," ke. Constantly on hand: and sold to Country Merchants, Booksellers, Stere Keepers, l'ul,lk and Privitte Schools, Colleges. Aeadetnies, Teachers, kc., et Wholesale, and to everybody at Retail: All kinds of School Books, latest editions, Fools Cap, L4nter and Note Papers, Slates and Slate Pencils, Carmine, Red, Biack and Blur inks, Letter and Note Ewvehipes, in great variety, Copy Books, Cyphering and Composition Books, Blank Account and Memoranda's Books, many sizes, different qualities and various prices, Steel Pens and Pen folders, Wrapping Papers and Bonnet Boards, Almanacs, Diaries, Lead Pencils, Writing Sand, School Rewards, and everything else—be sides Family, School and Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, together with a large Stock of Books in every department of Litera ture, and salted to every taste. gitif-All at the very lowest Nett Cash Pri ces.l4ll LEARY, GETZ k CO., Pratustatts asti Boomtttaaa, No. 224 North Second street, Philadelphia. giiParticular attention paid to all orders by mail. • Aug. 22, 1859. 8m - Special Announeemeit FROM THE QUAKER CITY PUBLISHING HOUSEI-100,000 Cfttaloguca, new, en rged and revised—now ready fur distribution. Superior inducements to the putilie.—.\ new and sure plan for obtaining (;til,i) and SILVER ‘VATCHES, and other valuable Prizes. Full particulars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon nppli citti 0n . Valuable Gifts, worth from So cu. to $lOO, GUARANTEED to each purchaser. sloo,oou in Gifts have been distributed to my patrons within the past six months—Sl:loAou to be dis tributed during the next six months. The inducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other Louse la the business. Having been in the Publishing wed Booksell ing business fur the last eight y - ears, my ex perience enables me to conduct the Gift Enter prise with the gre-ttest satisfaction to all. jogrAGENTS WANTEb in every town and county. Fur full particulars address DUANE KI:LISON, Quakr City Publidhiug tiour,e, 33 South Third Street, Sept. 26, 18::9. 4m Philadelphia, Pa. MISS S. C. 110 WARD would respectfully in form the ladies of Gettysburg and coun try, that they will find her in Chambersburg street, opposite Ilueldere Drug Store, at the residence of Sir. Ecleurude. She intends going to Phihidelphia fur the faehious on the 28th of this month. She will have on hand a large se sortinecrt of Beady-made BONNETS aud Mil linery Goods. Ladies will do well to call and see fur timeline/res. [Sept. 211, '59. Fruit and Ornamental Trees. AFINE stock for fall planting at reasonable rates. Oar present stock includes all the co..acest varieties cultiiated and that are ksowa to do well is this latitude. Special attention is paid to the rearing of trees. We are ceaSideat that purchasers sill do better by buying from us than to send to distant Nurseries that they know little of, awl for varieties sot well estab lished here. sir Refer to Hen. J. B. Danner, Col. In*. L. Tote and D. Slc.Cosaughy, Sag., of Gettysburg. TtigJS. ii. CUO& it SUNS, Please:it Ridge Nurseries, Beiderreilie, Pa. Jaly id, 1it.5116.-Joo tjNDAZ VARaliki leeip aieortneeo at ne dem! ;dna at - TAMMUCtIdfr. Dr. M'Lane's Millinery 113 moved. 1 • AltaMß County I -- iait in - Illolourni 1 vitruAL Vika IMETRANCE COMPANY.— (ICS US A CALL I—ne undersigned have iyi . Incorporated Marcia 18, Is:1i. i jest received from the cities an Immense 114/lICI ill. stuck of CLOTHS, CASSIMERKS, CAOINKTS, i Prasigiml—George Swope. VE4MINOS In all varieties, Le., suitable for the VW( Prlllaidilij.....d. R. RuiNgewseason, which they oiler to the public at oupre- 1 Seawer I t—D. A. Buehler. eedentedly low rates. Trearorw—David M'Creary. •.: i "They ask a, % Fan -tame—Robert McCurdy, Jacob To convince ill " lung, Andrew Heintselman. of. the troth of this assertion. No trouble to .Basagers--9eurge Swope, D. A. Beebler,Ja- shins goods and give prices. A large lot of cob King, A. Ileintsglntsn, IL ill'oerdy, Thos. READY-MADE CLOTHING also selling cbeaper 1 , A. Marshall, S Fannestock, Wm. B. Welellan, than' ever. Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichelberger, A bdiel F. aitt, Garments made op for men and boys, as us-1 John Wolford. 11. A. Picking, AbrlT Wright, us), in the very beat manner, and according to 1 ' John llurner, R. G. McCreary, S. It. Russell. D. any style -desired. The work being dune in , St Cream, Ai..lrea- Polley, John Picking, J. R. their own establishment. they are always eu- tier•li. . &bled to warrant it. Remember, their place of pop-This Company is limited in its opera tions to the tuunty of Adall)3. 1t has been in suckessfal operation for more than six :curs, and iu that period has paid all looses and ex penses, a Aunt any EU WUMPII4 having also a Urge snrplus c.tpital in the Treasury. The Com lw% empluys no Agents—all business being dune by the Managers, who are aimually elect ed by the stuattolderi. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the abuse named Maniwers fur further information. isarTlie Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company en the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M.. Sept. 27, 1858. - -- What Everybody Wants. THE FAMILY DOCTOR: contaiuing in plain leoguage, free from medical terms, the t A 1 - SES, SYMPTOMS and CURE of disease in et er form, w itb important RULES FOR PRE SER-VING THE HEALTH, and Directions for the Sick Chamber sad the Proper Treatment of the Sick.—This hook is written In a plain, easy and familiar style, adapted expressly to family and individual use. It advocates no particular theory of medicine, but draws alike from the Flowers of the Field, the Plants of the Garden, or the Minerals of Earth, for inch Remedies as have proved the most simple, Befr i end effectuate belie% ing that wherever ai/eILIU has tumid foothold, there the Giver of all Good has, In some form, mercifully placed a Specific. Neither does it profess to sapercede the physician, but only to avoid the ueceagity and expense of call ing him in except in dangerous cafes. It is in fact a physician •itself. always at 'hand and re a dy to serve you, while its simple receiptmay won save you many times its cost. It contains 308 pages, in a clear and open type, Ic illustrated by appropriate engravings, and %sill be forwarded to your address, postage paid and ac ttly bound, on receipts of the price tzt 00. 1.% er . hotly should have it. Agents; wanted everywhere, who will find it very popular, and with whom liberal arrange ments will be made Address, JOHN E. POTTVR. POhlisher, No. Gt 7 Sansoin St., Philadelphia, Pa. July 4. 1859. urn • Notice TO FARMERS AND MERCHANTS.—We have now opened our large and commodious $ arehouse. on the corner of Stratton and Raul road streets. near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroaa Conally, nod are prepared to receite produce of all kinds, viz: FLOCIL. WHEAT, RYE, COILS. OATS, Sc. Also, on hand and for sale, Salt, Guano., Plaster, Fis h , kc. A large stock of Groceries just received, consisting of Sugars, Coffees., S)rups, Molasses. Oils, Itice, Teas. Spices of all kilts, Cedar-ware, kc., kc., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell as low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to see and examine our stork before purchasing else where, as our motto will be •• quirk sacs and small profits.' We n mild also call the attention of all inter ested in the thrift) and healthful comttion of their Cattle, Nurses, llok4, k, e .,•t, th e t ac t that we have fur sale Ilreutig, Fronefield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLS PoWDEft, of which we base sold from 1.5u0 to 2090 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLISKEELTER, lIOLLINGER k CO. Gettysbarg. ept..l. I .4..5. Something New IN G FrTT YS it U .—The undersigned informs the citizen+ of the town and county, that he lois commenced the BAKING business, on a large scale, in York street, Gettysburg. Nearly opposite-Wattles . ' Hotel, where lie . will try to deserve, and haloes to receive, a liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, kc., kc., baked every day. (Sun days excepted,) all of the best quality. and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely carried on. and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shurte-t notice. Hating erected a large and commodious hake-horse and secured the best workman and the must ap proved machinery, be is prepared to do • heavy business. VALENTINE SAITEE July 25, 1859. Farmers' & Mechanics' AVINGS INSTITVTION uFADAddy COrN TY.— Wraith maser by aviny.—Deposits your surplus funds in thin Institution nud re. cei+e interest at the.rate of from tau to four per cent. This iustitution.offertia safe, convenient and profitable depo.Atory to un classes of people. July 4, A Word to the Wise! DON'T FAIL to call and see S.A.IISON'S New Goods—a large and_splendid 'assortment ot MEN'S AND BOY S CLOTHING and Furnish ing Goods—an extensive lot of all kinds ot HATS, BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS--an un rivalled assortment of TRUNKS and CARI'hT handsomeSACKS, some very handsome and new styles._ A l • large and splendid variety of Setts, li t Pins and Ear Rings ; WATCHES, MUSI CAL INSTRUMENTS, te., kc. A very hand some and new style RAILROAD TRAVELLING BAG. In short, everything in his Ilse. After all said and done, SAMSON'S 18 TIM SPOT to buy your goods at the right prices. h word to the wise is sufficient Those who wish to bay to sell again will do well by calling, sal can and will seil them goods cheaper than they can buy them it the city. April 18, 1859. Elastic Cement ItOOFING.—The subscribers are prepared to coatract and put on at the shortest notice, Child & Co.'s I'ATENT FIRS AND WA TER PROOF ELASTIC CEMENT ROM:LNG. It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and in point of durability is equal, if not superior, to any Metalie Roofing. •It can be put on ulcer tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, howeier flat ur steep they may be. In point of resisting the elements of fire and water, nothing has vet been discovered equal to the Elastic Cement Those who have used it, nave testified that it s the very perfection of Rooting, and that there is no further room for improvement. No one will now think of 'tutting ou shingles, when this Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear tour shingle roofs. This Roofing is warranted as represented. The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is also the best paint for iron. effectually preventing rust ; and wherever applied perfectly excludes dampness. The subscribers have this Cement fur sale, in quantities insult. For further information, ap ply to P. J. k C. M. TATE, Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa. April 25, 1859. tf Change of Hours ON THE GETTYSBURG RAILROAD!— &m ow ArrangessaW.—On and after Thurs. day, April 21st, the MORNING TRAIN will leave Gettysburg tt 8.30 o'clock A. M., eoineetiag at Hanover junction with Expreastraln to Balti more at 9.32, and Mail train from Baltimore at 9.22, returning to Gettysburg at 12.30 noon, with passengers from Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, and the North aad West. The AFTERNOON TP.ALN will leave Uettys burg at 1 o'clock, I'. M., connecting at Hanover Junction with Mail train to Baltimore at 3,37, re turning to tieu.yabitrg about 8.30, P. M., with passengers from York, Harrisburg, PhiLadetph la, and the North sad West. glirliy the above arrangement passengers can go either Smyth or South on the Northam Central Railway both morning and anemone. M'CIAIDY, friteidegg., April 25, LBIL AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of erety Usti, iselading the "Ua!venal Peed Cat er," lakoved Premiss Basle Meer, Corp Shek sr, ateselitctared 011k:epee Pas New,let eel e , 17 • Sew% burns* 41-11Wrz bu•incs.s is the large and commodious room ad joining Cobcan dt Culp's, on Chambershurg street. JACOBS At BRO.. Merchant Tailors. Sept 19. 1A59 New Grocery. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS.—The sub -1 scriber respectfully informs the citizens of town and country, that he has opened a Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on York street, two doors east of St. James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general assortment of goods in his line—such as Syrup, from 40 to 70 tents per gallon ; Sugars, all kinds ; Coffees, dif ferent kinds; Vinegar. Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch II string, ground and unground Pep per, Alspice, Cloves, Cinnamon. Mustard, Soda, Ginger, Starch. Rice, Teas, Candles, Extract Coffee, Chocolate, Concentrated Eve; Browns, Buckets, Candies, all kinds Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, Fan cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, &c., huller and Eggs bought aad sold. He in vites the calls of the public, oonvioced that his assortment will please, both in quality and prior. Ile is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. WM. E. BITTLE. Gettyoborg, Deo.lo, '5B. New Livery PeASTA BLISIMENT. CiLtatits ag %. M. Tars has opened a new ..iass;t„... i t ry establishment,at the stables Aw...amek9 , on Washington street, occupied in part by the " Eagle Hotel," and has made such arrange ments as will enable him to accommodate the public at all times, on reasonable terms, with Horses, Buggies, Hacks, kc. His stock is good. Oa funeral occasions, kc., he will be able to supplv a want which has been much needed. kfca-Teruss CASH. [May 24, '5B. Here We Are Agliba ! 41 UST from the city with the best and cheap est assortment ofSYRCPS and MOLASSES t at we have yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices; KM:IILS, a very large stock, low; COFFEES, TEAS. Choco late, Rice, Cheere, Spices, (all kinds,) Crackers and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured HAMS and SIIOULDERS, Lard, Shad, Mackerel and Herrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tub's, Buckets, ke.; Basket.. Flour Seives, Brooms, Brushes. k...; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lve; Extra and Superfine FLOra, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Kutter and Eggs constantly t n hand ; Fancy Goods, Coufectiocutries and Fruit. Wee us a call. It afords us pleasure to show on r Ige aad inviting stock. NORRECE ,t MARTIN. Gettyrdiarg. May 30, 1653: Railroad Store. ir C. GUINN k BRO. have just received and J are opening nt their new store on the north- a est corner of Centre Square. G etty shu a large and complete assortment of Spring and Su iiiiii er Goods and Groceries. The ladies par ticularly are invited to call and eanutiue our su perior sty les of Dress Goods and Fancy articles, embracing everything coming properly mulct' this head at prices nut heretofore equalled. and in quality surpassed by nose. GENTLEMEN'S 11 EAR, of es cry deecription,consisting of Cloths, Cassitneres, Casinetts, Coatings, Vesting., kr., which canuot he surpassed out of the city iu quality and price. - `Oar stock of Groceries is nlso complete, while every other article generally found in a Dry I 70(144 story can be had at the "Railroad Store . ' of J. C. Quinn k Bro. Believing that the pub lic can suit themselves better here than else where, we invite them to give us a call. Fur Cie proof of our assertion, call and examine our stock, even if you don't buy. [April 4, s:.n. Fine Old Brandied rplIE subscribers, Importers and Dealers in wi.siEs k 1.1Q,1, OR.S, would most respect h—Ay call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 Sera Front ,, Plashoeirlphin, w here they have • large assoi %- men' ut Wines and Liquors of the choicest brawls and qualities. Baring made arrange ments' with some of the first houses in Cognac and Itet.belle, enables them to furnish t o . their customers, upon tae most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle: IJRAN Otard, Hennesy, Pellevsion, Castillion; J. J. Depuy it Co., T. Mines, A. Sergnette, Martel, Metall, Ac. l itc., of various brands and qualities. WISFZ: Champagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, Tenerife, Burgundy, Hock, Muscat, Cl.tret, Sherry, and Milken Wines. Holland Gin, Sebald/Liu Schnapps . , Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, kc. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey._ Constantly on band an ex tensive stock of fine old Monongahela, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country, all of which are highly improved by age. •From our long experienee in the buainsts, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to all all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders trom the country (which are most re spectfulli solicited) will .be promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and shipping. JAll goods rent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON k BRO., No. 5 North Front Bt., Philadelphia. Feb. 7,e1 839. ly The Cars are Here ! ALI. THINGS ARE READY I—The under signed has the pleasure of announcing to his vld country friends—farmers and merchants —as well as the citizens of Gettysburg, and " the rest of mankind," that hit sew and coin ntodious Warehouse is now open, and that he is receiving GRAIN k PRODUCE of all kinks, for which he is paying the highest market prices ; and while the public can dispose of their pro duce to the best advantage, they can he supplied in return with Groceries, of every description, consisting of Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Tens. Rice, kc., kc., also, Guano, Plaster, Oils, Ceaar ware, and a thousand other things not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cheapest is our motto. If the people consult their own interests, and act wisely, they will not forget the undersigned. Hoping the familiar faces of all my old customers will meet me agewin, and with them many new ones, I shall endeavor to please them. JOHN HOKE. Gettysburg, Nov. 22,1858. • Frazer River rIVTDONE!—Come to the Store at Green mount for Bargains I—The undersigned would most respeOhlly Worm the public that he has ;purchased, the Store of John Weikart, at Greenenount, Adams coitnty, half-way on titre road hoe Gettysburg tillbrinunitsburg, where he expects, by *oration and small proits, to re tain all the old custom and secure lots of sew His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, Groceries, Ctinfectionaziet, Queenswarr, Wooden ware, Crockery-warn Hardware, he., is large and varied—equal to that of any other Ant clams store—and Ate will sell at prices eatonishingty low. He only asks a trial, to prate the truth of this assertion. . Country produce taus iselebout i t i o ir voixb J. ALEX. BR. The otidersigeed also carries on the CAR RIAGE-LULING business at the sante plaee,onti offers rare inducements to rowboats*. Re will warrant his work goo 4, whilst his charge s are antoag the most moderate. A =iring done s short notice. J. iIAILPSEL. Feb. 14, 1859. ly . . lIILDDIG XATERIALB.—PataIs t Oils, emrkmadiaad Arra iikimniprooftrAN • ' Good and Cheap TILE undersigned would Worm his friends and the public generally, that he continues the CARRIAGE-BAKING BUSINESS, in all' its branches, at his establishment, in East Mid- : die Street, (near the east end.) Gettysburg. where be has on head a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to ordor whatever may be desired in his line. via :—Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, Falling. Top, Rockaway and Trotting Rug. e. glee, Jersey Wagons, kc. With 4 4 , 4immi114i good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work to be of the best quality—and his prices are among the lowest. `Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call June 15, , JACOB TROXEL. Still at Work ! COACTIMAKING AND 13LACKSMITHING. —The undersigned respectfully informs his (Heeds and the public that he continues the Coachmaking and Blackemithing business in erery branch at his establishment in Clam bersburg street. He has on hand and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, arc., of the beat material, and made by superior work men. sarltaratutso and BLASKIIRITHING of all kinds done at' reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. COUNTRY Pitoorca taken in exchange for work at market prices. J a r Persons desiring articles or work in the Coachinaking or Blackstnithing ,line, are re spectfully invited to call on JOHN L. HOOZWORTH. Gettysburg, Jan. 24, 'b9. New Grocery Stare. 'V Nl i W FW FIRM AND G DS.—SST -4.1 DER 13MNSER. Live jut received at their New Store, in Baltimore treet, a few doors above David McCreury's dlery es tablishment, the - largest and Most complet‘ assortment of Grooeriei broght to Get tvsbur4 for a long time, consis ting of Coffee, (four kinds,) Sugar, (four kinds,) Molasses, Syrup, Shad, Mackerel, Fresh Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in short every thing usually kept in 1, a first-class Grocery Store. 1 borne highest market price aid forcoun try produce or taken in exchange for Goods. SiorGive us a call. Buy your Groueriem where you will be sure to get them good and cheap. reartiover's celebrated writing Ink for sale. 1t458. HE:OLY B. DANNICIII. ZIEGLEIt New Firm—New Goods. E undersigned have entered into partner - T ship in the HARDWARE & GIikICERY business. at the old stand of Danner k Ziegler, in Baltimore street. under the name, style and firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, .111.5., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a cdntiuuauce of the pittronage o of the old firm, sits well as any quantity of new custom. They have just return ed from the cities with an immense stock of tiusals--consisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, (.lass. kc. Tools, including Edze Tools of eve, y description, Saws, Planes, Chisels, tiougui, Braces and Hilts, Angers, Squares, (lunges, Hammers, ke. Blacksmiths will find An'. ifs, Vices. Rasps, Files, Horse Shim*, Horse-shoe Nails, ke., with them, very cheap. i Coach Find ings, such as Cloth, Canvass, Daubask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Falloffs, Bows, Poles, Shallts, kc. Shoe Findings. Tampico, Brush an Frunch Morocco. Lin;ngs, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, BOot Trees, kc., si ith a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a generallassortment— also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOCSEKEEPERS il will alto find a large assortment f Knives and Forks. Brittannia, Albata and Sil er-plated Ta ble and Tea slpoons, Candle-sti •ks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons. Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, ke. Also. a general assortment pf forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds;; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel. which they will ,sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, tt!full and gen eral assortment. such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House .lollisses and Syrups, Coffee. Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL: Turpentine, Fish. kc.; scull assortment of Lend and Zinc• dry and in oil; also Fireproof Paints; in fact • almost every n itride in die Hardware, , Coach Finding. Shoe ?'finding, Housekeeping, Bla cksin ith,t *it billet Maker'imen i titles, GI., zier's, and Drovers line. all of whiffthey set determin, ed to sell as low fur CASH as any timise out of the city. • HENRY B. DA.NNER, • Wil BRIGHT; ZIEGLER Gettysburg, May 24, 11158. Removal. i ALEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Watch maker, has removed his shOp to the room on the West side of the Public k4quare, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, flsq., as a Law Office, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of cuitomers. Tlulful for past favors. be hopes, by strict attenti u to business, and a desire to please, to merit std receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg. April 11, 1115 P Lumber & FOR sale by BASTRESS C :I II9 IYTER, , New Oxibril. GROCERIES, MILL FEED, kci, Ate., For sale Wholesale and Retail by BASTRE& WINTER., New Orifurd. iiiir The highest Cash prices paid for Grain May 30, 1859. Gm* Call This Way! Tag subscriblbr would inform the public that he continues kis MACIII-q: StIGY, in cusaabersburg street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he has various kinds of Ma chines ME brad, such as Threshing Machines, Corn Shrikes, Cornfodder Cutters, Cloverseed Hullers, Straw Cutters, and Horse l'owcrs of different kinds,—two, four or six-horse, to suit purchasers ;—indeed all such as can be had at Hanover or Littlestogru. Also, Mortising Ma chines, for house carpenters, put up in the ery best and most substantial manner. Cutting Screws or long Bolts. uuy kind or size less than eleven feet in length, ale acs attended to, as well np Turning in iron, casting or wood.; ALso all kinds of REVALUING on Machinery, dressing-up Mill Spindles, &c., done ou the shortest notice. The undersigned manufactures litmus's PATENT HORSE RAKE. which he offers at lowest living profit. lle is likewise wge the REAPER. MOWER atanmtsc Joseph . .Shiremau, at East Serbs I hope that all in want of fttrylitmy line will call at my shop beforegoinf ewhere. I will warrant all my work to give - satisfaction to purcha.ers. A c STERNER. April 11, 1859. IT'O4 Notice. /THIS undersigned having retired from theL F ACESBURG, IN VIRGLVIA. A new Timm, same j Mercantile business, the will hereof- Ailed RAPPAHANNOCK, has recently been ter be continued at the old stand, in Baltimore id out, In CULPEPER COUNTY, In the Midst street, by their eons, Henry H. Danner and Way of the GOLD REGION OF VIRGLNIA, star bright Ziegler , under the name and style ,' rounded by Mines and Mining Cot:upsides • sad re Deaner a Ziegler , Jrs., i whom we will couusr"` Farms and Town Lots in alternate divisions or to, and for whom we would bespeak a i rl , shares. can now be had for a "Mere Hong," shin share of patronage from old customers, i ° ; ply to induce settlement in this desirable region. the public in general. . j $254,900 worth of land is to be divided amongs t Having retired from the Mercantile ° lnas, purchasers or given sway as an inducement to "Quid be It is necessary that our old bustuest.,_ come on and make improvements, end the land in settled up. We, therefore, litaitY•rte‘no°7 is of the most improvable qualities. Many hare debted to as either by Judgment,A we without Account, to call "end settle Good farming land, in tracts of any sue to silt d at the old delay. The hooka will be tg A ,,,... purchasers, can also be had at from $lO to $2O •I'lnni stand. j *ID ZIEGLER. i per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly install.. merits. UIicyCIIIITIOII/1.111.11 Tragii MILL IS ALL • CAW 5* elven. IIairAGENTS ARE WANTE'Deverywhere to sell these lands ; liberal Indaceinents will ha given. E. BAUDER, Lend Agent, July 18, 1859. $lO. Port Royal, Vs. itay 38, 18• x! '_ -- /inii --- )1 3-! ~,1 made arrangements, THE lallas i lli ,, , g n r Ibe ready to supply JAM :I . w hi c h the, es, at the lowest • 111 an j e g is completed. they OD ODOR OD orders. an reedy to elEi DiTBiILIR a KURTZ. Nov. r. 2, • —. - OrooBrieffi, a ALB AND RlTAlL.—)leimue W"' Sugar by the barrel, Co ff ee by the 9 all kinds of Groceries, either by the , or is moll a/somata, at, prices that do petition. Call at, once at 11 4. / FAX:a:STOCK BROS'. I F BAWLS, Eibawls.—A. grail variety of all qb coign, sea sad isalitilas, at .14; SCOTT & OT ISCTOrala, • oonstitutnnal thanes. a eastitp.kie d tbil blood. by which this fluid becomes vitiate. weak. and poor. Being In the dm:dation, id perusals the whole body, sad wisy bunt o in disease oa any part of it. No arm is IMPS from its attacks, nor is there one which it nay not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caned by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure sin. tiles" and filthy habits, the dressing vine. and, above all, by the venereal infection. What my b e its origin. it is hereditary i,n the eon stitution, descending from parcutslo ebildren unto the third and fourth generation :" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, s• will visit the iniquities of the fathen upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt-of ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is yenned tubercles ; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. Ties foul =4 ruption, which genders in the blood, &leveed the energies of life, so that s 4. rofulaus constiags tions not only suffer from zen.fulous cosi+ plaints, but they have far lc-, power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorder which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rend:red fatal by this taint - in the system. Most of the consumption which de. culottes the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, aris • f rom or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons arc invaded by this lurking in. fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we mum renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in. vigorate it by healthy food and swam. Such a medicine we supply 'in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, sk Amon effectual remedy which the medical of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. lt bined from the most active renaediais that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the from its deaructive consortiu m*. i ge= it should be employed for the etre at not cmly scrofula, but also those other arse tions which arise from it, such as Eavrrrrn and SLIN DISLUITS, Sr. ANTHONY/ PM, POOL or ERYSIPSTAS, PH/I'LL!, PVIrrOLLS. Burning; Bianca and Bons, Tesoro. Tanta and SALT Ratert, SCALD HEAD, RINOI/01101, RUZCIIATDIX, SYPRILTTIC and MLICCIUAL DLO BAUM. DLOLIT, DTararsiA, DZEILITY. and. indeed, ALL Con:mime Arlisnea non Vrna am) oft Impute Swim. The populai belief in impurity qf the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of thin Sarsapa rilla is to purify and-regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound. health I. impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer ' s Cathartic Ms' • FOR 'ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY Pirfilo, are so composed that disease within the ranee of their action can rarely aithttand or trade theta Their penetrating properties searels,iand egotist, and invigorate every portion of the lnoutut ism, correcting its due aimed action, said restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these prpperties, the invalid who ia bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished so and hie health or energy restored by a ranted! at ones so simple and inviting. hot only du they cure the everpdariplainta of every body, bit also many toms le sad dangerous diseases. the agent below teed is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing eertificates of their rem and dinertiontii for their nse fit the folios Mg complaints. Curare loess, Heratharn, Il,adatle arising/ma disordered Ntosnath,ffansen,lndiyestion, PIM* in and Alai - 14d Inaction of the limas, Fiattotenry, Lass of Appe tite, Jaundin, and other kindred enn,planits, miaow from a low state of t h e body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, P.M VII Ram MIL! Or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Casemate. lion, and for the Tend' of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of Ma disease. SO M ide is the field of its oveftelhoss snips ner merous are the eases of its puma. that'almost - every s e ction of country *hounds in pcmous pub. liP known. who hate been raptor' d fortmt alarming, and even de.perate di.easts of the lungs Le its toe. When once teed, ita sulteriodty Inn itterr other medicine of its kind is two tenpatent to obserenticm, and where its Tit tISOS are known, public no lot gee besitate a not antidote to ernpiny for the distres.Mo and dLneerous aftiettens of the , _llnonary °mans that are it. Went to our climate. While many inferior rented:es thrums 141011 the community have [Ailed and been Oise, Med. this has gained friends ?Ty every trial. maimed Lentils on the afflicted they can nest,r forget, and peo. ducted curcs too numerous dud -too acttiasiccdde to be'iorgottes. PRCPASP.D n y DR. J. C. AVER at CO. LOWELL, MASS- Sir Sold by A.A. Buehler, Gettystmor.r.— T. J. Cooper. near Coebtown—l'axtun L - Co. Fairfield—.anal nll Druggists. O!t. 18.1858. eoyely Sunbeam Gallery. rrinE subscriber would respectnally announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lic generally, that he has provided himself nab an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGHT AM BROTYPE ROOM, at his residence in West Mid dle street, one Square west of lahuestock's Store, where he is prepared to furnish Anibro, Melaino. Enansel and Photoghtph Pictures in every style of the art, which he will warrant to give • entire satisfaction, and is prepared to ae commodateall with good pictures. either single or in groups. Ile also has a number of speci mens at hie room in Pliamberqoirg street, a few doors West of rolican k Culp's Shoe Store, where lie still continues as fJrruerbc to take pictures. 411 who desire a correct 11: aegis of themselves and friends, will do well to give rue call, as I have reduced my prices to suit the present hard time:. l'ictures eopiod frosts old specimens orall kinds; also insertet to Leowilits„ Breast I'm:, Finger Ring:, kr. The subscriber bvtug thankful to his friend* and the pubic in general for past patronage,. wishes them to continue it, and assures &bear that as heretofore, they shall sot be dissatisfied s a ri front au cents to $lO. Ronnie, operstingl rum BA. Al. to JP. M. bold Loeketa, eastpins, suttsl* for miniatures, always on. • ml. at the t ee lowest prices. 0 bi t - will not bglaken for less than Si uo. bierlutypes taken for fifty cents and up wards, a is the best style. SAMUEL WEAVER. A prV2i, 1818. Homesteadlat $10; Aki3.ItESTIiAL? for $lOO ;also, fintnestinds !or $lOOO and °Ter, situated on, and near hannock Risar,_ above mad below FRialw ~.....„.._ ..„ • Goods for the Sateen! THE subscriber hiss jest returned fro* tie city, with • large 'apply of KIM GPOIA which he offers to sell Chisperthsa ever. Give him a call, sad indp tor youreehee. me es wham% entheaces (Moths. sires, Vesllairg• all kinds of Bummer Goods, sad a large assort meat of READY-ILADS CLOTHING, for men sad boys: JACOB BELNINGSR, Carlisle or., 4Apirelhost Caws tiltrolk ti! ttpda ter„ April 4, 1860. , , • wit! I LINZ I—ls gasellasiti great ; sr -4, 11 41, 4 as thr *fro wincat i teir imi • i!',7 o ,lrFc tes II