The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 24, 1859, Image 3
"tad . 4 ) t , - gtx4, but the ciel& 11 la 064 tint's - tills Woo of wisesu ban. risen iclfilleettAy. in ts fax as wheat in tutlesirnissi % the foregoing 'remark applies to 'the eountrietlyint at We Lower Danubs, as well's's to Aloottitt. In the Banat, the so. Fulled ' gotturalri of Austria," hot much abort third of the usual quantity of 'rhea sae iettniAln • *NO Dying.—The farmers in the lower 'part of Campbell county, Va., are losing their in great numbers from eating whet i 11111bwn as the mushroom. In one neighbor hood nearly An the hogs hare died. .If,osvoieu.f.—Governor Weller, of California. has just transmitted $l,OOO to the Washington National Monument Society, beiag the amount that &ate, throug,h its Leg ighttiara, Mali resolved to cotarihste annually until the tananasent iw leishel. rue voters of " Iforsetoro," in California, &Ia euntri 4Juted $72 oa election day. ? Dellat Of M 4 Ca ihersx.—John Ca'holm. rgeyor General of Kansas and !treloio ka, and President of the I..e , mnptun Consti tutional Convention, died at St. Joseph's, on tbs 13th -00 NO- M! ' Take A company of toys eh:L.4l3g but ter-flies--put lung tatled — ouato o the boys, and tura the butterflies ista guineaN and you Late a bes.itiful pauorstas of the wolf!, eqDecia,ll\Tctice_ MST 1:1- VIIITTIM APTS. VITSLIIIIIIO •If 11111 . 0711111110 Me* POO rutitto IT iisnitiosak 141-8/YIC coy .0 watt." 11. To upon whom sinking (runes Memo* his lucid has placed , rpos whose woken, care• worn cheeks Cosisamptioe's rms. is traced ; Cease, freely quad frets net the leant, Whore health dock overnow, At Smattaa's lod this glorious fa— tten say, wiii not ye go ! 11'4y suffer 'Death this racking pus With which you are opproes`d, Why—why complain of wearisome •nd soreness of tbe breast • When fibril:men Syrup heals all psis, And to thee health ill bring , al manse disclose to dimppear I.lke snow-drops In the spring. Sio eungtie can speak the wretchedness, 'o language can convoy Th. great amount of sulkerung Oceamoned by delay; .A little cold or trifling cough Nap Lead ono-Lithe grace ; Put ekirinvi's syrup. Sian in time, romesees power to awe. 'Yee. his Delsanue Pcrap rare Contains has sui‘tity power; And mothers speak in Loom of prelim And blase it every boar ; Par when their little ones Ate rooked With Whooping Cough The, fly at once to tihriaer's leant, And lied .solace them. It Is a sovereign, ispeed• etre Per Quinsy—want of breath ; tor Asthma, sad Throat Disease., Watch often mid in death ; Wiliam °Wert fail, this will elfeet A permanent relief; Will bring the sofferer back to health, • And cheat uld Death—the thief. WIPT AR'S RALF AM Or WILD CIIMUIT.--Thle grreorettrin is a certain cure for all disease. of lb* Tbroet and Lunge, Coils. Bronchitis. Whooping Cough. Comp, Incipient Cormomption. itc In coollrutation of tb., high. em medical enrol ity that •• torouriaptioneen A. ceirmi," mimerusadiestaores of complete from th•ylle. *QM by the 1110e1 Of l b . can be green Important letter from tier J scot. Perbier. well known. sat highly regieSiied akrountioet the Pm*. of litleta•tlesauc Marromm, Pw,rell 14 IMO. Metier. B. Towle CQ I,tortoe.—Bear re=—Raw log roelited so my famale (report-net timed nitrous the me iof rear s a neolAe, prrapmenoin—dime's 'l.l.Jm hi nd herry--et use plow* ee km reeegettre•.l it Qr thet.ule -I.e boom eglit years air, one of rid d tab a mewed** a lamb we sal let tie ii4eres +`t . Der • ...eenveof reereseeller. riving. I ,then procured a bootie of Sour etuillent Bad ram. and before owe hart taker) the elioleol the contend. of the bottle there e.t.a 11 . 1 - ,At anl.ll-1, in her belittle I bays. in mr iodiridual an... made frequent um of rnir naluarge medicine, and blot alas. Men ) ( swatted try it. 3 mratit, tweeter. caution Lie Lublin agairuit lerprieltbm leisure there IA a reef deal of njoriotis 1• sitar's Italanni of Alikt t. hurry Moat throughout the country. JACOB SICCIILSB. If7lMitare of elle ant worthies+ counterfeit. Th. +only °emir., Pare. and Medicinal Braemar bas the mane of -• I. butt. " unmet' with a Mo. and W. prostol mote of the proprietors, • • a. 11 . fee 1.1 k Cs.," us the eater era*. Prepared by Seth W INsole & Co- bastes. sadder min iby A. IJ Buehler, Gettysburg; Jacob lut.eaer, llannittoo. Treirg; M waiter. New Oxford; D. It Hollinger, Marotta- Conte; Willt.tuf Wolf, Emit Borba; Peter Ilehlita. (lamp. nun • Win. B Metcalf. York L'lpriW.; Jamea A. Elder. Mititmlitu eg..; Godley all deetere be mecirssee. lOct.lf. in AVOCIFLINW:I GERMAN MT/1M /TRY TULL 4101tIPItiPEPSIA. THY TILER POE LIVER COMPLAINT. - nal' THEM FOB NENVOta DEIN LI TT_ •T TUE.M rcrs CONSTIPATION. 2 1111 . TUP.II Fog PICK UKAPACUIL -TM TALUS YOE WANT tuE APPETIT& 11' RV TlllOl MK WANT Ott GM:l44l'- 71{1' T It EU POE WEAK.NEAa. TRY THEM FON. PILLS Yon can übtaun them of sas► drattaist or dealer ht .ein e a in the Umtata Cando, %oak hare, ararata Amens. for 15 cents per bottle They are prejarosl by Dr C. M. Jsekanar - 4111 Art% *treat, Philaalslphia. I's . attl ate that his atin-ttars lo ua the wrapper of e tab ta,tthe Pug sale br A. U. EuableF, Agent, Got tyaharg—aad illanlersatiusratty tJaruc A rluniS We oritaty. foot. 17. lan MELMCVLICNINOWSILITIILS.—fee a king time ayes- Isis elan. of itisoners nave hilted the skal sof penencet of the must enaineet tnetuileore of M. • regtMar medical fartakp. ofetooat *Moat thee! We halgtit niatanne epllopey Sr fill. log fits. fiappste Dom' by tie Man wed inceedar• geodes of as eminent churanrS, ad IlaSt..naere, 14.4., tin &ware has Lora brought utilising maw of a n d ine„ e allude to toe penyaratiou called 1.1.,• vo ig .tolle It %tract Redeptat. Pllls, assisted sal prepared by Lc rieth Ilieet, of k 11. wog*, Mt !knee *ear diocftwery sally parooaa erns Sad Fires ap all asps of veer bung cured. hate !peen restared the fail enispoent of Le I' con.,ucht among tioml. se wield. enumerate Mr Itarrtaan, of .L.tantaue. M. L has coffered at muck fro,. Ela lapel., as ACV /Over peraos in toe tore!, never kr.,• in; what nal is per a week •Itboat lurmrr a., attack, and u,ttn falling Is the etre* t, of kin Ittgt 41;e lle new fully reahorml Laid lies not had an at fur more than a rear Dr lianne's Pill• have been the .Ire C. 14. of tf,.. cora. Tomo. pill. -also corset! rouclificamosaa of F,ta. bm.ot u. crunio., c , 1.0./ art City ferric/atilt for persuu of • eat tort.. Dr. nand/ seed. them to any part rf tb• country on the re -cleipt or n nnnittlOCe. Price one boa. kl 3. two. 8 4 , 1r.4 addreis Notla Hance, IJS Baltimore street, /14:tvuort, 311. p_ort. 17. his THE Mit AT ENGLISH REMEDY JAMES 'CLantira t&I.el• see* VIA ALI,' Yu.t.e prepared from a rentertption by Ear J Clarke. 4 1) I'lAytAc,•o Extr.A.Ardi matey to the Akerro This well known meJlrme ill Da tru ,priattioa, but sears and mare reined,. /or Female thillcult.. aunt Otletreettone, trona auy eau.. * Laterer, and At/though a powerful leo% they Gul3Llll2 La, th iug hurtful t.. cmaalltettos. T Vital ND LADIES It I. peculiar!! suited it el% le a short Son, bring oaths low:ably period with .regoteeity. Then. rills have Never been kesee to fail when the direction. o• 2,1 per pamphlet are tel .I:nerved. roe farther partmet•-• vie • paronb let free of the agent, 5 , -34443.4 4 PAltter,e etatnne enclueeal to any as thut iyed *vet. will meant a hula, oontaAlainy urge 30 papa by cetera of omit. • T. W. Drat &San, Kkeeleale lyrate. a. 0. iseigkel 4 4 40 1 0411 -fiturl (June 13,'09. ly OHL R MPTON'SCOXPOI;NDDILtiTtC PILLS. tal , highly rocosusanded by ow/LH:mat Physic., y, n ants, C•nalll, speedy and perruaseat dare for Gre.i . &M al eatiar disease or Suns pta,aat tidsoya. Price Fifty cents per boa, —,Spet yr.. air rpooliolid gem. Akirass .T. t!,,C.p.r oN k Anlilpeons atreek, Pla)laik.pi, la. Prwtater• sad Mapefacturere al Dr. !Jalopies's Asa-aeon once fitsteril, • 1.• iteJ Wll6l Gomel Apap, TN" Groat Deniskenassa us Hair !Lwow. .1a2.:3, TAW 21s - - • TU 8.41/10IOSTON FAILVIER—A oewspepar de • thilehltate sod IlgrliOtettes, also sett lag forth fu ll multi of the mew settleatest of Hammonton, is sow irr, eon be methecribeotter stately 23 mote per annum. Leestees pottage steno for the amount. Addreeo o Yd• - itoe ei toe 'Verner, fientutontoo P. 0., AtleatJe county, New Jamey. Those triable( cheep land, of the boot yeah. one of the healtbLeet sod met delightful mitten in the thefes, awl where crops are never out demo by Imola, the tortibie mon rat of the /earth, see advertiaewent of 2Lastamestoo Londe. 13r'Aller MONSTER.—?he people of South Jamey hap wisealiky ithanuel from a marl bed tb• skeleton of au aablial, via& smut Wars Men of the kanzusso apeeloa, of lassateat Was: 14 bind lop loan hare 'MOOD foot lath; Mee *Niro kaiak of the saaroal, tut leclteled, at lout tireeiwert bet. Tint bead was small 11114 to Wee k th.a • hobo* an two feet tong , sod. ,so arrategel u loran tlao wide, Bay m ar clothing of tansok, oppoute sh e Hidc r Gotobarg. - - • non Laois for soda 24 calm from Philadelphia by to Um State of New Jersey. Soil among the beat - foe Agairaaltoral parposia, being a good /sue sod, with a dig Wawa The Mad is a Large tract, di•ided loco sorll Wassisoad hawkrado from all pezta the etaaatry ara now or banding. The crop, prsieesd are large and eis Vie earagaiarlag. The Wassail is dallghtfal. and wears teada,Tress. Tarot barn 1115 to SW per adne payable wiliiialwar years by instalments. To visa thai Ober Lowe Vine Skeet Wise, ai Phasdelphia, et 2,4 A. tit bp Unread ibr tholaaostoo, or address 6. J. ligrooa, Whir, asewassoe Peat Olbas, M'an'ta °oast', Now Jos- MO. AO. 1411 advortiseaseolda aaotbar eoioaka. , ' ZIZOLIta it StltTe, 0111111111140. BaLOO, a us thunut ilesiutro, PNILAIMIIPSIA dWhtto Leah, Ittas, Patty, V oraisphow : 41ohlort is Ding., Wisdom War, &a.— histetutota who awoke to jo trettowe flaw a MINIS Illeotilod at acooputhlw show ors roosowttfilis to. 5:woodo. Oar White Ler& 31, as .~ a* by asimr• Ulan cw tboamaa4 Woolghsah tho Ilatott, sad gift irriot owe owtotriaiat am mar IL ii* yffa . ttaers direct. Vert - 4 - ~ -- - 7 - la ostabliolt Ilsoolootorhot Lis sow as holoittowt to ipmet, am satimum. mod se lbe SoUlommt. Cht- - 7 speeted ThEis GETTYSSURG--SaisimmAY Superfine flour Rye flour Wheat ('urn e Oats 8uckwheat............ Buckwheat Men!. ('lover Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed Barley Plaster of Paris, I !aster grouna, per beg.— ...... BALTIYUBL—Yuo•r LAST. Flour.. A hest Effil . .. .. Corn 0:4 05 thus - .3t l to 44 Clover Seeds 00 to 5 25 Titnutiiy Seed 1 GO to 2 75 Beet Castle, per haad........, ..... 0 00 to P 00 Hap, per Yard.......-- 6 GO to 7 75 ....... 13 of 1.0/7 00 cry ...... . . . . Galaaw, Peru bias, per t0y....... flOgrElll,--racasaar LAM' Flour, crew aregone ..... ........—... 6 0 0 ) Do. from stecee..-z..-....—.. 6 50 Wheat ..-_—_. ...... -...--.. I 05 to 1 20 Rye -....-.. ..... .-..... 83 Core_ ~,,.. ...... ••...• "of Outs 37 Clever Seed 5 015 Timothy Seed.... ..... ....--I 75 Plaster ...... •••••••• 7 ir ............... 630 - - ------ - VORK— abut. Liar. Floor, frost wag0a5........—.--. ' 500 Do. from stores .S 7r. Wheat.-- 1 0:. to 124 Rye --..... 82 Cora ...... ....—...—..___..—. • 80 Oats---..—.......—.., 37 Clover Seeit—.— ----. 5 Ott Timothy Seed -----..--.. 1 75 Fluter —....- .--.... ....... 6 So Married On the Ilth butt., by the Rex... Jacob Sealer, Mr. GEORGIC WILL to Miss 31.4 Y KILLER, both •f Littlestowa. Oa the 18th Loot-, he the woe, No. JACOB F. ELGEAN tit *is NARY J. LOO K INti VILLF, both of Carroll el:Rutty...lbl OS the I :th lust., nt the reaitlonee of 1.1.1111C11 now, by John Map, Esq.. Mr. DANJEL H. MYERS tp Miss 1.1.7 CY LIVINGSTON, !both of Adams county. Oa the 21$ inst., by Rey. S. Henry, Mr. JACOB SLUT tolling ANNA, M ARV SCILILOT, all of tire vicinity of Oa the Ili Loa— at the Ev. Lotheran Par aesage, by the aaene.YrWalllFJltV FEESFII to Miss II MU ETBOII lilti. nit isi,Littiestuiru- On the 19th inst.. SARAH LOTISA FOLEY, danghter of Mr. Michael Fre,. of Cumberland townghip. aged 13 yertri 4„month. and G dac•. On the Itth inst.. near Arendtsrille. DAVID HARTMAN,..eon of Henry Hartman. Esq.. aged 16 years and 9 mouth 4. [Obituary next week.] I Mod, in Hanforil, foeliana, on the 19th of Sept.. nfteT n Awn illness, JAl•ott ftßouoti. Kn., formerly of Adams eoanty, *gait ateost 52 oyears There is OM Use. how cnstly great, Of all mankind it seals the far; It i 4 the hoar when we shall go 'Co dwell in heaven, or .ink to wn. In warning+ tang it comes to some, While others are eailed quickly lame; But none may know the preeiews day That him from earth will call away. • Teachers Wanted. THE School Directors of Strabsitt townsiiip, will meet at the house of iu Ilunteratown. on Swamis". tbe Pk of November twit, at 1 tit lock, I'. XL. for the purpose of em ploying. Teacher' , bar tie Muter term 0f:441061s tort-n. 4144 llr oiler to( tire Iloari. JOHN Iik:RTZ. Oct. 24. 1859. ttl* EOR No. L and get your Pictures at the XLea Gidieryji, corner of the Dia mond, Gettysburg. -""" TYSON k "MU. Notice. . IDET6Tt. WI/REIMS esTATE.—Letter, of administration on tit estate of Peter Weiteet.„ (carpenter,)late of Gettysburg, Adams ea- decease/. krtniag heea gestate/ Um soder signed. reAding in the same plate,kehrrehrgires notice to all persona indebted to said estatt to make immediate payment, and those haring claims -galas[ the same I. }orient them proper ly authenticated for rettleatent. .1.0011 Mg.NNER, Oct. 24, 18S9, it Photographs, Allllll.oTYPES.Mthhinotypcs.tilsbeeeetypes, and all kinds of Pietares at the Luckier Gallery, Gettysburg. Oct. 24. TIIE tuildie are hereby cautioned ageism trusting my son, Francis N. Jacobs, on toy account, as I nut determined to pay no bills of his contracting unless compelled by law. Be ;eft this on the 15th inst.. and his whereabouts Is unknown to the undersigned. GEORGE JACOBS. Gettysburg, Oct. 24, 1859. 3t NtiE.a Brown, what in the world Iry brought you out lb each a await 7 Why I am going to TYSON I BRO.'S, to get tny Photograph taken; they take thew is Amy kind of a rather. Ott. 24. Boat or Ormaavac, ) Oct. 24, 1869. I OTICE is hereby give & to the Stockholdes a of the Bank of Gettysburg, that as Elec tion for Thirteen Directors, to 'erre one year, will he held at lb• Banking-house, ea 31044 day, the 144 day of November nest. mor-A general meeting of ;Be Stockholder, will be held at the same time. T. D. CARSON, Cashier. •Oct. 24, 1859. rY irSON & BRO. keep constantly on hand 'a 'large as:tortment of fine Cates, Frames, (Jo d Lockets, Breast-pins, &e., at their nes sky-light gallery, N. E. cur. of the Diamond, Gettysburg. Oct. 24. Fall Xilli a ery. • McCREARY will open to-morrow . a .1 1 large assortment of BONNETS AND FANCY GOODS, suitable for the season, and invites the ladies to call and examine her assort • eat. which is composed of the latest and most hionable styles of the season, and which ~he (ured to sell at the very lowest cash prices. .L 19, 1859. Im ()GRAPHS, plain or colored, at TY : S' New Skylight Gallery, Gettysburg. N° . , fa,c,"! Prothoni to their 1 an expel to preset nos of of our 11l free of el MI 0 7 Gettyst NE I -t4.1 Y Nieft 4 4. Mackin:a, Codfish, feet, Bides, Cheese. Beans, Rice, dc . BoPi« ID, LOO. 3. liaprag sad en beagiaty obt *tipper, at T 1 LIONB' Sew Skylight Gallery, Usityabarg. Nor. 24. ffMlffa LA/!. 4 71 to 1 00 to 1 76 to .. 5 00 to 5 12 ... I 12 to I 45 8/ to 12 28 ta 210 62 PO iDieca_ Communicated Mill Look Out Caution. Election. Blank Store, 41% . v'S a-7 Sheiiirs Sales. Ix plenttnnese of sundry writs of realties% u hisuing out of the Courtof Com inoteVwrau s of Adana, county, Pa.. and to me M directed, wilt be expo-ad to Public sale. at the iCoart-house, in Gettsburg, um Saturday, the 12th the, of Nureraber next, at 1 o•el0( k. I'. M. the following de,rribed Real EPitite, A TRACT OF LAND, sitilatc , pleasant township. .Idams county. Pa.. adjoin ( ing lands of lelo/ommi R. Tipton. Joseph hpang ler, Cornelius Iloughtelin, sod other., contain. I ing 9 Acres, more or leas, invented with a one and a half story Log )iour,E. fgt. ; Frame Beck-building attached, Lo shop. a Barn. part frame and part log, an Or• chard of fruit trees. spring of water, k . c. :.•ei zed and taken In execution as the property of Janos )incase. A TRACT OF LAND, .itnatc In Latimore township, Adams county, adjoining hinds I). Gardner I'. 11. ILLlTensperger, and others, containing 1;1 Acreq, more or Ica Im proved with a two—tory %Weatherboard ed Howe, Frame Barn, an Orchard o fruit trees and a well of a- trer, kc. I Also. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in (kn. tington township, Adams county, P,.. odpin , i ing lands of John Wulford. Wm. IVLIO). and ' others. containing 13 Acres, more or less.— I Seized and titian in ciceution as the propert: ! o f EII•SICLIN Mitten. A TRACT OF 1..1ND, A ittiote in Mount ipleaaant township. Adams count;, Pa., ad)elln ing L au d a of John Mny, S.turtel Ca,hman and others, contain:'g 1 1 Acres, more or lesi., on which are , it u e .,: 1 one atom Stone , 1 DOCSE and Frame 9.1-hle : n •pring on 1 Ithe premises. Seized An,: 'alien in one- I Ication AS the property of SAN,/ rt. F. Cnontnr.t.t. J. TRAtT OF LAND, situate. in Gem:rimy Itownship, Adams oatinty,,Pu., adjoining lauds of Wi.. Hull., Dr. - F- F. Short), Matthew Hoff, George Will, and otter*, containing 112 Acres, mom or less. improxed wall a two story - !Leg /41411411 7 ., doable Bans, Wagon Skied sad Cara t`riii attached, Groin i House, %eke noose, Spring Douse, with Ispring of water, Orchard of *nit trees, be.— Seised sod taken in exeastion its the property , of Data ILIA ELlLietTil Wingate. 1 A TRACT OF LAND, nitwits, in Latismore !township, Adams county, Pa., contataing 13 Acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of John ltarbold nod sabers, Unproved with. two story Log HOUSE with 114 PM story Stoat liack-heilding attached. a Frame flan, Frame Smith Shop, and father outbuildings; a well of water, an ..chard of fruit trees. dtc.— Seized and taken in extreution as the property j of TIROII/8 T. CLIHDXRIL I A TRA('T OF MOUNTAIN LAND, situate in Ilantittoutian township, Adams county. contain iag 11th) Acres. more or less, bounded on the/ j month be lauds of George Bessore, Tlitantss Walker, mid others, on the east by (/ •f David Sayder and others, on the north fby.lawds Thaddeus Stevens and others, and on the west 1 by the FrarAlia county line, improved 'I with two oat story log ; refusal HOUSES ir ;sad Antall Lots of cleared land. the bid- II once being tiMilser-lissok S' , eixed sad taken in execution at the estate of SAIIIVeL 11 meta. elec*.L A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Franklin township. Adams county, containing 222 Acres, I more or less. adjoining lands of John., George and Th o mas Kohl, Chas. McKenrick, and others, being insprimesi Jail la part, on which is erected a two story Lag Milr;slE; also. , _ a two story Frame House, Beak Barn., gyr, Saw Mill, Shipgle 31111, and other eat- I building.. all in good order. .. , .1.-eized and taken in execution as the property Of Visit[' MO lies nava. • Br virtue of a writ of Leveri Furies, igAne out of the Court of Continua Plea: of Adams county. and to nee directed, will he exposed at Elie ads, at tke Coant-hoeme. is Gettyehare, Santrday, foe , I2tA flay of November wet, the following Heal Kettate, viz: A TRACT (►F LAND, situate in Cumberland township. Adams county. Pa-, onalmining 110 Ayres, more or lean, adjoining lands of tunic Deardorff. Joseph Ridley. and others, improved with a tw•o-story Log 110 USE with a one oast a halt Atm! Log hack-huilding Ull : attached, Hoak Rant, part frame an part stone. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Spring Howse, and °thereat/matting': st running (woe taiin at the door, an Orchard of fruit tree*, ke. Seized and taken in execution es tie estate of deceased, with notice to Chris tian Keekler. his Ksecator, and also with !Notice to Chri-tian Keekler and David Keeklerdevisees of said Peter Keckler, deceased. and also with notice to Timothy Lane, terre tenant. ISAAC LIG/fTNER. ,Shecil; ;iheritr Gettysburg. Oct. 24, 7)9. stir Ten per rent. of the purchase 'money epos all sales by the Sherif ant be psid over im- Predinteke alter the property is struck down, and us failure to comply therewith, the property will main be put up for sole. WHere Wr i t Are Again! A. LA Iti; Eft STOCK AND CUBA I'ERGOODS THAN EVER !—MARCUS S,AILSON has just teturned (ruin the cities of New York and l'hiLidelphia, with the Largest stuck of Fail and Winter Clothing ever offered is Gettysburg.— Sanugon is noted fur seHing good and cheap Clothkair, but the stock now on hand exceeds amyl/ling he has torero able to offer heretofore-- having purchased on advantageous Ilia stock consists In past, of all kinds of Over coats, Shawls, l'e,*alsees, Welsteoer,s . , Under shirts. primers. Ultras. Huh and Ceps, Boots sad Shoes, and is trot eterytbasi peciesary In ,rig a men out Irate bead ta feet jp cieisplete order. if aay ono wools a complete salt— GOOD ASO CLlXAP—they will do well by calling at Samson's. se-Also--3/ us ical Ins trig wen ts, Jewelry, and Notions, which it is not necessary to specify, always on hand at SAMSON'S, Oct. 24, 19:,8. Register's Nodes. ' PTOTICE la hereby given to all legatees an. °trier persona concerned that Mc Admit'. P T accounts hereinafter mentiontil will be prevented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, or Iloadaty, Mr 21st day of Norm Ler next, at 10 o'clock, 'A. M. viz: 151. The azeor'l n ttd final account of John and Daniel 3. l '.Aley, Executors of the last will and testanient of John Mickley, Sr., deceased. 15?.. First and final account of William B. Gardner: Administrator of the estate of Autoa Yeah, deceased. 153. Tire firet and final account of Seliaatian Stitzel, Adluiniptrator of the estate of Daniel S. Martz, deceased. ZAI:11.1RIAII MYERS, Register. legieter's Ottice, Getty's burg,lkt. 24, 11359. ) MIN: lint account of Joss Ifsxss, Esq., Com mittee of ABRAMAY .11Y111*, a lunatic, has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will he confirmed by the said Court, on Me 21,( day of November sea, un less cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BCSIIIY, .Proaey. Prothonotary's Office, Gettys burg. Oct. 24, 15(.9, 40, More New Goods 4 T the Sign of the BIG BOOT, in Chambers -1-1., burg street. We hove just received a large stock of BATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Buggy har ness, Collars, Whips, Ac., and are determined to sell at the lowest prices possible fur casb,— Call *adjudge for yogrselves. Oct. 17, 1n59. COBEA.N A CULP. House and Lot FOR will sell a small Dwell. ing HOUSE ASD LOT, on Chain- lar raburg strait.. Allo,dpritral Building UT Lots in the Borough., GEO. ARSOL . Gettysburg, Sept. 12, 1859. 1 Still a Few More rICOD FARMS IN MARKET —I will sell from Ur 50 14 200 Acres, in tracts to suit purcha sers. Tbey are wall supplied with wood, water, fruit trees and good meadows. Any quantity of hay can be made. These properties he from I} to 2 miles east of Gaelborg. For terms r cal!-on the subeeriber. OSEPH WIBLE. Sept. 26, 1859. Ladies' and Mises' Shoes.. T. . ADIES" tine black and ascy colored Eng. Lasting Gaiters, Jae black Congress Eng. ', Goiters, Sae black °Foxed Copes! ",ng. Lasting Gellert, 'fin* Morocco and Kid is, Buttoned Boots, ke. Mimes add Chß l'salsoos sad Oshawa every satiety.— we very reapsialraltd local 1144 - a tilauripota Tor armadas& Ns 1 l to skew goods at It. F. IIefLRINInB. Notice. --.1,-............--. . - 7 . , 11 . - ..- **. .. - 7 . 7 ... ..,.. -- , a lr .15 4 .. . ,„ , 7 -- -r,— . .. , , , . ---.-- -- 7 --- ---- .a — • . .: - r 1 BcolkOk, Miool3. iig Co., Valuable 1. A Valuable *arm N . P . 47 ,9141.1 1m T p0 1l S lit( ts‘aoN;Dwilo.iePeilll3LaladDitLe: i irstitscEnrib..t.rotrEeAnTaPtiv.rir,Ainte,sa-Lit—Jahle. T e PR I VATE t S h e A l L a E si — # T ii h t e a ti n u d li: c e s rl im b i 7 a . testament fix tail Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goode,' amble Parm, situated In Ilaistiltonban township, ristian Gotticx, deed., offer at Private Says In this deportment buyers will And a very fall i Adams co, near Lellbenny's Lill, containing the following R eal Estate ofsaid decedent, lilt; and complete stock of plain. medium and fancy 140 ACRES, more or less, on , A valuable FARM, containing 1% Acres, more DP.ESs :•ILKS, principally purchased at the re -' which are erected a two- story ;. 11 if or less, in Germany township. Adstus county, cent large Auetion Sales, in Philadelphia sind, weatherboarded House, a double . ' 1 Pa.. within 2 miles of Littlestown. adjoinio" . s e ., 1 - ,,7-it . and will be sold below the cost of Log Barn, with good shedding AP _.,_:., lands of Jacob -Munk. John Rider, lidinund importation. Also, a f u ll li ne o f Bl ac k D regs around, a good Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, a ' Long, Henry Schwartr,,John bandy, awl others Silks, of the twist celebrated manufirture, sod Spring House, with a never-failing fountain orl—about 60 acres being first-rate Woodland, high lustre. Also, in their appropriate depart-, excellent Li r neral Water constantly running well covered, the balance iu good farming c,o menu, an extensive and varied assortment of through it, and other out-buildsnv. Cl ose to dition. About 33 acres are Meadow, and more other Dress Materials, embracing all the most the Barn is • running fountain for watering can easily he made. The improve- . . approved fabrics and latest styles for Fall and stock, kc. 'The land is in a high state o f r il l- ments are a new Two-story Stone at , Winter Wear. A ear. SHWLS I SIIAWLS!!---In ovation, between three and four thousand lIOCSE, Log Darn, Wagon Shed, It. • this department we offer by far the most eaten. bushels of lime having been put on it during a Well of good water near the door ' '. sive assortment to he found lu the City; which the pest year. and is under good fencing.— of the dwelling, a thriving young ••.' ---"" embraces all the latest novelties, and moat pop- There is a sufficient quantity of excellent Ilea. Apple Orchard and other fruit. The Farm has illar st y les, of the season, in low to superfine dow and Timber land on the property. Per- , been limed over once, and part of it a second. Goods ; many of V' Iki r h hose been purchased et sons wishing to view the property will call o n tune. Beaver and Antiwar* Creeks pass then' the late large Auction Sales, and will be sublet tile owner, residing therebn. the Farm, as well as a public road. The Farm greatlvreduccd prices. CLOAKS! RAGLANS!!' linarTerms will he accommodating. is susceptible of dis Ision. Persons wishing to MA Ntl.F.a !! !—Buyers will find in this depart-, WILLIAM X. IlltilLt M. # t iew the property are requested to call on either merit a very extensive assortment, end almost , Oct. 17, 18.59.-4 t lof the Executors. the first-named residing in endless variety to select from, and without any I -- - Mountjoy township, and the last-named on the doubt the largest cud most varied Stock both i Orphan's Court Sale premises. in point of qual i ty an d styl e t o he found in this! O F TOWN PROPEIIn - --The subscriber. Oil Pomes,vion- and a Blear title will be given Country--rangiug in prices from low to super- ' 1, J Executor of the last will and testament of on the first day of April nest. fine goods; all manufactured of the best and , liVtaY WAaMea, deed., by virtue of an Order j .. LEVI GOLDF.N, most approved materials, for Fall and Winter of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will - JASUR ALTROVF, Wear, and of unequalled sorkuianship for first offer at public sale. on the premises. on Satre- Sept. 12, 1850. tf Nre'effares, class retell sales. day, Me 1201 day of Nurriamr nr.rt, the LOT OF ye - Strangers visiting Philadelphia, are so- GROUND, late of said Testator, situate on the licited to examine our si-,el. A liberal discount iSouth-cast corner of East 'diddle and Stratton to wholesale cash hity..r t straits. in the borough of Getty-burg, adjoining PoLla WE, BACON' k CO., !lots of George Swope ou the East and bounded NO. :0 Sot'th Second Street, Philadelphia., by an alley in the rear, on which arc _ Oct. 24, 18.59. am I erected a LOG HOUSE, Lag Stable and Hit ether I sff The Greatesk Discovery r‘F Tllll AGIL--.lnflathatnatorr and Chronic / Rheumatism can be eured e l.;r using If. L. MTLIISIVS CELEBRATSD RIIIRNATIt' MIX -ITRE. Nan,' prominent citiseas - of this, and the adjoining' Counties, have teamed t o Its great utility. Its' enecsse in Ilitennuttic affec tions, has been hiO!erto unparalleled by any spet:ific Introduced tole public. Price DO cents per bottle. For sale ii.` all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only` Wholsesttle and Retail Druggist, Cast Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Gllttnicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stubs. bet tled Oita, Essences and Tinetares, Windirw Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc., Lc. Oct. 24, 1852. ly Glorious News ! OX E T can be saved by calling on the tub scriber, who bas just returned front the cities with one of the 1-Jrgest stocks of FALL and %%INTRO. GOODS ever brought to Gettys burg-1a part as follows: French Merinoes., pLtia avid ligured, Cobergs of all kinds, Cotton Deluitis, all'prices, Orien tal LUitrel. Silk Hlu,iorrz, nud a large assort ment of plain and figured Silks, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Ac.; French Worked Collars , Un ders.leeves, Handkerchiefs Flouselogs, ldg iags, La.. s, lasertiage 11;0i:wets nod Mthbons, Shawls and Mantillas: Masten!, Linens, Sheet hags. lfnaiery, Gloves, Arc. Cloths, Cainitneres, ('aasineta,Scatialrs, and everything else in the gentleman's wear line. The undersigned is thankful for past favors. and wilt spare ao effort to deserve the public's continued patronage. J. L. SCHICK., Oct. 17 . S. W. corner of the Distsood Notice T (1 RETAILERS .071) DISTILLERS.--The Retailers of Guuds, Wares and Merchan dise, as well as the Distillers, fa Adams county, a-he hare not yet lifted their Licences., are re quested to du so on or Lefuie the ICA ring of Noreaq&Kr. :sex', without fail. The law binds Note to arge this natter upon delinquents, and it is hoped that no farliter steps will be necessary to induce thew to - t:omply. As tar tern will soon expire, it is neeessary that arise accounts he settled. I must either return the irestr for the Licences out-stand ing, or judgments tkerefisr. Oct. 17, 1359 Notice. Ai , c o f , I A ci E nt r i . p .. t t u . S L .t. mt G I. Er S us irT i m E 4 —t i ji e ttres 4atoaaci A. :Maxie, late of Otford tows Adam, es., steed. haring been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same „township. he hereby gives notice to all perbons indebted to void estate to make immediate paymeat, attd these haring claims against the same to pretest then properly aathentiented for settlement. DAVID IL NVIIIRS, 41.14'r. Oct. t:, 1M S. fit* Teachers Wanted. MITE Seised Directors of Fraaklist torrioltip, I will meet at the house of Ileni7 Brickley, is Casktown, oa Thisraday. the 207.1 day of Oc t•Ler ialß, at 2 o'clock, P. N., Foe the purpose of tunplo log Teachers forthe several Schools of said township. By order the Boar* JACOB MARI, Step Oct. 17, 1858. td Furs! Furs!! TOSEPLI ROSENBAUM, FANcT FUR MASUFACTURIR k IMPORTER, bus now ready ►is very exteniire Stock of Furs; consisting of Cars, flalf-Capea, Victo rinea, Muff*, Curs, etc., is Mink Sable, Stone Marten, Fitch, Gbincbilla, Siberian Squirrel, and Wilier lower priced Furs, ell of which be is prepared to sell at prices to defy competition. All Fora sold in t►isatore, are warreafed to be what they are replant:rated. Store: No. 416 . Arelt street, between 4th and sth, (above Lyre mod Louden's -Dry Goods Store,) sign of the Want Lion, Philadelphia, P. s.—ion altered into foe..;itilltile styles, at it D' orate charge, Net. 17, 1859. 301 Hats and Pura erm oliTaxt, S. E. Corner EICHT:I and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, respect atly informs the public that he has now in store a most excellent assortment of DRESS HATS, st $3 and $4 cash. Soft IlitU from $1 upwards. Children's Fancy Caps and Beaver Hats, in an unequalled t nricy. LADIES' FrRS, of the choicest kinds, and most carefully made. No misrepresentations as to quality ur kind allowed. Ladies' Fun altered and, repeired promptly and perfectly. Fur Trimmings of variou+ I(II Mar Remember U'I3YIINF:'S is at the Suutla omit corner of Eighth and ItAce !.trect+, Slgtt of the Lion, Tiger and Bear s urinou n NI the Stun.. Oct. 17, 1859, J. W. Scott, (Lae tAs /Iron of Wow/tester Seat.) GENTLEMESS FURSISCIING STORE, and SHIRT MANI:FACTORY, No. 814 Ches nut Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House.,) Philadelphia l . J. W. SCOTT would respectful ly call the attention of his former patrons and friends to bit new Store, and is prepared to 111 orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. t OLINTIa TRADE supplied with Fist and CULLA/Pl. Oct. 17, 1850 Stoves, TLN AND SHEET IRON WARE.—Sheads, Buehler & Kurt:, having purchased the stuck of Tin and Sheet iron Ware of George E. Buehler, have opened an establishment is con nection with their Stove Wate Room, under the superintendence of G. K. Buehler, and are now prepared to Amish everything in that Hue at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware, they laves lerge supply of kitchen and house furnishing goods, of every variety, including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pans, ka, for presery img, cooking and frying. Call and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at.their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. Spostingput up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always on bead al, their yard at the same place. SHEADS, BUEHLER k KURTZ. Oct. 17, 1859. '59. Dry Goods for Autumn. IL FULL STOCK OP SILK GOODS, Full Stock of STAPLE GOODS* Full Stook of FANCY GOODS, Fashionable PALLSHMFLS, CLOTNA, AND Vssyurps, RIYANNNTI, QCILTD, TAILI LORNA, sc., ac. EYRE k LANDKLL, Fourth k Arch streets, Philadelphia. N. B.—Black silks. Wholesale, it low riltee Bargains daily- from New York Auctions. • Sept. 12, 1859. Slit ' ' 1112113-4111Mt113—ot Marsoilltis's sills for ash st PICKFIGIS. ot.. .mprovemcnts, o. vantages from its situation. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. It. viten attendance trill be given and terms made known by 3.'11. DAX,NF.R. Kum/tor. tly order of Court,—UtatT G. Woo, Ckrk. Oct. 17, 185 e. 3t rig Pa b, eriber offers at Private Sale, . a HOUSI AND HALF LOT OF rip , anti), on Wakhiagton street, nee "."' . High, Gettysburg. The !louse is a one story Frame Weatherboard. with a Wood House, and a first-rats Well of water. Fruit trees on the premises. if not sold brifonfloy, At 21s1 of Noreober next, it will on that day he offered at public so l e , at 'I o'clock, I'. M. }inquire of }lr. Giro. snroct, for terms, kc. • • - FILEDLItICK FILLARD. Mt.l.-1859 YORK SP rtixr:s, ADAMS COUNTY,PA.— A good suppt of Fruit.. Shade, and Orna. mental Trees, for sale c.t. Cease lung established urgeries. Fil.t7lT TIMES META Cf. Piratic— App)e Trees, averaging d feet in lif.ight, 12j cents per tree. Peach' TreeP. from 51s a feet is height, from 10 to 121 emits. P:tim,,, Apricot., Cherry, ke., kc., frost 3:f to 50 maul. Pear, (dwarf and standard.) from 50 to 75 ctn. Sll ADE IRE ES.--Silver-leatedilisple, 12 feet and upwards, 25 cent*. Silver Abile (silver-leafed Poplar.) 25 canto. European Linden, from 7.1 teats to $1 00. k:li' UREENS —.t.rhor Vitiry Norway Fire, Salient Firs, Double White Spruce, Ate., at 25 cent* per foot, in heigbt. The subscriber will be glad Sei "apply his old friends and customers, and the wadi: general ly, with any of the shore named trees that they may want during the planting seaaon illct. 7, 1859. ♦t lit N. WRIGLIT. Collectors, Take Notice. TIIS Coileeto i gof Taws fur 1858 and presi ous years 3 the differrat townships of Admits county. are hereby aotified that they will he required to tattle up theirduplicatee oa r before the 21stdas, of Noesasher am, as which day the Coottnisaloners nili meet at their dice to Ore the necessary tro - meridiem , . kr.. It the duplicates are not settled up in full by the above date, the Collectors *ill he dealt with accord ing to law, without regard to persons. The Collectors elf the present rear will he re quired to pay over to the County Treasurer nil loonies that may liccollected ky the No‘curber Court. J. B. DINNER, County Treasurer, After the first Merida! is Ttreeaolier an tsar erAtioas caa be granted on Military Taxes. JOSIAH ISENNEIt. :T.ACOR FINNSPERCER, DANIKI. Commig.iouen. of Adams county. Attest-3,-N. Wat.rat, Clerk. Oct. 10 859. ttl New Goods-- CBEA P GOO OS--Plikl 1' GOO DS.—Pah nested' Brothers hare just returned from the eitier with the largest, prettiest and chenpeit asaartaseat of Goods eyeo Altered to the pahlie. We hare as insaintally largo aad cheap stock of Delalaes, &ad earse variety' of Ladies' Brass G 0046. Casalaterp.l.lursinetto, Ilbstings, Re. Call early and. exatalsie fur yourselves.— We will satisfy yea that par Goods are ualtsul ally cheap. N. trouble an (how Goats. PARSILIXOCK Oct. 17, 111411, Riips Red Front. Altura* scow: J. luarre /COTT. 9. Scott & Son, PBALERS it Dry Goads, Fancy Articles, Qreerissrare. Groceries, &0.., he., opposite ogle Hotel," ehanifiersbrrg street. tiE eat Q2citement in Gettysburr said .11. Is caused by Picking's CLOTHING all neat and read; made. His goods are all fresh. 'his styles are all new, Just drop in and see and'you'll find this is true. If you wont a fine coat. be has every shade, Ellile, brown sad black,' all well trimmed 444 made; And his large stock of compsiaes enamors The finest of Dassimers,: Doeskins and others. A n d now of his Testa all Aim patterns are new, Of fine silks and sating, end velvets not few; ilia stock is too larFe to enumerate herb. Ina d he'hes all that gentlemen wear. H e h nalso stockm ade expressly for youth, .kod his mode of dealing is fairness and truth; And the best of it all is the fact (not my rhymes) Ile is selling. nt prices to SUIT THE HARD TIMES. You'll alvrays find Clothing, in quality rare, Made np of materials for 'tervice and ;rear; Then give him a call andyon'il lind him on hand, In Chambershurg street. right at his old stand. (letty►hurg, Oct. 17, MU. Baltimore Safe Manufactory. ILLER'S IMPROVED SALAMANDER SAFES.--Thousands of dollars in proper o all kinds, saved annually In these safes Oat never failed to preserve their contests.— Factory, Doranoe street, Providence, Rhode Island;and 159 North atreet, thiltitiaore. Sale rooms, No. 16, South Charles street. Por sizes and prices send fors circular. All Sales Ira:- ranted to give setishacziou. L. H. MILLER, No. IC South Charles street, Oct. 17, 1859. [14.27. 17] . Baltimore, Md. $l,OOO Agents Wanted. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSEL LOR IN BUSINESS, containing plain and ple instructions to Everybody fur transact ing their businews according to law, with legal ' forms for drawing the veripLui necessary papers connected therewith, together with the laws of all the States, for Collection of Debts, Property Exempt from lisecution, Mechanical' Lieni, Ex ecution of Deed& and Mortgages, itlghLs of Mar ?led -Women, Dower, Vsery, Wijis, ke. By Faanc Culls, goo g ol the Philadelphia Bars -354 page*, limp. An entirely new work ea the subject, adapt ed web, - Wiese of every ettfican orate Dotted Stateg. Slagle caries se by mail to say ad. doss, on noels of priee,ll,oo, sr in law style of bindles at 51,2:5. I,oqo Agent* wanted to 'canvass for it, with , Wog lih.ral e t rreeifelienie will be wuulii. Ap ,ply tae Of admits JOAN E. POTtER, Publisher, No. SIT Samoa Slayet,,Philaidelphla, Pa. Oct. 17, 1858: Tra sIF. Iik44FIENT having just returned from the city of Philadelphia, where he- has otted vetAity big FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I to show toe prettiest most ta e • stock of goodain his line ever brought to this place, a tuck will be sold at prices that will defy all competition. Ili stock of HATS AND CAI'S Li full and complete, em bracing hita's No. 1. blaCk Silk liatg, Meu's blaCk Cassimere flats, Men's tine soft Pelt Hats. Men's Ledger Hats, Men's Russia Broad Rim Hats, Men* Silk Velvet Caps, Cips, Navy, Plash, and Plush trio:mu - 4 - A splendid assortment of BOYS' k PreS CAPS. from 2.5 et,. t 4 $.1„85. Also, • astatt: sire assortmast of BOOT S Slit VS, con- Meting of Men's Water=proof Boots, Pine Calf Cork-soled Boots, heavy lap Boots,CvalfCon tress, Ga i t e rs, )34gs'_fisrots, Shoes and °sitars. Cheap Clothing., Thsakfttl to my, fr i ends and customers for past favors I lisps by politeness and tali , dealing GBO. A.,NOLO.bas n i eztot up kis stock of fto merit i t continnnace of their patron a. iiLNEk-i- all Oct. it, 1959.. if. r. monmEr. dais daise AMD WIN 0100 T l every variety. ;Over Spay, Dram , Jacket% Vasa,. Pootolow, k .I"..t&M 7 4 - g p 41 solely, 14., 04Buits YlitOW -n‘WA.Aqiitit t*lli /theme; iel eiiikpeat loaf tarot at ooto thoo , ...toi'soleAr 'AV • ' ' • sootp. Coll sad ow Mow [0ct.,41:41, I • inggAM) &L Wilt at kravz ermg many ad-' Town Property for Bale. Infield l'iurseries, Latest News! A Valuable Property AT Pitit'ATF: SAI.E.—The undersigned of fers at Private Sale.hil. MANSION FARM. situate on the Chembersburg Tarnpike, II miles from Gettysburg. Adams etnnt, Pa. ft is it moot desirable property. and has hcen for many years occupied as a Tavern Stand, for which it is well adapted. having every convenience. The Farm contains , about 150 Acres. more or less, ahont 40 ages of which are Timber-land, well covered ; the fencinris mostly of chest - tot mils and locust stakes, and in gowi, condition. The improvements consist (Ira large Double Two-Story BRICK HOUSE. ..! Itti A large new Bank Barth (with the 1111 Boom) a large Stone Stable. Wag- on Shed and Corn Ctib : Stone Tenant I nu,e. and Blacksmith Shop ; two wells of water. one in front and the other in the rear .of the large dwelling; three Apple Orchards, with a variety of other fruit, such as peaches, pears, - plums, cherries, tc. Persons wishing to purchase, will pleise enll on the under.signed, resitting thereon. • r ItEDERICIi: 1114Rit. Aug. 1, 1636. . it ouditor's Nottee. yersignid, Autirtor, appointed 11. e Orp an'o Court of Adams con nty, to ittake stribution.of the balance in the hands of Cog- RAD SLATS/Wan t Adinifistrator of the 'stale of MINIM BECtill, 1111,0 of Butler tovrmthip, dee'd: to and among the parties legally entitled there• to, mitt attend for said purpose, at his office, iu Gettysburg, on Monday, de la Ay of No mote Rs.rf, at 10 o'clock, A. M. All particle in terested are kercby notified. W. A. I)I,SCAN, ;Wirer. Oct. 17,1850. 3i Register's Noti ea. NOTICE Is hereby given t' all legatees end other persona concerned Clot the,idtein. istraties accounts berelnefter mouth:led Will be presented at the Orplostea Gaort of Adams connty fur confirmation and allowance, . oe Wednesday, theidth of Muter amt, at 10 o'clock, A. Si., TiX: 145. The supplemental netryint of Dr. T. X. Haller, Administrator of the t.stat4, of Robert Mellvain,, late of Hamilton township, tleccaaed. 140. The third and final account of Cio . tge Slagle, one of the Executors of George Slagle, deceased. 147. The third and final account of Elias Slagle, oae.of the Executors of George Slagle, deceased. US. The first account of Stoomuel Bcongh sad Altdrew 'trough, tentamentary Truigtees of Abraham Brough i ander the wilt of Mut ffrough, deceoued. t 49. The first account of Jereutiak Sluy banes and Jaen,' Saadoe, Executors of Rohrer G mi pier, deccused: 154. The first and final account of Wm. 31c- Clean. Administrator of the estate td Esther S. Pact, deceased. • ATti Art urgr..4, Re:lister. Register's Office, Guttya-1 1.8.19. ___ Use Shriner's __ J In tLS \ltlC SYRUP.—.IB A rd. MILT RENIP.- DY nT IT AS 2.rti EQCA or t•tettov es.—Th's Is to certifr.eMit Int the re commendatiokof a regolar and skilful physi. (ion, we hay eset the "fialssmic Cough Syrep" prepared by W. R. Rbriaer, in our fatal ly, and find It t answer well the punioses for whiehAt. Is prepared. S. Srsr.civ. Peer of Lutheran Church. Tanevtoo n 414 - . Read the ftsilotting Letter from her. 11. P. .lordan a t 1 . 1%105. 'WS, )id. Mr. W. R. Shame nere--Dear Sir ve given Boar "Balsamic Cough Syrup" a rial,and am happy to say that I bare never tried any thing that relieved me so soon. f have also given it in nay family with the same good ef fects in every Instance. It is certainly a. motif, excellent remedy, and ought to be in every ram,- ly. The exceeding tow price at which It is sold places it within the reach of all. Pardon the liberty I have taken in thus giv ing myatperience in the use of the Syrup awe ted 11," you. Respectfully yours. It P. 3011 D AN. TESTIMONY OP rnestet•ss. L , Frederick cn., Md Mr. Shriller :—At your requmit, I hare ex amine! the composition of your Balsamic Cough Syrup," and from my knowledge of the iugrsdients, and , hating witnessed its good ef fects, I can recontatend it to the public as n valuable composed for Coughs, Colds, and all chronic pultnoaary affections!. Tuos.Str.u. l. I'7 TA•grryvr:...-A4. -T have prescribed W. K. Shriner's "Balsamic C,usigh Syrup" in my practice fur sarerul years, and regard lt seats excellent medicine in Coughs, Colds, and all Bronchial affections. BAWL Swore, M. D. ?ma Titans' aitimarcscre Jserszsos, York cu„ Pa., July 18, 1839 To W. B. Shriner,—bear Sir:-1 ,Luce been keeping yotir "Balsamic Cough Syrup - for sale fur the last fire years, and it given almost unisertal satisfaction. II is one of the most popular Medicines in nu' in our neighborhood. Ultrasles. therefore, hat e been large, especially last winter, having sold at retail at leant ten dozen bottles. I therefore do not hesitate to recommend it to the public no a good medit.dne. Yours. respectfully. PORTEICA SIDIVG. York to.. %iv 17, 11'419 W. E. Shrineilc—Dear Sir:—Your tough Syrup is becoming very popular here. I bore i f e been selling it for about two yeari, dit gis - es more gnaws{ satisfaction than any (Heine I haw?, ever sold.. We use it in our amily, and vrobld not be without it on any account. For children, a certainly is an invaluable medi cine. S. G. HILDt3N 1.N1). JACKSON, York co.. May lA, 1359 To W. E. Shriner :—.l4oasider your Iltibiamic Cough Syrup one of the bed Cough remedies of the day. There is no medisine I have ever sold gave such universal satisfaction, and none that I hare used in my family I like so well.. Yours, truly, C. F. RattiYo. Price, 31 cts. per bottle, or 3 bottles for $l. Sold by all Druggists and Merchants. Oct. 17 ; 1859. Ma Call and See the Bargains! 336‘,11,1330, ..A.4a -1 A.C.IfT ENTUPlalitig CORMITIED I'PON A I.II3EUAL ./A WitAitTIAL, PLAN !—Gift.s . to snit Etasflatmly c.: usrt4 of Galli Vallee Gifts of n Rester Qnsfi'tt. I 7.; And Mare of Them I vi The matt lifierad, punctual soft retittLle "7: GleT It4it IiNte;ItI'ILISE in ext...tetit.g. The beet e% idence of this is the flat Oils - , being the only one that stand, endutsied M. 271. the l'reiot of the City in which it is Luc/steel. Pg r E— FOlt 801.'711ERN ANIS,4 WESTERN 011I1LliS I Itatrutoax, Mo.", Write for a Catalogue. It embraces a thousand varieties of publications in every t" . department of Literature, together with the LARGEST LIST of useful, ornamental and valuable Gifts ever published. 21:nt cat rarictiest—notic of which are of lets than JO cis., and from that to IF] On 00, ;al It Ell% ! ItEAD !!--$18(1,000 • among our Patrons during the pu l l . t IVE 50,111/.1 IS G111:4 to he distri:nted during the Kee,. tit year' ennsisting of Gold A% :0". and Srket IVatchr:4, Chains, Charms. Lock eta. : lire,. Patterns, Fine Cr/Ter: 4 *es, g Rah Lace Collars, Sewing i"," cal Instrument 4, and in /tied. Sosealutan Tot sett Evrayaom AGENTS VC 4 ,kNiTEl).tri ETERVWIIEIIE. Cat.tlngucs giving full particulars Ill:aired free to any addruis.— I Gou't forget , direct all orders to IT. E. 110 VT S.: CO , O. 41 R.tEtimure Balt! mutts, oar - PEIIVE.C7 RATOTACTION GUARANTEED I serr. 2G, 1859. 3in OAK and Hemlock Sole Leather. and Hemlock Sole Leather. ttak and ilemluck Sole Leather. French, Gertnan, and American Calf Skins. French. German, and Ameriunn Calf Skins, French, German, owl American Calf Skins.. Morocco,Nid sod Patent Lenther. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Morocco. Kid and Patent Leather. hindinge, Linings, Lastinge, &c. Liningg, ke. Bindings, Linings, Lasting's. ike. We invite (7ountry Merchants and Mennfite 7 turera to examine our stuck of Leather. rilme., findings, Trimtnisgs, &c., which we °fret it Wholesale or Rolla for cash or gnarl paper at the lowest prices. tii ordcre faittifu Ily executed. MAYSARP, ROSE, No. 4t South Calvert fit., Baltimore, Md. Sept. 10, 1659. $4 nu. mons AND DRI'GGKTS, wholesale and retail. Constantly on hand an assort ment of Carpets at Tow prices, consisting.uf efret,'Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain and Vene tian Carpets, of every style and price. Oil Cloths from 1 to 0 yards wide. Also,Rngs, , Mats, Stair Rods, Clinton and C 10 ocoa ittiitc, Rag Carpets of opr own make- by the Mica vr yard, at low rates. .10SEPI1 1 ICT0111",,•, 145 Lexington st., one door west of /Itwarg, Sept. tit, 1859. 3m 11. 0 thitore, M.l _ _ GM RIA AND MUSS WORK stud" ti more, Md. LEGE:4I'NA r.: 61311, the Pioprletors, nore preputed fuenlll4 BELLS - of all descriptions, from Lu to • Itttnto pounde, which arc warranted equul in of tone, prolongation of 80111 M RUC! to sartande is the United Stute.4. Our Bells sire wade of the beat materials, warranted to give entire satiofactiou ufik, against breakage. Fara, Bells, ranging from 10 to 100 ficinuil4, always 03 hand at northern prices. „ For Certificates with full particulars, need fu - r one of our Circulars. Aug. 29, 1859. ly X. N. ktunixo Harding 8c °arra!, • • CONIIIIIFSION 3f ERCUANTS, Fire. Proof Warobonee siatt R. 11: D epo ire. 126 ;Vora Ifurard Street, BALTIMORE, MU. Feb. 14,'59. • 1y WIIOLEgALR nnil Retxil Dealers-la CUM. SONISTURNAriiIS, brick and portable; COOKISU STOVES, of every deseriptiuglare growl anti coal. Mso, Church. Store and Other Stoves; Franklin, Air-tight, Ree..etaaso suit Cannon Stoics; Fieuour Oas-burning and Latrobe Stoves. Orders front- the country re— spectfully solicited. Merchants supplied on the most reasonable terms. J. WEATHERBY' k CH., 40 and 4! Mg ht et., pne door from Imtn4:tr,4). Aug. 21!, 04119. thin! 1;11.11114.4* Rtartia . and Refltrnl6hcrl. Curner llorrord and Franklin street', a teu .pcir(.4 treat or the Northern Central )tails ay Depot, I.l.wri- Mina. rtrlll/1 $1 per day. G. LEIStNItING, Propriebar. • . . Frorm-gclais Grove, Peuroftivisic. Atig. /, 1859, Gat . Wines, Brandies, _. ()CMS, BLACK TEAS, kr. I. TIERNA,N k ofer for sale the following tirtirten, of . their OM 11 importation, particularly fur &gul ly use: SnexUr NVlNCR—Pcmartine's finest pak,sroi4 and brown 6licrriei, in wood and in Port' WI '5 E ndenmn's competition red and white Port. in wood and in Ostia. MAnutA WINE—John Howard Maui's Madeira, in w uod and In glass ; 'ulwu, Grape FE f ffi Joe WlSF9—.l.thanneahPrfrer, Sto'nberger, Alaro,hrunner. Cabitmt, Lieb-fratz-milvis; Arun ttelierg, of 18.0. CHAMPA(7IE Wl•iF:q —)tott and Chandon'tilra est, in quartx and pintP. HRANDFIA—Otard and ffenneviy i Ewe uldpi t . and dark lirandiex. - I 0;N:4-01,1 and fine Jamaica, Antigua, Cern nda, and from the I lands, imported direct diem Loudon. HOU k bl•Tt rlttAityippliernsti brand—awl nu wixture of aroniaile its if. 200 half chemtr of the finest Socettow T. 1.1 - .lltittiore, Aug. 29,18:W. 1y CaIUTTLE SF.WISti .11.1.effiNg, price F;111 C_l Dollar=, the mod perfect , Vevrinrltiebine ever made, rourtinitig the tuiprorernenti ut Ten Patent 4. They will Stitch r lfYro, Fell, Rind and Gather. and will sww from ijmfi nest eni tic to , thw caar.:ot and thictest 111111.1 c, inel9ing leather, teity , gl.Azed or unglazed cotpin, linen thread, . r 'kein silk. or twist, making n neat lock stitch buds sides alike, which cannot be raveled and regularly licensed under Jr.'s Patent. Send fur u cireuktr and sulsiptins of sewing. Address, - Corner of Pratt andllerward, IcaTtirstler AL. Sept. 5, • 59. De. 13. ly? JACC,R SPANGLER lIWILL sell my WOOL) LOTS, on . ditt L vii , creek, at Private Sale, on accopiniocliareg ms. Person4wishing to purctts,evilil mewl call and see me. GEO. ARICoLtY, Gettysburg, Oct. 17, 1859. -28 - ** /00,00 Bc GRAIN IV price will be pa l for Wheat, jtye Corp: Oath, Barley, Clover-aeed, Titnothy•aeed, Flour, kr.. at the large yellow Warebsplae, west eadufNew *Tetuan°, Plaster, Salt, gr., And a Bugs and well selected stock of Lumber and f:0.11 constantly on hand v 4141 fur sale at my Ware lou•e. :FRANK. ILEIIBII. - . New Oxford, Oct. 7, 1959. tf Private Sala," 9111 P. WA SH (NG TON HOU SIC, ' will be sold or rented on aceonpleiu• dating terms. Any person wiibing to r -rent *IU call, or Address ttre undeisigned, - .0 wiltgfre every Inlbrmation to _r sr ProPertY, tr. I: ' Oxford, Mt. 1, tBS9. tf Lots of New. Goods: qe:O. ARNtiLli has Past received tieittthe city a Wirt of cheap. CLOTifd, Velar r Veedateteir Sad( adedrederie NiaFlecutek, Mee* • Anelmit:s. *Ma l e a t: t .= _ 1 wit! he ;ft 11 :; Gettyliburg, t3ometising Nay Leathern Leather! Carpets, Baltinaora ZDIVD ►: CARROLL I Weatherby & Co., Franklin Howe, The Eureka Wood Lots, arlllolll.